#aroace aaravos
gxdofthesun · 2 years
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To celebrate the new season, I remade an old edit of mine: Virens little bug pal, but something's not quite right... 👀🤔
I posted my old edit of this on my old blog (hxwko) a few years ago!!
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zoguy1 · 15 hours
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Viren holding his third child of divorce.
I love this ship. It's one of my few "crash and burn" ships, as I like to call it. I wanted to watch this ship go down in flames and I am completely satisfied with how they did it.
Also, have this alternative pride art I made purely for the pun.
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So this idea lives rent-free in my head: Aaravos as a drag queen.
Just imagine it. Cutting down everyone in her path. Making straight guys Feel Things when she performs. Owning the stage and not giving it up. Maybe a little bit of star magic if you're lucky.
Just... drag queen Aaravos. I will probably never get around to writing or drawing this but. I need a fic. I need art. I need to swoon over her forever.
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parroset · 5 months
Aaravos Headcanons (Part 1):
I have way too many so I'm dividing them into parts!
General startouch elf headcanons:
- Startouch elves do not need to eat, but somtimes they do, just for fun
- They don't need much sleep and are mostly nocturnal. Aaravos, however, tries to stay awake during the day so that he can interact with humans and other elves.
- All startouch elves are lactose intolerant (this is based on the fact that they are the first elves, and the first humans in our world were lactose intolerant. The lactose tolerance gene evolved later.) Aaravos does not mind this fact until the invention of ice cream. He now revenge eats it only to regret it later.
Aaravos headcanons:
- He slept like a rock before his imprisonment and could fall asleep in any position. However, he has had nightmares for the past three centuries and now moves around a lot while he sleeps. This has had disastrous consequences for his pillows (look at those horns).
- Aaravos is autistic and has special interests in magic and humans.
- He is so filled with magic you can literally feel it on him. His skin feels almost like it's humming with the magical energy coursing through his body.
- Aaravos is a demiboy. I also hc him as aromantic bisexual but don't feel too strongly about that one (I also like bisexual Aaravos and aroace Aaravos lol)
- Aaravos is a huge nerd when it comes to magic like he knows ALL the spells. He even knew of the one that killed Avizandum but asked Viren anyway cause he wanted to hear the story and wanted to socialize after such a long time alone.
- There is no food in his prison because he doesn't need to eat. He misses apples dearly.
- Aaravos had to learn how to cut his own hair during the start of his imprisonment. Although he eventually got quite good at it, he struggled a lot at first and had some bad hair days. Avizandum laughed at him when he cut off most of his bangs, which hurt his pride. Illustrated below (old art don't judge):
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- He has a high pain tolerance and is hyposensitive to pain.
- He has sensory issues with fabric and doesn't like to wear much clothing, which is why he did not wear pants or shoes prior to his fall.
- Aaravos is very fastidious with his grooming for the most part, but after imprisonment he gets depressed sometimes and can't take care of himself. This causes him to spiral further. He is occasionally in this cycle for years before his rage snaps him out of it.
- His favorite color is purple.
- He misses the stars and nature in general. His primal magic is weaker in prison and he feels less connected to all of the primal sources, especially the stars. This saddens him.
- Aaravos does not do dark magic, not because he is opposed to it morally, but because he doesn't see the need to. Primal + deep magic handle things fine so why complicate things and harm yourself?
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bloody-wonder · 4 months
Top 5 recent films? Or Top 5 ships or Top 5 sci-fi books? Choose whichever you feel most like answering :)
thanks :D i'm gonna do top 5 ships🚢
currently freaking obsessed with radioapple (aka alastor/lucifer from hazbin hotel). my preferred dynamic is summarized in this sentence from no hiding place down here by ReminiscentBells: "The revelation that Lucifer has developed some nonsensical interest in Alastor, carnally speaking, is abstractly intriguing." fellas isn't it entertaining when the king of hell gets a massive crush on your very aroace self?? what to do! lol i also like keelywolfe's take on their relationship which is a classic hate sex to frenemy fuck buddies to uh oh feelings territory
andreil (all for the game) - my forever otp. i don't read andreil fics anymore but the tumblr fandom keeps on giving beautiful art of my boys, love to see it on my dash every day😌
felix/mildmay (doctrine of labyrinths). so here's the thing. i need at least one person in the ship to not be romantically and/or sexually attracted to the other person. mildmay has feelings for felix but they're of a secret third kind - as they should be. it's about the utter pornography of unconditional love - love being ???? so yeah, i love the way their story ends in the books but i also love going on ao3 and reading the nasty. i hope more aroace people discover these books bc they're secretly aroace agenda and i hope some of those people are fic writers bc i really need more smutfic where mildmay remains entirely sexually unattracted to felix
viravos (the dragon prince) - lol this one kinda snuck its way into my faves, i keep returning to it whenever i want some quality toxic old men yaoi. can't believe they soooort of made it canon in the most crackfic kind of way - and yet aaravos is still in the fucking mirror jail (and therefore barely in the show)🤦‍♀️
can't choose between wangxian (another forever otp), doumeki/yashiro (the most excruciating slow burn with no resolution in sight) and sangwoo/jaeyoung from semantic error the manhwa (if both of them have to be allo at least make one of them autistic lol give me something to work with)
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raayllum · 8 months
Opeli and Claudia for bingo?
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I love Opeli more than is probably warranted given her role/actual screentime, but I'm always a slut for "pov adjacent to the main cast but without context" / "the remaining people who are alive/around to remember the castle kids growing up" perspective so it's really no surprise that I love her. When I wrote a oneshot about her and Callum's potential bond they'd only exchanged like 3 words, and now into arc 2 they've had multiple conversations and I feel so spoiled. I also really love her dynamics with the rest of the dragang. I think someone who wholeheartedly devotes themselves to the concept of the Crown but also has to deal with the political and personal (more than she ever expected) of that reality is super interesting, and I love the way she provides easy excuses for religious worldbuilding, which is one of my faves to write.
I'm both an aroace Opeli and a post war aged up Sorpeli endgame truther though - so fanon really is the best of both worlds <3
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[ Black Xs represent squares don't apply to Claudia that might otherwise look circled. ]
I feel like a lot of the reasons I adore Claudia is how opposite she is to Opeli in a lot of ways, strangely enough? (Upon reflection.) Like she grows up in the castle but clearly has very limited loyalty to the actual king and royal family (bc they're royal) because one of the first things we learn about her is that she's been lying to them. Her loyalty is first and foremost to her family/her father and watching the sliding scale of people she cares about go from friends to obstacles to enemies she's willing to enjoy (with the added bonus of she and Callum having once been technical love interests) is just... so fun? But also she makes me so sad. I don't think there's any reality where dark magic exists and she has access to it that can end happily for her, and she is still going to take her sweet time seeing just how much it's destroyed her and hitting that rock bottom to hopefully start clawing her way up.
She's a character I've written a lot of ways in various fics/divergences - an adoptive sister to Rayla, a strained but long term love interest to Callum, Aaravos' puppet, breaking free of her dad of her own accord for better and/or for worse, as a dark mage, a primal mage, etc. I've killed her and I've written her redemption arc more than once. It's also been super satisfying to see her steady decline over the seasons as the "she's a cute goofy goth girl" read she generally got in the initial fandom post-s1 felt boring and shallow (it was always deeply clear to me there was something wrong with her lmao) so I do think fandom conversation surrounding her as a character has only gotten better, more accurate, and more interesting as the show has gone on (even if sometimes people don't have enough sympathy for her perspectives and choices). That all said I do think no matter where TDP leaves her as a character in the final season, I'll always write towards and imagine an ultimately happy ending for her with the soft boi of my choice
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jamieedlund · 2 years
Hi I'm really sorry but I'm just so happy. This dynamic brings me so much serotonin and sldbbdkdhbdjdgshgdsk it is wonderful and your art is so pretty and asa fellow aroace I relate so much to aaravos and I don't get to see that often and I'm just-cannot explain the happy bubbly feelings I'm having rn this au is everything thank you sm for this blog I love it!!
ahjsdgakdas no need to apologize- I do my best to not put Aaravos's sexuality in a box, so i'm glad that an aro/ace reading can be applied to how I portray him, amongst many other things! I'm not a fan of static readings of a character so it's always heart-warming when I see my work resonates with people with different sexual orientations! I'm glad you're able to find something you like here. Thank you so much for your kind words 🥰
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iblazitastic · 1 year
Me, rp'ing Aaravos: Hm playing flirty elf is FUN >:333 I like seeing people fluster! good thing I'm aroace lol
Me, talking to Auster: ...Ack >////< *remembers tertiary attraction exists*
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hey if you're taking requests can I offer Aaravos from The Dragon Prince, Loki from Marvel, Nadia van Dyne from The Unstoppable Wasp, and Merida from Brave? Nadia is canon aroace and the others are aro/ace in my heart 💜💚
Unfortunately requests closed a few hours ago but I'll keep those in mind for random add ins
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darth-shado · 1 year
Azrael's Fic Master List
Here's my (rather long) list of fanfics I have published on ao3 and will be updated in the future.
List is divided into three categories: on-going works, completed works and one-shots.
How to read the list: Title (and link) — Rating — Word count — Brief description.
On-going works
Home: A place in a Galaxy — T — 3,3k — (post tbobf, Dinluke centric)
3 times Tim tried to get Jon and Martin together, and 1 time he realised he didn't have to — T — 2,8k — Co-written with: @.im-gonna-squeet — (post MAG: Fluff, Tim and Sasha being matchmakers)
The stars will be ours (once again) — T (GDoV) — 8k — (post season 4, Virravos and Magefam centric)
Completed works
Edward's Bar and Grill — T — 3,5k — (Ed instead of becoming Kraker decided to deal with Stede leaving him by opening a restaurant)
3 times Aziraphale wanted to kiss Crowley and 1 time he did — G — 1,9k — (Aziraphale throughout 6000 years wanted to kiss someone (Crowley) three times until one day he finally did, Aroace spec Ineffable husbands)
Star Wars
Ret'urcye mhi ner kar'taylir darasuum — G (MCD) — 5,7k — (post tbb s2e3, Cody and Codywan centric, based on unused Kenobi script)
Differences in similarities — G — 705 — (Aroace Hunter, discussion about being aroace)
Romantic feelings, are not for everyone. — G (Referenced aphobia) — 584 — (Aroace Din Djarin, implied Din/Cobb and Din/Omera)
Planning under pressure isn't easy — G (Description of sensory overload) — 485 — (post tbb s1e8, Hunter centric)
Trick or treat — G — 477 — (Din & Grogu going shopping for Halloween costumes for Grogu, Modern au)
Forgotten Lullaby — G — 426 — (post Mandalorian chapter 13, additional fluff scene)
Freezing break — G — 295 — (Rey/Rose, Prompt: Rose drags Rey into the freezing cold to make a snowman.)
Omega's story — G — 241 — (Short scene addressing Omega being trans)
Taming hair before the meeting — G — 187 — (Leia/Han, Prompt: Han helping Leia brush her hair after a shower.)
The Magnus Archives
Loss of a family — M (GDoV) — 1,3k — (Fnaf plot written as a statement)
AITA for forcing people to tell me their trauma? — G — 245 — (AITA but it's season 4 of TMA)
Genshin Impact
Lovely crime — G — 907 — (Heizou/Kazuha, detective x criminal)
Heikazu week 2022 — G — 1k
Good Omens
Ineffable morning — G — 531 — (Ineffable husbands fluff)
Would you like to move in with me? — G — 251 — (Aziraphale asks Crowley if he was to live with him)
The Dragon Prince
Growing flowers — G — 397 — (Claudia's and Terry's first meeting)
Escape from the mirror — T (self-harm but for a spell) — 339 — (Viren frees Aaravos, post season 2)
MCYT (not rpf)
Welcome back gift — G — 1k — (Mumbo returns to Hermitcraft, Waffle Duo reunion)
(Not so good) Memories — G (GDoV) — 810 — (Double life desert duo angst)
Sherlock (BBC)
I love you for who you are. — T — 332 — (Johnlock centric, Asexual Sherlock, Coming out)
Stargazing with consulting detective — G — 328 — (Johnlock, Prompt: John and Sherlock spending the night on the perfect hill for stargazing.)
Honkai: Star Rail
How to deal with nightmares — T — 1,3k — (Dan Heng/March 7th/Trailblazer, Pre-relationship, Literally sleeping together)
Sons of The Forest
Simple Gestures — G — 632 — (Kelvin & Tim & Virginia (can be platonic or romantic), Kelvin and Virginia bonding)
Our Flag Means Death
Nightmare worst than a Kraken — G — 184 — (GentleBeard, fix-it au, episode 10 is just a dream)
Soft Spot(s) — G — 448 — (Fluff and Crack, Lego99)
Baldur's Gate 3
When Astarion saw himself for the first time since becoming a vampire — G — 815 — (Astarion & or x Artist!Reader)
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agrebel18 · 1 year
The dragon prince or amphibia
I just did amphibia so I’ll do tdp!
fave character? Calum, rayla, Soren, terry, and Ezran (in that order)
Funniest character? All of them but ESPECIALLY SOREN
Best looking character? Soren👀
3 favorite ships? I only have two, janaya and rayllum!
Least favorite character? Aaravos?
Least favorite ship? Any involving Soren with one of the kids like rayla and callum, the age difference is gross plus I see Soren as aroace!
Reasons why I watch it? I LOVE the lore and fantasy genre, and casual diversity is cool too
Why I started watching it? My sister read the books and then I picked up the show with her!
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theguardianace · 3 years
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[ID: The Drake meme. The top has the caption “Attraction to Aaravos”, while the bottom has the caption “Gender envy from Aaravos”. The top image has the aroace flag over his head, while the bottom has the non binary flag. /end ID]
I’m right
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enbeemagical · 3 years
Happy Aro Pride Day!!
As part of the Aro Pride Collab with @siriuslyremus @mossypebbles @logandeservesbetter @marathegreat @emmytheace @fandom-trashowo, I also wrote a Dragon Prince fic! Part one is complete, part two will be out when I finish it, hopefully soon.
Summary: Aaravos is asexual, aromantic, and sex-repulsed. Inspired by the vast amount of fics where Aaravos makes things spicy very quickly, my being a sex-repulsed aroace, and a what if. Roughly 2.4k words.
Aaravos is eleven years old when the human and elven children his age announce their first crushes. He does not have a crush, so he says it must work differently for Startouches, since they have such long lifespans.
Aaravos is sixteen years old when his caretakers finally realize he is going through puberty and sit him down for The Talk. The physical changes part he's already figured out. He doesn't understand the other part at all. Why would someone want to put their body next to another's in such a way when simple cuddling is likely far more comfortable?
Aaravos does not like not knowing things. He takes a dozen or so books on biology to his room, and spends weeks studying them. He still does not understand. The books seem to say that is enjoyable, but the pictures look rather uncomfortable.
At nineteen, Aaravos finally claims a crush: a shy, curly-haired human boy his age who clearly admires Aaravos. Aaravos enjoys this admiration– and who is to say he does not have a crush? No one else can know what he feels, and for all he knows this is what a crush is supposed to feel like.
The two have been together almost two months when the other boy brings up… physical intimacy.
They do not make it to their two-month anniversary.
Aaravos faces more questions about his intimate life as he gets older, and more beautiful. "How is such a one as you still alone?" "Do you not desire companionship?" "Books cannot provide the same company as another person…." "Have you ever done it?"
For his twenty-sixth birthday, Aaravos gets a cat. He names her Diamond.
Dia never once tells Aaravos that he should get out more, that he will be lonely without a partner. She does not attempt to pull him from his books and his stars. She asks only that he keep her dish full and her box clean, and in return she sits on his lap or his feet as he reads, purring all the while.
He reaches forty, still alone save for Dia, having connected to both Sun and Moon as well as Stars.
"You will be alone forever!" one of his human friends tells him exasperatedly. She is also forty, with a wife and three children. 
"My lifespan is more than twenty times yours," Aaravos replies. "Should I ever desire a romantic or sexual partner, I have much time to find one." He has no intention of ever doing so.
"You'll like it," his friend promises. "Try it someday, Aaravos."
Aaravos rolls his eyes good-naturedly. "Perhaps I shall," he says, with no intent of doing so.
Despite his best efforts, Dia is only a cat, and a cat's life is not so long as an elf's. His constant companion and forever supporter exits his life on the same day she came into it, and for the first time, Aaravos is alone on his birthday.
He hates being alone. And so, for the first time, he tries sex. Perhaps it truly does work as his friends believe it to. Perhaps it will make him feel better.
He feels even worse afterwards. Dirty, violated. He consented fully to the experience, sought it out even, and he cannot figure out why he still feels as though he did not.
Never again. 
He retreats even further into his studies for a time, refining his mastery of the Sun and Moon, and connecting to Earth, Sky, and Ocean.
Aaravos has been alone for decades. Sometimes he misses other people. Contact with another living being. Sometimes he is content alone, and sometimes he aches with the wish, the need to hear another voice, to touch another being. Elf, human, cat, horse, it does not matter…. Aaravos is lonely.
He returns to society. It is awkward at first, speaking to others after so long. All his old friends are dead, he learns, and though he is sad there is also a spark of something else.
He can reinvent himself. Be anyone he wants to be. He does not need to be the awkward Aaravos he was, the boy whose ears and cheeks turned crimson at the mention of crushes or sex, the young man who was constantly on edge from the feeling of eyes following him, the man who threw himself into his studies as a way to escape constant questions. He can be anyone.
It happens gradually, almost without thought. A woman compliments his beauty, and before he can reconsider he says, "Oh, I know,” adding after a moment’s thought, “I thank you for noticing."
She smiles and nods silently, cheeks flushing.
A one-off interaction, or so Aaravos thinks. But later, when he is at dinner at an enchanting little café in Lux Aurea, another person comes up to him. Putting their hand on his table, they say, "Are you single?"
Aaravos pauses, looking up and quirking one eyebrow. "Why?" He smirks, lowering his eyelids. "Are you interested?" Stars, why did he just say that? What if they think he wants– that?
The human's eyes widen slightly, and Aaravos sees the dark blush spreading over their neck. Did he cause that? The thought gives him a sensation of– of power, of control. He is not the one blushing crimson, not now.
"Maybe I am," the human says in an almost sing-song voice. "Depends on if you are, I suppose."
What is the human getting at? "And what precisely is it you are asking me for?" he returns, voice light. Is this flirting? he wonders. Am I flirting with them?
"May I take you out for lunch tomorrow?" the human says.
They are interested then. Aaravos does not have much money at the moment, which he hopes to remedy soon. In the meantime, he still has to eat, and, well, they offered.
At lunch the next day, Aaravos watches carefully for signs that the human– he has already forgotten their name, so he calls them “starling,” which they seem to like– wants something from him in return for the meal. But, they seem only to want to talk, and listen. He guards his words at first, but they are surprisingly easy to talk to, and he finds his tongue loosening more and more.
He is enjoying this.
He stays in Lux Aurea for a time, continuing to date the human whose name, he finally remembers, is Tess. They help him get a job where he can use his magic: architecture. The new city never seems to have enough architects or builders. Sometimes Tess will take Aaravos out, sometimes he will take them out. 
After a time, he moves into their house. Both of them enjoy this new arrangement, Aaravos especially because they have separate rooms.
Now they are living together, there is much more casual physical contact. Aaravos does not like this, but he does not mind it.
Their relationship lasts about a year of living together before Aaravos and Tess separately decide to tell each other, on the same night, that it is not working out. They laugh at their timing, and agree to remain friends.
Aaravos begins traveling Xadia then, never staying in one place longer than a couple moon cycles. He finds he enjoys this, the freedom of not being pinned down. Wherever he goes, he will use his skills to barter for food and lodging, or use his magic to gain those directly. He acquires new skills occasionally, and practises these as he goes. “A jack of all trades, a master of none,” the saying goes, “is sometimes better than a master of one.” Aaravos, however, is no human. He has time to master many trades, and he does.
He speaks however he pleases, finding another kind of freedom in flirting with no sense of obligation. He will be moving on in a matter of days, after all; he will not know anyone long enough to care whether they take his flirtations too seriously. And if anyone moves on him, he will simply… move on.
When the constant moving around and learning of new names and customs becomes too much for him, Aaravos retreats back to the Star nexus, where he stays until the loneliness becomes too great to bear. Then he is off again, as charming, flirty, and witty as ever.
He’s stopped keeping track of the years. Sometimes, someone will ask when his birthday is. He has it written down somewhere, but as he never bothers to check, he’ll usually ask the date and say, in great surprise, “Why, it is today!”
Aaravos mostly sticks to smaller cities and villages, whether human or elf. He notices that even the bigger human settlements are dirtier and poorer than the elven ones, and in the cities with both humans and elves, high-ranking humans are rare.
“This is the way it’s always been,” he hears every time he asks.
But it is not the way it must be.
Aaravos knows he can be charming and persuasive. He is beautiful, which does not hurt, but his voice and his intellect are what really matter. His voice is deep and smooth; he knows that when he speaks people hear the truth whether he speaks it or no. His mind is better. He is clever with his words, somehow knowing what his listener wants to hear. How to turn them to his cause. His magic, too, is powerful, a weapon many would kill to have.
And he finally knows why he has been given these gifts.
He journeys to the mountain called the Storm Spire, and requests an audience with Queen Azare. At first, the Dragonguard denies him, but he insists the queen will want to see him, even demonstrating his mastery of all six Primal sources. A guard leaves to ask the queen, and Aaravos waits, cracking jokes and seeing how hard he needs to flirt to make the stoic guards blush (very hard, actually), until the elf returns with the news that Aaravos is to be allowed in under guard.
Apparently this means something different than it seems to, for two elves grab his arms before he can react, and place wide metal bracelets on his wrists. They do not restrict his movement, but they are uncomfortable.
“What are these for?” He raises his arms, smirking. “Not exactly my style. I prefer sterling silver, in case you wish to get me a better gift. Iron isn’t really the best metal to give someone you want to ask out.”
“None of us are asking you out,” one guard snaps, causing a younger guard to blush and mumble something under her breath. “Those are magic restricting cuffs. No one does magic in the queen’s presence without her explicit permission.”
“Hm.” Aaravos draws a quick rune, which fails to even appear in front of him. “It seems they are.” He gives a short laugh to cover his rising panic. Stars, he needs to work on his physical fighting skills more. “Shall we proceed?”
Aaravos learns several things that day. Namely, that the Dragon Queen cares little for the plight of more than half her subjects, and even less for the charms of a certain Startouch elf. Not even his offer of service sways her.
“‘Humans are humans,’” he grumbles to himself as he leaves. “‘Their lives are too short to be changed by any effort on my part, so why should I try?’ Damned stuck-up uncaring spiteful dragoness!”
After that, Aaravos keeps mostly to human villages, staying longer and doing more to help. He cannot do anything about the systems that keep humans below elves, however, not like this.
He retreats to his nexus again, to study not magic, but politics, wars, government.
When he emerges, he finds there is a new dragon queen, this one an Earth dragon. He meets with her, but she claims there must be a reason humans are not equal to elves. If they were truly equal to elves, she argues, they would not be considered lesser. Yet they are, so they must be.
Aaravos points out the flaws in her logic, very nicely, and attempts to leave, only to be flung in jail. He works on charming his way out, but they continually rotate his guard, and that makes it very difficult. Until there is a regular guard. He flirts with her as hard as he can, but she never reacts.
“How can you simply ignore me?” he cries one day in frustration. “Am I so long imprisoned that I have lost my ability to flirt? Or is your heart simply so hardened from being a guard to that cruel queen you do not care?”
She looks at him for the first time since she entered. “I am aroace,” she says simply. “Your charms cannot work on me, Archmage.”
This is a new word to Aaravos. “Ah-row-ace?” he asks questioningly. “I’ve not heard this word before.”
A trace of a smile crosses the guard’s lips. “It’s a relatively new word, coined in the past, oh, fifty or so years. You’ve been here nearly a century, so I’m not surprised. It means aromantic asexual.”
Those words… Aaravos remembers reading them somewhere, but he cannot remember what they meant. He asks the guard, and she is all too happy to explain.
Aaravos enjoys her explanation past only the sound of another voice and the definitions. He feels… seen. The words resonate within him strangely, and he is silent for the rest of this guard’s shift.
He sleeps through the next few shifts, waking when the aroace guard returns.
“I have been thinking about what you said,” he tells her.
“Oh?” She raises one eyebrow at him.
He smiles. “I think I am aroace as well.” The word feels strange in his mouth, but oddly right. Like his name, like the title Archmage, it seems to fit him, settling around him comfortingly. He is not broken. He never was. He is aroace.
How strange, that he should realize he is whole in a place meant to break him.
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🐝 Man Makes Plans, God Says Ha, Man Says “Fuck You” and Succeeds Anyway
This screams Grace Chastity, so here we go:
Grace Chastity has spent her life being God's perfect girl, but now she has the Lords in Black at her command. She's not used to having so much power in the literal palm of her hand.
It's intoxicating, having the most powerful beings in the universe as her puppets.
She doesn't need her God anymore--not when she is God. She makes the rules now. And there is no one left who can challenge her.
Something something, women's wrongs.
Send me a fake fic and I'll write you a summary!
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aaravos-answers · 3 years
To Archmage Aaravos:
You treat me with far more kindness than I deserve. If I may be so daring, I have a correction to make. My confidence, however small it may be, does not stem from anonymity. It is the blossom of my adoration of you. With that beautiful warmth in my heart, the words spill as easily as rain.
This one hopes that their words have conveyed nothing but the utmost sincerity. I would not dare being insult to you with mere flattery. If I ever displease you, let lightning strike me to ash. Even that would not be severe enough.
My lord, you do not have to implore me for anything. This servant could never deny you. It is my happy oath to give you all you please. Even in this worthless scrawlings, I will affirm my devotion endlessly.
Signed Truthfully,
Your Secret Admirer
P.S.: I wonder, my lord, whatever will you do if you find me?
A third one, starling? You honor me with your attention.
If your words are rain, I would gladly drown. They are clearly flattery, yet you remain sincere. I could hear you flatter me such for days, my little starling.
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I only regret I cannot respond to you as you deserve: with magic, confetti, and perhaps....
...actually, the last I may be able to provide. Would you care for an aarapod, starling?
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As to what I should do, that will depend greatly on who you are. Should you happen to be Loki..... I.....
......I rather doubt that, but if you are Loki, I- O////O
If this is you, Princess, it is an excellent joke. *slow clap*
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@plumblueflower you wished to see my secret admirer's writings? Yet somehow I do not doubt you already knew what was written. 😏
@the-other-holmes-girl this is the third love letter from my admirer. Do you yet have any clues as to their identity?
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worstloki · 3 years
can i be adopted too? (no particular reason except fun and possibly chaos)
(do we need credentials? I'm aroace, Aaravos's mun (chaos happens), I have cat pictures, and I art occasionally. are those enough?)
“Are those enough?” Honey you had me at fun and chaos as reasons
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