#punk!geralt x punk!yennefer
Road Trip : Punk!AU
Fandom: The Witcher Pairing: Punk!Jaskier x Reader, Punk!Geralt x Punk!Yennefer Word Count: 2,589 Rating: T Taglist: @heroics-and-heartbreak​ @whatevermonkey​ @mynamesoundslikesherlock​ @magic-multicolored-miracle​ a/n: Here we gooooo! Part one is complete and we are on the road! Part two will be coming by @heroics-and-heartbreak at their leisure. Enjoy!
Part I – Coming Out of My Cage
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Aevryn hung up the phone, closed out of Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook, took a deep breath and then walked into the little diner.
“It’s done,” she announced. The little ragtag group she addressed sat slumped in the booth. Yennefer and Geralt exchanged shrugs of resignation, Win gave Aevryn an encouraging smile, and you rubbed comforting circles into Jaskier’s back. He was clearly the most upset of all of you which was hard because he also set the tone for the rest of the group 75% of the time.
“Did Andrzej say when the bus would be fixed?” Geralt asked.
“They’re going to have to do some extensive work,” she said, voice falling into her most professional, clear tone as she repeated the words she’d recited to all of the venues you’d have to miss, “They said it could be as long as two weeks but they’re hoping to get it done in one.”
Jaskier slumped further, the pendant clunking against the linoleum tabletop.
“So we’re stuck here til then?” Yennefer asked.
“Not necessarily,” Aevryn said, taking her seat next to Win who placed a hand on her thigh and patted it comfortingly, “We just won’t be able to get to those places in time to perform. But they’ve agreed to refund the tickets or offer replacements for when we do them on the way back down the countryside.”
Win looked at you and could see the wheels turning in your eyes, sensing that you had a plan even before you lifted your gaze to hers and gave her that eureka smile you got when you had a scathingly brilliant idea.
“So we don’t stay here,” you said. Jaskier raised his head to look at you, skeptical but intrigued. “We do a road trip.”
“A road trip?” Geralt echoed.
“Yeah! We get a beat up van or something and we hit the road and when the tour bus is fixed it can meet up with us wherever we’re at!” you exclaimed, looking around the table for support.
“I’m in, that sounds fun as hell!” Win piped up, sharing a smile with their best friend who beamed at them and then looked over at Aevryn who was running the numbers.
“We could do that,” she said, “If we made sure we stayed in contact with Andrzej.”
“What do you think babe?” you asked Jaskier who had started to sit up a bit more, his sky blue eyes slowly clearing.
“It has been a long time since we were able to spend time together without working,” he said, turning to look at his bandmates. Yennefer nodded but you could see that Geralt’s furrowed brows were not convinced.
“Hmm,” Geralt began, a bad sign, “I don’t know, Jaskier. It may be safer for us to stick close by.”
“That isn’t very punk rock of you, Geralt,” Yennefer said coolly, sipping her coffee nonchalantly as though she couldn’t feel Geralt’s glowering stare shooting daggers in her direction.
“Road trip it is then,” Geralt snapped, “I’ll get the van.”
“It’s perfect!” Jaskier cried, arms out wide as though he was preparing to hug the vehicle Geralt had driven back to them a suspiciously short while later. It was a vintage Volkswagen bus in a tawny brown and white. The front seats had wooden beads strapped to them and Geralt leaned with his arm around the wheel, shooting Yennefer a challenging look.
“What do you think, Yen? Isn’t she beautiful?” Jaskier asked excitedly, totally oblivious to the tension between Geralt. Well, oblivious or just desensitized after years of it going on at low levels around him.
“It’s a beast,” she said in a tone that wasn’t quite critical but also wasn’t clearly praising. It was also uncertain whether she spoke about the bus or the man she stared at as she answered who gave her a rueful smirk in response.
“This is what we should be doing these tours in,” Jaskier insisted, pulling you with him to jump inside and claim a seat. The car smelled like stale smoke and the seats crunched beneath you with a plastic covering that you knew was going to stick to your thighs after sitting on it for too long. It was perfect.
“We’ll see how you feel after sleeping in it for a week,” Yennefer said, taking the front passenger seat promptly.
“Hey nobody got a chance to call shotgun,” Win protested, though only jokingly as she and Aevryn had plans for the backseat anyway. Yennefer looked at her through the tops of her sunglasses.
“Guess you’ll have to draw quicker next time,” she said in a voice that sounded cold but a smile that was warm as she leaned back against the seat, the dark hair tangling in the wooden beads. The bus roared to life and they set off down the road, getting about as far as the exit for the highway before Jaskier announced that it was actually illegal to have a road trip without snacks and Geralt stopped by a gas station so they could get some supplies. The little bell above the door dinged a welcome and the man behind the counter gave you the barest glance and nod as you walked in. You split up to cover different corners of the convenience store, a couple of baskets between you to pile in things as you went.
“Ok I think we have all the food groups,” you said before long, looking down in the basket that held a large bag of sour gummy worms, a tub of red vines, two bags of chips (doritos and harvest cheddar sun chips), a couple of king size Hershey bars, three cans of pringles, and a multipack of pop tarts.
“This has actual food in it,” Yennefer said, casually chucking in a bag of trail mix that she knew you all would just pick the m&ms out to eat.
“Drinks?” Geralt asked, heading to the cooler with the rest of you hurrying in his wake.
“Waters,” Yennefer said, giving you all a look that said it was happening whether you liked it or not and she grabbed a few big bottles of Smartwater. Geralt rolled his eyes and threw some Arrowhead in the basket.
“Obviously Redbull,” Aevryn said, pulling open the door only to have Jaskier stall her hand with his.
“I think you mean Monster,” he corrected. She cocked an eyebrow at him and pulled a face.
“Don’t do this, Jaskier. Not here. Not in public,” she said warningly.
“I’m a Nos girl myself,” you piped up. Both Aevryn and Jaskier turned to give you twin disgusted faces but your plan had worked, giving them a common enemy to keep the fighting to a minimum.
“Just pick one,” Geralt said, suppressing a heavy sigh.
“Yes, one,” Yennefer emphasized, “We’re not buying six different kinds of energy drink.”
“You got two different kinds of water!” Aevryn challenged. Yennefer shot Geralt a look but he just smiled at her irritation which only made her more frustrated.
“Obviously it’s gotta be Rockstar. I mean, come on,” Win said, shaking her head like you were all insane. Yennefer and Geralt gave her a baleful look while Jaskier laughed.
“That’s pretty good. The joke, not he drink, which tastes like piss. Sorry Win,” Jaskier said. She stuck her tongue out at him and you smacked his chest, chastising him for being rude. He pouted at you and gave you puppy dog eyes and you planted a kiss on his cheek.
“Alright,” Geralt said, pushing past the lot of you. He reached into the cooler and pulled out roughly three of every energy drink, only taking care to pull out exactly five Mango Ginger Zevias which pulled a small smile to Yennefer’s lips though she made sure to keep it hidden until he’d passed her and headed up to the counter. He took a brief turn and then wove back into view with a 12 pack of cheap beer.
“Now it’s a road trip,” Jaskier said, pulling you in to give you a kiss on the cheek.
“Hey,” Win said, pilling Aevryn’s hand into theirs, distracting her momentarily from the phone she was squinting at with a furrowed brow.
“Yeah! Sorry! Just saw something,” she said, forcing up a smile though Win could tell something was wrong.
“Win, please tell Jask that I’m right and Powerade is better than Gatorade!” you called from the front of store to which Geralt barked something about not sitting through this again. Win shook her head and ran up to the front, preparing their argument for the great Powerade vs. Gatorade debate of 2020.
“Hey,” Yennefer said, walking over to Aevryn as soon as Win left, “What did he do?”
“What makes you think – ok, yeah, it is,” Aevryn said, sighing heavily and handing Yennefer her phone. Yennefer saw it was a DM for Aevryn’s personal twitter:
@valdomarxofficial: heard the concerts were canceled. everything ok?
Yennefer considered the phone for a moment. Aevryn bit her lip and watched Yennefer’s face, looking for something. Disappointment or anger or something tangible to respond to. Her friend just gave the phone the same impassive look she gave most things and then she deleted the DM before handing the phone back to Aevryn.
“I’d block him but you could just undo it,” she said pointedly. She looked towards the front where Win was posing for a selfie with you and then looked back to Aevryn. “Does she know?”
“Yes,” Aevryn said, ‘I mean, there isn’t much too know, honestly! But she knows I have an ex and that it’s…. complicated.”
“It’s really not that complicated, Aev,” Yennefer said. Before she could continue Geralt whistled from the front, pulling Yennefer’s attention towards him to shoot him a scathing glare that made him grin.
“Let’s do, this fucking chocolate’s already melting.”
Aevryn hurried past Yennefer to catch up to Win who took her hand and Yennefer followed suit, tucking the rest of the conversation away for later.
The world passed by in a blur of steel that bled into trees. Jaskier propped his converse-clad feet on the window despite Geralt’s protests and rested his head in your lap to rest while you craned to face Win, joining her and Aevryn in singing along to music from their phone. Yennefer sipped her Zevia and rested her face against the open window, the wind and sun caressing her face and sending her dark locks flowing behind her. You noticed Geralt glancing at her, his eyes following the sun’s progress across her features as though he were imagining that he was offering her with that tender caress, that soft warmth. He saw your looking at him and though you quickly looked away he kept his eyes firmly on the road after, not noticing when Yennefer peeked an eye open to offer her own subtle scrutiny.
It was a fairly peaceful ride all things considered, until Mr. Brightside came on and everyone was forced to scream-sing along (another law according to Jaskier). They had just about reached the chorus when the song cut out, the whole bus pausing with their breath held.
“What happened?”
“It’s lost connection,” Jaskier explained. They finished the song acapella but it wasn’t the same and evrery one was a bit glum until Geralt pulled through McDonald’s. He’d spent enough time with his bandmates, and with people in general, to know that there was very little nuggets couldn’t improve. He rebelliously got a cheeseburger and ordered Yennefer a filet-o-fish but the rest got to share a massive pile of nuggets.
“You ok?” Win asked Aevryn, noticing how she kept picking up her phone and putting it back down again.
“Yeah it’s just… I’m used to always checking things, you know? For work,” she explained, ignoring the look Yennefer sent her in the rearview mirror.
“It’s a vacation for you too, Aev. You gotta loosen up a little,” Jaskier protested. She rolled her eyes and turned to face him.
“Hard to do that when you’re out there accepting every bloody birthday invitation and prom proposal,” she argued. His eyes widened and his mouth formed a little ‘O’ of surprise and indignation.
“What is the point of being a famous musician if we don’t do all the things we wish our favorite bands had done for us?” he asked. Geralt sighed heavily and Yennefer instinctively reached out and patted his thigh, knowing this was a fight they’d heard a thousand times before. Geralt stiffened slightly, looking down at the hand that rested on his thigh, but she didn’t pull away when he did. She offered him a small smile and she could see he wanted to return it but turned back to the road. Only when he shifted in his seat did she remove her hand, putting it back in her lap and looking out into the sunset as it bathed the land around them in gorgeous oranges and fuchsias that were muted by her warring emotions.
As evening crept into night and the signal didn’t come back Jaskier found a map tucked into the front seat pocket. It was old and yellowed but the land was the same and he handed it to Yennefer.
“I don’t need a map,” Geralt grumbled.
“Geralt don’t be stupid, you’re not even from America,” Yennefer replied.
“Roach and I know where we’re going,” he mumbled.
“Sorry – did you name the van?” Jaskier asked, his eyes lighting up with amusement that only doubled when he saw Geralt glare bashfully, not realizing he’d been overheard.
“Maybe,” he grunted.
“Oh that’s adorable! But why Roach?” Jaskier asked, crinkling his nose up.
“Because I found a dead roach in it and the dealer knocked off another hundred for it,” Geralt answered simply. Jaskier paled and then it was Geralt’s turn to be amused as he stifled a yawn.
“At the next exit you need to pull over so we can switch drivers,” Yennefer said.
“Nobody else is driving Roach,” Geralt answered, not caring who overheard his name for the van now that the secret was out. Part of Geralt’s allure was that once he said or did something he committed to it so hard it became not only acceptable, but cool. Yennefer remained unimpressed.
“How are you going to drive all night?” she argued. He slid one hand to the cup holder and lifted the half-empty can of a dangerous looking energy drink called Power Horse, gesturing it at her before taking a pull off of it. Yennefer rolled her eyes and folded the map back up.
“Fine,” she said, “But if you get us wrapped around a tree or worse, stuck in some field in the middle of nowhere, I get to decide the punishment.”
“Well you know how I like to be punished,” he said, fixing her with a smile that would have been charming on someone else but was devastating on him. Her face remained impassive but when she rolled her head back to face the window you could see the reflection of her smile in it as she settled in to rest. Aevryn leaned against the side of the van and Win lay against her, pulling the blanket they’d found tucked under the set against them. You and Jaskier cuddled together, this time your head resting in his lap so he could stroke your hair and hum a song for you until you fell fast asleep to the sound of his voice and the steady rumble of the van winding its ways through the countryside.
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seanfalco · 4 years
Road Trip | Punk!AU
Fandom: The Witcher Pairing: Punk!Jaskier x Reader, Punk!Geralt x Punk!Yennefer Word Count: 1509 Rating: T Taglist: @nevadawolfe​ @magic-multicolored-miracle​ @coffee-and-stories​ a/n: A little bit on the short side, but I had fun getting my toes wet with the group interactions.  Part three will be coming by @ficsandcatsandficsandcats​ soooon.  :3
[ Part I ]
Part II - Out Here in the Field
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Trees flew by the window, the spaces between them obscured by a wispy layer of fog stubbornly clinging to the ground despite the weak rays of sunlight beginning to stream through the clouds.  Stirring, you stretched, careful not to jostle Jaskier, asleep against your shoulder and snoring softly.  Stifling a yawn with your fist you let your gaze roam the van, quiet but for the steady breathing of sleep and the low music playing in the background.
Everyone was still asleep and it took you a moment to realize Geralt was no longer in the driver’s seat.  Instead Aevryn’s telltale wild locks were just visible over the headrest, her fingers drumming a beat against the worn leather of the steering wheel in time with the soft music she was listening to, singing under her breath.
The song was unfamiliar to you and you closed your eyes to listen, not wanting to intrude on the moment.  The man’s voice that weaved through the speakers accompanied by the mellow cords of an acoustic guitar was haunting and beautiful, the lyrics compelling and poetic in a different way from Jaskier’s, but still you found you enjoyed it.
You were just about to ask Aev who the musician was when a pothole in the road shocked the van and Jaskier jerked awake.
“What th--?” he exclaimed, sitting up abruptly, his chestnut hair sticking up where he’d been leaning against your shoulder, blinking blearily as it took him a couple seconds to regain his bearings.
You caught a flash of Aevryn’s frantic expression, eyes wide in the rear view mirror before the song cut off suddenly, switching to something different.
“Geralt, what the fu--” Jaskier began, ready to lay into who he thought was driving when he noticed it was Aevryn in the front seat.  “Aev?” he yelped in confusion, glancing back at Geralt in the back seat; sawing logs.
“When did --?” he shook his head and began again.  “More to the point, Geralt actually let you drive?”
“And what is that supposed to mean?” Aevryn asked, eyes narrowing in the mirror as you fought to stifle a laugh.  
You glanced at Jaskier who opened his mouth before apparently thinking better of it and closing it promptly, throwing you a ‘help me’ look.
Bemused smile firmly in place, you shook your head, the message clear -- ‘you’re on your own on this one’, to which Jaskier’s jaw fell open as he clutched dramatically at his heart.
“I’ll have you know Geralt trusts me implicitly,” Aevryn announced from the front seat, the mischievous grin tugging at her lips somewhat spoiling her self-important tone.  “He said I’m the only one he trusts enough to drive his little Roachie.”
“I never said that.”  Geralt’s voice interrupted from the back seat and you and Jaskier quickly turned to glance at him, his eyes still firmly closed and arms crossed against his chest.  “You just happened to be the only one awake at the time and as soon as I get a little more sleep I’m taking back over.  And don’t call her that.  It’s Roach.”
A moment of silence passed before you, Jaskier, and Aevryn were all gasping with laughter; the scowl that twisted Geralt’s lips only making you laugh harder.
Nearly an hour later, everyone was awake and Aev announced that you’d just entered Ohio, pulling off the highway at a roadside diner for lunch.  
Piling into the large corner booth, you picked up the menu, scanning the usual diner fare, deciding easily on a burger and fries while Win gasped, her eyes going wide as she stared at you.
“We’re in Ohio right?”
“Yeah,” Jaskier answered, giving your best friend a puzzled look, but you knew right away what she was getting at, rolling your eyes.
“You have to get the skyline chili,” she exclaimed, shaking the menu.  “We’re in Ohio,” she repeated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
Jaskier, Geralt, Yennefer, and Aevryn all looked to you for an explanation of your friend’s eccentric behaviour as you remembered they weren’t from the US.  Clearing your throat after getting your giggles under control you adopted your most pedantic voice in order to explain to the Brits that skyline chili was merely chili over a bed of spaghetti noodles, but that it was a quote Ohio Thing unquote.
Win groaned at your explanation, shaking her head in faux seriousness.  
“It’s not just any old chili, it’s an experience,” she exclaimed dramatically.  “There are some that say there’s chocolate in the secret recipe which gives it its distinct sweet flavour.”
Jaskier raised his eyebrows at you and you snorted.  “She’s originally from Ohio,” you explained, bumping against his shoulder, “it’s a comfort food thing.”  
“Ah, now that I can understand,” your boyfriend said with a grin.  “I’ll try it, why not?” Jaskier shrugged and Aev ordered it as well for the “experience”.
“I think I’ll pass,” Yennefer replied, looking unimpressed before ordering something else while Geralt “hmm’d”.
As you waited on the food everyone kind of dissolved into their own little pockets of conversations, and while Jaskier was engaged in a debate with Yen over the set list order you figured it was as good a time as any to ask Aevryn about that music from earlier.
“Hey Aev, what was that band you were listening to this morning?  I kinda dug it.”
Aevryn, in the midst of taking a drink, choked in surprise, the same deer in headlights look crossing her face as her eyes flicked first from Jask to Yennefer in rapid succession before returning to you.
“I didn’t realize anyone was awake,” she muttered ruefully.  “It’s just this indie musician that I listen to sometimes,” she said offhandedly, shrugging.  “None of the others really care for it, so…” she trailed off, blanching as Yennefer eyed her sharply.
Confused as to why that would seem to upset Yen so much you opened your mouth, ready to ask a follow up question when the waitress returned with the food, and Aevryn promptly shoveled a forkful of chili and noodles in her mouth, effectively cutting the conversation short, though Yen still eyed her suspiciously.
Jaskier, completely oblivious to the whole exchange perked up as his plate was set before him.  “Want a bite?” he asked, twirling spaghetti around his fork and offering it to you.  Grinning, you held his gaze as you took the pro-offered bite, covering your mouth with your hand as the chili smeared across your lips.
Wriggling his eyebrows at you Jaskier took the next bite and proceeded to make a show of chewing slowly as if deliberating.
“Hey Win,” he called across the table to your friend.  “Not bad!”
Back on the road with Geralt once more at the helm everyone fell back into comfortable silence, full and sleepy, the quiet broken only by the random urges to sing along to the music from time to time.  Until Jaskier sat up, blue eyes lighting up at something on his phone.
“Hey Geralt, I have an idea!” he called excitedly.
“Oh, c’mon it’s just a teeny tiny detour,” Jaskier whined, and curious, you sat up, leaning into his shoulder to see what he had up on his phone.  It was an advertisement for this nearby eclectic road-side attraction, some sort of homespun local museum and it actually looked interesting.
You read the description aloud to dramatic ‘oooh’s’ and ‘ahhh’s’ from Aev and Win in the back seat, who both seemed in on the fun as well.
“Please Geralt, it’s really not that far out of the way,” Jaskier pleaded, leaning forward to grab the driver’s seat.  “If we’re going this road trip we ought to do it right, don’t you think?  I want to experience America, not just see it from the highway.”
Geralt sighed and turned to share a look with Yennefer.  “Oh why not?” she finally said, her lips twisting with amusement at Geralt’s momentary shock.
“Fine,” he bit out.  “Give me the directions.”
A half hour later you were completely lost and the sun was beginning to go down.
“I think we may have passed it…” Jaskier said weakly, “at some… point.”
Geralt merely stared ahead stonily.  “Yep, I think that’s pretty obvious.”
“Oh come on you guys,” you said, trying to salvage the situation; not wanting the two friends to fight any longer, and not being able to stand seeing your boyfriend look so dejected.  “Hey look at that field over there, why don’t we stop there for a bit to watch the sun go down and figure out where we are?” you suggested.
To your surprise Geralt didn’t protest, pulling off the road into the abandoned field, and throwing Roach into park.
“Okay, everyone out.”
“Brilliant idea babe,” Jaskier murmured in your ear as you unbuckled, his lips brushing against your cheek.
“I know,” you quipped, turning to catch his lips on yours, taking him by surprise before jumping out of the van, laughter pouring from your lungs as he lunged after you.
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witcher-couture · 4 years
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Roberto Cavalli Fall 2021
Modern AU goth power couple Geralt and Yen, complete with motorbike (the bike is called Roach).
38 notes · View notes
constantfluxx · 4 years
Starsong, Ch 4: Solar Sailer
“Come on,” he grunted, already several paces towards the doors.
As Yennefer rose to follow, Jaskier scrambled to his feet. “What? Hey! We just got here!”
“Not our fault you spent the whole time letching,” Yennefer shrugged.
“Oh, come on now, Beautiful!” he whined as they all stepped out into the crisp night. “A man’s got his needs, you know? And neither if you two are being particularly generous on that front. Aside from with each other, I assume.”
“Might help if you stopped calling her that rather than her actual name,” Geralt grumbled from ahead, picking their way through the town.
“Aw, now you’re on me, too?” Jaskier huffed. “What do you care? It’s not like she minds!”
“You don’t know that,” Yennefer pointed out. “You’ve never asked me.”
Jaskier paused and blinked. “Haven’t I? I’d swear I did!”
Read the rest on AO3.
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Bright Smiles and Tired Eyes ~ Part 2
(oh my god i finally did it. this chapter is.... a doozy. and i should start with an apology. there’s... quite a bit of angst in this chapter... like a lot... i mean like a lot A LOT. and i... am so sorry. but i hurt the things i love in fics and i can’t be stopped.... but i hope you enjoy it nonetheless!!!)
Ao3 - whole fic
Summary: Modern Au, Punk!Jaskier, Creature!Jaskier. Geralt needs a new roommate to help him pay rent. Jaskier answers his ad. Through a handful of circumstances and series of events… there’s bed sharing. And some angst.
Word Count: 6653
Jaskier had crawled into his bed again, and was firmly pressed against his side. His face had been wet, tears still falling as Geralt reached out to him and pulled him under the covers. He’d fallen asleep quickly, and then had rolled over several times in his sleep, murmuring meaningless words. He now had his face pressed into Geralt’s bicep, slender fingers curled around his arm gently. Geralt watched him, he looked peaceful, the way he had once he’d finally fallen into deep sleep the last time. His breathing was slow, and steady, small snores escaping his lips. Geralt felt himself begin to smile, again, it was happening more often now. He was finding it harder and harder to resist smiling back at Jaskier. He sighed into the dark and then he froze. He heard familiar footsteps coming down the hall, he reached for Jaskier, his hand inches away when the bedroom door slammed open.
Jaskier flailed next to him, his elbow slamming into Geralt’s face. And then he was gone. Dragged out of the bed by a seething Yennefer. She threw him against the wall and then held him there, her fingers locked around his throat.
“Shut up Geralt.” Her voice was calm, too calm, her violet eyes shinning in the dark as she stared at Jaskier. His hands where scrambling at the wall behind him, legs twitching as they fought to support him. His eyes were wide and shinning with fear, Geralt could smell the terror coming off him in waves. He tried to untangle himself from his sheets, fighting to get to him. Yennefer’s free hand shot back toward him and he found himself stuck, his body being held by an unseen force.
“Stay.” Yennefer said over her shoulder, glaring daggers at Geralt. She looked back to Jaskier and Geralt heard him whimper.
“Let him go.” Her voice was a growl. Geralt watched as confusion painted Jaskier’s features.
“I- I don’t- hck!” Jaskier stuttered and then cut off, his voice muffled by Yennefer squeezing his throat once, hard.
“You know exactly what I mean siren. Let. Him. Go.” Her teeth were bared and Jaskier whimpered again, his mouth opening as he tried to speak, a strangled silent scream. Geralt tried to fight her magic, tried to pull himself free to help him, but he felt himself slammed backwards. He vaguely heard the front door slam open, but he ignored it, trying to focus on the people in front him, and the fact that his ex and now best friend had his… roommate, pressed into the wall by his throat.
“Yen stop! He’s not doing anything to me. I’m me. There’s no influence. Let him go.” Geralt’s voice was quiet, he was trying to stay calm. His body still pressing forward into her magic, still having no effect. Her head snapped in his direction. Hurried footsteps through the living room.
“Oh please. Look at you. He moved in here what? Two weeks ago? And he’s already sleeping in your bed? I don’t think so.” She shook her head, and looked back to Jaskier, his hand was now wrapped around her wrist, his nails clawing at her as he struggled to breath. Her fingers squeezed harder, once, making him whine and flinched in her grasp. She loosened her grip and leaned close to him. Footsteps coming down the hall.
“I know what you are. I know what you do.” She whispered, her mouth a vicious line.
“He’s not like that Yen. He’s different!” Geralt’s voice cracked, he felt her magic faulter and pressed harder into it, it still didn’t let up. Jaskier’s eyes jumped to him, full of fear, tears threating to fall, and Geralt pressed harder, growling as he faut her.
Renfri’s voice rang through the room, Geralt watched Yennefer spin around, her hand still on Jaskier, holding him.
“Drop him.” Renfri’s voice was harsh, her eyes dark.
“I said. Let. Him. Go.” She gave Yennefer a pointed look, echoing Yennefer’s own words. Yennefer sighed, but dropped her hand, Jaskier slid to the floor with a gasp, his hands jumping to his throat.
“And him.” Renfri nodded toward Geralt, he was straining against her magic, still, his eyes on Jaskier. She clenched her fist at her side and Geralt tossed himself forward, landing face first on the bed, hard, before throwing himself onto the floor, sliding on the wood beneath his knees until he was next to Jaskier. Jaskier flinched, and then settled his head on Geralt’s knee. Geralt moved Jaskier’s hands away from his throat, trying to get a good look at the damage. Jaskier’s neck was already bruising.
“You could have fucking killed him.” Geralt spat, looking up at Yennefer. She sneered at him as Renfri pulled her away from them.
“I’m so sorry Geralt. I didn’t mean to tell her. It slipped and then she was gone.” She glared sideways at Yennefer.
“Fuckin portals.” She muttered. Yennefer smiled at her and Geralt saw Renfri’s grip tighten on her arm.
Geralt looked back to Jaskier when he felt him move. He was trying to push himself up, Geralt helped him sit, his hands resting on his shoulders. He opened his mouth to speak and coughed, his face scrunched up as pain shot through him.
“It’s okay. You don’t have to-“ Jaskier batted at his chest gently with his hand, then turned to look up at Yennefer, his eyes determined. His hands moved in a flourish in front of his chest as he looked at her, his lips moving as he spoke with his hands. Yennefer looked down at him, Geralt watched her eyes move from Jaskier to himself.
“What was that?” she asked, sounding suspicious. Geralt smirked when Jaskier rolled his eyes.
“It’s sign language.” Geralt said, Jaskier hands jumped on his thighs, a clear sarcastic ‘thank you’.
“Sign language.” Yennefer echoed. Jaskier nodded.
“So what, he’s deaf? Mute?” She asked, crossing her arms, Renfri was rolling her eyes now, giving Geralt an ‘I’m sorry she’s so pig-headed look’.
“No. He just doesn’t need his voice to talk… apparently.” Geralt said, giving Jaskier a look, Jaskier smiled at him sheepishly. Geralt shook his head but felt himself smiling, again.
“So what did he say?” Yennefer’s voice broke in, impatient.
“Well my ASL is a little rusty, but it looked like he said he’d never hurt me.”
Jaskier moved his hands, his movements curt and final, spelling it out letter by letter while he stared Yennefer down. He looked to Geralt when he didn’t speak and pointed between them.
“Ever.” Geralt translated.
“He would never hurt me. Ever.” Geralt repeated the whole of what he’d signed, for emphasis. The look in Jaskier’s eyes left no room for argument. He cleared his throat gently, grimacing as his throat moved, and kept his eyes locked on Yennefer. They held each other’s gaze for a moment longer and then Yennefer dropped her eyes to the floor. Jaskier sighed and slumped back against the wall, liked he’d been using all of his energy to stare the mage down.
There was a long silence, the only small sound was the wheezing of Jaskier’s breathing. Everyone stared at the floor, Geralt watched Jaskier’s fingers fiddle with the seam on his pajama pants. He wanted to reach out, to hold onto that hand, to help calm the fast beating heart sitting next to him. But he knew Yennefer would see, and Yennefer knew how Geralt was. He wasn’t touchy feely, he didn’t reach out and comfort people he’d only known for two weeks. That wasn’t him. Except it was. At least where Jaskier was concerned. And he understood why she was worried. He knew he should probably be concerned as well, but he wasn’t. He’d felt what Jaskier’s voice could do, he knew what it was like being under that control, and this wasn’t it. This was all him. He looked at Jaskier, everyday since he’d moved in, he’d watched him, and watched him. And everything he’d done, between the time he’d met him in Renfri’s coffee shop, to now, had been because he’d wanted to. Jaskier had had nothing to do with it, at least, not in the way Yennefer assumed he had.
“Fine.” Yennefer sighed, defeated, looking up from the floor at Geralt. He could see in her eyes she knew what he was feeling. He’d never been good at talking, but she had always had a talent for knowing what he was thinking. Renfri soothed her hand over Yennefer’s arm. Yennefer moved forward, just two steps, and crouched in front of them, her eyes locking on Jaskier again.
“But if you do, ever hurt him. I will kill you. We clear?” She asked, her voice sickly sweet, her lips curved in a sinister smile to match. Jaskier nodded, once.
“Good.” She reached out and patted his leg, Jaskier flinched, and she stood up and walked back to Renfri, both of them walking toward Geralt’s, now slightly crooked, bedroom door. Jaskier moved, pressed forward, trying to push himself to his feet, Geralt helped him up, his hands under Jaskier’s arm to steady him. Yennefer looked back at them at the sound of their movements.
“See you around siren. Have a nice night.” She said, her voice sweet, her eyes decidedly not. Jaskier moved his hand toward his chin and then back out again. Yennefer’s eyes narrowed.
“That had better mean thank you.” She said, her eyes moving to Geralt. He glanced at Jaskier, the smirk on his lips telling him that it most certainly hadn’t meant thank you.
“I missed it.” Geralt said with a shrug, and he had missed it, so it wasn’t technically a lie.
“Of course you did.” Yennefer said, her eyes knowing.
“Okay. I think it’s time for us to go.” Renfri said, her voice full of forced cheer.
“You two have a lovely evening. Sorry for the intrusion. We’re leaving now.” Renfri shoved Yennefer out the bedroom, turned to mouth another ‘sorry’ at Geralt, and then continued shoving her down the hall and out the front door. Geralt followed them, leaving Jaskier sitting on the edge of his bed. He waved the ladies out and shut the door roughly behind them, sliding the chain lock back in place. He sighed, pressing his head to the door.
“Well she seems nice.” Geralt jumps at the sound of Jaskier’s raspy voice. He turns around and sees his silhouette standing by the island in the kitchen, Geralt reaches for the light switch and flips it on, Jaskier has one arm wrapped around himself, the other resting on his chest, his fingers resting on his neck, fingertips settled against the bruises darkening on his skin.
“She can be.” Geralt grunts, walking over to him. Jaskier nods.
“Your ex?” Geralt does his best not to grimace at the sound of his voice, it sounds like he’s been swallowing glass.
“Hmm.” He hums, moving to open the freezer, he grabs an ice pack and turns back to Jaskier, he catches the grimace on his face before Jaskier can hide it.
“Here.” He breathes, pressing the soft pack to Jaskier’s throat, he flinches and then settles, his hand coming up, fingers pressing against the back of Geralt’s hand.
“Thanks.” he rasps, a smile still curling his lips after the night he’s had. He looks at Geralt for a long time, color tinting his cheeks as he looks away, his hand falling away from Geralt’s too. Geralt forces himself to stay still, to not chase after his touch.
“I think,” he grimaces, swallows hard, tries again.
“I think maybe. I should sleep in my own room. Just-,“ coughs shake his body, Geralt steadies him with a hand on his shoulder and does his best to ignore the way Jaskier leans into the touch.
“Just for a while.” He rubs at the back of neck, Geralt watched that lovely pink tint on his skin crawl down Jaskier’s neck, his stomach sinking when it reaches the darkening skin there.
“Okay.” Geralt says, afraid to say more. Jaskier’s eyes finally move back to him, he swallows again, doesn’t cough this time, the smile that curls his lips is sad. Geralt looks at it, his mouth feeling dry. He pulls one of Jaskier’s hands up, pressing it against the ice pack, Jaskier holds it there as Geralt walks back to the fridge. He grabs Jaskier a water bottle and then walks him back to his room. Geralt stays by the door as Jaskier gets settled, he’s lingering, he knows, but he can’t help it. Jaskier falls back, his head sinking into his pillow, his now bright red hair splayed across his sheets. He looks up Geralt and gives him a small wave.
“My door will be open.” Geralt’s voice is quiet, he crosses his arms and takes a step back, away from Jaskier, out into the hallway.
“If you need… anything.” He’d wanted to say ‘me’. If you need me. But he’d thought better of it. Knew he shouldn’t say that. Shouldn’t offer it. Shouldn’t have even thought it. But he had thought it. And he’d meant it. Wanted it. Wanted Jaskier to need him. He watched Jaskier smile at him and shut his light off. Geralt waved, and turned back to his own room, walking into the dark with a smile on his lips.
It had been three months. Three months and no Jaskier. Jaskier was there of course. In the house, everything else was normal. He was friendly, and sweet, and annoyingly adorable during the days when Geralt was home. He’d even been trying to cook for Geralt, it hadn’t been going… well. More than once Geralt had come home to the apartment smelling like smoke. But only once had he come home to Jaskier in a panic while the smoke was still there. Geralt had frozen, his skin tingling as he watched him flailing and running around the kitchen. Jaskier’s cheeks had been flushed, his flannel had been thrown onto the back of a chair, the tank top he was wearing showing his arms, tattoos scribbled up and down them but not covering the muscles moving under his skin. He’d looked up at Geralt with pleading eyes, yelling something, Geralt had snapped out of it, and helped him put the fire out. Geralt had swallowed the feelings bubbling in his chest, and tried to keep his eyes away from Jaskier’s exposed skin.
He’d been staying away at night. Geralt hadn’t been sleeping. He’d never really slept well anyway, so him not sleeping wasn’t new, but now he wasn’t sleeping because he was focused on the sounds across the hall. Jaskier fell asleep alright most nights. That never seemed to be his problem. Falling asleep the first time was easy. He’d sleep for maybe an hour, never much longer than that, and that’s when the screaming would start, like clock-work, every single night. He’d wake himself up screaming. Sometimes thrashing around so much that he threw himself out of bed, usually waking with a shout or a grunt. Geralt would flinch every time, his hands itching at his side. He wanted so badly to go to him. But he couldn’t. He had to let Jaskier come to him.
He listened to Jaskier shower, sometimes he cried, sometimes he didn’t, but no matter if he cried or didn’t cry, he always had a smile waiting to greet Geralt in the morning. But the dark circles under his eyes were getting darker and darker and Geralt was going to have to say something soon. His chest had begun to ache every time he watched him nod off and jerk awake during the day. Geralt watched him, day after day, he read book after book on Geralt’s shelf, never looking to see what it was before he started it. Geralt hadn’t even read half of them, but Jaskier was reading through them like he was trying to set a record. Geralt knew in his heart he was reading them to stay awake, and to keep whatever horrors lurked in his head at bay. He sat, and he watched him, and he wished he could do more.
Renfri invites them out a week later. She’d grabbed Geralt when he was getting his morning coffee, told him to bring Jaskier. Geralt had argued that that wasn’t the best idea. Yennefer would be there after all. Renfri assured him it would be fine. The she could handle Yen if it came down to that. And so here they sat, all four of them, a table in the corner of the loudest, most crowded bar, Geralt had been in in a long time. The noise was grating on his nerves, his hackles clearly raised. His hands were clenched so hard around his glass it was probably going to shatter. And then Jaskier was touching him.
His fingers gently pressing against his wrist. Geralt looked down at his hand, black nails standing out sharply against his own pail skin, then moved is eyes up to look at Jaskier’s face. He was talking to Renfri, both of their faces animated, Jaskier laughed at something she said. He wasn’t even looking at Geralt, but he gave his wrist a small squeeze, Geralt’s grip on the glass loosened. He watched as Jaskier’s eyes flicked to him, the corner of his mouth twitching, and away again. Geralt swallowed, the tension leaving his shoulders. He can feel eyes on him and looks up to find Yennefer staring at him.
Her eyes wander to Jaskier’s hand on Geralt, they wander to Renfri and Jaskier, still talking and laughing together, they wander back to Geralt, taking in the set of his shoulders, the way his grip was no longer strangling the glass in his hand, and then she smiles. It’s a small thing, the smallest tilt of her lips. She looked at Geralt, then to Jaskier, and then back, and gave Geralt a nod. Geralt nodded back, knowing that Yennefer would say nothing more about Jaskier. He knew also, that she would still make good on her threat to him, if ever did anything to deserve it.
Yennefer pulled him onto the dance floor not ten minutes later, dragging him into the center, leaving Jaskier and Renfri to chat at the table. Geralt and Yennefer both keeping their eyes on the pair as they danced. Geralt had never been fond of dancing, but Yennefer liked it, and she enjoyed the challenge of making Geralt untense. Doing her best to make him laugh and loosen up. She threw him into a spin and when they ended up back together, both their eyes darted to their table and find Renfri gone. Yennefer frowned, Jaskier pointed toward the bar, catching them both looking and smiling. Sure enough there she was, standing near the bar ordering drinks.
She was on her way back to the table when the man grabbed her arm. The glasses in her hands fell to the ground and shattered as she was pulled backwards. He says something into her ear and her fist slams into his face seconds later. The crowd around them heaves, bodies shoving in the direction of the commotion. Three more men come at her, obviously pissed that she’s dropped their asshole friend to the floor with one hit. She takes them out easily too, swift kicks and hits landing easily before they can even touch her. And then there are five of them, surrounding her, and two more coming up behind her. Geralt and Yennefer try their best to shove through the crowd, Geralt’s heart sinks when he realizes that they’re too far way. There are too many bodies between them.
And then Jaskier is there, shoving through the group of men surrounding Renfri, his hands held in front of him, trying to quell their anger. A fist slams into his stomach, a knee hits his face, and he’s on the floor. Renfri yells. Lashing out. Jaskier is on his feet again in moments, holding her back, and being held up by her at the same time. Geralt sees it, a glint in his eyes. He searches the crowd, his eyes finally finding Geralt and Yennefer, there’s a question there in those blue eyes. A question he can’t ask. A question he shouldn’t have to ask. But he’s asking. His eyes desperate, waiting for permission. Geralt feels himself nod, and sees Yennefer nod next him. Jaskier nods back, once, and straightens his shoulders.
“Hey! Assholes!” Jaskier yells, but his voice is… different. There’s a lilt to it, a purpose. The men around them faulter. Their brows furrowing. The bar goes silent and still, save for the music playing from the juke box in the corner.
“Yeah, you.” He nods as they stare at him. And Geralt feels it, that pull in his head. He feels Yennefer look at him and does not look back. The crowd around them breaths a heavy sigh in unison. Geralt feels himself shiver, the power that Jaskier wields with his voice is mesmerizing.
“Is that how you were taught to treat a fucking lady?” he asks, his hand tightening on Renfri’s waist, Geralt sees her fingers tighten on Jaskier as well and is sure it’s because he’s trying very hard to stay on his feet, his nose is bleeding from the knee to the face.
“Not so talkative now huh? Well that’s just fine. You all, should leave.” He’s glaring at them, the look in his eyes as deadly as his voice could be, if he wished it. The men around them, glossy eyed now, turn to the door, their feet beginning to shuffle slowly. Geralt watches as every head of every patron in the bar turns to follow them.
“But first,” Jaskier hold up his finger, his smooth voice filling the air, sending chills through the room,
“You, kick him, in the balls.” He pointed to the men that hit him, one of them the man that had first grabbed Renfri, Geralt sees her smile, still holding Jaskier on his feet. The men comply, he roughly kicks his friend, and the other man lets him. The man doubles over, but stays eerily quiet. Jaskier pulls himself free of Renfri, her hands hovering near him as he walks over to the man, he sways on his feet and then leans down, his lips pressing close to the man’s ear. Geralt strains his own hearing, knowing he shouldn’t be trying to hear Jaskier right now, not when his voice is doing…that. But he can’t help it. He feels the room move with him, every body in the small space leaning forward, just a little, needing more.
“Now. Fuck off. And never fucking come back here.” He growls, it’s a strangely musical sound, like chimes in a thunderstorm. Geralt feels his head go fuzzy and shakes it to clear it. The men circling them disperse. The crowd around them moves away as well, most of them looking dazed, shaking their heads and returning to what they’d been doing, like breaking from a trance, the bar fills with noise again. Geralt and Yennefer push forward, reaching them just in time to catch Jaskier as his knees buckle beneath him. Yennefer grabs onto Renfri, her hands clutching at the sides of her face, kissing her chastely before turning to Geralt, now knelt on the floor, his hand resting on Jaskier’s shoulder. She kneels too, looking at Jaskier. Geralt’s heart pounds in chest and then drops to his stomach when he sees the shame in Jaskier’s eyes.
Yennefer reaches out carefully, noting the way he flinches away from her, slowing even more. She gently covers his nose with her palm, a warm glow spreading under her fingers, Jaskier gasps. She pulls her hand away and Jaskier touches his face, pressing his fingers against his nose. His eyes move to the mage. The mage who he’d last seen when she was choking the life out of him.
“Thank you.” He smiles at her. And Geralt can see the affect it has on her, can see the way she softens, he knows that feeling well. She furrows her eyebrows, looking at him for a moment longer, she rests her hand on his shoulder, and leans closer to him, her other hand resting on his cheek.
“And thank you.” She presses her forehead to Jaskier’s and then she’s gone, up and standing next to Renfri in seconds. Geralt moves his hand to Jaskier’s cheek, doing his best to ignore the way he leans into the touch again. Renfri walks over to stand behind Jaskier, bends down and presses a kiss to the top of his head, into his hair. Jaskier tilts his head up and looks at her.
“Thanks for defending my honor siren boy.” She smiles down at him, laughing with him when he laughs.
“Hey sure. Maybe next time you can defend mine.” He winks up at her. She snorts and pats his cheek.
“I’ll be there.” She pokes him in the nose, hard, making him squawk and flail, Geralt ducks his hand as he lashes out and grabs the front of his hoodie to keep him from falling over. Yennefer walks closer, pressing herself against Renfri, wrapping her arms around her.
“We’re gonna head home. You guys okay to get back to yours on your own?” she asks, watching Geralt pull Jaskier to his feet and steady him.
“We’re good. Thanks Yen.” Geralt nods, she nods back, the air behind her shimmers and parts, she and Renfri walk through the portal and are gone. Jaskier stares after them, sighing loudly and looking at Geralt.
“She’s got portals? Why did you tell her we were good? We could have used the portal. We could have portal-ed!” his hands jump and fall at his sides, Geralt looks at him, and says nothing.
“What?” Jaskier asks, his hands rising to settle on his hips. Geralt tilts his head.
“Too complain-y?” Jaskier’s face scrunches up. Geralt widens his eyes.
“Yeah fair enough. Alright let’s go.” His hands fall from his hips and he heads toward the door. His hand grabbing the hem of Geralt’s shirt, dragging him along with him.
Geralt is lying in bed, listening to Jaskier take his nightly shower, he can hear him crying again. He listens to the water stop. Listens to Jaskier play soft melodies on his keyboard for an hour. Listens to him sigh as he falls back into bed to try again. He listens to him drift off and jerk awake four times before he shoves his own blankets off. The strangled sob after the last one pushing him past his limit. He pulls his door open and pads across the hall. He knocks once and then pushes Jaskier’s door open, the light from the hall falls onto Jaskier, he’s wearing spiderman boxer briefs and a cut off shirt with some band Geralt’s never heard of on the front, Geralt blinks dumbly at him. He pushes himself up, sitting and squinting at Geralt.
“Hey.” Geralt says, ever the wordsmith.
“Hi.” Jaskier says, his voice is small. The make up around his eyes is gone now, and Geralt can see how tired he is. He doesn’t know how he’s been staying awake the past few weeks. Geralt swallows, pressing down any reservations he has. This isn’t for him. This is for Jaskier. He needs him. Needs this. He turns, shutting the door behind himself, and walks to Jaskier’s bed. He watches the long line of Jaskier’s neck as he looks up at him, his eyes wide and curious in the dark.
“May I?” Geralt asks, pointing at the bed. Jaskier bites his lip and then scrambles backward, nodding and pushing the sheets around, scuttling under them as Geralt crawls in next to him. He can feel the tension in Jaskier as they lie there in the dark, side by side, arms barely brushing one another.
“So… what uh… what’s this?” Jaskier asks, staring at the ceiling. Geralt rolls to his side, looking at Jaskier.
“You haven’t been sleeping.” He says, matter of fact. Jaskier coughs, his arms pulling closer to himself, the way he does when he gets nervous, or scared, or upset.
“I’ve slept. Some.” He says, and there’s no confidence in his voice. Geralt reaches out, brave in the darkness, and presses his hand flat against Jaskier’s shoulder.
“I don’t think it counts when you wake yourself screaming.” His words aren’t unkind, but he feels Jaskier flinch underneath his hand.
“I guess not.” He mumbles. Geralt knows he doesn’t want to talk about it. He never does. But Geralt lays in the dark, and he can feel and smell the fear in the room, left over from whatever it was that was terrorizing him in his sleep, and he thinks maybe he needs to.
“What do you dream about?” he feels Jaskier bristle.
“I don’t- you said you wouldn’t ask me that.” There’s a hint of betrayal in his voice, and Geralt hates himself for putting it there. Hates himself more for what he’s about to do.
“I lied.” Jaskier takes a deep shaky breath.
“Tell me what you dream about. I fight monsters for a living Jaskier. Maybe I can give you tips for fighting the ones haunting your dreams.” He pressed his hand into the skin of Jaskier’s shoulder, trying to anchor him. Jaskier turns to him, the light in his eyes dim, even in the dark they usually shine so brightly, but not now.
“And what if it’s not monsters.” He whispers, his teeth dig into his lip for a moment, so hard Geralt is worried he’ll draw blood. Geralt furrows his brow.
“What if it’s not monsters haunting my dreams. What if it’s- what if it’s something else?” his lip trembles, and he lets it this time, his arms wrapping around himself now, holding himself tightly, his eyes moving back to stare at the ceiling. Geralt sighs, moves his hand across Jaskier’s chest slowly, then up along his jaw, finally settling on his cheek, moving Jaskier’s head gently to look at him.
“Anything that makes you scream like that, is a monster.” He’s whispering now, trying his best not to scare Jaskier off.
“I can’t help you fight it, if you don’t tell me what it is.” He moves his thumb against Jaskier’s cheek, feeling wetness as Jaskier begins to cry. He presses his hand over Geralt’s own, his fingers clinging to him, his breathing is shallow, his heart pounding in his chest. Geralt watches him squeeze his eyes shut and take a deep breath, he takes a deep breath of his own and presses closer in the dark.
“Tell me what you dream about.” he whispers. Jaskier opens his eyes, looks at Geralt, and smiles, small and sad.
It takes him a long time for him to start talking. Geralt waits, his hand moving away from Jaskier, giving him space to collect himself. He seems to wrestle with himself, his mouth opening and closing several times before he furrows his brow and looks back to Geralt with a pained expression.
“I don’t know where to start.” He breathes, his breath ghosting over Geralt’s skin, making him shiver. He looks at Jaskier, looking at him, moves his hand down to Jaskier’s on top of the sheet and laces their fingers together. Jaskier’s eyes drop to look at their hands, he stares for a long time, and then he speaks.
“When I was little. Some men came to our house.” He starts, taking a deep breath, his eyes still locked on their hands.
“They slammed their fists into the door over and over and I didn’t understand why my parents weren’t opening the door. And then my mom grabbed me. She grabbed me and took me to the basement. There was a closet down there, that had a little… I don’t know what it was, really. A crawl space maybe?” His voice devoid of emotion, his eyes blinking slowly as he moved his eyes to the ceiling.
“She put me in there and told me not to come out. No matter what I heard. She said ‘stay in here. And don’t come out. Not for anyone.’ And she started to leave but I grabbed her hand, and she turned to me, and there was this look in her eyes. She- she looked sad. I’d never seen her look so sad.” A tear fell down Jaskier’s face. Geralt’s heart ached, he’d heard stories like this before. None of them ended well. He knew Jaskier’s story wouldn’t end well, it couldn’t, this story ended with something that haunts dreams. He squeezed Jaskier’s hand tight and kept listening.
“She knelt in front of me, took my face in her hands, and told me she loved me. She said ‘My dearest Julian. I love you so much. And your father loves you too, you know that don’t you? That we love you?’ I think I nodded, I don’t remember, but she smiled at me. And she said ‘my darling boy we love you so much. You have to stay in here alright? You stay in here until you don’t hear anything for a long long time. And then you stay longer.’ And she pulled me into a hug, squeezed me so tight it hurt.” Jaskier’s voice was shaking, he used his free hand to wipe at his face in vain, tears falling where he’d wiped some away just seconds before.
“She walked away. But then she came back, her face was so serious and she held onto my shoulders so tight I thought she’d break something. And she said ‘you are every inch my son. You know that? What we are. What you are. There’s nothing to be ashamed of my darling. People will call you things. They’ll be afraid of you. But you don’t have to give them something to be afraid of. You stay just the way you are my happy boy. My sweet, kind, boy. People will call you a monster. But that doesn’t mean you have to be one.’ She kissed my forehead and then she was gone again. And I tried to hide.” His voice wobbled, he looked at Geralt finally, his lip trembling and face wet with tears.
“I tried so hard to be good.” He swallowed hard, his eyes full of sickening shame.
“But I heard them screaming. My parents. I could hear the men yelling, they’d broken the door down. I ran to the top of the stairs, the door was still cracked, like it had just been pushed to and then had opened a bit on its own. The basement door always did that if you didn’t pull it shut just right.” He looked at Geralt with pleading eyes, Geralt nodded, like he knew all about the door, Jaskier’s hand was shaking in his.
“And I looked out, and I shouldn’t have, I – she told me not too. But I- I couldn’t help it. The screaming had been so loud. And there was-“ his voice caught in his throat, drowned out by a sob.
“It’s alright. I’m here it’s okay.” Geralt whispered, moving his free hand to wiped at Jaskier’s face. Jaskier nodded, his face pressing against Geralt’s hand.
“There was blood everywhere. My mum she- she was lying there, on the kitchen floor. And there was- it was everywhere.” He was openly sobbing now, his breath rattling inside his chest as he tried to speak.
“I ran to her but she wouldn’t wake up. And my- my dad he- he was in the living room. I could see him lying on the floor. But he looked… wrong. He looked wrong somehow. I shouted for him but he wouldn’t answer. And I tried to get to him but I couldn’t just leave her there. She would have been all alone.” His voice was small, he sounded every inch the child he had been when his parents had been taken from him so cruelly.
“I couldn’t leave her alone. Not there- not with all that-“ his voice shattered with grief, his face twisted in the dark as silent sobs clawed their way out of his throat. Geralt pulled him close, wrapping him in both arms. He held him until his body stopped shaking, his hand pressing into his hair. And Jaskier clung to him, his fingers digging into his back as he tried to pull him closer, sobbing into his chest until he had no more left in him. Geralt pulled back after a while, letting Jaskier fall back onto his own pillow, he kept his arm under him, letting Jaskier rest his head on him.
“They come for me in my dreams. Those men. They come to kill me. Like they killed my parents. Like killed her.” His voice was emotionless again, a numb look on his face. Geralt nodded.
“Because you’re a siren.” Geralt said. Statement, not a question.
“Because I’m a siren.” Jaskier agreed, sighing and pressing his head harder against Geralt’s arm beneath it. Geralt’s heart broke in his chest, the way Jaskier said the word siren, the way it stuck in throat and fell from his tongue, dripping like acid. He knew that tone. He’d heard it in people’s voices for years. It was the same way people spit the word ‘witcher’ at him. Their voices full of hate and ridicule. Geralt looked at Jaskier in the dark, watched him lying there, looking at Geralt, hating himself. Geralt pressed his hand to his cheek once more, the tears had stopped, Jaskier’s face was warm though, warm from crying into Geralt’s chest.
“You are a siren. But that doesn’t make you a monster. And I will never,” he paused, looking at Jaskier with meaning,
“I will never, let anyone like that, get anywhere near you.” He moved his hand down Jaskier’s jaw, letting it come to rest against his neck, inwardly preening at the way Jaskier literally hummed under his touch. Jaskier smiled at him, small and unsure.
“I mean it. I’ll kill them all before they can touch you. I promise you that.” Geralt had never meant anything more in his life, his chest ached with it. Jaskier looked at him, for a long time, his eyes moving to take in Geralt’s face. He shifted, turning on his side to face him more, his hand moving up slowly. He moved his finger tips over Geralt’s face, tracing every line, every detail, moving his thumb over Geralt’s lips as he settled his hand against his cheek, a smile curving his own lips just so.
“So valiant.” He hummed, his teeth pulling at his lip, lip rings clicking against his teeth.
“Hmm.” Geralt hummed back, his lips moving into a smile beneath Jaskier’s thumb. Jaskier chuckled, a happy sound after so much darkness, and pressed close, resting his head on Geralt’s chest, tangling their legs together. Geralt moved his hand through Jaskier’s hair and held him close.
“I’ve never told anyone that.” Jaskier whispered into his chest, his fingers curling in Geralt’s shirt. Geralt moved his fingers under Jaskier’s chin, tilting his head up to look at him.
“Thank you for telling me.” He moved his thumb over Jaskier’s jaw and let his head fall back down.
“Thank you for making me tell you.” Geralt felt him smile into his chest, his fingers moving against him, pressing out the wrinkles he’d created in his shirt. He felt Jaskier sink into him, relaxing against his side and onto his chest. His fingers tapping out a slow rhythm above Geralt’s heart.
“My brave witcher.” Jaskier breathed, his voice thick with sleep, as he pressed his face closer still. Geralt moved his fingers against Jaskier’s scalp in slow circles, watching the sun begin to paint the horizon as they drifted off to sleep.
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kumeko · 4 years
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Prompt: Geralt/Yennefer & Ciri family fluff
A/N: For @caiabresebun, for @thewitchersecretsanta. Ok. Um. I was going for family fluff, and my sister was watching a lot of Hallmark movies, and thus this monstrous thing came to be with a bit less family fluff than I was planning. I’M SORRY. (I am hoping to add to this later, but uh...)
There was something relaxing about the gym. Standing in the center of the boxing ring, his gloves strapped tightly to his fists, Geralt closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The whole place had a musty, stagnant smell, the kind of scent that came from being a third-rate gym with third-rate equipment. Places like this were a dime a dozen in the city, entrances tucked away in alleys and after a flight of stairs.
 It was a miracle, honestly, that the place hadn’t closed down yet. It was a pretty small place, barely able to fit in a dozen or two at a time. There was a better Goodlife center around the corner, with proper instructors and amenities. If he was being charitable, he knew he wasn’t the best trainer—he could be hard where others were soft, firm where others bent.
 If it weren’t for the cheap rates, they’d have been in the red years ago. As it was, Geralt didn’t want to question their finances too much. After all, it was only the goodwill of the owner that let him rent the apartment right above the gym. In a city as expensive as New York, he doubted he’d anywhere else as affordable. Especially considering his…uneven employment.
 “Geralt!” A girl called out as she pulled open the door, a bell ringing a few seconds after to belatedly announce her arrival. “I’m home!”
And even if he could find a place to stay, he doubted he’d find one big enough to fit him and his adopted daughter. Geralt opened his eyes, looking over his shoulder as Ciri walked in the room. At thirteen, she was gangly and awkward, all long limbs and flyaway hair. He had maybe a year or two before she grew into her body, and then just mere months before her mind finally caught up and he’d have to deal with whatever teenage tantrums she tossed his way.
 “Good,” Geralt grunted, watching as she plopped her backpack on one of the benches. “You’re late.”
 “Not really!” Ciri protested, pointing at the clock. “It’s only 4:15.”
 “And you normally come back at 4.” Geralt glared at the door, waiting for her irritating babysitter to walk in. When the door remained stubbornly closed, he barked, “Jaskier.”
 “Yeah! Sorry about that.” Jaskier poked his head in through the door and smiled sheepishly. As usual, his brown hair looked like a mouse’s nest, he reeked of cheap perfume, and his clothes looked like he couldn’t decide if he wanted to be punk or rock. Which, to be fair, was exactly how his band sounded like—a confused mishmash of two different sounds.
 For some reason, the ladies loved it.
 Geralt sometimes feared for the future. “What happened?” he asked, already knowing he wasn’t going to like the answer.
 “Nothing, nothing!” Jaskier waved the question away with a goofy smile, chuckling in the way he did when he was hiding something. “Just got some ice-cream—”
 “It’s December,” Geralt pointed out flatly.
 “—and took the long way home.” Jaskier winked at Ciri. “Just a little mutual complaining, right?”
 Ciri stared at him for a long minute, then turned to Geralt. “Who’s Yennefer?”
 Geralt stiffened. He hadn’t heard that name in years. He hadn’t expected to hear that name ever again. Immediately, he glared at Jaskier. “You.”
 Jaskier wilted. “You weren’t supposed to ask!” he hissed.
 Ciri snorted, already sounding like a teenager. Sarcasm dripped from her voice as she asked, “Oh, I should just let him stay grumpy forever?”
 “Grumpy?” Geralt clenched his jaw. Part of him wanted to know just what Jaskier said. Another, bigger part of him knew it was his usual brand of nonsense, a mixture of lies, rumours, and a tiny drop of truth. Whatever it was, it was better not to know. Actually, that was almost always the solution when it came to Jaskier.
 “I didn’t say you were grumpy,” Jaskier refuted quickly, scratching his cheek. “More like—”
 “Heartbroken?” Ciri guessed, a sly glint in her eyes and maybe Geralt should start preparing himself now for her teenage years.
 “Yes—no!” Jaskier’s jaw dropped. “Ciri, are you trying to get me killed?”
 “I’m not heartbroken,” Geralt stated, moving past Jaskier’s betrayal for now.
 “He said it’s why you’re grumpy all the time,” Ciri challenged, ignoring Jaskier’s yelps and cries as she revealed their entire conversation. “You miss her.”
 “I don’t miss her.” Geralt smiled wryly at the thought. How could he miss someone who was never there? “It was years ago, Ciri.”
 “It’s been years since my…” Ciri trailed off, her skin paling.
 She didn’t have to finish; he knew what she was about to say.  Crossing the boxing ring, he leaned against the ropes and smiled gently at her. He was never certain of what exactly possessed her grandmother to leave her in his care—knowing the woman, she probably hadn’t wanted to either—but he was glad she did.
 He couldn’t say just how much his life had changed now that Ciri was in it, only that it was for the better. “That’s a different thing,” he replied softly. “Your grandparents loved you very much.”
 She smiled back hesitantly. It had taken her a while to get comfortable enough to talk about her grandparents. They had been practically her parents, raising her since birth. “Yeah.” For a moment, he thought that was the end of that, but she pressed, “And Yennefer?”
 Geralt sighed, running a hand through his hair. Now that it was out, he might as well get it over with. “It was a short thing, just before you came. She wasn’t interested in anything more.”
 Ciri frowned. “That’s it?”
 “That’s it,” he confirmed, shrugging. What else could he tell a child? The connection he’d felt with Yennefer had all been in his head; she’d made it clear enough when she left.
 “Oh.” She sounded disappointed as she picked up her backpack. “I’ll finish my homework.”
 He knew she really meant she wanted to process it all, and he waved her off. “Sure.”
 “And I’ll make my way out—” Jaskier added casually, slinking his way to the door.
 “Jaskier. Ring. Now,” Geralt ordered, his teeth bared as he glared at him.
 Yennefer was never certain of what exactly possessed her to join her current company. Well, no, she knew exactly why—her ‘mother’ Trisha worked for their rivals and that was more than a good enough reason to join. Perhaps that was petty, but then again, Yennefer never claimed to be otherwise.
 Pettiness was sometimes the only way you dealt with a woman like Trisha. It was almost impossible to get under her skin. Even all of her years in law school, backstabbing and clawing to the top of her class hadn’t taught Yennefer the right way to twist the knife in her mother’s heart.
 For now, she’d have to make do as the corporate lawyer for a rival business, filing lawsuit after lawsuit and fighting her mother in court.
 “Hey, Yennefer!” Her fellow lawyer, Triss, smiled brightly at her, waving as she entered the hotel lobby. “You’re here early.”
 “Or you’re here late,” she muttered, rolling her eyes. This was precisely what she hated about her workplace. Tech companies as a whole reeked of that sugary ‘we’re all in this together’ attitude, no doubt fostered by their shareholders to trick employees into working free overtime. And the fools ate it up, staying in their offices well past closing because of paltry things like buffet bars and gaming rooms.
 The near-sighted idiots had no idea how much they were being used. It was bad enough the peons were cheerful morons; she didn’t need her fellow lawyers buying into it too.
 Either feigning ignorance or in need of some hearing aids, Triss breezed past her comment like it hadn’t happened. “I didn’t take you for the holiday type.”
 “I’m not,” Yennefer replied flatly. “What gave it away, my black outfit or my black makeup?”
 “Well, that’s true. It’s not very Christmas-y. Or Holiday-y.” She smiled brightly, as though that had been an actual question and not a sarcastic quip. Now Yennefer was certain Triss was faking it. “Or—actually, what do you celebrate?”
 “Nothing.” Yennefer glanced at the champagne in her hands. The second she’d entered the hotel’s ballroom for her company’s ‘Holiday’ party (and oh, they like to say it was ‘Holiday’, even though all of the decorations were so obviously ‘Christmas’. And yet, just like everything else, the fools just ate it all up.), Yennefer had grabbed a glass from a passing waiter. And then another.
 She actually wasn’t certain how many she’d drank so far, but clearly it wasn’t enough if she was still conscious for this conversation.
 “Seems like you celebrate Halloween,” Trisha replied smartly, the closest she’d come to baring her claws so far.
 “And you are a suck up,” Yennefer retorted, already tired of the conversation. “What do you want?”
 “Nothing.” Triss’s smile dropped a notch. Around them, various employees drifted about as they chatted, everyone from the top CEOs to the lower management mingling. “Just wanted to see how you’re doing. Make some small talk.”
 “We see each other every day.” Yennefer glanced around for another waiter. Her drink was almost empty, and she needed another.
 “And you don’t talk about yourself then.” Triss sighed, shaking her head. “Don’t know why I thought it’d be different now.”
 “Me neither.” With a careless wave, Yennefer pivoted and headed to another waiter. Triss sputtered something unintelligible and she hoped it was a curse. It’d make her far more interesting and out of all of the lawyers in her company, she was by far the most attractive.
 A little fire would actually make it interesting to have a fling with her.
 Plucking two glasses from the waiter, Yennefer looked over the rim as she drank, taking in the other employees. It was a small miracle Isetradd had left the company before their holiday party; despite everything that had happened between them, he’d probably make a pass. Depending on how drunk she got, she’d probably say yes. If there was one useful thing about the time of the year, it was that it made it all the easier for her to find some mindless entertainment, to slip in and out of beds without anyone caring.
 For a moment, she thought of a certain silver-haired man and she bit her lip. It had been years. More than that, it had been another petty attack on her mother—sleeping with Tissaia’s temporary bodyguard, was a scandal in the making. Even if only to Tissaia’s eyes.
 She hadn’t expected him to get attached.
 She hadn’t expected herself to be tempted.
 Shaking herself out her thoughts, Yennefer gulped her remaining champagne and headed to the open bar. It had been years; she didn’t understand why he lingered in her thoughts, but this sentimental feeling was a hindrance.
 “Whisky,” she ordered, slipping onto one of the bar stools. “On the rocks.”
 Yennefer was not nearly drunk enough to deal with this tonight.
 Geralt could not for the life of him explain exactly how he’d ended up walking through downtown New York with Jaskier in the evening. It was mid-December. It was really cold. It was a weekday.
 “Why am I here?” he asked aloud, glaring at his shorter companion.
 Jaskier grinned, patting him on the back. “Look, I brought up some painful memories, right? Well, what better way to fix that than by helping you make some new, better ones?”
 “That’s a stupid reason.” Geralt turned around. Ciri was definitely not doing her homework right now, probably ordering takeout, and most likely needed his watchful eye.
 “Wait, wait, wait, it’s not!” Jaskier quickly jumped in front of him, pressing his hands on his chest in an extremely futile attempt to get him to stop. They both knew exactly how much Geralt outclassed him in strength, just like they both knew the only reason Geralt had stopped was because he wanted to. “It’s a really good reason.”
 “How?” Geralt knew he’d regret asking this, just like he regretted asking Jaskier anything, really. Somehow, the guy had a silver tongue and a penchant for getting what he wanted, and either Geralt lost time listening to him or ended up agreeing to something he definitely didn’t want.
 Jaskier’s smile grew wider as he gently turned Geralt around and continued to steer him down the street. “Look, you’re still hung up on her—don’t lie to me. I told you she was bad news, you didn’t listen, and this is where it got you. Even Ciri’s worried. You don’t want her to worry, right? You want to show her you’re fine, right?”
 “…is she really that worried?” Geralt muttered, unable to refute it. He wasn’t ‘hung up’ on Yennefer, but he couldn’t deny that he still felt bound to her somehow.
 Jaskier perked up and nodded quickly. “I mean, she wants you to be happy, and you’re kinda mopey and grumpy,” Geralt glared and he hastily amended, “not that it’s a bad thing, we love that part of your, but…you know…it’d be good to know that’s just because you’re you, and not because of some bi—”
 “Where are we going?” Geralt asked, interrupting before Jaskier could go on yet another rant.
 “Every club.” Jaskier gestured at the brightly lit street ahead of them.
 “Every club?” Geralt repeated slowly, not liking the sound of it.
 “Every single one. You’re going home drunk, with someone, or hopefully a combo of the two.” Jaskier pumped his fist, looking determined for once in his life. Why that energy never transferred to his actual work, Geralt never knew.
 “I’m going home tired,” he grumbled, but followed anyway.
 As usual, Jaskier knew every party in town. He had always been the more social one between them, with all the good and bad it came with. For every three people he flirted with, a fourth and fifth were ready to pummel him to death. Deservedly so, Geralt was certain, but if they wanted to kill Jaskier, they’d have to do it out of his sight at least. He needed plausible deniability for when Ciri asked.
 And as expected, Geralt felt very tired by the time they’d hit the fifth one. The parties were as different as can be, from well-dressed elites sipping cocktails to raves better suited for university students, but either way, mostly filled with boring, annoying people that he would rather never see again. Every time Jaskier sensed his patience had hit its limit, he’d drag Geralt off to the next party.
 “How are there so many parties?” Geralt muttered as they entered some ostentatious hotel. The décor was meant to replicate grandeur but felt over-the-top and tacky to him.
 “Christmas!” Jaskier explained, still as cheerful as though it were their first party, and not the nth one. “Every company’s cramming them in this week which is perfect for gate crashers like us.”
 Geralt raised a brow. “Don’t they have security or id?”
 Jaskier shrugged as he led him into the ballroom. “Probably. Now, come on. We’ve been at it all night, and you’re barely buzzed.”
 “You keep dragging us out before I can drink,” Geralt pointed out.
 “No worries here—open bar.” Jaskier grinned, all teeth. “Perfect place to drown your sorrows.”
 “I don’t have any,” he retorted immediately.
 Jaskier shrugged it off. “Sure, sure. You go drink in joy then, and I’m going to take a look at who’s here. See you in ten!”
 Without waiting for a response, he firmly pushed Geralt toward the back and then disappeared. Geralt clicked his teeth but made his way forward. As usual, people stopped and stared at him, though they tried to do it as politely as possible. With his heavy build and long white hair, he knew he was an unusual sight for many.
 “Oh? Look who it is.”
 But not for all. He froze at the familiar sultry voice. Seated at the bar, sipping whisky, was Yennefer. As usual, she looked stunning, her black cocktail dress clinging to her like a second skin. The light flush on her neck and cheeks gave away how drunk she was, though her eyes were as intelligent as ever.
 “Yennefer,” he muttered, reluctantly approaching her. It was only now, only here, that he could privately admit what Jaskier and Ciri had said:
 He was hung up on her.
 He had always been too slow, too simple for the city, and so when he’d gotten caught up in the whirlwind that was Yennefer, he hadn’t realized that what was true for him hadn’t been true for her. That his feelings were only one-sided.
 That to her it was just a game.
 Even this meeting was just another game.
 Yennefer patted the seat next to her. “You should sit.”
 It was like nothing had happened. Steeling himself, he shook his head and stood. “I’ll have a Moscow Mule.”
 The bartender nodded, already pulling out a glass.
 Yennefer wrinkled her nose. “Vodka. Again. You never change, do you?”
 “I try not to,” he muttered, unable to stop himself. She’d always been good at drawing him into a conversation.
 “Still at the…” Yennefer paused, her nose scrunching as she tried to think of the word. “handy-man things?”
 She was definitely drunk. He tried not to care. “Yes.”
 “One-word answers—I told you to fix that.” Yennefer took another sip of her drink. Lifting the glass, she admired the light filtering through the dark brown liquid. “You haven’t learned to talk—business isn’t going to expand that way, you know.”
 “It doesn’t need to.” Geralt shrugged as he got his glass. The ice clinked as he drank. “I’m good.”
 Yennefer snorted. “You mean barely making it.”
 “Everyone’s barely making it, compared to you,” he growled. She always had a way of getting under his skin. “There are other things.”
 “And what do you know of those ‘other’ things?” Yennefer laughed, her red lips curving into a contemptuous smirk. “You’ve hidden in your shell for years.”
 She wasn’t wrong. He’d lived that way for years. Geralt stared at his reflection in his drink. “Not anymore.”
 She raised a perfectly trimmed eyebrow. “So you have changed.”
 “Yeah. And you haven’t.” He was already tired of the conversation. Picking up his glass, he turned to go when a delicate hand wrapped around his tie. He stared at her perfectly manicured nails before she yanked hard, bringing his lips tantalizingly close to hers. “Yennefer,” he breathed, unable to pull back.
 “Why are you still so goddamn attractive?” Yennefer mused. This close, he could smell the alcohol on her breath, and below it the faint scent of her flowery perfume.
 “It’s unfair,” she murmured, so close now her lips brushed his as she spoke. Suddenly, she slumped on his chest and Geralt froze.
 “Huh?” Panicked, he grabbed her shoulders, lifting her head. Her slow breathing, slightly parted lips, and closed eyes explained everything: she was fast asleep.
 “Had a feeling,” sighed the bartender. “She’d drank too much.”
 Geralt looked at him, panicked. “Where should I put her?”
 He shrugged. “You could ask for a room here, if there’s any still available. Either way, when the party’s over, she has to go.”
 Her shoulders were still too small and fragile, and he held her carefully as he quickly scanned the room. If anyone else here knew or cared about her, they didn’t act like it. Almost no one looked at him, too focused on their conversations.
 “Still no friends,” he muttered. “And I’m the one avoiding people?”
 Yennefer woke to a pounding head and a parched mouth. Maybe she shouldn’t have gotten so hammered last night; it was a company party, after all. She had to keep some decorum.
 Yennefer frowned. Company party. Drinking.
 Just when had she gotten home? How? Actually, now that she thought about it, her bed felt oddly hard and the smell…
 Husky, a bit wild, and—
 She knew that smell.
 Yennefer opened her eyes, staring at the vaguely familiar ceiling. It had been years since she’d slept here and suddenly last night came rushing to her. Geralt had been at the bar. Geralt of all people. Quickly, she patted herself, checking that her clothes were still on. Even though she’d made the stupid mistake of going home with him, she certainly hadn’t made the stupider mistake of sleeping with him.
 There was enough complication in her life without adding him back to the mix. Sitting up, she rubbed her head. As usual, the big lug had deposited her on his bed, no doubt sleeping on the couch or something instead.
 “You’re awake!” Yennefer snapped her head to the door, where a young blonde girl eyed her curiously. The girl bounced on her feet slightly. “You’re Yennefer, right?”
 She raised a brow. This was Geralt’s place, right? “And you’re?”
 “Ciri.” The girl grinned before spinning around. “Geralt! She’s awake!”
 Yennefer groaned and lay back down. Either he was married, widowed, or adopting rugrats all over the place. Either way, she wasn’t ready for any of this. Maybe if she closed her eyes, she could pretend nothing happened.
 Yeah.  That’s what she’d do.
 She grumpily opened her eyes and saw him at the door.
 Well, at least she’d gotten one thing right yesterday. Damn, he’d aged well.
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all-ringils-blazing · 5 years
Double kill tag game, tagged by @emperor-draygon
Thanks dudie!✌❤
Tag game 1-Q&A
Top 3 ships
lol dude @emperor-draygon I cried 😂😂😂
Geralt x Yennefer (The Witcher)
Alucard x Me (Hellsing)
Aragorn x Arwen (The Lord of the Rings)
Last song
Phantom Lady-Dave Steffen Band
Last Movie
Knives out
Right now I’m just re-reading/fixing my thesis lol. But I’m gonna start Sapkowski’s Time of Contempt soon.
What food I’m craving right now
Ugh something sweet for sure, a croissant maybe.
Tag game 2-Url turned into songs 
Astorolus-The Great Octopus by Candlemass
Love me Forever by Motorhead
Lupus Dei by Powerwolf 
Rapid Fire by Judas Priest 
I Ain’t no Saint by Rory Gallagher 
Never The Heroes by Judas Priest 
Genesis by Running Wild
I’ll Play the Blues for You by Albert King 
Lady of The Lake by Rainbow 
She-Wolf by Megadeth
Bismarck by Sabaton
La Mantra Mori by Ghost
A Voice in The Dark by Blind Guardian 
Ziggy Stardust by David Bowie
I’m a Rocker by Judas Priest
No Prayer for the Dying by Iron Maiden 
Gimme All Your Lovin' by ZZ Top
Gonna tag: @whimsicalvanillachan @underworld-priest @awkwardalbatros @punk-courtesan @silent-calling @huffleppuffs @sonichix @fresno-nightcrawler @the-white-frost @theslumberofthebeast @arnoediad @the-music-dork @mochibat @ace-bi-says-hi @killinguwithumbrellas
8 notes · View notes
aeulf · 4 years
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
1. Blinding Lights - The Weeknd - 33 2. Numb - Elderbrook - 26 3. Voices - Hurts - 25 4. Toss A Coin To Your Witcher - Sonya Belousova - 21 5. Maldad - Steve Aoki - 19 6. Low (feat. T-Pain) - Flo Rida - 18 - All For Us - Labrinth - 18 Miss Decibel - Medina - 18 7. Call On Me - Radio Mix - Eric Prydz - 17 - Kiss the Ring - Jowst - 17 - On Fire - THE ROOP - 17 8. Bow Down - Homecoming Live - Beyoncé - 16 - Cola - CamelPhat - 16 - Bootylicious - Destiny's Child - 16 - Air Tonight (feat. Benjamin Hav) - 16 - Mi Gente - J Balvin - 16 - Sorry - Justin Bieber - 16 - Roses - Imanbek Remix - SAINt JHN - 16 9. De den - Kaliffa - 15 - Casanova (Bootycallers Remix) - Palm Trees - 15 - Everytime You Leave - Sonya Belousova - 15 10. Get Lucky (feat. Pharrell Williams & Nile Rodgers) - Daft Punk - 14 - Get Lost - Icona Pop - 14 - I Love It (& Lil Pump) - Kanye West - 14 - Old Town Road - Lil Nas X - 14 - QueLoQue - Major Lazer - 14 11. Summer - Calvin Harris - 13 - Soldi - Mahmood - 13 - Blurred Lines - Robin Thicke - 13 - Toss a Coin to Your Witcher - Samuel Kim - 13 - Shout - Tears for Fears - 13 - Brassed - Tom Thomson - 13 12. No Roots - Alice Merton - 12 - Taki Taki (with Selena Gomez, Ozuna & Cardi B) - DJ Snake - 12 - Bad - Don Diablo - 12 - Shape of You - Ed Sheeran - 12 - Why Do We Shake In The Cold? - Elderbrook - 12 - Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) - Eurythmics - 12 - Make Me Feel - Janelle Monáe - 12 - I'll Wait - Kygo - 12 - Välkommen In - LBSB - 12 - Make It Hot - Major Lazer - 12 - Fate Calls - Mikolai Stroinski - 12 - Geralt Of Rivia - Sonya Belousova - 12 - Happy Childhoods Make For Dull Company - Sonya Belousova - 12 - Yennefer of Vengerberg - Sonya Belousova - 12 13. Hey Brother - Avicii - 11 - Waiting For Love - Avicii - 11 - Wake Me Up - Avicii - 11 - How Deep Is Your Love - Calvin Harris - 11 - Old Friend - Elderbrook - 11 - Don't Be So Shy - Filatov & Karas Remix - Imany - 11 - Swalla (feat. Nicki Minaj & Ty Dolla $ign) - Jason Derulo - 11 - Somebody to Love - Jefferson Airplane - 11 - Walk - Kwabs - 11 - Higher Love - Kygo - 11 - Tittut - LBSB - 11 - Drank & Drugs - Lil' Kleine - 11 - Macarena - Bayside Boys Remix - Los Del Rio - 11 - Kaer Morhen - Marcin Przybyłowicz - 11 - Silver for Monsters... - Percival - 11 - I Know You Want Me (Calle Ocho) - Pitbull - 11 - Turn Me On (feat. Vula) - Riton - 11 - The Time of Axe and Sword Is Now - Sonya Belousova - 11 - Tomorrow I'll Leave Blaviken For Good - Sonya Belousova - 11 - Crank That (Soulja Boy) - Soulja Boy - 11 - I don't wanna talk about me - R3HAB Remix - Stereo Jane - 11 - #SELFIE - The Chainsmokers - 11 14. Du hast den schönsten Arsch der Welt - Alex C - 10 - Left Alone - Allan Rayman - 10 - Mean What I Mean - AlunaGeorge - 10 - How Do You Feel Right Now - Axwell /\ Ingrosso - 10 - Hold Up - Beyoncé - 10 - Run the World (Girls) - Beyoncé - 10 - Feel the Beat - Black Eyed Peas - 10 - Blame (feat. John Newman) - Calvin Harris - 10 - Under Control (feat. Hurts) - Calvin Harris - 10 - Think About Things - Daði Freyr - 10 - 5 Fine Frøkner - Gabrielle - 10 - Fy faen - Hkeem - 10 - Boyfriend - Hurts - 10 - Spotlights - Hurts - 10 - Bang Bang - Jessie J - 10 - Grab the Moment - Jowst - 10 - Such a Whore (Potato Remix) - Jvla - 10 - Fade - Kanye West - 10 - Like It Is - Kygo - 10 - Se Te Nota - Lele Pons - 10 - Boa Menina - Luísa Sonza - 10 - The Hunter's Path - Marcin Przybyłowicz - 10 - Animals - Martin Garrix - 10 - Lose Control - Meduza - 10 - Aen Seidhe - Mikolai Stroinski - 10 - Lie to Me - Mikolas Josef - 10 - ...Steel for Humans - Percival - 10 - The Nightingale - Percival - 10 - It's a Sin - Pet Shop Boys - 10 - Do It Again - Steve Aoki - 10 - Cobrastyle (feat. Mad Cobra) - Teddybears - 10 - Love My Way - The Psychedelic Furs - 10 - Samsara (feat. Emila) - Tungevaag - 10 15. Teeth - 5 Seconds of Summer - 9 - All That She Wants - Ace of Base - 9 - Champagne - Adoo - 9 - Problem - Ariana Grande - 9 - Sun Is Shining - Axwell /\ Ingrosso - 9 - Rather Be (feat. Jess Glynne) - Clean Bandit - 9 - Don't Start Now - Dua Lipa - 9 - Shape of You (feat. Nyla & Kranium) - Major Lazer Remix - Ed Sheeran - 9 - Deep End - Fousheé - 9 - Shout - Grum - 9 - Know Your Worth - Khalid - 9 - Judas - Lady Gaga - 9 - Rhythm Inside - Loïc Nottet - 9 - Drown (feat. Clinton Kane) - Martin Garrix - 9 - Love Runs Out - OneRepublic - 9 - Main Titles - Ramin Djawadi - 9 - Don't Stop the Music - Rihanna - 9 - Pon de Replay - Rihanna - 9 - A Gift for the Princess - Sonya Belousova - 9 - The Last Rose Of Cintra - Sonya Belousova - 9 - Voyager - The Rumour Said Fire - 9
1. Jack Wall - 320 2. Ramin Djawadi - 317 3. Sonya Belousova - 294 4. Howard Shore - 281 5. Alexandre Desplat - 183 6. Mikolai Stroinski - 173 7. Hans Zimmer - 167 8. Marcin Przybyłowicz - 164 9. Clint Mansell - 145 10. Jesper Kyd - 145 11. Sam Hulick - 127 12. Lorne Balfe - 122 13. Elderbrook - 121 14. John Paesano - 104 15. Kygo - 101
Предыдущие годы уж прошляпила, но с этого буду все-таки собирать ежегодные прекрасные Spotify Wrapped
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Just thought of another idea for the Punk!AU after seeing that cute video of Joey Batey baking!! How about when it’s Sam’s birthday, and Jaskier and The Reader have a go at making a birthday cake for her, and these hilarious shenanigans happen in kitchen.
Fandom: The Witcher Pairing: Punk!Jaskier x Reader Word Count: 1,694 Rating: G Taglist: @heroics-and-heartbreak​ @whatevermonkey​ @mynamesoundslikesherlock​ @kemmastan​ @magic-multicolored-miracle​ @writingstudent​ @mlleecrivaine​ @coffee-and-stories​ @amirahiddleston​ @ultracolorfulnerdcollection​ @astouract​ @your-not-invisible-to-me​ @mycat-is-mylove a/n: Sheer fluff. Fluffity fluff fluff.
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You and Jaskier were determined to keep Sam’s first birthday lowkey. The press was having a field day, trying to take snaps of her while you were out and announcing a happy birthday to her, speculating on whether or not there would be a large star-studded affair. Your parents had visited the week before her birthday and Jaskier’s family would see her when you went to visit on during their UK tour, but for the actual day just the usual gang would be around. You’d turned down Valdo’s suggestions of pony rides (“she’s barely walking, Valdo”) and circus performers (“she’s not a Victorian heiress, Valdo, also Y/N just saw It and there is a very strict no clown policy in the house for the foreseeable future”). You’d bought a few lavender and pale green balloons to decorate where she’d be seated (but not close enough she could put the strings in her mouth) and then you and Jaskier had set to baking the cake.
“Right, this should be pretty easy,” Jaskier said, hunched over the kitchen island with you, looking at the pinterest cake you’d found.
“Funfetti with vanilla buttercream,” you read aloud, looking over the instructions for how to transform the cake(s) into the adorable little fox creation on the screen.
“I will handle the cake and you will decorate and together we will give Sam the most perfect first birthday cake anyone has had in the history of ever,” Jaskier said proudly.
“But no pressure,” you laughed.
“But no pressure,” he added. You pulled out the kitchenaid and began mixing ingredients while he looked through the cupboards for a while, opening and closing drawers.
“Jask? What’re you doing?” you finally asked.
“Eh… mixing bowl?” he asked. You pointed to the one cabinet he hadn’t yet opened and he pulled out a large metal one. Next came his quest for flour and you finally just went through and helped him gather all of the ingredients. With that you continued your frosting, music playing from the living room as loud as you wanted. Geralt and Yennefer had come by early to take Sam out while they got things ready and you were enjoying the chance to play Vicious Mockery’s latest album loud as it was intended. You were lost in your own little world, vaguely aware of some muttered curses behind you but you stayed focused on your frosting which was veering dangerously from orange to red.
“Um, Y/N?” Jaskier called. You looked over and shrieked. It was your honeymoon all over again except this time with more sprinkles and somehow butter in his hair.
“I say this with love and respect,” you said as he nodded miserably, “Were you a cursed by an especially bitter witch with a hatred of baked goods as a child?”
“I followed the recipe!” he bemoaned. You looked down at the batter(?) in the bowl which, ironically, looked like what the croissant dough probably should have.
“Well… hmm. There isn’t enough time to make a new batch. What if we just add some milk?” you suggested, not sure if that would actually help but pretty sure it couldn’t make it worse.
“So… not water then?” he asked.
“That’s how it looks with added water?” you replied incredulously, poking the stiff dough with the wooden spoon that was wedged in it like Excalibur.
“It wasn’t coming together right!” he protested.
“Ok, no, it’s fine babe let’s just… yeah let’s… just pop some milk in there!” you said brightly. He looked so disappointed and miserable you wanted to try and make it work. It looked a bit more like batter and when you poured it into the pan and pushed it in the oven he seemed a bit more hopeful. He offered to help you finish the frosting and you swiftly declined, suggesting he just go check on something else. He sat on the barstool by you with one of Sam’s baby books and the two of you waxed nostalgic about all that had happened in just 12 months. When the timer went off you both breathlessly peeked at the cake. It had an odd charred look around the edges which you reassured him you could just cut away but when you stuck a knife in to make sure it was all the way done you found a bigger problem.
“How is it both burnt and still mostly liquid?” Jaskier asked, in awe of his own creation.
“Jaskier, sweetheart, I think maybe it’s time we buy a cake,” you suggested gently.
“Oh, I’ve been scrolling through the local bakeries online while that thing baked. We are not feeding our child… whatever this is,” he agreed. He showed you the options and left to pick it up while you worked on cleaning and disposing of the would-be cake. By the time the doorbell rang you noted proudly that no one would ever know what had transpired here. Geralt and Yennefer arrived first as they usually did, Sam making excited chattering sounds and pointing at the door from Yen’s arms, and when you looked down at what was in Geralt’s hands Yennefer spoke before you could say anything.
“I know this looks rude but we have our reasons,” she said. You took Sam from her arms and walked them both inside, gesturing to the counter where Geralt could put down the cake they had clearly bought.
“Don’t be mad,” Geralt said. A part of you wanted to be indignant on Jaskier’s behalf but the other, bigger part of you had been cleaning batter off of the oven vent for the better part of an hour. Yen looked around the kitchen, clearly seeing no sign of cake, and she didn’t need to say anything, her look communicating clearly that this was anticipated.
“Jaskier has many strengths. Baking is not one of them,” she said.
“I know it means a lot to you for Sam to have a cake that means something so, if it helps, she picked out this one,” Geralt said. The cake was a lovely violet shade with blackberries on and around it and the little sticker said it had a lemon sponge beneath the lavender infused vanilla buttercream.
“It’s perfect,” you said with a smile. The doorbell rang and Geralt took Sam from your arms, spinning her in a little circle, making her giggle, as you went to answer. The moment you opened the door Aevryn stuck out a hand to stop you from speaking.
“I know you and Jask were going to bake the cake but Y/N please trust me it’s better this way,” she said.
“What are you – oh,” you said as Valdo dramatically unveiled the cake in his hands by removing the jacket he’d clearly taken off just to obscure the cake till the perfect moment. It was three tiered and all chocolate with lovely sculpted truffles in the shape of foxes, a raspberry ganache running through the middle and drizzled on top.
“This is gorgeous,” you said as you walked into the kitchen with them, “It’s a lot of cake though.”
“Don’t be silly, love, it’s three tiers but the sponge is so fluffy it’s – oh, I see what you mean,” Valdo said, interrupted in his speech by the sight of the cake that Geralt and Yennefer had brought. Geralt cocked an eyebrow at the sight of the cake in Valdo’s arms and shot Aevryn a look.
“Well you did the same!” she said.
“Well, two cakes isn’t that crazy. It just means there’ll be plenty of leftovers!” you said. The door opened and you remembered suddenly why Jaskier had left.
“Alright none shall be the wiser I have got a cake that’s pretty close to what we… wan…ted…” Jaskier’s voice trailed off as he walked in, holding aloft a cake shaped like a fox with lovely detailing in frosting, and saw the other two cakes on the counter.
“Oh gods this looks like an intervention,” he said, “Is there a banner hidden somewhere?”
Aevryn stepped forward and rested a hand on his shoulder, trying to look solemn though there she was betrayed by the amused twinkle in her eye.
“Jaskier, we’re all here because your baking has affected our lives,” she intoned.
“Oh sod off,” he said, shrugging off her arm as she laughed. You took the cake from him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.
“Well, how do we do this?” he asked, looking at the three very different cakes.
“I don’t know… this is like wedding cake testing all over again,” you said.
“Well as it is her first birthday she should have the best,” Valdo argued.
“So you agree she should eat the one she picked out,” Yennefer said, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Hey, we’re her parents and we got her this cake, she should have the Pankratz cake,” Jaskier protested.
“The Swift-Marx cake was crafted by chocolatiers from Belgium,” Valdo insisted. While they fought Geralt propped Sam up on his knee and quietly reached for the cake he and Yennefer had brought. You noticed and shot him a warning look.
“Look,” you said, interrupting the heated discussion which Sam watched with unfettered excitement, “There is an obvious solution.”
A few moments later Sam sat in her high chair surrounded by her family as they sang happy birthday to her, a plate in front of her with three small pieces of cake. Everyone watched as her chubby little fist hovered over the different cakes, growing far too excited when it looked like she may pick theirs, and then she thrust her whole face down onto all three pieces at once. When she pulled her face back there was orange buttercream from the fox, chocolate and raspberry ganache, and lavender frosting smeared all over her face like a little woodland watercolor scene. Aevryn snapped the photo, the quickest to react with her social media managing reflexes.
“Well there you have it,” you said as you removed the candle before she could try and eat that too, “When granted options she simply takes them all.”
Everyone agreed that she was truly a Pankratz. And a Rivia. And a Swift-Marx.
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Just thought of an idea for the Punk!AU - how about the wedding between Jaskier and the reader, which many hilarious things keep going wrong, whilst getting ready, in which. In the end, Jaskier ends up showing up in his dressing gown and/or boxer shorts, in which the reader is amused, but finds it very cute!
Fandom: The WitcherPairing: Punk!Jaskier x Reader, Punk!Geralt x Punk!Yennefer, Punk!Aervryn x Punk!ValdoWord Count: 1,183Rating: GTaglist: @heroics-and-heartbreak @whatevermonkey @mynamesoundslikesherlock @magic-multicolored-miracle @writingstudent @mlleecrivaine @coffee-and-stories @ultracolorfulnerdcollection @astouract@your-not-invisible-to-me @kemmastan a/n: I’m still working on the wedding in my mind (and pinterest) but here is a little pre-wedding moment that includes shenanigans, chaos, and a black eye. Enjoy!
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You pounded at the door of the dressing room and tried to take deep breaths. The door opened just a tiny crack and a pair of familiar emerald green eyes peered through.
“Y/N you’re an absolute vision, I’m going to cry if you don’t leave right this moment,” Valdo intoned dramatically, trying to shut the door quickly but you wedged your foot in its path, one navy blue converse peeking out below gold and white tulle.
“Valdo, what is happening with Jaskier?” you asked, voice dangerously low. He opened his mouth to reply but was suddenly pushed aside, giving an indignant look to Yennefer who popped into view. She smiled at you but it didn’t reach her violet eyes which looked oddly a little bit… panicked?
“Y/N I know this is stressful but please believe we have it under control,” she said. You heard a crashing sound and Geralt swearing loudly as Jaskier cried out. Yennefer closed her eyes to take a deep breath and you pushed the door open, rushing past her before she could stop you.
“He can’t see you yet it’s bad luck!” Valdo cried after you but you charged forward. Geralt saw you first and spun Jaskier around to face the wall, forgetting there was a mirror there. You both gasped as you caught each other’s eyes; his eyes watering with joyful tears, yours with deep concern.
“Jaskier?” you gasped, “Why do you have a black eye?”
You shot a look To Valdo who threw his arms up in surrender as the door opened and closed, Aevryn running in wearing a knee-length navy blue bridesmaid dress that matched Yennefer’s full length one.
“I got some ice and I think this shade will cover it up ok!” she announced and then paused, realizing you were standing there and there was an odd tension in the air.
“Y/N I told you I’d be right back!” she said.
“I knew something was wrong when my entire bridal party abandoned me,” you snapped.
“Win didn’t!” Aevryn argued.
“My maid of honor was pulled away by Valdo to run some mysterious errand so yes, actually, she did,” you replied, “Now who is going to tell me what the hell is going on?”
“Y/N… gods, look at you,” Jaskier remained in that dreamlike state, oblivious to your anger, all of the anxiety he’d been feeling melting away as he turned and took you in. Your dress was a nontraditional wedding dress, gold and white instead of the pure white most brides wore. Your converse matched the ones sitting on a nearby chair for him to put on and your hair was twisted half-up and half down, little gold music notes pinned around the crown of your head. The bouquet in your hand was made up of sheet music, specifically the song he’d written to propose to you; Peppermint Tea. You looked perfect and ethereal.
Jaskier looked like a trashfire.
He had a black eye, he was wearing nothing but a white button up shirt which had a char mark on it and boxer briefs. You didn’t know where the pants or jacket had gone but you suspected they were a part of the smoky smell in the room and the reason that the fire alarm had been yanked out of the ceiling. The more you looked around the worse it got.
“Jaskier, love, please tell me what’s happened,” you implored.
“Ah yes well there have been some… hiccups,” he said. You cocked an eyebrow and Jaskier looked to his  best man but Geralt just pursed his lips in a thin line.
“Allow me,” Valdo said, waving into view, the navy blue suit and black button-up undershirt that had been perfectly tailored making him look like the groom that Jaskier was supposed to be right now. “It all started when Yennefer set Jaskier’s pants on fire.”
“I did not!” Yennefer snapped.
“Darling you saged the room and didn’t look where you put the still smoking plant down, starting a fire, so yes, you did,” he argued coolly. Yennefer had no reply for this, simply glancing down at the floor, suddenly fascinated by an imaginary speck on her black boots.
“That was disaster number one which Geralt decided to respond to by tearing out the alarm while much cooler heads prevailed and put the fire out,” Valdo gestured to Aevryn as he said this and she did a little wave.
“Explain the black eye,” you said, pinching the bridge of your nose.
“Jaskier fell in the bathroom and smacked his face against a doorknob,” Valdo replied simply. Jaskier gave you a sheepish look and you took the ice pack Aevryn had brought in and rested it against his eye.
“Gods what a mess,” you groaned, though there was a smile playing about your lips.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N, you deserve so much better,” Jaskier said, his voice as sad as his face, wide blue eyes gazing at you pitifully.
“Don’t be silly,” you said, chuckling as you placed a soft kiss against his lips, “We’re getting married today. Nothing else matters. Besides, you look kind of cute all… mussed up.”
“Oh yeah?” Jaskier asked with a little quirk of his eyebrow, “This working for you?”
“Save it for the honeymoon,” Valdo said, cutting through the moment. “You will not be getting married looking like this, let’s make that clear right now. Win is off collecting a tailor I flew in who will be bringing a similar suit to the one Jaskier was going to wear. The cut is a bit different but the color matches and beggars can’t be chooser, love. While we wait for that, Aevryn, would you do the honors of working on hiding that shiner?”
Aevryn hurried forward with the concealer and brush in hand and got to work.
“Y/N, let’s go back to your dressing room,” Yennefer suggested, “Give them time to work.”
You reluctantly agreed and as you reached the door you barely avoided getting hit in the face yourself as Win and a man you didn’t recognize practically broke the door down, a rolling cart with approximately five variations of a navy suit being dragged in after them. Valdo walked over to greet the man, speaking Italian which none of you (save for Aevryn) knew he could do, and you gave Jaskier an encouraging smile.
“Everything will be ok,” Yennefer said reassuringly as you walked back towards your own dressing room, “There’s a lot to be said about Valdo Marx but one of them is that he’s good in a crisis.”
“It’s already ok,” you said, a big smile still on your face, “I’m getting married today, Yen.”
Yennefer smiled at you and tucked a strand of hair back. In the distance you heard raised voices shouting in Italian and you sighed in unison. The door opened and Win popped back out and ran towards you both.
“Don’t ask,” she said simply. You laughed and let your friends escort you back to the room, trusting Aevryn to be the voice of sense and reason with whatever was going on back there.
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Just thought of another idea for the Punk!AU 😊 How about the reader heavily pregnant, and is doing some last minute baby shopping with her mom, and she goes into labour in the shopping mall, but Jaskier and the band are doing a gig, and the reader’s mom phones Jaskier ranting to him, to get there quickly, as his wife is in labour, and there’s basically these hilarious things going on, like people giving the reader funny looks, whilst she’s on the floor, and things like that.
Fandom: The Witcher Pairing: Punk!Jaskier x Reader, Punk!Geralt x Punk!Yennefer, Punk!Valdo x Punk!Aevryn Word Count: 1,841 Rating: T Taglist: @heroics-and-heartbreak @whatevermonkey @mynamesoundslikesherlock @magic-multicolored-miracle @writingstudent @mlleecrivaine @coffee-and-stories @ultracolorfulnerdcollection @astouract @your-not-invisible-to-me @kemmastan @mycat-is-mylove @amirahiddleston a/n: I toyed with the prompt a bit but I hope you still like the result. Thank you!
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The first thought you had as the contraction hit was Jaskier is never going to let this go.
Just that morning he’d fretted over you wanting to go to the grocery store. You insisted on going, in part because you were determined to prove that you weren’t an invalid and in part because you were going insane sitting in the house waiting for a baby who was taking her sweet time coming. He’d almost gone with you but you’d put your foot down here as well, reminding him that he needed to work on sound editing with the group in the studio and that if anything happened (which, you so arrogantly insisted it wouldn’t) he wouldn’t be far away.
You clutched the rack of onesies as a second contraction hit and you started to quietly talk to the baby.
“Sam, don’t do this. Not now. Not in a Target. I know we don’t know each other much yet but just do your mom this favor, ok kiddo?” you pleaded.
Then your water broke.
“Already taking your dad’s side I see,” you muttered as you pulled out your phone. Jaskier answered halfway through the first ring.
“Y/N? What’s happening?” he asked in a panicked voice. You had a moment of pure stubbornness where you considered saying everything was fine and just trying to keep it together till you got home but while you were still having this admittedly ridiculous thought another contraction hit.
“Y/N are you alright? I heard a strange noise,” Jaskier asked as you tried to stifle your pained cry.
“Let me have the phone,” you heard a voice said and then Geralt was on the line, “Y/N? Is it time?”
“Yes,” you bit out.
“Where are you?” he asked, his voice low and calm.
“Target. 2nd Avenue. Hurry.”
“We’re not far, we’ll be there soon. It’s going to be ok.”
“What the fresh hell is this?” Jaskier cried, kicking at the flat tire of his car, regretting his choice to have them all carpool for inner city travel. Geralt pulled up Uber while Yennefer made a call, not bothering to take the time to discuss it with Jaskier though she doubted even he would care if this meant getting them to Y/N on time.
“Valdo?” Yennefer said into the phone, Geralt and Jaskier both looking over to her in surprise, “Where are you right now? Y/N’s in labor and Jaskier’s car has a flat tire.”
“I knew we should have taken Roach,” Geralt muttered under his breath.
“Target. I know, he tried to tell her but she’s stubborn. Which are you closer to? Get her first, we’ll find a way there. Yes I’m sure. Ok bye.”
Jaskier stared at Yennefer expectantly.
“Well? What’s happening?”
“Valdo is closer to Y/N, he’s going to pick her up and take her to the hospital. We’re going to meet them there, Geralt have you found an uber?”
“Five minutes away,” he answered.
“Yes love we’re on our way there now. Breathe with me, alright?”
Jaskier guided you through the phone from the back of the little Prius that had gathered them. Geralt sat in the back with him, knees pressed up nearly into his chest while Yennefer texted someone hurriedly. You stood outside of the Target leaning against one of the decorative cement balls, glaring at anyone who walked by you and so much as gave you a second glance.
“Where is Valdo?” you asked miserably, and then you saw him. Well, you saw a pitch black Tesla come careening around a corner, deftly avoiding shopping carts and lamp posts. The moment the car came to a stop, Valdo jumped out, already opening the doors with his key fob.
“Hello mummy to be, let’s get you inside,” he said in a voice that was forcibly calm but you could see a little bit of panic in the usually unflappable emerald eyes. You let him guide you into the car, seizing his hand in a death grip as another contraction hit. He gently rubbed circles into your back until the moment passed and moved around to the other side of the car before shaking out his possibly fractured hand. As soon as the door closed and you were buckled in, he set off. You heard a strange shouting noise.
“Is the radio on?” you asked.
“No but it can be,” Valdo answered, already reaching for the dial. You glanced down and realized the sound you heard was Jaskier, still on the phone.
“Oh shit! Hey, babe, hey I’m sorry,” you said.
“What’s happening?” Jaskier asked, “We’re at the hospital, where are you?”
“Valdo just picked me up, we’re on our way now.”
“Y/N love would you put me on speaker phone?” Jaskier asked, his voice just a tad too calm. You were in no mood to argue so you hit the button and clenched the side of the car as another contraction broke.
“Valdo Marx you listen to me. Rivalry aside, the people in that car are everything I’ve got and if any harm comes to either one of them I don’t care how much Aevryn loves you, I will end you,” Jaskier said, his voice a dark, dangerous hiss.
“If something happens to either of them Aevryn will end me first,” Valdo replied simply, “Now keep your pants on, we’re pulling up soon. Grab a wheelchair.”
“I already have one,” Jaskier said.
“Excellent, see you soon.”
The moment you pulled up you could see Geralt, Yennefer, and Jaskier already waiting with a wheelchair, each with excited, anxious smiles and no small amount of relief. Jaskier opened the door and pulled you into his arms for just an instant and you embraced him tightly.
“Jaskier I’m scared,” you whispered into his ear.
“I know, my love, but I’m not,” he lied, pressing a soft kiss to your temple, “We’re all here. You’re not going through this alone. Well, you are in some very important ways but we have your back.”
You had just sat in your wheelchair when you saw Aevryn and Win running up to the doors. Aevryn had gone to pick up Win the moment Valdo told her what was going on, knowing you’d want your best friend with you as much as anyone else.
“Alright, I have the push playlist, I have the chocolate, let’s go have a baby,” Win exclaimed.
One of the benefits of being the wife of a famous musician was you got seen quickly. You would have felt guilty about this but you felt that nothing could happen soon enough. The beauty of the room was totally lost on you as you asked every person wearing scrubs who walked by you where the drugs were. It got to the point where Jaskier was worried they were going to UA you but fortunately this was a common response and after a much shorter period of time than it felt you were sitting leaned forward as they administered the epidural.
“It’s a shame Aevryn isn’t in here, she’d have found this fascinating,” Jaskier said, keeping his eyes firmly away from what was going on with your spine and focusing instead on holding your hand and helping you stay calm. You hated needles and it was a testament to how much pain you were in that you’d been so excited when you saw them bring it in.
Once you were gently placed back against the bed Win went to get you some ice and give you and Jaskier a moment alone.
“This might be our last moments before we’re parents. Well, before she’s really here,” you mused.
“I suppose so,” Jaskier said, pressing a soft kiss against the hand he gripped tightly, “Any last things you want to do before she’s here? Our options are sort of limited. Perhaps building a house out of popsicle sticks or prank calling someone?”
“No,” you said with a little smile, shaking your head, “I just want this. You and me.”
His soft blue eyes gazed into yours adoringly and he squeezed your hand a little tighter.
“Well you’ve got it. You’ve got me.”
“I think she’s coming.”
The next half hour was a blur of action. Doctors and nurses pressing you up into stirrups, Win holding her phone aloft playing the music, Jaskier helping you breathe, your eyes focusing on his when they weren’t screwed up tight in concentration as you pushed. In one moment there was the sound of Jaskier’s voice and the doctor’s coaching and Push It by Salt n Pepa and then there just one thing – the clear, loud cry of a baby entering the world. She was placed against your chest and you could vaguely hear Jaskier saying something, vaguely aware that you were crying but your focus was wholly on the tiny, messy, squishy baby in your arms. She was taken to be cleaned up and your eyes fell back to Jaskier. You’d never seen him so happy and in awe and utterly, deeply in love.
“You made that,” he said.
“Fuck yeah I did,” you answered proudly. Win left to tell the rest of the group and by the time they were allowed in she was clean and wrapped up tight in a lavender colored blanket, a little matching cap for her head. Aevryn clapped a hand over her mouth to keep from squealing when she saw her. Geralt walked over to Jaskier’s side as Yen went to yours and Valdo and Win hovered a little bit by the door, not wanting to overcrowd the room and giving them all a chance to meet her.
“Well, I know you’ve been wondering what we’re going to name her,” Jaskier said. You saw Valdo open his mouth, could almost hear him proudly crowing that he already knew her name, and you shot him a look that made him close his mouth quickly.
“Everyone, meet Aksamitka Geralta Pankratz,” he said. Yennefer looked from the baby to Geralt with a soft smile and if the man’s eyes got a little misty, no one felt the need to comment on it.
“So are we going with a nickname or…” you heard Win ask.
“Sam,” you answered. Win tried not to look relieved and you couldn’t blame her. It was a mouthful of a name but you had no doubt she would more than live up to it. Sam made a little snuffling noise, tiny fist rubbing against her nose and then her brow furrowed and her eyes squinted open, glaring out into the world uncertainly. Her eyes were a pale, ocean blue and the little bit of fuzzy hair on her head was a very light brown that you knew would darken to match that on the man who now held her and gazed into her eyes. You weren’t sure when you fell asleep but when you woke up Jaskier was sitting next to you on the bed singing quietly into the bassinet and you fell back asleep with a smile on your face.
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but seriously, how about the punk!au group doing brunch? 💛
Fandom: The Witcher Pairing: Vicious Mockery Family Word Count: 1,691 Rating: G Taglist: @heroics-and-heartbreak​ @whatevermonkey​ @mynamesoundslikesherlock​ @kemmastan​ @magic-multicolored-miracle​ @writingstudent​ @mlleecrivaine​ @coffee-and-stories​ @amirahiddleston​ @ultracolorfulnerdcollection​ @astouract​ @your-not-invisible-to-me​ @mycat-is-mylove a/n: There is a lot of potato talk. I apologize, I couldn’t let it go, I love potatoes so much. xo
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Valdo considered the table, expressive brows furrowed in consternation. A pair of arms slipped around his waist from behind and a kiss was pressed between his shoulder blades.
“What is it, V? Is a napkin off-center?” Aevryn asked, tone playful but affectionate. She loved how much care he took with preparing for things though sometimes he took it a little far. Right now, for example, he stared down the beautiful table as though it were the greatest disappointment of his life. There were seven place settings at the table which could easily seat eight. When he’d bought the table Aevryn had teased him about living out his dreams of being a King with his banquet table but she knew that he secretly loved that he had people in his life enough to nearly fill every seat. He’d been wanting to host brunch for a while but between tours and album recordings and life in general it had been put off. But finally it would happen and he was determined to make it such a wonderful experience that they would all clamor to return, possibly once every other week if they could make it happen with their schedules and certainly no less than once a month. He had taken great care to make sure that Sam, though six now and much more careful around sharp edges, sat in a middle seat with her own special plate that she’d decorated in a pottery shop with Aevryn on one of their Aunt & Niece days out. She had her own calligraphy printed sign to indicate where she should sit and he had placed her between Jaskier and Y/N, right across from where Aevryn, Yennefer, and Geralt would sit. Valdo would sit at the head of the table but only, he argued to a bemused Aevryn, because it would be easier for him to get up and get things as they ate. And she hoped they were in the mood to eat because he had prepared enough for a small army.
“Babe do you think perhaps we would be alright with, say, just two kinds of potatoes?” Aevryn asked tentatively. He looked up at her with a thoroughly dumbfounded expression.
“Aevryn, I’m Irish. Are you trying to tell an Irish man to serve fewer potatoes? Bloody English,” he muttered the last part under his breath and she threw a dish towel at his head which he deftly avoided as he went to pull the warming tray full of hashbrowns out of the oven. The doorbell rang and Aevryn ran to answer it excitedly. Yennefer and Geralt stood on the doorstep, Yennefer holding a bottle of champagne and Geralt with a freshly baked loaf of rustic looking artisan bread. Aevryn gave them both a quick hug and ushered them into the kitchen where Valdo gave them a greeting nod.
“Jask and Y/N here yet?” Geralt asked, looking around for any signs of Sam.
“Not yet, you’re the first to arrive,” Aevryn answered. On cue the doorbell rang again and Valdo smiled as he heard Sam’s voice.
“Hi Auntie Aev! Where’s Uncle Valdo? Are Uncle Geralt and Aunt Yen here? We saw their motorcycle. What’s that smell? Something smells REALLY good. Did Uncle Valdo cook it? I told daddy that I bet he’d cook it all but he said he’d order in and just pretend but I know that he really cooked it, didn’t he?”
Somehow she said this all in one breath and he heard Aevryn tell her that yes, he had cooked it all, and then the sound of Aevryn thwacking Jaskier on the arm. There was a hurried clomping sound with Y/N calling for Sam to walk and then she was there in the dining room, bright blue eyes wide with excitement as she took in the sight of all of the food. Jaskier, Y/N, and Aevryn followed not far behind, the former carrying a basket of croissants and a glass bottle of orange juice. The little group mingled and talked as Valdo focused on getting the last of the food ready, fretting that he’d forget something. Sam came around to his side of the counters and offered to help.
“I do have an important task for you if you’re feeling up to it,” Valdo said, crouching down to meet Sam’s eyes with a solemn expression. Her eyes widened and she nodded intently.
“I have made crepes but I want to make sure they’re satisfactory. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to try one out for me before I put it out for everyone else to try,” he explained.
“I can do that,” she said emphatically with the stoic expression of a cadet crossing enemy lines. He lifted her up and deposited her on an empty spot on the counter and put together a little crepe with some Nutella and strawberries and bananas. She took a large bite and then closed her eyes, a little smile crossing her hazelnut smeared face. Valdo watched her fondly and when she opened her eyes again and he asked her if it was satisfactory she nodded confidently.
“Alright everyone, the sous chef has spoken, brunch is served,” he announced. He helped Sam fix her plate with two of the types of potatoes (she wasn’t sure if she trusted the roasted ones which looked suspiciously like there may be vegetables mixed in), a crepe, a piece of bacon and a little piece of ham.
“Are there any potatoes left in Seattle?” Jaskier joked right as you said, “Oh thank god, someone who understands that the true hero of any brunch is the humble potato.”
Valdo beamed at your praise and shot Jaskier a smug look before graciously offering him one of four kinds of eggs he’d prepared. Before long they were all seated and eating, murmurs of praise for the food rippling throughout conversation as a new thing was tried.
“How has school been, Sam? Your mom tells me you’ve made a friend,” Aevryn asked. Sam’s eyes clouded a little bit and she shrugged.
“Well, I did, but her family is moving so it’s just me again,” she said. The adults all exchanged looks over her head of varying levels of consternation, sadness, and regret.
“You’ll find your people yet,” Valdo assured her, “I didn’t meet your Auntie Aev til we were 10.”
“And I didn’t meet your dad til I was 17,” Aevryn said.
“17?” Sam echoed incredulously as though she’d said they were 100.
“Did you tell your Uncle Valdo about the book you’re writing?” you prompted, trying to steer the conversation someplace a little less tender for Sam. Though she was a vibrant, outgoing, loving child she struggled to find friends that would stick around without moving for a parent’s job or just found different interests. You felt sure that Valdo and Aevryn were right now. She was still so young, there was still time for her to find her little family as you’d all found yours. Sam perked up and began to regale Valdo with the story she was working on about a wolf who found a fox and became its friend. Geralt grinned as she spoke, knowing full well who had inspired the story. It was also clear who the violet eyed panther they met was based off of and Yennefer smiled through a mouthful of croissant as Sam talked. By the end of her story Valdo insisted it would be a bestseller and then mentioned to you that he knew someone in children’s lit publishing who’d eat this up but you insisted she was fine without a book deal before her seventh birthday.
After they were finished eating they retreated into the large, open living room where Valdo and Sam sat by the piano while the rest of the group sprawled around on various seats. Geralt gazed appreciatively at the wall of vinyl records Valdo collected, glad that he’d had the forethought to buy Valdo a knife instead of an album for his birthday. Jaskier had you curled up against him, sipping from the mimosa that had been expertly crafted by Valdo, of course. Yennefer sat with her feet tucked under her on the large armchair that spun, rocking side to side lightly as she digested the large brunch. The uneven tinkling of piano keys was the backdrop of their conversation as Valdo taught Sam how to play chopsticks to your dismay and amusement.
“We should do this more often,” you mused aloud. Valdo’s head snapped up in attention and the barely restrained excitement on his face brought a smile to Aevryn’s lips.
“Well, we’re happy to host,” Valdo said, forcing himself to sound casual, “If people wanted to come around again sometime. Maybe sometime week after next?”
“I’d have to check the calendar and doublecheck with Andrzej but that work for us I think,” Jaskier said.
“Hmm,” Geralt said with a nod that Yennefer echoed.
“We’ll have to order more potatoes, though,” Aevryn joked. Valdo squinted at her and she stuck her tongue out which made Sam laugh.
After the last guest had left Aevryn and Valdo wandered back into the kitchen but she pulled him into a hug before he could start putting things again. She pressed a soft kiss against his lips which he returned, wrapping his arms around her and pressing her close as he deepened the kiss.
“What was that for?” he asked as he pulled back, emerald eyes twinkling.
“It was a good brunch,” she said simply, brushing back a wayward curl and grazing the curve of his jaw with her fingertips as she withdrew her hand.
“They seemed to like it,” he said.
“They loved it,” she emphasized, “They love you.”
“I love you,” he murmured, expressive eyes hardly able to contain his emotions.
“I love you too,” she said, brushing her nose against his, the whisper of a kiss brushed against his lips, “Almost as much as you love potatoes.”
He pulled back and she yelped as he reached down and gave her a swat.
“Right,” he said, “Get upstairs. I’ve had about enough of this English sass. Time for your reckoning.”
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Road Trip : Punk!AU
Fandom: The Witcher Pairing: Punk!Jaskier x Reader, Punk!Geralt x Punk!Yennefer Word Count: 5,238 Rating: T Taglist: @heroics-and-heartbreak​ @whatevermonkey​ @mynamesoundslikesherlock​ @magic-multicolored-miracle​ a/n: Here is the long-awaited update to our series! It’s a big one but I hope you all enjoy it! Part V will be coming from @heroics-and-heartbreak​ sometime in the future so keep an eye out and let us know if you want to be added to the taglist!
Part IV –  But Where’s Your Heart?
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{Part I}{Part II}{Part III}
Something was very, very wrong.
Jaskier was sitting shotgun while Yennefer rode behind him next to Y/N. Aevryn and Win still sat in the far back but no one spoke much. Geralt had music playing from his phone but no one sang along. It seemed like a white noise intent on covering up the awkward silence but everyone knew better. No one was talking, though. Jaskier had tried to ask Geralt about it when they pulled over at a rest station but his trademark stoicism was back with a vengeance and he shrugged him off. He’d tried to talk with Aevryn who just plastered a smile on her face and when he broke through that she just told him to let it be. Yennefer approached him first, having watched him try and get answers from the others, and told him plainly to stay the fuck out of it.
“Shutting out your friends isn’t very punk rock of you, Yennefer!” he’d called at her retreating back. She flipped him off without so much as a glance back and Jaskier made up his mind.
“There,” he said, pointing to a spot on the map.
“What’s that?” Geralt asked.
“Chicago. We’re going to Chicago. We’ve been driving without so much as a World’s Biggest Yarn stop. I know it’s called a road trip but you are actually supposed to get out and see things once and a while,” Jaskier explained. Geralt rolled his eyes and shook his head.
“Aevryn, what do you think?” Jaskier asked, calling back to his friend who looked up from her phone with a startled expression. Yennefer didn’t turn to look at her, but Aevryn felt her gaze all the same.
“Sure, sounds good,” she said. Jaskier brightened a bit and turned to you.
“That’s one vote in favor, Y/N, I know you’re with me?” he asked.
“Of course!” you said quickly. You’d picked up on the odd vibe in the van and it had begun to pick at you, making you think about and face your own insecurities and doubts when you’d really wanted the trip be a fun, breezy distraction.
“That’s three, Win?” Jaskier asked, shooting her a charming smile.
“You know I’m up for a good time,” Win replied. Jaskier turned to Geralt holding up four fingers triumphantly.
“And when did this become a democracy exactly?” Geralt grumbled.
“Since I said so,” Jaskier retorted.
“Oh very democratic of you, don’t recall voting on that,” Geralt muttered.
“Think of it like this, Geralt. You all are Parliament but I am the Queen,” Jaskier replied giving the drummer a magnanimous grin.
“Infirm and needing to be overthrown as soon as possible?” Geralt retorted.
“Oh for fuck’s sake Geralt are you going to Chicago or not?” Yennefer snapped. You and Jaskier shared a wide-eyed look and then quickly looked away. Geralt stiffened in his seat and you thought the steering wheel may break in his grip. Another silence settled over the car but when the sign for the exit came, Geralt turned onto it without a word.
“Navy Pier!” cried, arms thrown open wide as your little group stood at the entrance.
“Where’s the bean?” Aevryn asked, looking up from her phone where she’d googled Chicago just to try and remember which of the states that was.
“No bean here,” Win explained, threading her fingers through Aevryn’s, “Lots of other cool stuff though. My parents took me here when I was a kid. We gotta go on the swings.”
“Swings?” Aevryn asked, giving her a bemused look, “We have swings in England too.”
“Not that kinda swing, babe,” Win said with a little wink and then, a little pointedly, “You’ll have to put the phone down while we’re on it though.”
Yennefer looked intently out towards the ocean and you felt another thread of tension wend through the group. Aevryn and Win set off and you heard Win asking, “real quick, how do you feel about heights?” as they disappeared into the roaming crowd of tourists.
“Hey,” you said, turning to Jaskier, “I have an idea. How about we pair up and take on the park. Divide and conquer, you know?”
“Um,” Jaskier glanced at the group and then back at you, “I mean… yeah…”
“I’ll go with Yennefer!” you declared, a look of relief immediately coming over Jaskier’s face.
“Alright Geralt that leaves us!” he said, walking over to his friend who grunted in response. You took Yennefer’s arm and walked off with her, trying to decide what would be the perfect activity to do with the coolest person you’d ever met.
 Yennefer clutched the golden pole sticking out of the bright, teal dragon she sat on. You squeezed the center of the brown horse you sat on and held your arms up as you had when you were a little girl.
“Look!” you cried, pulling Yennefer’s attention to you, “No hands!”
She laughed, looking relaxed and happy for the first time in days. She shifted in her seat so she was sitting side-saddle, rising and falling as the carousal wound its way in a circle.
“Admit it, you thought it was gonna be lame but it’s really fun going back and doing the stuff from childhood,” you said with a smug grin.
“This is my first carousal ride actually,” she admitted.
“Oh… does England not have…?”
“Oh, they do,” she said with a laugh, “I just didn’t go out much. My foster parents weren’t big on trips.”
Your stomach flopped with the motion of the carousal horse and Yennefer saw you freeze in a way she was used to people doing when she let slip that she’d been a foster child.
“They weren’t abusive, they just had too many kids to wrangle to the fair and stuff. It wasn’t bad,” Yennefer insisted.
“That’s cool,” you said, nodding, uncertain what else to say.
“Also, I didn’t think this was going to be lame. You had me at ‘you can ride a dragon’,” she said with another smile that lit up the usually cool, impassive face.
“Hey,” you said, trying to sit side-saddle as well and nearly falling off the horse, “We don’t have to talk about it, but I just wanted to check in. Cuz things aren’t ok. And you should know that you can talk about it if you want. I won’t even tell Jask, swear on MCR’s entire discography.”
You said this with a solemn face, holding your hand up as though you were in court. Yennefer considered your words and you held your breath, wondering if she might actually confide in you.
“What would you do if Jaskier and you broke up?” she asked. You blinked, the words hitting you like a bucket of ice water and sinking deep down to the thoughts you’d been fighting against.
“Um. Well… cry?” you offered lamely.
“Would you still travel with him or would you go back home?” she probed.
“Well, I would probably go home. I mean, that’s gonna happen anyway, right? I still have school to finish and this isn’t… we haven’t really talked about what happens next,” your voice trailed away and your nails chipped at the golden paint of the pole you gripped a bit tighter.
“Oh shit, Y/N, I’m sorry that was a senseless question,” Yennefer apologized, jumping of off her dragon steed to walk over to you.
“You can’t do that!” a kid yelled behind her. Yennefer shot them a baleful glare then turned back to you.
“Hey,” she said, “You and Jask are great. Whatever you’re facing you’re going to do it together. It’s different for you. You… you really have something, you know? It’s not like… I mean… It’s not…”
Her voice trailed off as well and she held onto your horse, the swirling of the carousal suddenly hitting her as well. You took a deep breath and looked at Yennefer, a fierce determination in your eyes.
“Once this thing stops you wanna go eat just a fuckton of corn dogs?” you asked.
“What’s a corndog?” Yennefer asked. Your eyes widened and she grew nervous at the intensity in your eyes. Apparently she would be learning what a corndog was very, very soon.
Geralt gripped the rock in his hands, muscles rippling beneath the loose, white tank top as he pulled himself higher. He was only halfway up but that still left him a good 12 feet above ground. He took a deep breath, a sense of relief flooding him as he rose above the pain and problems that awaited him back on earth.
“You’re doing great!” a voice called somewhere below him a good six feet, “Well done Geralt!”
Geralt peered over at Jaskier who gripped the piece of rock with white knuckles and frowned.
“Why did you do this, Jaskier? You hate heights,” Geralt called down.
“I do not! Well, I didn’t know that I did,” Jaskier amended, marveling at how relaxed Geralt seemed while hovering above the earth in a way humans were surely never intended to be. “Anyway it seemed like something you’d enjoy and I was right! Look at you! You almost look human!”
Geralt shook his head but Jaskier could see a hint of smirk in the corner of his lips. It spurred him to climb a bit higher, Geralt watching with concern that did not help Jaskier feel any better about things. When he was about eye-level with Geralt’s knee he paused and looked up into his friend’s amber eyes.
“Alright Geralt, talk to me,” he said between gasps.
“Was this your plan? Isolate me in the air and get me to talk?” Geralt asked, looking almost a bit proud.
“Well that’s one way of putting it. Another is that I would help my friend relax and hope he may open up to me a bit,” Jaskier replied. Geralt looked up to the top of the wall and back down at Jaskier, a dangerous smile on his face.
“If you can meet me up there, we’ll talk,” he said, and turned to start climbing, scaling the wall with a nearly inhuman nimbleness while Jaskier sputtered and then set his face, determined.
“Alright you bloody bastard I’ll show you that Julian Pankratz doesn’t back down from a challenge,” he mumbled. Geralt looked out across the pier, the cool breeze of the air blowing his hair back and cooling the sweat off his face a welcome balm. Somewhere out there, among the millions of people, Yennefer was walking around. He wondered if he looked right now he could find her, seemingly always drawn to her no matter how much they tried to pull away. His musings were interrupted by the sound of a familiar voice calling his name. He looked down and paled as he saw Jaskier gripping a rock much closer than he’d expected. He’d thought Jaskier would give up and head back down and Geralt would get more of his quiet contemplation. Instead his friend had apparently taken the challenge in earnest. It hadn’t felt like a long way to climb when it was just him but now that he saw Jaskier hovering over the earth it was a dizzying expanse and he quickly climbed down where Jaskier stood. He knew that his friend wasn’t weak by any means but his arms trembled, from exertion or fear he couldn’t tell.
“Jaskier,” Geralt said, gripping one of Jaskier’s arms.
“Oh hello Geralt I was just, uh, well I looked down which was deeply stupid of me and now I seem to be paralyzed,” Jaskier replied, a slightly manic smile on his face. His breathing was a bit shallow and Geralt locked eyes, amber seeking sky blue.
“Jaskier, the only way at this point is up. I’m going to get you there,” Geralt said, speaking slowly.
“Cool cool cool brilliant but the part where I’m paralyzed, Geralt, what of that?” Jaskier asked.
“Just stay focused on me, alright? Take some deep breaths with me.”
Geralt helped Jaskier slowly deepen his breathing and once that was done he began to talk to him about random things, trying to distract him.
“So, is the road trip everything you’d hoped?” Geralt asked.
“Well it was before everyone got so weird,” Jaskier said, pinning Geralt with a meaningful look.
“Hmm,” Geralt replied.
“I’ll make a deal with you Geralt,” Jaskier suggested, the sly tone in his voice making Geralt very suspicious, “I will climb a bit more with each answer you give me.”
“That’s extortion,” Geralt argued.
“Are you in a position to barter?” Jaskier asked.
“Are you?” Geralt bit back.
“C’mon, Geralt, we both know you’re hating this more than I am. And that’s saying something because gods knows I’m hating this with every fiber of my being,” Jaskier argued. Geralt took a deep breath and nodded tersely.
“But I have the right to refuse the question,” he said. Jaskier nodded in agreement and thought about what to ask, not wanting to shut him down by asking the bigger questions too quickly.
“What do you think of Y/N?” he asked. Geralt blinked in surprise, relieved to have an easy question.
“I like her,” he replied, “She doesn’t suffer your bullshit but she’s also good to you. She fits in with the band well.”
“I like her too, a lot,” Jaskier said, a dreamy smile coming over his face. Geralt looked pointedly at Jaskier who remembered his side of the deal and took a few tentative steps, Geralt watching him carefully though he knew that he was strapped in a harness that would prevent any lasting damage if he fell.
“Who’s a better musician? Me or Valdo Marx?” Jaskier asked, his tone fierce and his blue eyes steely.
“You,” Geralt answered quickly, “Where the fuck did that come from?”
“Just checking,” Jaskier answered, seemingly distracted by his anger at Valdo as he progressed up the wall farther than Geralt had expected, stopping a few feet from the top.
“What is one thing we haven’t done on this road trip that you want to do?” he asked. Geralt furrowed his brow, thinking over the question. He only really wanted one thing anymore and he couldn’t have it. All other things felt small in comparison.
“I want to put my feet in the ocean,” Geralt said, trying to figure out a thing that may be nice. Jaskier’s face lit up and he crossed the last bit of wall, sitting next to Geralt at the top.
“I can do that, Geralt!” he said excitedly, “We can go right after this!”
“Jaskier you did it!” Geralt said. Jaskier looked around, suddenly realizing that he was no longer clutching the side of the wall. He took in the beautiful view and exhaled slowly.
“Well I guess I did,” he said offhandedly before turning back to Geralt, “Seems I have one last question.”
Geralt ran a hand through the silver hair he’d tied up in a bun, pulling some strands out as he did.
“Geralt, what is going on between you and Yennefer? I don’t need gross details, but I want to know what’s happening,” Jaskier implored. Geralt knew it was coming but it didn’t make hearing the question any easier. Jaskier waited patiently, hands in his lap as he left his friend the silence he needed to ponder his answer.
“I proposed,” Geralt said. Jaskier’s eyes widened.
“Oh that’s – Oh, ah,” he said, is excitement shifting to pained sympathy as he realized that it must not have gone well.
“Last year,” Geralt added.
“Yeah,” Geralt nodded and sighed deeply.
“And she…”
“Said no.”
The two men stared out at the pier as Jaskier chewed over the words in his mind, trying to decide what to say next.
“Geralt, why didn’t you tell me?”
“What? Oh hey Jaskier, I asked Yen to marry me, she said no and also broke up with me,” Geralt said sarcastically.
“Yes, sure, why not? We’re friends, Geralt, friends share these things,” Jaskier argued.
“I guess I’m not really sure how this all works yet,” Geralt mumbled.
“What, friendship?”
Geralt didn’t answer but Jaskier understood his silence.
“Well… fuck her, right?” Jaskier asked, trying to sound confident in his declaration. Geralt glared at him.
“It’s not her fault,” Geralt said, “I’m not mad at her. Well, I am. But I’m also not. It would be easier if I was just angry.”
“How have you worked together so well? I mean there’s been fights and awkwardness, sure, but you both still show up,” Jaskier said.
“Of course we show up,” Geralt replied, “We’re not going to abandon you, Jaskier.”
Jaskier laughed and blinked back the tears that the words brought to his eyes. Geralt glanced at him and then quickly looked away.
“So, uh, where does that leave you now? I mean is there any chance that you’ll… I dunno. What do you want?” Jaskier asked once he’d composed himself. Geralt closed his eyes, remembering the feeling of her skin, still able to conjure her sweet scent and the sound of her voice in his ear. She was always with him and somehow never fully there.
“It doesn’t matter what I want,” Geralt said, “Not if she doesn’t want the same things. And she doesn’t.”
“Well that’s… balls,” Jaskier finished lamely.
“Yeah, it is,” Geralt agreed. They shared a sad smile and looked out onto the pier where Jaskier’s eyes fell on something that made him sneer.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” he bit out.
Jaskier pointed to a billboard in the distance. It was a black board with two initials in emerald green: VM. Below it was a date 07.31.21.
“Ugh, I almost forgot he was releasing an album. I don’t like it, Geralt. Its smug aura mocks me,” Jaskier complained. Geralt chuckled at his friend’s vehemence but shared his dislike for the advertisement.
“Well that’s ruined this air, how do we get off this damn thing,” Jaskier grumbled and Geralt moved quickly to help his friend over to where they could begin their descent, moving away from the all-seeing eyes of Valdo Marx.
Aevryn screamed.
The world spun below her, legs dangling in the air as she was thrown around in a large, yawning arc and she screamed louder than she had in her entire life. She screamed out of sheer exhilaration at the weightlessness and adrenaline pumping through her veins. She screamed for the frustration she felt at Yennefer and herself and Valdo and nearly everyone in her life. Most of all she screamed because it felt like the only thing she could do right now that wouldn’t cause someone pain. When the ride slowed she tilted her head back and closer her eyes, bidding farewell to the reprieve she felt from her problems. Once reunited out of the ride gates Win pulled her into a hug.
“Are you ok?” she asked.
“Yeah that was great! Why?” Aevryn asked.
“You just screamed a lot I was worried you’d been trying to look brave for me when you agreed to ride it,” Win replied. Aevryn planted a soft kiss on Win’s cheek and looked into her eyes.
“You’re so sweet,” she said. She knew it wasn’t fair to compare Valdo to anyone but she had to admit it was clear between him and Win who was kinder. Then again, it wasn’t about Win or Valdo, really. It wasn’t a competition. That’s not how love worked. Aevryn slid her hand in Win’s and walked her over to a bench that looked out onto the ocean, steeling herself to have a conversation she hadn’t been expecting to have until the end of the tour. As soon as they sat down Aevryn’s phone vibrated in her pocket but she forced herself to leave it alone. Win looked into Aevryn’s sea green eyes and pulled her in for a kiss, cupping her face as she pulled back to look her in the eyes again.
“I release you,” Win said dramatically.
“What?” Aevryn asked.
“Aev I know what’s about to happen,” Win replied with a little smile, “I’m not dumb. I know that the ex is in the picture.”
“It’s not that s-”
“Babe,” Win said, giving her a look that halted Aevryn’s attempt at an explanation, “It’s ok. We knew what this was when we entered it and while you’re an amazing woman, I’m gonna be ok.”
Aevryn worried her lip between her teeth as she considered what Win said, wondering if anything really could be this easy.
“Are you sure?” Aevryn asked. Win nodded and patted her knee.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Win asked, nodding to the phone in Aevryn’s pocket.
“Not really,” Aevryn answered, though a part of her desperately did. She didn’t have Yennefer to talk to anymore and while she trusted you, she was afraid Jaskier would somehow find out. The fewer people who knew the better.
“Ok,” Win said, “Then we won’t. But the offer stands.”
“You’re a really good friend,” Aevryn said sincerely, heart filling with gratitude. Everything felt out of control but Win remained the eye of the storm, a calm reprieve amidst the chaos.
“I really am,” Win emphasized with a playful smile that made Aevryn laugh. “Did we make plans to meet up with the others?”
“Uh I don’t think so, let me see if Jask texted about it,” Aevryn said, pulling out her phone.
@valdomarxofficial: My new album is coming out tomorrow. I hope you’ll listen to it, even if your music tastes have changed.
Aevryn sighed and Win pulled out her phone to text you about plans instead as her friend typed back.
@aeverona: just bc Im with vicious mockery doesn’t mean I hate your music, Valdo. Ive always loved it. That hasnt changed.
“We’re meeting up at the Ferris Wheel,” Win said.
“What?” Aevryn asked, looking up at her. Win smiled and shook her head.
“C’mon,” she said, standing up and holding out her hand for Aevryn’s. Aevryn let Win lead her through the crowd, trying to pretend the buzzing of her phone didn’t send a jolt through her heart as she made herself leave it alone as they made their way to the looming Ferris Wheel.
You and Yennefer arrived at Wheel first, Yennefer holding an untouched corndog. Two hands covered your eyes and you could smell the telltale cedar that followed your boyfriend around.
“Guess who,” he sang into your ear.
“Geralt we have to stop meeting like this,” you joked. Jaskier swatted your ass and pulled you around to face him, pulling you in for a kiss. Geralt walked up, the flannel he’d tied around his waist to climb back on his shoulders as the evening air cooled. Sunset began to creep across the sky and it was lovely. It also escaped Geralt’s notice completely as Yennefer walked up to him and thrust out the corndog.
“What’s that?” he asked.
“It’s a corndog,” she said, holding it out like an olive branch.
“What do you… do with it?” he asked. She smirked at his confusion as though she hadn’t asked you the exact same question when you’d handed one to her.
“You eat it,” she said. He shrugged and took it from her hands, fingertips brushing against each other’s in the briefest caress, and took a large bite. He chewed for a bit, face ponderous for a moment.
“If nobbad,” he mumbled through a mouthful of cornbread and hotdog. Yennefer chuckled and Geralt softened, happy for a reprieve from the tension though he knew it was only a matter of time before it was back.
Jaskier pressed his forehead against yours, nose brushing against yours.
“I missed you,” he said, sky blue eyes gazing into yours.
“I missed you too,” you said, tilting your head up to plant another soft kiss on his lips.
“I have a plan for some alone time but we’re going to have to engage in a little celebrity pandering,” Jaskier said.
“I don’t care if you have to buy the whole park to do it, I want some time with you. But I mean. Don’t actually do that,” you said. He smiled and kissed you again, taking your hand in his and walking over to where Aevryn and Win now caught up with Yennefer and Geralt.
“Alright gang, I hope you’ve all had a wonderful day, I nearly died no fewer than 27 times as Geralt will attest-”
“He was perfectly safe.”
“As I was saying, I am a hero among men and I have missed you all but not as much as I’ve missed Y/N so I am going to do the thing we always promised each other we wouldn’t do unless there was a dire need,” Jaskier announced dramatically. You and Win exchanged confused looks while Yennefer, Geralt, and Aevryn exchanged judgmental ones.
“I am going to name drop,” Jaskier said. “I am going to offer a selfie, I am going to offer a review, I am going to whore myself and in turn all of us out for a shot at getting one of those brilliant blue buckets for Y/N and I to share alone.”
“Just go fuck in the porta potty like a normal person,” Win said, rolling her eyes.
“Bro,” you said, sound betrayed. Win just shrugged but shot you an amused smile.
“You realize once we’ve done that it’s going to be a madhouse,” Yennefer argued.
“I do,” he agreed, “But we will sneak out and run away. After I sign a few autographs. Maybe take a few selfies. Agree to host a few karaoke parties…”
“Jaskier!” Aevryn cried.
“Kidding!” he argued, though you could tell he wasn’t. “Anyway, I felt it was only fair to warn you before I go do this. I will try and keep you out of it if possible but all’s fair in love and war and at a carnival, you’ve got a bit of both. Ooh that could be a lyric maybe…”
He walked off with you before anyone could protest further. It turned out to be much easier than he anticipated. The operator of the ride knew him on sight and was thrilled at his offer of a selfie as well as a generous tip. The next bucket came down and the two of you climbed on, trying not to feel bad about the people left waiting in line. Jaskier wrapped an arm around you and snuggled in close, holding your head against his chest as the bucket slowly rose in the air.
“Wait, you hate heights!” you said, sitting up so suddenly you nearly gave him a black eye.
“Oh I’ve conquered that fear today,” he said casually, wrapping an arm around you again, “Speaking of, what did you and Yen get up to today? Any new piercings I should be warned about?”
He peered at your waistband and you shoved him playfully.
“No! We rode the carousal,” you replied.
“Really? Oh man what I wouldn’t give for a photo of that,” he mused.
“It was actually really nice. We just talked,” you said and then your heart sank as you remembered what you’d talked about. Jaskier sensed your mood drop, pale blue eyes lined with kohl giving you a meaningful look. You took a deep breath and shifted to face him.
“Jaskier I…”
“I love you.”
Jaskier blurted out the words that sat between the two of you, lingering in the air like the sweet scent of cotton candy and salty tang of the ocean.
“Oh,” you said, uncertain what else to say. Well, you knew what you wanted to say, but it wasn’t that easy.
“It’s ok,” he said, “I mean, say what you need to say I just… needed you to know that.”
He looked down and his hands, still holding one of yours, and you lifted a hand to cup his face. He leaned into it, pressing a kiss into your palm, the soft, chestnut hair brushing against your fingertips.
“I love you too,” you said, because it was true, regardless of the unanswered questions. His eyes rose to yours and saw a mix of fear and relief.
“I feel like people are usually happy when they confess their love for each other but… you don’t look happy. What is it, love?” he asked, the endearment hitting you harder now that the full weight of the word stood behind it.
“I love you so much,” you said, fighting back tears, “But… Jaskier what happens next?”
Jaskier took a deep breath and looked down.
“We keep saying we’ll deal with it later but we’re running out of later, Jask. Summer’s almost over and I’m scared… I’m scared that this is just going to… I don’t know. I’m not sure,” you mumbled.
“Yes you do,” he said, looking back up at you, “You’re scared that you’ll go back to school and I’ll go back to LA and we’ll try and keep in touch and visit but it’ll peter out.”
“Yes,” you admitted, “That’s exactly what I’m scared about. And there’s really no way around it because you have your life and I have mine and I’m not going to give up school.”
“Y/N I would never let you do that. I’d never support the choice, anyway, not for me,” Jaskier insisted, “But I’ve been thinking about it and I have an idea. It wouldn’t mean no time apart and it wouldn’t mean that our lives wouldn’t still be busy but… I’m willing to do what it takes, Y/N.”
“What’s your idea?” you asked, wiping away the tears that had fallen despite your best efforts, smearing your eyeliner in a way that you were sure was ghastly but Jaskier’s eyes remained just as filled with love and adoration no matter how much of a raccoon you became.
“Seattle’s a pretty big city. A lot of great opportunities for musicians there,” he said. Your eyes widened as you realized what he was saying.
“Jaskier you can’t just up and move,” you cried.
“I can, though! That’s the thing about being rich, you can literally do whatever you want pretty much. It’s actually a bit terrifying. And I know what you’re going to say and yes, I’ve talked with the band. And I talked with Andrzej when I first had the thought and he said it’s possible. But I want to respect your space as well. So if this is something that would be too much or you don’t want me that cl-”
You cut off Jaskier’s words with a kiss, pressing yourself as close as possible. He deepened the kiss, tongue sliding between your lips as you nipped at his bottom lip. When you pulled back for a breath he kept his forehead resting against yours.
“I want you as close as I can get you,” you said, “I don’t care how creepy that sounds, it’s true.”
“Gods I love you,” he murmured.
“I love you too.”
“I love how that sounds,” he said with a little laugh, “I love love.”
“Ok we’re getting gross we have to pull it back,” you said. He nodded in agreement and settled on kissing you again and again. Outside the bucket the world rose and fell, the sun waned and the tides turned and a thousand questions and choices and uncertainties waited for all of you. But in that little bucket, Jaskier in your arms, you knew deep in your bones that you would find a way through.
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seanfalco · 4 years
Road Trip: Punk!AU
Fandom: The Witcher
Pairing: Punk!Jaskier x Reader, Punk!Geralt x Punk!Yennefer, Punk!Valdo x Punk!Aevryn
Word Count: 3026
Rating: T
Taglist: @whatevermonkey​ @mynamesoundslikesherlock​ @magic-multicolored-miracle​ @writingstudent​ @mlleecrivaine​ @coffee-and-stories​ @ultracolorfulnerdcollection​ @amirahiddleston​ @nevadawolfe​
a/n: Okay, this is it.  The final part of the road trip and I know I also speak for Kat when I say this is a little bittersweet for us.  We’re not ready for the trip to enddd.  I hope you enjoy!
{Part I}{Part II}{Part III}{Part IV}{Part V} {Part VI}{Part VII}{Part VIII}
Part IX — And We’ll All Float On Okay
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“The tour bus is fixed!” Aevryn cried, craning her body to address the rest of the van.  “Andrzej’s sending it our way and we should be back on track tomorrow to make it to our next scheduled show innnnn,” she paused, scrolling down her phone to check the dates, “Seattle!”
A bittersweet pang shot through you, but you quickly squashed it, reminding yourself of the talk you’d shared with Jaskier in Chicago.  Just because your home town was were you and Win would be hopping off the tour didn’t mean it was the end -- more like the beginning of a new chapter.  Besides, there was still nearly a week you had left with Jask and the Vicious Mockery gang and you were going to make the most of it.
“So, if the tour bus is picking us up tomorrow… what’s gunna happen to Roach?” Win asked, and everyone looked at her.  
“Oh, uhmm,” Aevryn murmured, sharing a look with Jaskier before they both turned to face Geralt.
“I’m keeping her,” he said stubbornly.
“Okay, but… how?” Jaskier asked dubiously.
“We’ll have her sent to LA and put in storage til we can use her again,” Geralt answered simply, and that was that.
Jaskier scoffed with amusement, sharing another look with Aev behind the wheel, who merely shrugged.
“If the man wants his Roachie, the man gets his Roachie,” she intoned seriously before quirking a smirk.
The next day as the gang filed back onto the newly fixed tour bus a wave of nostalgia hit you as your memories jumped to the first time you walked onto the bus nearly two months ago.  That day you never imagined that a one time fling in the back of a tour bus would lead to any of this.  These people were like family to you now; this disparate gang of misfits and you’d never felt like you’d belong to something more.  
Jaskier flashed you a grin and pulled you deeper into the bus as the rest of the band scattered to their usual spots and the engine roared to life.
“Oh tour bus, how I’ve missed you,” Jaskier exclaimed, throwing his arms out wide.  “Anyone wanna play cards?  Anyone?” he called as he pulled you into his lap at the table nestled into the small kitchenette area.
“Cards sound fun, of course I’m in,” you laughed as he pressed a kiss to your cheek.
“I’m in,” Win replied, coming to sit across from you.
“Geralt?  Yennefer?” Jaskier tried, craning around you to shoot a glance at his fellow band members.
“Maybe later,” Yennefer said, disappearing into the back of the bus, her fingers intertwined with Geralt’s.
“What she said,” he replied with a shrug and a rueful grin, his hands obviously tied.
“Oh, you’re going to, ah, I see..” Jaskier trailed off dejectedly.  “Hey Aev…?”
“Hmm?” Aevryn’s face appeared overhead from the little cubby she’d made herself comfortable in, phone in hand.
“You wanna play cards?  We need one more player and Yen and Geralt are…”
“Gunna do the nasty?” Aev supplied with a smirk.
“I was going to say ‘indisposed’, but yeah,” Jaskier said, his blue eyed gaze flicking to her phone.  “That is, unless you’re also indisposed too?”
A playful grin spread across Aevryn’s face as she pocketed her phone and swung down.  “Nah, the Boyfriend’s busy with press stuff.  Deal me in.”
The rest of the drive went smoothly and as the view outside the bus windows began to turn familiar your stomach gave another flutter, but again you squashed it, focusing instead on picking the perfect place in Seattle to celebrate Geralt and Yennefer’s shotgun union.  There was one night before the show and Jaskier wanted to throw a tiny reception for your friends, and maybe it wouldn’t be a reception in the traditional sense, but it sure sounded fun.  
“So what do you think, Win?” you asked, swiping through the list of bars in the city, searching for the perfect one.  “What about the Unicorn?”
Your friend gave a snort of laughter and looked at you as if you were crazy.
“What?” you asked, they have great drinks.  “I know how much you enjoy a good Unicorn Jizz.”
“I mean yeah, I love that bar, but look at our target audience.  Can you really see Yennefer, much less Geralt enjoying the colourful irreverence that is the Unicorn?”
“Point taken,” you mused.  “Okay, well then… what about the Deep Dive?”
Win tapped her lips thoughtfully.  “Yes.  That’s the one.  Classy enough for those two, but still eclectic enough for the rest of us.”
“Lemme see,” Aevryn exclaimed, leaning over your shoulder to check out the pictures of the bar on your phone.  “Oh shit, that looks lit.”
“Well, sounds like she’s in,” Win laughed.
You had to admit, you were glad to see that Aev and Jaskier were back to getting along famously, though he still got this far off look in his eyes whenever it was obvious she was on the phone with Valdo.
Speaking of the green eyed devil; you turned in your seat.  “Hey Aev?”
“Is there a chance your uh, beau is gunna make an appearance tonight?” you asked and she paled slightly.  “Not that I mind!” you added quickly, “I just thought that might be something you give Jask a heads up on, if so…”
“Right.  Yup.  I’ll uh…” Aevryn stuttered, gesturing awkwardly before scurrying off, assumingly to chat with Jaskier.
The dark ambience and posh interior of the Deep Dive was even cooler in person than the photos, and as you sank into the rich blue velvet high-backed seats of the booth, you sighed, running your palms over the soft fabric, proud of your choice.
“Very nice,” Jaskier murmured into your ear and pride coursed through you, especially when Yennefer’s appraising look turned to an approving smile as she settled in next to Geralt.
“Very nice, indeed,” she agreed and soon you all had a drink in front of you, chatting amongst yourselves pleasantly.  The bar was beginning to fill up and with the background music and the hum of the other patrons it was starting to feel like a real bar experience.  Someone even got up on the small raised stage in the corner to perform a round of karaoke.
Aevryn caught your attention as she scanned the bar anxiously, her fingers fidgeting on the side of her glass, sighing before her eyes returned to her phone in her other hand. 
“Is he coming?” you asked softly, nudging the other woman’s shoulder with your own.
“Huh?” she asked, tearing her eyes from the article she’d been reading with a twist of her lips.  “Oh, yeah.  He’ll be here soon,” she answered somewhat distractedly.
“You seem nervous,” you observed and she let out a nervous laugh, only further proving it.
“A bit.”
“What did Jask say when you talked to him earlier?”
“Well, I mean, he’s not super thrilled Valdo’ll be here, but I think I persuaded him that if anything’s gunna change we have to all make an effort, and I think it's a good first step…”
You nodded in understanding, hoping tonight wouldn’t turn into a repeat of the last time the two men had seen each other.  “What were you reading?” you asked, finally unable to ignore the burning question any longer and Aev scowled.
“Fucking TMZ making wild assumptions about… things they have no right to be making assumptions about from the photos in Milwaulkee and just basically rehashing mine and Valdo’s past dirty laundry.  It’s... it’s…” she floundered, exasperation soaking her voice.
“A load of bullshit?” you offered and she sighed, deflating.
“Thank you,” she murmured, downing her drink and gesturing across the room for another, and you patted her arm comfortingly.
“Don’t pay them any mind.  Besides, I’m sure Valdo’ll probably have them sued or something,” you guessed.  You didn’t know the man personally, but it certainly sounded like something he would do, and it made Aevryn laugh, so you counted it as a win.
When her eyes lit up suddenly you followed her gaze.  Valdo stood across the bar, looking nearly as nervous as Aevryn did, but as soon as his eyes met hers a slow smile spread across his face, his eyes crinkling and he was once more the embodiment of cool confidence as he approached.  
Turning to Jaskier you slipped your arm around his soothingly as Valdo stopped next to the table.  Conversation suddenly cut off and Jask’s lips twitched into a slight frown until Yennefer broke the silence, greeting him first.
“Valdo,” she intoned, nodding her head.
“Yennefer,” he replied before Aev took his hand and pulled him down to the seat next to hers.  “Jaskier,” he greeted next, though Jask didn’t respond beyond a strained grin. Wrapping his arm around Aevryn’s shoulder, Valdo flashed a somewhat guarded smile at the rest of the table.  “I hear congratulations are in order for your marriage,” he offered, focusing back on Yen and Geralt.
Geralt nodded his thanks and Yennefer smiled enigmatically at him over the rim of her class.  “Perhaps I should be thanking you for the insight,” she murmured, violet eyes flashing with meaning before taking a sip, refusing to elaborate, even though the rest of the table shared confused glances.
Valdo huffed a soft laugh, knowing exactly what she was referring to and settled back into the bench, turning to brush a kiss to Aev’s temple as if it were the most normal thing in the world, much to Jaskier’s chagrin.
Soon the bartender returned with another round of drinks and conversation slowly began again, the alcohol loosening nerves and lowering inhibitions, and before anyone knew what was happening Aevryn said something about looking into the karaoke selection before stumbling off, Valdo hot on her heels.
Jaskier watched her go with wide eyes, a wondering grin on her face.
“What is it?” you asked, confused.
“Aev never sings,” Yennefer explained, her expression torn between amusement and worry, “at least not in front of other people.  She must be pretty buzzed already.”
“Is she… bad?” you wondered and Jaskier laughed.  
“No she’s actually really good, just self conscious.”
Just then their friend stepped up to the karaoke stage, microphone clutched in her hand and directed a nervous half grin toward the table.  “Two of my best friends just got married and I’m so freakin’ excited for them.  Yen, Ger-y, you guys deserve all the happiness in the world.  I never sing, so this is my gift to you two love birds!” she announced, her accent thickening with the alcohol.  
Yennefer snorted a laugh and hid her face in her hands, her thick locks falling forward to screen her embarrassed flush.
“Don’t call me that!” Geralt called across the room, though he wore a rueful grin.
“You know you love it, Ger-y!” Aev called back before launching into the song she’d picked for the occasion.
As she began to sing, though slightly inebriated, your eyebrows rose at how lovely her voice sounded and you shared a stunned look with the others.  Everyone settled in to listen raptly and you noticed Jaskier’s attention shift to Valdo, who stood off to the side at the bar.
“I’ll be right back,” he murmured in your ear before pressing a quick peck to your cheek and standing and crossing the bar.
Valdo’s dark rimmed green eyes flicked to him for a moment as Jaskier leaned against the bar next to him, crossing his arms over his chest, before returning to Aevryn, bringing his glass to his lips.
“Been a while since I’ve heard her sing,” Jaskier commented and Valdo nodded.
“I always told her she should do it more.”
Silence fell for a moment before Valdo sighed and turned to Jask.
“I’m sorry about your rib,” he muttered awkwardly and Jaskier grimaced at the yellowing bruises spread across Valdo’s cheeks and rimming his eye.
“I’m sorry about… your face,” he offered and Valdo’s lips twitched.  
“I suppose I don’t blame you.  I’ve deserved this for a while.”
Bemused surprise flashed across Jaskier’s face at the other man’s words.  “Well that’s… huh,” he trailed off.  “I never expected you to agree with me.”
Valdo snorted softly before fixing Jask with a solemn stare.  “I know we’ve never been friends and I doubt that’s going to start any time soon, but… you know I’ve never stopped loving her and I don’t intend to.  I’m trying to fix my mistakes and be the man that deserves her.  I made a promise…”
Jaskier waited silently for him to continue.
“You and your group are a big part of her life, and I would do anything for her, so… truce?” he asked, holding out his hand and eyeing Jask meaningfully.
Jaskier glanced at Aev across the room who was still singing her heart out before taking a deep breath and shaking Valdo’s hand.
“If you hurt her again, all bets are off.”
“I’d expect nothing less.”
As the night wore on the group hopped bars, trading the Deep Dive’s more reserved atmosphere for something a little more lively -- Win promptly taking up residence at the bar to flirt with the cute bartender, Yennefer and Geralt finding a secluded booth toward the back, and Aevryn and Valdo slipping away for some privacy.
“Would you like to dance?” Jaskier asked, pulling you to the dancefloor and you grinned, letting him.
“I would love to.”
Thankfully the song was a slow one, your head already spinning slightly from the flashing lights and the buzz of the alcohol in your system, and you folded yourself easily into Jaskier’s arms, resting your cheek on his shoulder as he swayed you in time to the music.
“How’re you holding up?” he asked softly in your ear.
“A little sad, if I’m being completely honest,” you admitted, clutching at his shirt.  “After tomorrow, I don’t know when I’ll get to see you again.”  Though you tried to keep it together, your voice cracked pitifully.
“Hey, I know,” Jaskier murmured, stroking your hair soothingly as he continued to sway with you.  “But we’ll talk every day and there’s always facetime.  And before you know it the tour will be over and I’ll be back in Seattle, moving into my new flat.”
“Yeah?” you asked hopefully.  He’d mentioned moving to Seattle before, but somehow it seemed much more real now.
“Mhmm.”  You tilted your chin up to catch sight of his sky blue eyes and he smiled.  “I’ve already picked out a few places to look at tomorrow morning.  Would you like to go with me to help me decide?”
“Uhm, of fucking course!  How could you even have to ask that?” you exclaimed excitedly, squeezing him tighter.  “What about the others?  Are they gunna be moving here as well?”  Somehow in your mind you pictured them all living together in one large loft, like some punk rock sitcom, even though it was ridiculously farfetched.
“Yup,” Jaskier nodded.  “Yennefer and Geralt are getting a pad as well.”
“And Aev…?” you asked hesitantly.  All seemed well between her and Jaskier now, but you couldn’t help but wonder what her reuniting with Valdo might mean for the group, not to mention the demo she’d recently released.  Sure, Vicious Mockery could survive without her, but it wouldn’t be the same.
“I’m uh, I’m not sure.  It’s a little up in the air,” he answered truthfully, though he had talked with her about it on their way to Washington.  “She wants to start working on her own music and she’ll be traveling a bit with… Valdo,” he bit out, “but she’s not leaving the group.  When she’s in town she’ll probably crash on our couch.”
“Our couch?” you asked, a smile stealing across your face and Jaskier huffed a laugh.  
“Did I say ‘our’?”
“You certainly did,” you purred, your lips curling up.  “I like the sound of that.”
“I do too,” Jaskier agreed, leaning in to press his lips to yours.
This was it.  The last show of the summer for you and Win.  Tomorrow you’d be going back home to get ready for the start of the new semester.
The venue was bustling, and backstage was filled with a nervous energy.  It was different from the past shows, probably because it had been nearly two weeks since they’d played.  You sat in the wings as the band got ready -- lugging amps around and setting up the drum set; Jaskier flashing you a roguish grin every time he passed.
Soon Vicious Mockery took the stage to the deafening cry of the crowd and you stood with Win and Aev.  As soon as Jaskier greeted the crowd with his usual opening -- “How are you doing tonight my Mockingbirds?  It’s so great to be back in Seattle!” a wave of emotion crashed over you, clutching your chest and choking your breath.  
The familiar music buoyed your spirits however, banishing the sharp tang of bittersweet emotions in the moment and you found yourself moving to the music, the lyrics springing to your lips easily.  
“If you follow us on social media, I’m sure you were aware that our tour bus broke down a couple weeks ago--”
The crowd swelled with a disappointed cry and Jaskier made a soothing motion, chuckling.  “But hey, it turned out alright!  We got to spend some time traversing the midwest and made a lot of really great memories in the process!”
The crowd cheered and you couldn’t help the amused grin that sprang to your lips.
“So this song is inspired by our little adventure, and you all are the first to hear it.  So, cheers!”
This was news to you and you leaned forward excitedly, hanging off of every word from your boyfriend’s mouth.  Glancing over at Win, you two shared a smile, knowing this was probably the best summer of your lives, thus far.  Turning your head you caught Aevryn’s eye and she flashed you a smirk, throwing her arm over your shoulder before focusing back on the trio on stage.
Sure it was an ending, but it was also a beginning.
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seanfalco · 4 years
Road Trip: Punk!AU
Fandom: The Witcher Pairing: Punk!Valdo x Punk!Aevryn (oc), Punk!Geralt x Punk! Yennefer, Punk!Jaskier x Reader Word Count: 2963 Rating: T Taglist: @ficsandcatsandficsandcats, @nevadawolfe, @magic-multicolored-miracle, @coffee-and-stories a/n: This installment is really oc heavy sorryyyy.  Also I’m really terrible at writing lyrics, so please forgive my shitty attempt lol.  The next part will be supplied by @ficsandcatsandficsandcats :3
{Part I}{Part II}{Part III}{Part IV}
Part V - If You Need Anyone
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Chicago had been fun.  
After her talk with Win, Aevryn felt like a weight had been lifted from her lungs.  She still wasn’t talking with Yennefer, which stung, and Valdo’s request for her to listen to his new album hung over her head, twisting her stomach anxiously, but at least one thing was okay.
I release you.
She’d finished out the rest of the city with a genuine smile on her face, glad that Jaskier had begged for them to stop and have some fun, forgetting her worries for at least a few hours.
Back in Roach Aev sat in the backseat as the others piled in for the night, exhausted, putting her earbuds in as Win’s comforting presence settled next to her.  Leaning against the darkened van window she watched the dark lake shore fly by with the blur of headlights, the city skyline shrinking in the distance, an empty ache settling in her chest.  Valdo’s album was set to drop soon and she didn’t know if she was ready.  
True she’d put on one of his songs the other morning as she’d drove, just to hear his voice, but it had been one she’d heard many times before.  This new album was uncharted territory and she worried it might dredge up more emotions she wasn’t sure if she was ready to face yet; there was still so much to unpack there, things long buried.
Unlocking her phone she opened up her twitter messages, reading them over again when a new message alert popped up.
@valdomarxofficial: Hey, happy birthday, beautiful.  Am I the first to wish you that?  I hope so.
Shit, she swore, eyes flicking up to the top bar of her phone that displayed the time, to see that it was indeed a couple minutes after midnight, July 31st.  Her birthday.
Groaning at the thought of what embarrassing things her bandmates’ were going to attempt to do to celebrate, a slight giddiness filled her chest that Valdo had been the first to remember.
@aeverona: You are, actually.  I’m impressed you remembered.
@valdomarxofficial:  You wound me, love.  How could I forget something so important?  Are you doing anything special to celebrate?
Shaking her head fondly, Aevryn scooted down further in her seat, chewing her lip, fighting back a smile as her fingers flew over the onscreen keyboard.
@aeverona:  you prick, there are a lot of important things you’ve forgotten over the years... but i’m glad you messaged me.  No, we’re just driving right now, everyone’s asleep.
@valdomarxofficial: a shame, you should be the center of attention at a decadent party thrown in your honour.  Perhaps i’ll have to rectify that.  Well, if you have nothing better to do, consider this your birthday gift from me.  x
Attached was a download link from his bandcamp and Aev sighed at the sight.  He really wanted her to listen, didn’t he?
@aeverona: a bit self absorbed, are we?  lol  okay, i give in i’ll listen to it
Taking a deep breath she clicked the link to the download.  While she waited she turned back to the window, pressing her cheek to the cool glass.  She could hear Yennefer’s voice in her head, as if her friend could read her thoughts even now.  Don’t.  How many times are you going to let him hurt you?
She closed her eyes.
Yennefer pulled her cardigan tighter around her shoulders as she shifted in the passenger seat, trying to find a comfortable spot while avoiding glancing at Geralt behind the wheel.  The soft music he had turned on had effectively lulled the rest of the van to sleep, but her thoughts swirled, keeping her awake.  
She could sense Geralt’s eyes flicking to her every so often and sighed, sitting up in the seat, unable to will herself to sleep anyway.  Her change in posture signified that she wanted to talk, but an awkward silence fell over them while Geralt merely waited.
“So… what did you and Jaskier do today when we split up?” she asked without looking at him.
Geralt glanced at her, a ghost of a smile tracing his lips for a moment.
“We climbed a rock wall.”
Yennefer jerked in surprise, her dark eyes peering back at Jaskier, snoring softly.  “But he hates heights.”
“I know,” Geralt replied with a soft snort, wanting to say more, though the words died on his tongue.  Silence fell once more.  
Several miles passed.
“What about you and [Y/N]?”  
Yennefer shrugged.  “We rode the carousel and talked.”
“Yep.”  Yennefer answered simply.  “I got to ride a dragon.”
Geralt snorted in amusement.  “Very you.”
Yen’s answering laugh lifted his spirits, buoying him even as silence fell once more.  At least she was talking to him again.
Aevryn startled awake as the van slowed, turning off the highway into a brightly lit truck stop.  Geralt threw Roach into park and got out.  The others stirred slightly, but no one woke.  Aev looked down at her phone.  Fuck, she thought angrily, Valdo’s album list staring her in the face.  She hadn’t meant to fall asleep.  It had only been an hour and a half, but now that she was awake and filled with nervous energy she didn’t think she could just sit there.  
Carefully extricating herself from the depths of the van she slipped out the sliding door, following Geralt into the rest stop.  The usually stoic drummer gave a start when he turned from the cooler, drink in hand, to find her standing right behind him.
“Jesus Aev,” he growled, frowning, stepping around her to go pay.
“Can I drive for a bit, Gery?”  Aevryn asked, quickly grabbing another Red Bull from the cooler before jogging to catch up to him, flashing him a smarmy smile as he grabbed a box of Little Debbie snack cakes.
“Don’t call me that,” Geralt grunted, setting his purchases on the counter.  After a moment he grabbed the giant can out of her hand to set with his stuff before handing the cashier a worn twenty.
“Please?” Aevryn asked.  “If I don’t keep my hands busy I’ll go crazy.  And I need to keep my mind off some… stuff.”
The cashier handed him his change and Geralt handed Aev her drink.  
“You’re not tired?” he asked, giving her a pointed look, his light hazel eyes studying her sharply, knowingly.
“Hmm.”  After a moment Geralt nodded and shoved the box of cakes at her.  “Here.  This is for you.”
Aevryn ducked her head to hide her grin as she followed Geralt back to the van, noticing the cakes were mini birthday cakes.
Taking the driver’s seat Aevryn buckled in and stuck her headphones in her ears, not wanting to face a repeat of the other morning as she listened to Valdo’s new music.  If Jaskier happened to wake up and heard it he would flip his shit, and on top of everything else going on, that was the last thing Aev wanted to deal with.  She still didn’t know how she was going to break it to him that she was on speaking terms with her ex again, amongst other things. 
Taking a swig of her energy drink and stuffing one of the snack cakes in her mouth she turned on the first song as she pulled back onto the highway.  
This album is a letter, one I should have written long ago.
Valdo’s low voice in her ear sent an involuntary shiver down her spine and her breath caught at his words, fending off the intrusive thought that he was speaking directly to her before the guitar swelled, leading into the next song and Aev nearly barked a surprised laugh at the opening notes -- a cover of one of her favourite songs.
Not usually one to care for covers, she couldn’t help but admit that it was good; Valdo’s voice filling each familiar lyric with new meaning, and again it felt as though he were singing for her and her alone, a private performance that the masses might peer into, but never truly understand.  The next song was an original one, but again with an easter egg she felt was strangely meant for her to uncover.  Valdo’s haunting vocals were joined by another voice, barking and raspy, and instantly recognizable to Aevryn.
That fucking bastard, she thought, shaking her head in disbelief, though a smile stole across her face like a thief.  He’d just had to go and collaborate with her favourite musician -- one so obscure that not even Jaskier knew she listened to.  Now he was just showing off.  
As she continued to listen, each song had something jump out at her, some lyric that tickled her memory or a reference to some in-joke shared between the two of them as teens, and it was becoming more and more difficult to believe that these were just coincidences.  Looking down at her phone she realized she was already on the final song and that’s when it happened.
The opening notes were accompanied by a lonely piano chord and the instant mood change gripped her, holding her hostage as she listened raptly, her hands tightening on the steering wheel.  Valdo’s voice trembled with emotion, weaving poetry that would certainly steal anyone’s breath away -- personal and raw, but the words hit her like a train, her eyes widening and her mouth falling open.
Darling, it was always you, since day one, I knew, I was smitten, I admit, but it was more than that. After all, ‘just friends’ don’t look at each other like that. ‘Just friends’ don’t kiss each other like that.
It nearly took this immature fuckup too long to realize, What you meant when you said I needed you. And by then it was almost too late. How was I to know you’d need me too? I never told you, when you lay in that hospital bed, unsure if you’d ever wake, It nearly killed me, it drove me mad. Not caring what might become of me I went to his house and I went to bat, I lashed out in hate. Please don’t tell me it was all for nothing...
Her throat suddenly dry, Aevryn swallowed as the song continued on.  
It was her.  It was their life. 
Had he really done that, she wondered, her breath shallow as a memory she’d fought hard to bury surfaced hazily.  When she’d woke in the hospital after telling him why she’d done it, he was lying in the bed with her, his cut lip and bruised knuckles standing out in stark relief now.  She’d never really questioned where they came from before. 
“Oh my God,” she whispered; her hand covering her mouth as her lip trembled and a single tear fell. 
This song was about her, for her.  No, not just this song, she realized -- “this album is a letter…”
As Valdo continued to spin their story, the highs and the heartbreaks, his fuck-ups and regrets -- it broke her anew and soon she was wracked with silent sobs, tears flowing freely down her cheeks til she could barely see the road before her.  
Forgive me Aev, I never deserved you in the first place, but I want to be the man that does.  
In the passenger seat Yennefer stretched, a soft sound catching her attention and she opened her eyes slowly.
“Aev?” she asked softly, noticing her friend in the driver’s seat.  Then she noticed she was crying.  “Fuck, Aev!  What’s wrong?” Yennefer sat up quickly, reaching out to touch Aevryn’s arm.
“That fucking bastard,” she managed to choke out, crying harder and Yennefer quickly glanced in the back to make sure it hadn’t woken anyone else.  Her violet eyes swung back to Aevryn and then noticed the wires going to her ears connected to her phone and she snatched it up, her stomach dropping when she saw what her friend was listening to.
“Aevryn, why?” she demanded, disappointment and anguish thick in her voice.  “Why would you do this to yourself?”
“He asked me to listen to it,” she sobbed.  “It was for me.  The whole damned thing!”
“Aev, I think you need to pull over,” Yennefer urged, anxiously eyeing the sign for the next turn off.
Aevryn nodded and did as she was asked, barely able to see through her tears.  As soon as Roach was stopped, she jumped out, walking swiftly away, though not as if she knew where to.  “Aev!” Yennefer called after her, circling the van to chase after her.
At the slam of the van door Geralt sat up abruptly as the others stirred groggily.
“What was that?  Why are we stopped?” Jaskier asked, looking around, the feeling that something wasn’t right gripping him, waking him faster.  “What’s going on?”
“I don’t know,” Geralt answered, worriedly watching Yennefer take off after Aevryn.
“Aevryn!”  Yennefer finally caught up to her friend and grabbed her arm, stopping her in her tracks.  “Talk to me, please,” she begged.  She’d never seen Aev look so lost.
Wiping her jacket sleeve across her damp face, Aevryn sniffled, trying to calm her breaths.  “I knew you’d tell me not to listen to it, but… but I did.  I couldn’t help it.  I had to know why he wanted me to hear it so badly.  And I know now.  It was for me.  It was his apology.  The whole fucking thing.  He even released it on my fucking birthday.”
Yennefer gaped at her, unsure how to respond.  If what she said was true… well, it certainly sounded exactly like something Valdo would do; he was nothing if not that extra.
“Just… just listen to the last song,” Aevryn exclaimed, holding out her phone.  Wordlessly Yen took it and put the earbuds in her ears.
It felt like an eternity elapsed as Aev waited, Yennefer’s face an unreadable mask as she listened.  When it was done Yennefer took a deep breath and pulled the headphones from her ears.
“I must admit he certainly has gone to lengths to get his point across.”
“I still love him, Yen,” Aevryn said softly.
“I know,” Yennefer replied simply, holding her arms out.
With a soft sob Aev surged forward and Yennefer wrapped her arms around her, letting her cry against her chest, her fingers combing through her friend’s messy hair til she was all cried out.
“I want to make it work,” she said thickly through the remnants of her tears.  “I want to give him a second chance.”
“I know,” Yennefer murmured soothingly, her heart twisting with hope and fear for her friend.  She knew all she could do now was support her in her decision.
“I’m so sorry Yen,” she exclaimed, tears running down her cheeks once more.  “I don’t want us to fight anymore.  I want you to look after me.”
“I will always look after you.  You know that.”  Yen’s voice shook as her arms tightened around Aevryn.  That was how Geralt found them and Yennefer raised her eyes meeting his silent gaze as she gave Aev one last squeeze before stepping back.
“I need to call him,” Aevryn murmured absently, glancing over her shoulder to throw an imploring look at Geralt before directing it at Yennefer, who knew what she was asking of them wordlessly.
“Don’t worry about the others,” Yennefer said, smoothing Aevryn’s hair with her hands.  “We’ll be waiting at the van.”
With a nod Aev watched Yennefer and Geralt head back and she waited for them to pass out of sight before pulling her phone out.  Despite the hour she had a feeling that Valdo was waiting for her call and sure enough the phone only rang once before he answered.
“Hey,” Aev whispered, her voice trembling.  “I listened to it.”
“Yeah?”  Valdo asked, the hope in his tone unmistakable.
“Yeah.  You fucking asshole, you could have warned me,” she exclaimed, though there was no heat in it.  “Did you mean it -- everything you said in there?  You’re being absolutely serious?”
“Serious as a heart attack, babe.”
“Please don’t joke right now, Valdo.”
“I’m not.”  She could hear him breathe, a shaky sound that rattled her own chest.  “Can I see you?”
“Yeah.  I’d like that,” Aev answered, a small smile tugging at her lips.
“Yen, Geralt, what the fuck is going on?  Is Aev okay?”  Jaskier demanded as his bandmates walked side by side back to Roach.  You and Win were both out of the van as well, worry gripping you as Jaskier’s tension bled into you.  
“She’s alright,” Yennefer answered as Geralt clapped a hand to Jaskier’s shoulder as he passed.
“But-but what’s going on?” he asked, the helplessness in his voice twisting your heart.
The sigh that left Yennefer’s lungs was heavy with the secrets she couldn’t yet tell him.  For it truly wasn’t her place to tell Jaskier, though she also didn’t like keeping him in the dark.  Beside Valdo he was Aevryn’s oldest friend.
“She listened to something that made her a little emotional and I didn’t want her to crash the van because she was crying.”  
It technically wasn’t a lie.
“What did she--?” Jaskier cut off before finishing his question, his lips twitching into a frown.  “Aevryn…” he grumbled, something akin to exasperation creeping into his voice as he closed his eyes.
Just then she walked back to the van, stopping next to Yennefer, looking rather small.  “I’m okay now.  I’m sorry for worrying everyone,” she said softly, not quite meeting Jaskier’s gaze before climbing back into the van.
“Jask?” you asked, slipping your hand in his as you looked up at him.
He watched his friend, worrying his lip, clear blue eyes cloudy with worry and hurt.  “If what I think is happening, I’ll kill him.”
10 notes · View notes
Road Trip : Punk!AU
Fandom: The Witcher Pairing: Punk!Aevryn x Punk!Valdo, Punk!Jaskier x Reader, Punk!Geralt x Punk!Yennefer Word Count: 3,329 Rating: T (swearing and violence) Taglist: @heroics-and-heartbreak​ @whatevermonkey​ @mynamesoundslikesherlock​ @magic-multicolored-miracle​ @ultracolorfulnerdcollection​ @coffee-and-stories​ @nevadawolfe​ a/n: This one is pure, distilled angst with just a whisper of muddled yearning. Ball’s in your court, Joz. Enjoy.
Part VI - Your shockwave whisper has sealed your fate
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{Part I}{Part II}{Part III}{Part IV}{Part V}
When Valdo Marx pictured the renaissance of his great love story it had never happened in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Still he sat at a little table in the corner, awaiting Aevryn’s return. He clutched his phone in his hands, oversized vintage headphones tamping down his unruly brunette curls as he tried to calm himself by listening to his favorite album. His thinly veiled hipster sensibilities appreciated it because he knew no one else had ever listened to it outside of perhaps five people at most. His aching heart loved it because it was hers; a recording they’d made in his father’s studio when they were kids. The sonorous notes of the violin echoed in his mind, a secret unrequited anthem that kept her close at all times.
He saw the door open from the corner of his eye and sat up expectantly, hope plain on his face that faded to high-pitched anxiety when he saw who had entered the café.
“Valdo,” she said, sitting across from him without invitation, ever the queen of the space she inhabited no matter how briefly.
“Yennefer,” he replied, “What the hell are you doing here?”
She raised an eyebrow at him and the violet eyes fixed him with a cool, unimpressed look. But there was more there, curiosity, and maybe a little bit of uncertainty.
“Hardly a good first move, Valdo. Don’t you know the best way to win a woman back is to get her friends on your side?” she asked. Valdo scoffed and the bottle green eyes looked askance. His slender fingers slid the headphones off of his hair, curls springing back in place without so much as a dent. He crossed his arms in front of him, creasing the lines of his blazer.
“I’ve long given up any hope that you lot will ever be on my side,” he replied, his tone a blend of warm anger and icy disdain.
“It’s not like you to give up,” Yennefer remarked. Valdo considered her words carefully. She was a woman of few words but she was sharing them with him which had to mean something. Aevryn wouldn’t send her friend to speak for her, she was braver than that. And, he hoped, she cared for him enough to face him if she was going to end things forever. But hope was a dangerous thing and he’d been made a fool for it before.
“As charmed as I am to see a one-time rival and eternal thorn in my side, tell me what you’re doing here or tell Aevryn she can deliver her messages herself,” Valdo said, the words bolder than he felt, his heart beating rapidly at the thought of Yennefer walking out and taking all hope of a future with Aevryn with her.
“I’m not here for Aevryn,” Yennefer said and then reconsidered and said, “Actually, I am a bit. I wanted to meet with you first. She didn’t want me to, for what it’s worth, but I insisted.”
“It’s rare to meet someone more stubborn than Aev,” Valdo smirked.
“And yet, here I sit,” Yennefer replied, matching him smirk for smirk. He nodded in acknowledgment and gestured for her to continue, eyes slipping to the window every few moments, looking for a glimpse of mussed, rich brown hair.
“What makes you think that things will be different this time?” Yen asked, through with pleasantries.
“Because I’ve decided they will be,” Valdo answered simply.
“Oh well in that case, cheers,” Yennefer said sarcastically, her face unimpressed. Valdo swallowed a litany of crass, passive aggressive responses and leaned forward, emerald eyes meeting violet.
“I was a fucking idiot. I made a mistake. No, not a mistake, a choice. A really shitty choice that I have spent years processing. I went to therapy,” he said this last point with emphasis and Yennefer had to admit (well, not aloud) that it was a good sign. “I have been dealing with the consequences of my actions and I’m making new ones. I’m not going to pretend I’m some fuckin’ saint or that I’m a new man because frankly, darlin’, Aev liked the old one just fine. But I’m a better man in a lot of ways.”
“So you talked to a shrink and had to deal with some consequences and now you think you’re worthy of her,” Yennefer said.
“Of course I’m not bloody worthy of her, who could be?” Valdo exclaimed.
“Well on that we’re agreed,” Yennefer replied, though she couldn’t deny that it was what she’d been hoping he’d say. She knew it was time to uphold her end of the agreement with Aevryn and go get her from the little café across the street she’d posted up at, but she had more questions and she wasn’t going to get a chance like this again.
“You’re a pretty fucked up individual, all things considered. How do you do it?” Yennefer asked.
“What? Be fucked up? Like most things in my life, it’s mostly inherited I s’pose.”
“No, loving. How do you still love her and trust yourself with loving her? How are you not scared all the time?”
Yennefer wasn’t usually this open but Valdo was also probably the only person in the world where she could say this without it getting back to Geralt or Jaskier. And, despite his many, many flaws, he knew how to keep his mouth shut. Valdo thought about her question, eyeing her carefully but holding back the many questions of his own.
“Honestly?” he said, “I am scared. But I also know that I can either be honest with myself about what I want or I can keep trying to drown myself in distractions while the yawning pit of self-hatred that’s been eating me from the inside out grows larger.”
“Well when you put it that way it sounds easy,” Yennefer said.
“Isn’t it?” Valdo asked with a shrug. Yennefer looked back up into his eyes and held his gaze for a silent moment, considering what he’d said and what could happen next. She rose suddenly and nodded briskly.
“Thank you, Valdo,” she said, and walked out without another word.
“I’m just saying it doesn’t make sense,” Jaskier argued, gesturing wildly as he had been for the last hour since Yennefer and Aevryn had gone for some alone time, “You think it’s odd too, right? You must!”
The question as directed at Geralt who grunted noncommittally, avoiding Jaskier’s eyes. You recaptured one of Jaskier’s hands in your own and gave it a comforting squeeze.
“Babe it’s been a weird few days, maybe they’re just getting their nails done,” you said. You looked to Win for support and she looked between you and Jaskier with an uncomfortable, blank expression.
“I mean it’s definitely possible,” she muttered, slipping an earbud in to try and drown out the welling conflict around her.
“Maybe Yennefer is the one who needed the time alone,” you offered.
“No, Aev was crying the other day. Crying, Y/N! She always tells me when something’s wrong and that means it can only be because of that rat bastard Valdo Marx,” Jaskier’s mouth curled into a disgusted grimace as he spat out the name. “But why would Yen be helping? She hates him as much as I do!”
“Maybe we should get something to eat,” you suggested, “Milwaukee has some good places, right Win?”
You sent the question your friend’s way but she was lost in her own world and didn’t hear you, leaving you floundering on your own. You looked to Geralt for help and he nodded before putting a hand on Jaskier’s shoulder.
“Jaskier, you need to eat. You get paranoid when you haven’t eaten.”
You shot Geralt a baleful look as Jaskier began to sputter and pulled his hand away from yours again to punctuate his angry rant with his arms but he still followed as Geralt led them off to find food.
All at once, there she was.
Aevryn. Maybe, if he was lucky, his Aevryn.
She found him immediately, Yennefer having told her where to look though he was a hard man to miss. Even in a crowd she could find him. The caramel colored hair had been swept to the side and the sea green eyes sparkled with excitement. He rose from the table and crossed over to her. She held out a hand as he threw open his arms and they laughed awkwardly.
“Oh this is stupid,” she said, and moved into the hug. He embraced her so tightly she struggled to breathe but the pain was lost in the warm, familiar scent of his cologne. He screwed his eyes shut tight and took his first, full breathe in months. When they pulled back, reluctantly, she wiped a tear out of her eye.
“Stupid,” she laughed nervously again, moving to take a seat which Valdo quickly moved out for her. Once she’d been seated he took his place again and they just looked at each other, hearts beating a staccato duet. She placed her hands on the table and she tapped on it with her fidgety fingers. Valdo placed a hand over hers and it fit perfectly, as it always had.
“So I listened to it,” she began. She noted the way he sat up in his seat and tried to force his face calm but the forest hued eyes were pleading as he nodded, waiting for her to continue.
“It was a fucking mean thing to do,” she said. His face fell and he shook his head.
“Aev what do you… No, I wasn’t trying to…”
“You knew exactly what you were doing,” she insisted. Her words were severe but she didn’t look angry, her eyes holding none of the heartbreak or malice he was unfortunately familiar with.
“Did you, uh, did you listen to all of it? Did you hear Tom-”
“I’ve listened to it 12 times since it released. Half of them crying,” she said. Valdo’s eyes scanned her face helplessly, the whole plan falling apart in his grasp as he held her hand tighter.
“Aevryn I swear to Christ I-”
She pressed a finger to his lips, stilling his words. She felt his tongue lick gently against her finger between the slightly parted lips and she shivered. Her eyes sought his and held the gaze intently.
“It was beautiful,” she whispered. His face lit up beautifully and Aevryn felt herself slip just a little bit more in love with, awed that there was more room to fall for someone who had held her heart since she was a child.
“Aevryn I meant every single word, I l-”
“Oh I think the fuck not.”
Geralt had headed to the best reviewed place in the area, determined to get something in Jaskier’s mouth so he would stop talking for a moment. He didn’t see Yennefer hurry out of the café across the street calling to them. He didn’t think anything of the way Jaskier tensed and then ran for the door. Only when he heard Jaskier yell did he realize what must be happening.
“Fuck,” he bit out, hurrying after his friend.
Jaskier stood before Aevryn and Valdo, chest hurting with all of the emotions it held. Aevryn looked guilty, the picture of someone caught in the act while Valdo sneered at Jaskier, clutching Aevryn’s hand possessively which only fueled Jaskier’s rage.
“Jaskier… please let me explain,” Aevryn began. To other patrons in the shop it looked like a salacious lover’s quarrel, a woman caught two-timing her lover. You reaching for Jaskier’s hands trying to pull his attention away and calm him down only made it look more exciting and more than a few people took out their phones to start snapping photos. A server hurried over.
“Hi, sir? Sorry, you’re going to need to please keep it down,” they asked. Jaskier’s body was taut like a snake ready to strike but he forced himself to be polite to the lady. He glowered at Aevryn who stood.
“Aevryn!” Valdo cried, losing the calm exterior he’d tried so desperately to cling to as she slipped from his hands.
“I’ve got to talk to Jaskier, I’ll be right back, you stay here,” she said, giving him a small smile before turning back to Jaskier who made a disgusted sound and charged back out the door, nearly knocking over Yennefer in the process. You’d heard of people being beside themselves but you’d never seen it depicted so clearly or painfully as Jaskier who paced and seemed so overwhelmed by anger and hurt that he struggled to breathe.
“Jaskier please,” Aevryn began, tears already coming to her eyes as she tried to approach her friend.
“Don’t,” he bit out, “Just don’t… fucking stand there and try and tell me to be calm or to listen or hear that he’s better. Jesus fucking Christ, Aevryn, what does it take?”
“Jaskier,” Yennefer tried cutting in but he wheeled on her, blue eyes flashing with white hot rage.
“Don’t,” he snarled at her and for once Yennefer backed down, stepping aside where Geralt wrapped an arm around her waist and she let it stay there, reassured by his presence.
“How could you do this?” Jaskier asked, “You know what, no, don’t answer because frankly there is nothing you could say to make it ok.”
“I’m not an idiot, Jaskier, and I don’t need you to try and make me feel like one,” Aevryn argued.
“I don’t think you’re an idiot but, fuck, I must be!” Jaskier argued, “I mean, what, how long has this been going on? And I didn’t know! I knew something was wrong but I had no fucking clue. What other secrets are you hiding from me? Were you ever not keeping secrets or have you been lying to me our whole friendship?”
“Jask…” Aev couldn’t form the words, overwhelmed by the pain in her friend’s eyes. “I didn’t mean to hurt you, I didn’t mean any of this… I just…”
Jaskier’s eyes darkened to pure anger again as Valdo walked out to the little alleyway you’d all congregated in behind the café. He was looking at her anxiously, worried by the tears in her eyes, so worried he made a beeline for her and didn’t think to glance at Jaskier whose body coiled and launched, striking so hard he knocked them both over. Amid the scuffle he could hear you screaming and feel Geralt’s hands try and seize him but Valdo managed to grapple him and shove him up against a wall, getting in two good punches, one directly into Jaskier’s mouth and the other in his ribs. Jaskier roared and seized Valdo around the throat, constricting his breathing long enough that the man stopped punching and then released him, forcing him onto the ground as he began to strike, punch after punch, heedless of anything but the need to vent all of the anger and pain that had welled in him over the years. Years spent staring at Valdo Marx’s smirking, taunting, heartbreaking face that had the sheer nerve to do it again. And again. And again. All without any way to stop him.
“Jaskier stop!” Aevryn cried, fighting against Yennefer who held her back from joining the fray, “Jaskier please I love him!”
Jaskier’s fist, bruised and bloodied, stilled in the air. Geralt pulled Jaskier off of Valdo who groaned and tried to sit up. Aevryn ran to his side, gently touching his bleeding temple and taking in his eye that was already purpling. There was blood staining his clothes but when she looked back at Jaskier she saw it was his. Valdo’s eyes were trained on Aevryn alone, unaware of anything but the words she’d said, echoing in his mind.
“Jesus, Jaskier,” you gasped as you eyed the blood running from his mouth, one hand holding his ribs. Jaskier stared at Aevryn and she saw the broken look in his eyes.
“You love him,” he repeated, voice raspy from his screaming, sounding tired and defeated. Aevryn nodded, tears filled with regrets and, she hated herself the most for this, some relief. It was out. Not as she’d planned or hoped, but it was all out there. Jaskier nodded, wordlessly, eyes falling to the ground. Yennefer walked to stand by Aevryn and Jaskier looked up to meet her eyes as well. They were unapologetic, but not without regret. He nodded again and scoffed, wincing immediately after and clutching his side.
“We need to get you to the hospital,” Geralt said, eyeing Jaskier’s ribs nervously.
Jaskier wordlessly walked away, not giving a second look back as you and Geralt helped him out to the curb to find a taxi, Roach parked too far away to walk with him. Win stared at you, stunned, and you exchanged confused, hopeless looks. She looked back over at Aevryn who was trying to help Valdo stand.
“Win, go find Roach and drive her to the hospital,” Yennefer said, helpfully offering your friend something concrete to do that didn’t force her to pick a side. She nodded gratefully and set off.
“Did you mean it?” Valdo asked, standing now as Aevryn winced at the black eye.
“Of course I fucking meant it,” she cried. He smiled and pulled her into an embrace that was meant to be celebratory but she only sobbed harder and even he wrapped her up tight, rocking her slightly and humming a comforting song the way he had years before.
“I’m going to make this alright,” he promised, “I love you and you love them, and I’m going to make it right for you. You’ll see, Aev. I can’t do everything but I’d do anything for you.”
Sun had long since set but Jaskier stood in the same position he had since he’d been discharged, one bruised rib and a suspected concussion later. They’d parked Roach back in the same spot they’d arrived to town and he stood outside of the van, arms crossed, staring into the distance. Geralt drummed a restless beat against the steering wheel with his fingers and you sat cross-legged on your seat, feeling helpless. You’d tried to get Jaskier to sit in the van with you but he’d insisted that he wait right where he was. Win was in the far back of the van, headphones in, trying hard to stay above the waves of anxiety and pain that swarmed her from all sides. S
“Jaskier,” Geralt said.
“Jaskier,” Geralt repeated, sighing deeply, “She isn’t coming.”
“You don’t know that,” Jaskier replied stubbornly, pale blue eyes fixed on the horizon.
“Babe…,” you began.
“Y/N, don’t, I know my friends. They’re going to be here. Yennefer promised… she said… they’re going to be here,” Jaskier insisted, but you heard his voice crack.
“Aev texted me,” Win said, her voice small but carrying in the terse silence. Jaskier stiffened and you looked hopefully at your friend who bit her lip as she took a shaky breath to continue. “Um, her and Yennefer are getting a ride with Valdo. She said they’ll meet up with us when the van is fixed.”
You reached out an arm to rest on Jaskier’s shoulder but he stayed stock still.
“No,” he said, “No, they’re coming. I know they are.”
You and Geralt exchanged sorrowful looks and didn’t say anything more. Jaskier stood for another three hours as night bled into the early hours of the morning. When the first stretch of dawn began to reach across the sky, he climbed into the car wordlessly and leaned against the side of the van, curling into himself as well as tightly as he could. You closed the door behind him and Geralt stirred Roach to life, briefly waking Win who had fallen asleep. She looked up hopefully and when she saw your tear-filled eyes she reached out a hand and took yours, holding it tight the whole rest of the way as Jaskier stared out the windows, seeing nothing.
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