#apologies i am very new to blogging things and stuff
kaishin-fic-rec · 1 month
Hello! This is my first post of my first blog (even if i have been lurking around for few years now). I decided to make this blog to share some of kaishin fics that I have found and fell in love (there are quite alot because I have to admit, m27 scared me so much). I will be sharing one fic per week and I might be also sharing some fanfics that aren't strictly kaishin. You are more than welcome to recommend me some dcmk fic (I like to find new things to read) or even ask me some questions :D
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littlelemoncheesecake · 2 months
<3 hiiii! you can call me poppet or just any other silly little nickname you can come up with! i really don't mind!
<3 i'm 18 and my pronouns are he/him!
<3 this is just a silly little horny/fluffy/silly side blog
<3 please feel free to send asks and stuff!! ^^ i love emoji anons!!
<3 i love pet play stuff and am fairly open to trying new kinks! ^^ (kink list here)
<3 my dms are open!!
<3 dni: basic dni criteria, ageplay/ddlg kinks, detrans/trans fetish kinks, incest/fauxcest kinks, zoo/pedo people
<3 r*pe play and similar kinks make me very nervous and uncomfortable so pls do not involve me in them!
<3 i am very easily and severely upset by many of the kinks and topics mentioned in the two previous points, and seeing them can make me feel very stressed and sometimes even physically sick, so apologies for any more big vents or breaks that i may take, or any aggressive or distressing behaviour i may exhibit due to being exposed to content involving them
important sfw info here!!
VERY important nsfw info here!!
just a little important thing
please just bear with me because sometimes i may need small breaks from this blog <3
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otomiyaa · 8 months
(literally how I named the image, couldn't think of something else)
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Hi guys :') To my followers and tumblr friends, I'm really sorry if my sudden disappearance scared or upset you. It wasn't quite... planned. And today was a busy day and I needed some time to consider what I wanted to do.
Short version of the story:
My tumblr account got terminated for copyright infringement. A certain Mr. Green got me in unlucky trouble (ref 1, 2).
I won't get it back, or try to get it back. It's gone.
Needed a moment to consider 2 options: ask Mia to extend my dramatic farewell letter and stay gone, or make a new blog.
Not planning to post new writing here. I won't be using words like 'never' or 'forever' because I'm a known clown with things like this, but the intention is to no longer post fics. I will finish Tickletober on AO3 and then take a break from writing. So yes, I cancel the swiftscribbles event too, sorry!
When I opened my laptop, I could see my old blog in its final hour lmao (I found out about the loss on my phone). So that's what the snap is from on a fitting grave. It was fun while it lasted!
Long version of the story:
Losing my blog(s): My Tumblr account with main blog + sideblogs got terminated overnight, it was quite the surprise! I've either been reported or tracked by bots. The posts are a bunch of numbered URLs I can't open, but the message is clear: for including anime content, genshin impact or media from other sources (whether it's videos, screenshots, official art, gifs or even fanwork) you technically can get a strike. Upon googling the claimer I quickly found this first, and knew it was a lost cause. Although it feels shitty and unlucky, I am in no place to appeal. It's like when I used to make AMVs in the past, you never knew whether a song or even anime footage was going to give your YT account a copyright strike or even a ban, it was a gamble. I have lost YT accounts before, and now I lost the Tumblr one. With 7+ years of tickle trash content and a bunch of sideblogs. But oh well, moving on!
Starting a new blog: It was a serious consideration whether this was my ultimate chance to do what I've always said I wanted to do eventually - quit my blog. My first thought was to ask Mia to share my explanation and literal goodbye with you guys, and stick to my chaos of a Twitter account to indulge in fandom stuff. But then I thought of how happy Tumblr made me, even without the fic writing, but just.. reblogging things, getting random asks, shouting about life and of course, about tickles. I decided to make a new blog after all, but also decided the following:
The 7K+ milestone swiftscribbles event is cancelled, for which I apologize! The follower milestone, together with the motivation to write the fics, and even the asks with the requests I got, all died with my former blog.
I will see how long I can survive without posting a new fic or drabble. A loose headcanon or two might fly around sometime. And if necessary, a link to a new fic on AO3.
Tickletober? Hell yes I'll finish it, I would cringe in bed for 49 days at least if I would stop. I just won't post the fics here, but on AO3.
Reposting/reblogging my old works? Undecided at the moment but I'm tired and lazy. I don't feel too upset since most of my fics are still on AO3 at least and not completely gone.
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Anyways, I'll see what happens and how long I can enjoy this nerfed version of blogging.
Surprisingly I'm not upset about losing my other blog, there were a lot of memories but it was also very cringe. I'm gonna be just as cringe here, but at least I feel cleansed.
For those who choose to follow me again, thank you, but please know that there won't be much original content coming from me, for now!:)
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usedpidemo · 1 month
Update - 3rd year anniversary! (and some future plans, a reflection, etc.)
Hi everyone! π here.
By the time this post is up, it'll be the 13th of May. Three years since I began my writing journey and this Tumblr blog. Three years. Time flies by so fast. I was close to graduating senior high after it was delayed because pandemic, had my graduation in an empty room basically, now I'm hitting my third year of college. Crazy stuff.
With that said, here are the stats + timetable of the blog so far:
First work: Sandwich (Wendy) (published 05/13/21, 4:03 a.m)
Highest note count: Tell your friends (Yujin x Wonyoung) (published 01/14/23, 1274 notes)
Number of works published: 91 fics (1 fic every 12.03 days)
500 followers: June 18, 2021 (36 days)
1000 followers: October 12, 2021 (152 days)
2000 followers: June 18, 2022 (401 days)
3000 followers: November 12, 2022 (548 days)
4000 followers: May 22, 2023 (740 days)
5000 followers: December 18, 2023 (950 days)
Current follower count: 5615 (1 new follower every 5.12 days)
It's been a hectic final month of college, so I apologize for the lack of activity in recent times :< But summer is coming up very soon, so hopefully I'll have all the time in the world to write more till then! I will say, a new fic is on the near horizon, so please be on the lookout!
I would like to take the opportunity to thank every single of you, whether reader, lurker, or a fellow writer for your support! Especially during these lull times, your unwavering support has kept me afloat and has been a motivation in continuing to write. Love you guys as always. Here's to another fruitful year <3
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From this point, this part will be an overall reflection and life summary of the previous year, my thoughts on some personal matters, and some ideas I've been contemplating. If you don't wanna read this, you can stop here.
I miss 2023 quite a bit, not gonna lie. I know nostalgia can quickly grow warm and fuzzy, seeing the past through rose tinted lens, but I'll admit that 2024 hasn't been off to the start I envisioned it to be. That year was mostly peak for me, and I could even argue it's my favorite year to live out based on all my experiences. Traveling to new places, finally attending live events, interacting with my K-pop biases, and so on—it really felt like the best was yet to come with how 2023 flowed and transitioned into the new year.
Five months in, and I am struggling. Horribly. Most plans, dreams, and ideas have gone up in smoke, and it's just one devastating gut punch after another. I have a shitty professor in one major that basically made me check out of that class, and I don't know my family will react when I tell them I have to repeat said class because that professor was a dick. My family's been infighting on a daily basis, and I'm mostly collateral damage to them. Not one week can go by without some serious confrontation between them. There was a brief health scare with my mother, but that seems to be a nothing matter; thank God she'll be okay.
All this just makes life so deflating, in all honesty. I get that no life is without struggle, but I genuinely don't know when we'll be in the clear. Not anytime soon, I reckon. In these tough times, there's very little comfort except the past, when everything was pretty all right for the most part. It's been demotivating to write when mom comes forward with another grievance with my sister. It's hard to write when you have a professor who likes to power trip their students into submission. It's hard when you don't know how to admit to your mother that he failed his one class because of said power tripping professor.
But that doesn't mean I will let it eat me alive. I know we've been through some utter lows in the past. And we always get back up. If no one has us, then God does.
Summer break is fast approaching and I want to fix things. Even in my own little way. I know none of what I'm saying has anything to do with writing degenerate stories about hot K-pop idols, but real life circumstances have definitely affected me more than I can brush off. I should be calm, unfazed, undeterred.
After all, some stories are meant to be finished. They just take a more unconventional route. Ask Cody.
With all that being said, I will finish these commissions over the next two months. I'm really sorry to everyone who requested and paid for their stories months and months ago; I genuinely feel bad for not getting these out on time, but I am very mindful of quality control, and I have no one to blame but myself for being a slacker and lazy worker. Despite my feelings, I should remain professional—that's what being a worker means.
A lifestyle overhaul is definitely in my list of things to improve over the summer too. Figuring out how to get writing done, finding ways to alleviate my PokeRogue addiction (GOTY), whilst having a healthy work/life balance and not losing my sanity over it. Or worse, burning out.
And I want to take this opportunity to thank all my friends—peach, caps, majorblinks, chunk, frisky, raf, c.o, levi, sins, iz, ken, v1n, ddeun, notions, kevin, eros, brandon, kaede, svn, frisky, cray, rpg, prael—for putting up with my shit for another year. This life is tough, but you guys make it tolerable. Thank you for letting me air out my grievances even when it wasn't the best time to. I pray that when everything passes, I'm able to repay you all in some shape or form generously.
And to you, dear reader, for making it this far, thank you. Whether you've been with me since day one, or day 1094, as a commenter, reposter, liking, or just passing by/lurking, thank you for giving me a chance. Without you, all of this would have been for nothing. I don't know where I would be now if I didn't take that chance, that leap of faith back in 2021, and it's because of you I am able to keep doing this for the love of the game.
With grace,
Peter / π
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support-ponies · 2 months
MOD PAGE (mobile friendly)
🐶🐕MOD KIBA!!! ☕🍩
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Heyo!!! I am KIBA! You might know me more as Typhwosion! I am she/her but I don’t really care what pronouns ppl use for me. I made this blog to try and make peoples days a bit easier with cute and happy ponies~ I love doggies and coffee and plushies! My favorite ponies are Applejack and Maud and Trixie and I love RariJack💖 I hope I can make your life a bit brighter with my silly drawings~ My husband is Mod Dynamo! Here’s my carrd to all my other socials and here’s all the art i’ve made on this blog. ૮⍝• ᴥ •⍝ა 💖💛💙
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I’m Dynamo and I’m here to support the sweetest girl in the world with some Arty McArt™ and stuff. I like cats, video games, and cheese (not necessarily in that order.) My favorite pony is also Maud. If you like my art, get ready to not see much of it here if ya dare. (And here is all the art he’s made on this blog) ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
And here are all the collab art we’ve done together, Dynamo usually does the sketches for these and I ink and color them.
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Howdy everypony! I’m one of the new mods, you can call me Mori!
I use He/Him and I’m transmasc + bisexual andddd my favorite ponies of the mane 6 are Fluttershy and Pinkie, though my heart truly lies with Luna. You know how it goes. My sona is named Astral Beryl and I’m hoping to become a geologist and/or voice actor, but for now I draw ponies because… Well I really love to! I hope they can help brighten your day!
Also as a note my art style is going to be… Wildly inconsistent and I apologize beforehand if certain pieces aren’t as nice as others. Such is the way of art and wanting to try new things like drawing more consistently.
o/ Stay hydrated party ponies! Hope to see you around!
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Hello everypony! I’m Pixel, also known as @fruitypieq :3
I use he/they/lun/luna and my ponysona, Night Peak, uses she/he/they. My favorite ponies are Princess Celestia and Princess Cadance, and of course Sunset Shimmer too!
I am not sure what else to put here but I’m very excited to be here, its nice to meet all of you! I’m excited to start drawing your requests and I hope I can help make your day even a little better!
If you enjoy my art you can find more of it on my main blog, or on my art blog, @fruitypieq-art! Have a wonderful day everypony!
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Hiya! I’m Mod Willow! I use any pronouns and so does my ponysona, Cece! I’m intersex, intergender, transmascfem and lesbian. I am currently trying to get into school to become a therapist but art is one of my biggest passions! I love helping and inspiring people so I hope my art can do that for you all <3
I love all the ponies but my very favorite is Princess Luna, and my favorite out of the Mane Six is probably Fluttershy. I’ve been in the fandom for about 12 years and I’m very happy to be contributing to it in any way I can!
Have a lovely day and stay mindful!
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Hi everypony, I’m mod applejack! I’m a 22 year old mlp superfan who has a special passion for G1 although all gens have a place in my heart. I love to cook, read, and draw for others. My other special interest besides mlp is beekeeping; I’m actually a certified beekeeper myself! I’m so happy to become a part of this amazing blog and support those who need it<3
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Hi all! I’m a new mod here! I go by Fae or Faeling, and my pronouns are she/her. I’m a 30 years young autistic artist who has a love for helping bring positivity to others! ✨
My ponysona is goes by Star Blossom with she/her pronouns!
My favourite generation is Gen4 and my favourite MLP is Fluttershy! I love how gentle she is and her love for animals, it matches my personality so well!💕
I am happy to be here, I have a love for drawing positive art, as I do the same on my own social media’s art accounts but not just MLP characters, all sorts of different cartoon and anime characters with positive quotes!
I’ve always wanted to help others in some way and doing things like this has always made my heart feel like I’m doing something good in the world, you all deserve encouraging and positive words to get through your days! 💕
If you end up liking my art, you can always find me at @faelingmagic on tumblr or all my other socials at http://linktr.ee/faelingmagic
I look forward to drawing for you all!
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pyreofsunflowers · 1 year
How to make the Sims 3 look its best in 2022
so simming is a long time pastime of mine, and I've - in my humble opinion - perfected the look of the game without turning it into a yassed out modeling agency. (if you've ever looked for cc you know what I'm talking about) so in this first of probably many posts - here is a complete list of all my graphics mods!
Firstly, though, I should note that I have a very strong pc with a very strong graphics card. Please please please don't overload your computer, and explore options that will work best with your specs. What looks best for me might not look best for you.
Ahem, with that out of the way let's start with my default graphic settings.
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This keeps my game looking beautiful while running smoothly (hence the low reflection and edge smoothing)
Now let's get into the mods!
Lighting and Environment
Burnt Waffles' Moonrise Kingdom Lighting - Self explanatory, textures for the skybox, weather overlays, and general lighting. Make sure you pick the water that matches your world!
Simsi45's Reworked and Improved EA Lights - tones down the brightness of some lights, fixes directional lighting for covered lamps, light colors made more consistent, and other such fixes.
dDefinder's Outdoor Lighting Tweaks - removes that nasty blue hue at nighttime, adds more dynamic shadows, adds new weather types and can make nighttime darker!
Neim's Sims Blog's Default replacements for Garden Bushes and Orchard Trees - Replaces the textures for plants like tomato vines, apple trees, and onion plants - creating a much more lush looking garden.
Aminovas' Plant Retextures - softens the bright, garish colors of EA plants to be more appealing. In two parts, and available as non-defaults.
CAS + Create-a-Pet
Kurasoberina's Primer Skin + Buhudain's You are Real - my skin mod and a default replacement pack with upped realism. The skin was designed to be used with You are Real, just a heads up.
I don't use any nudey mods out of personal preference - but I hear good things about Cmar's and Geck.o's work. Here is a link to a bunch of nsfw sims stuff, if that's what your into. I also don't really use sliders outside of the hat slider, a glasses slider and a height and posture slider. this is again out of personal presence, as I am generally making an entire neighborhood's worth of sims at a time and don't have the energy to be nitpicky with sliders on every single sim. That being said, OneEuroMutt complied a really nice list of CAS sliders AND a list of animal sliders if your interested in that.
Bloom's Sexy Feet and Cyo's Cute feet for children - realistic foot retexture, the op is long gone so this is a forum post. May not work unless sim detail is set to high!
Shady's Loney Eyes - subtle eye retextures available as both a contact and a default replacement. I'm currently not using any eyelash retextures - mostly because I haven't found any that work. If anyone has suggestions, let me know!
MaryJane's, Firefox's, AND Agnelid's Hair Replacements - replaces defualt hair with much better looking CC from other creator's - I mix and match between the three. Note that these are far from complete, and I still work with pleanty of EA hair.
I like teh Sims CAS overhaul - less shine, and hides rather than deletes mostly unused items (i always have this weird paranoia that deleting them form CAS will delete them in gameplay...)
One Euro Mutt's Less Shoe Shine - self explanatory, fixes that weird shine that's on so many default shoes.
Simple Life's Lipstick, Blush, Eyeliner, Beards, Eyebrows, and Age Details - Simple Life is my go- to for facial updates, do note however the textures may look funky if your sim detail isn't set to high. (They don't have individual pages for each item, so you'll have to scroll - my apologies)
Ketheira's Freckles and Moles - self explanatory, more realistic face marks.
Eternal 2nd Kira's Insect Wing Replacements for Fairies - replaces the EA textures with high-def insect wings, I just think it looks neat mostly.
Brinwood's HD Dog Coats and Eyes - Also includes more colorable options for dog coats, such as inner ears and individual paws.
Lazy Duchess' cat and dog addons - adds whiskers, primarily, but also edits some face textures and adds more facial markings
Kale and Traelia's HD cat skin and eyes - better meshes for cats.
Dimitri Dane's and Elin Fredriksdotter's EQHD - a FULL retexture and remodel of EA horses with better textures of coats and eyes, and optional stallion junk if that's what your into (I'm not... lol). you will have to download custom saddles, bridles, tack, and poses as EA meshes will be incompatible - but I will probably make a separate post with all my horse CC... lol.
Misc. Textures
Pretty obviously, I use the No Build Sparkles and No Intro mod that everyone gets when they set up there CC folder for the first time. These little details make a big difference!
JustMiha's Clean UI reskin, which is currently still in development (hence the default graphic menu... lol)
Velocity Grass's remove stencil tool to remove any unwanted stencils from cabinets, beds, or toyboxes.
Simsi45's Tileable Items Fix - you know how you go to place a row of bookshelves and there's the lighting gets all messed up on a few of them? yeah this mod fixes that.
Jane Sambroski's Wood Grain re-textures - fixes a lot of the EA woods to have much nicer looking grains, and fixed an issue that caused the grain to become pixelated when zooming.
Plastic Box's Doorway Lighting Fix - fixes lots of the broken lighting with doors and archways, so now all glass doors will cast light through them and all arches of similar size will cast the same amount of light through them
Aminovas' Cow Textures - retextures the cow in the Milkin' It Corral store item to be more realistic. That's it.
And that's it! Yes, I know it's a lot, but I like my game GOREGOUS.
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magicalgirlagency · 4 months
[TW: Mentions of suicide and self-harm]
Okay, reguarding those last posts that I have erased, I just came to the conclusion that I really DO NOT want to die. Turns out that the thought of suicide and self-harm scares me more than anything.
I was just scared and very very depressed; I really don't wanna lose the things that I love (online friends, this blog and the other ones as well, my hobbies, my experiences, my education, and the freedom to share stuff with them, and so on), and just the thought of KOSA screwing everyone over irreversibly is frightening to me.
I panicked. I just didn't knew how to react to the news, to the possibility of losing my primary support network of friends to a bunch of computer-illiterate old geezers who think gays are icky-vicky. The powerlessness just got to me, albeit briefly.
As someone who isn't american, I feel extremely upset at the fact that I can't take any direct action to battle against these draconian rules.
I want to sincerely and profusely apologize to all of my followers and mutuals for giving them such a fright and for worrying them sick for the past hours. I promise I won't do anything harsh or stupid to myself, and I am really, really moved at the wave of genuinely concerned people who came to me.
I won't kill myself. I promise you all that I will keep on living.
Just promise me that you all will keep on sharing the KOSA links from the previous posts to spread awareness to others and keep on pestering your senators with your phone calls and letters; it ain't over 'til it's over.
And also, I would like to tell that I want any posts made in my name reguarding my suicidal episodes to be edited or erased. I don't want any more people coming on my DMs worried about my well-being. I promise I won't do anything crazy, and this blog will resume its regular activities as normal.
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waywardstation · 6 months
Apologies for missing WIP Wednesday again! I’ll try to get something up for it later today, but I’ve been really busy trying to fix up some health stuff lately, and I want to talk a little about that, as I have said nothing publicly.
I’ve been sort of dreading the possibility of having to face this, but after the last couple of days especially, I realize I can’t really get around it anymore.
Because of my own insistence to keep doing artwork as much as I have, I’ve seriously injured my own wrist. I damaged it badly over a year ago, but I kept downplaying it and using it to draw anyways, usually for hours upon hours a day. Over this past year art got harder and harder, and took longer and longer to get right, I lost important things because of it, and now I am here, where I can’t even do much with it for even ten minutes before it becomes impossible to continue. It’s why a lot of things have slowed with artwork for the blog. A lot of this is my own fault.
I have several fics that I’ve been planning to do artwork for. Namely HFBE, Rain Check, and IWLYB. I have artwork done for a few chapters, but not all of them. I cannot finish them like this. Art is off the table, for as long as it takes to fix my wrist (which I am taking measures to do properly now).
I’ve promised art for these fics, but I can’t follow up with it, at least for now. There will be no new artwork on this blog for a while, and I’m debating posting what artwork I HAVE finished for these fics, as some chapters will have art and some will not, or just holding off entirely until I can do art again and finish the art for all of them at a later time.
I dearly miss drawing like I used to, and want to get back to it as soon as possible, but I have to take care of my wrist. Apologies, but you all have always been understanding and I know this will be understood.
Thank you very much. The will is still there and it’s still all I want to do! I plan to pick this back up as soon as I’m able to. There may not be art for now, but there will still be writing ^^ I’m getting some stuff ready for Christmas, so I’m looking forward to putting those out.
If you read all this, I appreciate it very much! Thank you!
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wachtelspinat · 4 days
hi! i found your blog like an hour ago (though i've been familiar with your art for a /long/ time; when i read that ask you got earlier about you being THE tf2 artist, i thought to myself, "wow, really? the only tf2 art i can think of that's deserving of that description is [vividly pictures YOUR fanart]" -- so when i checked your art tag it was genuinely like encountering a celebrity, heh. all this to say, you really ARE The TF2 Artist. it's an honor to finally properly follow your blog :]). i've been reading your posts about your personal journeys (both physical and emotional/self-conceptual) and i've just been... really really moved by it all? your openness with feeling disconnected with your art, and then how you've slowly come to reconnect with it in a new way and restructure it back into your life... it just fills me with so much catharsis and hope. because life is hectic and things change so much and the way that one creates art as an adult is going to be different than how one created art as a teenager... so to see you acknowledge that fact and then share your own journey? ahh god like i said... it's really profound. i'm a lot younger than you (i turn 20 next month, actually!), so you've experienced so much more to life than me, and hearing how you've struggled with and then gotten out of so many of the fears that i have is just... deeply, deeply inspiring to me. especially your latest posts about your time in australia, and how it's always been something you've wanted to do but spent so many years stuck/anxious/stagnant... and how now you've finally actually *done it* and it's *real* and that you had the most amazing incredible time that exceeded all your expectations?!?! and not only that, but how finally achieving this thing you've always wanted changes the narrative of how you previously defined yourself... that now maybe you ARE the sort of person who can do the things you love and have the things that make you happy... maybe i'm projecting too much here heh god but my point is. it just made me very emotional and so VERY very utterly elated for you :'] and just augh. i am so glad you've had this incredible experience. and like i've said half a dozen times by now (because it's just so true) it is just. so inspiring to me. everything you've shared with such honesty and humanity has been just so profoundly moving to see and it fills me with so much hope. thank you for sharing your journey with us, and thank you as always, past and present and future, for your art. i hope this message isn't too terribly parasocial, and if it is, i apologize ;_; and i hope you're having a lovely day!!!
hey there !
this kind of hit me like a truck but in the most positive way, and i am not exaggerating when i say what you wrote also brought me to tears.
first of all thanks for your generous words regarding my art and sdkjfhkjas i still cannot wrap my head around the idea that you (and at least one other person) thinks about me as THE tf2 artist because... i like my art just fine, it's just there are other folks out there, with their almost god-like tf2 art, meanwhile i just spammed y'all with my sniperxspy art and some random silly stuff over the years... but i love it, so thank you so so much, the thought that you guys dig my art this much will always knock me right off my feet in the most positive way 🧡🧡🧡
ok so, the next part took me a while to formulate because how do i respond to such a heartfelt message in a way that shows my gratitude just right? like i want to thank you again for reaching out and writing all this, but also for taking your time and reading through my blog. i know that everything i post here is open to the internet and a lot of ppl, so sharing personal information (in form of updates in life) is not always the best idea. but i always admired ppl on here that were able to reflect on their lives and share what they've learned. even if it's just somethig as simple as "and after each day comes another and it will be different, for the worse or the better, but different at least", which, falling on the right ears at a specific time, can change perspective (it did for me on multiple occasions, this and other takes, because hearing from ppl who go through similar things is a sad reality, but also such a connecting experience). so in a way, sharing is caring, and so talking about life experiences, especially when they are kind of abstract, like art blocks, depressions, can really open some unexpected doors.
so what also happened after being open about vulnerable situations in life was ppl reaching out. and this was really something that left me so speechless. i had several ppl who took their time and wrote to me about their experiences and ways of coping strategies and other helpful actions. and sometimes they just acknowledged what i wrote which was such a warm gesture that made me feel seen. and i cannot put into words how much that meant to me when i felt at my lowest a few years back. let's be honest for a second, on here we hardly know each other, even if we are mutuals, but that doesn't stop us from reaching out to one another because that is such a big part of the human experience.
sorry for rambling but it is hard, at least for me, just trying to fully grasp it all. it makes me so happy to read that catching up on the things i wrote about my life resonated with you on a deeper level and that it gave you something back in exchange - catharsis and hope. i am deeply touched by your words and your ability to grasp the essence of what i tried to convey, it feels almost surreal to have it summarized and reflected so clearly when my original thoughts were scattered all over my blog over a span of multiple months, years even. like, really, thank you so much for all of this, the time and thoughts you put into your message, your genuine expression of your feelings and joy on my behalf, it means a lot and i fail to put my thanks into words, idk... i feel seen again. and no worries, i don't think this is too parasocial, after all i put my thoughts out there, and you just happened to read them 🧡
so again and again, thank you so much, and i also hope you have a lovely day <3
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emovulture · 30 days
New around here, I'm very much liking your blog and your bots! I am curious, I know what a furrys is but therian stuff is new? What is it? Sorry, kinda awkward at asking and stuff but I'm kinda unsure and shy about asking questions like this since it's about how people identify and stuff, it can be real personal. If you don't feel like answering it's fine! No pressure! I just feel like asking from someone who identifies as this is better than just looking up a definition. Continue with the cool blog and bots!
Aaa!! Thank you for coming to me with this question, I'm more then happy to explain! :3
A Therian is someone who involuntarily identifies as an animal on all levels except physical. Therians are fully aware that they're physically human, but mentally, they are an animal. Some Therians have had past lives, and some haven't.
Of course, there are physical non-humans. Although I don't know as much about them, from my understanding they are Individuals who do not identify as a human physically. (There is also otherkin, and such, but again, I don't know a whole lot about otherkin, so I apologize!!)
As you know, being a furry is a hobby, but being a Therian is an identity. You cant become a Therian like you can become a furry, you're born a Therian and can't just quit being one. We go through an "awakening" or sorts, and it's when you finally realize you're a Therian! Let's take me, for example:
(if you don't want a whole ass story you don't have to read this lmao but there is important information too)
I awakened last year, about mid-December 2023. A few years back (about 2021), I met a Therian, and at first I thought it was a little weird, but didn't really care enough to do research. Although, just about a year later, I remembered this person, and decided to watch a few videos, educate myself on what Therianthropy was because I was finally curious enough to care (I was a bit of an anti-Therian back then 💀)
After a while, i began to pick up on the some signs, and I recalled how I was like in my childhood; I liked to howl and bite, dig sand like I was a dog/wolf, I was very hyper at times and liked to run around, I liked to squeal and jump, etc. Sure, some of these were simultaneously just things kids did, but there were such obvious signs that I was very likely to be a Therian. And as of early 2023, I started to think there was something missing about myself, like I had yet to know who I was. And blah, blah, blah, now here I am, knowing proudly that I'm a Therian.
I'm sorry for blabbering on a out all of this, but I really think it's important to educate more people about Therianthropy, and to try to make more people accepting of it. Just like Furries, I don't think Therians will ever become "normal" to everyone, but it's worth a try.
I'd also like to remind everyone that Therianthropy is different for EVERYONE, and it's also not all about the masks, tails or quadrobics. Anyone can the masks and tails and do quads, but Therians are one of a kind.
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bloggingboutburgers · 1 month
Hi, I know it's been a while but it's allo (autistic? unsure what tag to use) anon here again. I just wanted to say congratulations on the project! I showed it to my girlfriend and she was really happy, when it comes out we will definitely read it together. I am proud to see you doing new and exciting things, and I wish you nothing but the best in your future endeavors! You're doing amazing already and I look forward to seeing you continue on whatever path you want to take with your creative work :)
Sorry I didn't message again sooner, things in real life have been... a lot. I still try to check this blog when I can. Your art is still adorable, and I also wanted to say thank you for your comics about fandom and the stuff that people say to aro/ace people. As someone who is very invested in media analysis(TM) and fandoms, I have noticed some behaviour that is really weird and uncomfortable, and it's good to see other people speaking out about it.
Also, not to decenter your experience, but the comic about labels really hit home for me. When I first got diagnosed it explained so much about my struggles and why I felt the way I did. It was groundbreaking to understand that I wasn't just a broken person or full of character flaws, but that things like sensory issues were just part of being who I am. I don't know if you meant it this way, but I really love the yellow colour of the thought bubbles and the little flowers. I know some people say it's pathologizing or too restrictive to cling to labels so much, but it really is a relief to be given something that helps you understand yourself and feel so much less alone. I am glad you were able to find your identity and community. It's so cool that now you get to make those posts, and probably reach others!
I just wanted to pop in again and say I love your stuff, and it's so cool to see other people loving and engaging with it too. I hope you have a wonderful day/night, passe une bonne journée/nuit <3
P. S. I hope that's how you say it, I'm using google translate.
Heyyyy!!^^ Thank you so much for reaching out again and for all the encouragement and support! I hope you and your girlfriend are doing OK^^ And please don't apologize for not reaching out for a while, I'm happy whenever you do at all but it's very fair to have a lot going on otherwise! If anything I hope things are a bit easier now, so to speak.
Also don't worry about decentering my experience by sharing yours when you relate! I'm a big believer in intersectional discussion, I think people from marginalised groups could benefit a great deal from standing together to defend common interests, and if we can relate to each other's experiences in some way even just a little, although we know and acknowledge they're all different, I'm sure we can go a long way. So I sincerely appreciate you sharing, honestly!! (I'm also really grateful you liked the way I graphically conveyed it, that is a challenge in and of itself^^)
Again, thank you so much for all the positive feedback and support, and thanks for taking the time to add some French in as well, very kind of you^^
Hope you have a great day ahead!
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nisazeee · 1 year
SO ofc i started watching the new season last week...but I limit myself to 2 eps per week, giving myself as much time as I need for cringe therapy :) and i also wanted to write down my thoughts on each ep along with any sketches i do! My blog will be so extremely insane and deranged and cringe *SPOILERS BELOW!*
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I. LOVED. THIS. EPISODE. I love love this ep just for how well pinky was written, most of my gripes with the reboot are about mischaracterizations with Brain but there's moments where they forget things about pinky or where he couldve been written better. But how to friendship is such a PERFECT pinky ep seriously. Pinky is silly, cute, charming, all that stuff yes BUT HES ALSO SUPER WEIRD!!! hes the kid people avoid because he bit someone! And i think they captured that perfectly this ep! Loved when he pretended to squish brains head and squashed his jowels aghh i love these mouses OH and the apology track scene was SO GOOD
One thing this ep reminded me of is how brain has no friends other than pinky, because OBVIOUSLY. but i think its the same for pinky tbh. Yea hes polite to whoever he meets but this dude is so weird and utterly insane incomprehensible and slightly uncomfortable i really think nobody would be able to get him except for brain somehow but thats just my insane rambling, i am very normal!!
I wasnt sure where they'd go from the ending of s2 with the brinky stuff, i mean its obvious in this ep pinkys got it BAD but i wonder whats goin on with briane ig i will see??? Cause i know at the very least it'll be implied. REALLY EXCITED FOR MORE EPS AA
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soyouareandrewdobson · 10 months
Asians are all the same, right? The racism of a company cock gurgling moron
Like herpes and unlike the Dobbear, I am back baby.
At this point, deepest apology for my long absence. Personal issues over the last two years prevented me from writing anything and also destroyed for the longest time any desire to really continue the blog.
However, I don’t want to let things unfinished and seeing how the hypocricyofandrewdobson still manages to get some rise out of old Dobson related stuff, I wanted to just return, in order to properly contribute a bit more critical thinking in regard to his old comics.
And while I will not immediately return to my retrospective of SYAC, here is at least (for a start) my opinion on one comic of his, that in my opinion just proved hilarious and controversial in hindsight, and rather racist even back then.
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I admit, I don’t know anymore what the title of the comic here is. All I know is, that it came out around 2018, shortly after the release of his “Black Panther” comic, another malignant piece of Dobtrash that has made the rounds online ever since. However, unlike the Black Panther comic, which became the center of a lot of discussion regarding Dobson’s racist assumptions about comic book fans while ironically trying to present himself as woke, this one was weirdly drifting off into obscurity. Which is kinda weird, cause in my opinion, it is way more racist and actually kinda insulting to the very craft Dobson supposedly “dedicated” his life to.
Let me explain.
First, over the course of three panels, Dobson comes essentially off like he is considering the medium of comics as inferior to the medium of movies. Making it look as if comics are unsuccessful because they cannot rail in the same amount of money than certain flics and calling them at best nothing more but a pitching ground for corporations to create new shallow mass product.
Now I am a bit of a realist and I know that, especially in the world of mainstream American superhero comics, this is kinda the case. Most comic book characters, stories and franchises are owned by multibillion dollar corporations, who either have a direct hand in the creation of the product (via corporate mandate for example) and/or use the likeness of the product to make profit in additional, more valuable revenues than the printed medium. Such as cartoons, merchandise and movies. One example I can think of, to show that it isn’t just an American issue: Yugioh. The card game wouldn’t have come to be if there hadn’t been a manga starring a little boy putting together an ancient Egyptian puzzle, but while the original manga ended way back in March of 2004, the card game makes millions globally still after 25 years and counting.
But that doesn’t change the fact, that comics as a medium still have value. Without the stories told within their pages, we wouldn’t have characters such as Captain America, Superman, the Mask, the Ninja Turtles and so on to begin with. Don’t get me even started on stories that aren’t falling into the American mainstream comic trend, but still succeeded in the printed comic medium partly because of genuine artistic and profound value such as Maus, Barefoot Gen, Watchmen, V for Vendetta, TinTin and a shitton of (other) stuff from Europe and Asia.
So when Dobson, who always acted like he is proud to be a cartoonist and that comics are a superior medium to others, suddenly reduces them to just being a “pitch ground for better stuff down the line” at best, I as a fan of the medium and just the art of creating stories in itself, get kinda pissed.
Additionally, the way how he compares movies to be better than comics, is severely flawed.
He brings up the fact, that “Captain America: Civil War” made over one billion dollars at the box office as an example, while pointing out the fact, that most single comic issues barely manage to sell 100.000 copies, while holding up a copypasted “Civil War” issue.
Already, Dobson essentially compares apples with bananas, while also giving both false and incomparable data, that also ignores many aspects to be considered.
For starters: He compares the earnings of both movies and comics with two different values. For movies, he goes by the monetary profit a superhero movie could possibly make, while for the comic issue, he goes by the total number of copies sold.
But here is the thing: Assuming the average selling price of a comic is at 4 dollars for a single 30 page issue, selling 100.000 copies would ring in like 400.000 dollars. And considering that producing one issue likely costs a company less than 20.000 dollars (obvious costs for mass production and distribution not withstanding) they can still make a decent profit this way from ONE issue alone. One issue. Not multiple issues of a long running, but sadly underperforming series. All of that by the way doesn’t even account for the fact, that most single issues at best tell only a quarter of a decent short story nowadays and ignores later “long term” factors, such as reprints of the issue, late term buying of the issue, tradepaperback sells of the issue, the longterm effect and cultural impact the issue may have on the actual series or plot continuity  (such as Amazing Spiderman 122, aka “The Night Gwen Stacy Died”). Don’t get me even started on the fact, that many of these issues get first sold in the US and only over the course of one year or longer may then additionally be sold in other parts of the world, therefore bringing in even more money for the publisher.
Example: The Duck comics by Don Rosa, which earn more than four times more in Europe, than they ever did in America, despite the guy being from California. Finally, a a little add addendum: that example Dobson gives indirectly via the “Civil War” issue? A quick google search revealed, that Civil War issue 1 sold over 300k copies in May of 2006 alone. Sure, not necessarily the best numbers ever for a single issue (as evident by the following list: https://bookriot.com/bestselling-comics-of-all-time/ )but still nothing to be ashamed of.
And yes, I know that we live currently in a time, where comic book sells have dropped significantly for a variety of reasons, one of them being an overall lack of decent stories. But as long as other stuff still manages to run freaking circles around American superheroes (*cough* One Piece *cough*) I wouldn’t say the medium itself is dead. Just a specific branch of it is suffering from a lack of quality and the customers are jumping ship.
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A superhere movie meanwhile is a completely different beast. Ever since “The Avengers” came out in 2012, most superhero movies are 150-250 million dollar behemoths, that get overhyped by advertisement campaigns that are almost equally as expensive and try to trick the audience into believing, that they all are somehow the next big mindblowing thing on the big screen. Plus there hasn’t really been a superhero movie in the last 10+ years, that didn’t release simultaneously worldwide, instead of only coming out in the USA, and then a few months later, in other parts of the world.
So is it any wonder then, if a superhero movie that got advertised like the second coming of a saint, makes 1 billion, when there are already billions of potential customers worldwide all at once when the product launches?
That number btw becomes actually less impressive, once you start to think about how it came to be. Something our blue bear obviously didn’t.
See, on average every movie theater demands like what, 12-14 dollars per movie nowdays?
If we divide the box office of Civil war (1.152 billion btw) with 12 dollars, that makes on average 100 million people worldwide who watched the movie. A bit more than one or two percent of the worlds population. Not to forget, that of the box office success we have to substract such things as production cost of the movie, advertisement, the earnings of the theaters… so suddenly the movie may at best have had only earned one quarter of its box office for Disney as actual profit.
Not to forget, Dobson made that comic in 2018, when superhero movies on average did ring in so much money, because of the hype machine. But now we have 2023 and within the last five years (and especially 2023 itself) we have seen how superhero movies can also utterly fail to make money or even earn just enough to make back the production cost. Birds of Prey, Eternals, Ant Man 3, that Secret Invasion streaming show that still cost over 200 million… Do I need to get on?
Bottom line, Dobson’s indirect jab at comics as the less profitable revenue doesn’t hold that much water really in the real world, where once the hype dies down, comics may actually prove themselves as the more valuable longterm medium. Even if it may just be for the fact, that they end up staying longer relevant in the popcultural subconscious than the current movies, which tend to lose relevance with each new hastily produced and released installment in the franchise.
But where this comic really shines and shows Dobson’s ignorance on a cultural level, is in the last panel. When all off sudden it turns “racial” by claiming that Asian people, unlike “traditional” comic readers (aka white, in Dobbear s eyes therefore instantly racist people), would eat a Marvel character like Amadeus Cho up.
Question Dobson: Why do you assume, they would eat him up? You give no real argument based on anything the character does storywise, that the “target audience” may find admirable. So I can only think, that your reasoning is, because he is ever so slightly east asian coded.
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Boy, do we have to unpack not just a can of worms, but a whole package of cans now.
First, the chosen language by saying “eat it up”. When being a writer, you should know that you need at times to choose your words wisely, because of the sheer implications they can carry. And the statement “eat it up” sounds way to close to a negative statement like “suck it up”. Making it come off as if Dobson considers Asian people to be mindless cattle that will consume the grub the House of Mouse will give them without question or any desire for actual quality to it.
Second, it recks of a certain mind set I hate within the American entertainment industry and some of its creators and consumers. That mind set being, that “non-traditional” American cultures supposedly don’t know better than Americans in what is okay for the sake of representation and entertainment or not. It’s a mindset that goes beyond the necessity of e.g. localizing a foreign product to the national market, by e.g. creating a sterilized, corporately mandated and rather unrealistic depiction of another culture within their product, that will fall apart as soon as the people who are supposed to be represented get a proper look at it and realize, how pandering and often times badly researched, if not outright offensive, it is.
Only recently did we see in the world of animation how that can backfire, when Disney released the trailer for “Primos” an upcoming animated show supposedly about a half Latina girl spending her summer vacation with her annoying cousins, people calling it based on the intro (and a leaked pilot) pandering towards a latino audience in a racist manner. And guess what: currently, Disney shelves it and tries to bury its existence like Dobson his old inflation art.
Dobson himself has actually indulged in that sort of shit kinda, back with his infamous Nintendo comic.
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Essentially calling the “true”, Nintendo corporation approved depiction of his childhood Nintendo heroes disgraceful, for not falling in line with the late 80s depictions he saw in localized, made in America products such as the DiC cartoons. That and minor homophobia mixed with misogyny by calling Link “girly” for having longer blond hair since Ocarina of Time and blaming fangirls for it.
Third, and that is kinda related to my prior point, the reality of things is, that “Asians” actually did not eat up that sort of thing in the last couple of years. Sure, there is always that thing about a Chinese market. the big movie companies try to pander to and may succeed with some dumb action flics featuring big robots.
But the reality is, that not even people living in a dictatorship will eat up every trash you give to them, just because it comes from Hollywood or is supported by their glorious leadership. Disney tried to create two pandering messes of movies for Chinese people to watch, called Mulan (the live action adaptation) and that Shang Chi movie. And how did they do there? Oh right! The government did not even allow Shang Chi to be released and Mulan was released but supposedly didn’t do so well, considering (COVID not withstanding) it only made 70 million globally!
Don’t get me even started on every human right controversy in relation to the later, starting with filming in China near a concentration camp and ending with the main actress being essentially a Chinese propaganda puppet.
So, if those movies flopped, why would Chinese people for example flock for an Asian Hulk? A hulk that is not even Chinese but Korean.
See, this is another issue that fails with the example: The actual choice of character Dobson name dropped is actually kinda terrible.
For those unaware: Amadeus Cho is a supporting character in the Marvel comics, created in 2005 by American writer Greg Pak and artist Takeshi Miyazawa. The later, despite the name being very east Asian, sounding, actually being from Canada. Now both do have east Asian roots so to speak (Pak  e.g. is the son of an Korean-american man with a Caucasian woman), but they also have grown up within a society that taught them both western social values more so than we would see in east Asian countries. So with the creators already not necessarily having the most real life experience with the average mindset of a Korean citizen, can we really say that their actual creation helps “represent” those people of a foreign, non-american culture?
And that is not even covering stuff like the actual story of the character itself.
See, in the comics, Cho is supposed to be an American-Korean genius (wish fullfillment much, Greg?) and one of the smartest people in the Marvel Universe. His parents named him after Amadeus Mozart (a pretty white motherfucker as far as I remember) and he grew up under Methodist beliefs. So basically the “Korean heritage” of the character has already been thrown out of the window. Now I don’t expect the character to act stereotypical Korean, listen to K-pop, declare bulgogi to be his favorite dish or any of that shit. But when you want to sell me the character as being in some way or another connected to his ancestral culture, shouldn’t he engage at least in some “Korean coded” things?
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I mean, the character of Anne Boonchuy in Amphibia is a Thai-American who acts more like a 13 year old girl that learns to be less selfish and impulsive over the course of the show and whose “heritage” isn’t thrown at us, the viewer, most of the time. In fact, Anne herself acknowledges that she e.g. can’t really speak thai, despite her own mother being fluent in it and a season 3 episode reveals, that Anne is “begrudgingly” a part of the L.A. thai community. And yet, in connection to the shows story and as part of Anne’s characterization, her heritage is acknowledged and plays a part of who she is. Even if it simply means she knows how to cook certain thai dishes, loves her parents and their customs, helps out in their restaurant, can speak a few words thai and knows the basics of Muay Thai, a form of martial arts (and fighting sport) from Thailand.
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Amadeus doesn’t even have Korean parents anymore, because they were killed as part of his tragic hero backstory. Nor has he ever visited an Asian country. Oppps.
To build further up on it, Amadeus becomes for the longest time simply a major supporting character in the Marvel universe for the likes of Hulk and Hercules, two white coded characters. Sure, he plays a major role in the defeat of some cosmic horror level villains (such as Mikaboshi in the Chaos God storyline most people forgot even existed) but it takes a long time for him to become a “A-lister” so to speak.
In fact, according to Wikipedia, it wasn’t till after “Secret Wars” in 2016 (eleven years after the character was created), that Amadeus thanks to a chain of events eventually got his chance to Hulk out. And then they still had to kill Bruce Banner to make Amadeus “stand out” initially (don’t worry, Bruce came back. I mean, characters actually staying dead in comics, so that heroes can learn there are consequences? Preposterous) In fact, Amadeus hasn’t really proven himself as a decent “solo” act. Instead he became a member of the Champions (among Miles Morales, Mrs. Marvel, Vision’s daughter Viv. Nova and Cyclops), essentially creating yet another superhero team for teenaged vigilantes. Despite the fact, Cho himself should be by now in his mid 20s.
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Now look, I do not want to shit talk the character. Partly because I haven’t read everything he was in myself and partly because in the few things I did see him in (both pre- and post Hulk) he was okay. He is a decent hero and person, who tries to do good, even if he screws up here and there. That is something I can admire in a character in general. But he is not a good “representation” of another culture, because his complexion and minor physical features aside, he is NOT embodying even minor values or traditions of that foreign culture. He is simply a Korean-American (or technically Canadian), who falls more on the American side of things.
So essentially, Dobson who virtue signaled on multiple occasions how bad it is when companies he didn’t like tried to speak on behalf of other cultures, would have no problem at all to ask for Asian people to swallow this obviously “Made in American” product. The “Made in America” line actually working both on a metaphorical and a storytelling level, cause trying to google what “east Asian coded” heroes in the Marvel Universe actually come from an Asian country instead of being simply born on American soil, is pretty damn small.
After 20 minutes I only found Shang Chi, as he was born in China, and that character was created as part of kung-fu exploitation in the 70s by white dudes.
However, none of that tops the next two points that really sell Dobson to me as an American centralistic racist. Or at least a twat who doesn’t understand how through bad wording he comes of as ignorant of other people’s cultures.
The way he generalizes Asian people in his statement, while also ignoring the actual accomplishments in the creation of entertainment in multiple Asian countries.
If you’ve read closely what I typed, you may have seen that I used the term Asian at times in tandem with the term “east Asian” to e.g. describe Amadeus Cho.
And that had a very deliberate reason. While I was not a fan of geography in school, even I know that Asia as a continent is not “nationally” as homogenous as let’s say Australia or North America. In fact, Asia is the biggest continent on the planet, hosts more than half of earth’s population and consists of at least 47 internationally acknowledged states.
States such as Turkey, Russia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, China, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, North- and South Korea, Egypt, Israel, Iraq, Iran and so on.
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Now what all these states have in common, is that they have their own unique historical, social and “racial” culture and background. Heck, religiously speaking, Asia is the cradle of the world.
As such, Dobson stating that a “Korean coded” character such as Amadeus Cho (who is only Korean on the most surface level and would technically just be a legacy character of yet another white person) would be an immediate hulk smash hit with all these different people of different backgrounds…. Yeah, it sounds like condescending, colonization inspired shit, a smooth brain would come up with.
To Dobson “Asia”, at least based on that comic, is only defined as the “yellow skinned” people from the far east, who like rice, noodles, spicy food and give us anime, Godzilla, fireworks, buddhism and communism. It does not include anyone from the middle east or of more European ancestry. And if you are even remotely familiar about history, you would also know that Japanese, Koreans and Chinese all around do not e.g. like to be thrown into a pot with the others for a variety of reasons. Many of them political.
Or to sum it up even shorter: Dobson insinuated that a very shallow, “east Asian” coded American comic character would be an immediate hit with more than 47 different countries, ignoring that not all of them share the same background despite being part of the “same” landmass. And in doing so, he simultaneously generalized and denounced entire groups of people based on their racial and cultural background, which in as far as I am aware of, is considered racist.
But the “racism” is supposedly justified, because “representation” matters, it would be giving the middle finger to “traditional” comic fans and those nations and their culture are underrepresented globally.
Which is baloney.
Don’t get me wrong, I myself think that representation does matter. But the world does not necessarily rely on the good old US-Ayy only to give it to us.
Cause a lot of the Asian nations I brought up here? They have their own entertainment industry and stories, which again, get ignored by Dobson to make a dumb and false point.
I mean, manga is currently dominating the international comic market, all while Japan has also a booming animation industry and some of the most iconic heroes in modern popculture with the likes of Son Goku, Kamen Rider, Super Sentai etc.
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China has a prominent -if propaganda driven- movie industry.
India has Bollywood and delivers some of the most ridiculous but awesome musical movies on the planet.
Russia had authors such as Tolstoy and movie directors, that redefined the “art” of filmmaking.
Korea had a few years ago one of the biggest streaming hits with Squid Game, while also earning an Oscar for a movie titled Dobs- I mean “Parasite”.
Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Turkey… even nations that have not entertainment living up to “western standards” still produce stuff in some way or form to entertain the masses and their people. Just google up the character Kara Murat aka the avenger of Anatolia.
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And don’t get me even started on the sheer ton of mythology, stories and history each of their cultures have provided the world with. Journey to the West? Baba Yaga, the entirety of the Gilgamesh epos...
And yet, there is this indirect assumption by Dobson, that all of them would be so deprived of “heroes” in their media and folklore, they would letch on second hand shop Hulk? Fuck off, Dobbear. I know you like to suck corporate cock as long as you think they are woke and you have childhood nostalgia for them, but this is pathetic. Take Amadeus before A Rama Raju comes around and roundhouse kicks him back to Canada. Then get the taste of mouse smegma of your Disney cock gobbling lips.
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scorchieart · 3 months
Checking in...
Hello, friends. I know it's been longer than a hot minute since I actually interacted, and I'm still currently on hiatus, but since I spent a sizable chunk of the past 2 years here, I thought it was a disservice to just up and vanish. I typically keep irl issues off this blog as I like to keep it a place that makes me happy, but the past 6 months have been some of the toughest of my life and I didn't want it creeping onto this space. However, it is currently Ramadan; the month of sincerity, devotion, and reflection. And with Spring just on the horizon, it seems a perfect opportunity to engage in some dual mental and physical declutter.
A lot has been going on around the world lately, and it seems like just keeping up with it all is a full-time job of its own. So much so that keeping up with your own life ends up taking a backseat some days. For myself, I have been working through grief and guilt on a scale that feels simultaneously not enough, and yet unjustified. It's a hard feeling to describe in words and I haven't been exercising my writing muscles lately, so I hope you'll excuse me cutting off here. But in talking with and reconnecting with friends this month, I've learned it's a pretty common feeling with no clear-cut remedy, but there are multiple ways to work through it. Prayer or meditation, taking care of your body, sharing your experiences instead of bottling them up. Whatever you do to re-center yourself and your morals. But the first (and I believe the most important) step is to sincerely admit to yourself that you're not feeling well and that you want to improve. That's a difficult idea to come to terms with, but catching yourself midway through a rough patch is monumentally better than letting yourself sink deeper into despair.
The purpose of this post is not to ask for sympathy towards myself, but to encourage you to take a moment to sympathize with yourself. And if you can't do it alone, find someone you trust to give you a hand. It's ok to not be at your best all of the time. Asking for help is not weakness, it reveals hidden strength. If you take anything from reading this post, I hope it is this.
Aside from that, just a few admin things to finish off. Despite me being a techy person, I'm actually rather inexperienced when it comes to social media and online interactions (if that wasn't obvious). First, I'm very sorry for the pileup of tags and DMs and asks that I haven't responded to. I hope to start on them in April. Next, I recently started a new sideblog for multifandom stuff. It doesn't have much on there, but in case you see a reblog from @bird-on-a-branch down the line, that's me. Lastly, if something I said or did was a slight to anyone here, please accept my apologies. Lots gets lost in context online, and as I said I am not the best with these types of interactions, but I won't use that as an excuse if I hurt someone I consider a friend.
Also, thank you to all the peeps on here who've kept in touch, even with just a quick hello or a little joke to cheer me up. It honestly means a lot to me <3 And thank you all for your patience and understanding. Take care of yourselves. Listen to some birdsong, and have a great day.
- Scorchie
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jojikawa · 1 year
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘽𝙧𝙞𝙙𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝘿𝙞𝙤: 𝙃𝙞𝙨 𝙒𝙤𝙧𝙡𝙙 | 𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙏𝙬𝙤
Author’s note: This is a POC FRIENDLY blog. I am a black girl and I want to write more fics that don’t leave the reader racially ambiguous. This is self-indulgent and I’m just sharing it with you. Jojo is far from realistic. So, I don’t need to be either. Please don’t leave hate! Thanks! 
This is a DARK romance so there will be toxic relationship themes, NSFW themes, descriptions of violence, and gore. There will also be unintentional sexism and racism from the characters toward the reader. The reader is canonically black in this AU but it is written for people from all walks of life to enjoy.
TW? Dio forces his will onto the reader. (Could be triggering but not rape :) )
vampire dividers by mmadeinheavenn
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"You are my JOY..." Art by KDash_01 on Twitter!
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Authors Note (2/7/2023): this temporary note will be removed soon. I use eleven labs AI to make reading more accessible bc it's hard for me to just sit and read stuff but I ran out of monthly credits to use the program so the audiobook for this chapter will be added later. I am very sorry! - Maron.
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Several years have passed since your incident with Dio. You avoided seeing him and he didn't try seeking you out…at first.
You introduced yourself to Jonathan and the both of you became fast friends. Although it was platonic, Dio couldn’t stand the fact that someone that belonged to him was able to be in the presence of Jonathan. It wasn’t fair. He didn’t care that things were messed up because of him. Jonathan shouldn’t get to talk to you. This newfound jealousy sat at his core and festered. Dio had been putting on a front the entire time of being “Good guy Dio.” It was the only way he could ever gain back the trust of everyone else. Soon he would turn on them. 
Dio began poisoning his own adoptive father. The very person that showed kindness to him, giving him the benefit of the doubt when no one else would. He lost you but he only continued burning bridges with the ones he loved. Were the two of you new lovers now? He couldn’t stand the thought of it. He didn’t want to believe it because you were too smart for a fool like Jonathan. The idea still ate away at him. Jonathan was a fool but he was indeed much nicer than Dio. 
The rumors of you dating Jonathan were only present in Dio’s head. It was clear to any and everyone that the two of you were just friends. Jonathan often asked about Erina but it seemed like she wanted nothing to do with the Joestar boys. The only thing he could do was respect that. Jonathan would also apologize to you on behalf of Dio. It wasn’t needed or wanted but you accepted it regardless. You shared your way of making tea and baked goods over the years. You were a very prominent family friend. Something that Dio could no longer ignore.
You heard of George Joestar’s sickness and he personally requested that he have some of your famous dessert and tea. You were happy to prepare it for him but it was only once you were ready to have Jonathan deliver, you got the news that the man went out of town. You arrived at the Joestar manor and the door was answered by their butler. That meant that Dio was the only other person taking care of George. 
You met with their father. He looked pale and as if he hadn’t slept in days. It was like he could collapse at any moment. “Hello there, Mr. Joestar.” You greeted the old man with a sweet smile. “I brought your favorite.”You showed him a slice of cake. “Jonathan told me you shouldn’t be eating any sweets but I couldn’t help it.” You then took the tea kettle out of your bag. “I was also able to make it here while the tea was still warm.”
A small smile crept up on the man’s face. “Thank you so much, (y/n). You’ve been a true asset to my boys over the years, but most of all, to me.” You laughed, seating yourself in a nearby chair. “Oh, no worries Mr. Joestar. I believe that I’m just doing the bare minimum.”
Dio lingered outside the door of George’s room. He didn’t even want to admit something like this but he could say he was jealous of his father as well. He was jealous of anyone you gave your time to because of how exclusive your relationship was before.
The muffled voices ceased speaking. Dio began to leave. He didn’t want to see you right now but he was not fast enough. Just as he turned away, he heard the door open and close followed by faint footsteps. As flustered as he had gotten over you, he couldn’t help but face you. There was no way. In what world could he actually be able to ignore you when you were only a few feet away?
When you noticed Dio, it was clear he was eavesdropping. You wanted to believe your feelings for him had faded but a small bit of them was mostly there. You never paid any mind to him until now. He had grown just as big as Jonathan. Then you noticed his arm. It was in a sling as if he had broken it. 
“What happened to you?” You whispered, holding your hand up to your mouth in disbelief. The attire you had on wasn’t something Dio had seen before. It was fit for the cold weather but could be considered promiscuous. A Victorian-style corset dress that highlighted your bust with sleeves that hang off the shoulders. It hugged your curves and left nothing to his imagination. All topped with a beautiful fur cloak that concealed the rest of your body. It seemed as though you dressed a lot nicer than you had when you were only children. 
“It is nothing of your concern.”
You huffed. “I don’t believe it’s nothing.” You laughed out loud, but just a little. This made Dio grit his teeth. “And why do you care? It’s clear that you’ve married some rich bastard. Go bother him.” 
“Still as bitter as ever.” You muttered. “I’m not married, Dio. Jonathan hasn’t told you about me I assumed?” You made your way over to him, examining his arm without touching it just yet. “No. Jonathan hasn’t told me anything about you of the sort. It’s like you want nothing to do with me.” His voice was laced with venom. He held so much anger. All of it would just diminish if you just became his again. 
“The Pendletons had given me a small loan to begin my own tea company a few years ago. I’ve paid them back since then.” You smiled softly. Dio’s face softened at you. Did you finally find salvation from your financial problems…without him? “The tea company you’ve always talked about having…?” Dio remembered all the times that you’d mention being the owner of a tea company in private. It was just something he thought you’d talk about in passing. How could he not have known?!
The Pendletons!? How could they? Dio was supposed to be the one helping you achieve your dreams. Not them. This only made his hate grow more. He was beginning to face the harsh reality that your life never revolved around him. 
You nodded. “My life is my own now.” Grabbing him by his big shoulder, you ushered him to come with you. The oversized man followed. They must’ve tried really hard to hide an entire tea company from him. It didn’t sit right with him that he was completely flushed out of your life. Now there would be a dozen men constantly pining after you.
Dio told you the directions to his study and that’s where you would take care of him. A part of you really wanted to see if he was actually handicapped or if this was a ploy for sympathy. Other than Jonathan and Erina, you were the only person who knew the real Dio and the lengths he could go to. “How did you hurt your arm?” You asked politely. Your fingers grazed themselves over his sling. “A street fight.” He grumbled. You rolled your eyes. “You’re too lavish and frilly for street fights at your age. Am I really supposed to believe that?” You placed your high-end purse to the side and your jewelry made audible jingling sounds as you removed your fur coat. 
Frustrated, Dio ripped off the sling, throwing it to the ground. “Okay. I lied. What do you want me to say? Jonathan attacked me.” 
“Mmm.” You pursed your lips. “Jonathan doesn’t strike me as one to attack his own brother. And to think, the two of you were getting along so well.” You placed a hand on your cheek. You’ve changed so much and grown up quite beautifully. “Oh, so you think I’m lying?” Dio narrowed his eyes at you. “You lied about your arm just now.” You snapped. “I bet you’ve done something wrong and now you’re trying to act hurt for sympathy.” 
“You don’t know anything, woman.” He spat. “You barely even know the man in front of you.” 
You quickly grabbed your handbag. “Fine. Then I have no reason to stay here.” You shrugged to yourself as you put your coat back on. “Wait!” Dio raised his voice a few octaves. You felt his arm grab yours. “Yes?”
The grip he had on your arm tightened with every word. “I’m begging you. Please don’t leave.” Dio cried his crocodile tears. You wanted so badly to believe him but you knew better.
“Dio…” You flashed him a sad smile, raising your free hand to his cheek. You wiped his fake tears and he leaned to your touch. “I still have feelings for you. I’ve already accepted that I will never stop loving you and I’ve held our relationship close to my heart…”
Dio’s face lit up. You had to admit that he looked very adorable when he didn’t have such a scowl on his face. “My feelings have remained for you as well. I haven’t had any relations with any other woman in hopes that one day you-“
“I don’t believe we can be together.”
A force that was never known before today filled Dio. The pit in your stomach that causes one to throw up. The feeling that makes you want to throw yourself off of a nearby cliff. Rejection.
You expect Dio to insinuate violence again, but he didn’t. He let go of your arm. “What?” The words fell breathlessly from his mouth. “But I did everything right.” The man cried more, except his voice wasn’t soft. It was deep and raspy. You frowned. “Dio, if you see your behavior now, then you’re solidifying my suspicions of you not changing your outlook on life.” 
Once again, Dio let you go. It was probably the right thing to do. Dio was clearly no good and his presence would only hold you back.
This devil wouldn’t be able to accept the harsh reality. 
Dio did what any man of his stature would. He drank.
It was unlike him to drink but essentially losing you again was enough to drive him to crippling alcoholism. He roamed the streets, not caring about any danger that came his way. It was all over anyway. Jonathan knew he was poisoning George and could be back with evidence at any moment. Dio would rot in jail and he would never see you again. 
In a drunken state, Dio bumped into a duo of ruffians who were also drunk and didn’t take kindly to his misstep. The idea crossed his mind to use the mask on the men. It would surely kill them. It was how he was planning to kill Jonathan, after all. 
Instead, he learned a new secret. Something far more valuable than anything else he would have known about the mask. In the process of being attacked by his vampire victims, Dio hurt the very arm that he had been using as leverage in the past, needing the arm sling for real this time. It was embarrassing, but he didn’t care. Not one bit. There was a change in his plan that could turn everything in his favor.
A day later, you got the news that Dio died. The Joestar mansion caught fire. The news got to you the next morning. You’d be a liar if you said you didn’t cry for him. Dio was sad and miserable but you always hoped that he would come to his senses. Now, you could never be with him.
But life goes on.
You managed your tea company as normal but you found it hard to build connections with other men. No suitors gave you the same attention he did. They wanted you because you were pretty or for your money so their attempts to romance you were very disingenuous. You had gotten thoughts about visiting Jonathan but you believed you still needed time. Seeing him would only make you think about Dio.
You often beat yourself up for being so harsh with Dio. Perhaps, leaving him to figure things out on his own was too cruel of you. The next day, word got to you that Jonathan recovered but there was still no sign of Dio’s body. You assumed the worst and that his body was burned beyond recognition or still buried under the rubble. Either way, it contributed to your sadness and made your job hard. You decided that you would have an assistant take over while you allowed yourself to mourn the loss.
Jonathan and Erina spent their time together. They caught up and began to bond again. You went back to visit the Joestar mansion…or what was left of it. You left flowers for Dio the first day. You hoped that he was resting in a better place now. 
You checked into a nearby Inn. You planned to stay there for a few days and maybe visit Erina too. You were still trying to work things out. 
You were shown to your room. It was the most expensive suite. You had it all to yourself. You often treated yourself and being able to have good living conditions made the situation a bit more bearable. But when nightfall came about, your neighbors would realize that this inn was a house of horrors.
You settled down, bathed yourself, and got ready for the next day. Your night had been going like any other but this night, in particular, had you more on edge. You felt as if you were being watched. Sometimes you would even feel a presence behind you but when you looked…it was nothing?
Perhaps you were put off by the sudden bad news. You figured things took a toll on you and the best idea was to get some rest. Unfortunately, it seems that your sheets weren’t the cleanest. Anyone else would be furious at paying for such a nice suite to have dirty sheets, but from your humble beginnings, you understood that mistakes happen. You would simply request new sheets. You went to the front desk and talked to the staff. They sent a young man up there to change your sheets immediately. 
You thanked the staff and began to walk to your room. It had only been a few minutes since you left but there was already no sight of the boy. “Fast service, I guess.” 
When you got to your room, your door was wide open. The room was dark and it was freezing cold as if all the windows were open. “What in god’s name…?” You reluctantly entered your room. You used the light of the moon to navigate your way. You found your matches and began to relight the candles that were scattered about. You closed your window and tried to warm up once again. When you arrived at the bathroom, you heard…gurgling. 
You placed your hand on the door of the bathroom, trying to gain the courage to open it. You were already getting spooked by the random noises and figures you were seeing through the night. The last thing you wanted was a haunted inn room. 
You barely pushed the door before you heard a deep voice emit from behind you. It was sly and very familiar to you. Could you have been hallucinating!?
“I wouldn’t go in there if I were you.”
You quickly spun around. Greeted by a huge man you’ve never seen before, you opened your mouth to scream. His speed allowed him to cover your mouth in an instant with his face obscured by the uneven levels of darkness in the room. The other hand lightly caressed your arm now that he was behind you. 
Tears welled up and immediately began spilling out of your eyes. You grabbed the hand of your attacker, trying to pry it away from your mouth so that you could cry for help.
But it was like he had the strength of 1000 men!
“It’s honestly so touching that you’ve come all this way to show your appreciation for me. Even after ignoring me for 7 years.”
You squirmed, trying to get out of his grip. This has to be a hallucination or ghost of sorts. This suite was haunted. It had to be.
The attacker let you tire yourself out before bluntly dropping you to the ground. You huffed as you tried to crawl away. They watched your pathetic attempt to run away, slowly walking alongside you.
“Somebody help me!” You cried out as you reached the door, only for it to slowly shut in your face. The intruder picked you up before turning you around. Then you saw his face.
His face.
“Dio? You’re alive?” A wave of different emotions washed over you as you processed the face of the man in front of you.
It was Dio.
But Dio Brando died in a fire.
“My lovely (y/n).”
A clawed hand tenderly rubbed your face, staining it with blood. The metallic smell invaded your senses. Your fight or flight mode was going off, like, 30 times more than necessary. “You’re not real!” You squeezed your eyes shut. “Dio died. Stop pretending to be him.”
“Oh, but I am. Your eyes do not deceive you, my dear.” 
The person in front of you was clearly Dio, but he looked so different. His hair was messy and he was completely covered in blood. 
“Wh-what happened to you? How did you live?” You choked out. You didn’t know whether to be overjoyed or completely scared out of your mind. Why was he covered in blood?
Dio laughed. “Oh, Darling, I should have been more honest with you at our last meeting.” He smirked at your behavior. It felt so much better being in direct control this way. He originally didn’t like the idea of scaring you but he seemed to have changed his mind. 
Before he could continue, there was a knock on the door. 
“Ma’am? We heard screaming coming from your room! Is everything alright?” The night attendant spoke muffled speech through the door. “Oh, it seems we have a guest.” Dio placed you on your feet and walked to the door. He opened it to reveal an innocent bystander that he pulled inside. He didn’t allow them to scream or even make a sound before he drained them of all of their life essence, making them as skinny as a skeleton.
You wailed and cried at the sight of witnessing death so closely. With the leftover strength you had, you ran and locked yourself in the bathroom. ‘Dio is a monster!’ You internally panicked. Were you going to die too? Was this his angry spirit coming to punish you for the petty antics the two of you engaged in? Your life was finally beginning to go well. Why? Why would this happen?
“Darling? Don’t tell me you’ve gone in there anyway, despite my requests for you not to.”
It was Dio again. He was jiggling the knob and trying to get inside. 
You took deep breaths, looking around for an escape. There was a small window at the very top of the room you could crawl out of. It seemed like it would work but then you heard a groaning sound.
The gurgling from before got louder until you turned around to see the Inn worker from before. His skin was saggy, pale, and covered in blood while he walked with a limp over to you. It was a zombie. 
Not another moment passed. The door was forcefully removed from the hinges, breaking in half and falling to the ground like scraps of paper. Dio made quick work of the zombie, destroying its body and tossing the remains to the side. 
“I can tell you how I lived.” Dio grabbed you and removed you from the bathroom. “I think you should listen to me, for once.”
Appearing in his hands was a peculiar-looking mask.  “With the help of this, you can live as I do.” Like a painting, Dio paralleled the mask with his very own face. 
You shook your head. “N-No! I don’t want to be a monster.” You tried to pull away but he did not budge. “I don’t remember when I asked such a thing.” He pulled you closer. “Live as I do, (y/n). Reject your humanity. Live forever with me and we can rule the world.” As he spoke, you could see the teeth in his mouth. His canines were longer than the average humans, becoming more visible after noticing them for the first time. 
You wanted to believe so badly that this was just a dream. A nightmare. Anything that meant that it wasn’t real. This was too much. Dio was dead. Dio died in a damn house fire!!
“No!” You shouted, yanking your arm away from him. It was painful but you managed to slip through his grasp and fall to the floor. You stumbled to your feet, attempting to run to the door but Dio tripped you. You didn’t stop. You crawled until you could get on your feet again, but Dio pulled your leg back towards him. A haunting smile crept up on his face. “Dio, please!” You screamed, clawing and kicking at the man. You bruised him, drawing blood, but he didn’t care. You could fight until you got tired. “No! Stop!” The monstrous man tried to force the mask on your face. You didn’t want that. You didn’t want to be a creature like him. “Please, stop!” You continued to fight him, your muscles burning at the overexertion. 
“Resisting only makes it more painful.” He whispered into your ear, barely moving a muscle as you fought for your life. “No! This isn’t right. Please stop!” Your muffled cries fell on deaf ears as he smothered your face with the mask. He used the fresh blood coating his hand to activate it, causing the spikes to come out and penetrate your skull. The sound of your burning transformation filled the entire Inn. It was almost a miracle that you didn’t lose your voice from all the screaming.
“The pain is only temporary, my dear.”
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justmossyall · 3 months
about me <3
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hi! the name’s claire. she/her, a minor, INFJ, aggressively neurodivergent
a bit about me: i’m a christian, an author, an artist and an actor. i’m a huge dork and love infodumping about my favorite things, so my asks are always open if you want me to rant to you 😭
the general stuff: no nsfw, don’t be weird, just remember that i am legally (and honestly mentally) a child before you say anything weird or are mean to me lol. also i have pretty bad anxiety and emetophobia, idk why that would ever come up but I figured I would mention it??? just…………….don’t stress me out or mention vomit ig????? bro idek anyways
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side blogs because i have an obsession:
this is my main, a lot of reblogs about the things i like
my horrendous thoughts @justmossyaps
art blog @justartyall
writing blog @justmosswrites
photography blog @raindropsonmushroomcaps
ask game! drama ask game! can you tell i like ask games! here’s a fourth one!
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shows i like: gravity falls, arcane, bluey, bee and puppycat, amazing digital circus, toh, wandavision (not a marvel fan in general but i love that show), dance moms (don’t judge im a sucker for reality tv), and way too many kids shows. what can i say my mental age is like 4 (@person4924 and @sweetronancer know octonauts is where it’s at 😭)
movies i like: first of all i am a huge ghibli fan 😭 anyways the tinker bell movies, ratatouille, wall-e, the muppet movies, spiderman: into/across the spiderverse, brave, random 90s movies that I watch with my parents
books i like: psych im not listing all those, there’s way too many 😭 (kotlc and the scythe series are my favs though)
games i like: undertale/deltarune/undertale yellow (y’all should know by now how obsessed i am with that franchise), stardew valley, animal crossing, zelda botw (i have not played totk yet :( im hoping to soon though!), ddlc
special interests: psychology (especially neurodivergencies, specifically autism and tic disorders), writing, utdr/uty, gravity falls, arcane, tadc, bee and puppycat, some oddly specific medical stuff (mostly things like autoimmune disorders and the like, i just hate gore and tbh the cardiovascular system in general), kotlc, bluey, coding, embroidery, linguistics/etymology, clowns for some reason??? girl idk don’t ask
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i do a lot of writing, my first novel is actually fully drafted and i’m hoping to have it edited within the next 2 years so i can publish :) other than that main one + my other main-ish novel i have about ten million wips 😭
as mentioned above i am also an artist, i mostly just draw though i also embroider and dabble in clay and watercolor. my art blog is linked above so you can go check that out :) i also do photography! it’s not a very serious hobby but i enjoy it, photography acc is also linked above. i actually also make music???? lmaoooo yeah here’s my soundcloud it’s @\lofiwithsunny. i just write crappy instrumentals using soundtrap loops, but it’s fun and i think they sound pretty nice :)
i’m also an actor (yes i like to suffer creatively in many ways) so naturally i’m quite dramatic. i frequent the 😭 emoji and often use all caps. i love to sing though and i love music so if you have any cool songs you think i would like feel free to send them to me. OBSESSED with the oh hellos
speaking of which, my spotify is @/-sunflowerskies- if you want to search me up. here are a few of my fav playlists ~ ~ ~
also as mentioned above, i am a christian! if you ever want me to pray for you or are curious about the faith, my asks and dms are always open :)
i have a huuuuge sweet tooth. it’s so bad but I love candy so much
idk what else to put here???? i am, as the kids say, neurospicy so im sure none of my posts are coherent lol. also im having a lot of health issues recently with a lot of brain fog and fatigue affecting my overall functioning, so apologies if the posts are even less coherent than normal lmaooo
honestly send me asks whenever you want, i am incredibly bored all of the time and love making new friends <3 literally rant to me about anything idrc but i apologize if i don’t answer for a while lol, i go through on and off phases of being on this site
i guess that’s about it?? love you guys have a wonderful day!! <3
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