#ared fallen skies
hannahmationstudios · 5 months
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I’m so excited to post this ABSOLUTELY BREATHTAKING commission I just received of my Horizon OC, Ared, by the incomparable @questionartbox ! Thank you so much for bringing my terrible boy to life! 🔪🌸💚
Ared is an original character from my post-HFW Kotaloy longfic, Fallen Skies.
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quiche-draws · 7 months
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Commissions I did for @hannahmationstudios for her fic Fallen Skies (if you haven't read it and you're a fan of Kotaloy, horror elements and plot, please go check it out!) I was given the opportunity to illustrate some scenes and here are the last two ones I did!
Thank you for commissioning me, again!!
Also, here's a bonus doodle I did because these two needed Bobble! versions hehe
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han-ban-bam · 1 year
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@hannahmationstudios is an absolute triple threat, writing art and creativity abounds. Also she’s an undisputed Babe. 💖 If you haven’t read Fallen Skies and experienced The Actual Threat that is Ared, you’re missing a treat.
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setavvo · 7 months
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Fanart inspired by a scene in @hannahmationstudios' Fallen Skies, Chapter 24.
Gosh, if you're looking for a Horizon fic with lots of plot, worldbuilding, and amazing writing LOOK NO FURTHER!
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mancatrex · 10 months
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Sketch for the Wind Weaver AU by @quiche-draws, of the pirate Ared, @hannahmationstudios OC from the fic Fallen Skies
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thealienfantasy · 6 months
Alien Fantasy-File 6: They're firing at us!
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"Would anyone care to explain why we haven't gotten any reports back yet?! " The monarch shouted. Their bioluminescent body glowing with rage.
"We're trying to contact them your highness, but they're not answering back!" The communication unit replied. The entire crew felt a sense of dread as they saw the Monarch's glow intensify. They slammed one of their appendages against their seat. This was supposed to be a simple mission. 
"Earth"...the Human's home planet. It was ripe of resources. Such a rich planet inhabited by a species that, in comparison to most of the Galaxy, was pretty weak and primitive. It was supposed to be a simple mission. Invade earth, display their might, ensure that the humans surrendered and let themselves be consumed by the light of the Mongeath Empire.  It should've been simple. And yet, hours had passed. Not a single report back. Until now that is...
"Your majesty! We're getting a transmission!" The communication unit said. Quickly answering the call. The screen beamed to light, showing a captain that who's light seemed dim in comparison to the monarch.
"Ahh, Officer Ecta. I trust that you have good news to report? have the humans finally realized that resistance is futile?" The monarch asked. The Officer looked back at his crew, all of whom seemed to barely glow.
"Your majesty. I...." They stuttered. Barely capable of glowing brighter. An officer like them had to be brave in the face of their monarch. Dimming meant weakness. "We couldn't get past the clouds of their planet."
A moment of silence seemed to hover through the mother ship. everything within proximity of the monarch seemed to dim in anticipation for what was about to happen next.
"Care to repeat that, Officer?"  The monarch hissed. Not believing what they were hearing right now. Another member of the Officer's squad piped up.
"Your Majesty. What our captain is trying to say is. It seems the humans were anticipating our arrival." The Monarch's glowing appendages curled in confusion. They knew they were coming?
"So why haven't we gotten word of their surrender yet?" The monarch asked.
"We haven't able to launch our attack yet, your majesty. We haven't even been able to get past the clouds." The officer reluctantly reported. A loud hissing sound seemed to come from the monarch, causing everyone in the mothership to freeze.
"Explain...." The monarch demanded.
"Right as our fleet began to close in to breach the clouds, several of hour ships got struck by explosions." The officer explained.
"They were everywhere, Your majesty. They all had different colors, Different sizes. The sky was full of them. Some our ships ended up getting shot down while trying to breach their clouds." One their crewmembers added.
"So you couldn't get past their cannons?" The monarch asked.
"I dare not say they are cannons your highness. We don't have a good view of what's going on down there. We've fallen back and retreated, but they still seem to be firing." The officer explained. "We have some recordings if you wish to see them."
The monarch looked at their officer with frustration, their glow intensifying so much.
"Show me..."
The screen changed visuals, showing the skies of earth. The entire communications unit nearly recoiled upon hearing the immediate bang from one of the explosions. The Monarch observed with shock. She could faintly see several explosions glowing from beneath the clouds. all being prefaced by a loud whistle before a "bang" followed suit. Soon, A window appeared on the screen. Displaying an S.O.S. signal.
"Your Majesty?"
"We'll get back to your later, Ecta." The monarch declared. Commanding the communications unit to answer the signal. The screen beamed and showed another member of the fleet. Their body was faintly glowing. they seemed to be exhausted.
"Your Majesty......E.....others.....arely made it......live....hip is broke....." The Monarch's anger seemed to intensify with each passing second. They could barely hear the soldier over all those explosions. they were MUCH louder down there. Most of the members on board were doing whatever they could to shield their auditory receptors. The soldier turned their camera to show the monarch what was going on. And the sight seemed to leave the monarch speechless.
They had a much better view of the explosions. Sure enough, the sky was filled with them. All with different colors and different shapes and sizes. A few them seemed to be shaped like what humans thought a star looked like. A few seemed to spell out something that the monarch couldn't quite make out. Numbers? 2....0.....Ugh....
The monarch's anger turned to confusion as the kept looking at the display. Their fleet wasn't trying to get past the clouds anymore as was explained earlier. So why were they still firing? Was this really what was stopping them? The monarch couldn't take her eyes off of the explosions. They had to admit, it looked beautiful. They could've kept looking at the explosions if the loud sound didn't snap them out of their trance.
".....on't know......o your ma......ewmates are wou....." The soldier tried to explain. Once more, his speech was barely audible over the loud explosions. Their hearts nearly stopped beating upon hearing a very loud explosion going off nearby. The soldier dropped their communications device and panicked.
"....are nearby...I need...." The soldier shouted and quickly scrambled to run away. But seemed to trip over the plants that were nearby. The communications device seemed to slowly lose it's signal until the call completely ended. The monarch stared at the screen completely stunned. She called the Officer back.
"Has our fleet tired to strike from another side of the planet?" The monarch asked.
"I've been getting reports of the rest of our fleet having the same planet your majesty. We don't see any ways for us to get past these clouds without our ships being damaged by these explosions." The officer replied.
"...And they're still firing?" the monarch asked.
"I'm afraid so. As of now, our ships are steering clear from the clouds, but they haven't stopped firing yet." The officer answered.
"Very well. I'll think of something. Keep me updated." The monarch commanded. Earning a salute from the officer before closing the call. The Monarch's light seemed to dim a little. What to do...what to do...
Did the humans know they were there? they hadn't gotten a transmission from their planet. Unless they didn't want them knowing that they'd be striking back. The monarch began thinking back to those explosions. 
The shapes, the sizes. The way they seemed to cover the sky. Were they meant for defense? Was it some kind of ritual? 
They looked so deadly...yet so beautiful...
"That was amazing, Gramps!" 
"Heh. Isn't it? Happy new years, champ!" The grandpa said. putting away a pack of his loudest fireworks.
"Dad, Are you trying to start a forest fire? What if someone was down there?!" The mother chided.
"Relax. Nobody ever goes down there. That forest is known to be filled with bears." Gramps chuckled while looking down at the cliff he had tossed the firework down in. "That's why you are never going there, am i right?" He said patting his grandson.
"So you're okay with bears getting hit by fireworks?" The mother asked bewildered. Gramps shrugged.
"Call it revenge for all the poor saps that got eaten by them." Gramps said while cackling, The mother could only shake her head in disbelief. The mother felt a tug on her sleeve.
"Mommy! Mommy! I saw another shooting star!" Her younger son said.
"Again?" The mother chuckled while lifting her son up with a smile.
"Yeah! I saw 3 falling at the same time!" Her son said with glee.
"Wow. You're getting a lot of wishes tonight, huh?" The mother chuckled. The family gathered at the cliff and continued watching the fireworks. all of them smiled as they looked forward to what this year had in store for them.
"Mommy? Why is there so much smoke over there?"
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the-twilight-sword · 4 months
Arlecchino, Penguins, and Angels
This theory has a bit of everything.
Naming Parallels
Perinheri- the in-game book confirmed to be related to Arlecchino's past by her 5th character story
Peruere- her birth name
Pers- Freminet's pet penguin's namesake, readable as the in-game book Tales of a Snow-winged Goose. This is based on Mother Goose from our world, which has a harlequin variant. This book also includes a story about a "Princess Marcotte" who is clearly meant to be Clervie.
Le Père- the French word for father
Hleobranto Innamorato & Blade Runner
Hleobranto Innamorato is the other name for the book Perinheri, and seems to be based on our world's Orlando Innamorato and Orlando Furioso books. In volume two of Perinheri, we hear about Hleobrant and his unrequited love for Angelica, which parallels our Orlando books.
This is further corroborated by the local legend Fairy Knight Twins, Angelica and Medoro. In our Orlando, Medoro is the man Angelica ends up with. The achievement for defeating them is called "Tears in the Rain", a reference to the Blade Runner monologue that is repeated in Tales of a Snow-winged Goose with the line "from red giants to white dwarfs, from the shoulder of Orion to the glimmering Tannhauser Gate..."
The central theme of Blade Runner is the divide between the humans and the replicants, something paralleled in Perinheri and Tales of a Snow-winged Goose. In Perinheri, it says that the Crimson Moon dynasty existed before birds split into domestic and wild kindred, and Tales of a Snow-winged Goose says that seagulls split into two races; seagulls, which continue to fly; and auks, which would never take to the skies again. Clearly, the metaphor here is that humans have split into two races.
It wasn't until I watched this video that I began to understand what these parallels might mean for the overarching storyline. Crucially, the replicants are soldiers for an interstellar war designed so that humans don't have to fight.
Angels & Seelies
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This is Arlecchino's boss form. Typically, she has just half a wing, but here, she has six. I most frequently see this design being likened to the appearance of a spider (which would match visually with the Black Widow), but I see this has the six wings of a seraph. In Judaism, seraphim are angels associated with fire, constantly burning; seraph means both "burning" and "serpent".
I don't think it's a stretch at this point to say that Seelies are angels. In fact, there are measures to prevent Seelies from falling in love (and having offspring) with humans- why would this be? Perhaps to avoid creating a Nephil, as might happen according the Book of Enoch (which Genshin takes inspiration from). The Earth is understood in Jubilees and Enoch to have been flooded, inp part, for the sins of the Nephilim, which included drinking blood.
Kaeya & the Blessing of the Crimson Moon
Arlecchino can use the blessing of the Crimson Moon's blood, probably due to her lineage. The same goes for Kaeya, who, like Arlecchino, isn't effected by the "curse of wilderness" which Chlothar says turns all but pure-blooded Khaenri'ahns into monsters.
If you read the lore for Arlecchino's weapon, the Crimson Moon Semblance, you will understand the connection. The drinking of wine symbolises receiving the blood, and the blessing, of the Crimson Moon. How does this connect to Kaeya? Recall his father's letter from Hidden Strife. The Alberich clan are connected to the concept of purifying flame, the same concept as purgatory.
The Wagner Section
For me, every great Genshin Impact theory needs a reference to the operas of Wagner. In this case, it's the "Tannhauser gate" line in the Blade Runner monologue, a possible reference to Tannhäuser, the opera. It follows a bard of sorts and his infatuation with Venus and her underground realm "Venusberg". The evening star in our world is in fact not a star at all, but the planet Venus, and is associated with the fallen angel Lucifer (the demon to which the Ars Goetia's Paimon is obedient to). Khaenri'ah, the underground nation with its star motif, seems to reference Venusberg.
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missmrah · 1 year
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It’s always an interesting challenge to work with other people’s OCs, especially the morally grey—or possibly outright villainous—ones!
Thank you @hannahmationstudios​ for this commission request, I had a lot of fun drawing your design for your character Ared xx
Edit: I can’t believe I forgot to add the link to the fic featuring this scene:
Fallen Skies by Indiannahjones
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fantasy-girl974 · 1 year
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A commission I've done for @hannahmationstudios of her Horizon OC Ared from her longfic "Fallen Skies". 👀💕
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robynmizore · 5 months
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(The above picture is Takumi seeking revenge for that one chapter he got stabbed) Redemption Chapter 23:
Hop To It!
Robyn ran the brush through Takumi’s hair in a long, satisfying sweep. They were still in the afterglow of their shared intimacy, and that long, beautifully wild silver hair was too tempting to resist. And now it sat free from its usual ties, the Hoshidan prince’s back to her as he faced the mirror. A soft sigh of contentment escaped him as she brushed his bangs out of his face with her fingertips. It was the same scene from their first time, only reversed now. A soft chuckle escaped the Summoner’s lips at the look of absolute bliss on Takumi’s face, his eyes closed and features relaxed, almost reminding her of a cat.
“What? No one’s ever brushed your hair like this before?” she teased softly, earning a sheepish blush.
“M-mother used to.. Oboro just helped with my clothes. She always complimented my hair though. Both of them wore their hair similar to me too. In the hot springs, Hinata and I always washed each other’s backs.”
Wrapping her arms around her husband from behind, she set the brush down and rested her cheek on Takumi’s soft hair, taking the opportunity to tease him a bit.
“So, you had that kind of bond, huh?”
“I-it’s not like that!”
“I know.” Robyn giggled, placing a soft kiss on his head, then helped him tie his hair up in its usual ties.
They were just fastening them into place when they heard Niles outside, raising the alarm. The couple rushed to the window to see the group of Niðavellir soliders had materialized outside and were launching an attack.
“Damn it.. they’re at it again!” Takumi hissed. “Right at the castle too! We can’t let them inside! Come on!”
Throwing the cloak on, Robyn took her husband’s hand and then rushed downstairs.
“If they get inside, they may harm Kisaragi.”
Takumi gave her hand a quick, reassuring squeeze.
“That is not going to happen. They will not make it past me. And.. if they did I know I can count on you to protect our son.” he assured her firmly, and together, they burst outside.
Jakob greeted them with Nightmare in tow.
“Ready milady?” he inquired as she mounted, and the Summoner nodded in confirmation as Reginn stepped out to confront them again, declaring she will not be leaving without the Summoner, much to Niles’ amusement.
“You lost the first time, what makes you think you’d win the second time, little girl?” Niles sneered. “Behave.. or I’m gonna punish you~”
Reginn’s eyes flashed, and she charged. At Robyn’s command, the Order of Heroes surged forward, one faction led by Alfonse, and the other led by Takumi. Both held off the Niðavellir soliders, and it was Robyn alone who faced off against Robyn.
“I’m not falling for your trick again!” Reginn blustered. “A-and I won’t be taking any prisoners either!”
“I would expect as much.” Robyn commented dryly. “But one thing you do need to know about me.. is that I always..” She tucked her legs underneath her. “..have a plan.”
With that, Robyn quickly pushed off, hurtling towards the ground while Nightmare took off for the skies.
“W-what?!” Reginn yelped, looking up in confusion.
Too late, she seemed to realize she’d fallen for yet another tactic. Glowing green lines formed on the Summoner’s legs as she focused all her mana into them.
Reginn gasped, the breath knocked from her as Robyn nailed a single, mana charged attack into her chest, sending her flying. She hit the ground with a rumbling thud, a lull forming in the battle as the enemies paused to gape at their now fallen commander. Reginn struggled to get to her feet, lungs heaving, and was quickly surrounded.
“H-how d-did you get ahold of Seiðjarn?!” she rasped.
“Consider it a welcome gift, since you seem to think you can come in here and attack us as you please.” Takumi fired back as he stepped up beside her.
“Oh-ho.. so that’s where you two ran off to yesterday.” Niles drawled, sauntering up. “Now then..”
The thief plucked one of his arrows from a fallen soldier, using the end to tilt Reginn’s chin up as he leaned over her. She looked oddly subdued, far from the fierce warrior princess she’d acted as mere moments earlier.
“Now Reginn.” Niles purred in a sultry tone. “Why does big brother want to make sweet love to our Summoner’s chest with the business end of a blade, hm?”
Robyn could have sworn she saw Takumi seeing red at this, and beside her she could see Gaius choking on his muffin.
“Gods Pirate Man.. what is wrong with you?!” he exclaimed in disgust. “We’re interrogating My Metal Pony over here, not traumatizing them.”
To their astonishment, Reginn’s eyes wells up, and she burst into tears, sobs wracking her body.”
“W-wahhhh! Brother! I’m sorry! I’m such a failure!” she wailed. “I-I’m.. I’m!”
Gaius let out a low whistle, and Caledori muttered
“Well you’ve definitely done it now Niles..”
Niles’s eye shifted to one of guilty annoyance.
“Ugh.. quit cryin’ will you? I can’t even bully you like that!” he snapped.
Jakob on the other hand, seemed completely unmoved by the water works.
“Well this was certainly unexpected.” he grumbled, arms crossed firmly over his chest. “Care to inform us your reason behind this unwarranted attack?”
Reginn took a moment to collect herself, slapping the tears from her face and straightening her shoulders.
“I-I’m coming with you!” she sniffled. “Y-you have to stop m-my brother!”
“..I’m sorry. You want us to what?!” Frederick inquired suspiciously.
The other soldiers had already retreated, leaving their commander in the war torn field. Robyn could almost feel sympathy for how easily the young woman had been abandoned. Anna let out a long sigh, looking a little exasperated.
“Alright, we’re taking you back to the castle and calling an emergency meeting!”
“So let Gregor get Big Metal Horse Lady’s story right.” the mercenary said, raising an eyebrow. “Big Metal Horse Lady attack Askr because Brother go crazy and take over all the kingdoms?”
Reginn took a long sip of tea, her honey-colored eyes lighting up at the flavor. They were all gathered around the massive wooden table in the meeting room beside the roaring fireplace. Jakob and Flora were serving refreshments. The Niðavellirian had changed out of her steed, known as Gullinbursti, donning skin tight black and gold armor and a purple cape. “That’s right.” she replied, taking another sip of her tea.
“Ótr and I are the only ones related by blood. Fáfnir was always kind to us.. until he suddenly went mad. After that, all he wants to do is conquer other kingdoms. I.. don’t even know if that’s my brother anymore.”
“I wonder if the power just went to his head.” Commander Anna mused.
“Is such a drastic change even possible?” Sharena chimed in, and Robyn’s eyes widened, feeling her body tense up.
“What’s wrong?” Takumi whispered from beside her as he gave her hand a quick squeeze to ground her.
“That’s the same women I saw in my dreams. The one with the two brothers who died.” she hissed, her voice barely more than a breath in his ear. The others were still conversing, so the others couldn’t hear them. Still, Robyn wasn’t taking any chances.
“The spirit must have been showing me the future! Someone did something to Reginn’s brother to make him like this. That explains the whole drastic change in personality. If we can undo it somehow, that may stop the war!”
Takumi’s eyes darkened.
“You may be right. We’ll tell Alfonse immediately. As soon as this meeting’s over.”
Robyn secured the orb into the Briedablik. Reginn had given it to her as a peace offering along with profuse apologies. While she accepted the apology, she still remained wary, as did Takumi. The Hoshidan had also had quite the word with Niles for the way he’d spoken of Robyn earlier, hoisting the thief up by the front of his shirt as he spat
“Don’t. Ever. Speak. About. Robyn. Like. That. Or I’ll cut your tongue out myself!”
“Kinky!” Niles sneered, breaking off as Takumi dumped him roughly back on the ground with a look of disgust and storming off.
Robyn had hurried after him, the prince settling down instantly when her hand found its way into his. As Robyn took aim, she could see Takumi watching her with the same look of utter fascination he had the first time he’d witnessed her summon. Smiling, she beckoned him to join her.
“Here. You hold it too. I.. want to share all aspects of my life with you.”
Takumi complied, that pleasant flush she loved so much adorning his cheeks as he took his place at her side.
“I.. want to share everything with you too.” he confessed. “My past, present, my future. Everything about Hoshido too. Maybe.. I’ll even teach you archery sometime.”
“I’d like that.” Robyn replied as they fired the orb together. “..I won’t be as good as you though.”
Takumi watched the light flash, a serene look in those lovely hazel orbs.
“Normally I’d say anyone could surpass me if they trained enough. That my skills only come from the Fujin Yumi’s power. But now, I’m learning to recognize my own skill. The Fujin Yumi chose me because I earned its power. ..I’m starting to realize that now.”
“My, such elegant words! Even the chosen one’s heart trembles over such a poetic display of conviction!”
The couples’ heads turned as they were greeted with the sight of their new summon, who had his hand across his face for some reason. A sword rested at his hip, his outfit a mix of yellow, black, and white with a splash of red. There was something about the adventurous gleam in his eyes that Robyn liked as he straightened up to face them, his hand still covering his face as he grinned broadly and called
“Oh, sacred Summoner! From which realm have you summoned the great legendary hero?!”
“You are in Askr.” Robyn replied with a formal bow. “I am Robyn, the Summoner of Heroes. We’ve summoned you here because we need your help. Our enemy Embla is a threat to all worlds, including your own. They enter other worlds and force heroes into a contract to fight for them. Will you lend us your aid?”
The man’s eyes widened, and he eagerly paced in excitement.
“So this kingdom forces others into an unjust war?! That will not stand! Count me in!”
“Thank you. I am Takumi, second prince of Hoshido. And you are?” Takumi inquired, and the man straightened up and announced dramatically.
“I am the wolf who howls for justice! The eagle who cries for love! A chosen warrior come from the future to bring hope to a dying world! I AM… OWAIN! I will make those fiends atone for their deeds in the eternal hellfire of perdition. RADIANT… DAAAAAAAAAAAWN!”
“..What?!” Takumi said, starting to Iook a bit flustered.
He’s.. certainly quite the character. Robyn mused, stifling a chuckle. “That’s.. wonderful to hear, Owain. Why don’t we go back to the castle so I can show you around?”
“The humble destroyer of darkness need not such luxuries.” Owain declared as he fell into step beside them. “..Still.. if it is pertinent to our quest.. I shall accompany you!”
As Robyn and Takumi traded looks, the pair hearing him hiss “So exciting!” behind them, and Robyn could see the small smirk on her husband’s lips, the prince shaking his head slightly, and they continued on, reaching the castle doors, where Leo and Niles were outside conversing.
The Nohrian prince’s eyes narrowed when they fell on Owain.
“Ah, so you’ve been summoning again and managed to call on my other retainer? Good work. Come Odin. There is much to catch up on.”
“Odin? He told us his name was Owain.” Takumi replied with a frown.
“Oh-ho, using a secret identify now, Odin?” Niles teased with an smirk.
“It seems you mistake me for another. I am not Odin, but Owain! Hero of darkness at your service!” the sword master replied, and Leo and Niles both traded looks though narrowed eyes, before the Nohrian prince turned a level stare to Robyn and Takumi.
“What is the meaning of this?”
“How would we know? He’s supposedly your retainer!” Takumi countered.
The pair had another eye conversation, then Leo sighed.
“Very well. I don’t know what game you’re playing now, Owain. But it does not matter to me. We will get on just fine without you then.” Leo replied with a dismissive wave, then stormed inside with Niles in tow.
“Well that was certainly.. interesting.” Takumi muttered, crossing his arms across his chest. “Care to explain?”
“The dark hero cannot explain what the dark hero does not know!” came the cryptic reply, and the prince sighed.
While they could pry for answers, they chose not to waste their mental energy.
“Pray tell.. you want us to what?!” Chrom stammered.
They were gathered around the meeting table once more, called by Commander Anna.
“Oh come on, it’ll be fun!” Sharena chimed in. “It’s common tradition to dress as bunnies for the spring festival! And if we win, we get a massive supply of carrots, which will be great for Askr’s food supply!”
“I’ll dress as a bunny~” Niles purred, and Leo face-palmed.
“Don’t embarrass me!” he hissed, and they were dismissed.
Robyn finished the last stitch of the scarf she made Takumi, pausing to admire her handy work of the high quality fabric. It would match that resplendent attire of his quite well, as well as compliment the pink bunny ears they’d gotten each other. While a bit embarrassed about it, the prince had indulged her desire to get into the spring festival spirit.
“..Can I open my eyes now?” Takumi chuckled. He’d entered her room, just as she was finishing up, and was immediately ordered to cover his eyes by a flustered Robyn. The Summoner smiled as she rose to her feet and approached from behind, looping the scarf around his neck with a satisfied nod.
“..Now you can.”
Surprised reddish hazel eyes blinked back at her in the mirror, then softened.
“..You made this for me?” Takumi asked softly, fingers reaching to feel the soft materials.
“I just wanted to give you a nice gift. I made one for me and Kisaragi too. That way.. we can match. As a family.”
His eyes full of emotion, Takumi drew her closer, his forehead resting gently against her’s.
“Never could I have imagined something like this.” he breathed, playing lightly with a piece of her hair. “I’m a lucky man to be able to spend this with you and our son.”
“It’ll be back to fighting tomorrow.” she murmured back. “So let’s seize the moment.”
They made their way downstairs and to the castle nursery, where Kisaragi was more than happy to wear his new scarf and bunny ears, babbling happily. Their son was still growing fast, his speech improving little by little. There were no words to describe the happy feeling blooming in Robyn’s chest as she cradled their son in one arm, the other hand held by Takumi as they walked through the portal to the village that hosted the festival. It was as if they could forget about the war and the hardships, and pretend that they were just a normal family for a bit. While they were a little worried about Kisaragi potentially trying to fly in front of people, both parents were ready, having gone over an abundance of preventatives and excuses lest any incident were to occur.
“Wow, they really went all out!” Takumi exclaimed, his gaze sweeping the grounds.
Stalls lined the beautiful cobblestone path as far as the eye could see, surrounded by a beautiful flower field. Children frolicked the fields while their parents watched fondly from a distance. Couples walked hand in hand while the sound of music instruments filled the air.
“What should we do first?” Takumi asked as they passed an egg decorating stall.
Kisaragi reached out enthusiastically, earning a chuckle from Takumi.
“Egg decorating it is!”
They gathered their materials and settled at a nearby table. Robyn chose sakura themed while Takumi picked cherry blossoms. Kisaragi just played with the colors on his egg with a look of deep concentration, earning a chuckle from Takumi.
“Heh, he has to learn somehow.” Takumi said, helping her clean up as they finished.
“Egg!” Kisaragi yelled, snatching up the eggs with vigor as he perched in Robyn’s arms.
“Egg!” she responded as Takumi burst out laughing.
They made their way to the Askrian stand next. Per Robyn’s request, Askr had set up a stand of their own, serving Askrian style fruit tarts, and Hoshidan dango and miso soup, a perfect blend of two different kingdoms.
Kisaragi gazed in wonder as they picked out mitarashi and sakura dango.
“Kisaragi, this is common Hoshidan food.” Takumi explained as he held the stick out, their son grabbing it enthusiastically.
“Ho..shi..do.” he mused, then eagerly took a bite.
“Hoshido good!” Kisaragi announced, chewing carefully.
“Very good!” Robyn praised.
As he sampled the sakura next, Robyn took a piece of the mitarashi between her lips, leaning in towards Takumi. A soft blush graced his cheeks as the prince smiled, his lips brushing her’s tenderly as he accepted the bite. The sound of crying drew their attention, and they looked to see Cherche standing over a crying girl, her eyebrows furrowed in frustration.
“Please be reasonable!” the wyvern rider protested. “I just want to help you find your parents. If you would please, just take my hand-“
“No!” the girl protested, shaking her head vehemently. “I don’t wanna go with you! You’re a stranger!”
Cherche was opening her mouth for a sharp retort when Takumi stepped in to intervene.
“Relax. Let me handle this.”
Stopping down to the girl’s level, he blinked warmly at the girl, his tone friendly.
“Whatcha doing over here? Are you exploring the fun festival?”
The girl sniffled and nodded, smacking at the tears on her face, and Takumi held out one of the dango.
“Whoa, that’s really cool! I bet you worked up an appetite, huh? You hungry little one?”
The girl’s head bobbed, and she took the dango eagerly and bit into it, her eyes widening.
“It’s so good!”
The flowers in the girl’s hair hung loosely, and Robyn knelt down to fix them, a feeling of softness taking over her features.
“That’s a common treat from Takumi’s kingdom.” she explained.
“Oh wow! Are you a prince?” the girl gasped, and Robyn nodded in confirmation.
“He is. Takumi is second prince of a kingdom called Hoshido.”
A soft blush overtook the prince’s features as the girl, who introduced herself as Violet, peppered him with questions, which he answered with ease, then asked
“Hey Violet, I bet your parents are looking for you, right? Do you know where you saw them last?”
“The harvest field!” she answered immediately.
“Let’s go find them then!” Takumi responded enthusiastically as he crouched down, gesturing for the girl to get on his back. “Here, get on. You can ride like a princess!”
“Yay!” Violet cheered, hopping on, looking around as Takumi straightened up. “I’m so tall now!”
“This is great!” Takumi exclaimed, Robyn chuckling softly at the adorable sight. “Are you ready? I’m gonna run all the way to that field!”
“Ride too!” Kisaragi chimed in, and Robyn was more than happy to comply.
With Cherche’s help, she secured him onto her back. Takumi bounced on his toes with exaggerated excitement, making Violet squeal with delight.
“Come, my princess. Let us make haste!” he announced dramatically. “To the field!”
“To the field!” Robyn, Kisaragi, and Violet chanted, and they were off.
Shouts of amusement sounded through the air as onlookers stepped out of their way, the sounds of the children’s excitement filling the air as they sprinted down the path. The breeze played with her hair, Takumi at her side matching her step for step, and she couldn’t feel more carefree. A small crowd had gathered near the field, led by a man and woman, searching anxiously.
“That must be it!” Takumi declared, honing in on them.
The couple’s eyes lit up as they rushed to meet them.
“Violet, thank the gods! You’re okay!” the woman cried as the girl climbed down from Takumi’s shoulders and launched herself into her mother’s embrace.
“I’m okay mommy! That prince and princess helped me and gave me a dango!”
“..Prince and princess?” the father exclaimed, the mother’s eyes widening as Takumi stepped up to introduce himself.
“Hello. I’m Prince Takumi of Hoshido, and this is my wife, Princess Robyn. We wanted to make sure your daughter returned safely.”
“Oh, thank you, thank you!”
The parents thanked them profusely, and they saw the trio off a little regretfully.
“I don’t know what the future holds.. but I hope we have a daughter like Violet one day..” Takumi murmured wistfully, Robyn nodding as she leaned her head on his shoulder.
“A son and daughter.. I’d like that.” she murmured.
Takumi gave her a soft look, then their heads turned to the sound of Ricken calling them, hurrying over with Niles in tow.
“The big competition for the carrot harvest is starting and we’re a couple people short! Want to join?”
“Let’s do it!” Takumi exclaimed.
Leaving Kisaragi safely with Sharena, who was whooping loudly in excitement, Robyn and Takumi hurried off to the “battlefield” hand in hand.
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gctchell · 6 months
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Although she's bound to Hell, Lilith does have her very limited outlets that allow her to breach the human world; there's the Deal House that was created by the Ars Goetia, and there's the Red Sea. From the exact border to border to its shores and beach, Lilith can emerge from the waters and walk the sands for a limited distance before she meets a hallowed barrier which keeps her contained. She can go no further, and the skies are off-limits past a certain point - her wings feel exceedingly heavy when she tries to take flight any higher than she is allowed, and her legs feel the same when she attempts without the wings.
Because of this ability to appear, Lilith's sparked stories of sirens in this part of the sea for many, many years, as well there being a frightening, yet beautiful, night creature who flies over the waters and perches upon the protruding rocks on the shoreline. Tailed by these 'night creature' and siren stories, speckled here and there throughout time, there have been ghost ships found here before, wading the waters with its crew found dead; drained of blood with two punctures in the neck, or they have simply vanished all together, presumed to have leapt overboard to chase the siren song.
Due to this being a point where Lilith often frequents in terms of coming to the surface, Succubi and Incubi enjoy using the area as their own little outlet, as well. They have secret locations stored away in grottos and secret passages, and simply come to and fro as they please. They make matters in terms of there being sirens all the more wild and pungent, as well as some sailors and other seafarers contracting mysterious illnesses gained while traversing the sea (if it's to be believed that Succubi & Incubi are able to inflict disease through sexual transmission, vis-a-vis Blitzo's snarky insult), while others come back 'lovesickened', or possessed and genuinely haunted by the Succubi/Incubi who have chosen them.
It's a location a lot of folk deem as cursed, and many advise not to sail once night has fallen. Though, those who make offerings to the strange presence that haunts the Red Sea tend to have fair journeys across its tides, and even on a day that is not windy, they find that their vessel has gained speed to traverse swiftly until they exit the border.
There is actually one ship that Lilith sank and actually dragged to Hell as a trophy;
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That thing.
Since it was destroyed with the original Hotel, both Charlie and Lucifer took the initiative to make a new one, seeing as both of their lovers are quite taken with the ship.
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hannahmationstudios · 7 months
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Ehehe THANK YOU @jukeboxindie for this FANTASTIC commission of the happy couple! 🏹🔪💍 ‘Til death do they part… and at least one of them is definitely already plotting murder.
(A little tease from the latest chapter of my post-HFW longfic, Fallen Skies, where Aloy has found herself a bit more… stuck, to everyone’s favourite Erie psychopath, than she might have hoped…)
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coffeeandjoon · 1 year
Let The Gods Bleed – A Mito Tale | DPR Ian/Mito fanfic 🌓
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In a world where angels and gods collide, Mito, a fallen angel, is adrift in the human realm, haunted by a forgotten past and plagued by depression.
Struggling to piece together his shattered identity, he stumbles upon love in the form of Mrs. Insanity, a woman scarred by loving the enigmatic Mr. Insanity. As Mito, now known as Ian, finds solace and happiness in their connection, he unknowingly becomes a threat to Mr. Insanity, a vengeful Greek god.
Driven by manic rage and a deep-seated hatred, Mr. Insanity descends upon Earth to reclaim what he believes is rightfully his. In a battle that tests the limits of their strength and love, Ian must confront his own demons and protect the woman who has shown him a path to redemption.
This story is a tale of love, turmoil, and the struggle for identity in a world where gods bleed and angels yearn for salvation.
violence, mention of blood & death, injustice 
1 – The Skies Begin to Bleach Red 
POV: Mito
Crimson red. The heavenly realm, otherwise so perfect and peaceful, was bathed in the color of blood. Humans called it a spectacular sunrise, if only they knew that this was the beginning of the downfall of the gods.
I could still feel the adrenaline pulsing through my veins. I had to do something.
I had tried to warn them. To point out to them the devious schemes of Ares, but what is the word of an angel against that of the god of war?
How could I have been so naive as to believe that they would listen to me. And above all, that they would believe me. And yet here I was, still trying.
The celestial realm quivered with tension as I, my wings ablaze with righteous fury, confronted the assembly of the divine. With eyes blazing like fiery stars, I stood before the gods, my voice ringing with conviction as I sought to expose the true nature of Ares.
They tried to dismiss my claims as the ramblings of a misguided angel, blinded by their unwavering trust in Ares’ façade of charisma. How could they be so blind? We were in the midst of a bloodbath, Artemis and Hephaestus had both fallen at the hands of Ares, and yet they looked at me with disbelief. Who else would have the power to kill a god if not another god?
"I implore you, Zeus," my voice thundered through the hallowed halls now turned red, "to heed my words and see the darkness that lurks within Ares. His deceit knows no bounds, his actions causing chaos and pain."
Zeus, the mighty ruler of the gods, regarded me with a mix of skepticism and disappointment. "Mito, your words carry a weight of accusation, but where is your proof? We cannot condemn a fellow god based on mere claims."
“Where’s my proof? Look at your feet, Zeus! That! This is my proof! He––"
"How can you be so sure that Ares killed them? These are serious accusations," Poseidon now interfered.
Anger boiled deep inside me. My wings trembled with frustration, but I stood tall, my resolve unyielding. "I have witnessed his malicious deeds firsthand. He revels in chaos, sowing discord and pain among mortals and divine alike. He is a danger to us all!"
Athena, the goddess of wisdom, raised an eyebrow. "Mito, you are a respected angel, but this is going too far! One more word and––"
Ares had a smug grin on his face as he took the floor. "My dearest, dearest gods. It relieves me greatly to hear you all defending my name and finding the true murderer of our beloved Artemis and Hephaestus." He nodded his thanks to all the gods before turning back to me and pointing his finger accusingly. "But you, Mito. You're pushing it too far. I know you've always had a hard time with me but accusing me of murder is an act that shall not go unpunished."
Loud murmurs rippled through the ranks of the gods but were drowned out by Ares' slow steps across the blood-soaked marble floor.
He circled me, eyeing me from top to bottom and glaring at me wickedly. "Look at you." He tugged at my once white feathers, now soaked with blood, and I pulled my wing away from his clutches. "Your wings are soaked with the lifeblood of my brothers and sisters." Another tug on the other wing, another dangerous glint in his dark eyes. "Why would an angel in the halls of Olympus be the first to be here after the massacre, unless he himself did the deed?"
"You know exactly why I was here first!", I shouted back, but my voice drowned under the loud commotion between the gods.
"Because you killed them," Ares mused in a melodic voice, glaring challengingly at me. He wouldn't get away with that. Not after what he had done before.
I ignored his provocations and turned back to Zeus.
"Zeus, you know as well as I and any other god that angels cannot kill gods. Please, listen to me," I pleaded.
At that moment, however, Ares fished something out of the pool of blood beneath my wings that shouldn't even exist. The God Slayer. A dagger that empowered any owner to kill any god.
I struggled with my words, nervously glancing back and forth between the dagger and the gods, but the look in their eyes told me everything. Their verdict had already been made.
"Zeus, I––"
"Your words mean nothing, Mito. You've been trying to badmouth Ares for centuries, but trying to pin your committed murder of MY children on him is going too far." He sighed before pronouncing my sentence and I knew I was going to die, "Cut off his wings."
I felt sick. This was not supposed to happen. I had done no wrong! "Zeus, please, let reason prevail, I did not do anything!" I screamed, but my words fell on deaf ears.
Two seraphim grabbed me by the arms and held me tight, I looked at them in panic and pleading, but they ignored me.
Suddenly I felt the hot breath of Ares direct on my right ear as he leaned in to me and whispered, "Have fun in Tartarus, Little Mito." Then I felt the cold steel cut through my wings and the world went black.
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Fear is powerful
There was nothing left of the wild chamomiles that bloomed for the gods. East winds that used to carry the fragrance of the woods and the sounds of the wild were silenced.
Instead of freshwater feeding Gaia's soil, blood rained from the battle. Men, some barely old enough to be called youths, lay gutted open like offerings to Zeus. The victors, those favoured by Nike, marched off to celebrate, whilst the Keres flocked together to feast on the flesh of the fallen and gnaw at their naked bones.
The young Phobos, a deity entering his youth, stood beside his twin brother Deimos. Their father returned to his chariot. Words could not describe the emotions that flooded through the boys' minds as they stared at the dead.
A bloody hand grabbed onto Deimos' leg. His voice gurgled with blood, but the man kept trying to beg the boy to save him. Deimos could only stare at the dying man.
Between the gaps in his helmet, the twins could see his eyes tremble. With an audible slice, the man's eyes rolled back. His hand fell limp. Ares withdrew his spear from the man's head and shook the blood from its tip.
His heated gaze turned to his sons and their blood ran cold. They both tensed but refused to meet the god's eyes beneath his iron helmet.
Ares removed his helmet and ruffled Deimos' hair. His hands were painted with the blood of his enemies, the same men littered across the field. On their father's arms lay scars and wounds. One rather large gash looked like an eye, wide open and crying blood.
"See boys," their father's voice was as rough as the cries of war that echoed throughout the battle.
"This is what lives are all about! These mortals worship us, give us sacrifices and all to ensure that they win a foolish battle! Soon, my sons, you will join me. You will strike fear into the hearts of our enemies."
Ares' laughter at his own words caused worry to pool inside the young boys' minds. They did not want war. They wanted the love that their brother, Eros, had been granted.
Time passed, and by the time Persephone arise from the underworld, it would have been time for Phobos and Deimos to join their father. Yet, the more time passed, the more Phobos longed to relinquish his divine rights. The images of the torn men remained burned into Phobos' memories. The thought of being the cause of such horror made the god's stomach turn. For an immortal, he somehow attained the heart of a mortal.
Eros, his sweet, dear brother. A god respected by both mortals and gods. A god that can affect the outcome of the war and bring peace. It is he that powers people's determination softens their hearts and hardens their spirits. He can lighten the leaden reins that hold the heart back. He is even able to bring the god of the damned souls to his knees in the name of love.
How can Phobos not envy his power?
Whilst his brother rules next to their mother's side. He was left cursed to spread fear to mortals and to ride along in his father's chariot. Phobos was the pathetic fool who shackled the hearts of every poor soul. He heard them curse him under their breaths. How they wished he would vanquish, sent to rot in Tartarus like Sisyphus.
"I did not ask for this!!" Phobos cried out to the empty skies. He never asked to see his work in the eyes of young Athenians as the Sky Father rains down his might upon them. He never asked to see his work in the eyes of men as they cower in front of the beasts made by vengeful gods.
"Why mother Aphrodite?! Why must I be cursed?!" His echo mocked as it repeated his unanswered questions.
"Because," a voice softer than that of an angel spoke. Phobos did not turn to the honeyed voice. He could not face the woman who birthed him after laying down his insecurities for all to behold.
"Without fear. Man would be simple-minded." She sat down next to her son on one of the rocks of the empty mountain.
"Fear can also drive men. It makes them both blind and wise. It can either make a ruler strong or foolish." Her head rested softly atop Phobos' shoulder. Hair as pure as gold brushed against his cheek.
"You have not been cursed Phobos. You are here to help mankind. They need you as much as they need Eros. Both of you are mighty and fierce gods."
In the distance, figures approached them.
"And both of you are needed, my son. Now go with your father. Fight for the gods, destroy the enemy, and protect your allies. Your followers will come, just wait." She tilted her son's head and gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek.
The figures stood in front of them. Phobos stared in awe at his brothers and sister, all cladded in armour. Ares struck out his hand to his son and without hesitation, Phobos took his father's hand. Together the figures marched on into battle.
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gnollgrin · 2 years
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Can’t believe I haven’t posted him yet! This is Ared, a Horizon OC from the beautiful rollercoaster of a fanfic, Fallen Skies, by @hannahmationstudios
Which, btw, new chapter today! Go read!!!
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mancatrex · 1 year
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Enter Ared
Inspired by @hannahmationstudios' Fallen Skies Fanfic, Chapter 23
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