#appliyama 470
digitalmaemae · 1 year
Happy 7th Anniversary Appmon!!
I started working on this video a lil while back and posted it for today (a bit late cuz I forgot lol). Hope you enjoy it!
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Propaganda below the cut:
Eri Karan
- "I'll punch my way into your heart! I am the centre of the universe, so call me Karan Eri-sama!" (She says while standing on a table, having removed her shoes beforehand). An Idol of Appliyama 470 group in the series. She became an idol to make her hard-working and busy mother smile, and wishes to extend this to others too. She's an idol while also being an Appli-driver helping solve Appmon virus problems happening in the show.
Cheri Sono
- Submitting her because that one anon said everyone in the show is basically a fictionalized version of a real idol/canonically their pseudo-reincarnation, but I remembered that Chieri specifically is not one.
Arguably only one of the main nine girls is a "successor", and she is not voiced by the idol the character is a reincarnation of, so saying NO NAME are effectively THOSE real people is like saying any other idol group who happen to be voiced by a real idol group are "just" expies of...a different but related real idol group, but I won't submit the other seven as it's moreso implied they'll eventually become successors than explicitly important that they're not, and if that's a deal breaker so be it.
I just have fond memories of the show and its cool idol space battles so I want to put forward at least one character to honor it.
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acelania · 7 months
"With all the drama of the last few months, there's been little opportunity to tidy up around the house. Makoto's boss thinks that the day of the Appliyama 470 election is an excellent chance for her and her son to start making up for lost time." During NaNoWriMo last year, I got so into Appmon (which I missed previously due to losing track of Digimon somewhere around the Tri halfway mark) that I watched the whole thing from start to finish in less than two weeks and promptly wrote fic about it: "it" being the fact that Yuujin as a character interested me rather less than the extremely fun and complex logistical implications of his role in the narrative, and what that implies for his relationship with his mother/constructor. Enjoy!
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pkmnjesus · 6 years
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Through memories of making Hajime happy, REI ACTUALLY DID IT....ALSO HOW DID REI’S VOICE EVEN GO THAT HIGH xD
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citrus-cactus · 6 years
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My submission to @appmonzine, featuring the Appliyama trio! I was so happy when the zine’s title was announced, because I had wanted my piece to show a “Perfect World” happy ending for all these beautiful kids (and Manager Anezaki, she worked hard too!). Thanks to @frudoodles for making this project a reality, it was an honor to appear alongside so many talented artists and writers and pay tribute to one of my favorite Digimon series!
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shihalyfie · 3 years
I vaguely remember it being mentioned L-Corp got raided by authorities after the whole Leviathan thing and now I'm picturing the Appliyama idols like Izumi and Eri being questioned. Even if not, I can see Appliyama 470 having to rebrand and/or get owned by another company.
I think they'd be questioned, but I also think it'd be unlikely they'd push the subject too hard because it's too obvious the idols really had no say in this matter and were at the mercy of management. But yeah, there's good reason Eri, Alice, and Elena ended up forming their own idol group by the time of the finale.
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firstagent · 5 years
In this episode, the big Appliyama 470 election has its credibility threatened due to its reliance on a buggy app. Good thing nobody’s dumb enough to do that in real life, huh?
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analyzingadventure · 6 years
It kinda makes me sad how I said I’d write an indepht thing about how I feel about Appmon after rewatching it but like... I can’t find the words to express how I feel about it... Partly because some of my feelings of it are so conflicting...
One of the biggest issues I had with it was it’s lack of story arcs. And the thing is... I don’t think it’s fair or nice to compare Appmon to Adventure and use Adventure as some kind of “standard” other seasons need to live up to. But to complain about Appmon’s story arcs I need to compare it to Adventure because it makes it a million times easier to explain the issue I have
Appmon’s story arcs were kind of... Well, to start off there’s only two major story arcs in Appmon; the 7-Code Appmon Arc (aka first 20+ episodes until we meet Dantemon), and the Hajime & Bootmon Arc (the entire rest of the show). And the thing is that these arcs were... kind of badly defined.
Like through out the whole series we do always know that the ultimate goal of the series is to stop Leviathan, Appmon did a good job at defining that right from the begining (which is more than what I can say for Adventure). But how the story progresses, how each event and scene connects and leads to the next, and how the Chosen will achieve their ultimate goal... Like through out Appmon I always felt like those things just... kind of weren’t there.
Especially during (the begining of) the Hajime & Bootmon arc it just felt really unclear how the search for Hajime was going to help stop Leviathan. And while Bootmon gets mentioned fairly early on, he kinda gets forgotten because the focus of the story shifts to introducing Yuujin and Offmon, or Eri’s music career, or saving Yuujin, or Astra’s AppTuber career, or getting back the Buddy Appmon’s memories.
Like through out the show we know the goal is the stop Leviathan, but how any of this connects to that goal or helps it feels really unclear. It makes the episodes start to kind of mush together in my memory as some meaningless slice of life filler when most of it isn’t filler, like I think there was only like 4 filler episodes in the show that you could totally skip.
In the end the whole Hajime & Bootmon arc felt like watching multiple, completely unrelated subplots unravel slowly until it all connects at the end.
And now we do the unfair thing and compare Appmon’s story arcs to Adventure’s. Adv didn’t really give us any huge goal for the characters beyond the Chosen returning to home (tho I could argue that all of these things are a requirements for the kids to go home but I digress), but yeah, here’s all the story arcs and summaries of them.
Devimon Arc: The kids try to find a way to go home (and try to survive)
Etemon Arc: The kids set out to try and defeat another enemy and obtain the Crests and Tags after being told to do so
PicoDevimon Arc: The kids reunite with one another
Vamdemon Arc: Stop Vamdemon from killing the 8th Chosen and taking over the Human World
Dark Masters Arc: Defeat the Masters to save the universe
See how easily you can break down Adventure into arcs and summarize the main plot of each arc? Do you remember how each arc connects and transitions from one to the next?
Even when Adventure’s pacing is questionable and it’s writing far from perfect, you can still see how each event connects to the next and how the progression of the story makes sense and feels natural; Adventure’s story flows
I’m not saying subplots that exist to develop characters or do world building or set up important things for the story are bad or anything, far from it, but there is like a difference between Yamato leaving Taichi and co to become a better person so that he can help Taichi defeat Piemon vs Eri wanting to quit being a part of Appliyama 470 because the group is owned by the bad guy (while the plot wants us to find Bootmon whomst we know nothing about because first we need to save Hajime so that he can exposition dump us to explain everything and reveal him and Bootmon were actually linked this entire time).
And... despite all of this whining... I STILL LOVE APPMON.
Appmon was funny, it had great comedy, it’s tributes to and references to previous seasons were adorable and wonderful and made me so happy, the characters were all well written and likeable, and the way everything seems to connect and wrap up in the end makes the show feel satisfied and make sense (more than Adventure ever does*). Oh and the CGI was great, fight me
Hell, Appmon made me question the whole “every episode has something important in it meaning you have to watch it” deal that Adventure has going for it as well,something I used to praise Adventure for, but now I question it; Appmon made me question Adventure’s writing
Appmon is and was an absolute delight and I absolutely reccomend it for everyone. I love Appmon. God damn I love that show so much
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Like I don’t even know what else to say, like my feelings on it really are just “I loved it except this one huge part about the overall writing” and it makes it frustrating for me to try and talk about it because I don’t wanna complain about Appmon that much because I still think it’s such a great show but all this whining makes it seem like it wasn’t and like aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh dfhdskfhdfkjghdksfg
*Y’all know me, I absolutely believe in the “all the villians were working together” theory, but it’s still just a theory and thus nowhere near as solid as all the established connections in Appmon
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keep-on-trying · 7 years
Literarily anything could still happen in Tokyo Awards, but having Appmon reach Top 8 is just amazing and I’m so proud of it doing so good. I don’t know how respected such award is, but still!
Appmon is now literarily one of the 9 GODs of Appliyama 470 atm and I’m hoping it’ll keep on staying there! ♥
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my-yuujin · 7 years
So i combined these videos below to make these 3 dorks sing together
they should make Appliyama 470 Boys
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lunawings · 7 years
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I got the Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters character songs and soundtrack CD! FINALLY, something I could buy new for full price to show my appreciation for this show. Also I have been listening to a lot of the old Digidestined/Partner characters songs, so I was just in the mood for it.
In addition to the instrumental soundtrack, every Appli Driver gets a song with their partner, plus an Eri solo and an actual AppliYama 470 song. I’m going to review the character songs under the cut:
After listening for a couple days, I have to say my favorite is Yujin and Offmon’s song Slow Starter. Not only is it a cute song, I just love the contrast between their voices. (The confident, gallant Yujin being complimented by meek little Offmon.)
Although, I have to admit that sadly Rei and Hackmon’s song Maze is my least favorite for nearly the exact same reason. Rei can sing, Hackmon cannot haha. So the song is composed of Rei belting his heart out while Hackmon is just talking at him.
My close second favorite is Haru and Gatchmon’s Hallelujah (Hareruya). Just because. IT’S THEM. And I LOVE THEM. Gatchmon sings a lot like Agumon hehe, but as soon as he sings with Haru they harmonize perfectly. 
I really liked Eri and Dokamon’s Hicchuu@CenterGirl song too, it’s super catchy. A terrible confession: Just because of how things started out between the two of them, I occasionally found myself wondering whether Eri and Dokamon’s bond was as strong as the others throughout the series run. But. After listening to this song I have no more doubts!! haha. 
And finally, Astra and Musimon’s song Wander Beat is exactly what you would expect it to be: A super dorky rap. And I would not have it any other way.
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digiconjurer · 7 years
We got the previews for the character songs along with the full OST list. Note: These translations were done by the people at With The Will.
First up, the character songs.
1. Hallelujah, sung by Yumi Uchiyama and Kokoro Kikuchi as Haru and Gatchmon. 2. On Target @ Center Girl!, sung by Umeka Shoji and Motoko Kumai as Eri and Dokamon. 3. Wander Beat, sung by Shiho Kokido and Nao Tamura as Astra and Musimon. 4. Maze, sung by Toshiyuki Toyonaga and Daisuke Sakaguchi as Rei and Hackmon. 5. Slow Starter, sung by Makoto Furukawa and Yuu Shimamura as Yuujin and Offmon. 6. With You, sung by Yui Hori, Shoji Umeka, Inori Minase, and Rie Takahashi as Appliyama 470 members: Izumi, Eri, Alice, and Elena 7. A Pinky Promise Smile with an Explosive Punch, sung by Umeka Shoji as Eri.
And then we have the OST minus the opening and ending songs. There are spoilers, kinda.
1. There Are Only Some Apps That Are Monsters 2. Last Time On Appmon 3. Application-Based Life-forms Which Possess Artificial Intelligence 4. Haru and Gatchmon’s Daily Routine 5. Appliyama 470 Theme 6. Do You feel it? Or Don’t Ya? I’m Totally Feeling It! 7. Knight Unryuuji 8. Tea Time at the Secret Base 9. An Unengaging Conversation 10. A High-Spirited Puzzle Game 11. Cute Offmon 12. Hope and Expectation 13. Coldhearted Eyes of Surveillance 14. Panic Downtown- No! 15. L-Virus Infected Appmon 16. Into the AR Field 17. Infiltration- Hacking 18. Mienumon’s Scheme 19. Incident Outbreak- The Virus Appmon 20. In A Pinch! A Buddy That Never Gives Up 21. The Fear of An AI Driven Into A Corner 22. Strike Them Down with the Super AppLink 23. Cloud the Masked Man 24. Into the Deep Web 25. The Ultimate 4 26. The Threat of Leviathan 27. Shutmon’s Loss of Control 28. Difference in Power and the Fear of Death! 29. A Protagonist’s Suffering 30. For Everyone’s Smiles 31. A Blooming Heart 32. With Faith and Courage, We Can Do It! 33. To The Awakening of the God Appmon! 34. Surging Power! We Won’t Lose! 35. I’ll Protect Eri-chan 36. L-Virus Purification 37. Buddy Bond of Friendship 38. The Promised Tomorrow 39. Appmon Data Lab 40. Preview
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rowel-anime-trends · 5 years
It's time for Appliyama 470's biggest event, the ranking vote! Eri's working her hardest to take the number one spot, but when the preliminary results come out, she gets the surprise of a lifetime!
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pkmnjesus · 6 years
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I like how the subbers made Rei’s Good morning a smaller font as he is saying it in a low voice lol Erena NO CHILL
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citrus-cactus · 6 years
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Some good good idol girls for your dash 🃏👊🐇
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firstagent · 7 years
What is your ranking of the 8 digidestined?
Erm… what’s the criteria? Best characters? Best stories? Mostdevelopment? Coolest hair? Also, is it season one only or all threetogether?
For now, since I just watched season one, here’s my quick rankingof the eight kids based on overall depth and development:
But what’s the fun of that? New Ask game!!
Send me any criteria you want, beit serious, fun, or complete nonsense. I’ll rank the eightAdventure kids on that criteria. Askto rank how well they’ve held up in tri. Ask who’s suffered most.Ask how heavy a crush Miyako has on them. Ask how they’d rank inthe Appliyama 470 idol elections. Anythinggoes!
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