#as I learned by jere as well
mitamicah · 1 year
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I made myself sad drawing prompt 11 for @kaarija-inktober (Frank Edition); Alienated :'3
Honestly I was so ready to draw a silly piece of Jere fooling around bitching about being 'lonely' on his vacation but then I saw this post from World Mental Health day yesterday and decided to change gears and go for angst ... again :'3
Qoute under the line
"I'd had complete given up at that point.
I just lay in my parent's bed and they fed me
and the boy was just fading away."
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raapija · 1 year
God damn, Punainen Marli is such a fun song I love this 😂😂😂
Gonna be a challenge to translate, but LET'S GOO🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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workinatdapyramid · 1 year
august 𐐪𐑂
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steven conklin x fem!fisher!reader
WARNINGS: fighting, cursing, underage drinking, shayla isn’t in this soz, angsty teens lol, mentions from scenes in the books!, reader doesn’t like taylor, book taylor personality ( show taylor >>>> )
SUMMARY: it wasn’t belly that found out about taylor and steven, it was his best friends little sister
m’s blah blah blahhhhh: we need some more steven appreciation on here… GIVE MY SWEET BOY SOME RECOGNITION!!!
take a peak ;)
this is kind of long… i kinda got carried away LOLZ SORRT NOT SORRY
* .・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.
“twenty bucks she calls you jeremy again.” belly chuckles.
you, belly, and your older brother stood at the curb waiting for bellys best friend taylor at the bus stop. today was bellys 16th birthday which meant hurricane taylor visiting for the day.
you weren’t exactly fond of her ever since the summer she came to visit when you guys were 14. yes, you had to play nice with her for belly but stringing along your older brother jeremiah wasn’t exactly a good start to a friendship.
you chuckled beside the newly 16 year old as jere teasingly pushed her into you from his place beside her.
“i don’t.. i think she learned from last time.” he argued. “you think?” you teased, making a mental note that jere will infact be handing over that $20 before the end of the night.
“that’s how she flirts with you” belly mocked facing you as you both made smooching noises.
the bus pulled up infront of you guys, the brakes making a loud hissing noise.
“here she comes.” you say rolling your eyes as the short girl barely fits through the bus doors with the pile of balloons tied to her wrists.
the long time best friends squeal and hug reuniting for the first time since summer began causing you to roll your eyes even more.
jere turns toward you mouthing be nice
“belly you tart! you finally took my advice this outfit is snatched,” taylor spun the brunette in a circle admiring her dress. “isn’t belly looking like a snack?” she asked jeremiah a hint of something mischievous in her eyes.
“always.” the curly headed blonde smiled. he reached for taylor’s bag being the kind boy your mother raised him to be. taylor smirks batting her eyelashes up at the tall boy.
“thank you. you’re such a gentleman, jeremy.” she giggles.
you stood off to the side watching the interaction laughing to yourself knowing your brothers going to be $20 short when we get home.
“hey taylor long time no see.” you smiled offering the girl a polite side hug.
“omg y/n i didn’t even see you there, when did you get hot?” she questioned looking you up and down.
gosh this was going to be a long day.
you sat beside taylor, jeremiah and belly across from you. a banana float melting in the middle of the table as belly opened her gift from her best friend. a pink bikini. jeremiah teased her about but you knew deep down he can’t wait to see her in it.
taylor takes a bite of the frozen treat as she said, “okay, so, whats the plan for tonight? where’s the party?”
“well, susannah always plans a big lobster dinner.” belly smiles as she puts the bathing suit back in the bag.
you and jere smiling towards each-other, being big fans of the birthday dinner tradition.
“boring. no.” taylor whines causing the three of you to look towards her with furrowed brows. “it’s your 16th birthday. we have to go out” the red head continued.
“no, no, no. these dinners are really, really fun.” belly tried to reason with her stubborn friend.
“yeah, and my mom had the idea to make it midsommar themed, so she got flower crowns especially made for us and everything.” you added taylor quickly glances at you then turns back towards her best friend.
“don’t you think you should be spending your birthday with people your own age?” taylor says taking another spoonful into her mouth.
“i am. you’re here.” belly said clearly annoyed by her bossyness.
“hello? am i invisible?” jeremiah cuts in trying to defuse the tension. he was really good at that. “and i guess steven.” taylor smirks. you shift uncomfortably hoping no one notcied. your brother obviously did scoffing at taylor’s remark.
you look towards belly, her already looking back. everyone in the house knows about your crush on steven the same way they knew about belly with conrad. ever since you were younger the boy was your prince charming. always being there in to cheer you up or piss you off but hey, that’s steven.
“and cams coming, too.” belly quickly changes the subject. you sigh silently thanking her.
“yay, i’m so excited to meet the guy who finally got you to take your eyes off of you-know-who.” taylor jokes.
as quickly as belly was to change the subject she quickly regretted it.
“taylor.” belly warned glancing towards jeremiah.
you coughed.
way to go taylor.
queen of making people feel uncomfortable..
“i have an idea. we can go to nicole’s big blowout at her place tonight. maybe go after dinner?” jere once again defusing the tension
you watched as taylor started at belly
“um yes!” taylor squealed in a matter of fact voice.
“woah, only if bells wants to go? it’s her birthday after all. we gotta do what whatever she wants. boring dinner or not.” you tell taylor not missing the look she gave you. you felt jeremiah lightly kick your leg under the table. you looked towards him. giving him a ‘what?’ expression.
you know how taylor can make belly feel like a side character most of the time and you’ll be dammed if you let taylor do that on her birthday.
belly smiles toward you silently thanking you for having her back.
“who’s nicole?” taylor asked jeremiah turning her harsh glance away from you.
belly smiles excited to fill in her best friend with the plans she’s made over here in cousins.
“she’s my big sister for the deb ball. she’s super nice and just really cool and fun and-
“ugh, i’m, like melting right now. can we go back to the house? i want to change into my bikini and jump in the pool.” taylor interupts belly looking at jere as she finished her sentence.
you roll your eyes standing up from the table as jeremiah says sure
taylor skips toward the car
jeremiah walking next to her as she called shot gun.
“come on bells.” you say putting your arm around her shoulders offering her a sympathetic smile.
back at the house you, belly, jeremiah, steven, and taylor were in the pool. belly and taylor on one side jeremiah and steven on the other side.
you swam towards the two boys who were hanging off the edge of the pool deck.
“oh hey y/n/n you spying on us?” jeremiah teased. you rolled you eyes splashing him with the cold water. you hated when he called you that. stupid nickname that only reminded you of being a kid.
“stop calling me that i’m not five anymore.” you stuck your tongue out at him, he playfully did it back.
“yeah man cmon y/n’s all grown now. she’s not my little y/n/n anymore.” steven jokingly puts his hand over his heart in agony.
you dunk his head under the water in return, trying to hide your blush from him. it was moments like these where you had hope for something more. where you didn’t just feel like his best friends little sister anymore.
steven quickly comes up from the water his dark wet hair covering his eyes.
“oh yeah?” he challenged lifting you up and dunking you under the water.
you resurface hearing jeremiah and him share a laugh and a high five.
“oh screw you steve-o” you yelled splashing the boy who had your heart.
“any time any place.” he smirked.
gosh that smirk
jeremiah fake gags as your cheeks stained a pretty pink. steven always knew how to give you butterflies.
“we know you’re gossiping about us over there.” you hear taylor say causing stevens glance to change towards her.
as quickly as he gave you butterflies they were fast to be replaced with a pit in your stomach. you shift your gaze down as the two go back in forth with playful banter.
“let’s play chicken! i call steven!” taylor yelled.
you quickly moved towards the pool stairs to hide your frown from the others.
“i’m gonna go see if mom needs any help with dinner.” your voice barely above a whisper. the cool breeze causing you to shiver as you climb out of the pool
“you sure y/n/n?” jeremiah asks you, clearly noticing your mood change.
“yeah it’s fine there was an uneven amount anyways.” you grab your towel and head for the house not turning back
jeremiah turns towards belly, both teens sharing a knowing look.
you sat on the couch of your second home sulking in your wet towel. mentally cursing at yourself for letting her get to you. you should be out there having fun. it’s bellys birthday for crying out loud.
your thoughts were soon cut short as connie, your oldest brother walks into the living room.
“hey dimples,” he says standing behind your seat on the couch, “why aren’t you out there with the others?” he asks ruffling his calloused hand through your wet hair.
you softly smile at the nickname. connie called you that ever since you guys were younger. oh how you missed your sweet brother
“taylors here.” you mutter pushing his hand away. he chuckles plopping himself down on the couch next to you. “aw, you mean your best friend?” he teases. “yeah fuck you” you shove him lightly chuckling.
“you can’t let her get to you kid. that’s just how she is” he sighs.
“yeah the same girl that hates you because you didn’t like her that summer she was like 14? that’s just how she is.” you roll your eyes doing finger quotes at the last part. connie laughs.
“why don’t you just tell steven how you feel already so you can stop sulking around all summer?” he asks.
you quickly sit up turning towards him with wide eyes. “you’re one to talk mr dark and mysterious. i don’t see you confessing your undying love for belly!” you challenge him reaching over smacking him with a throw pillow.
“i don’t know what you’re talking about… shut up.” he whispers.
you laugh shifting closer to your brother you lay your head on his shoulder. “besides he only see me as a kid anyways. i’ll always be just conrad and jeremiah’s little sister to him.” you sigh closing your eyes.
you stay like that for a while. just enjoying eachothers company. ever since april conrad’s been distant towards everyone so you miss having moments like these with your brother.
“aw my sweet angels.” you hear your mom squeal as she walked into the kitchen.
“hi mom hi laur.” you smile getting up from the couch and greeting your favorite women with a hug.
“do you need help with those?” conrad points to the brown bag full of corn on the counter.
“yes actually, we were supposed to keep dinner light but you know your mom.” laurel playfully side eyes her best friend.
“what?! it’s bellys 16th birthday.” she smiles. “and she’ll love it mom.” you smile back.
“wanna shuck these for us since your not busy?” susannah asked you and conrad pointing towards the corn.
“omg do you hear that? yeah i think bellys calling me. i gotta go hang with taylor and the birthday girl sorry love you bye!” you quickly run back outside.
“i’ll do it mom.” conrad rolls his eyes grabbing the bag.
once outside you see steven sitting on the porch and jere climbing out of the pool. taylor and belly were probably off walking along the shore down by the beach.
jeremiah notices you and takes his leave inside claiming his need for a shower leaving you and steven outside.
“are you alright?” steven asks straining his neck to look at you standing behind him. "you kind of left in a hurry before."
you walk over sitting next to him on the porch steps.
“i’m fine conklin.” you laugh shifting your arms around your stomach. you tried so hard not to seem nervous around him but he could read you like a book.
steven chuckled looking away from you back towards the ocean. “okay.” he laughs. “but you could talk to me about anything. i’m serious i’ll always be here for you y/n/n.” he says more seriously this time.
you turn to him to see he was already looking at you. you search for something to say, anything, but you couldn't so you settle for a comforting smile. your breathe starts to quicken as you realize how close you guys were. steven noticed it too. his chest moving up and down at a fast pace.
“i just sometimes wish things were different.” you whispered half hoping he didn’t hear you but you knew he did.
“how so?” he whispered back. his gaze locked on your eyes intense.
for a moment you could’ve sworn his eyes flicked to your lips then back up to your eyes but theres no way.. right?
steven wouldn’t kiss you.. would he? no.
he just sees you as his best friends little sister. nothing more…
you're internally screaming as he slowly leans in
your eyes flutter shut waiting to feel his soft lips against yours
this is it.
this is what you’ve wanted your whole life.
“oh hey y/n” you hear taylor yell as her and belly walk back up to the house.
steven quickly jumps up not saying a word as he rushed into the house.
you wanted to die.
just shrivel up and die.
you blink rappidly getting rid of the tears forming in your eyes and smile up towards the two girls.
“i’m starving! let’s go wash up before dinner.” belly smiles pulling you up from the steps and walking into the house.
it’s just one day it’s just one day it’s just one day
you kept reminding yourself as you trailed behind the hurricane pouring on your love life
the table was littered with plates filled with delicious food. there was vases of flowers in the middle that matched with the flower crowns on belly, taylor, and your heads. the dinning room was filled with chatter and giggles from everyone getting along.
susannah and laurel sat on opposite ends of the table refilling the hungry teenagers plates. taylor, belly, you, and cam on one side and jere, conrad, and steven on the other.
“thank you so much for having me susannah! my moms says hi.” cam, bellys boyfriend smiled holding his fork up to show his thanks for the food.
you laugh along with the others as the moms interrogate bellys first boyfriend. cam cameron was the nickname everyone called him. you liked him. it’s like he fit right in with the rest of you guys. you were so happy for belly.
“why don’t you eat meat, cam cameron?” jeremiah asked the shy boy. he tries his best to seem intimidating but ultimately cracks his signature smile. classic jere.
“i like animals.” he answered simply. not bothered by all the questions thrown his way.
you adjust the flower crown on your head accidentally making eye contact with steven. you guys haven’t spoke since almost kissing on the stairs. you intend to keep it that way not wanting to have that talk.. the 'you're my best friends little sister we can't do this' talk.
you quickly look away feeling the pit in your stomach return.
“just don’t come for my leather jacket.” taylor chuckles from the other side of the table. you genuinely laughed. she was kinda funny sometimes.
your laugh quickly disappeared once you heard steven teasing her. he just always had an answer when it came to taylor didn’t he.
you finish the rest of your lobster with a sigh patting your well fed stomach.
“that was really good mom.” you said. causing sighs in agreement around the table.
“i agree! thank you too y/n. kinda glad you went inside to help cook after all.” steven said looking at you. the first thing he said to you since what happened on the porch. you look at him with a blank expression.
jeremiah changes the subject going right back to interrogating cam cameron about eating meat which ended in him quickly pecking bellys lips.
you laugh but quickly glance towards conrad who was already looking back down at his plate.
steven and jeremiah both pretend to retch. “i’m sorry i just don’t understand why anybody would want to kiss somebody who once fully shat in the bathtub.” classic steven says embarrassing his little sister.
“i was like two years old!” belly argues
“two? more like six!” jeremiah and steven yelled at the same time. the two immature boys erupt in laughter.
you playfully roll you eyes at the two while belly yells at her brother to shut up.
“i remember when i visited last summer, and you and you dared him to pee in the fireplace, and you stink up the entire house for days. do you remember that?” taylor points towards your brothers and steven. you all laughed reliving all the memories this house held.
“you know i’m thinking.. maybe we should go to nicole’s party.” belly turns toward taylor and you smiling.
“yes!” you and taylor said at the same time.
boy did you need alcohol in your system after the day you had.
after a few more jokes and steven and bells bickering everyone decided to get ready for the party.
you were touching up your makeup in your bedroom when you heard a knock at your door.
“its open” you said not looking towards the door as you reapplied your mascara.
“hey little fisher” you heard steven say as he closed the door. you almost dropped the mascara wand. you turned around facing him uttering a small hey.
“i know we are about to leave for the party but do you think when we get back home we could talk about what happened on the porch?” you could tell he was nervous. he didn’t meet your gaze at all and he was fidgeting.
“but nothing happened on the porch” you felt a pang in your chest.
he sighed, “i know but that’s the thing..” he said stepping closer to you. “i wanted something to happen.” he finished.
you swallowed. “oh” was all you could say.
you guys stood there for a while. silence filled the room.
“i also wanted it to happen. so yes, we can talk about it when we get home” you smile. you can’t believe this is happening right now.
“okay.” he smiled
“okay.” you said as he turned around to leave your room looking back at you one last time.
once you were sure he walked away from the door you jumped up and down looking at yourself in the mirror.
“fuck yeah y/n fuck yeah.” you whispered to yourself smiling ear to ear.
gotta give it to jere he always knew how to make a scene. you and belly sat on the couch hysterical watching cam cameron and jeremiah singing horrendously along to summer loving.
maybe coming to the party was a good idea after all. “i can’t stand to watch this any longer i’m gonna go find a bathroom.” you laughed getting up from the couch.
you squeezed through all the drunken bodies dancing together on the makeshift dance floor in the living room. you found nicole standing by the drink table.
“oh hey y/n” she greets you with a tight hug. “are you having fun?” she asks taking a sip from whatever was in her cup.
“actually i really am. you sure know how to throw a banger.” you said cringing at yourself. god why are you so awkward.
nicole just smiled
“hey um where’s the bathroom?” you asked actually needing to pee after all.
“the one downstairs has a line it hasn’t moved in ages so just go upstairs! it’s right to your left!” she said.
you thanked her as you made your way towards the stairs. jeremiah, belly, and cam standing near by.
“hey have you seen taylor?” belly asked you. you shook your head no. “i'll help you find her after i use the bathroom?” you ask. she thanked you.
the music faded as you walked up the stairs of nicole’s house. yeah the beach house was big but nothing compared to this. if you didn’t ask nicole where to go you definitely would’ve gotten lost.
you opened the door on the left but it was preoccupied by a couple hooking up. you quickly muttered sorry as you closed the door shaking your head to forget the sight.
you kept looking for an open room hoping to find one with a bathroom in it.
gosh how you hated horny drunk teenagers.
you opened the last door praying to all the gods it was free and had a bathroom. you were about to piss your pants.
you opened the door and all of a sudden the urge to pee was gone.
there in the room was taylor propped on the dresser making out with steven.
your steven.
he was standing between her legs. his hands on her waist as they made out.
your mouth was dry
you couldn’t process the scene in front of you.
you wanted to crumble to the ground and cry.
“conklin?” your voice cracked as steven whipped his head around to see you standing at the door.
taylor quickly hopped off the dresser pulling her dress down.
“oh, my god- shit” steven said as you turned around and made a beeline for the stairs.
“y/n wait!” he yelled as he ran after you.
you made it to the bottom of the stairs causing a few people to look at you running away from the brunette boy.
“y/n/n? what happened?” jeremiah was the first to notice you. you wiped the fallen tears from your cheeks as belly and cam also noticed you.
by then steven caught up to you. you went to run out of the house but was quickly stopped by him gradding your wrist.
“y/n just stop let me explain-
“explain what steven?” you yelled.
if no one noticed before they definitely noticed now.
the chattering around the house quickly stopped as you yelled at steven.
“y/n please. i’m sorry it just happened.” steven tried to plead with you. regret written all over his face.
you looked at him in disbelief.
“go to hell.” your yelled you voice broke as the tears kept spilling from your eyes.
you yanked your wrist from his grasp and looked at belly. mascara stained your cheeks. “i found taylor” you whispered before walking out the door. leaving steven there, carrying your broken heart along with his..
* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
AHHHH TYSM FOR READING THIS!! I HOPE YOU ENJOYED ( pls be nice this is my first actual fic i’ve written! )
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tatoda · 1 year
Seeing you | college!conrad x fem!reader
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summary: you come to surprise conrad at college on a rainy night
pairing: college!conrad x fem!teader
warnings: SMUT!! fem receiving, piv, conrad pleasing reader, soft sex, male receiving CHARACTERS ARE 18
wc: 2.1K
sorry if it's not really put together but I did try my best sorry if there are any mistakes
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The drive to Brown was horrible tonight. It’s as if it was raining cats and dogs. But you told yourself nothing would stop you from seeing your boyfriend. You had a horrible week back at home. Your sister Belly was making you help her with trigonometry, and the only person you learned from was Conrad but he was busy this whole week with finals. Belly would take up all your free time when you weren’t doing your classes online. You decided to stay home your first 2 years and do online to help with Susannah and your mom as they both were going through a lot. But to your siblings, that just meant you’re always home for them to ask you for anything.
The rain calmed down as you entered the campus. He didn’t know you were coming but he did text you and tell you he has the weekend free to rest until his next final on monday. You wouldn’t be lying if you said that you cried the 3 hours of driving you did and all of connie’s texts were going unanswered so he became worried. He called Steven who told him you were sleeping— he was in on the surprise.
Pulling up to his dorm building you parked the car and grabbed your bag before running through the rain to the entrance. You tried to use the backpack as an umbrella but it didn’t work as your clothes got damp. Walking to the elevator it opened and you clicked the top floor. It felt like the machine was taking forever because he was just a few feet away. And it’s been almost 3 weeks since you saw him last. The sliding doors opened and you speed-walked to his door. Standing in front of it, you knocked breathing out of your mouth.
“coming!” the familiar voice yelled out and the door opened to his beautiful face
“hi.” you softly spoke scared he didn’t want you here but he didn’t say anything just ran and picked you up holding you close to him
“oh my gosh.” his head was in your neck breathing in your scent “you’re here.” he looked back at your teary face
“i missed you.” he wiped a fallen tear
“don’t cry.” he kissed your forehead running his hands through your damp hair “you drove in this rain?” worry struck his face
“i needed to see you.” both his hands cupped your face
“i was so worried when you didn’t answer and then steven said you were sleeping, i didn’t believe him.” he laughed and you shook your head at your young brother
“can i come in?” he moved and let you into the dorm room. his roommate was gone and conrad’s side of the room was neatly made just like he always did in cousins
“my roommate finished his finals so he’s gone.” the door closed behind you as you dropped your bag pealing off your jacket before flopping on his bed “dork.” he chuckled and climbed behind you bringing him towards you. “missed you,” he mumbled
“not possible i missed you more.” you turned around in his arms taking in his face. his thumb slowly drifted across your face
“i’m sorry that i was so busy, i know you were having a hard week.” you shook your head
“just had no time to relax. Belly needed help with trig and it got to a point i couldn’t understand, and then steven called me one night at like three am drunk asking for a ride when i had work at five. my mom was all over the place with your mom and it was a mess.” he didn’t interrupt you he just listened
“i’m sorry i couldn’t be there, you know jere can help too.”
“jere was drunk with steven.”
“of course he was.” conrad laughed “well i’m almost done with finals so i’m gonna be all yours.” he sighed bringing you closer to kiss you softly and you brought your hands up to his soft hair that you missed so much. the kiss depended as he moved to get on top of you putting his weight on you “missed you so much, gosh,” he whispered against your lips
“show me.” his eyes darkened as those words came out of your mouth.
“baby,” he mumbled looking down at you
“con, i’ve missed you so much, please. it’s been forever since you touched me.” a small smirk grew on his face before he leaned down to kiss your lips softly and then slowly descend down to your neck, but his lips stayed there as his hand drifted down towards the waistband of your sweatpants “please”
He didn’t have to be told twice by you. Conrad let his hand slip under your underwear and finally makes contact with you feeling the effect he has on you. His fingers started slowly circling your clit and it made you buck your hips into him feeling the hard pressure from him against you. He didn’t focus on that. Only you. He wanted to make sure you were satisfied. He could wait. As he teased you around your entrance his lips stopped kissing your neck and he looked into your eyes lovingly.
“hi,” you breathed into him as he ran a finger over you again
“hi baby.” he smiled down at you and slipped a finger inside of you catching your mouth in a gasp he kissed you “like that?” you nodded fast against him as he slowly moved in and out of you “so pretty.” he kissed the tip of your nose as he moved his thumb to play with your clit again circling it just how you liked it
“con.” you bucked into him again
“i’m not gonna let you cum, don’t you worry we’re gonna do that together.” he moved faster on the spot you needed him most before pulling out of you when he knew you were getting close
“yeah, yeah.” you sighed and conrad peeled off his shirt over his head and then helped you out of yours to see the lace bra you were wearing
“for me?” you leaned back on your elbows giving him a nice view
“the one and only.” he chuckled before you grabbed the side of his face and brought your lips back together. you slightly lifted yourself and unclipped your bra letting it fall between the both of your bodies. conrad sighed as he looked at your tits wondering how he got so lucky. he then moved both his hands to your waistband and separated from you
“you sure? i just thought you would be tired from the drive.” you couldn’t help but smile at him as he was the most caring and loving boy you have ever met
“for you, always.” he didn’t need another word before dragging both your underwear and pants down and tossed them off the bed to the floor
“careful connie gonna get your room dirty.”
“i’m only fine with that if you cause the mess.” he connected your lips once more as your hands drifted to his jeans. you could do this blindfolded anytime any day of the week. the button popped and you rolled the zipper down and pushed the fabric past his thighs, conrad groaned as it went past his hard erection
“fuck.” he fell to your shoulder
“seems like someone missed me,” you said kissing the side of his head
“give me a break, there’s so much phone sex with you can do.” you couldn’t respond as he bit down on your neck. next thing you knew his boxers were off and he was reaching into his side table for a condom. you designed the box where he kept them as it said ‘for y/n use only’ which you loved and conrad laughed as you gave it to him for his birthday. he ripped open the package and you relaxed on the bed as he slipped the condom on “soft tonight okay? missed you too much.” biting your lip you nodded as he breathed out lining up to you before pushing in little by little getting used to you again
“conrad.” you gasped digging your nails into his back
“i know baby, we have to get used to it again.” he moved a little more as a small whimper came out of you
“just go all the way. this is too much.” he listened to your words and pushed more into you
“fuck!” he bottomed out catching his breath and looked down at your closed-eyed figure “look at me.” he moved your hair from your face and your eyes opened to his pretty face “if it becomes too much, you let me know.”
“okay, i promise.” he relaxed onto you and moved his hips out before pushing them back into you causing both of you to groan
“j-just don’t moan too loud, i got neighbors.” he breathed out. last time you both had sex here conrad got a noise complaint and if he got a second one it would be his last warning for any visitors
“sorry.” you whispered against his lips and his hips slowed movements letting you feel him “don’t slow down.”
“just needed to feel you.” he dipped his head into the crook of your neck holding you close as if he wasn’t inside of you close enough already, you squeezed around him and his body jolted “if you do that again i will cum, and i really don’t want that.”
“then fuck me conrad.” he lifted his head as his eyes darkened over yours
“yes ma’am.” he pulled out all the way and slammed his hips back into yours the sound of skin slapping echoed around the room, he did that multiple times. it wasn’t hard it was telling and passion
As your breaths mixed you both slowly started to lose control. His hips got sloppy and that was a sigh he was getting closer to his edge. But something about conrad is he never wanted to finish first, he wanted you to have to spotlight before he finished after you.
“cant last much longer.” he grabbed one of your hands bringing it above your head and interlocking your fingers together as he looked down between the both of you and where you were connected
“me too.” you arched your back as he hit a spot like never before “fuck.” the man above you continued to hit that g-spot and you started to shake uncontrollably “con-“ he brought his lips down to your mouth and dragged one more thrust before you came, he slowed his movements letting you relax.
“i got you.” he pushed some of your hair away from your face
“did you finish?” the answer was no. he wanted you to feel special even before he could ever
“no it’s okay, i wanted it to be about you-“ you cut him off flipping both of you over carefully as the twin bed didn’t have much room. you slipped the condom off tying it and tossed it in his trash can
“y/n.” he sighed laying back on full display for you
“let me take care of you now.” leaning down his hard erection stayed up, red at the tip wanted to release
“do something baby.” you nodded before taking him all in your mouth
“god i love it when you do that.” using your hands you stroked what you couldn’t fit in your mouth and he bucked into your mouth hearing a gagging sound come from your throat “sorry.” but you ignored him coming up and sucking on the tip before going down again “cumming.” he groaned out and the warm texture filled your mouth some falling out past your lips “fuck, fuck” he held your head in place slowly pumping to get the rest out “good girl.” he sighed and fell back onto his pillow as you swallowed what you could then grabbing his shirt to clean the both of you
“good?” you wanted to make it everything he wanted
“amazing, come here.” he reached for you and you grabbed the blanket at the end of the bed before cuddling into his side covering the think texture over the two of you “i love you.” he looked down at your face
“i love you.” leaning up to kiss him softly he could taste himself on you and he knew there would be many more rounds tomorrow “thank you for visiting.”
“of course, i’d be lost without you conrad fisher.” and you closed your eyes driving off to sleep as he realized, he was gonna marry you one day.
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willowrites · 11 months
I have this idea going around my head for a few days, maybe a crossover outer banks x the summer i turned pretty?
Sooo, the reader is Jeremiah's and Conrad's sister and she has been having a crush on Steven for YEARS, and even tho Steven also had a crush on her but never did anything about it, ANYWAYS.
This happen the same summer that Belly has her debutante thing going on and Jeremiah and Steven had jobs at the club ok? So lets say.... The reader is going every day, Steven knows it, but he doesn't know why or where is she going after a while, at first he thinks she's going to see him.
But actually turns out that, JJ is a waiter there, and they have been hooking up since the first day she got to the vacation house (lets just say her family always got there like three or two weeks before Steven's family)
Maybe Steven sees them together during his break, idk?
I would always chose JJ so he can be the main focus of this but just for funsies i want a Steven regretting he didn't act on his feelings for her♡
PAIRINGS. jj x fem reader, steven x fem reader
SUMMARY. you and jj have been hooking up for a while and one day as you were spending time together someone caught you two and it wasn’t pretty.
WARNINGS. nothing really just light making out, angst, and heartbreak
AUTHORS NOTE. this was so fun to do sorry it took so long! hope you enjoy it I kind of switched up the prompt I hope you don't mind ♡ not fully edited
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you had just got out of watching belly’s debutant rehearsal. the debutant was in a few weeks. you didn’t know who was going to be your escort when the time came but you knew you wanted to pick who would go with you by yourself.
your mother, susannah kept pushing that either steven or her friend's son could be your escort but one annoyed you to the point where you wanted to drown in your own pool, and the other…well the other is not an option.
you’d had feelings for steven ever since you’d met him which was when you were little. you guys were childhood best friends because your moms were best friends.
every summer you’d vacation in cousins. every single summer.
you never got tired of it, but you did get tired however of waiting for steven.
you were sure he knew you had feelings for him but he never reciprocated the feelings back. so last summer you made a pledge to yourself. if after a week of vacation, you didn’t get any signal that your feelings were mutual, you’d get over him.
again and again, you waited but when you pushed it another week and got no sign, you knew you had to let him go.
you were hurting yourself more than he could hurt you.
so you busied yourself with other things. you went to the boardwalk with belly, you would get ice cream with some of your friends you knew from the country club your mother was involved with, and you even started going out by yourself.
you learned self-love and learned to be on your own which was a big thing for you.
so while on the usual road trip to cousins you were confident it was going to be a great summer. you weren’t coming in with the mindset that you’d be excited to see steven or be in his presence. you came in with the mindset that you’d be able to treat yourself and have fun.
as soon as you got there your mood skyrocketed. the best feeling was pulling into the driveway or the beach house and taking in the sweet and salty air.
“y/n honey can you help me bring in the groceries please?” your mom asked you. “you both too.” she looked at conrad and jere.
“yeah sure,” you responded getting out of the car and planting both of your feet on the driveway of the beach house. you immediately smiled at the symbolic situation.
my home away from home. you thought to yourself
you took the groceries inside helping susannah sort them out into the cabinets and the fridge and as soon as you were done you grabbed all your belongings and went to your room.
you opened the door with a big smile and placed your duffel bag on the bed and your staircase next to the closer.
you then ran and jumped onto your bed relaxing on the soft comforter. you were always sad you didn’t have the same bed back home.
“y/n! belly’s here!” your mom shouted from downstairs.
your face lit up as you jumped off the bed and sprinted downstairs.
you and belly were always the closest. not only because you were both girls but because you were practically sisters. both the same age, with only a 10-day difference between birthdays. you were bound to be inseparable.
“y/n/n!!” belly shouted as she ran towards you and engulfed you in a hug. “oh my gosh i missed you so much even though we were literally face timing last night.” she laughed.
“i missed you, ten hours is too long.” you pretended to act sad.
“beck.” laurel spoke.
“there’s my girlfriend.” your mom said opening her arms for a hug.
you smiled at laurel and hugged her next knowing who was behind her.
of course, seeing his face made you feel strange but it’s not as bad as all the years before.
“hi steven.” you greeted trying to act as normal as possible.
“hi y/n/n.” he smiled pulling you in for a hug.
he always smelled good.
y/n stop it.
you pulled away quickly trying to come up with something to talk about.
“steven…you should really start working out.” you frowned playfully. “you won’t find a girl in cousins when it feels like i’m hugging a noodle.”
“hey hey hey. i work out.” he rolled his eyes shoving you playfully. “yo wait where’s conrad and jere?”
“they’re-“ before you could finish your sentence conrad and jere jumped from behind him.
“yo what the fuck!?” steven jumped causing his mom to glare at him. “i-i mean fudge. my bad mom.”
“well, look who it is.” jere smiled. “hey bells.”
belly smiled and jumped into jere’s arms “jere!! i missed you so much.”
“oh yeah belly way to show who’s your favorite fisher brother.” conrad said.
i internally rolled my eyes. jealousy is a very interesting look on you conrad.
belly shied away at what conrad said. conrad ended up just messing up the hair on top of her head.
“guys guys guys. i don’t know about you guys but i think it’s time for a….”
“belly flop!!” the boys exclaimed.
you saw as all three of them worked together to carry belly out of the house and assumed to drop her into the pool.
you took this chance to go upstairs and change and get ready to go out into town or the boardwalk.
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“hey mom?” you said as you were walking downstairs.
“yeah baby?” your mom replied from the kitchen.
“can i go to the boardwalk for a little bit?” you sat on one of the stools meeting the counter. you analyzed how your mom was making a charcuterie board of different cheeses. you assumed it was for her and laurel.
“alone? you didn’t wanna stay for girl's movie night? we’re watching la la land.” she smiled trying to convince you.
“i’ll be back by then i promise. pleaseeee” you begged.
“okay fine, also nice outfit i wonder who made you buy half of those fashion staples.” she smiled. you were wearing low-waisted flared jeans that accentuated and flattered your curves and paired it with a square neck flowy white flower patterned shirt.
for jewelry choices, you chose a dainty silver necklace with a pearl as the accent and medium-length thin silver hoops. you then had on your regular silver rings none too chunky and for shoes you chose your Doc Marten sandals.
“thank you, mom. i love you.” you went to kiss your mother on the cheek goodbye.
you then made your way to the front grabbing hold of your white bag you would take to store your stuff.
you brought an extra sweater just in case the sea breeze was a little much, the digital camera that your mom bought you to save memories, your blanket, a towel, a book, and your self-care bag which contained lip gloss, gum, a mini hair brush, a tide pen, eyelash curler, and your wallet.
your outfit: (i love doing this it’s so fun)
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“hey y/n where you going?” you heard a familiar voice call.
it was steven.
“oh i’m just going to the boardwalk.” you waved and started walking off.
“and you’re gonna walk?” he raised his brow.
“yeah, why not.” you laughed nervously.
“you’re not walking, i’ll go with you.” he said grabbing his car keys from his pocket and unlocking the car. “get in.”
“no steven the whole point is to enjoy the walk and-” he interrupted you by putting his finger on your lips. “shhh…now now little y/n/n. you’re not walking end of story. get in let’s go! we’re wasting time.” he said.
it was going to be a long day.
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“let’s go eat.” steven said as he was licking the ice cream he bought. you were also devouring yours, which he bought as well.
“he says after literally inhaling his ice cream.” you narrated his statement.
“what?! a man has got to eat to feed his muscles.” he kissed his bicep.
“and what muscles are we talking about? the muscle memory you have to eat?” you rolled your eyes. “let’s go to that one place what is it called? it’s more on that side of the town though. i forgot what it’s called. it was recommended to me.”
something something nest you think.
“just search it up smart one.” he said swallowing the last bite of his ice cream.
“that’s what i was going to do” you hissed. you went on your phone and looked up restaurants in your area.
the pelican's nest! that’s what it was called!
“found it! let’s go.” you told him walking back toward the parking lot. you climbed in his car sitting in the passenger seat as he climbed into the driver's seat.
“send me the location,” he demanded.
“a please would be nice.” you shot back pressing airdrop to send him the location.
he scoffed. “oh no i’ve been driving you around all day and i bought you ice cream.”
“doesn’t mean you can be a bitch.” you were pretending to be preoccupied on your phone. “and not to mention you quite literally dragged me into your car.”
“oh whatever i did not drag you, i just threatened you.” he smiled.
“oh yeah that’s better!” you sarcastically threw back.
after that, the drive was quiet and not at all long. you just noticed once you got more to the other side of town it was different.
“right here. pull into the parking.” you pointed.
“right alright chill,” he said turning the wheel in that direction.
“well you were gonna miss it.” you snorted.
“no i wasn’t,” he said in a way you could tell he was.
he put the car in park and cut the ignition. then you both got out.
“i’m so hungry let’s go.” steven groaned.
“yeah, i bet. you only ate the whole boardwalk.” you joked. steven shoved you playfully as you both walked inside looking for a table.
once you found one you sat down and looked at the menu. your mouth was watering when you took sight of the wings. your stomach saw it too apparently because it growled.
“looks like i’m not the only one who’s hungry.” steven smiled down at his menu then only moved his eyes to look at you.
you hated how good he looked right now.
“shut up. that’s why you literally look like-”
“hi what can i get you two?” the server spoke.
you knew what exactly you were ordering but you wanted to look for a drink.
“hey can i get the smoked salmon and the shrimp appetizer and oh! also pair that with an unsweetened iced tea,” steven ordered.
“unsweetened iced tea? maniac” you spoke.
the server laughed. a quite attractive laugh, actually.
“perfect and you?” the server then asked you.
“hi, can i get a…” you looked up to look at the server but you were interrupted. not by anyone but by who you saw.
you didn’t know him but he was extremely attractive.
“a…” the server waited starting to smile.
“sorry uh…a- i mean the wings please and then an unsweetened iced tea but can you put two sugar packets inside. thank you…” you bit your lip nervously closing the menu.
“yeah of course, your food will be right out beautiful,” he said walking away.
oh my god.
beautiful? your heart was beating out of your chest.
you didn’t know but steven felt a pang in his chest.
“anyways…that was weird,” he said and then started up a conversation.
you conversed, made jokes and jabs at each other, laughed, and ate but somehow the server was still on your mind.
too bad it was just a one-and-done conversation.
so you thought…
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the next day
gosh, you were sweating.
you were currently at the country club sitting at one of the stools next to the bar area of the pool which wasn’t really a bar but whatever.
you were waiting for a server to give you a beloved icee. you needed it asap.
“yo! jj, you’re on im going on break!” the server who took your order shouted.
but…what about my icee.
“alright man have a fun break.” you heard back.
the voice sounded familiar. way familiar.
“remember, the ladies don’t dig the hair net. ditch it.” the guy told this so-called jj.
he laughed.
that laugh, it made your heart jump. you’ve heard that laugh before.
“icee for y/n?” the server, jj, called.
you paused before speaking now wanting to embarrass yourself. “yeah here.”
you made eye contact with him.
he was way more beautiful up close. his blonde hair flowed with the breeze that was coming in. the light smile he wore.
“you’re the girl from yesterday. the unsweetened iced tea hater,” he said sliding you the icee.
“y-yeah that’s um that’s me haha,” you said back nervously.
“i don’t like unsweetened iced tea either but don’t tell your boyfriend i said that.” he gives another smile.
i cannot let this man think i’m taken.
“my boyfriend…? oh you mean steven. yeah no. he’s not my boyfriend.” you looked down at the slowly melting icee.
“oh really? you guys seemed really close.” he shrugged tapping his fingers on the counter.
“yeah no we’re just really good family friends.” this was really getting awkward.
“so you’re single?” woah not awkward anymore.
“yeah, i am actually. it’s weird i’ve never seen you around here before. do you live in cousins?” you tried making conversation.
“no actually, i uh…” he cleared his throat. “i live sort of across the little marsh area. i just come here for work because i make a lot.”
“oh, that’s smart. well…will you be here all summer?” you tried asking with a flirtatious tone.
you’re sure he picks up on it because he grins pulling his eye contact on my face to the floor.
“will you?” he rose a brow.
“yeah, why not.” you shrugged.
“then yes i will.” as soon as he said those last words that was the beginning of something and you didn’t know what to expect.
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july — a month later
“shhh you gotta be quiet.” jj whispered as he was dragging you somewhere.
you tried to stifle your giggles as much as possible while also trying to keep up with him. you tightened your grip on his hand as you ran through the country club halls.
after you and jj had met officially, you were going to the country club every day just to see him.
at first, you guys would just be talking day by day. after the first week you guys started texting; very flirty but also getting to know each other on another level. on the third week he kissed you while you were walking and exploring the club.
on the third week, you guys hit the closet where the country club kept all the party supplies like tablecloths and such. what did you guys do?
kiss. lots of kissing.
and today you expected it to happen again.
jj looked around to check if anyone was around before opening the door and dragging you in.
he closed, locked it, and turned around.
“you’re so beautiful y/n.” he whispered pulling you close and connecting your lips. “can’t get enough of you.”
you kissed back wholeheartedly. you’d really been liking spending time with him. only by knowing him for a short period of time, he’s easily become one of your favorite people to talk to.
“you’re the beautiful one,” you whisper against his lips. his cheeks got redder when he pulled back for a second. he then smiled at you and pulled you in for a harsher kiss causing you to gasp.
you didn’t know how loud you were being until there was a jiggle of the door handle.
“who’s in there?” someone said but not just anyone. steven. it was steven’s voice.
you didn’t know what to do so you stayed silent.
“i’m not dumb i heard you. whoever’s in there come out right now before i call security,” he demanded. oh god. this is not good.
“we gotta go out.” jj said grabbing your hand.
he opened the door and walked you both out.
your head stayed down trying not to make eye contact.
“y/n?” steven said. you looked up and he was paler than usual. “what the fuck?” he looked at jj. you could see the anger that was building up inside him.
“it’s not what it looks like. we weren’t doing anything bad in there.” you quickly defended yourself.
“oh so i’m just supposed to believe that you weren’t fucking a worker.” he seethed. he ran a hand through his hair and paced back and forth.
“we weren’t doing anything i just told you!” your voice rose.
“we really weren’t.” jj spoke up.
“no no, you shut the fuck up.” he cursed at jj. “and you…you are coming with me. let’s go. i’m taking you home.”
“what?! no. i’m not going home with you and you’re not in charge of me.” you shouted standing closer to jj still holding his hand.
“oh yeah? i don’t think his boss would be delighted to hear about this altercation. come with me now.” he warned.
fuck, you didn’t want jj to lose his job.
you looked at jj who didn’t seem intimidated but more like defeat.
“fine.” you spoke to steven while still keeping eye contact with jj. “i’m going to go but i’ll text you.”
he nodded and you didn’t know whether or not to kiss him even though you really wanted to.
you and steven walked out of the building steven striding towards his car at a fast pace. you were annoyed with him. why was he being such a jerk?
you both climbed in the car and for a second you thought he was just going to be quiet the whole time but then he spoke.
“y/n, what the hell. like actually what the hell.” he turned toward you.
“what? am i not allowed to have a boyfriend?” jj wasn’t your boyfriend but he was close.
steven gulped. “so he’s your boyfriend.”
“no but still what gives you the right to order me around and completely embarrass me in front of someone i like.” you defended.
“oh so now you like him.” he emphasized. what was he talking about?
“what are you talking about why are you saying it like that.” you were annoyed.
“oh no nothing it’s not like we’ve liked each other for so long,” he said sarcastically.
“what are you saying right now? we? what do you mean we?” you were trying to understand.
“we as in us as in you and me. y/n i’ve been liking you for a long time now so i don’t understand what you’re doing,” he confessed as if you knew or could tell.
“you…no, you don’t.” you shook your head. you felt the familiar feeling of your throat closing up. you did not want to cry so you tried holding it in.
“yes i have and i still do and you’re over here completely disregarding it?” he questioned. as soon as he said that your emotions changed. you were angry.
you were angry at the fact that he was making you feel bad for how you felt. angry because he didn’t do anything about it sooner. angry because you felt all of the blame was being put on you.
“disregarding it?!” you raised your voice. “steven, i have tried my very fucking hardest not to be fucking heartbroken every time you disregarded me. i know you knew i had the biggest crush on you. for years i’ve admired you and looked up to you and my biggest fucking dream was for you to confess something for me. to reciprocate those feelings back but all i got were comments about girls from back home or…or something to do with ‘oh this girl is so fine’ and i got sick of it. i waited and waited for you to say something but nothing happened. i’m done waiting for you to fess up and i will not be blamed for moving on.” you were crying now. hot tears streaming down your cheeks.
steven was quiet. he knew he was wrong. he knew he took advantage of you and he knew you were right. he couldn’t blame you for moving on when he did nothing about his feelings toward you but make you feel less confident in yourself.
the car was silent. only sniffles and short breaths were being heard. until he broke the silence.
“i’m sorry.” his voice cracked. he regretted not making you his. he regretted not confessing his feelings and he regretted making you cry and he’ll live with that
after a few seconds, you spoke again.
“i hope so because with that i am ready to move on. i don’t want shit to be weird but i’m ready. i can’t keep pining after you. i really like him and i’m sorry if those words bother you but it’s true. i want you to find someone and for the longest time imagining that was one of the hardest things to do but now the thought doesn’t even bother me and i am so proud of that.” your tears were dry and a weight has been lifted off of your chest.
“i understand, i never wanted to hurt you.” he said. “i want you to be happy y/n and if that means pursuing him then i’m happy for you.”
you smiled. “thank you”
“you know i love you right and i want to see you happy?” he told you.
you nodded. “and you know i love you and wanna see you happy?”
“of course.” he grinned.
“crazy. heartbreak and healed all in what? ten minutes?” you laughed.
“sounds about right.” he sighed. “go back. he’s probably freaking out thinking i’m going to get him fired.”
you nodded opening the door. “i’ll see you at home.”
“see you.” he waves.
holy fuck.
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sunbaby01 · 1 year
Sweeter than usual
Conrad Fisher x reader
“I’ll take care of this guys” Conrad flashed his fake ID around the car ignoring Jeremiah’s baffled “with that?” and the giggles coming from Belly and Emmy in the backseat.
It only took 5 minutes of then staring at the store in silence before Conrad came out the store empty handed.
“Oh, no. What, ID didn’t work Mr Herbertson?” Jeremiah leaned out the window mockingly at Conrad before winking at Belly who was also leaning out of her window too.
“Fuck off. At least I have one” Conrad drawled, raising his middle finger to emphasise his words. Emmy tried to ignore the way his attitude sent chills down her spine, really she did. Honest.
“What?” Jeremiah scoffed moving out the car, “listen, it’s cause I don’t need one all right? Jumper and I are tight, we’re like bros. C’mon how hard could it be?” He shut the door behind him flashing a smirk at them all ‘watch and learn’ he mouthed.
Famous last words.
“Watch and learn my ass” Emmy snorted.
“Awww look at that face” Conrad teased and Belly laughed at the pair.
“So, what? Do you want to, like, pay someone to in and buy it for us or…?” Jere started.
“Try a different store? Hop a few towns over where they don’t know us as well?” Conrad finished.
Belly and Emmy looked at one another in the back seat, communicating with their eyes. The long years of being best friends allowed that sort of thing. Emmy lifted a brow first as if to say ‘you’re up’
Belly sighed “Yeah, I just don’t think that anyone is gonna buy your Guam ID”
“I mean who even chooses Guam-“ Emmy leant forward resting her chin on Conrad’s seat.
“I’d love to hear your plan Belly. And don’t even get me started Emmeline. I don’t see either of you heading to the store” Conrad turned to make eye contact with Emmy holding her gaze.
“Why don’t I just go in and ask?” Belly said confidently. Too confidently.
“That’s not gonna work” Conrad disagreed, Jeremiah nodded along. “It won’t”
“Okay” Belly shrugged and got out the car.
“Yeah I didn’t think that was her plan” Emmy sighed and rubbed her hand over her face and in Belly’s defence, inside the store she’d been the closest to success and yet still left empty handed.
“Well now what?” Jere asked the four once again.
“Emmy…” Belly started.
“No” the girl stopped her.
“But look at your outfit you could so do it. And, you’ve done it before-“ she contributed
“Leave the clothes out of it Belly. And yeah I’ve done it. At home with friends. In desperate times, not here in cousins”
The boys looked at one another in confusion before Belly caught Conrad’s eye lifting a brow the boy immediately understanding what she needed.
“C’mon Emmy this is a desperate time” he begged her, looking at her in the way he reserved for her, feeling a grin pull at his lips when she rolled her eyes and let out a groan.
“Conrad Fisher, you fucking owe me,” she pointed to the eldest boy.
“Anything you want” he allowed himself to smile at her flushed cheeks, “so what’s actually happening?” he looked back to his brother when both girls stepped out the car, the siblings rushing to follow them. When Conrad rounded the back of the car his eyes widened slightly. Emmy’s denim skirt been undone and rolled down at the waistband and her halter top adjusted to show more cleavage. Well, shit. She’d already looked hot but this? This was too much.
“Hey…uh maybe we should just drive a town over after all?” He tried to remain cool rubbing at the back of his neck, eyes flickering down at the girl.
“It’ll be the same there,” she sighed, “who did you say was working today?” She asked Jere groaning once again when he reminded her it was Jumper.
“Fuck” she mumbled, ignoring Belly’s whoop and Jeremiah’s whistle as she walked towards the store emphasising her hips as she did so. She couldn’t, however, ignore Conrad’s eyes burning into her.
“Maybe we should go get her?” Conrad tapped his foot, gaze not breaking from the store door.
“Connie it’s been like 2 minutes” Jere smacked his back moving to wrap his arms around Belly.
“Two minute too fucking long” he huffed, looking at the sky.
“Better open the trunk boys!” Her voice called out and he snapped his gaze back down seeing her grin as she walked towards them. Jumper may as well have been hypnotised the way he was following her and looking at her. Conrad clenched his jaw.
“Don’t get pulled over and god if you do? I’ll claim you stole in on my shift. I’ll see you tonight?” Jumper turned his attention to Emmy and ran his eyes over her one more time not noticing her noncommittal nod before heading back to work.
“What?” She asked Conrad who just stared blankly. “Half cherry, half coke” she shrugged and held out the cups to Jere and Belly who smiled in thanks already sipping them and heading to the car. She then pulled out the lolly from her pocket quickly ridding the wrapper and placing the candy in her mouth.
“Nothing for me?” Conrad questioned lifting the final crate of alcohol into the trunk and closing it.
“You hate slushys say they’re too sugary..” she trailed off as he stepped closer to her.
“I still like sweet things” he corrected her, reaching forward and pulled her hand holding the sucker towards his mouth.
“Mmm” he moaned slightly, “sweeter than usual” Conrad smirked, heading back towards the drivers seat.
Well, fuck.
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chut-je-dors · 1 year
Now I'm curious cause of your tag. What did Swedish media say about the eurovision thing?
Oof yeah, here's a post detailing it ... here another... Basically they've absolutely flipped over the fact that Finnish public didn't give Loreen points at all (which I find absolutely hilarious) and suddenly started wielding such rhetoric as "the former eastern part of our kingdom" referring to Finland, which is???? like??? do I even need to say how Not Okay that is?
It might seem to some that the Finnish people are reacting to Sweden's (unfair) win and them being sore winners (which, points to them, I didn't know was possible!) with too much drama, but it's all tied to our history together. Finland has traditionally seen itself, and has been seen by other countries (Sweden included) as the sort of "little brother" to the more advanced, better-faring, glorious Sweden. While Sweden to my knowledge doesn't much care about what Finland gets up to (perhaps overlooking/ignoring us and our merits), Finland is always comparing itself to Sweden and trying to live up to it. It's a very common rhetoric and sort of, the atmosphere over here. We know more about Sweden than Sweden knows about us; we're constantly conscious that Sweden exists. Sweden gets talked about in international news; Finland, if mentioned, is often tied to - you guessed it - being Sweden's neighboring country.
We used to be part of Sweden for 600 years. During that time, Swedish was implemented as the language of the culture and the "civilised" whereas the finns living in the eAstErn pArT oF tHe kiNgDoM were seen as "wild" and "uncivilised" and just, generally a lesser people to the Swedish speaking population. We haven't been under Sweden's rule for some 200 years and STILL we can't seem to shake their influence on us. Swedish is still a mandatory language to learn at school (and I have many opinions on that, but that'd be another post). Finnish as a language has been disregarded for its whole existence. Our leading national thinkers and poets in the 19th century, who were the first ones to really push for the Finnish identity instead of us seeing ourselves as part of Sweden or Russia, wrote in Swedish. The first novel in Finnish was published in 1870.
So this is monumental to us, to have the whole word watching Finland and not Sweden. Finland has a lot of merits, especially considering how small a people we are (just 5,5mil). To have a song in our language, in Finnish be this popular, is something we couldn't have imagined. We as a people are humble to the extreme, so much that we might easily scorn anyone who is too successful (not a good thing!), and this is the first time in my life that I'm seeing the whole country rally behind someone like this. When we say "Our Jere" we mean it with our whole hearts. We're so so proud of him, everyone is, and for once Finnish people seem to think in unison that someone deserves all the praise and the success.
SO, to have Sweden in this UNIQUE moment of Finland raising its head and being "we're so amazing", with the rest of Europe going "yes you're so amazing!!", spew rhetoric like this, is just, unbelievable to me. Like I can't just believe that in the 21st century there are people in Sweden who hold up 200 year old thought patterns of our country. It's been shocking 'cos though there's always been rivalry, it's felt more... tongue in cheek. We "love to hate" Sweden over here. It's been "I hate Sweden (affectionate)". But now we find this unbelievably condescending and belittling attitude towards us raising its head, and we wonder, we thought we two were okay?? But have they always held these beliefs???
So there's a sense of betrayal in the air as well. And just, full on disbelief. And maybe we're starting to see that it has been like this all along, but we've decided to turn a blind eye to it? True colours shining through? Perhaps not... but yeah.
Sweden not looking good here!
(here's one more post that says the same that i did but was better at making it SHORT oops)
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mint-ty · 5 months
I just think people judge too goddamn fast nowadays. 🙁 How does it teach a person if we cancel them and won’t let them learn? Since when has hate been a productive way to achieve peace? And how does it make peace in gaza if we hate Käärijä, a totally innocent person, here on the internet, send him thousands of hate mails and cancel him? Our behaviour only polarizes the world more, and yet one more individual is been pushed down and crushed. He needs our support, we live and learn together here as human beings.
good morning anon, how is the hangover?🙂 I hope everyone had a bit of sleep..
I think the judgment came from receiving a punch to the stomach from seeing that video, so it wasn't too sudden, even if we now know Käärijä was set up (I mean, duh). I fully agree that cancelling people is not the way and it does breed hate snowball (sidenote: I'm all for cancelling corporations tho 👍 they can handle.), the reactions I've seen here on Tumblr have been very appropriate and understanding, and majority has been already said, so I want to hug everyone because ugh this will stick and I love you all🫂 I don't use twt but I can only imagine what's there from the comments I've seen on Kä's ig :/
By trying not to get caught in the middle of this esc shitstorm Jere got caught in the worst possible way. So in a way we're all upset because we haven't given up on him. He knows it was a mistake, we know it was a mistake, everyone around him know it was a mistake. He did learn something from the flag incident and it seems have spoken with his team before making any rash decisions. I believe he'll learn a lot from yesterday too.
And anon you touch a really good point - how does it make peace? ESC is a pond and it will be over in few days. War won't. So it's very important to continue with advocacy for palestinians by pressuring politicians and businesses who have actual influence.
This situation also reminds me of family psichology, forgot the term, but it's about how and why your loved one sometimes would lash out or say very hurtful things, when they would never say that to others. And it's because they feel safe to get angry in the presence of you and at you. I think this is very similar and many of us feel like Käärijä, and fans by proxy, is our family and we feel safe to express our hurt and that we will be heard.
But again it's important to remember that here we're all on the same side and if anyone really really wants to send hate mail - well then esc account is much better recipient as an example 💩
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follivora · 5 months
well today has been exhausting, i hope we all feel better tomorrow and jere will continue to learn and grow, because i’m more than happy to support people as long as they try to be better human beings <3
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taylorsv3rsion13 · 1 year
we never go out of style || c.f.
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words: 3.0k
synopsis : things were always rocky for conrad and you. after the whole break up, will everything be the same the year later? or will it all turn to shit.
"Good morning, Y/N" Susannah said as she entered my room.
I got up almost instantly, "Oh god, am I late?" I asked.
She laughed a little, "No, you're fine, don't worry."
Susannah hopped onto my bed, looking at me with a cute smile, "Are you ready for your big day."
I shook my head no, "Nope."
"Oh yes you are." She said to me.
"But what if I trip? Or I step on Jeremiah's foot?" I asked.
"You won't, just hold onto Jeremiah." She said, laughing a little, "He won't let you fall."
I laughed a little as well, "That's true."
"You know..." Susannah began, "I still don't know how you got him to be your escort. He swore up and down that he'd never go to any of these things."
I laughed a little.
"Well, he'd do anything for you." She tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. "They both would."
My smile faltered a little, as I looked around my room, avoiding eye contact with Susannah.
"Everything okay?" Susannah asked.
I nodded quickly, "Yeah."
"Did I push you into this?" Susannah asked, "You can tell me the truth."
"Um... maybe a little at first, but. I really don't mind, I just want to make you happy."
Susannah sighed a little, "Look, honestly, we don't even need to go tonight if you don't want to, okay?"
"No, no, I want to go." I said, smiling up at her. "And I'm kind of excited for people to see me."
Susannah smiled as she placed out foreheads together.
"I love you so much beautiful girl." She said as she held back tears. "Okay um. When they take your photograph, remember to say prune! It'll make your cheekbones look divine." Susanna said.
"Prune?" I asked, trying to see if it would work.
"It's an old trick I learned from Madonna... or was it the Olsen twins?" Susannah said, trying to figure out where she had learned this from.
She hopped off my bed, "Okay, meet me downstairs. There's a surprise for you." She smiled.
I sighed looking at the dress hanging up on my door. It wasn't exactly what I wanted, but if Susannah wanted me to wear it, I was more than happy to.
I walked downstairs, not really knowing what to expect. In the living room, stood Susannah, Laurel, and Belly, showing off a beautiful dress. No, they were showing off the dress.
"You got me the dress I wanted?" I said, almost speechless as a large smile grew on my face.
I looked at all of three of them, my mind blown.
"Thank you!" I laughed as I walked up to them.
I gave all three of them the biggest hugs I have ever given anyone in my life.
I finished getting a somewhat more normal outfit on as I made my way into the kitchen where Belly was.
"Hey, Good morning. Um, I picked up some of the muffins that you liked." Conrad said immediately as I walked in, placing them on the counter.
"I-um, I'm not really hungry actually. Thank you, though."
"Oh, girls, you should get going." Susannah announced. "Oh and everyone, stay out of the family room. I've done all of the paintings and tonight we'll have the big unveiling."
Susannah gave the boys a number of things to carry to the Laurel's car.
"Laurel, aren't you coming?" I asked as I put my shoes on.
"I'm going with Susannah, I was thinking Belly could drive you guys?"
Belly and I turned to each other and screamed loudly as she took the keys from her mom.
Belly ran out first as her mom gave me orders to have Belly follow. I raced out of the kitchen.
"Hey." Conrad called out to me.
I stopped in my tracks, "Yeah?"
"Break a leg."
I gasped, "That'd be horrible. I'm supposed to be dancing all night."
Conrad stammered, "I just.. I meant, um, I just mean good luck. It's like, a thing, people, um, say." He rambled.
I laughed a little as he tried to fix his sentence.
"For what it's worth, Jere was the right choice." Conrad said.
"Yeah, uhm, I know." I said awkwardly, before leaving.
Jere leaned against Laurel's car as Belly had already started the engine.
"Don't be nervous, we'll be the best waltzers out there." He joked.
"I'm not nervous. But also, I'm sorry about the volleyball game, I just was really competitive."
"No, It's fine, I understand." He laughed.
"Thank you, Jere." I gave him a big hug before walking into Bell's car.
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Belly and I walked into the room together, and it was hectic.
Girls running around trying to get their hair and makeup done. Some not as shaved as they would like and others giving up and resting in their bra's.
"You guys are here!" Shayla exclaimed, her hairs in large rollers.
We hung up our dresses as we said hi to Shayla.
"Come, I've saved you guys spots."
My chair was besides Nicole's who didn't bother to say anything to me.
"You guys should really talk." Shayla said as she looked between us.
"Nicole, I'm really really sorry." I said.
"For what? Conrad? I'm over it, I'm here with someone else." She said. Though, her voice did sound a little passive agressive.
"Nicole, I never meant for that to happen and I know it's dumb and it means absolutely nothing, but I've liked him since I was a little girl. And I thought I got over him last year, but I guess I didn't fully and I distanced myself from him as much as I could. I'm really really sorry." I explained.
"We can't help that Conrad's a fuck boy." She said as she was slumped in her chair.
"Look I'm over him." I said, giving her a soft smile.
"No one get's over their first love, really." Nicole said before returning back to her makeup.
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Belly and I were one of the last ones to finish getting ready. We had helped each other with our hair and dresses and then makeup was brutal.
"I don't know how much longer I can stare at myself." I sighed, getting a headache from just being in the small room.
"You look gorgeous, if I was you I'd stare at myself all day." Belly said from beside me, making me laugh.
"You look amazing Bells, I don't think I'd be able to do this on my own."
I had curled my hair, adding braids to the sides for a more crown affect or so, while Belly's was in a low bun with a beautiful pearl headband.
"I think it's time, Bells." I said getting up as she followed.
Neither of us picked up the red rose bouquet, just staring at it.
I sighed looking up at her and grabbing her arms. "We're growing up, I love you."
At the same time, the two of us grabbed our bouquets, walking out of the dressing room.
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I stood behind Belly as we waited for our names to be called.
"Prune. Prune." Belly whispered to herself.
"Oh god, did Susannah teach you that as well?" I asked.
She nodded as we both laughed silently.
"Isabel Conklin, daughter of John Conklin and Laurel Park." They said as Belly and Cam began walking the stage.
They met in the middle and I watched as Belly's face began to contort in multiple ways, attempting to say prune which I laughed at a little.
I looked straight ahead though, remembering the next person called would be me.
Jeremiah smiled at me from the other side of the wings.
Before I knew it, it was my turn.
"Y/N L/N, daughter of Amanda L/N and James L/N."
I walked and met Jeremiah in the middle.
I looked into the crowd, immediately making eye contact with Conrad. God his stupid smile. It just made me smile even more.
I could feel his eyes on me as I walked down from the stage and onto the dance floor.
"You look beautiful." Laurel mouthed to me.
I went to Susannah, hugging her from the back and giving her my bouquet.
She got up as well and gave me a full hug.
I gave a small curtsy as I made my way back to Jeremiah.
"How was the curtsy?" I asked.
"The queen would be proud," He joked.
It hit me now, that when I was with Jeremiah, it felt like there was no one else. All I had to do was look at him.
I watched Laurel get up from her seat quickly. My eyes met Belly's and she mouthed 'what happened'. I shrugged in response, not understanding what had happened either.
"Where is she going?" I asked Jeremiah.
"I don't know."
The escorts began their dance shortly after as the debs walked off the dance floor and sitting at their assigned tables.
The dance began and Belly and I wooed over the applause as we laughed as well. They looked hilarious, but the guys also looked like they were having the time of their lives.
We all stood up as their dance ended, applauding them and screaming, but I could see Jeremiah's face dropping with every second.
Paige clanked a knife to her glass, announcing to us that it was time for the big dance.
"Where'd Jeremiah go?" I asked Belly as I looked around. He never came back to the table.
Cam and Belly looked at each other, and now we knew our night was fucked.
"He'll be here in a minute, I'm sure." Susannah reassured me. "But go! Get ready."
"Okay," I said laughing nervously.
I looked around awkwardly, trying to find Jeremiah, but he wasn't anywhere. Most of the girls were paired up with their partners by now.
"Have you guys seen Jeremiah?" I asked as I approached Gigi and her group of friends.
"I think I saw him go outside." Gigi said to me.
I hated this feeling. Everyone standing and staring at me. Judging me almost.
I looked over to my right and Conrad was standing there, looking straight at me and I was staring straight at him.
I could feel the stares from everyone else as they stared at the two of us as well.
I smiled a little as he walked over to me.
It was like the pieces clicked when I was with Conrad. Like we were always meant to fucking be.
"I think I remember most of the steps." Conrad said quietly.
And at that moment, I knew this was happening all over again. Me. Conrad. Us.
The two of us got into our different lines, our eyes never leaving each others.
The music began and the two of us turned as I turned into his arm. It wasn't what I had expected, but deep down I knew this was the moment I had waited for all of my life.
I was Conrad's sun. And I helped the night disappear. I helped the world disappear from everything around him.
The whole time Conrad and I were on the dance floor, we never looked away. No matter how hard we tried, we just couldn't.
When it came time for the dip in the dance, it lasted longer than it was supposed to as our eyes glanced up and down from our eyes to each others mouths.
"Oh, um. Thank you." I said as the dance ended and the crowd applauded.
"I think I messed up some of the steps." Conrad said nervously.
"No, no, you were fine. You were great." I said.
"I'm glad... I'm glad that it was me." He said seriously.
I smiled up at him as he fidgeted with my fingers. I was glad that it was him as well. When I was with Conrad it was like all of my worries were gone.
"Hey." Jeremiah said as he came up to Conrad.
"Hey, Jeremiah." I smiled, "Where ha-"
"Conrad. We need to talk, all right?" Jeremiah said. His eyes were wet. "It's important. It's about mom. I found something out."
Conrad just stared at Jeremiah. "Um.. yeah, we'll talk about this later, okay?"
"No it's important." Jeremiah urged.
"It's okay." Conrad said as he placed his hand on Jeremiah's chest. Something the boys had done whenever the other was on edge.
"You already know... Don't you." Jeremiah's eyes were bloodshot by now.
"Conrad knows what?" I asked, curious.
"You've known this whole fucking time and you didn't even tell me?" Jeremiah asked, his voice raising.
"Jere." Conrad said to try to calm his brother down.
That didn't seem to work as I watched Jeremiah punch Conrad in the face with all the strength he had in him.
Jeremiah rammed into Conrad as he tried to beat his brother up. Though, I watched as Conrad tried his best to not hurt his brother.
Susannah rushed over, "Stop it. Both of you, stop it." Her voice was raised, which was a rare occurance.
Both of the boys let go of each other as they rolled on the floor.
"What is going on?" Susannah asked sternly.
The boys stood in front of her. And all I could do was wonder.
"Mom..." Jeremiah croaked.
"We know, Mom." Conrad said. "We both know."
Belly and I turned at each other, quietly mouthing what was going on.
"Know what?" Belly and I asked in sync as Susannah's face dropped.
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And here I was, crying on the floor in my room. I didn't have anyone to go to. Susannah was with the boys, Laurel was with Belly and Steven.
All I had was the fact that Susannah had cancer yet again.
I don't think I've ever cried that much in my life. Not over a broken bone, or a heartbreak. Not over Conrad.
But here I was, in my shiny white dress, a mess on the floor as I sobbed uncontrollably.
I felt dumb, stupid even. Susannah had been going through this all summer, and I never noticed, to worked up over boys and friends.
I could hear the mixed cries from Belly's room. Some were hers and some were Laurels. With each one my heart broke even more. Now I understood why Susannah kept making comments about this summer.
She was right, this might be the last summer we're all in Cousins together.
I walked down the hall slowly out of my room. Steven was outside of Belly's room, looking as if he was to scared to knock.
Our eyes met and I sobbed even more as he held out his arms for me.
"It's gonna be okay, Y/N/N" He mumbled.
Susannah, Conrad, and Jeremiah all sat on the couch in the living room. None of them were crying. They saw me emerge from the doorway though.
Susannah motioned for me to sit next to her, in between Conrad and her, which I did.
"I'm so sorry, this was not how I wanted you guys to find out." Susannah said sadly.
"Susannah, you're gonna do the trial, right?" I asked through muffled sobs.
She hesitated as she looked at me, "Uh... No, love, I'm not."
My heart broke at her words as I stared at her for a moment longer. What did she mean? Was she insane? She needed to fight. For me. For the boys. For Laurel. For all of us.
Conrad seemed to break down slowly as well from besides me.
"Chances are very slight. Well, nonexistent really. And I can't just go through that again."
"But you have to try." I said, a tear escaping from my eye.
Susannah sighed, "I want to be me when I go." She stared at me with a soft smile, "Does that make sense?"
"No, no. None of this makes any sense." Jeremiah said.
"I know, I know, I'm not good at this." Susannah said through tears as she pushed aside some of Jeremiah's hair.
There was a bit of silence as we all were still processing what was happening. I didn't want to accept the fact that Susannah had cancer again. I just couldn't.
"If there's any chance that you can live you have to take it." Jeremiah pleaded. "Come on, Conrad. Tell her. Y/N?"
I just looked at Jeremiah and Conrad. I wanted to say something. I wanted to say everything.
"Why aren't you guys saying anything?" Jeremiah asked, his eyes red. "You have to try. You can't give up on us."
"Mom." Conrad's voice was hoarse and as he lifted his head up, the tears poured from his eyes. "Can't you just try? For us, Mom. I need you."
Susannah grabbed the boys as she hugged them tight. I didn't want Susannah to go
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Our crying had subsided and Laurel began making food for us. Which meant this situation was horrible. Her cooking wasn't the best, especially for dinner. She had certain dishes she would make that tasted good though.
So here we all sat at the dinner table. Belly and I in more comfortable clothes because Susannah didn't want us to spill on our dresses, eating Chinese takeout, pizza, spaghetti noodles, and ice cream. It wasn't the ideal dinner, but it tasted good. We all bonded, as if nothing had ever been said.
Life has endless amounts of possibilities, but with whatever comes next, I know I can always return back to this place.
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The waves rushed up against the shore, and it was a bright and colorful early morning. Conrad sat beside me, he was happy.
"I can't believe she said yes." He said happily.
"You did it. You changed her mind."
"It wasn't just me. It was Jere who did it as well." Conrad said.
I looked out at the waves as I felt his gaze still on me. I didn't want to turn around whatsoever.
"Y/N, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being so shitty all summer."
I turned to him, "No, I know it's weird, and you had been going through all of this. I just wished you know, that would you communicate half of these things with me."
"Believe me, I wanted to talk." He said.
There was tension between us as our gazes traveled.
"We should go in." I said, looking around at the sand beside us
"There's so many things I want to say to you."
I sighed getting up, "Don't do it."
"Why?" He asked as he got up as well.
"'Cause you need someone right now, Conrad. I don't know what I am going to do to help when you do need help. We haven't even talked about the other relationship. Conrad, it's just messy."
"I don't just need somebody." He stared down at me, "I need you. Y/N, when I was with you I was the happiest I could of possibly been. Everyone knows that."
"You shouldn't have to need me. That's what you did last time. You needed me to just fix you out of your hell hole. I want you to want me, Conrad. You have to want me like I want you or it doesn't fucking work."
"I do want you. I've only wanted you."
There was silence between us as we just stared at one another.
His arm moved slowly up to the side of my cheek before he pulled me in, kissing. It felt alive, not needed, not desperate. It felt natural.
We kissed again, with much more passion this time. Everything was falling into places. Everything was just how it had to be.
Everything happens for a reason. Whether it's failing a test, or it's a stupid break up. The butterfly effect makes it come back around. Anything can happen, anything and everything. Just if you let it.
Not everyone goes out of style.
A/N : hi! after i know like a month of not being active, here is the last chapter of the series! i made sure to finish it before s2. thank you so much for the support recently.
i'm also so sorry if this isn't as good as the other chapters 😭
Also!!! if you have any prompts or ideas, feel free to message me and i'll write as soon as i can! thanks!
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mitamicah · 7 months
Ngl I lowkey hate the logic side of me that made me take the last bus home so to not risk having to walk 2,5 hours from the venue in the dead of night... because had I waited an hour and a half longer I could've met Jere 🙃
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infinitywrites · 1 year
I Didn't Expect You Part 3 ~ Conrad Fisher
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(Part 2) (Masterlist) (Part 4)
synopsis: Y/N never expected it to be the summer that everything changed. Conrad, Belly and Steven were all dealing with the consequences of recent break ups while Jeremiah's wasn't acting like himself. Susannah was undergoing treatment that provided unpredictable health results and kept her loved ones on the edge of tragedy. Had they drained the well of the magic of Cousin's beach? Or could something new fulfil it again?
warnings: multichapter slow burn, warnings will update with every chapter, timeline is both POST S2 and a retelling of S2 with changes, everyone swears A LOT, 4th of July party, THIRST, Cam Cameron, Taylor Jewel, Nicole (sorry to this Queen), Gigi, Marisa and girlfriend, Dara, Conrad's friend Danny (made this character into my own thing), hints of Belly/Jeremiah, I don't know shit about sports
word count: 4,058
You brush past me in the hallway
And you don't think I, I, I can see ya, do ya?
But what would you do if I went to touch you now?
What would you do if they never found us out?
'Cause I can see you waitin' down the hall from me
And what would you do, baby, if you only knew?
That I can see you
It was finally here; the reason we'd all come back to Cousin's this summer at all. Susannah's famous 4th of July party was underway in all its glory despite the setbacks of the past year. Everyone had spent the day before running errands and putting up decorations, preparing appetizers and double checking the rest of the seafood catering while the woman of the hour sat on her chaise lounge and orchestrated it all to perfection. I barely talked to Belly and Steven that day let alone Conrad but it wasn't awkward when we were sent on a few errands together or standing side by side chopping veggies again. We all had a common purpose and it felt good. The five of us joined Belly on her night swim before bed that night to clean off the remnants of a productive day.
I pulled out my black swimsuit from the top drawer the next morning and was stopped in the doorway to the bedroom by Belly. "What is that?"
I looked at her for a second, confused before answering, "I'm gonna change into my suit after I shower." I attempted to leave again but she wouldn't move. Belly shook her head and muttered a handful of no no no's. I sighed dramatically, "What's your issue, girly?"
"Why did we go shopping for new bikinis if you aren't gonna wear yours? I learned about complimenting colours for you and look!" She rushed into the bedroom, pulled out the purple one that Taylor had treated her to for her birthday and the coral one hidden at the bottom of my top drawer. Belly held them up together to show me and I could tell she was moments from an adolescent tantrum. "Come on, it's the 4th and they're so pretty! Don't make me do it alone."
"Wear your Speedo with me then!"
"If you brought a cuter one piece, I'd compromise but you only brought two suits and only one of them is cute." She shrugged like it was the most obvious thing in the world and she's biding her time until I gave in.
She wasn't not wrong but that doesn't mean I made it easy for her. "What has Taylor done to you? We're here for less than a week, what do I need more suits for?"
"For the party, Y/N! You brought this one for the party so don't back down now."
I took the first step and grabbed it from her hands at least as I contemplated. "I feel kinda slutty…"
Belly translated, "Which means you look hot in it, amazing. I agree."
"Who are you right now?"
"Make sure you tell Taylor, she's gonna be so proud of me." She turned away from me to rustle through her drawers and assemble her outfit.
"Belly. It's a family party."
"Other people will be there! Jere said Cam's coming, Dara, Marisa and her girlfriend and then Conrad said something about Danny too. I invited Nicole but she said she wasn't sure and then my dad should be here with Taylor any minute. Lots of people not related to us." She wasn't even looking at me anymore and I didn't know if she'd just gotten good at this or she'd realized that she'd always had me wrapped around her little finger.
I sighed, "If I bring this with me, can I please shower now?"
Belly tosses the next words over her shoulder, mood changed on a dime from her dramatic pout. "Hurry up! Everyone will be here soon."
I groaned dramatically to try and get a final rise out of her but she was in her own world, discovering the perfect holiday fit.
Taylor did congratulate Belly when she arrived even when I insisted I hadn't made my mind up yet on what I was wearing under my dress. It was fun getting ready with the girls again, trading new makeup hacks and exchanging jewelry and shoes like we'd always done in the summers. There were last minute adjustments to our outfits only caught by an objective opinion. We'd all decided that red, white and blue was out this year and we committed to pink, purple and green instead. Taylor said they were meant to stand out and own it. I just always hated red against my skin tone.
I was the last one to get downstairs to greet Uncle John and the 'debs' as we affectionately called them since last summer. Susannah was set up on the outdoor couch in a floppy white sun hat and linen set that made her look like she should be vacationing in someone more tropical. The group of us had perfected the unspoken rotation of checking in with her, refilling her drink or keeping her snacks stocked. She seemed quite happy to lay around and watch the party unfold before her eyes.
Belly dropped her jaw in a silent scream when she saw me in my coral bikini covered up by my sheer white cover dress and squealed as she clapped her hands together, "See? Compromise!"
I just rolled my eyes and prayed no one was paying attention to her insanity. "Yeah, yeah. You look cute too." Her and Taylor were the cut off shorts sisters and they worked it.
The food was incredible, the decorations held up in the breeze and it seemed like we'd pulled it off. We'd managed a normal but perfect set up for Susannah's favourite holiday.
"I probably shouldn't have fucked Liam Meyer again but other than that hot girl summer is a go." The group of girls were sitting by the pool, dipping their feet in or laid back in the lounge chairs while Steven and Jeremiah were already swimming around and dunking each other. I'd always liked Nicole for the most part (if I forgot about her nasty revenge streak) but I would have liked to know less about her sex life. I was the only one though because the rest of the girls were giggling and eager to hear more stories from her.
Belly agreed, "I hear you. I swore to myself I wouldn't get tied down this summer."
Nicole looked surprised but impressed and Taylor smiled at Belly happily, "She's branching out from the Fisher family this year, right Cinderbelly?"
Belly shoved her arm and looked around to see if anyone heard. "Shut up! But…yeah, I guess."
"Good for you, girl. No need to settle for one summer boy when there's lots to choose from…at this party alone." Marisa's eyes were across the pool where Cam Cameron and Danny walked into the yard and waved their hellos around. The girl's attention was distracted by them for a moment.
Belly laughs, "I meant more like eating as much ice cream as I wanted and skipping shaving my legs a few days in a row."
Nicole looks at her friends before nodding, "I mean…that's cute too."
"Hot girl summer can mean whatever you want, Bells." I couldn't hold it back but tried to keep my tone as light as possible and Taylor shot me a grateful smile.
Nicole looked right at me like I must have read her mind, "Exactly. Mine just means the sampling platter of the finest dick that Cousin's Beach has to offer."
Her eyes focused over my shoulder and her mischievous smile grew as she spoke. The girls facing her way giggled loudly and I turned to look at what they saw. It was all the guys climbing out of the pool, looking fucking good because of course they did. I wasn't completely oblivious no matter what Taylor thought. Except Steven because gross but he was definitely being looked at by everyone that wasn't his blood relative. Conrad must have come out of hiding too because there he was, right in the middle of the group pushing the wet hair out of his eyes and laughing at something his friend said. Danny Wilder, who was tall and broad and looking damn good this summer.
I didn't even notice how my head tipped to the side until Taylor smacked my arm and gasped a wicked laugh. "OhmiGod, she's human after all!"
I laughed, "Shut up! You know what? Apparently I'm the only one with balls too." I got up and shrugged my shoulders at them before making a beeline to refill my drink and grab two towels before I spotted Cam and gently hip checked him to get his attention.
He was talking to Danny but quickly flashed his wide smile, "YN!"
I handed them each a towel and smiled back. Danny muttered a quick thanks before being dragged away by Conrad. I thought I heard him complain about why he didn't get towel service. I refocused my attention, "I'm so glad you came."
"Me too. Mrs. Fisher hosts the best parties."
"Good to know you're still as smart as you are sweet." He blushes and smiles. I stepped a bit closer to him and lowered my voice so hopefully he'd be the only one to hear. "Hey, I hope this isn't weird but I didn't get a chance to say anything after you and Belly–"
The poor guy looked so worried for a second, "Oh, that's totally cool now. Belly and I are good."
"No, that's what I mean. You were so great to her in every way and when– Just as someone who loves her and worries about her, you couldn't have handled that situation better. So thank you."
He shrugs as his smile spreads across his face again. "Ah, I got a good mom."
"Never change, Cam Cameron." I held his forearm gently and shook him in the mock threat.
"I'll remember that, Y/N. Thanks."
I nodded, "Can I get you anything? There's frozen virgin margaritas this time."
That sparked his interest. "Oh, actually…"
"Right? My idea and I'm very proud." I walked him over to the drinks table and swore I could feel a prickling on my neck. I looked over my shoulder to check my surroundings but there was nothing out of the ordinary.
The gang started to mingle a bit more after I broke the ice and I saw Cam giggling at something Dara said, Taylor and Steven were essentially beating each other up and if it wasn't so quintessentially them I might have worried. Jeremiah was sitting next to Belly on a lounge chair, trying to cheer her up no doubt. He'd always had a sixth sense for when she needed it most and he'd perfected how to make her smile. He was holding her hands in his lap and her smile was starting to light her face back up. I was smiling at the display when I went to find my own seat and got a glimpse of Nicole trailing her fingers up and down Conrad's abs. I took back what I thought earlier; she had steel ones.
Danny glanced in my direction and we exchanged quick smiles before he looked back at Conrad, who didn't look as happy about Nicole's bold moves as I expected. Next thing I knew, Danny was leaning against the table in front of me and when I looked back in Conrad's direction, he was shooting daggers of betrayal through his eyes at his friend who'd abandoned him. Danny Wilder was either stone cold or completely oblivious.
"Hey." Definitely oblivious if I judged that sweet smile correctly.
"Hi." I couldn't help but smile back again.
"I just, uh, wanted to say thank you for the towel. I didn't know your hostess skills were at the 'anticipation of needs' level." Just when the smile was drifting off my face, it came back with a vengeance.
"I mean, I was taught by the best." I gestured towards Susannah on her couch throne and noticed Conrad looking over his shoulder at us with a look of bewildered disgust. He was such a fucking drama queen and all it really made me want to do was flirt with his cute friend more.
Danny's focus was steadfast, unlike my own and it was exhilarating. He deserved my undivided attention. "That's true. You could pass it down the family line or charge for your services."
My eyes narrowed but the smile didn't leave my face, "You wanna pay me to bring you a towel?"
He paused and contemplated, "Yeah, that sounded way better in my head." The thing about Danny was that he was smart, as smart as Conrad or Steven but he wasn't trying to prove anything. If he said something stupid, his ego was never bruised and he was the first one to laugh at himself, not unlike sweet Cam Cameron who embraced his awkwardness and seemed to grow more into his own confidence every day.
I decided to throw him a bone, "How's school?"
He took a deep breath, "It's…a lot but I knew that going in. I mean, I love it so…"
"You're lucky." The sincerity between us was refreshing. Conversations with him had always been easy.
"Actually, I'm playing a little around Cousin's if you wanna come check it out. Conrad's supposed to play backup if he decides to get off his ass this summer." The idea piqued my interest. I could never call myself a baseball fan but baseball players…
"I never agreed to that!" At the mention of his name, Conrad yelled his interruption and practically galloped over to where we stood.
He claimed his territory by slinging his arm around Danny's shoulders and plastering on a smile that didn't reach his eyes right in my direction. "Besides, what the fuck are you guys talking about me for? I thought you were flirting."
We were embarrassed for exactly two seconds before we exchanged exasperated gestures at Conrad's fuckery. Danny shoved him and I rolled my eyes, "Fuck off, bro."
Conrad laughed in his direction, "Jeez, sorry. Y/N is leaving on Monday anyway. So too bad, so sad."
Danny's face falls in disappointment, "Shit, really? I thought you guys usually stayed for the summer."
I shrugged and regretted the short term plans for the first time since I'd gotten there. "Yeah, it's just been a busy year."
Danny nodded in understanding and Conrad looked between us before shouting at the top of his lungs, "Who's down for chicken?"
I narrowed my eyes at him, "You hate chicken." Everyone around them was hooting and hollering in agreement.
"No, you hate chicken. Let's go!" His crazy eyes had gotten out of control and I wasn't convinced he didn't suggest it just to piss me off. So I sat down on the pool's edge in protest and Danny asked if he could join me. We watched the first few rounds and I decided it was a way better game to watch than to play. No bruises on your arms or thighs from overzealous team members and I could even stay dry if I wanted.
Taylor tried to claim Steven at one point but he dodged her, "Not this time, Taylor. I want a fighting chance." He swam over to my direction and I sighed. He smiled expectantly, "Come here, you."
"You know I'm not good at this game."
"You're better than Taylor."
Taylor splashed him, "I can't believe you're being mean right now." She swam away and I resigned myself to my fate.
Steven splashed Taylor back but he was too close to Danny and we got sprayed . "Shit! I'm an idiot, sorry guys." I stood up to take my cover dress off before I slid into the pool. I saw Danny wave Steven off as he laughed.
I splashed him back gently and smiled, "It's fine. Go ask Cam if he's down."
"Oh, excellent idea."
I shouldn't have been surprised that it ended up being a chicken tournament in the end. There were too many varsity athletes at this party. Belly and Conrad alone could have been the driving competitive force so when I kicked him in the chest on accident, he said he was making it his mission to take me out. Jeremiah and Belly were a formidable team which surprised no one no matter how much shit his brother gave him. The teams weren't set at first but the strongest pairs stuck together after a while. Cam and Dara bowed out early due to weak arms and bad balance, their words, but they were giggling when they admitted it. Belly was determined to get Marisa and her girlfriend, Sarah eliminated as soon as possible which took a while but in true Conklin fashion, was a success. Taylor had abandoned the whole thing for snacks and I was so jealous.
Next up was Conrad and Nicole against Steven and I and as much as I wanted to do my best for Steven, expectations were low. Cam had taken up the mantle of announcer while Danny handled the scoreboard and refereeing. Nicole and I climbed onto the boys shoulders and looked at each other to exchange a friendly smile.
"Ooh! Here, let me help you with that." Nicole brushed Conrad's wet bangs from his forehead and he muttered a thanks. It looked like him and Steven were having a silent conversation.
"I thought you quit football last year, Con? I swear I've got more wiggle room up here than last year." She then made her point by wiggling her hips in place. The stones.
My brows raised against my will, I stifled a chuckle and tried to cover the reaction by joining in, "Funny, I think you lost weight, Stevie."
"If you think I won't dunk you right now…" Steven threatened as Conrad laughed at his expense.
Cam made his round announcement and read off the current score from Danny's phone. I squared myself on Steven's shoulders and took a deep breath while the boys shit talked until it got ridiculous.
"I'm gonna make you hate this game even more than you already do, Y/N!" Conrad spat and I just stared back at him for a second before I heard Cam yell 'GO!'.
I almost had that shit in the bag, Steven laughing maniacally, and Conrad must have known it too because all of the sudden when Nicole was starting to tip, I was distracted by a ticklish feeling on the bottoms of my feet under the water. I tried to squirm away while concentrating on the game but ultimately, I squirmed right off Steven's shoulders and into the water.
"What the fuck, Y/N?" Steven exclaimed in defeat and went to complain to Danny and Cam.
"You fucking cheater…" I came up from the water and spluttered. Conrad was laughing and high fiving Nicole.
Next thing I knew he was holding his hand out to me, "Come 'ere. I'll try and give you a fighting chance. You're embarrassing yourself at this point."
I scoffed at his offer, "Fuck off, I took Taylor down!"
I had no intention of replacing Nicole on his team but he grabbed me around the middle and dragged me along with him as he nodded placatingly, "There's the energy we need! Keep that up."
I wondered if Nicole had told him she wanted an out because when I looked around the pool I saw her getting out entirely.
Conrad whistled, "Jere! You and me, let's go. Pick your best fighter." The fucker wasn't wrong and we did beat Belly and Jeremiah. It was the first time I knocked Belly off balance but I still didn't know what Nicole was talking about, Conrad wasn't any bigger or stronger this summer. There were better ways to hit on him.
In the end, the championship went to Belly and Jeremiah even after mine and Conrad's temporary victory. They both shoved it in Conrad's face mercilessly and I couldn't help but enjoy every second. He called me a traitor when I wasn't shy about how much joy it gave me to see him lose even if I was right there along with him. Luckily it didn't trigger a bad mood like it might have done a few years prior and we all celebrated with crab legs and cake.
I was tossing my paper plate into the trash when Danny found me again equipped with puppy dog eyes, "I feel bad."
"Cause I lost the chicken tournament? Don't. Conrad's the one who needs someone to help nurse his war wounds." I nodded in his direction where he was chugging a margarita.
Danny looked back at him and chuckled softly, "Oh, believe me I know."
Conrad called from a few feet away, "I'm still pissed at you for dropping the ball!"
His focus turned back to me, "But that's not why. You asked me about school and that idiot interrupted before I could reciprocate. So are you excited? Stanford, right?"
I was surprised he remembered. "Good memory. I'm excited, I'm just also…trying not to think about it at all, you know? I don't wanna freak myself out."
"Oh, no. Believe me. That's smart. It's a lot of pressure and you gotta move to the west coast on top of everything." He nodded and blew out a breath.
I narrowed my eyes as my smile grew, "Are you saying, hot shot pitcher destined to go pro, Danny Wilder, was nervous about starting at Northeastern?"
Danny blushed and it looked good against his tan skin. He tried to laugh through it but before he could respond Conrad poked his head between us again. It was inevitable.
"Did he tell you that he sweat through his new uniform in the first practice?" Danny's shoulders slumped as his head turned towards Conrad's grin. "Honestly, bro, you should probably get that checked out."
I just focused my gaze at the grass for a moment before I tore into Conrad again. But it wasn't necessary.
Danny squared his shoulders as he looked at his friend, "You're just pissed because you gave up your football scholarship and went pre med instead. Not to mention your fastball was always a half second behind mine." Danny shrugged at his expense and I saw the moment Conrad froze. He scoffed and pushed his friend too hard to pretend it was a joke anymore.
My eyes closed as I sighed and I was treated to the sight of poor Danny's bewildered face when I opened them, calling out to his friend. "Connie, come on, man…"
We watched him stalk back into the house. "Ignore him. He's been like that for a while."
Danny was still focused on Conrad's path, "Do you think…? He knows he's a great ball player. I swear, I say that shit to him all the time."
I did my best to reassure him, "I know. You didn't do anything wrong, I promise."
He finally looked back at me and sighed. "Okay. Only because you said so."
"Wow. Some power I have." The spirit of our back and forth had lost most of its momentum.
"I'd say but uh, could you go check on him anyway? Maybe I'm just soft but I'm gonna feel shitty until he comes back and I think you could convince him." His brown eyes were pleading and it was so unfair. He was pulling a Steven.
I scoffed a laugh and meant to say under my breath, "Why does everyone think I'm the Conrad whisperer all of a sudden?"
Danny furrowed his brow in confusion, "Sorry?"
I mentally slapped myself out of my own thoughts and nodded in his direction. There was no way I was ever getting out of this. "Only because you're such a good friend. He barely deserves you."
The sincerity in his voice was so pure it hurt. "Thank you. I'll take that as a compliment…I think." A real smile came out at the end and it brought out mine too.
"You should."
"If it helps, tell him I'm an idiot and his arm was always better than mine." Danny pauses for a moment, "Which isn't true but…" He made a shushing gesture and I laughed softly.
"Yeah, not a chance. I draw the line at inflating his ego."
His eyebrow quirked up, "But not mine?"
I debated with myself for a moment, "Uh, to be determined, I guess."
Danny hummed, "Okay. Good luck."
The laugh that escaped my lips wasn't as sincere as he was as I focused on the sliding door, "I'm gonna need it."
author's note: I hope you enjoyed part 1 of 4th of July! I ended up having to cut in half but that means part 4 is coming so soon! I'm making shit up about sports and other things I don't know a lot about in this fic and I've accepted it so I hope you can join me 😅. Thank you again for the support 💙💚💛🧡. Reply with comments and let me know if you wanna be added to my taglist. If you'd like to ask me about any upcoming chapter warnings you wanna be warned of ahead of time (angst? 18+ smut?) then come visit my blog with any questions and I'll be happy to answer!
taglist: @c4rpediem-s @jackierose902109 @lcvecstiel @h0t-as-h3ll @stylesxroyalty @fandom-addict404
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micahthemoon · 18 days
Summer 2024
The Are You Tattoo Saga
I have been fascinated by tattoos for a long time. I love the fact that you can make yourself into a work of art quite literally showing your passions and story on your sleeve. There’s autonomy in getting tattoos as well; taking back our body that may or may not give us dysphoria (or other senses of discomfort) and decide what it shall look like for ourselves. Body parts that otherwise would make me uncomfortable have been made a source of pride (on good days) or at least I can look at it with content indifference (on the lesser days). All because of some ink. This might be why I have been getting more and more tattoos that – in some cases- may be seen as a spontaneous decision. This tattoo I’m gonna talk about now however is far from one of those.  
If you read my previous entry about how Käärijä accidentally validated my gender, you may remember that I mentioned a comfort stim sentence: Are You.
It can be linked back to the Eurovision preshow days where Bojan and Jere were just starting to get to know each other which the two idiots did by fooling around on a date. This saying has not only become a way for the two of them to show endearment (or the fans getting to interact with each other and the boys), but it has also been what finally learned me how to roll my r’s practicing the right cadence alone in my room for the simple fact that saying it made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. It was also one of the things I became known for meeting up with fans irl for the first time between Käärijä’s Stockholm and Berlin gigs last year.
And so it didn’t take me long to daydream about getting it tattooed. Which ended up becoming a whole saga when Joker Out announced that they’d visit Malmö on their upcoming Europe tour (which is basically Denmark) and where I later – with a lot of people cheering me on from the sidelines – got Bojan to write the phrase down to me in two different fonts. To this day the concert is amongst my favourites.
Yet things don’t end there because one comment later about the possibility of getting Jere involved as well and I was off making a new sign. I tried getting Käärijä’s attention in Böle to no avail (other than making myself more stressed than I’d ever been at a concert). So, this summer going to Backas and Allas Sea Pool I had let the sign stay at home. Jokes on me, because suddenly in a rush of bravery I made myself a new sign out of half a pizza lid box left behind in the queue for the Allas Sea Pool gig. Low and behold if not Jere saw and reacted to this sign during the concert!! Getting by with a little help from my friends (especially this one finnish fan I’d met at Backas) I went home from the gig with Jere’s handwriting. A little over a month later on August 13 2024 the Are You tattoo saga concluded when I got a local tattoo artist (I’d already fanboyed too back in March when getting one of those spontaneous tattoos of mine) to make the little three way conversation permanent on my skin.
I have no idea how long the brainrot will continue. Maybe I will stop being this much of a fanboy in a year or two. But even so I don’t think (or at least I hope not) this tattoo will lose its meaning. Because It’s so much more than just a fan tattoo. It’s a story about a time I was foolishly brave no matter if it went well (Malmö) or it didn’t (Böle). It’s a story about the importance of interpersonal connections (the fan in Allas), the power of a found family through a fandom (or two) and also just a time in my life I was actively a participant in pursuing my own happiness.
I’ll say it again: I freaking love tattoos.
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tatoda · 1 year
Guitar Pick 2 || college!conrad x fem reader
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part 1
summary: conrad brings you to cousins, everyone knows about your relationship except belly, who has a huge crush on conrad
pairing: college!conrad x fem!reader
warnings: angst, ends with fluff, jealous belly, steven being a good best friend
wc: 2.2k
here’s part 2 :)i changed it up from the request! i hope y’all enjoy im writing some more pieces for y’all !! i ended up not putting smut i hope you understand.
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It’s been almost 10 months with conrad. After he asked you out at college, you both instantly hit it off. You learned all about his life and how he grew up in a home with his mom having cancer and her passing away last year and his dad cheating on her. But soon enough after he was a quiet guy he thought it was time to start opening up. He learned about your family and how they always didn’t believe in you so you proved them wrong. He has never been happier.
You met steven and jeremiah one night they came to visit you and conrad. And you instantly hit it off with them, especially steven. He became one of your closest friends when you hung out with him, conrad, and jeremiah. It was a fully platonic friendship. He was there for you and you were there for him. Conrad enjoyed that you got along with them so well. You 4 hung out as much as possible and they loved you and were happy conrad finally found someone that made him happy.
Conrad invited you to his beach house for the first time. He always talked about it and offered for you to come, but you didn’t wanna intrude. You finally said yes to visiting, one problem. Isabel, or as he calls her Belly, had a huge crush on conrad. Since they were kids. He never liked her back, never thought of her that way, but everyone knew that she was in love with him. And here he was bringing you to the one place she was at. One condition, conrad and you both decided to act as friends at cousins so he could break the news easily to her. So your mission was to act as just friends as possible.
“sorry about the whole belly situation.” conrad’s hand rested on your thigh his fingers tapping against your skin
“no, no. it’s okay i understand, you don’t want to hurt her.” you turned your head and smiled at him
“i promise i’ll tell her.” that was the last thing he said before pulling into the driveway behind steven’s car
You didn’t know what to expect. You felt as if he grew up with her his whole life that there had to be some sort of feelings he felt for her. To be honest you didn’t know what to think
When you both got to the front door of the house he looked back at you once more before entering. This was gonna be something for sure.
“hello!” conrad yelled throughout the house
“connie” laurel— who you have seen in pictures— walks around the corner from the kitchen and pulls him into a hug before turning to you “and you must be y/n! i’m so glad conrad found a friend at Brown.” she smiled at you “he keeps to himself too much.”
“laurel.” he let out a warning tone before footsteps from upstairs banged against the floor
“y/n!” steven yelled and ran down the stairs pulling you into a hug and then resting his arm over your shoulder “mom this is who i was telling you about.” it then hit her who you really were
“oh my you’re conrad’s-“ she was cut off by belly coming around the corner
“hey conrad.” she was pretty, so much prettier in person. it made you insecure to see how perfect she was and you weren’t, he looked like he belonged with her. steven felt you shift under his arm
“i’ll show you the guest bedroom.” you didn’t say anything but followed him upstairs and saw belly get on her tippy toes to hug your boyfriend
“is that y/n?” belly questioned stepping back and you lost sight of them only hearing them now
“yeah, yeah. steven and jere thought it was a good idea to invite her because she’s been really good friends with us.
“are she and steven a thing?” you looked at steven and he almost burst out laughing but put a hand over his mouth
“fuck no,” he responded laughing and you entered the guest bedroom
“i’m sorry about him,” he admitted as you put your stuff on the bed
“it’s for the best, i guess.” you softly smiled at him “i might just take a nap until dinner, it was a long drive.”
“are you sure? we were going to go surfing?”
“no i’ll just sleep.” he nodded before leaving the room and your insecurities and sadness stayed with you
Conrad checked on you before going surfing to see you sleeping and he didn’t want to bother you. So here he was sitting on his surfboard with jere and steven.
“was she okay?” he questioned
“you’re seriously asking that?” steven laughed
“man, you know she’s not okay. i know that and i haven’t even seen her.” jeremiah splashed water around and conrad looked down at a bracelet you made him on your 3 month anniversary
“dude how would you feel, put it into perspective. if she told you, you had to act as her friend around someone who was her childhood— put that in your head— a childhood friend who was a guy and had a crush on her and she told you just to be friends around him. how would you feel?” steven looked at him as conrad messed with the bracelet before looking up at his best friend
“i’m so shitty.”
“glad that got into your small brain.” steven scoffed. “she’s the best thing that’s happened to you since your mom's death, she has made all of us happy but you especially. don’t lose that con. because what i saw in the guest bedroom was an insecure girl scared her boyfriend was going to leave her.”
You walked downstairs softly hoping belly wasn’t down there. You didn’t know if you could handle trying to act in front of her. Walking into the kitchen Laurel was measuring stuff for dinner. She looked up and smiled
“hi, y/n. the boys are surfing you’re welcome to stay and help me or watch tv. whatever you want.”
“I’d love to help you if that's okay?” laurel seemed surprised no one has ever helped her with dinner
“i’d love that. could you chop the lettuce?” she pointed to it on the cutting board
“of course, let me wash my hands.” you washed your hands and sat down at the bar starting to cut the lettuce
“don’t worry, belly went out to meet up with some girls from last year's deb ball to the boardwalk, she shouldn’t be back for the next few hours.” laurel looked down at her phone, “life 360 says she’s there right now, you can relax.” your shoulders slumped down
“i’m sorry laurel, i just don’t know what to do. belly is in love with him and it’s just a lot.”
“steven told me that he’s making you act as friends?” you nodded
“i just agreed with him, i didn’t want to upset him. and i always wanted to visit here, he told me many stories of your families and susannah.” sadness reached her eyes when you said that name
“i’m glad you came. she would love you.” she moved some ingredients to the side leaning against the counter, “steven told me about you, i just didn’t know you were you when you walked in. he told me how he has never seen conrad like this before, the smiling and the happiness. his mom's death really affected him, it affected all of us but he had the worst.”
“yeah, he’s really great. i can see when his shield is up, the car ride here he was nervous. he doesn’t wanna hurt belly.”
“she will get over it, her and jeremiah are meant for each other. susannah has known from the start.” the back door opened and the guys walked in with towels, conrad looked amazing and you always melted when he didn’t have a shirt on “hey boys, dinner will be ready in like 2 hours, belly’s out with friends.” she said that last part looking at conrad and you turned to continue chopping the lettuce
“thanks, mom, love you!” steven yelled walking up the stairs and jere followed which left one body lingering
“i’m going to go grab something from my bedroom.” laurel made an escape. conrad leaned down into you and kissed your head, which he knew you loved
“just one night, okay baby?” you looked up and him and nodded “i’m really sorry.” the heat of his breath fanned your face
“is okay,” you whispered leaning up to kiss him and he grabbed the side of your face kissing you deeper before moving his head back
“i’m gonna tell her tonight, okay?” laurel came back down the stairs winking at you
“conrad go get ready for dinner.”
“yes ma’am.” he kissed you once more and took off upstairs
Dinner went okay. There wasn’t much talking going around the table. You sat next to conrad and belly was across from him. When you looked down at your plate you could feel her eyes on you and then on conrad. Steven talked most of dinner about his new job at the county club which everyone listened.
“so y/n, you have a boyfriend back home?” belly’s question made your head pop up and you put your fork down nervously
“um, no. really not much time for that stuff with class happening.” you shifted and conrad moved his hand to rest on your thigh
“well it seems you have enough time to hang out with three guys,” she said back
“belly.” laurel said making belly sit back
“no, no. she’s right.” you smiled at the girl “my last relationship was rough, so i took a break from dating. he wasn’t the best and ruined a lot of things for me.” you truthfully said and conrad’s hand rubbed you softly knowing your past relationship
“oh, well i’m sorry.” belly looked around the table at everyone looking at her
“y/n actually plays almost every instrument!” steven put his glass down he took a sip of trying to change the subject
Dinner didn’t go on long after that. Everyone helped clean up everything and put things up before dessert. You were in the guest bedroom grabbing a sweatshirt and the door opened slightly as you see your boyfriend step through the door and walked towards you
“hey,” he stood in front of you and put his hands on your arms “you okay?” you nodded but didn’t say anything “it’s going to be okay.” he brought you closer and wrapped his arms around you kissing your forehead “look at me.” you lifted your head looking into his eyes “i love you.”
“i love you too.” he leaned down and kissed you softly but that didn’t last when a gasp came from the doorway and both of your heads looked to see belly standing there
“belly-“ conrad started to say but she cut him off
“um, dessert is ready.” she then hurried off
“i-“ he looked from you to the door then dropped his hands and took off after her making your heart drop
Of course, he would choose her. She’s the one that grew up with him his whole life. The one he got the see grown into a beautiful girl, prettier than you. She had a crush on him and was in love with him. There was no point, you felt like you were just a distraction at college, waiting for her.
You didn’t see where they went, and you didn’t go to the table for dessert. You took a walk down to the beach and down the shore before sitting down hugging your legs to your chest. As some tears went down your cheek. You didn’t want to be a second option.
You sat there for about 30 minutes before a body sat down next to you. And you knew it wasn’t your boyfriend but your best friend.
“he’s looking for you.” steven didn’t the same sitting position as you “belly’s pissed but you’re nothing compared to her, y/n.” you shook your head
“he ran after her,” you muttered into your arms
“to tell her that you were dating and didn’t want to hurt her.”
“i don’t know steven.” you looked at him
“i’ve never seen him the way he is with you. he’s happy, y/n. he talks about you 24/7 we have to ask him to shut up.” you softy laughed “he loves you. we have never seen him love anyone like you. he constantly texts me to ask me about you so he doesn’t seem a bother to you. he constantly tells us about the story of you guys meeting at the guitar store because he thinks if he didn’t find you after, he would be lost in his life. i have not seen a smile on him since susannah died, you brought it back.” you smiled down at the sand and steven’s phone went off with his ringtone for conrad
“i’ll answer.” you gestured towards the phone and he handed it to you and you swiped to answer
“steven, did you find her? fuck i’ve been looking everywhere man.” his voice cracked and you knew he was on the verge of tears “i need to find her-“
“conrad.” you stopped him and he let out s breath of relief
“y/n, baby. i’m so sorry.”
“it’s okay.”
“no, it’s not. i’m sorry, okay? i told her everything and she’s mad but i don’t care. i needed to be honest.” you heard a door close on his end “you left your phone here, you scared me when i came back to tell you, you weren’t here.”
“i needed some air, steven found me, i’m safe.” you smiled at steven “conrad i love you okay?” he chuckled
“i love you more, now please come home so we can have dessert.” you laughed
“on my way handsome.”
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margareturtle · 4 months
I haven’t seen this in a fic yet (pls send me links if you have!!) so I’m doing it myself:
How Jeremy+Cat+ Laila find out about the 80% deal (set after the news about Jean’s family has already been released) (pt 1)
The gang is in the kitchen:
Jeremy: Jean, I’m telling coach to bench you for just this one match! You’re sick (or minorly injured). Just take a break and you’ll be back next match!
Jean: No! I’m fine! There are scouts for Court coming to this game!
Jeremy: yes and you’re just getting over the flu (or a twisted ankle idk)! Just take a rest, the Court scouts will be back next year!
Jean: I’m good to play! I need to play! I need to sign to court!
Jeremy: And I’m sure you will be! Kevin was just signed, no one doubts you will be signed as well ! What difference does a year make?
Jean: what difference does a year— I need to prove myself or they’ll think I can’t and— I can play! I will play!
Jeremy: no— I already told the coaches you aren’t playing— they’re in support
Jean: YOU WHAT? *panicking* they’re gonna kill me they’re gonna kill me
Jeremy: *softening* oh Jean it’s ok. You’re with the trojans remember. You’re not at the nest. You’re safe. Riko is dead. Tetsuji is gone. Everyone respects your right to a break. You’re free of the Moriyamas now.
Jean: You insolent fool! I will never be free of the Moriyamas!
Jeremy: ok Jean, I know it may feel like that sometimes. But you are free with us now. There are no more Moriyamas that will hurt you.
Cat: *thinking* well there’s Ichirou
Jeremy: *glares at Cat*
Cat: what? As smart as you are Jere you still haven’t learned to take the things Jean says at face value. He just said “I will never be free of the Moriyamas”
Jeremy: yeah but that’s not— Ichirou is a business man, all he cares about is money and his new fiance!
Laila: yeah but what really is the Moriyama family business? I haven’t really thought about it before but Ichirou looks rich af so it’s gotta be smth good…Jean you must now what it is.
Jean: *doesn’t respond to non questions*
Jeremy: Come on, this isn’t related to why Jean is so freaked out he can’t play today!
Cat: judging by his silence rn it def is! So what is it Jean? What’s the Moriyama business? You must know!
Jean: *stressed* it’s not important
Laila: clearly it is, now you can tell us or I’m happy to start guessing!
Jean: don’t—
Laila: let’s see it’s prob smth shady if you won’t say. Let’s see, do they deal in exotic Animals? Is Ichirou secretly tiger king?
Jean: No?! Just stop!
Laila: Or is it some business offensive to french culture? Oh no Jean, is their business in wine? Do they sell prosecco and call it champagne?
Jean: it’s not—
Laila: Oh or it has smth to do with why you learned so many languages while you were there? They’re secretly in the spy industry training to be spies??
Jean: of course not! Now stop asking I won’t tell you.
Cat: oh jean 😭 way to get us all more intrigued.
Jeremy: yeah let’s return to the topic of—
Laila: *who’s been thinking for a sec* pfft I know *sarcastically* Ichirou is secretly a mob boss too who has been in kahoots with—
Jean: *flinches*
Laila: your dad and neil’s dad which means—
Laila: Wait what the fuck?!! I was joking—I know the Moriyama’s business is just some boring corporate shit! But you just—What the fuck? WHAT THE FUCK!! You only flinch when I land spot on I—
Jean: *lunges for a knife with one hand that Jeremy catches. Lunges for his throat with the other that Cat gets a hold of first*
Laila: holy shit. No way. What. You’re kidding— I can’t. I wAs jOkinG !! Do the foxes know? Kevin must know if you do—
Laila: *picks up Jeremy’s phone he left in the kitchen counter*
Laila: *calling kevin*
(Pt 2 call with kevin coming soon)
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frikatilhi · 2 months
I keep thinking.. part of Jere making Bojan (JO) feel at home in Finland, among Jere being a perfect host, is probably him pulling some industry strings as well. Not like in a priviledge way but in a "I learned my lessons hard way so let me make it easier for you" kind of way. It's in his nature to share things and knowledge he has. What I'm saying is that stars are very much aligned for Bojan to mention "yeah creating and recording abroad was fun, we might do it again", and Jere to chime in with "if you want.. I know a place here that can give you good deal 🤓"
This is a total fantasy of course, but I've just been thinking how Jere loves sharing things with Bojan, and what's better to share than their actual passion for creating music 👀 I think a probability of them cooking is very real
Funny you should say this, I think someone mentioned this just last night.. I think that someone was me
The next time JO needs time away, somewhere to be creative out of their normal scene, maybe they won't go to a busy, anonymous metropolis, maybe they'll choose somewhere more... peaceful? Somewhere with lakes and forests and clean air mellow weather?
And if the bonus is getting to create with a favourite person of theirs... what's a win-win, surely?
JO can pay back by pulling the industry strings of their own and finally getting that gig for Jere in Slovenia so there
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