#argyle series
(500 Miles) (Chapter Two) - Argyle
A/N: aahhhh I am so happy about how this turned out! thank you for all the love for this story and my boo Argyle because he’s love and I love him!! 
Warnings: smoking weed (Argyle and Jonathan); reader not liking Mike (like I think most of us did in s4) slight spoilers for s4 but not many, let me know if I missed anything!
Disclaimer: I don’t own Stranger things :D gif isn’t mine :)  
Your name: submit What is this?
(500 Miles)
When I get drunk, well I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who gets drunk next to you And when I haver, hey I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who's havering to you
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“Hey El, are you ready? Argyle and Johnathan are gonna be here any moment-” you smiled going inside your shared room with your sister but you instantly stopped when you saw her putting away the project she had worked on for weeks. “Hey, what happened to your little shoebox?” you asked, kneeling down to help her pick it up.
“Nothing” she quickly said, grabbing all the pieces and putting them away in her little ‘Mike box’. “I just… tripped and it broke” she explained.
You knew she was lying. Which worried you a little. El told you everything. Because friends don’t lie. And neither do sisters. But you didn’t want to push her into telling you until she was ready. Maybe she was nervous about Mike coming today. Whatever it was, you knew she wouldn’t talk now, so you would try again tonight.
“Well, at least dad is okay” you smiled warmly, grabbing the small figurine that resembled your father from the floor. “He looks so much like him!” you said, proudly and El looked up at you and smiled too.
“Really?” she asked, with a smile.
“Yeah! He would have loved it” you said, sitting on the edge of your bed. “So, are you ready to go pick up Mike?” you asked, trying to sound excited.
You had tried to like Mike. You actually liked him when he was younger and you had to babysit him and his friends. And you sometimes even tried to get your dad to back off, even if you didn’t disagree that El spent too much time with him and after everything she had been through, she probably wasn’t ready for a relationship. But, here you were, trying to be supportive, even if you had noticed the changes between him and El. And also Will, but that was a different story.
“Yeah” she said, not as eager as you thought she’d be.
“You don’t sound so sure” you chuckled.
“C-can I ask you something?” she asked after she put her box away.
“Yeah, kid, anything” you said.
“Do you love Argyle?” she blurted out, making you widen your eyes.
“Um-” you stuttered. You were pretty sure that you did. But you hadn’t admitted it to anybody. You had only been dating for a few months. “I- uh” you cleared your throat. “I do” you said, looking away.
“Really?” she asked, happily and you nodded. “Have you told him?”
“No” you admitted.
“Why not?”
“I don’t know” you shrugged.
“Does he love you?”
“Well… I hope so” you chuckled.
“Does he say it?”
“Not really but… he shows it in other ways” you explained.
“Like how?” she asked, confused.
“Well, he does a lot of things for me. Like giving us a ride to school since Jonathan’s piece of junk never works, or to the airport right now” you chuckled and El smiled. “He always brings something for me to eat because I always forget to have breakfast” you told her. “He’s always doing little things like that” you told her.
“He hugs you a lot” she pointed out.
“Yeah, he likes hugs” you chuckled.
“Do you think dad would have liked him?”
“Oh, definitely not” you chuckled.
“Why not?” she asked, confused.
“Do you remember what he used to say about Steve’s hair?” you laughed. “That boy has got to have the longest hair in town except for that Munson kid” you mocked your father’s voice as El joined you and you two laughed.
“I miss him” she told you.
“Me too” you smiled back at her. Before either one of you could say anything else, you heard a very particular honk outside. “Looks like our ride is here” you said as she started grabbing her project and the two of you made your way out of the room. “Will, let’s go!”
El walked ahead of you and Will joined her before you all walked out of the house. You made your way over to Argyle’s van and opened the front door to reveal Jonathan glaring at you.
"What do you mean ‘what?’ Move!" you complained, trying to pull him off.
"No way! I was here first! Dude!" Jonathan complained while you pouted at Argyle and made puppy eyes at him as El and Will tried not to laugh in the back.
“Sorry, Byers. My lady goes on the front” he smiled and winked at you and you smiled triumphantly at Jonathan.
“See?” you said before you dropped your smile and pulled him again. “Now, move!”
“Come on! That is not fair! You said whoever got here first got the front seat” he argued.
“I don’t know what to tell you, man” Argyle shrugged.
“Why do you keep trying? This is obviously my seat” you smirked at Jonathan, as he finally got out of the van and you took his place. Jonathan glared at you and went over to the back.
“You both suck” he told you and you stuck your tongue out at him before you hopped on the front seat and leaned in to kiss Argyle on his cheek.
“Hi, love” you smiled.
“Hello, petal” he said, giving you a peck on the lips. “Alright, hold on to your butts brochachos!”
“What is going on with you, petal?” Argyle asked, grabbing your hand and resting it on your shaky knee. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine” you smiled firmly as you looked back at Eleven and Will.
They both looked so excited, waiting for Mike to arrive. Something was going on with Eleven and him and you knew it. And you also knew why Will was upset with him and you saw the painting he had in his hands and you didn’t want to see him heartbroken. And you also knew Jonathan secretly hoped that Nancy was coming to surprise him but you knew she wasn’t. You didn’t know why, you had been edgy all day. You just had a bad feeling in your stomach for some reason. Things had been too good for too long and you knew something was going to happen sooner or later. And for some reason, it will begin with Mike Wheeler’s arrival. My God, I am turning into my father!
“Are you sure?” Argyle said, stroking the back of your hand with his thumb.
“Yeah, I’m just uh- thirsty” you said, getting up. “I’m gonna get something to drink from the vending machine” you said, standing up. “Do you want something?”
“No thanks, petal” Argyle smiled at you.
"I wouldn't mind a-"
"I didn't ask you" you told Jonathan, walking away and he rolled his eyes.
“Hurry back, Mike should be here any minute!” Eleven said, excitedly.
“Yes, yes, I know” you smiled at her. “We’re all so thrilled” you muttered to yourself as you reached the vending machine.
“Dude, something’s up with her” Argyle leaned in to whisper to Jonathan.
“What? What do you mean?”
“I think she knows something” he said, looking at you from his seat.
“About what?”
“About you and college, dude!”
“Shh!” he said, looking between him, El, and Will, making sure they hadn’t heard him. “She can’t know! Nobody knows!”
“She seems upset, man. Do you think she’s mad at me?”
“Why would she be mad at you?”
“I don’t know man, because I’m keeping a secret from her” he said, worriedly.
“The secret doesn’t even involve you” Jonathan snapped. “Or her!”
“Still, man. I can feel my petal being mad at me and I don't like it” he said, sadly.
“Dude, I think the Purple Palm Tree Delight is making you paranoid-”
“Nope” he said, standing up. “I’m telling you, man” he said, walking away from Jonathan and towards you.
“Dude! No! You’re gonna blow it up!” he said, following him.
After you grabbed your soda, you were about to walk back to your place but you jumped when you saw Argyle next to you and Jonathan walking your way.
“Hey, cupcake” Argyle said smiling as Jonathan reached you. “Wait, do I call her cupcake?” he whispered to him as both of them smiled at you nervously.
“Don’t worry, I’ll make it normal” you heard Jonathan whisper back. “What’s going on, cupcake?” he asked you as you huffed.
“You two got high without me!” you said, upset.
“No, we didn’t!” Jonathan tried.
“Yes, we did” Argyle blurted out.
“Dude! We were in the clear!” Jonathan argued before looking at you. “Were we in the clear?”
“No, you were not” you rolled your eyes.
“It was only because Jonathan was upset because he’s not gonna go to college with Nancy” Argyle explained.
“You’re WHAT?!”
“DUDE!” Jonathan said, punching him on his arm. “You said you wouldn’t tell anyone! Especially cupcake!”
“Stop calling me cupcake!”
“What? Look at her! She’s too pretty! I cannot keep things from her” Argyle smiled adorably at you.
“Aw” you smiled sweetly at him. “Wait, no! I’m mad at you!”
“You’re mad at me?” Argyle pouted.
“No, I’m not mad at you, love” you assured him.
“Listen to me, you can’t tell Nancy!” Jonathan begged. “Nobody knows-!”
“Well, she’s gonna figure it out eventually! She’s really excited about you two going together!”
“How could you possibly know that?”
“Steve told me” you shrugged.
“Steve?” he asked with an irritated look on his face. “Why do you even still talk to Steve Harrington? You guys broke up!”
“So? We’re still friends!” you defended yourselves.
“Really? Why does he need to be friends with his exes?!” he complained. “Nancy is not his friend!”
“Yes, she is!” you said, frowning.
“No, she’s not!”
“Look, whatever dumb feud you and Steve had, it’s getting old, Jonathan” you told him.
“Forgive me for not liking that my girlfriend is close to her ex! Do you think Argyle’s okay with it? Have you at least asked him?”
You were taken aback by Jonathan’s outburst about Steve. You knew he had never completely liked him, but you had never thought about what Argyle thought about this situation. He knew Steve was your friend and there was nothing else about it. But now you weren’t sure. You couldn’t even say anything else because you were interrupted by El.
“MIKE!” the three of you turned to see El who was waving at Mike and ran over to greet him.
“He’s here” you muttered to yourself in a very ‘The Poltergeist’ way as Argyle grabbed your hand, pulling you with him.
You walked closer to them as they kissed and then El hugged him tightly before Mike pulled away to give her some flowers he bought for her and started explaining why he picked the colors of the flowers when you saw El’s smile fade after she read the card but she quickly smiled again at him.
“They’re perfect, thank you” she told him before walking over to you. “Look, he brought me flowers” she said excitedly and you smiled at her. You felt a little uneasy at the fact that you were rubbing off on Eleven and she was becoming better at lying and pretending to be okay. Your father would definitely say that she got that from you.
“Oh, hey” Mike said, walking over to Will who was going in for a hug but you saw Mike just awkwardly give him a sort of side-hug. “How’re you doing?” he asked as the two of them just stood there awkwardly before Mike moved over to Jonathan. “Hey!”
“Hey” Jonathan said, looking at Mike the same way you were looking at Mike.
“What’s that?” Mike asked Will, pointing at the roll in his hand.
“Oh” Will said, awkwardly. “Is… nothing, is just this thing I’ve been working on” he said, making your heart ache a little. He had worked so hard on that painting for Mike.
“Cool” Mike said before he looked at you. “Hey, Hop” he smiled. “Aren’t you happy to see your favorite kid from Hawkins?”
“Why is Lucas coming with you?” you smirked at him.
“(Y/N)!” Eleven complained.
“I’m kidding” you chuckled. “Everyone knows Max is my favorite” you smiled. “And I love Dustin too” you muttered, but you knew Mike heard you.
“That’s a rad shirt, man” Argyle said, looking at Mike. “Ocean Pacific?”
“Oh, hey Mike, this is uh- my friend Argyle” Jonathan said. “And (Y/N)’s boyfriend” he added.
“Oh” Mike said, turning to Argyle. “Hey” he said, putting out his hand but Argyle went in for a hug and you saw him checking the tag on Mike’s shirt as Mike looked at you, confused.
“Oh, no, no, no” Argyle said, before pulling away. “No, that’s a shitty knock-off” he said, walking back towards you. “Yeah, but don’t sweat it, man, I’ll get you the good threads out here” he said as Mike looked at you while you tried not to smirk. “I heard a lot about your sister” Argyle added, making you snort a little.
“Uh-” Mike said, looking at Jonathan who sighed awkwardly.
“Uh… should we go?” Jonathan asked.
“Yeah, this is kind of awkward, man” Argyle said.
“Yeah, so awkward” Mike said as they all started walking.
“I really thought it was Ocean Pacific, dude” Argyle said, grabbing your hand and pulling you with him.
“I know, love” you said, walking behind with Argyle and Jonathan while El told Mike the entire day she had planned with her friends apparently that you had never heard of.
But you were suddenly distracted by something. Well, someone. Someone you hadn’t seen in a very long time but you were certain it was him, a few cars over, loading his bags on a taxi. But it couldn’t be him, right? Why would Murray Bauman be in California all of the sudden?
“Hey, petal” Argyle said, snapping you out of your thoughts. “You okay?”
“Uh… y-yeah” you smiled at him and he leaned down to kiss your cheek.
“You seemed kinda lost” he said.
“Sorry, I just…” you said, looking back to where you thought you saw Murray but he was gone. “Thought I saw something” you told him.
“What?” he asked, looking in the direction you were staring.
“Nothing” you quickly said, giving him a peck on the lips.
“What’s been going on with you, huh? You’ve been acting strange all day” he frowned his eyebrows.
“It’s nothing you need to worry about, sweetheart” you assured him.
Argyle sighed, grabbing your hand and bringing it to his lips. He knew that something was wrong, and he knew that there was an entire part of your life that you hadn’t shared with him. He wasn’t sure if this is what had you acting this way today but he didn’t want to push you to share something you weren’t ready to. So he smiled and brought you closer, wrapping his arm around your shoulder.
“Okay, let’s go before Jonathan steals your front seat” he said, kissing the side of your head.
“You mean your front seat” you said, grabbing the keys from his pocket. “There’s no way I’m letting you two high idiots drive us” you smiled.
“But I drove you here!” he rolled his eyes before he kissed you again.
Somehow and someway your evening had gotten even weirder. Not only had the mood between Eleven, Mike, and Will completely shifted when you picked them up from Rink-O-Mania, but when you got home, Joyce was waiting for you with Murray Bauman. You knew it had been him. And you knew something was up. There was absolutely no way that he just happened to be here to make risotto for dinner, even if it was a damn good risotto. And how all of a sudden Joyce just happened to need to go to a conference in Alaska.
“Can you pass me the olive oil” Jonathan whispered, sitting on your right.
“That’s wine, dude” Argyle replied on your left.
You kept silently playing with your food as you heard Argyle ask Murray something about Eskimos still living in igloos. And then Joyce turned to you and Jonathan to let you know that the two of you would be in charge. Meaning, you will be in charge because Jonathan had no idea what was going on.
“Jonathan, what is wrong with you?” Joyce asked as he and Argyle kept having a conversation over you.
“I think I know what’s wrong with them” Murray muttered on the other side of the table.
“We just… have been super stressed all day” you smiled, hoping they wouldn’t ask many questions.
“Stressed, huh?” Murray asked. Before you could reply, Argyle kept talking.
“This girl got shmacked in the head today at the roller rink” he started, making you widen your eyes and you started squeezing his hand under the table, hoping he would get the hint.
“Shmacked?” Murray asked.
“Yeah, it was one of those… vicious skate attacks” he continued.
“Skate attack?”
“Yeah” Jonathan kept going. “But it wasn’t like an ice skate, it was um- like a plastic skate” he explained.
“Mm, no it was… like rubber” Argyle said. “Right, petal?”
“Petal?” Murray said, arching his eyebrow at you.
“You know what, I’m not sure” Argyle continued. “Anyways, she looked like she was gonna be fine so…”
“She didn’t look fine” Mike said, all of the sudden. Will and Eleven turned to glare at him before Eleven got up from her seat and walked away.
“El!” you called her back but she went up the stairs to your room.
“El, finish your-” Joyce tried but you heard the door slamming and you turned to glare at Mike. “What is going on, you guys?” Joyce asked, confused as all of you avoided eye contact with her.
“Okay, I uh- I sense tension” Murray chuckled. “Is it the risotto? Everyone hates the risotto?”
“Absolutely not, it’s incredible” Jonathan said, instantly.
“This risotto is shmacking, dude” Argyle told him.
“Oh my God” you muttered, getting up from your seat and walking away from the table.
After trying, and failing, to get El to come out of your room so you could talk to her, you came back downstairs and went directly to the kitchen to do the dishes since tonight was your turn. You didn't really mind, you cleaned when you were upset. Joyce was in the living room still talking to Murray, Will and Mike had gone off to Will’s room and you had no idea where Jonathan and Argyle were, probably in the basement again.
“Okay, I know why you’re upset” you heard Argyle coming into the kitchen all of the sudden. “It’s because I’m high for this very important family dinner of yours and so, I am so sorry and I promise I won’t ever get high again” he said in a serious tone.
You turned around to look at him and saw that he was being completely serious. For a moment, you forgot the whole craziness out of the kitchen and just focused on the fact that you had the best boyfriend in the world, which made you smile.
“What? No! That’s not why I’m upset at all!” you assured him, drying your hands and walking closer to him.
“No? Okay, good, because I honestly don’t think I could have done that. I don't know why I said it” he said, laughing in relief and making you laugh too. “What’s going on, petal? And don’t say nothing because even if I’m this high, I can tell something has been bothering you all day” he said. “Is it about the dude that made the risotto?” he asked.
“No” you said, sighing and climbing up on the kitchen counter. “I don’t know. It’s just… a lot of things but I don’t want to burden you with it-”
“Love, that’s literally like what I’m here for” he said, walking closer to you and stepping between your legs.
“To carry my burdens?” you asked confused.
“To make you feel better” he replied. “I haven’t even seen you smile all day” he pouted. “Is it because of your sister's boyfriend? Jonathan said you didn’t like him-”
“What? Jonathan told you?”
“So it’s true?”
“I don’t know! My dad didn’t like him and… I don’t know, El has been acting really strange lately and…” you sighed as he started stroking your legs with his hands. “Look, there’s a lot of shit from Hawkins that I just… want to leave behind and it just feels like with Mike being here and Murray, for some reason, it’s all coming back and I don’t like it! It’s making me anxious and I don’t like feeling like this. And I know that there’s something going on with El but she’s shutting me off and I don’t know how to-”
“Whoa, sweetheart, slow down” Argyle said, pulling you closer and you rested your head on his shoulder. “Look, I know there’s a lot from back home that you don’t like to talk about, and you don’t have to if you don’t want to” he assured you, pulling away so you would look at him. “But you also don’t have to carry all of this yourself” he said, giving you a peck on the lips. “I’m here if you need to talk, okay? And El will come around, come on, did you talk to your dad about everything when you were fourteen?”
“That is not the same thing! I’m her sister, she should be able to tell me anything” you pouted. “I just want to help her!”
“I know, love” he smiled, kissing you again. “She’ll come around” he said.
“I guess” you sighed. “Hey, um…” you sighed. “Can I ask you something?”
“Anything, pretty” he smiled.
“Do you uh-” you said, nervously. “Do you mind that I still talk to Steve?” you asked him all of the sudden. “Be honest” you pleaded.
“No. He’s your friend, isn’t he?” he said, genuinely.
“Yeah, but… he’s also my ex and I just don’t want to do something that would make you feel uncomfortable or- I don’t know, Jonathan got in my head-”
“Yeah, he does not like that dude” he told you. “Look, do you still have feelings for him?”
“No” you said, honestly. “Not like that, I just care about him as a friend” you assured him.
“Well, then that’s it, love. He’s your friend. Your friend from back home that you can talk about a lot of things and, even if I would love for you to share them with me, when you’re ready” he repeated. “I think it’s good you have someone you can talk to” he said, making you smile.
“Yeah” he shrugged. “Besides, I know you’re crazy about me” he said, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“Is that so?” you smirked, wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
“Mhm” he said, leaning in to give you a sweet kiss on the lips.
“Good” you said, resting your forehead on his. “I’m glad you know” you smiled before giving him another peck on the lips.
“Jonathan and I are watching a movie with Will and…” he snapped his fingers. “The other guy” he said.
“Mike” you reminded him.
“Right” he smiled. “Wanna join?”
“Yeah, I’ll just finish here first, okay?”
“Want me to help?”
“No, love. Go, you have helped me enough” you smiled. “I’ll be right there” you assured him. He gave you another kiss before he walked out of the kitchen and you went back to finish the dishes.
Once you were done, you walked over to your room again to see if you had any luck but as you stepped closer you heard El talking to someone.
“Look, my little dude, your sister is just worried about you” you heard Argyle’s voice and you decided to stay outside of your room. “I know you don’t want to talk about it and I may not understand what happened back at the roller rink but shit, if someone messes with you then you mess with them. It’s only fair” he said, calmly.
“B-but Mike looked at me as if I was a monster” you heard El cry, feeling your heart break. “I d-don’t want her to think that too!”
“Are you kidding me, dude? Your sister loves you more than anybody else in the world. She would never think that!” you heard Argyle reassuring her. “It’s just… you’re upset, so… she’s upset because you’re upset” he told her. “Look, dude, your sister has like the biggest heart that I’ve known anyone to have and you and Will are like her favorite people” he told El.
“I think you’re also one of her favorite people” you heard Eleven say.
“Shit, really?” you could hear the excitement in Argyle’s voice. You assumed El nodded because Argyle kept on talking. “Well, then, my dude, from one of your sister’s favorite person to another just… talk to her okay? Don’t tell her I said this but she’s always right, man. She has like… all the answers” he said, making you bring your hand to your mouth to prevent from laughing.
“Yeah, she does” El replied. “I’ll talk to her. Thanks, Argyle” she said.
“Any time, my little dude. You sure you don’t wanna watch the movie with us?”
“No, thank you. It’s been a long day. I just want to go to sleep” you heard El.
“Alright. Sleep tight, my dude” you heard him say and you could hear him approach the door. He walked out of your room and closed the door behind him before he noticed you. “Hey, gorgeous, what are you doing here?” he asked, walking over to you, and grabbing your hand.
“I just wanted to see if El wanted to watch the movie” you smiled dreamily up at him.
You were now 100% certain that you were in love with Argyle. He had the purest hard you had ever known and he was always trying to make you smile however he could. So, you decided you were going to tell him everything. About Hawkins, about the Upside Down, and what really happened to your dad. Because you trusted him. And you loved him.
“What?” he asked, confused at how you were looking at him.
“Nothing” you smiled. “Do you want to have a date tomorrow? Just you and me? Without my whole house craziness?”
“Alone time with my girl?” he smiled. “Petal, I would never say no to that” he said, leaning down to kiss you again.
To Be Continued
A/N: soooo what do you guys think? part 3? also, let me know if you would like to be tagged on the next part :D hope you liked it!
tags: @chipster-21 @luvrsbian 
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very-feral-lesbian · 2 years
stranger things characters as cats (part 7)
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1K notes · View notes
just-b-wilde · 2 months
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Well, 2024 is soooo good! I have never had so many new and great ships in such a short time.
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quixoticall · 10 months
Look At Us Now
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A Story in Four Parts
18+ mdni
Summary: Everybody knows famous 80s pop rock band, The Downsides, but no one knows the reason behind their mysterious breakup at the height of their success. Rumors of love triangles, infidelity, drug addiction and more than one onstage fight have swirled around for years following the band’s split in 1989.
Years later, one determined journalist is uncovering it all through a series of interviews that will finally reveal the truth.
pairing: s.h. x fem!reader, e.m. x fem!reader, j.b. x n.w., r.b x n.w.
warnings: It's the Daisy Jones and the Six!AU, Enemies to FWB to lovers, Love triangles, sex, drugs, rock and roll, etc., fake relationships, slow-burn, pining, ANGST, bad parents all around (this is going to be long and messy), smut.
Tape 1: This Could Get Ugly
Tape 2: A Hope Like You
Tape 3: Let Me Down Easy
Tape 4: We Could Make a Good Thing Bad Join the TAGLIST
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racketti · 9 months
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66 notes · View notes
harrywavycurly · 2 years
Two Wrongs Make a Right Part 3: Scrawny
Masterlist: here
TW: Language, mentions of cheating and drug usage
Tag List: @emmyshortcake
A/N: Argyle is a bestie we all want to have…even though sometimes he makes you want to strangle him (in a nice way) @munsonsgirl71 ✨
*Argyle wishes you could be in two places at once…that would be sick*
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loveshotzz · 2 years
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a baby girl appreciation post 3
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mishy-mashy · 1 year
Subaru got transported with modern-age knowledge that no one understands, like when he expected a cute magical summoning girl, Excalibur, a harem, general tropes, and Mario
But, imagine speaking like this THE WHOLE TIME, UNIRONICALLY
"☆Nothing in life matters!☆"
"I would have two nickels."
"Look. I enjoy getting dicked down as much as the next person-"
"Who are you wearing today?"
"Well, I've seen seven murders, and all of them were today."
"Well, boys. Looks like we've yeeed our last haw."
Doesn't even have to be phrases like that, it can literally just be references to stuff they cannot comprehend
*in tears and in need of tools* "I really need a Home Depot right now..."
"Ride 'em, cowboy!" *gets berated over somehow insulting a demi-human group*
"Julius, where is the bank? ... No, not a riverbank. A bank. For money. ... What do you mean, you don't know what that is?"
It doesn't even have to be Subaru, just anyone who happened to be transported in Subaru's place (or with him, depends on your fic/fantasy/idea)
It's just chaos, and
*concerned, confused noises from everyone*
No one understands what's being said, but they kinda grasp the feeling of it. Andthey'retooafraidtoaskanywayso-
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faithfulcat111 · 8 months
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Color Series - Stargyle
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lastlifesouthlands · 8 months
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i'm just saying the southlands IS recruiting we could all make south towers and AHAAA each other
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(500 Miles) (Chapter One) - Argyle
A/N: I think my mojo’s back xD at least I hope so! soo, I loved this request and I am really excited to write for Argyle sooooooo yes, I decided to make another series (as if I don’t have enough ongoing series already but... oh well) I hope you like it xD
Request -  Anonymous asked:  i got an idea for argyle! what about a hopper!reader where he could be your dad/uncle who you lived with and when he “died” you also moved to california with the byers. we’d be there while everything is going down and then finally arrive at hawkins where you see everyone for the first time in forever. maybe steve could be an ex 👀 you guys broke up before the move because of how much of a bitch long distance would be, so when he sees you with argyle he can’t help but feel a bit jealous on the inside to see you move on. everyone gets to meet argyle, steve tells you that he’s happy for you, we get a happy ending even tho hawkins is literally falling apart 😁
Warnings: smoking weed with Argyle; also, this starts in California so, the actual request of them arriving at Hawkins will be in the later chapters :D no spoilers or anything on this chapter it’s more of a prologue
Disclaimer: I don’t own Stranger things :D gif isn’t mine :) 
Your name: submit What is this?
(500) Miles
When I wake up, well I know I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be the man who wakes up next to you When I go out, yeah I know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be the man who goes along with you
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You threw yourself on your bed letting out a loud sigh and staring at the ceiling. You felt a few tears running down your cheeks and you quickly wiped them away, sitting up and composing yourself. You knew it was for the best. You kept telling yourself that everything you had done in the past month was for the best. For you. For El. And for the Byers who had lovingly taken you into their home. You got up and walked over to your dresser grabbing the picture of you, Steve, Nancy, Jonathan, and Robin and you smiled sadly. You then put it down and saw the other picture of you with your dad, and El. You shook your head, took a deep breath, and walked out of your room over to the basement. You could hear the music and you slowly opened the door. You heard Jonathan freaking out as you walked down the stairs.
"Relax, it's just me" you chuckled as you reached the bottom of the stairs while Jonathan and Argyle let out a sigh of relief. "Your mom is still out with Will and Jane" you told them.
"Fuck, dude, you scared the shit out of me" Jonathan said with a nervous laugh.
"What's going on, my dude?" Argyle smiled at you.
"Wait, are you off the phone?" Jonathan asked and you couldn't tell if he was being serious so you nodded.
"Uh... yeah" you said and he got up quickly.
"Shit! Then I have to go call Nancy" he said, running up the stairs and leaving you and Argyle behind. You took Jonathan's place, sitting next to Argyle, and sighed.
"Can I have some of that?"
He turned to look back at you, frowning his eyebrows in confusion. "Some of what?"
"The... uh... Purple Palm Tree Delight?" you smiled up at him.
"You-" he said, choking a little. "You want some of this?" he asked, holding the joint in his hand.
"Yeah" you nodded. "I mean if that's okay with you-"
"N-no, yeah of course" he said, still not believing his ears. "It's just... well, you never do this kind of stuff... am I corrupting you, petal?" he smiled as you grabbed the joint from him and took a drag.
"Don't flatter yourself, Argyle" you laughed. "It's not like this is the first time I've tried weed" you informed him.
"It's not?" he asked, almost sounding disappointed and you shook your head no, resting it on the back of the couch. "So... what's the occasion? I thought you were gonna be on the phone for like three hours like always" he mocked you as you returned the joint.
"Are you stalking me, man?" you smirked at him.
"No, but when your boyfriend calls, you usually disappear for the rest of the day" he said in an accusing tone.
"Actually... I don't have a boyfriend" you muttered quietly as you took the joint from him again.
"Wait, what?" he asked, sitting up and looking at you. "What are you talking about? Did you guys break up?"
"Well, to be completely honest, Steve and I broke up before we moved here" you explained. After a moment of silence, Argyle spoke again.
"But you still talk on the phone a lot" he said confused.
"Yeah, we're still friends" you explained.
"So how come Byers doesn't know about this? I mean, they all still think he's your boyfriend" he asked, confused.
"I don't know" you sighed. "I love the Byers, but they're all about feelings and hugging and shit and I'm just... not like that" you chuckled. "So, I knew that if I told them it would be another thing to add and I didn't really want to have that conversation. "That would have been a lot of hugs" you said.
"You hug Will and Jane all the time" he laughed.
"Yeah, because they're worthy of my hugs" you mocked him.
"Shit, Hopper, that hurts" he said, placing his hands over his heart. "You also hug Mrs. Byers a lot-"
"Correction, Mrs. Byers hugs me a lot, and would you ever refuse a hug from Mrs. Byers?"
"Fair point" he smiled, taking another drag. "So, when did you guys break up?"
"About two months ago, I guess" you explained. "I wanted to try the whole distance thing because it was supposed to be only for a year but I know Steve didn't want to" you said. "I am sure he would have tried for me if I asked but... I felt like he wanted to call things off. He just didn't want to hurt my feelings" you told him. "So, I did it for him" you said.
"Why do you think that? I mean, why wouldn't he just break it off?"
"Because he hates hurting people" you shrugged. "That's how Steve is. I've known Steve my whole life, even if we grew apart when we started high school but then he changed again and I didn't want to drag him in on something he didn't want to do and that might have ended up making us resent the other so... I don't know, I guess it was only a matter of time" you said, smoking again. "Don't tell Jonathan though, I think he and Nancy will do better than us" you said.
"Shit... I'm sorry, man. That's intense" he said sympathetically. "So, what happened today that made you upset?"
"I'm not upset" you complained but he raised his eyebrows at you, looking at the joint in your hand.
"Fine. He's dating again" you sighed.
"Shit! He told you that?"
"Well, we're still friends and when we started dating we promised that we wouldn't let anything ruin that. I mean, is not like we hate each other, we broke up because I was moving and he was staying in Hawkins so... we still talk, a lot-"
"Are you still... like in love with him?"
"Not really" you said, sitting up and handing him the joint. It was true. You still loved Steve but as a friend, like you did your whole life. Maybe if you would have stayed in Hawkins things would be different but you weren't in Hawkins. You were in California smoking pot with Argyle. "I care about him a lot as a friend but he's dating like a different girl every week and I don't know. It just kinda felt like I was one of those girls, which I know is not true because we were together for a while and I know he cares about me but... I guess, I didn't expect him to move on so quickly and be this happy so soon, you know?" you smiled sadly at him.
Argyle felt his heart aching a little. This was probably the first serious conversation the two of you had and he definitely didn't like seeing you upset.
"Are you okay?"
"I guess" you said, letting the smoke out. "I mean, it is what it is" you told him.
"I'm sorry, dude" he said, placing his hand on your shoulder. "Breakups suck, man" he said, taking another drag.
"Thanks" you smiled at him. "This helps" you said, grabbing the joint.
"Oh no, young lady-"
"I'm the same age as you-"
"Still! Don't think you get a pass after today" he said, trying to be serious. "This is a one-time deal" he told you.
"But I'm heartbroken" you said, dramatically. "You wouldn't deny a poor girl in pain a small piece of happiness-"
"Nice try, petal" he chuckled. "That won't work on me" he assured you.
"Oh, we'll see" you smirked, giving the joint back to him.
"Alright, dude, you ready?"
"Why do I have to cook it?"
"Because then you can spend more time in the back with me and not at the register" Argyle insisted, starting to prepare the dough for the pizza.
"But I am horrible at cooking!"
The two of you were the only ones left at Surfer Boy Pizza, having the closing shift and it was pretty much dead since it was a Monday.
"I know, that's why I'm teaching you" he laughed.
"Hey! You were supposed to say I'm not that bad" you scoffed, trying to sound offended.
"Do I need to remind you that you almost burn down the whole place, petal?" he laughed.
"Hey! That only happened once and nothing was on fire-"
"Because I put it out" he laughed.
"Okay, fine, let's get this over with" you said, rolling your eyes.
The two of you had become closer friends in the past couple of weeks since you told the truth to Argyle about you and Steve. You even got to ride the Purple Palm Tree delight on occasion because you knew how to wear Argyle down. You could honestly say he was becoming one of your favorite people and maybe, just maybe, you were starting to develop a small crush on him. Which is why your Monday shift was your favorite because it was just the two of you.
"That's the spirit, man" he said, excitedly. "C'mon, let's go, señorita" he said, pulling you with him as you groaned dramatically. "Okay, first you have to get the dough ready" he told you and you were about to take it but he stopped you, grabbing your hand. "Hold on" he said. "You don't want it to get all sticky so, first, we put flour" he said grabbing a bag of flour and spreading it around the table.
"Well, this is fun" you said, getting flour on your hands. "Okay, now what?" you asked smiling, showing him your floured hands.
"Now the dough" he said, grabbing it and he started spreading it on the table.
"Can I throw it in the air like you do?" you asked, excitedly.
"I don't know petal, I've seen you throw things-"
"You know, sometimes I don't even know why I'm your friend" you glared at him.
"Well, it's not like you have many friends here-"
"Many? You're literally my only friend here" you laughed. "Jonathan complains about it every day, how I stole you from him" you rolled your eyes.
"Not gonna lie, pretty flattered that you two fight over me" he smiled as he started throwing the pizza in the air and you watched him in awe. It was always your favorite part whenever he was in charge of making the pies.
"It's not my fault I'm your favorite" you smirked at him.
"Yeah?" he said, placing the pizza back on the table. "How'd you figure that out?" he asked, poking your nose and leaving a spot of flour.
"Well, because you let me sit on the front more than Jonathan" you started, hopping back on the counter. "And you sometimes let me pick the music" you continued. "And you always bring an extra banana muffin for me when your mom bakes them" you smiled triumphantly.
"And yet, you're letting me make this pizza by myself" he complained.
"Well, you didn't let me do anything fun!" you said, grabbing a little bit of flour and tossing it at him.
"Dude!" he said, looking at you. "I wasn't going to let you drop our pie" he complained, throwing some flour at you and you laughed but then pretended to be offended again.
"I wasn't going to drop it!" you said throwing more flour at him.
"Okay, stop that" he said, trying to grab the gab from you but you were quicker and you climbed off the counter and ran away from him, but as you did, you tripped and fell flat on your butt, dropping all of the flour over yourself.
"Shit" you complained as Argyle started laughing.
"You were saying, petal?" he laughed, kneeling to offer you his hand. You glared at him a little but took it and he helped you up, pulling you a little too hard and bringing you really close and he wrapped his arms around you so you wouldn't fall again. "Seriously, you have to be one of the clumsiest people I've ever met" he laughed.
You had never been this close to Argyle. You weren't someone who was particularly physical. Argyle had noticed it. You didn't really like to hug people, with a few exceptions. But you didn't mind with Argyle. In fact, you had actually been wanting to be this close to him for a while now.
"Sorry, I didn't want you to fall again" he said, starting to unwrap his arms from your waist but you quickly placed your hands on his arms so he wouldn't.
"N-no" you said a bit too quickly. "I m-mean, it's fine" you said, feeling your cheeks burning.
"It... it is?" he asked, feeling his heartbeat racing. "I thought you didn't like hugs-"
"I like yours" you blurted out. "I m-mean- uh- I like you-" you said, widening your eyes when you realized what you just said. "I m-mean- fuck! I'm such an idiot" you muttered looking down.
"You're not" he said, placing his hand on your cheek to make you look up at him. "I like your hugs too" he smiled.
You saw him start to lean in and you quickly stepped on your toes and wrapped your arms around his neck before he placed his lips against yours. He tightened his grip around you and you felt him smile against your lips.
"I knew I was your favorite" you smiled when you pulled away, making him laugh.
"Wanna help me finish your pizza?" he asked brushing a little flour you still had on your cheek.
"Oh, it's my pizza now?" you smirked.
"Let's clean you up, clutz" he said, kissing you again. You could definitely get used to this.
"Okay" you smiled brightly at him.
You cleaned your mess up while Argyle finished cooking the pizza. You both decided it would be best with your regular 'accidents'.
"Order up" he said, bringing the pizza over to you.
"I'm not eating that" you said, sitting on the counter.
"What? Why not?" Argyle complained, placing the pizza on the counter and standing in front of you.
"Why would you put pineapple on a pizza?"
"Hey, petal! Try before you deny" he said, offering you a piece.
"I don't mind the pineapple, the question I ask is why is it on my pizza?" you complained.
"Because it's delicious" he insisted.
"I knew I shouldn't have let you make the pizza by yourself" you complained as you took the slice in your hand.
"Come on, give it a try" he insisted before hearing your stomach growl. "I know you want to" he said, raising his eyebrows and you rolled your eyes.
"Fine, only because I'm starving" you gave in. "And because you made it" you smiled, making him flush a little.
You took a bite and even if you would have tried to deny it, Argyle could see in your face that you had actually liked it.
"So?" he asked, waiting for your review. "What's the report, petal?"
"It's okay" you shrugged, taking another bite.
"Okay?" he smirked. "Just okay?"
"Fine, it's actually pretty good" you admitted.
"I knew it!" he smiled happily. "What?" he asked when he saw you smiling at him.
"Nothing" you quickly said, pulling him a little closer. "You still have a little bit of flour here" you said, brushing it away from his cheek.
"Your entire face is still filled with flour" he smiled brightly at you and leaned closer to kiss you again. "Do, do you like... want to uh- go out on a date or- um, something?" he stuttered when you broke apart.
"I'd really like that" you said, smiling.
"Does this mean that I get to hug you now?" he asked, placing his hands on your hips.
"Only if you admit that I'm your favorite" you said, making him laugh a little.
"Of course you're my favorite, petal" he said, kissing you again.
The End
A/N: soooo, part 2? let me know what you think :D 
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pascaled · 5 months
Happy birthday
Henry Cavill
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off-phelia · 2 years
U know
I know sex is good and all, but can we talk about something as attractive as sex?
Massage your partner's tense shoulders when he is having a hard day?
Cook dinner or something for eat and laugh in each other's faces when everything is a mess?
Hug them close and play with their hair while you guys watch television?
Have a coffee or tea while watching your pets run around the garden freely?
Go to town or to the shopping to watch a movie and stuff yourself with popcorn, soda, and candy?
Oh, Oh!! But if you like to be naked and walk around the house (like I do *cof*), maybe things like:
Walking around the house both naked or semi-naked, just to conquer territory or play nianderthals (lmao i have a problem)
Take a shower together and help them wash their hair and back?
Sharing sensual kisses through the neck and shoulders in a cuddle session?
Speaking of the cuddle section, how about the good old naked cuddle section? Like, there's really no sexual intent. Just the two of you (or three, four? Idn 🤷‍♀️) enjoying the intimacy of feeling skin to skin and sharing soft touches along your arms, back, thighs, cheeks or hair.
Biting that fluffy tummy they flaunt so gracefully when they're shirtless or those cheeks? Its a paradise tbh u wu
What about those things a real couple does after some time together? Like:
Shave that blind spot you can't reach and you turn to them with those puppy dog ​​eyes and they just reach out for you to give to them the wax/razor? Lmao
Have mild dysfunctions about whether or not to wash the dishes that night or just leave it for the next day?
The happiness and relief on both their faces when they got home after a long day?
If you're a 21st century couple you're sure to share memes, recipes, videos of animals being funny, plant care tips (yes, you have plants), etc.
If you are not, no problem! You can just go camping or go swimming in the lake on some hot day. Or just go out in a car or on a motorcycle (bonus point if you guys decide to go flying around on broomsticks).
Or maybe you've been a couple since you were young and now, the years together come with gray hairs and a few wrinkles here and there? They think you look more and more beautiful as the years go by ♡
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harrywavycurly · 2 years
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Summary: Everyone knows the saying “two wrongs don’t make a right” and usually that’s true, but not for you and Eddie. The idiotic love of your life who just so happens to drunkenly kiss someone who he swears was you at a house party. So buckle up because the emotions are over the top, the overreacting is a touch too much but so is the love because sometimes two wrongs do make a right.
TW: Mentions of cheating, drug use (weed), drinking and language
A/N: This is a series @munsonsgirl71 and myself are writing so you’ll see updates on both of our blogs but you’ll find everything here as well!✨
Status: Ongoing
Requests: Here and Here
Instagrams: Coming soon✨
Conversations: Coming soon✨
*this is a texting series and you’ll find all the parts in the correct order down below*
Part 1: Wrong One
Part 2: Freaks and Geeks
Part 3: Scrawny
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were-wolverine · 2 years
i made these like forever ago… they took so long and then i just didn’t post them anywhere lmao
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emily-mooon · 1 year
A Collection of Images of (almost) all the times the ST characters are on the phone (or walkie talkie) PART 1
I scoured Google for some of these images as I want it to be easier for people to find since there are so many times in this show where they are on the phone (or walkie talkie). These are some of the perfect pfps to share with your mutuals as then it looks like you are all talking on the phone (or walkie talkie) with each other. Feel free to add more (do so once looking at all the images and all the ones on part two once it’s out so you know which one to go hunting for).
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This is all the images I can fit on this post. I will link part two once it’s finished. A respective tag will be made and put in the search bar of my blog for easy access. Also if you do use one of these images as a pfp, you have no need to credit me since I didn’t really do a whole lot with them besides maybe cropping to make them more square.
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