#as I didn't get the chance to go back and clean up the final image as much as I wanted to
elodee · 4 months
CuteGuy and HotGuy x Batman Beyond
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For the Alternate Hermits day, I drew CuteGuy and HotGuy in the style of Batman Beyond!
I really wanted to include one of the many superhero cartoons I like in this challenge and Alt Day provided the perfect opportunity since Grian and Scar's personas include superhero characters!
To learn more about Batman Beyond and see my style references, continue below the cut.
(You can be a hero too by donating to Gamer's Outreach!)
Batman Beyond is a Batman cartoon that takes place in 2039, 20 years after Bruce Wayne, now in his 70s, has retired as Batman.
For two decades Gotham was without a Batman until a teen named Terry McGinnis stumbles onto Wayne Manor in an attempt to escape a gang called the Jokerz. After Terry discovers the Batcave, he takes on the mantle of Batman and begins his crime-fighting career under the tutelage of Bruce himself.
Batman Beyond is one of the best Batman series (next to Batman: The Animated Series of course). Terry is a fantastic protagonist and the relationship between Terry and Bruce really drives the show, in addition to its great visuals. With its angular designs and neo-noir setting, I would argue this is the most visually striking of the classic DC cartoons.
If you like Batman, definitely give Batman Beyond a watch!
Style references:
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The show is very angular. The whole show has a very art deco meets Tron aesthetic.
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This poster was my reference for the background, but I rendered CuteGuy and HotGuy in the style of the show itself.
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Batman Beyond title design
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clauscielo · 18 days
✧ yearning
pairing: joel miller & reader, arthur morgan & reader.
warnings: angsty. self-conscious, touch starved men. age difference, slight nsfw for joel.
requests are open!
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joel looked at himself over and over again in the mirror. it had been so long since he'd cared about his appearance… last time he'd worried about looking good was in his teens. he would've laughed if someone had told him a few years ago that he'd be worrying about this again.
but here he was. looking at himself with contempt. his wrinkles, his gray hairs… the bags under his eyes, his teeth, his skin marred by sun and survival. and when, somehow, he finally managed to find himself..., not necessarily attractive, but halfway acceptable, he'd then look at you and his whole world would fall apart.
you were beautiful.
no matter how hard he looked at you, he couldn't find a single flaw. in some conversations you had mentioned some insecurities you had, but he was unable to understand them. you were just perfect.
“are you okay? you were taking so long,” you said, concerned. and he just stared at you, pained, analyzing every detail of your face, comparing it to his own.
“i'm fine. let's go,” he replied with a heavy sigh. his voice quivered slightly, perhaps from the effort he made carrying his backpack, or from something else.
he had long ago realized his feelings for you. normally he wouldn't care about feeling something for someone, attraction, or whatever. but this was different. he wanted you, deeply. he drooled over you. every night, he closed his eyes, imagining how your bare body would look, how your bare breasts would be, how it would feel to be inside of you. god, he hated himself for it, but he loved to fantasize about you before he went to sleep, the image of you being the last thing on his mind before he drifted off to sleep, sometimes even conjuring up dreams that were exquisite to him.
but when morning came, he could hardly look you in the eye. he felt disgusted, ashamed. you trusted him, and joel felt as if he was betraying you, with all these thoughts of his.
you were too young for him. you were too naïve for things to work out between you two. you were… too good for him.
and yet, he still allowed himself the luxury of watching you sleep when you rested next to him some nights, leaning against his shoulder, your lips half-open, soft little snores escaping from them. he loved you. he really did.
“you get some rest,” he whispered, stirring on the couch, a little restless. the scent of your hair flooded his nostrils, he closed his eyes and let his head fall back. he wasn't sure he could take much more of this.
“joel…” you snuggled a little more against him. “take me to bed…?” you whispered, half asleep, if not completely asleep.
“ah… sure,” he murmured. he carried you in his arms and gently, laid you on your bed. you opened your eyes a little and as he looked at you, he felt like kneeling before you and begging your forgiveness, for all the things he craved with you, for being so nasty and for never being enough.
“don't go,” you asked, your voice low. and he nodded, his gaze low with guilt.
“i won't, baby,” joel said, his voice barely a whisper, “i won't.”
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you hated washing dishes. you preferred anything to this. you didn't know why, but it disgusted you terribly. the remains of breakfast mixing with the remains of lunch and dinner under water and soap... and when you touched some lump of unknown origin without wanting to, you panicked. was there anything worse than this?
being in a gunfight, maybe. you weren't so sure either.
whenever it was your turn to do the dishes, you procrastinated longer than it actually took you to clean them. you'd spend a whole hour whining, dreading the moment you'd have to face such a horrible, excruciating task. and then it would only take you fifteen minutes to get it done. it was the same thing, every time.
so arthur, whenever he got the chance, helped you. almost every time, he stood in for you, he cleaned up while you stood by his side, chattering about whatever nonsense, his gaze lost in your smile, his mind in the sound of your voice.
and of course, every time he got you off the dishes, you were so effusive with your words and gestures of gratitude.
“i sure do ‘ppreciate this, arthur. thank ya kindly,” you sighed, stroking his arm and squeezing it a little. he relaxed under your touch, a goofy grin creeping across his face, his cheeks warming.
he felt like a complete idiot. a young lady as pretty, as cheerful, as deep and intelligent as you, with a bitter simpleton like him? it was ridiculous. it would never happen.
his smile faded as he stared at the dishes he was washing. his chest ached at the thought that he could never be honest with you, could never touch you, hold you, whisper the words of love he thought every time he looked at you. he was disgusted with himself for being so attracted to someone like you. what the hell was he thinking?
arthur would do anything to make you happy. and it might seem stupid, but seeing you so relieved and grateful for something he did, even if it was as silly as washing the dishes, made him feel... important. important to you. and he loved it when you stayed by his side while he did it, telling him your stories, your thoughts.
he just wanted you to love him. and he liked to fantasize that you did, every time you touched him, every time you smiled at him, every time you got close to him because you wanted to and not because you had to.
“thank ya so much, arthur. you're the best,” you told him, with a coy smile, watching him dry his hands after he had washed each and every one of the dishes. he smiled sadly. he didn't want this brief moment with you to end.
“thank ya? the hell ya mean? that’ll be five dollars,” he replied, jokingly. you laughed.
“how ‘bout one little kiss? that enough for ya?” you asked.
he turned red and stammered, surprised by your answer.
“and what good would a kiss from you do me?” he replied, defensively, flustered. but when he saw your smile fade, morphing into an expression of embarrassment, he regretted it. “i’m sorry. didn’t mean it like that. just caught me off guard,” he muttered.
you giggled, stood on tiptoe, and planted a sweet kiss on his cheek.
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lazyneonrabbitt · 3 months
Forest Guardian pt.2
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Daryl Dixon x reader [pt.1]
Your second day in the woods goes nowhere near how you thoight it would go, but at least it ends nicely.
Teeny bit of nsfw at the start.
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Back behind the curtain to the makeshift sink and cleaning station Daryl took a couple of minutes to make sure you had fallen asleep and unfolded the magazine he grabbed before. Merle insisted in stashing some dirty magazines in his supply drops from time to time. "In case he got lonely."
Not that he really used them, he didn't care for it at all. But now with you hanging around all day and showing him care he felt it affecting him. Luckily he still knew how to behave and not hop into bed to have his way with you.
So he had to make do with the models on the pages to satisfy his urges. If he covered their faces he could imagine it was your nude body he was staring at while he worked himself to his release as quietly as possible. His hand would never feel as good as yours. Or maybe your lips, even if he was kind enough to you. The idea alone was enough to help him over the edge, finishing all over his hand.
He felt disgusting after he cleaned himself up. When he got back he could barely fall asleep, hyper aware of you just a few feet away, sleeping in his cot, on his mattress. Under his blanket.
Morning couldn't arrive fast enough, even his dreams were plagued with images of you and he woke up feeling like hell had finally gotten its nasty claws on him. He needed to busy himself with something, whatever he could find to distract his mind. So he chose to start preparing for today's hunting trip. He'd have you come along to help foraging so you needed a bag for yourself too. And tools for hunting, gathering plants and also for protection. He wouldn't admit it, but he was having fun with it.
Daryl was already up when you awoke, he was quietly emptying a small bag.
You stretched and yawned, sitting up slowly. "Morning.." your voice was scrapy and your back sore. "Man, how do you have a spine left with this bed?"
He turned to face you, a soft huff of a laugh leaving him. "City girl whinin'."
You almost took offense, but shrugged it off, not having the energy to argue right now. You'd have to get used to living with a shitty bed if you were going to stay.
"So, what's the plan? Do you have food?" You were slouched over on the cot, already cranky with how your stomach was actively grumbling for food, and the lack of fancy breakfast and coffee.
"Get up 'n I'll get ya food. Goin' out after."
You worked yourself off the cot and towards Daryl who had moved around and handed you a piece of jerky.
"This is breakfast?" You eyed the slab with caution, turning it on your hands with uncertanty. "I seriously hope this is just wild boar or something." You wiggled the piece of dried meat at him, and before you had a chance to pull your hand back Daryl had snatched the food from your hand. "F'ya don' wan'it I'll eat it."
"What? No! Give it please.." You drew out the wine, pouting at him and got the jerky back, gnawing on it to still your hunger.
When you were finally ready to head out, which took way too long according to Daryl, you two were out the door.
"So, where are we going? You're barely sharing anything here." You were following his steps, a shaking hand still holding onto the bag he gave you.
"Yer gon' need this." Daryl had given you a small crossbody bag earlier and showed you its contents one by one.
A small knife, for foraging. Plants only.
A large hunting knife, for meat.
And a handgun. "Daryl, why am I taking this?"
You didn't even want to touch it, but Daryl made sure to show you how to hold it properly, even if it bothered him to hell and back to have to get so up close and personal with you and keep his body under control.
"Yer goin' out in the woods. Ya need protection." He had placed everything in the bag and handed it to you. "An' I ain't handin' y'a shotgun." He slung his own weapon over his shoulder, a throwing axe strapped to his waist along with his knives and a crossbow in his hand.
"I got you. You got a whole arsenal. Why do I need the gun.." It was clear you weren't comfortable with it. Still you were outside with him, heading into the woods to do god knows what.
Watching your step quickly became watching his broad shoulders move in his tight long sleeve shirt. You didn’t even hear him talk to you until he stopped because of you not responding and walked straight into his back.
“M try’na be nice ‘ere, takin’ y’out the door an’ y’aint even listnin’.” His one good eye stared into your soul, intimidating being an understatement and having you immediately straighten up and nod vigorously. “Yes! No, I'm sorry..” You stared at your shoes and got a pat on the shoulder, leading you to move on.
You were the one gathering the edible plants while Daryl was off but still in view, hunting an animal you didn’t see. Busying yourself plucking the plant as instructed you were caught off guard by a gunshot, a pained grunt and screams of agony that made you shoot up and go check the situation. You saw Daryl first, hunched over and bleeding with a dead guy who had an axe buried in his chest.
A second guy was staring In panic before turning on his heels and running off.
“Shoot ‘em. For fuck’s sake!” You set off in a sprint, hands shaking as you dug for the gun, talking yourself into doing it for real, doing it to save Daryl. You followed his path, having stopped running and looked through the sight as Daryl showed you and pulled the trigger.
You missed.
The shot was close enough to make him jump as lose his footing. You had to do it now, there was no other choice.
You took the shot with shaking hands, but it hit. You did what Daryl asked of you.
Daryl. “Fuck.”
Leaving the body you set out to sprint back to where he got attacked and saw him lay on his back, the shirt he wore torn up to bind his bleeding wound. He saw you come into view and gave you new instructions.
“Merle, get ‘im fer me.” He was in a lot of pain, so you insisted in helping him dit up against a tree. “How? My car is gone, remember?” You had a whole fit this morning before you set out, not seeing your car where you parked it the day before.
“Walkie, cabinet next to the door..” His hand weakly smacked your shoulder to set you in motion, watching you run off in the direction of the cabin.
You found the thing fairy quick, pressing the button and calling out. “Merle? Are you there?”
Answer. Again. “Merle! Daryl needs help for fuck’s sake, answer this thing.”
“Merle!” Your voice was shaking when he answered.
“The hell’s a lady’s voice callin’ on mah brother’s channel. Ain’cha supposed ta be dead?”
Wait, dead? “What the fuck dude? You sent me there on purpose?” You were fuming now, blood boiling but there was no time to fight. “Get your ass over here, Daryl got shot and he needs help”
You wanted to toss the walkie in frustration, but kept it on you as you went through your bag for the simple first aid kit you took and ran back to where you left Daryl.
He came into view in the distance was still sitting against the tree, head slumped to the side. You almost tripped over your own feet as your stomach turned itself inside out and you fell to your knees, puking up that little thing you ate for breakfast. Tears ran down your face and you couldn’t stop the sobbing but you had to get up and move on. Daryl needed you.
Wiping your mouth with your sleeve you got back up and got to his side, unpacking the kit but finding nothing that you knew how to use to patch a bullet wound. You had used up some stuff already to patch his previous wounds that by now weren't even bothering him anymore.
All you could do now was press the leftover gauze to the wound and wait for Merle to arrive.
It didn't take long for the pickup truck to arrive and Merle hopping out to check his brother's wounds. "Gotta load 'im in the back, help me wouldya."
You managed to get Daryl laid in the truck bed, but watched as Merle made his way into the woods. "Where's them boys ya shot? Gotta clean 'em up 'fore we head back."
With a sigh you pointed him in the direction of the one furthest away while you took the one close by. It was a hassle and a half to get the dead weight lifted and thrown into the vehicle on your own, but you managed by the time Merle got back with the other body slung over his shoulder. You followed his movements as he tossed the body in the back with no care at all and closed the latch. "Ya watch him, I'll head to his cabin."
You got comfortable and steadied yourself for the ride, keeping a close eye on Daryl who was still breathing as of now. The ride was a short one and Daryl was on his cot with minimal issues.
You worked on getting Daryl's wound accessible while Merle quickly threw a tarp over the corpses in his truck. When he came back he saw your shaking hands and came to help immediately. "Move over, ya see an exit wound?" You shook your head, realizing you had to go fish it out of him with whatever backwoods methods you had to use.
Daryl stirred with each prod of Merle's tools, your weight barely enough to hold the man down.
"Ya gotta git'yer back into it, girlie! Can't get tha' damn bullet outta him." Merle complained about Daryl's stirring constantly until he had enough and shoved the medical tools into your hands.
"I'll hold. You pry the thing outta his side." He made you swap places and held his brother down with all his might as your shaking hands rested on Daryl's skin, needing a second to steady yourself before you could try yo get the bullet out.
"Ya got this. Slow 'n steady, jus' like tha'." Merle's voice had gone soft and almost comforting in a way, it helped your nerves and after some gut wrenching moments you got the bullet out and leaving a gross, bleeding hole. "Tha's it, now press this on."
He handed you a cloth to press on the wound. "Ya know how ta sew?"
You looked at him with true horror in your eyes while he dug for thread and a needle, but nodded.
“Good! Sew ‘im up ‘fore he bleeds out.” One of his hands moved to hold the cloth in place until you got your nerves in check while to other one handed you the items to close Daryl’s wounds.
With an intake of breath you squeezed Daryl’s flesh together, and pushed the needle through as you breathed out.
In. Squeeze. Out. Thread.
A few more times to close the wound entirely, snipping the thread as Merle worked to patch up the stitches with a gauze and medical tape.
Merle didn’t stick around much long after. He helped you clean up and left some supplies behind for you, giving you something that sounded like an apology before heading out the door.
You were alone now.
Daryl had passed out while you sewed the wound shut and was snoozing away comfortably now. Or at least he looked comfortable.
You went to pull a blanket over his body when you remembered his wounds from yesterday, deciding now that he was out of it anyways you’d tend to those as well. You thanked him quietly for wearing a sleeveless shirt, being able to reach the wound on his upper arm easily.
You unwrapped the bandage and found the wound healed enough to leave it uncovered.
It had been less than twenty-four hours and his wound looked like it had done a week's worth of healing.
You left it as is, and went to unwrap the wound on his torso for an inspection too. That one had the same, one day old and no longer in need of covering up.
'The hell?' You were unsure how to react to what you were seeing. This shouldn't be possible, right? No one has such good health that those'd heal so quick, especially not someone living in the woods. No way that's a side effect of cannibalism.
"Tha's twice ya saved me, now." Daryl's tired voice made you jump up and away from the cot, but his wince as he let out a laugh had you back at his side in a second.
"You should sleep some more, moving's bad for the wound." Your hand rested on his chest, a kind gesture to accompany your suggestion. A deep sigh left Daryl's lips as he got comfortable, laying on his back a bit off to the side of the cot. But not without grabbing a fistful of your sweater and pulling you down against his uninjured side, moving you without any trouble. "Yer joinin' me. 'Msure yer head's goin' crazy after whatya had ta do."
You couldn't protest at all, even injured he held you down with ease, so you chose to settle down beside him.
His chest was so soft, comfortable as a pillow and his whole body ran hot, like your personal heater. It was surprisingly nice to cuddle up with him.
What caught you off guard, though, was the feeling of Daryl's lips softly pressing against your forehead. You didn't dare to move, shock taking over and keeping you frozen in place. You tried to focus on your breathing but all you could focus on was the touch of his lips, the shape of his scars prominent against your skin.
It didn't feel like any other kisses you had ever gotten. Not because of Daryl's scarred face, but because of the feeling it brought you. It radiated a comfortable fuzzy feeling that had you doze off in a matter of minutes.
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rubendiasthoughts · 11 months
Hey 💕 I know I have been slacking, but truth be told I just haven't been feeling it lately. However I managed to write this thing over the recent days, I hope you will like this. Thank you to the person who sent me this idea ❤ Sending love 💕
Ps. I will try to answer to the little scenarios you guys have sent in later 💕
Ruben noticing that the reader has lost weight due to stress related to her job:
The last few days Ruben hasn't seen much of her. Two days ago she just came back from a trip that she had to take for her work. And now that she was here she was working long hours, doing overtime and once she got home she was so tired the only thing she could think about was going to bed and finally getting some sleep. And he didn't have the heart to weary her with any additional conversations, he would only tuck her in and press a soft kiss to her forehead before going to bed himself. He tried to make it as easy as possible for her around the house too, he would clean and cook, making sure she didn't have to burden her mind with any of that.
Every time he saw her come in through the doors, he couldn't help but feel his heart sink at the image of her, her eyelids heavy, no sign of a smile on her face. Last night, when she came back, made her way to the bedroom and started stripping herself out of her clothes in order to put on one of his shirts and get under the covers he got a chance to get a good look at her, in a way he haven't had the chance to in the last few days. His eyebrows furrowed in worry when his eyes traveled up and down her body. It seemed to him that she may have lost some weight. Maybe the change wasn't very visible for everyone else, but for him, who knew her body so well it was pretty clear and it made thoughts race through his head. However, when he saw the little smile that she gave him after making herself comfortable on the bed next to him he made a silent decision he should leave this conversation for tomorrow. In fact, she told him earlier she finally wouldn't have to do overtime and would get back home earlier, so he realised that would be better than starting this topic today, when she was already half asleep. Before turning the bedisde light off he only leaned over her and pressed a gentle kiss to her temple, making her humm out in appreciation and he watched as the sleep overtook her.
The next day he decided to great her with a warm, yummy dinner ready on the table. When she came into the kitchen and saw him making the table, she couldn't help but curl her lips in a genuine smile. After so many days of hard work, there was nothing she wanted more than to spend a nice evening with her boyfriend. She came up to him, wrapping her arms around his torso, as he hugged her close to him.
"Hi baby, missed you" he murdered into her hair, before pressing a kiss to it. She returned the affectionate words to him, before looking up, waiting for him to lean down and press his lips to hers.
He pulled the chair out for her, making her giggle and he served the meal he prepared. She told him about her day, while they ate, his eyes we're glued to her, happy to see her enjoy the dinner he cooked for her. Nothing made him happier than taking care of her. And nothing made him feel worse than knowing that he was failing at it.
After finishing their meal they moved to the couch, leaving the dirty dishes in the sink, making quick promises to deal with them later. Ruben held her close to him, her head resting on his chest, as she focused on the movie that was playing on the TV screen. His stomach twisting from anxiety at the thought of the conversation he knew he had to start. Even though there was a part of him that was mad at her and even a bigger part that was angry at himself for not taking care of her properly, he knew he had to be careful with how he was going to bring it up. His nerves calmed a bit, as he pressed his lips to her temple, closing his eyes and inhaling the sweet scent of her perfumes that he loved so much.
"I want to talk to you about something" he mumbled against the side of her head in an attempt to catch her attention. She turned her head to the side, looking back at him with curiosity. A quiet humm left her lips, letting him know that she was listening to what he had to say.
"I've been worried about you, baby" he said, making her forrow her eyebrows in confusion. She freed herself from his arms in order to sit up straight and be able to turn around tand get a good look at him.
"What do you mean?" she asked seemingly clueless. In the back of her mind though, she had an idea what this could be about. She chewed on her lower lip in anticipation, waiting for what her boyfriend has to say.
"I just think you haven't been taking care of yourself properly, lately. You were stuck at work most of the time and have been overworking yourself and... I noticed you have been loosing weight recently, and I think it's important that you know it's not healthy for you." he rambled. "I only want to take care of you and always want the best for you that's why I feel like we need to have this conversation... " he stopped as he noticed tears welling up in her eyes, her lower lip pouted a bit.
"I know, I'm sorry" she whispered, trying her best to stop the tears from falling. Ruben extended his arms to her, pulling her into his chest, his hands roaming her back, trying to sooth her.
"Don't cry baby, it'll be okay. Tell me what's been going on, huh?" he mumbled into her hair.
"I've just been so stressed with work lately... And this new project has been so demanding, I just want to do my best with it and... I just couldn't really focus on anything but work." she sobbed into his shirt. "It's all just been so hard on me. I'm sorry." she couldn't help but feel guilty for making Ruben so worried about her.
"I know baby, it's okay." he comforted her. "We're gonna take care of this together, hmm? I'm gonna help you, sweet girl. Work is important, but you can't sacrifice yourself for it." he continued, earning a quiet nod from her. "You just have to promise me you will start eating properly now, okay?" he pressed another kiss to the top of her head.
"I promise" she whispered into the material of his shirt.
"That's my girl" he praised, causing a giggle to leave her lips. The sound of her laughter instantly lifting the heaviness that had been weighing on Ruben's heart. In his head he was already making notes, planning to text her everyday reminding her of her meals and to prepare food for her. He would do anything and everything to make sure his girl was alright.
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Kibbles – Lee Know
Minho x high school friend turned girlfriend Iris, circa January 2020
Of how Minho realized for the very first time that he was in love already. 
The realization hit Minho as early on as his first date with Iris, and it was not for any of the reason he would suspect. They were high school friends, not to mention him having a crush on her on almost the entirety of those years, so he had his guesses on which particular trait of her would deem him done for. But boy, how far off his guesses were. 
They went to a coffee shop and spent the whole said first date there. To this day, Minho still insisted he originally had a cooler plan for their date, but didn't get the chance to proceed because he'd enjoyed talking with Iris too much – to which Iris still teased him to this day. Despite her teasing, Minho knew she'd enjoyed the date as much as he had. She'd always had a rather awful ability to put up a poker face, so her smiles and laughs just could not be mistaken for a fake. She'd also looked genuinely crestfallen by the time they finally had to go because it was almost midnight and the coffee shop was closing. 
"Don't be too sad," Minho teased when he walked her from the subway station to her apartment building. "We'll go somewhere cool next time." 
"So there will be a next time?" 
Minho mentally cursed himself. "Uh, with how things are going so far, I think there should be a next time? Unless I'm reading things wrong?" 
"It's not that," Iris quickly said. "A-plus in reading. It's just... I thought it might be a little... complicated? With you being a pro idol and all." 
Despite her teasing tone at his self-claimed title of "pro idol", Minho felt his heart fell. The entire day he spent with Iris, it was so easy to forget who he was and what he did for a living; Iris was someone from his ordinary life, too familiar and comfortable that he was just simply a Lee Minho when he was with her. Her question brought the idol Lee Know back, along with the hundreds of complications that came with him. Even though he wasn't on a dating ban anymore, dating for him would never be not complicated. There were a lot of things to navigate and consider, and on top of it all he didn't know whether Iris would be okay with them all, or whether she would be interested enough to try it out with him. He understood all too well that putting up with him was no easy feat. 
Suddenly realizing he'd gone too deep in his thoughts, Minho turned to face Iris – and didn't find her. His heart fell even further; did she freak out already and decided to run off when she still could? "Iris?" 
"Here," came her faint voice. Minho turned and found her a couple meters behind him, kneeling to look at something on the ground. As Minho approached her, he realized that she was petting two stray cats who seemed to be fighting for her attention. 
The sight did something to Minho. He'd known Iris was a cat person since their high school days, but this was the first time he saw the proof right before his own eyes, and it was an entirely different thing. He stood at his place, mesmerized, as Iris kept playing and making small conversations with the cats. Then she reached to her bag, pulled out a small container, poured the content of it into her hand, and only when she lowered her hand to the cats and they sniffed it with high interest did Minho realize it was cat food. 
She had a container of cat food in her bag, and was now feeding it to stray cats, directly from her hand. 
Another thing he realized: he was in love already. 
His heart pounding and his mind racing, he tried to process the sudden realization and what to do about it. His eyes were still trained on Iris and the cats, though he was no longer really seeing them anymore; not that he needed to anyway, now that the image was already imprinted on his head possibly for eternity. 
He barely noticed when Iris bid the cats goodbye, got back to her feet, cleaned her hands with a wet wipe. The next thing he knew, she was already standing in front of him. "You okay?" 
"Do you trust me?" he blurted. 
She raised an eyebrow quizzically. "Of course. What do you have in mind?" 
There was still a mountain of things to navigate and consider, but Minho thought they could try figuring them out along the way. The most important thing right now was to let her know. 
So he kissed her. 
coming up next
Find more stories from Minho & Iris and the rest of Stray Kids here!
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peachymilkandcream · 6 months
Fraud | Part 10 | Yandere All Might x Hero!Reader
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(A/N: We're already at ten parts, if things keep this way we might have a series that rivals Break Me Slowly. If this series gets past 40 chapters then we'll know which one I've been enjoying writing more. XD Hope you enjoy and comment to be added to the taglist!)
WARNINGS: noncon, dubcon, manipulation, domestic abuse, yandere themes, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, stockholm syndrome, graphic depictions of violence, mind breaking, misogyny, power imbalance, age difference, cheating, forced orgasm, suicide, etc.
When All Might was finished with Shade he left her there shaking and drained. His superior strength meant she didn't stand a chance against his advances, he would always take what he wanted. Her tears and pleas fell on deaf ears when he finally found his release.
He adjusted his clothes and started his daily routine, as if the night prior he hadn't kidnapped an innocent woman and had his way with her. Business as usual.
Part of this routine was keeping up to date with the world outside, ensuring that his daily activities weren't found out and that he could continue to hide in the shadows.
Unfortunately the media was biting him in the ass.
News of Shade's disappearance had begun to spread like wildfire. Apparently the fool had made several social media posts about her involvement with All Might, as well as that nosy pro who had invited her over wondered what happened to her.
He had been a fool.
So far what the police had told the public is that she had been seen leaving her apartment, there were no signs of a struggle and yet she was gone. Probably taken from a back alley. They were searching them now for any clues as to who this mysterious attacker could be.
Hopefully this would all blow over, it always did. He was even more popular than before now, there was no reason his connections would fail him now. No matter what they found, it would never come back to him, right?
His phone rang.
"All Might." His voice was more stern than he would have liked.
"All Might, this is the chief of police, we'd like you to come in for questioning."
Beads of sweat dripped down his neck. "I'm on my way."
Shade felt numb all over, but her insides were burning with pain. Images of the man she looked up to most in life violating her over and over. Her body was filled with his cum, leaking out and making her feel disgusted.
With broken bones and the fear of the fastest hero alive in the next room all she could do was stay still. Hopefully he would come to reason and let her go, if he promised to stay far away from her for the rest of her life she probably wouldn't even press charges. She could live with him roaming free if it meant she'd be safe. But the chances of that she knew were slim.
However in the next room as she waited for his inevitable return Shade could hear the television going. A spark of hope shot through her, they were looking for her. People wanted her to be found and already knew she was missing. If All Might had been careless and left any evidence at the scene where he took her, maybe this whole ordeal would be over sooner than she thought.
She could go home.
Just then the door opens and the man of the hour enters, his face dark and grim. She tries to hide it but the faintest of grins comes to her face, he should be sweating bullets right now, knowing all of this would be brought to justice.
"I'm going out. I'll be back shortly. Don't try anything and I'll see about letting you up to clean yourself."
"Okay, I won't- I'll wait right here- but uhm, where are you going can I ask?"
He doesn't look at her as he responds, resolve and determination etched into his features.
"The Symbol of Peace is needed."
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kimhargreeves · 1 year
Until The Very End -Shion x Reader (Hell's Paradise)
Summary: Prepared to head to a dangerous place with criminals, you find yourself not only fighting them but another powerful being living in the forest. Your Master being not that far away from you, always willing to protect you no matter what.
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(So I finally decided to give Hell's Paradise a chance since I saw an image of Shion and Tenza and decided to continue watching the anime. Stayed up until 4am and in all honesty I would've loved episodes 8 trio to be the main characters. I find them more interesting than the actual ones. So, here I decided to write a one shot of Shion, just things are a bit out of order at the end but it's how I decided to write it. Prepare the tissues!)
I stared down at my sword, blood slowly dripping onto the light green colored grass. The person laying on a puddle of blood wasn't one of my team, but a criminal, he was once wanted for killing women in specifically in front of young children, delivering their heads to the male of the house and enjoyed watching them suffer for their loves ones.
It was clear as day that I wasn't fond of who I was teamed up with. He sensed this too, so he tried to kill me when he believed I was distracted once we had traveled across the angry waves of the ocean separating us from our next destination.
The man thought he could kill me, but he was too weak, he was scared when he saw me swinging my sword. Scared because for the first time no one was capable of killing him, he used to suffer watching innocent people die, and he found one innocent who thought would do the same.
"Gross, my sword is dirty again." I cleaned the blade with my sleeves and quickly hid my sword back.
I smelled the air and could smell iron, the smell of blood nearby. I continued to walk further until I saw the body of one of my comrades. I knelt down on the ground and said a small prayer.
Though I wouldn't get along with a few, most of them were good men. I frown looking at the ground and felt a pang on my chest, Eizen. He was the second person who found me back in the day when I needed help, the first one being Shion.
I still remember the day when I met them both. My life wasn't easy from an early age, I worked harder than most men, slept very little and ate when I could find any leftovers.
Life is truly a living hell, full of anger, sadness and lots of death, but at the same time it's beautiful…
"Hope you find peace in the afterlife." I muttered and got back up on my feet.
Quickly I left the spot hoping to not come across another demon and find any of my teammates back again.
From an early age I felt like I was born to suffer, to not have a full filing and happy life. I don't remember much of my childhood despite going through a lot, but what I do remember is at the age of 12 I was sold by my family.
They are a family with plenty of children, but onto had boys, six boys and a girl when I was born. "A woman has to provide for their family, bear children and do what society tells them to do." That's all I ever heard from my parents.
Despite being still very young, I decided to take another path. I started following in my father's footsteps and my brother's, trying to fit in and train like them, I used to stare in awe when I saw them fighting to become soldiers.
I felt like I could be like them, brave, being recognized for their strength and traveling to get the job done.
The day I turned 12, the exact same day I was sold to a house. My parents said they had no use of me if I wouldn't be of help to them, so they did what was easiest to them.
If they didn't have money, then why did they have so many children?
I was terrified that day, held back my tears as I was dragged to what would be my home, no my work place. I was sold to become a prostitute, entertain men at a young age.
The house was full of beautiful but broken women, wanting to escape their reality just like me.
The people in charge of the pleasure house were anything but kind, but at least they knew I wasn't ready. They said I was still to young to be of service, so I stayed in that home for two more years.
When I reached 14 I was told that my age was appropriate, I was ready to become a woman. Many men had entered the place, some flirting with the woman and others simply enjoying their meals or drinks.
"This one is your newest girl." The madam of the house introduced me with a fake name for my protection.
"Isn't she a bit too young?" I heard a man ask
"A-Ah yes! But it's a woman's job to serve.", The madam replied. "Tonight will be a special night for her."
I panicked hearing those words, when that happened I accidentally spilled tea onto her lap and earned a strong hit from her.
"Stupid girl! You're no help to us at all!" She let her anger towards me known.
I excused myself and quickly left the room as I held my cheeks and felt my eyes stinging. I wanted to run away, leave this place for once, I didn't care if I were to die the next day, I'd rather be dead than live a life others want to control.
"Are you alright?"
I glanced back and took a good look at the man who spoke back inside. He was a bit taller than me, with scars over his eyes and across. Is he blind?
"I see you're upset. It's okay to be."
I guess he was trying to joke at the first sentence, but I could feel calmness coming from him. A pure air coming from him.
"You're planning on running away aren't you? I think you should, I can see that they treat you badly. A child as yourself shouldn't be in these conditions."
I made no effort to talk, afraid that I might get hurt for talking to a man who si clearly higher in status than me.
"Here take this, it's the least I can do to help." The man had in his hands a kunai. "I hope for us to reunite in the future." The man waved and smiled down at me.
My eyes widened and I simply stated at him amazed, hopeful, he was the first person to help me. That person was Shion.
That same night I ran, stole enough money for a few days, had my new weapon in hand and left to never return to that miserable life. That night was finally the night I could finally cry after years of holding my emotions in.
I went into hiding and cut my hair off to dress as a boy. It was the only way to get a proper job and to be treated differently.
So, I trained myself simply by watching other men doing their job. I got myself baggy enough clothes that would hide my figure and I worked selling carbon for a while until I was adopted into a family of an elderly couple.
"This young man is simply impressive. He'll grow up to be a fine soldier." My adoptive parents said.
It wasn't long after I told them my secret, both were concerned over me but they accepted me when I swore to protect them and continue to provide for them. They loved me nonetheless, both their kids were killed a long time ago, so they treated me as their own.
My adoptive father had worked in the Yamada clan in his younger days, seeing my potential he was the one who helped me grow stronger and eventually when I was 16, I was accepted into joining a clan.
I continued to hold onto my kunai, hoping to see the man who gifted it to me. I held the item dear to me, I blushed whenever I would remember him. Though he was just a few years older, I hope to see him again.
So, I went to one of the strongest in their field. I continued to dress as a boy and fooled everyone. I continued to train and eventually met who would be my master.
I was now a part of the Yamada clan, accepted to finally become a samurai.
I remained still in a line waiting with the rest of the newest members and I gasped when my eyes fell on the figure of a talk man with silver hair and scars. My heart began to beta faster than usual, after years I finally saw him again. He grew up to be a lot more handsome.
I was just a child when I met him, there's no way he'll recognize my voice of who I am. Men, soldiers like him are focused on their jobs, nothing more.
"(Y/N), step forward." I did as told and stopped closer to him and was now face to face. "From now on Shion will be your Master. You will obey his orders and train your hardest, let's hope and see what they say about you is true."
I nodded my head and bowed. "I look forward to become your partner and train to be as strong as you!"
The man remained silent and when I looked up I could see a faint smile on his lips when he rose up from bowing his head as well.
Weeks went by and training was indeed hell, but I've endured harder treatments. This is nothing to me, I swore I would grow stronger to prove my parents my worth and to impress, Shion. To show him that I grew to become a strong person because of him.
The blush across my face would be apparent everytime Shion would pass by me. The rest of my team would be confused as to why I would become all flustered. Eizen a man with long dark red hair, I remember him as the one who gave me a bit of money when I was working at the pleasure house.
He was the first one to accept me here and he helped me in choosing the proper tools so my sword would be made.
My back was hurting along with my legs from the amounts of hits I would receive from still training. So, I decided to soak in the river by night time when everyone was asleep.
I winced at the pain when I undressed myself and soaked into the water. I scrubbed myself and cleaned my hair, I realized it was growing a bit longer than I would've liked since I would get caught being a girl.
"What are you doing here so late?"
I screamed and quickly rose up from the water and turned to face Shion. I covered myself quickly.
"I can't see anything, remember?" I saw Shion smiling when he crossed his arms over his chest.
Quickly I reached for my robes and placed them on me. "What are you doing here?" I said making my voice lower, still a blushing mess.
Though he didn't see me, I felt like he did.
I noticed Shion still smiling, "Don't worry your secret is safe with me, (Y/N)."
I gasped and felt my lips tremble and tears beginning to run down my face. "Y-You remember?" I held my chest tight.
Shion nodded his head, "Of course. How could I forget? You were in need when we met years ago. You were just a child, suffering and alone. I imagine you out that kunai to good use?"
His voice lowered and I nodded my head. "I still keep it with me, I….thank you.." I was at loss for words.
After so many years he still remembers me.
"I won't tell your secret, but I don't understand why you would do it. You should let your true self known, if not you'll continue hiding who you really are. Prove to everyone that even if you're a girl, you are capable of standing even more."
I raised my hand up to touch my hair, Shion is right.
"I won't treat you any different. From now on I am your Master and you are my student. Our bond will only grow stronger, no matter what happens we have to be there for one another."
Tears continued to fall down my face. I sniffed began to wipe my face in a hurry. "L-Let's head back inside before they notice we are gone."
The village was suddenly attacked one day, most people passed away and so did my adoptive parents. I was left with no one but Shion now, he took me in as now onto his student but to live with him.
I was 20 now and still working and going on missions. Shion and I continued to train but everytime he would win or we would match, I wanted to finally win him but failed everytime.
Over time I grew confident of myself and was accepted when I revealed I was really a girl, some accepted and some did not. But, thankfully I wasn't the only girl.
It didn't take long for me to finally have a student of my own, but I would always consider Shion as my master. My student was resting after suffering a broken ankle but he said he would quickly recover.
Not only did I have a student, but Shion had taken another one in. He had once around the same time he started training me, but info he had to end his once students life when he chose the wrong path in life.
Now a young man known as Tenza was his student. He remained sitting next to my student and began cheering for me to defeat Shion
Both of us quickly dodging ones attacks or almost being able to hit each other.
"When are you finally going to defeat me, (Y/N)?" Shion asked almost bored at the amount of times I've told him to fight me.
I huffed and continued to lunge forward with my attacks when Shion easily blocked his sword from my attacks.
I grin and didn't fall back, "Ha! I'll defeat you one day and when that day comes, You're definitely gonna become my husband and marry me. You'll see!" I exclaim.
Earning odd looks from my student and Tenza. "There she goes again with the flirting. Just marry already!" Tenza shouted.
"I don't think Master Shion might feel the same.." my student making me gasp.
Over time I became confident in myself, and my needles flirting. Shion must've taken this as a joke but I was blurting my true feelings for him known when it was mostly just the both of us alone
In a sense I guess it was a way to repay him for everything he's done for me. Everything I said was the truth, I only wanted to die back then by Shion gave me a different view in life. It may de forbidden between us, but I want to marry him if possible in the future.
"Master..quit embarrassing yourself." I heard my student mutter and hide his face.
"I think it's fun seeing them together." Tenza continued to say.
Shion tilted his head and sighed loudly. "Let's see you try then."
I swung my sword back to my sword and blushed when looking back at him. I'll surely defeat him someday..we ended the fight in a watch and went back to meet with our students who continued to tease me.
Tenza was with the criminal known as Nurugai, surely they mustn't have gone so far. I sniffed the air and could smell two nearby. I began to run faster through trees and spotted two familiar figures.
"Tenza!" I exclaim and I saw him turn back and smile at me.
We raced towards each other and the first thing Tenza did was hug me and blush. The girl besides him pouted, "You hug her and not me?"
The criminal pouted I stopped hugging Tenza and turned to the criminal. They seem tiny to be a guy..and doesn't seem like a threat at all. Seems very nice.
"Ah, don't worry! Tenza is a friend of mine. You'll have him don't worry." I smile and see Tenza blushing.
"Don't say those embarrassing things." He sighs and stepped back.
I look at them both and saw they weren't harmed. "Everything alright?"
"Yeah, still looking for what we came here. It feels like we've been here forever."
The three of us began walking together hoping to find any clues and trying to not come across demons.
We remained together in the meantime that was until we finally came across, "Shion!" I exclaim finally seeing his tall figure appear.
I ran forward and felt the need to hug him, but it would unprofessional. The last time I hugged him, I hugged him so hard he almost passed out. He did always say I almost an immense strength.
"Shion! It's so great to see you again." I said blushing.
"I knew nothing would happen to you, Master." Tenza said as we all surrounded Shion.
Shion nodded at us both, "Seems like you've been on your own, (Y/N). What happened to your prisoner?"
"He decided to attacks me, so I swiftly killed him before he had the chance to harm me." I inform him and showed no sign that I was scared.
"You've grown to become an exceptional woman, (Y/N)."
Shion praised me! I smiled wide and felt my entire face turn red. "I-I just did as you told me to, nothing more!"
I closed my mouth and we all turned around and remained silent when we felt the air getting heavy, something isn't right. "What's going on?" We remained silent and suddenly a woman appeared before us with bright orange and yellow hair.
One of the denizens.
The woman quickly turned into a man and started to attack Tenza. Tenza began to slice the demons arms, head and eyes out. The four of us beginning to run away when we began to leave the demon behind.
Tenza, Nurugai and I were quickly running ahead since Shion had thrown his sword at the demon and it pierced it leaving it on the floor with the sword onto the tree.
"We're pretty far away." Shion said when we all reunited.
Both Tenza and Nurugai were out of breath. Once Tenza regained his breathing he eagerly turned to the young boy, "Nurugai, now that this guy's here, we'll be okay."
Ouch. I stared silently glaring at him, "Geez thanks, Tenza."
Tenza shivered and began to chuckle awkwardly. "Don't take it as an offense! It's just.. he's more experienced than you."
"A-Anyways, Nurugai! I owe Shion my life, and he taught me how to use a sword.
Tenza received a light smack on the head by Shion's sword. "You were relying too much on your speed, and your movements were sloppy." Shion began to scold Tense for his actions.
"I could hear how lukewarm your lungs were, too. Each strike should be executed carefully." Shion continued to scold and hit his student.
"Nonetheless, I'm glad you're both alive. Last time I saw you both was on the ship."
Tenza rubbed the back of his head still looking at Shion. "Wait a minute, Master. What have you been doing by yourself?"
"After finishing my duties, I tried finding a way back home, but found no current. There's only so much a blind man can do."
Shion said and I watched him begin to take his sword out until he aimed it boy next to Tenzen. "It's your turn to explain. Why are you protecting a criminal? You were told to execute criminals immediately. That's what I did. She tried to seduce me. So I executed her."
I flushed furious and grabbed Shion's arm and began to try and move him back and forth but he wouldn't let go of the sword.
"How dare you let a woman sit on you like that! Was she beautiful?!" I was now rocking him back and forth with Tenza trying to get me to stop but was now protected Nurugai.
Shion didn't seem to mind me continue to try and push him away since he didn't even move. "Care to give me an explanation, Tenza? Depending on your answer I'll execute the order."
Tenza was deep in thought until he began to say and remember when Shion took him in, how he said Tense had the probability to make this a better world and how kid Shion actually is and wouldn't do it.
To that Shion smiled and pulled his sword back. "Yay! We knew you were a good man!" Tenza and I exclaimed with Nurugai looking at us weirdly.
"I knew you had it in you, Master! You were the one to save us from our previous lives after all!" I praise reaching out and grabbing his arm and holding onto him tight.
Shion didn't seem to mind the action so he said nothing.
"If protecting her would threaten the Yamada clan or you…"
Our mouths fell open when Shion said "Her." I glanced back at what I thought was a boy and back at Shion.
"What's wrong?"
"Her? I'm impressed you figured it out." Tenza said, making me smack his back.
"You knew she was a girl and didn't tell me?!"
"I-I thought it was kinda obvious!"
I look back at the now girl and was surprised by my stupidity..how can I be so blind and not realize it?
"Of course I did. I've got a good eye for evaluating people." Shion said smiling to himself. "I'm honestly surprised (Y/N) didn't know about it sooner, considering she was crossdressing back then."
Tenza tilted his head and sigh, "You sure go love making jokes like that, being able to see."
Nurugai in her spot was now embarrassed between both men. "Nice to meet you, Master." She said looking up at Shion.
Shion lowers down to her level. "Nice to meet you, Nurugai. But you needn't call me 'Master' I haven't taught you anything."
"You can call him Master if you'd like!" I exclaim at Nurugai as I wrapped my arms around Shion's arm again. "Shion here will become my future husband!" I said making the young woman smile.
Shion sighed but smiled down at me and patted my head. "Whatever gives you the motivation I guess."
Tenza stood between us and smiled as well. "Okay then! Let's not waste any more time. We have to see how we get back and face that things back there-"
"Don't underestimate me." We all looked back and saw the thing that attacked us. Shion grabbed the three of us and pulled us back further until we were at a safe distance from the demon.
"Master Shion!" I knelt down with me and held onto Shion when we saw blood pouring from his neck.
"Huh? I thought I'd taken his head off. Not bad." The demon said almost bored.
I glared at it when it's in it's female form. I took off my scarf I always had with me and tightly but carefully ties it around Shion, making sure he could still breath and to stop the bleeding.
I remained by Shion's side and looked up to see Tenza taking care of the demon, I've heard about them, Zhú Jin. Tenza began to get deeply hurt with blood quickly covering his uniform, I can't let this happen. I placed my hand against Shion's back and I forced a smile and stared lovingly down at him.
Tenza had been bleeding since the demon continued to attack him, Shion's throat was almost cut where it would've killed him. Zhú Jin continued to hit Tenza many times but it kept on rising back and fighting.
I am determined to kill him.
Forgive me Master. I quickly rose up and began to move forward and I pushed Tenza aside and shouted for him to get back to safety.
"You almost killed my friends just for fun. Prepare to die!" I swung my sword forward and groaned when Zhú Jin seemed to enjoy this.
I watched it move quickly and continued to fight with its hands. I felt a strong pain in my chest and I fell almost to my knees and began to couch, blood came out, my hands began to shake when I saw more blood on them. Am I seriously in danger? Will I die? No, I won't. I promised to continue to live and to marry Shion.
At the same time it had sliced me, it also sliced my sword, easily breaking it in half.
I took out the kunai from my uniform and held onto it, He..she..no they are powerful, very strong but I'll make sure to kill it. I won't let Shion, Tenza or even Nurugai die.
Holding onto the kunai tightly I began to dodge the demons attacks and jump back when it almost hit me again.
"(Y/N)!" I heard Shion and Tenza shouting my name. Nurugai not far ahead wanting to help as well, but she would be easily killed if she were to get in the way.
"I'm close to killing! Don't worry I can handle it." I lied feeling my limbs heavy and growing tired of keeping up with the demon. Zhú Jin continued to bleed heavily but kept on regenerating the wounds.
I've never seen something fight this so strong and faster. A human and a demon, the demon will surely come on top and kill the opponent.
Tears began to form in my eyes as I continued to hold onto my kunai and try to continue standing.
"Quit fighting, (Y/N)! You'll only get yourself killed!" Shion shouted for me.
I forced a smile on my face and now felt the tears flowing down my face. "Then I'll die then, if it means that you and Tenza make it out alive then I'll happily give up my life!"
The demon continued to easily dodge my attacks. I kept on fighting with a smile on my face, remembering the many times Shion and I spent time together with my student and Tenza all together.
I cherished spending every time I had with Shion. Wether he saw me as a friend or not. If I were to someday reincarnate, I wouldn't mind going through the same if it means that I would meet with Shion again.
"Take Tenza and Nurugai with you!."
"(Y/N)!!" I felt bad hearing Shion call out to me, no scream my name. I never him so angry before.
"I'm grateful I got to meet you, Shion." I whisper and I looked over to him and smiled with tears running down my cheeks.
"(Y/N)? What are you doing?" I heard Shion coming to join me outside once we had finished working for the day.
I enjoyed the sun light and stared up at the beautiful cherry blossoms and felt so peaceful being here, like this with him. I felt a nice breeze and saw the beautiful sakura petals falling down from the trees and onto the ground.
"The cherry blossoms are especially beautiful this season. It's a shame they don't last forever.." I said staring up and smiling staring in complete awe at the flowers.
What wouldn't I give to stay like this forever and enjoy my life with Shion by ourselves.
"Wouldn't it be lovely to get married at a time like this?" I joke knowing he mustn't feel the same for me.
I enjoyed the seasons cool breeze and felt a few sakura petals land on my clothes and hair. I hummed surprised when I felt Shion's hand on my hair, picking up a sakura flowers that fell on me. He moved my hair to the side and placed it above my ear.
"When this is all over. I'll make your dream and wishes come true."
I gasped lightly and stared up to look at Shion smiling down at me with a slight blush across his face, I blushed as well and smiled wide looking at him as I placed my hand above his.
"We'll get married then and have lots of children."
Shion continued to smile as he nodded, "I did swear to myself that I would find and be with you until the very end."
Shion and I held hands until I felt him leaning down and pressing his lips against mine.
I stared at the demon surprised and I felt a sharp sensation inside me, y eyes slowly wandered down to my chest shocked looked at the demon, the being expressionless. The kunai I had saved so dearly, was stabbed right through my heart.
I coughed up blood and began to feel weaker and dizzy. I began to stumble a bit but could feel someone trying to say my name, I looked to the side and smiled at Shion.
Though already defeated I wanted him to know that I would depart this world happy and not scared or sad.
I heard footsteps running away and could see Tenza and Nurugai being taken away from the scene. I finally fell down to my knees and couldn't sense a thing, strange I've received many cuts and had a blade through tm heart but I can't feel a thing.
The being known as Zhú Jin held onto my hair tightly when I fell down to my knees and kept looking down at me, displaying no emotions whatsoever.
I could see his lips moving but couldn't understand what he said. He let go of me making me fall onto my own puddle of blood on the grass. I fell to the side and could feel my body getting cold and numb.
I was now alone. I fell onto my back and stared up at the bright blue sky and it's many beautiful flowers. I know Shion will be alright without me, he's a strong man, despite many years of being lonely and feeling worthless.
Shion was the first man, this person to ever show me kindness and love. The only man who I ever fell in love it. Someday.. we'll meet each other again and no matter happens I'll continue to fight for and with him.
My eyes adjusted to the clear sky and I felt my breathing beginning to slow down, and slowly I wrapped my hands around my necklace, the cold ring resting against my chest.
Don't give up one hope, Shion. I'll continue to protect you just as you did with me. I smiled to myself and slowly felt like I was being embraced by my adoptive parents, their warmth around tm shoulders.
I will continue to love you Shion…until we meet again.
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stevesbipanic · 2 years
Steve hates the rain. Rain meant he was stuck inside since god forbid his ironed clothes got dirty spoiling the perfect image of a perfect son for his parents. Rain meant cloudy skies and sad days. Rain meant looking through the two comics he had or watching whatever was on TV as long as it wasn't too loud if his dad was home. Rain meant cleaning the house until it was spotless just to give his parents one less thing to criticise.
Steve wished he could go outside in the rain, he didn't even have gumboots. He saw a neighbourhood dog jump around in the rain once, the dog looked more free than Steve had ever felt. Now that he was older rain was still a nuisance, still too scared to ruin his clothes in case someone called his mother about it. At least rain meant the kids needed to be picked up from school so he'd see them more.
Eddie loved the rain. You'd think he'd hate it, it was raining the day the social worker brought him to his Uncle, the weather matching the mood. But Eddie had never felt happier that day, he no longer had to worry about his dad and he could see his Uncle all the time. The rain set Eddie free.
For a kid with not a lot to his name, the rain was free entertainment. His uncle had bought him some gumboots and the next rainy day Eddie had rushed outside like it was the first snow of the winter and spent hours splashing in puddles. Eddie never minded that the rain would make his hair frizzy or that it was sometimes cold or that he would get muddy. The rain filled him with joy.
Steve had been pacing his room for what felt like hours but had only been about one. Eddie had kissed him, actually kissed him and Steve had just frozen up. He was in love with Eddie and he'd been given an opportunity and fucked it up. Steve didn't need to pace any longer he made up his mind, he grabbed his keys and ran outside.
The drizzle that had started in the morning had become a full on downpour by the time Steve reached Eddie's trailer, but Steve didn't care. He banged on the door and Eddie came out trying to look indifferent to Steve's presence.
"I'm sorry I froze up, Eds, I'm sorry I didn't say something. I've loved you for months Eddie and I never thought you'd like me back so when you kissed me I didn't know what to do." The word vomit had spilled out of Steve before Eddie had a chance to tell him to leave.
"Stevie, of course I like you back, I love you, you're, you're you."
"Can I have a do-over?"
Eddie closed the distance between them and pressed their lips together once more. Steve didn't care that his shoes were getting muddy, he didn't care that his hair was frizzy, he didn't care that his clothes were soaked and that it was cold. Steve didn't care because he'd never felt warner than kissing Eddie, Steve felt free.
Finally, Steve loved the rain too.
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mychlapci · 9 months
Oh TFA Oppy being knocked up and bred…
Maybe Optimus has a breeding kink he hides away because “iT’s sHAmEfUL” (Sentinel’s words, that bitch), but it comes roaring back with a vengeance when the AllSpark splits itself all over the city and its energy forced that to reveal itself again, so he has to hide it until the Decepticons are gone and Sari is asleep… somewhere. Ratchet notices something off about their leader and lets Bulkhead, Bumblebee, and Prowl know about it. At night, they drag Optimus out of the base and Oppy is so needy, he wants to be bred so bad but is so embarrassed by it. Ratchet says it’s nothing to be ashamed of and Bumblebee and Bulkhead are sitting there blushing and not knowing what to do.
Prowl jumps Optimus first, because Ratchet wasn’t going to do so right away with how chunky his spike is and Bee and Bulk are gapping like fish not doing anything. Their prime howls as he’s getting pounded into and Prowl can feel his spike strike the open entrance to Optimus’s chamber and overloads directly into it. Bee and Bulk are too stunned to follow up so Ratchet rolls his optics and stuffs his fat spike into Optimus next.
Bee and Bulk get their turn once they accept “ok, we’re fragging Optimus”, but Prowl gets another turn before Bee gets a chance. Each bot does get a few rounds in, but Ratchet only takes three because age and Prowl gets the most because of how hesitant Bee and Bulk are.
Oppy is very happy to have a full tank and isn’t all that aware when they clean up and get back to base.
hrghhh god you conjure wonderful images. Optimus being just too embarrassed to ask for it and his team has to basically drag it out of him. after much nagging, Optimus finally admits that he wants to be filled and bred through grit dentae, and he definitely didn't expect the other to indulge him in his kink... all his dreams come true as he gets pounded over and over until his valve is sore <3
i hope they fill him up with so much transfluid that his pretty little belly dents out, and he gets to rub it in private and be all excited about how thoroughly he was bred... soon enough he'll be taking transfluid donations daily, to keep the sparklings growing <333
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enigmatist17 · 3 months
He wanted to black-tag him.
Those words kept running through the back of his mind as Matt and the others all worked on containing and working to help the wounded. He wanted to be there for his friend, hold his hand and whisper to the unconscious man, but the wounded needed their help and confidence, so Matt threw himself into work.
He's a leader to his men and balm to the terrified and nervous civilians, and he nearly jumped at the chance to fight something real. Sure, an electrical fire wasn't the worst threat he's ever tackled, but it gave Matt a chance to pour all of his anxiety out of his mind.
It's not too long after that he gets another chance, a man he tried to calm nearly taking his head off had Dawson not called out a warning. Matt was a bit angry he didn't get much of a chance to fight, but seeing the much larger man going down via sedative was probably the best in hindsight.
Then...then he sees the blood spurt from Kelly's body after the last piece of shrapnel is removed, and Matt nearly buckled to his knees at the sight. The same shocked breaths from his fellow brothers ground Matt long enough to remain upright as the doctor works quickly to stabilize Kelly, and seeing the smiles that cross the room when his stats stabilize keeps him going.
It's hours later, after the news and testing that showed everyone was safe and infection-free, that Matt finally lets himself go in the first empty room he could find. It's some sort of supply closet, but Matt really can't focus as he sags against the back wall, head in his hands as he tries to breathe. He can feel the wetness on his cheeks as he focuses on breathing in and out, hands clenching and unclenching as images of Kelly being operated on flash through his mind over and over. They've been around a lot of things over the years, injuries on and off the job, but Matt normally wasn't there to actually see the worst parts. Normally, he's in the waiting room or handing off the injured, in agony as wounded brothers and sisters were carried off, and he was left behind to keep forging on.
To see every step was...he was better on the field rather than in the operating room.
"I find the doctors lounge is a better place to have a good cry, no one usually goes in there 90% of the day." Matt's head jerks up at the unexpected voice, one hand quickly wiping away some remaining tears. "You okay?"
"I'm fine, just a bit of a day." He recognizes her as April, the shorter woman looking at him with a soft look. "You know how it is."
"No need to explain." April offered her hand, helping the firefighter up to his feet. "Matt Casey, right? Kelly talks about you all the time."
"He does?" He dutifully follows her out of the room and down the hall, hands in his pockets.
"Mhm." April guided him to Kelly's room, pointing to the door with a hand on her hip. "Grab a chair, you have wounds that need tending to, and I'll even throw in a free water."
"How could I say no?" The smile doesn't quite reach his eyes as Matt quietly enters the room, sagging into the free chair beside Kelly's bed. The man looks a fair sight better than earlier, and the weight that had settled on his chest eased at the steady beep of the machines beside his bed.
"He'll be okay, you know. Sore and the worst patient we'll see this side of the country, but okay." April returned with a small tray of disinfectant wipes and antibacterial pads, a water bottle in one pocket of her scrubs and some snacks liberated from a vending machine in the other. "Coat off please."
"I've seen a lot of things in my time...but that arterial bleed won't be easy to shake." He barely flinched at the sting against his open wounds, gratefully draining his water while his eyes remained on Kelly.
"You guys were amazing, you know. Fighting fires, tending to the wounded, keeping people calm, I don't know how you do it." Matt couldn't help but chuckle, angling his head to let her finish cleaning the last of his injuries.
"All part of the job."
"Always humble..." April and Matt looked over at Kelly as one, the older firefighter wincing at the light. "Ow..."
"Hey there, wasn't expecting you up for a while." April tutted as she moved to turn the lights down, pulling off her gloves afterward. "How are you feeling?"
"Like I'm on the good drugs." Severide giggled to himself, looking down when he felt someone take his hand. "Hey Matty, you're still here?"
"What can I say? Volunteered to be the first to keep watch." Matt squeezed his hand with a small smile, his heart skipping a beat when Severide gave him the first full smile since Shay had died.
"Good, I wanted it to be you." He hummed, April slipping out of the room with a grin. "You've been crying."
"A little."
Matt's heart skips another beat when Kelly frowns, patting the spot beside him.
"Get up here...please?"
"You sure?"
"More than anything." Matt paused for a moment, holding Kelly's gaze before smiling, leaning down to pull his boots off and shed his turnout pants.
He's holding Severide in his arms when a doctor comes to check up on them later, his body not entirely appreciating the awkward angle he's lying at. Kelly doesn't seem to mind his human pillow as he answers all the doctor's questions, nudging Matt to full awareness when he starts drifting off to sleep due to the meds. Neither of them needs to say anything else once Severide is deemed stable enough to go home a few days later, Kelly only grumbling about his meds once he's tucked into Matt's bed.
Shame it took nearly dying via grenade to get the ball rolling.
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wolfawaycamp · 3 months
Anything Bobby/Jacob. Please. I am so tired of paddling my rarepair pool noodle alone in the Quarry pond.
Maybe set when Bobby has to get him down from the trap? I am begging 🙏
🌦️ the monkey’s paw curls. I wrote bobbyjake :)
Jacobus seethed from inside his family’s private box at the Amphitheatrum Flavium. He wished his family never found out he was really an omega, not a beta like he had been pretending to be when he first presented. The patrician class always spoke of male omegas as a gift, as great politicians and orators who could continue the family line without doubt of relation. But male omegas were banned from the military and his best friend Nicolus Furcillus— an equestrian family, not a patrician like Jacobus— had enlisted to fulfil his proper duties as a Roman vir. Jacobus just missed his best friend. He wasn't even very good at being a politician, either— he’d do better in battle, wearing lorica segmentata alongside his comrades.
The venationes were pretty dull today, he thought. Not even the more exotic animals they kept bringing out for the fights made it exciting. He couldn't leave though, for the same reason he had to attend. He needed to keep his public image up if he wanted any chance of keeping his political career afloat now that he was moving into his twenties as an unmated omega.
Then they brought the wolves out and there was a man with rippling muscles exposed for all to see— and a hat Jacobus had never seen before. He had no weapons. Jacobus was immediately intrigued.
There was a bizarre art to the brutality of his fighting style— tearing right through wild wolves like they were nothing. He had to be an alpha. Jacob felt a pang of jealousy at the status he held, even though it was ridiculous because Jacob was in the patrician class and the man was down there. Finally, something interesting.
“Serve, quis est?” Jacobus asked his maid once he took himself out of his trance. (Slave, who is he?)
“Nomen ei est Bobbius Hackettus,” his maid responded quickly. (His name is Bobby Hackett.)
“Quid? Ignobiles— isti Hacketti?” (What? The dishonoured— those Hacketts?)
“Sic. Pugnat ut reddat debita pro familia eius.” (Yes. He fights to pay debts for his family.)
Bobbius was still fighting, still going, dripping with blood. Jacobus had to meet him. After Bobbius had finished, Jacobus decided to slip away from his box— surely no one would question a quick break. He bribed his way into the hunter’s quarters easily with his patrician status and money. They barely cared at all, but when presented with a couple sesterces that care went down to none.
“Hackette!” Jacobus called out upon seeing the familiar rippling back muscles, mid cleaning himself with olive oil. There was still a lot of blood on him. (Hackett!)
“Quis est?” the man asked, turning around. He looked a lot more… innocent up close, somehow. There was a softness in his eyes. (Who is it?)
But still… Jacobus wasn't used to being so much smaller than someone, even alphas— he had always been a tall omega. It felt a little scary, considering the man was cleaning wolf blood from his body— but something deep inside him was preening at the thought of the size difference.
“Jacobus Custo. Pugnabas bene,” he asked awkwardly. He didn't know what he was doing down here, he was running on pure adrenaline. (Jacob Custos. You were fighting well.)
“Bene facis— pugnas?” Bobbius responded, giving him a nod. Jacobus couldn't keep his eyes off the oil and blood on his chest shining in the torchlit room. (Thank you— you fight?)
Jacobus felt shame run through him, which he was sure Bobbius could smell in the pheromones he had suddenly lost control of. “Minime. Vetitus est— sum… omega.” (Nope. It is forbidden— I am… an omega.)
🌦️(if my Latin is wrong it's not my fault, I am sick xoxo)
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mantisgodsdomain · 1 month
Having just read Border Stone, I am sincerely wondering what Team Snakemouth's reaction will be once Mothivia randomly shows up with Hollow.
We originally planned to illustrate this, but we didn't get around to it. This depends on whether or not they show up to potentially important briefings on other team's missions, because the first opportunity that they'll have to see The Hollow Knight is when Team Mothiva turns up to report on that mission, but after that they've got something of a 50/50 of encountering them being dragged around more or less as encountered in Hallownest or encountering them as Ominous Bodyguard Number 2.
As by the time they've returned to Bugaria, they've also achieved what they actually came there to do (assess the state of the fallen kingdom of Hallownest now that the plague has died down), they do have more things to present than just THK, but there's a solid chance that they'll just kind of... leave it to idle in the background, while talking about everything else. Watching. Waiting.
The original plan, of course, was to try and leave it in Hallownest. This, unfortunately, failed around the point when Zasp realized just how poorly it was holding together, along with the fact that they couldn't actually locate anyone with medical training for whatever Hollow was in the area (or anyone speaking a language they shared). Since Hollow was still following them around whenever guided, the plan became "bring it back to Bugaria, get it medical attention, shove it off on whoever we can manage to get it to stick with".
The final step of this plan failed. Mothiva, as someone with a very distinct public image to upkeep, was then stuck with the task of prettying it up enough to fit with the brand rather than risking backlash from either her fans or her managers from having some raggedy-looking maybe-beetle following her around, since her association with Zasp already sort of has her on thin ice with her brand.
There is a "trying to make it look less like it's in the process of actively dying" montage. It involves usage of power tools to clean up the crack on its shell well enough to seal and liberal amounts of beetle shell ointment, and THK is wholly uncertain how to feel about the whole thing. It doesn't do a whole lot for making it look less... horribly intimidating, but it's slightly more marketable in that it don't look like it's going to keel over and die at any second now.
The first reaction is generally going to be "by Venus's name, where the hell did you find that thing?!" regardless of first encounter, though. The industrial sander doesn't change that it's a ridiculously massive maybe-not-even-a-bug with a shell black enough to absorb all light and we don't think Mothiva will be doing an even remotely adequate amount of explanation on "what this thing is" or "how we found it".
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sunnydayroleplay · 2 years
Aight bestie.
Joseph fucking MC in Jack's costume.
The rest is up to you, go wild bestie lol
IHJFEVWHHJ RFWIN I AM BARKING BESTIE WOOF WOOF WE'RE WRITING IT This fic includes: Sending nudes, again, lots of potty mouth from the Sunny-Time Crew (OOC), Definite size difference, Make-Out Sess, Praise, Use of: Sunshine/Sunspot, Darling, Baby, Honey. You were at work, Joseph was at work. It was quite lonely for the both of you, and you had the most splendid idea. You went into the employee backroom, break-room, whatever you like to call it, and you went ahead to grab your phone from your back pant pocket. You open up your messages between you and Joseph . You thought "Fuck it, I'm bored" and you sent him a photo of your beautiful self. Without some articles of clothing. You send it. Waiting for Joseph to reply. Now in Joseph's point of view, they had just finished recording another episode, and he was still in costume. He was scrolling on his phone, his co-workers and other members of the Sunny-Time Crew we're having a blast, all of them with a lit cigarette in his hand. Joseph leaned against their table, his jaw flew open, as his face began turning a little red. Everyone seems to take notice, and asks some questions. Joseph flung his head around, turning off his phone, and shoving it in his pocket. "Hey now Joey, you alright?"
"Yeah! I'm fine. Sorry." "My, my. One of them mommas send you a pic of their machinery?"
"Wh-what! No, I don't even know how they would ge-"
"Joe, a man don't get no flustered by lookin' at theys phone to say it was nothin'."
"But I-"
"And I refuse to believe you actually have a nice guy or gal waitin' at home for ya."
"Hey now darlin', you never know what kinda fella Joseph can reel in his rod."
"Yeah, it's not like he ain't fine. We all wouldn't have any jobs if that was the case."
"Don't back-track now, Mister! I still wanna know what or who made our little baby-man so flustered n' mustered up!"
"It's nothin' you guys. Listen I'll be back, I gotta make a phone call."
"Aww shiiiiit! Finally our lil' Jojo got sent some gears and bolts of one of those fine baby mommas! Joseph does have some fine ma'am or sir waitn' for him!~ Look at him go, he's doin' his speedwalk! Now yer know he's rushin' to reply!"
"Well call me cloudy with a heavy chance of rain, I never knew our Joey could do such a thang....Now who do you think it is?"
"Mrs. Stephens! She's always grindin' her heel every chance she gets! And Joey gives her plenty of 'em."
While the crew chatted away under the presumption that Joseph found a wonderful mother to bless, Joseph hid away in a rest-room, locking the door behind him. He pulled out his phone to inspect the image you had sent him closely, and he was not disappointed. Boy, he had to get home, and he had to get home now. He rushed out, swiftly grabbing his one bag, wallet and keys. Not even bothering to get out of costume. "H-Hey! Joe, what are ya doin?"
"I'll be back tomorrow."
"But th-, ne-nevermind, just bring it back clean." "Go Joe! Get that baby-makin' pussy!" And with that, he was gone. He hopped into his car, and made his way to speed over to you. By then you were already home, finally someone wanted to do their shift, if not on time. You were sitting comfortably in your room, scrolling on your phone, where you heard a few foot-steps from outside it. "Joseph! I didn't except ya to come home so early!"
You heard large thumps come by your room and open the door, shutting it behind. He makes his way in a primary color fashion, prancing on top of you. The bed sinks, and you suddenly feel very small with this very big man on top of you. He leans down to kiss your soft lips. You slowly try to sit up, you wrap your arms around his shoulders, Your hands in that blue, surprisingly soft hair of his. You wonder why he came home in that, but hey, questions, not complaints. The two of you passionately kiss, Joseph's hands slowly trickle down your body as you kiss this clown-looking man, Smudging make up as you passionately make out. My, it was something. "C'mon honey, I'll make sure you have a sunny-time~" He glares into your reflective eyes, as his hands interlock with yours, and he slowly begins to unbuckle his smiling belt. He throws it on the floor, along with those dark colored pants of his. He goes back on top of you once more, you grind onto his clothed cock, your face reddening as you bite your tongue. "Settle down, sunshine, we'll get there in a moment~" "But I want to get there now~" You whine. You begin to wrap your legs around his sides, your feet resting on his back. He picks you up by gripping your outer thighs, and pulls you in much closer. You can feel how hard his cock is, because it's so close to where yours is.
"Sunspot~ Like I said, we'll get there in a moment~ I gotta treat that nice and beautiful body of yours right after-all~!" He giggles, slowly taking off your shirt, as he flings it across the room, leaning down to kiss your stomach, all the way to your jawline. You pull on his hair, yank it off and throw it away along with all the other costume pieces. Oh, the make-up department is gonna kick his ass when he comes back in later. But it'll all be worth it. "You tease me too much~" You quietly moan out. His soft normal colored hair blooms back out, as you mess it up the slightest.
"Darling, I may tease you, but you enjoy it~" After successfully taking off all your clothes, then and only then does he take off his boxers. His fully erect cock springing back into action.
"You ready, baby?~"
You gently cusp his face with both of your hands, kissing his forehead. "Will you stop askin' questions and just put your dick inside me already?" "Alright, I ain't gon' be gentle." After you had your fun, even though you both maybe failed the goal of "fuckin' till daylight". Ya still had fun. It was the next day, Joseph came in, looking like he was attacked. He wasn't joking when he said that it wasn't going to be gentle. My his hair was in a wreck, his neck, collarbones and shoulders covered in hickeys and scratches. Smudged make-up smearing off from his lips. Yeah his co-workers would ask him non-stop who fucked him, and the department is going to beat the living hell out of him, my my was it all worth it.
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robinsnest2111 · 3 months
what if....
combining the moment in the Mick in a miniskirt fic where Nikki imagines following Mick into the restroom to suck him off with the pet play idea I've been toying with for while...
@anaalnathrakhs hope you don't mind me borrowing your fic as inspiration and a jumping off point 🙏
plot divergence, where Nikki actually follows Mick and acts so pathetic and desperate, whining like a dog, that Mick actually lets him do it after initial protests, biting his knuckles to muffle the moans so Tommy and John won't hear what they're up to.
Just.... the mental image of Nikki on his knees infront of Mick, clawing at his thighs, begging Mick to let Nikki suck him off. How desperately he needs it, needs him. How Mick is driving him wild with that damned miniskirt. And how he's acting so casual about it. How no one besides Nikki seems to be affected by it.
Mick telling him to keep quiet, make it quick, they need to get back to practice after all. Nikki so desperate and passionate, affecting Mick with his pathetic displays of submission and devotion and his own stubborn unwillingness of accepting how much he craves Mick, still unable to not bend to his own desires. That inner battle, clear as day on his face but still so set on getting Mick's dick in his mouth.
Mick having to hold Nikki back from tearing his pants to shreds, telling him to 'stay' like one would a dog to be patient and wait for its treat. Mick undoing the button and pulling down the zipper with a slight tremor to his hands. They are really about to do this. Nikki urging Mick to leave the skirt as it is, helping Mick by pulling the pants and underwear down his legs. Exposed but still covered by the thin fabric of the skirt. The sensation turning Mick on way more than he expected.
Nikki with a bruising grip on Mick's bare thighs now, searching Mick's face for approval, for a sign that it's okay for him to dive in. Mick stares back. Gives a decisive nod after a moment.
And dive in Nikki does. He surges forward with a whine, pushing his nose up Mick's thigh under the skirt, eyes screwed shut against the overwhelming sensation of finally being allowed to touch, to feel.
Just as Mick feared, Nikki is way too loud, whining and almost howling with desperation and pleasure. Mick grabs hold of Nikki's hair at the back of his head, pulling him away, not even giving him the chance to whine once more at the loss of contact. "Didn't I tell you to stay quiet? Too horny to follow orders?"
Nikki fixes him with a pleading look, staying quiet for once, breathing hard. Mick lets go of Nikki's hair as a sign to continue. Nikki keeps his silent promise but now it's Mick's turn to struggle.
Nikki is lacking finesse but is making up for it with enthusiasm tenfold. This has got to be one if not the strangest but weirdly pleasurable blowjobs Mick has received so far, and he can't help but let some moans slip past his lips. As he's about to lose the fight with his usual iron self control, he bites down on his knuckles, hard, almost drawing blood.
His other hand finds purchase on Nikki's head again, holding on tight as he almost doubles over, legs quaking, threatening to buckle under the passionate assault.
Somewhere along the way Nikki has snaked a hand into his own pants, freeing his aching dick, jerking off to one of his most stubborn fantasies finally playing out in real time.
After finishing Mick off, Nikki is still chasing his own release, desperately licking Mick's cum off his thighs where it didn't make its way into his mouth, sucking desperate hickeys into the soft flesh once it's clean and shiny with his saliva, finally cumming with his teeth burrowing deep, holding on tight, muffling his drawn out moan.
His cum splashes over the dingy floor tiles of the restroom, some drops landing on the toe of one of Mick's boots. "Dirty fuckin' dog..." Mick groans under his breath "clean that up."
Nikki obeys immediately, licking up his mess from the black leather, still floating in post-orgasmic bliss.
"Good boy"
If he were still in his early twenties these two words out of Mick's mouth would've made him cum a second time. As it is, his spent dick gives a final weak twitch, making Nikki shudder.
They clean themselves up as best as they can, Mick leaving first, Nikki joining the rest of the band a couple minutes later.
If anyone is suspicious of the both of them disappearing for a while, neither Tommy nor John let it show, the rest of practice goes as usual.
But when they're parting ways to head home, Mick turns around and gives Nikki an intense look.
Nikki knows he will come crawling back to Mick as soon as another opportunity presents itself. He's well and utterly fucked.
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naussensei · 5 months
In Satoru's Room
The door of Satoru’s room opened to reveal a neat and clean place, much to Suguru’s dismay. He had almost expected food wrappings and dirty laundry all over the place, but instead, found himself in front of one of the most elegantly decorated rooms he’d ever seen.
“What the hell?” Are you like… rich or something?”
“Yeah.” Satoru said, with utmost simplicity, which had Geto’s jaw dropping. He was only joking when he asked the question.
Suguru entered the place willingly now, to inspect it carefully, as one enters a museum. The space was exactly the same as his room in terms of size, except Satoru’s seemed like a place where someone actually lived there, and not some cheap, tasteless motel room like Suguru’s. The closet was filled with several sets of school uniforms and the most expensive brands of clothes, some of which Suguru had never even heard of before. There were also some posters of bands hung on the walls, mostly popular rock bands like L'Arc en Ciel or Miyavi, and a few American bands, among which Suguru could only recognize the names “Blink 182” and “The Offsprings”, and only because some emo kid in his previous school was obsessed with them. Suddenly, Suguru’s plain, empty room felt lame, and wondered if he should maybe start hanging up band posters. Not like he knew many anyway. He didn’t really listen that much to music, other than whatever was popular on the radio. The only CD he owned was an Utada Hikaru CD that a girl in his previous school had lent him, which he didn’t particularly like, but just happened to keep listening to because he never got the chance to return it before he changed schools and houses.
In his exploration, Suguru made his way through the room as if it was a lion's lair he was entering, and continued to the bed now. In front of it, there was a TV with a DVD player, and a large shelf with a wide collection of CDs, movies, video games, and every single gadget that Suguru could ever think of, and more.
The only thing that seemed out of place was a poster of a girl in a bikini on the ceiling. Strange . For some reason, Satoru did not strike him like the kind of guy that would put up a picture of a girl in his room. In fact, he didn’t strike him as the kind guy who would be interested in girls at all. Or men. Or… humans, for that matter. But who knows? There was no denying he was handsome, surely he’d broken some hearts out there. Maybe he had a secret girlfriend waiting for him somewhere and kept a picture to remember her. Or, maybe he simply liked to jerk off to a picture at night, like all his classmates back home did. 
The image of it made Suguru squirm. He did not want to remember that. Least of all picture Satoru in that state.
“Sit,” Satoru patted the bed, signaling Suguru to sit by his side, which, right now he really didn't feel like doing. Not with the ever present picture above his head, and the lewd image he tried so hard to get rid of.
“Is that your girlfriend?” Suguru asked, in a lousy effort to keep the intrusive thoughts away.
“Pff, I wish.” Satoru dropped on his back in the bed. “You seriously don’t know who Waka Inoue is?”
“Should I?”
“Dude, she’s like, all over the TV and the streets.”
It was no wonder that he hadn’t seen her, since he hadn’t gotten a TV for his room yet. Although her face did seem to ring a bell, maybe from one of the dramas that his mother used to watch. Suguru titled his head to take a better look, which was apparently funny, because Satoru let out a laugh.
“She’s a model,” he said.
“Oh,” Suguru hummed, trying to sound impressed. “She’s, uh… she’s hot.” 
He didn’t really think so, but it seemed like the right thing to say, given how into it Satoru seemed.
After carefully assessing that the bed covers were clean and not stiff, Suguru finally took a seat at the other end of the bed.
“I haven’t been to the city yet, that’s why I haven’t seen her. But I'm thinking I should get a TV when I go.” He confessed.
From the bed, Satoru turned his head to look at him with furrowed brows. “You’ve never been to Tokyo?”
Suguru simply shrugged, somewhat embarrassed for some reason, wishing he hadn’t said that. He was not there to be judged, especially not by him .
“So, anyway, why are we here?” 
With a swift movement, Satoru got on his feet, then searched for something on the TV stand. The screen went on with the words “Play Station 2” on it.
“Because… I got this game, but it’s a co-op.”
“A what?”
“A co-op. You know, like, two or more people playing it. I’ve been meaning to play it for ages, but Shoko doesn’t want to play. She only likes to play Mario Kart.”
Suguru frowned in confusion. What did any of that have to do with him?
“And,” Satoru handed him a controller, “you and I are going to play it.”
Suguru raised an eyebrow at him, reluctantly.
“I don’t even know this game. I’ve never played it. Actually, I’m not really good at any games at all.”
“Oh, come on, it’ll be fun!” 
The genuine enthusiasm in Satoru’s face really had him speechless, wondering if his frustration was only one-sided, because Satoru seemed oblivious. Perhaps Suguru was delusional and he was the only one staying up at night dwelling about these unimportant things. But a few days ago Satoru didn’t want to talk to him, and now he had dragged him into the intimacy of his room to play games with him, like they’ve been doing this since the beginning of times. Suguru might not have been an expert in the art of making friends, but he was pretty sure that was not how it worked. They were not little elementary school kids that would fight and make up like nothing happened the next moment, but he wasn’t sure Satoru was aware of that.
“Come on,” Satoru insisted with the most honest smile and the biggest puppy eyes. “I would really appreciate it if you played with me.”
It struck him then. That this was probably Satoru’s own strange, immature way to apologize.
Hesitant, Suguru looked at the clock on the wall. They would have to wake up in just a couple of hours. “It’s late.”
“Please?” Satoru titled his head, his smile was charming. Surely he knew it was, and the effect it had on people, because it was having the same effect on him right now, and Suguru half-hated him for it. 
In spite of himself, Suguru sighed in defeat, taking the controller. “Alright. But first...”
Suguru cocked an eyebrow at him. “You said you had tea.”
Satoru flinched, suddenly all signs of softening around his edges dissipated, yet did not protest. He simply moved to the kitchenette to grab the kettle, put on a sarcastic smile and said, “Anything else your majesty would like?” 
“A sandwich would be nice too.”
“Ok, now you’re pushing your luck, bro...”
Putting the controller down, Suguru opened his eyes wide at him, arms crossed and a wicked smirk growing on his lips.
“Fuck— fine…” 
Satoru took in a deep breath, then turned to grab a bag of bread and nearly smashed it on the counter to prepare a sandwich. Suguru watched him do so with delight.
When he was done improvising two cups of tea and a ham sandwich for each, Satoru moved everything to the night stand next to the bed. It took one flick of his fingers for the items to travel smoothly across the room. It was just as amusing to watch as the first time.
“How do you do that?” Suguru shook his head, not caring to hold back his amazement. “That’s so convenient. You think you can teach me to do that?”
“Nah. I was born like this,” he said, placing a plate with Suguru’s sandwich before him.
“Why, thank you, how very thoughtful of you.”
“Yeah, yeah, now shut up and eat. Unless you want me to feed it to you too.”
Suguru’s silent grin was answer enough.
“Oh god, you gotta be kidding me…”
“You shouldn’t give me ideas, Satoru.”
“Dude, I’m not gonna feed you.”
Still smiling, Suguru put the controller down again, and opened his mouth the slightest, ready to take a bite.
“Fucking unbelievable…” Satoru grumbled, yet took the sandwich in his hand violently, and brought it to Suguru’s mouth. Blue eyes gleamed at him with spite. “God, I can’t believe I’m actually doing this.”
Without breaking eye contact, Suguru took the smallest, most delicate bite, savoring the moment. Satoru’s lips parted as he watched him eat, hungry eyes fixed on Suguru’s lips now, as though he could taste the bread in his own mouth. When Suguru swallowed, Satoru swallowed. When Suguru licked the crumbs off his lips, Satoru’s tongue mirrored his. He must have been really hungry, because he seemed about to drool.
“That's a more than decent sandwich,” Suguru said, running his thumb over his lips to wipe the crumbs. Satoru followed his movements with his eyes, speechless, still staring at him with his mouth open. The way his Adam’s apple bobbed when he swallowed didn’t feel right, and it suddenly became less fun to tease him now for some reason. So Suguru took the sandwich in his hand, and Satoru’s eyes went from Suguru’s lips to his eyes again, his mouth closing instantly as he cleared his throat.
“You know what goes really well with it, though?” Said Suguru, to ease the tension, his eyes going to the full cup of tea on the table. Satoru was less than amused. 
There was horror in his face, and joy in Suguru’s.
“I swear to god I’m gonna shove that cup up your ass if you keep this up.” 
He reached for Suguru’s neck, and Suguru had to catch his hands to stop him from strangling him. 
“I’m joking, I’m joking,” Suguru was laughing now, which made it all the more difficult to resist Satoru’s strong hands, so he had to twist a little in the bed to avoid him. Luckily, Satoru seemed to have calmed down with his words. He was shaking his head now, giving him the most bombastic side-eye, but Suguru was certain he could see his lips curving upwards.
“We better start playing now,” Satoru said, taking his controller. “Or else I’m gonna end up either killing you, or myself.”
“Alright, I’ll try.” Suguru mirrored him, the grip feeling awkward in his hand. “But I don’t promise anything.”
(From Our Last Summer by Naus) Continue reading here
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thornsnvultures · 2 years
What's Mine is Yours
Robin Buckley x fem!reader
747 words, Robin needs to borrow a shirt after some jerk spills beer on her at one of Steve's parties.
cw: alcohol mention, taking off clothes (no smut, only horny)
18+, minors dni or you will be blocked
a/n: didn't get a chance to post this yesterday, but this is my day 1 submission for @flufftober 2022l. this is also my first time writing for Robin so be gentle pls
divider by @firefly-graphics
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"This is why I don't come to Steve's stupid parties," Robin whined as she tried to blot out the stink of stale beer from her shirt. It obviously wasn't working, the drunk idiot who "accidentally" splashed her got her good.
"Stop, stop! You're gonna tear a hole through your shirt at this rate!" You grab her hand holding the copious amount of paper towels, laughing at her adorable frustration. "C'mon, I think I have a shirt in my car you can borrow."
You drag Robin through the rowdy crowd, oblivious to the way she stares at the back of your head as you go. Her cheeks turn pink at the tight feeling of your hand around hers and she stumbles when she looks down at where the two of you connect. She bumps into your back and stutters out an apology.
"Watch where you're going, pretty girl," you chuckle as you turn around to look over your shoulder, make sure she's okay. "We don't need you adding blood stains to your shirt too. They're a bitch to get out."
You make it out to your car, sucking in the cool night air. Sweet relief from the suffocating heat from the mass of bodies inside. It takes a second to dig around the back of your car but finally you find it, insisting it's clean as you hand it to Robin.
You look at her expectantly.
"Could you, uh...," she makes a twirling motion with her finger, shyly asking you to turn around.
"Oh! Of course, sorry."
You face the house, scanning the area for any possible pervs in the area who may be trying to sneak a peek.
Though as you listen to the rustling of Robin's denim jacket behind you, you feel like the creep. Biting your lip, you try to think of anything but turning around and looking, seeing what you've been dying to see since Steve introduced you to Robin months ago.
She was seeing someone else then, someone who wound up not working out. But the window for the two of you to get together had seemingly been missed. You'd become close friends, let her cry on your shoulder when they broke up, but never moved past that. You were afraid to lose your friend if the two of you wound up not working out either. That didn't mean you didn't stop wanting her, especially now when you could hear her drop her damp tshirt on the ground. It landed with a slightly wet plop and your breath caught in your throat.
"Oh my god."
Without thinking your head whipped around, worried that something was wrong. Instead you saw Robin standing there in her bra, holding up the shirt you gave her and staring at the images on the front. Two adorable, round, cartoon bees dressed in ghost costumes stared back at you as you started to laugh before both of you quickly remembered Robin still wasn't wearing a shirt. She squeaked in surprised and your face felt hot as you spun back around.
"Y/N are those what I think they are?"
"Oh my god, don't. I totally forgot I bought that shirt! That's why it was buried in my car."
Robin laughed as she tugged on you hand to turn you back around.
"I can't go back in there with boo-bees on my shirt!"
She was trying to play at being upset but neither of you could hold back your peeling laughter at the lame joke. Robin was laughing so hard she tumbled forward, holding your arms for support.
"I can't breathe," you wheezed. "You're right, you can't go back in there. Steve will never let you live it down. C'mon, get in. You want me to drop you off at home or...," you trailed off, your eyes searching her smiling face. You didn't want to leave her but you would if she asked.
"No. Take me to yours. I need to check your closet for more dorky shirts."
You bit your lip, holding back a dorky grin as she walked around to the passenger side. She opened the door and went to get inside but stopped halfway, looking over at you from over the roof.
"If I see anything I like, maybe I'll let you see my boo-bees."
You stood there, mouth agape as she laughed again and got in, calling for you to hurry up.
You never got in your car and drove home so fast in your life.
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