arrowpoint · 11 months
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hxneylavendxr · 1 year
i need someone to hold me at gunpoint and make me actually take the time to draw the things i want to draw
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breannasfluff · 4 months
A Shield of Wind
By some accounts, Wind is still viewed as a kid. Someone to be protected and sometimes coddled. Slowly, he’s earning respect from Time and the others in the group, but it’s a drawn-out struggle. 
Wind’s had his hero’s journey, though. He fought for the title and right to save his sister, despite not holding the same destined spirit of the others. In that way, he’s worked harder than a lot of them, hasn’t he? 
Because he’s a hero—and also a decent hylian being—he knows the value of children. In this case, two young siblings, no more than six or seven, are being held at arrowpoint. 
Or—they would be if Wind wasn’t shielding them with his body. 
“Wind! What are you doing?!” Warriors’ voice is shrill, but he can’t interfere. He, along with the rest of the Chain, are held hostage by a group of thugs. By the Goddess, it’s not even monsters! 
Wind was helping the two siblings flee, hands gripped tight in his as they ran. One by one, the rest of the Chain were caught and beaten or tied up. When it became clear they wouldn’t escape, Wind shoved the two children behind him and faced the arrows head-on.
“That’s a poor choice, kid,” the leader spits as he advances. “Two worthless brats for the rest of your family?”
Behind Wind, the children cling to each other. One—the girl, maybe—has a hand fisted in the back of Wind’s tunic. 
“At least I’m not using children to make bargains,” Wind throws back. It’s not his best comeback, but his mind is running in panicked circles. How does he get the children and the Chain out of this? 
“Wind, take the children and run! We can—” The rest of Twilight’s sentence is cut off as one of the thugs punches him in the gut. 
The sailor’s lungs heave and the air tastes of dust on his tongue. 
“If you don’t move,” the leader says, “I’ll start shooting you instead. Can’t protect children when you’re riddled like a pincushion.”
He can’t stay. He can’t run and leave the Chain. He can’t give up the children. He can’t, he can’t, he can’t.
He can’t be a hero.
Wind looks at the captives, searching till he meets Time’s eye. Their leader’s face is streaked with blood from a blow, but he meets Wind’s gaze steadily enough. Whatever he sees there, his shoulders slump. Time gives a slow nod.
Reaching behind him, he grabs the children’s hands and readies his muscles. Then he looks back to the gang leader. “If I give you the children…you’ll let my family go?”
There’s a squirm as one of the kids pulls on his grip. He tightens his hand, trying to keep it from slipping against his sweaty palm. 
The leader sneers and turns to the others to say something. Wind doesn’t wait to find out what.
Yanking the siblings around, he scoops them into his arms and runs.
Away from the thugs.
Away from the Chain.
Away from the arrows.
He’ll never be fast enough.
Read the rest here
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mothedmanillustration · 9 months
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Augmen de Lute info!
Augmen de Lute is the confident, charming, laid-back captain of the Arrowpoint Pirates, a group that enjoys throwing massive parties for any occasion. Other pirates and seafarers are encouraged to join in the fun- provided they follow the rules and not cause trouble.
To fund these parties, Augmen attacks Marines and merchant ships, as well as stealing from any guests who decide to break his rules or other pirates who attack. He loves attacking any Marine ships on sight, racking up quite the bounty from property damage alone.
Augmen's parties aren't traps like some other locations (Gran Tesoro), he genuinely likes throwing parties and is very serious about hospitality. He's built up a good reputation among other pirates over the years and they know his ship's a good place to visit. Some unlucky pirates think they can take advantage of the captain's generous hospitality, wanting to steal Augmen's vast treasure or kill him for the fame, those pirates rarely make it off the ship alive.
Augmen has a large crew of loyal pirates (mostly just basic pirates, no special powers) who all love and adore their captain. He in turn, loves his crew and treats them well. He may be a partier but he works hard to keep his ship running smoothly and keeps his crew and guests safe.
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Devil Fruit: Mod Mod Fruit
Able to modify (strengthen or weaken) attributes of people and objects through touch.
If holding the target, the effect is stronger, the effect can last when the touch is gone but will start to fade after a few minutes. The longer something is held, the stronger the effect and the longer it will linger after the contact is gone.
Uses his left hand to strengthen and his right to weaken, this is entirely a stylistic choice by him and if needed he can use either hand.
Use Examples
Augmen’s dual pistols, powers them up so they’re a LOT stronger than a normal gun of that size, since they’re always on him, he’s always feeding a little power into it, keeping them stronger than if they were held suddenly
He does a similar thing with the cannons on his ship, feeding power into them so they hit harder than normal cannons, capable of taking down Marine ships in just a hit or two
Strengthen the ship’s defenses, cannon balls do less damage or bounce off entirely. Helpful since Augmen’s ship is a bit slow due to its size
Can buff himself and others attack/defense
Can weaken opponents if he gets they’re hands on them, for most people, they’ll feel weak and tired and if held on to long enough, pass out. Stronger opponents get their attacks debuffed and devil fruit users can have varying effects.
Doesn’t work well/at all on certain devil fruit users, specifically ones that can avoid being touched or ones that can’t really have their powers weakened
His power being touch-based means that he has to get up close to opponents to affect them, making him easier to hit in return. If he’s focusing on powering up/weakening a large target, he can’t power up himself, also making him vulnerable.
Example: powering up the entire ship makes him an easy target to be sniped or hit, relies on his crew to protect him
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andrevalias-tes · 28 days
Meet the Character: Bloodies-His-Face
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Report for the Elder Council
Compiled by General Alexus Nipia
Frostfall 7, 2E 583
With sincere regret, I cannot make direct contact with the Elder Council as the 2nd Legion still has the lengthy task of securing Bruma and the surrounding area. May this letter find Councilor Lovidicus and the rest of you well, and may I also commend Chancellor Tharn on securing a temporary truce in the Three Banners War. Whatever brief cessation of hostility it may be, know that the 2nd Legion will use every moment to restore Imperial control in Cyrodiil’s north.
Onto the matter at hand, I received a request to keep track of a former Arena Champion by the name of Bloodies-His-Face. Recently, he attended the Varen Memorial Cup held in Kvatch and then again in the Imperial City (Akatosh speed her recovery). It would please the Council to know he spent time up here in Bruma (as recent as last week), and I personally got reacquainted with the champion.
I’d known of Bloodies-His-Face (Red to his friends, a privilege I had the honour of using but will refrain otherwise to maintain formality in this report) indirectly from my time serving under Varen Aquilarios during the Colovian Revolt. He’d fought in several skirmishes alongside Varen’s personal cohort across the countryside and on the Red Ring Road. He was particularly known for his ferocity when fighting against Emperor Leovic’s army; part of a personal vendetta I later learned.
Before he became an Arena Champion, Bloodies fought in the Coronation Cup held in Leovic’s honour a decade prior. Alongside him were a cohort of Argonian servants whom Leovic had conscripted to fight. Despite his best efforts to train his egg-kin, Bloodies outlived them all and was even forced at arrowpoint by the Emperor to fight the second-last of his kin. For this, he sought revenge and joined Varen’s Rebellion.
When we disposed of Leovic in 2E 577, many of us parted ways. Since then, Bloodies recounted adventures had in Blackwood, Morrowind, and even Skyrim. He had ‘kept busy’, as he told me. The Council, of course, knows that a year later was when the dread Soulburst occurred and the Dark Anchors heralding Molag Bal’s invasion appeared. To recount for the Council: during this time, Bloodies had rallied local Imperial guard and citizenry against the initial wave of Daedra, as well as the treachery of Legion Zero.
From what I understand, Bloodies-His-Face formed the Order of the Sacred Ashes after helping many citizens escape the Imperial Isle six months later. Though a brotherhood of pauper knights initially, it serves to remind the Council that Bloodies and his comrades battled Daedra and the Worm Cult across Tamriel. They even, at times, partook in the Three Banners War. However, he insisted that his knights swear to maintain peace and justice first and foremost over any provincial claim to sovereignty. I hope this would satisfy the Council’s curiosity to his allegiance from the start.
I did not manage to learn more of what he has been up to between then and the Varen Memorial Cup, as he spent most of his time in the region at Fort Dragonclaw. Once again: my deepest apology for not compiling a more recent dossier on the Sekiryu clan, but I can at least inform the Council that it would appear Bloodies-His-Face is deeply affiliated with them. In the least, it can only be beneficial that he is of respected standing among their number as the Council knows that the Sekiryu are descended from the Akaviri who fought Reman at Pale Pass.
In summary, my brief contact with Bloodies-His-Face has informed me well of his character and alliances. I can confidently report to the Council that if we seek the services of Bloodies, his Ashen Knights, or his contacts with the Sekiryu, then it can only mean good things for the Empire. And at such a dire time when our citizenry worry for the future, we could always do with more heroes.
P.S: Bloodies wanted to convey his interest in a position as a General of the Imperial Legion that Varen promised him. I leave that proposition to your discretion.
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AU Idea! (Just Don't Tell Aunt Rhody)
I am not gonna do anything with this (well, not yet, anyway), I just want to share it.
So...this came to me when I recalled Ford's 'Please Come' postcard. It actually reminded me of Resident Evil 7, when Ethan receives that 'Come get me' email.
Once I made that connection, I started to imagine Stan and Ford's reunion at Gravity Falls structuring more similarly to Ethan and Mia's in Resident Evil 7, with Stan in place of Ethan and Ford in place of Mia. Imagine a scene similar to Ethan finding Mia, where instead of being threatened at arrowpoint by Ford, Stan finds Ford unconscious somewhere. One point leads to another and Ford (under the partial control of Bill due to sleep deprivation) attacks Stan.
The clear difference here is that they are brothers while Ethan and Mia are married. And without a crazed, mold infected family.
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btheleaf · 6 months
got any wips you wanna share?
Well, I've been working on a little something with @dont-blame-it-on-the-kids
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TW: blood, broken bones
Amon laughed deeply and circled behind him. The airbending master hissed in pain as his arms bent awkwardly behind his back and he was forced down to his knees. Blood rushed in Tenzin’s ears as his head craned back. The bright light in the middle of the ceiling burned his eyes as Amon pressed his thumb into the arrowpoint on his forehead.
“Do you see how easy it would be for me to take your bending?” Amon taunted. Tenzin screamed as his muscles and flesh rippled as if they’d separate from each other. “Do you understand how simple it is for me to destroy everything in your life? Everything you love? I have your family, your friends. Soon I will rid the world of airbending, and I’ll have the Avatar too. There is nothing you can do to stop me.” Another screamed ripped from Tenzin’s throat as his joints and sinew twisted and pulsed painfully. Amon stepped away. “Keep your bending for now. I want you lucid. I’ve nearly broken my favorite toy.”
Tenzin breathed heavily as he looked up at Amon. He stood in a way that eclipsed the light fixture and cast a shadow over his face. “Leave my family alone.”
“Where is the Avatar?”
“I’ll never tell you anything.”
Amon rounded on him with a powerful kick that threw him face-first into the metal door of the cell. Tenzin screamed as he felt the bone in his arm snap; but the impact of his face on the door silenced him. Blood poured into the back of his throat and down his lips and chin. Coughing, he brought his right hand up to feel the damage to his nose, but hands grabbed him and pulled him up. He was thrown into the adjacent wall of the cell and his head hit the stone hard. A booted kick knocked the breath from his lungs and forced blood to spray from his mouth onto the dirty gray floor. He gasped for air and the hands were on him again, pulling him to his feet.
“Where is the Avatar!?”
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m4rs-ex3 · 1 year
but do we remember how at the breach in s2 when the soldier was being held at arrowpoint so he was signing "danger" to amaya? FUCK. that's insane that is so incredible. not only did they manage to implement amaya's ability into the actual story instead of just pretending it's not there, not only did they show how her "disability" could save the day, but it was also just really fkn cool !!!!!!
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piduai · 6 days
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he's held at arrowpoint by a middle schooler 😭😭
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arrowpoint · 11 months
We are specialized in providing Research & Consulting solutions across sectors, verticals, industries and markets. Our end-to-end Market Research solutions also include field work, field research and data collection solutions.
Our clients keep us supplied with a challenging stream of material to help us keep up the mental acrobatics. But that’s not enough for us. We do our homework too. That’s why we’re constantly looking across the entire marketing cycle and along the value chain to make sure that we’re always up to date with what’s happening in our client’s markets.
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allyriadayne · 8 months
Thoughts on the theory Aegon was poisoned via rectal administration?
i'm going to be honest with you, i haven't seen anything about this theory until i received your ask but i am SO glad you brought it to my attention. it's like a late birthday gift to me....aegon poisoned via rectal administration?? i'm howling cackling rolling on the floor
anyway serious now. i honestly believe aegon was just poisoned in his wine or something food related. the only way i can see him getting poisoned as you say is if he was fucked raw by corlys and larys and them risking it all for a chance to rid the world of stinky aegon. OR at the famous cock inn by one of the city watch. OR by one of the dildos in his room, like a archer rubbing venom on the arrowpoint before aegon has some me time. i'm ALL for it just because i think it's very funny and it will make his dildo collection plot important.
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herald-divine-hell · 1 year
teaching you how to do something + close proximity for leliana/inquisitor? xoxo
Thank you for the ask!
The arrow caught itself into the motor of the stone walls, shuddering for a single breath or two. The wind had whistled when it took flight, true and straight, but when the arrowpoint slammed into the stone, the air punched out of it like a strangled sigh. Another sigh came from Leliana's side, and she gave the dark-haired woman a smile. "You hit something this time, at least."
Frustration darkened Alexandra's eyes, the pale silver taking a faint golden hue from the reddish-bronze sunlight peaking over the mountains. Skyhold was a flush with soft pinks, deep reds, and hammered bronzes, the air aglow like flame. The gray stone, drained sick and tired, took a fine paler color, blushing from the lightly stroking fingers of dawn. A golden mantle swaddled the green leaves and brown boughs, gleaming with the light shinning in gems, and the trickles that dripped from between left soft golden patches upon the green grass and rock-strewn paths.
And the dawnlight did wonders up Alexandra, truthfully. A faint shroud of pale white ran down her thick dark curls like moonlight running along night-darkened lake, shimmering. Her pale cheeks, with its high-cheekbones, was painted lightly with a flush, either from the cold or frustration, Leliana could not be for sure. But the redness was pretty to her. It allowed Leliana to count all the fine freckles hidden in the paleness, like flowers lost in the snow. Her nose crinkled upward, her full lips drew down pouting, and the urge to laugh and kiss her nearly overwhelmed Leliana. She distracted herself by walking toward the locked-in arrow, drew it out with a little strength, and checked for any chippings, ignoring the teasing thoughts twirling in her mind.
Alexandra spoke, her annoyance not hidden. "A target that is over twenty feet tall and dozen or more feet wide. Truly, I shall be recalled in legends for besting the terrible stone demon known as the curtain wall." Her fingers gripped tight the bow, her already white hands growing whiter. "I never had such difficulty for other things, before." She shook her head, the strands cradling her face bouncing a little. "I don't see why I am not allowed to use my magic to help guide the arrow."
With the arrow in hand, Leliana rested her knuckles against her hips. The urge to smile was terribly hard when Alexandra was so cutely frustrated. So rare it was to see the collected, savvy, and murmured arrogant, Inquisitor all aflush and pouting like some child. Her bouncing thoughts seemingly fled her when the arrow left her hands, Leliana thought, amused.
"Because the entire point of this is to be assured you are well capable of fending enemies off when your magicks are low or depleted, and there is not enough lyrium for you to drink to get out to safety."
Alexandra's gaze shot up, and the great storm often unyielding in her eyes took shape once more. "I already mastered well enough the dagger and the sword and the shield - surely this is unnecessary." She paused for a moment, eyes widened a little. "But that does not mean I do not enjoy spending time with you, of course." Her lips curled into that teasing, insufferably arousing half-smile. "Though, I can think of other ways we can practice different techniques and abilities."
A flush stirred at Leliana's cheeks, peeking like the first leaves in spring. She grappled and tousled with it until she knew it was little more seen that the natural flush on her cheeks. "While the thought is tempting." And truly, it was. Leliana had found herself half distracted by Alexandra's outfit - snug black breeches that did not hide the strength of powerful and supply thighs, tied neatly with a belt to reveal flaring hips, and a loose white blouse where if Alexandra bent over at just the right angle, hints of pale and soft flesh was revealed. Indeed, she felt terribly wrong for eyeing Alexandra whenever she was not looking, but she could not help herself. Often the arousal would dwindle away to admiration, one of breathless and star-dazzled. Everything Alexandra did came easy and elegant, even in her failings. She flowed like a shadow running across a field, without any stiffness or rigidness to be seen, with easy practicality and assurance that bordered on arrogance. But that arrogance faded away with Leliana, it seemed. A glint of something more was seen through the mask of the Inquisitor - something real and shy and overwhelming and beautiful that Leliana wanted to jump into, damn the consquences. But such thoughts often lead to blindness...and Leliana could not be blind, not now. Not after Haven, not after Justinia.
But Maker, do I sometimes wish I could be - for this woman I barely know but who entraps me so. A coal of frustration smoked through her limbs, smoldered a little. "We still must be assured that you are safe, regardless. After all, who was the one who ran straight into a dual dragon fight without any regards?"
The flush returned, brightly crimson. Alexandra looked away, fingers strumming the bowstring, but her smile did not leave her face. It seemed to have grown. "Bull had dared me."
Leliana shook her head. "Yes, I know." You and your dares and your foolish pride. Leliana took a few steps, slid the arrow back into the quiver drummed up-right into the ground. As she did so, Alexandra brushed her leather-gloved fingers across Alexandra's arms. "We will not have that happen again, correct?"
In the corner of her eyes, Leliana took in the pleasure of Alexandra's face growing captured into ruddiness, flowing down her throat. "I will be sure it won't," she promised, muttering.
"Good." Leliana dusted her hands with a few swipes against the other. "Now, your arm was too stiff this time, and you allowed your strength to come from your arm, not your back."
The smile of before, the one teasing and gleeful, returned. "It is not my fault that I use my hands and arms more."
"And yet, your masterful fingers and arms will avail you nothing in the end if your arrow is anything but a great solid target made of stone." Leliana moved forward until she was nearly pressed against Alexandra's back. "Grasped your arrow."
Alexandra did, and Leliana took her by the underneath of her arm, rested the other flat against Alexandra's stomach. She tried not to think of the sweet vanilla wafting from her dark curls. It would be so easy to lay a kiss to her neck, if I wanted. Here the Inquisitor was, trapped in Leliana's arms, such a lovely reward if there was any. She could brush the thick curls to one shoulder, reveal the pale secrets to her eyes and her eyes alone. She would be able to feel Alexandra's pulse quicken, the heat of embrassment and arousal burning Leliana's lips as teeth dug deep into skin, marking her for all to see.
She pushed those thoughts away. Now is not the time, she thought. With the softest pressure to her stomach, Leliana pressed Alexandra straight, and she softly cursed the fact that the woman was taller even with her boots on. Rising on her tip-toes, Leliana glanced and guided Alexandra's aim until it was true on the target. The hand on the stomach slid along, around her waist, pressed gently across her back with ghosty strokes. Leliana rested her chin on Alexandra's shoulders, turned a little, and whispered softly in her ear. "Aim, aim. Relax your arm, let your strength come from your back." Leliana felt Alexandra do so, the muscles beneath her fingers shifting and bundling as she drew her arm back, her fingers close to her face."
She adjusted her aim again, praising her all the while. "Now, l loosen your fingers, and let it fly."
The air sang with the easiness in which the arrow to flight. Winds whistling, the arrow struck true, and pride flickered through Leliana's stomach." She laughed gently, wrapped her arms around Alexandra's waist, and laid a kiss to her cheek. Heat burned her lips from the blush. "Good girl. You did amazing."
"Yes, ma cheri?"
"Bedroom, now."
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mothedmanillustration · 3 months
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To go along with Augmen de Lute, this is Vanellus Plover! He's acting as Augmen's (very temporary he insists) second in command for the Arrowpoint Pirates.
A once important accountant, secretary, and scribe for Sir Crocodile, Plover finds himself without a home when the warlord is arrested. Since he was travelling with Augmen at the time, the hospitable captain offers him a place to stay, and while reluctant to stay on the loud party boat for much longer, he takes him up on that offer.
I've got more info and bonus sketches below under the cut and if you want you can check him out on art fight!
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Height: 5 ft 11 in/180 cm Age:44 Pronouns: he/him Gay
Plover would not call himself a pirate, he doesn’t even really like being out at sea.
Nevertheless he finds himself as the acting second in command aboard Captain Augmen de Lute’s ship. Originally he was an important secretary, accountant, and spy for Sir Crocodile. After the warlord’s sudden arrest, Plover finds himself alone. His new task is to keep Crocodile’s confidential documents and accounting information safe from Marines and pirates alike who want those invaluable files, as well as trying to keep his various business deals accounted for and afloat.
Plover was traveling with Augmen at the time of Crocodile’s arrest. Augmen was escorting the secretary as a favor to the now former-warlord, and now Plover has nowhere to safely go. Augmen offers to let him stay aboard the ship, due to both his hospitality and his knowledge that if anything happened to Plover, he would draw Crocodile’s ire. Augmen also finds Plover to be an interesting traveling companion, something he is always in desperate search of, and enjoys teasing the uptight secretary.
Plover is confident, secretive, uptight, and always working. Even on Augmen’s ship, he’s often squirreled away in his cabin, typing away on his typewriter at whatever classified business he has and making calls on the Den Den Mushi. While accustomed to the refined high-society gatherings of the business world, he’s unprepared for Augmen’s more wild and hedonistic parties. Augmen tries to get him to relax and enjoy himself, though Plover is resistant, claiming to prefer work to enjoying such vices. He does, overtime, become more willing to have fun and indulge in his own interests. He loves expensive clothing, books, and bedding.
Fun Facts: -His name and design are a reference to the Egyptian Plover, a species of bird associated with stories of birds who clean crocodiles' teeth -Doesn't usually go by his first name, Augmen has also given him the nickname "Feathers", he dislikes it -He’d rather stay in for the night with a rare manuscript and an expensive bottle of wine than join in on Augmen’s fun, but he’ll let himself be dragged out on occasion. -He’s secretly a bit of a romantic at heart, he buys trashy romance novels at ports when no ones looking -He appears calm and collected, but he’s got a big temper, making him easy to rile up -He’s quite skilled in espionage, fencing, and book balancing -With no devil fruit powers, he protects himself with his elegant rapier and acrobatic abilities, he can handle himself well in a fight -He’s met Augmen a few times before joining his crew, but never stayed aboard long. He always thought of the man as reckless, lazy, and unserious as a captain. But through his time with Augmen he’s witnessed how dedicated and hardworking he his for his crew, underneath the care-free demeanor. He’s often exasperated with the captain but has gained a lot of respect for him.
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atiny-piratequeen · 2 years
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Character Analysis, Jung Wooyoung, the 'Shrieking Angel'
Name: Jung Wooyoung
Languages: English, Gaeilge (Post Transformation), Japanese (Modern Day), Korean (Modern Day), Creole (Modern Day)
Crew Position: Sailing Master + Navigator + Map Maker
Powers: Ferrikenisis (Alloy Manipulation) + Vocal Creation (Inherited from a banshee)
Compass Position + Arrowpoint Stone: West Facing, located on right pectoral, larvikite stone
Eye Color: Brown (Natural)/ Onyx Black (Demonic Form)
Hair Color: Dark Brunette (Natural)/ Blonde (Demonic Form)
Likes: Quality Time With Loved Ones, Singing, Gift Giving
Dislikes: Being Left Alone, Inner Conflicts, Fighting
Young, and full of doe-eyed wonder. Sickness was never enough to slow the man down. Though the body may have been frail, the mind always yearned for that which lay just over the horizon.
Though blood may spill from his lips, though his bones may be weak, there’s certainly something over that horizon for him. He and his parents had faith when he turned away from his home. He’d come back a better man. A man that his mother and father would be proud of.
Lofty dreams keep the head afloat, but fires burn them back down to cinders.
Sailing Master Jung Wooyoung
This is his family now. With his hand firmly clasped in San’s, and with the graces of The Captian, Wooyoung has found his place with a brand new chance at life. Still finding conflict a bit too much to deal with head-on even after all of these centuries, Wooyoung prefers to work things out with a bit more subtlety, if possible. However, it’s up to very liberal interpretation if this approach works for the navigator.
While the days of the seas may be behind him and the crew now, Wooyoung still finds strength in his voice and blades. Time may roll on and the need for his original position has all but disappeared, he still knows he’s beyond the sickly man he was in the 1600s.
The song of the blades changes with the passage of time.
Of Irish Origin, the banshees are known and often depicted as shrieking or screaming harbingers of death. Also known for their singing, banshees may sing to an unsuspecting individual similar to a siren in order to draw them closer.
Of many forms, ranging from young and conventionally beauiful, to old and decrepit, banshees have been known to wear similar attire when spotted, a tattered grey dress or cloak of some form, and with bloodshot red eyes from all of the wailing and crying.
The sighting of a banshee or hearing any of their glass-shattering screams instills fear in all who are familiar with the stories and mythology behind these “women of the fairy mound”, as a banshee sighting is known as a premonition of death soon to come. Her arrival and subsequent wailing may also spell doom for someone in the household of whoever hears her, making encounters all the more uncertain and terrifying.
Whether you refer to these female spirits as banshees, “little washerwomen” (a name given to them after depictions/stories of banshees washing the blood from the clothes of someone soon to die), or bean sídhe (known nowadays as “woman of the faries”), the constant amongst all depictions of banshees, is that these women of the forest are Angels of Death and the haunting sound of their vocalizations spell the end.
-Power Applications/Demon Transformation-
Each note of sound, every vibration, may form a new creation.
Naturally used to being the most talkative and lively person in the room, and with a harmonious voice to match, Wooyoung almost instantaneously obtained a mastery over his newfound abilities. From simple conversation, to singing, to wails of anger or anguish, Wooyoung’s voice alone are all he needs for his powers to work.
Steel, Iron, Metal, alloys of a similar nature. Wooyoung can create all of them with a simple tune.
Once he fully transforms, Wooyoung’s hair lightens to blonde, with the area from his eyes to his temples turning black, with the vein-like markings stretching down past his cheeks. The same black color of his eyes is also the color of his lips, along with several dots along the bridge of his nose and stretching up to his forehead, with a backward crescent located just above his brows.
Wooyoung’s powers are heightened when he fully transforms. The louder the vocalizations are, the larger and more aggressively his powers work. This works in the opposite direction, as well, with quieter whispers yielding smaller creations.
Having been sickly for most of his early life, Wooyoung has never been a strong fighter. He’s learned over the years from Seonghwa, Hongjoong, and especially San, how to use an array of bladed weapons, and has actually created items that all of the pirates have used throughout their adventures. San and Yeosang use his creations the most, with each of San’s non-blood-made weapons being something from Wooyoung’s own powers. Yeosang’s preferred cookware are all made from Wooyoung’s own songs.
Due to the nature of his powers, Wooyoung cannot create anything if his ability to speak is hindered for any reason. Because of this and a certain previous experience, Wooyoung prefers to fight in groups with the others and finish fights as quickly as possible. His healing and fighting abilities are lacking compared to the other members of the crew, and serious injuries take him much longer to recover from, most likely a result of his body’s naturally weakened state before he inherited his powers.
-Character Song Breakdown-
All of the main crew members have a song assigned to them in the AtT playlist, and much like his crew position and his introductory chapter, Wooyoung shares his song with San, which is ‘Mist’ by Ateez.
If you’ve read San’s analysis, this section of Wooyoung’s analysis may mirror the breakdown a bit, but the selection of Mist is used as an in-story device for the relationship between the two and their coping with life aboard the slave ship they were taken aboard.
So please
Tell me it’s alright
In this uneasy mist (Alright)
Tell me, it’s all just a moment
So please
If this is my path
Hold my hand tight (Alright)
So I won’t wander for long
All of Wooyoung’s life until he and his family were tricked and he was taken aboard the ship was sheltered and incredibly quiet. Being born and raised as an anemic main with a (more than) slightly paranoid family that sheltered him from the outside world has left Wooyoung with a sense of uncertainty and a lack of confidence when it comes to making impactful decisions on his own without outside leadership. Wooyoung takes more comfort in following the lead of someone he trusts over his own decisions most of the time.
-Character Blurb-
“All I want…is to be stronger than the man I was raised as.” Wooyoung looked up through his bangs, blood running into his eye. The world around him spun, shifting metals and steel.
It's cold. The blades don’t feel like they normally do. In the distance behind him, he can hear someone calling for him. He didn’t tear his gaze away from the figure in front of him, his chest rising and falling harshly as they hummed slightly.
“My, you’ve been barking a lot tonight. Should I be afraid?”
Wooyoung ignored the voices calling for him, narrowing his eye. He sang a tune, low and sorrowful as his metal began to form, sharp and pointed at his adversary.
“It doesn’t matter if you’re afraid. All I know is I’m tired of living in fear and uncertainty.”
The figure laughed and spread their arms, leaving themselves open.
“Give it your best shot then, Navigator.”
Wooyoung inhaled sharply, widening his stance.
With the world whirring around him and vision red, he let out an unholy scream.
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hotnew-pt · 18 days
O palestrante do Voices of Discovery discutirá o papel da tecnologia na redução dos custos dos medicamentos em 9 de setembro | Today at Elon #ÚltimasNotícias
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