#applying to my grad schools TONIGHT
1eos · 4 months
my boss earlier said 'anti-genocide' in a tone of voice that implied being against indiscriminate slaughter of a population is like. too hard of a line
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girlscience · 8 months
I need to go back to school right now. I was sitting around bored last night because I didn't have homework to do. I can't live like this.
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pallases · 8 months
submitted my first app 😖
#😭 didn’t plan to start this early but they said to do it by tonight and now i am worried abt when other companies want their apps in. i#should have asked them#i don’t think they all want them in now tho bc one of them told me she doesn’t start responding until january which. probably means i can#wait a bit right?? i don’t know 😭#personal#the engineering chronicles#feeling pretty okay abt how today went actually one employer told me i have a very high gpa and that she thought she read it wrong and#another i was talking to abt how even though they’re not a primarily medical company they do do medical stuff and i named and spoke abt the#things they’ve worked on and he seemed impressed by that knowledge. so#really worried tho bc. there are hardly any medical places my school has approved to apply to for this and companies that dont do medical#stuff don’t want biomedical engineering interns even if everything but my electives is the same as an ee’s coursework. bc we’re not going t#stick around for them to hire post grad. like ppl from these companies are straight up telling me not to bother applying or that they don’t#accept apps from ppl in my major etc. which fucking sucks especially since in ADDITION to that the vast vast majority of the companies#that Do have medical stuff going on are mechanical or manufacturing based not electrical. like. what do you expect me to do here#there is one company (the one the guy seemed impressed w me abt) that does electrical and coding stuff and i am really really interested in#them. but as i said the medical stuff is not their main focus and they’re more an all around place. and they also won employer or the year#or whatever a couple years ago. which means Everyone is going to be applying to this company. ugh
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earlymodernlesbian · 8 months
my birthday is in 5 days and part of me is like i'm not even thirty yet i'm literally just a baby i have so much time i can do anything and part of me is like holy shit i'm almost thirty i'm running out of time tick tick boom baby
and it doesn't help that i legit want to quit both my job and my grad program
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bsaka7 · 1 year
jobs r evil job offers are evil figuring out what you want to do is EVIL
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firstluvlatespring · 2 years
people keep on asking me what's my plan for the future...stop it STOP IT
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rosewaterandivy · 11 months
c'mon barbie, let's go party
summary: steve harrington learns to embrace his kenergy with a little help from his friends.
a/n: in honor of barbenheimer today, please enjoy steve's newfound kenergy in the kids aren't alright cinematic universe. that being said, you can absolutely read this as a stand alone too! i'm seeing barbie later tonight, so mentions of the plot are vague and culled from the teasers and trailers - any and all mistakes are my own! feel free to yell at me in about this in my ask box et al. i'm at the tattoo shop for the foreseeable future and need some enrichment in my enclosure. Reblogs, feedback, and likes are appreciated - reposting is not. Enjoy! 💜
p.s. sneaky peak at eddie and his gf from my upcoming series notes on a scene 👀
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steve had it all planned out - made the appointment himself and triple-checked that your schedule was clear for the day. circled it on the communal calendar in the kitchen double-feature: barbenheimer.
the group chat had been made aware and eddie's girlfriend, inexplicably known as princess, had taken it upon herself to buy tickets for the gang, therefore dictating the order in which the films would be seen (film teachers, am i right?). oppenheimer first, which steve would suffer through - historical films were always difficult for him to get through due to the anachronisms, and ending with the pièce de résistance: barbie.
you were swamped with grad school classes (having applied over the spring and started your courses this past summer) and steve wanted to treat you to something nice and relaxing. and a trip to the nail salon would have been just the thing, if not for eddie & princess crashing it.
luckily, you didn't seem to mind and were happily ensconced in your chair waiting on your nail tech. you'd brought your own color, because you're picky like that, and let steve, and then eddie and his girlfriend (out of necessity), sort through your collection too.
he'd settled on something called a midsummer's dream from that one brand you liked (there seemed to be a package from them every few weeks or so), thinking it would compliment your choice of arcade monster quite nicely; a little sweet and a little sour.
"manicure and pedicure?" the woman at the front desk had asked. steve clarified that the mani/pedi would be for the ladies, while eddie and himself would just get the pedicures. though the chipped black polish on ed's nails was becoming unsightly.
but despite doing so, steve somehow found himself moved from the pedi bath over to a nail table and seated right next to you. you looked up from your reading (Prisoners of Geography by Tim Marshall, steve's suggestion) and quirked a brow. "whatcha doin'?"
"sitting here, i guess."
you smirk, "sure thing, babe," and go back to your book.
so when a well-meaning woman grabs his hand and places it in a bowl of water while asking about his color choice, he doesn't know how to respond. he could've sworn he just said a pedicure for him and eds, but when he looks down the row and finds eddie in rapt conversation with his nail tech about god knows what as she removes his chipped black polish, he's no longer quite as sure.
he looks over to you, seeing an ill-attempt to repress your laughter. "you don't have to get a polish if you don't want to." and it's sweet, you're sweet for thinking of him and his comfort when this was supposed to be all about you and yours.
steve shrugs, "might as well at this point," and hands her the bottle of pinky-blue iridescent polish.
you tuck your chin toward your chest with a grin, teeth flashing bright against the pink of your lips. "a very nice use of kenergy, steve. gosling would be proud."
your nails flash green-gold in the sun, a nice contrast against the magenta base polish. you’re sipping from a s’mores milkshake from the ice cream parlor after the nail appointment, eddie having spied it a few stores down.
("it's too hot to argue, harrington," eddie groused, but not before grabbing steve's hands to examine his manicure. "dude, that color is sick on you!")
“s’nice color honey,” steve says, pausing to drink from the milkshake when you passed it over to him. the cool blend of chocolate and marshmallows with graham cracker chunks hits his tongue as you send a deilvish wink his way.
“thanks baby,” your tongue glides against the full of your bottom lip, collecting a bit of chocolate. checking to see that eddie and princess are out of earshot, you pull him in by the belt loops.
“think they’ll look as nice wrapped around your cock later?” you rasp, voice dropping to a low whisper.
steve shudders at the husky sound of your voice and nearly chokes on the milkshake in response, flustered and blushing. your laughter rings out in the afternoon heat, as bright as the sun shining above.
you kiss him for good measure, lips cool and sweet, before catching up to eddie and his girlfriend a few paces ahead. and all steve can do is watch after you, struck dumb by his girl with her quick tongue and wicked words.
he gets it later that evening seeing barbie when they say: “she’s barbie, and he’s just ken.”
you did not tell a lie when you said to princess all those months ago, that ken would end up being steve’s ‘literally me’ character. truthfully, he’s just glad to end up with his dreamgirl.
and yeah, your nails looked just as pretty later that night. as did his when you fell apart on his fingers. a flash of blue in the dim light when his hands dug into the soft flesh of your hips— you coming with a ragged cry on his cock, face buried against the pillows of your bed.
steve may be “just ken” but he wouldn’t trade it for the world. not when he’s got a barbie like you.
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underacalicosky · 3 months
I love stars from our eyes! 🤩😍 though, I love everything you write! I can't give anymore kudos to your works but here's thousand more ❤️×1000
Prompt idea: anakin and obi-wan are about same age(give or take a year or two) in their late 20s/early 30s, and have been best friends since university. Anakin is helplessly in love with obi-wan, who is in relationship with satine, and that's why anakin thinks obi-wan is straight. But when satine cheats on obi-wan, he has to move out quickly from their shared home and he moves in with anakin. Hurt/comfort follows and anakin learns new truths about obi-wan 😁
Hi Anon, this is so sweet! 🥹 Thank you for this lovely note 🥰 I’m thrilled that you’re enjoying Stars From Our Eyes (and I hope you’ll like how it ends)! Thanks for reading and I’m sending ❤️x1000 right back at you!
I definitely have a soft spot for same age Obikin AUs and lots and lots of pining. This was a fun prompt and it gave me something to think about tonight as I was making dinner. I hope you don’t mind that I changed it a little bit and took out the part about Satine cheating (I couldn’t do that to her!). Thanks so much for this prompt! 💞
Anakin was in a meeting when the text from Satine arrived. Assuming it had something to do with the wedding, he hadn’t looked at it until he got home. It was then that his heart stopped.
I’m sorry. I love him and always will, but not the way he deserves to be. Please take good care of him xoxo
Instead of texting her back, Anakin immediately called Obi-Wan.
It turns out, three months before he was supposed to marry Satine, she had an epiphany. She loved Obi-Wan, deeply, but she was no longer in love with him. Not the way she was when they were fifteen, sixteen, seventeen... spending summers together at the Cape.
And she suspected he was no longer in love with her as well. Which happens sometimes, through no one’s fault.
They were both born into families with influence and wealth and power. And when they began dating, it was welcomed with enthusiasm on both sides. The union of two political dynasties.
But to Anakin, Obi-Wan wasn’t the son and grandson and great-grandson of senators. He was simply Obi-Wan. He was the guy who had slept eight feet away from him in their fifteen by twenty dorm room freshman year.
He was the friend who chose to room with Anakin each year after that, and who Anakin would visit on the Cape one week each summer, and who came home with Anakin every Thanksgiving and made mashed potatoes with his mom and said their modest home was lovely and warm, despite having grown up in mansions and estates.
And after they graduated, he was the friend whose couch Anakin slept on for almost a year as he looked for jobs before eventually applying for grad school.
Ten years later, he was the friend who asked Anakin to be his best man.
And so the next day, Anakin called in sick to work and rolled up to the gates outside Obi-Wan and Satine’s lavish house in a mid-sized U-Haul and helped his best friend pack up his belongings.
His best friend, who Anakin had harbored feeling for since they were eighteen. He’d kept that secret hidden away because he knew nothing could ever come of it. Obi-Wan was betrothed to a smart, strong, and lovely woman. Anakin was his best friend, and that was more than enough.
At first, Obi-Wan was going to stay with Anakin at his condo for a month until he found a suitable place to rent.
One month turned into two.
“We didn’t have sex for two years,” Obi-Wan says quietly one morning, unprompted.
It caught Anakin off guard and he choked on his coffee, spitting it across the kitchen island and dribbling it down his chin.
“Were you seeing someone else?” Anakin asked after he stopped coughing.
“No. I just watched a lot of porn,” Obi-Wan said and took a sip of his tea.
Two months turned into three.
“I know we were right to end things. It’s letting go of the life that was expected of me that’s been the hardest part. Feeling like I’ve let down my family and hers,” Obi-Wan mused. “My future had been laid out and I simply had to place one foot in front of the other and just walk. But now that I’ve taken a step to the side... I feel so free.”
Three months turned into a gardening project to update the little patch of backyard space into a patio with a quaint sitting area.
“I’m pretty sure that’s the little dipper,” Obi-Wan said, pointing to the sky as they sat on the bench together.
“I had no idea we could see so many stars on a clear night,” Anakin commented.
Half a year later, Obi-Wan had repainted the kitchen and updated the cabinets.
Anakin returned home a day early from his work trip and froze at the bottom of the stairs when he heard the noises. Moaning and grunting. The rhythmic slap of skin.
A blush crept over him and he quietly placed his carry-on duffle on the floor, right next to his breaking heart, ready to leave and grant Obi-Wan some privacy with his guest. But as he tiptoed toward the front door, it became obvious that he was hearing the voices of two men.
His curiosity got the best of him so Anakin tiptoed up the stairs instead. Down the short hallway. To the door of the guest room where Obi-Wan had been staying for nearly a year.
Anakin peeked in the dark room and saw the naked silhouette of Obi-Wan leaning back in his chair, his hard cock in his hand. On the laptop screen was a man with bronze curls getting fucked senseless by another man with pale freckled skin.
“Obi-Wan?” he asked, before he could stop himself.
And when Obi-Wan turned and fell out of his chair, Anakin ran to his own dark room and stood there in the middle of the floor, frantically processing what he just saw.
About fifteen seconds passed before Obi-Wan rounded the corner with a hastily thrown on t-shirt and pair of shorts. He flipped on the light and his expression was that of panic and complete shame.
“I can explain,” Obi-Wan said.
Anakin stared. “Okay.”
Obi-Wan took several deep breaths. “There really isn’t an explanation. It’s exactly what you think.”
“You’re watching gay porn.”
“You’re into dudes?” Anakin asked.
“You’re into dudes that look... like me from behind?”
Obi-Wan shrugged. “I’d prefer if they looked like you from the front too.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Anakin whispered.
“Because I didn’t know how you’d react. I’m still trying to figure it out myself,” Obi-Wan admitted. “I think I’m in love with you. I think I have been for a very long time.” His fingers fidgeted with the hem of his shirt.
“Not as long as I’ve been in love with you,” Anakin said quietly.
“Oh, I think you’d be surprised,” Obi-Wan said with a laugh. “I think--”
It didn’t matter what he thought, because Anakin’s lips were on Obi-Wan’s, finally. And there was plenty of time to think tomorrow. And the day after that.
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You Got This, Kid (A Halstead Brothers + Halstead Sister Imagine)
A/N: I'm back! Please enjoy this imagine about what I've been going through with grad school applications and everything else these past few months. It's a long one (the longest I've ever written, clocking in at 23.7k words), so grab you might want to grab your snacks now. Finally, thank you for reading, and don't forget to reblog/like and comment!
Okay, so maybe checking your email when you were out to lunch just trying to have a relaxing afternoon before taking a nap before work was a bad idea.
"Yeah?" Jay asked when he answered his phone.
"I'll know if I got into East Carolina by 6 pm today," you told him. You had been researching and applying to Ph.D. programs in clinical psychology since August and had decided to apply to five in total. It was currently January and you had yet to hear back from a single one. And, East Carolina University was your top choice.
"Oh, wow. Just take a couple deep breaths. I guess today was a bad day to have us get the new appliances put in, huh?"
For Christmas, Hailey's Christmas present to herself and Jay's Christmas present to her were all new appliances in the apartment. You had no idea how they got around that since they were renting, but you had a suspicion that them both being cops had something to do with it.
"Well, the appliance people just left, so you can come home any time," Jay told you. "Think positive."
You rolled your eyes. "You know you're talking to the world's biggest pessimist, right?"
"It wouldn't kill you to be a bit more positive is all I'm saying."
"It's not like you're a ray of sunshine either, Jay."
"Fair point."
"Well, I've got two pages left of this chapter and then I'm coming home."
"Okay, drive safe," Jay told you and then you hung up the phone.
You knew you needed to get home soon because the more time you had to sleep before work tonight the better. And, you knew it would be hell falling asleep because you'd be counting down the minutes until you knew whether or not you got into ECU.
"This is fucking ridiculous," you muttered as you walked out of your room and into the kitchen.
"Language," Jay warned from his place at the kitchen table, case notes spread out in front of him.
"I'm 23, Jay."
"Fair point. What are you doing up anyway?"
"I can't sleep," you whined as you grabbed the kettle from the stove and began filling it with water. "And, why are you working when you're not at work?"
"I can't relax. You know that."
"Apparently I can't either," you muttered.
You felt like you were going to throw up from nerves. What if you didn't get into this Ph.D. program? And, if you didn't get into this one, what if you didn't get into the other four? If you didn't get into a Ph.D. program and a Ph.D. was required for your degree, then what were you going to do with your life?
You dug the fingernail of your pointer finger into your thumb to ground yourself. You knew it wasn't the healthiest coping/grounding mechanism, but hey, it worked.
The kettle was whistling, so you turned off the burner and grabbed a mug and a peppermint tea bag. Maybe the peppermint would help your nervous stomach settle. After all, Will told you peppermint tea was supposed to help with period cramps, so maybe it would help with this, too.
"You want some?" you offered. "I'm making peppermint."
"Sure, why not," Jay agreed.
Once your tea was finished you handed a mug to Jay. "I didn't put any milk or sugar in yours because you're a health nut."
"Now you sound like Hailey," he said and stood up to add a splash of milk to it.
"I'm gonna go read until I can't keep my eyes open," you told him. "The faster I fall asleep, the faster the time will go, so the sooner I'll know if I get in."
"Night, kid," he said.
Then, you made your way to your room and turned on a calming instrumental playlist on Spotify, turned on a lamp so that the lighting was dim, but enough that you could see, and then curled up in your bed with the book you were currently reading and your mug of hot, peppermint tea.
As it turns out, sleeping for a long period of time to make time go faster was easier said than done.
You tossed and turned for half an hour until your eyes were finally drooping while you were reading. And then, you woke every hour for the next three hours. The last time you woke up was 5:45 pm.
The email said you'd know your results by 6.
A knot formed in your stomach as you reached for your phone. You opened your flagged emails and located the one which had the link to the application portal. Then, with shaking hands, you clicked on it.
You took a deep breath and logged in.
You felt your heart beating out of your chest as you hit the tab that read application status.
You closed your eyes and took a deep breath and opened them.
Despite the contents of your application, we are a very competitive program...please don't let this deter you from applying to other or future programs...
Tears began to prick your eyes.
"Fuck," you muttered. "No, no, no, no."
You grit your teeth to keep the tears from falling and grabbed your phone and then left your room and walked out to the kitchen, where Jay was cooking dinner.
"Hey," you said quietly.
"Hey, you didn't sleep very long—" But then, Jay saw your face. "Oh no. ECU?"
"Denied," you told him as you continued to hold back tears.
"Hey, there's still what? Four other programs you applied to? And, you just emailed a school in Florida yesterday about how to check your application status, so maybe you got in there. Did they email you back yet?"
You shrugged, Jay was always the rational one though, so you opened your phone and once again navigated to your emails. Sure enough, University of Florida emailed you back with instructions on how to check your application status.
"They emailed me."
Jay nodded, but you didn't see because you were too busy hitting the link the school had sent you and then typing in your username and password.
When it loaded, your heart dropped.
There, in big, red, bold letters after application status, it read Denied.
"No," you choked out as tears began to stream down your face. "No, no, no no! If I didn't get into either of these, how am I gonna get into Wayne State because that's the best neuropsychology school in the country? And then I only have two left and—ugh!"
"C'mere, c'mere," Jay said softly and took a step towards you and wrapped his arms around you.
"I just- I worked so hard on the applications!" you sobbed as your tears began to soak his shirt.
"I know. I know you did, kid. It's their loss. There's a school out there for you."
"But what if there's not!"
"There is." He paused and then his parental/brotherly instincts kicked in. "Now, do you want to stay here and eat or go back to sleep?"
"Go back to sleep," you mumbled.
"Okay. I'll wake you up in two hours so you don't have to set an alarm. Sound good?"
"Okay," you muttered.
When you started to make your way to your way to your room, Jay said after you, "You go this, kid."
It had been two days since you learned you had gotten denied admission to East Carolina University and the University of Florida. You had thought about your plan and what you were going to do next. The only options you had come up with were (1) apply to PsyD programs (more clinical, less research, but also less funded) if you could find some with later deadlines that were still accepting, (2) go to school in Europe (but that might pose issues with licensing if you ever wanted to come back to the US and practice), or (3) take yet another gap year.
You had relayed these options to Will, Jay, and Hailey the night before when Will stopped over with some I'm sorry you got rejected from two Ph.D. programs so maybe this will make you feel better coffee from one of your favorite coffee shops before your shift last night.
"Morning," Jay said when you walked upstairs later that night. Despite it being 7 pm, since you worked night shift, this was technically your morning.
"Morning," you said, your voice monotone.
"You feeling okay?" Jay asked as you grabbed the container of cold brew from the fridge and then grabbed a glass.
"Physically, yeah. Emotionally...not so much."
"Good enough to figure out your next steps?"
Luckily, you had finished pouring your cold brew and put the cap back on the container or else you knew you would have spilled it everywhere at that question. "What? I'm trying to figure it out, Jay!"
Jay put his hands out in front of him in a calm-down gesture. "I know. I'm not saying you aren't, but well, I have access to tech at the district that you don't have that might make looking for more schools easier."
Jay muttered something under his breath about having to spell everything out for you all the time...which luckily you didn't hear. "Me, you, and Will are going to the district to do some research on grad schools."
You cocked one eyebrow. "You're trusting Will to use state resources?"
"No. God, no. He's there to research on his own laptop and then read over some of your essays...if we get that far."
You nodded. This was all just so overwhelming that despite how grateful you were for both your brothers' help, that was all you could do.
"Leave in an hour?" Jay asked.
"Yeah, yeah, that's fine. Just, give me time to shower and eat something."
And by something, you meant a piece of fruit and maybe a granola bar. Seeing how riddled with anxiety and frustration and whatever other shitty feelings you had been feeling the past two days since you got denied from the only two schools you had heard from so far, your stomach hadn't been feeling that great and your appetitive was half as much as it was before you got your results...if you had an appetite to begin with. You felt like that last complete meal you had eaten was the night you had gotten those results and Jay had dinner for you. For the past two days, you had mostly eaten what you felt like you could stomach without feeling nauseous, which was mainly smoothies, fruit, protein shakes, and snack foods. You knew your appetite would come back eventually and your nausea would go away eventually, but for now, it was here and you just had to deal with it...much like you had to deal with the fact that you had to do even more work to get into grad school than you had previously thought.
"I brought pizza!" Hailey announced when she got upstairs and into the bullpen. You, Will, and Jay had been researching grad schools for three hours. Jay had found two that still had deadlines open and didn't require the GRE, so you were working on writing essays to get into those.
After you finished the first one, you emailed the essay to Will and he edited it. You figured he'd be the best one to edit these essays because he'd had to write them to get into med school.
While Will was editing and making notes in the margins of your essay on google docs, you opened the links to the other schools that Jay had sent you. And, you had added two more to your list (making the total you would currently apply to four at the moment) when Hailey walked in with the pizza.
"Thank God," Will said and quickly closed his laptop. (You thanked God that you were working in google docs and that everything automatically saved so that his edits wouldn't be lost.)
"You're literally just editing," you said and rolled your eyes at how overdramatic your oldest brother was being. "I'm the one who has to look over the programs, make sure they're a good fit for me, and actually write them, and then I have to email--" you cut yourself off as your eyes widened in realization. "Oh, God."
"What? What's wrong?" Jay asked as he entered the break room with Hailey since he had been out in the bullpen because he was using one of Intelligence's desktops.
"I have to email my profs and ask them if they'll write me more letters of recommendation."
You hated doing this part because it meant that the application process wasn't entirely in your control. One of the letters of rec might not be emailed to the right email address or the application system wouldn't let you put in a certain recommender and then you'd have to contact the school and--
"Y/N." You hadn't even realized Hailey had crouched down in front of you. "You need a break."
"But I can't! I--"
"Y/N, some of those schools don't have deadlines until March or April. You can take half an hour to eat," Jay told you.
But you couldn't; your stomach was in knots just thinking about all the work you had to do.
"I'm not hungry."
Will looked you up and down. Of course, your physical appearance hadn't changed in two days obviously, but he knew how stress held itself in the body, in a person's posture; in their facial expressions. But most of all, he knew how much stress he had gone through during his med school application process and how some of his classmates could barely eat without throwing up because they had been so stressed out.
"Y/N, we know you're stressed out. But, you have to eat something. You can't write great statements of purpose that are gonna get you into a program without food in you, kiddo."
You sighed. "But I feel like I'm gonna throw up."
"It's just nerves," Will reassured. "We just want you to eat something."
You looked at Jay, hoping for once he'd side with you and not Will. "One piece of pizza," Jay said. "And then, if you still don't want to eat, you don't have to. I'll even go get you a Sprite from the vending machine downstairs to help settle your stomach."
"And, we can talk about Outer Banks," Hailey bargained. "Me and Jay just finished the new season."
"I thought you guys had four more episodes to watch!"
"Just finished it yesterday," Jay said.
"We spent half of our RDO watching that," Hailey said.
Will just looked between the three of you. "I'll go get her the pop because I have no idea what you guys are talking about."
"It's a show on Netflix! It's really good! These kids are treasure hunting and--"
"Eat your pizza, Y/N, and then maybe you can convince me to watch it," Will told you.
You took a bite of your pizza while maintaining eye contact with Will, which made Jay burst out laughing and then Will stood up to go get your pop while muttering something about you being a creeper under his breath.
"I need a John B," you said after your second bite of pepperoni pizza. "The way he held Sarah's hand all the way up the mountain, just—ugh! I love it. At first, I thought I needed a JJ because of how he broke into Kitty Hawk for Kiara, but he's a little too crazy for me."
"Uh-huh, sure, that's why you chose John B," Jay said while rolling his eyes.
"What's that supposed the mean?"
Jay grabbed a piece of pizza and took a bite without even bothering to grab a plate. This caused Hailey to gently smack him on the arm and push a paper plate into his empty hand. He took another bite and then set the pizza on the plate. "I'm just saying, don't you like brown-haired guys more?"
"They're called brunettes, Jay. And, yes. But, how the hell did you even notice that?"
"Think of all the celebrity crushes you've had over the years, Y/N."
Of course, Will had chosen that exact moment to walk back into the break room with your pop. "Oooh, we're telling Hailey all about Y/N being a crazy teenager. I love this game."
"Like you didn't have a stash of PlayBoy magazines under your bed, Will!" you shot back.
"Did you..." Will trailed off as he looked at Jay.
You burst out laughing. "He never told me anything. But you just confirmed it! Ha!"
"Y/N's first celebrity crush was Zac Efron!" Will shouted.
"Technically, it was Troy Bolton," you corrected.
Hailey just shook her head and laughed at your banter.
"And then there was Bieber—"
"No, she liked Nick Jonas before him, remember?" Jay corrected.
"Oh, yeah," Will said. "There was Nick Jonas, then Bieber, then a couple hockey players, then 5 Seconds of Summer—"
"Specifically Luke Hemings," you butted in.
Jay laughed. "You really have no shame in this do you?"
"None at all. Continue, Will."
"And...I think that's it."
"And John B, from Outer Banks," Jay said. "That's her current one."
"Is he even a real person?" Will asked.
"Nope. Now, Hailey, if you were in Outer Banks, what character would you be?" you asked and then opened your Sprite and took another bite of pizza.
She thought for a moment. "Probably Sarah. Our dads are both pretty messed up."
She said it jokingly but also matter-of-fact. Despite this, Jay still gave her a sad look but quickly recovered to his neutral facial expression. (He knew how much Hailey hated people pitying her due to her past.)
"What about you?" you asked Jay. "Wait! You have to be John B because you have to marry Sarah and you and Hailey are married."
Jay let out a chuckle. "I mean, I guess, I was gonna pick him anyway."
"Why?" you asked.
He shrugged. "He's the leader of the group. He thinks things through more than JJ. And, I'm not as smart as Pope. Will would be Pope."
"Is that a good thing?" Will chimed in.
"Yeah," you told him. "Watch the show and you'll find out."
Will just rolled his eyes.
"Who would you be, Y/N?" Hailey asked.
"Me? Oh, I'd die in the first season. I'm not the kind of person to do crazy illegal shit."
"Oh, c'mon!" Jay groaned. "You gotta pick someone!"
"Fine. I'd be Wheezy. I'd still be helping, but not in like an illegal way."
"Fair enough."
The three of you continued talking about Outer Banks as you finished another piece of pizza and a breadstick, making the total you'd eaten while you were talking two pieces of pizza and one breadstick and, seeing as you hadn't technically had a meal since you learned about your first rejection, only snacks, you considered this a win.
You pulled your laptop back out and groaned. You didn't want to keep having to write essay after essay, but you knew you needed to because that was the only going to get into a school. Despite this, you still had that nagging thought in the back of your head that all of this was for naught and you were just going to continue to get rejection emails from all the schools you worked so hard to apply to.
You rummaged through your backpack, pretending to look for your chapstick, which you knew was there. Then, you groaned and stood up and walked to where Jay was once again seated at his desk in the bullpen.
"Jay, can I have your keys? I think I left my chapstick in your truck," you lied.
Jay fished them out of his pocket. "Here, but be quick. It's dark out."
You rolled your eyes. "You know if all of this works out, I'll be in a different state in less than eight months, right?"
"Don't remind me."
You just rolled your eyes again and made your way downstairs and out the back way to Jay's truck.
You quickly unlocked it and jumped in the backseat. You just sat there as your head spun with worry, each worry connecting to another like a spider connecting pieces of a web in your mind.
Will I have to stay at my job another year or God forbid forever because there's not much I can do with a BA in psychology?
If I don't get into a program this year, will I apply next year? And, will my profs even write me letters of recommendation next year because they won't have had me in class for two years at that point?
If I have to do this for another year, should I take a couple of classes next year so that I have other professors to write me letters of recommendation and so that I can show the schools I'm applying to that I'm still learning about the field I'm going into?
When should I start looking into schools and the process of going to school in Europe if I don't hear back from all the programs I'm working on applying to soon?
What am I going to do with my life if I can't get into a program?
You jumped when someone gently tapped on the window. Then, you scooched over so that they could open the door and come inside the truck.
"Jesus, Will!" you exclaimed when he was inside and had shut the door. "Don't do that!"
"Sorry, I would've texted you, but you left your phone inside. You find your chapstick?"
"Um...about that..." you trailed off and looked away. You knew that if you started telling him your worries, you'd break down and you really didn't have time for that as you just needed a few minutes alone and then you needed to get back inside to work on the stupid essays for these stupid applications because these other stupid schools didn't want you because you needed a stupid doctorate degree for you stupid career to make stupid money and have a stupid life.
Will nodded, quickly understanding that there hadn't been a lost tube of chapstick to begin with. "You know, I didn't match for a residency at first," he told you.
You turned to face him, even though you could barely see him because it was the middle of the night. "Really?"
"Yeah, and it was terrifying."
"But you're a doctor. You have to do a residency to be a doctor."
"Mhm," Will confirmed. "I had to do the SOAP process."
"What's that?"
"It's where all the kids who finished med school who didn't match to a residency try and apply for the ones that people didn't want or are left over."
"So, you got everyone's shitty leftovers?"
Will smiled and shook his head. "Basically. I never wanted to go into plastic surgery. It seemed so..." he trailed off while he searched for a good word to describe it. "Vain," he finally said. "Don't get me wrong, there are some people who need it because of accidents and things like that, but giving rich men's wives nose jobs, that's not what I wanted."
"So, what you're telling me is to go into another specialty if it's open? Even if I don't like it," you asked. If this is what he was getting at, his pep talk wasn't a very good one."
"Sort of," Will answered. "But, there's a bit more to the story. I always wanted to go into emergency medicine, so when a job opened up at Med, I jumped at it. So, even if there's roadblocks, you'll get the career you want; you just have to be patient. You need to be a doctor in clinical psychology for your specialty, right?"
"Okay, and there's a lot of things you can do with a doctorate in clinical psych, right? You don't have to go specifically into neuropsych?"
"Yeah, I'll be a clinical psychologist with the doctorate so there's other stuff I can do," you confirmed.
"Okay. Then you get into a clinical psych program and you go from there. And, if you can't do your fellowship or whatever it's called--"
"Post-doc," you told him.
"Right. If you can't do your post-doc in neuropsych, then you can do it in another specialty. Once you make some money, you can always go back and do another post-doc, this time in neuropsych, okay? This whole process doesn't have to be linear to work out. And, honestly, the application part and getting in is harder than the degree itself."
"Really. Now, Hailey put on a pot of coffee when I came out here, so c'mon. Let's go drink some more coffee and look at more grad schools. Jay found some options in Arizona because we know you want to go where it's warm."
"Perfect." Will opened the door to get out and you scooted over to get out of Jay's truck next. "And, Will?" He turned back to look at you. "Thank you."
He smiled and gave your shoulder a squeeze. "Anytime, kiddo."
"You have actual food tonight, right?" Jay asked two days later, Sunday night, when you grabbed your lunch box from the fridge to go to work. "Not just snacks?"
You rolled your eyes. "Yes, Jay." Ever since your brother noticed you weren't eating full meals, he'd been on your ass about it. But, yesterday you ate like a normal person and so far today you have, too. "Shouldn't you be finishing the game and going to bed?"
"It's at intermission. It's—"
"Don't tell me! I'll watch it at work."
"Pretty sure those sites you use to watch it are illegal, but whatever."
"Shouldn't you know for sure if they're illegal or not?"
"Well, you're not on the dark web and you're not selling anything and you're not the one uploading the games, so I'm pretty sure I can't arrest you."
"Well, that's a good thing because if I get arrested, then I can't get into grad school...not that I'm sure I'll get in now, though."
"Hey, we found what? Six programs for you to apply to? You'll get into one. But, you better get going before you're late."
"Says the man who rushes to work every morning."
"Really, it's Hailey who holds me up in the morning."
"No, it's not!" Hailey yelled from the living room. "He's the one who hogs the shower!"
"Gotta go!" you said quickly and grabbed your keys from the hook by the door before you got in the middle of their arguing.
About half an hour into your shift, you got a phone call asking you to come over to another building to talk to a coworker.
"I have to go talk to Tia," you told your two other coworkers.
"Tia? What does she want?" your coworker, and also one of the veteran staff at your work, Tamara, asked.
"No idea. I haven't been over to that building since the beginning of last week, so if I did something wrong, I forgot about it."
"Okay, well, see you later."
"See you," you said.
Then, you slipped on your coat and buzzed yourself out of the current building, and made the quick and chilly walk to the other building.
"Hey, where's Tia?" you asked when you walked in and saw another one of your coworkers.
"Oh, hey, Y/N," she greeted. "She's in the office."
"Okay, thanks."
You made your way into the office where Tia was sitting at the computer.
"Hey, Tia. You wanted to talk to me?"
"Yeah. What's your problem with my schedule?" she asked you rudely.
You didn't have a problem with her schedule per se, you just had a problem with there not being enough coverage with her schedule. And, since you worked at every building, you'd have nights when you worked here alone—which you shouldn't be doing, but management didn't care—because she worked long shifts for eight days straight, and then the other six, it would usually just be you or someone else working here alone and you had brought this up to your supervisor when he asked if you'd come across anything you wanted to fix.
"I- I don't have a problem with your schedule. It's just that sometimes there's only one person here and it gets hard in the mornings." Since you worked with kids, sometimes when you were by yourself, you'd have to get them out to the bus stop and that made it hard to do because you couldn't leave all the other kids in the building alone while you went to do that, so you'd have to call other buildings to see if they had a staff available to come help you. Contrary to popular belief, you couldn't be in two places at once.
"Yeah. And that happens to me sometimes, too. But we do it. And now because of what you said, my schedule might get changed—"
"That wasn't my intention, it was just—"
"Can I finish?" You nodded. "And now my schedule might get changed and this is the schedule that works for me. You only pick up here, so if you don't like it, don't pick up shifts here."
Tears began to prick your eyes. "I get scheduled here. I don't pick up." You took a deep breath. "My intention was just to figure out a way to get coverage, not to have your schedule get changed."
"Well, maybe you need to tell your supervisor that you don't want to be scheduled here anymore if you don't like the way we do things over here."
At this, the dam broke. You frantically wiped at your eyes. "I'm sorry. It's- It's not this. I just got rejected from grad school and it's just everything. Sorry."
At this, she softened. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. Don't let anyone here make you cry, not even me. It's not worth it."
You nodded. "Yeah. Can I- can I go now?" You asked while trying to stop the tears from falling. You didn't feel like walking out of the office and having yet another one of your coworkers see you cry.
She nodded and you quickly wiped your eyes once more and walked out of the office, just willing your eyes to stay dry until you got outside.
You sniffled all the way until you got to one of the buildings the kids used for gym class during the day that you knew would be empty because they were all sleeping. You buzzed yourself in and then quickly made your way to the bathroom and locked yourself in a stall.
You leaned your head against the door. "Fuck," you muttered.
Everything about the past few days came flooding through you and you began to cry so hard that you could barely catch your breath. And, you weren't even an hour into your shift.
Your breath was coming out in short bursts as you pulled out your phone to text Tamara and tell her that you were in the gym bathrooms because you needed a minute and that you'd be back soon. Then, not caring that this was a bathroom, you slid down and leaned against the wall and pulled out a breathing app on your phone that you had for times like this. You hadn't had an anxiety attack or whatever the fuck this was that was prompting your frantic breathing in a year and a half, but you had kept the app because you knew you might need it one day. Today—well tonight—seemed to be that day.
You were focused on your breathing—breathe in through your nose, hold, breathe out through your mouth—for three minutes before your breathing returned to a semi-normal rate. Then, you continued the breathing exercise for two more minutes just to be safe.
When you closed the app, you saw that Tamara had texted you and asked if you were okay and if she needed to come over there. You told her you were on your way back to your building now.
Then, you pocketed your phone and splashed some water on your face, and dabbed it dry with some paper towel. Your eyes were still red, but at least you didn't have tear stains on your face. After taking one last deep breath, you left the bathroom and then the building and began your quick and cold walk back to the other building and the coworkers you actually enjoyed working with.
When you got back inside, you told your coworkers what had happened and then Tamara asked if you wanted a hug, which you gratefully accepted.
You knew a bigger breakdown over grad school rejection was going to happen eventually, you just didn't think it was going to happen at work.
And, if the first half of January was anything to go by, you were in for one hell of a month.
"Well, look who's finally awake," Will chirped when you walked into the kitchen after waking up for your day...which was everyone else's night.
"I went to bed at 10 am," you shot back. "And I don't like to talk to people when I first wake up, remember?"
"Oh, yeah, that's right. The one time of day when you're actually quiet."
You went to flip Will off when Jay quickly butted in. "Y/N, there's leftover pasta in the fridge for you to take to work."
"And there's loukoumades for you, too," Hailey added.
"Hailey's my favorite sibling!" you exclaimed and then began to make your coffee as you drowned out the noise of Will and Jay trying to argue about why they should be your favorite sibling...well, mostly Will because Jay knew Hailey was his better half by a long shot.
Once you made your coffee and a bowl of yogurt and fruit for breakfast, you made your way back upstairs to your room to read for a while before you started getting ready for work.
When you took a sip of your coffee, your lips puckered in disgust. It was way too bitter and...you had forgetter creamer.
"Ugh," you groaned and then stood up from your chair. You were so cozy with your robe and slippers on and a blanket covering your lap that you almost decided to forgo your coffee, but who were you kidding, you needed that caffeine.
You grabbed your mug of now lukewarm coffee and made your way out of your room. You started down the stairs as normal until your slipper caught the edge of one of the stairs.
Jay, Hailey, and Will were all still sitting at the table, each enjoying a cold beer when they heard a thump, thump, thump on the stairs above them.
Jay and Hailey's reflexes kicked in just a hair faster than Will's and they sprinted over to the steps to see you laying on the landing of the stairs with coffee spilled all over you and your head against the wall.
You swear you had never seen Jay run as fast as he did then. He cursed to himself as he bounded up the stairs two at a time and quickly crouched in front of you.
"Can you move your arm?" he asked. You hadn't noticed that your arm was placed between you and the wall. You lifted up your arm and nodded.
"My coffee," you cried.
"You can make more coffee, Y/N. Did you hit your head?"
You nodded tearfully and Jay looked back at Will. Your two brothers traded places and Jay picked up your empty coffee mug—thank God it hadn't broken—and then made his way downstairs to grab the first aid kit and some towels. Hailey followed him to give Will room to work if needed and made her way to the freezer to grab an ice pack.
"Where'd you hit it?" Will asked you and you leaned forward and put your fingers on the back of your head. Will nodded and you put your hand down and he felt around the area and looked for blood. "No blood, so that's good. There is a little bump, though. Any dizziness? Nausea?" You shook your head. "Okay, good. But, I'm still gonna have you stay home from work tonight because those symptoms can have a delayed onset, so I don't want to miss something and then have you have to be rushed to the hospital while at work. I'll write you a doctor's note if I have to."
You were about to protest because if you called out now since it was only three hours until your shift, you could get written up. But, you'd only used a single one of your sick days out of the five you had and they reset in April, so you figured you'd be fine if you explained the situation. "Fine," you agreed. "Can I go back to bed then?"
"Nope. I want you to stay up for a couple of hours. It's not good for you to go to sleep right after hitting your head even if you do feel fine. After that, you can sleep all you want. I just need to see if you puke or not."
"She good? No hospital?" Jay asked since he and Hailey had been waiting at the foot of the stairs with supplies.
"No hospital. Just stay home from work and ice her head. Doesn't look like the coffee was hot enough to burn her based on her skin and her not telling me, but if she says anything, give me a call."
"I'm right here you know!"
"Oh, we know," Will said. "But, you're still under Jay's health insurance."
You rolled your eyes and then held out a hand for Will to help you up. He did and you made your way back upstairs and to your room to quickly grab a different pair of pajamas and then head to the bathroom to take a shower to get all the coffee off of yourself.
Then, you made your way back downstairs—carefully this time—and saw that Hailey had made you a new cup of coffee and had a small plate of loukoumades sitting next to it.
"After you eat those, you need to ice your head," Hailey told you.
"C'mon, the boys are getting the tv set up for us."
"What are we watching?"
"I may or may not have convinced them to put on Outer Banks since Will still hasn't started it."
You smiled. "Yay!"
Then, you picked up your coffee and plate of Greek donuts and made your way to the couch where Jay tried to steal one of your loukoumades, but Hailey quickly swatted his hand away.
"You already had yours. Now press play, Halstead."
"Y/N, hey, wake up," you heard as you felt someone shaking your shoulder. In your sleep-addled brain, it took you a moment to process that it was Jay waking you up. "Y/N, can you hear me?"
"Mhm," you answered. "Wanna sleep."
"You've slept for at least twelve hours."
This got you to roll over and check the time on your phone. 5:37 pm. You had slept for over twelve hours; Jay was right.
"What time did you go to bed?" You went to answer, but then Jay stopped you. "Wait, any dizziness? Nausea? Blurry vision? You feel like your head is going to explode?"
"I feel fine."
"Okay. So, what time did you end up going to bed?"
"I fell asleep on the couch until three, and then I woke up and went on Tik Tok until five and then I went back to sleep." You yawned. "I shouldn't be tired! What the hell?"
"Just, get up and get moving around and then you'll probably wake up more."
Then, Jay left your room, but not without turning your light on which then forced you to either get up or get up out of bed and turn off the light and go back to bed. You were already up anyway, so you figured you might as well have a slow morning before going into your shift, so you decided to just get up and go downstairs to get some food and coffee.
After making yourself breakfast and a cup of coffee, you went to the bathroom before heading back to your room and saw that you had gotten a surprise.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me," you mumbled and then grabbed a tampon from the cabinet under the sink. You had just gotten your period two weeks ago, you weren't supposed to get it again! But, at least the panic attack made sense now.
You left the bathroom to once again be met with Jay.
"You didn't puke in there, did you?" he asked. "You were in there for a while."
"Jesus Christ, let me guess? Will put you up to this?"
"Yup. He told me to monitor you closely since you slept so long."
"But you still went to work today and left me by myself," you said. "And for your information, I got my period. So now I have a reason why I had a panic attack at work the other night and I'm not just crazy."
You went to grab your food from the counter but were stopped from going up to your room by your brother.
"Whoa, you had a panic attack at work? Why didn't you tell me? Or Hailey? Or Will?"
Shit. You had forgotten that you just went straight to bed after that shift and didn't tell anyone.
You sighed and sat down at the table with your food and coffee instead of going upstairs. "Because I was tired after work and I went right to bed and then I just forgot to tell you. I journaled about it though."
"That's good. Do you still want to talk about it?" he asked.
So, you launched into the story of your night of being chewed out by Tia and then having a panic attack in the bathroom.
"She had no right to talk to you like that, you know," Jay said once you were finally finished.
"I know. And she's on my shit list for it." You would've said she's on my fucking shit list for it, but you knew Jay hated when you dropped the f-bomb. A year ago, he would've hated you swearing in any capacity, but now you thought that he was finally coming to terms with the fact that you were a grown woman and would swear whether he liked it or not and whether he heard you or not.
"I knew the mental breakdown from all this school stuff was gonna come sooner or later, but I didn't think it was gonna happen at work."
Jay nodded; he honestly had no idea what to say at this moment. Did he agree? Comfort you? Finally, he settled on a mixture between comfort and encouragement while you focused on blowing on your coffee to make sure that it wasn't too hot.
"Hey, you'll get through this, alright? Just keep applying. You didn't work your ass off in school for nothing. And, it's their loss if they don't want you."
You smiled. Jay was oblivious to some things, but he always knew just what to say when you needed a pick me up.
"Thanks, Jay."
"Anytime, kid."
You were going to lose your damn mind. You had all this stuff to do and submit and one of the people who said that they'd write you letters of recommendation for your PhD programs said that they're really busy and they might not be able to get to the ones for the PsyD programs you were applying to. And Jay and Will heard all your bitching about this. How fucking hard was it for her to change the date and the name of the school on the letter and send it in? Unbelievable.
You couldn't think of anyone and you were running out of time to get these in.
"Fuck," you muttered.
You heard a knock on your door. "Y/N? You still up in there?"
Shit. You forgot it was Jay and Hailey's RDO today.
"Yeah, why?"
It was only half an hour past the normal time you'd be sleeping anyway.
"Me and Hailey are going out for breakfast. You wanna come? Or we can bring something back for you."
"Bring something back," you said quickly. You were not in a state to be out right now because you knew the minute that you saw lots of people, you were going to have a full-fledged breakdown.
"Okay, I'll send the menu so you can tell me what you want. Goodnight."
"Night," you answered.
"I'm just gonna go check on her," Jay said when Hailey asked him why he was walking towards your room instead of their room once they'd gotten home from going out for breakfast. The two had planned on having a lazy day of watching tv on the couch along with a few beers. And, instead of going to change into comfy clothes right away, Jay decided to take a peek into your room.
The sight he saw when he cracked open your door broke his heart.
You were pacing your room and pulling at the roots of your hair while your breathing came out in short bursts.
"Hey, hey," Jay said quickly as he opened the door wider and made his way into your room.
You turned around at the sound of his voice. "I- I—"
"Don't try and talk. Let's just sit down, okay?"
You nodded and he gently placed his hand on your shoulder and helped lead to your bed.
You both sat down and Jay offered you his hand for you to squeeze. You took it.
"Breathing app," you told him through your rapid breathing. "On—" Breath. "—Phone." Breath.
"Say cheese," Jay said as he put the phone in front of you, screen-facing, so that he could open it. "What's it called?"
"Ti-ide," you said and grabbed his arm.
"Tide?" You nodded. "I gotcha, I gotcha," he said and then sat down next to you and held the phone between the two of you. "In," he narrated as you watched the circle on the app expand. "Hold..." Pause. "Exhale." The circle deflated.
"It's not--"
"Just keep breathing," Jay encouraged. "Think of a bubble, just like on the app."
You continued to hold on to his arm and continued to follow the breathing on the app for six more minutes.
Jay handed your phone back to you after he saw your breathing had evened out and you confirmed you were okay.
"Is this what happened at work the other night?" he asked gently.
You nodded. "I think I need to go to the doctor. I can't keep living like this, Jay!"
"I know you can't. And I'll do everything in my power to help you. But, don't you mean therapy?"
"No, a doctor. My period's being all weird and my anxiety's bad and maybe I need to be on Xanax or something. I can't keep doing this!"
"I know. Do you know why this happened? For my PTSD, there's always a trigger, was there one for you?"
"Just all this grad school stuff."
"Still can't think of anyone else to write you a letter?" You shook your head. "Could you use your supervisor at work?"
"Probably," you answered. "Maybe I'll use my old one from when I was on dayshift though because I like her better."
"Okay, send her an email. The worst she can say is no."
"And then I'll have to think of another person--"
"We'll cross that bridge when we get there. For now, just email her and then schedule a doctor's appointment. You should be able to do it online. And, me and Hailey got you some food so come out and grab it whenever you're ready. I'll put it in the fridge for you."
"Thanks, Jay."
He didn't know if you meant the help with the panic attack or the help with grad school or getting you food, but no matter which one you were thanking him for, the answer was still the same: "Anytime, kid."
"Okay, Y/N," Hannah said when you came to see her in the ED one day. (This was a planned appointment, but you knew she could possibly have to run out of the appointment if she is needed in the ED.) "So it says here in your online chart that you wanted to come in because of irregular periods and anxiety?"
"Yeah," you answered.
"And how long have your periods been irregular?"
"A month and a half, two months," you answered. "Around the time I started getting rejection letters for grad school."
"Yeah, Will's told me you've been applying. I bet that's really stressful."
"Yeah, it is. And now I have to apply to different degree programs because I didn't get into Ph.D. programs, so it's been a lot."
"Well, stress can play a big role in our cycle. So, what I'm gonna do is ask you some questions and then do the physical exam, see if there's anything I can find that could be causing this. I also want to run some labs just to check your blood work."
"Okay, but does it have to be fasted?" you asked. "Because I just came from work, so there's food in my system."
"I'd be concerned if there wasn't food in your system after working all night," Hannah joked. "But no, it doesn't have to be fasted. I mainly want to get your thyroid levels checked.
"Now, the anxiety, tell me about that. Is it more general? Is it panic attacks? When does the anxiety start? That kind of thing."
"Um, it's more general, I guess. I've only had two panic attacks, but I get like anxiety attacks when I see that there's gonna be a lot of people."
"A lot of people like what? Can you give me an example?"
"Like if I'm at the gym and there's a lot of people there, then I want to leave because I'm getting anxious."
"Okay, so in looking at your chart, I saw that you're on an antidepressant. So, based on what you just told me, there are two options. The first is that I can put you on hydroxyzine, which is an anti-anxiety medication that you can just take as needed. Or, I can increase your dosage of antidepressants and get you set up with one of our social workers here at the hospital who can teach you some coping skills or refer you to a therapist," Dr. Asher told you.
"Is there any way my body could constantly be PMS-ing? Because I used to get anxious around my period and now I'm having my period a lot more, so could that be it?" you asked.
"It definitely could be, which is why I want to have you get your labs done so we check your thyroid levels. But, if you don't want to do anything with your meds, we can always just have you meet with the social worker and see how that goes."
"What would you recommend? In terms of the hydroxyzine?" you asked.
"You've told me you've only had two panic attacks so far, so based on that, I think you could do either way with the medication. We could always increase your antidepressants and then when I follow up with you in a month, if nothing's changed, we can get you some hydroxyzine. It's completely up to you."
"Okay, let's just up my meds for now and if I need to go on the hydroxyzine later, I can."
"Okay, perfect, let me go get someone to get those labs done and then you're free to go."
"Thanks, Hannah."
3 days later
When you woke up, you saw that you had a voicemail and that it was from Hannah. You assumed it was regarding your labs.
"Hi, Y/N, it's Doctor Asher. I have some information I'd like to share with you concerning your test results from the blood panel that was done. These charts are also available in your online chart if you would like to see them. Please call me back when you get the chance. And if I don't answer your call, please leave a message with the best time that you can be reached. Have a good day."
You quickly logged into your chart to see the results yourself since you knew that your results would be there.
What you saw was something that you assumed might be the problem based on the research you had done on your own since you went to see Hannah a few days ago. (There was no way in hell you were talking to Will about this, and you had to beg and plead with Jay to convince him not to talk to Will about it. But, in the end, he agreed because you cited that he wouldn't be able to give you the check-up in the ED anyway since he was family, and by law, he couldn't do that. And, you also promised that if it was anything serious or if there was anything wrong at all, you would loop Will in yourself or that you would give Jay permission to loop him in.)
Your thyroid levels were slightly elevated, and in the notes, it said that during the physical exam, your thyroid did feel a bit enlarged. Because of this, Dr. Asher would recommend having an ultrasound of the thyroid...At least, that's what you gathered from all the medical jargon you read. And, because of said jargon, you assumed that this is why Hannah wanted you to call her back so that she could explain it to you.
You called her back.
"Hello, this is Dr. Asher," she greeted when she picked up.
"Hey, Hannah, it's Y/N Halstead. I'm calling because you told me you had my test results back."
"Yes, I do. Just give me one second to get it pulled up here..." There was a pause on the line and you could hear her typing away on the computer. "Here it is. Did you get a chance to look at your results from your online chart yet? If not, I can read the results to you over the phone."
"I looked at them," you told her.
"Okay, so what I'm going to do is just break down the results for you and then tell you the next step. Feel free to stop me at any time with any questions, okay, Y/N?"
"Okay, yeah."
She broke down the results for you and they were exactly what you had assumed from your online chart...and what was actually written in your online chart. But, you assumed that it was just standard protocol for her to have to break down the results to you over the phone or in person.
"So we just want to get an ultrasound of your thyroid to see if the thyroid is actually enlarged since your thyroid hormone levels were slightly elevated and your thyroid gland was slightly enlarged from what I gathered from the physical exam," Hannah finished.
"So, what happens now? Like, after the ultrasound?" you asked.
"If the thyroid isn't enlarged, then we just continue what we talked about, taking the increased dose of Zoloft and then meeting with the social worker and following up with me in a month about the anxiety and the irregular periods," she told you. "But, if the thyroid is enlarged, we'd put you on medication for that so that your levels can stabilize."
"Any more questions?"
"Nope," you answered.
"Alright, well, I'm gonna give you the number for scheduling so that we can get you scheduled for that ultrasound of the thyroid. But, feel free to call me or send me a message on your online chart if you have any other questions or concerns, okay?"
"Okay, thanks, Hannah."
"No problem, Y/N."
She gave you the number and told you to have a good day and then you said the same to her and ended the call.
You grabbed your book and started to walk upstairs to tell Jay when you thought of something: he might not even realize that you could get an ultrasound for other things besides being pregnant. Your other brother knew this, but you weren't sure if this one did.
These next few minutes were going to be really interesting.
At least, you thought it was going to be the next few minutes. Turns out, you had a few hours to talk to Jay because all he told you was a raid went sideways. Granted, it was mid-week, and for some reason, crime was slow during on Monday and Tuesday and ramped up a bit on Jay and Hailey's RDO, which was Wednesday, and they'd usually come back on Thursday to a full-fledged case. It was almost like criminals hated Mondays as much as the rest of the world did.
So, to calm your nerves about grad school and everything else that was a fucking mess in your life, you decided to make yourself—and Jay and Hailey—pasta salad with chicken for dinner.
You turned on one of the tv shows you had to catch up on and then started boiling the water for the pasta and took the veggies out of the fridge along with a cutting board from the cabinet and a knife from the knife block to start chopping up the veggies.
An hour later, you had let the chicken nuggets and the pasta cool in the fridge for half an hour and had just finished cutting up the chicken nuggets and were about to mix everything together when the door opened.
"Hey, I made pasta salad for dinner—" You turned. "Will? What are you doing here? I thought you were Jay or Hailey."
"Jay told me you had a doctor's appointment a couple days ago and I figured I'd come over and check you out, see what's the matter, and then start the Hawks game with you guys."
"And Jay knows you're coming over? Did he tell you to come over? Or just tell you I had a doctor's appointment?" you asked, stopping your stirring of the pasta salad so that you could give him your full attention...and to make sure you were making eye contact to try and figure out if he was lying to you or not.
"He just told me you had a doctor's appointment the other day and that he's worried about you. I told him I'd come and check you out, but that's all he told me." Will's phone buzzed. "Speak of the devil. It's Jay. Said he and Hailey are picking up Gino's on the way home." He glanced at the bowl in front of you. "But, it looks like you already made something, so..."
"I'll just save it for lunch for the next couple of days; I'm not passing up Gino's pizza." Will tapped his phone screen a few times. "What did you just tell him?" you asked and took the spoon from the pasta salad that you had begun to stir once again and pointed it at him.
"Just gave him a thumbs up. Now, tell me what's going on, and finish making your food so I can give you a check-up."
"Don't really wanna tell you," you mumbled.
"Hey, whatever it is, I promise you I've seen worse. Nothing will phase me. Unless you're pregnant. Then there might be some issues, more with Jay than with me, but still."
"It's the exact opposite of being pregnant."
"So, you're not pregnant?"
"No, I'm not pregnant, Will! Jesus."
"That's the same thing that Mary thought when she was pregnant with Jesus."
"Fine, fine. I won't push you. But, I can promise you that whatever it is, I've seen worse. Plus, If you don't tell me, I'll just convince Jay to tell me."
You sighed. Jay still didn't know that you needed an ultrasound for your thyroid, so maybe telling Will first would help so that Jay doesn't pop off on you when he hears the word ultrasound and his brain automatically goes to pregnancy.
"Just, let me stir this and cover it and put it in the fridge first."
Will nodded and sat down and you finished stirring the pesto into the pasta salad and then covered it with Saran Wrap and placed it on a shelf in the fridge.
Then, you sat down in your usual spot at the table.
"I've been getting my period a lot," you told him.
Will nodded, his eyebrows furrowing as you knew his brain was running through all the possible medical problems that have period issues as one of their symptoms. "How much is a lot? Like, constantly? And when did it start?"
So you went into the whole spiel you had already told Hannah, including the increased anxiety and what you and Hannah had decided to do about it.
"Does Jay know about this?" Will asked after you were finished.
"He knows about everything except the ultrasound. I just got those results a few hours ago."
"Do you have them on your online chart?" Will asked and you nodded. "Mind if I take a look?"
"Knock yourself out," you told him and then opened your phone and navigated to your test results on your online chart and then passed him your phone.
You sat in silence for a minute while Will looked over the results.
"So, you need an ultrasound of your thyroid?" he asked, even though he already knew that it was recommended from what he read on your chart, he didn't know if you had agreed to it.
"Yeah. I was gonna ask you to come with me though after I told Jay and Hailey tonight because I've never had an ultrasound done before," you said.
"Of course, I'll come. Just tell me the date and time and even if I'm working, I'm sure Maggie can cover for me after I explain what's going on. You want me to tell you what happens at an ultrasound?"
"I know what happens," you answered. "They put gel on me and then they put this wand thingy over top so that they can look at my insides."
Will stifled a laugh at how you described it, but he had to give it to you, you were right. "That's exactly what happens. Now, can I feel your neck so I can see if I can feel if your thyroid is enlarged?"
"On one condition." He cocked an eyebrow at you, silently urging you to continue. "You have to tell Jay that I'm getting an ultrasound because he'll flip out and think I'm pregnant if you say it."
"Anything from the doctor?" Jay asked as he put a slice of deep-dish pizza on your plate and then passed it to you.
"Which one?" you asked and looked at Will.
"I mean, did you tell him what's going on?"
"I did," you confirmed.
Now Jay's attention was wholly on Will. "So, what do you think is going on?" Jay asked Will.
"Well, I wasn't the one who examined her, but I did what I could here and read the results of her thyroid test."
"And what did they say?"
"I'm right here, guys!" you exclaimed, causing Hailey to laugh.
Jay turned to you. "Yeah, but you're not a doctor, so I want to hear it from someone who understands doctor language himself."
"Technically, it's medical terminology," you muttered and then began eating your pizza, curious as to how Will was going to reveal to your non-doctor brother that you were going to have an ultrasound and the reason for it was not because you were pregnant.
"She has to get an ultrasound," was what Will decided on.
"What?!" Jay exclaimed. "I thought you couldn't get your period when you're—"
"She's not pregnant, Jay! She needs an ultrasound of her thyroid," Will clarified.
Hailey was just laughing at how stupid her husband was while you just rolled your eyes. "I could've done that," you told Will.
"And I should've taken a video! That was priceless!" Hailey chimed in.
"And she needs an ultrasound because...?" Jay prompted Will.
And so Will launched into the details that he was better fit to explain than you were while you just ate your pizza.
"And you'll come to the ultrasound with me?" you asked Will once again, just to double-check. "I've never had one done before and what if something's really wrong with me?"
"First off, the worst case scenario is that you have to go on a medication for your thyroid," Will began. "And, yes, I'll go with you. Just tell me the time and date and I'll come and wait with you. I don't think I can go in, since the rooms are pretty small in radiology and you're not a minor, but I'll be in the waiting area the whole time."
"You promise?"
"I promise. And if it's a day I'm working, I'm sure Maggie could cover for me," he repeated.
"So, how's the applications coming?" Will asked.
You groaned. "Ugh, don't remind me. I've submitted all of them except I just have to resend my transcripts to one of them in Arizona because I sent it to the wrong email address."
"How do you send it to the wrong email address?" Jay asked.
"He wouldn't know because he didn't go to college," Will fake whispered to his sister-in-law who was sitting next to him. Jay just rolled his eyes.
"I sent it to the psych department, not the graduate admissions committee," you answered.
Jay nodded. "Any word from the school in Hawaii yet?"
"Nope. You'd know if there was."
"You just want to go to Hawaii, babe," Hailey said.
"Yeah, and? Beats winters in Chicago."
"And it's super expensive, so hopefully I'll get assistantships or scholarships," you said.
"What about the one in Chicago, Y/N?" Hailey asked. "I know that's bottom of your list because it's cold and because Jay would pressure you to stay at home—"
"I would not!"
"Yes, you would!" you, Will, and Hailey yelled, causing Jay's eyes to widen.
"Uh, that was freaky. How about you guys never do that again, okay?" Jay said. "I thought it was the beginning of February; not Halloween."
"Hailey, I don't know what you see in him," you told her, causing Jay's jaw to drop.
"Hey! For your information—"
"I didn't hear back from anyone yet," you said loudly, cutting Jay off before he said something that would discreetly hint at his sex life with Hailey. "And when I do, I'll tell you guys. Now, can we finish eating and watch the game? I really don't want to have to think about this more than I have to."
Hailey nodded in understanding, since she too suffered from anxiety and then she proceeded to tell the story of the antics that Adam and Kevin had been up to today in the bullpen while everyone had been listening to the wire for their latest case (which they now had a lead on and would be picking up tomorrow, hence Jay and Hailey getting home later than usual).
One week later
"So, Y/N, tell me about what's going on," the social worker, Marsha, asked you at 12:45 pm that afternoon as you sat in her office for your scheduled appointment on your day off (as in, you hadn't had to work the night before, but had to work tonight. Even Jay got confused with your schedule sometimes. Will, on the other hand, understood since he had worked many a night shift during his residency).
And so, you launched into the story about grad school and anxiety.
"So, I can definitely refer you to a therapist if you would like that," Marsha said. "Or, I can work with you and teach you skills to manage your anxiety."
You'd always had some anxiety, it had just increased in recent weeks because of the rejections you'd gotten and all the added stress of trying to find another program that still had open applications.
"I think I want to learn some skills," you answered. "Seems like this is just gonna be something I have to live with."
"Ok, so I want to tell you about anxiety and why it happens and how it's sometimes a good thing and then we can move on to some skills you've tried..."
"And I'm gonna give you some homework this week," Marsha said at the end of your session. She passed you a piece of paper. "All I want you to do is notice when you have anxiety and what the physical symptoms are. You don't have to write them on this piece of paper; it's just a list of possible physical symptoms and the anxiety pyramid that we talked about if you want to reference them if you want. All I want you to do is notice when your anxiety flares up. Then, we can figure out what to do in these types of situations."
"Okay, sounds good," you told her.
Then, she stood up and you followed her out of her office and back into the waiting room. "You know your way out from here?" she asked.
"Yup," you answered.
When in reality, you didn't. But, Will said he'd meet you outside the waiting room doors at 1:50 to go with you to your ultrasound appointment in the radiology wing, and it was currently 1:55.
"You're not in your scrubs," you said when you saw him right when you opened the doors to the hallway.
"Nope. Ms. Goodwin gave me a half day today, so we can get lunch after if you want."
"As long as we can get coffee for me to bring to work, sure." You noticed his backpack. "Can you put these in here?" you asked, holding the two pieces of paper out to him. "I only brought my lanyard with all my keys and stuff."
"Yup." He took the papers from you and put down his backpack and put the papers inside. "You ready?"
"Yeah. You promise it won't hurt?" you asked, slightly nervous.
"I promise. It might just feel a little cold at first."
"See? I told you it wouldn't be so bad," Will said once you were out of the ultrasound.
"Yeah. But I won't know the results for a few days so can you—"
"I'm not gonna look at your chart and tell you the results," Will stated as you exited the waiting room.
"But why not? I give you full permission so it's not against HIPAA."
"Technically, it is because I can't just go in there and look at a family member's chart. That, and I'm not a radiologist. When they send you the results, I can look them over if you let me see them. But, before then, I can't. And, I'd trust a radiologist's opinion on this more than mine."
"Fine. Now, how about IHOP for lunch?"
"Already a step ahead of you. It'll be ready for pickup in ten minutes."
"And you got me the pancakes I like?" you asked and narrowed your eyes at him.
"Yes, I got you the cinnamon roll ones."
You broke out into a smile. "You're my favorite brother...just don't tell Jay that. He thinks he's the favorite."
One week later, late February
You got your results back. After skimming them, you figured you'd understood them, but wanted to call Will just in case. And he confirmed it. There was nothing wrong with your thyroid.
"So it's all in my head?" you asked. "My body hates me because I'm stressed? God, I can't even do basic human functions right."
"Y/N, what did I tell you? It's normal to be stressed out like this. It's a big thing," Will said over the phone.
"Don't you think I know that?! This is my whole career here! My whole life!" You took a deep breath. "Sorry. I'm sorry. You didn't deserve that."
"It's okay," he said. "You're super stressed out. But, you'll get in somewhere."
"Yeah, that's what everyone keeps saying." Then, your phone vibrated. "Hang on. That might be a school."
"They're calling you? That's a good sign, Y/N."
"They're not calling me; I put their emails as important so it'll notify me. I'm putting you on speaker while I read this."
You quickly put Will on speaker and then navigated to your emails. "It's the one in Hawaii," you told him. You held your breath as you opened the email. You skimmed it. And you stayed silent.
"What? What's it say?"
"I didn't get in," you said quietly.
"Aw, man. I'm sorry, kiddo. But, you still have five more to hear back from."
"Yeah. I just...I really wanted to go to school in Hawaii," you lamented. "I know it was a long shot to get in because I missed their priority deadline because I was still waiting on my Ph.D. application results, but still."
"Hey, look at it this way," Will began, "when you're making bank as a world-renowned neuropsychologist, you'll have more than enough money to vacation there a few times a year. Just make sure you don't forget to bring your favorite brother with you."
You rolled your eyes. "I dunno about world-renowned."
"Fine. USA-renowned."
"Goodbye, Will," you laughed.
"Bye, kiddo. Have a good night at work. Maybe drink a glass of wine before going to work. Just... don't tell Jay I said that. You've got what, seven hours before your shift?"
"That's actually a good idea. I'll swipe some of Hailey's pink Moscato. She's fine with it. She barely drinks it anyway."
"Alright, just one glass," Will reiterated.
"Bye, Will."
Two weeks later, early March
You woke up and checked the time. 2 pm. You still had two hours to sleep until your alarm went off. But, as was customary for the past two months, you navigated to your emails.
There, at the top, was one from Southern Arizona University.
You felt like you couldn't breathe as you opened the email.
We have reviewed your application, evaluated your credentials and letters of recommendation, and would like to invite you to interview in person for the Doctoral program (Psy. D.) in Clinical Psychology at the SAU campus.
Your jaw dropped as you continued reading the finer details such as the date, time, location, and how to RSVP.
Today was Wednesday, Jay and Hailey's RDO.
You ran out of your room.
"Jay! Jay! Jay!" you yelled.
He immediately woke up from where he had been dozing off on the couch with Hailey next to him who had been wide awake. She grabbed her phone while he jumped up.
"What? What's wrong? What hurts?" he asked as he quickly looked you over.
"No, no nothing's wrong! I got an interview with Southern Arizona! It's in person in two weeks!"
"That's great, Y/N!" Hailey said at the same time that Jay said, "See? I told you that you'd get in somewhere!"
"I didn't get in yet, Jay," you told him.
"I know, but you're still one step closer."
You pulled out your phone. "I know Will's working, but I gotta text him and tell him!"
Hailey groaned as she looked at her phone's calendar. "Shit, Jay. We have that mandatory training that week for our detective's recertification."
Jay threw his head back and groaned. "It's not even that important. Voight and Platt will let us out of it."
"You know this isn't their call. It's the Ivory Tower that schedules this one. And it's the last one of the quarter. We don't go to this one..."
"We can't work until mid-April at the earliest. We'll be suspended," Jay finished.
"Will can come with me," you said. "I can't just not go and I'm not going to Arizona by myself."
"Yeah, even if Will has to work, we'd find someone to bring you," Jay said. "Maybe Kim as a backup. No way in hell are you going to Arizona by yourself, you're damn right about that."
"Listen, we'll figure out the logistics of everything later," Hailey said. "For now, you just go back to bed so you're not too tired at work and then focus on being prepared for your interview. Just forward the email to me and Jay so we have the right place and date and time and we'll get everything figured out, okay?"
You smiled. "Okay."
"Now go back to sleep. You're going to Arizona for that interview no matter what," she reassured you.
"And, you're gonna do great," Jay added.
"I haven't even prepped for this yet."
"Still, I know you," Jay started. "You're gonna practice and know everything and then you'll do great. Now try and get some sleep before you have to go in tonight."
You nodded and turned around, still with a giant smile plastered on your face.
Five days later, Monday
You rolled over and checked the time. Fifteen minutes until you planned to get up, so you knew you wouldn't be able to go back to sleep no matter how hard you tried.
You immediately navigated to your emails as you had done for the past two months.
There, at the top, was one from Kansas City Health College and University in Missouri.
Hi, Y/N!
We have reviewed your application, and the committee is interested in offering you an opportunity to interview. Are you available this week or next?
Your jaw dropped and you broke out into a smile.
Another school wanted you! You might have options now!
You knew Hailey and Jay were unlikely to be home right now, so you went to your text messages and opened the group chat between you, Jay, Hailey, and Will.
I got an interview for Kansas City! you wrote.
Not even fifteen seconds later, your phone rang.
"Did you get my text?" you asked when you answered Will's phone call.
"I did," Will confirmed. "Good job! But, is the interview in-person?"
"I don't know," you answered. "I'll email them."
"Okay, just let me know. They approved my PTO request to come to Arizona with you in a couple weeks, but I don't know if I can swing another vacation. Jay or Hailey might have to go with you to this one."
"Okay, and it's an eight-hour drive from here, so we don't have to fly there if the interview is in-person."
"It seems short now, but it won't feel that way when you're driving for that long."
You rolled your eyes. "Uh-huh. Did you look up flight tickets for Arizona yet?"
"That's what I was doing before I called you. Is it your weekend off before the interview or after the interview?"
"Before the interview," you told him.
"Okay. I work a shift on Saturday, so the earliest we could fly out is Sunday morning. Then we have all day Monday to look at Pheonix and apartments and stuff and Tuesday you have to interview and we could fly home Wednesday or Thursday. How long did you take off for?"
"I have to go back into work that Thursday night."
"Okay, so we'll fly back Wednesday night, then you can sleep all day Thursday because my next shift is on Friday."
"Okay. And, I can stay at your house the night before if it's an early flight, right? I am not driving to your house at 3 am. Or you can sleep on the couch here."
"If it's early, it's probably better that you stay over here because I won't get home from work until 8:30 and then I'll probably have last-minute stuff to do. You know how it is."
"Okay, well I'm gonna go so you email them and I can keep looking up flights. I'll let you know everything when I figure it all out."
"Sounds good."
Then, the two of you said your goodbyes and you emailed the school and responded to Jay and Hailey's congratulations texts.
Even if it was only two interviews out of the eleven schools total you had applied to so far, you were getting somewhere.
Four days later, Friday, day of virtual Kansas City interview
You opened the fridge and grabbed a hard seltzer just when you heard someone clearing their throat. You turned around with a sheepish expression on your face to see Jay standing there.
"So, we're drinking at 7:30 in the morning now, are we?" he asked.
"Your 7:30 in the morning is my 7:30 at night," you told him. "And, I have my interview later. Need something to calm my nerves before I go to bed."
"You've practiced more than enough; you'll do great. You don't need alcohol to calm your nerves."
He was right of course, on both fronts, but you weren't going to tell him that. You had researched questions you might be asked during your interview and then wrote down your answers and quizzed yourself multiple times until you were confident that you knew everything. You even had your coworkers quiz you on them last night and had Jay quiz you on them Wednesday night so that you knew for a fact that you knew everything. There were obviously questions that could come up that you weren't prepared for, but you had prepared for it as best you could with the information you currently had.
"I know," you begrudgingly agreed. "But still, let me do this. It's not like you haven't drank to calm your nerves before."
"She's got a point, Jay," Hailey said, seemingly appearing out of nowhere and maneuvering around Jay to get to the counter and begin making herself a cup of coffee.
"Why are you always on her side?" he asked.
"Technically, I'm not taking sides, just stating a fact. Let her have the drink. It's not like she's gonna get drunk. She's too smart to get drunk hours before her interview anyway."
"Thanks, Hailey," you said and then walked past Jay, who made no move to argue with you.
"Just, remember to put the can in the recycling when you wake up. And good luck with the interview later. Don't miss your alarm," he told you.
"I won't. I set one for like every minute from when I need to wake up to ten minutes after," you reassured.
And, when you made your way to your room, you could've sworn you heard Jay whsiper something along the lines of You're gonna be the death of me? You know that, right? to Hailey.
You felt like the interview went well. There were only two questions you hadn't practiced answering: (1) tell me about working with people from diverse backgrounds and (2) tell me about a time you had too much on your plate. How did you go about handling that?
Not to toot your own horn, but you felt like you gave pretty good answers to those questions despite being under pressure and not having practiced those beforehand.
Now though, it was time to calm down and try to go back to sleep for a few more hours before work. You had only gotten five hours of sleep before the interview and wanted to get at least another three before having to wake up again, do your morning routine, and go back to work.
So, now you needed to calm down and fall asleep without taking melatonin. So, you decided to go take a nice hot shower.
You didn't take long, only about fifteen minutes, and the minute you went and sat down in your bed to read to try and get your adrenaline to go down a bit more, your phone rang.
"Hey," you answered.
"So, how'd it go?" he asked. Honestly, he seemed more excited to talk about this than you did.
It was at this moment that you actually grasped how well you might have actually done during the interview phase.
"It actually went really well! There were only two questions I didn't know the answer to."
And then, you talked to Will about what the questions were and the answers you gave so that you could be prepared for your interview with SAU in a little under two weeks.
"Well, I'm gonna let you go so you can get some sleep, okay?" he said.
"Yeah. Hopefully reading for a bit will make me tired. I already took a hot shower to calm down, and it's calmed me just a little bit."
"It's the nerves," Will began. "You've been trying to get to this point for so long and all your adrenaline just hit you. You'll crash soon and sleep hard, though. Go, I dunno, make some tea to drink while you read or something," he suggested.
"That's actually a good idea. Thanks, Will."
"Anytime, kiddo. Now try and get some sleep. Make sure to text Jay and Hailey that the interview went well too because they probably want to know even if they're out chasing criminals all over the place."
"Doubt they could get to their phone to see the text if they're chasing people," you pointed out.
"You know what I mean. Now get some sleep."
5 days later, Wednesday
You woke up to someone gently touching your shoulder and saying your name.
"Y/N, you okay?"
You grumbled, "Mhm. Why?"
"It's ten o'clock at night," he answered.
You rolled over and touched your phone, causing the screen to illuminate. Lo and behold, Jay was right. 10:02 pm.
You had worked six days straight since it had been your weekend on, and normally after these long stretches, you did sleep like ten hours, but you had never slept twelve. Granted, you did go to bed at around 10 am instead of your usual 8:30 because you had a doctor's appointment to follow up on your irregular periods (which were getting back to normal finally) and then you woke up around 1 pm for about an hour, but still, it was weird that you had slept this long.
"Guess I was just tired," you said. "I'll get up soon."
"Don't sleep all night. That's gonna mess you up for your shift tomorrow night."
"I know, Jay. I've been on nights for eight months now; I think I know what I'm doing."
"Okay, well, there's dinner in the fridge if you want some."
Then, he left your room and you turned on your bedside lamp and sat up in bed, and opened your phone.
As was normal for you now, you navigated to your emails to see if you had heard back from any schools.
A few emails down was one that made your breath catch in your throat and your hands begin to shake.
From: Kansas City Health College and University
Subject line: Update KCHCU Admissions
You opened it and there was what looked to be a scanned document with the school's logo on top and the very first word was bolded and in cursive.
Your eyes widened and your jaw dropped. You felt your heart beating out of your chest.
We are pleased to inform you that you have been admitted *with a Conditional Acceptance* to our program of: Doctor of Clinical Psychology (PsyD) for the Academic Year 2023-2024.
We hope this is one of many achievements in your professional career as a result of your continuous efforts.
*Please be aware that this is not your official acceptance notification. Official acceptance letters will be sent out upon completion of the required documents. Please fill out the attached documents as soon as possible.*
The Admissions Office at Kansas City Health College and University.
A huge smile formed on your face as you shot out of bed and ran to Jay and Hailey's bedroom.
You quickly knocked on the door. "Nobody better be naked in there because I'm coming in!"
Without waiting for a reply, you opened the door. And, luckily, the only piece of clothing Jay was missing was a shirt (and you could see this because he had quickly sat up in bed and turned on his bedside lamp just as you opened the door).
"Some of us have to work in the morning, you know," Jay said.
At this, Hailey walked out of the bathroom, clad in her pajama bottoms and a t-shirt with her hair wrapped in a towel.
"You probably laid down two seconds before she knocked on the door," Hailey said.
"Technically, it was ten seconds," Jay sassed.
"Yeah, yeah," you said dismissively. "But I checked my emails and I got into Kansas City!" you exclaimed.
Hailey gasped. "Yay! Congratulations!" Then she made her way over to you and gave you a hug.
"See, I told you you could do it," Jay said and stood up and hugged you, too. "But, your first pick is still Arizona, right?"
"Yup," you told him. "But at least I have a backup school now if I don't get into SAU."
"So, what do you have to do now?"
"Fill out some documents." You passed him your phone. "Here's the email."
Jay told you to make sure you send in the documents by the deadline, which caused you to roll your eyes.
"Don't you have to pay something to secure your spot?" he asked.
"I think so," you said. "But it shouldn't be a ton, so if I get into SAU and have to tell them I decided to go to another school, I shouldn't be losing out on too much."
"Okay, good. See, I told you you'd get in somewhere."
"And I still have another interview."
"And you better text Will before he gets mad he had to hear it from one of us," Hailey pointed out.
"Oh, yeah," Jay agreed. "You better do that."
"I'll do that right now. Get some sleep, you guys."
"Night, Y/N, I'm so proud of you," Hailey said and gave you another hug.
"Night, kid," Jay said and gave you another hug as well.
Then, you made your way out of their room and into the kitchen to make yourself some food and coffee. As you were waiting for your coffee to finish brewing though, you made sure to text Will to let him know that you had at least gotten into one school, even if you considered it your backup school.
4 days later, Sunday
Your alarm sounded at 3:30 am and you silently cursed Will for wanting to get out on the first flight available. You rolled over and groaned into your pillow, but then quickly decided to get up because you knew if you kept laying down, you'd fall back to sleep and then Will would have to wake you up and you'd have to rush or you'd end up missing your flight altogether.
You heard the shower running as you grabbed your overnight oats from the fridge and then popped a pod into the Keurig.
Ten minutes later, you were rubbing your eyes and trying to stay awake while finishing your coffee when Will came into the kitchen.
"Morning," he greeted.
You groaned in response, looked up, and took another sip of your coffee. "I only slept five hours."
"And, I only slept three."
"That's not healthy for you."
"Neither is five."
You glared at him and he just smiled.
"Do you have Dramamine?" you asked.
"In my backpack. You should probably take it when we get to the airport, though."
"As long as I can get more coffee at the airport."
"You and me both," Will agreed.
You were not happy, let's just put it that way. There were so many people at Midway (since Jay wasn't flying with you, you and Will could fly out of Midway. Jay basically had a phobia of this airport now because he was abducted from here years ago) even though it was a 6 am flight on Sunday, that you and Will couldn't get more coffee.
"I'm gonna go find a vending machine," you said. "Can I have your card?" you asked.
You had time before you needed to board your flight and by finding a vending machine, you wouldn't have to waste time waiting in line. And, Will had told you to only bring your ID and some cash because he didn't want your debit or credit card getting stolen.
So, you went and found a vending machine and got yourself a Starbucks bottled frappuccino, and grabbed Will a boring plain latte.
"Here you go," you said and handed the coffee and his credit card to him.
"I didn't ask you to get me anything."
"Well, one it's your money, and two, don't take this the wrong way, but you look like shit."
Will rolled his eyes. "Thanks. I'm so glad I'm spending money to put up with you for a couple of days."
"Nah, you love me...at least, I'm your favorite sibling out of me and Jay."
"That's debatable. But you getting me this definitely earned a couple of points in that category."
Your phone buzzed. "It's Jay," you said after reading the text. "He said to have a good flight." Why your other brother was up at 5 am on a Sunday baffled you, but you figured it had something to do with his need for a consistent schedule and structure from his army days.
"He text it to the group chat?" Will asked.
"Yeah, why?"
"I have my phone on silent and if he only texted you that, then I'd be offended."
"That would mean that I'm his favorite sibling then," you pointed out. "I'm both your favorite siblings."
"Oh, you're the favorite something alright," Will muttered under his breath. Then, he remembered something. He quickly unzipped a pocket in his backpack and handed you the packet of Dramamine. "You should probably take this now."
"And this is why you're the doctor because I probably would've forgotten."
Will just shook his head. "I know. And then you'd be miserable for the entire flight, which would make me miserable and it just wouldn't be a good time."
You just took the pill in response and handed the package back to him. "I get the window seat," you told him.
"I already planned on it," Will answered.
And fifteen minutes later, you were in line to board.
After waiting in line for an hour to get your rental car, you were finally out of the airport in Pheonix. Because of the time difference between Pheonix and Chicago, you got into Pheonix around 8 am, and it was currently a little past 9 am. And needless to say, you and Will were hungry.
"You sure you're good to drive?" you asked. "They said I could drive it, just that I can't be the main renter."
It shocked you that you could actually drive a rental car since you weren't 25 yet, which is the age that you could legally rent a car. But, turns out, you could be a driver, just not the one who was the primary renter.
"I was there, I know," Will said. "And, I'm good to drive. I've worked lots of 24-hour shifts running on little sleep, so I'll be fine."
"Okay. But if you need to switch drivers, let me know."
"I will. Now, what sounds good to eat?"
"I say IHOP."
"Pancakes and a pot of coffee it is then," Will agreed.
You put in the address for the nearest IHOP and made your way there.
And when you were at the restaurant, Will may or may not have taken a picture of you devouring your pancakes and sent it to the group chat that only contained him, Jay, and Hailey.
The next day, Monday
"I say we leave Jay home more often," you said when you woke up the next morning around 8.
Jay was always the one who was go, go, go while on vacation like he couldn't relax. He'd have had you running around Pheonix until midnight if he were here and he more than likely would've woke up at 6 to workout and then made a ton of noise rummaging around for his suitcase that he would've woken everyone else up in the hotel room, too.
"I would ask you if you slept well because you said that," Will began, "but I know you did because you were snoring. I should've smothered you with the pillow."
"I'm telling Jay if I come up dead in here that it was you," you said.
"And I'm telling him that you don't want him to come on vacation because he wakes you up early."
"He knows that! It's common knowledge!"
Will rolled his eyes. "Hurry up and get ready or do whatever you need to do so that we can go get some breakfast downstairs before all the good stuff's gone."
"Can we get coffee somewhere later? I looked up some coffee shops near here."
"Let's just get breakfast first and then we'll go from there."
The morning was spent looking at possible apartments, going to a bookshop that doubled as a coffeeshop (and buying a new book of course), and then going out for Mexican food for an early lunch (which had the best salsa you had ever tasted).
Then, you went back to the hotel and got ready to go to the pool.
"You can go down without me," Will said.
"You're not coming?" you asked.
"I gotta make a phone call. Work stuff," Will lied.
"Okay, see you down there," you said and grabbed a room key, and left to go to the pool.
Two minutes later, when Will was positive you were at least off the floor you were staying in, if not out to the pool by now, he pulled out his phone and dialed Jay's number.
"Everything okay?" Jay asked the minute he picked up.
"Yes, everything's okay."
"Well, if you're only calling me to brag about the chips and salsa you got, then it's in your best interest to hang up now." You had been sending pictures to the group chat between you, your brothers, and Hailey, and needless to say, Jay was jealous.
"Okay, fine," Will relented. "Everything's not okay. I don't know if I want Y/N staying here."
Now, Will had Jay's full attention. "Bad neighborhoods? What's it like? I can try and look into stuff for you, but I don't have jurisdiction there, so it might be hard to do."
"Dude, it's like Chicago, but it changes a bit faster here. You have wealthy people on one side of the street and then poverty on the other. The building her school is in is just down the street from a homeless encampment. And, she's a girl living by herself. I dunno about her living her, man."
"Well, all the schools she's applied to are in big cities, so she's gonna get that anywhere."
"I know, I know. It's just, the shit we see every day..."
"I get it," Jay agreed. "How did she react to the apartments? And the school?"
"Well, her face dropped when we saw the school. It was like in an industrial area and it's just a building. And, the apartments, the one she likes and the one she said would probably be safest would run her like $1800 a month just for the apartment, not including utilities, groceries, etc."
Jay whistled on the other end. "Shit. But, it's like that everywhere."
"I know. If she goes here, you're gonna need to fly out here and look at apartments with her because you might be able to figure some more stuff out."
"Yeah, if she gets in me and her will take some time to look at apartments out there. Maybe bring Hailey, too."
"Okay, good. And, I'm willing to pay a little bit of her rent if it means she'll be safe."
"Me too," Jay agreed. Then, he remembered something. "Hey, I think one of my old army buddies does construction for apartments out there. I'll see if he can give you some places to check out that he thinks are safer and text you if he tells me anything."
"That would be great, Jay. How's the training going?"
"Let's not talk about that when me and Hailey are on our lunch break, okay? It's a pain in the ass but I have to do it."
"Alright then. I'll let you wallow in your own pity while me and Y/N go chill at the pool. Bye, Jay."
"You're an ass," Jay laughed. "But have a good night. I'll text Y/N tomorrow before her interview and I'll talk to you guys tomorrow. I want to know how it goes." Will heard someone's voice on the other line, he assumed it was Hailey. "And Hailey wants to know how it goes, too." (Will was right.)
"I'll make sure to tell her. Have a good night you two."
Then, Will ended the call and changed, and headed down to the pool where you were soaking up the sun while reading a book on your iPad.
"Hey," Will said after he sat down next to you. "I talked to Jay. He's got an old army buddy that does apartment work around here. He's gonna talk to him and see if he can give us some apartments to look at."
"Okay, good," you said and then paused your reading timer. For the first ten minutes you were down here, you had began making a pros and cons list on your iPad. "Kansas City's looking pretty good after looking at rent prices and the cost of living over here."
"So, you're leaning towards Kansas City then?" Will asked. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't surprised. SAU had been your first choice since you had gotten the email saying that they wanted you to come for an interview.
You passed him your iPad. "You can look at my pros and cons list."
He took a minute to read it and then handed it back to you. "Kansas City has a study abroad program? You never told me that."
"Because I don't know if I'll be going or not. They have a campus in Spain and they saw that I minored in Spanish, so they said that if that's something I want to do, that it's an option. And, I had to miss my study abroad because of covid. It all depends on if I feel comfortable taking all my classes in Spanish though and how it will work out with my classes and my practicum schedule."
"That's great, Y/N! If you go to Kansas City, you should definitely look into it. And, I'm sure some of the students speak English and would be more than willing to help you if you needed it. The profs probably speak English too."
"I know. It's just, learning about the brain and psychology in my second language after not having learned much in undergrad even though I have my minor in it, is a little scary."
"Then you don't have to go. But, you have the option at least if you go to Kansas City. And, Kansas City doesn't have assistantships?" Will asked.
Assistantships are where a student does some kind of work for the university and, depending on how many hours you work, half or all of your tuition is paid for by the university and they'll give you a living stipend.
"No. But, SAU does. I just don't know if the assistantships are for the campus I'm going to or the main campus. It's more expensive here and if I don't get an assistantship, I don't know how I'm gonna be able to afford rent," you told him.
"What's the tuition cost for the programs?" Will asked.
"About the same," you answered.
"So, Kansas City: Spain, no assistantships, lower cost of living. And SAU: no Spain, possible assistantships, higher cost of living?" Will asked.
"Yeah," you answered. "Them having assistantships at that campus is gonna play a big part in if I go to school here or not."
"Let's just focus on the interview for now and make sure to ask them about that tomorrow. You got into one school for sure. Just focus on what you can control tomorrow and then decide. Okay?"
"Okay," you answered.
"I know it's hard to do right now, but just relax. Everything will work itself out eventually."
Tuesday, day of SAU interview
"You're gonna do great," Will reassured as you bobbed your leg up and down on the twenty-minute car ride from the hotel to SAU's south campus.
You went to open your coffee that Will bought you downstairs before you left (you weren't drinking nasty brewed coffee from the hotel and you cited the fact that you wouldn't have time to get coffee before the interview as the reason why you needed some now. Plus, you weren't going into arguably the most important interview of your entire life without caffeine in your system.) but you had to close your eyes and take a few deep breaths before you could actually open it because your hands were shaking.
"I don't know about that," you said after taking a sip of your coffee. "I could barely open my coffee."
"We practiced last night and you got all the answers right. You'll do just fine, Y/N. Did you and your social worker come up with strategies for this?"
You and Marsha had talked about how to manage your nerves during your two interviews at your previous in-person session. Your plan was to remember that you had rehearsed these answers so much that you knew these answers. And to imagine yourself answering them at your desk at home with a candle and a cup of coffee in front of you like how you had actually practiced at home. Plus, the image was of a calming environment, so it might help slow your breathing and heart rate down. And, hey, you already got into one school, so why wouldn't you be able to get into this one?
"I just don't know what to expect in the group interview."
"Just be yourself while being professional. You'll be fine."
Your phone buzzed.
You got this! You're gonna kill that interview!
Then another text came in.
Good luck, Y/N! You'll do great! Think positive thoughts (easier said than done, I know, haha). Love you!
You responded to each of them with a thank you and with Jay's, you added a smiley face emoji to the end, and to Hailey's, you added a heart to the end.
Fifteen minutes later, you pulled into the parking lot.
"Take a couple deep breaths," Will told you. You closed your eyes and did as he said. Then, you opened them and nodded. He squeezed your shoulder. "You practiced. Just remember that. Good luck."
And then, you stepped out of the car, grabbed your bag and your coffee, and walked into the place you hoped you'd be going to school at for the next five years.
Two hours later, 10:00 am
The group interview went fine. It felt just like a conversation more or less...which kind of made you nervous. Wasn't it supposed to feel like an interview? It was just sort of weird in your opinion. You basically just talked about how fucked the US mental health/foster care/social services system was and how each of you wanted to change that.
But now it was time for the part where you knew what to expect, and this part arguably had more riding it than the group interview: the individual interview.
You were interviewing with someone named Dr. Haldon.
She led you to her office and you sat down. She first asked you how you were doing and you said good, a little nervous, but good.
Then, she jumped right in.
"Your statement of purpose was a little confusing to tell you the truth," she said.
You furrowed your eyebrows. Your statement of purpose seemed pretty clear-cut and easily digestible to you. "It was?"
"Yes. You talked a lot about sports psychology, but why you want to go into neuropsychology and how you want to do more with the mental health side of things, but that you want more precision. So, explain that."
"Which part?" you asked. "The sports psych, neuropsych, mental health, or precision part?"
You swore she could hear your heart beating out of your chest.
"The precision part."
So, you went into it. You explained how you wanted to be a sports psychologist because you loved hockey and always wanted to do something with sports, but that you were also passionate about mental health. So, when you found sports psych, you thought it would be perfect for you.
But, then you took a class in sports psych and realized it was more behavior-based. Plus, it wasn't as precise as neuropsych where you'd be analyzing test results based on previous data and sometimes looking at brain scans.
You also explained how when you were little, you saw your brother becoming a doctor and, being the impressionable little girl you were, you wanted to be a doctor, too. But, then you realized you were scared of blood and weren't super good at hard sciences like chemistry.
So, when you found neuropsych after not wanting to go into sports psych, you knew this was what you wanted to do because it sort of married the two: you'd get to work in the psych field with more precision than sports psych and you'd get to work in a hospital and be on a treatment team without going to med school.
(This was all mentioned in your statement of purpose--minus the med school part--so you really didn't understand why she wanted you to repeat it all.)
"Define what you mean by precision," Dr. Haldon requested.
"Um, neuropsychologists get to look at brain scans and those are more precise than some psychological testing."
"Neuropsychologists don't look at brain scans," she told you.
"They don't? When I researched them, they did. I didn't get to take a neuropsych class though because the class was full when I decided I wanted to switch specialties."
"Well, they don't. That's the neurologist's job. And, sports psychologists get to work with mental health. Are you sure what you took was a sports psychology class?"
"Yes," you answered. It was a full-year class, not just one semester, so you knew the ins and outs of this class that you had taken your senior year of undergrad.
"Well, sports psychologists do still get to work with the mental health of the athlete."
"Oh. I was taught that they had to refer out since it would be a conflict of interest."
"No. I have my post-doc in sports psych, which is why I wanted to interview you."
There it is. That's why you weren't being interviewed by the faculty you said you wanted to work with in your statement of purpose. It was because she wanted to groom you into a sports psychologist...which made half as much as a neuropsychologist, but had the same of amount schooling required.
You just nodded.
"I think you close doors before you even open them all the way."
You just took a deep breath.
Then, she started asking you some questions, most of which you had not prepared for.
"Sorry," you started in response to one of the questions. "I'm thinking. I'm just nervous."
Without missing a beat, she asked, "So, how's your anxiety?"
You stared at her. "What?"
"Well, you've mentioned you were nervous several times."
Twice. You had mentioned your nerves twice. And, any sane person would be nervous during an interview!
You didn't know what to say, so you just blurted the truth out.
"I'm going to therapy," you answered.
"I see. So how is that going?"
You should have told her that your medical/mental health history was none of her damn business, but you wanted to go to this school, so you answered the question. At least, you thought you wanted to go to this school.
"It's going well. Helps a lot," you answered. Now you decided to take charge because, after the conversation you had with Will by the pool last night, you knew that your decision to go here would be riding on whether or not you could get an assistantship at this campus. "Do you have any assistantships available?"
"Oh, yes, I was going to ask you about that as well. We don't have assistantships available. I don't know where you found that information."
You furrowed your eyebrows. "But, on SAU's website, it said that there were assistantships available. Is that only for the main campus?"
"Yes, there are no assistantships for this campus, unfortunately."
There was a pause as if Dr. Haldon were waiting for you to comment further. When you didn't, she posed the question, "So, explain to me why you chose the PsyD route instead of the Ph.D. route."
"Well," you began. Did you tell her that you initially applied for PhDs and PsyDs were just the backup because you didn't get into any PhD programs?
Fuck it. She already knew you had anxiety, it couldn't really get that much worse.
"I applied to PhDs first because they're fully funded. But, since I didn't get into any of those, I applied for PsyDs. And, I like the clinical aspect more than the research aspect, so there's that," you answered.
"You were going to do research even though you don't like it? A Ph.D. is five years, that's a long time to do research if you don't like it. Why?"
"Because they're fully funded," you said quieter than you had answered all of her other questions but still loud enough that she could hear you.
"So you were going to do something you didn't like for that long because the program is fully funded?" You nodded. "I see."
You went through the rest of the questions she had been prepared to ask you and you asked her if she had any recommendations on where to live around here or where current students live, in case you got into the program.
But, during all of this, all you felt was defeat. Even if Dr. Haldon's behavior was making you want to go to Southern Arizona University even less, well you had just bombed your interview; even if you still wanted to go, there was no way they still wanted you.
"How'd it go?" Will asked with a smile when you got in the car.
You closed the door and scoffed and shook your head. "Shitty."
"What?" he quickly moved the car into a parking spot so that you two could talk. "Why?"
"I didn't even get to interview with the faculty I wanted to interview with! And the lady who interviewed me was bitch! She questioned my abilities and made it seem like I was supposed to know everything and- and- ugh!"
You blinked your eyes rapidly and fanned them so that you didn't cry and then have to wipe your face and smudge your mascara and foundation everywhere.
"Okay, calm down. Take a deep breath. What happened exactly?"
And so, you relayed the story of your individual interview with him.
"First off, she was wrong to question if you had anxiety or not. That was unprofessional. And secondly, if you knew everything, you wouldn't be here; you'd already be a neuropsychologist. She can't expect you to know everything. That's why you're going to school."
"Yeah, I guess," you agreed.
"And, at least you interviewed here. That way you saw this now instead of seeing it when you got in after deciding to come here. Remember, you're interviewing them as much as they're interviewing you."
You sniffled. "Thanks, Will. Sorry, I made you take time off work to just come down here and for me not to get into this school."
"Hey, no. It was a nice little vacation from the cold. And, you might still get in."
"Yeah, but I'm leaning towards Kansas City now even if I do get in."
"Okay. Wherever you want to go. It's your decision. I know you wanted somewhere warm, Y/N. But Kansas City might be the place for you."
"Yeah," you agreed quietly.
"I drove around and looked at some possible apartments for you, but now I think we should just go get some ice cream. What do you think?"
"I think that sounds like a great idea."
And then, instead of ice cream, you got the gooiest chocolate chip cookie of your life topped with caramel. It didn't fix everything, but it sure made it better.
And, when you called Jay in the car to explain to him everything that happened at your interview, he'd be lying if he said he wasn't a little relieved that you probably wouldn't be moving 25 hours away from him.
A month and a half later, early May
It was finally time for you to go to Kansas City to look at the school you would be attending and start apartment hunting. You had been apartment hunting as much as possible online, but it was really hard to know an area and know if you liked an apartment by looking online. So, you and Jay were driving down, and then Will was flying down after his shift later tonight so that he'd be with you to visit the school during the interview later morning tomorrow. (You figured he was the best bet to bring since he knew more of this stuff than Jay. And, you weren't gonna bring both brothers. You were in graduate school, not undergrad; bringing both of them would be overkill.)
You were a little over four hours into your drive and the sky had started to darken about half an hour ago. Since you were currently the passenger and Jay was driving (you planned on switching drivers when you got into Kansas City so that you could practice driving there with someone else in the car), he had you check the forecast to see when it was going to rain.
Your phone had told you in about two hours, and you hoped to be close to Kansas City by then.
And then, yours and Jay's phones went off at the same time, almost giving you a heart attack. You looked at the alert.
"There's a tornado warning near us," you told Jay.
"A watch or a warning?" he asked.
He cursed under his breath. "Hopefully we'll miss it. Keep an eye out for funnel clouds. How far away are we from where it was spotted?"
You went on your phone to start looking for more information, and not even two minutes later, it started hailing.
You grabbed your sweatshirt from the backseat so that in case the hail shattered your windshield, you'd have something to put over your face to protect your eyes.
The area beneath the overpasses quickly started to become full of cars and semis that were finding a place to hunker down for the time being. Jay reached down flip something and then cursed when he realized what he was looking for wasn't there.
"And, it's in your car. Great," he said.
"Why? You want a new truck if we were driving yours and the windshield breaks?" you asked as you continued to scroll through your phone for more information.
"No," he answered. "I could put on my lights and sirens and probably find us a police station to camp out at. And, I'd be able to listen to important stuff like where an accident is, from my scanner. And, my windshield and windows are bulletproof. The hail's small enough now that it shouldn't break your windshield, though."
You nodded. "And, that bulletproof glass isn't going to help much if we drive into a tornado."
"That is true," he agreed. "Can you text Will and Hailey and let them know what's going on?"
You did so and immediately got responses from both Will and Hailey.
Hailey: WHATTT???
Will: Go find somewhere to post-up.
You responded to the group, even though you were mainly responding to Will's question, by telling them that you were trying to find something to take cover underneath, but that the areas underneath the overpasses were all full, so you were gonna keep driving.
Then, Will and Hailey replied with some form of stay safe and Will told you to keep them updated. Hailey also said to tell Jay that she loved him.
"Hailey says she loves you," you told Jay.
Jay laughed. "This is arguably safer than us getting shot at every day. But tell her I love her, too. You can tell her the getting shot at thing, too, if you want."
"She'll probably send a middle finger emoji if I tell her that."
"Yeah, probably."
You texted and told Hailey that Jay said he loves her, too and Will responded asking if he's chopped liver. So, you told him that you and Jay loved him too, but that you should both be fine and that you'd stop driving once you found a place to hunker down at.
After driving for ten more minutes, the hail was coming down so hard that you and Jay could barely see, so he took the first exit he saw.
"Look for places with empty spots," he told you, referring to places with awnings over them so that you'd be covered.
You looked and there was a bank...full. A church with a small awning...full.
Then, Jay spotted a self-service car wash and did what was probably an illegal U-turn to turn into the parking lot.
There were three stalls and the last one on the right was empty. You both thanked your lucky stars and pulled inside.
Jay breathed a sigh of relief as he put the car in park. "Tell Will we're safe."
Then a thought came to mind. "You think Will's gonna be able to fly out tonight?"
Jay looked at the clock. It was almost 3 pm and Will's flight didn't leave until 11 pm. "His flight doesn't leave for another eight hours, so hopefully. If not, I'll just go tour the school with you."
"It's always an adventure with you, isn't it?"
You laughed and shook your head. "And we're not even to Kansas City yet."
After hunkering down for a bit, the hail had let up and you got back on the highway and continued driving. As it turns out, you had been driving the way the tornado was heading. Hail started up once more, but only kept up for five minutes. And, twenty minutes later, there were blue skies on the horizon.
You took a picture and texted it to Will and Hailey telling them you were safe and driving again and told Will to let you know if his flight got delayed or canceled.
The next day, Monday
The rest of the night went fine and Will's flight left as scheduled and you and Jay picked him up from the airport and then went for some late-night ice cream. The three of you got breakfast at the hotel and you bought a bottled latte from the market area—Jay and Will thought bitter and acidic hotel coffee tasted fine; you did not.-- Then, the three of you went back upstairs to your room and you and Will proceeded to get ready for the day while Jay got back into bed and proceeded to drink his coffee, call Hailey (who was on her into work), and watch highlights of last night's NHL playoff games.
You and Will went to Kansas City Health College and University and right off the bat, you already got better vibes than those at SAU. Everyone was friendlier, maybe that was just a Midwest thing, but either way, you'd take it.
You toured the school (well, it was more like a building) and you liked it better than SAU as well. They were all about their students here and it was obvious they cared about them and their success. There was a student area complete with a fridge where you could store your lunches for the day and a microwave to use, as well as some comfy chairs and a couch for students to study on and relax. There was a little bar area where students could eat or study. And, there were even two gaming consoles in front of a flat-screen tv, a foosball table, and a ping-pong table for students to use so that they can chill out and hang out with friends. The lady who was giving you a tour even said that last week, they even had a staff vs students ping-pong tournament.
Then, you went and looked at some of the classrooms along with the lab, which you would be using for your neuroanatomy lab and she went over some of the other things the school offered, such as counseling services.
Then, she gave you time to ask any questions you might have for her, you met with the program director and asked her program specific-questions, such as scheduling and the like, and then you met with the dean of students who just wanted to introduce herself and let her know that you could come to her with any concerns you might have.
The entire tour and meetings/question and answer sessions only lasted about two hours, but one thing was for sure: you had found the school for you.
(And, once you were completely finished, Will took a picture of you outside the school that you planned to post on your Instagram tonight.)
"How'd it go?" Jay asked when you and Will walked back into the hotel room. This time, Jay's hair was wet and you assumed he had gone to the gym and then taken a shower while you had been gone because you'd now been gone from the hotel for a total of three hours, and despite relaxing when you had left, you knew Jay couldn't sit still for three hours watching random sports highlights or shitty, unrealistic reality tv.
"She loves it," Will said before you could even answer the question.
"Really? Better than SAU, then?"
"Way better. They really care about their students." You then recapped everything you learned, including the student lounge area, how small the cohorts were, etc.
"I'm glad you like it. Ready to go look at apartments?"
That was what was next on your agenda, apartment hunting. You had used up the rest of your sick to take some time off in June to come back if you still needed to find an apartment, but you really didn't want to come back and look again if you didn't have to. You'd prefer to use that time to do things you needed to get done before moving such as going to the eye doctor to see if you needed new glasses and going to the dentist. And, not needing to use that time to come back down here to look at apartments meant that you could use those days for job interviews as well. That was another thing you needed to do after apartment hunting: job hunting.
"Just let me change first. I am not wearing dress pants to look at apartments. And, I'm putting my hair up," you told Jay.
After quickly changing into something more comfortable and putting your hair up, Will changed his clothes as well and the three of you went out to the car to start apartment hunting.
You had been looking at apartments online in a historic district called Regent's Circle. It looked very pretty in the photos, but they couldn't really do it justice. Once you parked and walked around, you knew this was where you wanted to live.
Since it was a historic district, it had old townhouses and cobblestone sidewalks, as well as a little coffee shop that Jay said you could go to after you looked at some apartments, a park right in the center of the area, and even a community garden.
It made you think of all the vintage cities you saw in photos and, since your grad school didn't have that old-timely Harvard/Yale feel, at least the place you were living would...if you could find an apartment here, that is.
You had three apartments you wanted to check out that you had found online, but if you found ones while walking around, you'd look at those as well.
The first one you looked at was nice, but it was really dimly lit and dark inside, which you didn't really like. You'd live there if that was the only thing available, but you didn't want to. (At least it was a loft and had exposed brick like you wanted. But, you had filtered for lofts. You wanted something like Kelly and Stella's apartment, but on a smaller scale...and something that you could afford.)
The second one you looked at, you absolutely fell in love with.
It was more expensive than the previous one, but it had a pool. And, something Jay liked was that the parking lot was gated and you needed a code to get in and you'd be on the second floor.
It was a one-bedroom and was a loft style, of course, so it was very open. There was a long marble island, so you wouldn't even need to buy a table, just a set of barstools. The main wall in the living/kitchen that faced the back of the building—as well as the dog park, so you could see cute puppies while watching tv—, was all exposed brick with some windows on it. There were also beams exposed in the ceiling.
The bathroom sink was separate from the shower/tub and the toilet, meaning someone could do their makeup while someone else was going to the bathroom if needed. But, this wasn't your favorite part about the bathroom. No, your favorite part was that it was a wide, circular bathtub/shower, a soaking tub if you will, which would come in handy for taking warm, relaxing baths after long days of classes, studying, and practicums.
And, something that Jay pointed out, the floor was concrete, so you didn't have to worry about spilling something on the carpet and staining it and getting charged for it. (You assumed Jay was speaking from experience during his bachelor pad days, but when you asked him, he said he was pleading the fifth.)
The apartment definitely gave you Stella and Kelly vibes and it was in a safe area.
Then, you finished the tour by looking at the fitness center and then gave the manager who had helped you your email address and phone number and he gave you a few pieces of paper with information as well as his business card.
"That's the one I want," you told Jay and Will when you were sitting outside at the little coffee shop a quarter mile away from the apartment you had just toured drinking a latte and eating a danish.
"It's a bit pricey," Jay pointed out.
"They're all like that if she wants it in a safe area," Will said.
"Would you rather have me be safe and live in a bit more expensive apartment? Or not be safe and live in a cheap apartment? Plus, there's an in-unit washer and dryer, which you know is a deal-breaker for me."
All the way back when you were in Arizona, you had told Will that having an in-unit washer and dryer was one of your non-negotiables for your apartment. You knew that being a busy grad student, you wouldn't have all day to spend at a laundromat or in a community laundry area in your apartment, so you needed an in-unit washer and dryer.
"She's got a point, Jay," Will agreed. "And, she's got some savings to pull from if she can't find a job right away."
"And it's five minutes away from school and I don't need to drive on the highway. I'm saving money in gas and time without all the traffic."
"And here I thought Will was the boujee sibling," Jay said, causing Will to roll his eyes.
You smiled. "I'll take that as your seal of approval."
And three days later, when you were back at work and had downtime during your shift, you applied for the apartment.
Two and a half months later, mid-July
Everything was in place. You secured the apartment you wanted in Regent's Circle in Kansas City, you had gotten an online tutoring job that was flexible where you could work from home, so you could work around your school and practicum schedules, and you were mostly packed up. (And you had gotten into SAU even after bombing the interview, but decided not to go because they—especially Dr. Haldon—absolutely did not pass the vibe check...and they got back to you two months later instead of two weeks like they had originally told you.) Your favorite coworkers had even thrown you a little surprise goodbye party complete with mini cupcakes and a few gifts, which included a card, two energy drinks, and a Starbucks gift card.
And now, you were leaving in two days, which was why you were very confused when Jay had made you stop doing laundry and packing up last-minute things and told you to get ready because you were going somewhere.
"Hailey, help me out here," you began, "where are we going?"
"Can't tell you that," she told you.
"Okay...how do I need to dress then?"
"Casual," she answered. "With a little bit of makeup."
You nodded. "Still didn't give me any hints. Rude."
And then you walked into your room to change and do your makeup with Jay and Hailey laughing in the background.
"Molly's? Really?" You asked when Jay parked on the street where Molly's Pub was located. "You couldn't have just told me that?"
"I'm just picking something up from Kelly," Jay answered. "And, I thought you might want to see Stella one more time before you leave and she's bartending tonight."
The three of you got out of Jay's truck—Hailey citing the fact that who knows how long Jay and Kelly would talk as her reasoning for not staying in the truck—and then walked into Molly's.
"Surprise!" was what you heard when you walked in.
You looked around with wide eyes to see a banner that said Farewell Y/N! and everyone from Intelligence, 51, and everyone you knew at Med. Even Voight was here and from snippets of conversation you had heard here and there, he was one step above being legally barred from entering Molly's.
You put your hand over your mouth as tears came to your eyes. "You guys."
"You didn't think we'd send you off without a party, did you?" Kelly asked.
"I wasn't expecting one, no."
Then Stella walked up to you. "Well, you got one. And all your drinks are on the house tonight." She handed you a drink. "Starting with this cherry vodka sour."
Stella knew that was your favorite.
A few minutes later, after everything had died down a bit, Voight came up to you while you were talking to Stella and Kelly at the bar.
"Congrats, kid," he said.
"Thank you," you replied.
"You've always been sort of like a daughter to me and to everyone in Intelligence for that matter, so I'm gonna keep it short." He handed you an envelope. A fat envelope at that. "For rent. And, there's the numbers of a sergeant and a couple of officers I know down there in case you run into any trouble."
"I can't accept this. It's too much." You hadn't even opened it, but by the thickness of the envelope, you knew it contained a lot of money.
"You can and you will. Justin never really used his college fund, and I wanted it to go to something worthwhile."
(This was in fact, a lie. This was money from Voight being Voight, but you didn't need to know that. And more importantly, Jay didn't need to know that...even though, after you counted out the bills, Jay would have his suspicions.)
You nodded. "Thank you."
"You're welcome. Stay out of trouble."
And then, he gave you a hug and left the bar because even though he was legally allowed to enter, he knew he still would never be accepted there. And, the less time he spent there, the better.
After talking and laughing with everyone for about an hour, Hermann yelled to be heard over the noise.
"Okay, everyone! Listen up!" The room quieted. "It's time to give Y/N her presents."
Then, Ritter came out one of the employees-only doors, pushing a food service cart containing multiple gift bags and boxes wrapped in colorful wrapping paper.
You were just about to say something when the door opened and you whirled your head around.
You jumped off your barstool and ran up to him.
He pulled you into a hug. "You didn't think I'd miss my favorite kid's going away party, did you?"
"I thought you were in Oregon!"
"Just in time," Will said.
Then, you looked between your two brothers and at all of the firefighters in the bar. They didn't look surprised to see Casey at all.
"You knew about this?"
Jay laughed. "Who do you think told him?"
"Enough with the logistics," Casey yelled. "Get this kid a drink! On me!"
"Her drinks are already free tonight!" Kelly yelled. "Which you would've known if you got here on time."
"Nice to see you, too, Severide," Casey shot back.
There were a couple of chuckles heard throughout the bar and then Hermann spoke up again.
"Open the gifts so we can get this cart out of here, will you?"
You laughed and shook your head and then opened your gifts, thanking every single person as you went.
51 got you a fire extinguisher and a Slamigan, which Kelly explained was less about opening doors and more for whacking someone over the head if they tried to break into your apartment. All the doctors and nurses got together and made you the best first aid kit you had ever seen, complete with more stuff than even Jay had in the first aid kit at home and you thought his was the best at-home first aid kit around. And, Intelligence got you a master lock for your door just for some added security. Also, Kevin and Adam got you a Taser. (They had to specify that it was just from them because Jay vetoed it for the joint gift, so they got it for you themselves.) And, Gallo, Ritter, and Violet gave you a case of their lightest IPA and a 12-pack of grapefruit seltzer so that you Jay, Hailey, and Will would have something to drink while working on moving you into your apartment.
Then, they did something that was even more unexpected than giving you all these gifts: they started chanting speech.
"Here, take this," Stella handed you a shot of what you assumed was vodka. "Liquid courage."
You took it and then took a deep breath.
"I wasn't really prepared to give a speech—I wasn't prepared for any of this since it was a surprise—so it might not be the greatest," you began. You looked around the room at everyone who had come out to celebrate you tonight, of all people. "Thank you all for coming, it really means a lot. Stella, thank you for making my hair beautiful for all my dances senior year. Sylvie, thank you for helping me with my biology homework when Will was busy at work so he couldn't help me. Thank you to all of 51 for making me laugh when I had to spend days there when I was younger when Will and Jay were busy and couldn't stay with me. Kelly and Matt, thank you for teaching me how to use a fire extinguisher and how to change the batteries in a smoke detector.
"Everyone at Med, thank you for putting up with me when I went to Med to find Will even if I was pulling you away from your jobs. I'm also sorry about that." That got a couple of laughs from some people. "Hannah, thank you for all your help earlier this year. I would've been even more of a mess if it weren't for your help.
"Trudy, thank you for putting up with me when I'd run into the district looking for Jay and for always giving me money to go get a snack and a pop from the vending machines. Kim, thank you for helping me with my Spanish. Kevin, thank you for taking me for my very first ride in a cop car when you were on patrol and Kim was pulled up to Intelligence for the day. Sorry, Trudy." She glared at Kevin, but then laughed, so you knew it wasn't that serious. "Adam, thank you for teaching me how to pick locks because Jay told me that he'd never teach me that."
Now, you turned to face Hailey and your brothers and the tears started to fall.
"Hailey, thank you for coming into my brother's life and for loving him and during that time, for loving me as well. Thank you for becoming the closest thing to a mom that I've ever had."
Hailey put her hand over her mouth and blinked rapidly to hold back her tears, but then just gave up and let a few of them slide down her cheeks.
"And to Will and Jay, God I can't even put into words how much you two mean to me. You became like father figures to me. Your both have put your careers on the line whether that be to pick me up from school on time, or to leave a shift to come to one of my academic awards ceremonies. Thank you. And thank you for putting up with me for these past six months and for being there and helping me through this process. I couldn't have done it without you both."
By the end of your speech, there wasn't a dry eye in the house.
And, despite saying that you didn't really think you'd miss Chicago and would relish living on your own, by the end of the night, you knew that in two days, you'd feel pangs of homesickness when you drove away from all these people who had become like a family to you over the years.
4 days later
You looked around your apartment at all the hard work you, Jay, Will, and Hailey had put in during these past two days. The four of you had hauled ass the past two days to get you completely moved in by Sunday night so that Will, Jay, and Hailey could leave and be home at a decent time in the morning so that Will could make it to his 3 pm-3 am shift on time.
"We should probably get going," Will stated. He had said that an hour ago, but there had been a silent agreement between the four of you to prolong your brothers' and sister-in-law's stay as long as possible. Even though you said you were more excited than nervous, it didn't mean that you wouldn't miss them.
You were not going to cry because you knew if you started crying, you'd want to jump in Jay's truck and go home with them, and you knew you couldn't do that.
"One last picture," Hailey said and pulled out her phone, and handed it to Will, who was the tallest of the four of you.
You all crowded together while Will held Hailey's phone and took a selfie.
Now, it was time for goodbye.
Hailey was up first.
"I'm gonna miss you," she told you.
Tears sprang to your eyes. "I'm gonna miss you, too. Make sure Jay doesn't get shot, okay?"
"I'll do my best. You know he's a bullet magnet."
Then, you gave her a big hug. She knew how much she meant to you and vice versa, so there wasn't a need for a long, drawn-out goodbye between you two.
Next up, was Will.
He pulled you into a hug and told you he'd love and miss you and then pulled away and put his hands on your shoulders.
"You call me if you need anything, okay? And I mean anything."
All you could do was nod because you knew if you said anything, you'd just start crying.
Last but certainly not least, was Jay.
He gave you a bone-crushing hug, during which you tried not to sob.
But, when he pulled away and you saw him trying his best to hold back tears, that's when the waterworks started.
"I'm gonna miss you, so much!"
Jay hugged you again. "And I'm gonna miss you, too. But I am so, so proud of you."
You nodded and wiped your tears. "I love you, Jay Jay."
"Love you, too, kiddo."
Jay took a deep breath to steady himself. "We need to go, but if you need anything at all, I'm only eight hours away, about five or six with lights and sirens."
"I know. Voight might kick your ass for using them all the way to Kansas City, though."
"That would probably be Platt, which is arguably scarier."
Then, you walked the three of them to your door and watched them leave.
Hailey sent you the picture and you posted some highlights of these two days including another picture in front of your school of the four of you that you had a passerby take and some funny videos you took while moving in, one of which was Jay and Will arguing over how to build a couch because Jay refused to read the directions.
Then, you posted all of these on your Instagram with the caption Onto the next adventure.
Jay and Hailey both reposted the post on their Instagram stories with Jay captioning it Not a dad, but I think this is what being a proud dad feels like with a heart emoji at the end, and Will posted the picture of the four of you in front of your school on his account with the caption Soon, there will be two Dr. Halsteads.
And, little did you know, Jay, Will, and Hailey did not have to be back tomorrow because Will had to work. That was a lie. They were getting a hotel room to make sure everything went okay on your first night alone in your apartment.
Because even though you were living on your own and would be a state away, they would do anything to help you succeed, whether that be helping you with applications, going with you to an ultrasound, or telling you a white lie so that they could make sure you were okay.
You wouldn't trade them for the world.
And, Jay had been right: you got this.
A/N: If you made it this far, congratulations! You finished my longest imagine ever! If you liked it, don't forget to reblog/like and comment because I love hearing what you guys think! As always, if you want to be added to my taglist, just tell me and I’ll add you!
taglist: @theambracer88 @virtualreader @kelelas-life @celyndavies @brookerz122493 @musicismyescape27 @anotherfan07 @thexplosivegirl @dreamingwithlens @xoxmariaxox @911ls-tarlos @iamasimpingh0e @i-like-sparkly-things @herecomesthewriterwitch @liampayne88 @glitterquadricorn @luvreading67 @smoothdogsgirl @afriendlyneighborhoodhufflepuff@actlikesummerr @lcothr523 @star-wars-lover​
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duckprintspress · 5 months
Meet Aether Beyond the Binary Contributor Terra P. Waters
Another day, another AETHER BEYOND THE BINARY creator to shine the spotlight on!
Before we get to that, just a note: hi, I’m Nina Waters, the lead editor, the person running this campaign, and the one who writes all these blog posts. I’ll be traveling for the next four days (Friday, Jan 12 – Monday, Jan 15) to vend for Duck Prints Press at Arisia in Boston. As a result, I will be slower to answer messages, reply to comments, and post updates (I’m going to try to post one, but I’m not sure I’ll have time). I appreciate your patience while I’m less available. And if by some chance, you’re attending the con, make sure you come and say hi! I’ll be at table D14 in the dealer’s room.
Now, on to Terra…!
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About Terra: Terra is a scientist by day who lives in the Pacific Northwest with her family. She has been writing fiction as long as she can remember, and has always told her partner of 17 years that if she wasn’t a scientist, she would be an author. During grad school, she discovered fanfiction and immediately began writing her own. After many years and several fandoms (including Teen Wolf, Hawaii Five-0, and Stranger Things), she returned to writing original fiction. To date, she has self-published two novellas in a 90s-nostalgia polyamory comedy series and has drafted two YA/NA sci-fi novels. When not doing science or writing, you can find Terra indulging her yarn addiction and knitting.
Links: Archive of Our Own | Tumblr (pterawaters) | Tumblr (terrapwaters) | Instagram | Bluesky
Terra has previously published one short stories with Duck Prints Press, a Patreon-exclusive entitled The Wayward Timekeeper, and she also wanted to share a few of her works from AO3: 
Kope Kamekona (Hawaii Five-O, Steve McGarrett/Catherine Rollins/Danny Williams)
Forever’s gonna start tonight (Stranger Things, A/B/O, multiple ships and ot3s)
Other Delicacies (Our Flag Means Death, Ed Teach/Stede Bonnet) – this is the piece that Terra used to apply to Duck Prints Press, and several of us reviewers liked it so much that we sought it out and read the whole thing even though we aren’t in the fandom!
An Interview with Terra P. Waters
What motivates you to create?
My love for the ideas!
How did you pick the name you create under?
I’ve been using the name “pterawaters” since 2009, when I joined fanfiction.net. “Ptera” came from an old gaming character I had, “Ptera the Pterrible,” and “Waters” was a last name I really liked the sound of. For my original writing, I decided to go with a more conventional version of the name. I moved the P from the front of my name to the middle initial as an homage to my fannish writing name.
What do you consider to be your strengths as a creator?
My ability to brainstorm scenarios and know how to outline the plot from there. Longer-form works, where I get to dig into the character motivations and development. World building.
What do you consider to be your weaknesses as a creator?
Short stories, creating characters who serve the story I want to tell, adding enough description around the dialog and plot.
When and why did you begin creating?
I’ve been writing since I was a kid, and even took a lot of creative writing classes during college (aside from my science major). I get a lot of joy out of thinking “what if…” and then turning that idea into a story.
Are you a pantser, a planner, or a planster? What’s your process look like?
I’m most often a planner. I like to outline the story beats of any project before I write. Sometimes, I’ll be more of a plantser. I’ll write 1-2k words of an idea before I do the rest of the outline, so I can see if it’s an idea worth planning out further.
Which of your own creations is your favorite? Why?
I wrote a story called “Entanglement” that was part of a long Stranger Things fanwork series. It’s absolutely my favorite thing I’ve ever written, and I’m excited to get to the point where I can incorporate the rewritten version into my sci-fi series.
What are your favorite tropes?
Polyamory, First times/Getting together, Forced proximity (cuddling for warmth, only one bed), Soulmate AUs, Omegaverse, Fake relationship, Friends to Lovers
What are your favorite snacks and/or drinks to consume while creating?
I like herbal tea, candy, or a crunchy snack like popcorn. I’ve recently gotten into eating roasted lentils, which is a nice substitute for not being able to eat nuts anymore.
What is your “dream project” – the thing you’d see as the culmination of your work as a creator?
I want to finish a series of at least 4 novels and have them all in print.
When you look at your “career” as a creator, what  achievement would you most like to reach – what, if it happened or has  already happened, would/did make you go “now – now I’m a success!”?
I would like to have at least one full-length novel printed and for people to actually buy it!
Tell us about your pet(s).
I have two orange cats, Gadget (the chonk) and Gizmo (anxiety in animal form).
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What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
Finish the thing. My writing got so much better once I forced myself to finish fan works so I could put them up for other people to read. Practicing the first part of writing a story without practicing how to write the end leaves you never finishing anything.
Terra’s Contribution to Aether Beyond the Binary
Title: Ancient Hearts Unearthed
Tags: academia, alternate history, cancer, character illness (serious), f/nb, f/f (background), fat, first kiss, friends to lovers, getting together, hospital, modern with magic, mystery, non-binary, panic attacks, past tense, phobia (claustrophobia), pining, professor, scientist, third person limited pov
Victoria turned and ran a hand over the runes again. “What bothers me is that these are early Age of Aether markings. You see the way they’re using archaic forms of our letters?”
Sasha leaned closer. “I’ll be damned. This doesn’t match the bronze-era artifacts in the rest of the cave, either.” They made a tiny humming noise. “Who else would have this much knowledge of ancient runes?”
As Victoria leaned as close as she could to the wall, she asked distractedly, “What do you mean?”
“Obviously, it’s a fake,” they said, mulling over the problem in their head. “Sanderson has wanted my place on the admissions committee since he joined the department.”
“What if it’s not a fake?” Victoria made a tiny, excited noise. “What if this is early Aether Age work? What if this is a secret that’s been buried for almost a thousand years?”
Sasha’s heart swooped at the thought. “We have to find out what that inscription says.”
You've read the interview! You've read the excerpt! Now go back the campaign!
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straylightdream · 2 years
“𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐈 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐈 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭“
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Lee Minho x F.Reader
friends with benefits / roommates au
↳ The lines between friends and lovers is quick to blur. There isn’t anyone you would rather spend your time with, and he finds his sweet escape when he’s alone with you. What started out as casual thing that was supposed to be secret kept between the two of you leads to so much more.
status: read here
warnings: soft dom! Minho, unprotected sex, rougher sex, dirty talk, begging, overstimulation, edging, dry humping, names such as: (kitten, angel), breeding kink, creampie, cockwarming, cum play and cum eating. Minho mentions knocking up the reader.
an: this is a part of my college skz series SSFW where you can read one or all the stories. Each boys story weaves together but they can be read as ones shots.
If you want to be tagged let me know I’ll be using my second writing ( @straylightwrites​ ) account to tag everybody. Let me know what you think about a series happening.
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“YN do you want to order dinner while we study tonight?” Minho sets his laptop on your bed. 
“Why aren’t you going to the bar with Bambi and Chan?”
“Why would I go there when you’re staying home?” He knits his eyebrows together and looks at you like you’re insane. 
“You are aware you’re allowed to have fun without me right?” Minho doesn’t normally do anything social if you don’t go with him you’ve come to notice. 
“I know that. Let’s be honest Changbin and Kitten will show up and to be honest I don’t want to watch him feel her up every chance he gets.” He’s not lying basically since the moment Changbin and his girlfriend have gotten together Changbin can’t seem to keep his hands to himself. He’s been head over heels for her long before they started dating and ever since they finally got together he’s always touching her. 
“So instead you would rather study with me?“
“I also have a huge test coming up. I thought senior year was gonna be easier and then I decided to apply for grad school,” he sighs, laying down on the bed next to you. 
“It’s okay Minho,” you pat the top of his head. “If we get enough studying done maybe you can feel me up.”
He looks up, cocking his eyebrow. “Are we talking about feel,” he motions his hands. “Or are we talking about me filling you to the brim.”
You scoff, pushing his shoulder, “you are literally obsessed with coming inside me.”
“Can you blame a guy?” He laughs. 
“I guess not,” you lean down pressing his lips to yours. 
Minho is one of the best study partners you’ve had. He’s actually helpful and can easily focus on a task when he needs to. 
Studying for this huge test seems to have melted your brain. Sitting on the couch with your back against the arm rest and your legs across Minho's lap. Biting down on the burger Minho ordered you, your eyes are trained on the side of Minho's head as he’s focused on the book he’s holding. He made a big deal about you eating your food before it got cold but can’t bring himself to put down the book he’s reading. 
“Minho,” you say. 
Lifting his head looks over at you and blinks rapidly a few times trying to focus. “Yes?”
“What happened to eating while it’s hot?” 
“I was trying to finish this chapter,” he closes the book, setting it down on the coffee table in front of him. He picks up his burger and finally starts to eat. Things between you are comfortable just like they always are. 
“Minho I don’t want to study anymore you,” you whine between taking bites. A soft laugh leaves his lips. His hand that isn’t holding his burger reaches down and rubs your calf. “My brain can’t take anymore information tonight.”
“Okay, no more studying.”
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aemondslefteyeball · 11 months
Sic Transit Gloria Mundi (8)
[Modern!Aemond x Fem!Reader]
[Warnings: Death, gore, aftermath of animal attacks]
[Summary: Let's gather 'round the campfire and sing our campfire song. Our C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song!]
Word Count: 4.6K
Chapter 8
Small cursive lettering filled the pages of the journal, and intermittent doodles marked the page, words overflowing around all of it. A discordant look at your inner thoughts, Aemond mused. 
Dear Dad,
I met my fiance today and he is the absolute fucking worst. You would have kicked his ass. I wasn’t expecting him to sweep me off my feet but the first fucking thing he did was shove a prenup in my face. Nice to meet you too, asshole. 
He couldn’t have been that callous, could he? He had to have given you some form of acknowledgment. Was his first impression that bad? Aemond frowned as he skimmed over the pages, looking for mentions of his name until landing on the next passage.
Dear Dad,
Today has been the worst birthday I’ve ever had. Aemond started my day off by barging into my room at five in the goddamn morning to interrogate me about Sunspear. He apparently saw my post and demanded to know why I was spending “his” money taking vacations. He literally just stood there bitching until I walked into the bathroom. I don’t think it ever occurred to him that I have my own fucking money and my own means of travel. After that the Kazoo preacher was back on the subway screaming about 'the children', and if all that wasn’t enough fucking Jaydee didn’t put the boiling chip into the test tube and it blew up on my goddamn arm. I wanted to take Vaeryx for a quick flight but the wheels were too chewed up after my last landing. Your jacket doesn’t smell like you anymore. I really wish you were here. 
Aemond swallowed suddenly. He didn’t even remember doing these things, but the pen marks dug into the page afterward. Another wave of guilt hit him at the realization that he didn’t know when your birthday even was. The journal hadn’t been dated, and he never asked.
I got accepted for a summer workshop at Storm’s End Tech!!! If that isn’t exciting enough we’re studying bacteria at the thermal vents off the coast of Cape Wrath!!! Professor Webber really pulled through for me, she was saying that this will really help me when I apply for grad school. Do you remember the house we lived in when you were stationed at Qaehrys? The one with the big window that led onto the roof? I really miss laying there and looking at the constellations with you. I took your telescope out tonight and searched the moon until I found Vaegon’s Crater. Dr. Lee said that’s the most likely spot they’d put a base and it’s apparently less than a decade away. When it goes up I’m going to be there, and I’m bringing your telescope.
Wait, what? Aemond knew that you were a student, but he always assumed you were pursuing business or something. Guilt crashed over him at the realization he had never taken the time to ask you what you were studying. He had never taken the time to ask you anything about yourself, really. He never really had much interest in microbiology, but maybe you were like Helaena and her entomology. Beyond that, never in a million years would he have guessed that you were planning to become an astronaut. You? Did they even send microbiologists to space? Aemond sighed as he put the journal down. He told himself that he was doing this to get to know you better. To support you. But he felt like he knew even less than before and at the cost of your privacy. 
The trilling of insects was the only source of noise, save for the torch. A melancholy silence was cast over the circle surrounding the pyre. Aly held the torch, dried blood and tear tracks staining her face. Silent sobs started to erupt from her as the kindling beneath Sabitha’s feet sparked. She next lowered the torch towards her girlfriend’s knees, following it with her shoulders. Aly wiped globs of snot off her face with one hand, using the other to cast the torch into the burning base of the pyre. Tears fell as you squeezed Nettles’ shoulder. She turned her gaze towards you, her massive brown eyes brimmed with tears. Your gazes shifted back to Sabitha, and the sight of teeth peeking through her torn cheek. “Mother above,” Myri exclaimed, her gaze fixed on Sabitha’s twitching hand. “She’s alive.” Panicked looks shot out across the group. “She’s alive! She’s-” 
Aly ran towards the pyre, repeated “No’s” being exclaimed as she wrenched Sab off the pyre by her belt loops. Sabitha fell with a heavy grunt, and Aly immediately set out to put out the flames that had cropped up on Sabitha’s jeans. The redhead just lay there, intermittent grunts and gurgles emerging. You lowered yourself to the ground as quickly as you were able, lifting her head so that Myri could rest a blanket under it. “I got you,” Aly whispered, grasping her girlfriend’s hand.
“Really?” Sabitha groaned, “Fire?” The gurgle couldn’t suppress the sarcasm in her tone. She let out the smallest chuckle she could manage. The rest of you were still too keyed up from adrenaline to do anything but pant and stare. 
Just one more, Aemond told himself. He stared at the journal ahead of him and pulled it back onto his lap. One more, and that was it. He would put the journal back and he would leave it this time. His fingers brushed over the indents in the page, smudges bleeding out to the right. 
 I think I met somebody recently. 
Happy doodles filled the margins of the journal, little flowers crammed into each individual corner. 
She’s in my lab. She’s Westerosi, but I think you would really like her. R’hllor, what do I even say? She’s so fucking smart, Dad. She’s kind of shy but it’s actually really adorable. She’s just… a ray of sunshine. I don’t think I’ve ever heard her say something mean about anybody else. Just really, really uplifting. Gods, it feels so good getting on the train knowing I’ll see her dorking out over S. aureus with that adorable ass grin on her face. I don’t know if her being so different from Aemond is what makes me like her, but it’s such a breath of fresh air. 
Aemond stopped reading the entry after the last mention of his name. While his stomach turned at your Hallmark-worthy descriptions of Emerson, he was grateful it provided a natural stopping point for him. He felt a small pang of pity. Here you had written a dissertation about how much you liked her, only to have it repaid with a whole two months of devotion. No more. Aemond put the journal back into the nightstand and shut the door behind him.
Your teeth grit as your foot hits the ground. Rhaena shot you a comforting smile, and you responded with a brief one before putting one foot in front of the other. Sabitha grunted from behind you, leaning against Aly. The two of you paused for a moment so the pair could catch up to you. “When we get back we’re gonna need clean water and thread to stitch them up.” Aly nodded while you shifted your weight onto your left leg. 
“Leave me.” Blood was soaking through the bandage Rhaena had wrapped around Sabitha’s face, her voice coming out muffled. Between that, and the eerie sound of her sucking air in through the hole in her face it was a wonder anybody could understand her. 
“Sab, stop it.” 
“It’s-” Sabitha’s head lolled into Aly’s cheek, her auburn hair stiff with dried blood. “Not… Safe.” 
“Don’t say that! We’re almost there!” Aly looked like she was about to start crying again, her powder blue jacket darkened with brown stains. 
“Let them go,” Sabitha said, one hand coming up to weakly clutch at the vertebra around her neck. “Let them go.” She turned her gaze towards the rest of you then, grunting quietly before Aly acquiesced. 
“Go back to the cabin as fast as you can.” She turned towards you, Nettles, Rhaena, and Myrielle. It hurt like a son of a bitch, but you had kept a decent pace so far. Thankfully it seemed like the wolf didn’t fuck up your muscles. There was still a mottled wreck beneath the cloth bandages, but it was superficial. It would heal. You would be fine. 
“Aly?” Nettles whispered, worry furrowing her brow. 
“Go.” Aly ordered. 
The four of you got back to the cabin after what felt like an entire day, pain slicing through you with each step you took. For your part, all you could really do was be grateful that you could walk. This godsforsaken place put a lot of things into perspective. The four of you finally stumbled onto the porch, as panicked gazes took in the massive bloodied bandage on your thigh. “By the seven.” Sara got up off the porch as you moved to sit. “What happened?” Looking around the group, the blonde’s eyebrows wrinkled. “Where are Aly and Sabitha?” 
“She… she told us to leave them.” Rhaena panted out. Floris took her hand and Baela scrambled to your side, tears brimming in her eyes. 
“We were attacked by wolves.” But with how big they were, they might just be direwolves. Who knows, maybe a snark would cuntpunt you next. Anything was possible in this shit-ass forest. Fuck this country. Barba rushed out of the cabin, her icy eyes widening in panic. A hand clapped over her mouth as she looked at you, her jaw trembling for a moment. Gathering herself, she grabbed Rhaena by the arms. “Show us where to go.” 
You grunted as the hot needle punched through your skin. Exposed to the open air was a horrifying sight. The flesh of your right thigh was mottled with black bruises, puncture marks on multiple spots. The cherry on top of it was the massive chunk of skin that had been wrenched from your leg when you kicked the wolf off you. Clenching your jaw, you hummed through your grit teeth. Seasick Sarah, had a golden nose. Hobnail boots, wrapped around her toes. The needle pierced through each layer of gored skin, fiery pain erupting as it happened. The parts of the wound that could be sewn up were. The chunk of skin that had been torn off could not be sewn shut. So as of right now, you were biting down on Floris’s belt, preparing for Nettles to press the heated knife onto your wound. You looked away, staring off into the darkness outside the window. The first burn lasted for a few seconds, and you bit into the belt hard enough that your jaw ached. After that, the next session started. You started to feel hazy about what seemed to be halfway through, and when she was done you were drifting in and out of consciousness. Sara sat at your side, stroking your hand. You pulled the blanket up more tightly over yourself, shivers wracking you. “You hanging in there?” She questioned, her tone soft. “Need another blanket?” You nodded abruptly. 
“I thought it’d be warmer.” You murmured as her face drifted in and out of your field of vision. Her silvery hair flickered in the light, darkened roots showing at the crown of her head. When she placed the blanket over you, you curled into it. Turning away from her, you sank into the warmth of the cot and the blackness of sleep. 
Muffled screams roused you, and you turned to the source of the noise. Disorientation clouded your mind until you caught sight of Sabitha lying on the table. The same hooked needle that went into your thigh was currently being plunged into her face. Baela’s expression wavered as she held Sabitha down. Please pass out. Sabitha continued to writhe in pain, thrashing against Baela. Please just let her pass out. Muffled shouts echoed through the cabin, and you found yourself covering your ears. Barba stared at Sabitha, a conflicted expression on her face as she grasped the weirwood pendant around her neck. 
Aegon sat across the table from Aemond, one arm on the back of the booth and the other dipping a fry into ketchup. He ate that, chewing for a moment while grabbing the massive, greasy burger and dunking that into the pile of ketchup afterward. Aemond held back the urge to physically cringe. His brother’s disgusting eating habits had always irritated him, and Aegon weaponized that. “So.” Half-chewed burger rolled around in Aegon’s mouth, and Aemond clenched his fist under the table for five counts before releasing it. “Moat Cailin?” He grinned, taking another slobbering bite of the dripping burger. 
Aemond rolled his eyes. He cut into his chicken vesuvius carefully, picking up a piece of chicken and potato before properly chewing it, placing his silverware down, and staring Aegon in the eye while doing so. When he finished chewing he finally spoke. “I’m going out on one of the search rafts.” He said flatly, cutting another piece of chicken. “Maybe you should come.” A pointed stare was shot Aegon’s way, and he shrank back at the retort. It was no secret that he moved on from Sara a while back, but something shifted in Aegon’s gaze. His brother fidgeted in his seat. Aemond narrowed his eye as he ate, what was he hiding? 
“What do you think they’re doing right now?” Aegon asked suddenly, taking another bite of his burger. 
Aemond sighed. What would you be doing right now? He hoped you were dipping your feet in the Greywater, laughing with your friends. “I don’t know, trying to culture swamp bacteria,” Aemond said with a shrug, spearing a potato. “Whatever microbiologists do.” He finished.
“What?” Aegon said, his head quirked to the side like a puppy. 
“Microbiologist. Somebody who studies ba-” 
Aemond was cut off by barking laughter from Aegon. His brother set the burger down with a gross slap. Aegon leaned back in the booth, one arm cocked over the top of it. “She’s not a microbiologist.” He let out another guffaw. 
Fury rose in Aemond as he clenched his fist. “She’s not an astronaut yet ei-” Another round of laughter cut Aemond off as he slammed his fist down onto the table, a couple across the restaurant shooting them a nervous look. 
The action did nothing to faze Aegon, who continued laughing as he popped another fry into his mouth. “You’re guilting me about not going to Moat Cailin and you don’t even know your wife is an astrobiologist. Oh fuck, I knew it.” He lifted the burger back up to his mouth and took a messy bite, smacking it around. “I knew your marriage was bullshit.” He cackled, shaking his head before swallowing. 
Aemond paled, looking around suddenly, grateful that nobody seemed to be paying attention to anything other than their own meals. His eye narrowed as he took in Aegon’s smug face, his fist aching as he clenched it. “You don’t know anything.” He hissed.
“Aemond.” His brother sat up for a moment, setting his burger down. “I’m a fuck up, but I know people.” His usual candor came back to him again a moment later, taking a loud slurp of his milkshake. Aemond stared off to the side, angrily following the insipid breathing exercises Dr. Greenwood had given him. “Is that what this is about? You feel guilty because you were a dick to her?” 
“I just want her to be happy once she gets back home.” He stated flatly, hoping his idiot brother would finally drop the question. 
“So when are you moving out?” Aegon needled. “Seriously, what makes you think she’d want anything to do with you when she gets back? You don’t even know what she's getting her Master's in.” When Aemond tensed to get up he paused. “Wait. I shouldn’t have said that.” He admitted. “Hey.” Aegon made eye contact with him, an uncharacteristically serious look flashing over his face briefly. “I have a secret too.” Aemond stared back at him, nodding at him to continue. “Me and Floris have been fucking for the past year or so.” 
“I have an announcement.” Said announcement fell on deaf ears, with most people turning over. Barba grabbed a metal ladle, clanking it on the wooden table. “Hello!” She banged it repeatedly, and you groaned as you sat up. “Hi! Excuse me!” Rubbing your eyes, you looked around the cabin. “Thank you,” Barba said quietly. “In light of the expedition having ended how it did, I’m going to take the dead guy’s plane and fly south. I’m going to find us help and I’m going to get us out of here.” She nodded as if hyping herself up. 
Fuck. “You’re gonna fly that thing?” Barba nodded at you, and you shook your head. When you talked back in your clearing you didn’t think the expedition would end this way. This shit was still crazy. No. There is no fucking way. “You don’t know if that plane is operable.” 
“I’ve been looking over it for weeks, and the gas tank is full.” She threw her hands up suddenly. “I’m a pilot, I grew up watching my Grandpa fly. I have two-hundred flight hours. I know that I can do this.” Your heart sank, throat clenched tight as you stared at her pleadingly. “You can’t deny that Sabitha doesn’t need serious medical attention.” 
“She’s not the only one.” Sara piped up, her gaze flickering over to her best friend emotionlessly. “Floris, tell them.” 
“I- I really don’t.” You shot a glare at Sara, in disbelief that she really just derailed this so she could force Floris into telling everybody. 
“Tell them.” 
“What is it?” Luke asked, his doe eyes confused. 
“Yeah, what is it?” 
You gave Floris the most supportive look you could muster, and she crossed her arms over her chest. “I’m pregnant.” 
Rhaena immediately stood up, bounding over to Floris. “How far along are you?” 
“Wait, did you get knocked up out here?” Myrielle asked, an eyebrow quirked in Jace’s direction. Baela’s eyes bored holes into the back of Myri’s skull.
“No, I…”
“It doesn’t matter when it happened,” Sara said, a sanctimonious look on her face. “Okay? It just matters that we get them both help.” 
Rhaena tried to grab at Floris’s stomach, and she swatted her hands away. “Rhaena, not right now.” She snapped. 
“Alright, can everybody just.” Ser Criston ran a hand through his hair, sighing. “Barba, you can’t do this.” He commanded. “No. It’s not even close to safe.” 
“There is no ‘safe’ anymore, Ser Cole.” Barba retorted. Her face was hard, different. “It’s going to be winter soon. If I don’t do this, we’re…” She paused for a moment, shaking her head. “We’re all gonna fucking starve.” You fidgeted with your hands, holding back tears that pricked at your eyes. It didn’t feel right. There was something you were missing.
“Alright, well, I’m still the oldest here, so, no.” He flatly responded, gesticulating with his one free hand as he leaned on his crutch. “I’m not gonna let you do it.”
Barba’s face hardened even further. You barely recognized this person, icy eyes narrowed to a point. She took a step forward. And another. “What are you gonna do to stop me, Ser?” Her face twisted into a sneer as she gave him a once-over. Tension filled the cabin as the two of them stared off. 
Aemond thought that he should feel more nervous. He sent you on a plane that crashed, it seemed only right that he should be subjected to the same fate. But he didn’t and he wasn't. Shockingly enough he felt freer than he had in months. He told Dr. Greenwood everything. Everything that Aegon told him, everything he himself had done, everything he could think of in the session came directly out of his mouth. He thought that another person knowing his sins would destroy him, but Dr. Greenwood hadn’t judged him. All she did was give him a plan to avoid the urge to do those things again. The only thing that weighed on him were Helaena’s words. ‘What if you’re looking too far south?’ When he told Dr. Greenwood about it, she had simply stated that everybody was bound to have their own theories and that he should trust the experts. Logically he knew she was right, but he still couldn’t shake the lingering worry that Helaena was. What if they were wasting their time down here and you were up near Winterfell? The plane ride was uneventful, and Aemond spent the entire time catching up with some work. He technically had until Tuesday off, but today was only Thursday and he wanted less to catch up on. The ride to his hotel was… interesting given that it was essentially a private hut floating on the water. The boat sailed through choppy gray water, and insects flew at Aemond from every direction. When he finally got to his hut, he was relieved to find that his secretary hadn’t booked a hovel. Setting his things down, he moved to enter the shower. When he got out he set about his usual routine. He opened his laptop to get some more work done before shutting it and turning the TV on before eventually settling on a documentary series about Valyria. 
You set about helping the best as you could with your leg still in the condition it was. Mauling or not, work still needed to be done if Barba was going to fly the plane out of there. You tore up another plant as you watched Sara and Floris talk. There was obvious tension there, but Sara played coy and watched while Floris yanked roots out. Eventually, Floris walked off in a huff, and you set your gaze back downward. You would find her later tonight. 
When a runway was cleared and all vines were taken off you all stood in front of the plane as Barba arrived. You crossed your arms over your chest and tried to suppress the feeling of dread that grabbed hold of you. She had her backpack on, tugging on the straps as she smiled nervously at Jace. Jace in response pulled her in for a hug. They stayed for a minute before she embraced Nettles, and then Sara. “Be safe, okay?” Barba nodded at Sara’s request. She smiled as she pulled Floris in for a hug, and a few more crowded around her in a group hug. All you could do was watch, a sense of foreboding stirring off in the distance. 
When she reached you, you pulled her in as tight as humanly possible. You tried to burn everything about her into your memory, down to the scraggly feeling of her black hair against your face. Squeezing her for a moment more, you pulled your lips over your teeth. “Stay.” You whispered pleadingly. It didn’t feel right, and Barba was the one who had encouraged you to follow your gut. 
“Remember your vision,” Barba murmured in response, “Fire and light, it’s a blessing from the Gods.” When she pulled away an austerity had passed over her. You recoiled, increasingly uneasy as you pulled your arms back over your chest. Barba stepped back and opened the door to the Cessna, climbing in and unzipping her backpack. 
As soon as she sat down, Criston wrenched the door back open. “By the Gods, Barba. Please, don’t do this.” You hadn’t seen this side of Ser Cole before. Desperate. The last ditch effort of a man who knew his days of authority was behind him. 
Barba shot him a nervous smile, swallowing before she spoke. “Thanks for worrying about me, Ser, but…” The sternness flashed back over her face like a mask, her icy gaze flattening. “This is my purpose.” She reached a hand out to pat him on the shoulder before she pulled it back and shut the door with a heavy clang. Barba ran her fingers over the weirwood pendant, her gaze emotionless as she placed her stuffed bear into the copilot's seat. Her gaze passed over to you quickly, before she locked eyes with you and smiled. Discomfort arose in you, as you watched something stir in the very back of her eyes. She held your gaze long enough to make you squirm before the propeller started to spin. Wheels squeaked through the dirt as cheers rang out, you stepped forward and prayed to whatever Gods there were above that your vision was a blessing. The plane was flying as it should, and Barba successfully lifted off. A relieved smile broke out across your face, but you knew she wasn’t out of the woods yet, quite literally. The landing was the hardest part of a flight, and you didn’t entirely trust the brakes on it. The Cessna soared clear over the lake, and you ran forward with eyes pointed to the sky. 
“Oh my Gods, she’s doing it!!!” Laughter sounded, Sara clapping as you all ran to the lakefront. She shifted the plane to face due south, and you let out a sigh of relief. It had been a blessing from the Gods. Tears brimmed your eyes as you silently thanked them for seeing her through this. The plane grew smaller as she flew further away, shrinking in the mountains off into the distance. You began to cheer with the others, turning to grab Baela’s hand in excitement.
“Is that smoke?” Sara asked suddenly. Your gaze snapped skyward, and your heart dropped into your stomach. The fuel line. Angry fumes shot out of the bottom of the plane, and it started to shake. A bright flash of flame balled out as the explosion shook the treetops. A halo of light shone, a second sun in the bright sky. Sara screamed and clapped her hands over her mouth. Your body moved automatically, tears streaming down your face as you sank into the water of the lake. Rhaena tried to pull you up, saying something about your leg. Your body went limp as the sobs wracked your body. That fucking vision. And you had been stupid enough to trust it. A banshee’s wail rang out, but it didn’t register as being yours. You stared off into the distance, where sunrays broke through dustclouds and smoke. 
Fuck, this chapter was really really hard to write. I had no idea I would become so attached to Barba when I started writing this wtf. R.I.P Barba.
Taglist: @chainsawsangel @neenieweenie
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starrysnowdrop · 2 years
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Hello everyone, this isn’t FFXIV related, but since this is my own blog, I wanted to share something personal with you all.
Tonight, NASA’s Artemis 1 had a successful launch, and it’s the first step to sending humans back to the Moon, and eventually onto Mars. And I’ve been by the screen crying tears of joy and feeling a whole range of emotions.
Here’s something most of you might not know about me. Ever since I can remember, into my earliest memories, I wanted to be an astronaut. Now this is a pretty common childhood dream, so this isn’t the strange part. What was weird about me was that I never outgrew that childhood dream.
I would watch everything I could get my little hands on about outer space. One of my favorite films ever was Apollo 13, and eventually I grew fond of the extremely cheesy Armageddon. I would collect NASA memorabilia, and play in the backyard pretending I was flying a rocket to the Moon.
I had it all planned out too. After graduating high school, I was going to join the US Air Force and train to become a pilot. Then I would apply to NASA to join the Astronaut program in order to become a pilot for the space shuttles, and then pilot the rockets that would one day go to Mars.
And when that day came in senior year of high school, when the Air Force recruiter came to my school, I signed up to join. But when I went to do my first physical, I got rejected. The tests came back with a diagnosis: Asthma. There was no way that they would allow me to fly fighter jets, let alone a space shuttle.
I was crushed. Completely devastated. It took me years to recover from the depression that occurred in part due to that event. I had never imagined doing anything else in my life. I quite literally had no back up plan.
But I did come up with a plan. If I could not be an astronaut, at least I could study Astronomy, or perhaps I could be a part of NASA’s mission control and still be a part of the mission to take others into space.
So I went to college and began a program in Astrophysics. I was doing very well, that was until I got to the higher levels of Mathematics and Physics. Turns out that although I’m not the worst in Math, but I’m extremely slow at it, and I eventually hit a wall where there was no way that I could pass the classes I needed to pass. I was struggling to just get passing grades, let alone try to get Straight A’s so that I could get a job at NASA.
I once again realized that this too was an impossible dream to achieve for me. I had my limitations, and I had hit the wall and could go no further. So, I switched my field of study, and I not just struggled with depression this time, but also anxiety. Panic attacks were a very common occurrence all throughout my college and Grad School years.
Yet, I did graduate college, and even went on to earn a Master’s degree. In those years, I got married to the love of my life and had my beautiful son.
Tonight’s launch caused so many memories to come flooding back to me. I watched as Artemis 1 soared into the sky, on its way to orbit the Moon. I am still sitting here with joyful tears running down my face. I’m so happy for all who were a part of this, including my husband who had a part in testing the rocket’s engines.
So do I have any regrets? None. Because I can stand here knowing that in my heart that I tried my best in achieving that childhood dream. I tried and failed, twice. But I am happy knowing that I even tried at all.
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eggplant-dolma · 5 months
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threw together some dough for bread last night but ended up shoving it into the fridge because I came down with a sudden migraine and opted for bed instead. Plus side - I get fresh bread this morning!
I had to fill out a form for school since i missed applying for our grad requirements workshop (so I can graduate at the end of the semester!)
Now, working on reading a couple articles for class tonight, as well as continuing my work to compile potential book resources for my capstone.I need to find close to 20 books which will then be whittled down to 10 which will be put into an annotated bibliography, and then 3 of those will be what I am reading and responding to in my final research paper :')
** the gorgeous prints i bought from adambcreates on the etsy. y'know when you see some art and, within it, yourself? yea.
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locura-azul · 4 months
Hello internet friends sorry about being mia as of late. A lot has happened in a short period of time. I finally got my citizenship at the end of January, praise tha lorrrd I was literally wasting away there. I can't tell you how close I came to just sticking my head in the oven when my heat and hot water stopped working while it was below freezing outside and had to wait days for someone to come fix it. They wanted to make me wait another two months to get my ID and passport but I was going to off myself if I had to stay in that miserable place any longer. Luckily there is the option to get the passport at your designated consulate so I decided to come back stateside for a bit to get my passport here and apply to grad schools outside of dante's inferno. It will be nice to catch up with people I have seen in the past few years since I've moved etc. More importantly I'm finally able to go back to Argentina, it's been nearly 18 years since I've last visited :'). I'm spending a month there splitting my time between seeing my love and my family. I leave tonight, I can hardly contain my excitement. So yeah things are finally looking up :)
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zipzin · 1 year
The Law of Entropy (or Wynonna Earp is Trying to Ruin my Life) - Also on AO3
Chapters: 1/6 Fandom: Wynonna Earp (TV) Rating: Teen Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Waverly Earp/Nicole Haught, Rosita Bustillos/Wynonna Earp, Rosita Bustillos & Waverly Earp, Rosita Bustillos & Jeremy Chetri Characters: Rosita Bustillos, Waverly Earp, Wynonna Earp, Nicole Haught, Jeremy Chetri Additional Tags: Crack, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Alternate Universe - No Supernatural, this is overly complicated and ridiculous, rosita just wants to be a good coworker, wynonna wants to join in on the fun, and they were ROOMMATES, extraordinary bad communication by everyon Summary: Rosita honestly had no clue that taking a bartending job at Shorty’s would have her way too invested in her coworker’s nonexistent relationship with her roommate and get embroiled in a scheme that is so stupid but just might work. And that wasn’t even mentioning the hot sister. She just wanted to get through grad school with less debt and entertain herself in this town that is way too small to have enough prospects to even warrant a Tinder.
“Your hot roommate is here.” Rosita said, delighting in the way that Waverly’s eyes narrowed.
“It’s Haught.” Waverly muttered.
Rosita waggled her eyebrows, “I know.”
Waverly rolled her eyes as she walked over to Nicole, who by the looks of it, had just finished a shift. They did this every night that Waverly worked late, where despite the fact Purgatory was smaller than some rest stops, Nicole would double check if she should swing by later and drive Waverly home to their shared apartment. It was cute, if not mind-numbingly nauseating when they stared at each other like they found the meaning of life. 
Rosita watched as Nicole gave Waverly an actual goddamn kiss onto her cheek and walked out the door.
Oh my god.
Waverly bounced back to the bar and Rosita asked, “Is your girlfriend coming back tonight?”
Waverly sputtered and her cheeks turned red, “She’s not my girlfriend!”
Rosita raised an eyebrow, “Are you ever going to ask her out?”
“Of course not! She’s my roommate!”
Rosita rolled her eyes, “So, that just means one of your bedrooms can be converted to an office or something. Extra space for free.”
“That is not how it works!” Waverly's voice grew higher in pitch, “It means it’s messy, especially since she doesn’t like me back.”
Even Jimmy, their most regular regular, chuckled at that. Rosita shot a look at Doc, but he just hid his eyes behind his hat. The coward. “Waverly, anyone can see that she likes you back. Except you.”
“She does not! I would know.”
“Would you? Do you even know what she does when she’s jealous?”
“Why would I know that?”
“Because she does it around you all the time! She tries to hide it, but it’s so obvious.”
“It isn’t! And she doesn’t do it around me!”
Yes,” Rosita sighed, “Basically anytime you get close to a person.” Rosita took a step forward, “She gets all frozen and clenches her fists until her knuckles are white, and only relaxes when you smile at her.”
“No she doesn’t!”
“She really does.” Jimmy piped up from his seat. Waverly glared at him and he held his hands up in mock surrender. “Nevermind.”
Rosita shot him a grateful look.
She had moved to Purgatory at the start of the semester, when her third sublease had been up and she knew she needed to actually find a place to live. Her last place had the worst pink and green decor that made Rosita want to puke every time she saw it. Waverly, one of her few friends at Ghost River University, had mentioned that the rent was cheap in Purgatory and that Rosita could probably get a job at the bar she worked. She had needed something since her position as a TA ended, and she was not doing that again.
Her only real possession was her car, so she had looked at the prices and couldn’t bother to look anywhere else in the city. Was the commute annoying? Yes. The bus that ran from the city and Purgatory never on time? Yes. Did everyone know each other, and the dating pool so small that Rosita had already slept with the one tolerable man? Yes.
But she was saving so much money on rent. And as a grad student in a field destined for research, she took all the savings she could. Plus, working as a bartender made way more than a TA could dream of even with the tuition reimbursements and she didn’t have to grade annoying undergrad’s shitty homework.
The people of Purgatory were certainly an acquired taste, but Rosita found herself enjoying them more every day. And for such a small town, there was a lot of drama. Not that there was anything as interesting as the absolute hopelessness of Waverly and Nicole. It had been funny at first, watching them flit around each other, and allowed her to get to know Waverly’s sister Wynonna, but now it was pathetic. And she couldn’t even imagine how the people who’d watched this from the beginning felt.
She had three more semesters at Ghost River University, and if Waverly and Nicole hadn’t talked about their feelings by then, she’d consider that a worse failure than flunking out of her degree. She didn’t think she was much of a matchmaker, and her subtle prodding hadn’t revealed any results but her mom had always said to leave things better than she’d found them.
Rosita let out a long breath as the last patron left and gave Waverly a weak smile.  Thank god that shift was over, she was pretty sure she was going to keel over and die. The only saving grace was that she didn’t have class tomorrow. Rosita looked at the front door and frowned, “Is Nicole coming back tonight?”
“No,” Waverly said quickly. Too quickly.
“Waverly,” Rosita said, “Why isn’t she coming? She always picks you up on Fridays. And she was smiling when she left.”
Waverly hid her head below the counter. “Why would that matter?”
Rosita sighed, “Waverly, for all the teasing I do I’m not going to tell her.”
“I know.” Waverly whined, “I just, I couldn’t.”
“Couldn’t?” Rosita frowned, “Couldn’t what?”
“Ask her out!”
Rosita blinked a couple times. “I wasn’t going to force you to ask her out. I mean I’d like to know when you will, just for my own peace. And the rest of Purgatory’s.”
“We’re roommates.” Waverly stressed every syllable.
“Again, so? She likes you.”
“And if she doesn’t?” Waverly’s voice was nearing hysterical, “What, she’ll avoid me? Not reup the lease when it expires?”
But Waverly was on a roll, “I don’t want her to avoid me for a few weeks. I want her to never avoid me!”
“Nicole wouldn’t do that.”
“You don’t know that.” Waverly finally looked at Rosita, “It’s not worth the risk.”
Rosita shook her head and began to stack chairs, “Just think, you could have it all, dates, hand-holding, probably mind-blowing sex.” She glanced up to see Waverly began to blush, “You guys would probably get married, have bunch of tiny red-heads running around frockling as you look at each other completely lovesick. Wynonna would be a great aunt-”
“Stop.” Waverly’s face could only be described as wistful.
“Is it worth living with that kind of regret?”
The chairs were stacked and Waverly took the broom out, “Fine, does that sound perfect? Yes!” Rosita gave herself a mental high-five, “But she’s not interested in me.”
Rosita couldn’t help it, she snorted. “Okay, here’s where you’re completely delusional.”
“How could you know?” Waverly demanded, “You’ve talked to her maybe three times.”
“I knew in the first minute.”
The first minute had been particularly memorable, it was one of her first days on the job, and Waverly had been tasked with showing her the ropes. It had gone well, until the beer tap had erupted all over Waverly’s shirt and Nicole, who had just come in, had knocked three bar stools down.
Rosita had just taken a step back and watched the two with unbelieving eyes, and later, when she finally met Wynonna, had inquired what was up.
Wynonna had set down her whiskey and sighed, “When your best friend is in need of a roommate and you recommend your sister, you don’t think they are going to fall in love with each other. Hell, I didn’t even notice until Doc asked me how long they had been dating, and at first I was a little pissed. But then, they do this shit,” She waved to where the two were playing an abysmal round of pool, “And their sexual tension makes me horny.”
“How long has this been happening?”
“Two very long years.” Wynonna sat her glass down with a thud.
“And no one’s?”
“Of course we’ve all tried! They’re the two most stubborn people I’ve ever met, Waverly won’t admit anything’s there and Nicole just stares off into space when it’s mentioned as if she’s gone deaf.” Wynonna leaned in and whispered, “We looked them in a closet one time, you know, to make them fess up, and they managed to get out of it. I still don’t know how.”
Waverly snorted, “It’s not like I haven’t tried to see if she was, you know, I live with her.”
“Okay.” Rosita, “Sure, I know you know like, 5 languages, but I’m pretty sure body isn’t one of them.”
Waverly’s mouth dropped open. “I’ll have you know that I was Head Cheerleader.”
Rosita frowned, not sure how that was relevant, and continued on her point, “I mean, what have you done besides make the poor officer all hot and bothered.”
Waverly stomped her foot like a toddler, “I’ve you know, I’ve-”
“Every time you so much as look at anyone else she gets jealous.” That wasn’t strictly true, probably wasn’t at all, but the reaction was priceless. 
Waverly sputtered, and almost knocked over the stack of chairs, “She doesn’t.”
“I’ll prove it to you.” Waverly’s eyes gleamed and Rosita swallowed, feeling like she’d stepped on a landmine.
“Yeah?” Her dad always said she never knew when to stop.
“Date me.”
“Uh, what?” Rosita blinked and looked around. The voice had not come from somewhere else.
“You say that Nicole gets jealous, pretend to date me.”
“And if she does, I’ll know, and I’ll ask her out.”
“Okay, that is an insane plan,” Rosita said, “And then what, tell her our relationship is just a joke? How would that go over well?”
“Well, no.” Waverly frowned. “We’ll just break up.”
“After a day?”
Rosita sighed as she walked over to Waverly and put her hands on her shoulders. “Waverly, I love you, but I’m not letting anyone think I had a relationship for a day. That’s like a one night stand where the sex is almost good enough you’ll ignore how everything else is horrible.”
“Fine, then we’ll do it for a month.”
“A month?” Rosita choked.
“Are you in?”
Rosita felt frozen as Waverly looked sadly at the bar. She remembered Wynonna’s words, “Two very long years.” If this was going to be the thing to get them together, well.
“And at the end, when Nicole is obviously not heartbroken, you have to drop this. Forever!” Waverly added.
Rosita stared, “Fine, but I get to decide if she’s not heartbroken. You have to actually listen to me about it. Not brush it off like you usually do.”
“Fine.” Waverly grit out.
“And I get to choose my shifts for the next month.”
Waverly narrowed her eyes. “Fine.” She gritted out.
“Perfect.” Rosita grinned. “See you around, darling.”
It was a stupid plan. A horrible one. But if it meant Waverly was doing something about her feelings, then it was better than her lusting and mopeing around.
Rosita awoke to a loud banging on her door and rolled over in bed with a moan. It was Saturday. Her clock flashed 8:12 AM. She didn’t have classes today and her shift didn’t start until the evening, so why was someone interrupting the only time she got to sleep in?  
She padded out of bed as the banging grew faster, and swung open the door, not even caring that she wasn’t wearing pants, “WHAT!”
She wasn’t sure if she was more surprised that Wynonna Earp was up this early or that she was at her apartment. How did Wynonna even get this address? They’d talked like five times, not counting when Wynonna ordered drinks.
“You bitch!” Wynonna took a step forward and the next thing Rosita knew her face hurt. 
She staggered back. “What. The. Fuck.” 
“You’re dating Waverly?!”
“What?” Rosita asked, “God my coffee maker isn’t even on yet.” She whined as she rubbed her face. She couldn’t believe that Wynonna had punched her.
“Talk!” Wynonna growled, “I wake up to nine messages this morning. Nine!”
Wynonna shoved her phone in Rosita’s chest. Rosita barely caught it and she stared at the blank screen. “It’s off.” Wynonna grabbed the phone back and unlocked it and shoved it into Rosita’s face, her hand vibrating.
Rosita blinked a couple times before she could focus on the screen.
Haughtstuff (2:45am): Wynonna?
Haughtstuff (2:45am): Are you up?
Haughtstuff (2:45am): Plzzzzz
Haughtstuff (2:45am): Ok
Haughtstuff (2:45am): You’re not
Haughtstuff (2:45am): Your sister just told me she’s dating Rosita
Haughtstuff (2:45am): The other bartender
Haughtstuff (2:45am): Why didn’t you warn me!!!!
Haughtstuff (2:45am): What the hell dude
Wynonna (7:53am): wut the fuck?
Wynonna (7:53am): she didnt tell me that
“Umm,” Rosita blinked several more times and read the messages again until it faded to black.
“You know. You know that they are in love with each other.”
Wynonna’s jaw dropped, “And what? You think you’ll date Waverly? What kind of masochist are you! Are you just playing with my sister!”
“SHUT UP!” Rosita massaged her temples, “WE AREN’T DATING!”
Rosita sighed and gestured Wynonna inside, “I was baiting Waverly.”
“As we all do.”
“And she was all like Nicole’s never jealous.”
“Maybe she needs glasses?”
“So we’re arguing and she says she’s going to have to prove me wrong. And if Nicole’s jealous, then she’ll ask her out.”
“How are you going to prove it?” Wynonna demanded.
“We’re going to pretend to date,” The answer hung between them. 
“Fuck.” Wynonna said and sat down on a nearby chair. “I should probably get you some ice.”
Rosita’s glare hardened. “Yes, the kitchen’s that way.”
“She swore that she would do something about it then?”
There was just the sound of the freezer being opened. “Really. Huh.”
Wynonna returned and tossed a bag of frozen peas at Rosita. “I’m just kind of amazed.”
“Well, she did. So, now we just have to show Waverly these texts.”
“No.” Wynonna said and then frowned sadly. “I wish, but Nicole would kill me, and I already know that Waverly would say some shit like,” Wynonna flung some hair over her shoulder and made her voice higher, “She was just so surprised and wants to know in case I bring Rosita over.” 
Rosita sighed, “Sounds like Waverly.”
They settled into silence until Wynonna cleared her throat and Rosita looked up to see Wynonna staring at her bare legs.
Rosita stood, “Now leave, next time you’re over here it better be with coffee and donuts.”
“As you wish.” Wynonna mocked. “And sorry, about punching you, I just.”
“Hey,” Rosita smiled, “It would be crazy if Waverly and I started dating. And a little insane. I may deserve a punch for that.”
Wynonna nodded and headed towards her door, “Didn’t think you were the type to sleep in negligee but if you have the assets you should flaunt them.”
The door shut before Rosita could find something suitable to throw.
“What happened to your face?”
Waverly’s exclamation easily cuts over the din of Shorty’s and Rosita blinks for a second before remembering that Wynonna’s punch had left a slowly growing bruise.
Several regulars looked on and Jimmy let out a whistle, “Got you good too.”
Rosita rolled her eyes, “Caught the bad end of a punch.” She answered.
Waverly looked like she was about to ask more questions, but Rosita gave her a pointed glare and she returned to stacking glasses. Rosita shrugged off her coat and stepped behind the bar.
“So?” Waverly questioned.
Rosita rolled her eyes. How was she a graduate student? “So, how did telling Nicole go?”
“Oh.” Waverly’s voice was flatter than the guitar one of Rosita’s ex’s had left three years ago.
“She, well, she just said congratulations and then she went to her room.”
“Okay!” Rosita said. “She probably went to cry or something.”
“What?! No she didn’t. She didn’t care at all.”
Rosita sighed. “Remember when I said you’d have to listen to me? To at least acknowledge what I said?” 
Waverly just crossed her arms, “How many times have you even talked to Nicole?”
Rosita sighed, “Fine, whatever,  have you thought about how we’re going to sell this?”
A look passed on Waverly’s face, but Rosita had no idea how to read it. “We can figure that out later, it’s not like we’re going to have to face her together yet.”
The door slammed open, “Hellloooo!” Wynonna called with a grin. Behind her a slumping Nicole walked in.
“Hi.” Waverly said faintly.
Rosita rolled her eyes and then kissed Waverly’s forehead and turned to greet the duo. Wynonna was grinning like a mad woman and Nicole just had a faint frown etched onto her face. “What can I get you two?”
“Whiskey.” Wynonna smiled. “Doubles.”
“Wynonna.” Nicole said warningly.
“Oh, Haughtshot wants triples.”
“Do not Rosita,” Nicole sighed as she looked at Wynonna’s face, “We’ll have doubles.” She mumbled out.
“And this is why you’re my best friend.” Wynonna said. “I’m telling you, the only way is to drink away the sorrows.”
“Sorrows?” Rosita said as she gave them their drinks, curling her toes to keep from laughing at Wynonna’s exaggerated wink.
“Um, it was a hard, a really hard day at work.” Nicole mumbled out and then drank half the glass in one go.
Rosita and Wynonna shared a look that had Rosita turning away before Nicole saw her grin. “Hey, Waverly.” Rosita called, “Keep an eye on Nicole and Wynonna.”
Waverly frowned at her, but wandered over. “Fine.”
As she passed, Rosita whispered in her ear, “Nicole’s having a bad day.”
Waverly transformed instantly and booked it towards the pair.
Hopeless. The pair of them. 
Why did she even try? How could Waverly not see the longing in Nicole’s eyes? Or how she looked torn between punching Rosita or crying? Or the sheer happenstance that her bad day is the day that Waverly is suddenly not single?
“Hi.” Nicole said faintly. “So that’s Rosita.”
“You remember her. You see her all the time when you pick me up.” Waverly said and pushed Nicole’s shoulder carefully.
Rosita turned around and saw Nicole looking down her body and then immediately shifting back to Rosita’s eyes, swallowing nervously. Waverly was on the side, watching Nicole carefully, while Wynonna was chuckling.
Nicole’s eyes lingered on the bruise adorning Rosita’s face, but she didn’t say anything, just took another long sip. “I’m not cleaning up after you.” Wynonna said, staring at Nicole pointedly, “You have to hold your liquor just fine.”
Rosita watched for a moment until Jimmy waved for another beer and left to the other end of the bar. They’d be fine. Probably.
Throughout the night, Rosita watched Nicole and Waverly carefully. Waverly was a little jumpy, nervous enough that she spilled a tray of drinks. Luckily, onto the floor and not someone else, but it was still ridiculous. Rosita wasn’t sure if she’d ever see Waverly spill a whole tray before. Even when she was bumped around at the height of hockey season. 
Nicole kept up at a rate faster than Wynonna, and alternated between studying Rosita and staring forlornly at Waverly. Rosita began to give Waverly little touches, a caress of her arm, brushing her hair behind her ear, and silently thanked god that they were at work and nothing more would be acceptable. Waverly seemed too skittish to even notice it was happening. Nicole stared until she was far past buzzed and then started talking loudly to Wynonna. Who was much too amused by the whole thing. 
“I’ll have another.” Nicole slurred leaning over the bar, “Actually, no I can get it myself.”
“I’m cutting you off.” Rosita said and batted away Nicole’s arms.
“Noooo.” Nicole whined. “Wynonna tell her no.”
Wynonna waved her arms, “You can trust us. I mean her. She’s the responsible one.”
“Don’t you have work tomorrow?” Rosita hoped.
“No. I’ll just be sad and hungover.”
Rosita looked around, but Waverly was on the other side of the room getting people’s orders. “Well, no more for you.”
“Rosita, you’re beautiful you know that?” Nicole said. “So damn beautiful.”
Rosita hesitated, “Um thanks.”
“You better.” Nicole waved a finger in the air, “You better treat Waverly right, okay?” Rosita nodded. “Good. Man, I wish I could hate you.” Nicole mumbled.
Rosita glared at Wynonna who wasn’t even hiding the fact that she was laughing.
“At least you’re beautiful though.” Nicole said. “Waverly!” Nicole brightened. “I was just saying that Rosita’s hot.” Nicole frowned at herself.
Rosita pointed to Wynonna, “Get her out.” And Wynonna didn’t hesitate, leaning Nicole’s arm on her shoulder and practically carrying her on the bar.
Waverly sat down on the sink, the fact that her pants were getting wet not even registering, “She likes you.”
“No,” Rosita said, “you should have heard what she said beforehand.”
“This is over.” Waverly said. “I figured it out.” Her eyes were filled with tears.
“No.” Rosita said desperately, “no.”
“You heard her!” A tear ran down her face.
“She was saying that because she felt she can’t compete.”
“Stop it!” Waverly almost shouted and Rosita was grateful that there were enough people that it was loud enough to bury their voices. “Don’t try to make me feel better.”
Rosita grabbed Waverly’s arm to prevent her from turning away. “Waverly, tell me that you aren’t this stupid.”
“I’m, I’m, not.” Waverly stuttered.
“Give this more time. She was drunk and heartbroken.”
“Yeah, for you.” Waverly’s lip trembled.
“I’ll prove that she doesn’t like me.” Rosita said, “I swear it.”
Waverly wrapped her arms around her and nodded, “Please.”
“I know when a woman is flirting with me, and that was not it.”
Waverly gave a watery chuckle, “Ok.”
“You understand, Nicole’s a lesbian, just because she’s in love with you doesn’t mean she’s blind.”
Waverly lifted her head up and stepped back, her arms dropping. “You’re sure?”
“Yes,” Rosita put her arms on either shoulder. “Now, are you ready to ask her out?”
“What?” Waverly said, “No.”
“Waverly, she got drunk, she obviously isn’t thrilled about the development. How often does she get drunk?”
Waverly ignored her question, “I’m sure she’s just worried how intrusive we’ll be and doesn’t want to worry about feeling unwelcome at her apartment.”
“Oh my god,” Rosita said, “You’re hopeless.”
“What!” Waverly cried.
“She’s obviously completely gone for you.”
“No,” Waverly straightened her spine. “It wouldn’t make sense for her to be calling you hot if I was the one she was interested in.”
“So, no, I’m definitely not asking her out.”
“You can’t quit now.”
Waverly hesitated, and then spotted someone, “We are at work, we need to work.”
Rosita watched her walk away and bit down a groan. Next to her Jimmy raised his hand, eyes sparkling with amusement, “I could use another glass.”
Rosita filled it and pushed it down with more force than strictly necessary. She crossed her arms as she waited for Waverly to return. But Waverly ignored her and started to organize glasses.
Rosita marched over, “We are not ending this on the first night, okay. This is going to work.”
“Nicole isn’t interested, we found out, it’s over.”
“No, I know that Nicole is, you’re just too blind to see it, and some little comment when she’s drunk and heartbroken means nothing.”
“She isn’t heartbroken.”
“God, how did you graduate college?”
“With honors!”
“We aren’t ending this.”
“She loves you.”
“She really doesn’t.”
“Wanna bet?”
Waverly stopped and blinked a couple times. “What?”
“I can’t have you skipping out because Nicole isn’t pulling out a sword and dueling for your hand.”
“Nicole would never do that.” Waverly scoffed and Rosita raised an eyebrow.
“So, $100 that she’ll tell you to break up with me by the end of the month.”
“$100!” Waverly gaped.
“It has to be worth it.” Rosita shrugged.
“Fine.” Waverly said. “This will be the saddest $100 I’ve ever made.”
“I’ll put $15 in that she does something by the end of the week,” Jimmy called.
“Shut up Jimmy!” They both yelled, still staring at each other. Rosita held out her hand and Waverly furiously shook it.
“It’s a deal,” Waverly said.
“I can’t wait.” Rosita flounced away, “$100 and my friend’s undying happiness.”
“Ughh,” Waverly groaned, “I wish.”
“This is going to be the happiest $100 you give away.” Rosita reminded and then turned to some customers. This was going to work. It had too. She could barely deal with fifteen minutes of sad Waverly.
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