#are there feral people in national parks
copperbadge · 1 year
Working on Royals/Ramblers this morning, and it started out as a joke...
"Yeah, I guess. I mean, I'm going home eventually, but you two weren't wrong. If you had to settle down somewhere outside Santa Luna, I know why you chose Fons-Askaz," Monday finished. Gregory was watching Ed; he seemed worried, but Ed had confided to Monday that Greg was the world's most well-intentioned worrier, so that wasn't too unusual. 
"Really the only thing it hasn't got is roller coasters," she added, and Ed burst out laughing.
"We could bring a midway to Fons-Askaz," he said, as Gregory relaxed a little. "Maybe not a boardwalk, but there's land between here and Menton, you could fit a couple of rollercoasters in." 
"Given the process of getting the stadium approved, I'll leave that one in your lap," Gregory said. 
"Building's going smoothly, at least," Monday replied. "I'd stick around to build you an amusement park if you did, Ed." 
"Ah, I don't know," Ed said. "Tell you what, the National Resources app has a poll function, I'll ask the people what their will is with regards to Shivadh Disneyland. Oh! Shivadhisney!" 
"Not Disney," Monday and Gregory chorused in unison. 
"....Six Flags?" Ed ventured. 
"You could call it Askazarama," Jerry suggested. Gregory groaned. "I bet if you gave it a really cheesy theme folks would flock. Theme it after the Romans. Fons-Askaz mean's Caesar's Fountain -- you could make it a waterpark." 
"Again, if you want it, I encourage you to make the attempt," Gregory said, going back to his meal.
"Greg," Monday said.
"Did you just tell Ed Rambler and Jerry dux Shivadlakia to work together on a major municipal tourist attraction?" 
Gregory looked, a little nervously, from her to Ed. Ed grinned ferally. 
"I'm still the properly elected king," he said. "I can veto it. I can stop the madness." 
"You keep believing that," Ed told him. "I'll send you a meeting invite," he added to Jerry, who nodded, grinning.
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thenixkat · 6 months
Mundane AU!Laios thoughts
Probably contains spoilers
Mundane au= no magic and no fantasy 'races' (like... little people are a thing, they exist in reality, some people just have dwarfism. The elves are just skinny racist and xenophobic Europeans like? And there's already parralells made with the demi humans so if I do anything the orcs are Afro Native and Kobolds are somewhere African or Arab. And for the ogres... gigantism is a thing that exists in real like and totally a teen girl would just wear some horns.)
The Toudens are European-born. From somewhere cold as hell, really isolated and conservative, that's close to some mountains, that's racist towards the local indigenous people.
(The sibs, but especially Laios got chewed out about some shit and has been trying to be better, slips up every now and then but takes criticism well so long as folks tell him what he did/said wrong).
Local weird kids put off vibes that the rest of the village didn't like, Laios and Falin grew up bullied and ostracized. Falin got sent off to schooling in the big city and later to a university in Italy where she met Marcille.
Laios dropped out of high school and joined the military as soon as he was able to b/c he wanted to get the hell out of dodge. Served for a few shitty years b4 just... deserting and backpacking across Europe just straight up homeless and working whatever odd jobs he could find. Man was going through it. Wound up in the same city where Falin was studying at a university in and decided to visit her. She took one look at him and refused to let him just go back to what he was doing, so Laios started couch surfing with her (very much against dorm rules but he looked terrible and Falin wasn't about to let anyone stop her from making sure her brother has a roof over his head and food).
Eventually, she takes him with her when she does a work-study in the USA for her ecology degree and they ended up staying/Falin kinda maybe sorta dropped out and got a job with a vet near where she was doing her work-study.
Laios and Falin are technically illegal immigrants but they're white so no one really questions their citizenship (their working on getting citizenship/papers)
Laios gets a GED. Does some self-study from Falin's textbooks and online stuff but that's about it for his schooling.
Laios definitely, like, lives in Falin's basement. Falin is the primary breadwinner in this household, Laios is aware of this and has learned to accept it even tho he would like to take care of his baby sister and sometimes feels bad about not being able to. They used to share a room in a cheap apartment but after building up enough savings they managed to buy a suspiciously cheap house in a rural town bordering a reservation and not far from a national park.
Laios still works odd jobs, mostly physical labor and stuff where they won't ask for a degree. Has worked retail, where his customer service was trash but he's darn good at just stocking and shelving shit.
Met Chilchuck while working retail, Chilchuck introduced him to the concept of a union which Laios thinks is really neat.
The town where the Touden's moved has a sizable population of people with dwarfism, Chilchuck is a notable member of the little person community in the area. The Touden's go to Chilchuck for help with paperwork (they pay him a small fee) and he doesn't ask too many questions about why they don't have this or that piece of documentation.
Laios enjoys doing citizen science and bird watching. During the tourist season, he runs a small wilderness guide giving campers and hikers tours in the local national park.
There's a hermit that lives in the national park illegally (Senshi) that Laios and Falin made friends with. They love his cooking.
Laios is active in the online furry community. He does commissions, mostly of digital and physical art or people's fursonas and vore stuff. He does great ferals, and decent anthros, but his human art is not good (he's working on it).
Laios is decidedly chubby in this, his weight goes up and down depending on the season and how much physical activity he's doing. But ever since he reunited with Falin, she's been making sure he doesn't skip meals if they can afford to eat. And ever since he met Senshi he's gotten heftier since he loves that man's cooking.
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afeelgoodblog · 2 years
The Best News of Last Week
Welcome to Feel Good News! Each week, I scour the web to bring you a collection of uplifting and positive news stories. My goal is to provide you with a dose of inspiration and hope to start your week off on the right foot.
This week, I have stories about individuals who are making a difference in their communities, companies that are doing good in the world, and much more. I hope you enjoy reading these stories as much as I enjoyed putting this newsletter together.
Let’s start with:
1. FDA Plans to Allow More Gay, Bisexual Men to Donate Blood
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Gay and bisexual men in monogamous relationships would be allowed to donate blood without abstaining from sex under guidelines being drafted by the Food and Drug Administration, people familiar with the plans said.
The change would be a departure from U.S. policy that for many years barred men who have sex with men from donating blood. The FDA policy originated in the 1980s during the AIDS epidemic, when tests for HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, weren’t considered sensitive enough to protect the blood supply.
2. Biden-Harris Administration Makes $50 Million Available to Clean Up Orphaned Oil and Gas Wells on Tribal Lands
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There are several thousand orphaned oil and gas wells on Tribal lands, jeopardizing public health and safety by contaminating groundwater, seeping toxic chemicals, emitting harmful pollutants including methane, and harming wildlife. Some of these wells are underwater, which creates an especially high risk of adverse impacts.
3. Golden bandicoots 'breeding rapidly' in the NSW outback 100 years after becoming locally extinct
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The first golden bandicoots have been born in NSW's far north-west in 100 years, after formerly being extinct in the region.
Golden bandicoots have been breeding rapidly in Sturt National Park since being introduced to as part of the Wild Deserts project. There are initiatives in place as part of the project to protect native fauna from feral animals. More native species are set be reintroduced to the area and will be confirmed next year.
Cue the Crash Bandicoot references :D
4. Toledo Zoo welcomes twin polar bear cubs
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Twin polar bear cubs were born at the Toledo Zoo, the zoo announced Thursday. The parents of the twin cubs are 24-year-old female, Crystal, and 18-year-old male, Nuka.
Crystal’s eighth and ninth cubs’ genders are unknown at this time. They are estimated to make their public exhibit debut in the spring of 2023.
Watch the video of the announcement here:
Feel Good News by Erica @feelgoodnwsToledo Zoo welcomes twin polar bear cubs
5. A Philadelphia woman collects thousands of stuffed animals and brings them to seniors who are in need of a Christmas gift
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Santa Claus isn't the only person who travels around with a vehicle full of toys. Every holiday season, Patricia Gallagher fills her car with stuffed animals and drives around Philadelphia. She doesn't give them to kids, she gives them to seniors. 
"Who would think that elderly veterans would want stuffed animals? But they did," Patricia Gallagher said of the project.
6. 150 sea turtles saved from the cold. An aquarium in Boston has been treating "cold-stunned" sea turtles stranded on US beaches.
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An aquarium in Boston has been treating "cold-stunned" sea turtles stranded on US beaches. Experts urge the public not to return stranded animals into the water.
Over 150 sea turtles have received treatment this season for "life-threatening medical conditions" prompted by hypothermia in the New England Aquarium, based in the US city of Boston.
7. 'No K-pop on a dead planet': Meet the K-pop stans taking on the climate crisis
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What does Kpop4planet do?
Nurul a 23 year old fan from Indonesia and her colleagues have channeled most of their energy into six different climate campaigns. Over 33,000 fans from 170 countries have taken part in them.
The most successful of these has been ‘No K-pop on a dead planet’. It called for K-pop albums to go green by selling digital rather than physical albums, minimizing the packaging and encouraging low carbon performances.
The movement has proved popular with the fandom. For Kpop4planet work two full-time employees along with 20 volunteer ambassadors from nine countries. The group is funded by Action Speaks Louder, a charity registered in Australia who lobby to hold big companies accountable for their climate change promises.
. . .
That’s it for this week. If you liked this post you can support this newsletter with a small kofi donation:
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Have a great week ahead :)
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drivingsideways · 8 months
The Matchmakers (2023)- Review
A funny, smart youth fusion sageuk? Rowoon- whom I swear to god I would not have been able to pick out of a lineup of idol actors 2 weeks ago-  making me CRY in the year of our Lord 2024???? You could knock me over with a feather right now. 
Writer Ha Soo-jin and PDs Hwang Seung-gi and Kim Soo-jin did not drop the ball even once over 16 episodes- a true feat in kdrama land. More than the actors, it was the impressive lock-step of the creative/production team that got me in this one. I'm trying to put into words the oddness of it after: apparently I can be persuaded to buy a product (heterosexual romance kdrama version) that I would usually avoid, as long as it crosses a threshold of custom-made-for-me features.  I know I've been had, but it's done with such sly charm and madcap energy that I'm not even the least bit angry about it. 
This isn't to say that the drama isn't thoughtful: it is, very much. In an era when falling birthrates and fascism are making governments across the world decide that women have probably had too much freedom and are actively enacting policies that violate women's fundamental rights over their personhood, The Matchmakers is a tongue-in-cheek response that's deadly serious about its fundamental idea: that women are individuals who will and should act to preserve the sanctity of that gift of life.  
At the start of the series, its main antagonist- Park Ji young in an arresting role and performance- says "If a Nation is a tree with deep roots, then those roots are its WOMEN." Of course, this is a delightful statement on many levels- starting with the sheer brazenness with which the joke that sends up one of the most acclaimed and beloved sageuks is made; it also situates the character in opposition with the morality of Confucian-era Joseon of the series where women were to be kinda, sorta seen and definitely not heard etc. and makes us instantly- in our post-feminist complacence- sympathetic to her. But wait: as the series unravels its many, many, many threads, we begin to see the sleight of hand. For this Strong Woman Character ™  is, after all, preaching an old and well-worn moral code: for the woman, The Family is Everything. Unless you’ve been under a rock for a few years, it might have come to your notice that this Idea ™ is being repackaged and tik-tokified up as neo-conservatism and fascism gains ground once more in our feral capitalist hellscape. The show is full of women who've had to or are making choices for the Family (survival, honour, future)- at the cost of their own happiness and identities because that is their Fate. Even Madam Park, widely acknowledged as the most brilliant mind in Joseon- is not exempt from this; taking- limited- control of a system designed to grind you down doesn’t mean freedom, only fear and eternal vigilance. For me, it was the perfect choice and characterization of the villain that set this show apart from the others of its genre- that told me that it had something to say after all.
That said, I don’t think The Matchmakers is particularly radical or subversive- here’s where the perfect commodification of kdrama and the show’s chosen genre blunts it-terrible things happen in families and to women in particular, yes, but we’re never allowed to contemplate those things too long; we’re being distracted by the next flourish in the shenanigans-filled plot. Heterosexual marriage is reconfigured but never seriously rejected; queer people exist but are not happy. Perhaps it takes a Jeong Seo Kyung (Little Women, 2022) or Lim Dae-hyung/ Jeon Go-woon (LTNS, 2024) to smash that particular barrier- but in its defense, The Matchmakers does what all love stories  set out to do and does it well- which is to reaffirm our belief in Love as the ultimate liberation; both the weapon and balm of our fragile lives. And it does, very firmly, plant its feet on the side of liberating the women who each find their courage to reassert their selves as the most necessary and valuable possession in a society which only sees value in their uteruses.
Tl; dr: watch it for its delightful women, its Wodehouse-ian shenanigans in regency romance/sageuk aesthetic, its quietly moving love story about letting love and life surprise you over and over again, and yeah, I guess you should also watch it for Rowoon being a “disgruntled pelican” as correctly described by @elderflowergin.
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amaranthsynthesis · 8 months
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thinking thoughts about a modern/non-magic au Ballard (professional outdoorsman and nature poet, he has killed. SO many people in national parks)
(also feat @mycolalia’s modern Corti, who is a fungal enthusiast rather than a literal mushroom man, but equally feral if not more so)
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white-eden · 1 month
Park Haneul can topple nations if she so desired and she doesn’t even know it. She’s too sweet to consider it. She’s really out here living her best life with her husband and their army of shadow children lol
She’s honestly living my cottagecore dream if she starts growing plants and stuff in the shadow world! Sure, her cottage is a castle and the wildlife (wait does that mean technically life like birds and deer could survive in Jinwoo’s shadow world now that she’s there to making it all Green™️) are the undead but she’s got it.
ALSO! Haneul doesn’t just have a green thumb for plants, she’s got one for people. She’s helping Jinwoo grow just like she helps her plants. A little nudge here and there and some water and love go a long way. No wonder he’s feral over his wife
She could but Haneul is the type to see if there's a way to fix things like a normal human should do... "talking, being honest, find a common ground so everyone is satisfied and there's no need to shed blood," she's not like her hubby who with a single glare or the sharpness of his daggers would keep anyone in check.
That's one of the reasons why Haneul only have her credential as hunter, but doesn't use it. Yes, monsters are scary and the portals caused too much damage, and I quote fixes her glasses, "humans are more scary than any S-rank monster."
And you'll going to read it and if everything goes well... see it too.
Since is the shadow realm and probably never ever received a single ray of sun, it's going to be hard for anything to grow until one of the shadows during a sparring notice a little flower growing.
But no one saw it important and though it was one of those idk poisonous plants (idk think of any plant that can grow in the underworld but only there from any game/show... )
Then weeks later they see a butterfly, but not one of.... ***** *** that's a real butterfly.
And slowly life starts to grow and adapt in that world, it's going to take time for the miasma who the only ones who aren't affected are anyone who have the Shadow Monarch's blessing or someone in the same range of power, they still get affected but only in a small scale.
This is just an example for what I think
If someone like Antares who doesn't have the blessing (like an invitation) to step whenever he wants into the shadow realm, the only thing he would notice is the smell. The change of temperature (idk how is the shadow realm, is there a map? i need to reread the LN and SLR too but agh...)
From the very beginning I kind of image the shadow realm like in the Divine Comedy, with sections for everything and i wanted to add places for souls to be judged (idk its from the Divine Comedy but Saint Seiya gave me ideas) and I find could to put Beru, Igris and Bellion as the three judges.
Geez... I started rambling a lot... and even shared too much... but anyways you see this big ass place all gloomy, dark, with some souls here and there, and then poof... flowers blooming slowly.
Another thing to add is that I have some designs in mind for some animals that later changed to adapt.
While with Jinwoo she encourage him. Yeah, he's weak and thinks hes not good looking and many times he doubts if it's ok for him to be with Haneul or if she should be with someone else. There can be sometimes when he would put some space between them and she respect them UNTIL she have enough. She let him sort things out by himself but when she sees that Jinwoo can do it, them it's time for them to talk heart to heart. Haneul hates the smell of korean food for certain reasons I'll share later. But she can endure all that if it means cooking something for Jinwoo when he feels down, or for Jinah.
To listen their stories about their mom and what she or their dad use to cook and you know what? She would learn how to cook it because she knows how important is for them. And yes, she fails many times but when she manage to grasp it, it made Jinah almost tear up because for the first time she felt like her mom and dad were there with them.
That's what Jinwoo see, that's how he grows and changes for good.
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I know Matthew plays hockey, but does he ever want to just give up whatever his government job is and take playing hockey to the olympics or at least pro level? I mean it's got to be more fun than whatever secretarial, front man type corporate job he normally has to deal with when working with the gov right? Or maybe getting into farming or something. I dont know, he just seems like someone who'd eventually just lose his shit if he had to be stuck in an office for too long.
I honestly think most of his time in any government post is like the twice-a-decade he gives enough fucks to be involved. Like, what is he going to do in an office? Stamp government documents? Approve things? He's fucken useless in that environment. I think a couple of times he's said fuck it, started over and played pro hockey or Olympic hokey. He's not the only one and probably smashed some faces in. Alfred or Arthur had to help wipe and reset his identity because inventing a whole new set of documents is much more complicated nowadays than 100 years ago, but he's played and then faded into the background. He probably gets away with that more than a lot of nations can. Nice combo privilege of big bro's military-industrial complex and his own insignificance.
I've had him in the parks service as a bootlegger, a sailor, a ships carpenter, a diplomat, a firefighter, a medic, a search and rescue medic, especially a hockey coach, and a hockey player. I'm not about to write shit about people working in an office if I'm candid. I also think he drew a veterans pension for 110 years before the government. "hey wait, the last Canadian World War One vet died 10 years ago."
And as far as money goes. I think he and Alfred got their savings wiped in the 1930s, and Matt kept himself afloat via good ol' imperial nepotism via the old fart while Alfred was on his own since WW2; Matt's financial well-being has been so tied into Alfred's. I had an economics manager who joked that when the US economy stumbles, Canada breaks its neck so there's some fuckery there, but let's be honest; Matt just occasionally gives Alfred the 'you have hurt my feelings' eyes and gets what he wants and like 500 apologies.
When I look at Alfred, I see someone who likes to work when it's something he's interested in. But Matt... always struck me as a bit French. Not that we don't work hard, but Matt hit the "they pretend to pay me, so I pretend to work' attitude sometime in the '70s. And he's half insane? Like man's wandering around the woods half feral for months on end in at least one of my timelines. He comes back needing anti-parasite meds, three kinds of antibiotics and Alfred going over his checkbook like 'what the fuck did you do with your dividend this time?" Like Afred's his own kind of batshit, but he's got a good head for numbers on his shoulders.
But yeah, the best way to keep him human is to let him do shit that actually appeals and keeps the depresso level below catastrophic so hockey, forestry, etc. Working in an office in Ottawa happens but it's rare, and when it goes on too long in tandem with being as lonely as he can be with only one major border, he ends up missing half his humanity and eating raw raccoon liver in the woods. Letting him slapshot Ivan in the face at the Olympics every now and again is good for the budget lmao.
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fox-bright · 1 year
Right after Easter, twenty years ago this month, my mentor sent me a one-way ticket to Pittsburgh, PA, and saved my life.
I'd been more or less disowned a year and a half before--my mother threw me out on the ninth of September, 2001--and I was drowning in sand. I am not a creature of the desert, even if I was raised there, and my hometown was not a loving place for almost anyone to be. And while multiple friends and coworkers had by that point felt it necessary to stop me when I was idly talking about my week and say you know, you don't have to accept this treatment. You know, I believe she loves you, or thinks she does, but that's not GOOD ENOUGH when she treats you like she does, I hadn't yet really come to accept that my mother is who she is. I was miserable, and lonely, and not even allowed to visit  my siblings unless Mom was there, because "I don't know what you'd talk to them about, and I don't think you're righteous."
(I might, it's true, have talked to them about how I was queer. I was more likely to have talked to them about Final Fantasy or something, but I guess we'll never know.)
Mom threw me out when I was nearly nineteen. At twenty, Diane sent me a plane ticket. Her voice down the phone--I'd never heard it before, in the years that I'd been part of the young writer's forum she moderated, the internet back then was mostly text--was warm and gentle and peaceable. I found a room for you, she said. I have friends who can help you get a job. She sent me a Greyhound ticket to Phoenix (along with thirteen dollars in cash, because you could pay extra and give the recipient up to half the value of the ticket) and a plane ticket from Sky Harbor to PIT. I was scared and unsure, but I was so, so tired of being hungry. So tired of not knowing for sure where I was going to sleep next week. And sick at heart from my mother's behavior ("Did you sleep with him?" she asked me, about my fiance; when I quietly but unashamedly said I had, she pulled me forty feet by my braid, her acrylic fingernails digging bleeding grooves into my scalp that ached for months, scars I probably still have). I'd been so comprehensively heartbroken already that I didn't know how I'd survive it, and the trick to surviving suicidality is, do anything else. Even if it means you leave your whole life behind.
And I knew I'd miss my siblings, but fuck, I missed them already, so what the hell.
I got on the bus. I got on the plane. I touched down in the aftermath of a late snowstorm, and I didn't have a coat, and the air felt sharp and tasted like clouds. And Diane was there, smiling, and she started talking and didn't stop until she'd deposited me in my new home.
And then, having gotten me to Pittsburgh, she gave me everything. Took me to this meetup and that interesting park, introduced me to everyone she knew, constantly finagled and jostled and gently prodded me through anxiety and discomfort and into growth and learning and maturity. She took me to doctors and the dentist, which my mother had neglected or denied me when I begged (I was twenty the first time I ever went to a dentist; that's four or five solid years after I started telling my mother that I really needed to see one). She took me shopping for work clothes, and made suggestions about styling and my hair that would help child-sized, baby-faced me look a little more formidable. She didn't, ever, overstep; she always seemed magically to know when it was time to let go and watch me baby-stumble for a while until my feet were steady under me. I was such a very young twenty, half-feral, poorly-socialized and just about absolutely ignorant of how people should behave, and she never once made me feel ashamed of myself.
I've been thinking about this a lot this week. Twenty years. Half my life, just about precisely. All the things I've gotten to do since then--travel; take up a martial art and train and train until I competed on the national level; become an artist's model in paintings all over the world; perform lion dance for a ballet with the love of my life literally supporting me, throwing me into the air; learn to garden and to preserve my own food and to quilt and crochet and put up drywall and take down ancient varnish and unfreeze a pipe and make sourdough bread from starter and so, so many other things--I've gotten to do because of her. Because if she hadn't gotten me out of Cottonwood, within six months I would have been dead.
I love my life. I've had a lot of grief, in twenty years; lost a baby, lost friends to illness or just bad luck, lived with a boyfriend who was the very definition of psychotic and who burned my life down around my ears, chose other partners who weren't what I deserved, until I learned to require the right things. But I worked in my garden today under an unseasonably hot sun, moving wood-chip mulch with a wagon--
--okay, so the garden, right, and the mulch. I wanted this house because of its garden; I spend a lot of time in it, through much of the year. I grow a lot of food and a lot of flowers, and the air is full of birds all day and fireflies all night. Last year the next-door-neighbor on our left had tree people in to take down a couple of trees, and I looked at the deep dumptruckful of fresh tree chips and I wanted it. I knew that a lot of the time tree services have to pay to dump their wood chips somewhere else, and that they find it tedious. And I thought, Diane would just walk on over there, and say hi-ii  the way that she does, and ask for it. Diane would just smile, and--
I raised my chin, and I walked over, and I gave my winningest smile, and I said Hi-ii, I'm Gen, I live right there in the house with the blue roof, and I was wondering, do you guys want a place to dump all that? and fifteen minutes later I had a couple of tons of premium hardwood chip mulch behind my house. I've been transporting it to various places in the garden since, scoop by scoop with a shovel and my little black wagon, and have thickly covered a couple of hundred feet worth of beds so far. I put twenty wagon-loads up front of the house today, making twenty or thirty feet of new garden bed for native pollinator plants to go into in three weeks, and the whole time I was literally singing with how good my life is, how lucky I am, to have my husband, to have my home, to have a place that has kept me safe, to have learned so many things, to live somewhere that I get to experiment and watch things grow and produce baskets and baskets of food from a handful of seeds. Because of work and lessons and effort and continuing to put one foot ahead of the other, yes, I've worked hard to get here. But ultimately--because of Diane.
I don't really know what good parents are like. Dad is a word that means "hurts you and hurts you and hurts you and then disappears," and Mom is a word that means "will eat your heart from the inside and complain the whole time about the taste." But because of Diane...because of her, I do understand, a little.
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cryptid-killjoy · 1 year
After a lovely evening with his husband, lovely. Lovely. Flotsam's mind started to realize a part of them was always Valerie and just like parts of Flo remained in Val, Val's manner of speech/thinking was still in Flo. He did. He had a god damn lovely evening with his husband before packing for Ireland. Now he remembered why he missed having a dick though. How lucky was he to experience his handsome husband every way possible?
He woke in a good mood. Even going back to bottle mode didn't feel as intense as it did the first time now that he'd gotten to switch back and forth. There was a safe feeling in knowing all he had to do was take off the necklace if Valerie really needed to. All Flo's little secret fears and true wishes were out of the bag so to say and Thomas and his wolf helped put Flo at ease there too. Halloweening was on the list of to dos. So Flo wasn't freaking out. Everything was going to be okay no matter where in the world they were. He still wanted to get away after all he'd learned of himself in the middle of what else had been stressing him. So he was back to escapism mode with the vacation wanting to get away, but really, it wasn't so heavy anymore. Thomas was still being the fix it guy for him and all it took was a conversation he never wanted to have.
The first thing Flotsam did was start to write a list of things he wanted to do before leaving Ireland. Order mattered not. He found the basics, as far as basics go for him. He isn't the sort to want to tour every damn castle in Ireland or anywhere else in Europe. But, Blarney Castle he'd go for.
"Babe. So fair warning. I'm taking the kids to carry out their first felony. We will accomplish a family heist at the Blarney Castle and steal plants from the Poison Garden. Goals. I have them."
Go to Blarney Castle
Kiss the Blarney stone
Steal plants from the Poison Garden
The Northern Lights
See The Rocky Horror Picture Show at the Grand Opera House in Belfast ((because it has to be fate that's playing while they're there))
The National Leprechaun Museum
Titanic Museum
Goals indeed. "Northern lights. Pretty sure there's somewhere in Ireland you can see them. I so wished you were there when I got to go to Alaska. I wished it the whole time we were staring at the sky. Not that I told anyone this back then because I was still in young crush me who refuses to tell anyone I like you in that wayish. But, we can see them in Ireland too. Even better. Your green world. Meant to be. Has to happen."
He was googling things on their way there, in parking lots, in lines, sitting around waiting for flights, all those boring moments he took his moment to play tourist. He spoke as they were on their way to the rental.
"Rocky Horror is playing at the Grand Opera House. Feels like an authentic Irish experience to me." He laughed having a hard time picturing Rocky Horror being done with Irish accents and couldn't help not smiling. "Leprechaun museum for cheesy pictures with the kids and Titanic Museum for morbid pictures of us having fun taking end of ship movie photos at what's essentially a memorial of dead people's things drudged up from bottom of the ocean, Captain. Gotta love capitalism." He said with his own cheesy grin.
He grinned over at him when he called him Captain remembering their date on the boat. He really liked that. "We should buy a boat. Also this is the last trip without Pippin. I'm getting her a damn plane for real. The one I would have ended up getting Chip. I halted on that because of his zombie-thing worried that maybe he shouldn't be flying around after all wings or not. But, Pip's still clear headed. If anything they can fly together and she can take over if he zombies out."
They were building an air strip out in Nola. It's all Feral now. They were probably never going back any how. Time to consider where to keep a private plane elsewhere.
When they finally pulled into the rental and Flotsam got to see where his escape was going to be he smiled. It felt like something Thomas would pick.
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"Look at you giving us the real deal experience, Cap. This is so great. Perfect for all of us." He kept picturing him with the sea behind him. Something kept making his mind go back to that date. He remembered how Thomas looked with the blue waves of adventure behind him. But, he really did like the privacy there. With the triplets he liked their own space. He'd accept the maid service for the time being. Flo's one of those people who would rather do something himself than have people near him sometimes. So, it would be no wonder if he ever called them off or put a do not disturb on the property as a whole because fuck people. No maid outfit required for Thomas. It would probably weird Flo out if he did.
"Oh, you know what else I want to do at some point? Go to the rebel poet's pub. James Clarence Mangan. I don't know the name of it. But, I know it's in Ireland. I'll find it if I look it up. But, I heard he haunts a pub in Ireland. I'm going to find out if it's true." Leave it to Flotsam to want to go get autographs of dead celebrities, not live ones. "Maybe Leap Castle, but only because I know it's like one of the hauntedier ones and I would love to see the murder hole, but really. I don't need to see every castle in Ireland, ya feel me?"
Then right as he said ya feel me as he walking through the quaint style cottage of neutral colors he spotted the prize winner of the property. The ocean.
It was ocean front property. Flotsam started to glow. He didn't need River's inner physical glow to see this beaming straight from the inside out. He stopped yick yacking and his whole face lit up.
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"Oh my fucking a-hole. Look at that. Look what you did. We are sitting next to the ocean. Like... on purpose. We can just walk outside and it's... it's right there." He pointed out at it over top of the stroller he'd been pushing. "Right there." He jumped enough to where both feet came off the floor and knees rose waist high. His feet in those heavy kicks stamped back down. "Right there, Thomas. It's right there. Real ocean."
They didn't have to get into a car and drive there first, get the car and go home after, consider the light of day, or night, length of travel back for drying off, cleaning up, anything that beach brings on. It wasn't a lake shore. It wasn't a river's shore like on the old Mississippi. It wasn't a swamp. It was a real life ocean shore.
"Right. There." He kept pointing.
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USA today,by Rex Huppke.
Hello, I am a House Republican. As America hurtles toward a government shutdown, I and my fellow GOP colleagues would like to say that, in our defense, we really didn’t know “governing” would be one of our job requirements.
It sounds like an un-fun activity and, as we’ve made abundantly clear via myriad tweets and Fox News appearances, we think government is bad and we want nothing do with it, except for the parts where we get to yell into TV cameras and share devastating Hunter Biden memes. Those parts are great!
On Thursday, we made it impossible for House Speaker Kevin McCarthy – who we voted into power but also hate and now want to remove – to advance a military funding bill that usually passes with bipartisan support. It’s the second time in a row we did that! Why? Mainly for the lulz, but also because we kind of want the government to shut down so former President Donald Trump will like us and so we can look tougher when we’re yelling into the TV cameras.
We're Republicans, of course we want to shut the government down
McCarthy responded to our unwillingness to behave like a sane governing body and engage even remotely with the opposing party by saying: “This is a whole new concept of individuals that just want to burn the whole place down.”
A new concept?!? Has he been asleep for the last few years?
When will Congress care?
We are ALL about burning the whole place down. We’re pretty sure Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and Andy Biggs of Arizona recently got matching “BURN THE WHOLE PLACE DOWN” tattoos on their necks.
Hang on, we just got a sick new Hunter Biden meme we have to post. It says, “Who’s your daddy? Oh, never mind, he’s out to lunch!” Classic. This is why the people elected us.
Anyhoo, we used to be pretty pro-military and stuff – and we’ll still say we are if there’s a TV camera around – but the truth is we aren’t doing jack on the military funding or any other funding until the DEMONcrats agree to cut all the spending we don’t like, defund the FBI and the DOJ, stop all Trump investigations and give us everything we want.
And what is it we want? Hah! Nice try. Answering that question sounds a lot like governing, and we didn’t get into this business to dirty our hands with that kind of nonsense.
McCarthy responded to our patriotic recalcitrance Thursday by sending us home for the weekend rather than keeping us around to do dumb things like “work toward a feasible agreement to prevent the U.S. government from shutting down,” “search for compromise and put forth policy proposals that might improve the average American’s life” or “act like adults and not a collection of feral cats fighting over an empty tuna can.”
Time is running out – and a government shutdown seems inevitable
We have until the end of next week to pretend we’re going to do something before eventually failing in the most clownish and embarrassing way possible, and we feel certain we’re up to the task.
Will hundreds of thousands of federal workers be sent home without paychecks? Sure! Did the last government shutdown in 2019 cost the country $3 billion in economic activity? Heck yeah! Could national parks shut down and research at the National Institutes of Health come to a halt? You betcha!
And do we care one iota about any of that? Nah. As long as Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida can go on “Hannity” and flex his forehead muscles while yelling something that doesn’t mean anything, we’re right where we want to be – in government, but not governing.
Enjoy the shutdown, suckers. We’ve got memes to post.”
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ink-flavored · 1 year
9, 17 and 37 from the latest oc ask game, if you're still doing them?^^
no problem! thanks for asking!
9. which ocs sleep to complete silence vs. need white noise vs. need music?
This is a really interesting questions, I've never thought about it before hm...
Park, maybe? Since he can play music/videos in his computer brain where no one else can see or hear them, it would be easy for him to get away with it.
17. which ocs stop what they’re doing to pay attention to someone else? which ocs continue working?
Justice gives you his full attention. He pauses the TV. He takes off his reading glasses. He Care You So Much.
Hayden pays full attention to people who talk to him, because he is unfortunately familiar with not being listened to.
Park can be paying attention to you and 50 other things at once due to his extremely smart computer brain, but it's not like you'd ever know.
Jao has that Teacher Ability to be listening even when you think she can't hear you, or when you think she's not paying attention. No matter what she's doing, she'll be able to repeat back what you just said verbatim and it's a little scary.
Xinya is busy all the time, so she's listening! She's just also finalizing the export budget and tax plan. Multitasking.
Henry will acknowledge you, but he won't look up. He also won't be paying attention.
37. which ocs dress for comfort > fashion? which ocs dress fashion > comfort?
Almost every single one of Pride's outfits is form over function. If it doesn't meet a certain percentage of slutty, he won't wear it. This includes when it's cold. He is not very smart.
Xinya is a queen, which means all of her outfits are opulent as fuck and meant to show off the prosperity of her nation. Whether or not they are comfortable doesn't matter to her - it's her duty to wear them.
Henry and Priscilla are a really great middle for this question, because they both dress smart and their blood-stained wealth clearly serves them well. However, if Henry were to get into a physical fight, he would make sure he removed his jacket and hat before throwing the first punch. Priscilla would rip her sleeves off and go feral.
Jao is the right hand to Xinya, but she's also a healer. For this reason, she's permitted to wear things that may look unfavorable for her station (easy to move around in if things get messy).
Justice dresses like every day is Sunday and/or Casual Friday. All his outfits are practical and cozy, appropriate for whatever the weather may be. He's a big fan of sweaters and socks with crazy patterns.
Teconia grew up in poverty, so worrying about fashion is laughable. She wears what she has, nothing more nothing less.
[send me an OC ask]
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dykekingofhell · 2 years
okay on second watch of benders i actually like it slightly less. episode is really cool, i love the concept of just a family of fucked up murderers amongst al of the literal monsters and it some of the best actual horror in the show in terms of building tension. but it’s also really uncritical of the myths it’s based in (feral men in national parks, appalachian cannibals etc) like part of the horror is poverty but not in a way that the cannibals are portrayed as particularly tragic or human, it’s just the trappings and aesthetic of grimy “hillbillies” that makes the episode feel creepy. it honestly feels like a less smart version of texas chainsaw massacre. in texas chainsaw a large thematic part of the movie is that it specifically takes place near a closed down meat packing factory. when jobs and livelihood is taken away and people are isolated without community, there is nothing left for the working class left to consume but itself. here there’s not that backing it’s kind of just wow poor people are scary, also cannibalism. and like it works, cannibalism is cool, but there is stronger version of the episode that could exist
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texasobserver · 1 year
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”200,000 Steps on the Lone Star Hiking Trail” by Sergio Chapa, from the May/June 2023 issue of Texas Observer magazine:
I grew up in northwest Austin at the edge of the Texas Hill Country, where hiking through the woods and playing in creeks were daily activities. So, I’ve always been an “outdoors person.” After moving to Houston for a journalism job, I quickly began running and biking along the city’s mostly concrete-lined bayous. Then an environmental activist told me something intriguing: Just an hour north of the traffic and skyscrapers of downtown Houston is the 96-mile Lone Star Hiking Trail, the longest footpath in Texas.
During April 2020, I began a quest to hike the full trail along with a friend in my “COVID bubble.” It was a sunny and unseasonably hot day as we embarked from mile marker zero inside the 163,000-acre Sam Houston National Forest. So early in the pandemic, we hiked without seeing another person, hearing a car on the road, or spotting an airplane in the sky. The only sounds were chirping birds, squirrels and lizards scurrying, and the wind blowing through the leaves.
It was a Coronavirus-safe activity and I was hooked. 
On maps, the national forest is depicted as a massive patch of public land. But on the ground, hundreds of U.S. Forest Service tracts are broken up by private timberlands, farms and ranches, and a growing number of rural homes and subdivisions. Mostly flat to rolling terrain, the forest is laced with creeks as well as the east and west forks of the San Jacinto River and the not-so-scenic lanes of Interstate 45.
Starting near Richards and ending near Cleveland, the Lone Star Hiking Trail proper is 96 miles through the forest with five optional loops adding another 32 miles. Depending on one’s height and weight, that’s roughly 200,000 steps. Given a pace of about three miles per hour, it would take roughly 32 hours to hike the entire trail nonstop. Hiking about eight hours per day means less than a week of hiking and camping. 
But that’s not the path I chose. 
It took me sixteen trips with various friends over two years to hike the entire trail. Confession: We weren’t disciplined about it; sometimes weeks or months lapsed between forays. Most often, I’d park my car at one of the 15 trailheads and we’d hike for five or six miles and then head back. On every visit, the trail provided valuable relief with its clean air, social distancing, and an escape from the four-wall confinement of lockdown and stress. Our slower approach allowed us to experience the forest in all four seasons.
Spring is marked by fresh light green leaves, wildflowers and white color pops of dogwood and magnolia blossoms. The summer can be brutally hot, but it’s the best time to enjoy Lake Conroe or Double Lake. The fall brings orange, red, and yellow hues as purple beautyberries and red yaupon holly berries ripen in the understory. Pine trees and oaks stay green during winter while colonies of colorful mushrooms and fungus sprout on the forest floor. 
I shared our hikes on Twitter and Instagram, and the Lone Star Hiking Trail became a hit with my social media followers too.
It’s much easier to hike the trail virtually. To do it in person, you need plenty of water, snacks, insect repellent, spare socks, powder, paper towels and wipes, and willingness to rough it, since there are no bathrooms or vending machines aside from spartan amenities at the Stubblefield and Double Lake campgrounds. Good walking shoes and long pants with high socks reduce risks of scratches, bug bites and ticks. Snakes on this trail mostly flee from people. However, mosquitoes and spiders are fearless. 
Early morning hikes meant the person in the lead breaks overnight cobwebs. Scat with fur signaled coyotes and bobcats, but the most worrisome signs were the wallows and rooting of feral pigs. My worst fear was encountering hogs, which can attack when frightened or startled. Luckily, we never saw any.
Sam Houston is one of the state’s four national forests created by Congress during the Great Depression. The timber industry previously clear-cut large swaths of the Piney Woods. State lawmakers bought hundreds of barren tracts in 1933, with the intent of adding them to the national forest system. President Franklin D. Roosevelt proclaimed Angelina, Davy Crockett, Sabine, and Sam Houston national forests in October 1936. Roosevelt’s Civilian Conservation Corps planted millions of trees. The U.S. Forest Service gave the Lone Star Chapter of the Sierra Club permission to build the trail in 1967. The trail and all its loops were complete by 1978. 
It’s big enough that you can easily get lost. I’m an experienced outdoorsman, but we’ve gotten lost on the Lone Star Hiking Trail, marked by small reflective markers nailed into the trunks of trees. It’s easy to lose track of the markers after leaving U.S. Forest Service land and walking down a rural road to the next section. Cell-phone service can be spotty, so it’s best to download Lone Star Hiking Trail Club maps in advance. 
But not all of this wilderness is protected. Legally distinct from national parks and refuges, national forests can be used for hunting, fishing, timber, grazing, mining, oil, and natural gas. By law, the U.S. Forest Service must manage Sam Houston with no single resource emphasized over others. To that point, the 163,000 acres also include trails for ATVs, mountain bikes, and horses. Lakes are stocked with bluegill, largemouth bass, and catfish. Oil wells and easements for pipelines and power lines are common.
Historically, wildfires kept the forest from getting too dense and unhealthy. Today, the U.S. Forest Service uses controlled burns and sustainable timber harvesting in efforts to control a pest known as the southern pine beetle and improve habitat for the red-cockaded woodpecker, an endangered species that favors open “pine savannas” and nests from April to June. Over the decades, environmentalists and forest managers have sparred in court over forestry practices related to the beetle and woodpecker.
I looked for those woodpeckers, but only heard their distinctive high-pitched chirps and tap tap-tapping hidden in the canopy. 
Sprawl and suburbanization are the biggest threat to the forest and to this trail. I-45, the busy thoroughfare connecting Houston and Dallas, divides it in two, creating a formidable barrier for wildlife and people. The Texas Department of Transportation spent millions improving a 15-mile stretch of highway between Huntsville and New Waverly but spent little on allowing hikers or wildlife to cross safely under the roadway where cars speed past a white 67-foot statue of Texas founding father Sam Houston.
I wish the Texas legislature would use some of its $32.7 billion budget surplus to create a buffer for this trail—and improve the crossings that either don’t exist or have been damaged and make a through-hike so challenging. Unfortunately, this year has seen news in the opposite direction: The state recently lost a lovely park further north on the I-45 corridor that offered its own woodland paths.
In theory, animals can use the narrow corridor where Big Chinquapin Creek goes under the highway, but hikers must trudge four miles along three rural roadways and the I-45 frontage road in order to reach the next trail section. 
Country-club communities such as Elkins Lake and the Texas Grand Ranch subdivision with its two- to five-acre lots allow people to live at the edge of the forest. As an unintended result, nonnative ornamental plants are escaping into the wild and becoming invasive species. The average person may not notice, but I kept spotting exotic plants like nandina, wax-leaf ligustrum, Chinese tallow, chinaberry, bamboo, and hardy orange all along the trail. 
Volunteers with the Lone Star Hiking Club and the Houston area Sierra Club maintain the trail and try to clear out invaders. I’d love to give back and join them one day.
But it’s a big job—and progress is often slow.
A vehicle bridge to the Stubblefield Campground washed out during Hurricane Harvey in August 2017 but was not rebuilt until 2022. A footbridge over scenic and shaded bluffs of the east fork of the San Jacinto River in the Magnolia section of the trail was destroyed more than eight years ago and never replaced. 
Hikers are forced to take a complex detour, though I opted to park my car at the next trailhead and walk to the opposite bank. 
Even as the pandemic fades, I’m still going back for more, particularly to hike the loops outside the main trail. To me, this escape seems even more valuable with Houston growing at a pace that will see it overtake Chicago as the third-largest U.S. city. Even as the metropolitan area expands in all directions, the forest still offers respite.
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For dating game: Donna Noble for a non Mash option from something I'm pretty sure I've seen you reblog stuff from, BJ, and Klinger
I can't believe I got 2 Donnas for this game and neither were the MASH one haha. And yes I AM a Doctor Who fan but like with Twin Peaks I'm only a shallow fake one because I only feel really passionate about RTD era :( sowwy again. I'm 0 for 2 today. But at least I didn't skip MASH s1-3 AND I didn't skip the 9th Doctor AND I read Laura's diary + Dale Cooper's tapes. So now everyone has to give me a little headpat and forgive me and say they're not mad at me thank you <3
Donna Noble
I couldn’t handle Donna QwQ I couldn’t match her energy it’s very sad :( I feel like I would do the exact opposite of what the Doctor did for her in terms of bringing out her most amazing qualities. And I do really try to highlight and praise the qualities of people in my life!! I just don’t know if I could help her reach her full potential. Which sounds like one of those weird therapy-talk approaches to relationships but unfortunately sometimes when you really admire someone you actually do start thinking about things like “am I supporting her journey effectively” and all that. But this is just a date right so it can just be a casual thing. I feel like Donna is someone with whom I could straight up be like Hey so I was never socialized properly and your last relationship ended comically terribly so do you want to like try practicing dating with each other? I think it could be fun! And then eventually she could move on to find happiness with Mr. Temple :)  
Wait actually sorry quick tangent if Donna doesn’t remember the Doctor what does she think happened to her fiance from way back when. Does she. Does she remember the giant alien spider or. Hang on--
BJ Hunnicutt
BJ Hunnicutt is the human equivalent of Disneyland. Everybody in the entire nation is absolutely obsessively feral over it it’s sooo beautiful it’s sooo fun you just HAVE to experience it it’s a quintessential expression of the American dream blah blah blah. But I will never attend this overpriced (constantly borrowing money) and overcrowded (too much competition from the rest of Mashblr) theme park. I do not care for its fastpass system (willingness to cheat on his partner) or its uninspiring coaster design (anger issues), and I am further offended to hear of the constant introduction of cost-cutting measures that harm visitor experience (growth of mustache). Not even the prospect of purchasing a fully functioning Cogsworth clock (chance to join the Punnihawk polycule) is enough to tempt me. It’s not happening. I am going to Dollywood (Maxwell Klinger).
Maxie my beautiful girl Maxie whomst is so very adored by me
My wife my kitten my sweet snuggly wuggly good time gal. My Dollywood. Know that I love and adore Maxwell for eternity <3
BUT. I must love her from afar because I couldn’t in good conscience waste her time when I figure there must be a more compatible match out there, ya know? Like, I know hardly anything about baseball and I wear the same clothes every day and I don’t eat red meat so I can’t even share those beloved hotdogs. Max deserves the Best as I’m sure we all agree, and we know he wants a serious long term partnership. I want the same thing, so I know that such a lifelong, committed relationship should be with someone who finds themself more easily compatible with Max’s tastes and interests.  
On an unrelated note, Charles sure seemed to get super into baseball in War For All Seasons, huh? :) And we know he cares a lot about his clothes, as we see him hiring a personal tailor at least once! :) And he was surprisingly eager to get to share in Max’s hotdog delivery in The Grim Reaper, too! :) So many random fun facts in this world \^w^/
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letsgethaunted · 2 years
Episode 68: Cannibals in National Parks (Viral Tiktok Story) feat. Bruce & Autumn Greene Photodump
Image 01: A series of viral TikTok video explains how a user heard a family being attacked while in a national park—yet the authorities never looked into her claim. The video is stitched by someone explaining the lore of feral people in the park who eat tourists. Image 02: A video of the OP TikTok poster explaining where she was when she heard the screams Image 03: Dennis Martin, a six year old boy, went missing in The Great Smoky Mountains under mysterious circumstances. Image 04: The Green Berets were dispatched by the FBI to find the boy Image 05: A $5000 reward was put up for any info on the whereabouts of Dennis, yet nothing turned up. Supposedly. Image 06: An article regarding the incident Image 07: Spence Field, where Dennis disappeared. Image 08: A map showcases a straight path from Spence Field to Rowan’s Creek (where the Keys family saw a possible suspect). Image 09: Dennis Martin’s father never left the park during the search for his son. He stayed in the park for 2 months. Image 10: Skinwalkers! Looks like a man who could be mistaken for a bear....
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thetragicallynerdy · 2 years
More mixed asks! 🌝🌈 11, 22!
Hahaha I love it! Thanks anon!!
🌝 Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
Oooh, good question. Hmmm. I think I would have to go with Frenchie (OFMD). While he's been in quite a few of the fics I'm writing (in particular a long unpublished one), I haven't gotten to explore him as a POV character much, and I really adore him. I'd also like to include Ivan and Fang in my works more.
Not from a fandom, but I'd also really like to actually write some of my OC's haha! Someday I'll strum up the motivation to do so. Especially Ezekiel and Tor (sad cowboy lad and grieving quiet bufflass respectively).
🌈 What inspired you to write [insert fic here]?
You didn't specify a fic, so I'm going to talk about a few XD
and we will build a home from the wreckage (cowboy Jim/Olu, OFMD) - this is the first OFMD fic I ever started!! I really wanted to write a Jim/Olu fic, but was coming off nearly 3 years of writing exclusively cowboy fanfic for UnDeadwood - so I went with what I knew lol, and did a cowboy fic. (Also they deserve to be cowboys)
every bit as feral (the teen bb amos fic, UnDeadwood) - I think it was @eldritchjackalope who prompted me to write something with de-aged Clayton? And I wanted more plot, so it turned into the horror-filled monstrosity it is today hahah!
but don't you shake alone (Leverage ot3, Hardison and Eliot trapped under a building) - I saw a prompt on tumblr, actually, and thought it was brilliant! And again, it started small and turned into something much longer lol.
Honestly a lot of the inspiration I get comes from prompts. I've got some amazing pals who are happy to fire short and simple prompts at me - and then me, being me, writes something that should be small and becomes 30 thousand words. I also have really great pals who love talking about AU's with me - so ideas really snowball until they're big and sprawling.
Alternatively, I see a stupid idea and think it would be hilarious to write about. For example - right now one of my ongoing WIPs is a polyamorous OFMD fic (an AU created with a few pals), that literally came from a tumblr post I saw about people becoming poly to save on rent. Now there are like 5 ficlets, and more being written by my pals haha!
11) Something you want to do again next year?
I actually answered this here (and number 22 haha, you and another anon had the same ideas XD) - but another thing that I want to do again next year is to go to the market more!! I started going to my local farmer's market for the first time since I got a brain injury some 4-ish years ago this past summer, and it was so lovely. I want to go to the market when I have time this next year.
22) Favorite place you visited this year?
Another favourite place - Point Pelee!! It's great!! I love camping there, and exploring the national park.
Thanks for the asks anon!! I hope you have a lovely evening <3
Fanfic asks and end of year asks for the curious!
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