#as a child i got all red rings without a guide which is awesome
joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 2 years
played Colours Ultimate up through to the end of Planet Wisp - even playing the game patched I’ve still ran into quite a bit of jank, and like man Jade Ghost just feels cheap to control as well. Tails retries or whatever are also fucking confusing, one of them respawned me right in front of a checkpoint? But like what’s the point of the actual checkpoint there then? Also is it normal for the Metal Sonic challenge race things to have not appeared by this point? Like they’re touted as one of the game’s cool new features and I’ve literally just not seen one lol. Oh well.
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Survey #280
“this is the place in our mind with a crooked crown / we came to execute its own perfect shutdown”
Do you have a strong local accent? No. Do you prefer green or red grapes? Red, but either is fine so long as they’re crisp. Can you stand on your hands unassisted? pffff Who was the last person to knock/ring at your door? Pizza guy. How old were you when you last went trick or treating? No idea. Have you ever been bobbing for apples? ”No. That’s a gross game lol you’re dipping your head and mouth into water other people are dipping their head and mouth into.” <<<< This. What’s your most expensive piece of clothing? No clue. What’s the last thing you took a picture of? Guys I actually took a selfie bc for once in my goddamn life, I felt really pretty with the makeup Summer did on me. She's working towards a degree in cosmetology and is so talented with it. What’s the last thing you drew a picture of? A meerkat pup. Have you ever been on a pogo stick? Omg, yes. I got one for I think Christmas one year as a kid and I got SO into it. I learned how to do it really well. Can you down a pint (of anything) in one? Probably not without throwing up. Have you ever been banned from a public place? No. Have you ever been in a newspaper? A couple times, I think. I know once in elementary school for when I was in chorus; we went somewhere for a small Christmas show. Then I believe I was in it for another school thing? Idr. What football team do you support? I don’t care for football or sports in general. What did you want to be when you grew up? My phases included paleontologist, vet, movie director, author, game designer, aaaand I know I’m forgetting one. But my current and long-term goal has been to become a photographer. Being an artist as a free time “job” has always been an aspiration, too. Have you ever tie-dyed your own clothes? In school, yeah. How often do you buy new clothes? Very rarely. Usually just around Christmas or my birthday from gift cards I get. Are you reliable? In some ways yes, in other ways no. Are you proud of yourself? No. If you could ask your future self one question what would it be? If she’s ended up happy. Do you hold grudges? Nah. Do you decorate the outside of your house for Christmas? Mom does pretty much last minute, but only sometimes when looking at the past few years. Can you solve sudoku puzzles? Sure, they’re fun. What’s the most unusual conversation you've ever had? Who knows. Are you much of a gambler? Not at all. I don’t fuck around with money, especially when just $5 makes you feel great. Have you ever been to Disneyland? I’ve been to Disney World. Do you sing in the shower? Very rarely. Almost never now that I don’t play music while I’m in there. As a child did you ever suck your thumb or fingers? I mean probably? I do know I loved my pacifier and was SO upset when Mom’s doctor or someone playfully told me I was gonna have to give it up because my upcoming baby sister would want to steal it, and guess what? Nicole never fucking used a pacifier so I was tilted lmao. What time do you usually go to bed? Lol BRO it can be as early as 7 PM on bad depression days to as late as like, 2-3 AM. I’d say the average time is like… 9:30. What's your favorite animal? MEERKATS hngggggggggggggggg Have you ever been in marching band? No. Do you have any enemies? No? At least I don’t consider anyone to be. Have you ever been a cheerleader? As a kid, Mom wanted me to so I could do something with my sisters, who were actually interested in cheerleading. She certainly didn’t force me to or anything, I just agreed to it despite not being into it. We were with this Christian sports group for a long time doing various sports all the while being taught lessons in Christlikeness. I’ve actually got warm memories of it Did you ever date anyone on the football team? No. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? No, not that I’m against the idea tho. The plushy would just have to be very special to me and also comfortable to hold. How many consecutive days have you ever missed of school? I missed an entire week when I learned about Mom’s cancer. I could barely function. With how much school stressed me, I would NOT have managed. Have you ever been pregnant? No, not in my to-do list. When was the last time you wanted to speak out, but couldn’t? I’m sure it was recently over Facebook; most times, I keep my mouth shut over political things on there that might get me fired up because I’m afraid of confrontation. Are fingerless gloves awesome? I love them. Wore them daily in high school. I still have some of my favorites, though I’m doubtful they still fit my hands… Would you rather be cannibalistic or die in the wilderness? Okay so I’m gonna actually go kinda in-detail, so the squeamish be warned. Realistically, I think I’d choose to die. ESPECIALLY if I was the one expected to kill another person; then, there’s no question. I wouldn’t be able to do it either if I knew the person. If it was some stranger someone else killed and cooked, I don’t know with absolute certainty; starvation really can make animals out of people. I do know for sure I’d vomit. I far more heavily lean into still preferring to die, because I just believe some things aren’t worth living after they’ve been committed. I’d hate myself. I’d rather die feeling clean of conscience. Would you survive on a deserted island? Hell no. Have you dyed your hair eccentric colors in the past? Yeah, I want to do it far more often… What size drink do you usually get at fast food restaurants? Medium, sometimes small. What do you think is the best thing in life? Love, both platonic and romantic. Have you ever sold anything online either on Craigslist, eBay, Amazon, etc.? If not, what is your website of choice like any of the above for buying things? We sold our previous dog over Craigslist, and I sold my iguana there as well. I know Mom has used eBay and Amazon, but idk for what. Have you ever seen an animal give birth? Have you ever had a pet give birth before? I’ve seen old pet cats give birth many times. What is something you want to try to accomplish within the next year? I want a job that I’m content with and can mentally handle. Oh, and I REALLY want to make strong progress on recovering from the muscle atrophy in my legs. What’s the most unusual kind of pizza you’ve ever tried? I have no clue; I’m not that adventurous with pizza or food in general. If you were given the chance to decorate an entire house the way you wanted, with no limit to cost, how would you decorate it? GOTHIC AS A MOTHERFUCKER WELCOME TO THE GOTDAMN ADDAMS FAMILY. What’s one of your favorite things to touch/feel? My cat. :’) How often do you wear tights? Ew, never. Has there ever been anything you’ve become interested in much later than other people? I guess Instagram, but only as a viewer. I don’t have a personal one, just for my photography that I only rarely post. Have you ever had a veggie burger? Yeah, during my vegetarian streak. Burger King’s really aren’t that bad so long as the patty is made well. Do you like candles? Yeah, sure. When was the last time you wore a sports bra? Forever ago when I was doing Wii Fit. Where did you get the shirt you’re currently wearing? I think Hot Topic? It’s an oversized Umbreon shirt. Who last messaged you on Facebook? My friend Summer when we were planning our lil witch photoshoot w/ friends. Who last walked you home? lol you don’t just have someone “walk you home” here. Bundles of homes are way too far and in-between for reasonable walking distance. Did you make any new friends lately? If so, what are their names and how did you meet them? Not really recently, no. Would you rather see your favorite band/artist in concert with 2 other people or have a free $20,000 shopping spree to Walmart? Seeing Ozzy with my mom would be a DREAM, but to be realistic, I’d take the shopping spree pretty damn quickly. $20k? That would do WONDERS for us, especially as we’re about to move into a new place. When was the last time you threw up and why did you? A long time ago when I started a new medication. Do you want revenge on the person who has hurt you the most? … I’m gonna be REAL honest. For the most part, no. But ngl there are times I’m like “I’m gonna work on getting back in shape and become H O T” like a petty bitch lmao this is embarrassing to admit. Has anyone ever claimed that you saved their life? Yes. Did you ever have that near-drowning experience? No. Have you ever performed on stage? For dance, yes, but I never did a solo. Are you a jealous person? Not jealous (usually), but I’ve come to realize I’m a pretty envious piece of shit. Morning person or night person? I’m in my best mood in the morning because I have the “it’s a fresh start” ideology. Then I repeat exactly what I did the day before. :^) Have you ever written a poem for someone? Numerous times. Do you meditate? No, but I wish I could without it only causing more stress. Do you like cranberries that they serve for Thanksgiving? EW I hate cranberries. What don't you understand that frustrates you? Finances. Do you plan on going to college? I’ve tried college three times and dropped out each time. I’m done trying with school. Do you believe the governments hide technology and information from the public? AbsoFUCKINGlutely. Which is your favorite Pokemon? Ninetales! What horror fiction character scares you the most? What’s the name of the villain in the Scream series? Ghostface? I don’t feel like looking it up, but he TERRIFIED me as a kid, and I still think he’s mega creepy. Were you part of the Brownies/Cubs/Scouts/Guides etc? I was in Girl Scouts. Have you ever invented a fairly unique meal or drink? No. Do you have any family secrets? Don’t think so. Do you often read your horoscope? Never. They’re bullshit. Have you ever had a proper Tarot reading? No; also bullshit. Have you ever milked a cow? No. Do you love or hate rollercoasters? They’ve always scared me because I’m afraid of throwing up. Now with how dizzy I get, I absolutely refuse to try one because I WILL faint with all the movement. What’s your favorite sportswear brand? idc Who’s your favorite superhero? Does Deadpool count? Who’s your favorite villain/baddie? If we’re still in the comics/superhero universe, the Joker. Have you ever won a giant-sized cuddly toy from a fair? No. What would you say is your favorite album of all time? Black Rain by Ozzy Osbourne. I fucking adore it; it was my introduction to metal, and still after all this time, every track S L A P S. I deadass played that CD so much that it scratches at a few points. Do you dislike hairy people? lol fuck this question. I’m guessing you’re asking if I find them attractive and not as if people I “dislike” them, but in both cases, it’s no. We’re mammals, who the fuck cares how hairy you are. Do you like your own name? I actually do really like my name. My first one, anyway. Would you ever sign a Prenuptial agreement? NOPE. Want one? You’re gonna have to find someone else willing to, my man. How long has your longest ever phone call been? No less than two hours, but I know more. I have three instances in particular where I talked with either friends or Jason for SO long. Could you ever have an affair with a married person? Hell no. What is your family Christmas like? Nicole comes here so she and I open presents with Mom, then we spend the day at my older sister’s to be with the kids. We also try to squeeze visiting Dad in there the same day, but sometimes it has to be a different one. If you met a genie who offered you three wishes, what would you wish for? (more wishes does not count) Just three is hard… but #1 is indisputably world peace, and then uhhhh the end of poverty and maybe the cure for cancer. I’d have a super hard time picking a third; so many things matter to me. Have you ever had your national flag painted on your face? No, not in my plans. Do you have any strange body things? Well, define “strange,” I guess? Nothing like, really strange. What fairy tale character would you most associate with? Can I be Snow White and attract cute critters like moths to a flame? Also I would 100% take a Good apple. If a loved one was to serenade you, what song would you most like them to sing? It would depend on the person and our bond, really. Is there a cherished song between us? What is our relationship like? There’s no umbrella song I can think of. Is your dad an embarrassing dancer? GUYS!!!!!!!!!!! My sister’s wedding, okay? Father/daughter dance? He actually has MOVES and it was incredible man, never gonna forget that. What if any unusual objects have you swallowed? Nothing, I think. If you were stinking rich, would you only go to places other rich people went? Hell naw, man. There are plenty of great, affordable places in all categories. I could be a millionaire and you’d still see my ass in McDonald’s ordering a burger and fries lmao. Have you ever owned a slinky? My sisters and I had multiple as kids; those were d o p e. Teenage parents, good, bad, or indifferent? An AWFUL idea. A teenager is physically, most likely financially, and mentally unprepared to raise a child properly. It can seriously affect the kid, and of course the parent. What’s the most expensive thing you’ve ever broken? I’m unsure. Pirate downloads, good or bad? It’s bad… yet plenty (myself included) have/do do it. Democracy, good or bad? Good. It’s very important to me that rule should come from the people’s majority versus a small coalition of rich guys. While the majority is not always right, it seems like the best option to me. Communism, good or bad? Okay so to be totally honest I actually don’t entirely understand what communism outlines. Like I just read multiple definitions and small articles and I’m still kinda like “????”, though judging by the countries listed as those governed by communism, I would guess it’s bad? Have you ever been electrocuted? On an electric fence, but it wasn’t too bad. Have you ever been hit on by someone of the same gender? Yeah. The war in Iraq, good or bad? Get the fuck out of it. To start with, I’m a pretty fierce pacifist, and just… killing and killing and killing for YEARS is so goddamn pointless and is just a massacre. The war in Afganistan, good or bad? jfc ^ Have you ever appeared on YouTube? LET’S NEVER TALK ABOUT THIS lmfao Have you ever eaten anything prepared by a celebrity chef? No,, but that’d be dope. Have you ever been on radio? No. Do you prefer male or female singers voices? ”Their gender doesn’t matter, but their talent does.” <<<< Do you have a list of things to do before your ‘x’ years old? Goals should not be judged by age. I’m bad at this and have to remind myself of it a lot. A goal is a goal regardless of a number. Celebrate for *you*. Are you proud, comfortable or ashamed of your body? Very very much ashamed. Do you know html? Super poorly. Have you ever flown first class? lol hunny What are better, violins or pianos? Violins. How old is your oldest blanket? As old as me. My baby blanket is stored somewhere. Do you take enough vacations? lol hell no. I’ve maybe gone on three vacations in my entire life. Have you ever been sick on your birthday? Yup. Then one time I was recovering from a wicked stomach virus but went to Olive Garden anyway lol. I was fine though, and it’s actually a sweet memory because Jason (he worked there at the time) got the staff to do the whole “happy birthday” thing. I got a bombin’ brownie. Who is your favorite person? Sara and my mom. What do you do to stay healthy? lol you assume I’m healthy. What is your favorite form of exercise? Swimming. Do you like going to church? I never did. As a kid, I would cry when/if Mom decided we were going to mass after Sunday school lmao. It’s always been boring and too long to me, even when I was religious. Have you ever fallen asleep during a sermon? Probably as a kid. Do you like to pray for others? No. I don’t believe anyone hears them or will intervene somehow if I ask anyway. Have you ever witnessed a miracle? No. I don’t think I believe in those anyway. Have you ever been the recipient of a miracle? Definitely not. How did you or whoever come up with the name(s) for your pet(s)? I thought “Roman” was a majestic name for a male cat, and Venus has the coloration that the planet does. Who did you last walk a dog with? Sara and I walked Buster the last time I was there. It was windy as SHIT so we didn’t get far because my ass was absolutely freezing, all the while Sara was used to it. Ride bikes with? Wow, good question. I haven’t ridden a bike in many, many years. Hold hands with? My friend Summer did yesterday when she was trying to reassure me of something. For what reason did you last high five someone? Ryder and Aubree each caught Pokemon in Pokemon GO. :’’’’) I was watching them in the car while my sister/their mom was doing something at work, and they wanted to play it; they’ve come to learn that between my phone and DS, I’m the Pokemon provider, lol. I was the proudest fucking aunt ever bc they did SO GOOD after getting the hang of throwing the ball like Y’ALL. When Ash came back to the car, I gave ‘em each high fives before getting back in. What color and type is your vehicle? Don’t have my own car. Looking to upgrade or add any time soon? I doubt I’ll have my own soon. What animal do you have the most possessions *of*, or featuring? Like, décor or stuffed animals, things like that? Not the actual living creature? Easily meerkats, holy shit do I have a collection. What do you use to wash your dishes? Gain soap. Last thing you measured? Uhhh idk. Last thing you weighed? Myself. Last song you danced to? *shrug* What do you remember from your dream last night? I just remember it was a nightmare about Dad being angry. How old were you when you got your first credit card? Lol I don’t have one. Do you talk to your parent(s) [almost] every day? Mom, yes. Dad, no, because we don’t live together. What does your shampoo and conditioner smell like? I just started using a Dove brand shampoo targeting dandruff, so I don’t think it has a specific smell. I don’t use conditioner, just adds grease to your hair, plus mine is short anyway. Last person to tell you that you smell good? Idk. Last person you told that they smell good? I also don’t know. If you smoke marijuana, what is your preferred or typical method? I’ve never touched it. Last person you ran into unexpectedly? Ummm idr. How many plants can you see right now? There’re none in my room. Last compliment you received on your appearance? HA On your character/personality? That I was a loving sister. Do you remain friends with anyone you met at your first job? N/A Who have you hugged in the past month? My mom, Summer, sisters, niece and nephew, Dad… Newest musical discovery? 3TEETH is great. Like, I'm obsessed. Their cover of “Pumped Up Kicks” snagged my attention, despite actually being iffy about it at first. Guess what I’m listening to this minute lmao. Last thing you cleaned? A cup. What exactly do you carry around all your stuff in? A purse. What do you carry around, typically? Phone, keys, wallet, hand sanitizer, and my iPod are items of note. Where is your newest scar? It’s on the palm of my left hand from Roman playing with me. Where is your oldest scar? Idk. Last thing you disposed of? The milk carton. What was the last picture someone sent you? Mom sent me a gif from Hocus Pocus to fit the witch photoshoot Summer, her friend, and I did. Did you hear a siren today? No. What do you typically drink? I would rather not pretend I tend to drink soda lmao Last bad news you heard? My aunt’s brother committed suicide a couple days ago. Last good news you heard? I don’t really know. How far away is the closest cinema from your house? It’s like, 15-ish minutes away. Have you ever been to the emergency room? Many times. Are you one of those people who can’t go without their morning coffee? Y’all know me and coffee. But in place, I have my morning Mountain Dew, rip in fucking pieces. Have you ever worn fake eyelashes? No, though I’m honestly curious what I’d look like. Do you know the story of how your parents met? If so, tell me? They were coworkers; that’s all I know. What is your favorite Chinese food? I love pork fried rice. Do you live far from your parents? I live with my Mom. I live around 20 minutes or so away from Dad. What was the last hot food you ate? I’m assuming you mean spicy as opposed to just hot as in temperature. In that case, probably hot wings. Have you ever seen a meteor shower? No. Describe your current position: I’m lying down in bed, just kinda perked up by my two pillows. Have you used a microwave today? Yes; I had a Jimmy Dean breakfast bowl. Do you prefer going out for coffee or brewing your own? N/A Have you consumed caffeine today? If so, in what form? yikes- Do you know anyone who follows a raw vegan diet and lifestyle? Not that I know of. Have you killed a bug this week? Yes; we’re dealing with a lovely mix of gnats and fleas. What was the first food you learned how to cook? Scrambled eggs. Or maybe pancakes with Mom’s assistance. Idr. Do you have a Bachelor’s degree? If so, what in? No. How many email accounts do you have? Two. Can you go see a doctor alone or do you like to take someone with you? I like my mom to be with me. How long is your average shower? 15 minutes, maybe? It depends on the routine I feel like doing. When’s the last time you had a headache? Yesterday. What woke you up this morning? I think I woke up naturally? A rare occasion nowadays. Who was the last person you cried in front of? Summer, yesterday.
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ren-c-leyn · 4 years
QnA tag game
I was tagged by @hyba​ to play this. Thank you very much.
rules: post your answers, and tag some pals.
1. When did you first learn you enjoyed writing?
Honestly, I used to hate writing. It wasn’t fun, it was boring school essays and annoying prompts on exams. That being said, I had always enjoyed storytelling, and had been telling stories since before I could remember.
How I reconciled that gap between the written and the spoken was I went through a really shitty period of time in my life and I took up poetry to help vent. And it was so freeing and fun that I kept with it.
I had been doing that for a while when I decided to try writing some fantasy story that popped into my head, though I can’t quite recall why I bothered to try. It wasn’t a very good story, but I filled up like an entire notebook with it and started writing it on another, and I discovered ‘hey, writing can be fun... if it isn’t about something boring.’
And over the years, fantasy has over taken poetry. I still write poems from time to time, but not like I used to.
2. Tell us about the first project you ever wrote.
It was one that tried cramming way too much into one story, but there’s elements of it that I still use a lot of. I can’t remember the exact plot I had in mind for it, because it was all over the place, but I remember there being some sci-fi, a lot of fantasy weirdness, and a chosen one who was both angry and horrified that her world ended when she had the power to save it, because no one knew what she was or that their world was in danger. It never got finished, but I had fun with it while I was working on it.
3. How does your favorite media shape who you are as a writer?
In ways I don’t even realize it did, I’m sure. Particularly since I binge read without really analyzing the writing techniques of people. My writer brain turns off and reader brain takes over. Which many people say is bad, but it works for me. That being said, I can draw some obvious parallels between things I’ve read and my own works.
I know that Tolkien was a big influence for my ‘this string pulls on this person’s string, which does that, which leads to a poor hobbit having to lose his finger to throw a cursed ring into a volcano and save the world’ kinda plots. I also enjoyed his world building, but, and this is just my opinion, it slowed the Lord of the Rings triology down a lot and made it a little clunky to read. So it taught me both what I kinda wanted to see in my world building, but also how I didn’t want it to come out in the story. Plus, The Hobbit is the book for me. It is one of the first ones I got when I finally learned ‘oh, reading can be fun’ (because child me hated reading like she also hated writing boring essays), and it’s the one that got me stuck on fantasy.
Douglas Adams, there are many who will probably consider it a crime I have not read The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and yet still list his name in this, but my favorite book of all time is probably The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul, and it was the way the characters existed and the hidden easter eggs that I’m still finding like 7 read throughs later and the pacing and red herrings. I learned from and loved a lot about that book alone.
There was also J.A. Jance, the author of many of the murder mysteries my grandmother loaned me, and it was from her and other mystery authors that I finally, finally figured out how to set up suspense and tension. They were also really good studies in character motivations and how a character’s mindset can change the way they perceive the world and the things they notice and miss.
Video games is another thing I know has influenced me. I like story and lore rich games. Dungeons and Dragons is another thing I play a lot of and has followed me through my writings. The stories that get told can be every bit as awesome as a book, and the mechanics are also part of what helped me learn to structure my magic systems. Because if the wizards didn’t have rules, who would play a fighter who does? The same idea got translated into my writing very early on, ‘if I don’t give my wizards rules, why would warriors exist?’
And I can keep rambling, but I think I’ll leave it at this for now ^^
4. What’s something you’ve wanted to write, but aren’t sure you could? (A tv show, a genre, a style, a time period, a video game, etc)
I had an idea for a fantasy world inspired by various Asian myths, and even had a basic map drawn out in my head and some ideas for a magic system, but I’ve been too terrified to actually do anything with it, and it’s been so long since then that I don’t remember anything about it. Plus, I had no plot to use for it at the time.
I also wanted to write a mystery, but when I tried I found that while I has suspects and everything, I couldn’t think of the crime or how the heck anyone would just kinda figure it out from a bunch of random things normal people could just play off or not notice XD
5. What is the thing that keeps you from writing the most?
Procrastination is sometimes a problem, and I do occasionally need to kick myself in the shin. But there’s also life and plot snags and just days when a story isn’t working for me.
6. How do you deal with an inner editor?
That depends. Sometimes the inner editor saves me a lot of headaches later, and sometimes a tiny mistake can break the flow of writing. I normally don’t have an issue with fixing things on the spot, but on nights I need to focus on writing I just keep myself from reading back.
7. How long have you been writing?
I mean, they make kids write really young for school, so begrudgingly that long. Creatively and for fun? I’m not sure. I can’t quite recall how old I was when I started with the poetry. But considering the notebook I have the earliest pieces in is falling apart, I think it’s been a long time. lol
8. What is your general writing process? Do you write chronologically? Do you do a lot of planning?
I normally get this idea that shows up out of the blue as a daydream or a random thought. Then, there’s at least a month. If it’s still there, it gets considered. If it’s grown and expanded into something resembling either a world or a plot by then, it’s probably getting written.
After the idea finally bugs me enough, I’ll start world building and building a bare-bones plot, complete with bare-boned characters. I never flesh anything out completely, since I do most of that while I write and having strict outlines suffocates my story.
If the world building, characters, and whatever I have of a plot are interesting, I’ll start chronologically and keep moving from there.
9. Assign a scent to your writing style.
A scent for my style? Um... that’s kind of a weird question and I have no idea how I would even begin to think of an answer for that. Like, how do you translate comma usage and word choice into a smell? I mean, I use roses a lot in my stories, so maybe that would work?
10. One book you hope everyone reads?
I have to agree with hyba that I hope everyone just finds their version of the book. The one that gets them through a hard time, the one they really need, and that that book won’t be the same for everyone.
11. What is it about your least favorite genre that makes it your least favorite–and how might you change that to better appeal to you?
Oh that’s simple, it’s because horror does it’s job. That’s it. It’s nothing particularly about the style or anything besides that the genre is what it is.
12. Design a “collector’s edition” for your first novel. Include items that might be of interest to your audience.
Never thought about it, but I guess I could throw in the world map I drew for The Plight of a Sparrow into it.
13. If one thing was real from your project, what would you want it to be?
Nothing in particular? I can’t think of anything that would make sense to transfer from my projects to the real world, because I don’t want magic to be real, because my magic systems tend to be brutal, but also, we have stuff like or better than a lot of what doesn’t run off magic. Maybe some of the creatures would be cool, but I don’t know how that would affect ecosystems.... probably not for the better.
14. What’s something you always include in your work? Do you have any other Easter eggs?
As far as easter eggs, I can’t think of anything off the top of my head. If I do, it probably wasn’t intentional.
15. What is your favorite passage from your own work?
I still am not really comfortable with sharing things out of my WIPs on here. As far as things I’ve written for the blog itself go, there are quite a few pieces and passages that turned out really good. I think one of my favorites is from a really old piece I did back before I was doing fusion stories. It’s from this one specifically, if anyone would like to read the full tale, it is a grim one, though.
The very edge of the forest was about as welcoming as a gallows. Crows watched us hungrily, like we were dead men about to sway. None of them made so much as a peep as their dead eyes followed our trek through the knotted mess of brambles, ivy, knotted shrubs, and gnarled trees. We hacked at the plants, and they hacked right back at us. We traded blows like it was a war. hatchet and sword blows countered with sharp thorns and parried with thick branches.
I’m going to leave this an open tag, jump in if you’d like to. =D
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whereisten · 6 years
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Summary: After years of struggling to make it on your own, your life was finally on track-that is—until soul-collector Taeyong comes to derail it. Taeyong decides to give you a second chance at life—with a catch.
Genre: A LITTLE OF EVERYTHING, sci-fi, powers
Warning: Mentions of Death, Language, Alcohol, Sex, this writing in no way represents the members mentioned, all events are fake.
Part One: The Wedding
Word Count: 2,000
You were afraid that if you looked at the clock again, time would actually reverse itself instead. It was only 8’o clock in the evening, but your cousin’s wedding reception was tiring and you felt the need to finally retire for the night. You sat by yourself and enjoyed the music, tapping your feet to Teenage Dream by Katy Perry, one of your cousin’s favorite jams. You reminisced on the days of when you and Daniela would skip school together to go the beach and jam out to the latest hits.
She was two years older than you and set a bad example, which would later on be explained by your parents and your aunt for days on end. But now, at the beautiful age of 25, she was getting married to the love of her life. She was your favorite cousin and you were going to miss the careless and irresponsible days you shared, but you were happy for her.
“Y/N!” Daniela yelled, snapping you out of your daze.“Are you having a good time?” Daniela asked as she gathered her extravagant wedding dress under her before taking the seat next to you at your table. You looked around and realized that almost everyone was dancing and all of the glasses of champagne were now at least half empty.
“Yes!!” You smiled and nodded enthusiastically.“Oh good. Come on let’s dance!” Daniela insisted.
“Ahhh I’m good, Katy’s not really one of my faves haha” you replied.
“Aish! What do you mean? ITS TEENAGE DREAM” Daniela scolded you and you two burst out laughing. Daniela knew you were picky when it came to pop/dance music and understood why you chose to sit this one out.“Daniela, I’m really gonna miss y-“ you started.
“Ah! Stop, this isn’t a funeral, youre not saying goodbye. Im still gonna be here and we’re still gonna get into trouble. Look, we’ve got plenty more drugs to try” Daniela said with a wink before the two of you started to laugh again.
“Oh my God we’re not THAT bad” you smiled back.“But in all seriousness, Daniela I’m so happy for you, James is a great guy and you two are gonna be so happy.”
Daniela’s smile spread so wide that you feared her eye makeup would stain her cheek.“Thanks girly. Hey, you’re gonna find The right one too ok?” Daniela was ushering words of comfort for she knew you were still hurt by your break up with your ex two weeks ago.Jackson was supposed to be here with you now. You gave her a small smile and looked back at the table.
“Hey, y/n, there’s a guy over there that hasn’t stopped looking at you” Daniela lightly kicked your foot before tilting her head to the left. You quickly glanced in the direction she was pointing too and saw a man in a grey suit standing in the corner. He was ridiculously stunning. His glowing skin was smooth, his hair laid perfectly on his forehead, and his eyes were big, but mysterious.“Who is that?” You asked.
“Hmm I’m not sure, there’s like 500 people at this wedding I kinda lost count” Daniela responded. “he’s probably a friend of James? I’ll ask him!”You looked again, but this time he caught your stare. 
He smiled softly before putting the champagne glass to his lips. He was classy and quiet, but his eyes showed interest or longing, you weren’t sure.It wasn’t until Daniela called your name that you broke the staring contest.
“I’ll be right back okay!! Uncle Pat wants to take pictures” Daniela yelled over the DJ that was making his own announcements.
Daniela pranced her way to the other side of the ballroom, and you were alone once again. You were about to get yourself a glass of water when you turned around and was startled by a man. The same man from the corner of the room.
“Ah Hi.” The man said as he held out a hand.
“Hello.” You said as you shook his hand.
“My name is Taeyong, I-I’m a friend of James” he said with a smile.His smile was soft and he spoke kindly,but you couldn't get your mind off the fact that he was able to cross the ballroom floor full of dancing drunk people to get to you in a matter of 10 seconds.
“Oh. Nice to meet you, I’m Y/N”You replied.
“I know haha, James told me about you, but you’re more beautiful than I imagined” Taeyong was charming and gave off a nice warmth.
“Ahh thank you!!” you blushed.
“So. I see you don’t really like to dance huh?” Taeyong asked as he took the seat next to the one you were once sitting in.You lowered yourself to sit again, realizing that it may have been rude of you to leave.
“Yeahh, I’m not a big fan of pop music. I enjoy watching from the sidelines, and it seems that you like to do that too” you laughed.
Taeyong giggled and it was like music to your ears, his teeth were pearly white. This man was definitely a man of upper class and wealth, you could tell from the way he carried himself and the way he spoke. Oh and not to mention the Rolex watch and flashy ring he donned on his delicate hands. His dark red hair perfectly complimented his dark eyes and sharp eyebrows.
“It’s funny because I’ve hung out with Daniela and James and their other friends before, but I’ve never met you?” You said.
“Ah Yeah..” Taeyong started before fixing his tie and reaching for his glass. “See I’m actually from Korea, James and I have to maintain a long distance friendship. I’m happy I was able to come all the way to New York for his wedding”
“Korea? That’s awesome, what do you do?” You asked.
He smiled, he was happy that you asked.“I’m actually CFO of my father’s company, pretty boring stuff.”A business man, of course.
“Oh that’s cool” you said.
He laughed. “You don’t have to be nice about it, I know it sucks.”
You started laughing too.
“What do you do?” He asked.
“I’m a baker! I have my own bakery here in New York!” You replied, beaming with a prideful smile. It took years of hard work and constantly working two jobs to finally get to where you are. You were proud.
“Oh wow, now that’s exciting” he smiled and looked into your eyes. He was nice, but strange, you thought to yourself.
An acoustic version of Can’t Help Falling in Love started to play when the lights dimmed down to a deep red. Taeyong’s features looked even more gorgeous than they did before. His high cheekbones and sharp jawline were traced by black shadows, but his eyes were still intense and deep. 
He looked to the dance floor then back to you before rising out of his chair. “Please, just one dance before I go.” He said as he held out his hand for you to take.
You looked up at him, mouth slightly parted for protest. You wondered what had gotten into him, why he wanted to dance with you, someone he met only five minutes ago? Why did he plan on leaving after? 
You would’ve said no, but something inside urged you to give in to this interesting man. You weren’t sure if it was the lighting, his aura, or the sorrowful look on his face that made him look a child that just wanted to try one piece of Halloween candy before his mom took the bag away for the night.
You did drink some champagne, but you weren’t drunk.He was moving fast, but he didn’t cross any lines and he was a gentlemen, so you didn’t see anything wrong with it.
You took his hand and he guided you to the dance floor where several couples were already swaying back and forth to the soft tune.
Taeyong gently took your right hand in his left and slowly guided his right hand to your waist before looking down at you to make sure you were comfortable with it. You nodded to give him some reassurance. 
He started to guide your bodies in the same direction and soon you two were swaying gently. Your bodies were far enough from each other, as Taeyong held you where he felt you would be comfortable, but something in you wanted you to be closer. 
You took a small step forward and it was then that you smelled his cologne. He smelled of ginger, fruit, and leather. You looked up at him to make sure he was okay.
He smiled before saying, “I really like this song.”
You smiled, “I like it too, the acoustic version is beautiful, it really encapsulates the words.” 
You could now whisper to each other since it had quieted down a bit from the overachieving DJ yelling over the pop music.
You had to admit, you were a bit flustered. This good looking, and smelling, man held you close and now his breath hit your neck, adding heat to your soft spot.
“Yes, the acoustic version is nice because there’s no unnecessary noise in the background. Sometimes..things need to be stripped away for us to understand it better.” He said. 
You weren’t sure if it was his use of the word stripped, or the new lowness of his voice, or the fact that his breath smelled of mint and alcohol, but for some reason, you needed more. 
Your insides were stirring and his head was lowering further down towards you every time he spoke.
His eyes glistened under the red light and his soft, pink lips were parted slightly. He was intoxicating, and you felt yourself falling towards him even more. 
You were chest to chest now and you wondered if he could feel your heart beating at 180mph. He tilted his head so that his lips were just centimeters from your neck.
“Can I?” He asked and without thinking you immediately nodded. 
He started to lay light kisses on your neck before reaching your lips. He slowly covered your mouth with his. His lips were softer than the pillows you slept on.
 He kissed you gently, but the intensity came in waves. It was as though you had run a 5k and finally drank some cool, crisp water. 
You had no control over your body, you gave him everything he was asking for. It felt wrong. You two had just met and you just broke up with your ex two weeks ago, you shouldn’t have been moving this fast. 
But something about this strange man made you forget everything. He had you in his hands in a matter of minutes. You were in a state of euphoria when he finally lifted his lips from yours. You were out of breath but oh so happy.
The kiss was amazing and you wanted more, but he pulled away from you as the song ended and the usual pop music was put back on. 
He pulled you towards him as the other couples dispersed and everyone started to take over the dance floor again.“You’re mine now” he whispered and said with a smirk. And you realized that something had changed. The sweetness in his eyes had now changed to lust. The look of a lost child he once had had now changed to that of a wolf that found its prey.
You looked confused and was about to ask what he meant when three kids crashed into you and forced you and Taeyong to separate. By the time you steadied yourself, you aw that Taeyong was gone. You looked all over the ballroom, but couldn’t find him.
You’re mine now. Those words echoed throughout your mind. What did he mean? And why did he change? Did he really think a kiss is equivalent to a marriage?
You shuffled through your bag that you placed under the table and found your phone. You needed to distract yourself.
When you unlocked your phone you noticed you had received a text from Daniel just 10 minutes ago.
Y/N, James doesn’t know who that guy is, nobody knows who he is, he’s just here so be careful. I was gonna tell him to leave but I saw you guys dancing. It seemed like you were having a good time. ________________________________________
Hey guys! this is my first ever fan fic/Au, i hope you guys enjoy it! I am always looking for constructive criticism on my writing,so please visit the ask box if youd like to say anything!
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bevioletskies · 6 years
Movieverse Post Avengers 4 Starmora Prompt: Wedding with white dress, veil, vows, rings, the kiss, and the first dance.
mild spoiler warning for avengers: infinity war.ao3 | word count: 2.9k
Peter proposed to Gamora one week to the day after they returned from the “other place”, as everyone was calling it (the Guardians had developed an aversion to the word “soul”, recoiling at what it had cost them). The moment the words left his lips, he instantly regretted it - not about the idea of marrying her, he could never regret the idea of marrying her - but the suddenness of his proposal; it almost felt inappropriate to ask. Everyone was still traumatized, recovering in short-lived bursts, taking one step forward and five steps back. Gamora, unsurprisingly, was experiencing the worst of it, not that she ever let it show. Peter couldn’t imagine she wanted to undergo the stress of a wedding on top of everything else she was dealing with, the weight on her shoulders, the sweat on her brow, the heaviness in her heart. He prepared to take it back, to apologize for, once again, jumping without thought of the consequences.
“Yes,” Gamora said, and that was that.
Now, it was a few months later and the day was here. It wasn’t so much that they had finished planning the wedding that they were finished with planning it. Gamora, for all her usual insistence on precise details and long-term considerations, grew tired of the whole process. She wasn’t inclined toward a splashy affair with flower arrangements the size of her torso and a dress that cost more than the Benatar’s repair bill. Peter just wanted to finally start calling her his wife, and was ready to take the shortest path to get there.
“Will you stop fussing already? You look fine,” Nebula grumbled. Gamora glanced in her reflection, over her shoulder, to see her sister standing in the doorway, arms folded across her chest. She smiled.
“That might be the kindest thing you’ve ever said to me,” Gamora said lightly, turning to fully face her. “Come on, Nebula. You know how much it means to Peter, to get married in his hometown, the place he still holds dear after all this time because of his mother. It would be disrespectful of me to look anything less than perfect, which I guess is…this.”
“A dress, though.” Nebula pursed her lips distastefully, her eyes slowly moving up and down as she took inventory of Gamora’s unusually feminine appearance. “And a veil? You look like the cake you refused to have.”
Gamora turned back to the mirror with a resigned, but agreeable sigh, tugging slightly on the tight waist for what had to be the hundredth time. “You might have a point. It doesn’t suit me, but it’s also no hardship. Need I remind you of the training corsets we wore as children? The buckles, the cold metal, the leather straps? All so we could learn how to breathe while we fight. That kind of burden, that life, it’s all behind us. No more.”
“No more,” Nebula echoed quietly.
Then, a knock on the doorframe. “Quill is pacing incessantly and won’t stop mumbling to himself,” Drax complained, looking immensely uncomfortable in a pressed white shirt and crooked tie. “For all our sakes, I hope you’re ready.” He paused. “You look ridiculous.”
Gamora rolled her eyes good-naturedly. “You flatter me, Drax. And yes…I’m ready.”
Though Peter had gone to church on Sundays with his mother as a child, he’d chosen a different kind of wedding venue entirely. They were in a converted barn on the outskirts of St. Charles, Missouri, the kind romanticized by many but used practically by few, its red paint peeling away on the outside, sunlight streaming in through the cracks of the imperfect rafters. Mantis had wound fairy lights around the support beams and placed tea lights along the makeshift aisle, but aside from that, there were no other decorations to speak of.
Opposite of the entryway, backlit by the partially open barn doors, Gamora’s gaze immediately went to Peter in his off-the-rack tuxedo, chatting quietly with the pastor, a family friend of his grandfather’s (who, to Peter’s dismay, had passed just two years ago). He turned at the sound of her footsteps, his face softening as he took in her appearance for the first time, mouth falling open a little in awe as it was oft to do. Gamora beamed almost shyly in return; after all these years, it was still hard to believe anyone could be so openly fond of her.
The other Guardians (aside from Nebula, who followed her in) were stood by Peter, surprisingly quiet and devoid of snark. There was a small bar-height table by Kraglin at the end of the line with three items arranged carefully on its surface - the yaka arrow, the Zune, and the Awesome Mix Vol. 1 cassette tape, the only thing that remained of Meredith’s Walkman.
Gamora walked carefully down the marked path, unused to the amount of fabric shifting around her ankles. Peter held out his hand for her to take the moment she was within reach, guiding her to a stop right in front of him. She instantly noticed an uncharacteristically nervous tremble in his fingers and his bottom lip. “Guess we should keep this short and sweet,” he chuckled. “Gotta head out in the morning for that job on the other side of the galaxy.”
“You sure do live interesting lives, Mister Quill,” the pastor commented with a laugh on his own. “Shall we start with your vows?”
“Yeah, I, um…yeah.” Peter let go of Gamora to pat the breast pocket of his suit jacket, only to shake his head. “Actually, I’ve read ‘em over enough times, I think I’m just gonna say what I feel.” He grinned his signature lopsided grin, and Gamora was half-charmed, half-worried that he’d indulged in a little drink for the nerves before getting dressed. “Growing up, I never really thought a ton about what I wanted to be when I was older. I mean, I had the usual kid dreams - rockstar, astronaut, pirate - but I was always just a go-with-the-flow kinda guy. Same thing when I was a Ravager, I just went along with what everyone else was doing. But once I left them behind, I really wasn’t sure what my next move was gonna be. If I was gonna float on by myself for the rest of my life like I always did. But part of me didn’t like that. I like being around people, and I missed having someone to talk to. My mom…Yondu. And it’s like someone heard my thoughts, ‘cos the day I left that life behind, you came along.”
“We had a pretty rough start, you and me. Tried to kill each other, landed in prison, the usual,” Peter continued, smirking at the memory. The pastor looked mildly alarmed. “But once we sorted out our differences, you became so incredibly important to me. You’re my best friend, my co-captain…my girl. The person I can talk to about anything, no matter what. The one who helped me figure out what I was gonna do with my life, who I wanted to spend it with. But you also don’t take any of my crap, and you shouldn’t,” he added with a watery laugh. “I say and do some pretty stupid stuff sometimes. You keep my feet on the ground, sometimes literally.”
“Anyways…we’ve been through a lot together. But I’m not too worried about the future. I know that whatever life throws my way, I got someone I can always count on, someone who can always count on me. And maybe to kid-me, the kid that didn’t care about, y’know, the future, or anything, really, it sounds pretty boring, but to adult-me? Sounds like I’ve got the best deal - and the best partner - in the entire universe.”
Gamora had to bite her lip to stop herself from crying, her eyes welling up with emotion. Peter’s eyes were shining with unshed tears as well, nodding for her to begin. “Growing up in the circumstances that I did, with the company that I kept - with one exception - ” her eyes briefly went to Nebula “ - it shouldn’t be surprising that love and acceptance were, in my mind, unattainable. Abstract concepts, for children and for fantasy. Shallow…saccharine. Meant only for people who thought themselves romantics, people who had time to really get to know one another. I was none of those things.”
“Like you, I was trying to escape my life. Unlike you, I thought I knew what was going to happen after. That I was going to survive, but not really live. Maybe die months, weeks, days after running away,” Gamora added with a sad smile. “I’ll admit, I didn’t think much of you when we first met. You were just another adversary to me. It wasn’t until Knowhere that I truly began to understand you…to know you…eventually come to love you. I can’t pinpoint a moment, a memory, in which I knew I did. But with all the cliches in the world, the ones I rejected and wrote off as fiction…I began to understand every single one of them.”
“I’ve been jealous of people who look at you the wrong way, or people who look at you for too long. I’ve fought for you, for us. I’ve done things that surprised me, said things I would have never told anyone else. I’ve let you into my life so we can share it together…a life where it’s about more than just surviving. I see the universe with new eyes, a renewed hope for the future, our future, and I don’t think it would be the same without you.”
By now, Mantis and Kraglin were clinging to each other, watery-eyed, while Drax, Rocket, and Groot were more stoic, but still noticeably moved. Nebula’s expression had been indecipherable ever since Gamora indirectly mentioned her, but she’d never been an easy read in the first place.
“If we have no objections - ” the pastor briefly glanced at the others, who all vehemently shook their heads “ - we’ll move on to the exchanging of the rings.”
Groot crouched briefly to open the small satchel at his feet, digging through its contents. Once he found what he was looking for, his branches snaked out, coming to a stop in front of Peter and Gamora - two small velvet boxes, ready for them to take. Gamora’s hands were comparatively steadier than Peter’s, sliding his ring on first. When she noticed the continual tremble in his arm, she held his wrist in a gentle, but firm grip, guiding him as he put her ring on her finger. He smiled in silent gratitude.
The two of them took a moment to admire their rings side-by-side, rings that had somehow become the most arduous part of the entire planning process. Peter’s ring was far simpler than hers, silver in color and square in shape with a thin groove all the way around, set with two red diamonds between perpendicular ridges that reminded him of his mask. Gamora’s ring was silver as well but less traditional in appearance, a thin sword wrapped around her finger with a matching red diamond embedded in its hilt.
“If you’re ready,” the pastor said softly. They turned back to look at him, eyes wide with anticipation. “By the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife!”
A tinny-sounding version of the wedding march began to play through the Zune-attached speakers, and the Guardians exploded with whoops and cheers of unbridled joy. Peter swept Gamora into his arms, kissing her with everything he had. She wrapped her arms around his middle, pulling his front flush against hers, deepening the kiss, then pulled away before the pastor could protest indecency. Still, Peter brought her back in to kiss the crown of her head, holding her close as they turned on their heels to face the others, matched unabashed grins on their faces.
“So…dunno about you guys, but I’m super hungry,” Peter announced. Gamora was unsurprised to find that being married to Peter did not, in any way, lessen her urge to roll her eyes at him. If anything, she could see it happening with far more frequency in the future…their future.
Dinner was short and sweet, just like the ceremony. Peter ordered takeout from his favorite local diner, a place he was delighted to discover was still around. Though the others were mostly unfamiliar with Terran food, it was a welcome palate compared to their usual of ration packets and whatever was cheap at the latest bar Rocket insisted on visiting between jobs.
After dinner was over, Gamora knew there was one last wedding tradition that Peter would never want to miss. He didn’t care for toasts that rambled on for far too long, or tossing the bouquet (not that Gamora had one to begin with), or silly games that made everyone vaguely uncomfortable with how intimate they could be. No, this was a tradition that was obvious to anyone who knew Peter.
“Ready for our first dance as husband and wife?” He held out his hand, thankfully far steadier than it had been an hour ago.
“I guess the others will have to wait.” She placed her hand in his, allowing him to pull her to her feet.
They walked out to the middle of the barn, the moonlight peeking through the rafters, casting a soft glow on both their faces. Peter nodded at Rocket to start the music. He grinned at Gamora’s mildly surprised expression once the song began. “Song choice okay with you?”
“More than okay,” she laughed, allowing him to lead her in slow, deliberate circles, their faces so close that their noses were nearly touching. With his hands at the small of her back and hers on his waist, they were sturdier, surer of themselves, than they had been all night. “It’s been a while since we’ve listened to this one. Five years, in fact.”
“Figured it couldn’t be anything else,” Peter shrugged. “So…you feel any different? Now that we’re married?”
“Not really,” Gamora admitted. “I always thought it was more symbolic than anything else.”
“Can’t forget those tax benefits,” Peter joked. “And that insurance package you had your eye on ever since the hospital incident on Parthea?”
“If you had just told them we were family - ”
“ - I was so hopped up on meds, I was tryna make out with you in the waiting room, I don’t think they’d buy you were my adoptive sister - ”
“ - you always try to make out with me regardless, Peter, but my point is - ”
“ - hey, we’re starting to sound like an old married couple. I guess we always have, but now we’re halfway there,” he grinned. Gamora huffed, giving him her second most impressive eyeroll of the night. “Just gotta grow old together first.”
She couldn’t help but smile at that, the tension leaving her shoulders. “You’re right. Now we can look forward. And I don’t mean tomorrow’s mission, but…whatever the rest of our lives will be. We got a second chance at life. Let’s not waste it.”
“Did you have something in mind?” he asked.
“Actually…no.” Even Gamora looked surprised at her own answer. “All my life, I’ve either been running or hiding. It took me years to finally break free from his control, only for him to take me back again, use me again. And now, aside from whatever enemies we’ve made along the way…I have no reason to look over my shoulder. To check every corner I turn.” She smiled, her eyes glossy. “I’m not saying we’re never going to struggle again. We still have to live from payment to payment, risk our lives on even the simplest of missions, mostly because Rocket can’t resist a good fight. But for the first time…I’m not worried. I know we can figure it out together. Whatever ‘it’ may be.”
Peter pulled her even closer, wrapping his arms fully around her waist, his nose grazing her hair. “I know what you mean. Well, sorta. After losing Mom, I…I didn’t know if I was ever gonna have a family again. Or if I was just gonna be uncertain about everything for the rest of my life. But having the Guardians, having you…I lost Yondu, and I still think about him all the time. Wondering what it’d be like if he were here with us. But you’re my family. And I’m not worried, either. Just…really lookin’ forward to what’s next.”
Gamora glanced briefly over Peter’s shoulder, her fingers still burrowed beneath his jacket, around his waist, comforted by his familiar stance, his warmth. Rocket and Groot were squabbling over the last piece of apple pie, Mantis was cooing and taking photos of Peter and Gamora’s first dance while Drax watched on with a mildly disgruntled expression, and Kraglin was eyeing Nebula apprehensively, unsure of how much small talk - if any was even possible - was going to result in a knife to his throat.
She turned back to look up at Peter. “I love you,” she said simply.
He smiled. “I love you, too,” he said, and that was that.
Free, on my own is the way I used to be…but since I met you baby, love’s got a hold on me…
Fooled around and fell in love...I fooled around and fell in love, oh yes I did...
a/n: Peter’s tuxedo, Gamora’s dress (but with a floor-length hem), Peter’s ring, Gamora’s ring (but with a red diamond), and I’m sure you’re familiar with their first dance song!
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blahblahblippyblah · 7 years
Solangelo : Secret first date
Chapter 2 of a series I am writing. I have thought out the whole plot . I just have to write it all down. Series doesn’t have a name yet.
Chapter 1 is on my page. Called First Day at Camp. I promise lots of fluff. But I’m making Nico and Will go slow. Because honesty I think that’s how it happened. Also I am definitely sending them on a quest together soon.
Spelling mistakes because I wrote this on my phone while working in the field.
Nico wasn’t sure when he had finally fallen asleep. All he knew was that soon after his head touched the pillow he was in Tartarus again. The putrid acid smell of the air. The fire of the phelgathon burning in his throat, and the voices. When Nico had first fallen into Tartarus the voices of despair and pain had begun yelling at him. It was like being 3 paranoid schizophrenics at once. It made his head ring. The voices and their feelings washed into him. Driving him close to madness. Nico had talked to Percy and Annabeth briefly about their trip to Tartarus. They didn’t hear the voice. Maybe it was because he was a child of the underworld. Then he fell into darkness.
He awoke with a yelp, and shot straight up. His sheets were soaked with sweat. His hair was drenched. That wasn’t a good sing since the Hades cabin was always cold. He stared at the wall for a few seconds. He sun hadn’t risen yet, but his alarm clock said it was 4:30 am.
Great Nico thought. He would never get back to bed. Then he remembers that he had promised will that they would spend the day together. The thought instantly gave him a heat flash. He remembered how stupid he sounded when Will asked him to spend the day with hm. Nico didn’t know if it was a date, maybe it was just a thing people did to get to know one another and become friends. He didn’t really know how this making friend’s thing worked. But what if it was a date. He got butterflies thinking about it. No it wasn’t a date, Will would have said that. But they would still be spending the day together which sent some new butterflies into his stomach. Then a flood of panic washed over him.
He got to his feet and walked into the bathroom. He took a shower, making sure to scrubs every part of his body and shampooing his hair twice. He then brushed his teeth 3 times, and put on a good amount of deodorant. He tended to sweat a lot when he was nervous. He then spent quite a while trying to comb his hair. It was curly and a little long. Eventually he gave up. It always looked the same no matter what he did.
Picking out clothes was the hardest part. Everything he owned was black. It was too hot outside to wear a sweater, and his aviator’s jacket had been destroyed. Eventually he settled on his very basic black jeans with ripped knees from his last adventure, black shoes, and the ever so creative black plain black shirt with a tiny skull on the side of the tight collar. He put on his silver skull ring.
He looked out the window. The sun was beginning to rise over the lake. Well technically its morning now so he shouldn’t get in trouble by the harpies for leaving his cabin. Hopefully he could get to the dinning pavilion early to grab a piece of fruit before he lost his appetite to nerves.
The grass was covered with dew, and the sky was a brilliant shades of pink and orange. The camp looked beautiful. As he crossed the lawn in front of the other cabins he noticed Will was leaning against the Apollo cabin. Munching on a granola bar watching the sun rise.
He was wearing some faded baby blue jeans that he had cut so that they were very long shorts. His shirt was an obnoxious yellow orange and red tye dye. They couldn’t have cashed more than this. He smiled when he saw Nico.
“I didn’t think you would be up so early” Will said and Nico approached.
“What are you doing up then?” Nico asked.
“Talking to my dad” Will said staring at the sunrise with that distant relaxed look he always had.
Nico jut nodded. Demigods tended to talk to themselves hoping their parents where listening. Nico usually did it while he stared into fires. Of course Hades never answered.
“Here” Will threw him a granola bar. “Best breakfast you will ever have.”
Nico looked down this wasn’t a typical granola bar. It looked like a large clump of dried dark mud, with bits of nuts in it. It resembled something Nico definitely didn’t want to out in his mouth.
“Ummmm ill pass.”
“Come on. It’s not poisonous. I made them myself. Super demigod food that is”
Nico sighed and took a bite. It was pretty good. It tasted like peanut butter and chocolate.
“See I told you its good”
“So what do you usually do on your days off?” Nico asked.
Will looked away from the sunrise and at Nico. His freckled face broke into a smile.
“Well usually I sit in my cabin and study medical journals, but today I asked Chiron if we could head into NY”
Nico grinned.
“That sounds awesome. Can we stop by a McDonalds though if we are going into the city?
Will looked at him quizzically.
“Sure ill add it to the list” he said taping his temple in a joking way.
Argus the camp security guard/ part time demigod van driver dropped the off by central park.
They walked through the park. Most people were hurrying through the park as if they had somewhere to be on a Saturday morning. There were some joggers and people on bikes they moved over for. The rest of the park was filled with overexcited tourists. Will spent the walk asking Nico about himself. What he liked and more about himself. While he was in the infirmary he usually skidded these questions from Will. He didn’t like people knowing too much about him. It made him vulnerable. But Nico felt more comfortable and trusting of Will.
He spent the walk talking with Will about Mythomagic and how he wanted to get back into it. What his favourite cards where and what he use to have in his collection. Will seemed genuinely interested. He got to the talking about his figurines when he remembered the Hades figurine he still kept hidden under his bed. The last token he had from Bianca. All he had left of her was that stupid figure that got her killed and his skull ring. He trailed off and slumped his head slightly. The feeling of resentment and hurt was growing on his face.
Will noticed he stopped talking and looked over.
“What’s up?”
“nothing just thought of some stuff I’d rather not talk about”
Wills smile faded in understating. Then he smiled again.
“It’s ok. Were almost there anyway”
“Where is there?” Nico asked.
Will just smirked at him and exited a park gate.
They came out in front of the natural history museum. The building was regal. And filled with tourists.
“Ever been her before?” Will asked
“Nope” Nico replied “I haven’t really been to any museums without looking for some cursed object or a ghost”
“Well then you’re about to get your first museum tour. Led by the least knowledgeable guide, me.”
Nico smiled and followed him up the stairs. He had never been in a museum before. Scratch that, he had never been in a museum and had actually spent time enjoying it. He had once broken into the Smithsonian to talk to some spirits for some stupid quest his dad sent him on. But never mind that now.
They dodged excited children who ran around wildly while their parent walked dejectedly behind them. The first place Will wanted to go was the dinosaur exhibit. Nico was having such a great time. For once he had even stopped checking over his shoulders for monster. They stopped at a case containing a bunch of raptors claws. Nico pointed to one of the claw that was labeled as velociraptor.
“That’s not a velociraptor claw, that’s a chimera claw.”
“It says found with velociraptor bones" Will puzzled.
“I know a chimera’s claw when I see one. I almost had my guts spilled out by a chimera once” Nico said
“hhhhmmmmm, maybe a velociraptor died fighting a chimera” Will jokingly suggested.
Nico laughed. When he started laughing the tiny remains of some dinosaur arms bones began to shake.
“Hey want to see something cool?” Nico asked Will.
“Of course”
Nico led will to a corner exhibit that wasn’t so crowded. Inside was the skeleton of a micro raptor . Nico checked over his shoulder to make sure no one was around and watching then closed his eyes in concentration. The skeleton rose up and reformed the figure of the micro raptor. It looked at Nico curiously las if saying ‘Hey I was napping here’. Will laughed in amazement. The tiny dinosaur started chasing its tail.
“That’s so cool” Will said.
That was the first time anyone had called Nico reanimating the dead cool. He smiled, he had never used his powers for fun before, but will looked so impressed he wanted to show off more. He thought it was best to leave it like that. A tiny skeleton was one thing but a T Rrex coming to life probably wouldn’t work out very well in a crowded museum.
A little boy came over and pointed at the dinosaur.
“Daddy Daddy come and look. This dinosaur is alive!”
The dad was behind on his phone, not paying attention.
“Ya very cool Booby” he said not looking up.
Nico let the bones all back down.
After they explored every inch of the museum Nico started to notice he was hungry. As if on cue Will’s stomach growled. He looked at his watch.
“Wow its 5 o’clock already. I must have lost track of time” Will said.
Nico didn’t mind. He had had the best time hanging with Will and listening to the made up stories he had for each exhibit. They left the museum and started heading towards the nearest McDonalds just as Will promised. Nico order the largest burger they had and some fires. Will got a salad. Who orders a salad at McDonalds Nico thought?
As if reading his mind Will said “That stuff is going to kill you one day”
“With all the monsters we fight on a daily basis and you think I’ll die of cholesterol and high blood pressure?” Nico mused.
Will raise his eyebrow at him in challenge “Yes, yes I do” he said.
Nico rolled his eyes.
“Hey I saw that” Will said lightly punching his arm.
They sat down and Nico devoured his hamburger. Will ate his rabbit food. Once he was done he began to sneak fires out of Nico’s tray.
“You said that this stuff was practically poisonous “ Nico said as Will put another fire in his mouth.
“No I said that it was going to kill you. I however am only having a few.”
For only wanting a few Will ate almost all of Nico’s fires. He didn’t care though. He pulled the last fry out of the container.
“Do you want this death stick?” Nico asked
“Why yes thank you” Will replied mockingly.
Nico threw the fry in the air towards him. Will tried to catch it in his mouth but missed and it went sailing past him and hit the back of some annoyed looking biker with a beard. Nico quickly looked away pretending nothing had happened when the guy turned around. Will started snickering at Nico. When the big biker turned around Nico stuck his tongue out at Will who returned the gesture.
At 7 o’clock Argus pulled up to pick them up. Inside the van was Annabeth and Percy who Argus had just picked up from a visit to Percy’s moms place. When they first came in Annabeth gave him a smile.
“Hey Nico, hey Will. What were you to doing in the city today?” she asked interested.
“Nothing interesting. I just went with Nico to the museum.” Will replied calmly.
Annabeth smiled. She sat down beside Percy and gave him a knowing smile. Nico stared down at his feet trying to turn red. He felt a rise of resentment for Annabeth. What did she know what Nico was thinking. But the rest of the ride she just held Percy’s hand and her Percy and Will started talking. Nico just listened.
Sally Percy’s mom was apparently going to have a baby and Percy was really excited. He loved his step dad and was thrilled to have a baby brother or sister on the way.
When they got to camp they thanked Argus who nodded at them. They stated to head to their cabins to get ready for the campfire. Since it was the day off the campfire would go later tonight. Percy and Annabeth waved at them and ran off towards the cabins. Nico was pretty sure he saw them slip into the shadows once they reached the Poseidon cabin heading toward Canoe Lake instead. He didn’t say anything. Actually it made him smile. He was glad he was over Percy now. He was now just another friend, and he was glad he had found Annabeth to sneak away into the water with.
Him and Will sauntered towards the cabins. Will followed him all the way to the Hades cabin.
“See you at the campfire in five minutes?” Will asked.
Nico nodded and headed in his cabin. We saw Will turn around toward the Apollo cabin. He went to his closet and grabbed a black hoodie. He reached in his pocket and found that he still had the museum map. He smiled and paced it in his closet. He grabbed his stygian iron sword and strapped it to his belt. Since they were back at camp he could carry it around again. He felt naked without it.
There was a knock at his door. Nico went outside. Will was back but now was wearing a bright red Red Cross first aid instructor sweater.
“You teach first aid?” Nico asked
“Ya I got qualified last fall so I could teach campers”
“Cool, could you teach me?” Nico asked.
“Of course, ill set aside time staring tomorrow. How about after archery practice?” Will proposed
“Sounds good” Nico said trying to hide the excitement he had.
They walked in silence for a while. Will continue to stare off in the distance looking relaxed and chill like usual.
Then all of a sudden he blurt out. “So was this like our first date? Or should I take you somewhere else next day off?”
Nico stopped in his tracks and stared at Will. Will turned and smiled at him. His hand resting calmly in his jacket pockets. His freckles shone slightly in the distant campfire light. Nico didn’t know what to say. He wasn’t good at this. He thought that will might be making fun of him. Then he realised from Will’s smile that he wasn’t joking. That left him more speechless. He liked will A LOT, but he didn’t know what to say that wouldn’t make himself sound stupid, but also let will know that he was secretly hoping it was a date.
What came out of his mouth was more of an incoherent babble.
“I’ll take that as a yes then” he said smugly. Nico threw him a look.
“Don’t be so full of yourself” Nico said as he elbowed Will playfully.
“So it was a date then?” Will pushed.
Nico rolled his eyes a little. Then he looked down at his feet.
“Ya I guess it was”
“Good” said will” because I think you’re really great and funny and ……. Kind of cute”
Cute? Nico thought. He could feel himself blushing. Will smiled at his accomplishment at making Nico blush at this.
“I guess you’re pretty ok to” Nico joked.
“Only ok? I’m hurt” Will also joked pretending his heart was breaking.
Nico pushed his shoulder lightly. And walked off towards the fire will ran to catch up with him.
They sat beside each other at the campfire, still talking about things they had talked about earlier in the day while everyone else sang and laughed.
As the night went on Nico couldn’t help but smile. Will Solace liked him too.
13 notes · View notes
Saga Parker
Hello! My question about Saga is if she seems fleshed out, or if there’s something I should work more on? She won’t be in a book but on a fiction blog I’m creating as a preview for the books I’m writing.
(Mod note: The rest of this profile and the critique can be found below the cut! -Kyo)
About the Story: The barrier between worlds are crashing down, and worlds are being eaten by a darkness that consumes everything.
2 organisations, one named Organisation and the other Initiative are fighting this but with their own means, but they also fight each other. Innocents caught in the crossfire die, and nothing gets better.
Demons, monsters, shadows, and everything enters through cracks and it’s the end of everything. However, not all they do is destroy, but neither of the organisations wants to acknowledge that.
Backstory: Saga can’t remember much of her life, but holds the magic power to see Stardust, and communicate with them. She put together a group of individuals to save them, and find out why the Nothingness is devouring everything.
Her story takes place in modern times, in the year of now as she will have her story on a blog.
Name: Saga Parker
Aliases: -
Gender: Woman
Sexual Orientation: Asexual
Age: 24
Birthdate: 7th July
Occupation: Freelance translator, and part time office worker for economists, as well as star dust finder.
She goes where there have been sights of strange happenings, and finds magical beings to help them escape, traces of magic, or tears into the Between. She documents everything for her, and also from the others in her group.
Alignment: Neutral
Group/Organizational Affiliations: The A group, which stands for Arctia. They aren’t part of the Initiative or the Organisation and wants to help the stardust back where it belongs.
Family: No.
Best Friends: A woman named Kiki. They’ve known each other for 10 years. She isn’t a part of the A group, or any other group.
Relationship Status: Single. She’s not looking either, it’s never been a priority for her to be in a relationship.
Significant Other: Kiki, her best and only friend in the world they live in that isn’t a part of any group.
Other Relationships: Dylan, she lives with him. He’s a member of the A group and away a long time, or home a long time. They have a good relationship but don’t talk a lot. They play video games, and watch series, and so on.
Height: About 167 Cm.
Weight: 65.5 Kg.
Build: Not much muscle, a little rounder than average.
Skin Tone: White.
Hair: Brown to blue ombre down to below her shoulder, curly and wavy. Often up in a knot.
Eyes: Light blue, almost grey.
Identifying Marks: She always has manicured nails, and her ring finger has a scar at the bottom where it was nearly cut off. She has four scars on her left thigh which looks like something scratched her, from when she was a child.
Appearance: She’s average looking, and likes to wear colour. Mostly light colours like pastel, and her favorite is blue and pink.
She often wears plaid shirts tucked under a pair of highwaist jeans or highwaist shorts. She always wear stockings under shorts, and never shows her legs.
She has a ring in her left nostril.
Personality: She can be a bit bubbly when anxious. She’s honest, sometimes too honest. She doesn’t hide who she is but doesn’t overshare details about her life to everyone.
She’s loud when she’s with friends too and not afraid to share her opinions. This clashes a lot with people but makes her friends trust her too because she doesn’t withhold stuff unless she thinks it’s important, like not telling Kiki they’re all going to die.
Motivations: To work so she can pay rent and food, and the insurance and everything for her cat.
Also to save Kiki and the ones she cares about, which means saving the damn world and the rest of the galaxy because she loves her best friend.
Current Goal: Try to guide the stardust away from their world and protect them from the agents coming from everywhere wanting to catch them.
Life Goal: She doesn’t really have one. She lives in the now and doesn’t have a set goal for her life. She doesn’t think she’ll live much longer either so she only focuses on her current goals.
Motto: Livet är en sak man måste vara rädd om - Life is a thing you have to take care of.
Best Quality: She’s honest with herself.
Worst Quality: Her solutions can be seen as complicated, or even a detour by others and make them annoyed.
Fears: Heights, insects, and to loose Kiki.
Hobbies: She likes to paint with watercolour, and to bake.
Talents: She has a big imagination and can use this to see other worlds.
Skills: She can bake the best kladdkaka (I think the english term for it is mudcake but I don’t think they’re the same so Idk), and cheesecake. She’s good at winging it with baking because she’s done it so much. She’s working on improving her art skill too.
Secret: She’s dead. She was left to starve in an abandoned facility as a child and the shadows took pity on her. They created a new body for her and because of her magic she could live in there instead, but she loses her humanity more and more. In the end she will become stardust, or a demon.
Influential Memory: She can’t really remember anything. It’s in the back of her head but when she tries to grasp a memory she can’t.
Role Model: Phil Lester (Amazingphil), because of his positive/fun attitude and he’s a good friend.
Crush: None.
Source of Embarrassment: When people look at her when she talks her face gets red.
Source of Pride: She’s a good story teller.
Hello! If I recall correctly, you had submitted Saga before, and then asked us to hold off for a resubmission. Since I was going to take on the original, I’ll be doing your critique today!
First off, I think that this profile could benefit from some better organization. Generally, you want to put you character’s backstory at the end of things, because now you’ve given me a bunch of information but none of it makes any sense to me. I don’t know what Stardust is, I don’t know what Nothingness is (although I can guess), and I don’t know why I should care. Keep your backstory at the end of the profile, after all of the information that tells me why I should care about Saga and her story.
And, speaking of backstory…profiles are about making sure that you know (and, if you’re seeking a critique, that the critiquer knows) where your character is coming from and who they are. What you’ve given me here is a nice view of what kind of story you’re writing, but it tells me nothing about Saga. It does nothing to deepen my understanding of this character, so it’s not really useful for the purposes of critique. Even if Saga doesn’t remember her own backstory, you should know where she came from, how she lost her memories, and how that’s affected her as a person.
You obviously know a lot about the story you want to tell, and that’s awesome. However, without any explanation, I don’t understand what’s going on here. I don’t understand the story-specific terminology you’re using, or what it has to do with Saga, or why any of this matters. As a rule of thumb, if you made something up and gave it a name, and it’s important to the character, you need to explain it at least the first time it comes up in a profile or else you’re going to leave the reader with more questions than answers.
For reference, “significant other” refers to a boyfriend, girlfriend, datemate, spouse, or other human being who occupies a position of romantic or sexual importance in your character’s life. Their best friend should be listed under “best friends” only; you don’t need to give us that information twice. There’s some solid information here, but it’s very vague. I don’t know why Saga and Kiki get along or why Dylan and Kiki get along. I don’t know anything about how Saga met either of these characters or why they’re important to her. That’s information you need to cover.
You’ve got some useful information in the appearance section, but I still don’t know what Saga’s face looks like. There’s not really an “average” face out there, so you should know details about her facial features, and you should be able to write them down so that other people can envision them. Even if that information never shows up in your story, if you need it you’ll have it.
In terms of personality, there’s not a lot here. This is a list of facts more than anything else, with nothing connecting them together to bring us a cohesive image of who Saga is as a person and why she is the way she is. This section needs to be fleshed out a lot more if you want Saga to be a character who can grab peoples’ attention and make them care about your story. I honestly can’t even give you much of a critique about this section because there’s just nothing in particular to say about it - it’s fairly bland and there’s just not enough here. I would really like to know why she thinks they’re all going to die, but that’s not explained anywhere either.
There are some really interesting things in the sections beyond her personality, like her interests in baking and art, her motto, and her best and worst qualities. I’m also interested in how she died and why exactly “the shadows” (whatever those are) gave her a new body. I can see a lot of potential here, but you need to work these things into her personality and draw them from her backstory. Also, her motivations are sort of boring - everyone wants to make sure they can pay their bills, so telling me that isn’t necessary. What I’m interested in is that second motivation, which tells me why Saga is the protagonist I should care about: she wants to save the world and the galaxy because she loves Kiki. I still need to know why she loves Kiki so much, but that’s a solid motivation!
And lastly: I had to go look up who Amazingphil is, and somehow I guessed that he’d be a YouTuber. If he has no bearing on the story, remove him from the profile. It serves no purpose, and it’s better not to risk getting yourself into trouble for including a real human being in your fictional world. The role model section generally is there for you to tell us about someone in your character’s life who affected the kind of person they are today, such as a mentor. It’s a section that could be more difficult for you since Saga doesn’t remember anything about her past, but there should still be mannerisms and beliefs that she holds left over from who she was before she lost her memory, even if she doesn’t remember why, and it can be useful to explain that those are because of someone she was close to.
To use one of my favorite metaphors, building a character is like building a house. The backstory of a character is the foundation for everything else, the personality of the character makes up the walls and roof and room layout, and then their appearance is all of the details you put on top of that blank slate to make it look appealing. If you’ve got a bad foundation, the walls will collapse, and without decent structure, it doesn’t matter how pretty you make it, it’s still not going to work out. In Saga’s case, you’re decorating the walls without making sure they’ve got enough support. You need to work on those backstory and personality sections, and then worry about what she looks like or the random extra trivia bits.
I believe that you know more about this character than what you’ve written down here, and that you just need to sit down and get what’s in your head on the page. The best way to do that is to go all the way back to our most basic profile format - name, appearance, personality, backstory. Fill out just those sections, with no frills and no bells or whistles, and then work your way outward and expand on Saga from there. That will help you build a stronger base for this character so that she can become the well-rounded individual she deserves to be. Whatever you do, don’t give up! Remember, writing is a process.
If you choose to follow the above advice, I’d love to see the basic profile for Saga and critique it for you. In fact, if you choose to revise her at all I’d be interested in seeing her again, so please feel free to resubmit her. Until then, I hope this helps, and good luck!
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stormyrecords-blog · 8 years
new arrivals
stormy records
13306 michigan ave
dearborn, mi 48126 313-581-9322 hello friends of stormy!! great new used lps in stock now, and more coming for satuday. we will be putting out large batches of great newly priced items every saturday - so stop by to see what we may have for you!!
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Up-Tight's current line-up (2016) is original members T. Aoki (vocal & guitar) T. Ogata (bass) and T. Shirahata (drums). The ghosts of The Velvet Underground, Les Rallizes Dénudés and Amon Düül loom large over their personal feedback song-destruction universe. This LP is the first re-issue of their original CD-R-only release in Japan in 1999 in a very limited edition of 100 copies. It has been remastered in Berlin from original recordings and presented here in an edition of 300. Here is what David Keenan (Wire magazine) thought about this first CD-R released in 1999 : "Up-Tight are a noxious young trio from south Tokyo, all acolytes of the legendary Japanese psych group Les Rallizes Dénudés, who augment their sound with crushing, Sabbath-styled dynamics, earsplitting acid leads and beautiful Velvets-inspired ballads... Song structures are mostly kept loose, allowing for lots of noisy improvisation. Generally the album is anchored by heavy riffs. Just when you thought you'd got to grips with Tokyo's paradigm destroying psych scene, this one hits like a sucker punch." All songs are five to ten minutes long, varying from very melodic ballads to psychedelic journeys. The album ends with an epic track, "無題", which is an 18 minutes tour-de-force, that takes you to another dimension as if the Velvet Underground's "Sister Ray" would have a child with Acid Mothers Temple, while listening to Amon Düül under codeine. Up-Tight are from the generation that emerged with the madness of the Tokyo '90s and the P.S.F Records scene. Close to Acid Mothers Temple (the two bands recorded an album together), Up-Tight has a unique sound and is one of the most important underground reference in the Japan psychedelic scene. Gas: Box 10LP+4CD+BK $180.00back in stock - this collection is glorious and decadent and beautiful to look at and listen to - perfection!! Giombini, M: Computer Disco LP $25.99Mondo Groove present a reissue of Marcello Giombini's Computer Disco, originally released in 1982. Computer Disco is the greatest Euro-synth, disco album of early '80s and now it's finally being reissued by Mondo Groove. Computer Disco is the most Kraftwerk-ian Italian production. Marcello Giombini was a pioneer of early sequencers and on this cult LP, he produced cheesy, cosmic synth pop, with a little bit of Italo disco mixed in. Every fan of '70s/'80s synthesizer music and electronic DJs should put this in their collection. Original artwork restored. Mogollar: S/T LP $29.99LP version. Pharaway Sounds present a reissue of Moğollar's self-titled album, originally released in 1976. Makam madness gives way to instrumental prog on this burned-out last album from Moğollar, Turkey's Anadolu pop heroes. Moğollar was the band that never had a singer attached for long, and yet even more than Baris Manco or Erkin Koray, they consciously highlighted what was different about the new sounds of the era. Incredible fusion of ancient Anatolian melodies and instruments with prog/psych with occasional, piercing fuzz guitar. RIYL: John Berberian, Devil's Anvil, and vintage Turkish psych. Remastered sound; Includes liner notes by Angela Sawyer. Buyurburc, E: Hop Dedik LP $29.99LP version. Pharaway Sounds present a reissue of Erol Büyükburç's Hop Dedik, originally released in 1976. Years before Baris Manco and even before the fame of Erkin Koray, Erol's flamboyant outfits and spontaneous behavior brought a youthful, pop-oriented world to Turkish audiences. Hop Dedik is his first proper album. While not exactly psychedelic, Erol's album shows how far the mix of Anatolian melodies and Western production could reach and provides some great examples of Turkish pop spiced with psych, disco, and funk. Includes insert with photos and liner notes by Angela Sawyer. O'Dwyer, Aine: Gegenschein LP $25.99Irish artist Áine O'Dwyer follows her highly acclaimed Music For Church Cleaners vol. I and II double LP (2015) with two LP releases, Gegenschein and Locusts (PP 027LP). While continuing to explore the church organ as the primary instrument, these two releases steer away from Church Cleaners in both sonic content and themes explored. Gegenschein was recorded at the Franciscan Friary in Limerick, Ireland. O'Dwyer gained access to the Friary in 2012 and explored both the pipe organ and the space in its disused state. What becomes of a sacred space after the dispersion of the spirit, after the light has been switched off, after the deconsecration? Edition of 500. O'Dwyer, Aine: Locusts LP $25.99Irish artist Áine O'Dwyer follows her highly acclaimed Music For Church Cleaners vol. I and II double LP (2015) with two LP releases, Locusts and Gegenschein (PP 026LP). While continuing to explore the church organ as the primary instrument, these two releases steer away from Church Cleaners in both sonic content and themes explored. O'Dwyer recorded Locusts in 2015 at St. James' Church in Barrow-in-Furness, England, and at the First Unitarian Congregational Society sanctuary in Brooklyn Heights, New York. The record presents itself as a celebration of the pipe organ's acoustic capacity to tap into electronic pulses, and of O'Dwyer's liturgical memories, which are, at times, pushed into horrorthon states. Edition of 500. Wire #397: March 17 MAG $10.50"On the cover: Aine O'Dwyer (Through her sounding of sacred spaces and collaborative projects, the Irish musician moves between the folk traditions and performance art that form her musical heritage). Inside the issue: The Primer: A user's guide to Moroccan trance; Experimental music from Canada; Invisible Jukebox: Alexander Hawkins ; Global Ear: Seoul and Chuncheon; ADULT. (The Detroit electroshock duo bring it all back home); Mary Ocher (The Berlin based artist offers collage without frontiers); Society of Strange and Ancient Instruments (Clare Salaman drags Francis Bacon's utopian music into the present)." we have tickets for the Hamtramck Music fest and the Beserker Fest - cash only for each - come on by and pick up your tickets!!!
Hamtramck Music Fest is March 2-5th and wristbands are $10
Beserker Fest is APril 14-15 and 2 day passes are $60 EL CLUB UPCOMING SHOWSremember - tickets are cash only. this saves us all the service charges!! mike doughty  fri feb 24th   $18.00
moon duo sat april 22nd  $13.00 Upcoming events at Trinosophes
Happy new year everyone- it's going to be quite a year, guaranteed.  Lots of Feb and March to be added in the next week! 2/21 The Necks2/24 Mostly Other People Do the Killing   3/3 Baby Dee  4/15 Peter Evans Quartet 4/20 J@K@L4/21 Seraphine Collective presents R Ring, Split Single4/27 Poetry Slam Festival
0 notes