#artur roger
espeliculando · 1 month
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42 Segundos.
La película que tampoco se llevará el oro.
Por mgarsos
Siempre es complicado ficcionar un hito histórico y esta cinta es buena prueba de ello. Sin embargo, logra ser ese drama deportivo entretenido que pasará ante nuestros ojos “sin pena ni gloria”, como ya nos prometía desde un inicio.
Entre sus principales problemas encontramos una historia que comienza dispersa e insustancial hasta casi el último cuarto del metraje. Acusamos también, una falta de subtramas interesantes que nos presenten a sus personajes, no solo a los protagónicos, de una forma más profunda.
No tenemos ninguna sorpresa en cuanto al reparto, capitanean Álvaro Cervantes (Manel Estiarte) y Jaime Lorente (Pedro García Aguado). Aunque las actuaciones de ambos son correctas y meritorias, volvemos a echar en falta un poco más de peso coral en el resto del reparto, enriqueciendo así la temática de equipo. Mención especial para, Julia Lara (Sara) y Artur Busquets (Joan Figio).
El diseño de producción aprovecha correctamente las localizaciones olímpicas, aderezándolas con pequeños guiños noventeros. El vestuario recreado, también aporta un plus de credibilidad. La fotografía tiene alguna que otra propuesta interesante que apoya a la narración, pero la música es mejorable y necesita más originalidad y épica.
“42 Segundos” flota en la superficie de una epopeya deportiva. No se sumerge lo suficiente en las vivencias de los personajes, restándole una profundidad que la enriquecería. Nada entre los principales clichés del género, sin lograr mucha ocasión de gol. Aún así, entretiene y se disfruta mucho más según se acercan los últimos minutos del metraje. Quizá nuestra selección si merecía el oro, pero para “42 Segundos” la plata es más que suficiente.
Trailer oficial 42 Segundos.
Puedes verla online gratis en Rtve Play. POR TIEMPO LIMITADO.
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silovsmenot · 4 months
Family Skate | Artūrs Šilovs
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Requested by anon…
i love ur writing sm.... what if i suggest an imagine where reader and Arturs go on a skate date, like at an ice rink or something, and he teaches reader how to skate. i think that would be really cute idk that man is soooo beautiful and i want to hold his hand
WARNINGS: As usual, this is just pure fluff. PAIRING: Artūrs Šilovs x f!reader. NOTES: I would sell my soul to hold his hand, ngl. I haven't proof read this, so hopefully no major issues. WORD COUNT: 1792
The closing of the season was bittersweet. The team had fought so hard, but with the 3-2 loss in game seven, the Canucks were eliminated from the playoffs. You’d sat and comforted Artūrs all night, barely sleeping as he sat silently and over-thought every decision and move he made in that game.
The loss was nowhere near his fault, but he blamed himself — as would many of the guys, if you’d have to guess. The wives and girlfriends group chat was quiet for the first time in weeks, only the occasional message coming through about how proud each of the partners was of the players. Messages that you showed to Arty, but nothing could draw him out of his slump.
The next day was not easy, nor the day after that. All of the guys were second-guessing themselves and speaking little of what happened. The press-conference came and went, Arty and the boys answering every question that came their way with the lingering dark clouds above their head. But there was a light on the horizon, something that you knew that Arty was looking forward to — whether he’d admit it or not.
It was no secret that you couldn’t skate. Sure, you could stand on skates and, with knees bent and arms clinging to the side, you could shuffle around the boards. But that wasn’t exactly what you’d call skating. Artūrs had long spoken about taking you to the rink when things were quiet, of teaching you to skate and you were excited for the day.
And with the season now over, and the ice days from being lifted, the Canucks organisation would put on their annual private family skate. It would be your first with the team, and while you’d met and become close with the majority of the other wives and girlfriends, it was a daunting idea.
You’d smiled from ear to ear the night before when Art had appeared in the living room of the small condo beside the Rogers Arena with a pair of skates in your size. He’d had them sharpened and made ready all without you knowing that evening — if he was honest, it was a good escape from the weight that still rested upon him. And the sight of your smile was enough to lift a large amount of the sadness.
Unsurprisingly you were the first pair to enter the rink that morning, the short commute from the condo to the family area taking you only about five minutes with skates in one hand and the Latvian goalie claiming the other.
Weaving through doors, he held open the Canucks changing room door for you and followed close behind. There, you paused for a moment — even now, it looked so empty. It came with a solemn feeling in your chest, but the names were still above the stalls and you spotted his  name quickly. Art sat you down first, kneeling at your feet as he worked the laces of the new skates.
“Does that feel okay?” 
You quickly nodded in response, hands clasping yours as you pulled onto your feet. You wobbled lightly, but could stand. He led you a few steps, then back and finally nodded in success.
“They suit you.” Art whispered as he leaned in close, planting a tender kiss upon your cheek which still bought a pink flush to your cheeks. He always told you that you looked beautiful, and you’d never tire of hearing it. 
You stayed standing as he sat to tie his own laces, shifting on your feet to get to grips with the feeling — turning to smile and wave as the door would open for the first flood of players and their partners. Teddy Blueger and Monique were the first to come in your direction, Teddy giving you a playful and light nudge with a hand ready to catch if you stumbled. Both Teddy and Artūrs were quick to grab hands and pull into hugs, exchanging fast words in their native language while Monique rolled her eyes lightly to you.
“And they’re off.” She teased in a hushed voice, pulling you with her to sit. The changing room would soon buzz with life, and with the bare stalls, it was a welcome change. It wasn’t right when it was quiet and bare.
Bodies soon began filing down the corridor toward the ice, the busy chatter filling the silence nicely as you and Artūrs would intertwine fingers once more. It felt strange to him now, walking down the tunnel to an empty ice rink. Of course, it was no different to training, but everything had ended so abruptly… It still hadn’t quite sunk in for him.
But whatever he was thinking, he hid it well from you — the smile still firmly glued to his lips as he watched your face light up.
“Just take it slow, Art.” You quietly said as you neared the ice, your boyfriend stepping onto the ice without hesitation or any kind of shift to his stance. This was just like walking to him, but to you? You weren’t so sure.
He offered a second hand, ready to guide and balance you as soon as you stepped out onto the ice. With a steadying breath, you took the step — perhaps a little eager as your skates attempted to slip from beneath you immediately, the hands of Artūrs rescuing you before you lost your blades.
The soft sound of his laughter followed instantly, and it was so contagious to you. Any sense of embarrassment was lost in his laugh, the first signs of actual joy on his face since game seven. You didn’t care that it was at your expense, you were just so relieved to see it. And the fluttering would instantly return to your stomach.
“Are you alright?” He spoke through calming laughter, pulling you close to him with a soft thud of bodies. There, he could hold you tight as he made slow skating motions backwards. He wouldn’t spare a glance over his shoulder for he was too enraptured by your gaze, slightly shaken up but still entirely captivated by him.
“I’m fine, just go slow.”
And he would from that moment. You’d had your near-tumble-experience, and that was enough for him. He held both of your hands, skating backwards as you struggled on forwards. He’d give you tips with every movement, bending your knees, not leaning forward, keeping your head up and so many more. You were struggling to keep a note of each tip, but you were comfortable within his hands — Artūrs wouldn’t let you fall.
With every lap of the large rink, you felt more comfortable. The Latvian goalie gave a little raise of his brow as you released one of his hands, to skate side-by-side with a little confidence. You were less step-skating now, and more gliding. He was certainly pulling you along, but you were trying and he was thriving on the sight of you trying your best with this.
“Keep your knees bent, push forward with your skate — yes, just like that.” He encouraged with each passing moment, grin growing exponentially as you were doing well. 
Artūrs was a pretty good teacher and an even better balancing point. He did a good job of distracting you from everyone else around, skating with ease or children stumbling and giggling. You were in your little skating world with him, the occasional squeeze of your hand as silent encouragement from him.
You were enjoying yourself. Even when he released your hand with a playful wiggle of his brows, skating backwards in front of you, just out of reach — the look of mischief clear upon his face.
“Artūrs, come back here. Please!” You cried out through the lingering laughter, the confidence leaving your motion instantly. Your gliding movements turned back to awkward step-skating, with hands outstretched for him which only served to have you leaning forward.
“Straighten up, y/n.” He calmly said, stopping himself before you. He was close enough to grab you if you fell, but far enough that you couldn’t just hold onto him. “You can do it.”
You weren’t sure if you could, but you concluded that there was no harm in trying — as long as he caught you. You didn’t want the bruises.
Another heavy, steadying breath parted your lips as you straightened up. Your hands at your sides as you took the first step, pushing your bladed foot forward as he’d taught you. You clenched your eyes shut, half expecting the tumble into his arms or the ice, but you drifted. So you took the second step, skating gliding forward — you took the next step, and the next, until you were skating alone.
Artūrs looked simply triumphant as he watched you, weaving backward without even lifting his skates. He didn’t even try to hide the pride on his face from you as you sheepishly laughed to yourself, hands balled as you stopped yourself from dancing (knowing you’d definitely go tumbling with that).
“You’re a natural, y/n. Want to join the team?” The voice of Jack Hughes shouted as he neared, shooting a cheeky wink in your direction and was gone as quickly as he appeared. You batted his hands away with a dramatic swatting of your hand, gaze playfully narrowing in a glare toward him which only served to make the captain laugh.
Almost as soon as you were getting truly confident with it, the session was over. The honking of the zamboni turning all heads, and the rink staff standing ready at the gate. Couples and families were quick to file off the ice, till it was only you and Art making your way toward the nearest gate. He waited on the other side, hand ready to support you as you’d make the first step off the ice.
In comparison to your step onto the ice, you did it with grace. There was no tumble this time. And as they often did, fingers tangled together at the first touch of his hand — the smiles immediately upon both faces.
“Did you enjoy that?” Art was quick to ask. Your head nodding swiftly and truthfully. “You did really well, I’m very proud of you.”
You simply melted to hear him say that. And you’d only melt further as he leaned down, pulling you into him as lips would collide. His free hand softly playing with the strands of your hair, you could feel how he smiled into the kiss and it was intoxicating.
“Come on, lovebirds — we’re going for a drink!” A voice shouted from down the corridor, abruptly breaking the kiss with a shared laugh. You raised a hand to acknowledge the shout, foreheads resting together as you simply revelled in the moment together.
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1000sunnygo · 2 months
One Piece 1120
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friendly reminder that Law would've loved to see the robot 😔
some chapter thoughts and rambles under the cut
- We're so soo close to egghead's closure woah.
Next week has an anniversary spread so the chapter should be stacked. Throwing in an easy prediction: Emet will launch an attack that'll completely immobilize the gorosei, forcing them to retreat so Luffy and team can smoothly escape without the Elders chasing their tail. Basically, I think SHs escape within next chapter or the one after. Law update soon 😤
-Regarding D lore, I find it interesting that there are at least three D's who served the government. Recruiting them or purging them, both might've been a result of the government acknowledging their potential to upturn the world. Maybe Monkey family served the navy for generations even before Garp, and Saul had giant genes which gave the govt incentive to keep him on their side. The D's who defy the government never bothered to hide their identity, like Xebec, Teach, or Roger. Their families might've faced discrimination too, for all we know, Teach had a rough time growing up
- I wonder what happened to Portgas bloodline, were most of them already annihilated by the time Rogue met Roger? Did Rogue's resilience come from a difficult childhood? What happened to Gol family, and who gave Roger his hat? At this point, I'm pretty sure Roger will have his own spinoff at some point.
-Agree with everyone who speculates that Robin might be D. Hell maybe she is already by association, similar to Sabo.
-Once again, the official translation did a better job. "what does he mean, Gol D.?" was better than "did he just say Gol D.?", Clau D. was also more Oda-like choice of word, better explained by Artur in his tweet thread.
-I wonder if Toei will give Emet a child-like voice? Similar to Alphonse, maybe?
-There's a Sulong Bepo vivre card on Sept 4th and this week's jump featured a page to promote it! Maybe I'll make a separate post on that one..
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chromatic-lamina · 7 months
Ace (or Roger's) anthropomorphised sword is a hella lot cooler than Law's or Zoro's (or even Mihawk's)
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Playing faves?
This came from Artur from the Library of Ohara (on Twitter), SBS for Volume 108.
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Oda draws an anthropomorphized version of Roger's sword, "Ace"
Law's sword (Kikoku):
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The above is also from Artur, although I uploaded a copy from the manga earlier, but don't know in which file I saved the file. Zoro's swords (below):
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or even Mihawk's!
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I think Tashigi's sword was done in a One Piece Party, maybe! Can't find anything, so maybe I'm getting that wrong.
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cryptofuturetimes · 1 year
Exclusive: How the New U.S. Bill to Regulate Crypto Assets Could Affect the Entire Industry?
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A number of US senators have introduced new legislation aimed at combating money laundering using digital assets. According to the normative document, it is assumed that service providers will be equated to the category of financial institutions. At the same time, they undertake to report to the tax authorities about payments exceeding $10,000. Experts told our editorial staff about how this could affect the entire crypto industry. Polygant CEO Stanislav Chernukhin stressed that the pressure from regulators on the digital asset segment in the US is growing. Indeed, Senators Elizabeth Warren and Roger Marshall introduced a bill to combat money laundering in cryptocurrencies, with Joe Manchin and Lindsey Graham being co-sponsors. It is noteworthy that the Chamber of Digital Commerce is critical of this initiative. Experts fear that this will slow down the development of innovations in the country, as well as lead to a drain of qualified personnel. According to Stanislav Chernukhin, the pressure of regulators will continue, however, the crypto-currency sector demonstrates outstanding stability. According to the CEO of the International PR agency PRETO BUSINESS Victoria Ustimenko, any adequate regulation will only be a plus. The current bill is an attempt to take total control of the digital asset segment, which is in many ways similar to the securities market. Controlling taxation and tightening KYC rules is a positive trend. The only thing to be wary of in any jurisdiction is a total ban on digital assets and criminal prosecution of specialized service providers. Dmitry Noskov, an expert at the StormGain crypto exchange, concluded that this bill could have a serious impact if it is passed. In part, it will be a blow to the entire crypto segment, as regulators are already exerting serious pressure. And here the problem is that against the background of the ratification of this initiative, digital currencies will lose their basic advantage - the anonymity of transactions. It is possible that against this background, cryptocurrency startups will have more motivation to leave the US jurisdiction. XIVE Client Relations Director Vitalia Makeeva positively assesses the current situation. She stressed that the key goal of the bill is to hinder the activities of criminals as much as possible. And in the future, all countries that have taken the path of legalizing digital assets will face this. It is not worth expecting total pressure on the cryptocurrency industry against the background of the adoption of this regulatory act, since it will have legal force only in the United States. Artur Usmanov, CEO of First Block labs, shares a similar opinion. The expert noted that the American sector is already heavily regulated. Accordingly, the new bill will not have a particularly strong impact on the digital asset segment in the United States. Now, a strong driver for growth can be the approval of applications for the creation of spot crypto funds. But even without this, the liquidity of the digital asset market is highly likely to grow next year against the backdrop of the upcoming halving. The CEO of Business Planning Experts LLC suggests that the bill could have a significant impact on the entire cryptocurrency sector, as it will increase financial transparency. However, it is worth considering the concerns of many crypto enthusiasts who believe that the bill will jeopardize the confidentiality and security of financial data. At the same time, they by their nature do not fit into the fundamental concept of digital assets. It is now clear that the confrontation between innovation and regulation reflects the vast tensions associated with rapidly advancing financial technology. Read the full article
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brookston · 2 years
Holidays 11.15
American Enterprise Day
America Recycles Day
Cartagena Independence Day (Colombia)
Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day
Day of the Imprisoned Writer
Don't Try To Do Everything At Once Day
Dynasty Day (Belgium)
Fast For An Abundant World Harvest
Festival of Total Submission
George Spelvin Day
German Community Day (Belgium)
I Love To Write Day
King's Feast (Belgium)
Leopoldstag (a.k.a. Goose Day; start of Heurigen, new wine season, Austria)
Little Red Wagon Day
More Than One Role Day
National Camp T-Shirt Day
National Entrepreneurship Day
National Family Civility Day
National Philanthropy Day
National Tree Planting Day (Sri Lanka)
Pack Your Mom’s Lunch Day
Peace Day (Cote d’Ivoire)
Republic Reclamation Day (Brazil)
Rock Your Mocs Day
Sadie Hawkins Day (Original Date)
Safety Razor Day
Shichi-Go-San (Seven-Five-Three; Japan)
Sing in Your Car Day
Steve Irwin Day
TechDay (NYC)
Wendy’s Day
The World Needs More Touch Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Bundt Day
National Raisin Bran Cereal Day
National Spicy Hermit Cookie Day
3rd Tuesday in November
National Entrepreneurs Day [3rd Tuesday]
Parents Day [3rd Tuesday]
Prematurity Awareness Day [3rd Tuesday]
School Pride Day [Tuesday of American Education Week]
Independence Days
Northern Cyprus (from Cyprus, 1983) [partially recognized]
Palestine (Unilaterally declared, 1988)
Feast Days
Abibus of Edessa (Christian; Saint)
Albert the Great (Christian; Saint)
Awkwardly Honest Day (Pastafarian)
Birsa Munda Jayanti (Parts of India)
Caius of Korea (Christian; Blessed)
Descending Day of Lord Buddha (Bhutan)
De Witt (Positivist; Saint)
Didier of Cahors (Christian; Saint)
Eugonius (Christian; Saint)
Francis Asbury and George Whitefield (Episcopal Church)
Gertrude (Christian; Saint)
Gilles de Raid Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Hugh Faringdon (Christian; Blessed)
Leopold III (Christian; Saint) [Lower Austria and Vienna]
Malo (a.k.a. Male or Maclou; Christian; Saint)
Mechell (Christian; Saint)
Mr. Pelican (Muppetism)
Prophet’s Birthday (Mouloud; Shi’a Muslims) [17th of Rabi’al-awwal]
Sigid (Ethiopian Jewish) [Cheshvan 29]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [28 of 32]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [52 of 60]
At Last!, by Etta James (Album; 1960)
CrazySexyCool, by TLC (Album; 1994)
Ford v. Ferrari (Film; 2019)
The Great Hunt, by Robert Jordan (Novel; 1990) [Wheel of Time #2]
Having a Rave Up with the Yardbirds, by the Yardbirds (Album; 1965)
Licensed to Ill, by the Beastie Boys (Album; 1985)
Love Me Tender (Film; 1956) [Elvis Presley #1]
Offering (a.k.a. Ticket to Ride), by The Carpenters (Album; 1969)
Saturday Night Fever, by the Bee Gees (Soundtrack Album; 1977)
Somebody To Love, recorded by Jefferson Airplane (Song; 1966)
Space Jam (Animated Film; 1996)
Steel Magnolias (Film; 1989)
Strawberries Oceans Ships Forest, by The Fireman (Album; 1993) [Paul McCartney]
Today’s Name Days
Albert, Leopold, Leopoldine (Austria)
Albert, Berto, Paulin, Sidonija (Croatia)
Leopold (Czech Republic)
Leopold (Denmark)
Vaige, Vaigi, Vaike, Vaiki (Estonia)
Janette, Janika, Janina, Janita (Finland)
Albert, Arthur, Léopold, Malo, Victoire (France)
Albert, Leopold, Leopoldine, Nikolaus (Germany)
Albert, Lipót (Hungary)
Alberto (Italy)
Leopolds, Lipsts, Unda, Undīne (Latvia)
Albertas, Leopoldas, Vaidilas, Žadvydė (Lithuania)
Oddfrid, Oddvar (Norway)
Albert, Alberta, Albertyna, Artur, Artus, Idalia, Leopold, Leopoldyna, Przybygniew, Roger (Poland)
Leopold (Slovakia)
Alberto, Eugenio, Leopoldo (Spain)
Leopold (Sweden)
Leopold, Leopolda, Leopoldo, Leopoltine, Talia, Thalia (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 319 of 2022; 46 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 46 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Hagal (Constraint) [Day 18 of 28]
Chinese: Month 10 (Lùyuè), Day 22 (Red-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 21 Cheshvan 5783
Islamic: 20 Rabi II 1444
J Cal: 19 Mir; Foursday [19 of 30]
Julian: 2 November 2022
Moon: 58%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 11 Frederic (12th Month) [De Witt]
Runic Half Month: Nyd (Necessity) [Day 6 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 54 of 90)
Zodiac: Scorpio (Day 24 of 31)
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Holidays 11.15
American Enterprise Day
America Recycles Day
Cartagena Independence Day (Colombia)
Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day
Day of the Imprisoned Writer
Don't Try To Do Everything At Once Day
Dynasty Day (Belgium)
Fast For An Abundant World Harvest
Festival of Total Submission
George Spelvin Day
German Community Day (Belgium)
I Love To Write Day
King's Feast (Belgium)
Leopoldstag (a.k.a. Goose Day; start of Heurigen, new wine season, Austria)
Little Red Wagon Day
More Than One Role Day
National Camp T-Shirt Day
National Entrepreneurship Day
National Family Civility Day
National Philanthropy Day
National Tree Planting Day (Sri Lanka)
Pack Your Mom’s Lunch Day
Peace Day (Cote d’Ivoire)
Republic Reclamation Day (Brazil)
Rock Your Mocs Day
Sadie Hawkins Day (Original Date)
Safety Razor Day
Shichi-Go-San (Seven-Five-Three; Japan)
Sing in Your Car Day
Steve Irwin Day
TechDay (NYC)
Wendy’s Day
The World Needs More Touch Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Bundt Day
National Raisin Bran Cereal Day
National Spicy Hermit Cookie Day
3rd Tuesday in November
National Entrepreneurs Day [3rd Tuesday]
Parents Day [3rd Tuesday]
Prematurity Awareness Day [3rd Tuesday]
School Pride Day [Tuesday of American Education Week]
Independence Days
Northern Cyprus (from Cyprus, 1983) [partially recognized]
Palestine (Unilaterally declared, 1988)
Feast Days
Abibus of Edessa (Christian; Saint)
Albert the Great (Christian; Saint)
Awkwardly Honest Day (Pastafarian)
Birsa Munda Jayanti (Parts of India)
Caius of Korea (Christian; Blessed)
Descending Day of Lord Buddha (Bhutan)
De Witt (Positivist; Saint)
Didier of Cahors (Christian; Saint)
Eugonius (Christian; Saint)
Francis Asbury and George Whitefield (Episcopal Church)
Gertrude (Christian; Saint)
Gilles de Raid Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Hugh Faringdon (Christian; Blessed)
Leopold III (Christian; Saint) [Lower Austria and Vienna]
Malo (a.k.a. Male or Maclou; Christian; Saint)
Mechell (Christian; Saint)
Mr. Pelican (Muppetism)
Prophet’s Birthday (Mouloud; Shi’a Muslims) [17th of Rabi’al-awwal]
Sigid (Ethiopian Jewish) [Cheshvan 29]
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [28 of 32]
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Very Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [52 of 60]
At Last!, by Etta James (Album; 1960)
CrazySexyCool, by TLC (Album; 1994)
Ford v. Ferrari (Film; 2019)
The Great Hunt, by Robert Jordan (Novel; 1990) [Wheel of Time #2]
Having a Rave Up with the Yardbirds, by the Yardbirds (Album; 1965)
Licensed to Ill, by the Beastie Boys (Album; 1985)
Love Me Tender (Film; 1956) [Elvis Presley #1]
Offering (a.k.a. Ticket to Ride), by The Carpenters (Album; 1969)
Saturday Night Fever, by the Bee Gees (Soundtrack Album; 1977)
Somebody To Love, recorded by Jefferson Airplane (Song; 1966)
Space Jam (Animated Film; 1996)
Steel Magnolias (Film; 1989)
Strawberries Oceans Ships Forest, by The Fireman (Album; 1993) [Paul McCartney]
Today’s Name Days
Albert, Leopold, Leopoldine (Austria)
Albert, Berto, Paulin, Sidonija (Croatia)
Leopold (Czech Republic)
Leopold (Denmark)
Vaige, Vaigi, Vaike, Vaiki (Estonia)
Janette, Janika, Janina, Janita (Finland)
Albert, Arthur, Léopold, Malo, Victoire (France)
Albert, Leopold, Leopoldine, Nikolaus (Germany)
Albert, Lipót (Hungary)
Alberto (Italy)
Leopolds, Lipsts, Unda, Undīne (Latvia)
Albertas, Leopoldas, Vaidilas, Žadvydė (Lithuania)
Oddfrid, Oddvar (Norway)
Albert, Alberta, Albertyna, Artur, Artus, Idalia, Leopold, Leopoldyna, Przybygniew, Roger (Poland)
Leopold (Slovakia)
Alberto, Eugenio, Leopoldo (Spain)
Leopold (Sweden)
Leopold, Leopolda, Leopoldo, Leopoltine, Talia, Thalia (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 319 of 2022; 46 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 46 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Hagal (Constraint) [Day 18 of 28]
Chinese: Month 10 (Lùyuè), Day 22 (Red-Shen)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 21 Cheshvan 5783
Islamic: 20 Rabi II 1444
J Cal: 19 Mir; Foursday [19 of 30]
Julian: 2 November 2022
Moon: 58%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 11 Frederic (12th Month) [De Witt]
Runic Half Month: Nyd (Necessity) [Day 6 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 54 of 90)
Zodiac: Scorpio (Day 24 of 31)
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nofatclips-home · 4 years
Zu Spät by Rogers featuring Ingo Donot - Directed by: Artur Roger
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sailundertheblack · 5 years
Peter Pan | Designs by Artur Sadlos
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furiouspainter · 6 years
can you show us your OCs?
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here you go
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ramascreen · 3 years
Official Trailer For SOUNDS LIKE LOVE
Official Trailer For SOUNDS LIKE LOVE
Netflix has released this official trailer for Sounds Like Love (Fuimos Canciones). Fashion assistant Maca has just about got her life together after a devastating breakup, when Leo, the man who broke her heart returns. Seeking support from best friends, Adriana and Jime, all three will learn love can be complicated. Release Date: September 29, 2021 Directed by: Juana Macías Screenplay by: Laura…
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1000sunnygo · 8 months
Doflamingo's Past: The initial concept
Some old information but I don't see around a lot, scan credits to Redon. These are from One Piece magazine vol. 3.
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Zooming in,
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- Doflamingo at 5 enjoys his life as Tenryubito.
- His father (Donquixote Dressking) who looks tough and serious ("righteous thinker", "friends with Cobra") refuses antipathy and as a result was transferred to a non-WG member country along with his wife and his only son.
- Doflamingo's mother can't survive the foul living condition and dies.
- Doflamingo wanting to become Tenryubito takes his father's head back to Mariejeoise at the age of 10.
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- Doflamingo is declined by Tenryubito who try to kill him.
- Doflamingo flees and survives. He develops a goal to destroy the world.
- Around 15, he forms a crime syndicate "Downs" (ダウンズ) and is revered as the charismatic boss.
- His subordinates were Pica, Trebol, Diamante and Corazon, there's also Vergo (Vergo's other name in the bracket is written as "Sir Dean").
- Corazon here isn't Doflamingo's brother.
- Around when Doflamingo was 17, Roger was executed and he was inspired by the man to pursue piracy, his goal changed to "becoming the pirate king." He continues operating underworld as Joker.
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Nothing much here, I like the observation that Gatz announcing the fight between Doflamingo and Luffy makes it seem like an extension of Colosseum battle. That's a neat way to tie it up.
Some additional info (canon version) from OP vivre card translated by Artur:
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I wish I could read the JP text myself but it seems Viola's case was something like a Stockholm syndrome after all.
Personal highlight would be Rosinante eating his DF before meeting Sengoku (which means Sengoku didn't immediately find him. Rosi probably survived all by himself for quite some time), and Doflamingo developing the habit to smile at everything from a "certain point onwards." Imagine Rosinante returning to his brother who now smiles all the time. That is terrifying, I feel like it adds so much to Rosi's face having the artificial smile on him.
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When tough times occur with:
This is my last fanfiction as I start my vacation. I wrote this for someone who needs to hear (in this case read) some words of encouragement. Life itself can be a pain and with its oblsicates, it can seem impossible to overcome it but that’s what makes us stronger as people.
This is for you. Enjoy!
Victor Creed
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Victor isn’t really the type to express his emotions for the better but when you are having some challenges he is there to help, he will drop everything he is doing or will be doing in the future.
A blood vicious mission he wants to go? Canceled.
Having a beer with his brother? Heck no.
Going for a drive on his Harley Davidson? That fucker will wait.
Victor isn’t the best with compassion but he is willing to stop everything in his life just to be there for you and give you all the help you need. 
‘Come on, kitten, it’s time to show your ferocity.’
Loki Laufeyson:
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Loki completely understands the unfairness in life so with that being said if something happens in your life he will be there to give tell you one of his stories about his obstacles and how he has overcome them. If he sees an opportunity to be of any help he will give his 200% to defeat the ‘battle’. 
‘I’m here... I know it’s hard but I need you to overcome this like the hero I know you are.’
Thor Odinson:
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Thor sometimes doesn’t understand how life on Earth is since he is a God and a prince in Asgard so with him it’s really hard to see you sad and down. If that happens he will try to make you laugh by telling his stories while he ‘acts’ out the tale by himself. It does make you laugh and by the end of it Thor thinks that he did it that by making you smile you overcame your challenge but as you explained him your troubles carefully he will listen carefully and takes your hand into his saying
‘I’m sorry that life throws at you this sort of challenge but I know for certain that you will overcome it and I will be here with you.’
Steve Rogers: 
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For Steve, he can practically tell by your expression that something isn’t going well but he won’t just stand there and be quiet, no sir. Steve will walk to you rubbing your shoulder as you tell him about your ‘thing’. And as you finish he will kiss your forehead and wipe your tears away saying slowly and surely
‘I know it’s hard and tough but you are a fighter and there is no one that can fight this as well as you, Y/n.’
Bucky Barnes:
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With Bucky, you don’t really need to tell him what0s going on because thanks to his intuition he helps you in seconds he just waltzes next to you and gives you a tight hug telling you ‘It’s alright.’ After you explain it to him he does everything to help you solve it fast as possible pushing himself to his limit. I mean... he IS Bucky, the Winter Soldier, a.k.a. the stubbornest person you ever met. And he won’t give up because his one and only goal is to see you smile happily again.
‘Come on, doll, we’ll survive this together.’
Bruce Wayne:
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Dating a billionaire it has perks of course at the financial spectra helping you with every debt, business venture he is here. But on the emotional side, he is kinda flimsy about it. So when it happens he will shy away from you just because he knows that this kind of problem money can’t solve. After some persuasion from Alfred, Bruce is just your shoulder to cry on. It breaks him to see you like this but he knows that if anything will help you it’s his consistent support. Bruce will hug you, kiss you and even hold your napkin while you blow your nose (I know such commitment) and he will encourage you to overcome your issue promising you to take you away from this ordeal when it finishes.
‘Just a little more Y/n I know it's hard but you can do it.’
Clark Kent:
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He IS the definition of a soft boy, Clark will help you with literally anything you need if you don’t feel well or weak to take on a task. Clark will call off any arrangement he has with the Justice League taking the first-ever vacation. He will be there for you to have someone to vent to and hear his opinion on it. But every single time it will end with him saying
‘I know this will sound crazy but I think that everything happening in your life the good and the bad it’s just a means to make you stronger.’
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With J it’s straight forward no doubt about it. He despises seeing you sad and weak, he simply does. He won’t ask you what’s wrong but he will grunt and huff for days straight giving you a nod to say your issue. So when you tell him your problem he will kiss your knuckles saying 
‘I will take care of the problem you just tell me how to solve it.’
Arthur Curry:
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Arthur hates to solve problems in his life but the second you cry to him about your own he isn’t the Aquaman he turns to Artur Private Investigator, he won’t rest until he solves your case and hands you a satisfying answer. Arthur becomes a different person just by how hard he tries to help you. 
‘Don’t worry babe, I will solve this you just take a seat and watch some of the shows you like.’
Orm Marius:
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This dude is also a prince so with that being said he is clueless when life hits you in the face he doesn’t understand it. Meaning he will only depict that something is wrong when you break down in tears in front of him. The second that happens he will jump to your rescue and ask what’s wrong. After the explanation, he yells a little at you for not telling him sooner about it. 
‘You are the most important in my life and seeing you sad it breaks my heart so please when something like this happens again, tell me.’
Duncan Vizla:
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Duncan will dish it out like it is. Which hurts a little but he says the things you need to hear. He won’t tiptoe around it he knows by saying something you don't like to hear you will be saddened by him but after a while, it will give you a new perspective on it. 
‘That’s how sadly life works but I’m with you until my last breath. You are not alone.’
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frasersridgebrasil · 4 years
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#TrechoOutlander - Livro 6 - Um Sopro de Neve e Cinzas - cap 52. . . . SPOILER . . . . . . “Agora, os meninos — e Roger — uivavam para a lua, embora ela não passasse de uma pálida foice no horizonte. Ela sentiu o corpo de seu pai também se sacudir com uma risada silenciosa. — Me faz lembrar da Disneylândia — ela disse, em um impulso. — Ah, é? E onde fica isso? Pergunta Jamie. — É um parque de diversões, para crianças — ela acrescentou, sabendo que, embora houvesse parques de diversões em lugares como Londres e Paris, eles eram exclusivamente para adultos. Ninguém pensava em entreter crianças agora, além de seus próprios jogos e um ou outro brinquedo. — Papai e mamãe me levavam lá todo verão — ela disse, deixando- se retornar sem esforço para os dias quentes e luminosos das noites californianas. — Todas as árvores tinham minúsculas lâmpadas cintilantes, os vaga-lumes me fazem lembrar. Jamie abriu a mão; o vaga-lume, repentinamente livre, pulsou para si mesmo uma ou duas vezes, depois abriu as asas com um minúsculo zumbido e elevou-se no ar, afastando-se para longe. (...) — Como era, então? — ele perguntou, curioso. — Oh... era maravilhoso. — Sorriu para si mesma, vendo as luzes brilhantes da Main Street, a música e os espelhos e os belos cavalos paramentados do Carrossel do Rei Artur. — Havia... passeios, como nós dizíamos. Um barco, onde você podia flutuar pela selva em um rio e ver crocodilos e hipopótamos e caçadores de cabeças... — Caçadores de cabeças? — ele disse, intrigado. — Não eram de verdade — ela afirmou. — É tudo faz de conta, mas é... bem, é um mundo em si mesmo. Quando você está lá, o mundo real parece desaparecer; nada de mau pode acontecer lá. Eles o chamam de “O Lugar Mais Feliz da Terra", e por alguns momentos realmente parece ser. (CONTINUA NOS COMENTÁRIOS 👇🏼) 🧡 #outlander #briannafraser #jamiefraser #umsoprodeneveecinzas - Arte da foto: @vera.adxer https://www.instagram.com/p/CBLJwk0Buql/?igshid=2csd4mljfvhy
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thepaperpanda · 5 years
Warm Me Up || Arthur Morgan x Reader smut
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Summary: You travel in mountains with the gang. During stop, you got pretty intimate with your boyfriend, Arthur.
Warnings: smut
Words: 1641
Author: Cass & Rouge
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The weather in the mountains was terrible.
It was snowing so heavily that it created a thick curtain that made it impossible to look through.
You were lucky, gang stopped in some old mine town.  
You even got your own little cabin, it wasn't perfect. The place was old but there was a fire in the fireplace.
You were sitting on a little cot, wrapped tightly in fur but the most important, you were sitting between your man's legs.
Arthur was currently busy, writing something in his journal.
"I like your consternation during noting things down," you whispered quietly, wrapping fur tightly around your figure. "Aren't you cold? I can make you a mug of coffee," you offered softly.
Arthur hummed turning his attention to you. "Did you said something darlin'? Sorry, I was away with my thoughts," he said softly and put journal away before wrapping arm around you.
"Coffee?," you asked again, smiling at him. You rolled a bit so you were kneeling between his legs. You rested head on his knee, eyes on him.
Arthur shook his head and pulled you into a hug. "Nah, you are warm enough. You and your fur,” he smiled, nuzzling to you.
"Me and my fur, hehe, that's cute of you," you grabbed man's palm. "Ough! Your hands are completely cold! I think I know how to warm you up..."
"They ain't that cold darling,” he said looking at you. "Hoe to warm me up?" Arthur asked.
You knelt between his legs, slowly slipping fur off your shoulders. It turned out that you weren't wearing anything beneath it.
Arthur blinked shocked. "And later hear from you that you are sick. Crazy woman," man sighed and took you into his arms.
You placed a kiss to his jaw, then to cheek and briefly to lips. After that, you kissed his jawline again and then you moved to his pulse point on his neck, laying casually between his legs.
He muttered deeply, looking at you. "Y/N, what are you doing? What if others will hear?," Arthur gasped at the feeling of your lips
Your fingers were trailed against his muscular chest as you were slowly sucking his pulse point. "Shut up," you purred.
Arthur blinked and nodded slowly, giving himself completely to you.
You smiled at him and started to kiss down along his chest, playing with waistband of his pants. "Such a handsome man of you, Mr Morgan. All the muscles craved perfectly," you praised, getting lower and lower, along his happy trail.
"What a silly things you are saying…," Arthur blushed at your praises and those words for sure made him hard. He let out a sigh and rolled his hips softly, feeling how uncomfortable his pants became
You licked his stomach, smiling at him. You loved to tease that man, he looked like a bad guy yet deep inside he's just a soft bear. You unzipped his fly and tugged on his pants to pull them down.
Arthur growled as his hips bucked. He smiled and helped you with his pants. "Dirty girl."
"I can get even dirtier if you want," you looked at his soft cock and smiled. "What a beautiful view." You wrapped palm around it and pumped few times, then you slipped him into mouth.
Arthur gasped at the feeling of your lips around his cock. "Jesus, Y/N," he growled as his cold rough hand moved through your hair to your nape.
You hummed around him, slowly sucking every inch of his shaft. Bobbing head faster and faster you were keeping control over him. Your eyes still on Arthur's face.
Arthur relaxed and leaned back, watching you Hand that was placed on your nape now forced to deepen your moves.
You pulled him out of your lips only to suck the tip. Then you spat in him. Meantime your hand traveled between your legs to rub your already wet clit.
"We ain’t gonna play like that sweetheart,"  Arthur smiled and pulled you up. He wrapped one arm around your waist and other moved to rub your wet clit. "Now I’m gonna tease you," Arthur purred into your ear.
Your body twitched at his touch, a wave of pleasure spilled over it. "God...," you whispered, sucking on your lip.
"Nah, only your Arthur," he kissed your lips deeply as two of his colossal fingers slipped into you and started moving. They moved out slowly only so he could push the roughly in.
"Oh my God...," you became a moaning mess in his arms, head rolled back, legs spread a bit for him. Your core was already sensitive enough and it was driving you crazy.
"Now, time for something else, sweetheart,” Artur purred, kissing your cheek.
He removed his fingers and quickly replaced them with the tip of his cock. He moved it along your pussy's lips to coat himself in your wetness. Arthur pulled you into a kiss before pushing himself slowly into you.
"Fuck...," you whispered briefly but as soon as he pushed himself in your pussy, you let out a loud lovingly moan. "Oh... Right there..." The feeling of having you man in was oh so magnificent. You spread legs wider for him, rubbing your clit.
Arthur moved you on your back to reach even deeper into you. He made sure to hit your g-spot. "C'mon, sweetheart, moan for me."
"Arthur!," his name rolled over your lips, "Harder! Fuck me, cowboy. Show me what you got!" Your hand moved to his buttock where you spanked him.
Arthur grabbed your hand and moved them over your head. He held them there with his firm grip, fucking you even harder.
"Yes! Yes!," you were screaming. His huge features above you, dominating you so easily made you even wetter. You loved him taking over control.
He wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you even closer, panting against your shoulder. "Fuck, Y/N. You are so good to me. Your sweet tight pussy gonna make me cum soon," he growled.
You wrapped legs tightly around his wide hips, deepening his thrusts. "You like to fuck that pussy, don't you? You like how that pussy squeezes your cock oh so nicely, don't you?"
"Yes, I love fucking your pussy and I love how it squeezes my cock," he grunted.
It didn't take him long to cum deep inside of you. The feeling of your soft, warm pussy around his shaft was too overwhelming.
Suddenly the door opened, letting cold wind inside. It was Micah. "Hey, Cowpoke! Time to move your ass! Dutch is...," he looked at both of you, soon a nasty smile appeared on his face. "So? That's why you got your own hut, guess screwing your whore wouldn't be so nice with others around."
Arthur pulled you closer trying to shield you from this rat's eyes. "Get lost, Micah. Tell Dutch I will come soon."
Other man nodded, smile never left his lips. "It was nice seeing ya, Y/N," Micah winked at you and left.
Arthur sighed and looked at you sadly.
A deep blush was covering your face when Micah simply opened your door. It was not that you weren't sure of yourself, it was rather an anger building inside of you. "Fucker," you snapped when Arthur slipped himself off you, leaving you empty.
"These are too gently words to describe him."
Arthur sighed looking down on you. "Ah... Dutch can wait. Relax, darlin'," he purred and returned to you. Arthur settled between your legs before moving them on his shoulder. "I am so sorry, darlin'," he hummed quietly before burring his face in your cunt.
With loud whimpered you rolled head back on the pillow. Within second the excitement was built again. "Mr. Morgan...," your hands were slipped into his fluffy hair. The feeling of his beard scratching your soft thighs was breathtaking.
"Yes, Mrs. Morgan?," he purred before wrapping his lips around your clit. Two of his fingers slowly slipped inside of you, he made sure to reach as deep as it was possible before moving out.
Within next moment you were a moaning mess. Rolling your hips, moaning his name, your core was wet and sensitive enough to get you over the edge. "Arthur, I'll fucking cum! Fucking right there, suck that cunt!," you held his head as you bucked hips to him.
"Good," man smiled against you and happily fulfilled your wish, adding the third finger to fuck you even better.
"FUCCCK!," you screamed as your release took control over you. Your walls clenched rhythmically around his fingers. Your body trembled and you forced him to get closer to you so you could kiss his lips, tasting yourself on it.
He kissed you back, gently removing his fingers. "Such a good girl," Arthur purred against your lips.
You spanked his butt. "Better go to  meet Dutch."
Arthur laughed and kissed your forehead. "And you dress up. I know that now you are hot like iron but please. You will get sick."
He quickly sucked his finger and got ready to leave, he gave you one last kiss before he went outside.
A few days later gang decided to move. You were sitting on one horse with Arthur, his arm tightly wrapped around you. You coughed as shiver ran along your body. "Is it just me or temperature is getting lower? I'm freezing."
"It should go up, actually,” Arthur took off his glove and put his now bare hand on your forehead. He sighed deeply when he felt hot you were.
"Great. Just great. Hold this for me," bearded man handled you the reins.
When you took them, he started to move behind you. Suddenly his thick blue coat was placed on your shoulders. "I don't need it now, anyway. No more sex in the mountains," Arthur summed up, taking reins back from you.
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Pandies🐼: @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover@atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @purepearls @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie @mikkal-akasaki@withoutashadowofhope @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site@smutloversblog @buquete @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm@subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90 @tuptuptup @hellenna80@karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa @bratko @wurld89 @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @axn69 @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2  @cassandbeast@maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @nwmtagsb @anini71@secretlygrantaire @kyloren-supreme-ben @infinity-stones-seeker@thehappyspider @wings4life @huxyluxy @dontbeafraidchild @misafiryanki@electronicpatrolcollective @thisismysecrethappyplace @aulika @hidden-secrets69 @a-happy-wolf @creative-seahorse @arthurmorgan-bae
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onefreeusernamepls · 4 years
Answer 21 questions, tag 21 people
Tagged by @jastokrotka
Name: Maciej
Gender: Male
Star sign: Taurus
Current time: 21:39 (9:39PM)
Favorite artists: Roger Waters, Hayao Myizaki, Zdzisław Beksiński, Julian Tuwim, Bolesław Leśmian, Robert Smith, Artur Rojek, Jon Lord, Chris Martin, Brian Eno, Tim Burton, Stanisław Lem, Jacek Dukaj, Haruki Murakami
Song stuck in my head: King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard - Crumbling Castle
Last movie watched: Call me by your name
Last thing googled: c# modify each element in list
Other blogs: @fotodysgraphia, sideblog intended for posting photos that I take, because several people told me that I take beautiful photos and should show them somewhere. It’s mostly abandoned tho, because uploading pictures one by one to tumblr proved to be too cumbersome to me (I wanted each to be in a separate post, not like a gallery with miniatures).
Do i get asks: Rarely, I don’t mind getting some asks though
Reason for your url: I was literally tring over and over and all urls that I tried were taken, I got a bit frustrated and suddenly it worked
Following: My friends, some aesthetic photo blogs, some original artists, but mainly glorious shitposters <3.
Average sleep: None
Lucky number: No idea really. One number that sticks with me throughout my life though is number one, because that is the number on the student list that I received in every school that I went to, because my surname begins with “Ad”.
Dream job: Software Engineer. But that’s a very broad field, and I have yet to figure out what exactly I want to be doing as a programmer. Ideally, I would like to be a part of something big, which“pushes humanity forward”, for instance space flight research or something like that.
Dream trip: Canada or Alaska or somewhere cold, ice skating on a really big frozen lake with friends/SO, surrounded by beautiful mountains. Also Canada, taking the longest train trip possible in Canada, which lasts several days and you travel through completely uninhabited taiga.
Favorite food: I really like a variety of foods, it’s really hard to pick one dish. Lately my favourite dish was Chicken wings in sweet-sour glaze with fish sauce. I’m suffering a small withdrawal from that dish, now that all restaurants are closed. Also I really crave sushi rn. More broadly, I really like exotic cuisine, Asian, Thai, Japanese etc. and I really like to try new things to eat.
Instruments: Guitar, Piano (barely, I was taking lessons for maybe 2 months before I went to university, moved out of my house and had to stop attending them), Singing (nothing more than singing along to my favourite songs, but I think it’s mostly in tune).
Favorite song: Just one song? That’s simply cruel. The Cure - Strange Day
Additional questions, because original ask had just 19 despite the title stating otherwise
    20. Last book that you read: “Killing Commendatore” by Haruki Murakami
    21. Last song/album/artist that you discovered: Jesu - Homesick
tagging: @brysieg @ichbineinsatanist @fufubomoge @inkoflethe @mycroftkingofengland ​ and anyone else who would like to participate because I don’t have 21 mutuals to tag here xD
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