verineo · 5 months
artheo/engtheo save me... save me artheo...
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skullymo · 2 years
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" There's a burning in his eyes, a blaze burning hotter than hellfire, stolen away by demons, until he become one. "
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helenvader · 2 years
Maybe interesting for RoP fanfic writers?
No idea if anybody might be interested in this, but when writing my story Tale of a King I ended up with inventing some words for the fake "Western Southron", the language spoken in the Southlands in the Second Age (they can speak Sindarin, but they need their own language, too!). All this information appears in The Appendix of my story, but I copied it here for convenience's sake, and added some additional explanations.
My invented form of pre-surnames in the Southlands are fiên (meaning "daughter of") and fin (meaning "son of").
Enwyn fiên Wendall = Enwyn, daughter of Wendall
Theo fin Theo = Theo, son of Theo
Also, later on, in my AU the Southlanders have taken over the surnames inspired by the Harfoots. :-)
I invented fake etymology of some names appearing in RoP + some that I came up with on my own. Some of it is my own creation, some of it based on Old English and Old Norse, my favourite ancient languages. With some I just invented a name and fake-back-tracked it to its OE or ON origin.
WS = My own gibberish that I pretend is Western Southron
OE = Old English
ON = Old Norse
Circumflex is used to mark diphthongs. Examples: iê in Neniêth is pronounced as two syllables, i + e [nenɪet], whereas Nenieth would be pronounced as long e [nen:et]. Erriân is [erɪan], whereas Errian would be [era:n].
The h in th and dh is silent and pronounced as [t] and [d]; h is only added after these letters at the end of the word unless they are preceded by another consonant, like Halbrand, etc. Exception: compounds containing such words, like Artheo (arth + eo).
Artaneth. Star of heart.
WS arth heart + neth star
OE heorta heart
Bronwyn. Love, affection (literally burning joy).
OE bron-/bran-, rel. brond/brand fire, flame, torch, sword + wynn/wyn joy, rapture, pleasure, delight, gladness.
Cynnegiêdh. King's gift.
WS cynne king + giêdh gift.
OE cyning king, giefu/gifu gift.
Ebrenn. Sun.
WS ebrenn sun (rel. to brond/brand/bron-/bran- fire, flame, torch, sword).
Emêadh. Meadow.
WS emêadh meadow.
OE mēad meadow.
Enwyn. True joy.
WS ene true + wynn/wyn joy, rapture, pleasure, delight, gladness.
OE efen just, true + wynn/wyn joy, rapture, pleasure, delight, gladness.
Erriân. Dawn (literally early daylight).
WS erri early + anne light, daylight.
OE ærra earlier, former, preceding, ær- early, former
Halbrand. Sword of unity.
OE hāl whole, undivided, healthy + brond/brand fire, flame, torch, sword.
Neniêth. Star of hope.
WS neni hope + eth star.
Ramborn. Raven brook.
WS ramm raven + born brook, stream.
ON hrafn/hramm raven + OE born brook, stream
Theo. Orig. Artheo. Beloved, loved one.
WS arth heart + -eo masculine adjective/past participle suffix.
OE heorta heart
Wendall. Protector (literally strong shield).
WS wene strong + dal/dall shield.
WS has a double diminutives system, just like Slavic languages.
Feminine names and nouns: -i > -eni, -eli, -ali
Masculine names and nouns: -e > -ane, -ale, -are
fadar (father) > fade > faddare
madar (mother) > madi, maddeli
Neniêth > Neni > Nenneli
Enwyn > Eni > Enneli
Erriân > Erri > Errali
Halbrand > Hale > Hallane
Wendall > Wene > Wennale
Artaneth > Arti > Artali
Feel free to use this if you like it. :-)
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thelostty · 4 years
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Greetings! As my first post I decided to post an old drawing of mine that I liked. Inspired by the couple that my friend and I created, Artheo. The one on the left with pink hair is called Eleonor, belongs to them, and the one on the right is Arthur, who in this case is my character. That's all for now, wait for more drawings! =)  / Saudações! Como meu primeiro post resolvi postar um desenho meu antigo que havia gostado. Inspirado no casal que eu e meu amigo criamos, Artheo. O da esquerda de cabelo rosa se chama Eleonor, pertence a ele, e o da direita, é o Arthur, que no caso é meu personagem. Por enquanto é só isso, aguardem por mais desenhos =)
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sirisastensomeren · 4 years
Beeldentuin en atelier ArTheo weer open
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De beeldentuin en het atelier ArTheo aan de Behelp 15 in Heusden ging op zondag 17 mei weer open.
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A Small Box for Him
A bit late, I know, but I swear I wrote this right on time for Valentine’s. And yes, my fujoshi is showing and y’all can shoot me. As they say - make the content you want to see in the world.  If you wanna read more of my stuff, then check here.
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Theo scowled at the mound of boxes and gift bags that sat on Arthur’s coffee table. Given the other man's popularity, he should have expected him to receive this much, especially on such an irksome day - Valentine's.
A good number of them were obviously from more affluent members of society, while some were a lot more meek in appearance. Looking at them did nothing to improve his mood, however, and so he decided to just get it over with before he did anything he'd regret - like backing out. Vincent would no doubt find out about it if he gave up now, and he would be terribly upset if he was to hear that, despite his encouragements, his little brother still wasn't able to do something so simple as giving Arthur a box.
"I'll see you around," he grunted, marching his way towards the door.
"You're leaving already? And here I thought you'd be asking me out to dinner.”
Instead of reaching for the doorknob, Theo paused in front of the door and slipped his hand into his coat, pulling out the small box he had been carrying with him the whole day. “Drinks are on me tonight then. The usual place.”
Before Arthur could properly reply, Theo threw the box at him. Although it would have been satisfying if the box had hit him square on the face, Theo was pleased enough to see Arthur catch it, and left without saying another word, closing the door after him.
Alone in his room, Arthur had no choice but to check what exactly Theo had thrown him. He already had a good idea as to what was inside, but when he lifted the cover off of the simple, dark blue box and found pieces of chocolate - the exact kind that he liked - Arthur couldn’t help but smile to himself.
Popping a piece into his mouth, he picked up his pen once more and hoped that Theo would like the gift he had planned for him too.
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castawavy · 3 years
ran that DnD one shot for my sis and her friend and they freakin loved it 😎 gonna summarise funneh stuff that happened so read if u like Dungeons and Dragons shenanigags:
so party is rogue (CN) and cleric (LN):
rogue begs the ferryman of The Underworld to take him across the water
Artheos the ferryman ends up whacking him with his ore
rogue tries to steal coin from a soul, soul notices and gets super pissed
cleric is also mad
they realise that a Night Hag who lives on the island has been taking coin
rogue throws a rock to distract an enemy, enemy sees him throw it
rogue attempts to sing to a harpy, sings so badly she tries to kill him
rogue attempts to trick hag
tells hag he has a bell that will summon a goddess to do his bidding
hag tells him to ring the bell
he rings it... nothing happens, the deception is of course revealed
rogue manages to kill the Hag by calling her ‘Hagatha Bitchy’ (Hellish Rebuke spell used)
the cleric has been carrying the whole time and pumped an impressive 200hp of healing into rogue
rogue tries to take all of the coins from the hag
cleric realises and gives him 1 coin and she takes the other 49, 48 of which she returns to the lost souls who are stuck without coin for ferry
xd they want me to DM again and continue the story so I’m excited :-) 
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artheo4w · 3 years
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Hi! I'm Artheo, opening up art commissions. If you're looking for a Christmas gift, birthday gift, or just something to use for background wallpaper or display, just hit me up and it will be on your way!
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rosaliekali · 5 years
Sorry but who needs a pure blood sandwich when you can have a Artheo sandwich? A threesome with these two will make you forget your name and thank them for it. Also the name Artheo is hot lol
Listen, these two will compete to see which one can make you scream the loudest. They will carry on their friendly rivalry through you and use you to see which one is better in bed.
By the end of the day, the entire mansion will have known what you three were up to. Pretty sure Sebastian would have pages of notes down.
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irahomepage · 6 years
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Dear Mr. Future Husband - I.R.A Produced by Ross Godson Amazan Guitar Lead Play by Gahel Pointdujour Singer & Song-writter by I.R.A #InspiredMuzikRecords #Artheo #Single Relased [01/06/2018] (à Montreal, Quebec)
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formfeeding-blog · 5 years
Misirlou (B.O Pulp Fiction) by Artheos
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Artheos presente : MISIRLOU ( B.O Pulp Fiction) .
The post Misirlou (B.O Pulp Fiction) by Artheos appeared first on Good Info.
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expomahal-blog · 7 years
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Artheo 14 - Turkey - Istanbul http://expomahal.com/artheo-14-turkey-istanbul/ http://expomahal.com
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jellevandam121 · 7 years
Diefstal fiets bij Kromme Nol
Diefstal fiets bij Kromme Nol. Foto: Artheos. WIJK EN AALBURG – Opnieuw is er donderdag avond een fiets gestolen bij de Kromme Nol in Wijk en ... from Google-melding - diefstal https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.genderen.org/diefstal-fiets-kromme-nol/&ct=ga&cd=CAIyGTU5MjFlYjQwNjQ1M2QxNjQ6bmw6bmw6Tkw&usg=AFQjCNHNwplQliRmfRHFvQ8gmga62DGf8w
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un-cleo · 9 years
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Cleo and Arthur’s relationship: moodboard
As you wish.
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sirisastensomeren · 6 years
ArTheo Beeldentuin & Atelier
Theo van Dam opent iedere zondag van 11.00 tot 17.00 uur zijn ArTheo Beeldentuin & Atelier aan de Behelp 15 in Heusden.
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