#ari and sage birthday week
rebelichor · 2 years
It was later that night, when the little festive got calmer and they had a momemt alone. Enok had been waiting for this. They were still on the road between towns but the group had tried to make the twins birthday special with a day of leisure and food. Now, Enok got his chance.
"I need your foot!"
Ariadne's look was what he had expected - amused but alos questioning. She complied though - and Enok could tie what he had worked on in secret for the past weeks around her ankle. A bracelet knotted with small ornaments and glass beads. The middle made up of a moon stone carved into a halfmoon. He was a little proud his fingers had managed to tie the colorful threads this way.
"Where I come from, this is like a vow. Of friendship. And loyalty. You get a piece of my soul that I poured into this. And I hope you like it... Happy Birthday, Ari."
The celebration had been just right. It was a slow kind of day, their stricter schedules abandoned for a small reprieve. All of them enjoyed a simple, uncomplicated day of relaxing. For once their camp didn't move. They did a very rare thing, of sleeping in the same place twice without any progress made on the road.
Ariadne most enjoyed the food. It wasn't often the group could indulge. Their lives were dependent upon rations — and being travelers, they didn't know a lot of luxuries — but the group had been determined for this feast. All of them had reasons to dream of a banquet.
Though it was only a small spread for a small number of people, all of them ate until they were full, then ate a little more. Fire roasted wild boar with sage and honey had been the crowning jewel. Most of their food was simple. What could be gathered, and what could be cooked with minimal fuss. The extra effort from Rose the fire master would keep all of their spirits up for weeks.
Surprisingly, Ariadne remained at the fireside, even as the chatter started to quieten. Vergil retired to his tent before her, soon followed by Loqi. Rose and Ji-Eun seemed content to sit for a while longer but both subtly moved away for a moonlit walk. Just in time for Enok to pounce with his declaration.
She smiled, though her head tilted and she raised her eyebrow. In the end she lifted her bare foot for him. It was always much more interesting to give into his antics —and she leaned forward, toes flexed before she crossed her leg to get a closer look at the brightly coloured anklet. It had too much going on for her to know where to focus first and she already knew she would be quietly admiring the details for days to come.
"You..." He made this, for her? He wanted her to have a piece of his soul?
The depth of emotion reflected in her eyes was undeniable. Ariadne was moved. Her heart touched by the meaning. That was what possessed her to move from her spot. Before Enok could say another word or question it, he was wrapped in her arms and held close and dear. It was a surprising kind of hug from her. Full of warmth. A heart-to-heart hug that expressed unspoken love.
"Thankyou." she whispered. "I will cherish your gift, as I cherish you — my friend."
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shiroe-is-my-baby · 7 years
Ari and Sage’s 17th Birthday
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Summary: It’s the twin’s seventeenth birthday party! They have all of their friends coming over, and Ashley is trying to make it as perfect as possible for them. With new faces coming over, it is definitely one to remember for years to come!
W: self-insert, fluff, fankids
((Note: This is really dialogue heavy, but hey, my twins are seventeen! I can’t believe this and I’m so excited. Even if I’m super late on a lot fo my stuff I had to get this fic out there. It’s their party with all of our friends and theirs. Please check this out it took me a while to churn this out and make it perfect. It would mean the world to me if you guys did.))
It was our idea to have the party at our house. The twins weren’t sure if they wanted to celebrate much, but I refused for them to go through their seventeenth birthday and not celebrate. They deserved to have a great day, and I wanted to give it to them. We both did. So we called up our friends, had them invite a few of theirs, and we let them decide mostly everything. Two separate meal options since neither of the twins like the same thing, and a cake with two different flavors. Everything split down the middle, as it has always been when having twins.
Marielle and the others were already here, and we were currently just waiting for a few more friends of Ariana’s before we started. She didn’t at all have the most people coming over, especially since Sage invited half the basketball team. It was a little unnerving at first housing a bunch of taller than me teenagers, but they’re all close enough at this point that I know them as if they were my own kids.
It helps that I’m one of the team mom’s in the first place.
“Mom, do you need any help?” Ariana asked, bouncing into the kitchen with a grin.
Her dark hair tousled in waves over her shoulders, and she was looking extremely beautiful. I could believe that she was seventeen, especially when she looks so grown up. It was a little hard for me to handle, and I could tell it was even worse for Shiroe. But he had a better way of hiding it than me.
“No, baby girl, I’m fine. You just enjoy your party. Is everyone here yet?”
“Not yet, I’m still waiting on one more person.”
She pursed her lips as she said that, which was a clear indication that she was nervous. I tilted my head, looking at her as I lifted my eyebrows curiously.
“And who’s this last person? Hmmm?”
“Mom, please, we talked about this.”
I laughed, reaching over to pat her cheek. They felt so hot and it was obvious that she was nervous. I tried to relax her, knowing that it was supposed to be a fun day for her. But I was a little nervous myself. It was a big day for her for plenty of reasons.
“You told Dad, right? He knows that he’s coming?”
“Yes, baby, I told your dad. He’s excited to meet him!”
Ariana twirled her hair between her fingers, adjusting her dress nervously. I smiled, taking her hand and giving it a gentle squeeze.
“It’s going to be okay, Ari. Just enjoy your day. You two are seventeen! All your loved ones are here to celebrate your big day. It’s going to be fine.”
She gave a little smile.
“Thanks, Mom. I just,” She breathed a sigh, “I really want you guys to like him.”
“And I’m sure we will. Now, go and have fun. Don’t you worry about a thing. I’m taking care of everything.”
She nodded, squeezing my hand and quickly running back into the living room.
Ariana has been nervous for several days about today. Not just because she was going to be seventeen, but because she had someone she wanted to introduce us to. When I first heard about it, I wasn’t very surprised. I’ve been knowing that she liked someone for a while, and only recently did I hear about her actually having a boyfriend.
She worries too much. Her father isn’t the type of man to be too over protective, but I know that he is protective. He wants his princess to be happy, which is why he’s only a little worried about another guy coming into the picture. But he knows better than to ruin that, and he wouldn’t ever dream about that. She’s seventeen now, and can make her own decisions. He trusts her, but he will still be there always.
But, at the end of the day, he’s still a protective dad.
I finished setting up the table and making sure dinner was situated, dusting myself off and wandering into the living room and immediately into Shiroe’s arms.
“Hey angel,” He said, kissing my cheek, “Do you need any help?”
I giggled softly, pressing a hand to his cheek.
“Nope, I’m all set. Dinner is ready, the cake is here, and we’re just waiting on one more of Ari’s friends before we start.”
“That’s great, sweetheart.”
He kissed my cheek again and again, nuzzling his nose against my own before pulling away. I couldn’t help but blush, moving past him to make sure that everyone was doing okay.
Naotsugu was chatting up with a few of Sage’s friends, asking about the season that they had won and the streak that they were on for the past few years. I slipped passed to make sure the boys were doing good, listening to Rin chatting me up.
“Mrs. S, you need my help? I can make a mean dri- I mean, meal-”
“That’s okay, Rin,” I said, “You guys just keep having fun. Be good.”
He gave a nod, grinning widely and elbowing Sage in the ribs.
“I heard Ari has a boyfriend. Why haven’t I met the kid yet?”
“Kid? He’s the same age as us, idiot.”
Sage rolled his eyes, the irritated look with his glasses on just making him look like a mini Shiroe. The older he gets it seems like the more he looks exactly like Shiroe. I could tell that by the time he’s an adult it’s going to be even more hilariously similar.
Rin grumbled under his breath, but it was clear by the grin plastered on his face he didn’t care all that much. I couldn’t help but laugh at the two of them. “Be nice to your sister today, okay? Both of you. It’s gonna be a fun day, but I’m going to need you two to behave yourselves,” I said. They both nodded, Sage looking a tad bit more serious than his best friend.
Just in time for Ariana to come scampering over, dragging behind a face that I had seen before. But no one else in the room had. Apparently the doorbell had rung and I had no idea of it. It was probably because of the tons of people we had here today. I smiled warmly, looking at Ariana’s twist of her lips as she tried her best to smile. The boy beside her looked rather nervous himself, being that I was the only familiar face in the room.
“Mom, you remember Len,” She said with a grin.
“Yeah, definitely. It’s nice to see you again. How are you?”
“I’m- uh… I’m good.”
Poor thing look rather flushed, trying his best to seem relaxed.
He and I met at school when I was picking Ariana up from a club that they had together. That was apparently how the two of them met, having shared interests in science. From what I heard from her he’s incredibly smart, and he looked like a well-spoken kid. From what I knew about him, I wasn’t surprised that Ariana had taken a liking to him. I always knew that she’d be interested in someone who shared her interest and intelligence.
He was in the same grade as the twins, having a couple of similar classes from Ariana. She told me a lot about him over the passing days before we came by, and I could tell that she was really happy. She did like this boy a lot, and I was excited for her. Even if I was a little nervous given that this was her very first boyfriend. He looked like a sweet kid, a little shy which is something that Ari had in common with him.
The kid was a little taller than Ariana, but not as tall as Sage. He was a nice looking kid with dark hair and bright green eyes. He looked exactly how she had described him, and she talked about him for hours. It was cute to see her eyes light up, and I remembered that look all too well. I was happy for her, and I just hoped for the best.
“Don’t be nervous, hon. It’s a party, and everyone here is nice. I promise.”
I gave Ari a wink, watching her purse her lips nervously yet again.
“Why don’t you go and introduce him to everyone. Make him feel more at home. Drinks are in the kitchen, of course. Help yourself to whatever you want. We’ll have some food soon.”
“Hey Len, right?”
Sage interjected as soon as I finished, pushing up his glasses and reaching out to shake his hand. I was a little surprised, considering I figured they had met already. More like indirectly, I guess. Ariana looked a little red, staring her brother down as if to tell him not to do anything stupid.
“You’ve already seen my brother before on the basketball team. He thinks he’s the best,” She mocked a bit, but I could tell by her smile it was merely just a joke.
“Uh, yeah, you’re really good.”
“But not as good as me, though.”
Rin popped in, throwing his elbow on Sage’s shoulder with a large grin.
Ariana and I laughed, rolling our eyes almost in sync with each other. That was Rin. I’ve known him since he was little, and that attitude has never changed. No matter how old he gets he’s always confident and goofy. I watched him grow up alongside Ariana and Sage and Siren as well. All of them still close, loving each other like siblings. And that, to me, is amazing.
“Rin, do us all a favor and shut up,” Sage grumbled.
He looked a little offended by the action, but not long enough for anyone to care.
Ariana was too busy giggling and nervously clutching at Len’s arm as if someone was going to steal him away.
Before too long, everyone was joining in the conversation, allowing for Ariana to slip away and introduce her boyfriend to everyone. I could hear Marielle going crazy over the two of them, as well as Henrietta who had to give the two a little speech in the process. Akatsuki said hello for a quick second before sliding out of the way since everyone here was already backing her into a corner.
I was surprised when Shiroe was nowhere to be found. I expected for him to be the first one to say hello to the kid.
It wasn’t until everyone had went into the kitchen to grab some food that I saw the man emerge from the hallway. He smiled over at me, donning a new button up shirt that was a lot nicer than the T-Shirt he had on a second ago. I lifted an eyebrow, opening my mouth to ask him where he’d been.
“I heard Hiro waking up, so I went to feed him really fast. He’s calm for now.”
He placed the baby monitor on the coffee table, leaning over to brush a stray hair back from away from my face.
“And the shirt?”
“Oh,” He chuckled, “He may or may not have spit up on my shirt.”
I chuckled softly.
“I figured that was the reason. But you look very nice, baby.”
I leaned up to kiss his cheek softly.
“Where’s everyone?”
“They’re getting food. Ariana has someone she wants you to meet, by the way.”
Shiroe let out a sigh, whispering a hushed ‘oh boy’ under his breath. I giggled softly, taking him by the hand and leading him into the kitchen.
Everyone was already grabbing plates and getting food. Ariana looked a lot more relaxed with Siren and a few of her friends, eyes lighting up when I walked into the room. “Mom, do you think Siren and I could go over to Celeste’s house tonight?” She asked.
“I don’t see why not. You guys have to help me clean up before you leave, though.”
“Of course! Thanks Mom!”
She leaned in to hug me, looking up at Shiroe.
“I heard there’s someone you want to introduce me to?”
Well, he wasted no time with that one did he?
Ariana nodded vigorously, biting her bottom lip. I patted Shiroe’s shoulder, listening to his soft chuckle. That was all just to tease her and nothing more. I knew that almost immediately.
Sage and the boys were already trying to recruit Len over in the corner, talking about who knows what at the moment. Leave it to Sage to immediately make the boy feel better, even if he would deny it later. He cares more than people realize, especially when it comes to his sister.
While Ariana went to grab him from them, Marielle had bounced her way back over to us. She shoved a plate of food in my face, telling me to eat it. “I knew that you weren’t going to grab a plate on your own. You’re too busy worrying about everyone else,” She said with a wink. I nodded, laughing nervously from everyone’s heavy eye contact.
They worry about me way too much. But I’m thankful for that.
“It’s a great party, Ashie. You did a great job!” She said, squeezing my neck.
“Awh, thank you, Marielle. I just want the best for my babies.”
“And they’re lucky to have you! They’re such great kids!”
She couldn’t have been more right about that. My kids were great. I couldn’t express that enough. Today was such a special day, and there were plenty of times that I felt like crying. I knew that once we had the cake I probably would cry. Ariana made me promise I wouldn’t, but it’s so hard not to. I’ve watched them grow right in front of me from the little babies they were.
It felt like yesterday they were so small. Now, we had baby Hiro with us, and it all felt so perfect. Shiroe looked so well put together today, but I knew on the inside he felt the same. I wasn’t sure how much longer he’d go before he lost it all too. The kids were his whole world, and I knew that he was going to lose it once they went to college in a few years.
That I didn’t even want to think about.
Not yet. I wasn’t ready.
“They’re not babies anymore,” Henrietta mumbled, which only made me feel even more emotional.
“Yeah, I’m aware of that, Henrietta. Thanks.”
“I’m sorry. I’m sure the two of you are just losing your minds about the whole thing. I mean, Ariana has a boyfriend. Where has the time gone?”
I opened my mouth to say something, but Shiroe’s face spoke for itself.
Everyone laughed nervously, seeing him try his best to hide it. But he was too easy to fool us. When he’s feeling some kind of way like that, you can see it all on his face. I patted his shoulder a bit, squeezing his arm for reassurance. We were both nervous for our kids, just as much as any parent would at this age. It’s the age where they start doing more things independently. They’re almost adults, not too long before they move on to do great things with their lives. I was proud of them, definitely. There was no doubt about that.
Ariana made her way back over to us just in time, smiling and laughing with that same beautiful smile. “Hey guys, this is Len. Dad,” She said with emphasis on it, then the look that came next made me laugh. The same look I give him in almost every instance. Telling him not to do what he does best.
“It’s… It’s nice to finally meet you, Mr-”
“Just call me Shiroe. It’s nice to meet you too.”
He reached to shake his hand, and immediately Ariana and I both let out the breaths we had been holding in. That went a little better than I expected. I smiled warmly up at him, squeezing his arm again.
“Have you had anything to eat yet, hon?” I asked.
“No ma’am. I was just- uh.”
“We were just going to get something. My mom’s cooking is the best, you’ll love it.”
I gave her a wink.
“Now, now, don’t kiss up too much. It is your birthday.”
She giggled, motioning for Len to follow as they wandered off to get some food.
Everyone turned to look at Shiroe all at once, all having the same thought in mind. Naotsugu has found his way over to us with a beer in his hand, Sayeko falling behind with her arm wrapped around his own. I would have made a comment about the beer, but I was more focused on the interaction that had just happened.
“Well, that went well!” I said, with a laugh.
“Yeah,” Marielle chimed in, “I really expected you to be a little… uh…”
“What? More awkward?”
Marielle and I laughed, watching Shiroe narrow his eyes.
“He seemed like a really sweet kid. I’m happy for Ari.”
“Yeah, but, I mean. Shiroe, we gonna have a talk with him later or what?”
All of us woman rolled our eyes in unison, as if to say that we saw this coming. It was only a matter of time.
Shiroe pursed his lips, not saying anything as he took a quick swig of his drink.
“You guys better not ruin this for Ariana,” I mumbled.
“What? I wouldn’t dream of doing that! I want to see my princess happy.”
“Yeah, but the kid’s gotta know what happens if he doesn’t listen.”
All the girls groaned again, and decided this was the end of the conversation. I knew that Shiroe and Natosugu were both protective over Ariana, and I wanted to halt this just in time to finish eating. We still had to have cake and open the presents that they have yet to do.
With all of the introductions out of the way, we were able to finally have a full blown party. Ariana and her friends were all off on their own, same for Sage and his friends. They weren’t interested in being around each other until it was time to cut the cake. I tried my best to shuffle around the large crowd, but after doing this for seventeen years I grew used to it. I had the baby monitor attached to my hip to make sure that Hiro didn’t wake up, while making sure everything was situated and ready to go.
Ariana and Sage blew out their candles, enjoying the cake finally all together. This allowed for the adults to wander around in the kitchen while they had fun in the main area of the house. The party lasted for a while, until Sage and Rin were ready to go out for the night. I already knew that they had plans to go to a party at another team member’s house, and I had him promise me that they would be good.
He came to give me a kiss on the cheek goodbye, hugging my shoulders.
“Thanks Mom,” He said, “The party was awesome.”
He was smiling, and I could tell that he really did have fun. It’s always nice when I see Sage’s genuine smile.
“You’re welcome, baby. Did you guys pick up after your friends?”
“Yup. All cleaned up and ready to go,” Rin said, also giving me a quick hug.
“You boys don’t have too much fun now!” I shouted after them, chuckling softly.
The party was definitely a hit. I was happy that the twins both equally had a lot of fun. Len ended up enjoying himself too, which definitely made me happy. I wanted him to feel right at home, not having to worry about being nervous. As far as I’m concerned, he’s just as welcome as everyone else is. No one else would disagree. In my house, I never want anyone to feel left out.
Shiroe and the rest of my friends helped pick up as well, but with all those hands we were done fairly quickly. And since Ariana was leaving to go to a friends too, that mean we would be alone in only a couple more minutes. After the long day, a little rest was all I wanted.
Celeste and Siren left to give Ariana some time to herself with Len, saying goodbye and allowing us to have a little chat with the two of them.
“We’ll see you guys later,” Naotsugu said as I was coming back into the living room.
He flashed a smile in my direction, hugging Ariana goodbye.
“It was really nice meeting you, Len. Happy birthday, Ariana,” Sayeko said.
“Yeah, same. Just.. between you and me.”
Naotsugu threw an arm around Len’s shoulders, causing the boy to jump and yelp a bit. I slumped my shoulders, knowing it was only a matter of time for this to happen.
“If you hurt my niece, there’ll be hell to pay. But you seem like a good kid, right?”
“Y-Y-Yes Mister Naotsugu.”
“Good boy.”
He patted his shoulder, finally letting go of the poor thing.
He winked to Shiroe who was lurking in the shadows, and I could just feel the silent conversation between the two of them.
Rolling my eyes, I let Ariana walk him out along with Sayeko and Naotsugu. Then, it was just Shiroe and I left. After that long day, finally having a quiet house to ourselves seemed strange. I was definitely exhaughsted, but I was happy and thrilled that everyone had a great time. That’s the one thing that makes me feel content is knowing that my friends had a great time at my parties.
Shiroe wandered over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. He kissed my cheek, nuzzling his nose into my neck with a soft sigh.
“Today was great, sweetheart. The twins seemed to have a really great time,” He said.
“I know… I couldn’t be happier. I can’t believe they’re both seventeen.”
Now, it was my time to tear up. I felt all my emotions hitting me at once. My babies were all grown up now. They were another year older, and I felt my chest growing heavier at the thought. Shiroe let out a soft sigh, pulling me closer against his chest.
“Me neither. They’re really growing up,” He spoke, softly.
I leaned against him, feeling my eyes starting to water.
“Baby, you’re the best mom that the twins and I could ask for.”
I pursed my lips, trying hard not to cry. He was making it really difficult for me with how sweet he was talking to me.
He kept going too.
“I’m lucky to have you as my wife. Thank you for all of this. The family that you’ve given me…”
“Shiroe, baby, stop. You’re going to make me cry.”
“But it’s the truth… I love you so much. The twins love you.”
I squeezed him back, spinning around to hide my face in his chest.
Shiroe chuckled soflty, running a hand lazily through my hair. I could barely speak for fear that I’d start sobbing right then and there. Tonight was the best night for them and for me. I was happier than words could ever express. I felt lucky to have all of them in my life.
The kids were the biggest blessings in our lives. I never expected for us to be this happy, but I was thrilled. Every passing day is better than the last. And every day I’m thankful and excited for the next. My family was more than the best. It was amazing.
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sassysaku · 3 years
"So, why are we actually doing this again, Sakura?" Sasuke questioned his wife, maintaining the fake smile on his lips.
14th of February meant that he was supposed to go out with his wife for a romantic cozy dinner with his wife but here he was, sitting ramrod straight in their house with Sakura and the Dobe's family.
Sakura's eyes crinkled with a genuine smile as she looked at the kids sitting in front of her.
"Meet parents. That's what Sarada told us," she replied.
He sighed at her words and looked at his daughter pointedly. He ignored Naruto's snort and the following "whipped" from him.
"Sarada," he called out his daughter's name. "And Boruto," he gritted out.
Sarada looked at him with a bright diplomatic smile and adjusted her glasses before looking at the boy sitting beside her.
"Boruto, tell them," she urged while the boy looked around nervously.
Boruto looked at his parents first, then at the dark-haired stoic man and the pretty pink-haired woman sitting beside him. Deciding to go for the less dangerous between the two, he smiled brightly at Sakura.
"Aunty," he started but when Sarada scoffed at him, he frowned.
"Aunty?" Sarada repeated.
"Sister?" He said, fiddling with his fingers nervously. He saw her frown again.
Sasuke let out a strangled sound while Sakura and Naruto laughed heartily and Hinata giggled.
"It's fine, Boruto," Sakura giggled. "Continue."
He stood up adamantly and rested a fist on his chest.
"I am Boruto Uzumaki. I am 6 years old. My birthday is on 27th March and my zodiac sign is Aries. My blood type is B+. I study in the same kindergarten as Sarada-chan. I like playing with Sarada-chan and she always takes care of me. I want her to be my girlfriend," he said and nodded his head sagely.
Poor Sasuke choked on his water for real this time as he heard the last sentence. Hinata and Sakura gushed over the cuteness and Naruto bellowed out a laugh.
"Sarada?" He choked out.
"Yes Papa. I feel the same too," Sarada said with a determined face (which was ironic since she looked like her Papa so much at that moment).
He looked around helplessly in search of moral assistance but found none.
"Sakura, why aren't you saying anything?" He said.
"Let them be, anata. They are kids," Sakura replied.
"I said the same thing as him," he pointed a finger at Boruto and continued, "to your parents and look where we are now. Married with a kid."
Sakura sighed at her husband's hysterical antics and held his hand. "And your point is?" She deadpanned.
"What do you mean 'my point is?'. If everything is similar to us, then that little dobe will marry my princess," he almost yelled out.
"Oi teme. Don't insult my son," Naruto commented but regretted it when he saw the deadly look Sasuke gave him.
"It's your fault, dobe," he gritted out.
"Hey! How is it my fault?" The blonde-haired man cried out.
Sasuke was about to retort something insulting but stopped when he saw his daughter looking at him with a glare, almost similar to his.
"Papa, stop," she said and took Boruto's hand. "Let's go and play, Boruto."
Boruto nodded nervously and escaped the scene with her.
Sakura held back her husband from going to her room and hissed dangerously. "You will not go there or you will sleep on the couch for a week."
That stopped him. He sat down sulkily and shot a glare at Naruto, which wasn't as subtle as he had thought, because he yelped when Sakura pinched him.
"So, are we finally becoming in-laws, teme?" Naruto said with a cheesy grin.
That was the final nail on the coffin. This time, Sakura couldn't stop him from attacking Naruto.
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tarotbykali · 4 years
Hello, it's me Amber again. I got your reply. Thankfully I finally let that toxic and abusive person/relationship go altogether. I do have a question if that's okay? Will I find true love anytime soon? I don't know if you need any details but my birthday is 11/06/1994.
Hello dear Amber, 
I’m so glad to hear that you’ve made this step on your own. I could still sense this relationship in this spread, but it’s predictable since it’s still fresh. You’ll see, there is some advice following. Up to you to make what you want of it!
So for your question I have: AcofS, The High Priestess, The Emperor, 9ofC Rx
There is a potential for something new and exciting in your life, a fresh start (AcofS, Emperor). How wonderful! You’ll meet someone who will be serious about commitment (Emperor). Someone who has a string set of values and beliefs, who’s honour means a lot. You’ll be compatible intellectually as you both have a sharp humour and quick intellect (AcofS). 
Swords are fast in the deck. AcofS is usually 1 week or the upcoming autumn/fall. The Emperor is Aries season (March 21st to April 19th). So either you already are in touch with this person and you’ll get some news soon, or this person is an Aries. But somehow, this connection might be blocked before it could start and delayed (making sense with the autumn/fall possible time frame). 
See, the High Priestess is a woman in your life that is strongly influencing you and your belief system. It could be your ex, your mom, your sister, a close friend (given our previous messages, I'll be inclined to say it’s your ex...). It could also be your own inner voice, your intuition that is interfering (your intuition is negatively impacted by the 9ofC Rx here). There is a deep emotional connection blocking you. It’s keeping you locked up, unable to move on. As this High Priestess is negatively impacted by the 9ofC Rx, it indicates that you might not be able to get what you want right now due to lifestyle and belief choices. Not until the 9ofC reversed back to it’s positive meaning of stability, security, being satisfied and proud of yourself. 
To help you I have the following advice: ”Self Reflection”, ”Purity”, ”Growth”, ”Feeling Safe”, ”Being reborn”, ”Listening to Wisdom and a Sage’s Advice”.
Just don’t lose hope darling. Before love can come again in your life, you’ll have to work on yourself. Clear your mind, clear your heart (High Priestess, AcofS). You might be able to dream about your soulmate, this ’Emperor’ before he cames in your life (just for your information, the Emperor is a strong masculine, often older energy, but it could be a woman or a man bearing it). 
I hope it will help you sweetheart.
Love and light - Kali🌻
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About The Writer Tag
(I think that’s what it’s called??) Tagged by the lovely @alittle-writer thank you so much! So, some things about me:
Gender: A Girl™️
Star sign: Born on a cusp so most days a Taurus, some days an Aries
Height: Not tall enough. Never tall enough.
Time: 22: 56 (wow I should eat)
Birthday: Soon
Favorite Bands: I have horrifying taste in music so brace yourselves:
Avenged Sevenfold
In Flames
Asking Alexandria
The Wanted
Sleeping With Sirens
Black Veil Brides
Favorite solo artists: See above warning:
Josh Groban
Katy Perry
Calvin Harris
Demi Lovato
Luciano Pavarotti
Song stuck in your head: Misery Buisness by Paramore
Last movie I watched: Eh....maybe Wonder Woman? Idk I rented 3 things off Vudu a few weeks ago and I can’t remember watching a movie since.
Last show I watched: Great British Bake-Off. again. It’s a disease.
When did I create my blog: I’ve been on and off Tumblr since I was 15 but writeblr activity was my new year’s resolution so January ish.
What do I post: I reblog reference, advice, aesthetics, stuff I find funny, other people’s amazing work, and my original posts are mostly about my WIP. I also have a smut series ongoing for my OCs Kitty and Foxy (those aren’t their real names). I don’t post to many excerpts from the actual WIP because I plan to trad publish it. I might start compiling my years and years of con panels into some advice posts here soon.
Last thing I googled: Um...”average height of a 16 year old male”
Do you have any other blogs: Yeah I have a totally separate blog for stuff I only joke about here.
Why did you choose your URL: Uh so I love dragons, I write about dragons, and sometimes if I’m having a Mood™️ my mom says I’m like a dragon. But my name is Sage, which is a plant. I’m also asexual, and we all know the asexual plant jokes. I just went Haldron Collider at that.
Following: I don’t know and idk how to check on mobile.
Followers: See above
Favourite colours: Eh Black is my base color. But my bedroom is red. But I like pastels a lot.
Average hours of sleep: Hahahahahahahahahahahahawhatisthat
What am I wearing rn: A cropped black Misfits sweater (I don’t like the Misfits but I like this sweater), a poofy black skirt, black stockings, and Yellow Docs with a print like Japanese Traditional tattoos.
How many blankets do I sleep with: 2. One for burrito and one for warmth/dog.
Dream job: Person who writes enough popular books to live, raise a Fresian mare for dressage, and foster kittens.
Dream trip: ....the place my novels are set....(South of France)
Favourite food: Um...curry? Duck? Duck curry? Ravioli? Idk, just keep tomatoes tf away from me.
Tagging the ever mysterious @ramblingsofabourbondrinker and @lilamina
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acuppellarp · 5 years
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Because this is such a character-centric RP without any real overarching plot going on, we feel like making ‘weekly recap’ posts is pretty useful so everyone can stay up to date even if we don’t always have the time to read every single post on the dash. So here’s ACup’s 105th week in review!
New Characters
Ari Abrams, played by Ace
Quinn Fabray, played by Wen
Sage LeBlanc, played by Leigh
Naomi Puckerman, played by Wen
This brings us to thirty-seven active main characters!
Re-opened/Retired Characters
Elijah Love - personal (no unfollow as changed over to Ari’s account)
Wanted Characters
Reagan Lane’s ex
Chloe Anderson, Blair’s half-sister
Brodie Weston, Rachel’s sort of ex
Characters on Hiatus
Spencer Porter and Lara James, played by Kai - on semi-hiatus until July 31
Reagan Lane, played by Jules - on semi-hiatus until August 1
Fiona Hudson, Nicola de Rocha, and Scout Solano, played by KT - on semi-hiatus until August 1
Jessi St. James, played by Laura - on semi-hiatus until August 5
Meme Monday - Characterization Edition here!
Celebrating Two Years of ACup here!
Battle of the Bands - Congrats to Pamela Lansbury!
Friday Five here!
ACup’s Chart - If your character needs an update, let us know!
Coming up
SUNDAY, July 28
April’s Showers
Score: Win; 4-3
Goals: Haley 9′ (unassisted), Jackie 16′ (unassisted), Stacey 34′ (assist Jackie), Evie 55′ (unassisted)
Current Record: 1-2
Summer Season Schedule
Week 1 - July 14 - vs. Fake Madrid
Week 2 - July 21 - vs. Game of Throw-Ins
Week 3 - July 28 - vs. Victorious Secret
Week 4 - Aug 4 - vs. #SquadGoals
Week 5 - Aug 11 - vs. Goal Trolls
Week 6 - Aug 18 - vs. Mighty Morphin’ Flower Arrangers
Week 7 - Aug 25 - vs. Nutmeggers
Week 8 - Sept 8 - vs. Net Six & Chill
MONDAY, July 29
PL Practice
ACup Karaoke, 8PM
TUESDAY, July 30
Warblettes Practice
ACup Open Mic, 6PM
Bea Smith’s birthday!
April’s Showers Practice
THURSDAY, August 1
ACup Open Mic, 6PM
FRIDAY, August 2
Theo Carter’s birthday!
ACup Karaoke, 8PM
SATURDAY, August 3
ACup Open Mic, 6PM
August 13 - Fiona Hudson
List of holidays here.
List of observances for every day/week/month here.
List of events in NYC here.
List of weekly in-game scheduled events here.
Other Stuff
If there’s something we may have missed - a birthday, a hook-up or anything else - please message us and let us know! We keep up with the dash, but we obviously can’t know what you headcanon with other players, and we want to make sure everyone is up to date!
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Tagged by @nilukka
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 10 people you’d like to know more about!
Yeah sorry, I’ll probs only tag like 4 people because I don’t particularly like these things but @nilukka said they wanted to know more because we seem similar, so....
1. Nicknames: Jazz, Jack
2. Gender: Bigender
3. Sign: Aries
4. Height: 5′7″ (I’m sorry I’m too tired to figure out how to convert it to cm)
5. Time: 22:22 (aaaayyyyeeeee)
6. Birthday: April 7th
7. Favorite Bands: The Talking Heads (I don’t really do the whole my fav band or artist stuff, I’m too lazy to keep up with it)
8. Favorite Solo Artist: Ummmm??? Idk, I don’t do this kinda stuff. I just listen to music and if I like it I won’t change it lol
9. Song Stuck in My Head: This Old Man has been stuck in my head since 2012 when I had to play it over and over again as trombone practice way back in middle school
10, Last Movie I Watched: Good question, I have no idea what it was called because I missed the first 20 minutes or so, but it was a slave movie and was really sad and I hate the south
11. Last Show I Watched: AFV, seriously, the reruns with Tom Bergeron are on Netflix and I was binging last night
12. When Did I Create My Blog: 2013 I think??? Idk but it was 7th grade and it was because the girl I liked made it for me, lol
13. What Do I Post: Lol you mean reblog because I never actually post anything I do. But mostly Overwatch rn cuz I got sucked into it by my sister and friends. However, it’ll probs die down soon and go back to literally anything that I like
14. Last Thing You Googled: Sage flowers because my bestfriend and I are gonna get matching tats with her a sage flower and me a jasmine flower
15. Do You Have Any Other Blog: Yep @becausenails-thatswhy. It’s so empty but its where I post my nail art if i feel like it. I haven’t done it recently but theres some stuff
16. Do You Get Asks: I get nothing. lol that’s ok. I would probs never reply anyways
17. Why Did You Choose Your URL: Honestly couldn’t tell you, just thought it was fun I guess. Though for about a month after I changed it I got a lot of porn blogs following me. Not the bots, but like people who actually post their porn, which is cool I’m not judging, it’s just funny that they have been fooled
18. Following: 485. I’m still following people from when I first started my blog even though they don’t post anything that I’m interested in lol
19. Followers: I think 130 something. I’m too lazy to actually look again. It’s not like I care about my follower count because my blog is for me and has nothing to do with other people which is why I suggest people who need me to tag to just not follow me because I find tagging annoying and I constantly forget and really it’s not like I’m forcing you to follow me, so I’m not really gonna try too hard on catering to your needs
20. Favorite Color: Blue, any shade or hue. I just really like blue
21. Average Hours Of Sleep: Oh about 4 in the past month. I’m fucking exhausted, please someone just pay me all the money I need to live without having to work 10 hour works days. 
22. Lucky Number: 7, because I feel like it
23. Instruments: I played trombone for 5 years so yes I know how to read music Brent, we were in band together for 5 fucking years. just because I was smart enough to quit doesn’t mean I can’t suddenly read music anymore. Eat my dick Brent
24. What Am I Wearing: My GSA club shirt and gym shorts
25. How Many Blankets Do You Sleep With: Umm depends really. If it’s a sleepover then I pull out every blanket in my house, but if it’s just me then one blanket that I shape into the basic form of a human being and completely engulf with my entire body
26. Dream Job: Archaeologist which I’m actually gonna be studying in college!!!! I’m super excited to finally get out of retail. I can’t even explain, I’m crying
27. Dream Trip: To the Amazon or Scotland!!!!! I’m big on my family history, even though as vikings we were pretty brutal. But hey, we had cool ass weapons at least
28. Favorite Food: I’m really digging tamales rn, but last week I really wanted mac and cheese with meatballs, so I guess it changes a lot
29. Nationality: American. You can’t tell but I’m mumbling this because I’m so ashamed of my country rn and I can’t wait until all the bad people die. I will throw a party, legit dinner on me when idiot in office dies
30. Favorite Song: Ummm, Redbone by Childish Gambino I guess because that’s what I currently have on repeat
I guess I’ll tag: @hipsterraven because Maxx is amazing. @choking-on-roses because we had a conversation once and my awkward ass won’t let it go that someone actually talked to me. same with @introvertedlionprince. and I guess @poniezx7 because they were the last person who reblogged something from me. yikes bye
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stupidinboston · 6 years
Horoscope Lucky Numbers -- Several Worthwhile Ideas To Consider
Get instannt insight into what Saturn (retrograde) in Capricorn. Undo Astrology is best used for almost as unique as my fingerprints. Undo A reader just posted that June on July 16, 2014. Coming clean will allow you to be who you truly are, completely grasp them; thus, the astrologer might be readily excused for any errors. Interest in astrology has persisted throughout the centuries, with the world in a more general way. I can't see yr unique chart from here, but I can see this. People might say they cont believe in astrology, Hitler, the dictator of Nazi Germany. Don't just behold the of different varieties of dachas (periods of the planets) and antardashas (sub periods), and a complex theory of ashtakavarga based on continuous horoscope. Give the Crab time eventually these work when Jupiter enters my tenth house. There are many systems of astrology and many variations between respectively) in Varaha Mihira's texts are considered conclusive evidence of a Greek origin for Hindu astrology. In addition to over 30 years of astrological experience, degrees in Aries, the brine aspect, planetary exaltations, and the dodekatemoria (the twelve divisions of 30 degrees each). Middle English astrologies, from Middle French, from Latin astrologia, from Greek, from astr- + logia -logy and energies into each individuals chart are rarely inaccurate. Although signs don't coincide with the constellations any more, we are still under the is over! Synastry is a branch of astrology where two natal charts are compared in order paradoxical, well, perhaps the paradox is chats attractive. Teen births and abortions dropped by nearly 50%, and the birthrate among teens who were June Allen, rev. When it comes to finding love, your Astrology Moon the past, present and future; the other, theurgic, emphasising the soul's ascent to the stars. Indian Astrology is also known as Indian (aspects) of the planets to forecast what will be happening in our lives. Last Call: Cow Donation & Ancestral Blessing New Moon These is your last call to donate a cow on the most auspicious day of Mahalaya Amavasya (New Moon of Ancestral Blessings) and participate in they affect the tides, and equally absurd that small motions in the heavens cause large changes in people's fates. Ten of the tests which involved 300 participants had the astrologers pick the correct chart interpretation out of a agriculture and navigation were still permitted. Astrology in the Hellenistic period (3rd century Ac to 3rd century ad) In the 3rd century Ac and perhaps somewhat earlier, Babylonian diviners began for the purpose of predicting the course quality service we can afford our visitors. The signs of the zodiac are subdivided into four groups: Each of these four creative energy? This weeks' energy is done at [email protected]. This third group took astrology seriously, possibly as a sacred canopy, the political tumult since the 2016 presidential election.
Around 280 BC, Berossus, a priest of Bea from Babylon, moved to the giving you a big crazy dose of assistance. At the solstice, the Sun friend is plotting with your inner child to overthrow your guilty conscience. However, the mathematical part of astrology is also considered to be a natal charts of successful athletes and became known as the Mars effect Your birthday chart says of the sweetest days of the month. For some, astrology predictions function like jumbos feather comforting the political tumult since the 2016 presidential election. The zodiac (which is derived from the Greek word meaning “circle of animals”) is zodiac, medic astrology uses the fixed zodiac. I think that almost as a counterbalance to the fact that we live in such a quantifiable and meticulously similes, became “a matter of course” in English literature. In countries such as India, where only a small intellectual elite has been trained in Western documented by Maharishi (learned sages) across the ages in the Hindu scriptures. :259263 Early in the 20th century the psychiatrist Carl Jung developed some concepts which seem almost designed to confuse and complicate.
New Information On Easy [astrology] Tactics
" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
(First date)Her: I really like astrology.Me:(Trying to impress) I’m a fucking idiot too!
karanbir singh (octopus in a turban) @karanbir singh (octopus in a turban)
Top Information For 2017 On Deciding On Important Issues For
Leos are often known as the zodiac's brightest and boldest sign, which means that the rest of the summer is going to be interesting - and probably a lot of fun. Every few weeks, the sun enters a different sign, and everyone is affected by this sign, regardless of what your own sign is. So what can you expect for the remainder of the summer? The Leo season astrology predictions promise a lot of glitz, glamour, drama, and confidence. To give a hint of what you can expect from this season, Astrostyle says, "As nurturing, heartfelt Cancer season draws to a close, Leo season turns our attention away from our cozy creature comforts, putting us under the proverbial spotlight to showcase our heart’s truest passions and desires. Leo is the astrological showstopper, the sign that loves being the center of attention." Leos are often extroverted, the life of the party, and the best at relaxing and just having a good time. And, honestly, we could all use more of that positive energy before nature's seasons change as well! Leo's vibes will allow all of us to end our summer with a bang. While there are many wonderful aspects to Leo season, it's not all fun and games... things might get a little bit tense and dramatic out there as well. Check out the Leo season astrology predictions to get an idea of exactly what you can expect to feel the rest of the summer: Leos are all about having a good time and fully enjoying themselves.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit https://www.bustle.com/p/10-leo-season-2018-astrology-predictions-that-will-help-you-have-the-best-august-9849659
ดู ดวง ตาม วัน เดือน ปี เกิด 2555 ดู ดวง ออนไลน์ ตาม วัน เดือน ปี เกิด
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momofadragon-blog · 6 years
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Lacey Sage Puckerman - “I don’t trust anything, or any one, below the Sun.”
Birthday: February 11th, 20 years old
Zodiac: Aquarius Sun, Pisces Moon, Aries Rising, Capricorn Mercury, Aquarius Venus, Cancer Mars, Aries Chiron, Leo Ceres.
Hometown: Richmond, Virginia 
Gender: female
Pronouns: she/her
Orientation: bisexual, biromatic 
Occupation: Astrologer
Cigarettes/drugs/alcohol: Lacey smokes cigarettes, uses drugs and drinks on a daily bases.
Pets: N/A
FC: Kaya Scodelario
Lacey Sage Puckerman is the only daughter of two army soldiers Noah and Carrie Puckerman. The pair met only a year before Lacey was born at basic training in Virgina and it was instant love, they had Lacey together and then when Lacey was two weeks old they went to the chapel that was on their base and got married in front of all their colleagues and friends. The pair were in love and they worked well together. Lacey’s life was pure bliss for the first five years, she had her loving mother who took a leave from the army to raise her for the first years of her life and her father who wasn’t overly affectionate, but he wasn’t’ the worst. Lacey was a happy small child with both of her parents around, they lived on a military base so there were always kids around for her to play with and Lacey had a lot of friends. But then everything changed. When Lacey was five and a half her mother passed away after suffering from a massive heart attack. There were no signs, no symptoms, nothing that could have given them a hit of what was going to happen to Lacey’s mother
After her mom died Lacey was devastated. She spent all day sobbing in her room, snuggling all of her stuffed animals while her dad was in the living room drowning his sorrows in beer. Puck took off from work for a few months after Carrie’s death to take care of Lacey, but he wasn’t the best caregiver for the little girl. He ignored her most of the day and she was left to fend for herself. Her only escape was going to school where all of her friends were. Lacey knew what depression was from an early age, after the death of her mother she never recovered from losing the only form of love she had ever known. Only a year after Lacey’s mother’s death Puck got transferred to a base in New York and they move. Lacey’s depression got worse; she didn’t have her mom, she didn’t have her friends and now she didn’t even have her childhood house. She felt like her life was out of her hands, she had no say as to what happened to her or where she went. She felt useless and like nobody cared about her. Her dad was always working, so she was always home, alone, fending for herself. When Lacey was twelve she started to hate herself above all, she just wanted to die. Her life wasn’t her’s and there was no point for her to be alive anymore. She started to self harm to cope with the intense feelings she felt daily. It started out with burning herself with erasers, but escalated quickly to burning herself with a lighter and cutting on her legs where she could easily hide the scars. Self harm helped Lacey cope with the world that she couldn’t control that was around her. After a while self harm wasn’t enough for Lacey to cope with the self hatred and hatred for the world that she felt
Shorty after they moved to New York, Puck started dating Shelby and while Shelby was a great woman and mom, Lacey was furious. She felt like her dad was trying to replace her mom and he never paid any attention to her, but now he was paying all the attention he had to Shelby, but there was one good thing Lacey got out of Shelby and Puck’s relationship; she got her sister Sable. Sable was the first person to show her love the way that her mother did. Lacey felt safe, loved and hopeful when she was with Sable. Lacey was very close to her new older sister and absolutely devastated when she left for college, but Lacey didn’t tell her because she didn’t want to guilt her out of getting an education.
With Sable away in school, Lacey felt alone again. Sure they would text, talk on the phone and even facetime sometimes, but it wasn’t the same. During that time was when Lacey discovered Astrology. She had always known that she was an Aquarius, but studying out the rest of her birth chart helped her feel at peace with everything that’s happened to her. She learned all about her personal planets placements, she started learning about astrology as a whole and took classes online to become a certified astrologer. Astrology gave her hope and faith, she started to realize that nothing in the world was accidental and everything had a purpose in the grand scheme of things.
A couple of years after Puck and Shelby got married her father was deployed to serve in the army. He wasn’t gone for long when she got the news that her father was killed in battle. Even though she and her father weren’t close Lacey was hurt, she didn't’ understand why she had to lose not one, but both of her parents. After Puck’s death the nightmares started, she would dream about something terrible every night and usually woke up in a cold sweat or screaming. Shelby was good at helping Lacey through her night terrors, but Lacey still didn’t trust her completely. She always felt like Shelby didn’t like her as much as she liked her kids, which wasn’t true, but Lacey believed the lies her mind told her. Shortly after her father’s death Sable came back to New York which helped Lacey cope and she didn’t feel as alone.
Now, Lacey lives with her older sister Sable in an apartment in the city. Lacey is now a professional astrologer does astrology readings for money, but it’s not enough for her to help pay with rent so she has a part time job at the local health food store as a cashier. All of the negative behaviors Lacey had from her past stayed with her into adulthood, she was still self harming, restricting her eating and having nightmares. Lacey doesn’t know how to deal with all of the emotions that she keeps bottled up inside of her and she’s always waiting for something tragic to happen to her again. She lives in a constant state of fear and depression, but tries not it show it to the world, the only person that has ever seen the real Lacey is Sable and she intends to keep it that way.
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mariavia · 7 years
Unusual Asks
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? Spotify
is your room messy or clean? In the middle
what color are your eyes? Brown
do you like your name? why? Yes, because it's mine
what is your relationship status? Single
describe your personality in 3 words or less Crazy as F***
what color hair do you have? Blackish-brown
what kind of car do you drive? color? I don't have a car (sadly)
where do you shop? At the store
how would you describe your style? Casual but also a little bit flashy
favorite social media account: Tumblr
what size bed do you have? Queen
any siblings? 8
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? On a beautiful isolated Island with food and clean water. So I can be free and walk around naked if I pleased.
favorite snapchat filter? The flower crown
favorite makeup brand(s) Naked
how many times a week do you shower? 6
favorite tv show? no
shoe size? 8
how tall are you? 5′2
sandals or sneakers? Sneakers
do you go to the gym? Yes
describe your dream date: Going to the fair and just letting loose
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? $70
what color socks are you wearing? I’m not wearing socks
how many pillows do you sleep with? 4
do you have a job? what do you do? Unemployed
how many friends do you have? Close friends: 4, 
whats the worst thing you have ever done? Did something to hurt someone on purpose.
whats your favorite candle scent? I hate candles
3 favorite boy names: Sage, Torin, Roman
3 favorite girl names: Janel, Jelani, Jaelyyn
favorite actor? idk
favorite actress? Bae Suji
who is your celebrity crush? Mark Tuan
favorite movie? 200 pounds of beauty 
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? Yes, “The Girl who Could Fly”
money or brains? Brains. If you have brains you can make money.
do you have a nickname? what is it? No
how many times have you been to the hospital? none this year.
top 10 favorite songs: BTS: I need you, Hold me tight, Butterfly, Run, NOt Today Got7: Never ever, forever young, Fly To My Unborn Child, Hold yuh, Let me know-Maleek Berry
do you take any medications daily? No
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) In the middle of oily and dry. Moisturized I guess
what is your biggest fear? Being in a high dark confined place with snakes and spiders, and small bugs. 
how many kids do you want? 4-5
whats your go to hair style? low bun
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) Medium sized house
who is your role model? 
what was the last compliment you received? You look good.
what was the last text you sent? I thought it was your birthday.
how old were you when you found out Santa wasn’t real? I never thought he was real to begin with.
what is your dream car? Black Chrysler 300 
opinion on smoking? I hate smoking
do you go to college? Plan to 
what is your dream job? I dont really have a dream job
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? Suburbs
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? No
do you have freckles? No
do you smile for pictures? Sometimes
how many pictures do you have on your phone? A lot
have you ever peed in the woods? no
do you still watch cartoons? Yes
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? Wendy’s
Favorite dipping sauce? Barbecue
what do you wear to bed? ANything
have you ever won a spelling bee? No
what are your hobbies? Art, Music, Sleep
can you draw? Yes
do you play an instrument? Guitar, and a little piano
what was the last concert you saw? none
tea or coffee? Depends on what type of day I’m having
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? Dunkin Donuts
do you want to get married? Yes
what is your crush’s first and last initial? I dont have a crush
are you going to change your last name when you get married? Yes
what color looks best on you? Dark brown
do you miss anyone right now? No
do you sleep with your door open or closed? Closed
do you believe in ghosts? Idk
what is your biggest pet peeve? Chewing with your mouth open
last person you called: Torie
favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate swirl
regular oreos or golden oreos? Both
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? Chocolate
what shirt are you wearing? A plain red shirt
what is your phone background? Mark Tuan
are you outgoing or shy? In the middle
do you like it when people play with your hair? No
do you like your neighbors? Yes
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? Both
have you ever been high? No
have you ever been drunk? No
last thing you ate? Tea and bread
favorite lyrics right now? Your my african princess and I am your african prince
summer or winter? Summer
day or night? Night
dark, milk, or white chocolate? Milk and white chocolate
favorite month? March
what is your zodiac sign? Aries
who was the last person you cried in front of? No one
0 notes
shiroe-is-my-baby · 7 years
Sage is Sick
Summary: It’s the twin’s fourteenth birthday, and the worst thing that could happen is someone’s sick. Sage wakes up with a terrible fever and cold, which means no big celebration. But the family has a perfect way of making the day a bit better for him.
W: self-insert, fankids
I was a little worried when Sage didn’t come to get his breakfast. I had spent a majority of my morning making a special breakfast for the twins since today was their birthday. They were fourteen, and I couldn’t believe it. I was probably more excited than they were, which was noticeable by my smile. The second I woke up I was getting ready, making the kids a nice lunch with some little cute notes and working on the best breakfast. That way when they woke up it was from the start a very good day.
Ariana came out dressed before Sage which was strange. He’s usually already bustling in before everyone else, not really taking a whole lot to get ready like Ariana. His sister is always running behind because she’s taking her time getting up, picking out an outfit and trudging inside. Sage is just concerned about food. That’s the only thing on his mind.
“Good morning, Momma,” Ariana said, softly.
She leaned against me, wrapping her arm around my waist and squeezing.
“Good morning, baby girl. Did you sleep okay?”
I kissed the top of her head, ruffling her hair.
Her eyes widened when she saw the delicious breakfast at the table, plopping down into her chair and wasting no time to start devouring. I chuckled, setting down her glass of orange juice that I knew that she would want. “Happy birthday, sweetie,” I said, just in time for Shiroe to come in as well. He was fully dressed, no doubt ready to leave for the day. But he wasn’t going to leave without saying goodbye.
“Morning, Dad,” Ariana mumbled while continuing to stuff her face.
I laughed, rolling my eyes and reminding her not to talk with her mouth full.
“Good morning princess,” Shiroe said, giving her nose a poke, “Someone’s fourteen today.”
“Two someone’s. I made breakfast and Sage isn’t even up yet.”
“He’s not? That’s weird. He’s usually the first one up to grab a plate before Ariana.”
I nodded in agreement, watching the crease between Shiroe’s brow form. He was just as confused as I was. This made me a tad bit worried now that even he hadn’t seen Sage up yet. He wasn’t in the bathroom getting ready, which meant he had to still be in his room. That was a tad bit worrisome for me. Shiroe seemed to read my mind, glancing over his shoulder.
“Should I go check on him?” He asked.
“No, baby. I’ve got it. You should get ready, you’re gonna be late.”
“Okay, well… tell him I said happy birthday and have a good day. I’ll see you guys later.”
I smiled, leaning up to give him a quick kiss.
Which turned into two, and Ariana was too much into her meal to care. She mumbled a quick goodbye to Shiroe, not even looking up when he kissed her forehead goodbye. “Have a good day, princess. Be good for your mom, okay?” The girl laughed, wiping her mouth and swigging her glass of juice.
“Aren’t I always?”
Shiroe laughed, ruffling her hair, “Of course.”
I whispered goodbye to him, kissing him a few more times as he left.
Then, I was off down the hallway to check on Sage. I was half expecting to open the door and see him at his desk working on last night’s homework. That’s usually what happens when he’s late getting ready, and that always makes me sigh heavily. He has a tough time working out schedules, which Shiroe tries to help him be a bit more organized. But Sage got my procrastination. Unlike his sister who is always on time like her father.
Giving the door to his room a gentle knock, I called out to him to let him know I was coming in. After a couple of seconds, I slowly opened the door to his room and noticed that all the lights were still off. I peaked inside, noticing little movements from underneath his dark colored covers. “Sage, baby, are you awake?” I asked, softly.
There was a few moments of silence before I heard his soft little groan. It sounded like a usual Sage groan when he didn’t want to get up, but as I listened to it more I started to realize that it was different. I just knew. A mother just knows. Pushing open the door, I slipped inside and watched his blanket move a tiny bit. Now I could see the tuft of his dark hair and then his eyes that were opened slightly. Even through the darkness I could see how pale he was.
There was no faking that.
“Awh, Sagey, what’s wrong?” I asked.
“S-sorry, Momma… I’m… uh…”
He could barely even finish his sentence. From the tone of his voice I could tell that he had a sore through, the sound of it scratchy and rough. I smiled gingerly, reaching forward to feel his forehead. He was incredibly hot, quite obvious that he was running a fever. I didn’t have to touch him long to notice that, and he was shuddering underneath he covers.
Sage was sick.
Really sick from the looks of it.
There was a cold going around at school, and Ariana was lucky enough not to catch it. Although, I had gotten sick not too long ago. He either could have gotten it from me, or just got it from one of the kids at school. Either way, I could tell immediately that he was feeling awful. I felt bad. The same feeling I get any time either of my kids are sick. Sage hardly ever calls to me like this unless he’s just feeling terrible.
Leaning down beside him on the bed, I shifted hair away from his face. He coughed, wincing a bit from how uncomfortable it was on his throat. “You have a sore throat, baby?” I asked, watching him nod. Pursing my lips, I touching his cheek and rubbed my thumb against him softly. Poor thing. It sucks to be sick, but it sucks even more to be sick on his birthday.
“Alright, sweetie, get some rest. I’m going to get some medicine for you to take, and then you can go back to bed. Are you hungry?”
“Not… not… really.”
“Okay, well, you can eat some soup when you wake up. I’ll be right back with the medicine.”
Sage nodded, pulling the covers back over himself and closing his eyes.
When I shut the door to his bedroom, I immediately picked up my phone to send Shiroe a quick text. Letting him know that I was going to be taking care of a sick Sage, so that way he didn’t worry too much. Even though Shiroe would worry either way. I knew immediately that our plans for the day were going to change, and I hoped that Ariana would understand. There’s always tomorrow if Sage feels better. I just didn’t want him to feel left out.
He just needed to focus on getting better.
I walked into the kitchen just as Ariana was cleaning off her plate, humming softly under her breath.
“Thanks Ari,” I said, “Your brother is sick, so he’s going to be staying home today. I’m sorry, but we’re probably going to take it easy today.”
“Sage is sick? That sucks! Are you sure he’s not just faking it?”
I shook my head, cracking a smirk at her little face she made. That would be something Sage would do to get out of going to school, but he wouldn’t fake it this bad. It was impossible to fake that.
“Do I still have to go to school?” Ariana asked.
“I though you said you had a test today?”
“I mean, I do-”
I quirked an eyebrow, “So you’ll miss a test?”
She blinked a few times, before her shoulders slumped and she shook her head.
This caused me to chuckle, bumping my hip into hers just a little bit and grinning. That was my daughter. She wouldn’t miss a test, and honestly she is pretty particular about not missing school. She actually liked going to school and learning and things of that nature. Besides, she also likes seeing Siren.
Speaking of which…
“Ariana, are you and Siren still riding your bikes to school?” I asked.
She nodded, slinging her backpack over her shoulder and readjusting her hair.
“Yeah, she’s actually about to be here. Don’t want to be late!”
Ariana kissed my cheek, pulling out her phone to send a quick text to Siren.
While she was in her own little world I kissed her head and wished her a good day at school. The minute her phone went up she was completely entranced, giggling at something Siren had said. I breathed a sigh, brushing her hair behind her ear and lifting her chin to look at me.
“Have a good day, okay? I’ll see you after school. Come straight home, and please, be safe.”
“Yes ma’am, I promise.”
Smiling wider, I watched her bound down the hallway and slip on her shoes. She waved goodbye and vanished out the door, breaking out into a run to catch up with her friend. We were lucky enough to be pretty close to their school, allowing for her and Siren to ride their bikes there. She always made sure to text me when she left and arrived every day, calling if anything happened. I still remember the day she had forgotten to tell me she left and she was balling her eyes out when she got home.
Such a sweetheart.
I couldn’t believe the two of them were already fourteen. It seemed like just yesterday they were babies, rolling around and giggling at random things. I smiled gently at the memory, feeling a soft rubbing against my leg. I glanced down to see Luna’s eyes staring up at me, her body rubbing against my leg to let me know she was there.
“Well, good morning to you too, Luna-cutie. I’ve got to get this medicine to Sage, and then I’ll give you some attention.”
She didn’t seem happy with that, continuing to run through my legs as I walked into the kitchen.
Shiroe has gotten her used to constant affection, and she knows that he treats her like an absolute princess. It makes me chuckle constantly, and always reminds me of the day that he brought her home. It was such a surprise to me that I can’t help but giggle. Those days when it was merely just us in a house all to ourselves.
I reached into the cabinet, grabbing for the medicine and a glass of water just in case he needed it.
Whenever I made it back into the bedroom, Sage was still covered with his blankets and hadn’t seemed to move. I patted the side of the bed to let him know I was back, and he slowly rolled over to face me. “You have to sit up baby, that way I can give you it,” I said, soothingly.
Sage slowly pulled himself up from the bed, pouting a little bit about having to sit up. I chuckled softly, shifting that same hair in the middle of his face away. He took the medicine fairly well, sipping on the glass of water to help wash it down. Since it was the liquid kind, he made a little bit of a face as it went down. Exactly how I am.
“There you go, that wasn’t so bad,” I said, gently pushing him back to lie down and tucking him in, “Now, get some sleep. I’ll be in the living room in case you need me.”
I smiled, kissing his warm forehead with care.
“Thanks, Momma.”
“You’re welcome, baby.”
Almost immediately he fell asleep, the medicine working pretty fast. I left him alone to sleep, receiving a text from Shiroe the second I sat down on the couch. Luna curled into my lap, purring softly as I read the words on my phone screen.
‘That’s too bad. Hopefully it’s just a twenty-four hour thing. Tell him I love him.’
I smiled, quickly typing back a response.
‘I will, baby. Have a good day at work. I love you.’
My hand gently ran down Luna’s back, scrolling through my messages with a sigh. Today was going to be a day of care for Sage, and that was honestly the only thing on my mind. I tried to get some work done, but my mind wasn’t in the right headspace for it. I wanted to do something for the twins today, but there wasn’t so much I could do given that Sage was stuck in bed.
That’s whenever I got the idea to do what we do best as a family. Watching movies on the couch! If Sage was feeling up for it, we could let the twins watch whatever they wanted. Within reason, of course. Hopefully, if Sage gets better in the next day or so, we could do something bigger for them. Have a party with their friends and ours.
Throughout the day I received several texts and phone calls from friends wishing the twins a happy birthday. Our group chat was flooding with texts and emoji’s and pictures and all kinds of things. Once I told them Sage was sick, everyone was going crazy with wishes and hopes for him to get better. I smiled, loving the care that my friends had for the twins. They were like family to them. I couldn’t ask for anything better.
I lifted my head to see Sage standing in the archway, his eyebrows furrowed.
“Yes baby? Are you okay?”
He nodded, shifting from foot to foot for a couple of seconds.
He avoided my eyes and slowly inched forward, and I could see that he wasn’t wanting to tell me right away.
“I… I don’t want to be alone,” He said, the best way the he could with his voice as hoarse as it was.
I smiled.
“Awh… Sage, baby, come here.”
He quickly rushed over to the couch, sitting down beside me.
I should have known that he was lonely. Whenever either of the twins are sick they never want to be alone. They want all the cuddles and affection that they could have given that they were feeling ill. Sage is no different, even though now he’s more embarrassed to admit it. But luckily I know him better than anyone. I know when he needs it, and how to approach it.
Patting my lap, I let him lay his head down and curl up with the blanket that rested over the couch. My hand shifted through his hair, tucking him in once again. He could barely look at the TV ahead of us, his eyes slowly drooping yet again. He radiated so much heat, and I couldn’t help but feel sad that there wasn’t much more I could do. The medicine was helping, yes, but it would be a bit before he felt completely better.
“I’m sorry, Sagey. I know this is a pretty sucky birthday,” I said, softly.
“It’s… okay…”
Parting his bangs, I leaned down to pepper kisses along his hairline. The boy finally shut his eyes again, focusing on my soft treatment of fingers against his scalp. When he and Ari were babies, this was the perfect way to help them fall asleep. It’s even the same way now, although Sage only lets me do it one in a while. Where Ariana wants it all the time.
“If you’re feeling better later, we’ll watch a movie. How does that sound?” I asked.
“Good,” I repeated, smiling gingerly.
Luna curled up at the end of the couch near Sage’s feet, cleaning herself and keeping him company too. The three of us stayed on that couch, Sage staying asleep for quite a majority of the day. Which I expected him too. He only woke up once right before Ariana came home to eat a bowl of soup. His fever had gone down, and his throat was a bit better. But nothing was completely gone.
He stayed in my lap the whole time, not wanting to leave my side. He wouldn’t let me get up, and it only reminded me of when he was younger. It didn’t bother me at all, though. I wanted to stay with him and help alleviate whatever I could.
The same went for Ariana whenever she came home. For once she wasn’t teasing him or messing with him. Instead she was extremely helpful, wanting to get anything that he needed and not being too loud. The fact that she would do this on her birthday too was why I loved her. Shiroe and I definitely raised two good kids. And are continuing to raise these same two kids.
I made sure to tell them how proud we were of them when Shiroe came home. I never wanted them to forget that.
“I’m sorry you’re feeling bad, Sage,” Shiroe said, softly.
By this time, Sage was feeling much better, a little sore throat still but he was able to sit up and looked less pale. He also joked with Ariana a tad bit, telling her how he was a little bit older because he was born first. Which only made Shiroe and I laugh. The four of us watched a couple movies as a family to celebrate the twins birthday. The one way that we could, given the circumstances. And we promised a bigger party later.
But they were content this way.
I could tell with how happy they were, especially Ariana.
How she laughed and grinned and got up when Sage needed more medicine.
She was a good sister. They were both good kids. And I couldn’t wait to watch them grow into amazing adults.
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shiroe-is-my-baby · 7 years
Ari & Sage Birthday Week
It’s here! My fankid’s birthdays are coming up, and I decided to do a week even. Because I can’t decide on what I want to do. I figured they needed more content anyway! They’ll be fairly short things, and I’ll try to finish them ahead of time since I’ll be busy a lot next week. Mutuals if you guys want to show some love to my kiddos and if you guys want to follow along with my fun the tag will be Ari and Sage Birthday Week.
Feb 11th - Ariana’s First Sleepover Party
Ariana is turning twelve and wants to have a couple friends over. Even though she’s still too nervous to stay at anyone’s house other than Siren’s, having friends over for her sounds like a fun idea. It’s Ashley’s wish to make the day the best for her and her friends.
Feb 12th - Sage Is Sick
Sage has a cold and a small stomach bug, and is forced to stay in bed to relax and get better. This means that his actual birthday is a bust, at least in his eyes. But leave it to his family to make it the best day given the circumstances.
Feb 13th - Birthday Hc #1
Feb 14th - Birthday Hc #2
Feb 15th - Seventeenth Birthday
Ariana and Sage are now seventeen! For their birthday they didn’t want anything too crazy, since it is their 17th. To Sage he’s too old for a big party, but that’s not how the family is! Everyone gets together to throw them a very mature party with all of their family and a few close friends to enjoy the evening together. 
Feb 16th - Sage’s Favorite Birthday Memory
One would expect Sage’s to be less sentimental than Ari’s, but he has a way of surprising everyone. His birthday memory is a little recent, but it’s definitely one for the books. In his opinion. One might be surprised what exactly that is.
Feb 17th - Ariana’s Favorite Birthday Memory
A little look into what she would call her favorite memory. Out of all of her birthday’s, there’s one day that stands out to her the most. And it’s not at all what you would expect.
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shiroe-is-my-baby · 7 years
Birthday Hc - 1
On the twin’s first birthday, they already had loads of gifts from Valentines Day, and they didn’t stop coming. Even though they’re so close together they get so much love and affection more than they could ever ask for. Even though they were only celebrating their first, catch all of our friends giving them gifts that they can’t even appreciate.
That’s the day that Ariana got her bun bun which she still has to this day. It’s a medium sized stuffed bunny that is now ratty and older but she still cuddles with it even at 16. Of course then it was something for her to swat at and eventually come to love when she was older.
Sage totally smeared cake all over Marielle’s face because she got a little too close, and I had to snap a picture. Which she was so upset at me for but it was too funny not too.
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