#artist: butt berry
namocchi · 1 year
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Joined catberry's IG dtiys challenge :3 here's my version of it!
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staff · 11 months
Tumblr Tuesday: WooOOooOOOOhh!
Happy Halloween, Tumblr. We hope everyone is enjoying trick-or-treating and all the cursed images you're sending each other. From cute to creepy via weird and wonderful, here's a selection of Halloween art from your very own #Artists on Tumblr. 
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ceruleanslob · 6 months
sorry I've been inactive but here's some random ace attorney aus I thought of (yes, it's mainly wrightworth and krisnix since I'm obsessed with the 3 of them and all their possible dynamics):
misplaced affections- instead of Miles being Phoenix's fixation it was Kristoph (basically a swap between Miles and Kristoph in their role in Phoenix's life)
In a Painterly Way- Kristoph is an artist who is well-acclaimed until Phoenix Wright, a famous art critic, critiques his art for having no soul. The two basically meet and butt heads.
soulmate au- this one has variations:
soulmate marks -Edgeworth and Phoenix are together like the soulmates they were always meant to be, but when Phoenix meets Kristoph, he gains another mark; Edgeworth is not pleased
soulmate heartbreak- au where if one feels that their love for their soulmate is unreciprocated, they're given another soulmate. Phoenix thought his love for Edgeworth was unreciprocated so he was given Kristoph as a new option.. spoiler alert: Edgeworth likes him back this whole time and unfortunately for Phoenix, fate doesn't offer take-backsies
the soulmate diet- au where you can only taste the flavor associated with your soulmate/s in your life until you meet them for the first time. For Phoenix Wright, he can only taste berries: Strawberries and Blueberries specifically. (Of course it's narumitsu and krisnix ;)
Crack undertale au - no plot changes and not to be taken seriously, just the characters taking the roles of the ones in undertale
Frisk-Klavier Chara-Kristoph Toriel-Mia Asgore-Godot (????) mettaton-max galactica Undyne-Franziska Alphys-Ema Flowey/Asriel-Maya Sans-Phoenix (Beanix) Papyrus-Larry Grillby-Edgeworth (??? not sure) WD Gaster- Gregory Edgeworth Muffet- Angel Starr Monster Kid-Pearl Dogamy & Dogaressa-The Delites Greater Dog- Gumshoe Gerson-The Judge Temmie- Trucy (???)
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ask-baldurs-gate · 8 months
Hey Boo, what is your favorite kind of nut/seed to eat? Or are you more of a berry kind of hamster?
(Minsc is welcome to translate for the little fella if need be)
(also to the artist: your art is super cute, keep it up! It's always nice to see more BG1 and 2 content ^-^)
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Boo kicks villainous butts and nibbles upon the meaty marrow of evil!
...He says sunflower seeds and grapes are fine too, though.
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I take lot of things in my life in stride. I always have too, it's gotta be in your nature as a kid like I was or else life kills you.
So with that in mind, I've rediscovered why this stupid rifle I found in the bolt-hole under the east-west mag-rail was even a thing.
>It's a first-person video, shot from Bev's cybernetic eye. In her grubby hands is that weird rifle that was leaning against the wall of her shelter. It's already been worked on again, its overly-artistic stock replaced with a lighter, hollow, carbon-fiber butt (that appears to have some sort of meat-mallet face on the bashing-end); the receiver is covered in erratic sharpie marks, all over its freshly-machined surfaces. Perhaps further plans for the thing's progression.
>The rifle's already firing away, spilling through it's soda-can-shaped magazine in ten-shot bursts of glowing-green bullets. They trace neon-like lines across the distance as Berri's assigned paper targets (attached to ashen columns) are punched through in bursts of greenish powder. A brand new "Computer" has been attached to the side of the receiver, out of which a number of wires (and a tube) dip into various places in the rifle. The tube itself slides through a separate device (one custom made, rather than the dreamcast memory-card she's using for the "computer,") before emerging out the other end and terminating in a hexagonal ring, welded to the base of the gun-barrel.
>Whatever the fuck is going on with that gun, the damage is pretty wild, as the burst-fire shots hadn't finished their travels at the targets. The concrete wall beyond her, marked with decades of fading graffiti, layered on top of one another as new ideas come and go, is now a pock-marked sight of devastation. An ominous green light simmers where the rifle hit the wall, still smoking and almost... sizzling. It's an audible sound, uncomfortably so, even from across the makeshift firing range, even in ringing echo of an extremely loud, heavy rifle.
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wellreaad · 2 months
omg hi berry ily this is gonna be a bit long so under the cut will be the msg
berry tbh ur one of my closer friends, you’re genuinely so sweet and loving and you always make me smile
youre very open to trying new things and i really like that, not a lot of ppl are as open minded as you are tbh
i also enjoy your humor and how much you can make me laugh, youre super funny and i love that sm
abd dont get me started on ur ideas bc HOLY SHIT YOURE SO GOOD AT COMING UP WITH SHIT, i think abt ur ideas almost daily and it genuinely baffles mr how creative you are and hoe good you are at storytelling, you can come up with something for anything and it blows my mind at how artistic you are, youve nade me like booktag more which is a huge w
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colorisbyshe · 8 months
"#concert behaviour has gotten so bad since venues opened up after lockdown" slightly related, but the one rule now that pisses me off beyond anything is when people tell others not to sing loudly at concerts because 'you're there to listen to the artist sing' and 'you're ruining other peoples' experiences' it's so fucking snobby. like um. sorry, but no? i'm going to sing the songs i came here to see performed because i love them? the thing concerts were pretty much made for??
if these kids (and yeah, I'm calling them kids, because it's mostly FROM kids) knew what concerts were like when I was the same age as them they would explode on the spot and get kicked out of the venue for being stupid. they don't want anyone to do ANYTHING "disruptive" (see: singing, dancing, moshing if it's a hardcore show, etc) at these shows so they can get instagram and tiktok clips for clout.
and i KNOW i sound like a massive boomer because of it but i really don't care. if you can't handle other people singing in your videos because they're 'too loud' and take away from the aesthetic of a live concert video that's a you problem. maybe don't go to concerts, then <3
(not you, obviously, but it made me think of the things i've seen on TT from teens/early 20's people and I apologize for the rant)
See... you're not gonna get the most sympathetic ear from me on this one because the singing thing is REEEEAAALLY context specific.
I don't think you should be sing-screaming the entire concert--typically, there are moments where it's expected and moments where it's really, really not and you do need ot just chill and listen. And the big issue about "singers' during concert is people doing their own vocal runs and operatic shenanigans OVER the actual singer. Like... I LOVE singing along (though I mostly lip-sing at concerts because I uh...... struggle to retain lyrics) but I've been thoroughly pissed off by people singing like they just left the high school theater club while at a fucking rock show. Like... you are not Rachel Berry auditioning for NYADA... chill the fuck out.
Like... it's very much "Yeah, match the vibe of the audience" thing. Your singing along should NOT stand out. It shouldn't.
If you become the Main Character of a concert for the audience, the people around you, the actual performers, you have committed a party foul. Go the fuck home.
There needs to be a balance between just standing there with your phone, not showing any enthusiasm at all (ALSO an issue I've had with recent concerts) and like... making the entire concert about YOU at the expense of the peopel around you.
Like, I love a good mosh pit. If you alone are flailing in the crowd and shoving into people when no one else is responding in kind, you are an asshole.
Match the vibe.
You should not be more memorable than the performer. Period.
I'm not necessarily a concert expert (I've been to about ~50 shows, ranging from being in the pit at bar shows to seeing pop acts at metlife to kpop to indie rock to shows for middle aged people throwing around beach balls) but like... I know that much.
There is no har dand fast rule but... read the fucking room. And sometimes, "the room" can just be the people in your immediate vicinity. Of course, sometimes people ARE too strict and just want the perfect video, so fuck 'em, but sometimes... you aaaare the problem.
I've seen people get kicked out and I've never thought they didn't deserve it. Shout out to the drunk person who was like... trying to head butt people at an Against Me show that was crazy.
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15 Questions for 15 Mutuals
Was tagged by @khazrablood. Thank you!! I needed something like this today!
Tagging: @alder-berry @twolargepepperoni-and-a-calzone @bleumanouche @kyngsnake @just-another-wasteland-merc @boxonthenile @totally-not-deacon and @ottersmallpaws - and anybody else who would like to play!
1. Are you named after anyone?
Nope. And my parents chose my name before it got modestly popular. My birth name is Jenna, but seriously...use Maggie. I really do love that name.
2. When was the last time you cried?
About 5 minutes ago when a teacher I've been avoiding due to him hitting one of my PTSD triggers came in an asked me bluntly if I was or was not still in his class. Luckily, I'm in a friend's class and got snacks, tissues, hugs, praise for how I handled the situation, and stress toys.
3. Do you have kids?
I have two lovely chosen kiddos! @boxonthenile - my daughter from another mother who I've known since they were 16 (when we met on Tumblr and I began to mom them because Seriously Nile- that isn't safe!) and @karimelthefloof - who is @alder-berry's goblin child and by extension, my step??daughter. She's an amazing artist and I'm so damn proud of her!
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Pft. Yes.
5. What sports do you play/have you played?
I consider walking my sport because it's hard and I'm bad at it.
6. What's the first thing you notice about other people?
Smiles and eyes. And hair!
7. Eye color?
Chestnut brown!
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings.
9. Any special talents?
Making biscuits. I've been told my buttermilk biscuits are heavenly.
10. Where were you born?
Hollywood, Florida
12. Do you have any pets?
I do! The family shares two cats: Philippe (19 yrs old - very old and a man) and Tuna Noodle Casserole aka Nugget aka Mr. Meow Meow aka Mr. Fluffy Tails (2 yrs old and very cute - lots of smol thoughts), Chip of the Dales aka Chip aka Butt Baby (10 yrs old - a miniature schnauzer. He saw AWOOO!), Tilda (one very old fan-tailed pigeon), and Mango (one young standard rock dove who Wants To Fight).
13. How tall are you?
5'2" / 157.48 cm
14. Fave subject in school?
A toss-up between English and Choir. In college (for the 2nd degree), I loved Cohort and really enjoyed Washington History.
15. Dream job?
I don't know about a dream job, but my new job goal is middle school Science teacher (ages 11 - 13). I'm 46 and honestly, my dream job isn't a type of job so much as a school with a good administration and teachers I get along with.
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jaskierswolf · 3 years
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Sugar and Spice
Thanks to @journeythroughunknownlands for working with me on this christmassy collab! It's been a blast and an honour! Penis cookies came up in the discord and thus this idea was born. Enjoy!
Pairing: Geraskier
CW: hurt/comfort, bad childhood memories, but mostly just Christmas fun
On AO3 - Art
The holiday season was upon them and the apartment was filled with tinsel and fairy lights, and every other garish decoration that Jaskier could find. He’d had Christmas music playing since November, much to Geralt’s dismay, but if there was one thing that Jaskier loved it was Christmas. This year was even more important too because it was his first holiday season with Geralt in their own place. After years of dating, they had finally taken the leap, and Jaskier couldn’t wait to start making Christmas traditions of their own. Maybe it was coming from a broken home or maybe it was all the cheesy Christmas romances he’d absorbed over the years, but he knew it had to be perfect.
So maybe he’d gone a little overboard with the decorations, but he was excited.
Geralt… not so much.
It didn’t help that Geralt was scheduled to work everyday except Christmas Day itself, and there was very little time for him to get into the Christmas spirit, but Jaskier was doing his best. He’d left a few ornaments for Geralt to hang on the tree, and he always made sure to play Geralt’s favourite Christmas song in the evenings, the real version too, even if Jaskier still believed that his cover was far superior. Chuck Berry was brilliant, but Jaskier was better, and deep down he knew that Geralt really did like his singing, but he was old fashioned at heart. To Geralt there was nothing better than the old favourites.
All in all Jaskier’s grand Christmas extravaganza was coming together. The house smelled like apple and cinnamon, thanks to the infusers, and really it was all starting to look like Santa’s Grotto. There was only one thing left:
When he was a kid, Jaskier had always made cookies with his babysitters around christmas. It was one of the few joys he’d had at Christmas once he’d gotten old enough to realise that opening a pile of presents on his own didn’t mean fuck all. They were lovely and all, but in his adult years, Jaskier was a firm believer that homemade gifts and time spent with loved ones was far superior to cold yet expensive gifts. The cookie cutters had been a stocking present from Santa one year, and every year after that he’d begged his parents to bake with him, but every year the task fell to his babysitters, and then… well… just to him.
But now he had Geralt!
It was a new era of Christmas, and baking. Geralt was due home any minute, and Jaskier was desperate to get at least one batch of cookies in the oven before his boyfriend came through the door. It would just be so fucking domestic to come home to the scent of warm cookies, and then Geralt could help him decorate whilst they got a second batch in the oven. It was going to be perfect.
Or at least… it would be if he could find the fucking cookie cutters. Between not entirely unpacking and all the lights and tinsel, he couldn’t find them anywhere, and Jaskier really didn’t trust his artistic ability enough to draw christmas trees, stars and people.
The only thing he’d ever been good at drawing was cocks.
Much to the chagrin of his university roommate, Valdo had been stuck with penises on his face for days when drunk Jaskier had accidentally picked up a permanent marker instead of a biro.
Jaskier pouted down at the sheet of cookie dough all ready for cutting and baking. Then, before he could change his mind, grabbed a knife from the drawer. Penis cookies would have to do. It wasn’t exactly christmassy, but hey, maybe if Jaskier tied a bow around his own cock, he could persuade Geralt otherwise. He grinned as he began to carve out the shapes into the dough, wiggling his butt as he sang along to Shakin’ Stevens. He missed every other verse, the concentration distracting him from the song, making his tongue flick out from in between his lips. It was a frustrating habit, but at least Geralt said it looked cute.
Eventually he had ten, not entirely uniform cocks ready to bake, and he was rather proud of them. It would be fun to eat at any rate, innuendos galore! They were nearly done baking when Geralt returned. Jaskier didn’t hear the door open, too busy belting out Mariah Carey into his wooden spoon microphone and he almost fell on his ass when he turned round to see Geralt standing in the doorway.
His boyfriend was wearing a black and red Christmas jumper with the words “Bah Humbug” stitched onto the front. It was totally unfair how hot he still looked in an ugly christmas jumper, but perhaps love truly was blind. Jaskier grinned and jumped into Geralt’s arms, wrapping his legs around Geralt’s waist as their lips met in a sugary kiss.
“You’re home,” Jaskier sighed, pressing his forehead against Geralt’s and then laughing at the smear of flour now covering his boyfriend’s cheeks. “Oops!”
“Kitchen looks like a bombs hit it, Jask.”
“Worth it!” Waving off Geralt’s protests, Jaskier wiggled free and ran to the oven, just as the timer started to beep. He swiped up the oven mitts and proudly showed off his creation with a wide smile.
The look on Geralt’s face showed he was less than impressed, one eyebrow raised as he glanced between the tray of misshapen cocks and Jaskier. “Penises aren’t christmassy?”
“Yes they are!”
“It’s Christmas, there are cookies. They are Christmas cookies, and thus!” Wildly sweeping his hand across the room, Jaskier scooped up a cookie from the tray, wincing as it burned a little in his hands. “Penises are, in fact, christmassy!”
Geralt tilted his head and smirked, arms crossing in front of his chest. “So…” there was something in Geralt’s tone of voice that instantly had Jaskier narrowing his eyes at his boyfriend. “No cocks in summer?”
“Wait what?!”
“Can’t have Christmas things in summer. December only.”
Pulling the cookies away from Geralt’s reach, Jaskier pouted. “You don’t deserve these. You are a horrible boyfriend!”
“You love me,” Geralt chuckled, his fingers brushing Jaskier’s cheek as he stopped him from fleeing, and then Jaskier was pulled into a chaste kiss. It was only natural to melt against his boyfriend’s chest, and the tray nearly went crashing to the ground. Only Geralt’s quick thinking stopped it as he caught the tray one handed, grabbing a tea towel at lightning speed and sliding the tray onto the countertop.
“God, I really do,” Jaskier hummed, his lips barely leaving Geralt’s. “But… you have to make cookies with me.”
Pouting up with perfected puppy eyes at Geralt, Jaskier knew it was only a matter of time before his boyfriend crumbled, and sure enough, Geralt scoffed and rolled his eyes after barely a few seconds.
“Christmas penis cookies?”
“Yes, fuck… you little shit,” Geralt groaned making Jaskier laugh.
Before long they were both covered in flour, icing and chocolate, curled up together on the sofa with steaming mugs of mulled wine, and a plateful of brightly decorated cocks. Jaskier’s particular favourites were the ones with the shiny sugar balls that looked like piercings, but Geralt preferred his design with the bows. The upbeat rhythm of Chuck Berry’s Run Rudolph Run, echoed through the speakers as Jaskier hummed along through mouthfuls of cock, and even Geralt tapped his foot as they watched the fire crackle in the hearth.
Jaskier sighed, resting his head against Geralt’s shoulder. Maybe next year he should get a set of penis shaped cookie cutters. It could be their first new Christmas tradition.
@geraltrogerericduhautebellegarde, @comfyswitcherblanketfort, @fontegagrilledcheese, @dani-dandelino, @dapandapod @damnbert @officerjennie @feraljaskier @geralt-of-riviass @kueble @gilberik @llamasdumpsterfire @wherethewordsare @trickstermoose67 @alllthequeenshorses @skai6 @karolincki
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pascalpanic · 3 years
so i read this scenario on reddit and i thought it would be a cute and fluffy fic idea if you want to write it :)
one of the Pedro boys (i was thinking frankie or marcus moreno but you can put any one of them that you feel like would fit the story) lands himself in the hospital and the reader visits him often cause they’re friends. they notice that every time they visit, his heart rate monitor speeds up, like not enough to cause alarm but enough to be noticeable, and that’s how she finds out that he likes her and they decide to date (after he gets out of hospital)
Appendicitis (Frankie Morales x f!reader)
Summary: ^^
W/C: 2.4K
Warnings: talk of being ill, vomit, pain, lots of talk of hospitals and that being a major setting, Frankie is a dad, language
A/N: welcome back to Josie’s quest to clean her inbox! This idea was so precious!! I hope you guys like it!!
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Frankie is in fucking agony. Never has he felt something as painful as this, never has such pain radiated through his body so intensely that he has no choice but to vomit out his stomach’s contents.
He spends the day at home, occupying his daughter as best he can while he’s in such suffering. He figures that maybe it’s just really bad gas cramping or constipation. Marisol plays quietly, at her daddy’s request, watching her favorite Disney movies on the couch while nuzzled into his side. Frankie has never been so grateful to get her into bed at the end of the day.
After a full day of the pain, and realizing that it wasn’t going away no matter how many painkillers he took, Frankie gave in around midnight. Lying in his bed, skin turning gray and the pain now decisively in his right side, Frankie called you.
After a few rings, you picked up. “Hey, Fish.”
“Hi.” His voice sounds agonized. “How much do you charge for babysitting again?” He asks, the strain clear.
You’re confused, pushing the phone closer to your ear and thinking it might be the distance that makes him sound so odd. “Uh, you’re my friend, so free. You need me to take Mari?” You ask him.
He nods. “Yeah; how much for like a week though? I don’t want to impose though, and-“
His voice sounds terrible. “Frankie. Shut up. A week? What’s wrong? I can take Marisol for as long as you need, but I gotta know what’s going on.”
Frankie is quiet before he grunts softly in pain. “I think my appendix might be fucked up. It hurts like fucking hell. Mari’s asleep, I don’t wanna wake her or anything, but could you-“
You cut him off once more, sitting bolt upright. “I’m on my way over. Do you think you can hang on until I get there? I can drive you to the hospital, or we’ll get one of the boys.”
“That sounds good,” Frankie agrees. “Fuckin’ ambulances are so expensive.”
You chuckle softly. “Hang in there, Fish, okay? I’m gonna call Will, see if he can drive you and I’ll stay with Mari. How’s that?”
Marisol loves you. There’s no better solution in Frankie’s eyes: she behaves better for you than she does for him. She’ll be in good hands, happy for as long as he needs to be in the hospital healing. “Perfect. God, you’re a fucking angel. Don’t deserve you.”
“You deserve better than me,” you snort as you pull on a hoodie and slip on some shoes. “I’m gonna call Will. You got this, Fish. Distract yourself. I’ll send you updates.”
When you arrive at the Morales household, Will’s truck is already in the driveway. He lives closer, so it makes sense. Be quiet and don’t wake Mari, you remember as you slip off your shoes and head up the stairs of Frankie’s home. It’s quiet, unsurprising for this time of night, and you know Mari is a light sleeper. Frankie would never want to wake her at this hour.
Wandering into his room, you find Will standing next to the bed and an incredibly worn-looking Frankie. His skin holds barely any color, his face almost green in nausea. You rush to his side. “Frankie, holy shit,” you exclaim in a loud whisper, taking his hand. “You’re okay?”
“I will be if Miller mans up and gets me out of this bed,” he says, followed by a chuckle with no humor.
Will sighs. He’s wearing pajamas too, looking as exhausted as you are. Frankie groans as he hears Mari’s tiny voice over the baby monitor. “Fuck. You’re staying with her, Will’s bringing me?” He clarifies, looking up at you with bloodshot eyes.
Nodding, you squeeze his hand. “Give me directions quickly and I’ll go get her. You gotta sit up first, Frankie,” you reassure him.
He squeezes your hand back tight and sits up, his face contorting in pain. There’s a flush of redness to his cheeks, and it makes him look more human for a moment until it fades again. “She won’t fall back asleep unless she’s in this bed with you. She needs the attention. Uh, food is in the fridge, you know emergency shit,” he says, with surprising coherence for the pain he’s in.
You nod and ruffle Frankie’s soft bedhead. “Benny- fuck,” you wince, knowing the Miller brothers hate being mixed up. Somehow, even with their distinct personalities, you do it all the time. “Will. Send me updates,” you remind him as you stand. “And you, Francisco,” you murmur and press a kiss to his sweat-beaded forehead, “get some strong pain meds and get better for me and Mari.” You smile softly and walk out of the room.
The room next to Frankie’s is beautiful, a sage green paint and lots of woodland creatures painted on the walls by Frankie’s surprisingly artistic hands. There’s a crib covered by a creamy white canopy and the little girl pokes her head up, tilting to the side in confusion as she sees you.
It’s not fear, of course. Mari loves you, absolutely adores you in fact. She’s just… confused. Her little brain can tell it’s the middle of the night. “Where’s Daddy?” She asks, making uppy arms at you.
You walk over to her crib, picking her up and kissing her head. “Daddy’s got a tummyache, cutie,” you tell her and tickle her tummy gently, making her giggle and bury her tiny face in your chest. “He’s gonna go see the doctor and get it all fixed up, okay? You and I are gonna have so much fun,” you assure her, and she giggles again.
You can hear two sets of feet, slowly moving. “Let’s go give Daddy a kiss goodbye, okay?” Mari nods and rubs her little eyes.
Frankie’s got an arm around Will’s shoulders in the hall, looking absolutely agonized. He smiles a little as he sees you and his baby. “Hey, patita,” he chuckles. He dubbed her duckling from the soft tufts of fluff on her head as a baby. “Be good while I’m gone.”
Mari nods and puts a hand on either side of Frankie’s sweating face, making a little pout and giving him a kiss. “Love you, Daddy,” she says, a yawn overtaking her tiny face.
“Love you too,” he nods and looks up at you. “I owe you.”
“Friends don’t owe each other,” you shake your head. “Now get your a… butt to the hospital, Morales,” you tell him and pat Will on the shoulder. “Thanks, man.”
He nods at you and the two men shuffle along through the house until they can get Frankie into the car and on his way to (hopefully) sedation and a cure.
Yawning again, Mari’s big brown eyes look up at you from where you hold her on your hip. “Snack?” She asks you, pointing towards the kitchen.
Her little voice and tiny, pudgy fingers are too much. “I suppose. Only because we’re having special girls’ time,” you tease and boop her nose. Setting her on the counter, you grab some cubes of cheese and some berries, which you make sure are in small pieces.
Mari’s content to eat her snacks with you, and you can see her growing sleepier again as the plate empties out. “Sleepy?” You ask her, and she nods. “Alright, cutie pie,” you sigh and lift her, holding her to your chest as she wraps her arms around your neck and her legs around your torso. “Do you want me to cuddle with you?” You ask.
She nods. “Gotta snuggle for late sleepies. Daddy says that.”
The words melt your heart. Frankie’s always been so good with her, so warm and skilled and precious. It only makes your crush on the man grow every time his little girl babbles about how much she loves her daddy. “Does he?”
She nods. “Daddy sings for me.”
Frankie singing Marisol to sleep. The idea melts your heart. You need in on that. “What does he sing to you?” You ask. “What’s your favorite song that daddy sings to you?”
She thinks for a moment as you sit on the edge of the bed, allowing her to clamber off your lap and into the cozy king-sized bed. “Rocket Man.” It’s hard to decipher in her baby-talk, but you get it.
“He sings that for you?” You ask as you get under the covers, into the blankets that are still warm from Frankie’s body heat, that smell like his cologne.
Mari snuggles into your chest, and nods softly. “Can you sing Rocket Man?”
“Of course,” you nod and trace little circles into the toddler’s back, singing the Elton John song to her in a soft voice. It doesn’t take long, now that she’s in her daddy’s bed and got a snack, for her to fall asleep. She snores softly, and you follow suit not too long after.
It did turn out that Frankie had appendicitis. The doctors weren’t entirely sure what caused it, but you and the Miller brothers rotated your time with Marisol at home and the hospital with Frankie, as his stay was painfully long for such an active man. Santiago video chatted often, but being out of town prevented him from physically seeing Fish.
It took him about a week to recover, and that time was mostly spent napping or watching the television in his room. He’d bullshit with the guys or you when you were around, and he especially loved the time of the afternoon every day where one of you brought Marisol to see him.
Usually it was just you or one of the Millers who stayed in the room with him. The other two either stayed with Marisol or got to stay at home and rest for themselves. It was a lucky day when you and Benny got to both be with Frankie for a while, telling stories and laughing. It was your turn to be off-duty, but all you wanted from your free time was to be with the man.
Your presence has always made Frankie’s heart rate a little faster. It’s always made his palms a little clammy, and his pants a little tighter sometimes. At least now he can attribute it to the pain.
Every time his eyes catch yours, his heart monitor gets a little louder. It’s odd, but you shrug it off. It can’t mean anything. It’s just your Frankie. After an hour or so of spending time with the guys, you run to get fast food for the three of you. While you’re away, you receive a text from Benny.
Benny Boy: you’re fucking with his head, bro
You: what?
Benny Boy: the heart rate monitor is nearly silent right now. every time frankie looks at you it spikes, don’t tell me you haven’t been noticing that
You: do you want nuggets or a burger?
You: thats ridiculous, Benny.
Benny Boy: always nuggets. but seriously, his heart rate is at like 54 right now, he’s just chilling and kind of dozed off. let’s check it when you come back.
You: be prepared for the most boring science experiment ever. also, what dip do you want?
After you receive your bulging bags of food, stuffed from both Benny’s and Frankie’s massive appetites, you return to the hospital.
You: walking in. pulse status?
Benny: 60. he’s a little more awake now.
As you enter the room, Frankie turns to you and grins. “Hey. What did you get?” He asks.
You plop the bags on the small table overhanging Frankie’s bed and grin. “Just your usual order. I know what you like,” you shrug as you unpack the food.
Beep beep beep beep. HR: 77
Smiling at the rate of Frankie’s heart, more than you should really, you sit down back next to Benny and the three of you eat your food. It’s somewhat quiet, the chatter dying as you devour the fast food, savoring the grease and salt.
After everyone is finished, you stand and clean up the garbage, tossing it all away. You sit back down on Frankie’s bedside. “So, macho man. How’s the pain?” You ask, your fingers tracing his good side.
Beep beep beep beep beep. HR: 86
He shrugs. “It hurts like a bitch, and they said it’s gonna keep hurting like a bitch.”
“Poor baby,” you chuckle, cupping the side of his face and kissing his forehead softly.
Beep beep beep beep beep beep. HR: 96
Benny groans and stands. “I’m gonna hit the bathroom.” He smacks your arm as he walks past, as if rubbing in the evidence he’s found. “And then take a walk, I think.”
You’re still seated at Frankie’s side, on the inflatable hospital mattress. “Oh Benjamin,” Frankie rolls his eyes. “Why’d he leave so quick?”
You shrug, though you know the answer. “Who knows? Benny can’t even predict himself,” you chuckle. Frankie’s hand rests over his chest. You slide your hand over his torso and lace your fingers through his until you’re holding it. You can feel his heart thumping steadily against it. “I’m really glad you’re okay.”
Beep beep beep beep. HR: 104
He smiles. “I’m lucky I have you.”
You sigh softly as you look up at the heart rate monitor again. “I gotta say, you have a really high resting rate,” you say nonchalantly, as if you believe it.
Frankie’s face warms. “I, uh-“
“I’m kidding, Frankie,” you mumble softly to him, smiling a little. “I really like you, and I think that monitor is helping me know you like me too. When you get out of here, can we maybe go on a date some time?”
Beepbeepbeepbeepbeep. HR: 112
Nodding enthusiastically, those floppy curls move with his head. “I would love that,” he tells you with a beaming smile. “God, have you been able to tell all day?” He asks as he looks up at the monitor, his ears burning with heat as he reads the pulse rate. It’s embarrassingly high.
“Yeah,” you finally admit and smile down at him. “But it’s cute. And it makes me feel all warm inside because I finally know you like me too.”
Big brown eyes stare up at you with all of the love in the world. “If I wasn’t wearing a hospital gown, I’d kiss you right now,” he promises. “But that’ll have to wait.”
“Yes it will,” you nod and kiss his forehead again, easing him back against the mattress he’d lifted up from slightly. “Now I’m going to go find Benny, and you slow down that heart rate,” you tease and ruffle his curls.
“I’m not gonna be able to slow it down with you around,” he says with a soft smile, his eyes slipping shut.
@remmysbounty @mishasminion360 @blo0dangel @binarydanvvers  @sleep-tight1 @apascalrascal @randomness501 @spideysimpossiblegirl @notabotiswear @pedro-pastel @sanchosammy @lv7867 @greeneyedblondie44 @hunnambabe @astoryisaloveaffair @emesispo @pedritobalmando @magikfanatic @a-court-of-feysand-and-elorcan
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Some are NSFW, you have been warned.
• Big, warm hands. Not too warm, not too cold.
• Impressive muscle mass with a healthy amount of fat around the tummy, hips and legs. Is self conscious about his squishy bits but will never be open about it, not unless you coax it out.
• Really enjoys food, takes you out to eat a often
• Works out every single day, mainly pushups and punching something. Tuff guy over here.
• A switch but will never admit it
• Can trade between being a soft, doting top to a rough and dominant top. Also has a side to him where he is an awed and enthralled bottom
• Very into body worship, giving and receiving. Likes to make you feel loved and feel loved.
• Great at oral, like mind blowing
• Open to most kinks, bondage and blindfolding are favourite to toy around with
• Really, really likes holding hands.
• Little kisses, all the time, here and there. End of conversation? Kiss. Going off to find something in the store? Kiss. Off to do something? Need help? No? Kiss.
• Long, slow, sleepy kisses before bed and when waking up.
• Often kisses shoulders when shirts provide access.
• Really enjoys being doted on, kiss his face gently all over and he melts. Play with his hair, trace imaginary patterns on his skin, massages.
• He's wrapped around your little finger, and often says so.
• Is actually really good at singing, refuses to admit it
• Thinks it's fun to annoy you, just a little bit, he knows when to cease and desist.
• Enjoys cooking, is surprisingly good at it!
• Hugs it out when you get frustrated with something
• Likes watching cooking shows and YouTube videos, purely because they are soothing
• Skateboards. Not everywhere, or all the time, but knows how and it's a hobby.
• A pretty good artist too. Mainly graffiti style stuff. Can't use graphite pencil for peanuts but is great with paint and spray paint.
• Doesn't know how washing machines work, just knows to put a liquid in and press a button. If anything else is accidentally pressed, he asks you or Plumeria for help.
• Is absolutely enthralled by watching you do your makeup
• Has 100% let you do his and been super into it
• Plumeria joined in, it was a lot of fun
• Golisopod is a big puppy and loves you almost as much as Guzma does
• Cheek kisses will always make him blush
• Doesn't like blueberries
• What do you mean there are different kinds of fruits other than apples, oranges, berries and bananas????
• Is a pro at pirating games and movies
• This lad is an absolute unit. 190cm tall, muscle thicc, big bones, big diCk
• PHAT ass
• If you spank his booty he will either laugh, turn around and attack you with tickles and kisses or try to get you back
• Wants nothing more than for you to see yourself as perfectly as he sees you
• Always offers to help with housework or straight up does it himself, likes taking care of you
• 👏Wants👏you👏to👏feel👏appreciated👏
• Buys you things that made him think of you
• Guys really weird, obscure mugs from thrift shops and dollar stores
• Always laughs at anything genital themed
• Uses "bruh" unironically
• Crazy supporter of BLM and LGBT+
• Plumeria is a lesbian and they are absolute bros what do you expect
• He will kiss every part of you that you find unattractive and tell you how wrong you are, if you do the same for him he might cry??
• Very sensitive nipples, use them in the bedroom for some entertaining reactions
• Open to but stuff, vibrators drive him sky high
• Will never, ever cheat. Fucking hates that shit, he's had his heart broken and he never wants to break yours.
• Faithful mans, theoretically married to you from day one
• Loves to make you laugh
• Sometimes just... stares at you... because of how beautiful you are. Or your ass or yiddies because he's a simple man.
• L o v e s ya yiddies
• Weed. Definitely uses weed.
• Will not hesitate to kick a parent for hitting their kid, 100% marches over and gives them a piece of his mind
• Knows how to steal cars flawlessly
• Knows a guy for just about everything
• Fancy underwear? He's speechless and honoured. After all he doesn't feel like he deserves nice things, but here you are, a nice thing dressed in nice things.
• Loves seeing you wear his clothes, especially if you're not wearing pants
• Likes video games a lot, gets unnecessarily competitive and rages on an Arin Hanson level, but is easily calmed down. Won't break things.
• Grabs his hair, runs his hands through his hair and pulls his hair when he feels a rangof emotions.
• Doesn't like seeing you in pain, will always do everything he can to help.
• Cake is godsent
• Will grab your butt often, loves it when you grab his
• Can and will win eating competitions
• Randomly goes for walks at night, will invite you along but if you wanna stay in he'll give you a big kiss and promise to be back soon. It's think time, sometimes snack-buying time.
• Wants you to eat. Constantly asks if you've been eating good. Needs to know you're healthy.
• Always comes to the doctors with you. Holds your hand and is always way more worried than you are.
• Really bad at putting furniture together, electronics however are a piece of cake.
• Always slouching. Knows he shouldn't.
• Is a great heat source in cold weather, warm but not too warm.
• Surprisingly soft skin, follows the same skincare routine as you do because you and Plumeria are the only way he learns this stuff.
584 notes · View notes
battlemaiden13 · 4 years
Master List 2
Round 2
Favourite Scents
S/o is a mage PART 1, PART 2
Housemate can’t cook 
S/o broke a bone 
Cooking ability 
Seagull stole a hotdog
Berry and Syrup with a Male S/o
S/o Crocheted a scarf 
To be genuine friends with Swapfell and underfell
Walks past a cute baby 
Best friend young sibling has a crush on the skeletons
S/o is a complete day dreamer 
S/o has an epileptic fit 
S/o with a physical disability 
Playing cuphead 
Comforting sad and stressed S/o
Favourite horror movies 
Reading their crushes secret diary 
S/o makes dolls when their skeleton is going away for a while 
Zumba Classes 
How many water bottles does the skeletons have in the room 
S/o has an inability to feel pain
S/o accidentally ignoring skeletons  
Naive S/o suddenly becoming serious and aware 
S/o is having a panic attack 
What romantically attracts the skeletons 
Soulmate doesn’t like men 
S/o with amnesia 
S/o has their head in the clouds 
Reaction to bitty bones 
Skeletons feelings on tattoos 
S/o loves dark humor 
Interactions with the Mirror bros 
Reaction to being physically picked up 
Wearing the skeletons clothes 
Soulmate AU: Switching bodies 
Improvised face masks
Animal crossing 
S/o enjoys making towers 
S/o owns a haunted necklace 
Pet owners s/o doesn’t like their pets 
S/o is secretly a badass
S/o was an underground fighter 
Berry and Blue with Bear nicknames 
Human traditions
Gift basket  
Skeletons and attention 
Asgore and Toriel with a human friend who sings in public
April fools  
Error hoping timelines 
Friend with bad posture 
S/o fell underground 
Dying there hair the skeletons Magic colour PART 1, PART 2
Artist S/o asking to draw the skeletons PART 1, PART 2
S/o has seen a save point 
Supernatural creature 
Likes and dislikes 
S/o jumping in front of a projectile for them 
So has gone missing but has been found by the police 
Thoughts on mirror bros
S/o is a famous song writer
S/o is part dragon 
Skeletons as fairytale characters 
Crooks personality 
Male S/o is ticklish 
Deja Vu dreams 
Mythical creatures 
Selective mute 
S/o sings death metal with perfect fry vocals 
S/o is goddess of the moon
Crush's best friend is also their crushes ex
S/o has an accent 
S/o clings to skeleton during horror movies 
There's a wasp and S/o is deadly allergic 
S/o wearing the skeletons clothes
S/o puts people in their place
S/o is super forgetful   
S/o is constantly asked out
Glittered bombed
Pirates of the Caribbean
S/o is a tsundere 
Nightmare sans with a childhood friend 
Skeletons crush thinks that Grillby is hot
When the skeletons realized they liked S/o
Sleeping next to someone 
How the skeletons sleep 
wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood
S/o is very passionate while watching TV shows 
S/o introduces skeleton to their crazy family 
Eating bone marrow 
S/o Mirrors skeletons personality 
S/o appears neat and tidy but is a slob 
Syrup falling out of love 
Syrup falling for a third party 
S/o voices thoughts out loud 
Skeletons in a poly relationship 
Skeletons wedding 
S/o has an addiction 
Trans crush 
Super shy S/o says “I love you” 
Naive S/o who misses subtle ques 
Traits that attract the skeletons 
S/o has Autism
Autistic S/o whose good triggers are associated with the skeleton 
Autism shutting down, the skeletons reaction 
Assassination PART 1, PART 1.5,  PART 2
S/o saying the skeleton is their guardian angel
Syrups S/o faked their death 
S/o is a knight and Ink, Error, Fresh or NM is the king
Ink, Error, Fresh or NM are your bodyguard
Slapped the butt
Wearing revealing underwear 
Playing DDLC
Has Sans, Papyrus, Blue, Red, or Orange snapped anyone's neck?
Wearing something that accidentally turns the skeletons on PART 1, PART 2, PART 3
Skeleton kinks
Berry and Syrup Headcanons
More Berry and Syrup Headcanons 
Horrortale and MafiaFell Headcanons
Underfell Papyrus Headcanons
Underswap Papyrus Headcanons
1-10 on how pervy the skeletons are
Finish on their partners face
Orange and Edge Headcanons
Found Oranges Pictures
Sailor outfit
Dead Girl walking Scene from Heathers
S/o died in an accident so the human child resets. 
Yandere Nightmare Headcanons
Red and Orange with a perverted S/o
Tipsy crush makes a move on the skeleton 
Asexual Parnter 
Syrup trying to kill an immortal 
S/o is thought to be dead PART 1, PART 2
Snapped someone's neck 
Skeletons are a little to excited while s/o is sitting on their lap 
S/o covered in scars 
Mc is a jokester who can be a little fiery at times 
Skeletons react to Mc being excited to show them a video
Violated as a child
Nightmare with a male S/o (yandere and normal)
Breeding kink
Skeletons with a Chubby S/o
Skeletons friend is being held hostage 
Syrups S/o was kidnapped
S/o moaning their name 
Ahegao face
Saw housemate naked PART 1, PART 2
Sex with the skeletons 
Skeletons accidently getting their S/o horny 
S/o makes the skeleton horny 
Deep Throating PART 1, PART 2
Ink, NM, Error, Fresh and Dream going Yandere for their kid 
Skeletons as stalkers 
Skeletons find out their S/o is a virgin 
S/o is a virgin but wants to go to the next level 
Syrup S/o catches him being a yandere PART 1, PART 2, PART 3
Zombie apocalypse 
Pinned against a wall 
Skeletons and socks 
How do the skeletons get their partner in bed 
S/o is pregnant from a previous relationship 
S/o was attacked 
Their packages 
Heat with a S/o whose afraid of sex
General Yandere headcanons for NM, Ink, Error and Fresh
Learning about menstruation cycle
Learning about menstruation cycle Mint and Mango
Stoner and self harmer S/o
New bra, hold my breasts 
Both yandere 
146 notes · View notes
theonlygamergost · 4 years
A tattoo for a lost bet - Fd!au (1/3)
This fanfiction is based on the Family Dynamic au made by @antarctic-bay if you would like to know more, go check them out!!!
Also please bear in mind that the things written in this might not be canon!
This fic was corrected by the lovely @im-default
Techno and Skeppy bet on stupid things, and sometimes their bets can have very severe consequence if lost.
If you want to, look at what Minetra’s desing of Techno tattoo
Tw! Betting, swearing. Btw, this is very long
Next part --->
Childhood friends usually have that one thing they used to do or say when they were young, maybe even a habit they caught together and never got rid of. Techno and Skeppy used to bet on the stupidest things when they were young… Well, they still do bet on the stupidest things, but there is a difference from when they were young: they have some money now.
It was very normal for them to bet a couple of dollars on the stupidest things.
“My bus is going to arrive earlier than yours” Bet
“I’ll finish my homework before you” Bet
“I’m betting that you can’t finish your burger before I do” You’re on.
And these are just some examples, they really betted on everything, and Techno won half of them.
That’s why Skeppy stopped betting too much money when playing with him, literally half of Techno’s income was his won bets against him.
That’s why Techno barely stepped down from a bet coming from Skeppy, he was so confident that he also would bet the stupidest things to gain some dollars.
They didn’t bet only money though, they bet other things like objects or small things they had to do if they lost.
And honestly, Techno was so confident he could win a 1v1 in Minecraft against Skeppy, even though if he lost, he had to get a tattoo.
He hadn’t played in a few days due to all-nighters for last-minute tests, but Skeppy was worse than him anyway, it would have been fine… Right?
“You should get something edgy... like a skull!”
“I hate you”
Skeppy laughed as they stood in the waiting room of a tattoo place in town, Techno had lost the bet, and now, he had to get a tattoo.
“Look, you’re lucky I didn’t specify what tattoo you had to get” Techno took off his glasses and allowed his head to fall into his hands, “I know, if it was for you I’d have a dick tattooed on my forehead” Skeppy laughed again, Techno just exhaled in exasperation, out of all of the times he had to lose a bet, why this one?
The customer before them got up and entered what they guessed was the studio, Techno tensed up a little bit
“Do you already have an idea of what you’re getting? I’m pretty good at suggestions” He announced proudly placing his hands on his hips, gaining a death stare from Techno. “You are the last person I’d ask for a suggestion” Skeppy whispered “Ouch” before both of them smiled.
“To answer your question, yes, I do have something in mind”
I mean… after passing an entire night up, looking at tattoo ideas, he had an idea of what he could get, he just couldn’t find a photo or a drawing of what he wanted.
“By the way… “ Skeppy slipped his phone out of his hoodie, “... did you tell Phil about this?”
He froze
Skeppy noticed
“Don’t tell me… “ The boy with the light blue hoodie didn’t finish the question, scared of the answer.
Techno sighed…
and nodded.
“OH MY GOD TECHNO!!!” Skeppy bounced out of his seat, “ I THOUGHT YOU TOLD PHIL ABOUT THIS!!!” Techno gestured at him to be quiet, Skeppy sat back down.
“Phil would have never agreed to this! I had to do this without telling anyone” The customer and the Tattooist came out of the studio, “Plus, I’m doing this somewhere I can hide it pretty easily” he reassured, but mostly himself.
“Dude, you sound like you’re getting it on your butt” Techno pushed him lightly in response.
As the customer left, the tattoo artist came up to them and asked who of the two were here to get tattooed, Techno took a deep breath and got up.
No turning back now
“I applied a layer of petroleum jelly and put on a bandage, you’ll have to keep it for about twenty-four hours” Techno carefully listened to the tattooist after stepping out of the studio, “To avoid getting an infection, wash it with an antimicrobial soap and water, you can find it in any store, I recommend patting it dry instead of scratching it, put vaseline on it and keep it moisturized,” Skeppy was comfortably sitting on the couch, half-listening to what they were saying.
“For how long do I have to do this? Techno gently placed a hand on his left shoulder, “It’s a pretty big tattoo so...about four weeks” Skeppy’s eyes widened, p-pretty big? Four weeks? What in the hell did Techno get?
“Remember to do the whole process two times a day and don’t expose it to the sun, if you ever have any questions or insecurities, come see me kid, no worries.” Techno politely thanked him and gestured at Skeppy to follow him out, oh boy did Skeppy have questions for him.
“THERE WAS NO NEED TO GET IT THAT BIG!!!” Skeppy freaked out when Techno had told him the tattoo went from his left shoulder all the way to his elbow, he could have just gotten a letter or a dot and it would have been fine for him.
“To be honest, I was thinking of getting it smaller, but then the tattooer showed me a design he drew and… “ Rubbing the back of his head, he explained to Skeppy what happened in the studio while he was deciding what to get tattooed.  Skeppy calmed down hearing his friend happy about the choice he had made, hoping that he wasn’t going to regret it later.
“By the way… can I see it? Now you’ve made me curious!” Techno shook his head and Skeppy frowned in disappointment.
“I can’t show it right now, the bandages are on it and I can’t take them off for a day, maybe tomorrow at school” Techno smiled subtly, he will never admit this but he couldn’t wait to show Skeppy his tattoo.
Making their way to the bus stop, they shared earbuds to listen to some music, right now they were using Techno’s phone meaning that Monstercat was playing it their ears, specifically, “Call me” by Subtact.
But the music was just a background to fill in an eventual moment of silence, they had been talking since they left the coffee shop and the tattoo argument never left the conversation.
“Would you ever get a tattoo Skeppy?” Techno asked curiously, walking side by side with his best friend, his hands were casually placed in his hoodie’s pockets.
The brown-haired boy had his hands behind his head in a very anime-like pose, “Maybe, I think it would be way smaller than yours though” the sky over the city was grey, the sun’s light was barely able to pass through the immense stretch of clouds, summer was ending and school had already started.
The two young boys arrived at the bus stop and kept chatting until their ride home arrived, Techno’s bus arrived first so they waved their goodbye’s and went their own way.
While looking outside of the window, he started thinking about how to avoid any possible questions about the bandages in the bathroom that his brothers could find.
He opened the front door to find two brothers playing cards on the coffee table, both of them too absorbed in the game to greet him.
“What are you guys doing?” Techno passed next to them to go leave his bag into his room, “Waiting for you to get home, dinner is ready and Phil won’t be coming home until later” Wilbur spoke up, eyes fixed on his cards, “Don’t disappear Technoblade, I just need to heat the food and we can eat” Techno nodded and entered his room, opening his backpack to grab out the bandages and soap he bought before parting ways with Skeppy, he knew there was vaseline somewhere in the bathroom and Will had a moisturizing cream he never admits he has and uses, there was no point in buying them since they were at home already, he could just borrow them.
After taking his shoes off and slipping in his slippers, he exited his room to sit at the counter to eat with Wilbur and Tommy, placing his glasses by his plate and rubbing his tired eyes before taking his first bite.
There were about two or three minutes of silence before anyone started talking.
“Tubbo said that he, Nikki and Eret are planning on a movie night next Saturday, they invited us” Tommy broke the silence, the Berry siblings loved doing movie nights, they had a small projector which served as a monitor and a big ass couch where them plus the Pandel could all fit if squished a bit, reason why they usually invited them.
“I already said I’m going, you guys coming too?” He looked at his older brothers, but his gaze fixed on Techno’s left shoulder… was it just an impression or…?
“I don’t have anything to do so, yeah I’m down” Wilbur replied after taking a sip of water, “You Techno?”
Now both of their gazes were on the pink-haired brother, who was currently munching on a vegetable. “Yeah sure,” he shrugged it off,  “Have you asked Phil yet?”
Tommy’s eyes were still fixed on Techno’s left shoulder, “No… I was thinking of…asking him when he came- Techno wh-why is your left shoulder bigger than usual?”
He almost choked on his salad.
“What are you- Oh… yeah, you’re right” Wilbur also looked at his shoulder, welp, fuck.
“I… uh…” Techno almost stuttered, he had forgotten how vigil and attentive to details Tommy could be… what could he tell them…
Saying that he got in a fight was the worst idea ever, knowing his brothers they would have asked him the name, grade and address of who did this to him, so that idea was out of the question.
Eh, just deny it.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about” he took another fork of his salad, trying to play it cool, “But I swear it looks-”
“Maybe it’s this hoodie” he quickly interrupted him, he had to get the attention somewhere else, fast.
“This hoodie is pretty fluffy and I didn’t use it for the entirety of summer so… “ He trailed off, leaving Tommy very suspicious.
The day at school wasn’t too different from others, the only “unnatural” thing he had to do was go get a violin and carry it from one side of high school to the other, thank god he usually carried stuff mostly on his right shoulder.
Speaking of carrying, he had to carry his backpack on only his right shoulder, a thing he despised and never did, but placing any type of weight on the new freshly-made tattoo stung a little bit, hopefully in a couple of days he could go back to using both shoulders normally.
“Bandages… vaseline… the soap is already in the bathroom… “ It had passed twenty-four hours from when he got the tattoo, it was time for him to change the bandage, and to do so, he wanted to be a hundred per cent sure he had everything he needed before going to the bathroom.
He grabbed all of the necessary things and peaked into the living room, Wilbur was in his room and Tommy wasn’t home yet so he took a deep breath and silently DASHED to the bathroom.
First thing first.
Lock. The. Door.
He wasn’t about to get walked in on by one of his brothers, so he locked the door and took another deep breath, he was now partially safe.
Underneath his hoodie, he had changed after arriving home into his only tank top, aka Wilbur got gifted one but he didn’t like it, so much that when doing laundry he had placed it in the stack of Techno’s clothes, so now it was his.
He didn’t want to do the whole operation shirtless so I guess the tank top was pretty convenient.
Stripping out of his hoodie, he looked at the bandages wrapped around his arm and the deep bags under his eyes: if someone else looked at him, they would think he was part of a gang or something.
Carefully peeling off the bandages, he realized that the skin around the tattoo was pretty red, the bits that were getting exposed to the air felt hot, it was going to be a big problem if he had gotten an infection.
As the last part came off, Techno looked once again in the mirror, the beautiful floral tattoo that he had seen drawn on paper by the tattooist look way better on skin, his skin.
Techno was afraid of regretting his decision, getting a tattoo this big from a day to another was careless of him, but god it looked pretty, he loved it.
Realizing that he was smiling at his own reflection, he shook it off and got back into a more concentrated state.
As the tattooist said, with a glass, he poured over the black ink cold water, his shoulders loosened up at the welcome sensation of chill washing over him.
He took the soap he bought and started making slow and soft circular motions, pressing as little as he could-
The sound of the handle trying to open the door made him jump, oh no no no, please…
“What do you want?” he recomposed himself and spoke with his usual unbothered voice, “Did you lock the bathroom Techno?! Why the fuck would you do that?!”, a high voice came from the other side of the door, Tommy must have arrived home from practice and he usually takes a shower right after entering the apartment so…
“It’s called privacy Tommy, plus I just got out of the shower, and no, I’m not rushing, I’m taking my sweet time” A loud groan could be heard right before footsteps walking away, Techno sighed, close one.
He continued taking care of his tattoo with extreme caution, washing away the soap, applying the vaseline, and wrapping it back up again. He threw everything in his drawer ( who usually only had the gel he occasionally used and his trusted comb), put on the hoodie again and shouted at Tommy that the bathroom was free.
After that, he went straight back into his room to work on the unusually low number of homework, unfortunately, it was French, so it didn’t matter how much stuff he had to do, it was going to take a long time either way.
He finished around the time that Phil got home, the older brother had the habit of greeting every brother one by one, so when a “Hello Technomate~” arrived from the slightly open door, Techno smiled and replied with the least dead-inside voice he could make: “Welcome back home Phil”
He was about to close his textbook as Phil’s voice in the distance asked him a question he wasn’t expecting.
“Hey Techno… Why do you have bandages in your drawer?”
Time stopped and Techno froze, a shiver shot up his spine. Why did Phil open his bathroom drawer?
“Uh… Well… Tommy sometimes comes home with cuts and bruises so I bought bandages in case he ever needs them” It wasn’t a lie, Techno would always patch up Tommy if he got hurt when his protect-the-weak vigilante moves failed him and he got some bruises, his voice was a little shaky but he was so far away from Phil that he probably didn’t notice.
“Huh… That’s… awfully empathic of you… “
Techno stood completely still for a couple more seconds waiting for him to find the antimicrobial soap and the vaseline, but it never happened.
He exhaled after taking off his glasses, throwing himself on the bed, turning to face the ceiling.
He didn’t regret getting this tattoo, but for how long could he keep it hidden from his brothers? For how long would he be able to lie to his brother?
Only time could tell.
219 notes · View notes
tamersmile888 · 3 years
Not So Berry Challenge Candie Edition: Lemon Play 6 (Part 2)
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Hearts for Art. That's what the exhibition is called. Lemon's mother started a campaign for it years ago, and now every year, the museum displays local artists in celebration of creative expression. Their work is really good. It speaks in ways that words would probably have trouble interpreting.
Kind of like her. Inexpressible. If she had a piece of art that reflected her in colors and lines, that's what it would be called. Or maybe it would just be called, “Excuse my silence, my tongue is dysfunctional.” Less pretentious, but way more honest.
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Finding her alone at the exhibition, Aara comes over to say hey. She examines the art in front of her and says, no offense, but this is kind of a bore. When Lemon doesn't respond (partially because she's trying to figure out what she likes about the art without sounding like a complete idiot who has no idea what she's actually talking about) Aara says, you're not really a talker are you?
Lemon fidgets a little and says, not really.
Aara looks around at the guests filling the museum lobby and says, I'm guessing you're not really a crowd person either. I spotted a skating rink nearby. Me and Otto were thinking about heading over. Want to join us?
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Huh...The last time Lemon's seen Otto was when they were little kids. He looks a lot different now. She wonders what Kelly's been up to.
She's never skated before, but it sounds like fun. And a lot less stressful than strangers potentially approaching her to tell her how great her mom is. And she is great. She'd just much rather read it in a comment. At least she'd have more time to come up with a response where silence is a lot less awkward.
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It turns out...she was wrong. Skating is maybe equally as stressful. Especially when you're trying not to fall on your butt in front of your new classmates and become an instant meme.
It's relaxing to know that Otto and Aara aren't pro's either. It takes the pressure off not having to pretend to know exactly what she's doing. Otto even coaches her along, reminding her to take it slow. He says he doesn't want the president of the nation to lock them up for endangering her only child.
Lemon says, she's doing science experiments with teenagers. Her life is always in danger.
Otto laughs and says, Little Lemon coming with the facts. What other observations have she been accumulating in that overpowered mind of hers?
Lemon just smiles and shakes her head. Overpowered? She doesn't know about that? Overheated? Definitely.
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After a bunch of laps and a couple of hilarious, but harmless falls, the skate trio return to the party to grab something to eat. And in Otto's case, finish his homework. He asks if they got through the math. He wants to check and make sure his answers are right. He's not trying to get called up to the board only to get embarrassed by the teacher. Lemon lets him look over her work and, sure enough, their answers match. Otto suggests they start a study group, but is quickly shut down by Aara who cuts in with a different subject. Israel's party.
She turns to Lemon and says, have you made up your mind? Are you going?
Lemon says she really hasn't thought much about it since that morning. Anti-crowds usually also means anti-party.
Aara says, but you're going to be missing out. And he's you're cousin. Isn't there, like, some unwritten rule that says you have to support your family when they're hosting something.
Otto says, no. I'm pretty sure you just wrote that book yourself.
Aara asks, so you're not going either? I'm not going by myself.
Otto says, you won't be by yourself, remember. It's a party. And it's Israel. The whole school is going to be there. 
Aara says, the whole school except my two best friends.
 Otto exchanges a look with Lemon. He says, she's pulling the best friend card. I didn't even know I had one. Did you take the picture for that? Lemon imagines the scenario. Holding an ID with her name on it and above her grinning face (if it wasn't mangled by the flash) are the words Best Friend. Her only other best friend was Grandma Pepper. And even if she remained her sole best friend until eternity, she'd be okay with that. But she liked the idea that someone outside of her family would want to be tied to her. Would want to be a part of her life. Especially someone from school. Someone she could go through it with together. She longed for that. That was special. And she couldn't just throw it away.
 So, against all the blaring sirens in her head, she says, let me think about it? I'll get back to you. He is my cousin after all.
 Aara's smile says enough. Lemon's “maybe” might as well be a green light.
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luwupercal · 4 years
primarchs with blue checks (something composed for a server i'm in)
lion: Never uses the account himself. Has a tweet from 2010 that says "Does anyone else think climate change is a good thing? I love lady gaga. I think shes a very interesting artist" or some shit equivalent. Would be Beans Dad but he keeps his trap shut
fulgrim: Pre-heresy, basically just Anna Kendrick. Post-heresy, lost his blue check making fun of the government, like my twitter hero, jaboukie young-white. Posts shirtless selfies at 00:00 and deletes them at 05:00, on the dot, every saturday and sunday morning. Problematic (thirsted after an extremely unfortunate character on main and got screenshotted and shared around for it, like that one redhead commie)
perturabo: Barely used twitter before 2016. Keeps getting ratio'd for making extremely reddity, severely awful tweets. Said "based" before it was cool
khan: Tweets like Tony Hawk
leman: Owns a Nokia phone. Tweets from desktop. Would post the "im at knotts berry farm and my butts too big for the ride" tweet
rogal: Approximate persona of a very serious centrist politicial. Has been Main Character of the Day at least once and Posted Through It™️
konrad: (dracula accent) does not make "Posts". Account managed by fulgrim, last tweet July 2013. Would fit right in on a weirdass 4chan thread but is too offline to know how to operate 4chan. Problematic nonetheless (but the serial killer fandom likes him. When will we get a racist artist with 50k followers to draw fanart of him, eh?)
sanguinius: Pretty generic but once accidentally started a meme because he posted something embarrassing or awkwardly phrased. What it is i'm not sure. Unproblematic cinnamon roll in 2015 tumblr, posts are shared about him like the ones on Jack Black/Guy Fieri/Smash Mouth etc being "actually really cool people"
ferrus: Does not have a twitter. Fulgrim can't tag him in his pics so when he posts a group selfie he just hashtags "with my boi #FerrusManus". @FerrusManus is a pornbot. Eventually starts streaming and/or podcasting though and everything goes bust
angron: Khârn made him a twitter account and he has 250k followers but until like 2018 he got 2 likes per tweet. Tweets' keysmashy, illegible nature combined with his blue check then made him the perfect endless source of memes. Big among people who judge things on a based vs cringe basis, irony poisoned communists like to retweet him every so often
guilliman: see Dorn, but less. Average socially liberal blue check. Macho Man Chrissy Teigen
mortarion: does not have a blue check. Never asked for it, was never given it. Struggletweets / criminaltweets / OOCeverything / etc replyguy. Rts horny vtubers but never gets around to watching them. At some point people realize he's a straight up primarch and he has to lock his account to keep rting his vtubers. Armie Hammer secret instagram vibes, but less manic
magnus: Magnus is on tumblr, like Neil Gaiman. Has too much authority to be cancelled, but is widely considered problematic-adjacent, again much like Neil Gaiman; would get John Green'd
horus: Lin-Manuel Miranda, but if he got ratioed on every tweet. Down to the lip bite selfie. I'm serious
lorgar: Tweets very little, but gets ratioed by horny people every time, like Tony the Tiger but minus the furry appeal. It's like people hornying after Dr Phil, basically. Locks eventually bc of this. Not much else of note
vulkan: Travis McElroy vibes. STRONG Travis McElroy vibes. Unproblematic, and yet
corvus: Has roughly 20% of twitter blocked because he gets called out/made fun of for betraying communism so often. Locks his 3 million follower account periodically, not unlike Chrissy Teigen.
alpharius omegon: Run StruggleTweets
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do you have variations of bulbasaur you love? some you hate? post pics and tell us why!
Bulbasaur with variants by @butt-berry are amazing and among my favorites.
There was an artist who made Bulbasaur with different types (fire, ground, electric, etc...) but forgot their username.
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