#arguments against terfs
trans community listen to intersex people challenge (impossible)
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the reason it's a bad thing to only talk about a certain group of people when it benefits your argument is that it shows that you don't actually care about us as people. you can bring us up in an argument if the argument calls for it. whatever. but using an entire community as a gotcha and then attacking that same community when they ask for rights and recognition is complete bullshit. you don't get to use us as an argument if you clearly only see us as a thought experiment and nothing more
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radfemie · 1 year
me still trying to figure out how it’s okay to identify as the opposite sex but it’s problematic to identify as a different age or race🤔🤔
if you can “feel” like the opposite sex then why can’t you “feel” like a different race or age?? if it’s all feeling based then how do you draw the line at whats wrong and what is acceptable? makes no sense.
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transinclusionary · 2 years
What is a woman?
wait until this fuckin nerd learns that sex, gender, AND sexuality are all on spectrums
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philsmeatylegss · 2 years
As a cis lesbian, it is beyond frustrating that most terfs are cis lesbians. I hate that many terfs use my sexuality and gender as an excuse for their hate. I hate that lesbian terfs have experienced what it’s like to be ostracized for not being attracted to men and then do the same thing to a group of people who don’t want to be men. We are allies. Trans women and lesbians are groups of people who don’t want men to be a part of who they are. Terfs diminish women to biology and bodily functions. Women are so much more than that. Being attracted to women as a woman is a beautiful thing. And I hate that hate is being brought into that experience.
As a cis lesbian, I want to apologize, especially to all my trans friends, that a large amount of hate comes from people like me. It’s beyond hypocritical and they are against what lesbianism is truly about. Trans people are always welcomed and accepted here and terfs will not be tolerated. Holding so much hate for others who are different is such a sad thing to do and I don’t want to be anywhere near that. Just a reminder that this blog is safe for all trans people and not safe for terfs.
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wasabikitcat · 2 months
Has anyone in this Olympics women's boxing argument ever stopped and thought about whether it would make any sense for women to be more susceptible to being injured in boxing than men? Like sure, it's a fairly common assumption that men are physically stronger than women, and therefore a man would have an advantage at boxing because he can punch harder... But how would that make you more resilient to being punched in the nose? Like I would think the assumed advantage would be that women can't hit as hard and therefore would require more effort to take someone down, but what everyone is arguing over is a woman having her nose broken from a punch to the face, when a man's nose would be just as broken from the same punch. Women don't have like, daintier and weaker facial bones or something. Being punched in the face "by a man" when you're a woman is literally no different than being punched in the face by the same person as a man. If we are to assume that men (note: the person being debated about here isn't a man or even a trans woman, she is cisgender, but I digress) are so Herculean that their punches are just too dangerous for women, then men's boxing should be banned outright because it's just too dangerous for men to be punching each other with that strength when a punch to the face is exactly the same for a man as it is to a woman.
#this is my second time making an original post about this because it's just so so stupid of a thing for us to be arguing about#ive had arguments with terfs where i brought up how chromosomes are not always accurate and they always say#'oh well if they have a vagina then we can tell intersex women are women'#but now im seeing a slew of people saying that xy means you are undebatably a male and xx is always female#and that that's the defining feature that decides sex and having a y chromosome is inherently an advantage no matter what#and like. WE DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT TEST SHE FAILED!! We don't know her chromosomes! we don't know what's in her pants!!#there is ZERO reason to believe that she is lying about anything or that she has an intersex condition#other than the one organization banning her for reasons they have not fully revealed because they are shady as fuck#but even if she did have an intersex condition I THOUGHT YOU GUYS SAID THAT IT DIDN'T MATTER AND THAT YOU COULD TELL????#i thought you could always tell! now I'm seeing 'oh she was misidentified at birth' THAT'S NOT ALWAYS TELLING NOW IS IT THEN???#if someone can go their entire life being raised female without knowing they are intersex (which is something that is not highly uncommon)#then you can't 'always tell.' or maybe 'we can always tell' just means 'i assume things about peoples lives based on their appearance'#'and anyone who does not fit a white eurocentric standard of feminine is a man because i say so.'#terfs are just so exceedingly stupid it makes me want to rip my hair out.#even my self identified conservative parents think this whole debate is stupid as hell. like they aren't even being 'dad ally' about it#with the 'oh i don't care what happens in your own home' way. i mean this is one issue we are completely unified on here.#the issue being that people arguing about this woman's gender are absolutely delusional.#sorry for ranting on main. this actually does piss me off because I fucking told every terf ive ever argued with online#that this is all going to end with people staging witch hunts against completely cisgender women#who have done nothing other than not fit their expectations of femininity. and they always said 'we can always tell so it won't happen.'#and now we've reached that point and they've all fried their brains so hard that they don't even realize it. actual cult mindset.#idk im done ranting now. this is why you never argue with stupid people on the internet i guess.
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how do terfs grapple with the fact that they're white supremacist losers who think that women are weak essentially like adult babies but that they also bear the apparent brunt of all human pain... liiike ok which narrative are we going with
#you can't have it both ways and i thought the whole point of a 'women empowerment movement' (they aren't that. don't worry. ik)#was that women were strong and capable of doing anything... but then they complain about women losing sports#like first of all why is SPORTS of all things the crux of your entire argument on gender theory#and second of all sports are not cooshy soft shit anyways... they've always been incredibly violent (varies depending on the sport ofc)#like especially if you're going to the olympics for boxing i do not know why you'd expect not to get hit hard LMAO??? it's not like she died#it's this narrative of women's fragility that really only comes into play with white women bc let's be real here... terfs are mainly white#and also is so funny to put into a sports argument because not only are you making women look bad by essentially saying they#aren't good at whatever sport they're playing and therefore need to have a strict sex-based caste system in place so they can win#and also never get any injuries??? in sports??? which are highly competitive and where most injuries happen???#but also you're saying that physical strength is directly proportional to gender which is also very much not true. if that dumb bitch#was up against a different woman who was like a bodybuilder or weight lifter she still would have lost because she fucking sucks#meanwhile so many men have fucking noodle arms. it's just ridiculous to push this narrative like someone being biologically male doesn't#make them better at sports or stronger just like being biologically female doesn't make you worse at spoets or weaker#people are sooooo fucking different more than you could even imagine with your little peabrain#but you wanna be racist and evil so bad because you don't like cock and balls on women#this is just embarrassing at this point like some people aren't born completely one way or the other and some have hormone imbalances.#doesn't make them any less of whatever they are.#i don't understand why fucking genitalia gets people so tripped up but of course of society is so sex-based how can it not i guess lmao#imagine getting so scared that someone w/ a penis is going to rape you on a constant basis that you basically say we need to be eugenicists#you realize you can hold men who rape people accountable AND be a decent human being... right? it's actually very easy
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tired-and-bored-nerd · 3 months
i really hate how exclusive the queer community on pinterest is.
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anadrenalineslut · 6 months
it does NOT surprise me that there are SO MANY tabloid movies coming out being labelled as "documentaries" filled with "friend of a friend of a friend" claims or like heavily, heavily, heavily biased with a clear narrative the filmmaker wanted to push from the beginning that tells only one possible explanation of the truth.
usually if a documentary is trying really, really, really, really hard to make you think a certain way, it's a propaganda piece. you shouldn't have to force feed your audience the "right" opinion to take away from the film evidence. you should present the full story as accurately as possible with real historical evidence to back up the storyline and the audience will walk away with the right idea.
documentaries should not have an overly persuasive tone to them because you should be able to follow the facts to get to the right answer yourself. if you find yourself walking away from a documentary feeling nothing but "wow this proves exactly what i suspected to be true why arent more people angry about niche radicalizing viewpoint that most people find to be inaccurate" you should recognize that as the first step to being indoctrinated into extremist behaviors and thoughts.
#if someone starts telling me about how much they love watching documentaries and its all super emotional hit pieces on bad celebrities#im like BIG yikes and i stay clear from them emotionally like no fucking thank you#i am a snob about documentaries sorry and i have no idea if im right in my thinking i just think this is how it should be imo#yall should walk away from a documentary understanding how someone can come to the wrong conclusion about something#because the documentary should always present the opposing view point in as sympathetic light as possible#steel man the argument then use facts to demolize it#if a documentary about a controversial or political issue#documentaries that lie manipulate rely on emotional support rather thana factual support are bad imo#because it often radicalizes people to the wrong side once they find the steal man argument against ur position#there is a reason people believe certain things#for example my terfs are lying about the original definition of woman argument post#in it i accept the possibility that woman could be defined this way only if u insist on denying factual history#i explicitly state woman was a white female child because it forces well meaning terfs to investigate the truth of my claim#and it forces them to confront the fact that their argument against trans women can be applied to people they think are in fact real women#you have to be willing to engage with repulsive ideas to show why they're factually incorrect.#im not saying the tone has to be completely passive but you have to be FACTUAL with your documentaries.#i am genuinely of the opinion that the facts will convince anyone because all people just want to be right at the end of the day.
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t3/rfs keep finding my post about how tobias forge donates to organizations for trans kids regularly. and they'll go on with their bullshit in my notes and still call themselves ghost fans. get this through your thick skull: trans men are men. trans women are women. anybody who identifies as something else is whatever they say they are, and there's nothing you or anybody else can do about it. tobias knows and respects this. if you can't do the same then don't claim to be a fan.
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radfemie · 1 year
me trying to figure out why people can be transgender but not transracial or transage because If sex is a feeling then who's to say age and race aren't either?? With their logic, everything is a feeling and not a biological reality so you can be trans anything.
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rogue-driv3r · 3 months
Imagine being so irrationally scared of AI that you make the most stupid arguments against it, sounding like a conspiracy theorist and embracing problematic ideologies just to prove some points in your crusade. Like, this world was already going to shit before AI, now your attention only shifted to another scapegoat. You're not fighting a real threat, you're just sounding pathetic.
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canadiankakashi · 4 months
So it fuckin turns out that my grandma genuinely fuckin loves jkrs shitty ass detective books and now a whole lot about my grandma makes sense
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oomox · 6 months
a fascinating type of tumblr user is the queer leftist who reblogs terfs getting hashtag epically destroyed w the very rhetoric that they should be against as a queer leftist
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falinscloaca · 1 year
oops! accidentally fell into logical fallacies and biased projection common to lgbt+-community-identity/rhetoric-based-conservatism even in a post mostly criticizing myself for such kneejerk reactions! whuh-oh!
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