#archer hiccup
royaltea000 · 1 year
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POV you’re target practice 🎯 
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evilwriter37 · 10 months
Hiccup and aquaphobia
It would make sense for Hiccup to be afraid of the water! I mean, I've lost count of how many times this guy has nearly died from drowning.
This is an angsty one. It would get in the way of Hiccup bathing and even hydrating himself on really bad days.
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ashleybenlove · 7 months
Hiccup, probably, every morning on the Edge: [has unbraided hair until Astrid proceeds to put a couple of braids into it because she can]
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city of angels | s.r. x liaison!fem reader
a/n: of course there is a 1x18 blurb. essential for spencer fics. pt2
“enjoy your swim?” not able to hide the bite of sarcasm as you eyed the soaking spencer reid.
he looked embarrassed as he toweled off his hair, trying to soak up his clothing. “uh, it’s- it’s not what- she pulled me in.” rolling his lips into a straight line, eyes bouncing around.
you hummed and looked at the confiscated camera in your grasp, “so these pictures of you two kissing is, also nothing?” a harsh glare pointed at the doctor, tone dripping with judgment.
he stayed quiet, his mouth was opening and closing, not able to respond. you pursed your lips and nodded, “okay, well i hope it was worth it. putting both of your lives in danger for a little…taste.” walking off before more could be said from either of you.
you handed over the evidence to one of the cops saying that there was photos of lila and spencer in the pool, kissing. your stomach went nauseous at the word. you excused yourself from the actresses house to walk towards one of the black suvs and leaned your back against the hood.
crossed arms over your chest as your chin leaned to your collarbone, mouth twisting as your felt your eyes grow misty. a hiccuped cough escaped when you tried to suppress an impending whimper.
“you okay?” a male voice startled you. you jumped and saw hotch standing straight as his resting face stared at you.
you lightly rubbed at your left cheek and messed with your hair, “yeah. yeah i’m fine. just- just need some air for a minute.” fixing your clothing and stepping away from the car, “did- did the photographer mention anything?” trying to change the subject.
hotch watched you for moment then replied, “nothing yet. says he doesn’t want to give up his inside source.” a tilt of his head, “spencer’s asking for you.” his usual neutral tone with a hint of concern.
you licked your lips and looked off to the side, “not- not to be unprofessional, but i’m kinda upset with him right now.” sweeping a foot over the gravel of ms. archer’s driveway.
hotch hummed, “would this happen to pertain to some photos?” you didn’t responded, just looked up to see hotch stuff his hands into his suit pants pockets, he gave slight raise of his brows.
“…he could’ve gotten hurt. she could’ve gotten hurt. he’s lucky it was just the photographer and not some lunatic with a gun. i- i don’t want him hurt.” waving your hands around then slapping your palms to your outer thighs. one half of the truth.
hotch nodded, “he knows what he did was wrong and unprofessional, especially in this dire situation. but i think the two of you need to properly talk this out, we can’t have this affecting your work.” and then he returned to the house leaving you alone to think.
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midnight-raven · 1 year
The Big Four AU: A Friendship Told Four Ways
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Or basically Four Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons AU where they all exist in each other's universe.
How to Train Your Dragon AU: Hiccup entrusts his secret of Toothless with the only people on Berk he trusts; his friends: Rapunzel, daughter of the village healer. Merida, a training shieldmaiden and the only teen that doesn’t pick on Hiccup. And Jack Frost, a young shepherd boy that guards the flock, or what’s left of it.
Tangled AU: Determined to see the lanterns for her 18th birthday, Rapunzel makes a deal with a trio of thieves: Hiccup the Blacksmith, Merida the Archer, and Jack Frost, the Trickster.
Brave AU: When the four clans joined together, an unlikely friendship was forged between the children of the clans; Princess Merida of Clan DunBroch. Prince Hiccup of Clan Dingwall. Princess Rapunzel of Clan Macintosh. Prince Jackson of Clan MacGuffin.
Rise of the Guardians AU: For 300 years, Jack Frost was unseen by the mortal world, his only friends were other young seasonal spirits like him; Hiccup the Autumn Spirit, Rapunzel the Spring Spirit, & Merida the Summer Spirit.
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toris-fan-nest · 1 year
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@mdoodlerfandomart you gave me an idea from your comment about the chains being mermaid magic proof.
The particular archer Viggo is tied to is partly made from stone that weakens mermaid magic, Hiccup is without his tail prosthetic and can’t swim as strongly without it. In any other case he would use magic to lift the archer completely but now he has to use what little magic he CAN use and all is tail strength to save Veggo from a watery grave.
(Hiccups eyes are glowing but only at one fourth the power. They would the same way Toothless’ plasma would glow, if his magic wasn’t stunted)
Hope y’all like it! ^^
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names-for-alters · 4 months
Hello one and all, alters and headmates! I am Charlie! I like to make lists! I also hoard names! Are you looking for a name? GREAT! You can send an ask and request a specific aesthetic or origin of name, or you can look at my list!
With that said…
…Cracks knuckles…
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Findo Tach Tails Flicker Tracer Kat Iris Blu Brick Arlo Sammy Artie Finn Stein Aleksandr Vora Olive Luna Nyx Cyrus Qrow Orian Cello Onyx Skye Grim Opal Dawn Azure Fish Bones Poppy Bronze Eggs Sparky Specs Snickers Trout Navi Bingo Chili Bandit Stripe Busker Socks Brandy Frisky Winston Lucky Chucky Bently Judo Rusty Max Honey Indie Calypso Striker Merle Moxxie Vex Ant Bugger Bee Spider Tails Hook Indigo Amber Coco Coral Scarlet Ivory Jade Ruby Emerald Chuck Loden Copper Hamelin Neo Shepard Cinnamon Visor Macalister Soul Hack Hiccup Flynn Rider Astrid Jay Raven Robyn Bolt Dagger Viper Tracer Cornwall Flock Sapphire Crystal Ghost Mochi Trick Catra Rose Raven Flip Chani Racket Red Crimson Dragon Runt Scotch Tellie Gator Croc Crow Goat Duck Creeper Kuma Jet Jeep Draco Poppy Sombra Raine Squish Spike Blaze Ender Drake Sandy MK PJ DJ CJ MJ King Creak Shadow Clay Dusty Miles Dart Willow Antonius Husk Moth Cypher Jin Yin Yang Daisy Gray / Grey Alistair Halo Angel Cake Fennec Fox Null Lull Bastion Lucky Sun Star Cosmo Tweety Vox Nerys Sonic Bark Birch Oak Cherry Blossom Peaches Velvet Shell Coffee Valley Fang Moot Redpath Pudding X V Jr Ether Fig Trunk Joy Frogger Snowflake Snowball Snow Jumper Racket Flare Vendetta Loonie Coin Six Eleven Tropica Stelina Mojave Ink Sud Fender Zero Pollen Wysteria Page Ozias Rex Tortch Buck Nickel Stripe Lynch Tramp Wolf Pup Tank Jhariah Kharma Zenith Sparrow Prism Lemon Mune Lamb Pyke Diamond Parker Graves Fizz Nugget Melody Tink Blight Fangless Ambress Vulture Eclipse Luka Bangle Constance Constantine Sommar Babble Clank Bobble Chipper Aidan Slate Tin Twire Zephyr Silver Misty Faunus Atlas Birdie Brook Cedar Chip Coal Daisy Ember Faye Fate Fern Flint Harmony Helios Ivy Junx Kit Lyria Phoebe Piper Lady Beacon Elos Rumble Ida Cross Zed Scootie Smidge Clauger Happy Sonny Hath Soldier River Song Clawtor Videl Legen Onen Chunk Reid Pop Cobra Cash Clover Saris Volante Donna Belladonna Gale Chopper Morphias Vidia Loft Kape Levi Licker Howl Dustin Newt Creek Breezy Polaris Blight Archer Sirius Warren Dream Goon Cookie Ranger Amity Jericho Viggo Besko Asra Alice Olaf Mossfeld Issic Missy Rascal Creasy Nonya Hex Pita Miguel Manuel Rayburn Daisy Dash Lucky Becky Steele Cylo Featherstone Kingston Netherfield Reacher Saltburn Quick Rubble Dust Brimstone Humble Ado Grover Norvanos Leshy Blade Cooper Calcium
Pierre Rosemary
Kikos Wathel
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phoenixlionme · 11 months
Fictional Characters that Exude Disabilityexcellence
Toph Beifong - Blind
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Teo (ATLA) - Paraplegic; wheelchair user
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Korra (TLOK) - PTSD
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Mirabel Madrigal (Encanto) - wears glasses; her being the giftless one among her family has been compared to that of a disabled child in an able-bodied family
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Bruno Madrigal (Encanto) - confirmed to have OCD
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George Bailey (It’s a Wonderful Life) - partial deafness
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Milo Thatch (Atlantis the Lost Empire) - wears glasses
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Izumi Curtis (FMAB) - chronic illness; missing limbs
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Edward Elric (FMAB) - for most of the series, he was a double amputee (missing an arm and a leg) by the end of the series, he regained his arm but not his leg. As such, he started off as a double amputee but is now a single amputee
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Lan Fan (FMAB) - arm amputee with prosthetic
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Sterling Archer (Archer) - breast cancer (remission); tinnitus; implied to be autistic
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Jack Russell (Bluey) - ADHD
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Barbara Gordon (DC Comics) - paraplegic; wheelchair user
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Victor Stone  (DC Comics) - multiple amputee
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Hiccup Haddock and Toothless (HTTYD franchise) - both are amputees (Hiccup his foot; Toothless his tail) and both use prosthetics
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Chimi the Skull Warrior (Maya and the Three) - albino
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Rico the Rooster Wizard (Maya and the Three - stutter
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Ororo Munroe (Marvel Comics) - claustrophobia
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Professor Charles Xavier (Marvel Comics) - paraplegic; wheelchair user
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Matt Murdock (Marvel Comics) - blind; uses mobility aid
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Adam Evans (DC Comics) - dyslexia
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Natsume (Deca-Dence) - arm amputee; uses prosthetic
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Kitty Softpaws (Shrek/Puss in Boots franchise) - declawed
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Daphne Paloma Vasquez  (Switched at Birth) - deaf
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Garrett (Quest for Camelot) - blind
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Sunny Nwazue (Akata Witch trilogy) - albino
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Charlotte Webber (Marvel Comics) - Ehlers-Danlos syndrome; uses mobility aids (wheelchair and crutches)
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Amaya (The Dragon Prince) - deaf
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Alinta aka Bolt (DC Comics) - double leg amputee; uses prosthetics
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Mia Dearden (DC Comics) - HIV positive
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Tony Stark (Marvel Comics) - heart condition; recovering alcoholic; PTSD, trauma
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Jessica Jones (Marvel Comics) - alcoholism, PTSD, depression
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Alicia Masters (Marvel Comics) - blind
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Irene Adler (Marvel Comics) - blind
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Tim Drake (DC Comics) - asplenia (missing spleen)
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Kate Kane (DC Comics) - PTSD, recovering alcoholic
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Cassandra Cain (DC Comics) - autistic spectrum, mute, dyslexic
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Roy Harper aka Red Arrow (DC Comics) - arm amputee, uses prosthetic; recovering drug addict
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Nick Fury (Marvel Comics) - partial blindness
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Clint Barton (Marvel Comics) - deaf; uses hearing aids
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Maya Lopez (Marvel Comics) - deaf
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toweroftickles · 5 months
Mini-Fic: Tulin Tickles
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I completely 100% blame @otomiyaa for this. 😂 Here I was working on normal things, and she went and reblogged an old Tulin post that got my brain working. So this is not great and was spit out very quickly. Lol
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The warm Hebra summer wind blew through Tulin’s crest as he nocked an arrow into his Swallow Bow. This was his last shot…he had to make it count. His tongue poked out of his black beak, and he squeezed one eye tight…the wooden bullseye, scarred by dozens of arrowheads, bobbed up and down on a Korok balloon, 200 yards ahead.
“Come on, Tulin, you’ve got it!” Zelda cheered him. Link tossed her a glance that playfully asked “Whose side are you on?”
“Heck yeah! I’m the best archer in Rito history!” declared the young avian, cocky as always. One last cheeky wink at the competition, and then he took off.
Wings flapped. Claws pulled at taught string. The arrow fired off like a rocket through a spiraling wind, and time seemed to stand still. The target was dancing quickly in the air. With a loud and vibrating THUNK, the arrow struck home…
…on the target’s outside edge. It pulled to the side just in the nick of time to avoid a bullseye.
“Ohhh, that was so close!” Zelda announced. “Sorry, Tulin, that’s 30 to 29…Link wins again!” She dove toward Link excitedly and pecked him on the cheek. Tulin’s face fell.
“Awww, maaaannnnn….” he grumbled and kicked the dirt, pouting. All he wanted was to be a great warrior, just like his dad…and Link. But no matter how hard he pushed himself, it never felt like enough. Teba always told him to “take it easy” or “you’re still a child” or “don’t try too hard” and other boring parent stuff…still, nothing excited him more than tearing holes in the sky with his bow. Why, just imagining all the upcoming practice he’d have to do…it quickly turned his frown into a determined grin.
“Well…I’ll get you next time, Link; you just wait!”
Link smiled and nodded at him, and even flashed a thumbs-up for good measure. Tulin returned the favor…he couldn’t possibly stay grumpy with his friends. But as he turned to retrieve his arrows, he didn’t look where he was going, and clumsily bumped right into the princess, who appeared in front of him as if from nowhere. She didn’t seem to mind, though…she was smiling down at him, her head framed by hanging streaks of golden hair, and she was giggling like a schoolgirl who knew a dirty secret. Tulin looked up into her eyes.
What’s she up to?
"Heehee! Remember the rules, Tulin…”
Oh no.
“…the loser has to pay a penalty.”
When Rito became nervous, their whole bodies prickled like fuzzy pinecones as their feathers stood on end. And at that precise moment, Tulin looked like a very fuzzy pinecone indeed. His eyes were the size of dinner plates.
"W-wait...hold on! We don't have to..." The young Rito stumbled backward away from the princess, stammering, seemingly having forgotten that he could fly. She was slowly walking toward him, hands tucked behind her back, her sunny smile hiding evil intent.
"I'll train EXTRA hard for next time, and...a-and...yike!"
Before he could flutter his wings away, Zelda grabbed Tulin by the shoulders and pushed him down into the high grass. He tried to squirm out of her grip, but his leader plunged her fingertips through his feathery coat and wiggled them up and down, pinching like crab claws under his arms and all over his belly.
Oh no.
"Uhuh-HAA!! *hic* Ah HA-HA Ha-Ha Ha-Ha!! *gasp* Aw...vnnn...ffffHA-Ha Ha!! Huh-Heh HA!!" Tulin's chipper voice kept cracking, his hysterical boyish laughter peppered with shrieks and hiccups as he struggled wildly. He was flapping around like a...well...a Cucco with its head cut off.
"Heh! Your giggle is contagious, Hn-Hn Hn!" Zelda cooed sweetly, lost in her own joyful snickers. She was loving every second of this. “Heehee! Awww, Link; he's sooo ticklish...”
"Luh…Link, HA-HA HA! M-make her stahahop!!” Tulin’s cheeks were hot with embarrassment, and they hurt from smiling. He hated this…why wouldn’t Zelda stop treating him like a baby? Surely his closest friend, his big brother, the Hero of Hyrule, would rescue him. Surely…right?
No such luck. Link was laughing too. Instead of helping, he knelt down and rummaged through his travel pack, ever the sovereign’s obedient knight…the gears in his head were visibly turning. Out of his supplies he pulled a strange, squirmy object and tossed it near the tussling knot formed by his two friends.
It was a green Lizalfos tail.
The severed appendage, unaware its owner had died, suddenly snapped like a whip and coiled itself around Tulin’s right ankle. It felt cold and craggy and squeezed too tight. Was it trying to snare prey for a non-existent mouth? Tulin couldn’t say…
…he was too busy cracking up. The tip of the tail was flicking back and forth and tickling his foot. He was laughing so hard he’d almost gone silent. Tears stung his eyelashes.
"Hhhhuh, Ha-Ha Ha-Ha Ha! *gasp* Heheh...NGHa-Ha Ha-Ha HAA Haha-Ha!! H…Hehehelp! Uncle!!!"
But then, out of nowhere and quite instinctively, Tulin was startled to remember something: his Vow.
A huge, cold gust of wind blasted from his flapping wings. The Lizalfos tail ripped from his leg and careened far into a field beyond, and the princess of Hyrule was thrown into the air with the force of a Hinox arm.
She cried out in surprise. Link immediately hopped up to catch her, and although his arms were at the correct height, he misjudged the distance. Zelda’s butt crashed right into his chest cavity, and the wind was knocked completely out of him. He choked, eyes bulging, unable to breathe, and the two crumpled into a heap on the knoll.
Spurred by a mix of shock, guilt, humiliation, and a sore stomach, Tulin sat up in the grass and stared, jaw hung open.
He wanted to be mad. He wanted to huff and pout and not talk to either of them for a day or two.
But looking at Link and Zelda sprawled on top of each other like that, all Tulin could do was laugh.
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mushroomciper123 · 7 months
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Big four spiderpeople moodboards
Rapunzel - Spider-Sun
Hiccup - Dragon-spider
Jack - Frost-spider
Merida - Spider-archer
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ninjakitten1699 · 8 months
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I can’t believe that I made this Anacondrai lady and just left her in the dust for a bit goddamn
Anyways, Here’s Belladonna. Tall Anacondrai lady, mother to Vasuki, wife to Slithraa, and famous archer to the Anacondrai tribe. She was also known for her ways of wanting to make peace. I guess you can compare her to Valka in HTTYD 2. (That’d make Slithraa, Stoick and Vasuki Hiccup which is going to be kinda ironic with Katherina being a child of the Azure Dragon Samurai.)
No I totally am not posting her now because her bow is described in chapter two of my Ninjago fanfic
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royaltea000 · 1 year
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Hey guys I’m thumbnailing for archer hiccup which one do you like best -w-
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evilwriter37 · 10 months
Viggo and Hiccup telepathy
So for this fic, Hiccup and Viggo wake up one morning able to hear each other's thoughts. It comes uncontrollably. They hear things they probably shouldn't, reveal things they probably shouldn't, because they don't know how to control it. They also get flashes of sight of what the other is currently doing.
They both think they can use this against each other to win the war, but then realize that, well, not all of their thoughts about each other are bad. Hiccup is attracted to Viggo, and Viggo is more than a little infatuated with Hiccup.
I'm not sure how I'll end this one, but it's a very intriguing idea.
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futurealchemy · 17 days
what i PERSONALLY think (modern au) hiccup’s taylor swift album ranking would be
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1. folklore (fav song: this is me trying)
he’d only casually listened to a few taylor songs before, but wasn’t a swiftie by any means until fishlegs (aka the biggest swiftie on earth) got him to listen to folklore when it came out, because he thought he would like it. and he DID. the album holds a very special place in his heart for that. he also relates to quite a few songs on the album, and he likes the overall sound/genre.
2. evermore (fav song: tolerate it)
evermore obviously holds a special place in his heart because it was the first time he experienced an album drop as a swiftie. it is also pretty close to folklore in terms of lyricism and sound, so it’s not unexpected he ended up loving it.
3. speak now (fav song: mean)
he finds it really, really cool that it’s 100% just written by taylor with no help from other people. i also think he had a fall out boy phase at some point, so the collab would make him really happy.
4. ttpd (fav song: the prophecy)
he’s not the biggest fan of the synths, but the lyrics make up for it. there’s a BUNCH of songs he relates to, too. he definitely thinks the anthology is way better than the main album.
5. midnights (fav song: dear reader)
still not a fan of the synths, but he loves some of the songs — esp the 3 am tracks — so much either way.
6. lover (fav song: the archer)
he has a love-hate relationship with this album. he doesn’t love the sound, it’s just not his style, but he loves some of the songs. he was deeply upset when taylor removed the archer from the eras tour setlist.
7. red (fav song: forever winter)
he isn’t the biggest fan of the more pop-sounding songs (like girl at home). he has cried to forever winter too many times to rank it any lower though.
8. debut (fav song: a place in this world)
he can relate to a BUNCH of the lyrics, being a loser, but he isn’t the biggest fan of the fake accent.
9. fearless (fav song: you belong with me)
ybwm was probably the first taylor song he ever liked, because — again — he’s a fucking LOSER. but he’s pretty neutral to the album otherwise.
10. reputation (fav song: delicate)
astrid hates him for this. his excuse is he’s “just not cool enough to relate to it”. he isn’t exactly into the sound either, new year’s day being the only exception, but he likes a bunch of the lyrics.
11. 1989 (fav song: you are in love)
he’s just not a pop boy. he also doesn’t exactly care for new york. he does like the blank space music video though, like the bisexual mess he is.
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i also made a silly playlist for some songs (not just taylor) i think hiccup would like, which is linked here.
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Here’s our line up guys. 👍
Here is the list right now, there is a lot so they’ll be seperated into 8 groups and then we will go through all of those 8 groups to get to the end.
group 1:
Rom vs Puss in boots 
Alex (stardew) vs Jim Kirk
Roulx Kaard vs Jin Zixuan
Caleb wittebane vs 2bdamned
David Kostyk vs Mirabel’s dad
Kanji tatsumi vs Papyrus
Bob vs weyoun
Donkey vs Duster
Gren vs Janus the silverdeath
Lloyd vs Hannibal lector
Todoroki vs Gajeel redfox
David (lilo) vs link (botw)
Sugawara vs Pixel-Mess
M!Robin vs Stanley pines
Ben Chang vs Quirrel
Saul Goodman vs Will graham
Group 2: 
Kiryu vs Hero
The medic vs Ron
Percy Jackson vs professor Layton 
Neelix vs Iggy frome
King Harrow vs Lucas (Runs factory five)
Yu Narakami vs Elliot (stardew)
Jakob vs Aoi kurashiki 
Sokka vs Moxie
Nightwing vs tatsu
Archer (emiya) vs Master splinter (2018)
Barius vs Forrest
Ryuuji vs Jay walker 
Sanji vs Garmadon
Quark vs Kaito
Fox mulder vs tenma tsukasa
Leon (Pokémon) vs Delbert Doppler
group 3:
Berdly vs Marten Reed
Kai (ninjago) vs James 
Usui vs Gobber
Charlie vs Steve Harrington
Alec lightwood vs kronk
Paper vs Dr octopus
Discord vs Dedue
Arven vs Harvey Dent
Hunter vs Christopher Pike
Narciso vs Kermit
Cletus Jones vs Gomez Addams
Tom vs The king
Klavier Gavin vs Greg Universe
Kamado Tanjiro vs Brock (unikitty)
Ashe vs Louis Moriarty
Sisko vs dale lee
Group 4: 
Trip vs Brady
Franky (one piece) vs Tom Wambsgans
Shinra vs Jaskier
Your father vs Banquo
Silver the hedgehog vs Troy Barnes
Archer vs Space Boyfriend
Donald Duck vs Mr clean
Ren vs Nandor the relentless
Cove Holden vs Magnus Burnside
Bail organa vs Hiccup
Riker vs Corpus
yoo joonghyuck vs Kazuki
Fan vs kunikida doppo
Lazlo cravensworth vs loid forger
Peter b Parker vs Ken
Ryunosuke Naruhodo vs venti
group 5:
Prince Fluff vs Sarek
Nagito vs Zagreus
Macbeth vs Lucas (mother 3)
Stede vs Anakin skywalker
Tack vs Felix Madrigal
Jason mendoza vs N (murder drones)
Ren (oxenfree) vs Soren
Saru vs Kaveh
Castiel vs Yarne
Ivor vs King furgus
Kuboyasu Aren vs James Wilson
Yeza Brenatto vs Kristoff
Makoto Naegi vs Stoick
Tomohisa Kaname vs hunk
Peeta vs Jadzia
Kim Gonja vs Henry clerval
Group 6: 
Ron delite vs wang pangzi
Sam (Sam and max) vs Emmett
Kazuha vs serizawa katsuya
Jayce talis vs Asmodeus (iruma-kun)
Kai satou vs Professor Saguaro
Steve cob vs Minato Namikaze 
Dean Winchester vs Chakotay
Eugene Fitzherbert vs Chat noir
Spitelout vs Spock
Matt hooper vs Childe 
Siegblut vs Worf 
Edric Blight vs Yanki
Control (from southern reach) vs Tuco Salamanca
Seteth vs Louis de pointe du lac
Maes hughes vs Kazuma Asogi
Dr Watson vs Thoma
Group 7: 
Tennisball vs Barry bluejeans 
Luigi vs Hatsuharu
Snotlout vs howl
Jay (ghosts) vs dj Octavio
Gregory house vs Elliot Spencer
The mad hatter vs Joe tazuna
Basil hallward vs Harvey (Stardew)
Ethan winters vs olruggio
Albedo vs pleakly 
The heavy vs Jake English
Bruce Wayne vs Shen wei 
Naven NukNuk vs Dante (mystreet)
Phillip vs bow
Anji Mito vs Fishlegs
Stanford vs Speedwagon
Bariel vs Jesse Pinkman
Group 8: 
Ralsei vs Goofy
Sam (stardew) vs Seymour (little shop of horrors)
Ethari vs Cecil
Fix it Felix vs Kaoru hakaze
Ignus scientia vs Lukas
Majima vs Hercules
Magolor vs Calcelmo
Fred vs Randy Hapukurk
Kurogiri vs The riddler
Declan lynch vs Philza
Jaune vs Sergeant Schultz
Reiji Sakamaki vs Q
Luo Binghe vs King of hearts
Thatcher Davis vs Jonathan buyers
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midnight-raven · 1 year
Spider-Mirabel: Across the Spider Verse
One year after becoming the Spider-Gal, and teaching Antonio about his powers, Mirabel Madrigal is launched across the multiverse on a grand adventure of a lifetime.
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On her journey, Mirabel meets dozens of alternate versions of Spider heroes, even members of her family.
The Webslinger/Camilo Madrigal
An alternate version of Mirabel's theater-loving cousin who was bitten by a radioactive spider.
Spider-Lady/Isabela Madrigal
An alternate version of Mirabel's older sister, who holds the mantle of a Spider-Madrigal.
Spider-Woman/Luisa Madrigal
The multiversal doppelgänger of Mirabel's other sister; The Invincible Spider-Woman.
Scarlet Spider/Dolores Madrigal
A Spider-Madrigal who had the ability to sense and hear danger from over a mile away.
… along with several more (sorry, bad at coming up with super names)
Spider-Man/Hiro Hamada
A new young spider vigilante from San Fransokyo. A robotics student that picked up the mantle of Spider-Man after his older brother's death.
The NightCrawler/Hiccup Haddock
A college student skilled in engineering, who is best friends with the spider that bit him. With the help of his special ‘friend’ Hiccup watches over the people of Berk from the shadows.
Spider-Woman/Rapunzel Corona
A talented young artist with long, indestructible hair. While using her hair to protect people, Rapunzel also tried to uncover the origin of her magic hair.
The Arachnid Archer/Merida DunBroch
A trained athlete that is known as the greatest archer in the city of DunBroch. With her bow and arrow, Merida dedicated herself to protecting her city, and her family.
Frost Spider/Jack Frost
A young hockey player with a past that he cannot remember. His heroics caused Jack to be offered a role in a team of heroes called ‘The Guardians.’
Ghost-Spider & Lady Web/Elsa and Anna Arendelle
The Spider Sisters, both bitten by the same spider and both determined to protect their city and each other, while uncovering the mystery behind their parents' deaths.
Spider-Man/Tadashi Hamada
An alternate version of Hiro's older brother from another dimension, where the brothers' roles are switched.
La Telaraña/Miguel Rivera
A young musician who discovers the spider that gave him powers could be linked to a deep family mystery. The disappearance of Héctor Rivera, and his connection to genetic scientist Ernesto De La Cruz.
Spider-Man/Varian Rudiger
A young alchemist from an alternate reality of Rapunzel's dimension, teamed up with other talented super teens; Hugo, Nuru, and Yong.
Spider Byte/Coraline Jones
A curious young girl that was bitten by a strange spider hidden in the walls of her new house, and is being hunted by the original creator of that spider.
Water-Spider/Moana Waialiki
A skilled young surfer with the powers of a spider, who protects her home with the help of her super strong brother, Maui.
The Arach-Kid/Walter Beckett
A young mutant that is part of a secret agency, and partners with the top spy, Lance Sterling. With his powers, Walter is determined to make a difference in the world.
Water Dragon/Raya
A trained fighter whose genetics were altered by a spider. Raya uses her powers to make her city the home her father always envisioned.
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