dreamgirlvibes · 2 years
Top Books that have helped me on my Spiritual Journey with Jesus 🤍🫶🏽 I hope you read these and the wisdom, power and knowledge that is instilled in these books may encompass and change your very being more into Godliness like it did mine. Xoxo.
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loremanart-old · 2 years
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Character heads from 2020
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indiginouslove · 1 year
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sinofwriting · 4 months
Never - Charles Leclerc
Words: 705 Summary: Charles finds out she’s never had an orgasm. Note(s): Mentions/Talks of Sex, Bestfriends to Lovers, part of a kind of series that explores certain drivers finding out that reader has never had an orgasm.
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“What?” She asks, smiling around the words as she catches Charles staring at her, his head propped by his hand. “You are just very beautiful.” She shakes her head with a small laugh, eyes falling back down to the coffee table covered in sheet music. “You are.” He insists, giving her a nudge. She looks at him from the corner of her eye. “I think you have to say that. I’m your best friend after all.” He laughs, hand coming up to rub at his chest for a second. “I think Joris would have a problem with that. But I don’t have to say it.” Charles' face turns serious, though a smile is still pulling at his lips. “You are gorgeous. I still don’t know how you are alone.” “Just,” she sighs, the inside of her lip catching between her teeth. “No one’s caught my eye.” She tells him, hoping he doesn’t catch the lie, but he does.
She can tell from the way he sits forward, nearly pitching off the couch in his hurry. “Someone has caught your eye.” “No.” “Someone has. Who? Tell me about them.” “No.” She laughs, shaking her head. “It’s never gonna happen, alright? That’s just not in the cards for me.” “C’mon, they are an idiot if they don’t feel the same way about you.” Her lips press together as she swallows a harsh laugh. “That’s not it. I mean sort of,” she corrects. “But there’s a reason I don’t date and I don’t have one night stands and I don’t have relationships. I’m a nightmare, a horrible, lousy, stupid excuse of a woman.” The words are easy as they fall off her tongue, things she’s heard before. There’s more than wants to fall, but Charles is looking at her, horrified, and she winces. “I’m sorry, Charles. I just, I’m not interested.” “Why would?” He pauses, brows furrowed, jaw starting to clench in anger. “Why would anyone say that to you, about you? You are not those things.” “Not all of them.” She allows. “But a stupid excuse of a woman, absolutely.” She laughs. He says her name and she stops laughing, her smile dimming.
“Charles, I’m not being mean to myself. I’ve come to accept it. There’s a certain something a good majority of people want from their partners, and I can’t deliver it.” “Deliver what?” She stands up with a laugh, shaking her head. “No. I said too much. I shouldn’t have entertained this any longer. New subject.” He pulls her back down on the couch, uncaring of the way she protests, his eyes boring into hers. “Deliver what?” She stares back at him, hoping that for once Charles Leclerc will know when to back down, but he doesn’t. “Orgasm.” She finally says and watches confusion spread across his face. “I can’t orgasm. I’m twenty-four and I’ve never cum once in my life. That,” she laughs. “Happens to be a bit of a turn-off or an ego bruiser.”
Charles looks at her, the confusion gone from his face and instead determination is there. “Then today will be the day you do.” She rolls her eyes, scooting a bit away from him as she tries to ignore the way her heart seems to be beating double time and the burn that is starting between her thighs. “Very funny.” “I mean it.” “Charles.” She tries to continue but can’t. Not at the way he’s looking at her. It’s more than the set of determination lining his brow, the near glare in the squint of his eyes. It’s the combination with the set of his jaw and parted lips, the lean of his body into hers.
“Before,” he speaks, knowing she’s about to say he won’t be able to. “You say something about me not being able to. Let me try.” He then smiles, a giddy, disbelief filled thing. “After all I just did win Monaco.” It makes her laugh, the comparison of him winning Monaco after seven years of trying, with her trying to achieve an orgasm for the same amount of time. “Are you saying you can break another curse?” She jokes. “Monaco was never a curse and this,” his fingers dance across her covered thigh. “Isn’t either.”
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ankhlesbian · 6 months
Rereading f*iry tail and i blame it for my love of the “we all just live at your house / break in all the time” bit
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dwtdog · 7 days
in general food like lunchables arent healthy at all. And tbh for what i saw yeah mr beast ones seem worse than those
well yeah but lunchables generally aren't marketing themselves as healthy (they might add taglines about it or whatever but at the end of the day. ppl buy them bc they're cheap-ish and quick and kids get excited to eat them)
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gargelyfloof118 · 3 months
I trimmed the trees around the pasture and hung the electric fence signs. I identified a rough location of TWO (2) wasp nests!
One, I identified with my belly. The other, thankfully, I saw before cutting the tree.
I still don't know where those wasps came from that stung my belly. It might be a ground nest, but I'm not brave enough to rush back in and find out right now.
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readingrobin · 1 year
Going to be heading to Ireland around Halloween so you can be I'm desperately trying to find what spooky shenanigans I can get up to.
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cinnonym · 1 year
Regarding jacket potatoes: I think it is perhaps because they are still wearing their little jackets, or skins. As opposed to some other situations where they would be peeled. This seems like what the US calls a baked potato, except we have slightly different toppings: cheese, sour cream, chives, bacon bits. Lots of butter, of course.
Oh!! That is an excellent theory and makes total sense to me, thank you for weighing in!!
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numberonepartyboy · 5 months
thinking of inserting myself into one piece to psychoanalize zosan
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gemini-sensei · 1 year
Imagine if Jamie ended up meeting Reader and instantly developed a crush on her. After he meets her he can’t get her out of his head.
Her laugh, her smile, and shit all of her thick curves. All of it just fills his head to the brim and every other thought he has is about her. They range from cute and sweet to nasty and steamy. It’s like he can’t make up his mind!
Khaji-da is always on the fritz after that. It doesn’t know why Jamie’s vitals skyrocket all the time randomly. Until it notices a pattern.
Insert Khaji-da making him isolate himself, forcing him to relax and think of the chubby girl while it helps him out. Between the feeling of getting jacked off to more intense sensations like the feeling of being grinned on. Even a weird feeling of maybe fucking a nonexistent pussy~
Asdfghjkl-! 🙈🙈
He'll have some wild ass thoughts in the middle fo all that. There will be brief thoughts along the lines of "how the fuck does it do that?" but those are quickly overshadowed by images of Reader's thick ass dropping down on his lap as she rides him.
The only thing he wants that Khaji Da can't give him is the noises areader will make in such a situation. He'll have to imagine what that's like in the meantime, but if the simulation is good, than he imagines that tye real deal with Reader is amazing!
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kanene-yaaay · 3 months
Random life update let's go!
So, in my house we have an aread w a dinning table outside, next to our yard, and in this place there is ou beloved celling fan that we haven't used in years because it was too weak and the warmth here needed a strong mechanism to dealt with it
Those last months, we notices that a couple of birds we're making a nest on the... idk the name to be honest but its like a small metal bowl right above the fan and we were quite amazed because :D even tho we do have some trees on the yard it's been years since I saw a nest
S o
Recently they hatched.
How did we discovered it?
Because a small baby bird FELL ON THE TABLE OUT OF NOWHERE
Now we're making plans to place a safety nest somewhere below the fan because the ground is very, very hard (pure concrete) and the nest is very small for the two babies (that I've seen until now) and the mother bird. Oh gosh ajvahwvwvsvwjw good morning to all of us I guess
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homunculus-argument · 2 years
I really like the whole "shop at the end of the world" trope in post-apocalyptic stories - whether it's a tavern or a pub or a western style saloon, it's still and mainly a business that'll buy whatever you have and sell whatever you need. A trading post where someone comes in to sell their fruit or their fish to buy pelts, someone brings animal pelts in exchange for a new skinning knife, which some traveller traded for a hot meal of baked fish and fruit mead.
It's always set up in some sturdy, hardy place, like the ruins of a fortress, bomb shelter or such, somewhere that would be perfectly defensible even if the roving gangs of robbers and warlords surrounding the aread didn't all reluctantly agree that it's in all their best interests to temporarily set aside their differences and honour the sanctity of this place.
And what I like the most is the idea that someone out there - usually someone either still alive or in living memory - looked at this place, somehow got a hold of it, and instead of just hunkering down to postpone their own death in a dying world where nothing thrives and nothing new is ever built, and thought "hmm, I bet I could run this place as a grocery store."
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boneswithbeans · 8 months
[sound on]
will never not mishear his lyrics
[video ID: close up of Volo singing in the goblin camp. His subtitles read "Be you beguiling or be you beheaded-" "goblinkind will attease you and frelk you, areaded!" Areaded is replaced with "on Reddit" as that's how he pronounces it. End ID]
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ltwilliammowett · 2 years
Officers and Books
I had written in Sailors and Books that reading was a quite popular occupation, if then the men could aread. For the officers, this was of course a prerequisite that they could and so there were not only contemporary novels and poems to find but also usefull books.
Among them were books like, The Mariner's New Calender which contained the principles of arithmetic and practical geometry, tide tables, tables of the sun's position, a table of the difference between latitude and longitude. But also description to use the quadrant, octant, and a nocturnal. But there were also series of books known abbreviated as pilots and were printed to navigate certain waters, relying almost exclusively on written instructions, until the printing of pictures became more convenient and they were included. 
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The Mariner’s New Calendar by Nathaniel Colson, 1760 (x)
Practical navigator and seaman's new daily assistant, on the other hand, was a book consumed by the midshipmen. The young sea officers sheet anchor was also among the books they had to read, as it helped them understand rigging and seamanship. In addition, mathematics, arithmetic and geometry books were also found with them.
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The young sea officers sheet anchor, or, a Key to the Leading of Rigging, and to Practical Seamanship, by Darcy Lever 1808 (x)
An important book for all of them was the prayer book or the Bible that was read during the masses on board. Equally important, if not necessarily in book form, were the articles of war on board, as well as a medical book, in case there was no surgeon on board or he was not available. There the officers could then look up and hope for the best.
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The Seamen’s Medical Friend, by F.D. Fletcher, 1878 (x)
What many also had on board was The nautical magazine and naval chronicle: a journal of papers on subjects connected with maritime affairs. There they could read everything that was currently maritime, such as wrecks, sightings of sea monsters, inventions, important events such as promotions and courts martial.
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team-unveil · 11 months
Hi there! I'm sending this to you because I think this should get out there, no matter how hard Lynda tries to keep it hidden~
Below is an article with all the information you need. I hope you find this as interesting of aread as I did~
Shocking Reveal: Monsters of Alola!
Written by [[REDACTED]]
The stuff of monster movies comes to life,and this ain't no Twilight!
The well known and (seemingly) liked Champ of Alola, Lynda, has been hiding a terrifying secret from the public eye, along with her current husband, Silver. Our specialist photographer,[[REDACTED]], has these unearthly photos to show us!
[Image ID: A blurry photo of what appears to be a Silvally in the sky. However the creature has large wings that resemble those of a Ho-oh and Lugia, and the tail is much longer than a typical Silvally's. The colors are somewhat off, perhaps they're the shiny colorations? The angle of the image doesn't give any idea of what the top ofthe creature looks like.]
One of the monsters showing their true self, presumably Silver, while soaring through the sky and terrifying the local flying types.
[Image ID: A second blurry photo, it's of Lynda training with her Charizard, though the blur of her form is oddly shaped with a long tail, along with a pair of wings and horns. CharStar seems to have been thrown into a tree by her, wings flared, ready to go again.]
Shown here is the destructive violence of who we can only assume is Lynda, as she recklessly flings her own prized CharStar into a tree.
[Image ID: Once again the photo is blurry. It seems to be the creature from the first photo, tackling Lynda with a puff of smoke leaving her mouth, possibly from the sudden tackle. They seem to both be smiling.]
We even seemed to have caught them in a domestic dispute, how aggressive!
These crazy photos make us at [[REDACTED]] Magazine wonder why we still let these creatures of the night mingle with completely normal people.
It's hard to believe the people of Alola feel safe with these horrible terrors around!
//OOC Important Context:
This is an unpublished article that some hacker leaked to mess with Lynda. The images are from a photographer that stalked Lynda and Silver to send in for this article. The magazine this was going to published in was known for illegal information gathering methods and spreading misinformation.
This was also before Silver had managed to get complete control over his form.
Image one is just Silver in what we're calling his chimera form, practicing flying so he doesn't crash into things.
Image two is Lynda training with her charizard because he asked her to.
Image three is literally just Silver tackling Lyn for a hug, they are not fighting.
Obligatory account tags: @silveredfeathers @trainerlynda
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