#arlert house
ambassadorarlert · 1 month
Okay, here’s what I want to know about the Arlert Kids:
Who’s the oldest? Who’s the youngest? Who’s most likely to cry? Who’s more likely to get into a fight? Which one is the tattle-tale? Who is the most well behaved, and who’s the most mischievous?
ooo okay <3
warning: self ship below the cut.
Who’s the oldest/youngest?
Dahlia is the oldest, Clementine is the youngest.
Most likely to cry?
Clementine. She’s sensitive.
Most likely to get in a fight?
Owen 🫣
Who is the tattletale?
Thea, and she’s usually telling on Owen. 🤦🏻‍♀️
Who is the most well behaved and the most mischievous?
Dahlia is the most well behaved. Thea stresses Armin out lmao.
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xelgarden · 4 months
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Ravenclaw!Armin + Slytherin!Eren
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reedl · 6 months
These type of characters>>>>>
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midnightraine131 · 7 months
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portrait-of-markov · 1 year
me: no i don’t have a favorite type of character
my favorite characters:
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kittenfangirl20 · 1 year
Thinking about AOT high school AU where Eren, Mikasa, and Armin become fans of Game of Thrones. Mikasa and Armin liking House Stark and thinking that Eren would feel the same way, only to be shocked when at their next viewing party Eren comes wearing a Targaryen shirt and being 100% Team Daenerys.
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blueroses789 · 11 months
Upcoming projects!
So I know I have been rather inactive lately and I am sorry for that. I had a lot of stress regarding finding a job and finishing up my courses. Now that I have more free time I intend to finish up my old projects and start new ones. I'm so exited!
From Green to Blue (Eren Yeager x Reader x Armin Artlert) I intend to finish up this project by the end of this summer as it is coming to its dramatic conclusion.
2. I Wish I Could be Stronger (Eren Yeager x Reader x Mikasa Ackerman, minor Reiner Braun x Reader)
This one is a bit of a doozy because I am not sure where this one will go. I had a plan in my head but it changed over time. Not sure when this one will be over though.
3. The Greatest Love (Alys Rivers x Reader (platonic) x Aemond (platonic), Alys x Aemond
This one is not out yet but chapter one is sitting in my drafts. I sort just came up with this one randomly. Its an AU set in Maleficent 2014.
4. The Empress Strikes Back (title may change because I'm not sure about it.) Navier x Heinrey
In an alternate AU where Rashta's actions are not found out and she suffers no consequences, Navier must be on her guard. For years she was watched as the Eastern Empire crumbles. Wanting to save her former home, Navier hatches a plan to save both the Eastern Empire and her family. But there is tretchery on both sides.
5. The Princess of Gotham (Jason Todd x OC)
Arabella, also known as The White Swan, escaped the Al Ghul clan only to fall into the hands of the Wayne family. There she meets a boy named Jason Todd. Over the years Arabella must struggle with her inner darkness, before it overtakes her.
6. Requiem for the Queen (Multifandom x Reader)
This one will probably not be out for at least another year because it is a fucking behemoth to write! The fandoms will include Silmarillion, Attack on Titan, Berserk, Castlevania, Remarried Empress, Lord of the Rings, Merlin, and DC.
A story in which Y/n, the fallen Queen of a kingdom gets transported into new words and is forced the navigate through multiple lifetimes.
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suprgamr66 · 5 months
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Writer’s comment: this is a part 4 of the “timelines collide storyline” if you haven’t seen part two the link is here
The infinitewatch chronicles:Timelines collide part IV
As Infinite walked through the rift he said, “Eren you’re coming with me. Accident or not you killed a kid. You’re going to be put in a cell where you’re powers will be nullified and unusable. I’ll help to train you soon. But for now you must be punished.” His visor finally changed to yellow and he escorted Eren to a cell block where each cell was blank white with a button to activate a light blue forcefield to contain the prisoners. Eren could see many people and creatures. One appeared to be made from a black hole and another appeared to have some gold gauntlet and was purple. Infinite said, “Your cell will be right right here.” They stopped at the cell on the left of the purple creature. “It’s only temporary,” Infinite continued. “You’ll be here for about a week. I’ll take you to the training room every day for this duration to help perfect your abilities. You’ll probably have a couple visitors. After looking at Mikasa’s file i’m certain of that. However looking at Amity’s file she’s probably gonna visit you for much different reasons. Good luck.” Before leaving he looks at the cell next to Eren and says, “Hey Thanos, your stones are still powering my armor, if you’re done with genocide you can join Infinitewatch. It would be a great honor if we had the mad titan going to war with us.” Thanos just looks at Infinite and says, “No. I stand by my belief. I won’t give up on it.” Infinite shakes his head and walks away. Titan starts walking to the cells and Infinite stops Titan while saying, “You didn’t have a hand in this, did you? I remember your early rebellion days.” Titan shakes his head saying, “Why would I risk my great position here.” Infinite coldly responds by saying, “Because you want to change infinitewatch and take mine.” Titan’s visor turns red as he says, “That was a long time ago and I still think infinitewatch could benefit from some of those you consider forbidden. Like shin Godzilla, its adaptive capabilities could help improve infinitewatch greatly.” Infinite’s visor turns red too and says, “We’ve been over why that wouldn’t work. Now shut up.” Titan’s fists clinch but he walks away and his visor slowly shifts back to yellow. When infinite exits the cell block he reaches Eren’s cell and says, “Good work soldier. You still want to flatten the earth? Well I can help with that.” Eren says, “I can’t believe I just killed a kid. This has gone to far.” Titan’s visor turns red as he bangs on the forcefield hard and says, “You will continue the mission. I need a distraction to get a shin Godzilla dna sample but I need chaos to do that.” Eren says, “Get it on your own, I’m done with the rumbling. I just want to do good here.” Eren lays down on the floor of his cell as Titan walks away. He hears a deep voice from the cell next to his which he recognizes as Thanos from when he responded to Infinite. The voice asks him, “Why are you here.” Eren responds, “Titan told me to sabotage the next mission so he could do something although I’m not sure what. He promised me I could complete the rumbling and he’d help me if I did that. All I wanted was to cause a little more damage to distract Infinite. But instead when I accelerated what was happening they got to close to where one of the locals were that were helping us. She was crushed.” Eren’s voice starts to tremble as he says, “She was just a kid. She didn’t need to die.” Thanos sighed before saying, “Look, we all do things we aren’t proud of. When we’re trying to complete our mission. I’ve wiped out half the population of multiple planets and nearly killed half of the universe. I still want to, it’s how I solve the population problem of the universe.” Eren says, “I still feel like shit about that girl dying but I’m now realizing there’s much worse atrocities committed by others.” Meanwhile, Infinite is giving the others their orientation when Mikasa leaves the group to visit Eren. She looks around for a little bit until finally finding the cell block where she yells out, “Eren!?” Eren yells back, “Over here!”
Mikasa runs to the cell and says, “Don’t worry! I’m gonna get you out of here.” Eren responds, “No, let me serve my time. I killed that kid. I deserve to be here.” Mikasa says, “Is this really what you want?” Eren responds, “Yes. I need to be punished for this.” Mikasa nods and walks away. Amity walks in the cell block and Mikasa says, “He’s over there by that purple thing.” Amity walks over and asks Eren, “Were you in control of those things?” Eren responds, “Those things are called wall titans and I wasn’t in control the whole time.” Eren struggled to say the rest, “But from the moment of the first scream I’d had some form of control. I just haven’t fully trained my ability yet.” Amity said, “Have you any idea who you killed? She was my girlfriend. We’d been trying to get her home. Back to the human realm but then Belos started and evil plan that would wipe out the boiling isles. I assume teleporting us to that place was part of the plan. His plan was to make us weak with the draining spell and then crush us with those giants. But Luz, she wasn’t supposed to die. Her blood is on your hands. So now…” Amity pulls out some sort of vile with dark purple goo. “So now, your blood will be on my hands” she opens the vile and the goo flies to her hand making a giant fist with spikes on the front she goes to punch the blue force field keeping Eren in the cell and separating the two of them. Before the first punch can land Infinite seems appear from nowhere and the red ring glows Amity freezes in place. Infinite says, “If you have a grievance against Eren why don’t you fight him in the training room. I strongly advise against it though. He’s a god class being and you’re not gonna survive for long in an arena against him.” Amity asks, “Where’s this training room.” Infinite says, “Right this way.” He let’s Eren out of his cell and they walk to the training room. When they get in the training room Eren says, “For what it’s worth I’m sorry about what happened on the mission.” Amity says, “Too little too late.” The room turns into shiganshina and Eren get’s a small grin as he looks around and sees the walls still standing. The grin disappears as he bites his hand and transforms into his 200 meter titan. He screams and all the walls fall. Hundreds of millions of walls titans go behind Eren. Amity gasps in shock. She creates as big a circle on the ground as she can and a giant creature made of purple goo rises. Amity yells out, “ABOMINATION MAKE THE ONE IN FRONT SUFFER AND KILL THE REST! THE FINAL KILL WILL BE MINE!!!!!!” Eren screams again and the wall titans begin marching forward. Amity creates more abominations of the same size as the first and they seem to understand the situation and and run towards the wall titans and fight them. But the wall titans push forward due to the abominations not knowing the weak spot of the nape of the neck. Eren screams again and the wall titans part, making a singular opening. Eren and Amity stare at each other for a moment before Eren slams his fist into the ground and spikes of titan hardening begin flying from the ground Amity dodges out of the way before she could get impaled by a spike. Eren runs to Amity and picks her up and holds her in the air. There appears to be sorrow in his titan body’s eyes as he squeezes and kills amity. The training room goes back to normal and Eren leaves his titan body and Amity comes back. She looks surprised and says, “How am I alive?” Eren says, “It had something to do with this room. I don’t understand it myself but I know if you die in a combat simulation here you live.” Amity nods and says, “I can’t kill you now. I don’t have the power to right now. But I promise I will be the reason you draw your last breath. Mark my words.” Eren nods and says, “So it’s back to my cell right?” Infinite walks into the room and says, “Yes, you don’t get off that easy by winning a vengeance fight.” Infinite escorts Eren back to his cell and reactivates the force field, sealing Eren in.
When Infinite leaves Thanos asks, “How’d it go. I imagine you won. Didn’t realize you were a god class being.” Eren asks, “How do you know so much about this place.” Thanos responds, “I’ve been here a while. I’m one of the first prisoners infinitewatch brought in since the current Infinite took control. He believes in redemption. It’s why he keeps offering me a place here. But if you do something really extreme, and your considered irredeemable or too dangerous to live he’ll kill right then and there. Nobody’s immortal as long as there’s an Infinite.” Eren goes silent. Thanos says, “I was apart of infinitewatch at a time. The previous Infinite was a little unhinged. He commanded mass genocide. Luckily for him that’s what I specialized in back home. That’s why I lead the marvel division. They’re the most used so they’re rarely here. They’re one of the biggest divisions here too.” Eren says, “The previous Infinite and I would’ve gotten along. I planned to kill everyone except my people back on my home island.” Thanos says, “Impressive. A waste of life but impressive. How did you plan to do it?” Eren says, “I have the founding titan, attack titan, and warhammer titan. But as long as I used the founding titan the others didn’t matter as much. I’m pretty much a god back home. I planned to do something called the rumbling where I would command hundreds of millions of titans which would emerge from the walls that protected my home. They would march out from the island and flatten the earth.” Thanos is taken aback and says, “Why would that be your option?” Eren responds, “The world hated my people for what we’d done in the past. Happened 2000 years ago but we were still persecuted for it. None of us were safe when the outside world still stood.” Thanos says, “Look at it this way, you’re only here for a week. These cells keep you alive so you can serve your sentence. I’ve been here centuries. I should count myself lucky. One other has been here since his birth. He’s a last resort option for Infinite, his name is black hole. Hell, he could even takeover infinitewatch if he broke out of here. But Titan would probably do it before him. If he doesn’t leave us and make his own organization. Titan has been obsessed with something Infinite calls restricted titans.” Eren is surprised and says, “There’s more powerful titans than mine?” Thanos responds, “I’ve heard others talk of creatures so uncontrollable or so potentially self destructive to infinitewatch for use to even attempt to use. One called shin Godzilla can adapt to anything. Titan wants to put their its dna samples in specially designed armors to mimic its abilities. Another is ghidora the planet eater. He believes he can trap it into a pocket dimension and use it’s abilities to stretch it’s necks to great effect. That titan is more of a god than you are. It can create gravitational forces that crush planets, warp time, and can even prevent physical damage to itself by warping reality. There’s a couple others but you know it’s bad if Infinite doesn’t want to risk it.” Eren says, “Why hasn’t infinite removed Titan?” Thanos says, “He believes in redemption. After the titan containment incident Titan redeemed himself by fixing the whole problem. He killed all the titans with a new armor he’d made and he went into the monster multiverse to tame new ones and brought them back. It is the nature of infinitewatch to eventually change leadership through civil war. It works sometimes. It’s how our current Infinite gained his position.” Titan runs into the cell block and says, “Eren, did you take belos out of the capsule infinite put him in.” Eren responds, “I didn’t even know he was contained. I was on top of the titan skull at that point.” Titan says. “Shit, then he must’ve escaped.” He opens the force field and Eren says, “Why waste your time here? It seems like you’ve got your chaos. Go get your dna sample if your so determined.” Titan says, “I will in one moment,” suddenly, he pulls out some kind of scepter with a pointed in and a glowing blue ball.
Thanos gasps and says, “Eren! Don’t let him touch you with that. He’ll be able to control you if he does!” Before Eren can react Titan touches the the pointed end of the scepter to Eren’s chest. Eren appears to change suddenly and he runs to the rift room where infinite already gathered his friends and the new recruits. Amity stared him down but Eren didn’t react. Infinite said, “Alright! Belos escaped his containment on the titan skull. He could be anywhere on the boiling isles but intelligence of the boiling isles says he will most likely head to the heart of the titan and attempt to…” Infinite is cut off when Eren uses the rift technology to create a giant rift outside the base and he sprints out of the room and out of the base. He bites his hand and screams out when he transformed into his 200 meter titan. The wall titans begin walking through the rift. Infinite runs out and says, “Piek, go find Titan, Zeke, you’ll find boulders you can use behind the base, Reiner, Annie, Armin, you guys catch a ride with Hunter, Amity, and Willow, two people a staff, one shifter and one witch, once you’re high enough to get Eren you jump off, transform and pull him from the nape, and Gus, you get recon on what’s going out there so we can adjust strategy if we need to! Go go go!!!!” The wall titans begin pouring through the rift and Gus reports this to Infinite. He uses the mind stone in his power core to speak to everyone in their minds, “Everybody from the Attack on Titan universe and The Owl House universe need to leave the base and kill as many wall titans as you can. Anyone else help with protocol heat and force reinforcement!” Eda turns into a harpy and flies out with king on her back. Infinite’s voice appears in their heads again as he says, “Aim for the napes of the necks of the titans! They won’t die from any other injury!” As they all run out they see something come out in a ball covered in markings and they hear it yell out, “I’m back!” Amity gasps and whispers, “Luz?”
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nuri148 · 1 year
Clarity appreciation!!! ☕️
1. Sneaky Connie being sneaky!!!!
2. The pining!!!! 😫
3. Minimin is great! She’s like “you can screw up your friendship but idk what that has to do with me!” And she’s right
4. They’re such a happy family!!! Except not right now!!! It’s very hard to describe!
Hello dear Anon!
Thanks as always for your lovely comments! 🥰
Ah, he doesn't lose hope, does he?
The idiocy!!! 🤦‍♀️
tbh I struggled a bit with that line, as I was afraid it could come off as too mature even for Emma. But it also reflects the fact small children see the world through themselves. And she wants to see Levi, come hail or high water (or blizzard), so she is a direct victim of the situation. I also made a point of showing her perception of time: two weeks are "forever", just like in ch. 7 a month till new year is "ages".
I get what you mean, I think... they just have to realise that!😆I
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arminsumi · 2 years
Hcs | EMA's Hogwarts houses
Just thinking about what houses EMA would be sorted into and why.
Your reposts, notes and comments never go unnoticed, tysm!
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Okay, so I feel like Armin would end up in Ravenclaw... HOWEVER, he is still ~manipulative~ and ~cunning~ right so I think the Sorting Hat took esp long with him, 'cause it lowkey wanted to dump him into Slytherin. But then again, there is traces of Hufflepuff in him, too. But I think his intuition is too prominent for him not to be in Ravenclaw, I mean look at the ideas that stem from him fr our genius ocean prince
I'M SO CONFLICTED because I think he should go to Gryffindor, right, because he's undoubtedly brave and he's got a big Gryffindor-shaped heart. However... Eren's got a lot of darkness in him. And I'm not considering him to be a Slytherin purely because of how he is portrayed in S4... but because his whole character is dark. Like look what he did as a child... you can't tell me he doesn't naturally belong in Slytherin. But at the same time, he's noble and wants to protect his friends and brave horrors just so they're safe... so maybe he is a Gryffindor??? Idk, let me know what y'all think
Okay, so, I feel like Mika was torn between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. She's not just protective and ready to defend Eren, right, she also deeply cares about Armin's wellbeing as well as her other friends. And she's noble, too. But I think she's partly Hufflepuff, because she gives me 'patient loyal sweet friend' vibes. I'm still definite on the idea of her being in Gryffindor, tho, let me know how you feel abt that hehe.
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ambassadorarlert · 2 months
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can you see the resemblance? 🫶🏼
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kira-angel24 · 1 year
Febuwhump 2023 Day 28
"You're Safe Now"
    "Kira?! What's going on?" Pit stood up as the portal appeared behind the girl. She turned back and glanced at the swirling mass and back towards the younger angel.
    "Don't worry, I'll be okay. I'll see you around." The boy ran towards her as the portal pulled her in. She opened her eyes to find the floor rippling as she moved. Her eyes locked onto the hooded figure as they appeared in front of her.
    "Glad you could make it. Don't worry about your friend, she's safe with her master now."
    "Good, now it's just you and me right?"         "Precisely. Two supernatural beings, everything's on the line if you want to get everyone back home."
     "No boundaries right?"
     "Just life and death. Winner lives and loser, you know." They ran their finger over their neck. Her eyes narrowed as she lowered her body and spread her wings. Her body tensed as they stood still, only a few feet away from her. They ran at her, a black spear formed from the same material as the portals in hand. She dodged him and clawed at their hood. It ripped along the back leaving frayed ends. The hood still covering their face. They dodged each other over and over, landing minimal blows. "Heh, you're good. Keeping up with me. Now let's see how you do chasing."
    The portal enveloped the girl as she was flung into the light. Kira watched as everything rushed past her. She turned just as she approached the end of the light. The girl blinked her eyes into focus. She was on top of the roof top. The girl quickly glanced around her, the forest not too far away with faint pillars of steam rising around her. Her uniform was on her back again, her gear was missing. Kira's eyes raced toward the edge of the town. The hooded figure grew smaller as they drew closer to the horizon. She quickly took to the air, closing the distance between them. Kira came closer to find the figure on horseback and drew closer to a familiar building. She growled as they quickly ran inside. The girl dove towards the ground and quickly started running on all fours. She sped past the people on the ground near the entrance and barged through the door. She sniffed the air and quickly bolted through the hallways.
    "What the?! Who was... Kira?!" The winged girl ran past the Captain.
    "Hey! Levi wait a min... ack!" The girl turned quickly and kept sprinting after the figure. "Wait, was that Kira?!"
    "Looked like it to me Four Eyes." The two followed the girl as she kept running. The figure's dark cape stayed within the girl's sight. They turned sharply and Kira followed. She tried to keep her footing but slammed into the wall. They ran back outside towards the training grounds. She followed their scent back outside.
    "Out of the way!" Kira yelled as she pursued the hooded figure. The squad members turned to see the commotion as she kept running. The human pulled their hood around them and quickly disappeared. Kira tried to stop her momentum but rammed into someone, knocking both of them down.
    "Armin!" The winged girl shook her head. She looked around to find her friends around her.
    "What the hell is... Kira?!" She turned to find Insanity walking up to her. The girl got up and kept looking around. Sachi peeked out from behind Insanity. Her brows creased and Kira kept searching for the figure. "Kira what are you...?" The girl roared as she charged towards the dark hood. They ran again quickly making a portal in front of them. Kira ran into the swirling mass, the light blinding her.
     She glanced around to find the walls of Garreg Mach. Byleth's overcoat was drapped over her shoulders, covering her Survey Corp uniform. The girl ran through the halls, searching for the figure. "Kira!" Kuro waved at her. "What's going on?! I saw this person in a dark hood run past me towards the market." Kira growled as she made her way toward the human's location. "Kira!"
     "Kuro?" The Professor ran up to her. "What's going on?"
     "Kira is back, and she's chasing someone." The two followed Kira. The winged girl sprinted towards the marketplace. She found Nikko standing next to one of the stalls looking at gifts.
     "Oh, Kira?! How did you get here?" The girl walked closer to him as she kept frantically looking around. Her eyes darted through the plaza as she kept searching. "What are you looking for?" She growled as moved closer to the dark cape. Kira ran toward the hooded human, they turned and quickly summoned another portal. Kira ran through it, the light swallowing her whole.
      Her wings twitched as the temple came into view. Kira looked down to find gold laurals wrapped around her wrists, their shape resembling those of the Light Goddess and her subjects. She moved quickly, trying to find anyone. "Kira! You're back!" Pit walked up to her. She quickly glanced past him and then back toward his blue eyes. The girl growled and then turned around. The hooded figure pushed her to the ground. The light angel quickly moved out of the way as Kira pushed the human off her.
      "Kira!" The archangel ran up behind the girl. "How in the world did you get here? This is what I get for agreeing to go on this mission with Dark Pit for Lady Palutena." Kira turned, her eyes locked onto the dark hood as they stood in front of her.
      "Well done," their breathing was fast as they stood with their hands on their knees. "Now let's wrap this up." They snapped as they returned to where they started. The starry sky was soon full of portals. Many led to unknown locations but few showed where they have been. "Now everyone can watch this battle." She turned to find everyone she befriended standing at the edge of their portals. "Final round, you ready?" Kira turned to find Anna watching in horror from behind her. The winged girl turned back towards the figure and stood her ground.
      "Let's end this." They ran towards her. Kira backed up and reached for her sword. The ultra-steel sword clashed with the portal spear. She pushed them off her and they closed the distance between the two. Kira dodged them and knocked the spear out of their hand. She threw her sword to prevent them from taking her own weapon. She ran at the human and tackled them to the ground. The winged girl stood over them and growled. They smirked at her, their hand glowed around a swirling mass like the portals. They rammed the magic into Kira's side. She cried out as they flung her off. The magic faded into her, she tried to get up but they stood over her. Kira growled as they watched her from above. Many voices called her name, and she stayed put.
     "You put up one hell of a fight," another long portal spear formed in their hand. "But it's time, to say your goodbye, before I go after them." She roared as she fought to get up. Her body grew weak the adrenaline started to wear off. "You did your best to protect them, but it still wasn't enough."
      "Don't... you dare!" She glared at them.
      "But I do dare, and I will. I'll go after all of those people who you befriended. Every... single... one..." A bright light consumed Kira. In her place was a giant white dragon. "Two can play at that game!" They grew just like Insanity. Their eyes met and Kira shot projectiles at the enlarged figure. She clawed at him and they blocked her with their new spear. The human swung at her. Many of their blows caused her body to bleed. The dragon roared as it quickly swung its five tails at them. Kira quickly shot a flood of projectiles toward them. She ran toward them as they tried to protect themselves from the magic. The girl ran through the magic and bit their neck. They didn't scream and they grew cold.
     "Heh, you... you did it. You beat me." Kira backed up. Her body emanated light before disappearing, leaving the girl back in her regular form. She fell over next to the hooded human. "You... you did it... that won't... stop me... from coming back."
     "I... I figured," the girl responded.
     "I'll be back soon. You know that."
     "I'll see you again, Kira." The landscape grew bright as the portals closed. Their body faded as everything collapsed around the two.
      "Mm, th... thank you... everyone..." She closed her eyes and fell into the darkness.
      "Kira!" She opened her eyes to find Anna standing above her, along with Christoph and Alois.
       "Mm," she sat up. Her body still scarred and bleeding. "Hi, Anna." The young girl wrapped her arms around the winged girl's shoulder.
      "Don't worry, you're safe now. I saw everything that happened in that fight. You did good." Kira moved to her feet.
       "Mm," she scanned her injuries.
       "Let's get you home. The group turned and headed towards the palace. The wind blew gently through her feathers. Kira turned and her brows raised. A small black swirling mass floated near her sword. She picked up the mass as it floated in her hand. A black overcoat lay next to the sword along with two small lurals. The fragment glowed as she picked up her items and followed the group back home.
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salaciousdoll · 7 months
✩˚。⋆ ⋆ ⋆ Shawty Want The Whole Team ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ˚。✩
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・˳ . ⋆ Team Starring Reiner Braun, Eren Yeager, Armin Arlert, Jean Kirstein, Porco Galliard, Colt Grice, Connie Springer, And Floch Forster x Fem!reader ・˳ . ⋆
Synopsis: you and Reiner make your desires merge into one on this special night
୨୧ ⁺⁎˚ ⋆━━ Be advised to the warnings of smut, Gangbang/group sex, 8some, bodily fluids( squirting, cum, spit, etc.), dark content!!!, dubcon!!!, Somnophilia( just a little bit, it’s consensual), marking body with marker , knife play but minor, cam recording, picture taking, reader is an gothic Bimbo who loves leopard( I heard that’s one characteristics goth bimbos have, may be incorrect though), pet names( nymph, pretty angel, strawberry whore, strawberry, bunny, doll, Bambi, etc.), dirty talking, deep throating, face fuck, getting used and you love it, all them wear ski mask which mask kink, voice kink, lipstick/lipliner meshed with lipgloss kink, triple penetration, double penetration( one or both holes), anal play( butt plugs, anal, etc.), creampies, breeding kink implied, messy face fuck( I mean it), nipple play, eren is obsessed with your boobs( small or big, doesn’t matter), let me know if I missed something!!! Wc: 7k
Minors do not interact, 18+
ෆ ‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿ ෆ ̟ ̇ ┈•゚Note from Salaciousdoll: Happy No Nut November everyone. I hope you all been lasting so far because I’m hoping to break it with this fic, I hope you all have a great time reading this long waited fic and I want to apologize to the people who were really looking forward to the aot Veterans fic like this one, but I plan on doing something else for them. Anyways I’m talking too much, so thank you all for tuning in and reading my kinktober/nnn fics, much love and this is the end <33
゚•┈୨ Salaciousber Masterlist ୧┈•゚。
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Staying to yourself has always been your memo. It keeps people away from you, or so you thought. You always walked throughout the hallways of your apartment with your head held high, black/brown lip liner or black lipstick on your lips with a salacious shadow attached to you. Salacious to Armin that is. Armin thought you were fucking perfect as he stared at you walking past him to get to your apartment door opposite side of his.
He stood right there with his door open for a minute as he eyed you up and down. You had your headphones on your head, listening to your music. Despite your appearance, you listened to all kinds of music. Normally people expected you to listen to only rock, metal, or alternative music. Armin smiled to himself when he heard your keys drop. He hurried to pick them up and hand them to you.
You smiled and took off your headphones, greeting him, “ Hi Armin, didn’t know you were right there, I thought you were with the others at Eren’s house for game night.”
He watched your plump lips move and nothing you said registered in his mind. He tried so hard not to lower his eyes to your pushed up boobs in your choice of clothing with black as the main color of the outfit. You had a splash of a leopard print pattern with your outfit as well. His eyes stayed on the little knife necklace in between your boobs— he noticed the knife had a vial of red liquid in the middle of it and was fascinated by it, more like making himself fascinated just so he could stare a little longer. He gave up on trying and decided to trail his eyes further down to your pudgy stomach showing through your outfit.
You were still talking and not even noticing his big blue eyes tracing your body curves/ lumps in your leopard and black outfit with a bullet belt over your lower tummy and across your hips—slanted. Your legs were covered in fishnets with stars covered over them and you had on black platform boots. You looked gorgeous in his eyes, if only Reiner hadn't gotten to you first.
You cleared your throat once you noticed him looking and giggled in your hand, “ Oh Armin, you’re gonna get in trouble with Eren for missing his game night ~” the way you stretched the word night should be considered a sinful purr. Your voice went straight to his dick and at the point in time he needed you especially as he watched you walk inside your apartment— outfit hugging your voluptuous frame. Your hips or love handles were on his mind as he imagined squeezing them into his slender fingers . He didn’t like to think of women like this, but the temptation was taking over him. He shook his head and walked ahead with nothing but you on his mind. His thoughts lasted a long time even while he was at the game night with his boys.
A few hours later, Reiner was sitting on the couch sipping his beer between his pretty ring-filled hands. He was watching Jean, Floch, and Eren argue with one another over who lost in MK1. Reiner soon felt a vibration in his pants pocket due to his phone. He took it out and looked at it— instantly turning it over on his lap and looking around to see if anyone noticed his actions and someone did: Colt.
“ What’s wrong Reiner?”, Colt said on the stool at the bar where the snacks and drinks were. Reiner looked at him and debated inside of his head if he wanted to tell him what’s actually up or make an excuse.
Reiner sighs and rubs his big, veiny hand down his face, “ Just my girl, she’s been fussing at me more than usual”.
Colt took that excuse but Porco didn’t, “ He’s lying to you, see how his ears are twitching, he’s lying. Can’t believe I know this excuse of a human better than you, Colt.” Porco had a love and hate relationship with Reiner. He thinks Reiner is tolerable sometimes and that’s enough for him to still be friends with the man.
“ Can we just drop it.”, Reiner says, unknowingly picking up his phone again to unlock and see the picture. He kept his eyes trained on the way your body sat on the bed in a doll-like position with your knees placed on the bed, legs folded behind you, and your feet connected to the fat of your ass. The lingerie you had on was totally different from what you always wear. You just had on satin black bikini underwear with a leopard-print bow on the front, your pussy outline was visible and he was thirsty for it. Gosh, he loved how fat your pussy was.
You then had on a leopard print see-through robe with black fur on the outline and as he lifted his eyes on the phone, he placed a hand over his growing bulge. Your boobs were out and your nipples were pierced as usual but this time the nipple ring was different, it was his favorite color.
Reiner was too busy admiring the picture that he didn’t hear or feel any of the men behind him. They were looking at the photo as well, instantly getting hard, each for different reasons.
Eren because of your pierced nipples and how beautiful your boobs look. Jean for how full and lucious your lips looked. The other wanted to know what they were looking at, so Armin spoke up, “ What are you guys staring at?”
Reiner suddenly snapped his head up and shut off his phone to look behind him, gasping at Eren and Jean standing behind him with Connie trying to see from behind the two.
Eren was the first to speak between the three, “ So when are you gonna share? I’ve been wanting a piece of her since lik—”
“ She’s not meat, Eren. Have some decency for once.”, Jean says, rolling his eyes with a shake of his head following.
“ Let me see dammit.”, Connie declares with a flow of desperation seeping through his voice. He wanted to see you so badly since he had a crush on you way before Reiner even got with you. Connie looked at Eren and Jean, “ one word… Selfish”.
Jean turned back to him and they started arguing with Eren joining in to say that he knows you’re not meat and how he didn’t mean it that way.
Reiner didn’t pay their bickering no mind as he thought about the conversation you had last night courtesy of Eren asking that question.
Reiner was rubbing the middle of your back as you two laid naked against each other, “ Darkest desire I have, hmm… seeing you get pounded by my friends. Every last one of us uses you, of course still pleasuring you”.
You took in a sharp inhale before looking up at him since your head was on his meaty chest, “ same desire I have but with a few kinks involved, you’re down to hear them?” Reiner looked down at you and smirked with a nod of his head in sequence.
Reiner stood up and looked around at his boys, “ Anyone know where to get a ski mask from?” The men either tilted their heads in confusion or had a glow in their eyes signifying curiosity dancing her way in the pools of color each of their eyes held.
This only led to you sleeping as you get split open in your dream. Your dream was so beautiful and hot that you wanted to sleep longer, courtesy of Reiner bullying his cock into your wet pussy in missionary style as you whisper sweet words to each other inside of your dream. You two were making love in your dream and you never wanted it to end.
Yet it ended as soon as you felt a sharp thrust inside of your already hot cunt making you scream into the cloth covering your mouth. Your eyes snapped open and you saw gold irises swimming with the intensity of salacious intent as he bullied his cock past your tight slit, “ Mmmf, ahhhn.” Your moans were muffled and Reiner loved it, but he loved the feeling of your pussy wrapped around his thick cock even more.
He bit his lips as the ski mask was starting to soak into his skin because of the sweat clouding up as he fucked you and been fucking you for 15 minutes already, more like edging himself for 15 minutes, “ oh fuck! Such a good little pussy you have. Always need you whenever I come home.”
Your eyes widened once you recognized that voice, it was your man. Reiner. Big and buff with a ski masked on his face. This was your biggest desire, too bad you couldn’t get your other desire, or so you thought.
You felt the bed dip beside you and looked around to find two other masked men, one with deep green-blue eyes and another one with big blue eyes. You started to squirm around when Reiner thrusts became more powerful, “ Mmmph. I cwnttt. Pleishhh.” Every word you tried to say came out muffled and they all loved the feeling they got. The feeling of PDI: Power, Dominance, and Imbalance.
The man with the green-blue eyes grabbed your hand and placed your long acrylic nails on his dick wrapping his hand around to guide your hand up and down his cock. Eren couldn’t believe he was finally getting a taste or feeling of you, “ Her fuckhole is taking you so well, can’t say I’m impressed though since this is what all whores do right?” Eren lips formed into a pretty smile as you looked at him with squinted eyes. “ Take cocks like this.” Eren snapped his fingers to appoint the end of his statement.
You recognized that voice and you got wetter and tightened around Reiner to which you got a slap on your pussy, “ She’s indeed a slut… tightin’ around me at the sound of - ghahh Fuck!- your v-voice”. Your clit was shaking because of that action and you were pretty sure if his big hand slapped your pussy again you were gonna squirt on this man.
Armin trailed his hands down your arm to your hand to lace his fingers with them and lifted your hand to his cock, so now there were two hands on his pulsing cock with a girth that seemed even wider than Reiner’s. He had length, but his girth was a monster.
Your panties wasn’t even torn off so that’s how you knew Reiner stood on business because he usually slides your panties off, hell he usually wakes you up as well. Hated that feeling but you loved this one. Waking up to his cock already inside of you was a dream and reality now.
Armin threw his head back as he let out a low moan, “ Fuck pretty girl, y-your hands feels so good around my cock.” You were about to cum because Armin’s words cut through you like you were a tomato. Calling you a pretty girl was your weakness.
Your pussy quivered and another guy came beside Armin with light brown eyes with gold specks in them, at least that’s what it seemed when you peered at him as you kept stroking Armin and Eren dicks with different paces for each. Eren’s cock stroked in a fast pace; straight and up and down as in comparison to Armin’s cock being stroked in a slow-twist combo.
The guy put his thumb on your clit as Reiner kissed your cervix with his cock deep inside of you. The guy rubbed in slow circles causing you to try to squeeze your legs around Reiner’s hips but two other pairs of hands snatched each leg back and out of Reiner’s reach. Your moans were louder now as you try to move up and off Reiner’s dick so your pussy can catch a break. Your pussy was so fucking wet and you heard the pussy squelching noises along with his balls slapping against your other hole. The hole you now noticed has something attached to it. It was a butt plug, specifically a bunny tail butt plug inside of you, warming you up to take their cocks in your ass. You fucking loved this feeling so damn much. The feeling of being filled in both holes.
“ Cum f’me, Baby. Let Reiner feel your first orgasm for this night. Let us hear the sweet muffled moans spilling from you like a good little slut. Tonight you’re our performer so keep us entertained baby.”, The guy with specks of gold in his light brown eyes says as he leaned over to look you directly in the eye while still thumbing your clit.
“ Fuck that! Take the blindfold off her mouth so we can really hear her. Need to hear our pretty girl moan like a brain fucked bitch in heat”., Another man holding your thighs says in a matter of fact tone. You noticed that voice as well, Porco Galliard. A man you didn’t get along with but you secretly wanted to destroy or he destroyed you. Either way, you get something out of him.
A fifth man came to plant his knees on both sides of your head, slowly taking the blind fold off. He watched your eyes closed in bliss and your mouth open in a small o. Beautiful Melodies flew out of your mouth as he stared at you with his brown eyes and face covered with a ski mask just like the rest, “ She’s a true beauty, how the fuck did Reiner score with her?”
Porco's voice was heard next as you moaned at Reiner now drilling into your pussy, “ We all ask the same question, ginger. It’s confusing but from the way he’s fucking her, you could see why.”
Colt laughed as he peered over Reiner’s shoulder to watch you just like Porco was doing, “ I never thought there will be a day you compliment Reiner, Poc.”
Reiner couldn’t listen to them when his eyes were zoomed in on the way your whimpers were growing more rapidly and the way your body shook as he was still plunging into your sobbing pussy. “ Shit, I could feel myself cumming but I need you to cum before I do baby, so cum for me. Cum for us.”
“ Ahhn, I think I’m gonn- I think I’m gonna cum. Fuck!”, Your moans were beautiful to all of their ears and as some of them watch you lift your upper body up while Reiner fucked you through your orgasm, they realize that you were perfect for Reiner, one of his types.
Connie was holding off on jerking his cock because of how in awe he was at your body and how your hands, after dropping them from stroking Eren and Armin off, were trying to push reiner away because of the overstimulation you were getting.
Reiner wanted to stop fucking you so badly so he could hold off his orgasm but he couldn’t, not when your pussy is milking his cock as she sucked him in a vice grip. You were hungry for his dick. Reiner looked down at where the two of you were connected and saw your pussy was squirting a bit on his cock whilst also creaming on his dick, still having his ski mask on with sweat overlapping on his hair and face.
“ Reiner pl-please, s’ too much for me. Ahhnnn.”, Your moans were almost pornograhic and that pushed Reiner over the edge as he snapped his hips one more time with his balls landing on the fur ball attached to your butt plug.
His dick pumped inside of you as you felt your cervix get filled with his cum. “ Shit baby! So fucking good. S’ fucking good. She’s, ughhh!” They couldn’t even make fun of him as he tried to cradle all of your body inside of his big arms with his body sweat rolling onto your body because of him holding you— pumping you full. It’s like the others were watching a porn video from the way you two were fucking each other.
Reiner was seeing stars even as he laid his head on your chest. Your hand made its way into his hair calming him down from his orgasm. You knew he was probably at his limit since average men could only cum once, but you needed more.
So, you lifted your hips up with his cock still inside of you— fucking him back to full on hard since he was beginning to get semi soft inside of your pussy. “ Need more, Rei. Need you.” You looked around at the men staring in shock and mewled out, “ need all of you.”
Reiner lifted his head up and kissed you on your lips, “ Whatever my strawberry wants, she gets. Use her how she wants guys.” He slowly pulled out of you with a full hard on now and moved out of the way for the other men to surround you now.
“ what a pretty pair of tits you have, can’t wait to suck on em’, doll.”, Eren says as he twisted your right nipple making you whimper. Most would know that Eren is a tits man. He loved boobs of all sizes and colors—yours were no different from those he loved. In fact, he would have to say they’re more beautiful to stare at instead of fucking or sucking, so he brought his phone out of his pocket and you panicked, well your eyes showed slight panic. Eren looked at Reiner, “ you wouldn’t mind if I captured her essence for later right?”
Reiner looked at you before looking back at Eren, “ Ask her, it’s her body.” It was the bare minimum but Reiner always gave you butterflies when he said anything like that. Eren clicked, “ You are so right, how could I forget that you can speak for yourself right. So I ask you, may I capture these pretty tits for later, doll?”
You gulped and slowly nodded your head. Eren smiled and whispered a sweet to himself before taking a photo of your tits but as he was doing that your eyes connected with bright hazel eyes that belonged to Connie Springer. Connie leaned down to smash his lips onto yours, tasting your spit so lovingly. His tongue inserted inside of your mouth and you moaned from that feeling alone. You reached to pump his red flushed cock causing him to hiss into your kiss, “ fuck, pretty Angel.”
You heard other belt buckles and pants unzip and knew you were about to be fucked into oblivion. Some of them kept their cargo pants on and some didn’t. Eren, Porco, and Jean kept their cargo pants or jeans on and the rest took their style of pants off, leaving them in nothing but their tattoos or piercings.
You soon felt Connie’s lips detach from yours and another pair was placed on your lips, these ones were more rougher and somehow you loved how rough they kissed you. Floch needed to see how your lips tasted and felt but it didn’t last long because Jean snatched him back to lift you up and your legs and arms wrapped around his waist and neck so tightly in fear of him dropping up.
No matter how much you weighed Jean was gonna fuck you in the air or on the wall, he didn’t care he needed to bounce you on his dick, “ You’re such a bunny. A pretty bunny. A fuck bunny so I need you to bounce on me like one, okay.” You would’ve thought it was corny if you weren’t so horny. Jean’s eyes were on you as he pushed his cock inside of your warm pussy.
You couldn’t take how long his cock was so you squeezed your eyes shut. It’s like you could feel every vein on his cock sliding inside your pussy and it felt too good, so good that tears were beginning to develop in your eyes. Jean's eyes widened and he instantly stopped himself from going in further, “ What’s wrong? Did I hurt you? Do you wanna st-”
“ No.” you interrupt as he bombard you with questions of concern. “ It’s just so good, please fuck me, Jeanyy. I promise I can take it. Please.” You felt another pair of hands from behind you as they helped you take all of Jean’s cock into your wet cunt by placing hands on your shoulders to guide you down.
“ Come on, strawberry, is that all you can take, I feel like your hole is wet enough to take Jean boy. I would’ve thought a slut like you would do better than this, I’m disappointed in you, princess?”, Porco says as he wiggles the bunny tail around making you moan with your head thrown back against his body.
“ Fuck off, Porco. You’re gonna help or what?, if not get the hell out of our space.”, Jean says as he grabs your ass in between his fingers, some of the fat spilling over his fingers. Jean hated when people called him his mother’s nickname, it’s annoying when she says it even as he’s a grown adult so it was double annoying when his friends say it, especially in front of his crush he’s about to pound in a moment.
Porco knew Jean was irritated, so he smirked at him and put his head in between your shoulders to stare at Jean, “ Let me show you how to properly fuck a slut like her. You too Reiner.” Reiner scoffed and rolled his eyes at his friend.
Porco slowly took out the butt plug as he watched how your body wiggled against Jean’s dick causing him to still himself inside of your pussy in fear of cumming before you. Once the plug was out of you, Porco stroked his cock a solid two times before lining his tip against the opening of your ass. Your ass puckered in desperation of emptiness and you needed something to fill it up after being plugged up for you don’t know how long.
Porco pushed himself inside of your hole causing you to cry with more tears pouring down your eyes, your mascara falling down your eyes. You knew you should’ve taken off the remaining of your makeup but you fell asleep right after masturbating to Reiner because of his reaction to the picture you sent.
Once Porco got himself past the tight ring of muscle, he slowly felt you relax as he gave you time to adjust to him and Jean being inside of you at the same time.
You whined as your hands were placed on Jean’s chest, “ Wan’ more. Please treat me like a slut, fuck me like a whore.” Jean smashed his lips onto yours as both him and Porco began to move in sync. Both hissing at the feeling of your pussy and ass welcoming them in like it’s a home for them.
“ Fuck princess, you’re sucking my dick into this precious little hole of yours, wish we can- fuck!- take as long as we want but we can’t when you have other wolves to feed as well.”, Porco says as he slides more of himself inside of you as he was still fucking into you, getting you to take all of his thick dick inside of your ass.
When Jean moved in, Porco moved out and you were in heaven because the feeling of being stuffed in both ends was a beautiful feeling to you, so beautiful that you couldn’t help but to babble, “ mmph, mmm, keep fucking me like this.” They both sped up with Louis pants and groans following. The sound of balls slapping against your skin and their each other balls were heard as they quickened their pace.
“ Shit bunny, you’re bouncing on my cock so well, fuck! Such a good little bunny for me.”, Jean moans into your neck prior to sucking on it as he rolls his hips into your pelvis. The loud smacks from their bodies were addictive to the rest of the men who stroked themselves to the scene in front of them.
Crazily enough, Porco liked the feeling of being inside of your ass, especially when his cock rubbed against Jean’s adding more pleasure to his fuck. Jean felt the same, only a wall stopping them from being in the same hole.
“ M’gonna, Uhhnnn, Je-annnn. Por-coooo.” The moans that came out of your mouth set them ablaze and so they fucked your even harder chasing their own orgasms not knowing that you already came onto their dicks with no hesitation, “ Yesssss, fuck me. Fuck me. You're fuc-ckingg me sooo goodd.” Your legs were tightly gripping onto jeans waist causing him to stiffen himself and cum deep into your pussy with a loud moan of your name. Reiner watched the whole thing with envy and lust. Specifically envy when Jean came inside of you and Porco followed after with a loud groan of your name.
When your body went limp inside of their arms, they both pant before sliding out of you with their cum dripping out of you and onto the floor. The others watched and whispered different things.
Porco slapped your ass and kissed your ear, “ Thank you for the ride, slut. Gotta use that mouth next time since that’s what you’re best at running.”
Your legs were still shaking and you couldn’t even register his words, but you felt the slap on your ass and you moaned. Jean had to take the ski mask off because he was sweating nonstop, he threw it behind him and took your mouth against his in hunger. In between the kisses he muttered a thank you prior to walking you to the bed with his arms around your body. Jean turned you around to place you on a body laying on the bed already, “ You took them like a champ, doll. And you looked so pretty while they took you, so will you be able to handle me, Armin, and Connie as well?”
Your pussy visibly clenched in Armin’s view as he stood behind you and when you did it, a little cum dripped down your pussy to land on Eren’s pants. Armin let out a shaken breath and placed his hands on your ass to spread you apart. You were about to look back to see who it was, but Connie took your hair and yanked back on whatever hairstyle you had making you wince, “ Ah ah Ah, nope, nuh uh, focus only on me, pretty Angel. Need all of your attention on me as I fuck your pretty face. Couldn’t wait to have you like this so I’m not gonna waste any more.” Connie slammed his cock inside of your mouth making you take all of his cock in his mouth, “ Shit! time.” He finished off his sentence at the same time your choking was heard.
Your black lip liner meshed into your lipgloss or black lipstick was starting to have marks on Connie’s dick and he loved the little black rings forming on his cock as he drove his dick back and forth in your mouth. Eren sucked on one of your boobs swinging in his face at the same time he felt Armin grab his dick to help him inside of your tight and warm pussy. Eren let out a moan with your nipple in his mouth and the vibrations went straight to your core allowing him to push himself more inside because of you opening up to him just a little bit.
Once Armin slid inside of your pussy, he let out a loud whimper shocking himself and everyone around him. Colt patted his back as he stood on the side of him wanting to feel you wrapped around his dick as well.
Feeling both of their cocks inside of the same hole was too much for you but it felt good, a weird good. “ mmmpfff, mmmm!” Your moans were vibrating on Connie’s cock which now just sat inside of your mouth, he was giving you time to adjust to both Armin and Eren inside of you at once.
Tears were escaping your eyes even more due to the pain of the stretch happening by Armin’s cock slowly moving in and out of your pussy. He finally had the chance to move more when you started to get wetter and a bit loose for him and Eren. Doesn’t mean your pussy didn’t still take the shape of his and his best friend's cocks. “ You’re doing so well, Pretty Bambi. So well for me and Eren. Now will you allow one more?”
You squirmed in anticipation at the feeling of being filled by four cocks whether they were in the same hole or not. You felt feet positioned themselves on the side of your body as you desperately heard Eren slurping sounds on your tits just as much as you felt his warm saliva covering your nipples like icing on a cake. It was like he was trying to suck some milk out of them from how hard the sucking sounds were heard.
“ Not being nice with her like you three are, so take this you pretty nymph.”, Floch says with his dick moving inside of your asshole, making you take all of his dick which was surprisingly big enough to fill your greedy hole. Once they saw your head snap back after popping Connie’s dick out of your mouth with a moan following they knew they were gonna have so much fun.
Connie looked down at you as he tried to balance himself on the moving bed that was moving back and forth. He looked at your face and his eyes brightened up at the image of you taking dicks after dicks inside of you, so bad he needed to capture this moment forever, “ Reiner, give me your camera. Need everyone to know this pretty succubus name.”
Reiner stood up with the camera that always sat on the book shelf and handed it to Connie before kissing your cheek, “ Having fun, strawberry?” You couldn’t form words at the moment because you were too fucked out. Nothing but small cries and they’re groaning and moans synced into one were heard. Some grunts were heard around the room.
Reiner chuckled as Connie angled the camera at your face with his ski mask still on, in fact all of them except Jean had theirs still on. Connie pressed record and recorded your moans as you looked down into Eren’s eyes, “ Fuck she’s taking all three of them so fucking well, a true Nymph.”
Jean chimed in, “ Slut.”
Porco next, “ Whore.”
And finally Colt was next, “ She’s incredible, insatiable.”
“ Dude can’t you be mean for once in your life, you’re fucking up the video.”, Connie says as he looks at Colt off the video. You could hear Reiner chuckling at the comment.
“ Leave Colt alone, Connie. He’s a sweetheart. A lover boy.”, Reiner says as he tweaked your nipples while he had one knee on the bed studying you as you took three cocks inside of you at the same time.
“ nnghhh, I don’t think.. hahh. I don’t think I’m gonna hold awnnn.”, You moaned as Armin’s and Eren’s cocks synced into you with rhythm, as Eren moved in, Armin swirled his hips to move out and this repeated. You had no idea Armin could fuck like this but he’s fucking you with much more rhythm than you expect.
Meanwhile Floch was on top of you and Eren drilling into your ass until he had to cum and he pulled out before that to get down, “ Fuck, she’s so fucking… ughhh I was about to cum but that’s not where I want to cum.”
Once Floch moved out the way Armin could move how he wanted. He held your hips and started to speed his thrusting up, fluently and rapidly. His thrust was matching Eren’s. “ Shit, Bambi, I can’t hold on either. Wanna cum deep inside of you. Hahhh!” Armin’s nickname and moans were getting to you and you needed to put something in your mouth before you suddenly start babbling out things you don’t mean.
Eren told Armin to stop for a second and positioned both of you down a bit off the bed and after that, he signaled Armin to go. They both started to thrust inside of your now stretched out hole and you latched your lips around Connie’s tip making him shudder and stagger a bit, he was caught off guard and anyone who watched the video back would see how he was caught off guard due to the shaking of the camera.
Eren’s balls were slapping against Armins and it added onto him pounding into your soft spot over and over “Fuck, doll. Fuck! Fuck! I swear to God I’m gonna cum inside of her Reiner, I don’t care about anything but cumming inside of this amazing pussy. How does she feels Armin? I know you’re close as well, I can feel you pumping against me.”
Armin couldn’t even think or talk, your pussy was too good to even form sentences so he let out a low moan followed by a yeah. Eren knew his friend was pussy drunk, hell he was too if he’s talking about practically putting a baby in her.
The squelching sounds became louder and soon they both felt liquid squirting on their cocks as you tried so desperately to get away from everyone because the pleasure was becoming too much but at the same time you didn’t want it to end.
“ She’s fucking squirting on us, fuck it. M’cummin.”, Eren says as he pushes more of himself into you to cum inside of your pussy. Your eyes were rolled to the back of your head as Connie recorded your mouth swallowing his dick all the way down your throat with loud gags following.
Armin was next and he came a bit inside of you by accident before pulling out and finishing on your ass with sweat covering his body just as much as sweat was covering Eren’s. “ Shit. I can- I can’t Bambi, you are taking us so well and allowing me to finish on this perfect ass of yours like a good girl.”
Connie's head snapped up since his head was thrown back because of the head you were giving him. He suddenly snatched your head down to the base of his dick with your nose pressed into his semi-shaved grey hair. He tried to ignore the sounds of you choking and sucking on his dick so good and pointed the camera to Armin, “ Woah, little Armi…” Connie got sidetracked, “ hahhh~ fuck pretty Angel, your throat is amazing. Can’t believe you kept this all to yourself Reiner. Anyways, back to you Armin, you grew up.” Your hands came up to Connie’s thighs to tap him so you could breathe since you have been swallowing his dick so long, “ Oh sorry, pretty Angel, let me let you breathe.” He snatched your hair back to let you breathe again and you let out a loud sigh, coughs were in sequence.
Spit dripped down his cock, your chin, and tits. Eren thankfully moved his head to the right when he saw spit was dripping down your body and was about to move to his ski mask. You felt so messy and full as Eren slid out of you with his cum dripping down your pussy. “ Mmmgh, I feel so full.”
“ Good, you’re about to be even fuller and messier.”, Floch says as he grabs you off Eren to drag you by the arm to the couch in the room. He pushed you down and ripped the remaining of your clothes off and you swore you were never turned on by Floch before, but you are now. He snatched half of your body off the small couch and turned to Connie and then turned to Colt, “ You two are gonna fuck her or should I?”
Reiner wanted to say that you had enough but the way you were staring at Connie’s dick told him to shut the hell up. It’s your desire and his desire coming together as one in this night so of course both of you are gonna enjoy it even more.
Connie stalked over to you like a predator, he needed to feel your pussy around his cock, so he positioned himself in between your legs and tapped his now moist dick on your cream filled pussy, “ Fuck, you’re such a pretty slut man, it’s scary to know that I won’t find someone like you. A dedicated slut. Let me give you a reward for swallowing my dick. That’s cool with you right?”
You whimpered as you sat up on your elbows, “ fuck me, con’. Want you to make me a mess, messier than I already am. All three of you.” As you end that last sentence, you stare at the other two men standing around you. You then stared at the camera, licking your messy lips, your lipstick or lipgloss was over the area your lips were and your mascara ran down your face. You actually looked like a whore, a pretty and classic whore.
Connie had enough and shoved the camera in Reiner’s hands before properly laying you down on the couch, “ Let’s give the pretty slut what she wants. You two could take anything but her pussy. That’s all mine for now.”
Reiner recorded all three of you whilst stroking his dick just like the rest. They watched as Floch got on top of you to grab your tits to fuck them with his cock, something Eren would gladly do if they got this opportunity again. One of their phones was ringing but they could care less because all of their focus was on you being used like a slut. Colt had put his body a little bit up toward your neck to fuck into your mouth, so he wasn’t that far from Floch as he lifted your tits up and down on his cock.
“ Shit, this bitch tits are fucking amazing. Fuck!”, Floch moaned as his spit coated his cock and in between your tits so wonderfully. It caused him to move with speed.
Connie gripped your hips and thrusted into your pussy like you were his flesh light. He was in love with your pussy because it was still tight around his dick, “ shit, her pussy is amazing. Tits as well but her pussy is- uughnn- even more amazing. It’s still so tight after taking so much cock. It’s not too tight but it’s just- mmmph- right.”
You were too busy getting your throat fucked by Colt to say thank you. His cock was so long and a bit skinny but it was still long. So when he thrusted in your mouth you automatically choke because it’s too much for your throat. You were in love with how gentle he was fucking your throat, “ Ahhn, she’s swirling her tongue under my cock e-e-everytime it goes in. It feels so fucking good. So this and her prettiness and personality is amazing.”
“ Relax Colt, it seems like you’re tryna take my girl.”, Reiner says behind the camera, getting chuckles and laughs from the guys.
Colt panicked and you saw he was about to apologize, so you locked your jaws around his cock causing him to throw his head back. He now started to thrust in your mouth like there’s no tomorrow. Spit was forming around his dick and around the base of his cock. Snot was beginning form when your tears poured down your eyes from how his dick was going in and out of your throat creating throat bulges he couldn’t see, but you could feel them.
You squirm when you feel something cold and pointy near your stomach. You felt another presence and heard Reiner’s voice, “ My strawberry loves the thought of being used by men in ski masks. She liked to be fucked senseless and treated like a flashlight by men in ski mask.. tsk.. tsk… tsk, what a dirty slut you are. She especially likes when you threaten her with a good time and her special tools. Isn’t that right, my little strawberry whore?” You tried to lift your head to talk but Colt wasn’t letting up as he wiped the sweat off your forehead as an apology.
You didn’t mind but Reiner still wanted to taunt you as he circled the sharp silver knife he got from the table next to the couch around your navel, “ My bad, I forgot you couldn’t speak.”
You moaned against Colts cock when you felt the knife lowering to your vagina but not touching it at all. Connie didn’t know how to take this new information, yet he knew one thing, he was turned on. So Connie placed a thumb over your clit and as soon as he did one rub, you squirted on him which made him cum inside you unintentionally, or was it?
Connie grunted out his moans, “ fucking shit, this fucking ahahhhhh.” He couldn’t form a sentence and he never couldn’t form a sentence, not even when he was inside of his ex-girlfriend's pussy. You were what he wanted and needed, he’s sure all of them felt the same.
Floch was now fucking roughly into your tits and he soon came on your chest and neck since he was a long cum shooter. “ Perfect. Fucking perfect!”
Reiner recorded everything and came on the open space on your tummy with a loud groan. “ Such a pretty baby doll you are, letting my friends use you and get off to you. Ohhhh.” He stroked his cock even more to free himself of all the cum that needed to come out.
Colt was last and when he came inside of your mouth your tears and snot was running down your face. Colt didn’t even mind that, if anything he thinks you looked more beautiful because in his mind he caused this and he was a proud man, “ So- Aah- so pretty.”
Reiner captured everything and when Colt pulled out he positioned the camera in your face at the same time Eren gave him the marker he picked up from your dresser. Reiner let Colt get up and positioned the camera on your body and then your face. He took the cap off the marker with his mouth and threw it behind him. He then wrote “ Pretty Bambi”, “ Angel face”, “ Strawberry whore”, “ Pretty girl”, “ Whore”, and “ Doll” on your upper body.
Once he was done writing it, you finally calmed down from your high and looked at the camera. Reiner wiped the snot off your nose and onto a towel they brought out the bathroom to wipe you down, “ Tell the camera who the pretty slut of the night is.”
You smiled and gargled around Colt’s cum into your mouth before finally swallowing it and letting out a loud breath, “ I’m { reader’s name}, nice to meet ya.”
Reiner smiled and pecked your lips, “ Let’s get you cleaned up, baby.”
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ෆ ̟ ̇ ┈•゚ Tagging: @chosoist @honeybleed @simpingfor-wakasa @angelshub @bleach-your-panties @savagemickey30 and anyone else who would like to be tagged <33 ( please let me know if any of you don’t want to be tagged in my fics like that anymore, it’s not gonna stir up no hard feelings<33)
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゚•┈© all right reserved to salaciousdoll, she does not give permission to steal, plagiarize, and translate.
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itadoring · 8 months
he is the type of boyfriend / husband that when you are angry with him, and you don't give him attention and therefore ignore him, he starts singing love songs trying to win you back again.
“ Baby~ please, sorry I promise I won't do it again! Never again!” he tells you as he follows you around the house, with his lower lip trusted out and his eyebrows furrowed slightly, forming a pout and the expression of a lost puppy.
You tell him nothing and ignore him after he hands you a box placed on a high shelf that you could not reach.
“ Baby~” he whines but it is ineffective on you.
You turn to him as the soundtrack of I love you baby reverberates from the TV and he looks at you with a proud grin.
1 minute and 20 seconds: he grabs your hands and you can't even hold back a smile, and it's in vain to curve the tips of your mouth downwards as he leads you behind his impromptu dance moves.
“ I love you baby and if it's quire all right.” he spins you around, later returning his hand to the small of your back and the other clutching yours tightly as if you could run away.
“ I need you baby to warm your lonely night.” he continues to sing in the meantime brushing the tip of his nose against your pink cheek.
“ I love you baby trust me when I say...” he gives you kisses light as feathers on your face and brings your bodies closer together.
“ I'm sorry.” he says to you while giving you repeated pecks on your lips.
GOJO SATORU, Geto Suguru, Nanami Kento, Itadori Yuji, Toji Fushiguro, VINSMOKE SANJI, Portogas D. Ace, BOKUTO KOUTARO, Keiji Akaashi, Tetsurou Kuroo, TOORU OIKAWA, Tobio Kageyama, HINATA SHOYO, Daichi Sawamura, SUGAWARA KOSHI, JEAN KIRSTEIN, Armin Arlert
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kazutora-kurokawa · 3 months
Random thought but what ab the tenjiku guys with a ticklish s/o, and I mean ticklish in almost EVERYWHERE (hips, neck, CALVES😭😭) nsfw?
Tenjiku x Ticklish!Reader
♡ SFW and NSFW, fem reader, fingering, oral->fem receiving, fucking, men being pervy and horny ♡
Characters: Izana, Kakucho, Ran, Rindou, Mochi, Mucho, Shion
note: thanks for requesting anon 🩷
🎴 Tickles you every chance he gets and is absolutely merciless
🎴 Will tickle you until you cry and then laugh at your tears
🎴 It always ends with you pinned underneath him while he fingers you and apologizes for tickling you (he's not sorry btw)
🩷 Only tickles you occasionally and probably apologizes for it after
🩷 Didn't realize you were ticklish damn near everywhere until you started squirming around while he was rubbing your thigh
🩷 Takes the rest of the day to discover every ticklish spot on your body
💜 Threatens to tickle you as a punishment
💜 Pretends like he's about to wrap his arms around your waist just to tickle you
💜 Tickles you during sex, usually by accident but sometimes on purpose because he thinks it's funny
🩵 Kisses your neck a lot even though he knows you're ticklish there, he just can't help himself
🩵 Lightly runs his fingers over your thighs when you sit in his lap and rolls his eyes when you start moving around
🩵 Started tying his hair back while he eats you out so it doesn't brush against your thighs
🍡 He tickles you just to hear you whine
🍡 Pinches you then tickles you when you let your guard down
🍡 Puts you in a full nelson and ends up tickling your calves
🔷 You're ticklish all over and he's not ticklish at all
🔷 He won't tickle you unless you try to tickle him first
🔷 Holds you extra tight when he fucks you so you don't think he's trying to tickle you
🖤 He's ticklish too and is always starting tickle fights with you
🖤 Literally chases you around the house like a damn lunatic trying to tickle you
🖤 Only admits defeat under special circumstances, which is usually when you pull him into a hug and bury his face in your chest
@arlerts-angel @i-literally-cant-with-this @trevengersprincess @giugiette @katshimizuu @happy-trenchcoated-impala @prncessrindou @drunkcheesecake @darkstarlight82 @reiners-milkbiddies
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mysicklove · 8 months
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service subs! who struggle to communicate just exactly how much they love and appreciate you, so they turn to the next best thing: serving you. who love to do the basic tasks for you — cleaning, cooking, chores around the house, and even the most simple things like putting on your shoes or fixing your work clothes. who like to make decisions for the both of you when in public. where to eat next, paying for you, and planning out vacations and trips. but of course, they do always expect a reward by the end of the night. blinking at you until you acknowledge how well they have done because, in their head, they are borderline screaming: look how clean the house is! look, I made your favorite meal! look at the nice event I planned for you! and of course, you praise them for how well they did, because every time it shocks you from how good they treat you. service subs! who live for your sweet words and hold a wobbly grin whenever you acknowledge their hard work, blushing and looking away but ecstatic.
service subs! who, privately, get off to the idea of being something less than you. to be at your mercy and willingly take on any command in a heartbeat. who enjoy kneeling in front of you more than anything and will stay there for hours if you asked them to. their thoughts are constantly on how to make you feel good, how to please and pleasure you completely. and it's quite cute, considering the second you touch them, they seem to light up because how were they so lucky to have your fingertips grazing their body? service subs! who would do borderline anything just to make you happy.
Armin Arlert, Nanami Kento, Yuuji Itadori, Reo Mikage, Keigo Tamaki, Shinobu Kocho, Katsuki Bakugou, Kyojuro Rengoku, Maki Zenin, Gyutaro
and of course, on the other end, pampered subs! love it when you do everything for them. order for them in public, pick out their clothing for the day, and secretly enjoy having a strict schedule that they have to abide by. who trust you enough for you to look out for them, and not have to think about the stresses of life with you. it was easier like that, and besides, you would never lead them astray. to stick by your side and wait, like a good sub, while you figure out the next course of action for the two of you. who finds themselves turning to you when someone asks them a question as if to ask, is this alright? can I go out with them? what do you think? but of course, they would never tell anyone that you make the decisions for the two of you because they do have their pride to hold up, or at least that's what they dramatically complain to you about.
pampered subs! who don't mind at all when you focus on them the entire time in bed. who live for the attention and soak up every touch. who even begin to act spoiled from time to time, getting peeved when you even mention someone else or your hands drift away for too long. who let out whiny complaints and dramatic demands that you can't help but obey. because how could you not? they are too cute not to please and spoil. who love the sickly sweet nicknames you give them that make them feel like they are some sort of toy or doll to you. but that just makes them feel even more special, to be your toy, your favorite doll. and besides, if you wanted to control them completely, they wouldn't mind one bit <3
Tomura Shigaraki, Levi Ackerman, Seishiro Nagi, Giyuu Tomioka, Rin Itoshi, Nobara Kugisaki, Denki Kaminari, Mitsuri Kanroji, Suguru Geto, Tamaki Amajiki, Megumi Fushiguro
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