#archivist Anakin Skywalker
mrfandomwars · 2 years
The difference between archivist Anakin and normal Anakin is that if a loved one was threatened and was going to be killed if Anakin didn't fall, normal Anakin would fall while Archivist Anakin wouldn't because he knows how to let go and that he would the person either way, at least by not giving into the Darkside he would honour their name and wishes
They would still kill a bunch of people though, but Archivist Anakin wouldn't kill children and would only kill if there was no other option and was pushed to a breaking point
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archivyrep · 2 years
"If an item does not appear in our records, it does not exist": Star Wars and archives in popular culture [Part 5]
Continued from part 4
This whole movie, for me, brings up a few questions. First of all, as I said on Twitter, "why are Jedi allowed to delete records from the archives? After all, if the archivist Obi-Wan met is a lone arranger, then why would this be allowed? Also, don't they have records on whom last accessed the archival star charts?" Furthermore, I wonder if they even have backups of the deleted records and if so, couldn't Madame Nu have looked there. I also still believe, as I noted on Twitter, that this "Hollywoodified archival experience...started out good, but ended badly, painting archives as a bit incompetent" but some of you may see it differently, perhaps.
Reprinted from my Wading Through the Archival Stacks WordPress blog. Originally posted on Aug. 8, 2020.
I'm not that surprised by this, however, as this was a movie where a quarter to half was taken up with the romance between Anakin-the-creeper and Padme, the Senator and leader of the opposition, so this movie isn't really something to write home about. Films like this do not have particularly good internal logic and often fall apart when you really examine them, with this film falling into this category. You could also point out the racism in characters like Jar Jar Binks (like Stepin' Fetchit) and Nute Gunray (negative characterization of Asian people perhaps), along with a number of others, making it clear this movie undoubtedly has problems, to say the least! I understand why more hardcore Star Wars fans would hate this movie with a passion.
There's also something else I'd like to say about Madame Nu, which Wookiepedia calls either "chief librarian" or "master archivist," with the entry saying that she had absolute confidence in her collections, implying it was perhaps too much, and seeming to say she continued her archival practices after the Jedi Purge (beginning with Order 66 in Star Wars Episode III). Apparently, in issue 75 of the Star Wars Insider (likely within "Appearing Knightley (and the Women of Star Wars)" article), it says that "a lot of Nu's backstory and scenes from Attack of the Clones were cut before filming and during editing, including the revelation that Nu and Count Dooku used to be in love during Dooku's days in the Jedi Order," as noted on her Wookiepedia entry. [1] Now, this creates an ulterior motive for her, perhaps, for saying that the archives are complete and that the record was deleted. Is she part of a cover-up of the record in that her previous love with Dooku clouded her judgment and/or that he took advantage of her, allowing him to delete the record? Lots of questions are raised from this fact.
© 2022 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
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fanfic-obsessed · 8 months
Back with the questions!
So Actually Traitors has Dooku getting taken with the Jedi when they leave. What's he doing there? Making trouble, furthering Palps' plan, gradually talking more with the clones and oh no he's attached??
Also. Fox. Is apparently allergic to particular Force acts? It's less that I think this is ridiculous (though it is very funny) and more that I'm wondering what the hell they did? And whether anyone thinks it's weird that they're writing papers on this or if the Archivists/researchers are just like "YES fun none war things to research!"
At first Dooku was supposed to play nice, to gain the confidence of the Jedi, banking on Yoda's love for his lineage. Then his job was to be three fold: 1. to provide Palpatine with information on the Jedi and their movement, so they can plan accordingly, 2. to encourage the idea that the Jedi need to act as the aggressor toward the republic, and 3. to plant the seeds to fracture the Order if necessary.
It never really gets off the ground, primarily because of Obi Wan. Though no one in the Jedi Order ever found out that Dooku was a Sith in this, Obi Wan did make a point of telling Jocasta Nu exactly who vandalized her Archive (in part out of pettiness to head of the Seperatists, in part to direct her attention away from Cody-who had just accidentally broken a data chip with a slightly rare treatise dating from the Old Republic). As a result Madame Nu effectively grounded Dooku- She has restricted his ability to send communications, he is NOT allowed to interact with any Jedi below the level of Knight OR any of the clone cadets or Shinies, and she or a designated guardian would be escorting him everywhere until 'he was mature enough to not destroy other people's knowledge'. No one is really sure that Madame Nu has the authority to ground Dooku (Who is at least nominally still a planetary leader and, strictly speaking, is being held against his will after being abducted by the Jedi Order).
By the time he is no longer grounded he has gotten attached, specifically to Alpha-17. Alpha-17 was one of his more frequent escorts, and the two shared similar opinions on the Senate (In that the application of some generous assassinations' would greatly enhance the atmosphere), Anakin Skywalker (far too too reckless, far too arrogant, and in desperate need to therapy-Dooku never seems to realize the irony of this belief), and a taste for very expensive alcohol. It is Alpha-17 that draws Dooku back to the light.
Dooku eventually goes before the Jedi Council to confess to being a former Sith, to find that no one is surprised. It took precisely two weeks in frequent contact with Dooku for each of the Council to realize he had fallen, but it was decided to see where things would go, and that Dooku's communications would have been monitored (and still would be monitored).
For Fox; he, Ventress, Vos they were experimenting with the use of Jedi mind tricks when compared to Sith mind control in sex. It is all Safe, Sane, and Consenual and heavily discussed beforehand. However it turns out that having both a Mind Trick (Actually three separate mind tricks geared toward increasing Fox's sensitivity and attraction) and Mind Control active at once caused hives for Fox. The baffled healers and medics, who had never hard of that reaction before, also found out that something in Fox's genetic code caused Antihistamine to get him really high.
Th Archivist are ecstatic with the experiments, especially since the Kenobi/Cody Polycule insist on the scientific method. It is the only reason that Madame Nu forgave Cody.
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moxiebustion · 22 days
Anakin Skywalker was a great Jedi.
He was not a good Jedi. Not even remotely.
Same thing you say? No, not really.
It's a bit like the difference between being rich and being wealthy. They sound like they're the same thing, involving the same quantifier (money) but they're not.
Rich is when you have enough. Your job pays well, you own a nice house, a couple of cars, you and your family can save a nest egg and go on some nice holidays and stuff. Your kids have their college tuition paid, you can afford to support an elderly or disabled family member relatively well. Life is good.
But you still have to work. Your partner still has to work. Your kids, while they will be very well educated and have all the advantages, will still need to get a job to survive on their own. You make your money by the sweat of your labours - maybe more than you need, but it's still down to the work of your hands.
Wealthy? Wealthy is where you own such an enormous portfolio of properties, have such a collection of heirloom artefacts, have so many bloated trust funds that you could spend every single one of your living days do nothing and you'd still have enough money to live on and then some. So would your children. And your grandchildren.
The surgeon making six figures a year is rich. They guy that has the entire wing of the hospital the surgeon works in named after him is wealthy.
Which brings us back to Great Jedi versus Good Jedi. They sound the same, with the same quantifier (Jedi), but they're not.
Anakin Skywalker was a Great Jedi in the sense that his deeds would get written about in history books. Helped win a planet's freedom at nine. Mastered a saber at nineteen, in half the time any of his peers took. Apprenticed to the Order's premier negotiator. Was knighted after one-on-one combat with a Sith. Pilot, Warrior, Hero Without Fear - he talked the talk, he walked the walk. He was everything people thought a Jedi should be and was therefore a Great Jedi in the eyes on minds of the galaxy.
He was a complete failure at being a Good Jedi.
The smallest, weakest and most fumble fingered member of the creche was a better Good Jedi than he could even dream of being. The Archivist who had never passed a single saber test ever given to her was a better Good Jedi than him and all his prowess. The elderly old farmer who had spent their entire lives up to their neck in dirt and hadn't been involved in a single galactically vital peace treaty was a better Good Jedi than Anakin Skywalker could even begin to comprehend.
They all wanted it.
They wanted it.
They wanted to be Jedi.
That's not to say they never wanted other things; marriage, or children, or life outside of service. People want things. Even Jedi want things.
But they never wanted anything in the galaxy more than they wanted to be a Jedi. Being a Jedi was the one thing they were willing to give up everything else for. They understood that it was a big commitment, that it would ask a lot of them, and they looked at that choice with their eyes wide open, fully trained and educated onto what it would entail and said yes, this is what I want to be.
(And that's not unhealthy! That's not "repression". Is a priest or a nun repressed? Is an asexual or aromantic repressed? Is anyone who ever got a dream job that took them away from home, kin and country repressed, wrongheaded, brainwashed? Or have they looked at their options, have they been fully informed and educated on what the life they choose will mean for them and everyone around them and decided yes, this lifestyle, which is not like everyone else's, which may even separate me irrevocable from the mainstream, suits me. I don't need or want the rest of it as much as this. This is what I want).
Anakin Skywalker wanted to be a Jedi.
But he didn't want to be a Jedi more than he wanted anything else.
He could swing a lightsaber, he could quote esoteric tenets and philosophies, he could pilot a ship, he could perform a variety of Force techniques, he could more than hold his own in a fight.
None of these make a person a Good Jedi.
You have to want it. You have to want to be a Jedi, above all other things. The talent might make you Great but it's the wanting, the choice, that makes you Good. You have to look at it, all of it, clear eyed, and decide you want it.
And he... didn't.
He just lied and said he did. At first to himself.
And then, knowingly and willfully, to everyone else.
Until he wasn't even a Great Jedi anymore. He wasn't a Jedi at all.
And he still didn't get anything else he wanted either.
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kiwikipedia · 2 years
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The thing about the Jedi Temple Guard is people tend to forget that their oath states that they must protect and defend the Order, by any means, no matter the cost. Perhaps next time, Anakin might think twice about marching on the Temple with the intent to kill while over a hundred Jedi with no qualms about killing in order to protect the Order are stationed there— even if it means bringing him or the clones to death with their own hands and their identities known. Even if that means, for Ashe, killing the Clones that he once saw as friends.
(AU notes and Taglist below, ID in rb)
As per usual, I’ve wanted to do another AU with the Jedi Temple Guard. I don’t have it all mapped out but the general premise is that the Jedi Temple Guard are just a defensive and protection unit during a time of peace, they are uniform, and considered a single body lead by the Head of the Guard (Be it the Head Guard (different) assuming the position at the time or the Head of Security who has been granted that position).
They don ivory and gold as a sign of peace within the Temple, and are without a face. However, the moment danger comes to the Temple, when an enemy army is at their doorstep? They change. This moment is the only time when their faces and identities are known individually without breaking their oath, because is it not honorable for your enemy to know who it is they will die to?
Nonetheless, this face of the Jedi Temple Guard is that of a necessary monster— because the Jedi do kill wantonly, but protect, and yet, when it comes down to it, who is it that protect the Jedi Order? The Temple Guard will kill in order to defend, and perhaps they are monsters because of it.
But these are things that Anakin Skywalker did not know, things that Palaptine did not know. Because when Cin Drallig felt the snap in the Force signifying that four Masters had been killed, so did the rest of the Guard. And thus they acted accordingly. Palpatine expected for the Jedi to be taken off guard, as did Anakin as he lead the 501st to the Temple.
He did not expect to see the Jedi Temple Guard without their masks of white and gold waiting for him at every turn, he did not expect the wild and vicious side of the Jedi, who used their lightsabers as much as they used mundane weapons and their own fists, unflinching and not hesitating at all when facing down the Clones that the Jedi trusted so much.
@jedifisto @spaceydragons @purgetrooperfox @spacerocksarethebestrocks @insanelytomato @maulpunk @certified-anakinfucker @d3epfriedangels @iamthespacegeneral @thecodyagenda @dilf-archivist @txtalnyx @jawajawas
Taglist Form or feel free to ask me to get tagged (just DM!)
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tomicaleto · 7 months
Sunday/Fic snip!
Thank you for tagging me @tideswept! I'm finally starting with several fandom things I should have started months ago so here we are!
This is for a prompt I was sent and I'm working on, hopefully I'll have it done this week!
“Young Skywalker,” Anakin looked up, to find Madam Nu leaning over him where he was studying a holopad. “The Council has requested your presence.”  Anakin’s brows shoot up on his forehead. He was never called by the Council, instead being visited by them when they needed specific information and Madam Nu wasn’t available to answer.  With a quick acknowledgement towards Jocasta, he stood up and left the Archives, holopad forgotten on the desk behind him. As he moved through the rows and rows of holocrons, holopads and different articles including some actual paperbound books, padawans and initiates hid behind shelves and desks, thinking they were being subtle.  Anakin pretended to ignore them, used to the reactions, accustomed to them ever since he was a padawan. Long gone were the days he was saddened or angered at other people’s attitudes towards him. He was no longer a padawan, he was well advanced into becoming a master archivist, his only obstacle being his lack of field experience.
No pressure tags! @secretsolarsystem, @rexismycopilot, @kingdomvel
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beatrice-otter · 1 year
Fic: Revenge of the Zillo Beast
Title: Revenge of the Zillo Beast Fandom: Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Characters: Mace Windu & Anakin Skywalker Written For: ExtraPenguin in FicInABox 2022 Length: Gen Rating: 4140 words Summary: Mace and Anakin have killed the Zillo Beast every way they can think of in different time loops. Maybe killing the Beast won't solve the problem? At AO3. On Dreamwidth. On Pillowfort.
Mace stared down at the Zillo Beast's corpse, wishing for the thousandth time that the time loop started earlier. They'd never been able to capture the beast alive, and how quickly or slowly they killed it did not matter. Nor did it matter which direction they tried to lead the beast off. If the loop started earlier, they would have had a chance to alter the strategic decisions regarding the Beast, which might actually have made a difference.
Anakin Skywalker walked up beside him, looked at the beast, and shook his head. "Lunch?"
"We've already tried all our favorite restaurants," Mace said. "Do we want to repeat one, or ask the directory for a random restaurant in this district?"
Anakin shrugged. "Your choice. But next time, we're going to Dex's."
Mace nodded. Diner food wasn't his favorite, but he didn't dislike it; and while they had long ago exhausted the Besalisk's information on their problem, he was a hospitable being, and friend of Anakin's. "Let's be adventurous," Mace said. "It's not like either of us have much time to sample good restaurants ordinarily."
They ended up in a little hole-in-the-wall dumpling shop down at the very bottom of the 'respectable, but poor' levels, barely one level up from the undercity. Mace didn't think the health certificate for the kitchen was valid, but the food was excellent.
"You know, this is better Naboo-style kluski than Chancellor Palpatine's chef makes," Anakin said, chowing down enthusiastically.
"I believe it," Mace said, savoring his Haruuni fritter. "I'll have to remember this place, once the loop stops."
"If it ever does," Anakin said darkly.
That was depressingly likely. "Speaking of which, do you have any suggestions for the next loop? I think we've done everything possible we can do to or about the Zillo Beast."
Anakin shrugged. "The only thing I can think of is that whatever the loop is about, it's not the Beast. The Beast is a distraction."
"You're probably right," Mace said. "The question is, how do we figure out what the actual cause of the time loop is? We've already had Jocasta Nu and the Senate archivists working on that question for several different loops, and none of them came up with anything—not even any leads we might use for further research on subsequent loops." Indeed, several loops—ten, Mace thought, though they were beginning to blend together—had been devoted to killing the Beast as quickly as possible to leave more time to research with the archivists before everything reset.
Anakin hmmed agreement through a mouthful of food, and they ate in a companionable silence. The first dozen loops, they had had a lot more friction, Anakin's need for action driving him even when (as now) there was nothing left to be done but wait for the next loop. The younger Jedi hadn't exactly learned patience, but he had learned to pace himself, to relax at the end of the loop so that they might both be better ready for the intensity of the loop's beginning. "We've tried logic and research, and they haven't worked," Anakin said. "Maybe we need to look to the Force?"
"Spend a loop meditating, you mean?" Mace said. "Ignore the beast?"
"But the Chancellor would die!" Anakin protested.
"Not permanently," Mace pointed out. He leaned back, trying to find a comfortable position on the worn and patched vinyl bench cushion.
"Yeah, but it still feels … wrong," Anakin said. "How would you feel if I suggested letting one of your friends die in a loop?"
"I wouldn't like it," Mace said. "But it's temporary, and at this point I'm ready to try anything that isn't obviously Dark."
Anakin sighed. "Me, too."
They lapsed back into silence.
"I think we've pretty conclusively proved that there's not much point asking for help from people outside the loop," Mace said.
"If anybody does have knowledge we need, they can't get it to us before the loop resets," Anakin said.
Besides asking the archivists at both the Temple and the Senate, they'd also spent a couple of loops calling for anyone else stuck in the loop with them. First, Mace had used Temple channels to ask all Jedi to report any strange phenomena, and then Anakin had used his war hero status to get on the Holonet and ask all Republic citizens who might have information to contact them. There had been a lot of crank calls, but nothing of any actual use.
"So what do we do if the thing causing the loops isn't on Coruscant at all?" Anakin asked.
Mace shrugged. "Hope that we can figure it out, and that there's a Jedi within eight hours' travel time of it. I suppose it's possible that this is the result of some Sith magic that Dooku was trying, but … I doubt it. If that were the case, why would you and I be the ones who remember the loop? I can't imagine a Sith would want two Jedi to be in the loop with a chance of figuring things out and fixing them."
"Unless it's a plot to make us absolutely crazy by the time they end the loop," Anakin said grimly.
"In which case, it's even more important for us to take care of ourselves so that no matter when the loop ends, we're fit to act," Mace said. "But still, if that were the goal, why only two Jedi? Why not the whole Council?"
"Maybe it's just easier to get the two of us," Anakin said. "I'm the Chosen One and you see shatterpoints—we're both a bit unique in our connection to the Force."
"Lots of Jedi are a bit unique in their connection to the Force," Mace pointed out, "but I take your point."
"So, meditation," Anakin said. "It's not really my thing. Why don't we try you meditating on the loop, and me killing the Zillo Beast and saving the Chancellor?"
"I have a feeling that you're right, and that we're both in the loop because of something that we share," Mace said. "In which case, a joint meditation would be more useful."
"I don't like it," Anakin said. He scraped the spoon along the side of the bowl to get the last of the sauce and licked it. "But I can't say you're wrong. If we want to be able to meditate, we'll need to be somewhere people won't think to look for us when the Beast gets loose."
"We've had archivists look for unusual things before," Mace said thoughtfully, "but never while one or both of us was there to meditate on what they found. Perhaps we should meditate in a quiet room in the archives and have your droid sort through the newsfeeds looking for anything worth our attention."
"Sounds like a plan," Anakin said. He checked his chrono. "We've got another couple of hours before the loop resets. Do you want to meditate now, or wait?"
Mace shrugged. "All the shatterpoints disappear after the Beast dies, I don't think there's much point meditating now."
"Fair enough," Anakin said. "You got to choose dinner, so I should get to choose our evening's entertainment. There's swoop racing ten levels down from here, and two miles to the east."
Mace considered this as he dug out credits to cover their meal. Illegal swoop racing wasn't how he'd prefer to spend the evening, but it was a change. Really, he missed Depa and his other friends, and would give a great deal to be able to spend the evening relaxing with them, but he and Anakin had both learned early on that it was eerie to spend time with those who did not remember all they had been through and would forget again when the loop reset. "Fastest way to get that far down is to jump."
Anakin grinned. "I like the way you think."
When the loop reset, it took very little time to sneak through the Temple to the Archives, and Anakin and his droid met him in a back room. The hardest part was evading Master Nu; the Temple was empty enough, these days, that Mace barely had to try to avoid the notice of other Jedi along the way.
"What did you bring?" Anakin asked, gesturing to his bag.
"Pillows," Mace said, pulling out two overstuffed cushions from his couch. "I don't meditate well sitting in chairs, and I'd prefer not to spend the next several hours sitting on the bare floor."
"Good thinking," Anakin said, though he was young enough it probably didn't matter much to him one way or the other. He turned to his astromech and explained what they wanted it to do while Mace arranged a meditation space on the floor. He'd also brought candles and a variety of meditation aids, and some water bottles.
Once the droid was plugged into the terminal, Anakin joined Mace on the cushions and together they started a joint meditation. As with all meditation these days, the Force was not welcoming; there were shadows all around them filled with danger, and Mace didn't blame Anakin for not liking meditation; things had been growing steadily murkier and harder for years, and by the time the younger man had joined the Jedi a decade and a half ago, it had already been a far cry from the tranquil, welcoming embrace it had been in Mace's youth.
Mace tended to lose track of time during meditation, so he had no idea how long they had been at it when the Force burst out around them, shatterpoints detonating by the thousands. Mace came back to himself, lying on the floor, with an astromech bending over him and beeping in dismay. He blinked up at the ceiling, trying to gather his wits.
To the side of him Anakin was sitting hunched over, head in his hands, muttering softly in a language that sounded vaguely similar to Huttese.
"Force be with us, what was that?" Mace asked.
"I don't know," Anakin said. "But it was big, whatever it was."
"It's something new, that hasn't happened in any previous loop," Mace said, wincing at himself for stating the obvious.
"Have you noticed the Force?" Anakin asked. "It feels … weird. Good, but weird."
Mace reached out, and smiled. "It feels like it did when I was a child in the creche, before the darkness started closing in so tightly."
"Oh," Anakin said. He looked over, and noticed that Mace was on the floor. "Are you okay?"
"I am … better than I've been in a long time," Mace said, laughing at how bright and clear the Force was.
"O … kay," Anakin said dubiously, staring at him.
"But we must find out what happened," Mace said. "It is possible that whatever it was did not end the loop, in which case we must learn what it was so that we may repeat it when the loop ends."
"Chancellor Palpatine!" Anakin gasped. "If it did break the loop, and the beast kills him!"
Mace dug out his commlink and turned it on. There were, as he expected, many missed calls.
Anakin was quicker off the mark. "Master Obi-Wan, what is it?"
"Anakin, where the hell have you been? The Zillo Beast got loose and has been rampaging across Coruscant!" Obi-Wan said.
"Sorry, no time to explain, where are you?" Anakin said.
"The Senate plaza, but I'm afraid you're too late."
"What happened?" Mace said into Anakin's commlink.
"Master Windu? I'm not … actually quite sure," Obi-Wan said. "The Zillo Beast went directly for Chancellor Palpatine, and we could neither stop it nor lure it away nor get the Chancellor to safety. It—it ate him, and as it bit down, there was … something like an explosion."
Anakin sagged, and almost dropped the commlink. Mace gently took it from him, placing a hand on his shoulder for comfort.
"Everyone on the plaza was knocked down. The beast is … the beast is in several parts. And something has happened to the Force."
"We've noticed that," Mace said. "We'll be there as soon as we can. See if you can find the Chancellor's body."
"There's … the explosion seems to have been centered around the Zillo Beast's head," Obi-Wan said. "There may not be much left."
Anakin made a tortured sound, and Mace squeezed his shoulder. "Do what you can."
When Obi-Wan had signed off, Mace squeezed Anakin's shoulder again. "I'm sorry, Anakin."
"He—the loop might not be broken," Anakin said wetly. "It might be temporary. He might be back at the beginning of the next loop."
"Perhaps," Mace said. With each passing moment he was more sure that the loop had been broken, but he would not take Anakin's hope away from him until he had to. And he might be mistaken. Little though Mace had liked the Chancellor, the man had been a good friend and mentor to Anakin, and Mace honored that. "You don't have to come with me to see, if you don't want to. You could stay here, and rest."
"No," Anakin said. He looked up, and there were tears on his face. "I want to come. I want to see."
Anakin insisted on flying, which Mace was dubious about, but he had pulled himself together enough to function by the time they reached the hangar bay, and once they were in the air, he felt calmer in the Force.
"Nothing ever exploded before," Anakin said. "We've killed the Zillo Beast a hundred different ways, almost, and it always just died like any animal would. What caused the explosion?"
"Maybe the Chancellor had something on him that exploded," Mace said.
"He was a politician," Anakin said. "And not one like Padmé or Bail Organa—he never went into the field, and he always had guards. He wasn't trained in combat. He didn't wear weapons."
"If he were armed, and I doubt he was, it would have been a holdout blaster," Mace agreed. "Blasters don't explode like that unless you purposely bugger the cartridge. And even then, it wouldn't have been a big enough explosion to leave the Zillo in pieces."
"Did it eat something else, along the way?" Anakin wondered. "Something that it never did before?"
"Never in all the times we've fought it?" Mace said. "Possible, but unlikely. Besides, there's the fact that the explosion was in the Force itself, and left the Force around Coruscant clearer and brighter than it has been in longer than you've been alive. Could the Chancellor somehow have acquired a Sith artifact of some sort?"
"He would have told me, turned it over to the Jedi," Anakin said. "He knows—knew—how dangerous the Sith were."
"Not if he didn't know what it was," Mace said. "Or if his memory had been tampered with. He was a strong-willed man, but the Sith have ways of overriding that."
Anakin was quiet for a bit. "Dooku has always said that the Senate is under the sway of his Sith master," he said as they approached the Senate plaza. "Obi-Wan and I thought he was lying, but … if the Sith Master is on Coruscant, and if he had access to the Chancellor, that would explain a lot."
That was a frightening thought, but there was no time to discuss it further, for they were touching down.
"Anakin, I'm so sorry," Obi-Wan said as they climbed out of the speeder. They'd set down on the opposite side of the plaza from where the remains were, to avoid disturbing them. He embraced his former padawan.
Mace gave them a moment, studying the remains of the Beast from across the plaza. The explosion pattern did not match any of the common bombs or explosives he had become familiar with over the course of the war.
When Obi-Wan stepped up beside him, Mace pointed to the remains. "Does that remind you of the pattern left when a young Initiate has a tantrum and throws everything away from them with the Force?"
"Now that you mention it, yes," Obi-Wan said. "Could he have been an untrained Force-sensitive, reacting instinctively to fatal danger?" They began walking across the plaza toward it.
"But the Chancellor wasn't Force-sensitive," Anakin said. "I don't see how an artifact—even a Sith artifact—could have done that. Unless there was a Sith present? Did a Sith throw him into the maw of the beast, somehow?"
"I sensed no active Force-user besides myself," Obi-Wan said. "As far as we can tell, no explosives were used. But you may be right about the presence of a Sith or Sith artifact. Come see for yourself."
By the time they were within ten feet of the Beast, all three were grimacing. "I see what you mean," Anakin said. "That's foul. How could the Dark Side saturate this place so suddenly?"
"It's like all the darkness that has shrouded the galaxy's core for decades was concentrated into this one place," Mace said. He had a very bad feeling about the Chancellor. "We need to search his office, residence, and every other significant location we can find."
"To see if we can find evidence of the Sith Lord?" Anakin asked.
"Yes," Mace said.
Obi-Wan and Senator Amidala had remained at the plaza to deal with the Senate. Vice Chancellor Amedda would be sworn in as Interim Chancellor until the Senate could vote on a new Chancellor … and given the unexpectedness of the situation, the war, and everything else, it would be a contentious election.
But politics were not Mace's concern, right now. He and Anakin and the Coruscant Guard went to the Chancellor's office to search it.
"We've all been here many times before," Mace said as they strode through the corridors of the Senate building. "But don't let that make you complacent. The Sith are masters at remaining hidden. Anakin, you and I should evaluate every object with the Force; troopers, if you have any insights, please share them immediately."
"Yes, Sir," Commander Fox said briskly.
"There may not be anything here," Mace continued. "Any artifacts may be in his residence, or hidden elsewhere. Or, of course, my suspicions may be entirely wrong. But I intend to be very thorough, to be sure that we have found everything there is to be found."
"Right," Anakin said. "We don't want the Sith to slip through our fingers."
But, as it turned out, it was obvious they were not mistaken. When the doors of the office opened, Anakin turned green and clapped a hand to his mouth. Mace winced. The troopers didn't seem to react, but then, they were not Force-sensitive and their helmets covered their faces.
"How did we miss this?" Anakin said.
"I don't think it's actually that much worse than the rest of Coruscant was, before that explosion," Mace said. The intensity of it was already passing off, and it felt … almost normal and unremarkable. Familiar. It was the immediate contrast between it and the new clarity of the Force that had made it so noticeable.
"What did it do to him, to have this around him all the time?" Anakin wondered. "It can't have been good."
"If this Force-atmosphere you're talking about used to cover the whole planet, the Jedi would have been affected, too," Fox pointed out. "And everyone else on the planet."
"True," Anakin said. "And we weren't affected by it."
"Weren't we?" Mace said dryly. He shook his head. That could be pondered later. The door was flanked with large decorative vases in the heavy, dramatic, dark style Palpatine had always favored. He turned to one, placed a hand on it, and closed his eyes, reaching out with the Force.
cold dark
no? he was
he was he was. He was. He was! He was Mace Windu, Jedi Master—
Mace wrenched himself out of the thing's grasp, and found himself on the floor.
"Are you alright?"
Anakin was crouched beside him. Fox and his men had their blasters out, covering all angles; Fox and two others had them pointed directly at the vases.
It took Mace a few minutes to pull himself together enough to realize why the Force was telling him that was a bad idea.
"Lower your weapons," Mace said, forcing words out through a brain that didn't want to cooperate. "Sith artifacts are often boobytrapped. Shooting at it might make it more dangerous." He lay back and closed his eyes, wishing the lights would stop strobing.
"I'm calling for the healers," Anakin said.
Mace nodded. He could feel Anakin lay a hand on him, the pressure grounding him in his body. He started clenching and releasing his muscles so that he could feel his body and connect with it. If they'd been on a time-sensitive mission, he could have forced himself onto his feet and gone on, trusting the Force to sustain him. But the Sith was dead and the Force was humming contentedly and laying here waiting for the healers sounded … very good.
"Turn down the lights," Anakin said, "I think they're hurting him."
"Thanks," Mace said, as the light level lowered. Even with his eyes closed, it made a difference.
Anakin called the Temple for help.
"Nu," Mace said when he was done talking with the healers.
"You want me to call Madame Nu?" Anakin said. "Is it something she can research?"
"Maybe," Mace said. "I think it's a Spirit Urn."
"A Sith Spirit Urn?" Anakin said, voice rising. "Like out of the crecheling tales?"
"Think so," Mace said. "Could be wrong. But I'd like to know if there are any long-term effects I should be worrying about." He felt much better even after this short a time, but it was better to be safe than sorry and he would rather get the all-clear from the healers before doing anything else.
Anakin made a second comm call.
"What's a Sith Spirit Urn?" Fox asked, when he was done.
"A Sith device that sucks out peoples' souls," Anakin said. "Then tortures them for … as long as the Sith who owns it wants to torture them. In case torturing someone to death isn't enough, I guess. It starts out by trapping you in cold and despair so you feel like nothing and don't have the will to resist as it slowly detaches your spirit from your body and anchors it to the urn, leaving your body as a vegetative husk."
"Are you sure we shouldn't just blast it into pieces?" Fox said.
"It can't hurt anyone as long as they don't probe it with the Force or touch it with their bare skin," Mace said. He cracked his eyes open, and found the light was not distressing, so he opened them all the way. He was steadily feeling better, but he was going to have to spend weeks rebuilding his shields.
"Or as long as the Sith Master doesn't show up and start feeding people to it," Anakin said. "Aren't they supposed to be able to do that from, like, half a planet away?"
"I think he's dead," Mace said.
Anakin paused, and looked down. "You think Palpatine was the Sith Master," he said accusingly. It was a better reaction than Mace had hoped for. "But he loved archaeology and old artifacts! It could just be something someone dug up and that he thought looked nice!"
"Dug up where, Malachor?" Mace asked. "Korriban? That's not the kind of thing the Sith would have left just laying around. You'd have to excavate a Sith stronghold to find it, there would be ancient weapons and booby traps and hazards far beyond the normal archaeological issues. Even if, somehow, you managed to do it and not understand what you were dealing with … the urn itself is fatal to anyone who isn't a Sith who touches it with their bare skin. Do you think that out of everybody from the archaeologists to the antiquities dealers to the people handling the shipping to all the people in and out of this office every day, not one of them ever happened to brush up against it? Not even once?"
"But he was always so good to me," Anakin said, helplessly.
They would have to spend long sessions with Anakin, going over everything Palpatine had said and done in their private meetings, but Mace couldn't deal with that now. "The loop can't have been something he did."
"No," Anakin said.
"Thank the Force," Mace said. "We would never have caught him, never suspected him. Not really."
"I just can't believe—" Anakin said. He was quiet for a while. "That's not true. I don't want to believe. But … you're right. There's no other explanation for the Sith Spirit Urns. Or for the way the Force cleared when he died."
"We're saved, now," Mace said. "Thank the Force."
"And thank the Zillo Beast," Anakin said.
"That too," Mace said.
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ao3feed-obikin · 6 months
A roof over my head to help me shoulder the storm
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51952105 by Tomicaleto Jedi Archivist Anakin minds his own business, spending most of his time in the Archives and only missing some field work in order to become a Master Archivist. Then, one afternoon, he's summoned by the Jedi Council, to be sent on a mission with his only friend, and crush, outside the Archives: Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi. Words: 3987, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker Relationships: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Star Wars Setting, Horror, Archivist Anakin, Obi-Wan was not Anakin's master, Original Character(s), Mutual Pining, Pre-Relationship, Getting Together, Worldbuilding, Let me know if I should add other tags read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51952105
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the time would not come.
there was not to be an order sixty-six.
but all the same, a ripple ascended the galaxy that every force-user and non alike felt compelled to stand there in awe, and marvel at what a revelation had been under their noses for so, so long. like the storm front shattering across the sky and finally there's just one small ray of sun peeking through clouds.
there was no more darth sidious, there was no more sheev palpatine. he was the sith lord that was foretold and warned of since before yoda's ascension to the title of grand master.
there was no more grandmaster yoda, there was no more aberration of the coruscant temple. he was dead. he died with sidious that night and his spirit would not be granted the luxury of surveillance over those he failed.
grandmaster windu stood with masters agen kolar, kit fisto, saesee tiin. they could not have stopped this, as the force willed it done at this moment.
anakin skywalker of tatooine, the chosen one. his student usokya'omura vane, the barsen'thor. altair castor, the child of the stars, binding the cosmos together for their siblings.
sidious was no more, and anakin had absorbed his power. (he looked a little queasy about it.) omura was engulfed with light, saber hilt splattered with something suspiciously dark. altair pressed tight to its side and waited patiently, squeezed closer as time ticked by.
okay i got super distracted for a second oops
(altair castor belongs to @dilf-archivist!)
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daily-glup-shitto · 1 year
Today's Glup Shitto is Luke Skywalker's real father, Tan Skywalker?
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In one of the earliest Star Wars comics, The Constania Affair, which was published even before Empire Strikes Back, the supercomputer Mistress Memnos refers to Luke's parents as "Master and Mistress Tan Skywalker". Now, perhaps this could be explained as simply faulty or falsified information, but of course, in keeping with the EU's need to explain absolutely everything *cough* kessel run *cough*, this does in fact have a canon explanation.
But first, let us take a detour into a seemingly unconnected piece of apocrypha: the TIE Fighter Official Strategy Guide, which states in its publisher's summary:
Written by the author of The Stele Chronicles, this handbook continues the story of Tan Stele's adventures. TIE Fighter players learn every important detail as well as each strategy and tactic needed to succeed at the adrenaline-pumping missions.
See, here's the thing: the main character of TIE Fighter is named Maarek Stele, not Tan. One time is a typo, but twice? We've got ourselves some LORE here baby. This coincidence lingered, noticed by probably exactly nobody, until 2001, when the article The Emperor's Pawns, one in a collection of unsung narrative duct tape holding the Legends canon together, mentioned the title Tan being given to exceptional starfighter pilots.
So at long last the mystery nobody was looking for an answer was solved: Tan was a title, and the archivist supercomputer used it for Anakin despite it never being mentioned before or since, nor has anyone except him and Stele been mentioned to receive it. One might say this simply raises further questions, but with that attitude you won't get far reading the Legends universe.
Glup Shitto Classification: I know I'm straying further and further away from characters but the core of a Glup Shitto is the urge to point and say "omg it's back" if it returns, and if the Tan title returned I would scream.
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Writing Projects
Updated from original posting.
I thought I would do a post of all the writing projects I have in my head or on the go, that you can’t see yet as I don’t like to upload unless I’m a fair  way in, or I’ve finished them.
Here goes….
Star Wars:
Shimmer Through the Woods: Part 26 is online, I have written Part 28, part way through Part 27, with another two to go, as I did have an idea about how to shorten the story further just to get it done.
The Good Travelers: Part 1 was posted for the Obidala  Valentine Convention in 2014. Eight more parts have been written, the  end is nowhere in sight. Obi-Wan and Padmé travel back in time to  Episode I. I’m contemplating rewriting this to exclude Anakin as there are some idiots on ff.net who think its within their rights to post troll guest reviews because I trash him. He’s not a saint, so force knows why they treat him so.
Plot 8/untitled Obidala & Post Original Trilogy story:  This is probably not that far from being finished, but needs a bit of  time to be done. Astonishingly it was one of the first star wars fics that  I  wrote. Its set after ROTJ, when the New Republic opens negotiations with  Naboo. Whilst visiting Naboo, Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade discover a  prison whose inhabitants will rewrite history.
The Scarlet Jedi: Very much still an idea at present inspired by The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baronness Orczy.
Bladed Wings Upon a Star: This is still in development, but  its a time travel story that I fancy exploring, when I have the time. It  brings Obi-Wan from ROTS into AOTC and Qui-Gon from before he chose  Obi-Wan as his padawan into AOTC. I have about four parts written so  far. Again I might see if I can ignore Anakin in this as well.
Obidala Crossover with a Discovery of Witches:  first chapter  written, second in progress.  No Vampire or Witch element, but the main  plot around Ashmole 782 transported into a star wars universe.
Jane Austen:
Unititled: (This was influenced by Matthew Goode playing Wickham in Death Comes to Pemberley.) When Darcy returns to Pemberley, he reevaluates his relationship with Elizabeth, Georgiana and Wickham, who rescues Lydia Bennet in Brighton, which leads to her traumatic demise, resulting in Wickham’s service in the Peninsular War, and eventual redemption. I’m going to try and write it so it fits with Adow maybe.
Serve & Volley: A rewrite of Say Hello, Wave Goodbye, where the Bennets and others take on the world of tennis.
A Discovery of Witches:
Untitled: Just an idea which while re-watching the first  episode. Diana and Matthew meeting without the book, which is either  discovered much later or not at all.
A Star Wars crossover: first chapter written, second in  progress.  No Vampire or Witch element, but the main plot around Ashmole 782 transported into a star wars universe.  
A Once Upon a Time Crossover: An idea still in development.  Henry is a child prodigy at Oxford, Emma is there with him when she  discovers the storybook. Killian, a professor and biochemist has been  searching for the storybook for several years and learns of her  discovery.
Escaping Death Spinoff: A continuation of that oneshot, an AU of a scene in Shadow of the Night.
A Downton Abbey Crossover/Spinoff: This is a continuation of  my ideas from the previous Downton Abbey crossovers I have written,  exploring Matthew’s life as Henry Talbot in full.
Untitled: Diana has a horse ranch somewhere in America. Matthew comes to work there with, looking after the horses when his research lab at Oxford gets closed by the Congregation.
Untitled: Diana has a cafe in Oxford, near the university, in which she sells blood among the usual coffee, tea, latte, etc and food. Matthew, Miriam and Marcus meet there, whereupon he meets Diana.
Untitled: Diana has been hired to work as a librarian and archivist at Sept Tours when it opens to public tours after the news of the existence of creatures goes public and the covenant is undone
Unititled: (This was influenced by Matthew Goode playing Wickham in Death Comes to Pemberley.) When  Darcy returns to Pemberley, he reevaluates his relationship with  Elizabeth, Georgiana and Wickham, who rescues Lydia Bennet in Brighton,  which leads to her traumatic demise, resulting in Wickham’s service in  the Peninsular War, and eventual redemption. I’m going to try and write  it so it fits with Adow maybe.
Untitled: Diana and Matthew timewalk to where they were supposed to,  instead of 60 miles off course. Will their time in Elizabethan England  go more smoothly? Possibly, depends on my muse. Might incorporate the  continuation of Escaping Death into it.  
Untitled: Many years in the future, Matthew has assumed a new identity, as a woodwork teacher at a private independent school. Diana has passed, their children are all grown up. One day a woman with a young son walks into his classroom, a woman who looks very familiar...
Untitled: Juliet does not go to Madison after breaking free from Gerbert.
Game of Thrones:
Untitled Tysan: Modern Westros. Tywin Lannister is a photographer, Sansa Stark a fashion model who agrees to a weekend photoshoot away with him.
Untitled Tysan: Old Westros. Tywin Lannister endures several nightmares about the future which causes him to take the Iron Throne and change the lives of his three children, among others. Twenty years later, he goes to the North in search of the woman who was the subject of torture and abuse in his nightmares.
In Need of Some Cheer: Sansa is a Cheerleader and gymnast and Tywin has taken his granddaughter Myrcella to the championships.
Untitled Tysan: Tywin is captured and injured during the war of the five kings, before the Red Wedding. While Robb Stark becomes King of the Seven Kingdoms, Sansa is sent home to be married off to a northern ally, but ends up managing Winterfell when Bran falls into a coma, dodging marriage proposals and looking after the two Lanister prisoners of war, Jaime and Tywin.
Untitled Tysan: Tywin is famous artist, undertaking a retrospective of his pieces, in need of a new model. Enter Sansa.
Untitled Tysan: Sansa works for the most famous and reputable auction house in Kings Landing. Tywin asks them to value his collection regularly.
Untitled Tysan: Tywin has lunch on a bench in the park when notices a little girl. He then notices her mother. Sansa is a single mother who has moved to King's Landing as her daughter needs a special school. Due to her past relationship, Sansa's daughter is deaf.
Seasons 6 & 7 of Seasons Rewrite: Episode Guides written, but other fandoms took hold.
A rewrite of Seasons 4-8 to include Prue, Cole and others: I  started this and then abandoned it, but I still would like to do it,  although at the moment the existence of Paige is up for debate. I’m  currently not a fan of Rose McGowan at present. I know that’s no reason  to write out her character, so we shall see.
North and South: Mr Bell visits Helstone to inform Margaret that she will inherit his property and takes her to Milton where she accompanies him to the Thornton annual dinner and she meets the mill owner. Mr Bell names Mr Thornton as his overseer and be is required to travel to Helstone to keep Margaret informed on her property. Her father never loses his position.
The Scarlet Pimpernel: Percy overhears Chauvelin’s visit with Marguerite and her passionate defense of the Scarlet Pimpernel and how Chauvelin had her implicated in the arrest of st. Cyr.
Once Upon A Time: Emma is organising Christmas at her family’s stately home. Killian is a volunteer. Inspired by Christmas at Holkham Hall and Castle Howard.
Downton Abbey: Mary marries Richard Carlisle, who dies, leaving Mary a widow. Matthew has also died, Lavinia is alive, possibly has a son and heir. Henry Talbot arrives.
Downton Abbey: The burns patient was indeed Patrick Crawley. This changes everything for Matthew, Lavinia, Mary, Edith and others.
Whether all of these  stories will eventually go online is up to the muse.  
Re-blogged due to five new tysan and one adow ideas.
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agerefandom · 2 years
Inbox Update!
Just for anyone wondering when I will get to their request, or whether I received it! These are listed from oldest to newest, so this is approximately the order they’ll come out in! I usually work on one format at a time, so that depends on my mood/inspiration. 
Headcanon Sets:  -cg!Anakin Skywalker -regressor!Aizawa and/or Toshinori -flip!Horrortale Sans -regressor!Bea, cg!Mae  -regressor!Sam -regressor!Anakin  -cg!Clara -regressor!Monoma -regressor!Jade -regressor!Eleven -regressor!Tenth Doctor -cg!Sun and Moon 
Moodboards:  -regressor!Kaminari -regressor!Bonnie -regressor!Mello -cg!Red & regressor!Tails -regressor!Ishimaru & cg!Taka -regressor!Erik/Phantom  -cg!Emmett  -regressor!Piglet  -regressor!Peter3 -regressor!Jester & flip!Caduceus 
Art:  not including doodles because the last of those are coming out today!  -regressor!Lon’qu  -regressor!Archivist -cg!Baymax -regressor!Caleb, cg!Nott  -regressor!s/i & cg!cyclops
Fanfiction:  -regressor!Katara and flip/cg!Zuko  -regressor!reader and cg!Loki -regressor!reader and cg!TFW -regressor!Erik/phantom -regressor!June and cg!Rose -regressor!reader and cg!Hannibal -baby regressor!Jacob -cg!Charlie and Vaggie, regressor!reader -regressor!Dipper -regressor!Dirk and big sister!Jane 
There’s also a paci edit that’s waiting for me to get back into edits again! 
I’ve only deleted a couple requests: I got some doodle requests that were a little too complex (multiple people, etc), I got a minecraft sona request, and I also got a second request for Herb that was copy/pasted from the first one. So friendly reminder that I don’t currently create for youtuber or band personas/characters, and while I’m happy to draw/write characters again and again, I need specific prompts if you’re requesting the same character multiple times! 
Bonus: Pre-Hiatus Requests I’m Keeping Around:  -continue A Story For Sans  -regressor!Rosalie (fic)  -cg!Alastor (headcanons)  -Hunter and Omega (art)  -Haruhi and Tamaki (art)  -regressor!Stevonnie (headcanons)  -Bruno w siblings (fic)  -continue Regression.exe -regressor!Vaggie (headcanons)  -regressor!reader w Warners (fic) 
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exitiosae-arch · 2 years
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@fatealigned​ sent : "Can someone tell me where the kriff Anakin Skywalker is?! No... I won't calm down. How hard is it to comm someone? It doesn't take a brain scientist." Stace was being loud and unruly. It was the only way people took her seriously and her father, Trek had rubbed off on her. Years of paling around with the bounty hunter and she was bound to learn some unsightly habits.
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At first, he heard the commotion but wasn't too bothered by it. This was Coruscant, after all. The whole planet was always buzzing with noises, ones he tended to tune out whenever it got too much which was quite often or else he'd end up getting an headache. It was rare though that such noises could be heard at the Temple, that is ... Unless you'd go near the training rooms which wasn't his case at the moment. He just got back from the docking bay, and was on his way to his chambers when he passed by these two people who seemed to have an heated conversation about ... Him?
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A frown on his face, Anakin took a few steps towards them, nodding towards the archivist who was quick to leave, giving one last glance to the unfamiliar woman. One eyebrow was raised as he stared at her, and really, she did look kind of familiar, when looking closely but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. " I don't think a comm will be necessary ... " He was quite curious now. " May I ask why you're looking for dear Anakin Skywalker? " He'd only say it's him if there was a good reason, really.
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voidartisan · 1 year
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I posted 744 times in 2022
That's 744 more posts than 2021!
281 posts created (38%)
463 posts reblogged (62%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 543 of my posts in 2022
Only 27% of my posts had no tags
#star wars - 240 posts
#sw - 239 posts
#obi wan kenobi - 114 posts
#tcw - 91 posts
#the clone wars - 91 posts
#talking into the void - 61 posts
#anakin skywalker - 52 posts
#satine kryze - 30 posts
#ahsoka tano - 24 posts
#the queen's thief - 24 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#ever since i came up with this i’ve had a concept for a drawing with the ‘onum realia’ ‘realisa onum’ phrases floating around in my brain
My Top Posts in 2022:
Not to rant about the Jedi as a family again, but it always makes me so happy to think about the smallest younglings insisting on being picked up and as a result, honored, experienced jedi masters having conversations about Very Important Jedi Matters with toddlers hugging their necks and older younglings being delighted that there are jedi from species big enought to keep picking them up almost until they become padawans, and padawans helping escort younglings to ilum and helping teach initiate classes and the younger padawans gathering around the senior padawans to hear all about the adventures they just had on an off world mission and young jedi knights taking on their first padawans being terrified they'll mess something up because this isn't just a class, this kid is now their responsibility. This is their kid now and being comforted and guided by older knights and masters and old grizzled masters taking on apprentices as young as seven and loving them with their whole hearts and younglings seeing a knight or a master or a senior padawan and just knowing that that's going to be their master and creche masters who wave to their initiates who have become padawans as they walk past in the hallway and asking them to step in and help with a class and archivists who encourage their curiosity and help them navigate the temple archives and all the jedi who don't even recognize that lost-looking kid in the corridor but still stop and ask them if they need help or directions and yeah.
917 notes - Posted September 1, 2022
Rewatching the prequels this week was NOT supposed to make me emotional about the jedi order but it was just the way obi-wan walked into the youngling's class and they all paused and said hello and yoda used it as a teaching moment and took the kid's answer seriously and gently poked fun at obi and the fact that jedi masters go by their last names with politicians and dignitaries but all the other jedi including the padawans and the younglings call them by their first names and how when the temple was attacked the younglings ran to the council chambers to find the wisest most powerful members of the order to help them fully believing they would find protection and instructions-
2,024 notes - Posted August 1, 2022
nothing will ever be able to top the fact that Loid proposed to Yor with a pull ring from a grenade. it's literally the best choice anyone could have made when writing that. nothing could be more appropriate and yet completely unhinged out of context.
2,074 notes - Posted August 24, 2022
Obi-Wan learns very quickly that the best way to restrain Anakin when he’s about to run off is to just. Grab his padawan by the neck of his robes and press him against his side so that he can’t get away. Anakin’s too tall and strong for it to work by the time he’s sixteen or so, but his instinct is still to grab the reckless small person and hug them when they need to be stopped.
He doesn’t even give it a second thought when he does it to Ahsoka about three weeks after she enters the picture. She freezes immediately, unsure if she’s supposed to fight back and Anakin laughs so hard he almost falls over.
2,455 notes - Posted October 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I think the Jedi council should have at least considered sending obi-wan over to Dooku to be like “yes hello I am here for sith training” just to see what would happen
26,015 notes - Posted October 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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archivyrep · 1 year
R2-D2: An Unintentional Archivist? [Part 2]
Continued from part 1
He serves a vital role in getting the plans of the Death Star into the right hands, as shown in Rogue One and A New Hope, and Leia's message to Obi-Wan and Luke. Again, since he wasn't memory wiped, he recognized Kenobi from before. Later, in comics like Princess Leia 3, data from his memory banks is useful once again. He even withheld information from Luke to protect him from the Sith, as shown in Star Wars (2015) 5. Even more interesting is that by The Force Awakens he had gone into a low power mode and tried to organize his information:
...the droid's low-power mode allowed his diagnostic systems to attempt organizing the vast troves of information his databanks had collected over the years. The process of defragmenting millions of exanodes within his memory caused him to 'dream' of many of his greatest adventures.
Reprinted from my Wading Through the Cultural Stacks WordPress blog. Originally published on Nov. 9, 2022.
That must be some good records management! He is even able to help when there is an attempt to build yet another Death Star-type weapon, as he STILL has the plans of the original Death Star downloaded! What is his lifespan? Isn't there any degradation of his data? He even later restore C-3PO's memory in The Rise of Skywalker. While the page says he was "destroyed", this is referring to the episode "Point of No Return" in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, when he was rebuilt. The page also states, summarizing Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary, that he had "sophisticated computer access equipment" allowing him to read whole networks and had been "secretly keeping internal copies of much of the data he had accessed over the decades"!
Specifically, R2 engages in accrual, by acquiring additional records, but also has actionable information, i.e. data "assembled to facilitate decision making." He probably also has active records, information he restricts from "unauthorized disclosure". Considering he is a robot, his records are more likely organized in an alphanumeric fashion, instead of alphabetically by subject, software of some sorts. He may have a device like a bulk eraser which can "rapidly remove recorded information from magnetic media without having to touch the surface", something which enemies of him undoubtedly have.
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As is states in a caption on Wookieepedia, "Leia Organa entrusts the future of the Rebel Alliance to R2-D2." That's a lot of faith in a droid!
The Legends page doesn't add much more at first, other than his role in Star Wars: Clone Wars, the first animated series which was later superseded by Star Wars: The Clone Wars many years later. It does not how he is often a conduit of information, especially during the Clone Wars, as shown in Star Wars: Clone Wars. In a now, not-canon The Secret Disk, R2 copies a "top-secret information disk", a story continued, and concluded, in The Cloud. Otherwise, he was hacked, broke into computer systems, fixed robots, and did much more. All the while he has techniques set policies and supervise the "creation, organization, access, and use of large quantities of information".
Even more significant is in Dark Nest I: The Joiner King when he shared holograms of Anakin and Padme with Luke and Leia, not wanting to do, at first, in order to protect them. Later, it was said he was "passed down from generation to generation within the Skywalker family", almost like a family heirloom. The page goes onto state he had more personality than other droids possible because "his memory [was] never being erased or reprogrammed". After all, as the page notes, he is one of few characters to "appear in all six primary Star Wars films"!
Is it any coincidence that a data resilience and integrity plan, officially named "reactive redundancy for data destruction protection" would stand for R2D2? I think not. Others have noted that in the Death Star, people can access the network and do whatever they want, stating that "R2D2 was able to plug into the system and access information without any audit report". It is then noted that R2 was able to "plug into the system and manipulate different functions of the Death Star." Records managers have also likened themselves to R2. [2] At the same time, R2 has disposable records which are either shortly or immediately destroyed and has his own forms of document management.
In the end, perhaps we can say that R2 is an archivist who has an electronic recordkeeping system of some type, and survives longer than anyone, somehow not dying despite everything that happens.
© 2022 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
[2] "Document Management: 5 Ways Your Business is Like the Death Star and How to Fix it Now" and "Nicole Thorne-Vicatos ARIM" pages.
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kiwikipedia · 2 years
heads up 7 up
Tagged by @certified-anakinfucker
sevenish lines (there’s definitely much more) from this thing i guess. More of the Order of Defense AU though
✧ Covetousness is The Incurable Disease✧
The Temple had all but emptied now, save for the Jedi who were a part of the Order of Defense. The air had changed, what had once been a grounding sort of calm and peace was tinged with tension and even blood lust. That was to be expected though, Cin knew as he stood with a wall of black and silver Guard at his back.
Like the Jedi Temple Guard, who had since tossed their masks and robes aside to show their true faces, the Order of Defense had slowly been trained to kill— and many had been chosen by him and the previous Battlemasters and Heads of Security specifically because of a number of reasons.
A natural blood lust for some like Je’Hanta, Gura, and Lo’Roh that could be channeled into a vicious protective streak. Natural skill and talent that far surpassed others in those like Shaak Ti, Morrigan Lai, and his own former student, Serra Keto. There were others, of course, like Fae Koon and Aurèle Oriel, long-lived Jedi who had hundreds of years of experience and a will to defend to their last breath. And the Jedi Temple Guard and himself... Jedi who swore oath to defend the Order, by any means, no matter the cost.
So it made sense that when he had issued an order of emergency, and thus a call for the Order of Defense to take up arms, the blood lust and itch for combat arose within them.
It was safe to say that the death of four, skilled Masters that had gone to arrest the Chancellor was enough to issue an order of Emergency. And even more so with one Anakin Skywalker being so tinged with darkness that Cin could taste it marching up to the Temple with a whole battalion of Clones behind him.
Not sure who already did this so uh, no pressure Tags: @purgetrooperfox @dilf-archivist @spacerocksarethebestrocks @iamthespacegeneral @milf-maul (and also Uno Reverse @ u cheeri)
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