roseandgold137 · 1 year
Chapters: 3/20 Fandom: Batman - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Janet Drake/Helena Sandsmark, Jack Drake/Janet Drake, Janet Drake & Helena Sandsmark, Janet Drake & Jack Drake, Janet Drake & Tim Drake, Janet Drake & Cassie Sandsmark, Helena Sandsmark & Cassie Sandsmark, Tim Drake & Cassie Sandsmark Characters: Janet Drake, Jack Drake, Tim Drake, Helena Sandsmark, Cassie Sandsmark, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Alfred Pennyworth Additional Tags: More Relationships to be added, janet is going to date a few people before getting with Helena whoops, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, Pregnancy, Young Cassie Sandsmark, as in literally a toddler at the start, Young Tim Drake, again literally not even born yet when the fic starts, no beta we die like Janet Drake, POV Janet Drake, Good Parent Janet Drake, like literally amazing, love her, More tags to be added Series: Part 1 of Archeology Wives Summary:
Janet Drake had it all - a loving husband, an adorable little boy, a mansion, and a promising future in archeology.
So why did she feel like something was missing?
Don’t let your husband stop you from finding your wife
Chapter 3 of Every Good Gold Digger is (finally) up! 
And as a surprise to no one, Tim has once again ended up in France
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madlovenovelist · 1 year
Book Review – ‘Undying’ (#2 Unearthed) by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner
Uncovering alien secrets to save the human race! Genre: YA, Science Fiction No. of pages: 308 When Earth intercepts a message from a long-extinct alien race, it seems like the solution the planet has been waiting for. The Undying’s advanced technology has the potential to undo environmental damage and turn lives around, and Gaia, their former home planet, is a treasure trove waiting to be…
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percabeth4life · 2 years
Sorry if you've talked about this before, if you have I couldn't find it. But have you heard of Janet Stephens? She's an American hairstyle archeologist. She was originally a hairdresser in Baltimore, but after visiting a museum, seeing Greek and Roman statues, and reading that the leading theory for how women achieved the styles was wigs, she set out to prove that they actually wove the hairstyles from their natural hair. She has been able to recreate multiple styles using only period-accurate tools, and even found written evidence for her theory! Her wiki is really interesting, and she has a YouTube channel (Janet Stephens) where she posts tutorials of how she achieved the styles. It seems like something you would enjoy!
Oh, I haven't seen her videos! I don't watch much on YouTube beyond music lol, but I have seen a really cool hair (style/tool) video by Morgan Donner that I found really interesting! Highly recommend it.
I'm definitely gonna check out Janet Stephens though, I pulled up her YouTube and it looks cool! I found a few other cool ones too when looking for Morgan's to link (These Look Cool). Historical research is always so fascinating, and all the different hairstyle recreations are really fun to watch.
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miroslawmagola · 1 year
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(via Tutankhamun the pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty of ancient Egypt.)
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kimludcom · 29 days
Explore the Iconic Valley of the Temples: A Journey Through Ancient Wonders @Kimlud
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mindbogglerofficial · 4 months
This Ancient Relic Is so Advanced It Really Shouldn't Exist
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theozgnomian · 8 months
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metapphjores · 1 year
face down in the floor in hell about the fact that i am a scottish historian living in america with no university access and the vast majority of scottish acheological research is trapped in unpublished data-based decades long archeological surveys of which no one has summarized or spoken about in published media because everyone with the skill to do the analysis is out in the field, surveying
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foreverinadais · 2 years
Hello 🤗
Can you do a HC when the moon boys realize that the reader is jealous? Like they're not used to the feeling of someone being jealous for them would they enjoy it? How would they assure the reader that they're the one and no one other?
hi, i love this idea!! thank you so much for requesting!! ❤️
Steven is so excited to show you the museum
like, he’s bouncing off the walls
he’s having some kind of event at work, and of course he brings you as his plus-one
and does not stop talking about how perfect you look
there are literal stars in his eyes
you reciprocate the words, showering him with praises and excitement
to which he gives you the toothiest grin ever seen: he’s elated
so you make your way into the event, clinging onto Steven’s arm as he is already explaining certain artefacts
i can imagine him dragging you to a super specific one because he thought you would like it, and every time he saw it, he thinks of you
anyway, the event is fairly busy, full of historians and academics and professors, you know, smart people
“Woah, this looks... professional.” you whisper as Steven beams
“Doesn’t it?” he (awkwardly) retrieves 2 glasses of champagne off the waiter's tray and passes one too you. “For you, my darling.”
to which your gratefully sip it down because seeing all of these people makes you particularly nervous
it’s then that a woman comes over. and my, does she look... wow.
you physically straighten up as she stalks over, elegant and confident, making you realise how bad your posture was
and she offers you both a smile.
she’s a professor at some kind of fancy university, teaching Egyptology, and has just come back from a year abroad researching archelogy in Egypt.
your jaw drops slowly at her words, because hello, she’s an actual Goddess. 
but then... you catch sight of Steven
eyes twinkling with wonder
cheeks rosy with adoration
hands fiddling with each other in nervousness.
you feel a weird heat in your stomach, rising like bile and settling as nausea
and you feel bad because you trust Steven and this woman is wonderful and accomplished and stunning, why wouldn’t he want her?
and soon enough, you’ve listed every way she’s better than you and it’s already started;
and it’s not in a spiteful, envious way. your admiring her just as much as Steven is.
by the time she’s done talking, it looks as though Steven’s ready to start applauding
...whilst your about to start crying 
“I am doing a lecture on my findings in a few days. You should both come by.”
“Woah, really? That sounds, yeah, great. can’t wait.” 
and you politely nod, taking a long sip of your drink which is nearly finished
because you don’t know if you can handle any more of it.
the rest of the event goes by quickly, partly due to your growing tipsiness 
when it’s finally time to leave, Steven’s beaming
like, glowing with happiness
you find it in yourself to fake happiness as Steven excitedly recites the events of the evening, complete with dramatic hand gestures and small chuckles
“Oh and that professor? Woah, wasn’t she great?”
“So great.” 
“Can you believe she invited us to a lecture? I can’t wait to hear her speak, and see the pictures from Egypt- can you believe what she found?”
"Oh yes she’s so amazing, you should’ve got her number.” 
you didn’t mean to sound so sarcastic, truly, but the alcohol in your system was amplifying all the emotions you felt and how you were showing them
Steven slowed to a stop, face shifting in confusion as he turned to you smiling
“Oooohhh I see what’s happening. Someone’s jealous! Beware of jealousy, it is the green-eyed monster. ya know? From Othello, innit?”
There’s a twinkle in his eyes as if he’s finding this amusing, clearly because of how good his evening went
and you feel guilty for your stupid insecurities
“Hilarious. Look, can we just keep walking? I’m tired.” 
Steven’s smile falters as he suddenly notices how upset you look, how your lips are downturned at the sides and how your eyes are drooping slightly
“Hey, ‘m sorry, love, c’mon, wait a second.”
you do, avoiding his gaze
his hands come up to rest on your forearms and he tuts
“I didn’t mean to be funny. I just- Guess i’m not used to having someone be jealous for me. That sounds silly. I guess-”
“It’s fine, Steven. It isn’t your fault. It’s mine.” 
He looks confused, head cocking to the left lightly
“What d’you mean?”
You sigh because this, this is awkward
suddenly the piece of gum on the sidewalk looks really interesting as you try and avoid the conversation
but Steven can read you look his favourite book and lifts your chin with his fingers so that your forced to face him
i can imagine his ‘it’s okay, you can tell me anything face’ and it makes me wanna cry ahh i love him
anyway, you throw your hands up in exasperation
“My heart... and my head...” you hesitate, tryna find the words
“And your shoulders, knees and toes?” Steven tries to joke, making you smile, before he apologies and motions for you to continue
“I think you could do better than me.” oh
he didn’t expect that
“And I guess seeing that perfect woman, like seriously, she was perfect-”
“Hold up, should I be jealous?” He tries to joke again, but he can’t help his heart dropping at how you feel
“It just reminded me how opposite I am, how... you could find your soulmate one day, or one of you could decide you want different, better, than me and leave.” 
Steven is silent for a moment
“I said-”
“Know what you said, just how... how could you think like that, eh?”
“I’m sorry.”
“No, what? Sorry? Why on earth are you sorry? This is my fault obviously for not making you feel like I love you enough.”
“That’s not-”
“Your absolutely perfect to me, to us. And I often find myself asking the question of how we got so lucky to have you. S’ perfect, my love, you should know that. My job to show you that, ain’t it?”
and he pulls you into an embrace, smiling into your shoulder as you mutter ‘thank you’ and ‘love you’ whilst smiling back
“Now, let’s get you home, you can pick the movie, and I’ll sort out the snacks... yeah?”
“That sounds perfect, Steven.”
“Just like you.”
It really wasn’t Marc’s fault
he was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and for you? well, it was the worst possible day.
it wasn’t exactly rare for people to be drawn too your boyfriend’s because um have you seen them
so you could deal with their advances normally
but not today.
not as someone had all but wrapped their body around him
you felt a level of possessiveness at the subtle but intimate act of a drunk girls arm’s around his and with the added push of alcohol, there was a new level of jealousy coursing through your veins
not today
So, putting on your most innocent look, you carried yourself over to where Marc was stood, beer in hand, laughing politely
“Hey, baby. What ya up too?” your voice was slurred and slightly raised as you placed a hand on your boyfriend’s back
and Marc, the soft bean he is, turns instantly, face lighting up
“Hi, babe, got you a drink... somewhere.”
“A drink? Your so nice.” 
and to emphasise your point, you place a firm kiss on his cheek
to which slightly-drunk, oblivious Marc just smiles
the girl hanging on to him, also innocent in this situation, offers an apologetic smile- i’ll leave you too it
and you almost feel bad when you get home and feel slightly agitated
because nothing came of the situation and both parties were not in the wrong
“Wanna order some food, Y/N/N? ‘m fucking starving. Hey, baby? We can get some from that vendor you like-”
“Not hungry. Might just go to bed.”
and you hate yourself for being bitchy but you had a terrible week and you were feeling the aftermath of the alcohol and you needed to sleep in case you snapped
“Oh. That’s okay, we can sleep-”
“You can eat. Order whatever.”
Whilst you drift surprisingly fast into an uncomfortable slumber, Marc stays awake
what did I do wrong?
and because he’s drunk, everything feels 100x amplified
soon enough, it’s morning and he’s still awake
ready to cook you breakfast, get you pain relief, watch all the TV you want
but his plans are disrupted when you turn over and wrap an arm lazily over his bare waist
“ ‘morning, gosh, my head’s banging.” you mumble in a post-sleep haze and Marc is frozen because you were mad at him
“Did you, urh, sleep well?”
“Hmm, well enough.”
and then your snuggling into his side
and he can’t help but ask the question:
“Why were you mad at me?”
“Last night... you, well, you were mad. Didn’t wanna eat with me.”
and the events slowly come back to you 
“No, no, I’m an idiot, ow!” your head stabbed as you sat suddenly, and you shuffled so you were looking down at him, hands resting on his chest
“I was acting stupid and drunk and, I don’t know, seeing you with that girl made me slightly jealous. And it’s such a gross feeling, and I wasn’t right to take it out on you. I’m sorry, honey.”
“Wait, you were jealous? About me?”
and he can’t help but be in disbelief that someone cares about him enough to feel jealousy
“I mean, yeah. Your the ‘dream man’, ya know? I’m incredibly lucky to have you.”
he’s silent as he looks up at you, suddenly feeling overwhelmed
“I care about you endlessly, yeah?”
and it pushes him over the edge as he pulls you down to lie with him
your head- along with your heart- pounding at the sudden position change but you ignore it, letting him nuzzle his head into your chest and feel the flesh of your thighs
“I love you,” he mumbles, “thank you for caring about me enough to feel jealous.”
and he’s smiling, teasingly, but his words are true
“Why, of course, darling.”
Jake Lockley was confident
and why shouldn’t he be?
that man is physically flawless
and definitely has a way with words
so one day, your out on a date, and it’s a really nice restaurant
and your wearing your favourite outfit - and Jake’s favourite outfit- and he has not stopped talking about how good you look
and you feel it- until you see someone slip Jake their number
Jake doesn’t even react, just gives it back to them in rejection
because he’s with you
and suddenly, you feel the odd mix of jealousy and insecurity sweep through your body
because your right there 
and whoever slipped Jake that number, well, they didn’t think you were worthy of him, so who else would?
and soon enough, your down the rabbit hole of self-doubt and illusions
you're silent on the way home, despite Jake’s hand on your thigh, or his soft words or his gentle whistling
and when you get back to your shared flat, you all but crumble on the sofa
Jake notices.
“Hey, you okay, Mi vida? You’ve hardly said a word since we left, eh?”
you mutter a half-arsed excuse, that ‘your fine’ and ‘just tired, ‘s all’
“Hmm, likely story. What’s really wrong?”
“Nothing, Jake, I said, I’m fine.”
“And I said I don’t believe you. So, fess up, before I make you.” 
he’s teasing you, playful smile gracing his features 
but when he see’s you look away, almost sadly, his eyebrows twist in confusion
“Y/N,” he says, “You can talk to me, please.”
“Someone gave you their number.”
Jake tries to think back at the interaction he brushed by, because it wasn’t important to him
did he do something suggestive?
“Are you mad at me? I gave it back to them, you know, if you think for a second I would betray you-”
“N-no, no it’s not that! I just-”
“Just what?”
“It made me...”
you feel complete embarrassment as you avoid his eyes like the plague, picking at your fingers, the sofa, anywhere to avoid this
but he’s smiling, you realise, teasingly again
“Your jealous?”
“I mean, kind of, but-”
“C’mon, you don’t need to be jealous, ya know your the only one I have eyes for. Especially in that outfit.”
you refrain from rolling your eyes, partly because whilst Jake Lockley is confident, he’s also cocky
“I wasn’t jealous, per se, I was-”
“You don’t have to lie ‘cause your embarrassed, baby.”
“Fuck sake, Jake, I was insecure!”
and then the teasing look on his face drops completely
and it’s so humbling to feel his gaze on you, and you want to crawl into bed and sleep and forget you said anything
“I guess, I don’t wanna be, I just, you know, saw that people want you and nobody expected us so why should, should I?”
And Jake is silent before he all but showers you with affirmations you’ve heard before:
‘your beautiful, inside and out’
‘you don’t need to be insecure’
‘people are jealous of you’
and none of it is going through, no matter what he says, and he realizes this, slightly agitated
“You're not even listening.”
you sigh, sinking into the sofa further
“No, I am! I just can’t find it in myself to believe it right now. I’m sorry, Jakey, this is stupid of me.”
“It is stupid. Because how could you ever think so low of yourself?”
yep, he’s angry.
“Look, how can I help? You want to keep talking?”
you don’t respond. no.
“You want some food?”
“You want to go on a drive?”
you feel almost bad at your lack of response, but your feeling heavy, the jealousy leaving bile in your stomach and acid in your brain.
“You need me to convince you?”
and you look up at him, finally, making him smirk
“Ohh, I see. That’s what you want.”
and he walks over to you, lowering his face until he’s level with your own
and you shift in your seat because this man is so handsome it hurts
“Fine, mi amor, if you won’t hear my words,” -his lips are ghosting over yours- “then maybe you’ll understand my actions better,” - moving down, trailing along your neck, “Your it for me.” 
and he’s leaving kisses between every word
“You're perfect,” along your collarbone, “And you corrupt all my fucking thoughts in the best ways,” 
he’s moving back up now, up to your jaw, the spot just under your ear, your cheek, until nearly, finally-
“You done being jealous? You gonna start appreciating yourself?” 
you could groan at how close his lips are to yours but he’s not giving in.
then his voice drops low, a hushed whisper so that his breath is mingled with yours as he says:
“Or do you need more convincing?”
then your lips are on each other’s, and it’s passionate and dangerous and desperate
but underneath, the message remains, the love and the care and the wonder
because all Jake wants is to show you, you don’t need to be jealous
you're all he will ever want and need
you're it for him. 
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kirjoart · 9 months
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A new character for a short pathfinder campaign i'm taking part of! I'm very exited to play a gunslinger, it's a class I've never tried before :D
This is Franz Friedrich von Schmidt. His family is famous firearms manufacturer and he is the heir of the company. While the firearms have got him a quite fortune and fame, his dream is to be remembered as an adventurer and archelogy!
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madlovenovelist · 1 year
Book Review – ‘Unearthed’ (#1 Unearthed) by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner
Teens hunting for space treasure! Genre: YA, Science Fiction No. of pages: 331 When Earth intercepts a message from a long-extinct alien race, it seems like the solution the planet has been waiting for. The Undying’s advanced technology has the potential to undo environmental damage and turn lives around, and Gaia, their former home planet, is a treasure trove waiting to be uncovered. For…
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stars-and-soda · 2 years
Shout out to trans man whose whole transition journey is becoming just some dude.
Like they use to be an emo or weeb girl who growled at people or whatever and now they're like Kyle or Adam and play fortnite with their shirt off and study archelogy.
Keep up the great work kings <<<333
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silky-silks · 2 months
Minty reminds me of a Minecraft sniffer, just as fluffy and cute :3
Well My Fellow Friend, I have to say
Minty is a Minecraft Sniffer
Well, a rejected one but I wont get too deep in that. Actually scratch that I will. Have a lore dump for you! (get your pen and paper ready because im literally about to spew 100 hours worth of pointless words)
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Minty is a boy, he was part of a group of Sniffers I like to call "Sneezes."
(A group of Sniffers in my opinon is going to be called Sneeze.)
He was originally the smallest of the group until one day after randomly wandering around he finds a hanging hand parasite from oak tree. At first it had no name. Suddenly the hand parasite attached its body to Minty, casuing him to grow to a arrangment of teeth on his back as well as a awful red hue. The hand soon was able to speak, in a rather cheery and very yappy voice. Now its to note these two had no offcial name so Syrup and Minty just really didnt refer to each other as name. Also Minty cannot talk, only can make noises.
When the connection happens. Syrup explains to Minty how he got stuck in that tree. Minty surprisnly doesnt seem to mind Syrup as in his "Sneeze"no one really talked. He was interested so he kept Syrup around.
Syrup as usual is the talker of the duo while Minty is reserved in quiet. The share one thing is common and that is their curiosity. The only difference is Syrup can express his with words while Minty can only say "dum".
One day walking through a village they saw a villager trading with someone. Syrup wanted to try it out but failed miserably as no one wanted their "good" (They didnt understand how worthy emeralds were) and couldnt really get info as the villagers became rather annoyed or scared if Syrup and Minty due to their weird looks. Determined to fit in with the group, they looked everywhere and met with other humans "Steve and Alex" to learn how to trade, along the way they discover mining and archelogy.
Other Lore Spooky Month (Oc Based)
They stay relatively the same in design for Spooky month, and I have shown a bit of then interacting with Nina and Grant
(characters belonging to ericvelseb666)
Their prescese was alarming to everyone there, literally everyone was like "WHO THE FUCK IS THAT".
Syruo became nervous and Minty grew protective of his friend. As he deliver bites and growls they were scared off by Jack and John until Stumbling across a holy site. Starry Night Bakery. Inside Syrup saw all the cool sweets, and with the little money they had at the time (more of stolen as some guy dropped their wallet and ran), they ordered a lot of Turnovers and snacks from Nina and Grant. Not understanding change they left a bit too much money and hurried off with their snacks.
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(old art, this was a redone concept deisgn when I didnt know what I wanted to do with them yet)
It was the first time they felt truly accepted, and they did miss Nina and Grant as they didnt go all "Oh my god what is that?!" on them. Syrup wishes to work there but stays hidden for now. Until they heard she was hiring. And Well you get what happened next. They realize the lacked a proper name, so they gave themselves one. Well Syrup names Minty, "Minty" for his colors and Syrup names himself Syrup after eating pancakes some stranger left for them with the strange liquid on top.
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Minus the Frank torture, Syrup and Minty were a grateful duo. They stuck close to Nina and Grant, and for the first time Minty became more "emotional". Always flapping his ears, sniffing and nose booping, even doing little stomps when he sees Grant. (He mistakes Grant for a sniffer for some god forsaken reason)
Syrup will bring Torchflowers for Nina whenever they can as a sign of "thanks" as they are very very grateful monsters.
Not much content on this one as I am still working on a offical deisng for them. But Minty and Syrup are just trying to understand the universe and what is happening with HOME and the rest of the puppets.
Due to their odd looks, the neighborhood was quite questionable.
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But for the meantime, Minty hates Frank for inspecting Syrup. Poor guy got Mauled.
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Oh and they became uber drivers in the backrooms. Why? Dont know. Currently trying to shove them in Cuphead, so they may end up working for the devil BUT are saved by angels as they are just desperate for some work. Besides they suck at contracts, the devil himself got tired of them.
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Thats Minty and Syrup for ya! I know you didn't ask for all of this but hey i Wanted to treat you with some rather cool lore. So if ya choose to ignore all of this that's fine!
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theozgnomian · 1 year
Archeological First
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man researching mixtec is hard, apprently theres little to no archelogy on my region of oaxaca, and what there is of my ancestors was misflagged as mixteca alta
which sucks even harder
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banisheed · 10 months
@ohwynne replied to your post “[pm] Hello Siân. How did you figure out what you...”:
[pm] I don't believe in fate. Did fate tell you to become a professor? [...] I think I'm reaching my limit when it comes to caring about coffee for strangers. Some things have been put in perspective. I still need to pay rent though, you know?
​[pm] Fate doesn't work so directly. I am a creature of my instincts and habits and Death, my patron, has a function in several careers in human society. My instincts (a byproduct of the Fate of my body) makes me adept at finding remains, human and animal. Such a skill is useful for what humans call "Archeology". Thus, I work as an archelogy professor... in part because it was a rather easy job to trick humans into giving me. I am subject to my whims and I obeyed them; Fate.
There are a myriad of ways to pay rent that don't involve making coffee: theft, robbery, stealing...just some examples.
What is it you want, Wynne?
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