genderfluid-info-blog · 3 months
Is there a term or label for a genderfluid person who switches between any/all genders but like very slowly and randomly? Like weeks-months between genders?
Hey, the label for genderfluid people who are fluid between all genders is genderfruct!
The other label that fits you is argogender, this describes the experience where the changes between one’s separate genders or the parts of one’s gender happen gradually or slowly. This label does not specify any genders.
You could combine these two labels into argogenderfruct or use them separately! Hope that helps🫶
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aceandarothingies · 3 years
Microlabel Pride Posts! Day 17
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Argogender folks are awesome!
Argogender is a gender on the genderfluid spectrum! It describes someone who's gender changes very slowly.
[Image description: a pride flag with 15 stripes. They're the same colours as the genderfluid flag, just in more shades. End description.]
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gender-isafuck · 4 years
Currently updating my gender hoard yall wish me luck
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genderqueer-dream · 4 years
Could you explain arogogender?? I tried looking it up but i couldn't find anything
That was a typo lmao, I meant to say was argogender, which is a microlabel under genderfluid. Basically it means one's gender changes slowly!
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babycatcrow · 4 years
Lumenian + argogender + jellygender = lava lamp
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xeno-aligned · 5 years
Is there a gender that slowly changes all the time (not like genderfluid)?? I was explaining to my girlfriend that I feel as though my gender is a jawbreaker and how it changes color slowly when you eat it, my gender changes slowly when I’m awake and stops when I sleep but goes back to the same place when I wake up but over time I feel disconnected if that makes sense?
Argogender: A subset of genderfluid wherein the changes between one’s separate genders or the parts of one’s gender happen gradually. “Argogender” can also mean a gender the user defines according to any kind of slowness. Prefix from the Greek word αργóς meaning slow.
Not sure about the fact that your gender goes in a cycle, and the disconnection part, sorry!
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Is there a gender where it’s fluid but never encompasses being fully male or female? Also, are there any genders that are fluid but transition really slowly? Could there be one that’s both??
1) Yes. Eafluid or enbyfluid is a label for people who are mostly or only fluid between nonbinary genders. There are also more specific words, such as scorpifluid which is fluid between unknown genders, and ceterofluid which is being fluid between masculine, neutral and feminine nonbinary genders, but eafluid / enbyfluid would be your best bet.
Argogender or argogenderfluid: “A subset of genderfluid wherein the changes between one’s separate genders or the parts of one’s gender happen gradually. “Argogender” can also mean a gender the user defines according to any kind of slowness. Prefix from the Greek word αργóς meaning slow.”
Genderblur or genderfade: “Where your gender changes constantly but fades away into something else rather than making a hard or abrupt transition. (ex. feeling like a boy, then slowly feeling more stargender than boy, then feeling only stargender, etc.)”
For both, you just combine terms, such as argoeafluid, argononbinary, enbyfluidblur or eafluidfade.
~ Tath
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pride-color-schemes · 8 years
Argogender, Sychnogender, and Tachigender
A subset of genderfluid wherein the changes between one’s separate genders or the parts of one’s gender happen gradually. “Argogender” can also mean a gender the user defines according to any kind of slowness. Prefix from the Greek word αργóς meaning slow.
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[image description: a flag with thirteen stripes. from top to bottom they are: pink, light pink, very light pink, white, very light purple, light purple, purple, dark purple, very dark purple, black, very dark blue, dark blue, blue]
Full size [Here]
The gender of someone who is sychnogender might change many times throughout the course of a day. Prefix from the Greek συχνός meaning frequent.
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[image description: a flag with five stripes. all five stripes have a wavy border between colors, instead of straight lines. from top to bottom they are: pink, white, purple, black, blue]
Full size [Here]
Like the above but regarding rapidity, a gender that changes quickly or that otherwise has to do with high speed. Prefix from the Greek ταχύτητα meaning speed.
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[image description: a flag with nine stripes. from top to bottom they are: pink, white, purple, black, blue, black, purple, white, pink. a stylized hermes boot (a black shoe with a white wing on the heel) is centered on the flag]
Full size [Here]
Designed by: Me
Color meanings: Using the genderfluid pride color and changing them up to visually represent each gender. The “fading” stripes in Argogender symbolize the gradual changes. The wavy lines on the Sychnogender design represents short, wavelengths to represent the high frequency of gender changes. The Hermes boot in the Tachigender design symbolizes speed/rapidity.
Terms coined by: Gyey
Full pride gallery HERE! FAQ and “dictionary” of genders, orientations, and other related terms HERE. Send any questions to Ask-Pride-Color-Schemes!
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pride-flag-fag · 8 years
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argogender/fluid:  a subset of genderfluid wherein the changes between one’s separate genders or the parts of one’s gender happen gradually. “argogender” can also mean a gender the person defines according to any kind of slowness.
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Argogender - A fluid gender identity defined by slow transitions between one gender and the next.
MOGAI Lexicon
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gender-isafuck · 4 years
my gender decided that now that I figured out what it was that it's going to suddenly change and now it's fluxing somewhere between agender, male, and xenic so like tomorrow or whenever I have the energy I'm gonna update my gender hoard hhh
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genderqueer-dream · 5 years
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Argogender, Aporagender, Androgyne, Amaregender, Amogender, Apollogender, Achillegender, Astergender, Absorgender, and Abyfluid people are amazing and awesome!
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Any suggested terms for a nonbinary gender than can range from very feminine to almost masculine, with a tendency to hover around being mostly feminine (primarily out of convenience)? Sorry if that didn't make sense. >.
I can’t think of anything that fits exactly, but I can tell you a list of terms that may make sense:
Genderfluid: “Having a gender identity that changes, ex. from boy to girl and back.“
Girlflux or Womanflux: “When one feels mostly or all female most of the time but experiences fluctuating intensities of female identity. This can be fluid with any other identity.
A Girlflux person for example maybe female 50% of the time agender 25% percent of the time and a mix of the two the rest of the time.”
(If your gender is feminine but not female, you can use nonpuellaflux or feminineflux or femgenderflux or something.)
Domgender or Plerugender: “When one has several genders, but a certain one is dominant.(pleru derived from the latin roon "plerumque", meaning "for the most part/mostly") “
Argogender or Argogenderfluid: “A subset of genderfluid wherein the changes between one’s separate genders or the parts of one’s gender happen gradually. “Argogender” can also mean a gender the user defines according to any kind of slowness. Prefix from the Greek word αργóς meaning slow.“
Genderfae: “An experience of genderfluidity that never encompasses feeling masculine.“
Bigenderfluid: “Being bigender, with your gender fluctuating between the two.“
Cadogender: A polygender identity where one feels like they have one gender that is their default, or that they fall back on.
Femfluidflux: “Being fluid between feminine and nonbinary genders and having the intensity of those genders fluctuate. “
Gradience: “Gradient + Radiance. Multigender/Demigender/Genderfluid. Has a core gender that is well-defined. The further away extra genders are from this core, the harder they are to understand and define.“
Sapphiregender: “A gender that is aesthetically related to sapphires, a gender that is feminine, nonbinary, and vaguely fluid.“
Syngender: “A subset of genderfluid; for people who usually feel a certain gender, however it fluctuates sometimes.Not to be confused with genderflux.Derived from the Greek word "συνήθως" (syní̱tho̱s) meaning "common" or "usual".“
Tauragender/Taurgender: “When someone’s gender stays the same for an extended amount of time due to the comfort they feel with that gender. The gender may change but the individual is reluctant for that change due to stubbornness, but when they do allow the change it is usually for the better.Based on the zodiac sign Taurus.“
Vibragender: “A gender that is usually one, stable gender, but occasionally fluctuates and changes before stabilizing again.“
Personagender: “A term used to describe a gender which is used in public as a social identity even though the individual doesn’t completely identify that way, eg. personaboy.“
I tried to find terms about being genderfluid with a leaning, or about being more of a certain gender for convenience, but most of them either talk about the gender they use for convenience not being the real gender, or, in the case of fluid genders, talk like a certain gender is always there or like the genders are all of a certain spectrum instead of just mostly hovering around a certain gender.
You can also use demigenders if you feel like you are partly feminine more than you are partly something else (demifeminine, magifeminine, dodransfeminine, etc.), but most people won’t look at those labels and think you are genderfluid from the get-go.
~ Tath
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genderqueer-dream · 5 years
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Argogender- A subset of genderfluid wherein the changes between one’s separate genders or the parts of one’s gender happen gradually, or a gender that is defined by its slowness.
Gender Document/Pride Flags For Us
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