#kaishin fanfic
kaishinjikook · 3 months
I had this KAISHIN story bookmarked and I can't find it there so I don't know if it was deleted or not so I come here requesting of someone knows what the title was !!
It was about shinichi was a ghost and kaito was the only one who could see him. He had no memories from his conscious life and kaito get irritated on the beginning but enjoys shinichis company until one day shinichis disappears!! Which was because he wakes up from the coma he got induced cause of aptx !! And then he remembers kaito and comes back to ekoda in search on him !!!
thank you in advance !!
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kaishin-fic-rec · 12 days
Hello! This is my first post of my first blog (even if i have been lurking around for few years now). I decided to make this blog to share some of kaishin fics that I have found and fell in love (there are quite alot because I have to admit, m27 scared me so much). I will be sharing one fic per week and I might be also sharing some fanfics that aren't strictly kaishin. You are more than welcome to recommend me some dcmk fic (I like to find new things to read) or even ask me some questions :D
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nsfandomdump · 1 month
Okay okay I know the shippers are grieving KaiShin right now BUT
May I offer you platonic/familial KaiShin?
Just think. They may not know it in canon yet, but Shinichi is technically Kaito's only relative who hasn't fucked off and abandoned him
Like at this point Shinichi/Conan probably gives more shits about Kaito/KID than both of Kaito's parents
Imagine the fanfic potential
Them finding out they're related
Kaito half glad and half weirded out that he has another relative who's actually here
Shinichi being baffled at Kaito's fucked family situation
Maybe even Shinichi going off on his dad for seemingly letting Toichi's son believe he's dead
Maybe even Kaito going off on his dad for, well, everything at this point
The drama
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lovenaiu · 20 days
One of the stupidest and funniest dynamics I like to read (Ignoring that Kaito already knows that Conan is Shinichi)
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I want to find more fanfics like this
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justheblueberry · 6 months
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handbinding of A Study in Scarlette by kittebasu
There are people who want to live forever, and then there is Shinichi, who just wants to live a little longer than this.
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this bind has been in my head since i first read the fic like, three years ago. i dreamed up so many ideas for it, for so long, and now it's finally done! the typeset was actually done in early 2022, back when i was still using google docs, but it went through a few iterations because i was just. so. fiddly. with every aspect of this book. it needed to be perfect (as close to perfect as i, an amateur bookbinder out of my depth, can get) and it had to be absolutely over the top, to reflect the insane amount of love and care that the author put into the fic itself.
the first time i read this fic, i barely knew what detective conan was, much less all of the intricate plot details; i was just along for the ride, but by the end i was completely invested. i went back and watched through the anime as well as a few movies (it took me six months) and then read the fic again. and then a few more times. kaishin and the world of dcmk has utterly gripped me. it's 100% this fic's fault and i love it so, so, much.
i went through a few iterations of visual designs and i'm really happy with the little details i managed to squeeze in.
the entire color scheme is based around red, because 1) it's a murder mystery, 2) for scarlette shinamoto (and the title of the fic as well as the original holmes novel it references), and 3) the irony of "lady red" actually being red. the secret fourth reason is that i think red/gold is a super sexy color combo.
i sewed the textblock with red thread to reference holmes' "scarlet thread of murder".
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another detail i love is the five yen coin bookmark, it was one of my first ideas and it turned out even better than i thought.
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i wanted the endpapers to evoke a sense of the white marbled floor of the ballroom, with the glow-in-the-dark kaitou kid caricature being the luminol on the floor, and the little pops of red looks like blood that's been mixed in. i lucked out in that the other side of the endpaper was like a lavender-purpley color, i like to think of it as a little wink wink nudge to the color of the actual Lady Red.
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the chapter pages got a few reworkings, but i'm happy with the illustrations i ended up doing for each of them. the chapter titles are one of my favorite things about the fic, each one has so much meaning packed into it and flows so beautifully, and i wanted to put as much care into making them pop as possible.
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the cover was a linocut carving i designed and carved, which i then printed onto the bookcloth, and ironed on htv on top.
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i also threw in a couple of my drawings of my favorite scenes.
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this is getting way too long, so i'll end it here. i'll have a separate post detailing the process every step of the way, if anyone wants to take a closer look. this fic is kind of directly responsible for getting me into fanbinding, so it's safe to say it altered the course of my life. i now spend way too much time (and money) looking at book stuff.
kittebasu, if, somehow, you see this and would like an author copy, i would be honored to make one and ship it to you; i would be overjoyed to gift you with any art i have the ability to make, because the fics you wrote have irreversibly altered my brain chemistry, and being able to give back in any capacity would be a dream. (thank you.)
a few postscripts:
i am not selling any copies of this fic. partially because i believe in the gift economy of fandom as well as firmly keeping fanbinding a hobby that will stay unmonetized, but also because it took me months (years, if we are counting when i first finished the typeset) to finish this and i do not have the strength.
however, if you are also a fan of this fic and would like a copy, i honestly, fervently, encourage you to give fanbinding a try! renegade publishing and its discord server are an absolutely wonderful and free resource. i knew nothing about bookbinding and had zero materials when i first started, but i've learned so much thanks to the lovely people there. if you're still apprehensive about getting started, i'd be willing to share my typeset of this fic as well as answer any questions about the making of this book if you DM me.
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bakathief · 2 months
Title: Shades of Tourmaline
Fandom: Detective Conan | Magic Kaito
Author: @cleflink
Artist: @bakathief
Pairing: Kaishin preslash
Word count: 13580
Rating: G
A/N: We have been working on this collab for THREE YEARS folks. And now it's finally here! We have loved creating this world together and we very much hope that you will all enjoy as well! :)
There was a human in Kaito's forest.
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kayunivy · 16 days
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For me it is no coincidence that both the Titanic and Kaishin sank almost at the same time! It's all a conspiracy. Gosho was planning this this entire time and we couldn't do anything!
(14 - 2 = 12) and (12 x 2 = 24)
This is a cry for help, I've been going crazy since this movie came out, nothing in my head makes sense
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Kaito is Jack and Shinichi is Rose!
Change my mind
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kquartz · 2 years
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After over a year of procrastinating and getting distracted with life, my sister and I have finally finished our passion project of making our favorite fanfic into a book! It's over 500 pages of mystery, murder, and romance and I'm so happy to have it in my hands.
(Not for sale or anything I'm just very excited to share)
If you haven't read and would like to, here's a link to Kittebasu's fic here!
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ueyyuey · 1 month
Guess who has kaishin ideas OwO
I don't know how it will go but let see
Conan and KID takedown the black organization together
Kaito got heavily injured in the takedown and being in coma for a while
Shinichi, who had gotten back his body, always visit him and talk to him despite knowing no one would reply
Kaito wake up and get depress when the doctor said he cannot walk like before but he can be better if he undergo therapy
Kaito snapped at Shinichi, telling how he doesnt understand his pain and all
Shinichi support him throughout everything especially when Kaito talk with Aoko about everything
They spend their time together and Kaito can walk by his own slowly now
One day Shinichi asked Kaito "Hey, Kaito. If I die, what would you do?" and he just laughed at Kaito's stunned face and walked away.
The truth is, unknown to Kaito, Shinichi is slowly dying and before he died, he left a letter for Kaito. In the letter there is something like 'I lied. I don't like you as friend. I like you more than that. I love you, Kuroba Kaito.'
and thatsss ittt. tbh this idea came up after I read Of the sun, the moon and the truth by sleepy_aconite on ao3 and I suddenly remembered your lie in april pftt sooo gah i wanna do this one so bad because it is somehow angsty hehehhe
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detectivemiku · 3 months
I've never read a fanfic before (somehow) so I dipped my toes in yesterday and read A Study in Scarlette and oh my GOSH it has consumed my soul if you're a conan fan (especially kaishin) it is a MUST READ
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spacebubblehomebase · 5 months
ANOTHER "Fanfic Search Help" Request because I'm at the end of my rope and very desperate for some good ol' nostalgic read. Pls help me.
Kaishin pairing.
DCMK fandom.
Angsty and Dark.
Toichi lives sort-of???
Other world mishaps.
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This time the plot is mostly about Kaito Kuroba being sent to another world where the BO didn't ruin his life. I say "mostly" because this is a series of fics in AO3 and some of them focus on Shinichi's P.O.V. too. The biggest (heart) kicker is that in their original world, the BO killed off each of their friends and family one by one until it's just the two of them against the world with nothing but a few small tokens to remember each person they lost by. The two of them were always together, but they were in too much danger to prioritize the idea of being "together". Still, Kaito and Shinichi were each other's lifeline. At their last chance to keep Pandora away from the Crows, Shinichi made a choice that had him be disguised as Kaitou KID while he paralyzes Kaito from following so he, instead, can die in the thief's place. A sequence of mourning and magical mishaps happen after, which led to Kaito being sent to a world where BOTH his parents were still alive, but there's another him in it too. One who still has a crush on Aoko and had no reason to take on the KID mantle from his father. While he gathers his bearings in this new reality where he still has people to care for him, we later learn that another Shinichi exist here too. One that never took the Apotoxin, but is somehow just as miserable as his dead counterpart. Mostly homeschooled, this Shinichi never grew up being viewed as a "great detective" rather more as a "corpse magnet weirdo" who has no friends and got involved in an incident in his childhood that would traumatize anyone (except for one indigo eyed boy he met then who was adamant about his dad rescuing them. Huh... He wonders how that kid's doing now). Bullied and distant from even Ran and Sonoko, he lacks the confidence and self-assurance of our Shinichi who takes pride in the truth. Rather, this one is more afraid and saddened by it and is mocked for his bluntness. That's why this new world's Kaito never heard much of this Shinichi too, because he's not featured in the news for solving cases, but he's been ostracized for it. I just love the idea of how different people could turn out to be with just a change of perspective. This Shinichi is still observant and cares for people's safety, but because of how he was viewed as a negative instead of a positive, in this world, his strengths became a weakness and what attracted our thief Kaito never got to shine. Changing their meeting and this Shinichi's personality instead to meek and lonely. Not as driven and assertive.
Last time I checked, it's not finished, but that's fine. I love the concept too much! My biggest fear is that it's been deleted.
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kaishin-fic-rec · 4 days
Exes & Woes (series)(kaishin)
by: astorii
(as of second week of May) 9 works words: 43,000
In which the end of KaiShin brings forth the beginning of the Conan Era. OR: The KaiShin soap opera that no one asked for.
Lil note:
Canon compliant
Canon but what if Kaito and Shinichi used to date and broke up before canon stuff happened?
(read more for tags)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences (except for the second installment of the series: General Audiences) No Archive Warnings Apply
Pairings: Kudou Shinichi/Kuroba Kaito
Others: AU Kaishin Exes AU Canon Divergence KaiShin build-up Pre-Conan Era established kaishin ShinRan Friendship The Big Shrink™ Hattori is a lil shi— Alternate Title: The Start of A Great Bromance Kudou Shinichi | Edogawa Conan And Kuroba Kaito | Kaitou Kid Are Not Related boy oh boy there hasn’t been a new DCMK movie in years! OOC This is fanfiction though so it’s (mostly) okay
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fandom-drake · 1 month
Ok so I've taken a deep breath and talked to a friend as into fandom as me and realized that the cousins thing doesn't change shit for those ignoring Canon as they ought to if they want, makes it infinitely funnier or kinkier for those into that and finally gives the non shippers that like them as friends a reason why Kaito is hanging around/babysitting Conan.
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kudouasagi135 · 1 day
pharaoh!Shinichi au
So this is some of my folklore that I had bent into a Kaishin au and I wanted to get this idea out of my head.
So here it goes:
Kaito is a 29 years expert Egyptologist who went to the Valley Of Kings in Egypt for more research about the infamous king Tutankhamun but had stumbled upon an undiscovered Tomb covered in sand, he decided to enter the underground tomb himself to only take a look at the structure only to find it to be a small tomb and seemingly one not for a great pharaoh.
Kaito then reads on the wall the normal warnings written on all tombs: The tomb was protected by the curse of the pharaoh.
Kaito then realised that, unlike other tombs, the warnings didn't mention a name, which was weird, all Egyptian tombs had the name of the buried pharaoh at the beginning of the sentence, but the tomb seemed old enough to be as old as the pyramids. If the tomb didn't mention a name then either the pharaoh didn't rule for long, or he was a hated king.
Or he just had a tragic story like Tut.
Upon venturing more, the air started to become heavy and Kaito knew he was getting closer to where the king was buried.
He found a sarcophagus made of stone at last, and when he opened it to find the mummy, he was shocked.
The mummy had its eyes opened and Kaito thought for a second that it was looking at him but then he was like "Nah! he died from over 2000 years, stupid mummy, that scare took years of my life."
When Kaito attempted to read the name engraved on the inside of the sarcophagus, his sight blurred, lost his balance and fell. When he got up to his feet, he found himself in the Duat. The underground world.
Kaito then realised he had died! And was sent to the underground for judgment upon entering the Pharaoh's tomb.
After making his journey through the Duat he finally reached the Hall of Maat. Here, the purity of the dead would be the determining factor in whether they would be allowed to enter the Kingdom of Osiris. A judge hall. Kaito realised there was an extra member in the hall who wasn't supposed to be there according to his studies, but with the command of Maat to speak and do his expected job, he revised in his head what the deceased were tasked to do here and did as he remembered.
The deceased's first task was to correctly address each of the forty-two Assessors of Maat by name while reciting the sins they did not commit during their lifetime.
Kaito was able to address each one of them correctly but stumbled when he reached the member who wasn't supposed to be there. He bowed in apology as to express he didn't know him.
Maat then said the most shocking revelation, "This is the pharaoh who you had disturbed."
And that made Kaito feel guilty right away.
After that, Kaito was presented with the balance that was used to weigh their heart against the feather of Maat. If Kaito's heart balanced with the feather of Maat, Thoth would record the result and he would be presented to Osiris, who admitted them into the Sekhet-Aaru. However, if his heart was heavier than the feather, it was to be devoured by the Goddess Ammit, permanently destroying the soul of the deceased, and ceasing to exist.
And to his bitter luck (thanks to the Kaito KID work he did in his teenagers) the heart was heavier.
And before his heart was fed to Admit, the pharaoh he had disturbed spoke up. "Wait a minute, Maat. I have another idea for him. He had been a criminal, but his goal was to destroy a whole gang that was more of a threat, and he did succeed in that, bringing the light to all those who were brutally murdered by the sinful hands of those criminals, feeding his heart to Maat feels unfair to me. Especially after all that he must have endured to cast the light on the truth."
Kaito didn't know how this young pharaoh knew all this, but this was working in his favour somehow.
"However, robbery is also considered a sin and an unforgivable mistake to make, especially with all the known consequences. And punishment is unavoidable, especially after disturbing a king's rest."
Okay, he withdrew his thoughts about this working for him.
"But since we need to reconnect our power to the real world and regain all knowledge that was lost, I suggest the idea to rebirth Kuroba Kaito's soul into his teenage body before he started his criminal activity, and for his punishment to drop completely, he has to catch those filthy criminals over again but without resorting to any criminal thoughts or actions."
Wait, what?
Maat then looked at the young pharaoh with inquiry "But to ensure Kuroba Kaito doesn't return to his criminal activity, we need an eye on him. That's impossible given our situation."
The pharaoh then gave Kaito a look, and Kaito was momentarily mesmerized by how sharp and intelligent these azure blue eyes were, he seemed determined and sure of his words.
"Then I'll do the pleasure of watching over Kuroba Kaito as the pharaoh of justice representing Maat on the lands of living. I'll get resurrected in my body and watch over him and live with him as a guard and a messenger for you all to resure Kuroba Kaito doesn't do anything of his criminal past ever again."
Kaito couldn't believe his ears, and felt like fainting right there.
He couldn't even believe it more when Maat agreed, after some hesitation.
"Then, Kuroba Kaito, do you agree to relive your teens and remove your sins from all minds, or would you prefer to let Ammit eat your heart, ceasing your existence?"
He chose the former, and when he reopened his eyes, he was inside his room, he ran to the mirror and saw his teenage face, and to his right, was the pharaoh, who looked bemused.
"Thanks to me now you have more years in your life you stupid thief."
And that's how Kaito earned himself a new roommate, and a new chance to correct everything.
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arl-the-beloved · 9 months
Thinking about the amount of rpf in the dcmk universe
Need them to somehow have numbers and maybe Kaito sending Shinichi some random ao3 links of them :((
I just know the fan girls are gonna go crazy with the enemies to lovers trope
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shiroriia · 7 months
Theme 2: Framed
News of the Midnight Moonlight, a sapphire jewel owned by the infamous Suzuki Jirokichi, was stolen. Rumors had it that it was stolen by Kaitou KID. Almost everyone in Beika knows about the news, except Kaito himself. Yet the said phantom thief had long retired and is currently in the Kudo Manor sitting beside his detective while trying to show him a trick.
"Shin-chan~ guess which hand has the coconut water!" He grinned and held up two hands. The said detective gave him a look before burying his head back to the case he had been focusing on. "Left."
"Ah, still can't trick your eyes, can it?" Kaito shook his head and placed the plastic bottle of coconut water next to Shinichi on his desk. "I didn't get you coffee this time, since it's been 3 days before you get a wink of sleep. You need sleep in order to be able to function well, you know?"
"Yeah, yeah." Shinichi responded while keeping his eyes on the papers.
Kaito shook his head at Shinichi before sitting down on the couch on the other side of the room. It was quite boring for him, so he decided to pick up the newspaper that was sitting next to him in hopes to find something interesting to read. That was when he saw that the Midnight Moonlight Suzuki was stolen. The shocking news almost made him fall off of the couch.
"Kaito." Shinichi said annoyed as he rubbed his temple. "Haven't I told you to be quiet when I'm trying to work?"
"But Shin-chan!" Kaito whined as he pointed at the headlines. "Haven't you seen what the reporters wrote? The Midnight Moonlight is stolen and they're framing me to be the thief."
Apparently Kaito was not the only one who didn't know about the news. "What?" Shinichi said in disbelief as he came over to take a good look at the newspaper, just to make sure that it was not Kaito's shenanigan that was just trying to take his attention off of work. When he made sure that he didn't misread things, he frowned. "This is ridiculous. Kaitou KID hasn't been spotted for years. Besides, you've already found the Pandora and destroyed it, so there's no reason for you to continue to use the alias Kaitou KID. Who would do such a thing?"
Kaito tapped his chin as he thought. "I do remember there is someone....."
Shinichi was silent as his blue orbs focused on Kaito.
"There was a mysterious person that I ran into when I was one of my heists." Kaito explained as he stared back at Shinichi. "He was wearing black and the color theme was very similar to my Kaitou KID getup."
Shinichi nodded. "And then what happened?"
Kaito shrugged. "I was ambushed so I didn't have time to question the guy. But it's strange, since then, I never saw him again."
Shinichi pinched his chin as he thought. Kaito took this moment to admire the side face of his detective. After a while, Shinichi spoke.
"Do you have time tonight? We're going to pay Suzuki Jirokichi a visit. Oh, and don't forget to dress as Kaitou KID. I think I have an idea that can lure the real thief out."
⋘══════∗ {•『 🎩⚽ 』•} ∗══════ ⋙
"Ugh, Shin-chan should've told me to wear a jacket." Kaito, now Kaitou KID, complained as he gave another loud sneeze. He was waiting for the signal of Shinichi before making an appearance. For the best effect, Shinichi had told him to wait outside.
"It's to convince the thief that Kaitou KID will not be disguising among the police force." was his words. But Kaito couldn't help but wonder if Shinichi was trying to freeze him on purpose. "Baka Meitantei, doesn't he know that it's bad for a magician to have cold hands?"
Just as he continued to mumble to himself, the lights to the building inside was turned off. Kaito knew that was the signal that they had talked about earlier, so he sneakily opened the window and agily avoided the infrared lights that was set up in the room. Once the lights came on again, Kaito was already perched up high looking at the people below. He swiftly scanned around and saw Shinichi in the back signaling him. He nodded and spoke.
"I'm sure none of you have expected the heist note of the Moonlight Magician himself, have you? " Kaito, no, Kaitou KID smirked as he glanced at the police forces that Jirokichi gathered in the room. "However, that's not why I've made an appearance this time."
"What are you doing!? Get him!" Jirokichi yelled loudly at one of the police as his dog barked at KID. Sonoko fangirled as usual. Kaito had noticed that Shinichi's expression was enough to kill someone when Sonoko screamed. He couldn't help but chuckle at Shinichi's display of jealousy. But he didn't have long to admire his detective. After all, they have business to attend to.
"Before you gentleman attempt to arrest me, allow me to ask you this. When have I stolen and not return what I took?" He asked as he dodged when a police lodged at him. The room was silent at his words. Yeah, even though Kaitou KID enjoyed toying around with them, this was not something he would do. Just as the police looked at each other in confusion, the room was once again dark.
This time, Kaito was confused. This was not part of the plan. What was Shinichi trying to do?
He silently made his way to Shinichi as he quickly changed into a different outfit. "What's going on?"
"I-I don't know. I know I expected the thief to show his face, but I didn't think he would be showing up this quickly..... "
Kaito can tell that even Shinichi was caught off guard. He placed a hand on Shinichi's shoulder as a way to calm him down. But that's when a flash of black rushed past by him.
"Wait-! I think I saw something!" He shout-whispered. But that's when the lighting came back. On the floor where Kaitou KID was, the Midnight Moonlight lay peacefully with a note attached on it.
Jirokichi immediately ordered someone to get the jewel for him to check if it's the real Midnight Moonlight. While their attentions were on the jewel, Kaito took the note that was on the floor and read it. There was random letters on it. Since it's too loud and noisy in their surroundings, he decided to take it back with him to the Kudo Manor to study it privately. Maybe it's some kind of code that he had to figure out how to crack.
Unfortunately, the next day, Kaito caught a cold from standing outside for too long so for the week, he couldn't bother Shinichi and the detective finally had an entire week of peace and quiet to himself.
(The code is in the comment if anyone is interested to solve it :3)
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