#archangel alexander
Zanaya: My condolences to everyone in Aegaeon's life.
Alexander: Why? What happened to Aegaeon?
Zanaya: They found him alive in his fortress this morning.
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authorajalexander · 11 months
The Council Of Twelve A - Z / C for Centriel
When it comes to writing, with six published books and the seventh in the series in line, I sometimes feel a little bit like I need to keep things in my books a secret, fearfully protecting my stories because I could give away too much to the ones who haven’t read ‘The Council of Twelve’ series yet. But aren’t the background stories, the little details ‘behind the scenes’ the interesting part of…
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mioritic · 2 years
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Icon depicting St. Michael the Archangel of the Apocalypse, flanked by St. Alexander Nevsky and Mitrophan of Voronezh
Russia, 19th century, tempera on wood
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orthodoxydaily · 3 days
september 8_september 21
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By Fr. Alexander Schmemann
The Church’s veneration of Mary has always been rooted in her obedience to God and her willing choice to accept a humanly impossible calling. The Orthodox Church has always emphasized Mary’s connection to humanity and delighted in her as the best, purest, most sublime fruition of human history and of man’s quest for God for ultimate meaning, for the ultimate content of human life. If in Western Christianity, veneration of Mary was centered upon her perpetual virginity, the heart of Orthodox Christian East’s devotion, contemplation, and joyful delight have always been her Motherhood, her flesh and blood connection to Jesus Christ. The East rejoices that the human role in the divine plan is pivotal. The Son of God comes to earth, appears to redeem the world, He becomes human to incorporate man into His divine vocation, but humanity takes part in this. If it is understood that Christ’s “co‐nature” with us is as a human be‐ ing and not some phantom or bodiless apparition, that He is one of us and forever united to us through His and forever humanity, then devotion to Mary also becomes understandable, for she is the one who gave Him His human nature, His flesh and blood. She is the one through whom Christ can always call Himself “The Son of Man.” Son of God, Son of Man…God descending and becoming man so that man could become divine, could become partaker of the divine nature (2 Peter 1:4), or as the teachers of the Church expressed it, “deified.” Precisely here, in this extraordinary revelation of man’s authentic nature and calling, is the source of that gratitude and tenderness that cherishes Mary as our link to Christ and, in Him, to God. And nowhere is this reflected more clearly than in the Nativity of the Mother of God.
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The Icon of Sophia, the Wisdom of God (Kiev), occupies an unique place in the Russian Orthodox Church. On the icon is depicted the Theotokos, and the Hypostatic Wisdom, the Son of God incarnate of Her.
In Wisdom or Sophia, ponders the Son of God, about Whom in the Proverbs of Solomon it says: “Wisdom has built a house for herself, and has set up seven pillars” (9:1). These words refer to Christ, the Son of God, Who in the Epistles of Saint Paul is called “Wisdom of God” (1 Cor.1:30), and the word “house” refers to the Most Holy Virgin Mary, of Whom the Son of God is incarnate.
The arrangement of the icon bears witness to the fulfillment of this prophecy. On the Kiev icon of Sophia is a church, and standing there is the Mother of God in a robe with a veil on her head, under an archway of seven pillars. The palms of Her hands are outstretched, and her feet are set upon a crescent moon. The Theotokos holds the Pre-eternal Christ Child, blessing with Her right hand, and holding the Infant with Her left.
On the cornice of the entrance are inscribed the words from the Book of Proverbs: “Wisdom has built a house for herself, and has set up seven pillars.” Over the entrance are depicted God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. From the mouth of God the Father issues the words: “I am affirmation of Her footsteps.”
Along both sides the seven Archangels are depicted with outstretched wings, holding in their hands symbols of their duties. On the right side: Michael with flaming sword; Uriel with a lightning flash hurling downwards; Raphael with alabaster vessel of myrrh. On the left side: Gabriel with a lily blossom; Selaphiel with a scale; Jerudiel with royal crown; and Barachiel with flowers on a white shawl.
Under a cloud with the crescent moon, serving as a footrest for the Mother of God, is a staircase with seven steps (depicting the Church of God on earth). Those standing on the seven steps are the Old Testament witnesses of the manifestation of Wisdom, the Forefathers and the Prophets.
On each of the seven steps are inscribed faith, hope, love, purity, humility, blessedness, and glory. The staircase's seven steps are set upon the seven pillars, on which images are inscribed, and their explanations are taken from the Apocalypse.
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Philippians 2:5-11
5 Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus,6 who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, 7 but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross. 9 Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, 11 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Luke 10:38-42; 11:27-28
38 Now it happened as they went that He entered a certain village; and a certain woman named Martha welcomed Him into her house. 39 And she had a sister called Mary, who also sat at Jesus' feet and heard His word. 40 But Martha was distracted with much serving, and she approached Him and said, "Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore tell her to help me." 41 And Jesus answered and said to her, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. 42 But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her. 27 And it happened, as He spoke these things, that a certain woman from the crowd raised her voice and said to Him, "Blessed is the womb that bore You, and the breasts which nursed You!" 28 But He said, "More than that, blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it!"
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novemberhush · 8 months
Tag some people you want to catch up with/get to know better
Thanks for the tag, @smowkie ! I haven’t done one of these in a while!😘
Last song you listened to: Sipsey by Will Stewart
Favourite colour: red, especially the deep, dark shades.
Last movie you watched: Human Desire (1954), in which the ever vampish Gloria Grahame tries to persuade her Korean War veteran boyfriend, played by Glenn Ford, to bump off her husband, played by (the mostly forgotten now it seems, and unjustly so, in my opinion) Broderick Crawford. In her defence, her husband is violent, possessive and controlling towards her, and a murderer himself.
Currently watching: reruns of Silent Witness (the Nikki Alexander years, not the Sam Ryan ones, although she did pop back up in series 25), Criminal Minds (I’m always watching reruns of Criminal Minds!), The Twilight Zone and The Closer, and the new seasons of Grantchester, Magnum, P.I., N.C.I.S., Murdoch Mysteries, Death in Paradise and the new Law and Order show with Hugh Dancy, which has been out in the States for a while but only started airing here recently. I also just recently finished a rewatch of Elementary, which I enjoyed immensely. (Yes, I know, I watch a lot of detective shows!)
Sweet, spicy, or savoury: probably savoury, with sweet a close second.
Relationship status: forever single
Last thing I googled: that W.B. Yeats line about the best lacking all conviction while the worst are full of passionate intensity.
Current obsession: I don’t really have one right now. Unless you count Lucy Liu’s outfits in Elementary, which I used to have a love/hate relationship with, in that I absolutely adored some of them and despised others, but which has become a mostly love relationship with upon my recent rewatch. Many of the ones I originally disliked have grown on me now, or maybe my tastes have just changed, I don’t know. I’m also really shipping Nikki Alexander and Jack Hodgson from Silent Witness, but I wouldn’t call it an obsession (although I have started reading fic for them so maybe I better watch out, lol).
Currently reading/last read: I’m currently reading The Doll Factory by Elizabeth Macneal. I almost gave up on it because it was slow going at first, but it has finally started to pick up a bit, although I don’t think it’s ever going to make a list of my favourites unless it gets really good in the second half. I do love Albie the street urchin, though (and if anything happens to him, I’ll riot. Well, anything more, I should say. It’s not like he’s had an easy life already.). The last thing I read before that was a short story called What the Dead Know by Nghi Vo.
Looking forward to: I have a week off work coming up soon, which I’m looking forward to. I also have tickets to go see the Agatha Christie play, The Mousetrap, which is something I’ve wanted to see ever since I was a child. It’s finally coming to Belfast later this month so I got tickets for myself and a friend who’s also always wanted to see it and, as it coincides with the week of her birthday, I got her ticket as a present for her.
I tag @littleblackraincloudofcourse @katries @mistmarauder @foreverthemomfriend @fireladybuckley @imwritesometimes @firemedicdiaz @talespinner230 @argylepiratewd @kiti-the-warrior-poet @halespecterwinchester @guiltypleasurefandomface @tulipfromtheinternet @caroandcats @bewarethesmirk @starry-mist @slow-burn-sally @trickster-archangel and anyone else who wants to play. No pressure on anyone who doesn’t!❤️
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mlobsters · 8 months
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supernatural s13e23 let the good times roll (w. andrew dabb)
well, carry on my wayward son has lost pretty all of its emotional punch that it once had for me back in the early seasons.
the moment we see sam in front of the corkboard and "the ice caps are melting" i felt like i was going to combust. what is this nonsense. our-earth 101 catching them up to speed even though we're just here to regroup and arm up before a showdown with michael? and how long was the apocalypse apocalypsing over there? longer than it would have without the boys to stop it in 2010 or whatever? mortifying. i fast forwarded. i don't need the spn cliffs notes on awful things here too
you want to hear some nonsense? i was sort of looking forward to yesterday's episode. i don't know why. well, it disabused me of that notion right quick.
why are we on some rando werewolf hunt
man mary is beautiful. and sure, she and bobby get umbrellas
MARY So what are you gonna do now? BOBBY Honestly, I got no clue. Everyone seems to be settling in okay in town. Ketch is out doing Ketch things. Rowena and Charlie are road tripping it through the Southwest.
i get that it's for production reasons they're not gonna have the whole cast around but hokay.
BOBBY Anyways...without an archangel, it's not like we can go back home. And I'm not sure I'd want to.
all right then. obviously, shit's gonna happen with lucifer and michael though right. don't have a lot of episodes left (lol) and i know michael gets all up in there at some point
DEAN Hey, you remember...remember when you asked if we could stop it? All the evil in the world? SAM Yeah. DEAN If we could...really change things? Well, maybe with Jack, we can. SAM Maybe you're right. But then what will we do? DEAN Mm. Yeah. This. (Dean holds a beer he has been carrying and Sam looks down at his) A whole lot of this. But on a beach somewhere, you know? Can you imagine? You, me, Cass, toes in the sand, couple of them little umbrella drinks. Matching Hawaiian shirts, obviously. Some hula girls. SAM (scoffing) You talking about retiring? You? DEAN If I knew the world was safe? Hell, yeah. And you know why? 'Cause we freaking earned it, man. SAM (holding up his beer) I'll drink to that. DEAN Yeah. Hell, yeah.
being optimistic is surely a sign for everything to turn to absolute shit. is cas gonna wear the trench over the hawaiian shirt? he's awfully commited to that look
tired of myself talking about this show.
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DEAN Jack? Hey. Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy. You're just having a bad dream. JACK Sorry. DEAN It's okay. You don't have to apologize. I have 'em, too. All the time. JACK You do? DEAN Sure. JACK You, um... What do you see? DEAN Well, depends. Mostly... mostly people I couldn't save.
thanks for saying that i guess, pretty sure he's only gonna talk to someone that's zoned as a kid about it. but without specifics of course
DEAN Jack... it's not about being strong. I mean...Look, I don't know what you saw over there, and I don't know what you went through. I know it was bad. But I also know that you came out the other side because you are strong. But even when we're strong, man, things are gonna happen. We're gonna make mistakes. Nobody's perfect. Right? But we can get better. Every day, we can get better. So whatever you're dealing with, you know, whatever...whatever comes at us, we'll figure out a way to deal with it, together. You're family, kid, and we look after our own.
needed some Quality Dad Bonding time between jack and dean, i guess now that he's not convinced he's gonna go evil and blow up the world. also always slightly amused that jack's actor, alexander calvert, is 27 at this point
didn't take long for lucifer to show up
jack flitting off to basically kill this guy with no proof of wrongdoing, like. it's such a weird character because he's an adult, i think in world he's supposed be i dunno, late teens? and he's got a very childlike view of events. it's like infantilizing except that he is basically a baby with extremely limited life experince so?? i dunno. doesn't really work for me on the regular
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in a way i wish pellegrino had a different role so i could like the character he's playing. i want to believe this thing with jack because he's just so good at being sincere and horrible. like, some fucking random play at getting jack on his side is making me cry??? because the idea of starting over and him actually leaving everyone alone is just so... i wish.
MARY Sam, even if we find Lucifer, how we gonna stop him?
did they lose their archangel blade over in au world?
MAGGIE Does it matter? Kinda seems like you have bigger, you know, Satan-y problems. SAM Yeah, but -- but we're -- we're dealing with those. Mostly.
the little muttered "mostly" did get a chuckle out of me
CASTIEL Yeah, angel radio is nothing but static, which is disturbing.
i mean there's only what, 9 angels left anyway lol
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laughing at this ridiculous slow float downstairs while they shoot at him, knowing nothing is going to do anything
well. that big reveal of lucifer is actually evil to jack thing, well played by pellegrino as i'd expect. did not expect him flashing out of there with jack and sammy in tow.
DEAN No. What if...what if you had your sword?
well. i wondered what on earth could get dean to say yes.
LUCIFER Wow, Daddy Sammy coming to the rescue. But your little Jackie, the nougat-loving boy that you had before, he's killed people. He's got lots of blood on his hands. SAM (standing) I don't care. He's family.
i mean, so has sam and the rest of their family so?? not exactly a convincing argument :p
DEAN (to Castiel) Lucifer has Sam. He has Jack. Cass, I don't have a choice! DEAN (To Michael) If we do this, it's a one-time deal. I'm in charge. You're the engine, but I'm behind the wheel. Understand?
i'm sure that'll work out fine
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convenient that michael and lucifer brought the archangel blades with them so we can have a little showdown
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lol reminds me of the matrix training with morpheus fight but cheesier. and we're just gonna have a fist fight in the air. oy
are they actually committing to killing lucifer? his character was more than done but sad to see pellegrino leave, but glad that plotline is over finally
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SAM You did it. DEAN No. No, we did it. We did it.
and dean immediately hunches over in pain and it's like s8e23 all over again
and now michael has his special sword vessel and he broke the deal and they can't go killing him while he's wearing dean, right. wonder how long that's gonna drag on in the next season. i haven't seen a lot of gifs of michael!dean so lol i figure it can't be that long??
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askheaven · 1 year
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This is an ASK OR DARE BLOG! I’ll be drawing them too as comics!
No Suggestive Topics/Asks/Dares. Slightly suggestive is alright, other than that, nsfw is not allowed.
The 12 Archangels are either siblings or they have a sibling like dynamic. Same goes for the two seraphs. (Sandalphon & Metatron)
When a character is on the Aroacespec, please RESPECT that.
You can ask or dare them random things, but also something more story heavy/lore heavy.
I will not allow ANY form of nsfw regarding Toon, Exa, Selaphiel, Raguel, and every other ace character.
Do please share this blog with people!
No ask/dare spamming! Only give another ask if I’m done answering your previous.
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Michael, He/Him, Pan, ESTJ
Raphael, He/Him, Bi, INFP
Gabriel, She/He, Bi, ENFJ
Zadkiel, He/Him, Pan, ENFP/ENFJ
Jophiel, She/He, Pan, ENTP
Uriel, He/Him, Bi, INTJ.
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Azrael, They/Them, Bi ace, INTP
Selaphiel, She/They, Aroace, ISFJ
Haniel, She/They, Pan, ENFJ
Chamuel, She/He, Bi, ESTJ
Ariel, She/Her, Aroace, ISTP
Raguel, He/Him, Aroace, ISTJ
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Rory/Toon, He/They, Bi-ace, INFJ/INTJ (12-13 yrs old)
Alexander/Exa, He/Him, Gay, ENTP (15-16 yrs old)
Kirael, He/They, Bi, INTJ
Phanuel, She/Her, Lesbian ace, INTJ
Remiel, She/They, INFJ
Other Ocs not drawn yet :
Metatron, He/It, Aroace, ENTJ
Sandalphon, They/It, Aroace, ESTJ
Sesiphiel (Kirael’s fallen angel twin), He/Him, Achillean, ENTJ.
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bardic-tales · 3 months
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7.3.2024 - WBW Issue #2
Is there any formal education?
For this week's world-building question set in Fantasy Worlds Collide, I am going to be focusing on the Celestial Realm again. As I said, this location and the Abyssal Realm will feature predominantly in the original content of Fantasy Worlds Collide (FWC) and not the fanon side of things.
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Trigger Warnings: mentions of the following: Dark Themes, Death, Historical References, Religious Themes, Violence, War and Conflict.
When the Creator Deity or God created the Celestial Realm, he formed the archangels and other beings as fully developed adults. The angels could have their own interests but they all were all given intellectual, military, and technical enlightenment by their Father. Michael would later use this enlightenment to help Joan of Arc by telling her how to wage war and how to take part in canon warfare, which was an emerging technology.
Some scholars in the Middle Ages say that the Civil War in the Celestial Realm between Lucifer and Michael was a debate of sorts, but Michael would set the record straight. It was a very long and bloody war full of sacrifice on both sides. Several of the beings that were in the lower caste of the divine hierarchy set forth by the Creator Deity lost their lives in the war. Michael would go to his Father and counsel him about allowing the lower caste to breed, creating more angelic beings to fill the place of those that were lost in the war.
When the Creator Deity agreed, the archangels needed to set up a formal type of education for the children that were born out of allowed unions of the lower caste. The Creator Deity did not want a repeat of the civil war, so they approved the creation of an education built upon military might. The children started school at five and graduated at twenty-two. Their training included everything from basic physical training and celestial etiquette to combat skills and magic.
Around 1118 AD, Michael descended to Earth as he heard rumors of demons corrupting and leading humanity astray. He would go on and held found the Templar Order and branch that out to a splinter group called the Sovereign Military Order of Divvik under the assumed name of Alexander. Michael adapted the Celestial Educational System with the help of an unnamed Archangel and the immortal apostle Peter to guide prophets and other mortals that can see the demons who walk upon the mortal realms.
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For more World-building Wednesday answers centered on Fantasy Worlds Collide, please see the tag wbw: fwc.
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redshamrock56 · 6 months
Magical Artifact island:
Magical objects that have been deemed far too dangerous are kept in The Compound.  If any of these items were to fall into the wrong hands, all of Poptropica could be at risk.
Act 1:
We land our blimp on Main Street and hop out, seeing several shops that have closed down due to The Calamity’s thieving.
A worker remarks that ever since The Calamity showed up, they’ve stolen money and other magical items.
We walk down the street, seeing more shops that have closed down, or are closing early.  A blue haired NPC approaches us and gives us a pamphlet to tour the Magic Museum.
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We go to the museum and are given a tour by Alexander, who works at the museum.  Alexander talks about some of the artifacts and what they do.
Alexander then comes to the Archangel Shard and tells about how an archangel flew over the island before dropping a shard into an empty well, making fresh water spring from the once empty well.
Then an alarm blares overhead before the window breaks and a blonde haired man with a blue robe comes in.  Alexander scowls and tells Cian that he’s not welcome here after he stole the Staff of Calamity.
Cian says that he’s here of the Gem of Ruin and orders Alexander to take him to it.  Alexander refuses and Cian says that The Calamity will return and find the Gem no matter what.
Cian poofs away and two workers run to Alexander, saying that there’s been a break in in Sector B and the Mask of Darkness, Tome of Foretelling, The Necklace of Truth, and Arrows of Destruction were all stolen.
Alexander curses himself and wonders how he’ll get the artifacts back now.  
We volunteer to go get the artifacts for him and Alexander asks if we’re crazy.  We say yes, and Alexander can’t argue with that and takes us to an elevator.
As we go down, Alexander gives us the lowdown that The Compound is a place that’s used to store all the magical artifacts that could pose a threat to Poptropica.  Alexander mentions that Cian used to work in the compound alongside him.
Cian studied a lot of the artifacts but became corrupted by them.  He thought he should destroy all of Poptropica so he could remake it in his own image, and tried to take the most dangerous artifact, the Staff of Calamity.
Cian only succeeded in taking the staff while Alexander was able to get the Gem of Ruin away from the staff.  Unfortunately, Alexander paid the price when touching the Gem of Ruin.
Cian then left The Compound and formed The Calamity, bringing together other poptropicans from all over the island.  He knows that they have different hideouts, and that they have been taking other artifacts, but he knows can’t stop Cian forever, and one day Cian’s going to get his hands on the Gem of Ruin.
We exit the elevator and Alexander gives us the Card to Sector B, telling us that the objects that were stolen belong to that sector.  He also gives us the Gloves of Immunity, saying that they are a new creation that is mandatory when dealing with the artifacts.  Alexander also warns us not take them off or we’ll be corrupted by the artifacts.
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He tells us that The Mask of Darkness can turn anyone invisible, but has the chance to turn anyone insane.  The Tome of Foretelling is a book that foretells the future, and can be accessed by asking for it to tell the future.  The Necklace of Truth can force anyone who wears it to tell the truth, and the Arrows of Destruction which can break through any glass.  He then gives us Alexander’s note to remind us.
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Before we leave, Alexander asks that we find the hideouts and get the artifacts back in their proper place.  Alexander says that he’ll stay down here with the other security guards to make sure a breach doesn’t happen again.
We exit and head out of the museum, walking down the street until we see two poptropicans dressed in blue robes.  We chase after them and come to a small hideout.  The Player waits until they leave before we go inside the hideout.
Once inside, we find a note detailing Cian’s plan to take over Poptropica.  The Player then descends the steps, coming to a box with a lock on it.
 After finding the key on a shelf, we unlock the chest and gain the Mask of Darkness.  The Player then takes the Mask back to Alexander and bring it to Sector B.
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Act 2:
We leave the museum and go to the forest before we see The Calamity’s Symbol carved into a tree.  There are more and we must follow the trees with the symbols.
Once we arrive at the hideout, we must be stealthy and avoid the Calamity members.  After that, we get to a room and say that there are too many of them, and sooner or later we’ll be found out.  Then we see a Blue Robe with a hood, similar to that of the Calamity members and put it on, leaving the room.
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The members do not notice that anything is off and will talk to us.  We go to a room at the back and find that the room is covered with bookshelves and books.  After asking ourselves how we’ll find the book now, we remember the note and ask if we can take a look into the future.
A book on the shelf two rows from us begins to glow and we collect the Tome of Foretelling.  Curiosity gets the better of us and we ask the book what will happen to Magical Artifact Island?
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The book opens up and a drawing of gigantic tornados are seen surrounding the island.  Panicked, we shove the book into our bag and leave the room.
As we leave, Cian and a member of The Calamity walk up to us.  Cian asks what we were doing in there and we say that we were just checking to see if the Tome of Foretelling was in its proper place.  Cian tells us to be on our way and to not check in there without his permission.
We ask him what he has seen and Cian tells us that Alexander is sending someone to fetch the artifacts that he stole.  Cian says that he knows the face of that person.  We say that we’ll leave Cian alone, and leave the hideout, saying that if they stayed there any longer, Cian would’ve caught on.
We head back to the museum and give the Tome of Foretelling back to Alexander, telling him that Cian’s getting suspicious.  Alexander says that the place is going to go on lockdown after we can get back the last two items.
Alexander sends us to find the next artifacts while he prepares to lockdown The Compound.
Act 3:
We head into the woods wearing the robe and find two other members of The Calamity.  They invite us to come with them back to the hideout, so they can keep an eye on the Arrows of Destruction and we agree.
The hideout is located on the edge of the forest and several other members are already there.  One of the members states that they’ve lost two of the artifacts already, and they can’t afford to lose the Arrows of Destruction.  Cian bursts out and tells the members that he’s had enough waiting, and that they’re going to attack The Compound right now.
We tell Cian about the person, and say that they could be waiting for him and the members to turn their backs so they can take the artifact needed.
Cian smirks and holds up the Necklace of Truth, saying that he’ll be taking this one with him, and that we are going to stay back and guard the arrows.  He then sends two of his men to guard them with us and is off with the other members.
We tell the other two to stay outside and guard the place while we take a look inside.  We say that we have to be quick and open a door, finding the Arrows of Destruction on a shelf.  After taking the arrows, an alarm is sounded and the two guards burst into the hideout.
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We need to quickly find a way out before the guards get to us.  Upon seeing a window, we climb up the shelf and open the window before jumping out and running back towards the Museum.
When we reach the museum, we are greeted by silence and carefully walk inside.  The place is dark, and we call out to Alexander and are ambushed.
Cian throws a weird bottle-like artifact and traps us in a small bubble.  Cian then tells us that we’re too late, and reaches into the darkness, grabbing Alexander and throwing him to the ground.
Alexander tries to get up, but is stopped by two of The Calamity.  Cian takes out the Necklace of Truth and places it around Alexander’s neck.  Cian asks Alexander where the Gem of Ruin is, and Alexander tells him that it’s in Sector C, behind the bookshelf.  Alexander then says that only he knows the password, and Cian smirks, saying that he’s glad Alexander is an honest man.
Cian tells the other members to take us down as well as he wants to see both our faces when he takes over this island.
We go down into The Compound and Cian uses his staff to blast open the doors.  Alexander is shoved over to the bookshelf and pushes it aside revealing a door and a keypad.  Alexander types in a code and the door opens, revealing a round yellow gem.
Cian reaches out with his staff and says that his dream is in grasp.  The Staff of Calamity attaches to the Gem of Ruin and a beam of destruction shoots through the roof.  Cian’s eyes glow and he exits The Compound.  The members then leave us and Alexander as he struggles to get the necklace off.
We take the necklace off and Alexander quickly creates a shield around us, causing some rubble to bounce off of it.  Alexander releases the shield and apologizes for keeping this a secret. 
Alexander reveals that he knows magic, but thanks to the Gem of Ruin, he can’t use it like he used to.  He tells us that the Gem of Ruin can do so much more, and fears for Cian’s safety.
We ask how we can stop Cian, and Alexander says that we have the Arrows of Destruction.  Alexander tells us to follow him and we go back to Sector B.
Alexander points to a bow and tells us that we can use the Bow of Strength to help us.  We take it and leave The Compound.
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Act 4:
When we get outside, the wind picks up and we can see several tornados forming.  A bunch of people start to run for cover as Cian is floating in the air and tells the island that he plans to destroy this island first before moving onto the other islands.  We call out to Cian and tell him that that won’t happen, and Cian laughs, saying that we can try to stop him.
Cian then floats towards a large Mountain with us following close behind.  We first try and take some shots at Cian but he blocks them with ease, asking us “Is that all you’ve got?”
We continue to chase after Cian, needing to keep him in our sights while we chase him.  Then we reach the top and have to fight off Cian.
Cian will try and send multiple items our way and we must use the arrows to destroy them.  As we continue to fight Cian, we see that the Gem of Ruin is slowly hurting him.  
Cian then lowers and says that he must continue his mission.  We take an arrow and fire it at the Gem of Ruin, breaking it and making all the tornados vanish.
Cian falls over in defeat and Alexander runs over, worried about Cian.  Cian stares at the shattered remains of The Gem of Ruin and glares at his, saying that it’s all our fault and points the now broken Staff of Calamity at us.
Cian says that he’ll be back as The Compound workers come and take Cian away.
Alexander is glad that Cian isn’t too hurt, and says that Cian will have some time to think about what he’s done in jail.  Alexander asks for the Bow and arrows back, saying that now with Cian and The Calamity taken care of, he can get all the stolen artifacts back, and try and rebuild what has been broken.
Alexander then says that he has something to give us, and gifts us with the Island Medallion.
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This is one of the many fan islands I have in my mind. If you have any suggestions on what can be done, please tell me.
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Alexander wasn't a gentleman, but he'd made an effort to be so for this boy. Until one day, Xander had broken down during a private sparring session. Alexander had taken his sobbing grandson in his arms and when Xander tried to apologize, Alexander had said, "Never apologize for loving, Xander. That capacity is what keeps us from becoming monsters."
The boy had splintered that day, and then he'd rebuilt himself.
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authorajalexander · 1 year
The Council Of Twelve A - Z / B for Benadrel
When it comes to writing, with six published books and the seventh in the series in line, I sometimes feel a little bit like I need to keep things in my books a secret, fearfully protecting my stories because I could give away too much to the ones who haven’t read ‘The Council of Twelve’ series yet. But aren’t the background stories, the little details ‘behind the scenes’ the interesting part of…
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simplegenius042 · 8 months
Music Monday + "What Is Your OC's Core Theme?" Quiz
Tagged by @inafieldofdaisies and @nightbloodbix
Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton @shallow-gravy @direwombat @strangefable @strafethesesinners
Music for Far Cry The Silver Chronicles and results for characters from the other series below the cut. And you can find the quiz here.
"Safe And Sound" by Capital Cities is the perfect for describing the varying relationships in Far Cry The Silver Chronicles, as it revolves around the theme of being the person to be counted on, to be a protector, a teacher, a friend, a parent, a partner- your name it! Silva and Paul, Kamski and Silva, Silva and Azriel, Gavin and Schrödinger, Isiah and Gemini, Alexander and Jacob, Nadi and John & Holly, Silva and Faith, Earl and his deputies, Silva and the Ryes, Joseph and his family + Eden's Gate, Silva and the GFH/FFH, Fall's End, and many, many more. Their entire goals all surround keeping their loved ones and/or the populace safe and sound, to varying degrees of success (*cough* *cough* Paul and Joseph *cough* *cough*). Often times they're protecting against one of the others on this list (Joseph against Silva for his family's survival, Silva against Eden's Gate for the Resistance (+ Azriel and the Ryes) safety, sometimes even Silva against the Resistance for John and Faith's survival and vice versa from the latter sabotaging her siblings to preserve Silva's sanity) or characters who oppose, directly counter this theme and act as a constant danger to the ones previously described above (the Congregation of Adam's Guard (aka Adam Omar and his Enforcers), the Apostles of Zachariah (Paul and his heralds), Remnants of the Holy Triad (Grimes the Cruel and his fellow Deserters), the Prophet Hunters, the Voice & Phillip and the Collapse, as well as the occasional sabotage from the Tarot Card Holder and Priestess Lillith).
"I could lift you up I could show you what you wanna see And take you where you wanna be You could be my luck Even if the sky is falling down I know we'll be safe and sound We're safe and sound
I could fill your cup You know, my river won't evaporate This world we still appreciate You could be my luck Even in a hurricane of frowns I know that we'll be safe and sound
Safe and sound (We're safe and sound) Safe and sound (We're safe and sound) Hold your ground (We're safe and sound) Safe and sound
I could show you love In a tidal wave of mystery You'll still be standing next to me You could be my love Even if we're six feet underground I know that we'll be safe and sound
We're safe and sound
Safe and sound Safe and sound Hold your ground We're safe and sound
I could lift you up I could show you what you wanna see And take you where you wanna be You could be my luck Even if the sky is falling down I know we'll be safe and sound
I could lift you up I could show you what you wanna see And take you where you wanna be You could be my luck Even if the sky is falling down I know we'll be safe and sound
We're safe and sound We're safe and sound We're safe and sound We're safe and sound Safe and sound (We're safe and sound) Safe and sound (We're safe and sound) Hold your ground (We're safe and sound) Safe and sound We're safe and sound."
The quiz results for characters from The UnTitledverse, Wings And Horns, A Radioactive Calamity of Love, Bombs & Gore and Life, Despair & Monsters.
Lisa Cobalt (The UnTitledverse, The Perfect Storm and The Omniscience Rule sagas)
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While I do agree that Lisa mourns the lost time with Joaquin and is trying to seek him out (to the best of her ability, whether through moral or immoral means), while also trying to better herself in some ways so she doesn't lose him again, I don't think it necessarily captures the desperateness and vulnerability Lisa faces.
Archangel Metatron (Wings And Horns)
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Archangel Metatron has an overly idealistic view of what his occupation entails, and what that means through preserving the status quo, because it promises a peaceful happiness. However, Xiang Ba'al's strikes against the Soulmate System, plus the ultimate decision reached by the remaining Old and current New Gods to abolish the system he alongside a young Angel of Death, Azriel) had been tasked with fixing entirely. Despite having given solutions that could preserve such a historical and traditional piece of humanities entire existence (despite the risks which he was blind to), his idealism was crushed by the decision to put humanity's survival before tradition (for once), and wasn't really congratulated or recognized for his efforts, leaving him to wonder how he can still reach his peaceful happiness if the traditions that upheld that dream were replaced.
Mathias "Mason" Talos (A Radioactive Calamity of Love, Bombs & Gore, a Fallout fanfic series)
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Ironically enough, Mason is the least academic out of Urias' family tree. The only reason he bothers to get knowledge on what his brother plans on doing with Discord's broken heart is so he can deduce whether it's bad enough to kill him for, but in the meantime, he chooses to hinder Urias' efforts by murdering all the women his brother impregnated and if the possibility has become fact, any children Urias managed to foster to juvenile-hood. Which includes Ortega "Ore" Brantley and Marissa "Ress" Bishop, who both very much would like to destroy their father's Occult without being murdered-because-of-association in the process.
Orion (Life, Despair & Monsters)
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Orion is a rare experiment of Sir Enigma Malvolio's that "devolves" out of the Director's "dog-eat-dog humanity must evolve through despair and apathy" mindset. Orion is irreversibly attached to Guenevere (Guen for short) after Malvolio kidnaps the poor queen-to-be. They're always close, Orion and Guen, and support each other through their less than ideal circumstances (Guen's entire life being chosen for her by others, especially Merlin, without her input, one of which is being married to a king, Arthur (I promise he is a good man, if somewhat too idealistic), a man she's never met before for politics she never had a desire nor had been given any indication to learn beyond the regular off-hand basics putting her at a severe disadvantage in court as the new queen, a position that also puts her at risk of assassination, and as for Orion, well he was literally created for the soul purpose of being bound to human hosts with no free will and the occasional urge to harm them if his data says they aren't becoming strong enough... hell the first few times Malvolio bound Orion to human hosts they were killed almost immediately because of how rigged that data is). Guen ensures that Orion can stay alive and have some form of freedom, and in return Orion supports and protects her (perks of being a nanotech armour/weapon device I guess?). Yeah so Orion is pretty happy with Guen and wants nothing more than to help her in any way he can in her leadership (alongside King Arthur) of Great Britain just to spite Malvolio.
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susanoosama01 · 2 years
AU Michael has a love-hate marriage with AU Adam who kinda doesn't approve of the atrocities but this bad boy actually brought Kate Milligan back to life and it was the end of the world so... Anyway, they don't really like each other but AU Adam is the only one who never stopped talking back to AU Michael, literally asking for his death but it's very boring without this stubborn and sarcastic human around. They can't stand each other. AU Raphael is dead and cannot judge his brother anymore so what's keeping AU Michael from having a human pet? And excuse you, AU Adam has an archangel pet, not the other way around. They fight sooo much, it's why AU Michael has a separate vessel. Because he was developing a celestial migraine with AU Adam there. And AU Adam was to be a nice trophy consort because all dictators have at least one, right? Except this human doesn't stop sitting on the throne himself with some trashy magazine, forcing AU Michael to stand and act cool as if he is too flashy to sit on a throne and being a little shit in front of the enslaved reapers and the monster army. He gets on AU Michael's nerves so bad but they are kinda stuck with each other since they literally have nothing better to do. Also it has something to do with all these completely accidental nephilim babies running around now because well, some activities were much more fun with hate and anger and passion- No they most certainly do not like each other! AU Michael doesn't want to pay child support and AU Adam doesn't want to deal with visit day schedules. So it doesn't matter if AU Michael is forced to be civil with Kate Milligan when dropping off and picking up her son and grandbabies at her house. It doesn't matter if AU Adam has to take care of the 'palace' while his husband is conquering somewhere. They both have no other friend. It's fun fighting every single day, trying to kill each other only occasionally and celebrating a victory with you know what. They try to be a proper family sometimes, to have a nice dinner but their babies are little tornadoes who scorch the entire city in less then five minutes when they are playing together. It's exasperating. They need each other to deal with all that, right?
AU Michael wanted grand names for his heirs! Like Alexander, Cyrus, Julius, Cleopatra etc. But instead they are named Ben, Chester, Pete, Lacey etc. because I carried them and risked my life to have them while you were out with your friends in yet another battle- Actually, Was I not with you during each and every birth? Did I not shower you in gifts and care, you traitorous little- but in the end the kids like their names so they stay that way.
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gelertrook · 7 months
Rook ▫️ 23 y/o ▫️ AuDHD and Anxiety ▫️ TransMasc/Agender - Bi - Poly
In a polyam relationship (@loser-xx + @killer-pervert)
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▫️ Druidic Pagan and Alchemist ▫️Alterhuman ▫️ Lycan, Selkie, Angel ▫️ Fic-Kin ▫️
Specifically I look most like Alexander Archipelego wolf and a harbour seal. I was an Archangel/Throne (Orifiel, Guardian of the Natural Wilderness). I'm also otherhearted with rabbits and donkies. I have a lot of fickins but my main IDs right now are John Watson (2009 Sherlock + Original Source) The Judge/Deputy (Far Cry 5), Garrett Hawke (DA2 Purple/Blue+Rogue), Lavellan Inquistor/Non-Canon Companion (DA:I) and Fiddleford McGucket (Gravity Falls).
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I have tons of interests and hobbies! I'm an artist, I love making dozens of original characters from all kinds of media's. I also play lots of video games (PS4), bake and ride horses. My favorites are Dragon Age, Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit,  Pacific Rim, Avatar: The Last Airbender, ABC Lost, Once Upon a Time, Wolfblood, Minecraft, Stardew Valley, Overwatch, Hades Game, Slasher Horror Movies, the Band Ghost etc. etc. etc...
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I don't have DNI's (besides the obvious, I don't tolerate any kind of hate, bigotry or gatekeepers). I usually reblog aesthetic posts, shitposts and fanart. I do reblog suggestive or adult content sometimes (you can PM me for my NSFW sideblog if you're +18). They will be tagged accordingly but I'm not comfortable with minors following. Be smart and be safe kids. Anyone else though, please feel free to interact. I love asks, replies, reblogs, art trades and moodboard requests. If you need me to tag anything for blacklisting purposes please let me know too; I'm usually too lazy to tag things.
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blxsscd-x-fxrsakcn · 7 months
Archangel Gabriel - the Heart, cruel, capricious, manipulative twin brother of Michael who seeks to destroy humanity to bring God back from His absence
Archangel Michael - the Sword, stoic, aloof, and duty-bound twin brother of Gabriel who forfeit a connection to his angelic kin to protect humanity
Alexander "Alex" Lannon - rebellious and loyal, this man is Marked by God to hopefully become the savior of humanity ( as well as a uniter of both angels and mankind )
Archangel Lucifer - presumed to be dead, this archangel of original creation is very much alive and well in his quaint survivors' town of Mallory, Alabama
Noma Banks ( neè Walker ) - Michael's lieutenant and a Higher Angel tasked with infiltrating the Archangel Corps to protect Alex
Damarion Gaines ( nephil oc ) - unknowingly born of two worlds, he struggles with wanting to find out more about his shrouded past and parentage
Archangel Uriel - the Artist, the older sister of Michael & Gabriel, twin to Raphael, she's unpredictable and her loyalty wavers as this war drags on ( rumored to have foregone neutrality to join Gabriel )
Archangel Raphael - the Sage, a mysterious figure spoken of by the other angel siblings, deciding to disappear at the start of the war
Laurel Phillips - a priestess of Lucifer and construct of his abilities to lure unsuspecting people into Mallory under promise of protection and safety
William Whele - former Principate of Saviorism's Church in Vega and the once-heir of House Whele, he's betrayed his people to serve under Gabriel's banner
Julian / Lyrae - a former soldier and leader of New Delphi, he took control of the pre-war NORAD bunker to rehabilitate eight-balls and normalize a razor-thin peaceful coexistence with humans
◇ tba: Charlie Lannon, Jeep Hanson, Bixby, Rhais, Furiad, Claire Riesen, Arika
➤ AU & Canon Verses: MAIN (Dominion / Legion), Yellowstone / TWD / Borderlands / Fallout / Modern & Urban Fantasy / The Old Guard ( crossover ) / Dune ( crossover ) / Star Wars / Shadow & Bone ( crossover ) / Resident Evil / Wasteland Child ( Alex, with orphanedshadow's Phel & Kara )
sinstxrscreamwritcr - home to my assassin ocs, and ( screenwriter / seri.al ki.ller ) hayden von richter
pxnktroublmakcr - nimona, with both comic and movie influence
kryptxnicn-sxpcrdcg - krypto with tv / comic / 'SuperPets' influence
wxllcrcwlr - indie Insomniac spider-man with personal headcanons, comic icons used
lycaonbcrne - Criminal Minds/NCIS assassin villain muse
pirxte-rxdio - Midnight Mark (radio host) rp blog from the film "The Boat That Rocked"
➤ AU Verses: Arachknight (Peter Parker), The Boys / Star Wars (Krypto), Werewolf / The Boys (Akhos), Vampire / Single Parent (Hayden), Ghost / Immortal (Midnight Mark)
Muses By Request Only:
Diomedes from "Troy"
Astinos from "300"
➤ AU Verses: The Old Guard (Diomedes)
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