#arwen situation
freyanistics · 2 years
Alright this is going to be a very different post, more serious based. This would probably be the second time I have to bring to light to a situation with someone who’s problematic, only difference is it’s in regards to a now ex friend
In regards of @/arwenson who was one of the main re8 writers on here, they were found out to be lying about their age. They are a minor, 15 to be exact.
I found out early today by my friend Max who showed me a screenshot of her admitting it in a discord server. To clarify I was not in the discord server, from my understanding it was 18+.
Now arwen has deactivated apparently, they claim they were going to tell everyone, I’m not sure if they did. I would assume not but I could be wrong.
Now to first address why this an issue with a minor posting nsfw content. It’s not only dangerous but also can get adults in legal trouble.
It’s dangerous because there are so many disgusting people and predators on the internet who likes taking advantage of minors. I speak from experience of this, I was groomed on the internet. I had adults take advantage of my naivety and how sexual I use to be online. And it can lead to minors getting sex trafficked, kidnapped, or killed. Look at how many cases of children getting snatch and not being found again. It’s a very serious thing, especially if you’re posting 18+ content.
On top of the fact when you lie about your age and get in adult spaces you can also put those adults in trouble. The stuff Arwen and a good majority of our mutuals who are adults could have been plastered as sex offenders had their parents saw what was going on. I literally paid Arwen to write explicit sex scenes of my character with Lady D, and I could have gotten in trouble for that.
“Oh but It’s not a big deal.” It is, people have gotten in trouble for that. And I’m very active of not wanting minors to fall into that trap from gross adults, I try not to be too explicit on here to prevent exposing minors to content. Whenever I post nsfw I tag it and now with this new update from tumblr I can switch the audience from general to mature. I don’t want to expose minors to stuff I got exposed to growing up.
It hurts me especially to find out my friend was lying about their age and willingly putting adults in possible trouble. It’s a trust that has been broken, and it really hurts. I’m not really mad, I’m more disappointed in them. I do hope they learn from this and to never ever do something like this again.
I know my other mutuals who were affected by this are just as hurting and to them I say my dms are always open if you need to vent or whatever.
I do want to also add in that a few mutuals are also mad at my other friend who told me about this in the first place. I want to say I understand that y’all are angry at them, you have every right to be. But I also think we should also hear their side of the story. I’m not going to go into grave detail because that’s not my story to tell, it’s his. However he told me that Arwen threaten to deny anything when he originally wanted to say something. And he had no evidence to back him up so she could have easily deny it and make up a wild story to make him out to be the bad guy. While yes, he should have told everyone with no proof it was their word against hers. I think we should all listen to his side of the story before we throw him out as just as guilty. But that’s just me
Anyway that’s all I have to say on the matter. I hope things get better for the people who were involved and that’s it. Be safe everyone
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Edit: They still have 20 in their bio on twitter. I was also blocked by them (I never said anything to them)
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sexy-sapphic-sorcerer · 4 months
I'm sorry to impose this impossible dilemma upon you all
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aliveaudiencegang · 9 months
unluckily the story of merlin is set in the oldest of olden days but merlin would’ve loved those bride and groom ornaments that go on wedding cakes
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philtstone · 7 months
ok so ive finally cracked the code on this fic but the real question is will anyone actually read it
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thepioden · 1 year
Lifespan gap shippers we need to chat about this romanticizing of the longer-lifespan partner shortening their lifespan or straight-up committing suicide when the shorter-lifespan partner dies of old age. Like. Y'all good?
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thalion71 · 2 years
my @officialtolkiensecretsanta for @an-eldritch-peredhel !
elwing is having a really weird time all the time & can bond with eärendil over about half of it
happy holidays!
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aeide-thea · 2 years
aragorn flat on his back floating down the river hallucinating: submissive and breedable??
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imaginarianisms · 2 days
a.lys rly is esmeralda & maleficent coded...
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thesummerestsolstice · 6 months
So I think one thing that really drives Feanor is his grief– he looses Miriel, and he very clearly never recovers from that. There's the pain of loosing a parent and the added layer of Miriel's death being, on some level, a choice to leave Feanor. You can't tell me he didn't internalize the idea that he wasn't good enough for his mother to stay ay least a little. And I can't help but imagine that most of Valinor really wasn't helpful. There was probably a lot of vague sympathy with no real understanding of the situation, people who in theory thought Feanor had the right to grieve but reacted pretty badly to any actual displays of grief, and some people who insisted that Miriel chose to stay dead, Finwe and Indis were happily married, and therefore, Feanor shouldn't feel sad about it anymore. Even for those with more understanding of grief, it's still a really complicated situation. But you know who would understand Feanor?
Elrond. And the reason is Elros and Arwen– Elrond knows what it's like when someone you love dearly chooses to leave you, essentially forever, not because they don't care about you or because you weren't good enough, but because they have to make the best choice for themselves. And how you can respect that choice, and be glad that they did what they needed to, but still grieve them and the relationship you had with them. He understands those complicated feelings and how to process them in a healthy and non-destructive way.
And I'm losing my mind over this because Feanor is the one who starts the kinslayings and the cycle of violence between elves, and Elrond is the end result of all that violence; born to two refugees and raised largely by Feanor's sons. But despite all that, he's good and kind and able to focus on healing instead of pain. He ends the violence and makes a sanctuary where everyone is welcome. And he's able to do what Feanor never could, and not be consumed by his pain. And that means so much.
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punkpandapatrixk · 2 months
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💫Current aenergy Check-In ♦︎ Timeless Pick A Card
You’re done learning, right? Where are you going? What are you getting? Your wish fulfilment, your karmic/cosmic rewards, your Life Purpose and self-actualisation, your raison d'être; everything becomes ever clearer from here.
Just a reminder, the term ‘Life Purpose’ may seem heavy and serious and all, but the truth of the matter is, everybody’s purpose for being born here is to remember to have a good time! Time you stopped being a slave to the pigs of capitalism XD
In you lies the power to cause a miracle to stir🍻
Miracles for all begin when a bunch of individuals believe in their innate magick. As the percentage goes up the whole world gets lifted. If this reading has appeared in your Interface of Reality, know that you’re well on your way to manifesting your Highest Intended Good.
The peeps who are going to resonate most with this PAC are probably those that have been walking a thorny path of spiritual awakening. You’ve sacrificed so much just for Humanity; damn, this world doesn’t even deserve a Soul like yours. But your happiness is just about to burst like crazy.
And even in your living your happy life you’re serving this Matrix. When you’re happy and spiritually fulfilled, the sounds, the cheers that you make, will echo throughout the world. This Matrix becomes a happier place with more happy people in it.
Where are you going? What are you getting? I didn’t put a year on this reading, so that whenever you find this in the future, that’s the timeline you’re on~
SONG: この星のどこかで (kono hoshi no dokoka de; Somewhere in This Star) from DORAEMON Nobita’s Legend of the Sun King
MOVIES: The Lord of the Rings trilogy LMAO
deck-bottom: Page of Pentacles Rx, Gold Physician (Hippocrates), Priestess of Wishes
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Pile 1 – It’s Perfectly Safe to Follow the Love in Your Heart
VIBE: Merry & Pippin, Arwen
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how you’re doing so far – Knight of Cups
Of all the Piles, you seem to have been on a strict path of following your heart. It’s like, you’ve been being showered by so many signs and synchronicities by your Higher Self and team of Spirit Guides. I’m not sure if this is because you came from a rather lax background or if you’ve had to fight for your freedom, but you’ve definitely been following your heart towards a sense of autonomy.
The thing is, that adventurer spirit of yours might have caused you to come face to face with some dangerous situations or perhaps you’ve been met with some catastrophic failures along the way. I think you became somewhat scared of following your heart now due to such past experiences. You know there’s that quote that says: ‘I’m not following my heart anymore. That bitch gives bad directions.’
Up until fairly recently you could’ve thought like that, for a bit maybe. But I think you know deep down that such a statement is not entirely correct. I think you know that following your heart, although it’s met you with some crazy adventures, has shown you the path to total liberation. Aren’t you glad you’ve been able to carve out an existence of your own~?
rest of the year – Ace of Pentacles Rx
This card being in reverse, one might think… ‘What? I won’t have money until the rest of the year?!’ It’s not like that. This is saying you’ve paid everything forward. For a number of years now you’ve been working so hard on all planes of your existence. It’s unimaginable to most people just how much ‘work’ you’ve worked to make things work! They’ll never understand it because in their eyes, there hasn’t been much, if at all, result that you’ve managed to produce.
It kinda didn’t make sense just how little the Universe was giving you for all the spiritual and inner work you’ve done on yourself. I think you could’ve felt cursed or something. Abandoned by all the forces of Light or something. So, I don’t know why it’s had to be like that, maybe some spiritual challenge or another, but you’ve paid all of that hard work in advance. Your good will didn’t go unnoticed, OK? All that you’ve prayed for and dreamt of, the Universe has a record of all of that.
The rest of this year? Please don’t work hard anymore. Don’t be afraid of the other shoe dropping. You’ve paid it all forward. The rest of this year is where your story takes a turn. Your riches are coming effortlessly. You can eat all you want when you want. You can sleep as much as you want to recover from prolonged stress. You can simply blink and your money bags are still going to refill faster than you can spend. Rejoice, baby~!
where you’re going from here – King of Swords Rx
It seems to me that your ‘previous Life’ was one where you had to live with the utmost logic. You thought and analysed everything so hard. You played by the book. You followed all the rules. You were a law-abiding citizen. But logic…I think now you know that logic only gets in the way of magic. That’s what your Higher Self and team of Spirit Guides wanted you to unlearn.
I know it’s been so hard, but it all ends here. You’ve graduated all of those hard lessons of unlearning and relearning what it means to be a Divine Human on Gaia. You’ve learnt to trust yourself! You’ve learnt to distinguish between your ego misleading you and your heart guiding you. There is so much that you can teach other people, you know. Teach them how to navigate their fears. And you’re an example of how that can be done, because you’ve crawled through hell and back again triumphant.
From here, your Life will be nothing short of magical events and encounters back-to-back again. You’re back on your natural high-frequency again. Welcome back. In fact, it’s already playing out serendipitously in recent weeks, hasn’t it? Do not fear the other shoe dropping; you’re floating now! It’s safe for you to glide where your heart is guiding you~ This is exactly where your story takes a turn. Congratulations, Champion!
fare thee well – Silver Astronomer (Galileo Galilei)
Life’s grand adventures – Priestess of Inspiration
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Pile 2 – Don’t You See the Sun Already Peeking from Your Window?
VIBE: Sam & Frodo, Galadriel
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how you’re doing so far – XIX The Sun Rx
‘Bad things only happen to me because I’m the main character, so it’s only part of the plot.’ This is the first thing that comes to mind as I tap into your aenergy. My gosh, this card here is telling me you haven’t had a single day of sunshine for a stupidly long time. You’ve had to go through a Sam & Frodo arc, it seems. Walking barefoot to Mordor to destroy some evil old paradigm that you’ve likely inherited from a stupid part of your bloodline.
An ancestor some lines back, some time, some when, some where, fucked up big time and you’re fixing shit for everybody. Just like those little Hobbits who totally ain’t got any relation to some war 3000 years prior but they’re the ones suffering the MOST the entire story! XD It’s kinda been like that for you for some time now. My god, I feel for you! But, the fact that this card has appeared here only means that things are turning around for you :D Your eternal sunshine is rising!
Well, haven’t you noticed that its ray can already be seen from your window? Hasn’t it got warmer even the slightest bit now? Things have gotten significantly easier even if they’re only small improvements, right? You’re currently travelling back to Rivendell on the backs of the Great Eagles. It’s easy-peasy from now. You can relax. Take a deep breath. Breathe in that chlorophyll from the Nature around you~! XD
rest of the year – 5 of Pentacles
What a strange card to appear here, but this is essentially saying that you’re rebuilding what’s been broken and reclaiming what’s been stolen. Your whole world—your ‘normal’—was destroyed by some forces and you had to unlearn what you took for granted as ‘reality’, and again, relearn what it means to be a Divine You whilst existing in society. All that was destroyed, stolen from you…none of it was the real you anyway. So it’s okay that it all disappeared.
You were able to discover the pure gem that is the real you that was hidden beneath those ‘identities’, habits, customs, norms, and everything else you were told you should be, when in reality, you were always somewhat different somewhere deep in your psyche. You weren’t like everybody else and you didn’t even want the things they wanted. But you conformed because it was a matter of survival.
Rest of this year, you’re still going to heal from all of that bullshit. More like, healing from the aftermath of fighting for your true Divine Identity as your I AM essence. The rest of the year, you’re healing more than doing or jumping to the next adventure. All good Souls deserve a good rest after a good battle! You’ve won against the Matrix; you’ve won against society and/or tradition. For now, celebrate this huge win~
where you’re going from here – Ace of Cups Rx
After this healing period, I see that you’re only beginning to find your bearing again in the world. It’s OK that these things take time. All good things take time to rebuild. If you want to speed up your manifestation with subliminals, try those that contain perfect self-concept affirmations to solidify your sense of self-worth ;P The Sun is rising and it’s getting brighter and bigger in your world.
Soon, you won’t even remember being this gloomy creature that you’ve been for a while. I see that in time, you’ll find yourself being creative again, being motivated, and clear about what you want and can do in this world. So many of your natural talents are going to burst out of you, making you work endlessly for a goal that truly matters. So as you can see, cherish this healing phase.
The solitude you’re in now is serving your highest good. This time is making space for you to heal, rehab, grow (or grow back), and release even more remnants of your old self, old world. This isn’t going to last forever and if you can heal in quiet, isn’t that ideal? Nobody’s gonna know you in this healing phase that sometimes can get a little awkward, cringe, or downright ugly XD
fare thee well – Silver Astrologer (John Dee)
Life’s grand adventures – Priestess of Healing
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Pile 3 – In the Full Embrace of Your Higher Self, Spirit Guides and Cosmic Ancestors, Go Forward!
VIBE: Aragorn & Legolas, Gandalf the White
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how you’re doing so far – 4 of Swords Rx
Of all the Piles, yours carries the strongest feeling of ‘action’. You’re being carried somewhere more suitable for your frequency. In many ways, you’re also being carried where you’re needed. This can differ for everybody but the majority of you will still feel a sense of calm and belonging though. So it isn’t like you’re being thrown into a war zone just because you have the capacity to fend off enemies or heal wounded soldiers XD
Not like that. Not really. This aenergy is a bit convoluted… But basically, up until now you’ve been a fighter of sort, just like Aragorn, Legolas and Gandalf. Fighting for something important, defending causes that matter. Up until then, you were Gandalf the Grey, and then at some point you died, and now you’ve been reborn as Gandalf the White. That’s about the gist of how you’ve been doing.
Sooner than later, the forces of the Universe are going to make you move places or jobs. There’s a strong sense of being moved to a different location. But if that doesn’t resonate, you could be improving your house or like there’s this sense of a change of scenery, one way or another. It’s deeply needed. You’ve been breathing in muddy waters, you know.
rest of the year – XX The Last Judgement Rx
The fact that your cards are all in reverse is indicating a waiting period until you’re thrown into your next mission. Yeah, like Gandalf the Grey in waiting to become Gandalf the White. Rest of the year you’re gaining momentum. I think you could be hearing some good news from something you’ve applied for? Or this could signify the advent of a once-in-a-lifetime kind of opportunity suddenly presenting itself to you.
The clarion call is clarioning LOL This is why I think you’re being called to a different place, but if not, then a higher plane of existence. So this could also mean a job promotion or a new, improved way to earn your keep. There is a sense of finally serving your highest purpose with a talent or spiritual gift you’ve been refining, polishing in recent years. You could be healing people in ways that don’t necessarily look like ‘healing’.
You know? You could be elevating other people’s spirits and helping them transmute their own bullshit by just allowing them to connect or work with you. If this is your main pile, you’re definitely an aenergy worker. A spirit worker. Maybe even a miracle worker. All thanks to your insanely high-frequency. Babe, you ain’t even in this realm anymore XD
where you’re going from here – Page of Cups
I feel very strongly that you’re someone who possesses wisdom beyond the mundane. You’re practical, you’re sensible, but you’re so Universal that all your wisdom is timeless. You’re someone who has the ability to connect with all peoples; young and old, female and male, rich and poor, famous and regular, what have you. Your words reverberate through the ages.
I feel that you’re somebody who holds timeless wisdom and not just ancient or occult. Your highest religion, so to speak, is Love and Respect for all people. So, no matter what you have to say and share with the world, most people will be able to see that you come from the highest place of Love. That you possess the desire to heal and empower all people.
That said, you’re going to be put in a place where you can connect with all kinds of people, all for you to inspire Love in them. Yes, Love, and it comes in all kinds of different ways, right? First and foremost, I see that you’re someone who can teach people how to love themselves first. How they can expect more, better, for themselves. And only true Love can provide that sense of fulfilment.
Old people are going to be rejuvenated by you. Young people are going to be inspired by you. That’s your superpower that needs to be witnessed by the world <3
fare thee well – Red Astronomer (Johannes Kepler)
Life’s grand adventures – Priestess of Contemplation
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emilybeemartin · 10 months
I spent all weekend at ren faire and it was really unfair how many dudes in dark tunics had vambraces and polished horns and round shields, but of course NONE of them were Boromir. Nobody ever dresses as Boromir. Saw two Aragorns (one of them even had Boromir's vambraces!) and a bunch of Arwens, Frodos, Gandalfs, and Bilbos, and I think I saw a Merry, and a fetish group of Nazgul, but no Boromir. I've only ever dressed in generic fantasy garb but I might have to take my first plunge into cosplay next year to remedy the situation.
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freyanistics · 2 years
I hate it when minors lie about their age it affects other minors myself included. So many ppl are now announcing 18+ only and ofc I unfollow bc clearly staying is crossing boundaries and that's gross I just hate what arwen has caused like guys dont lie about your age you don't have to announce it but if your not 18+ stay out of 18+ only pages/servers it fucks up alot of things for other people. I thank you for bringing light to this subject tho cuz it's so bad literally everywhere
Yea it really affects everyone tbh. My main account is PG-13., I do post nsfw fics on here and jokes but I also make sure to tag it so minors know it’s not for them (tho they probably still get in regardless) I keep my more explicit content on my nsfw tumblr. I really don’t want to accidentally engage in sexual stuff with minors but now it’s going to be harder since this happened.
I have no problem talking or engaging with minors, as long as it’s appropriate and doesn’t go a weird ass way.
Idk why some minors want to get in adult spaces so quickly. Just wait until you’re 18 or make a space that’s with other minors to engage with.
I do hope no one thinks ill will of minors with this situation because that’s not the correct way to go.
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tossawary · 4 months
I'm thinking about "What if the main character did not have a secret, powerful family background and was just some random person?" AUs for different stories, because I personally find that situation more compelling most of the time and I think it introduces more interesting struggles. While thinking about a bunch of other stories, I ended up thinking about Aragorn in "Lord of the Rings".
Now, Aragorn is a special case because 1) I wouldn't really call him THE main character and the "noble" members of the Fellowship are well-contrasted by the hobbits. The hobbits may be mostly Shire gentry (except for Sam), but on the grand stage of Middle Earth, they're still unimpressive nobodies. Frodo is already our ordinary hero. 2) Aragorn's road to kingship comes with him struggling with his ancestor's failures and accepting the heavy burdens that come with being Isildur's heir. This is specifically an arc of a character struggling with their family history. I am absolutely not saying that Aragorn being royalty makes LOTR a bad story and that it would be better if he was just some random guy. I think this is a well-written character storyline that is a key feature of the overall story.
But I do think it would be really funny to write fanfiction where Aragorn wasn't Arathorn's son. (There is the issue of the heritage that makes Aragorn age slowly, but maybe you could wiggle that so that Aragorn has that kind of heritage from a different source?) Like, the line of Isildur has died out, and let's say that Aragorn's mother takes shelter in Rivendell with her son, and kid Aragorn ends up wandering around to the broken sword and picking up the handle. And either Aragorn's mother lies to Elrond about Aragorn being Arathorn's son or Elrond happens across kid Aragorn with the broken sword and thinks... "Hey, what if we just... lied about it?"
Now, this could end really badly! As I vaguely understand it, the Silmarillion (which I have not read) contains a bunch of examples where lying did not go well, so maybe this lie is how Middle Earth falls into chaos in this AU. Whoops.
But even though this breaks some plotlines, I'm a sucker for adoption storylines. I love adoption being treated as important. It's compelling to imagine Elrond and Aragorn's mother carefully explaining the situation with the sword to him, and then this child just... stubbornly deciding that he's going to become Isildur's heir. Maybe Aragorn's determination falters at some point, he gives up on the idea, and he later has to return to Elrond as an adult and persuade him that no, he means it this time, mankind isn't just about bloodlines, he's going to pick up this burden on behalf of all of humanity. I think that there's something powerful in a person deciding that no, I'm not of Isildur's blood, but I have his same potential for success and for failure, and I'm here. I'm fighting. I picked up the broken sword and that's good enough, isn't it? Who are you to say I'm not his heir? I'm HERE.
I think there's powerful magic in that too. (Also, Arathorn is dead and getting adopted as a father by some random kid. Sure. Okay. I think that's just funny.)
(Also, oh my, there is SO MUCH tragedy if Aragorn being Isildur's heir is a lie and Boromir died believing it. The GUILT. The GUILT that Aragorn would feel when Boromir says, "I would have followed you, my brother, my captain, my king." Like, oh man, now you HAVE TO make it true.)
Now, maybe Aragorn doesn't become King of Gondor in this AU or maybe he does. Maybe Faramir becomes king instead. Maybe it becomes well known by the end of the journey that Aragorn isn't a blood descendant of Isildur and maybe it's a secret known only to the Fellowship. I'd like to think that he still marries Arwen. I like the idea of Arwen happily and knowingly marrying some nobody lying about his heritage and Elrond internally being like, "This is kind of on me."
The most important thing here is that it would be so fucking funny if Aragorn (and Elrond and Gandalf and Galadriel) successfully lied to Sauron the Deceiver. Sauron's like, "Oh? A secret heir come out of hiding to fight against me? Sounds legit." And at some point near the end, just before some hobbits chuck a ring into a volcano behind his back, Sauron is looking at Aragorn like, "Wait a minute, what the fuck, you lying little SHIT."
(Or Sauron finds out via Pippin that Aragorn is lying and feels SO SMUG about how he's going to crush a false king, which just adds to Aragorn's whole "made you look!" distraction keeping Sauron from noticing the hobbits sneaking into Mount Doom.)
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edges-of-night · 1 year
Hello dear friend! I was waiting for your request to open. Can I request a reader who is openly flirty while writing letters but in person is a complete love struck fool (I love flirting with my gf over text but I will scream and cry happily if she holds my hand or if she kisses me I FOLD)
Thank you so much for your kind words! I hope you’ll enjoy your post!
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・゚✧ Aragorn.
Aragorn strikes me as someone who is not overly flirtatious. Maybe your letters have always been just a little too much for him. So in fact, he’s pleasantly surprised when he finds you’re not as forward in person! He has no problem with little displays of affection and would like you to grow more confident in your romantic desires.
・゚✧ Arwen.
Arwen would definitely tease you about the discrepancy of your letters with your actual reactions to displays of affection. Maybe she’d even spread rumours about you being some sort of amorist or adventurer! This is, of course, never malicious, and Arwen is very good at noticing your daily level of comfort when it comes to this. She makes no secret of it: she enjoys your cute blushes to no end!
・゚✧ Boromir.
Boromir fancies himself very suave, I think. But I feel like he would share the exact same situation with you, actually! His letters may be overtly flirtatious and even spicy as he tries to out-do your writings – but in person, Boromir is actually just as nervous and easily flustered as you. It takes him some time to admit it, but you both find comfort in your similarities.
・゚✧ Elrond.
Elrond initially thinks there must be a mistake – some jester who writes spicy letters to him in your name. When he confronts you, his sweet and innocent partner, with this conspiracy, your face heats up – of course it’s been you! Needless to say, Elrond understands immediately once you explain the situation to him. He’d even laugh at how everything went down.
・゚✧ Éomer.
To be honest, I feel like Éomer would be disappointed at first. After all, he thought he’d meet an outgoing social butterfly – which maybe you are – but not someone who covers their flushed face as soon as he’d play back some of the things you wrote in your letters, against a wall in Edoras. Even in the candlelight, he can make out your blush. However, after overcoming this initial disappointment he delights in your little interactions.
・゚✧ Éowyn.
Éowyn would need more time than others to realise the difference between your letters and your real personality. She’d mirror your forward flirts and innuendos and not notice at all how incredibly flustered you’d get – not until someone would point it out to her. She’d apologise immediately and ask with what you’d be comfortable, because that is her end goal after all – to make you feel good ♡
・゚✧ Faramir.
Poor Faramir would probably think something was wrong with him, or that you were disappointed by him in person. After all, why else wouldn’t you initiate any touches or flirtatious whispers, something that would be more in line with your letters? It’d take him some time to understand that you simply weren’t that kind of person. Needless to say, he’d happily take on the job of initiating affection himself!
・゚✧ Frodo.
Being the dreamy bookworm that he is, Frodo initially thinks that you two were essentially role-playing in your letters! It is only when you apologise to him for being so flustered and nervous when he takes your hand that he understands. He’ll just laugh and tell you he wasn’t as adventurous as the character in his letters either. “Why, we can be flustered together then, can’t we? I’d like that.”
・゚✧ Galadriel.
Galadriel, of course, cannot be fooled when it comes to your feelings. She is quite content with knowing only your thoughts, be it through letters or telepathy. That said, she likes to indulge in the occasional handholding, while always making sure you’re not pushed too far out of your comfort zone.
・゚✧ Gandalf.
Gandalf wouldn’t buy into your letters in the first place. While he does find them amusing to read, he knows very well how you get in person with just as little as a kiss. He accepts you as you are and doesn’t push anything on you that makes you uncomfortable. He also makes you laugh quite a bit with the letters he sends back to you!
・゚✧ Gimli.
Gimli finds your letters, no matter how spicy they actually were, quite scandalous – in a good way! He keeps them a well-kept secret, delighting every time you write him a few lines. He doesn’t see that big of a discrepancy between the characters of your letters and in person. He likes you as a whole. To him, it is fairly normal that one is more forward and suave when having hours to think of what to write, instead of a spontaneous display of affection.
・゚✧ Haldir.
Haldir cannot help but feel a gust of gratification after realising just how easily flustered you’d get in person. He deems it payback for all those shameless letters you keep writing him! However, that also means the stony Elf has to get out of his comfort zone: If he really wants to embarrass you, he’ll have to initiate a kiss or two, sooner or later… How unfortunate (not)!
・゚✧ Legolas.
Legolas would definitely approach your shy personality with “training” – meaning he would initiate many romantic gestures and little displays of affection, just so that you could get used to them and more comfortable in your relationship with him. He’d be mischievous but never cruel: “Why do you not try to go ahead and kiss me, dearest? There is no need to be shy with me!” He’d even guide your hands, your chin, etc. ♡
・゚✧ Merry.
Although Merry has very eagerly sent you just as flirty letters backs, he is pleasantly surprised to meet you in person and finding that you would blush and get flustered so easily. He’d explain it to you as almost having ‘two partners’ – a ‘two for one’ deal, so to speak! He’s immensely excited about this difference but always makes sure to keep it a secret between the two of you.
・゚✧ Pippin.
Pippin would grow ten feet tall (haha) once he learned how shy and lovestruck you were in person. Because of his playful character, he’d tease you while trying to make you more comfortable, à la: “I dare you to hold my hand right now! If you don’t, I’ll just take yours!” That said, Pippin would totally write back letters that are just as flirty and spicy as yours!
・゚✧ Sam.
Sam may be very shy himself, but he is absolutely charmed by your sweet blushes and cute whispers whenever he takes your hand or gives you a kiss. The man is just head over heels in love with you! Although he knows how you’ll react, it always takes him by surprise, and he’ll grin widely as you try to hide your blush.
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findelyfantasy · 6 months
How Different Elves Would Comfort You When You're Sad (Ft. A Mix of Characters from The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit!)
Just a little something I threw together with a random accumulation of characters I was thinking about at the time. This was really fun to work on, and I might do a part two some time in the future!
She’s wrap you up in the warmest embrace if you asked for it.
Provides the most beautiful and comforting words to help you through your emotions. She wants you to know that some things are out of our control, and that it is okay to feel these negative emotions when they come up.
If you need to vent, she offers to go on a walk where you can talk it out. She’s always there to lend a listening ear when you need it. 
Tauriel doesn’t touch you when you’re upset, she just listens and talks to you. She tries to ground you the best she can with her words.
If there’s something around that’s overstimulating you, she’ll get rid of it immediately (or try to reduce it to the best of her ability).
She always apologizes for whatever happened to you. Not in an “it’s my fault” kind of why but in a “this should have never happened to you” kind of way.
She’s always up to give you space if you need it. Tauriel knows how it feels to need time alone to process difficult emotions, especially sadness, so she understands completely if you need to be alone. 
He always takes you somewhere secluded where you can comfortably let your emotions out without being watched or judged by others. Thranduil likes to keep his Darling safe from watchful eyes that might use moments like this against you.
He comforts you as you cry, letting you burry your tears stained face into his shoulder. He cradles your head in one hand, the other placed firmly on your back, grounding you.
When you’ve finished crying, he wipes the tears from your face and kisses your knuckles. 
If you so wish, he’ll then kiss you other places: your cheek, your lips, your neck 
Seeing you cry breaks Arwen’s heart.
In all honesty, she feels like she needs to cry at the sight of you so upset.
When you’re upset, Arwen traces patterns on your back and shoulders as you cry into your hands. You appreciate the touch. 
When you calm down a bit, she wipes your tears away and guides your face to hers, making your foreheads touch. 
Legolas only touches you when asked directly, but when you do ask for physical comfort, he gives it to you in full force. He hugs you so tight, knowing that the pressure usually helps you calm down. 
He whispers nice things in your ear, little comforts like “This feeling will pass” or “It will be all right in the end, trust me.” 
Legolas is also the king of distractions. He knows that your mind will dwell on whatever is bothering you until you have something else to think about. When you’ve calmed down significantly, he talks to you about the trees or recounts a fond memory of his. Sometimes he even reminisces on a time that you two have spent together, which usually makes you laugh or sigh fondly at the memory. 
Celeborn is a man of not so many words. He comforts you through actions rather than speech, but the impact is just as significant. 
Whether you two are lying down or sitting somewhere together, he traces careful patterns on your back after checking in to ask if that’s something you want. 
In the moments where you’d rather not be touched, Celeborn listens. He knows the need to vent is something that comes up when you’re upset, and he wants nothing more than for you to get it all out. He listens intently to what you have to say and is great at interpreting your speech as you hitch and sputter out your words if you’re still in the middle of crying. 
When you’ve finished saying your piece, Celeborn provides light encouragement and advice to help you regulate your emotions and work toward making your situation better. 
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live-laugh-legolas · 2 months
hi!! may I ask for some headcanons of the members of the Fellowship dealing with a puppy? or any pet, that is, whoever you think suits each of them :3
Omg so cute!!
The fellowship with a puppy
-He probably found this puppy in a box in a town he was passing through
-He had no intention of getting a dog, but it was raining and he couldn’t leave this sweet thing out in the cold
-He’s really good with animals so he knows how to care for it
-Honestly I think he is good at not allowing himself to get attached, but puppies don’t have that skill
-The puppy adopts herself
-Seriously she won’t stop following him and cries when he tries to give her away
-And well, he’s a bit of a pushover sometimes
-Maybe Arwen would like her? Yeah, it will be a gift for Arwen
-He won’t want to take the puppy with him wherever because he doesn’t want her to get hurt
-Talks to the puppy like a person
-Ok this is kinda a story sort of thing, but he found a mom and her babies
-The mom isn’t doing well, so he promises to her that he will take care of her babies
-Does he know how, no, but he will die before he lets these puppies come to harm
-He has a quiet funeral for the mom and he takes the pups home
-His father is not impressed
-He finds homes for all but one
-Well he found a home for it, but it’s with him
-He fell in love with going out on runs with him and definitely goes hunting with him
-He lets his dog kinda roam wherever, kinda like a barn cat
-He was planning to get a dog
-A big fierce one to stand by his side
-But when he goes to the shelter he falls in love with a little guy
-I’m talking a tiny little yorkie
-He dresses her in the finest bows and gold incrusted collar
-Would kill for her
-I just love seeing big tough guys with their little dogs in bows
-He was looking to get a dog as a gift for Faramir
-He thought it might cheer his brother up to have a furry friend to take on patrols
-But he becomes attached to the puppy and refuses to give him up
-He says he is for both of them, but Faramir knows better
-He absolutely baby talks his puppy
-“He doesn’t understand I’m talking to him unless I speak to him like this”
-I think he would agree to foster a puppy to help someone out
-He takes very good care of it and trains it well
-He has every intention that he will adopt it out, but once someone says they are interested he realizes he can’t part with it
-I think he finds a lot of peace with the routine that comes with caring for a puppy
-Although I honestly see him as the type to have more unique pets like some sort of lizard
-He didn’t really want a dog
-Rosie brought one home for their kids
-But it ends up being the situation where the dad doesn’t want the dog but then they become best friends
-The puppy tries to eat his flowers, and Sam tries to get it to pull weeds instead
-I imagine he would end up with a really lazy dog once it grows out of the puppy phase that just chills with him while he gardens
-He literally squeals
-He’s such an animal lover
-How could something be so cute
-Absolutely the type to never shut up about his puppy (me too tho)
-Trains it to do tricks, possibly to steal…
-Would have an instagram for his dog in modern day
-Also side note, I think he would be the type to have birds, like parrots and such
-He just picked up a stray puppy once and was like “uhm you’re coming home with me”
-Dresses him up and takes him on lots of walks
-He doesn’t understand why everyone is scared of his little puppy
-He doesn’t realize until the puppy just keeps getting bigger that this is not a dog
-It’s a wolf
-But it’s his wolf and he loves him and he is his baby
PS: I mention giving puppies as gifts, but in general this isn’t something you should do unless it has been discussed prior :)
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