#apparently removing it from your library and readding it fixes that
In June, Tell Me Why is free on steam. It's the only "big game" I can think of with a transgender protagonist.
Twins Tyler and Alison return to their small town in Alaska to clear out and sell their childhood home. In doing so, they realize that some memories of their past don't add up, and they set out to figure out what truly happened the night their mother died.
Gameplay is similar to Life is Strange, being from the same developers and all. Which in this case means, lots of walking around, lots of talking, rather slow gameplay, and a slightly supernatural gimmick for the protagonists.
When I played it, I found the graphics really pretty, didn't run into any bugs, and completed the game with all achievements in about 16 hours. It contains lots of dark topics in the past they discover, including violence and death, but the ending is always hopeful.
You can find the game's FAQ on the official website, which answers (with spoilers, obviously) how some sensitive topics are handled, if you are concerned.
(I would suggest staying away from the discussion boards and probably reviews. It's mostly negativity, transphobia, and jokes about the Backstreet Boys that were old the first time they came up.)
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velvetporcelain · 10 months
Fuck this social gathering, ima smoke a square out in the fucking hall
Alone. Typing away mindlessly on my pocket diary. It’s how I like it. I want to post, without the intention of interaction.
I just want my existence documented. I want to remember that I am real. That is self proclaimed validation because apparently spending all your free time feeling your feelings isn’t validation enough! That is so fucking taboo and I don’t know why!
Why hasn’t anyone taught us how to feel these things? How to juggle memories? Therapy is a bandaid. But that doesn’t mean it stops the blood. We are human and once we bleed through we go back for another. Temporary fixes.
The system is built to fail us. If you think I am wrong, please, I would kindly counteract with telling you how the system operates entirely off of our personal successes. We are like the engine in a war tank. We know nothing of what is happening but we know we are powering it. Everything you think is basically hypothetical. Imaginative. Theorized. Tested. Observed. Experienced.
If facts were to stand in line with these we would not be able to easily point them out. There in lies the challenge with life. Recognition. Trust. Belief. Idolization. Government.
We are taught all the wrong things. We are taught to sit still in order to stay busy. What if I can’t sit still? What if I can’t cap anything? What if I want to feel infinitely human? What if I wanted to understand everything deeper?
I want ballistic passion. Explosive expression. Translucent touch. Eccentric energy.
I believe that what people look for in social settings can be achieved by putting all the same energy into one human being. Trust. Love. Acceptance. Expression. Communication. Interaction. Comfort. Support.
I’m like the lone wolf girl who never has the decency to remove her sunglasses while inside the grocery store. I purposely hide my eyes. Protect my eyes. Regulating the feelings they give me via my surroundings. Don’t hate me, I’m just an alien. 👽 🤭👀
I am not an insane woman, but I am insane. I am not a pleaser I am a preserver of humanity. I choose to preserve the act of pleasing because I love giving pleasure. I tend to expect this back, but lately I’ve learned that’s what turns pleasure into pain. I don’t have time for any unnecessary pain, so I am very receptive to the idea of expecting nothing. Especially in a society with its head up its ass. Where peace is man made but expected from god.
In a world where it makes me think of god as a sadist, watching us create our own pain without the burden of guilt. But then music make me feel real again.
I’m like really good bass guitar vibrations in a heavy metal song that just hits you right in the chest and makes you want to scream because everything I am feels right.
I’m trying to teach you shit school can’t teach you.
I’m trying to learn shit school can’t teach me.
Learning is free with a library card.
I want to learn useless mindfucking information. Like how the wives of Nazis would hand pick their favorite tattoos that prisoners had and order them to be skinned and turned into household items. How they made the German people walk through these camps and see the piles of dead bodies. In all of this I wonder if this was in fact a worldly and collective hate for the Jews.
Surrounding countries denied their salvation. Everyone had a hand in this indirectly, Germany was dealing with it directly. I wouldn’t put it past Hitler to think we was doing the world a service. He was madly in love with the fatherland, and we have seen the results of how twisted the ideology of love can be.
The book that I’m reading about Rudolph Höss? Oh he was just a German pawn. He was playing the game too. He was nothing significant. He was the observed and the observer.
No one seems to want to put themselves in the position historically. There’s so much modernization you have to deduct when you study or read history. I feel that I am easily able to do that, but I have a hard time processing our current world affairs. It’s like you never know until years later when everything is declassified.
I find myself modernizing history. A lot actually. It’s more like running them parallel to each other and seeing how, when and where things run similar, history repeating itself. We’ve just modernized the genocide through our health care system and the most advantageous weakness of humans, addiction.
Again, a system made to fail us. Or maybe it is because I haven’t experienced any real miracles from this system.
JESUS. how did I get here?
This why I am always smoking a square in the fucking hall.
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mariaurore · 8 months
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When my attempt at creating a breakfast, coffee and boba tea Cafe didn't come out as I desired- I thought I'd try and find one on the library to throw into my world.
... at least until I get the motivation again to build one of my own. I need to recharge my batteries 🪫. It's tiring making builds 🫠 (they take all day and evening 🥱💤 - like 14+ hours)
I found this build here and thought it was super cute! Apparently I'm not the only one who thought so because the favorites and download count on this is way up there 📈 (I think they also "fixed it up" or "remodeled" it or something from another person's build?)
But there were a couple of things that I did feel needed changing ("also", I guess? remodel-ception)... I'm sorry to the original creator 🙏🏻 I hope this doesn't bother you too much!
You can already see in my screenshot above the changes I've made because that's not completely the original. It somehow slipped my mind to take a picture of the original 🫠😅 (I did this after creating my Blueberry Waffles cafe so I was braindead and tired). It's not far off from the original, I didn't change the shell at all.
This is my critique and why I changed things. Don't take this personal but from what I've read, these are reasons why general builds don't work, and why restaurants fail when sims visit them;
The original had Dining spots for 38 or 40. Which is way too many for 1 Chef Station. (I already forgot the exact number 🙃)
There's a small corner with 2 lounge chairs and a small coffee table, and not enough space in-between the chairs and the coffee table for your sims to walk to the chairs. In other words, not enough pathway - they cant walk to the chairs to sit in them. (I'm picturing that bubble over my Sim's head with the footsteps and red exclamation 💭👣⚠️ like, Hey! I cant go here! It's blocked!)
Inside, the tables seat 1 to 2 person dining. Outside, the tables seat 1 to 4 person dining. So if I were a party of 3 or 4, my only option would be to take a table outside. This is not accommodating at all. If it were freezing weather with blizzards, I'd have no option at all.
I removed an outside table, made them 2 seats only because taking dishes outside requires a lot of time to serve. You have to deal with a door, stairs, and more distance to travel. Not just for the waiter to take the order, but to deliver the food, and also clean the dishes off the table. Thus delaying food being delivered to all sims in the restaurant- including your sim.
In addition, I removed the coffee table altogether. It may look aesthetically pleasing but it serves no purpose. It's an unnecessary obstacle block.
For the inside seating, I kept their original table theme but changed the chairs to match the tables and made 1 table with 3-person seating, 2 tables with 4-person seating, and 2 tables with 2-person seating.
I left the mini lounge chairs for aesthetics (and because they aren't considered dining spots) and the 3 bar stools.
This gave me a total of 19 Dining spots to the ratio of 1 Chef station.
This is much better.
Next up was the menu.
In my last post I said that "I encourage people to edit the menu, especially for my builds."
I'm gonna reiterate that.
I looked at the menu here and...
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I don't know if they use mods like I do? And the recipes that were on the menu, fell off- erased? Or, if they intentionally kept it simple? So that when people edit it, it's easier to edit. 🤔
Maybe these are normal things on coffee shop menus where they live? But they're a bit abnormal where I'm from 😅
I'm not trying to be disrespectful and I'm trying to be understanding because I don't know them and I don't know where they're from 😓😟. All cultures are different and valid, and often times as individuals we just do things because we want to or like to. I think that's why I like culinary, art and design so much 💖
I ended up changing the menu a lot. It now has many breakfast things on it, many tarts, much coffee, and boba tea! 🥰
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
I’m here with a request
The Host x D.A!Reader <3
Takes place during ISWM 2, they’re going through the different timelines and instead of landing in the cabin and meeting the narrator, they meet The Host.
Could be completely fluffy or angst/comfort, your choice!
I miss my boy <\3
Have a lovely day :]
"However, the Captain bizarrely started gesturing up towards the sky in a very unstealthy manner."
"What the hell?" You whispered as your arm was flailing about, drawing you out from behind the bush as you tried to stay hidden.
It's like your body had a mind of its own, but you knew what was really going on.
That damn Narrator.
He was starting to genuinely piss you off, especially back on the ship where he started doing whatever he wanted to you and those around you. At one point he tried making two people fight each other, so they became acutely aware of this “higher being” much like you did.
You just wanted to get back to your own timeline and fix things..why did he feel the need to complicate shit and make your life even more of a living hell?
Now because of his stupid narrating, your cover was blown and you were on the run from this feral Mark--apparently called Heehoo in this universe.
“Well, it seems to be the end for our intrepid Captain-”
“But with luck, they managed to put enough distance between themselves and Heehoo. Then a sudden noise from the woods startles him into fleeing.”
In confusion you slowed down as you heard a much softer-sounding voice; similar to Mark’s but not quite him. Looking back, you saw that Heehoo had fled, spooked by a loud rustle in the bushes.
You wondered who saved you, though...you knew only one other person who spoke in narrations.
“What?! No! You can’t do that! Who the hell are you?!” The Narrator demanded.
“The one who will be taking over the story from here on out. Goodbye, Dr. Mills.”
“Wait!! NO-!!”
You flinched slightly as you heard what sounded like a bat striking something, followed by a heavy thump against an unseen floor. Then you heard the bat being tossed aside and a sigh. “Now then..the warp crystal glows brightly in the night, sending the Captain to a familiar place that may jog their memory.”
Raising your hand, you saw the crystal glowing brighter than ever before you were whisked away through another wormhole, landing in...
A library?
You looked around, removing your helmet as you breathed in the scents of old wood and paper, sighing deeply. This certainly felt familiar.
“The Host is relieved to see the Cap--[y/n] has made it in one piece.”
Blinking, you turned around to see a certain man in a tan trenchcoat, illuminated by a dim orange lamp light. The gauze wrapped around his eyes was clean, and the smile on his face was warm. You noticed he had bandages around his hands, too, though that didn’t stop you from going over and taking them into yours.
“Host!” You grinned. “God, you don’t know how glad I am to see you.”
“..h-he considers the feeling mutual.” He seemed a bit flustered by the fact you were holding his hands, as he cleared his throat. 
You realized his discomfort and let go, chuckling awkwardly. “Sorry. It’s just..it’s been one crazy trip after another. Thanks for getting rid of that control freak.”
“[Y/n] has nothing to fear. He was a..poor excuse of a narrator, and an even worse author.” He shook his head. “But with the threat of him gone, [y/n] believed they deserved a break from their journey across timelines.”
“Damn right I do.” Sighing, you slumped into one of the couches, leaning back and closing your eyes for a bit, trying to relax. 
Once you felt a little bit calmer, you looked back at Host, who was sitting nearby and reading something in braille. “Say, I don’t suppose you can “narrate” Mark into shutting down the warp core...or “narrate” him into this timeline, can you?”
“The Host has a notion that attempting to influence events in other realities may break the universe further, so he abstains from doing so. He already took a risk bringing [y/n] here.”
“...of course, that’d be too easy-”
“However, he may have found something that can assist [y/n] in their quest.” Closing the book, he stood up. “And so they follow him to his studio.”
Feeling your legs move on their own, you followed him to a room that held his radio broadcasting equipment. You remember him taking up this profession after he had gone blind--since, of course, he couldn’t write as an author anymore. But he did make great podcasts.
He picked up a small leather book on the desk, handing it to you. “The Narrator’s book.”
“He was..using a book?” After taking it, you flipped through a few pages, eyes widening as you read the most recent one about your arm flailing and other unusual actions you’ve taken, followed by illegible scribbles (assuming they’re from the Narrator’s struggle with Host).
You couldn’t believe it. That asshat was controlling your every thought and move with writings.
You noticed a small blood stain in the corner, but you didn’t care. Whatever the Host did to him was much deserved.
“Son of a bitch. All this time, he was in another world ripping away my free will-!!!” 
Suddenly you came to a realization as you gazed at Host. "Wait...he was able to do all of this no matter what world I was in.”
“Indeed, that book is a powerful interdimensional tool, greater than the Host’s own abilities, even. And the quill in his possession is-”
“That’s it! I can use this to find Mark!” You beamed, going over to take the quill from his hand. “I’m gonna need that....Host?” Blinking, you noticed how sad he appeared as he moved it just out of your reach, taking a step back.
“Does [y/n] truly wish to leave so soon?”
Your smile faltered. Of course you didn’t wanna leave him already, though you knew you had to get going. Or else the warp crystal itself would drag you back into the wormhole and put you god-knows-where.
“..I’d hate to but..I-I made a huge mistake. You know that, Host. I have to find Mark and fix this. The longer I wait around, the worse everything’s gonna get. Once this is over I’ll come find you."
You put your hand out, hoping he believed you. “I promise we’ll have all the time in the world to catch up...but first I gotta save all the worlds.”
After a moment more of hesitation, he finally relented and handed over the quill. “The Host understands. However, he warns [y/n] to write clearly and not be so ambiguous, as there could be consequences that even he cannot foresee.”
“...I just have to breathe and there’s consequences." Rolling your eyes, you sat down in the chair and opened the book to a new page, writing: “The Captain finds Mark, the head engineer of the Invincible II.” 
“There. Can’t get anymore specific than that.”
“So it is written. The Host bids [y/n] farewell and wishes them luck on their journey.”
“Thank y-”
All of the sudden a wormhole opened beneath your feet, dragging you down into it as you cursed rather loudly in annoyance.
The Host watched as it closed, finding the Narrator’s book and quill left in-place of where you once stood. He knelt down and picked them up, sighing somberly.
Once again he was all alone.
But he enjoyed your company. He hopes to see you again soon.
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laguera25 · 2 years
Dear Rammstein,
On March 13, 2020, my dentist called to cancel my appointment. Because of the lockdown, he said, but not to worry, it would only be a few weeks, and then he would fix that cavity. I had no way of knowing then that I would not leave the house for anything other than dental procedures and the renewal of my library card until September 12, 2022.
It wasn't so bad at first. I have never much been comfortable around people; I have the social skills of a turnip and the social graces of a hyena with gout, and it was nice to have an excuse to bunk in with my long-neglected book trove and sit around in my underwear. No being stared at as I trundled along in my wheelchair, no being given pitying looks in the grocery store or stepped around as though I weren't there. No well-intentioned but annoying Christians offering to lay hands on me so God would heal my affliction. Just quiet. Blessed, blessed quiet.
Splendid. Until it wasn't. Until the momentary sense of community ignited by the onslaught of COVID disintegrated into paranoia and conspiracy theories and earnest discussions about whether or not the old and the fragile and the disabled were an acceptable loss if it meant the sacred economy could return to full function and those who "deserved" it could go back to their lives. Until I opened Twitter and saw my fellow countrymen declaring that trying to protect the vulnerable was a waste of time and resources, and that if a bunch of cripples died, so what? Why should they be robbed of their freedom by...wearing a mask. We could just stay inside forever and rot as long as they got to go on their vacations or out to eat. It was sad for the unfortunates, and they felt terribly, but those were, apparently, the breaks.
It should be noted that their heartfelt sorrow for the plight of did unfortunates did not stop them from spewing their awfulness with merry impunity where anyone could see it.
I've always known that my life never carried much value as far as the world is concerned. When your eyes are at asshole level, you see a lot of shit. But to see it expressed so baldly, and by people you respected--and by your grandmother, ab old lioness for has protected you all your life--breaks something inside you, collapses the faint hope that you were wrong, that you are just a crotchety misanthrope who wants to believe the worst. That people are better than you think.
Five months into the pandemic, the local hospital issued an edict that if medically-vulnerable people contracted COVID, they would not be treated, but sent home to live or die as they might. The resources were needed for those "with a better quality of life," i.e., those with lives they deemed worth living.
And I broke. I ate and slept and read, but I was numb and tired and empty and angry. The world didn't want me, so why should I want it? Why should I waste energy on it? I turned off and tuned out and spent my days staring blankly at Youtube videos.
And then, what should happen but that you should announce that the 2021 tour, which was out of my financial reach, was now slated for 2022? And here I was with two stimulus checks of which I had not spent a cent. In 2010, the hope of seeing you at MSG kept my head above the water. Maybe you would do it again.
Instead of moping, I began researching. Organizing. Planning. Weighing options. Budgeting. Who had time to listen to the nasty little ogres on the Internet when there were logistics to consider? For the first time since that phone call, I had hope of doing more than moldering in my rooms so my healthy superiors could live unencumbered by the dreadful horrors of a cloth mask they could easily remove.
I still seethed at the casual cruelty of my fellows, but now I got up and checked for tour news and watched videos of the European leg to see what to expect and savored Jens Koch's stunning photo work that allowed me to see details I knew I would miss in my terrible accessible seats. I had a purpose. A goal. I felt something other than nothing.
On September 12, 2022, I got into my van and made the eight-hour drive to Florida to pick up a friend, and then we made the thirteen-hour drive to San Antonio. It took four days because I'm just not built for endurance runs, and because my stubborn companion refused to believe the air conditioner was broken until we began to sweat to death even with the windows rolled down. Four days of hotels with no accessible rooms despite them being mandated by federal law. Four days of bathing in sinks and pissing in lobby restrooms and eating fast food and sleeping like shit because my body was in rebellion and exhausted from the adrenaline and the wild fluctuations in body temperature.
We pulled into San Antonio on the 16th. Surely I would get a shower now. My reservation was marked as accessible roll-in shower guaranteed. And this was a swank hotel. I could finally regain a little dignity.
After leaving me to stew in the lobby for two hours after I arrive, an alert bellhop realizes I've been there a while and fetches the manager, who has the grace to look embarrassed and personally delivers the keys. I got to my room, ecstatic at the prospect of a bath, only to find...a bathtub. Which I cannot get into.
I want to cry like a two-year-old. I am hot, dehydrated because it's dangerous to drink when you're not sure you can pee, and filthy. I reek. I know how I must look, like some greasy, slovenly invalid who lacks the awareness or ability to take care of herself. Like someone who should be institutionalized.
I want to protest, but the hotel is fully booked, and I don't want to draw attention to myself. I have driven roughly seventeen hundred miles in in a rolling blast furnace, and I can't risk being kicked out for not being properly grateful. So no shower. At least I can piss in private.
And then it is the 17th, and there is Schneider, and the darkness explodes, and I burst into tears because there you are. I made it. I might stink like a polecat in heat and be sore and dehydrated and exhausted, but you are there, and you are beautiful and magnificent, and nothing else matters, and for two hours, nothing hurts. I weep sporadically from "Armee der Tristen" through "Engel" and again at "Adieu." I'm sure some folks in the section thought I was crazy. I don't care. I was alive. I had rediscovered a sense of wonder I had lost.
Thank you. Thank you, thank you. You kept my head above the water until I found the strength to pull myself out of the despair that threatened to pull me under. You reminded me that there was joy in the world, and wonder, and hope. You gave me a reason to fight even when I don't want to. There can be no greater gift.
No one will ever convince me there aren't wings beneath your skin. Bless you and godspeed, and may you find happiness wherever you go.
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atticsandwitch · 3 years
Obey me characters with an MC who does reckless things because they're afraid of being a burden.
Self indulgent, comfort, angst Less headcannons, more drabbles.
First, in a group chat without MC: House of Lamentation (7) Satan: I just found MC in the kitchen, trying to open a can with a chef knife. Mammon: WHAT Mammon: Why would they wanna do something like that?? Asmo: (Wide eyed emoji) Belphie: Yea, that's stupid even for Mammon Mammon: HEY! Satan: They couldn't find the can opener, and they said they didn't want to bother anyone. Levi: That's actually kind of cute. Levi: It's just like the main character of this anime I just started watching who acts really tough and independent, but deep down is afraid to ask for help and just wants to be loved! Satan: That's not all Lucifer: it's not? Satan: Solomon saw MC yesterday climbing the bookshelves in the RAD library. Satan: Apparently they'd reached the sixth shelf before he could levitate them and the book they needed back to the ground. Beel: Are all humans like this? Lucifer: No. It seems we've found a particularly troublesome one. Levi: Actually I saw them do something similar earlier this week. Asmo: Oh no. Asmo: I bet Mammon's having a heart attack rn Mammon: (sweaty nervous emoji) Levi: They were standing on the counter trying to reach something on the top of the cabinets waaaay in the back. Belphie: That's not that bad Levi: They were also standing on an upside down pot because they were still too short. Levi: and they were wearing heels. Lucifer: Everyone, make sure to keep an eye on MC as often as possible
Sighs out loud reading the group chat
"And here I thought I would just have to protect MC from demon attacks"
He decides to have a talk with you once he gets a little time, and not just about safety. He has a whole lecture planned out about climbing the book cases at RAD.
Unfortunately he's swamped with paperwork and bills to go through, so he doesn't have the chance to talk to you right away.
The next day, however, you're all invited to the Demon Lord's Castle for another overnight retreat, or event of some sort.
Everyone is having fun and causing a ruckus, as usual, and at some point during the evening the group loses you.
You excuse yourself to go to the bathroom, but the palace is so huge you get lost even with directions. At a certain point you know you can find your way back and ask for help, but you can't bring yourself to, and decide to press on to try to find it yourself.
Eventually you find yourself standing in front of an ornate mirror with no reflection. You stop and ponder it for a moment, and as you're about to step away you hear a whisper. You can't make out what it says, but it compels you to step closer. In a corner of the reflected room you notice what looks like a puppet made of bone, with blackened eyes.
"~MC~..." An ethereal whisper, "...c...l...oser..." and in a blink of your eye it's closer to you, and you've stepped closer without realizing it.
Your heart is racing, but you can't stop yourself from reaching out to the mirror. Is it really a mirror...? Another blink and the bone puppet is closer. It tilts it's head at you, and outstretches an arm.
You try to pull back, but realize you can't, you're now mirroring the actions of the puppet as it steps closer, and closer.
Suddenly your vision goes black and you're pulled backwards by the waist, away from the mirror.
After a moment, Lucifer removes his gloved hand from over your eyes, and spins you to face him. He looks worried, frightened almost, but soon regains his composure.
"I thought you were going to the bathroom, MC" He says
It takes you a second to form words again, "I... I was.... I got lost" You had to really think hard about it for a moment.
Lucifer sighs, "You know the castle can be dangerous. If you weren't sure where to go, why not ask someone to show you?"
You were feeling particularly vulnerable after what had just happened, and so decided to be deeply honest, "I'm afraid of being a burden..." you mumble.
He's surprised by the admission, but pulls you close.
"Of all the burdens I've had to shoulder in this life, I promise that you are not one of them, MC" He whispers into your hair as he kisses the top of your head.
Immediately goes to find you after he finishes reading the group chat.
He finds you doing something dangerous with a knife again, and grabs your wrist to stop you.
"Oi, human!" He only calls you that when he's angry, which is rare, "What do ya think yer doin'?"
"I'm just-" he cuts you off
"I don' wanna hear it!"
"Then why did you ask?" you're stare at him. Mammon's face reddens and he realizes he's still holding your wrist, so he gently takes the knife out of your hand and sets it down.
"I mean- What's goin' on with ya lately? Everyone says yer doin' a buncha dangerous stuff!" He put his hands on his hips and only resumes eye contact as he finishes his sentence.
"What do you-?"
"Like climbin' bookshelves, and whatever this is-!" He gestures to the knife and you look away. You're silent for a while; too long for Mammon to take, "C'mon, MC, talk to me" His voice finally softens, arms dropping to his sides. You finally meet his eyes, and the look of concern on his face is heartbreaking.
"I like doing things myself..." you can tell he's not buying it, "I... I just don't want to be a burden..." You admit quietly, voice wavering somewhat.
His eyes go wide, "...MC..." he says softly. Mammon pulls you in for a tight hug, one arm wrapping around your shoulders, and the other hand resting on the back of your head, and holds you like he'd do anything in the world to protect you, which he would.
"Listen up, 'cuz Mammon's gonna give you some free advice" you hear a sniffle, and realize he's crying.
His human was hurting like this, and he never even noticed. What kinda demon am I? He thought, but he knew this wasn't about him right now, so he held you tighter.
"You will never be a burden to me...Ya got that?"
Thinks its pretty adorable that you actually seem to be a little tsundere.
Because of this, and his social anxiety, he doesn't confront you about it right away. Not until the jellyfish incident anyway.
One night you're hanging out with Levi in his room, when you notice that one of his jelly fish decorations had fallen to the ground. So, you decide to string it back up for him.
You looked around, Levi absorbed in his game, and tried to judge the distance between the edge of the bed-tub and the ceiling. That should do it! you think, and climb the edge of the bed-tub. The edge was difficult to balance on, but you knew you'd be careful, and you could almost reach.
Levi turned around just in time to see you, arms stretched too far over your head and on your tip toes on the edge of the tub, and watched as you lose balance completely. He saw it, you were going to fall backwards toward the other side of the tub and crack your head!
Now, he may not be as fast as Mammon, but he is still a demon after all, and just as you felt the jolt of the fall as your foot slipped, you felt arms around your middle, pulling you forcefully forward.
Leviathan had jumped to your rescue, unconsciously changing into his demon form, discarding his controller unceremoniously to the floor, and in his panic underestimated his own strength.
The two of you ended up both landing on the floor, you on top of a very red Leviathan.
"Wh-wh-what were you doing normie?! You were about to fall and crack your skull on the tub!"
You guiltily hold up the jellyfish, "I was just trying to fix it"
"Well get a ladder next time!" It's taking everything in Levi to ignore the position your both in, because its' just like that time in- nevermind, this is more important.
"All you had to do was say something! I was sitting right there!" He still hasn't let you go. He sees the look on your face change into something he can't quite get a read on, but whatever it is, is also full of sadness. "You could have died just then, MC. Why wouldn't you just ask for some help?" His voice is softer, "I was right there" and softer still, almost desperate.
"I..." He could tell whatever you were about to say was difficult for you, "I'm just so afraid of being a burden"
He's heartbroken, "You're my best friend, my player two, my Henry th-the- the person I love" He goes red again and quickly continues as if to bury the words beneath more words, "You're a lot of things, MC, but you're not a burden"
Worrying is bad for the skin. Worrying is bad for the skin. Worrying is bad for the skin. But he can't help it.
One night you get home particularly late, and none of the brothers have seen you. They were about to send out a search party when you finally came home.
When he finds out you walked home alone again, and were so late because you got lost, that's when he finally decides to confront you.
"You walked home alone again? And took WHICH street?! MC don't you know how dangerous it is for a human in the Devildom, especially one with no real magical powers? Not to mention in that area!"
How were you supposed to know? You were lost. He knows these things, but doesn't give you a chance to point them out.
"Beel saw you leave right after classes. If you were so lost why didn't you call one of us?" he asks. The worry and exasperation is plain in his voice.
"I..." you start, "I didn't want to bother anyone that's all" but he can tell there's more to it than that.
"Why are you so worried about bothering us? Don't you know we care about you?" He asks, concern slowly turning to sadness.
"I just don't want to be a burden..."
His eyes go wider than before, which you didn't think was possible. "What in the three realms would give you the idea that you're a burden? MC, you're so precious to me, and if anything were to ever happen, I-"
He begins welling up with tears and pulls you into a tight hug.
"MC, I was worried sick. We all were. Please... Come to me when you need help... I love you"
He walked in and found you trying to use a chef knife to open a can, brought you the can opener, and ultimately left; not entirely sure what to make of the situation yet.
The next time he saw you, you were climbing on top of an unsteady looking stack of books to reach something in the House's library.
Were those one of his stacks? Had you stacked them yourself? It didn't matter. What mattered was that the books all began slipping out from under you.
He rushed over, and caught you with ease as you fell, but your momentum ended up knocking you both to the ground.
He sighs, "What am I going to do with you?"
"Sorry, " you let out an embarrassed laugh, "Are you okay?"
"Yea, and you?" he asks. You nod, and he helps you up. To his confusion you immediately begin stacking the books back up.
"What do you think you're doing?" He asks, suspicious. It looks like you're about to try to climb the stack again.
"There's a book I need" He was right.
This must be how Lucifer feels. He sighs again, and grabs your hand to stop you.
"You can't keep doing stuff like this, MC. It's dangerous" He looks serious, but his cheeks are a little pink, "I'm worried about you. Why won't you ask for help?"
"I..." You start, but hesitate, averting your eyes.
"Tell me the truth, MC" Satan almost pleads, a sad look in his eyes.
"I don't want to be a burden... that's all..." You say, so quietly it's almost a sigh.
Suddenly it all made sense; the way you tried to hide when you were upset, how you always carried just a little too much, the way you always offered to help, even if there was little work to do... Why hadn't he put the pieces together before now?
"Then, I need you to do something for me" He says, after thinking a moment. He steps closer, "I need you to start asking for help,"
He pulls you close, and hugs you tightly, "I know it'll be difficult, but that's why I'll always be there for you"
He pulls away slightly, still holding you, to look into your eyes. His face is very red now, "I'll do whatever it takes to show you that you're not a burden," Kindness and determination burn in his eyes as he leans in for a kiss.
He was walking down the hall when he spots you down at the other end near an open window.
The wind blew something out of your hand, so you leaned out the window to try to grab it. This is when Beel got worried, his instincts kicked in and he picked up his pace.
Your homework got caught by the wind, but stopped by some of the vines clinging to the House of Lamentation, so you leaned out the window but it was just out of reach. You knew you could get it if you could reach just a little further, so you lean out a little more... Just a little more...
Unfortunately that's when you lost balance, and felt yourself tip forward. You'd be out the window in no time flat, and then you'd be flattened on the ground.
Thankfully Beel was able to grab you by the waist and hoist you back inside to safety.
You thank him, and explain the situation but he still looks confused.
"Why wouldn't you just come get one of us? We could've easily gotten it down for you" he asks.
"I thought I'd be able to reach" you try, with an embarrassed and unconvincing smile.
"Tell me the truth, MC. Why are you so afraid to ask for help?"
"I don't want to be a burden..." You say softly, sadness written plainly on your face and in your voice.
"Oh" You look up and the sad, sympathetic look Beel gives you makes you want to cry. "I know the feeling"
"You do?" You ask, tears beginning to spill over
"You think I don't know how many problems my stomach causes for everyone?" He gives you a slightly more serious look, "But that doesn't matter" And now a reassuring, although still slightly sad smile, "Because the people who love and care about you will never think of you as a burden. And trust me, MC, there are plenty of people who love and care about you"
"Like who?" You didn't want to ask, part of your brain knew the answer, but you just had to silence those negative voices.
Beel blushed, "Like me" he says, then silently wipes the tears from your face and pulls you into the softest, safest hug you've ever felt.
He wasn't worried at all initially. Sure humans are fragile compared to demons, but they're not that fragile. Plus you've survived this long on your own and now you've got demons, angels, a prince, and a sorcerer all looking out for you. Not to mention the way brothers' tend to exaggerate.
He was laying outside under a large tree, intending to try out a new nap spot, when he saw you leaning out of the window.
He smiled and was about to wave when he realized something was wrong. You were leaning too far out of the window. You were going to-
He jolted upright like he'd been hit by lightning as he watched you lose your balance
He already knew there was no way he'd be able to make it to you in time, even with demonic speed.
Thankfully Beel was there. Belphie let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding when he saw Beel pull you back inside and got up to go make sure you're alright.
He realizes his brothers were right to be worried, and he's angry about it.
You're on your way back to your room by the time he catches up with you, but he can see that your eyes are red from crying, and his anger evaporates. He asks you what's wrong, and you explain everything.
Why you almost fell out the window, your conversation with Beel, and how you're afraid of being a burden.
"Well, Beel's right, you could never be a burden to any of us" He says, so don't even worry about it" he says, giving you an easy smile, despite how sad he felt for his human.
"That's... Easier said than done..." You reply, unconvinced.
"That's why I'll always be by your side, MC. I won't even give you the chance to worry about it!"
He pulls you into a hug and strokes your hair, starting the waterworks all over again. He'll hold you until you've calmed down again, and then pull you up to the attic where you two can make a pillow fort and nap.
He'll probably also start a tickle fight just to hear you laugh again.
Btw, who made you feel this way, MC, he just wants to murder torture talk.
Lucifer has shared his concerns, as he often does, so Diavolo is aware of your reckless nature. He finds it somewhat amusing, but mostly concerning.
It's during one of the events that he finally witnesses it for himself.
He always found it sweet how you tried to help everyone, and you were doing it again. You were running around helping all of the brothers with everything. He doesn't know how those seven managed without you before you came to the Devildom, and the way they rely on you is more than a little amusing.
This time you were helping Asmo with decorations, but he seemed to have disappeared somewhere, no doubt to fix his makeup, or to take a break to avoid sweating too much.
When Diavolo walked in his eyes went wide. You were using progressively taller stacks of chairs to climb the tallest stack in the room in order to hang decorations on the ceiling, and your arms were so full of supplies that there was no way you could balance properly on the already unsteady stacks.
He'd already made it to the base of the stacks when the one you were on started to wobble.
"MC!" he called out in a panic, but this seemed to startle you, and the jolt caused you, the stack of chairs, and all your decorations to come crashing down.
Diavolo caught you effortlessly, and shielded you from any flying chairs in the process.
"Mc, are you okay?" He asks, eyes still wide, "what in the Devildom were you thinking?"
"Sorry, I was just trying to help" you say
He feels anger towards the brothers creeping in the back of his mind. That they would leave you alone, with so much work, and still none of them are to be found after such a loud crash; it's unacceptable. But he pushes those thoughts back for now.
"That was dangerous, even for a demon. You could have been seriously injured just now," The look of concern on his face tugs at your heart.
"Sorry" you mumble again, "You can put me down, now... I should start cleaning up"
"Forgive me for being selfish," He smiles a little, "But I don't think I want to put you down just yet. The clean up can wait"
Your face reddens. You're not sure what to say to that, but you can't deny that it feels good to be held like this in his strong arms.
He looks briefly around at the mess of scattered chairs and decorations that you had intended to hang and clean up by yourself, "Tell me, MC," He looks back to you, "You seem to have a hard time asking for help, why is that?"
You're surprised by the directness of the question, and look away. He notices, and feels a bit guilty, but knows that if things continue the way they are, you will definitely get hurt one day.
"I guess it's because... I'm afraid of being a burden" you answer honestly. You feel that you owe him that much.
"I see..." He hums, then smiles happily, "Then perhaps I should carry you around until you admit that you are not a burden!"
"WHAT?" the look on your face makes him laugh heartily.
"Just kidding!" He chuckles, "...Maybe"
"Diavolo that's- I-"
"You are extraordinary, MC," There's a serious look on his face now, "In fact I could describe you in a million different ways, but the word 'burden' would never be among them"
He begins walking out of the room, still carrying you in his arms.
"What are you doing? What about the decorations?"
"I think I'd like to keep you to myself for the day, if that's alright with you, my dear" Diavolo smiles down at you.
As you two walk down the hall, away from the ballroom you hear the brothers' voices as they enter, "Whoa? What the heck happened in here?" Mammon exclaims.
He had invited you for tea, and you offered to help Barbatos make and serve it.
You try to carry too much, and in your rush drop the entire tray, shattering the beautiful tea set and all of the plates of desserts.
"I'm so sorry!" You immediately bend down and begin tying to pick up the pieces, "I'll replace it-" You stop as you realize that you're not sure you could even afford to replace a royal tea set.
"Allow me to help" Barbatos says, bending down.
"No, no, it's fine! I can get it!" You look up and give him an unconvincing smile, and while you're not paying attention to what you're doing, you slice your hand open on one of the sharp pieces of porcelain.
Barbatos pulls a roll of gauze and bandages out of one of his pockets, "Let's get this taken care of, shall we?" he says, but you're still picking up pieces with your other hand.
"I can do it, I just-..."
"It's only a tea set," As Barbatos stills your frantic hands, he notices your tears.
"I'm sorry," You finally say after a long moment of silence, during which he begins bandaging your injured hand, "I tried to help, but I was still only a burden after all..." Barbatos is surprised by this admission, to say the least.
"You should know that It makes me very happy to be able help and take care of people. I especially enjoy the way your face lights up with a tinge of surprise whenever I do something for you that you are not expecting..." He pauses in thought, and looks as though he's realized something that makes him sad, but whatever it is, he keeps it to himself. He finishes bandaging your hand, and places his on the side of your face.
"MC, It is a pleasure, and genuinely brings me joy to be able to do things for you. Please allow me to help you more often."
He takes a handkerchief out of his pocket and dries your tears.
He leads you to sit in a comfortable chair, "Please, rest until you feel better, and allow me to take complete care of you today"
He makes some tea and food for you both to share and makes sure you don't have to lift a finger for the rest of the day, leaving the broken tea set completely forgotten on the floor in the other room for the time being.
He always has kind words for you whenever you see each other, and while he enjoys your help in the kitchen, he always makes sure not to let you do too much, and he never lets you clean up.
He takes extra care of you from now on, and Diavolo finds it absolutely adorable, though he may be a tiny bit jealous.
You might've actually given this man a heart attack.
He would've thought it was funny if it hadn't looked like the bookshelf was about to come crashing down on top of you.
"Don't worry! I'm used to climbing things; I'm careful!" You try to convince him, "That does not, in fact, make me feel any better, MC"
He dedicates time to teaching you a levitation spell or two, depending on your magical abilities, so you don't have to climb things any more.
As he's teaching you he decides to ask you about the book shelf incident.
"Something's been on my mind lately" He says, turning to you as you practice. You ask him what it is as you turn your attention to his face and notice that he looks troubled. "The other day, in the library. You knew I was there, sitting nearby... Why didn't you just ask for my help?"
"Oh, I just thought I could get the book myself" That wasn't the answer he was looking for, so he presses on.
"But surely it would've been easier to use a ladder, then. wouldn't it?"
"Well... I- uh- wasn't sure where they were" you sounded a little embarrassed, and turned your attention back to the spell.
Solomon looks a little saddened, "Hmm..." he pauses. You didn't want his help and you didn't even want to ask him a simple question? "MC, is there a reason you didn't want to ask me for help?" Watching you, he saw that the question gave you pause.
"I... have a hard time asking for help sometimes..." You admit, hoping that's the end of it. But of course, it isn't.
"Oh?" he gently prompts you to explain.
He can tell that you're only pretending to pay attention to the spell now, to avoid eye contact, "I've just always been afraid of being a burden"
His face grows sadder for a moment, but you continue to avoid his gaze. He folds his arms, and moves a closed fist to his chin in thought.
"I think that sometimes, not asking for help can be more of a burden" he says, finally catching your attention. You look up questioningly and he continues in a gentle voice, "Think about it, you're placing too much of the burden on yourself, which is making everyone around you worry. And besides that, what if you get hurt? Then you'll need more help from others than you would have in the first place"
It's your turn to look troubled. You hadn't realized that you were worrying everyone, or that you were causing them trouble.
He lets you think for a moment, before placing a comforting hand on your back.
"MC, it's okay to rely on others. People like it when you ask for help. It makes them feel special to you" He says, and when you look up he's giving you one of the kindest smiles you've ever seen on this shady magic boomer's face.
He hopes you catch his little hint, I want to feel special to you, MC
"Thank you, Solomon. I'd never thought of it that way" you smile back, "I'll try to ask for your help more often"
"I'll look forward to it!" He says with an even brighter smile.
He noticed just in time; you had decided to walk home alone again and two suspicious looking demons were about to corner you down an alley.
You were scared, you think they had been following you for at least a couple blocks, and now you had nowhere to go. You were at a dead end.
"You two want to leave." A familiar voice, "NOW." Simeon was smiling, but he looked so intimidating in the shadow of the alley, and something ominous was also radiating off of him. Was he angry?
"C'mon it's not worth it" one of the demons said, "Killjoy" said the other. Simeon watches them leave with an intimidating expression before finally approaching you.
"MC, are you alright?" He asks, features now full of concern.
"Yea! Thanks for that, I was starting to get a little worried"
The concern on his face grows, didn't you know how much danger you'd been in just then? "Those two had been following you for a while... Why didn't you call out for help? Or call someone on your D.D.D?"
"Well... I- I just thought maybe they were walking in the same direction, so I wasn't sure..." You sounded nervous.
How could you be unsure? Simeon had never seen a more suspicious looking pair of demons in his life, and if you'd heard what they were saying they wanted to do to you, you'd understand why he was angry. He sighs.
He notices you're shaking, ever so slightly. Maybe you had overheard... You seemed to be more shaken than you were trying to let on.
In the silence he realizes that this part of town wouldn't be part of your normal route back to the House of Lamentation, "Were you lost?" You nod. "Why not ask for directions?" He asks
"Everyone was so busy when I left RAD... I didn't want to bother them. They're always taking care of me as it is... I just thought..."
So that's why you were walking home alone
"I'll walk you back then" he offers you his hand, and you want to take it, but to his surprise you can't bring yourself to.
"That's alright! You've already done so much for me. I'm sure I can find my way home now!" You try to force a smile, but Simeon can see right through you.
"MC... What's really going on?" His face is serious again but his voice is kind as he steps closer and rests a hand on your shaking arm.
You can't hold back tears any more, "I... Just don't... want to be a burden... to anyone" The quiet words break Simeon's heart.
Who could've made you feel this way?
He draws you into a strong, gentle hug, cradling the back of your head to hold you closer and stroke your hair.
"Don't ever think like that, MC" He breathes into your ear, "You are so loved"
You're going to give this smoll baby angel a heart attack, and there's not much he can even do to about it.
You were carrying too much, like you always do, and Luke noticed almost too late.
You were heading straight for the stairs, and your books and supplies were stacked too high for you to see!
"MC, LOOK OUT!" he shouts.
You stop just as your foot passes the threshold of the first stair and you feel the drop.
You drop everything you're carrying, but thanks to Luke's warning you stopped your own momentum before you could tumble down the stairs with everything else.
Relief floods through Luke as you stare at the mess, shaken and disheartened by the prospect of the clean up.
He runs to you, demanding to know that you're okay.
Of course he helps you clean up and carries as much as he can for you.
He's always offering to carry things for you now, even if all you have is a book or two.
He keeps a nervous eye on you from now on too.
Give this poor baby angel a hug.
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redhairedwolfwitch · 2 years
Do All Malivore Monsters Provide This Level of Emotional Insight? - Legacies x Noralise!Daughter!Reader
Long Time, No See
B/m/n = biological mother’s name
A/n: season 3 is very ehh for storylines, because I am struggling here, I just want to write season 4, ahh
"I've got you back, that's all that matters anyway." Hope answered Landon's question of if she was okay, not noticing you in the corner of the library, reading.
"What happened between you and Y/n? Because Y/n and Lizzie both don't feel that way, it seems." Landon pointed out, gesturing to you in the corner, but you had headphones in.
"I freaked her out, stormed into her room when she was just in a towel-"
"Yeah, I can see why that would freak someone out." Landon interjected as Hope chuckled, gently nudging him to shush.
"Not the entire story but Y/n's not going to tell Hope about being in love with her, so that'll have to do." Mary-Louise added, but she went unheard, because ghosts could do nothing but watch as everything was occurring.
You were blasting music when the others walked in.
"Y/n, gremlin on the loose, want to help?" Cleo asked as she walked over, carefully taking out one of your headphones.
"Has it shed already?" You enquired as you spotted the furry goop skin on the desk.
"Apparently feeds on disrespect, and Hope and Lizzie have been arguing all day." Kaleb elaborated as you stood up, wrapping your headphones around your phone after removing them.
"Makes sense. Any idea on how to kill one yet?" You asked as Kaleb went to go get another book.
"So, what do we have so far?" You enquired as you began to glance through books with Cleo, neither of you spotting the glowing pink eyes watching.
"It's behind you... feels like I'm at the panto." B/m/n chuckled as Nora and Mary-Louise looked extremely confused at what she was saying.
"The gremlin, the gremlin took Cleo and Y/n!" Kaleb exclaimed as he hurried to the gym, where Landon was with Hope and Lizzie.
Cleo's mouth was gagged as she was tied up in the bottom of the empty well, looking down to spot your body, and how your neck was snapped.
"She'll be talking to Angelo by now, I wonder what he has to say this time." B/m/n muttered, Nora sighed as Mary-Lou let out a huff that had her nostrils flaring.
"Y/n, you need to know something. Nothing is what it seems." Oren warned, the glow vanishing as your body being moved from the well.
"We have a problem, Y/n's neck was snapped by the gremlin." Cleo explained as Landon helped Cleo climb out of the well.
"Wait, what, she's not revived yet?" Landon stammered, looking down into the well.
"Y/n will be fine, she can teleport, remember?" Lizzie added but Hope frowned.
"Not until she wakes up, and waking up alone in the bottom of a well might freak her out more than, than what I did. I'll apologise when she wakes up." Hope explained as Lizzie and Kaleb looked confused.
"Uh, what did you do?" Lizzie raised an eyebrow, but Hope shook her head, a sad look on her face as she looked down into the well at your body.
"I am done with passing out and waking up in random places." You declared as you woke up, rubbing your eyes as you sat up on a bed that wasn't yours.
"Your neck was snapped this time but I guess it's similar." Hope replied as she was revealed to be in the room.
You were in Hope's room, on her bed.
"Sorry, I'm crashing-"
"Y/n, I need to apologise. I've treated you like crap these last few weeks, you didn't deserve that and I'm sorry. I missed Landon, but I also missed you." Hope admitted, reaching out to hold your hand, and smiling as you took it.
"I know, it's just, it's hard to be everyone's last choice, Hope." You explained, running your hands down your face as Hope nodded, squeezing your hand gently.
"What about, tonight, we go find Lizzie, and look for the portal? Landon and I are going to watch a movie later-"
"It's gremlins, isn't it?" You interrupted Hope, raising an eyebrow as Hope laughed.
"Yeah, it's Gremlins."
Your mothers smiled softly as they watched you and Hope fix things, glad that the two of you were talking again, but B/m/n frowned as she began to wonder, what was Angelo telling you in limbo.
All's Well That Ends Well
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If My Kingdom Falls, I’ll Lose it All
A birthday gift to the lovely @aidensm8. Ty so much @dramaticsnakes for beta-reading <33333
Cws: minor angst, feeling of not being good enough, implied overworking, neglecting self-care
Summary: "A good king takes care of himself."
"I'm not a king yet."
Roman was a prince. A prince who would soon become a king. There were too many things to do and the golden-eyed guard kept on getting in his way.
The Sanders Kingdom received the provocative letter that detailed the new laws set for their neighboring kingdoms that would soon fit their own as well. The King had discussed the arrangement, focusing on the inflation or artisan goods and rations provided to the people. The meetings took place over several months with no changes made in favor of the Sanders Kingdom. The nation soon declared war, providing that regulations were detrimental to-
“-no no, you should have seen him last night. He was a complete mess.”
Roman let out an exhale. The guards were socializing by his door again. When would they learn that they were getting paid to stand there and not go around pretending the castle was the local pub? He harshly stood up from his chair, not minding how it made a semi-loud sound as it moved across the floor. He made a few quick steps to open the door, glaring with the first guard he saw. 
A walking stereotype. Muscles, dark hair, and a straightened-up posture once he saw Roman’s presence. Roman took in a small breath. Kings were polite with their people. He had to be kind and civil. He slipped a small smile on his face, making the edges of his eyes crinkle slightly, “Gentlemen.”
The guard looked at Roman’s eyes for a moment, but the eye contact seemed uncomfortable for the man. The guard slipped on a smile but it was filled with apprehension and hesitation.  “Prince- Prince Roman. I hope we didn’t disturb you.”
Well, you did, he bitterly thought. He let a small chuckle escape him, one that wasn’t out of personal enjoyment but to rather relieve the tension. “You didn’t, but could you two tell the guards by hallway C to rotate their positions with you?” He didn’t know which guards he was swapping out, but they must have been better than these two. 
He looked over at the other guard, almost forgetting he existed. His eyes were slightly narrowed as a tight smile rested on his face. His eyes were peculiar. Roman barely had time to dissect the distaste painted over the man’s face as he noticed a golden eye staring back at him. It seemed to stare through his soul and assert that he was the royal one there. 
Roman swallowed the feeling down his throat as the original guard spoke, “As you wish, Prince Roman.” The guard made a few steps away from the door, the armor clinking quietly around him. He took a look back, noticing that the guard positioned next to him hadn’t moved. 
“Sir Deceit?” The guard with the golden eye- who was apparently Sir Deceit- looked away from Roman and to the other guard. 
He took a quiet exhale as he nodded at Roman. “As you wish, Prince Roman.” There might have been another moment where Sir Deceit lingered there for a second longer than he should have, but the time flew by Roman as the guard soon walked away. 
Deceit. It was an odd name for a guard. A guard that’s supposed to be honest and truthful to his kingdom was going by Deceit. Roman momentarily wondered what Sir Deceit’s real name was before he shook his head to himself and retreated back into his room. Names were kept secret out of safety. Something about how it lowered assassination attempts or perhaps just general threats.
A part of his mind kept returning back to the guard as he sat down and tried to continue reading about their foreign affairs. He shouldn’t care about the guard, he just had a weird eye and name and that was the end of it. He had a kingdom that would fall into his hands within a matter of months. He didn’t have time to focus on the insignificant details of his workers.
Roman moved his hands around as the book suggested. One around an imaginary waist and the other holding an invisible hand. He slowly stepped forward while holding the pose, then moving to the right as he turned around to end up in the starting position. He took a small breath as he proceeded to widen his stance. The book reminded him how important it was, but he kept on forgetting.
A warm voice called out from behind him. “Prince Roman, permission to speak freely?”
Roman turned around. He was about to decline the permission to the guard when he noticed his eyes. Golden-eyed boy was guarding him again. He wished the guard’s name didn’t feel familiar on his mind. “Permission granted.”
“You’re doing horribly.”
Roman felt his body become tense as he forced his posture to vaguely loosen up, but the confusion on his face was evidence of his initial reaction. Rule one- a guard should never insult royalty. Roman felt any confidence he could’ve had leave him as he turned away from him. “I’m still learning, Sir Deceit.”
Footsteps made their way behind him as warm hands gently fell onto his body. Sir Deceit’s chest was pressed against his back as he slowly pushed Roman’s arms to be more curved and open. He whispered into his ear, “You can’t learn such a fluid dance from a book. The pages are so rigid, it’s practically incorrect to learn that way.”
Before Roman could’ve made any comment, Sir Deceit walked around him, interlocking their fingers in his left hand and placing Roman’s other hand onto his waist. Roman looked Sir Deceit up and down. The guard seemed to know what he was doing with how calmly he looked up at Roman. Warmness was present on him, gently reminding him that he needed to do something. “S- Sir Deceit, this is quite unprofessional of you. I’ll have to ask you to remove your hands from me.”
Roman almost wished that they stayed together a bit longer, but they were separated as soon as they were joined. “As you wish, my prince.”
He could feel the phantom warmth on his skin. He looked away from Sir Deceit and to the book. “You’re dismissed, Sir Deceit.”
Sir Deceit let out a small hum. It was one of approval, but it was so… wrong. There wasn’t a witty remark that Roman knew was in the back of his mind or a protest to stay. There wasn’t even a statement of agreement. Just a small noise.
But what was Roman doing? His coronation was coming close and he had to know the kingdom’s traditional dances by heart to not look a fool. Yet, he somehow felt like one already. With warmness tingling on his waist and hand, he repositioned his body into the starting position.
Roman faced the mirror, critically eyeing the man he saw in it. While it was him in the mirror, it wasn’t him. He wore a newer outfit, but it was still in the same style as his wardrobe. He carefully moved a few hairs to lay slightly on his face. Enough to look casual, but not enough to look messy. 
He tensed at the muffled snicker behind him. He turned around, almost expecting his brother there but he only saw a gua- Sir Deceit. The man held a hand to his mouth, but Roman could still see how his eyes crinkled. Roman raised an eyebrow, “Is something funny?”
Sir Deceit shook his head before he dropped his hand to reveal the smile on his face, “Prince Roman, permission to speak freely?”
Roman let out a short breath as he held a tensed smile. The words were too light-hearted. As if he wasn’t a guard who worked for him and instead as if they were friends for many years. “Permission granted.”
Sir Deceit took a few small steps towards him. Roman found himself looking away and towards the mirror, but even that still held his the guard’s reflection. He could luckily see that the man’s eyes lingered on his outfit instead of him. “It’s ridiculous,” Sir Deceit quietly said, almost as if it was to himself. “You spend so much time on everything that’s already perfect that you fail to acknowledge what actually needs to be fixed.”
Roman scoffed, “If you’re so fashionably gifted then please let me know what needs to be ‘fixed.’” The last word was sarcastic as Roman resisted rolling his eyes.
“Your collar,” Sir Deceit responded without hesitation. “It’s a bit crooked.”
Roman looked into the mirror. His collar seemed normal to him- perfect even. Perhaps Sir Deceit was just a liar trying to get a rise out of Roman to finally prove that he shouldn’t be king. Maybe even point out that learning what kings should know shouldn’t be so difficult for him. “My collar is fine.”
“No, it isn’t.”
Roman took his gaze away from his collar and towards Sir Deceit. “You’re dismissed, Sir Deceit.”
Sir Deceit stood there for a moment before he took the smallest step towards Roman. He gently grabbed Roman’s collar, making a few tugs that Roman caught in the mirror before the guard pulled away. “I didn’t hear you, what did you say?” There was a hidden smugness behind the words that made Roman smile.
“My collar was fine, but-” thank you. He shouldn’t thank a guard, he was simply doing his job. Guards didn't get thanked for the bare minimum, only if they saved a life or did something else heroic. “You’re dismissed, Sir Deceit.”
Janus nodded once, apparently pleased with Roman’s response. “As you wish, my prince.”
Roman let out a long breath as he tried to read over the words again. They only seemed blurrier as more tears filled his vision. It was simple, he shouldn’t be acting so stupid about it. Although the laws contradicted each other, he was sure they made sense. He just wasn’t trying hard enough. 
He let out a slow, shaky breath, as he leaned back in his chair. He gently blinked the tears out, willing himself not to sob in the library. He carefully wiped the shed tears away, making sure not to rub them so his face wouldn’t be splotchy. A good king didn't cry over something so easy.
A moment too long passed with only more emotion brewing inside him. He looked down at his book again, his gaze momentarily catching a guard’s, but he quickly focused his mind on the book. 
The words were still blurry, but he tried to make himself focus on the content. Perhaps he wasn’t even reading the words anymore, only scanning the page in case it would randomly start to make sense. Somewhere between seconds and minutes, he felt a warm presence on his shoulder that made him want to curl up in hopes that it surrounded him. Through a quick glance, he spotted a gloved hand resting there. “Prince Roman, permission to speak freely?”
It was Sir Deceit. He didn’t remember that the man wore gloves. Roman nodded to the guard’s question, not trusting his voice with a confident answer.
“You should rest, my prince.” The sympathetic voice dripped into Roman’s ears, filling them with pity and kind-hearted melancholy.
Roman weakly shook his head. He didn’t need a break. He needed to understand. He blinked as a tear slid down his face and silently fell onto the page. He shouldn’t be this pathetic, it was simple. All the other kings understood it with ease- perhaps he didn’t deserve the role so graciously given to him.
Sir Deceit gave a gentle squeeze to Roman’s shoulder. The direct action made him wilt, any confidence he held fading away. When the book was removed from him, he followed it with his vision. He saw gloves holding it, dabbing the part of the page wetted by Roman’s tear.
Roman let out a quiet sigh as Sir Deceit closed the book. “You won’t get anywhere tonight and it’ll be here tomorrow.” The words were too gentle to reject, turning painfully in Roman’s chest. He stood up, but the feeling still lingered when he turned away. He took a step away from Sir Deceit, feeling the hand slowly slip off him. 
“You’re dismissed, Sir Deceit.” He couldn’t find himself to care that his voice broke or how he felt a sob breaking through him that he managed to quiet at the last moment. There was something hesitant said to him. Perhaps a farewell, goodbye, or another phrase for departure.
Or perhaps it was confirmation that he shouldn’t be king.
Roman stood in the mirror as he adjusted his collar. He cringed at the sight of himself as he tried to focus on anything else, but it all seemed so wrong. Flat hair accompanied with too-pale skin didn’t compliment the slight frown on his face. He tried to flash himself a smile, but it seemed far too flimsy. A small breath left him. He didn’t have anything to do, so he might just keep himself in the library. 
Not for long of course. Only an hour or two to refresh his mind. The steps there were easy after all. Sir Deceit trailed close behind. Roman would’ve complained about his constant presence, but a small part of him liked the familiarity of the golden eye accompanied by a warm voice. There was nothing personal about the attachment. The traits would have been nice on anyone.
The library brought a vague feeling of dread that he pushed down as he inhaled the calm scent of books. He walked to a table and sat down. A pile of books rested next to the chair. He quietly picked one up as he opened it to where he last was. 
The pages seemed kinder to him today. There was still minor frustration embedded into the words, but he still turned the page after a minute or two of processing what he read. He sat straight up, leaning to the side as he heard a few cracks from his back as he stretched. After a moment of letting his body move, he refocused his eyes onto the book. 
A warm voice welcomed him away from the text, “Prince Roman, permission to speak freely?”
Roman looked up from the book and to Sir Deceit. “Of course.” A soft smile found a way onto his face, but it felt the slightest bit strained. 
“Have you eaten breakfast yet?”
Roman frowned as he noticed an appetite that had appeared at random. He shook his head.
Sir Deceit continued where he didn’t, “Do you plan to eat soon?”
Roman shrugged. “I’m not sure how you view ‘soon,’ but I’ll eat eventually.”
The conversation quieted in a way Roman found himself comfortable with. He settled back into his book, only making it a few pages before Sir Deceit spoke again, “I can bring you something from the kitchen.” The words dipped into a concern that made Roman shift slightly in his chair. 
“Food isn’t allowed into the library.” It was odd that Sir Deceit apparently seemed to not know the rules of the castle, speaking so casually and making improper requests. 
“There’s more than rules in life, my prince.”
Roman tensed as he looked away from his book and up at Sir Deceit. He didn’t spend months if not years learning what the rules were for himself and the kingdom just for a guard to say that they weren’t important. “Rules define who a person is, Sir Deceit.” His voice was laced with bitterness he didn’t have the patience to apologize for.
Yet, Sir Deceit seemed oblivious to it as he shook his head. “They might define social norms and common courtesy, but they don’t do much more than that.”
Roman looked down at his book. He didn’t have time for this. Janus quietly sighed. “Would you like me to bring you something from the kitchen, Prince Roman?”
Roman didn’t bother to look up at the guard. “You’re dismissed, Sir Deceit.”
The uprising was ineluctable yet unscrupulous. Their power contended the sovereignty of their time with the insistence of their previous-
The sound of the plate in front of him brought him out of the pages and into the library. He blinked up at the food as his stomach let out a quiet growl. “I’m-” fine. His sentence was cut off by the sight of a yellow glove gently hanging at the side of the plate. He looked up, spotting Sir Deceit himself standing there. “I didn’t request this.”
Sir Deceit nodded once, the action too quick and smug for any possible hesitance to slip through. “I’m aware of that, Prince Roman.”
Roman let his shoulders drop slightly as he fiddled with one of the pages. “You can take that back to the kitchen,” he said through an exhale.
“A good king takes care of himself.”
Then I won’t be a good king. “I’m not king yet.”
“You’re practicing to become one, no?” Roman rolled his eyes. Even through his practices, most of the time he failed at the simplest traditions and memorization. “Roman, you have to take care of yourself. Even if you’re excited about your new position, you’re still… human.”
“I’m not excited about any of this,” the words were his own, but they left him without permission, only weighing heavily as he continued to talk, “I never asked to be a prince. I- I know I should be grateful, but…” He let his voice drift off with a long exhale picking up its place. His eyes drifted back to the book.
“Stand up.”
Roman chuckled as he looked up at Sir Deceit. “You’re a guard, you’re in no position to command a prince.”
Sir Deceit rolled his eyes with a faux smile on his face. “I would like to request you to stand up, my prince.” He held out a gloved hand out to Roman. Hesitation shined from the interaction, but Roman gently held Sir Deceit’s hand as he stood up.
Sir Deceit began walking as Roman followed along. They wandered through the old library, the silence stretching between them finding a comfortable place through their echoing footsteps. The guard turned around corners and hallways Roman had never seen, leading him to a wooden door that Sir Deceit opened with ease. 
Roman quietly gasped at the cold air that hit him. It was a door that led outside. Sir Deceit gently tugged for him to go further, but Roman stood where he was. “I’m not allowed to go outside after dark.” He looked through the door with admiration. The sky was dark as he saw glimpses of tall spruce trees and small specks of stars. 
Sir Deceit turned to him, a gentle smile on his face. Not one tinted with compassion, but one of adventure. “There’s more to life than social boundaries.”
And with a tug of his hand, Roman started slowly walking outside with his guard. The grass moved underneath his shoes. It would have done that in the day too, but it seemed so different with the quiet secretiveness.
It only took a few steps for Roman to stare at the stars. He saw them in old books and paintings hung across the walls, but he never saw them before. “What would have happened if I never brought you out here?” The question was quiet in a way that seemed rhetorical but it didn’t stop Roman from wondering. 
He looked down from the stars and into Sir Deceit’s eyes. The golden one seemed to oddly glow. “I would’ve stayed in the library.”
“No, I mean long-term.” Roman found himself taking glances away from Sir Deceit’s eyes and towards the stars behind him. “You would’ve missed this.”
Roman shook his head. “I would’ve eventually seen them.”
Sir Deceit shrugged. “I’ve looked through the rules. You’re only allowed out this late a few times a year.”
“So you do know what the rules are.”
Sir Deceit shook his head slightly, a silent laugh of sorts. “I’m well aware of what they are. I just know they aren’t worth paying attention to. Especially compared to moments like this.”
Roman found himself nodding to the words as he looked at his fingers interlocked with Sir Deceit’s. He tested the waters, giving the hand a small squeeze. He received one in return without a response.
He barely thought before he pressed his lips onto Sir Deceit’s. His eyes closed, but he could still feel the stars. He took his free hand to cup Sir Deceit’s cheek, keeping him close into the kiss. A slow moment passed before he pulled away with a smile. “You’re something different, Sir Deceit.”
“It’s Janus.”
Roman’s smile faltered for a brief moment. “You aren’t supposed to say your real name. You could be permanently dismissed- if not exiled for such a thing.” Something set uncomfortably in his chest at the idea of not seeing Sir Dec- Janus’ golden eye again. Or to hear how a question dripped in sarcasm and politeness at the same time.
Janus pressed a quick kiss onto Roman’s lips. “Maybe I don’t care anymore, prince Roman.”
“Just Roman.”
A small smile fell onto Janus. “Your name reveal was a little less dramatic.”
Roman let a chuckle escape him. “It’s not my fault I wasn’t given a secret name.”
Janus gave Roman’s hand a light squeeze. “You don’t need one, I’ll just call you mine.”
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bedbellyandbeyond · 3 years
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Only Vampires
(Story Post)
Nari wasn't sure why he trusted these two vampires, but he wanted to know what they knew and so he followed them to their home. They didn't live more than a block north of where the library stood. They must've lived there a long time to afford such a big house, but then again, he had no idea what the housing market was like here. Either way, any active and diligent vamp over 100 years old could secure themself considerable wealth if they tried. Nari himself hadn't focused on capital during the majority of his life though, but he still did well for himself. The front doors of the house were very big, with stained glass windows, but Wesley and Everett took him around to the back door which was average sized and let no light in. This wasn't an issue right now as it was an hour to midnight, but he guessed that any daytime travel came through here, so they'd grown accustomed to it.
Inside was a small mudroom with another door at the other end. Nari waited for Everett to take off his shoes before he removed his own because wasn't sure what the traditions were in this country, but he was only further confused when Wesley took his shoes off but Everett kept them on. “Um, shoes on or off?” Nari had to ask. Wesley wacked Everett's leg with his loafer. “Shoes off, please.” Nari was relieved and did as told. “Alright.” “I'm not sure why we adopted that,” Everett said, reluctantly removing his footwear and then promptly putting on a pair of slippers. “My family always wore their shoes inside, his family wore shoes inside… Not to mention, it doesn't matter at all what Wesley wears.” “It's for our housemates,” Wesley said. “We have several housemates from across the world, you'll find Nari. The general consensus has been shoes off. We do our best to be accommodating.” He then proceeded to pull out a set of wheel slippers and socks and maneuvered them onto his chair. Nari thought for a second and then raised a hand. “I hope you don't think I need somewhere to stay. I'm well established.” “No, no,” Wesley said. “We just like to help anyone when it comes to library matters. As you may have noticed, it is not very accessible to all vamps of all shapes, abilities, and colours. We like to help anyone find the knowledge they need.” Nari nodded. “I see. So you steal the books for them.” “I told you, we borrow them,” Everett said as he led them through to the main hall. “Evie does think of himself as a modern-day Robin Hood of Knowledge, though,” Wesley said. The main hall was a lot more modern than Nari expected for a house apparently full of vampires. It was open concept with a lovely kitchen with granite counter tops. Further on was the living room and stairs, both up to the next floor and down to the basement. An elevator had also been installed beside the stairs for easier access to all floors. Nari’s hosts took him down to the basement, which was set up as a games room and study. There was pool, and darts, and even a pinball machine on one side. Some lounge chairs, a sofa, and a set of bookshelves on the other. There, they found another pair of vampires, one with her nose in a book, the other passed out on the couch, an open book on his chest. “Ah, glad some of you are here,” Wesley said going over to the reading nook. “Inaya, please meet Nari. We met him at the library.” The conscious vampire got up and smiled. She wore a hijab and had big round eyes framed with detailed eyeliner. She offered a hand to Nari. “Nice to meet you. Are you looking at a room?” “No, no, I’m just getting a little extra help with my research,” Nari said shaking her hand. “It’s nice to meet you. I’ve never met, well, a vampire like you.” “A hijabi vampire?” Inaya chuckled. “Me neither. That’s why I’m here.” “To find more?” Nari asked. “No, to learn about being a vampire,” Inaya said. “I didn’t know anything about them really until I was turned, and I didn’t have any other vampires around to teach me. Figuring out how to be a vampire and muslim at the same time is difficult. Blood is haram, you see.” “Ah.” Nari nodded. “Have the books been helpful?” “Some, yes. Wesley seems to know how to find me good reads,” Inaya said. “I’ve tried entering the library on my own, but it’s always been a hassle. They always find some excuse not to let us in.” “I understand,” Nari said rollimg his eyes. “It's a different excuse each time.” Everett went over and kicked the end of the couch to wake its occupant. “Rise, Jeremiah! Meet our guest!” Wesley frowned. “Evie, let the boy sleep. He's probably been studying tirelessly, the poor kid.” It was too later however and the sleepy vampire stirred and sat up, rubbing his eyes. The book he had been reading fell off his chest and onto the floor. The bang made him curse and scramble to pick it up. “Shit, it better not be busted… These old ass books…” “Language, Jeremiah. You know the rules,” Everett scolded. “Shit, sorry, Ev,” the vampire huffed. “Not my fault you woke me up.” “I have half the mind to discipline you,” Everett said, crossing his arms. “Yeah, that’ll look good, you pasty old Brit beating my black ass…” the young vampire mocked. He noticed Nari. “Who’s this little mosquito?” Wesley put a hand on Nari's shoulder. “This is Nari. We're helping him in his research.” The other got up and offered a hand to the newcomer. “It's Jez, but these old farts insist on calling me by my whole name like they're my damn mother or something.” Everett huffed. “Seriously, if you don't straighten out your language, I'll—” “The entire concept of vulgar language is inherently racist,” Jez interrupted, his entire diction changing just to prove a point to old Everett. “My use of swearing is not abusive, but instead cathartic, emphatic and idiomatic, forms of swearing that are not meant to offend anyone. For you to tell me what words I can and cannot say is a blatant form of oppression and reduces my abilities to cope with pain or misfortune.” Everett frowned, his lips pursed. “Fine. But could you tone it down just a bit?” “No.” Wesley came up behind Everett and patted his back. “Relax. We're all adults. Anyway, where's Paolo?” “He's in his room,” Inaya said. “Probably working.” “Ah, okay. Nari can meet him later,” Wesley said approaching the coffee table. From out of nowhere, he pulled out a book and offered it to Inaya. “I found an Arabic tome with stories from Turkey in it. I’m hoping it might help you.” “Oh! Maybe!” Inaya took the book gratefully. “I appreciate it, Wes!” “Where did you pull that book from?” Nari asked, a bit dumbfounded. “The library?” Wesley said, a little confused by the question. “No, I mean… I didn't notice it on your person before,” Nari said. “Oh! It's pocket magic,” Wesley said. “Easier than carrying them around.” “Pocket magic is some real basic level shit,” Jez said, eyeing Nari. “If you don't know that, what abilities do you have?” Nari shook his head. “…I never learned vampire magic. Well, except a blood purifying spell I found the other day.” Everett placed his hands on Nari's shoulders. “Oh dear, so you've just been going about your life with all the cons and none of the pros to the whole vampire thing? Sounds miserable!” Nari frowned. “I didn't know I could learn any of it…” “You absolutely can!” Everett said. “We will show you the basics.” “Honestly, it's fine…” Nari said. “I don't plan on sticking around long, and my partner has enough magic for the both of us…” “Your partner knows magic but you didn't know you could learn it?” Inaya asked. “They didn't try to teach you?” “He’s not a vampire,” Nari said. “He doesn't know what I'm capable of doing as one.” “What is he, then?” Jez asked. “A dragon?” “No, he's a wizard,” Nari said. “A wizard?” Wesley inquired, his voice a little concerned. “Like, a human wizard?” “Uh, yes,” Nari said. “The magic isn't the same, though he's convinced he can learn vampire stuff…” Everett started shaking his head. “Do you always engage in romantic relationships with humans?” “Yes.” Nari frowned, reading the negative energy coming from his acquaintances. “You say that like it's bad. Are you going to tell me we're not supposed to do that? It's taboo or something?” “No, it's fine! I mean…” Everett put his hands on Wesley's shoulders. “He was unturned when I fell for him…” “But we weren't trying to reproduce, that’s for sure,” Wesley said. He placed a hand on Nari’s arm. “It’s no wonder you’ve been having trouble… You can't have children with humans. It never works.” Nari clenched his jaw. “That's not…My information came to a 1-in-8 chance that a vampire can complete live birth.” “It's more complicated than that,” Everett said, pulling out one of the books be grabbed. “It's likely the one successful time out of eight, their partner was another vampire. The odds are much better with two vampires. Like, 1-in-3.” He opened to a page that displayed a large family tree on it. “Any time in history that a vampire successfully completed a pregnancy, both parents were vampires. Any pairings with children from one unturned and a vampire were from before the vampiric parent had turned. Or, there has also been the occasional time a vampire sired a child with an unturned person, but it is rarer.” Nari frowned and sat down on the couch. “But…I… Isn’t there any magic that can help?” Wesley shook his head. “Not that we've found. Your best bet is to try with a vampire.” “But I don't want a child from someone else…” Nari said. “I want one with Diederich.” “I'm surprised you even date unturned,” Jez commented. “It's sad stuff watching humans grow old and die all the time…” “Diederich isn't just any human, he's immortal too,” Nari said. “He knows really powerful skills and spells.” Jez rolled his eyes. “So, easy fix. Just turn him.” Nari shook his head. “No, I can't do that.” “I could teach you,” Everett said. “Or I could do it.” Nari glared. “No, I don't want to turn him. I wouldn't do that to someone.” Everett sighed. “Nari, I don't know what to tell you. Your goal is to have a baby with your partner. Both of you need to be vampires for that to happen. That's all there is. We don't have any other advice.” Nari looked down at his hands, his eyes brimming with tears. “So, all those times I tried… Complete waste of time...” Wesley rubbed Nari’s shoulder. “You didn't know…” He looked to Everett. “Would you give us a moment? All of you.” “Of course, love,” Everett said, kissing Wesley on the forehead. “Come along now, children.” “We are not your kids,” Jez groaned as he got up reluctantly and followed Inaya and Everett upstairs. Once they were alone, Wesley sighed and rubbed Nari's arm. “Before you turned, did you have any children?” Nari slowly and sniffled. “Yes… My son, Tae-seok. He was just a baby when I turned…” “Is he alive?” Wesley asked. “No… He passed away around the turn of the millennia…” Wesley sighed. “When did you start trying for another baby?” “We tried for several years when Tae-seok was young… But his father, Eun-young, died in a factory accident when Tae-seok was still a child. I didn't try again until well after my son passed away too.” “With your current partner?” Wesley asked. Nari shook his head. “No, my previous relationship. It was an accident… But I wanted it to work out. I had a little hope.” “I'm really sorry, Nari,” Wesley said. “It must be difficult to hear about the circumstances of your pursuit… And I'm sorry about Evie. He thinks turning people will always fix everything. It doesn't.” “But he's right though… If Diederich were a vampire, we'd have a much better chance,” Nari said spreading his hands. “If he were turned, we could try…” Wesley shook his head. “I can tell, you don't want to do that. It sounds like your experience with being a vampire has been more negative than positive and you don't want to subject someone else to that.” “I don't. Diederich is… He’s so lovely, and he's happy…” Nari said. “I don't want to take that from him.” “I understand. It isn’t easy. I don't always love being a vampire either… And I certainly wouldn't make that decision for someone else,” Wesley said. “You do realise that if you did manage to give birth to a baby, you'd be choosing a life as a vampire for them too?” Nari blinked. “Yes, but… I…” He paused. “…With Diederich, since he's unturned, I thought that they might not be…” “Well, even if you could reproduce with a normal human being, you’re a vampire. Your kids would be vampires.” Nari grit his teeth. “…I guess I just…you know, if I could have a baby again, I didn't care what they were… But now just saying it, that’s sounds so incredibly selfish… To subject my own child to the exact same curse I've suffered for their entire life…” Wesley rubbed Nari's knee. “I think you need to think about your situation and talk to your partner. Really work out what path makes the most sense for both of you, and any possible children in the mix. What's best for everyone is what is important.” Nari nodded slowly. “Yes… I just want to be with Diederich… I should go…” Wesley checked his watch. “Where are you staying? Evie can drive you over.” “It's okay, I can walk…” “No way, this time of night, any drunk vampires tumbling out of a bar will want to pick a fight, and while I'm not saying you can't hold your own, you don't know much magic and vampires around the library know their stuff.” Nari sighed and told Wesley his hotel. “I do appreciate you guys trying to help me… You’re honestly the nicest vampires I've ever met.” “Aw, it's nothing,” Wesley said going to the elevator. “Each of us understands the difficulty of being accepted in the vampire world. But we've been very lucky and those who have should give.” “So, is this sort of a boarding house for vampires using the library?” Nari asked. “Sort of… We keep the rent super cheap though because the house was paid off many, many years ago. Our housemates just split utilities. Evie and I cover the taxes and insurance.” Wesley smiled. “If you ever need somewhere to stay, we'll be here. First month is free for long term. Of course, we won't charge you if you just want to come over and visit.” Nari nodded. “That's more than generous, thank you.” They rode the elevator together and met with Everett at the back of the house. “Good talk?” Everett asked, spinning his car keys. “Yes, I think so,” Wesley said. “Inaya and Jeremiah are back in their rooms, then?” “Yeah.” Everett unlocked the door. “Alright, Nari. We won't keep you any longer than you'd like. Wes said you needed a ride, yes? Come along.” Nari blinked. “When did he tell you?” “Come on, now.” Everett placed his hands on his hips. “You really do need a rundown on basic magic. You could teach toddlers mind connection.” “I really don't know anything, then…” Nari frowned following him out. Wesley waved as they left. “Hope to see you soon!” Nari waved again before going to the garage with Everett. “You should consider coming back tomorrow night,” Everett said, unlocking the car. “Jeremiah will teach you everything you need to know.” “I might take him up on that. At least I'll have gotten something out of this trip.” “Well, there you go. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.” “Hm… Yes, I suppose.” “Oh, and you still have to meet Paolo! He’s Asian like you too! Wouldn’t guess from his name though, would you?” “You really don’t think before you speak, do you?” “Hey, respect your elders.” “Sorry, grandpa.”
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kleptonancydrew · 3 years
Nancy Drew and Education
So apparently the Clue Crew is full of teachers? Who knew. Well, as a former homeschooled student, current teacher, and (hopefully) future homeschooling parent/teacher I have been planning on integrating the games into lessons for a long time. Below the cut I have just a few of my many ideas (some more fleshed out than others). Feel free to use, adapt, or add your own! 
-        Braille
o   How blind/vision impaired people navigate the world
§  How we can make it more accessible for them
o   How do braille books and printers work
-        ASL
o   Memorizing the alphabet and basic signs
§  Build up fluency
o   How HOH/deaf people navigate the world
§  How we can make it more accessible for them  
o   Connections of ASL to other signed languages
§  French Sign Language versus British Sign Language
-        Dangers of gas leaks
o   What to do if you smell or hear gas
-        Inequalities between mens and womens sporting opportunities
o   See Women’s Soccer
-        What are performance enhancing drugs
o   What is the difference between #steroids and the steroids your doctor might prescribe
-        How drug running is a gateway crime
-        Why blackmailing people isn’t good
-        More reasons to never move to Florida
-        Why you shouldn’t go to an actual high school part one
-        Television in NYC
o   Soap Operas
o   How television sets work
o   Role of director
o   Teleprompters
o   Props
o   Agents
-        Theatre in NY
o   Broadway
§  Learn a show
o   Carnegie Hall
-        Dangers in the ways we obsess over celebrities
o   Paparazzi
o   Stalkers
o   Respecting privacy
-        NY taxi system
-        NY regional accents
-        NY as a center for immigration – salad bowl
o   Ellis Island
-        History of NYC
o   Geography of NYC
-        Typewriters
-        Towers of Hanoi
-        Encoding  
-        How to make chocolates (with or without poison)
-        Read along:
o   New York the Novel (Edward Rutherford)
o   The Power Broker
o   All of a Kind Family
-        San Francisco Gold Rush
-        Earthquake and Fires in San Fran
-        Golden Gate Bridge
-        Angel Island
o   Asian (Chinese) Immigration to the USA
-        Chinese Zodiac
-        Fortune telling (and why it’s not okay)
-        Bed and Breakfasts
-        San Francisco today
o   Technology boom
o   Overpriced everything
§  How this hurts established residents
§  Homelessness in San Fran
-        Bandits in the American West
-        Hauntings in American buildings
-        How to remove and install tile
-        Renovations – refurbish something
-        Antiques
o   Visit an antique shop
-        Importance of fire safety
-        How to install lighting fixtures properly
-        How to fix a dumbwaiter
o   How not to be a dumb waiter
-        Tangrams
-        What is the Victorian period
o   Significance of Queen Victoria
-        Read Along:
o   Little Brother
o   Paper Son: Lee’s Journey to America
o   Angel Island Gateway to Golden Mountain
-        The French Revolution
o   Marie Antoinette
o   Women and the French Revolution
o   Worldwide effects of the Revolution
o   Historians of the French Revolution
-        Writing history
o   How we can focus on different events in history, how we can be sympathetic to certain people, how we can fulfill different spaces in the historical narrative, criticism of history as a field, entering history as a field
-        Wisconsin Dairy industry
-        Alarm systems and how they work
-        Fingerprinting
-        Elevator safety
-        Ski lifts
o   Skiing
-        Vandalism
-        Taking care of libraries
-        Latitude and longitude
-        Keeping records of good events and bad events
o   Nothing you do will ever stop me from loving you
-        Some people keep different sleep schedules
-        Journalism
-        Making translations  
-        Why France has different holidays – to keep the ski lodges from getting too full
-        History of theatre spaces
-        Use of film at theatres
-        Magicians
o   Houdini
o   Learn a ‘magic’ trick
-        Library of Congress
-        Demolition – wrecking balls
o   What’s involved
-        Plaster casts
-        Historic register of buildings
o   Visit a local historic building
-        Price of concessions and movie tickets today
-        Nickelodeons
-        Celebrity stunts for attention from press
o   Celebrity endorsements
-        Jazz music
o   Dancing
-        Kidnapping stories
o   What to do if someone tries to grab you
-        Rubber vs. electricity
-        Art/artists of the 20s
-        Numbering systems (particularly ones not based on 10)
-        Cultures of South America
o   Maya
§  Cultural understandings
§  Connections to what appears at Beech Hill
o   Aztec
o   Inca
-        Myths of lesser civilizations because of European preconceptions
-        Why do countries have consulates/embassies in other countries
-        What is amnesia and other medical memory issues
-        Provenance and why its important part one
-        Roles and responsibilities within a museum
o   Visit a museum
o   How to be critical of a museum and how knowledge is presented to you
-        Modern art
o   Make your own
o   Visit a modern art museum
-        Periodic Table of Elements
-        Positive and negative molds for casting
-        Prohibition
o   Speakeasys
o   Amendments to constitution
o   Drinking age restrictions
§  Comparison of USA to European countries  
o   Connections to modern drug policies
-        Recognizing and photographing local birds
-        Dangers in the forest – ticks and other pests
-        Why water sources are important
o   Flint water crisis
-        Visit a state park
o   Importance of maintaining public land
-        Alcatraz
-        How to care for dogs
-        Noise pollution
o   Light pollution
-        History of carousels
o   Visit a carousel
-        Lathes
-        Harmonicas
-        Band organs
-        Writing messages with lemon juice and other hidden inks
-        How to iron
o   How not to iron
-        How to make a sundae
-        How amusement park rides are designed
-        Soldering
-        What is parole
o   Welcoming those who have been in prison back to society
o   Problems with the American prison system
§  How it disproportionately affects minority groups
o   What can be done in prison reform
o   Abuses in prison
o   Making mental and spiritual help and guidance more available
o   Making sanitary products available
o   Prison for profit hurts everybody except the prison owner
o   Educational opportunities for those in prison
o   More half-way help
o   Juvenile sentencing reform – more out of system help
o   Respecting humanity of prisoners
o   Ending the death penalty  
-        Depression
o   How to get help
o   How to help others
o   Dealing with loss
-        Native peoples of the Pacific Northwest
-        Orcas and other whales
o   Whaling industry in Northwest and Northeast
o   Things whale products were used for
o   Visit natural history museum with whale exhibition
-        Visit an aquarium with a good reputation
o   Problems with places that do not take care of their sea life – particularly large sea life like whales
-        What is a chowder and how is it made
o   Try or make chowder
-        Crabs
o   Restrictions on different types of crabs – what type is local
o   Try a crab dish
-        Importance of different knots  
o   Get some rope and learn how to tie different knots
-        Know the NATO alphabet and letter flags
-        Boating knowledge
o   Go on a boating trip – know the port and starboard sides
-        Learn how to kayak
-        Try to learn how to skip rocks
-        Visit a lighthouse
o   Importance and histories of lighthouses
-        Smuggling – what is it and why does it happen
-        Shanghaiing
-        Chess
-        The continuous oppression and mistreatment of Native Americans
o   From Mayflower to Pocahontas to Trail of Tears to Dakota to DAPL to Reservations to food deserts to voting rights to much much more
§  How to support current Native voices and concerns
o   Why Native Americans are not a costume
o   “Possession” of Native American objects and land
§  Arrowheads and native jewelry
o   Broad overview of regional Native American groups – using their own voices
§  Special focus on local Native American groups
·       Is there a local museum/educational resource that is either Native created or known for respecting Native voices
o   Current Native Americans of note (ex: politicians, activists, artists)
o   While the previous focuses on Native Americans in the modern day USA – also discuss First Nations from Canada and Native Groups from more southern areas
-        Why temperature and pan matters when baking (show what happens in the oven when it goes wrong)
-        Magnets and how different metals react differently to magnets
-        How to take care of a horse and other farm animals
o   Visit a local farm
o   Try horse-riding
-        Dangers of rattle snakes and scorpions
-        Lassos and how to use them
-        Legends of outlaws in the American West
-        Ghost towns  
-        Flower stitches when knitting/crocheting
-        Petrified wood
-        How to make a campfire
-        Picking fruits and veggies when they are ready
-        Flower language
-        Read Along:
o   Native American folk tales  
o   Motorcycles and Sweetgrass
o   Gone Away Lake
o   Black Beauty?
-        Where are the moors
-        Different regional accents within the United Kingdom
-        British foods
-        Latin
o   Learn fun phrases and prayers
-        Ancestry and genealogy
o   Map your own family tree and recognize family crests
o   How adoption has historically been a binding and irrefutable concept for lineage
o   Find places your family lived
o   Leaving a history for your descendants
§  Write a story book for them
o   British Royal Family
§  Why incest is bad
-        Parrots and their intelligence
-        Secret passages in old buildings
-        Alchemy
o   Connections to modern understandings of science  
o   Historical understandings of elements
-        Astrological signs
-        Witch trials
-        Legends of lycanthropy and other monsters
-        Importance of not taking other peoples medicines
-        Runic alphabet
-        Feeding your pets a healthy diet
-        Typing practice
-        How to embrace the idea that home taught students are evil geniuses
-        Forges and melting points of different metals
-        Carnivorous plants
-        Succulents
-        Constellations in different places  
-        Read Along:
o   The Secret Garden
o   The London Eye Mystery
o   Beastly
-        Great Depression
o   Causes and effects
o   Who was hurt
o   Who was not hurt
o   Areas of America
§  Dust bowl
o   Famous people and literature
o   Homelessness and poverty
§  Bread lines
§  Soup kitchens
§  Anti-homelessness architecture
§  Connections to mental illness and veterans
§  How we can help those who do not have homes today
-        Early Telephones
-        Shakespeare
-        History of Nancy Drew
o   Mildred Wirt Benson
o   Edward Stratemeyer  
-        Fishing – why different fish respond to different bait
-        Orphanages in the early 20th century
-        Gas prices and accessibility of cars through time
-        How to make pie
-        What is jurisdiction and what is significant about crossing state lines
-        How do banks work
o   Safety deposit boxes
-        Identify theft
-        How to use a sewing machine
o   Sew an item of clothing
-        Mini golf – why and what
-        Mirrors and their usefulness
-        Stamp collections
-        Radios and call signs
o   Comparison to modern internet forms
-        Telegrams
-        Read along:
o   Shakespeare
§  Midsummer Night’s Dream
§  Others
o   Pollyanna
o   Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm
o   The Grapes of Wrath
-        Trains
o   Steam trains
o   Visit a train museum
o   Take a train ride (if not a normal event)
o   Importance of transcontinental railway
o   Trains around the USA today
o   Trains around the world (TGV, bullet train)
-        Abraham Lincoln
-        Mark Twain
-        How to make a good burger (you leave off the PB&J)
-        Slugs
-        Periodic Table of Elements – abbreviations
-        Gemstones
-        History of Mining
o   England (Newcastle upon Tyne)
o   American West
o   Appalachia
o   Company Store
o   Health issues for miners
o   Danger of mines
o   Current issues for mining
-        Dancing the Hurley Burley
-        People who collect creepy dolls
o   History of porcelain dolls
-        Embroidery
o   How to
o   Patterns/symbols
-        General Stores in the American West
o   Sears
-        How to make taffy
-        Find a well maintained and beautiful tomb and research who is entombed
-        Focusing light through a magnifying glass can start a fire
-        Read Along:
o   Murder on the Orient Express
o   Mark Twain books
-        All lessons in French
-        How using different ingredients and different amounts of ingredients can affect the outcome of your cookies
-        Paris métro
o   History
o   How to read/follow a métro map
o   RER
-        Montmartre and other Parisian neighbourhoods
-        History of Île de la France and Square de Vert Galant Parc and Pont Neuf
-        WWII and the French Resistance
o   Cross of Lorraine
o   Vichy France
o   Abuses of the French gov’t in this period
-        Paris and the fashion world
-        Beauty standards and the rejection of natural beauty by society
o   Dangers of weight and figure standards
o   You are beautiful as you are
-        Catacombs of Paris
-        Famous French Dishes (from this region)
o   Or Bretagne since I know and like them better
-        The French Café
-        Moulin in France
-        Tea and how hot leaf water can taste so bad but still be good for you
-        Buildings of Baron Haussmann
-        Paris History  
-        Decoders
-        Importance of vitraux historically, culturally, and religiously
-        Read Along:
o   Little Kids
§  Madeline
§  Babar
§  Petit Ours
§  Plume
o   High School
§  Hunchback of Notre Dame
§  Les Mis
§  Dale Van Kley
-        History of Hawai’i and her native people
o   How the USA screwed them over and continues to do so
§  Land colonizing today
o   Listen to voices from Native Peoples
-        Pearl Harbor
o   USS Arizona
-        Native myths and legends
-        Local flora and fauna
-        Surfing
-        How to make bead necklaces
-        Snorkeling
-        Entomology
o   Find some local bugs and identify and observe them
-        Horticulture
o   See if you can graft something
o   Watch a carnation placed in water with food dye
o   Regrow a fruit or veggie from the leftovers
-        Go looking for seashells – see how many complete shells you can find
-        Be aware of pesticides and the dangers they offer
o   Dangers of organic food too
-        Make something with pineapple in it
-        Fishing – different kinds of native fish
-        Volcanos
-        Hula  
-        Wolf sanctuaries – respecting wildlife and their place in the wild and not the domestic
o   What to do if you see a wolf in the real world
-        Fur trapping in Canada history
-        Regions and Capitols of Canada
o   Visit Canada?
-        How the Canadian government works
-        Use of French language in Canada    
o   Unique features of Canadian French  
-        Ice fishing
-        How to cook omelets, salmon, etc.
o   How to not add paprika cause like ew
-        Fossils
-        Radiation
o   Marie Curie
-        How to be a good maid
-        Snowballs/ice balls
-        Ice skating
-        Winter weather safety
-        Avalanches  
-        Saunas
-        Birthmarks
-        Fax machines
-        How to not lie about bird watching
-        Frozen water safety  
-        Modern offenses against First Nations by Canadian Government
-        Culture of the Arawak and Caraïbe
o   Voodoo
-        Mardi Gras in New Orleans
-        Hurricane Katrina and aftermath
-        French Influence
-        Eyes and their parts and functions
-        Teeth and their parts and functions
-        Alligators in the Southern USA and how they are dangerous pests  
-        Graveyards/cemeteries and how to be comfortable in them
o   Modern burial practices
o   Why are they above ground in Louisiana?
o   Places where they are running out of space for the dead
o   Historic violations of final resting places
-        Ventriloquism
-        Lizards and how to care for them
-        Rube Goldberg machines
-        Curio shops
-        Crystal Skulls  
-        International crime
-        Organized crime
-        Scopa
-        Italian basics
o   Learn an Italian aria
-        Italian food
o   Not just spaghetti
-        History of Venice
o   Current issues in Venice
-        Carrier pigeons
-        Micro-dots
-        “Observing the architecture”
-        Try to make gelato (or just get gelato, either way you get gelato)
-        Disguising yourself – put on an outfit and try to get me to not recognize you
-        Picking locks
-        Secret codes
-        Solfege
o   With hand signs
o   Learn a song in solfege
-        Carnivale
-        Learn how the sausage gets made
o   How to deal with food poisoning
-        How to secure your living space against burglars
o   Glass breaks, motion sensors, keypads, magnets, and more
-        Read Along:
o   Heist Society
o   The Prince
o   Merchant of Venice
-        Irish lessons (as much of this in Irish as possible)
o   Why the Irish language is important
-        Geography of Ireland
o   Provinces and counties
-        Irish names
-        Why Ireland has disliked and should dislike the UK
o   Historically
o   Famine
§  Emmigration
o   Easter Rising
o   Troubles
o   Present-Day
-        Importance of alcohol in Ireland
o   Uisce beatha
o   Guinness
§  Guinness world records
-        Irish music
o   Irish instruments
o   Learn some Rebel songs
-        Ogham runes
-        Irish foods
o   Something with lamb, who cares what
-        Don’t use friends for land development
-        Bogs
-        Chemical Reactions
-        Rockets
-        Inventions and secrecy during WWII
-        Religion in Ireland
o   Pagan traditions
o   Christianity
o   Catholic/Protestant tensions
-        Irish wedding traditions
-        How printing presses work
-        Irish castles
-        Sheep sheering/raising sheep
-        Irish legends
o   Fae
o   Leprechauns
-        Don’t drive and talk on the phone
-        Why blackface is problematic? (the fact that this needs to be said is problematic in and of itself)
-        Scuba diving
-        Sailing
-        Bermuda Triangle
-        Bats
-        Primates and their intelligence
o   Problems with animal research
o   Koko
o   Jane Goodall
-        Island resort culture
-        Metal detectors
-        Pirates
o   And the Caribbean
o   Their abuses
o   Different kinds
o   Modern day pirates  
-        How do walkie-talkies work
-        US mistreatment of island territories
-        Read Along:
o   Bloody Jack (Meyer)
-        Edgar Allan Poe
o   Stories
o   Baltimore
-        Piano
-        Victorian Dining traditions
o   How to set a place for fancy dining
o   How to fold napkins
o   Table manners
o   How to serve someone at a fancy dinner
o   How courses might work
o   How to use your silverware  
-        Why you shouldn’t go to an actual high school part two
o   Just fyi – that’s not how uniforms work
§  Have a school inspired dress code for a week
-        Bullying and why you absolutely will not be a bully
o   How to respond to bullying
o   Importance of talking to adults and counseling
-        Logic puzzles
-        Research the founding of a local school
-        Stringed Instruments
-        Plagiarism
o   Turnitin
-        Making sandwiches – like a good deli style sandwich
-        Photography scavenger hunt – make a digital (or physical) yearbook
-        Squirrels
-        Orthographic projection
-        DNA/RNA
-        Saving every major project on three different thumb drives
-        Getting along with roommates
-        States and Capitals
o   Countries and capitals of the world  
-        Tornados
o   Technology used to observe tornados
-        Meteorology
-        Prairie dogs
-        Life on the great plains
-        Great Plains Native Americans
-        Small towns in the Midwest honestly be like that
-        Defensive driving
-        Make a disaster kit
-        Know what to do in various natural emergency situations
o   What is the local alert protocol
o   What do local authorities recommend
-        How to maintain and fix a car
-        How to fix a broken device
-        What is tenure
-        How to budget
o   Go to the grocery store on a strict budget (however much you come in under budget is your candy budget)
-        Read Along:
o   Little House
-        Basic Japanese phrases
o   Learn to count
o   Writing in Japanese
-        Sudoku, nonograms, renograms
-        Japanese ghost legends
-        Japanese culture
o   Tourism
§  Ryokans
o   Space – everything small
o   Politeness/formalities
o   Hot springs/baths
o   Tatami and paper walls
-        Japanese cultural dress
o   Kimonos
o   Lolita? Fashion
-        Japanese names
o   Last name first
o   How to address others in Japan
-        Martial Arts
o   Ninjutsu
§  Traditional tools
-        Japanese tea ceremony
-        Schools in Japan
-        Teaching English as a foreign language
-        Japanese subway/train system
-        Pachinko and Japanese gaming
-        Japanese vending machines
-        Robotic animals
-        Bento
-        Japanese foods
-        Origami
-        How to fake a haunting
-        Basic German phrases
o   How to make a German word
o   Connections of German to English
-        German food favourites
o   Especially cakes
-        Storytelling as a cultural entity
o   How memory has worked differently in different times
-        Glass blowing
-        How castles provided for the local community
-        Bavaria in Germany
o   Cultural dress
-        Glockenspiel
-        How to make board games
-        Monster stories of central Europe
-        How to monitor security camera remotely
-        Read Along:
o   Heidi
-        Arson
o   Watching how different accelerants burn a piece of paper
-        All politicians are at least somewhat self-serving
o   But write a letter to a local politician anyway
§  Different ways to contact elected officials, and why some don’t work
-        How to make ice cream
-        How a police investigation works
o   Problems with police departments around the world – specifically USA
o   Ways that police work unfairly targets minorities
§  If Nancy is innocent how many others are
-        How to use matches and lighters safely
-        Why you should not return to the scene of a crime – particularly a fire
-        Making sure smoke detectors work properly and the system is connected
o   We might not go to school but fire drills are still important
-        What is a mass spectrometer
-        Who to call if you’ve been arrested
-        What to do if you get pulled over
-        How the media can skew the truth and make their own narratives
-        Sound mixing
-        Be careful with what you say/post/record
o   Keep receipts and clarify when possible
-        What not to do at an archaeological site
-        Ancient Egyptian History
o   Pantheon, notable figures, relevant events
o   Pyramids, sphinx
o   Pharaohs
-        Modern Egypt
o   Arabic alphabet
-        History of archaeological digs in Egypt
o   Why they’ve been problematic
-        Dangers of the tombs
-        Mummys
o   How they are put together
-        Tomb raiders
-        Importance of water in the desert
-        How to piece together a broken artifact
-        How to gently brush off an artifact
-        There is no such thing as a dictionary for ancient Egyptian
-        Aliens did not build the pyramids
-        Senet
-        Desert life safety
-        How mirrors can be used to light a room
-        Read Along
o   Rick Riordan
-        Nikola Tesla
o   All his fun stuff
o   Tesla Coils
-        3-D printing
-        Gummy fingerprints
-        Faraday Cage
-        Basic electric concepts
o   How to build a circuit board
-        Chemical safety
-        How a lab might work
-        Valuing different skills within academia
-        Ultraviolet light
-        How motorcycles work
-        Freelance photography
-        How to use academic databases
-        Slavery in the United States
o   Origins
o   ‘End’
o   Civil War
o   The connection to “southern culture”
o   Continued abuses of Black people in America
§  Importance of recognizing Black voices and what they are saying
§  Listening even when it’s uncomfortable
§  Checking privilege when you have it
o   Jim Crow Laws
-        Plantations
-        Gone With the Wind
o   The good and the bad
-        Civil War spies – female
-        Carbon monoxide poisoning
-        Burned out houses are not a safe space
-        Do not go digging through people’s coffins – rest in PEACE
-        Understanding that your family can be flawed
-        If you don’t want to get married, if you’re not happy in a relationship, end it
-        When a member of your family is sick you take care of them
-        Make a will, just in case your cousin kills you
-        Bachelor and bachelorette parties should feature activities that everyone is comfortable with
-        Read Along:
o   My Last Skirt: The Story of Jennie Hodgers, Union Soldier
-        Scotland and their identity
o   Celtic Nations
o   Independent Scotland
o   Call a Scottish person
-        Unicorns and other mythical creatures in Scotland
-        Scottish food
o   The appetizing parts
-        History of spies
-        Biowarfare
o   Code Orange
o   Other teenage stories dealing with anthrax
o   Current events and concerns
o   Historical biowarfare (smallpox blankets)
-        Ziplining
-        Archery
-        How to bug someone
-        Tartans and plaids
o   Kilts
-        Augmented Reality Glasses
-        Record players
-        How to reset a circuit breaker
-        Read Along:
o   Gallagher Girls
o   Code Orange
o   Little House (Martha)
o   Little Brother (Doctorow)
-        Don’t meet your heroes
-        New Zealand
o   Maori culture
-        Survivor style game shows and realism
-        I’m not saying Aliens can’t exist, I’m saying they def aren’t involved here
-        Kayaking
-        Submarines and what they can do
-        Turtles
-        Earthquakes
-        Be careful with rope bridges
-        Provenance and why it’s important part two  
-        Greek art and how it was originally painted vibrantly
o   Abuses of Greek art through the ages
-        The British Museum and the issues with that
-        Greek pantheon
o   Legends and notable figures
o   Religious traditions  
-        Iliad and Odyssey
-        Art forgery
-        How to fire clay pots and pottery
-        Memorizing lines for a play
o   Staging for a play
o   Role of a director
-        Theatre
o   Lights
o   Curtains
o   Fly system
o   Sound
-        Greek alphabet
-        Historical importance of the Greek language and culture
o   Alexander the Great and Hellenization
-        Olympics
o   Historic and modern
-        Greece and the European Union  
-        Make something with pomegranates
-        Read Along:
o   Iliad
o   Odyssey
o   The Thief
o   Percy Jackson  
-        Iceland
o   Culture
§  Naming traditions
o   Language
o   Music
o   Food
-        Shipbuilding
o   Historic and modern ships
-        Ice caving
-        Northern Lights
-        Tides
-        Snowmobiling
-        Poetry
-        What is xenophobia
-        Some games just shouldn’t be made
-        American witch trials
o   What actually went down
o   Misconceptions
-        Treating people with albinism as real people
-        Arson is bad
-        Herbal remedies and how they can interfere with modern medicine
-        Witchcraft and how not to
-        Salem MA
-        Ignorance promotes fear and hatred so we do our best to learn about others
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imkylotrash · 4 years
Black And White (4)
Pairing: Saul Silva x reader
Summary: Things are finally getting back to normal when Harry offers to set you up on a blind date and Saul tells you to do it so as not to raise any suspicion. You don’t necessarily feel the same way. 
Series Masterlist
Tagging: @grey-girl @intoanothermind @anreeixcobra @kingunder221b @lflores2008 @alexiapayne12 @quuenofblacks @quarterback-5 @estelmei @bitchwhytho @music-of-melody​ @artsyle​
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“What is it?” he asks noticing your hesitation. 
“It’s gone. The wound is healed.” All that remains is fresh pink skin as if it were healed months ago. You’re scared to believe your own eyes. Maybe it’s a dream. 
“Is it better?” Sky asks barging through the door. You quickly back away from Saul but you doubt Sky had the chance to notice with how excited he is. He grinning from ear to ear already seeing the difference in Saul. 
“What did you do?” Saul asks with a dangerous tone. You watch him turn pale when Sky accounts for his night out in the forest tracking the Burned One. You should go but deep down you know Saul would like you to stay. Instead you try to make yourself as small as possible while Saul yells at Sky. It’s only for a moment before even Saul has to admit that it took guts to do what Sky did. 
“Get to class, idiot.” They hug and while Saul is never going to admit it, you know he’s proud of Sky’s courage even if what he did could’ve gone terribly wrong. Very slowly, Saul turns to you with a sigh. 
“I want to sleep in my own bed,” he says and you can’t blame him for hating the makeshift bed they made for him in the greenhouse. You wouldn’t mind getting some sleep either to be honest. 
“I’ll take you,” you offer thankful no one will question you escorting him back to his quarters after being hurt by a Burned One. Oddly enough, no one is in the corridors as you walk back but you still maintain your cover. It isn’t until you’re safely behind the locked door that you throw yourself into his arms feeling the last 24 hours hit you. He clings onto you just as tightly. 
“You can’t do that to me again,” you say voice muffled as you press your face against his chest. The smell of blood and grass serves as a reminder of what happened. Even if Sky managed to kill it, you still feel the anxiety and worry. 
“I won’t,” he says placing a gentle kiss on top of your head. Though your body cries for rest, you force yourself to strip down and head for the shower. Without another word, Saul follows you. Getting cleaned up before sleeping is definitely the best order to do it in. You cuddle up ready to sleep for days. A week passes before Saul is finally back on his feet entirely but it’s also been really nice to have so much time alone. Normally, he’s always working or having meetings with Dowling and Harvey but this week he mostly stayed in bed. Selfishly, you really liked it when you could have a slumber party every day. 
“I should probably join the others for dinner,” you say though making no attempt to move. It’s Saturday and you’ve been hiding under the duvet the entire day with music playing in the background.
“You probably should,” he replies staying in the same position as before. You know Harry has been blowing up your phone wondering where you are and you don’t want to lie to him so instead you’ve sort of been avoiding him even though it pains you. 
“I’ll go find Harry,” you state at last convincing yourself to get out of bed, “I’ll be back later.” You give him a quick peck on the lips before heading out. Down in the dining hall, Harry is waiting impatiently for you to arrive. 
“I’m actually surprised to see you here. I thought you might have gotten kicked out of Alfea since I haven’t seen you at all for an entire week.” He’s definitely not holding back. And he’s not being quiet either. His little outburst causes several pair of eyes to look in your direction. It’s unwanted attention for you but Harry seems to love it. 
“First off, don’t be a drama queen. You’ve seen me in classes and at training. Second of all, I’ve been really behind on homework so I’ve spent most of my time in the library.” You know the mentioning of library will keep him from asking more questions; he hates the library. In general, he really hates reading which works nicely for a specialist, considering most of our skills are learned training different techniques outside. 
“I heard you saved Saul Silva’s life.” Harry has already gotten food for you both at the table. You don’t realise just how hungry you are until you take the first bite. 
“I didn’t save Saul, “ you say in between bites, “Sky killed the Burned One. I just did the zanbaq.” If you would’ve had anything to say about it, you would’ve been out there hunting that thing but you know Saul would never even entertain the idea of you leaving. 
“That greenhouse saves lives every day and you’re part of that. You saved his life just as much as Sky did.” At that you sit up a little straighter feeling Harry stroke your ego. It’s nice to have that acknowledged but even if you could do nothing, you’d find something. You’d never be able to just watch Saul grow weaker. 
“Thank you. And sorry I’ve been MIA. I’ll do better.” He accepts your apology easily once again reminding you why you work so well as friends. He never hold a grudge or act mad for longer than five minutes. And he always accepts an apology. It’s a nice side of him that not a lot of people get to see. 
“I actually have a proposal for you,” Harry starts and you nod to tell him to go on. 
“I was talking to some friends from back home and one of them is single. How would you feel about a blind date?” You’re gobsmacked. A blind date? You hardly do “seeing” dates. 
“I don’t know,” you say instantly wondering what Saul is going to think when you tell him later. He’ll either find it funny or feel the need to punch someone. There’s no middleground when it comes to Saul. 
“Come on, princess. You need to get out more,” Harry tries and you’re not exactly sure how to spin a convincing lie. You can’t very well tell him you already have a boyfriend even if you wish you could. 
“I get out plenty, thank you very much,” you say pointedly trying to hide the smile that keeps trying to break free, “let me think about it.” He agrees not mentioning it for the rest of dinner. You and him decide to meet out on the training grounds tomorrow just for the sake of it before you sneak back to Saul’s room. 
“You’re not going to believe this. Harry wants to set me up on a blind date.” You laugh out loud but your laugh is quickly ruined by the silence. 
“Maybe you should do it,” Saul says keeping his eyes fixed on a crack in the wall. 
“What?” you ask even though you heard him the first time. Why would he want you to date other people? Is this his horrible way of dumping you? 
“I just figured it would be a good cover. No one will ask questions if they see you out with someone else.” You take a minute to think it over but no matter what angle you look at it from, it just feels wrong.
“Has anyone asked questions?” Not one person has ever questioned whether or not you were in a relationship and you highly doubt this will change anything. 
“I’m not saying they are, I’m saying they might.” 
“Let me get this straight. You nearly die almost giving me a heart attack and just a week later you want me to go on a date with someone that’s not you?” 
“I’m saying let’s keep creating a better cover story. Farah has been asking. I doubt she knows anything but just the way she worded it. I got worried. So, do this for me,” Saul explains but you’re still not getting it. He’d rather send you off on a date than admit to Dowling that he’s dating you. 
“Where are you going?” he asks watching you grab your stuff. 
“I’m going to go to my room.  Apparently, I have a date.” You can’t hide the hurt in your voice when you say it. Saul reaches out for you but you don’t take his hand. You hate that there’s so long until graduation where you can finally tell everyone you’re seeing him.
“Please don’t leave angry,” he pleads with you but it’s too late. 
“Enjoy staying in bed. I’ll go on a date with someone that isn’t my boyfriend.”  You are angry. He almost died and now his biggest concern is removing the spotlight from his relationship to you and you’re not here for it. You’ve accepted many things but you shouldn’t have to accept this. You don’t look back as you leave him too upset to handle the hurt you know you’ll see on his face. 
“You want me to go on a date? Fine, I’ll go on a date.” 
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ihopesocomic · 3 years
The anon who asked about your thoughts on Lord of the Rings. Sorry I’m confused about the whole situation so I wanted to make sure I got it figured out.
So you don’t like the movies because it’s basically just a group of characters walking- which makes sense, I thought I’d find it boring but I guess I like traveling movies. I guess since the movie is just the characters- I just find it relaxing to enjoy the sceneries and characters. And the writer of Eragon got hate from the Lord of the Rings fans for things that the writer of Lord of the Rings does. That his story isn’t good for the same reasons Eragon isn’t good and it’s just paragraphs of exposure to the story- that it takes unnecessarily long for the book to get the point of the story. Almost like, characters just sitting around and talking? So there’s a bit of hypocrisy going on? I think I got that and I do think that is ridiculous of the fans. (Keep in mind- I haven’t read the books, yet.) Reading it gave you a headache- I’ve tried reading several books in middle school and some of them have me headaches so yes, I think I definitely get what you’re saying there.
I’ve seen fans say ‘Tolkien wouldn’t like this’ like they somehow know the guy and that does get a bit annoying. I’ve even see a fan try and use as a way argue about LGBT+ shipping in the fandom- saying ‘the author wouldn’t have wanted this’. I do know he was protective of his stories but the situations I found him being protective is mainly involving companies trying to get copyright to make a film adaptation or to make it into a theme park. That much I found understandable- I believe it can be hard to trust people when it comes to adapting your story into things like movies or theme parks. I find it pathetic that fans are saying ‘Tolkien wouldn’t like this’ like a fact and not showing any evidence of it.
I do have some issues with movies- mainly with the pacing? Like it starts off slow then suddenly it picks up like rapid river and I almost lost myself for a second. I also don’t like how some characters in the main group don’t really get much focus- I felt like that issue was fixed in the last two movies but the first movie, eh. Legolas and Gimli’s developing friendship was one of my favorite things about Lord of the Rings and I wish it got more screentime in the movies- apparently there was a lot of scenes the director was forced to remove due to runtime and he wanted to make a special edition where all the scenes are placed back into the movies.
I haven’t read the books- I have ADHD which caused me to struggle reading so one of my 2022’s goal was to try and read at least 5 books. The first Lord of the Rings book is on my list- I planned on just getting it from the library. I honestly think I’d like the movies better anyways if I do read all the books because I do like how hard the actors and team worked on it.
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The Inheritance Cycle was bad for a lot of reasons imo. However, I don't think Paolini deserved the hate he got for "copying Tolkien" when Tolkien has no ownership over fantasy concepts like elves and so on and I think his own writing style is kinda trash. Paolini admitted that Tolkien was an influence, and he was clearly mimicking what he thought was good writing and critics felt the need to hand him his own ass over it. All the while praising Tolkien for the exact same writing style because... it's Tolkien. lol
People also forget that Paolini was 15-19 while he was writing and publishing Eragon. It was essentially a more public display of tearing down a kid for doing fanfiction. It's very little wonder why authors don't really want to touch the fantasy genre nowadays. The critics are freaking ruthless. lol
I do wish the guy had taken time to develop his own writing style. I feel like he was never given the chance to grow beyond mimicking his inspirations (a natural process in becoming an author) and learning his craft before making the error of publishing his first book. He should've given it so many years before revisiting the draft he ended up releasing with fresh eyes. I think if he'd tackled it later down the road, he might have been able to show a unique style as a writer. Now, he just seems to be a cautionary tale of 'hey, don't think you can make the next new fantasy series or the Tolkien fanatics will come and get you'.
But thank you for reading what I had to say and listening to me, anon, even despite being a fan of the franchise. Like I say, I certainly prefer the films over the books, even if they're not my cup of tea. I don't mean to judge the fandom based on the actions of literary critics but I remember the whole thing feeling pretty discouraging to me as somebody who also inspired to be an author. It's also why I feel inclined to give something a fair shot, even if I find myself heavily disliking it. Even if you don't like something, try and point out one or two good things about it.
I couldn't get into the Inheritance Cycle all that much but I still can't deny it's rather impressive how a teenager declared 'fuck it' and wrote as much as he did and published it. It's hard to have a lot of belief in things at that age, much less your own work. - RJ
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Untitled - 4
(Continuation of Untitled Linzin fanfic, pre-canon AU, wip)
The thing about going on trips with kids that his parents did not prepare him for is the occasional stops to go to the bathroom and the incessant questions.
“Are we there yet?”
“What is that flower?”
“Why is that man smoking that stick?”
“Why is that lady’s clothes so short?”
“Are we there yet?”
“How long is it before we get there?”
Oh, the questions indeed.
After the overnight stay, they were back on the road. This time in an automobile that went through several towns that Tenzin could not be bothered with. Until finally, it stopped at this unassuming dirt road where, to his astonishment, Lin proclaimed that they need to walk to get to their destination.
She made it sound fun for the kids – an adventure, a vacation.
He gave a small snort at that and she glared at him, asking if he had any problem.
He wanted to have a witty retort but the way she was bending their luggage across indicated she was not in the mood for some repartee.
 The dirt road was quite narrow and he noticed that Lin made sure to use earth bending to cover their tracks. No one would know which way they went.
Tenzin lost track of time that they were walking.
And before long, Lin slowed down.
 “Are we near?”
Tenzin frowned. There were still in the middle of nowhere - surrounded by vines shrub and various greenery.
Using earthbending, Lin moved what appeared to be tall tree trunks.
“Wow.” Ikki’s wonderment was very much obvious.
Even Jinora who is usually unimpressed was wide-eyed.
Behind the gargantuan trunks was a sprawling estate.
Granted, the surrounding area and its lawn was overrun with wild plants. But it was a sight to behold.
Once they all got in, Lin once more slid back the tree trunks which was, actually, connected to a surrounding wall that ran along the perimeter of the estate.
He did not notice the wall earlier as it was covered by vines and other plants.
The path to the house was uneven and while the greens had gone wild, it was charming in its own sense.
“Daddy, are we staying here?” Jinora tugged at his sleeve.
“It would seem so.” He softly replied, still taking in their surroundings.
Lin unlocked the door, and they carried their baggage inside.
For what wild charm the garden had, the interior of the house was quite clean and, as Lin led them on a tour of the house, well stocked. He recalled that she had left Republic City for a couple of days before the wedding. It was probably to get the house tidied and fit for living for an undetermined time period.
As Lin went about it in a brisk manner, Tenzin supposed there was enough time to explore later anyway. They did not know how long they will have to stay here anyway.
The girls were quite excited to pick their own rooms. Lin directed him to the master bedroom, and she commandeered one which was probably in the most strategic location in case of emergency.
“Where are the acolytes?”
“It’s just the four of us, dear.”
“Who will cook our food? Or wash our clothes?”
He could feel Lin's glare at the back of his neck.
“The four of us would need to share chores, Jinora.”
His daughter’s face scrunched up. “No. Way.”
He heard Lin’s disbelieving sigh from her corner.
“Ah, but we do. We have to.”
They had decided to restrict the people who will join the trip to themselves. Lord Zuko and the rest said it was not safe and to add an external person could put them into jeopardy. Toph remarked if they will have someone else join them then why shouldn’t they get someone else to be their bodyguard instead of Lin.
It was a fair point he admitted.
Lin kept to herself. The place was secure enough and she had gone out earlier to do a perimeter check and was apparently satisfied with her findings. Not that Tenzin had any doubts if the metalbender herself had arranged for the safe house.
Both of them told the kids of some ground rules however- if they were to go out, they need to let an adult know; fix your own bed (or not, it’s really up to them); help set the table or wash the dishes, etc.
Tenzin realized that as much time he spent with his daughters after his wife passed away, the acolytes did contribute a lot in other aspects of household management. This was good practice in helping the children grow up removed from their privileges which, if left unchecked, would have ended up with making them quite spoiled. Tenzin knew that he was well on the way to spoiling them, in an effort to compensate for whatever perceived inadequacies he may have in raising them.
Watching Lin now teach Jinora how to wash dishes (he vaguely tried to remember if someone did teach him the proper way to do it as a child), he wondered what else has he been missing in raising his children.
They eventually settled into a routine, not unlike the last few weeks they spent engaged in Republic City.
She would sit in her own favorite spot to read and he would keep to his own space, reading or writing.
It was a comfortable silence that they shared every night after the children’s bedtime.
But sometimes, Tenzin would confess, he missed the easy way they used to banter long ago.
In time, Jinora found the library too and declared it to be her favorite room.
She would, more often than not, be found ensconced there, curled up with a book.
He wondered about the house.
It was furnished tastefully. And yet… there was an air of neglect. Of something forgotten
The house seemed like it was built years ago but remained unlived.
He tried to ask Lin about it but one way or another was usually brushed off.
It was a mystery.
Lin was away for market day.
It was on every nth day when she would go out to buy supplies. She had a contact who was discreet who could help them in acquiring their supplies. Lin had also explained to Tenzin how no one would tell on them if there were inquisitive strangers. They will be warned as well.
He knew better than to ask and get details on how she had established herself in this rural town in the Earth Kingdom. It was probably because of the nature of her job anyway.
That particular market day, his daughters cajoled him to accompany them in exploring the grounds behind the house. It was a pleasant day after all, and he figured a little sunlight would not hurt.
Bright smiles answered him at his acquiescence and the two girls ran off to the explore.
He was basking in the warmth and being circled by nature. Republic City and the island were both quite artificial in a sense. It was nice to see the girls get to experience the untamed nature.
“Daddy, what are those?”
Tenzin squinted at what Jinora was pointing at.
Is that…?
He blinked then clutched the hands of his daughters as they went nearer.
“They’re airbending gates.”
Why were there airbending gates in this secluded Earth Kingdom estate?
Like the other furniture in the house, it was unused. He gently pushed his hands forward and a burst of air rotated the gates.
They may be unused, but they were in good working condition.
Jinora excitedly asked him to teach her and he was more than willing to do so.
And yet, as Jinora and Ikki giggled their way, Tenzin could not help but wonder…
Note: Where are they? How long will it be before they get to leave their domestic bubble? Why did they break up anyway? Any thoughts or guess? Feel free to share them :) Let me know what you think.
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esmeraldamacnair · 3 years
Things You See In A Graveyard—
I don’t want to die. The pleading cadence of those words now haunted Esmeralda in a way ghosts never could. Hattie’s final plea, the magic words that awoke something ancient and powerful inside Esmeralda. She had been skating on the surface of Necromancy all her life, but now. Now she had plummeted in. 
For several days after the resurrection, Esmeralda had debated with herself. A part of her felt, and knew intrinsically, that the life she’d saved at the gym was hers now. Which meant she had a certain responsibility to Hattie, one she was unsure how to approach. It wasn’t like motherhood, yet in a way… wasn’t it? Another question she mulled over. 
Deciding it was best she let the other girl sort out her feelings on the matter first, Esmeralda stayed away, locked in Macnair Manor until the right amount of time—she was still debating how much time the right amount was—had passed. 
It was around midnight (this she knew from the ancient clock that hung above the fireplace) several days removed from the incident when a very curious thing happened though, to spur her to action. 
“I don’t want to die!” 
Esmeralda looked up from the fire, glancing at the broken window in the library where she sat now, wrapped in sherpa and full of hot tea. Confusion gripped her. Was she hearing things now? Perhaps a side effect of her recent trip to the underworld? 
Hattie’s last words echoed back to her, except she was sure this was a man’s voice that she heard now. And she was sure it was really coming in from the yet-mended shattered glass where a neighboring hooligan had thrown a threatening note inside just the other day, as happened from time to time living by the graveyard. What a fortunate accident it proved to be that she had not yet bothered to fix it.
A curious feeling grabbed hold of her then, and almost before she knew it she was through the front door. Esmeralda declined even bothering to shut it behind her, only tightened the fur coat around her shoulders and marched out into the town. 
Silence surrounded her once Macnair Manor was to her back, and she realized she had no idea which direction the cry for help might have been coming from. Closing her eyes, breathing in the sharp air, she reached out into the world with a sixth sense. 
Death had a feeling to it, as it approached. A magnetism. Perhaps it was that very feeling that drew the tired to it, once all the fight had left them. Esmeralda moved to it now, carefully. She had accidentally tied one soul to hers already this week, she did not want to play keeper to another. 
I will not play God, she reminded herself, tucking ancient urges away inside her. That was the danger in an affair with a Dark Art. It would always ask you for more, and in giving in you would lose yourself and your control over it. It could only be a symbiotic relationship so long as you manned your boundaries as if your very life depended on it. Because in a way, it did. 
She recognized him right away. Not by his face, which she could not see, but by the shape of his grief which clung so tightly, so constricting to him. Asphyxiation, she knew his death report would read. How many had she written up in her lifetime? Asphyxiation. And, it was true. Physically, the overdose would block his airways one way or another, be it bile or the slackening of his muscles, but when she would write the word down and seal the envelope, send the letter of declaration off to whichever office handled the keeping of these records, she would know that it had been grief’s hands around his neck, squeezing the life from him. Asphyxiation indeed. It was a terrible way to die.
That is, if she didn’t apparate him to hospital in time. 
Esmeralda dropped to her knees, peeled back his eyelids, felt in his wrist and in the air around him for a pulse, which existed though faint. Whatever happened after, that was in Death’s hands and his hands alone. She wouldn’t interfere any more. Nothing in life was worth doing twice.
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official-weasley · 3 years
Meant to Be (Charlie Weasley x OC)
What happens when Bill brings home a girl and Charlie is completely awestruck by her?
WARNINGS: curse words, angst
Chapter 11
I woke up the next morning wishing I was dreaming. I felt like not getting out of bed at all but I will not allow my feelings to interfere with my job. It was the only good thing I had going for me now that I lost all hope of ever being more than friends with Rhylee.
I got up and thanked Merlin when I saw that it was cloudy. If I would go to watch the sunrise and she would be there, I don’t know what I would do. I was so upset last night that I forgot to check my team’s schedule for the next month.
I was still determined to fix my relationship with Bill. I simply have to. It’s time to return to my roots. Being grateful for my job and being the best sibling I can be. That’s what I was all about before I met Rhylee and my world turned upside down.
I sighed and got out of bed. I sat down at the kitchen table, the timetable in front of me. Theo has two days off this week and so does Evan. John and Andrew are free the week after that. And then I could take time off when Rhylee comes back. It was hard to be two people short at once during mating season so we had to plan accordingly.
It’s settled then, I will go and visit Bill at work in three weeks. Hopefully, he won’t slam the door in my face. I still can’t believe what an idiot I am. I really messed up.
I decided to go to the nearby village and check out their library for books I could give Rhylee for her case. I didn’t want to be a part of it anymore but I didn’t want to show her how much she hurt me either. The sooner it’s over the better. And I wanted to help the dragon. I don’t want a single one to be executed if there is anything I can do to prevent it.
I could apparate to the library but I decided to walk instead. It’s supposed to be my day off anyway and why not take it for once. I don’t remember the last time I had a day off and if last night isn’t good enough of a reason for me to take a little break then I don’t know what is.
My mind was completely blank walking there. I didn’t have the energy to think about anything. Every time Rhylee or last night came to mind I tried to shake it off. I can’t think about it because it breaks my heart all over again and I can’t keep doing this to myself.
I only had a broken heart once before. It was when Emma and I broke up the summer after we graduated from Hogwarts. We started dating a month before our sixth year and we were very happy together. She was my first love and I wouldn’t change a thing. When I found out I got a job at the Sanctuary we started to talk about our future. She applied for a position to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Ilvermony and when she got her letter we knew it will be very difficult for us to see each other.
We both started right after graduation and we barely had the time to write to each other during summer. I was busy learning, getting acquainted with all the dragons, and getting assimilated to the working schedule and she had to train all summer and prepare to start the semester in September. When we finally had a chance to see each other in August, we both knew it’s not going to work out no matter how much we would like to try long-distance.
We agreed that it’s better if we go our separate ways and broke up. The only time we communicate now is when we send each other a birthday card.
It hurt, letting her go, but at least I had a choice. At least I knew what I was doing and I had a clean slate. This was nothing like it and it terrified me that I was still so attracted to Rhylee even though I don’t know what she was playing at. It’s like I just can’t let her go.
I spend a few hours in the library, going through books, making notes, trying to think of anything that might provide evidence of the dragon’s innocence. I was glad I decided to go. It was a good distraction and I forgot just how much I love reading, checking facts, and learning something new, especially if it had to do with dragons and other creatures.
I found a book on creature trials and one called Dragons and the Law. I decided to give them to Rhylee so she could see if they could be of any help. I dreaded not knowing when the trial is going to happen because it meant I didn’t know for how long I will have to pretend that I am okay with us being friends. I was planning on distancing myself from her as soon as everything is over.
Besides those two books, I took a few for myself. If I wanted to find myself again, I have to start reading as I used to. It made me happy and I think I will need a lot of those moments if I’ll be working alongside Rhylee for what can be the rest of my life.
I went for a run when I came back and paid Ernie a visit. His positivity and cheerfulness were something I needed to surround myself with. I don’t think I ever spent so much time in his office but damn he made me laugh. He gave me a letter from my mum and Ron and a package from Fred and George. At this point, I wasn’t even expecting anything from Bill.
I am glad that I’ve opened mum’s letter first as she warned me that the twins might send me something from their newly opened shop. They did it! They finally did it! They told me about it in one of their letters and made me swear I wouldn’t tell mum. I wanted to give them some money as I supported their dream but they said they are well taken care of.
I have no idea where they got the money from but I just wanted to be there for them. It made me feel good to be a good older brother to at least 2 of my siblings.
Because I was so ecstatic for them I decided to open the gift they sent me anyway. I carefully unwrapped it and slowly removed the cover with my eyes narrowed and my head leaned back just in case something would jump out. I have learned through the years that with them, you have to be prepared for anything.
It looked like candy. They were joking, right? I took it out of the box and found a little note at the bottom.
Something to prank your mates with.
Thank you for being on our side, Charlie.
Love, Fred and George
I felt like crying. I know to them it was a simple gesture but this meant so much to me. It was right what I needed. At least I did something right. It warmed my heart that they felt supported by me and I couldn’t wait to visit their shop.
Something to prank my mates with, huh?
I picked up one of the wrappers. It looked like regular candy. I squinted my eyes to read the label.
Ton-Tongue Toffee.
That didn’t sound so bad. If it wasn’t their invention I would dare trying it but I knew better. Perhaps I will give one to Theo. He always liked to talk too much, maybe these could fix that.
I spent the rest of the day reading on the sofa. Merlin’s beard did I miss it. How could I not have an entire wall of books in my home? I need to write to Hagrid if he still has that one book about dragons he used to lend me when I was still in school. I would love to reread it and I loved the illustrations in it.
When I finally tore my eyes off the book to check the time, I couldn’t believe it was time for dinner already. I decided to put on some clothes.
Yes, I was reading naked.
I live alone and I felt like it and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.
It was the new Charlie!
I tucked the books for Rhylee under my arm and exited my hut.
I knocked on her door and the second I did I heard movement inside.
“Charlie, hi.” She looked even more upset than she did yesterday.
The dark circles under her eyes indicated that she slept almost as little as I did.
“I don’t want to bother you.” I started. I saw something shift in her eyes. “I was in the library this morning and found these two books that I reckon could help you with the case.” I explained.
I couldn’t believe how calm I was. I don’t know if it was because I was still mad at her or I simply didn’t have the energy to care anymore. My heart was still bumping against my rib cage but it was easier to ignore it this time.
“Thank you.” She carefully took the books from my hands, her eyes on mine.
I hated the way she was looking at me. As if she was sorry. As if she felt bad for what happened last night. I hated that I could read her like a book and I hated how much I wanted to ask her what’s wrong and why is she so upset as it was clear, something was going on in her life.
We might be friends but I can’t be there for her right now. I have to get my life in order first. I have to take care of myself and my family. As much as I wanted to, I can’t make her a priority again because I know the second I do, I will fall right back in and I can’t trust myself with getting out.
And she has Nick for that, right?
“Want to come in?” She said as she went to put the books on her coffee table.
“No. I’m going to go have dinner with the guys.” My voice was completely emotionless.
“Oh. Okay.”
Don’t sound so disappointed, Rhylee. You don’t get to sound like that. I can’t feel sorry for you.
“Look, about last night…”
“Don’t.” I shook my head.
I don’t want to talk about it ever again. Especially not with her.
“It’s okay. I understand.” I smiled awkwardly as I didn’t know what else to do.
“It’s just…” She bit her lip and bowed her head. “I…”
“Look, Rhylee. It’s really not a big deal.”
It was but okay.
“I have to go, they are waiting for me.” Without waiting another second I turned around and walked away.
Fuck, why was it so hard! I just left her standing there in the doorway. It was killing me but I knew it was the right thing to do…for me at least.
I sat next to Andrew and started eating my dinner. I just remembered that I haven’t eaten at all today. They were all waiting for me to say something but I pretended I was too busy eating to notice.
“Charlie, we’re sorry about yesterday.” Evan was the first to speak.
“Yeah, it wasn’t our business and we shouldn’t have told you to go and see her.” John followed.
“It’s okay. I’m glad you did it.” I mumbled with my mouth full.
“You are?” Theo looked puzzled.
“Yeah.” I finally swallowed the food. “If you didn’t I don’t know when I would make a move and it already took too long for me to find out she was dating someone.”
“I still can't believe it.” Andrew shook his head. “I know she’s very private but one might think you would mention your partner at least once.” They all nodded in agreement.
“Or at least that she would tell you.” Peter spoke for the first time.
“Why me?” I looked up at him.
“Well, you’re better friends with her than we are. You went running together and you trained her and…you have history.” The lot nodded their heads again.
“Doesn’t matter now, does it?” I tried not to sound too disappointed.
“We’re sorry, Charlie.” Evan said gently.
“We promise, we won't mention it again.” Andrew put a hand on my shoulder and squeezed it.
“Thanks.” I really appreciated that they understood and didn’t press the matter further.
I couldn’t be angry with them. They only wanted me to be happy and they couldn’t know it would turn out so bad. I definitely didn’t expect it.
“What are you going to do now?” Theo asked after a brief pause.
“I’m going to talk to Bill.” I put my fork down. “Rhylee told him that we slept together so that confirms why he hasn’t been writing to me for so long. I haven’t seen him in two years and I can’t believe I let this happen.” I pressed my fingers to my temples.
“Charlie, everybody makes mistakes. You’re only human.” Peter said slowly.
“Do you think he’ll be able to forgive me after such a long time?” I lifted my head.
“Get off it, Charlie!” Theo slammed the table with his fist. “He’s your brother. Of course, he will!”
I wish I had Theodore’s confidence in that. Bill is the nicest, sweetest guy I know and he didn’t hold a grudge against anybody.
But two years!
I would kick my arse if I was him. And then I would heal myself and do it again.
“Peter, I will take two days off in three weeks to go and see him.” I remembered that I have to tell him if I leave the Sanctuary.
We could take a day or two off if we scheduled it in advance without saying anything like I did today. But if you plan on being outside of the Reserve we had to tell Peter so that he knew that if anything goes wrong or if he would need another pair of hands that he can’t come and knock on your door for you to help.
“Charlie, if you want we can switch days and you can go in two days.” Theo offered.
“That’s very nice of you, mate.” I smiled.
That meant a lot to me.
“But I have to figure out what to say to him anyways and I need to find a way to ask one of my siblings to tell me where to find him. I don’t want mum to know that we aren’t talking. It’s a miracle I was able to keep it a secret for such a long time anyway.”
“In three weeks it is.” Peter made a mental note.
“You’re going to be fine, Charlie.” John said. “Just give it time.”
“Yeah, I know.” I sighed.
First I get my brother back and then I’ll focus on mending my heart.
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curechocolattymilk · 3 years
So what's your modlist now post-clean up? Asking because I found some really nice mods from your posts about the game and I'm curious what you found now!
Hoo boy its a lot so read more
Main/Tei-specific modlist below (THIS IS A SSE MOD LIST)
Note: I removed the Alik'r desert mod, it was mainly just a non-vanilla spot for me to test out some new mods n avoid the forced story progress. Also mods marked with a colored text will have NSFW images (namely nudity) uploaded by the author on their pages, fair warning for that! But also let me know if I missed color-coding a mod!
Stuff for the general fixes/improvements/main requirements for most of these mods
Address Library for SKSE Plugins
Bodyslide & Outfit Studio (Required for Rugged Preset)
CBBE + Rugged Preset
Cutting Room Floor
D13 Faster Get Up
Dragon Stalking Fix
ELFX (Main file, main fixes, & True Storms + Alt. Start patch)
Engine Fixes
Face Discoloration Fix
Fuz Ro D'oh
Jaxonz MCM Kicker
PapyrusUtil SE
SKYUI + Flashing Savegame fix
also Wyre Bash+SSEEdit! (Not exactly mods, but good programs to keep you from fucking over your mods/skyrim game)
Mods I'm using for now (A-Z, will note if they are replacement mods)
A Matter of Time
Adamant - A Perk Overhaul (Ordinator replacement, lightweight. Not as intensive/dnd focused as the former, but it's not all that bad!)
Adoptable Argonian Hatching Chases-Starlight
Aetherius - A Race Overhaul (Gets rid of racial powers & you'll need SPID, which i need to get later, to have it apply to NPCs as well)
Alternate Conversation Camera
Alternate Start
Arena - An Encounter Zone Overhaul + Harder Easy Spawns file
Argonian Improvements Horns SSE
Around the Fire
Aurbic Alduin
Authentic Eyes
BAT - Bigger Argonian Tails
Beast Race Bodypaints
BeastHHBB (NPC replacer version) + Interesting Beasts & Beards to Find Them (Uses BeastHHBB on the beast race NPCs from 3DNPCs)
Better Claws & Gauntlets SSE
Better Immersive College of Winterhold
Better Jumping SE
Bigger Tails for Werewolves
Blade and Blunt - A Combat Overhaul (Replacement for Wildcat if I remember correctly! Again, very lightweight/works more on improving vanilla than changing it extremely)
Campfire + Unofficial SSE Update file
Character Creation Overhaul - Races - Birthsigns - Classes - Skills - Specializations - Attributes
Civil War Aftermath SE
Convenient Horses
Civil War Neutrality SSE
Dawnguard Music Overhaul (All modules)
Deadly Dragons SE
Death is Highly Overrated 2021 parts 1 & 2
Digitigrade Beast Races for Skyrim SE
Disease - Sanies Lupinus (Adds the lycanthrope disease that was cut from the game, good for if your PC is a werebeast b4 the main quest starts & also what I use since my werewolf overhaul replacement doesn't have an early lycan option! Doesn't break the companions quest in any way from my experience)
Diverse Skyrim SSE
Diverse Werewolves Collection + Player werewolf replacer
Dominions More Argonians
Draw - A Dueling Mod
Enigma Series -AIO- + Compatibility patch for Talkative Dragons
FAR - Forgotten Argonian Roots
Forgotten Magic Redone (Apocalypse replace # 1 - adds in some more spells)
Guard Dialogue Overhaul SE
Hardcore Saving Overhaul (removes a lot of saving options & only gives you limited ones [i.e. save via rest, drinking a specific potion, or save & exiting via a coin] - just added this one to bump up the difficulty for myself)
Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions and Custom Home Support SE
Honed Metal SSE Updated + Revoiced
Horns Are Forever SE
Hun Lovaas - Replacer Version
Hypertrichosis -Extra Gore Edition-
Immersive Armors
Immersive Citizens
Immersive College of Winterhold SE
Immersive Good Boy
Immersive Movement
Immersive Patrols SE
Immersive Weapons
Immersive World Encounters SE
iNeed - Food Water and Sleep - Continued
Inigo + Marriage Commentary Patch for Kaidan 2
Interesting NPCS + Patches (CRF for me)+ Cyb's 3DNPC replacer (Note, if you want to use the BHHBB replacer for this mod as well, you have to let it overwrite 2 specific files [0000294C2.nif & 000294c2.dds], I haven't tested if it will mess w/ the non beast race NPCs just yet buut I doubt it will)
Kaidan 2 + Pandorable's Kaidan SE (Soon to be 3 if my assumptions for this November is correct)
Khash the Argonian + Patches
Leviathan Animations (Sprint - 2H High Stance - 2H Normal + Power Attacks - Female Idle walk & run - Male Idle Walk & run)
Lucien - Immersive Fully Voiced Male Follower
Manbeast - A Werewolf Overhaul (Growl replacement, another lightweight mod but very solid)
Mannequin Stay Put
Melodies of Civilization 1.01 + Replacer
Miraak - Dragonborn Follower SE + Dialogue Plus (Probably gonna drop this mod come the S:EC release, I just use it as a way to not become Mora's champion)
Monster race crash fix (for Playable Dragons)
More Tavern Idles compatibility version
My Little Hatchling - Ram-Ku
Mysticism - A Magic Overhaul (Apocalypse replacer #2 - lightweight)
Nether's Follower Framework
PC head Tracking and Voice Type SE (Using PC Head Tracking Voice Pack - BeastFolk [Male Argonian specifically] for the BYO/Custom since it adds more lines for beast folk.)
Play as a Dragon SE - Experimental Version
Practical Female Armors SE
Pride of Valhalla CBBE
Pronouns + They/Them patcher
Racial Body Morphs SE
Real Bosses + Heavy file (bcus I love pain apparently)
Redguard Noble Armor SSE
Redguard Children Skintone Fix
Run For Your Lives
Sarcastic Player Dialogue SE
Serana Dialogue Edit - SSE
Shout - A Complete Immersive and Dynamic Overhaul of all Shouts
Shut Up Night Mother
Signature Equipment
Simple Forsworn - SE Port
Simple Werewolf Favourite Howls Menu
Simply No Fast Travel
Skald's Mail - A Courier Alternative
SkyTEST + SkyTEST - Bellyaches HD collection SE + SkyTEST - Better sheep SE + SkyTEST - Mihail's chick replacer and better idle sound SE + SkyTEST - Mihail's gray farm goose SE
Smart No More Stupid Dog Comments
Song of the Green (Auri Follower)
Still - Skyrim Inspired Music -Replacer Version
Tail Armors - BAT compatibility version
Talkative Dragons
The Library of Paarthurnax
The Paarthurnax Dilemma
TK Dodge SE
TK Hitstop SE
Touring Carriages + Immersive Citizens Patch
True Storms + Wet & Cold patch
Ultimate Combat SE
Vampiric Serana
Wearable Lanters + MCM Fix
Werewolf Feral Beast Run + Faster Werewolves file
Werewolf Loot and Activate
Wet and Cold SE
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