#art begets art
pseudowho · 25 days
Hi Haitch. I typically don't send asks or interact too much because I very much like to lurk and watch within the shadows, like a rat in the wall. But, I just wanted to praise you for all the writing you've done, it's helped me get back into fueling that creative fire for fan content and has also been a source of inspiration too. You also helped me grow obsessed with Higuruma, all started from the 'Defending Your Honour' fic. Since then, I've grown to love your writing, especially the Nanami one where he fought the weird curse and the Panda penpal one. Oh and also where Nanami and Reader infiltrate a cult and ofc the enemies-to-lovers Higuruma fic🤭
Anyways, hope you are having a pleasant day/evening/night whenever you're reading this!🫶
Thank you so much! I'm delighted you enjoy them so much, Lovely Lurker Anon.
I think the best thing about creating, is that art begets art, and its beauty transcends monetary value. It's why it's woefully neglected in the modern world, because capitalism seeks to determine the value of art based on how it can earn money from people, and as such, we don't reward artists with the means to live for having the bravery and talent to dare to make people happy.
As such, I'm always delighted to read that any art of any kind, has inspired another to create art. I'm really happy for you. I hope that whatever you're writing, you're enjoying writing it as much as I enjoy writing mine.
I'm having a lovely afternoon. The kids have been playing with toy robots all day, my baby is learning to walk, the sun is shining, and we're all healthy.
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Love, as always,
-- Haitch xxx
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songofsutarima · 2 years
Does It?
How far would I need fall,
How big would be the splatter,
Would I know what the grave meant?
Would it matter?
I am bursting, burning,
Frozen and collapsed,
Full of empty yearning,
Wishing for the good years back.
My heart pumps with nothing churning,
Another void exact,
The clocks hands only forward turning,
Giving room for anxiety and paranoia’s attack.
The feathering cracks in my glass are returning,
And I am forever fearful of the next tap.
Would I even need to trip
For me to actually shatter
Into the pavement as the rain in its drip?
Does it matter how I scatter or if I exist..?
Some days the question really rattles
“..does it….?”
@lets-dance-to-joy-division wrote a piece and I knew I wanted to write something from it. Thanks for inspiration. :)
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coriandher · 2 years
is sexualizing the Legion only your thing or can other people participate in that? I've got ideas
begging for other people to please participate
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primewritessmut · 1 year
Hi! I recently read your fic 'she's not going to die today' and it made me absolutely insane /pos, so I drew a little comic doodle of a scene— how do you feel about fanart?
Love it
Feral over it
Giddy and kicking my feet about it
The way art and artists inspire and reciprocate with each other is one of my favorite things about being a writer. I kind of think that’s how art should work and I’m always excited when people want to do it with ME and MY WORK.
Thank you so much for liking those assholes enough to make art for them.
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im-all-out-of-ideas · 2 months
it took multiple business days for me to learn that this cute, cartoony rendition of prophecies begin with great designs and expressions wasn't bog standard tumblr fanart of warrior cats but in fact hunter-endorsed official product
it was so inconceivable that this could be even touched by the old ladies across the pond. it is singlehandedly the only piece of media out of this franchise since PO3 that isn't mediocre. it is a MIRACLE that this evokes the same sense of whimsy and joy as the average online fan's artwork of the same era of stories. actual props to the team that made this happen
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Honest to god question would you be ok with “weird” art or writing based on your AUs and designs (with credit). Not like anything sexual but ea/t or anthro or whatever
Of fucking course. What do you think all my gore drawings are. I’m weird about these characters if I can inspire you to be weird about them too that’s brilliant. Obvs with credit and if you can @ me or send me the post that’d be great (I wanna see it)
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sxlphie · 4 months
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They have always been soulmates to me... P3 Reload is gearing up to ruin my life all over again
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needsmustleap · 6 months
Do you create? What? Why?
mmmmm uh haha um. Sort of, sometimes.. I like drawing and stuff but I've been taking this course that has eaten up a lot of my free time so i haven't done any art stuff in a while. Should be all done with it really soon though so hopefully it won't be long before i can get back to it/a good routine. I had this whole art renaissance at the end of 2023/beg. 2024 where I just had this like epiphany re art and was super motivated and enjoying it, so hopefully i can back to that. But yeah I like the process of drawing. I mostly draw from observation, and i love how it gets me to really look at what I'm seeing and appreciate all the details. And i enjoy the puzzle of it, of figuring out how to represent the subject on the page. The epiphany i had was literally just basic art advice you hear everywhere lol but i had spent months in this rut of focusing on the outcome/end product of a drawing and getting really frustrated and upset with what i was doing. Eventually i like clawed myself to the realization that that was the problem and I need to make art solely for the love of the process. It's hard bc it's so easy to want to chase the feeling you get when you make something you're happy with, but I found i would start a drawing and want every line I put down to be immediately gorgeous, and i just a) don't have the skill for that and b) was putting so much energy into wanting it look good that I wasn't focusing on any of the principles or techniques that actually help build a drawing that looks good. Bad all around lol. But also, I can flip through that sketchbook and see evidence that i was learning things, even despite all that. So yeah. Generated a lot of motivation and good feelings.
Thank you for the qs! I wasn't expecting to actually receive any let alone so quickly haha but i love the opportunity to ramble :)
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god as my witness, the devil as my friend, i swear that this is the sound of the end
“reprise (the sound of the end)” || ‘bad omens’ || bad omens
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b4kuch1n · 2 years
I love your art so much, every time I see it on my page it gives me a surge of motivation to keep drawing again! (And I did! Last night with a piece Im quite proud of) Especially the sw/sh art, honestly finding your art while I'm still fixated on the characters of Galar made me so happy because wow your art is lovely!
I love the style you have, with the way you color and shade and give outline, to your poses that have so much energy that it brought me to try learning to do more dynamic poses! (Which I'm still working on, a bit tricky)
I really hope you a wonderful year and amazing day. Your art sparks so much energy and joy and It's so whimsical I smile just thinking of it. I love reading your tags too, like a cozy feeling of hearing someone ramble on something they like or had happen in their life.
Again, best wishes to you and have a happy new year!
!!! there's genuinely nothing that makes me happier than hearing someone's found in my art a motivation for drawing. I'm really glad it's kept you good company, and I sincerely wish you the very best time with your art! happy (late) new year!!
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ohhgreeny · 2 years
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"this is my winter song to you."
snowy kenshina, because it's cold outside and I need some warmth. in my headcanon, kenma surprises hinata with a holiday visit, and hinata is so excited, he forgets to put on his gloves and hat. so kenma shares his scarf :')
[no nfts / no AI / no reposts]
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doc-alister · 2 years
Death Begets is an Alternate Universe (AU) story featuring characters and concepts originally created by my great friend White Fire on Twitter.   This non-canonical story follows four protagonists: White Fire, Breezy, Delta, and Esper, as they journey through a monster-ridden world as Grim Reapers, and Shepherds of lost Souls.  Episode 0 is an introductory proof of concept. Laying the groundwork for future projects.   How many projects..? I have no clue whatsoever...
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shadesofmauve · 2 years
#will anyone read this? YOU KNOW DAMN WELL I WILL! :D
I DO know damn well you will, and that makes me very happy! And you'll read it SOON in geologic time -- one scene of edits and one chapter draft to go! Which might be slightly interrupted by tearing out my bathroom.
It's just, y'know, sometimes the brain weasels gonna brain weasel.
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foughtbelief · 3 months
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updated tags: out of character
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goblinboogie · 4 months
just saw some bad shadows fx art
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*slides this in your inbox*
I'll have to read this tmrw morning but like!! Yaay!!!! :]]] Thank you!! I hope you had fun writing it :]]
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