#arcaea meme
pencil-of-ashes · 2 months
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holdmyapplejuiceyt · 8 months
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I updated this one meme i drew, i put gordon freeman and ado ther instead because they deserve my respect more
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datchscursedblog · 5 months
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Silly editing I did because yes
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[Alarm meme sfx] [breaks door] Hallo! I have come up with a suggestion for you!
Which rhythm games do the mercs play, or would play? And why?
There's a lot of different mechanics —such as judgment lines, kinds of notes, spam— and characteristics to explore and compare, so go wild! I'll add some links as guidance: Arcaea, Phigros, Lanota, and Project SEKAI.
Take care! > ◡ <
What Rhythm Games Do The TF2 Mercs Like and Why?
Hello to you too! This is such a cool ask! Also, mutual appreciation comment: Love you and all the kind reblogs from you 🫶🏻
I haven't played a lot of rhythm games, so I hope you like these 😭
Gotta get this out of the way, the reason they all love these games besides the reasons specified is because of the praise. These guys are so desperate to be told they're doing a good job it's crazy.
Demo- Rhythm Heaven, this man loves cute things. He definitely gets upset about the issues that come with a lack of depth perception. He makes it work, though, and always tries and has fun regardless of if he does well or not.
Engineer- Dance Dance Revolution. He's insane. You'd think a middle-aged man who's used to sitting, sketching, designing, and creating things in his room wouldn't be the best at DDR, but he's so good. He loves to dance!
Heavy- Arcaea is one that he really likes, but I don't think he has a favorite. Rhythm games are hard for him. There's lots of room of error. He loves how like absolutely hard the music in Arcaea goes, so he'd definitely pick that one a lot more than others, if he had to choose.
Medic- Lovebirb. He loves music (so he's already a fan of rhythm games), and now he can add birds into it!? Sign him up. He adores the art style and the idea of birds finding love. It's beautiful to him!
Scout is a killer at Beat Saber. It's almost scary. Once he gets focused on it, good luck beating his high score. So quick tie into another headcannon, Medic loves music and has tried to play Rush E multiple times and struggles, (Ik Beat Saber and acutal instruments are different but like omg they all look super hard.) Scout on second try did Rush E perfect on Beat Saber. Medic was mouth agape. He's a fan of having to spam things. He loves quick moments because he's always in need of a way to burn off energy. (This man is so Jerma coded I'd be so wrong not to say he didn't play the same game Jerma played with Miku even if it isn't a rhythm game 😭).
Sniper- Osu! Laser accuracy. He could be playing the hardest level out there and is pinpointing it perfectly. He is the worst to try and play against. He's almost as bad as Scout, but Scout doesn't really get why people are so shocked at how good he is. Sniper is smug about it.
Spy- Just. Dance. King. This man has played every just dance game out there. He's too good at this game. It's worrying. He's not even really a good dancer or anything. But this man has every dance locked into his memory. He loves the songs and also likes the idea of being a pop star, but he won't ever admit that.
Soldier- Guitar Hero. This man can shread on the guitar. Like Spy and his pop star dreams, he loves the idea of being a rockstar, but he's willing to admit that. I actually think when he was younger, he saved up money and bought himself a guitar and an amp and used to play it all the time. But as he grew up, he didn't have time for it. But now, anytime someone brings up video games, he's super excited to whip out the plastic guitar.
Pyro- Melatonin. Genuinely not a fan rhythm games. It's a sensory overload. Loud noise, lots of movement, and too many things to pay attention to. (Just like me fr). The minute they saw Melatonin, they were thrilled and fell in love instantly.
I'm sorry if this wasn't as good as my other's. I had a hard time with this bc I don't play rhythm games 😭 it was still super cool to do!
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polufabrikat-na-vilke · 3 months
Before we start, here's navigation:
#polufabrikat draws - I draw some things and let everyone see it
#polufabrikat thinks - I think about some things and let everyone see it
#polufabrikat yappers - I talk about some things and let everyone see it (or shitpost/post memes/other content I can't call art or thoughts :P)
#polufabrikat posts about her ocs - literally, I post info and/or artworks for my ocs
• Hello, here's little info about me:
You can call me polufabrikat or simple_user (simple user), the second one is actually a username for most of my artblogs (especially for old ones (I put that username as a mark)) and I go by she/her pronounce. I'm an aroace with ASD, AvPD and DPDR, nice to meet you :)
On this blog I'm going to post some things about Pathologic, Silent Hill, Arcaea, Deltarune, FNaF, JoJo Golden Wind (mainly about Doppio and Diavolo), other fandoms and topics I'm interested in, and some more random things.
• Some things you should know:
I !DON'T! believe Diavolo and Doppio is about DID, so my art about them doesn't refer to plurality in any way. Please, think twice when you're about to like or reblog my art of them, I highly recommend you to read my theory about them first [theory]. Also, I don't ship them;
I share mostly my art here, so my posts may not be regular (art is not my specification);
Basically I don't mind someone using my work somewhere (in edits, profiles, etc.), but give credits or warn me about it, please;
My art (and other things I share, of course) can contain blood or other not entirely pleasant things, so if anything, you have been warned!
If you feel like criticizing my texts, my arts or anything else about me, give mild criticism, and if you want to argue with me, do it politely too. Be kind;
I may not always understand your messages (especially if they are jokes or use idioms or are not very typical construction), just a warning (I may ask you to explain what it meant, please don't think it's something bad, I just want to understand);
My art can contain some non-English text. I usually put translation myself, but if I forget to do it - feel free to ask about it;
My English is not perfect, as it's not my first language, so there may be some mistakes!
I hope you'll enjoy it here!!
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cheezyharu · 4 months
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Impulsively design cause I can pt.3, this time inspired by @tsunagite's rhythms/song gijinkas and my ass getting kicked by this damn song in Maimai and Chunithm a few days ago. Not 100% proud of this but... I don't wanna bombard this with too many details...
Semi-mechanical executioner who just really wants a peaceful life but instead gets roped into the wildest shit ever cause he's friends with dumbasses
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Meme about pain aside, yap time-
I... honestly took some time to think what Vanquisher's personality is like, cause initially I'd imagine him to be kind of a cold hearted dickhead, but then the vibes of the song makes me feel like he's one that would go to extreme lengths to ensure his friends/companion's safety. It's kinda like "I suffered, so I'll doing anything I could to prevent you from the same suffering" type shit.
The nihilism came from when I was reading Arcaea's wiki about this song, and it mentioned that the "executioner" in the charter's name is a reference to the character in the song art/jacket, so I just... wanna throw that in, cause yeah 👍. It's like... He has executed so many ppl that he kinda has the "we're all gonna die" attitude to life, WHICH is why he is so ready to die for his friends (if he had any, and by that I mean he'll have some when the impulse kick in again and I decided to design more)
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trifargo · 5 months
metaphor(a) elections AU
this is some indo elections/pemilu nonsense. literally Do Not Read this dawg. not indonesian? scroll away and pretend this do not exist...
a write up on what actually happens in my AU, or if you want to call it... the series of drawings of me murdering capres 01...??? i don't originally want to write this, and prefer to leave the interpretations be to whoever enjoys indogov pemilu to a deeper extend (i even allow expansions)
but now that there are obscure ideas entering my head, and how probably this AU is flexible enough to the political climate... may as well write it i guess LOL...
i have a dumb brain juice, if you see present and past tense mixed wrongly, that's on that. i don't give a damn about this insanity i'm upon to write
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as the name says, this AU is built upon on a metaphor - the phrase "pembunuhan karakter" (lit. character assassination - defamation). while most of the AU here is about ABW, it's pretty much applicable to every other politicians (or even citizens!) that went through defamation. it just happens to be A Lot about him due to the 8945945 goofy ahhh slanders he's getting (he even has his own meme). wdym guy is being considered both as a baptized christian and extremely religious arabic lackey LOL
the reason why i decided to write this is due to how i'm assigning some rhythm songs (read: literally only arcaea and phigros, as these are the ones i play the most ATM (i swear, i have played more rhythm games other than those)), which is... these are obscure stuffs!!! so i'm writing it.
each main act (read: what i have drawn) gets a rhythm song as the "main theme". as of now (hopefully the only thing i WANT and WILL write here), there are 4 songs for it. so... 4 acts, i guess.
ACT 1: the murder (attempts) [marenol - leaf] (TW: self harm, drug abuse, gore)
"if you can't kill them, kill their reputation, kill their name, kill their character." - prabowo on the slanders about "rigging the elections" he received
the kroco (troops) of the big boss (the president) got ABW after an attempt to fight the big boss with ganjar, and is now attempting to murder him (don't ask me how come he's kidnapped, make it up yourself!!!). but for whatever reason, he doesn't die. can't be killed, even.
now, while you probably already know why, i want to put a quick write up about the AU's weapons to "murder" and some other mechanics. there are 3 kinds of weapon:
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red colored: has funky, metaphoric shape, mainly red colored, glows. this weapon, while could make you bleed and leaves physical injuries that are much, MUCH HARDER to recover and dissappear, will not kill you - the most fatal blow will only send you into a coma. this weapon is manifested by yourself. didn't thought what precisely manifests it though, due to my reluctance on dabbling deeper into pemilu '24 fandom
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white colored: pretty much is like the red colored ones. the only difference is on the appearance and ownership. it shapes like regular, normal inanimate objects, all-white colored, and doesn't glow. these are lent by someone, AKA not made manifest by yourself. consider it like the "fake form" of the red colored weapons. originally, this is meant to symbolize how jokowi throws the blame that should have been directed to him to someone else, and how he used his "subordinates" to mess someone up. but everyone can do that now, i guess.
normal/real-life colored: exactly the same with the real-life counterpart: WILL KILL YOU PHYSICALLY. just your daily life, non-magical objects.
can you recover from the coma/get the injury marks away? how long does it last? the answer is, yes. you can recover from it. coma lasts until you're recovered. someone in coma/injuries can be recovered nearly completely by the help of their peers. how their peers will support you to recover from your coma, and how their peers can convince the people that they can wake up - clearing your name from the defamation. and you have to believe that you can wake up from the coma too, deep in your coma slumber - your peers' support could be useless if you don't believe you can make it.
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as for the song - by context, marenol is an antidepressant that, while is powerful at not making you depressed anymore and all happy, has a side effect: making your dreams a death nightmare. you'll dream about dying in various ways.
well... that doesn't sound really paralel-able with this section of the AU, other than, uh, multiple deaths that don't actually kill you. but hey, song vibes very well, so what can i say. the fact that guy just letting the slanders be in the name of free speech prooobably can be attributed to the depression-free aspect of the medicine.
ACT 2: crossroad/persimpangan jalan [disorder - hyun, yuri]
"when you have a character made out of your identity - your own true reflection - no one can kill that character, as it is the true reflection of the real persona in you." half-assed translation of anies' response on the massive defamation done to him
OKAY. so i got A LOT of questions and misconceptions on one thing about this AU: "is ABW immortal? can you make him "dead" due to the supreme court outcome?" the answer is no!!! 😭
first, to notice, all the weapons here are red or white. no real-life colored ones. so he (or anyone) won't die by these. second, as of why these weapons doesn't seem to affect him at all:
depends on how often have you been through this. the more often you go through it, the more you can mitigate and get used to it ("alah bisa karena terbiasa")
the quote above: he believes strongly that the defamation won't tarnish his name. yes, you can be "immune" from the coma effects of these weapons, by believing in yourself, that the defamation done to you will not affect you, and push through. and... peer support too, i guess. so, say, if ABW one day gives up on believing so, then these weapon will send him into a coma. simple.
now that he's alive and nothing can really be done... the boss and his higher subordinates will have to do something else!
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the moment the two stars overlapped, I disappeared
while the big boss and ABW actually used to work together (trivia: anies was part of jokowi's 2014 TKN), he probably don't want ABW anymore (re: his short 2-year ministry of education and culture tenure -> "mentri buangan"), and directs all the blames for his program issues to him instead.
after swallowing the pain towards the path I must not take
contradictive, as the path ABW took now is the path a lot of people think he should take - the path to oppose the government. but still, it's painful to go through, according to whatever the hell that guy's going up against to do his jakarta governor programs (see: E1 circuit, reclamation AGAINST LUHUT???)
when I lose myself and wander
now that the elections over... dunno, but it seems he still wants to attempt the presidential race again. he'd need something to keep his political momentum, though. he has some choices he can attempt, but what would it be?
i would be looking for you who would be out of existence, forever
according to some rumors (tempo mag?), prabowo offers a ministry position, or whatever it is to him. a crossroad is presented at ABW. which road will he take: accepting the offer and be part of the future government, probably a dream to be with the big boss again (that's probably impossible to reach now - or refuse it and stay as an opposition (or maybe gelandangan politik, who knows)?
ACT 3A: route if he accepts the offer [desive - misomyl]
"the light is in your hands. hasn't it always been like that?" - desive's tagline
but what if he doesn't believe so, or has given up?
this is insane (everything about this AU is, though), but i have an animatic of this route with this song in my mind. clock ticking as he waits for his next round of murder attempt and goes through it (0:00 - 0:35) , injury time/interval to offer the position (0:36 - 1:28), accepts it and goes through medication to heal it (1:29 - 1:52), and finally be reborn - but as an anomaly* to his fans, who sees him as the supposed "symbol" of change (1:53 - end). some even speculates, maybe as his successor, even (funny! but not impossible either! some say he's close to prabski and just a malu-malu kucing kind of guy!)
*also i don't actually know precisely the story of the character attributed to this song yet (ayu), but apparently, she's someone who is meant to eat anomalies in her world? what if he joins the rezime to eat the anomalies from the inside
ACT 3B: route if he refuses the offer [logos - polysha, miyo takashiro]
"whispers of sorrow leaked into the clear water and dissolved. having lost many clue, its arcane code... is still unresolved?" - logos lyric
for whoever looking for someone other than mf ABW in this AU, they're here!!!1!
he gets kicked out from the torture room because well, there's nothing left can be done. useless, for now. "let him be, no one would trust him with such godly amount of injuries." the big boss said. they landed somewhere outside the boss HQ, where he found his silly amin peers that tried to rescue him, imin and tom. he gets his injuries temporarily healed up (will still need to go to the hospital to recover from the blood loss).
but then, ABW asks something to these 2: he wants to rescue someone else that's stuck in the HQ - ganjar. enter the gama gang.
when they fought the big boss, they lost, got stabbed by some kind of long massive sword. they fell to a blood pool made from the blood of everyone else who were sent into a coma before. they fell to different places however, and for whatever reason, only interested in beating ABW's ass?
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tip tap dripping the drops keep on drawing the ripples tic tac flowing the time only that one echoed in while emptiness
stubborn wish, but they do it anyway. so they reentered the room again to go to the big blood pool area to find ganjar. and surprise, they find him with mahfud and whoever-is-the-thomas-of-gama in the deeper areas of the pool. a flood, even. and some trashes and debris around. it's meant for 1) how the demak flood is blamed into him when he's not in his tenure anymore*, and 2) how the MK responsed to the amin/gama indictment's evidences as "we're not your trashbin (due to the evidence given being weak)".
*there could be more, but... i'm not sure. i don't feel like metaphoring more of his slanders into the AU, given how undertalked his slanders/scandals are (U-20, wadas) and ending up making some people feel that he's actually "running away" from being blamed, aka he does have faults in it. unlike ABW who is, ya rabbi, can you stop talking about him FOR ONE SECOND? so i digress. do whatever you will, though.
run away from the dazzling dawn walk to west while stumbling on the way, I met you all alone your face was depressed, and ...about to cry
mahfud didn't precisely know how to wake nor heal ganjar up, because well... he seems to be someone who has the least issues and conflicts with any of these people. maybe other than the ma'ruf VP issue in 2019, idk. thus, at this point, the only person that knows exactly how to save him is... well, fellow defamation victim, anies himself. so he gave some pep talk/affirmation words to wake him up from his coma. not sure about the methods bc again, didn't think deep enough into it.
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and... yippee, he woke up! now they gotta escape because... whoopsie, the guards found them. "why are you here bro, GET OUT OF HERE NO ONE WANTS YOU IN DA YARD!!!!" so they ran, yet... bam. they got hit by them. they manage to get out though, at least. just, with injuries now...
in this AU, gama gang's story ends the same in both routes. ganjar and mahfud later part ways, as they realize that this is all they can do the most. except ganjar is probably planning to invade the big boss' smaller HQs with his red bull gang (PTUN).
amin, on the other side, ends differently. in this route, ABW woke up and found himself in a hospital, bed rested, with tom next to him (he has mostly healed from the injuries, quite minor). he wondered where imin is.
and speak of the devil, imin came in to visit, but his injuries are 100% healed instead, doesn't seem to be someone suffering from being hit by a massive hammer. in their convo, they found out that when everyone was hit by the hammer and got kicked out, imin was brought to the big boss' place instead, and was offered a position, in which he accepts. so he's all healthy and on the govern's side now. they also decide this is where they part ways. as imin leaves, he told the two that they can let him know, if they want to join the government someday. he can help arrange it. ABW and tom just sat there with unreadable expression.
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stupid ass long write up, hope you don't read this insanity at all. but that's all there is to the series of images. feel free to use this for whatever you want, consider i orphan this for real. claim it as yours, even... couldn't care less
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chemicalarospec · 2 months
remember the chemistry classroom bilibili meme and omg someone made an mcr edit
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2dkapsddr · 4 months
June 2nd, 2024 - Arcaea, ProSeka, IIDX 31
continuing to do some PM cleanup/grinding: Jingle (ETR-9, MAX-15), HELLOHELL (ETR-9, MAX-27) and Shades of Light in a Transcendent Realm (FTR-8, MAX-12) as FTR/ETR PMs #66, #67, and #68 respectively!!!!
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during a quick break at work, re-AP'ed Non-breath oblige (MASTER 30) on EN in honor of its 3rd anniversary being today!!! hooray!!!
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and then after work, i knew Immediately what my plans were. remember yesterday when i failed all those attempts on 7th dan and went home all dejected? well, now with all my weekend homework complete for real this time and all the stress gone from my body (besides the exhaustion from my shift), i felt like i was ready to give it another go. i went to round 1 again, played my warm-up set, and damn RIGHT i was!!! AA-6 on Show (SPA-9), AA-ONE on winkle 2 winkle (SPH-9), a sightread AA-57 on Matt Silver (SPH-9), and then to prepare for the struggle i'd encounter in 7th dan, i tried and got a really good mirror score on Rowdy (SPA-10!!!
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hands were warmed up. safari mirror chart had been memorized. rowdy had been practiced. i had just eaten an entire bag of expired brownie bites from work. yup, it was Time. with a leap of faith... epolis 7th dan attempt... number FIVE!!!!!
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wait... what...? it... wasn't enough? i still couldn't clear it? no... but i could've sworn everything was in place to clear it... man . well, in all fairness, i didn't even try the safari once before clearing the dan where it'd be the last and hardest stage. surely i could at least do a little bit better than that... but again, i wasn't gonna get anywhere by throwing myself at 7th dan repeatedly and just praying for a clear. i needed to get stronger... with practice. back in i went to standard play, trying to A-clear THE SAFARI with mirror, and i guess i did...! wasn't a satisfying score by any means, but i had a slightly better idea of what the chart wanted me to do now. hey, i even A-cleared era (nostalmix) (SPA-9) while i was at it!
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with that practice now and a little bit of hope that the earlier practice on Rowdy would carry over to this next attempt too (i didn't try it in the second standard play lol), i dove in one last time to see if my practice would pay off and just hoped for the best... whether i'd clear it or not is up to fate and me staying awake, but i believed in myself. i believed i could do this. epolis 7th dan attempt... number 6......
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i cannot summarize in simple terms how much this completion means to me. to do it by itself is amazing and insane, both because this is one of the harder 7th dan courses thanks to rowdy and because so many people end up skipping 7th and jumping to 8th just because of this safari. but more important to me is the fact that i just... never believed i'd get anywhere near this level when i first started this game. i read all the safari memes, laughed along with them, and always imagined the safari as some unclearable beast that not even the best of the best could ever get past. not once did i stop and think i'd actually reach the level of these people... no, SURPASS the level of these people by proving it's possible and clearing it myself. safari is eternal, but entirely possible. i prove it now with this achievement, and i hope to only get better at it from here on out.
okay, back to scoreposting. while waiting for the bus and soaking in the significance of my clear, i tried 8th dan for shits and giggles and... actually got kinda far! even got past DENIM SPA-10 of all things... evil ass pattern
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after that though, it was back home for reals this time. still so happy i got itttttt.... here's to some more gaming in the future!!!
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rocketlanterns · 6 months
Played a bunch of april fools songs today, they were very good.
Two Grode remixes on Vivid/Stasis, which I forgot to record, and then we have
Ravon becoming Ramen and also night-core on every song: https://youtu.be/LlEwSiDKv2U
Arcaea once again banging out an incredibly well designed remix chart now with bonus Chuni mechanics: https://youtu.be/r1yg3vS4Vbo (Bonus: I got an EX+ on it too)
Kalpa added some nonsense charts, but unfortunately I couldn't pass the fifth one since it's an unquantized jack/dump chart on top of Conflict.
And Rotaeno, my dear sweet Rotaeno. How does one make a meme chart for April fools? Well you take a meme song, and you chart it. A surprisingly novel approach. Last year we had Rush E officially licensed and added to a rhythm game. This year, well: https://youtu.be/xamwP6mA8vI
Thankfully for Rotaeno, both this and Rush E are available all week if y'all wanna give it a go. I might try to grind for high scores.
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pencil-of-ashes · 3 months
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Made some of these for the main story cast
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holdmyapplejuiceyt · 11 months
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Guys i learnt what a dream blunt rotation is, rate it out of 10
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mindthoughts930 · 1 year
⊹ 。 ゚⁖✦ ˖ ⊹ ABOUT ME ⊹ 。 ゚⁖✦ ˖ ⊹ 。
Since I got tumblr at the beginning of 2023, I might as well post something here. Hi I’m Victoria since I give out my online friends my real name (๑•́ ₃ •̀๑). Currently 18 <3
₍ᐢ👍🏻> ̫<ᐢ₎👍🏻
🩷Things I like🩷
Drawing in an anime style 💞
Lolita (EGL) fashion 💜
Rhythm games (Bandori & Arcaea)❣️
Sanrio 💕
Countryballs 💘
Daydreaming 💙
Cute Cats <3
Facts about animals ❤️
Metal & grunge music 🖤
Nature walks 💚
Memes >:3
🩵🩵Anime I like 🩵🩵
Toilet Bound Hanako Kun
Devilman rebirth
Mermaid Melody
❤️‍🔥Music Artists I like ❤️‍🔥
Yousei Teikoku
Eternal Melody
Lana del Rey
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sylveoncare · 1 year
L: ya know with that "that's their antennae/tail/whatever" meme going around that was originally of a Colorful Stage character I really wish, even though its a gacha game, more people in my circles knew about it because 1: while it does become a sirens call at times actually paying into it gives basically no real advantage and if you are more FC/AP motivated or play the pvp you can in theory ignore gacha entirely and just treat it as a free rhythm game (you need to unlock songs but its way less annoying here than Arcaea) and 2: i feel like a lot of people on this website would be completely obsessed with Wonderland X Showtime, these bitches autistic as fuck, like 4 elements of autism
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wuiwuikiui · 2 years
✦ 𝑊𝑒 𝑙 𝑐 𝑜 𝑚 𝑒 ✦
Although I have an about page on my desktop profile, I want the information on that tab to be easily accessible for mobile users. So pinned post!
This is the magical reblog blog of @kimikiui. Everything that isn't my art goes here, shitposts, homemade memes, edits, rants, blah blah blah. Think of it as the "congrats you care about the artist, not just the art" blog.
𝐴 𝑊𝑒 𝑒 𝐵 𝑖 𝑜
╰❥ my name is Keisi ╰❥ 04.03.12 ╰❥ INTJ ╰❥ nonbinary (he/they) ╰❥ demisexual, panromantic
𝐵 𝑌 𝐹 / 𝐷 𝑁 𝐼
⫸ I am very hypocritical, I forgive in advance. ⫸ Jokes and sarcasm go over my head, use tone indicators. ⫸ I say the F and R slur a lot. ⫸ I have a hard time understanding personal boundaries, please be patient and confront me if there's a problem. ⫸ I also have a hard time understanding how others think, I'm not very comforting and I'm very bland. TLDR; Do not get emotional with me. ⫸ This account is 16+ like most of my socials.
More is below if you really want to read! If not, continue on with your day. Each of my special tags for various things are tagged below!
𝐾 𝑖 𝑛 𝑠
➥ Hakupo Tsukishiro ➥ Shinji Hibiki ➥ Daycare Attendant ➥ Seiya Ichijou ➥ Haruka Kokonose ➥ Verosika Mayday ➥ Goemon Ishikawa
𝐼 𝑛 𝑡 𝑒 𝑟 𝑒 𝑠 𝑡 𝑠
Almost everything I like can be found on my website kimikiui.carrd.co. These are just some of my extreme and special interests. Special interests will be italicized.
५ ABBA ५ Alt Clothes ५ Arcaea ५ Cosplay ५ Dolls ५ Evangelion ५ FNAF ५ Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss ५ Kaiji ५ Kekkai Sensen ५ Lupin the Third ५ Maretu ५ Markiplier ५ Minecraft ५ Oingo Boingo ५ Omori ५ Shinedown ५ Slime Rancher ५ Splatoon ५ Vintage Clothes ५ Voice Synths ५ Will Wood
Each of my special tags for various things are tagged below!
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fankawashitpost · 3 years
You don't really become good at rhythm games. You just go from "WTF is this chart" to "WTF is this chart (but I am doing it)"
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