#as an American the films are such like a breath of fresh air
laughableillusions · 9 months
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paintbrushnebula · 4 months
I think now that Tangled the Series has been over for the better part of four years now, what makes me sad the most is that there were enough pieces left behind by the film to construct a compelling narrative for a strong continuation of Rapunzel and Eugene's story that wouldn't have required all this "bigger and more epic" stuff that the series made up in order to be interesting. 
And you can have big epic magical stuff, that's fine! I LOVE epic large-scale stories! But there's a difference between expanding your world by further developing its elements and themes, and just scaling up the adventure tenfold to be “bigger and better”—which is what I feel that the series did in the end. 
It’s funny, because I was already a fan of Tangled when I was little. I still remember being 7 years old sitting in that theater with my sister, actually breathless and in shock when Eugene drew his last breath. I had never seen a kids movie where a lead character dies.
(and I know that sounds absurd because there were Disney films before where a lead character dies and comes back XD look I was 7 and my parents weren’t people who knew many pop culture American movies at the time so I didn’t watch much that wasn’t Disney Channel or VHS films that my Grandma owned. To this day I’m still kind of trying to catch up on film culture XD)
Sorry to get off track but what I’m trying to say is, I was there when the series was announced and they revealed that promo art back in 2016, I saw the 30 second promo trailer, I watched “Wind in my Hair” when it was released on Youtube in February 2017 the morning before school and I was hyped for the rest of the day, and I remember watching Before Ever After’s premiere with my sister and was FLOORED that it was good??!! Like actually was gonna have a serialized overarching story and everything! God I’ll never forget Eugene’s verse where he pulls out that ring. I’ll never forget Rapunzel’s face when he gives her his proposal speech (before it went downhill that is), and I’ll always forget the last 25 minutes that take place  after Rapunzel’s hair grows back because its low-key pretty heckin boring! 
What hyped me was the relationship stuff, Rapunzel’s PTSD, the parent drama, everything that those first 30 minutes had that made me THINK we were in for an emotional story about Rapunzel’s life after the tower, I thought we’d get to see in detail how she’s gonna to grapple with her trauma, her new life, her new responsibilities, her new relationships, all that. And some of the series was that, a very small “some.” Not enough by any means for me lol
Because like, wouldn’t that have been a more interesting story to tell than the one we got? Ultimately Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure doesn’t feel like a continuation of Rapunzel’s story, it’s more like a Brand New Adventure that happens star Rapunzel and Eugene Fitzherbert. I know that sounds weird and I might not be making much sense here but, did the story of a girl who stops a plague of darkness and fights a transdimensional demon blueberry ghost girl and has to reconcile with her “step-sister” HAVE to be about Rapunzel? Also like, just. NOTICE how that summation of the story of the series DOESNT involve Eugene in some way. You know. The hecking CO-LEAD of the film this series is based on. 
And like, there was so much story to be told with Rapunzel and Eugene WITHOUT the blueberry Disney Junior-giving ghost girl, the poorly written heavily contrived step-sister conflict, AND the big plague of darkness nonsense. Rapunzel and Eugene are two VERY tragic individuals. DO SOMETHING WITH THEM, IOUHWO4Y2IBBU3FN3FI
I’ll admit that I was more attached to the series than I was to the movie while it was airing, and even for like 2 years after it was over. I was younger and more immature and the big stakes and fresh new characters and magical adventures captivated me more than the focused drama of the movie. But now that I’m older, I realize that I resonate more with Rapunzel in the movie. NOT in any concerning “do you need help?” Kind of ways, just that I find myself thinking the way she thought, since I’m now around the age she was in the movie. The way I think about my future, my self esteem etc. I relate to how she feels inexperienced and fresh in the world despite being a young adult, because she hasn’t done any of those “big things” yet. And you wonder “how am I gonna do those big things? When do they happen? Will I know what to do when they happen?” I get it, Rapunzel, I really do. 
The series is kinda an afterthought to me now I guess. I still appreciate that it exists and I’m so happy it happened. In the beginning, it didn’t feel real when it was happening. Like a dream honestly. And like, Tangled the Series is literally 80% the reason I wanted to write fiction, so I’ll always be grateful for it. 
But holy kriff is the movie so much better heeheeeeeeeeee
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murfpersonalblog · 5 months
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Carol Cutshall better get an Emmy this year, I ain't playin!
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"Cutshall and her team had to embrace a new reality, one initially devoid of the first season’s material pleasures..... Free of their maker, an austere Louis and Claudia flee New Orleans for Europe in search of a coven of vampires to call their own. There they find themselves in the ravaged wasteland of World War II, where sorrow pollutes even the blood they drink."
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"It was such a drastic change going into season two. We went from the height of glamour, which we last saw during a Mardi Gras party, to the polar opposite in the premiere. When you look at Louis and Claudia in their shearling coats in Romania and the amount of mud and blood on them, those looks are built for surviving and searching and starting over."
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This what I meant when I talked about AMC intensifying the horror for show!Claudia vs book!Claudia. They're starting over, runaway slaves free at last from Massa Lestat's domestic terrorism; following the Drinking Gourd north to the promised land of milk & honey--but their exodus isn't some glorious adventure--it's Hell on Earth!
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I adore the juxtaposition Carol makes between the obscene opulence of Mardi Gras NOLA vs the Grimm realities of war-torn Europe. Book!Lou&Claud traveled across Europe in a lavish carriage Claudia picked out, and had the luxury of taking their fancy coffins with them in it.
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NGL I was hoping Carol would talk about these outfits in particular:
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AMC's Lou & Claud look like they've been sleeping underground/in a battlefield, dressed in animal skins/furs--not the fancy furs PETA jumps folks for, but nasty Caveman Couture rags. And I can't help but think about the furs they wore in the film, looking rich AF, even as Lou complained about how sad he was. 🙄😒
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So I am SO IN LOVE with AMC sending Louis & Claudia to WWII Europe. They're in Ploiești/Romania in 1941--in the book they're in 1800s Varna/Germany. Romania was a major ally for the Nazis in WWII, and the LAST place Claud should be--let alone Louis (a gay Black African American man)--let alone because Romania was bombed TF up in the early 1940s.
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They're running slow AF like regular humans--no super vamp speed at their disposal to flee from the bombs--cuz they've been STARVING. They're eating the dead like a bunch of ghoulish necrophages (come through, Witcher 3 folklore!).
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Like, in the film the big idea was that drinking dead blood could kill a vampire. But in TVL & Blood Communion we know that's not the case when Lestat drinks the corpses Armand gave him, and when Lestat gives the Vampire Court Rhoshamandes' corpse--it's not deadly, but it's not great, either. Drinking blood should be PEAK sensory pleasure; but this just shows what they've been reduced to.
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So to see Louis & Claudia tearing into pieces of the dead to suck up what's left is like cannibalism at its rawest, basest & most primitive--straight out of a dystopian zombie apocalypse. There's no transcendent power in the dead like what Maharet & Lestat described. Lou & Claud are scavengers in a battlefield, fighting for scraps just to survive and endure, but not really live.
And I feel so much worse for Claudia, cuz she LITERALLY didn't ask for this mess! Unlike Louis--and unlike book/film!Claudia--she was Born into Darkness w/out her awareness or consent. AMC puts this poor girl through HELL. The things she's seen & experienced made her "built for survival;" but she's also "built like a bird," and just as ignorant about vampires & the Old World as Louis--though they're both bookish intellectuals who THINK they're ready for Europe.
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So they have no effing idea, cuz Lestat never told them WHY Europe was such bad news. They're blind and completely in the dark!
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And then they FINALLY arrive in Paris--a breath of fresh air after the war.
But glamour returns to their lives as the pair forge ahead in Paris.... Seduced by their habit of living loudly and proudly — at least at night — Louis relaxes into his post-Lestat life, taking up photography and exploring his sexuality in subtle ways. “The look I landed on for him was that of artists and café society, and French workwear with a little bit of a blue-collar look,” Cutshall says. “It’s not the finery that we are used to for Louis, but his fastidiousness in how he wears it — tucked and belted — is still there.” There is a visual hierarchy among these old-world vampires. Louis wears the costume of the common man, placing him below the coven’s creative director, Armand, the so-called love of his life"
The "visual hierarchy" of Louis being "placed BELOW" the Old World vampires had me vibrating in my seat, especially wrt Armand, the biggest baddest boogeyman vs fledgling vampires in the books.
"We want to break away from the disguise he had in season one, because he is the mega predator,” Cutshall says. “He's not threatened by anyone. So, in everything he does and wears, he can be like an animal who is not afraid to lie on their back and bare their belly."
Which is precisely what I said about Lestat in his Mardi Gras dress & his Matador pajamas. Cuz Lou & Claud are constantly put on the exact same level--at the BOTTOM of the food chain & the gendered/social hierarchies of vampire covens in both NOLA & Europe.
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But what's interesting's that AMC diversified the Theatre--there's Black & Asian vampires, not the all-white coven from the books.
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The Theatre has truly become a microcosm of the entire world, highlighting just how sheltered Lou & Claud were in the New World. The history of America is very black and white--or rather: white versus black. After the Native Americans were wiped out, American racism molded & shaped centuries of slavery & oppression specifically designed to keep Black people at the bottom of barrel, even when they were "freed/emancipated." But in the Old World, power & conquest was continental--Africa & Asia & Europe were ALL major superpowers at one time or another, kicking each other's arses. Race & racism still plays a huge part in European imperialism, OF COURSE, but WWII showed how white folk are just as prone to killing & oppressing each other, let alone anyone else. 😂 Louis & Claudia's problems w/ Lestat are radically different from their problems w/ Armand (now a brown Asian, as Russia & Ukraine are also globalized; dispelling the myth about Russians only ever being white people).
But Santiago's an altogether different beast--but eerily familiar.
"Her thirst for attention is surpassed only by Santiago, the extravagant emcee of the theater troupe. For Santiago’s big onstage entrance in episode two, Cutshall took inspiration from performers like Peter O’Toole and Laurence Olivier. “I started with Fred Astaire, but with a bit of a bondage twist for Santiago’s curtain look,” she says. “Who were the top dogs of the time that he would want to emulate? You can feel him striving for that."
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What is fundamentally wrong with Santiago (and Lestat) is that he's a HUGE showboat, desperate for attention & validity, specifically from LOUIS, a vampire older than Santiago, attractive & new & interesting, who's approval he actually wanted & expected. But Louis's too mature/smart for Santiago, and immediately clocked him as a clown and a BUFFOON.
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AMC dyed Santiago's hair blonde on purpose, ISTG, cuz the parallels w/ Lestat are hilarious. Armand's the coven master & creative director, but Santiago's the emcee & "show pony," just like Lelio!Lestat was back in the day. Les' pony on meth meme is SO apt!
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And just like Lestat pulled the rug under Armand at Les Innocents, taking on a leadership role for the Children of Satan and ushering in their new era as vampires who'd join society via the Theatre, Santiago usurps Armand's position as the ringleader against Claudia & Louis. Even though Armand wanted all that to happen, he's more passive than Les & Santiago, far more active & dominant despite being significantly weaker & younger in the Blood than Armand. Wolf Killer Lestat and "top dog" Santiago are cut from the same cloth, down to the pinstripes--which Carol already said were supposed to symbolize cage/jail bars--"back in your cage, sweetheart."
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CAROL! I desire you CARNALLY! ❤️
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linghxr · 5 months
My spring 2024 cdrama/cmovie/cvariety updates
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I can't believe it's already been over 6 months since my last watching updates post! I've been watching more movies, and I'll also mention a couple variety shows, so it's not just cdramas.
Some of these were mentioned as “currently watching” in my previous post.
《不良执念清除师》 Oh No! Here Comes Trouble A young man learns to use his supernatural calligraphy powers to help strange beings, with help from his frenemy and a young police officer. This show was like a breath of fresh air and very humorous. That being said, it was difficult to follow all the storylines. If you're going to watch it, I think you should binge it if possible. Content warning: Death, gore
《此时此刻》 At the Moment An anthology of quirky pandemic love stories, not all with happy endings. It's kind of like Love Actually in that the characters are connected across stories. Initially I didn't plan to watch because of the pandemic through line—I thought it would bum me out. But it didn't, actually. My favorite episode was Head of the Family. Content warning: Unhealthy relationships, sex and nudity
《隐秘的角落》 The Bad Kids Three kids accidentally film a murder and try to blackmail the killer, resulting in devastating consequences. I felt the first half of this show was more captivating than the second half—the second half went a bit overboard IMO. Apparently the original novel is way darker so…! But I still recommend it wholeheartedly. Content warning: Death and violence (but not graphic)
《沉默的真相》 The Long Night The murder of a disgraced prosecutor seems like an open-and-shut case, but his past reveals a much more complicated story. This show masterfully weaves together three different timelines. I was so confused after the first episode, but it all made sense in the end. I don't recommend binge watching it—I regretted doing so. Content warning: Violence, death, sexual assault
《双镜》 Couple of Mirrors A young woman's personal and professional lives are turned upside down, and she befriends a mysterious woman with a dark past. You have to suspend your disbelief to enjoy this show. There was a ridiculous number of car accidents! It's a GL drama, but if I hadn't know that, I don't think I would have noticed until the end. Content warning: Death, violence
《披荆斩棘的哥哥》 Call Me by Fire In the past I didn't include variety shows, but this time I thought why not? I finally finished all 3 seasons of this show, the male spinoff of 《乘风破浪的姐姐》 Sisters Who Make Waves. It's similar to an idol survival show, but instead of trainees, the contestants are established celebrities. The sets are always amazing, and I might have enjoyed this show more than 《乘风破浪》 honestly!
《家庭简史》 Brief History of a Family The description of this movie sounded dull, but I ended up enjoying it a lot! I've seen reviews compare it to Parasite and Saltburn. There is definitely some similarity–it's about a well-off family that takes in a mysterious, quiet boy–but the takeaway of this film is very different. It leaves a lot of room for ambiguity.
《流浪地球》 The Wandering Earth After being on my watchlist for years, I finally got around to seeing this movie. I knew the basic premise: humanity bands together to move Earth away from the expanding sun. I wasn't expecting that it would focus on one family, which gave the movie a more personal feel. I enjoyed it despite not being a huge sci-fi person. Content warning: Death
《美国女孩》 American Girl A family moves back to Taiwan for their mother's cancer treatment after several years in the US, and the eldest daughter struggles to adapt. It's set during the SARS outbreak, but I don't remember that being very prominent. This movie was quite bleak and bummed me out. And I found the ending rather abrupt. It wasn't for me I think. Content warning: Illness, disease outbreak
《你好,李焕英》 Hi, Mom This movie was super popular when it came out. It's about a woman who gets transported back in time and meets her mother (who is young and childless at this point). At first I was confused about where the movie was going—it didn't seem to be building to much. But it had a heartwarming and touching ending. Content warning: Death
《周处除三害》 The Pig, The Snake and The Pigeon After seeing a lot of buzz about this movie online, I had to check it out. It follows a terminally ill hitman who learns he is the third most wanted criminal in Taiwan and decides to kill the two criminals ranking above him. Despite this, the main character is actually pretty likable. I enjoyed the movie despite the violence. Content warning: Excessive violence, death, sexual assault
Currently watching:
《火星情报局》 Mars Intelligence Agency This is a variety show. The cast consists of celebrities who take turns telling funny stories and making jokes. I started watching because my favorite singer 薛之谦 is a cast member. I was unsure about the concept at first, but honestly it's really entertaining!
《摩天大楼》 A Murderous Affair in Horizon Tower I finally started this show, which has been on my watchlist for a while. I'm only 2 episodes in—so far it's mostly been about the past of the titular murder victim. I'm not yet sure what direction the show will go in, but I'm excited to find out.
《你的孩子不是你的孩子》 On Children I got through 3 out of 5 episodes before abandoning this show. Each episode is the length of a movie, so they drag on. But I totally understand why episode 2, Child of the Cat, was nominated for and won so many awards. The acting was really strong.
《汉化日记》 God Troubles Me I wanted to try watching a 动画, but after a few episodes, I wasn't feeling this one. Each episode is quite short, so it's an easy watch. I think it just wasn't for me.
On my watchlist:
《漫长的季节》 The Long Season
《尘封十三载》 Thirteen Years of Dust
I'm trying to be better about content warnings. But please note, I only included them for things I finished watching, not things I'm currently watching or abandoning.
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
I feel like Jake and Amilia are one of those gym couples that would go together. And maybe Amilia films some of her workouts occasionally. One of the times she does, Jake is in the background just heart eyes watching Amilia in her element. And it blows up on like TikTok cause everyone is like damn he's in love with her and checking out her ass and she's like I fucking hope so he's my boyfriend.
Stop it. Stop it right now. Terms of Endearment
I feel like if this did happen it would be something for Amilias work? Like her boss asks her to make some beginning, intermediate and advanced training tips and tricks videos for the gym tiktok account.
And of course it would have to happen while Jakes in Australia just trying his best to win the love of his life back.
He definitely gets a no lock in contract at the gym Amilia works at. He goes to all her classes especially the 6am once’s because Jakes an early bird kinda guy. He just lingers, works out, attends classes, asks for help at reception, makes friends with her co-workers and even her manager!
“Holy shit that video Jessie posted on socials yesterday is blowing up!” It’s Michelle who’s walking in to start her shift that gets Amilias attention while she’s sitting in the staff room eating her lunch between clients. “And it’s all because of your American Psycho Ams.”
Amilias frowning, she’s confused. “What’s he done this time?”
“Nothing, just people are noticing him in the background of the video where you’re talking about hip hinge movements.” Michelle is getting up the comment section and passing her phone to Amilia. “Here, see for yourself girl.”
And she does. She sees for herself and she can’t believe it. There he is in all his six foot American naval aviator glory. Lieutenant Jacob Seresin, starring at her like he’s just learning how to breathe fresh air for the first time in his life. He’s not trying to hide the heart eyes either. He’s looking at Amilia like she hung all the stars in the night sky just for him.
“That guy in the background Is planning his proposal as we speak.” One comment reads.
“Trainer Ams, tell me you know that that the guy in the background is in love with you?” Another reads. Amilia can feels the heat in her cheeks rising.
“Where can I get a guy who looks at me the same way that guy in the background looks at Amilia?” It’s all the comments are about, just the way Jake was unashamed of the love oozing out of him while he watched Amilia work.
“I need to call Jake—“ Amilia is handing her co-workers phone back with a sigh.
“No need he’s in the studio three.” Mark is smiling as he turns around in his chair. “Assault bike.” And it doesn’t shock Amilia in the slightest bit that Jake was already on the premises. It felt like he never left. So she marching in to studio three, the functional fitness studio to give him a piece of her mind. But she stops dead in her tracks when she see Jake talking with another woman. She’s not being shy about the way she looks at him like he’s sex on legs. He’s smiling and she’s smiling too and it looks all too good to be true. Jake’s flirting with someone who isn’t Amilia and it hurts. Why the fuck does it hurt? Amilia can’t help but to notice the way Jakes eyes linger when she walks away.
Oh, oh she hasn’t felt this feeling in a hot minute. Her heart hurts inside her chest and she can’t help but to think maybe she’s lost her mind. Why is she jealous?
“Hey—!” Jakes beaming all the while Amilia stands there like she’s just caught the love of her life cheating, when in reality he wasn’t even hers. Not technically. “I didn’t know you were working today?”
“You have my schedule on the mini fridge in your hotel room, don’t lie.” Is all Amilia says as she makes her way into the studio more as if she was there for something else. “I’m just checking the wow wipes.” Jake knows that tone, something’s not right. He frowns while he follows Amelia over to the wow wipes. “Thanks to you, half the population of my place of employment wants a tell all on my love life and not the proper form for a Romanian dead lift, so thanks for that.”
“What’s there to tell?” Jakes being cocky, he knows somethings bugging his girl. “Didn’t think there was anything?”
“There’s not—“ Amilia doesn’t look at Jake as she checks the wipes, yep. Full ass can be. “But when there’s some guy in the background of my video looking at me like I’m the centre of his bloody universe it’s hard to believe that there’s in fact nothing to tell.”
“Somethings bugging you.” Immediately Jake is on Amilias tail as she turns on her heels to head out.
“You! You’re bugging me!” She snaps back. Turning around to face the man who won’t give up on her to save himself. “You don’t get to come in here, tell me you love me, act all innocent and sorry, act like a love drunk puppy in my videos and befriend everyone around me just to turn around and flirt with anyone you can stick your dick into.” Ah yep, there it is. All Jake does is smirk a cocky tight lipped grin.
“You’re in love with me.” Is all Jake says.
“Rack off Seresin—“ Amilia hates herself all the more because she knows Jakes right. She’s just not ready to believe it herself. How dare she fall in love with him again. Or maybe she never really fell out of love with him. “Next time I’m filming a video for work I’m making sure you aren’t in a one hundred mile radius.” Jake chuckled to himself as he watches Amilia leave, he knows what this is about.
“For the record Oz—I turned that lovely lady’s proposal of a drink or two down.” Amilia freezes but she doesn’t turn around. Jake knows she’s listening though. “I told her I was happily committed to the trainer who’s staring at me from the door like I just committed adultery.” He’d seen her the second she walked in. “Because I am, I’m in love with you.”
Amilia doesn’t respond, she simply leaves and attempts to get through her next PT without Jakes words crashing around in her head. But when she finishes later that day and pulls out her phone there’s a reply to a comment from a one Jake Seresin she can’t seem to stop reading over and over and over again.
“Trainer Ams, tell me you know that that the guy in the background is in love with you?” The original comment reads.
Jakes reply had her dizzy. “She knows, sincerely the guy in the background.”
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godotdotdot · 6 months
I watched the end of evangelion in theaters last night. The last time I watched EoE was a near spiritual exp; I had been going thru a lot at home and needed catharsis, because I was personally grieving a lot of close relationships that had been hurting me, and could not stop feeling shitty for how I hurt my loved ones.
While that evening I had had the entirety of Eva fresh in my mind, and had sobbed accordingly to my heightened understanding and empathic ability, last night I did not. I had not prepared by rewatching the series or Death and Rebirth. It was a last minute chance that I took. I felt I had not "done" the experience properly.
I noticed so many details I hadn't before, thanks to the big screen: the name KAWORU printed on the EVA Series' S2 drives; how fitting it is that Kaworu (the ideal Shinji, the replacement for Asuka, the parallel of Rei) eviscerates Asuka. I also realised why Asuka has the bandage on her arm in the last scene, because her arm... ripped in two... and how insane is it, the arm that is iconically extended with "I'll kill you, I'll kill you" to be the same hand that reaches forward, as she's dying, to cup Shinji's cheek as he strangles her. I saw my favorite character, Rei, commit her revolt against Gendo. I absorbed everything on screen with greater clarity than I ever had before. The big screen magnified the details, the emotions, everything; and I realised with satisfaction that I was watching the movie the way it was supposed to be watched.
And as such, I think the most significant moment was in the actual theater itself. The scene in the film where they're in instrumentality and talking about dreams vs reality, and they pan to the irl audience of one of the first screenings of eoe? It hits different when YOU are in the theater. It's YOU on screen. I remember feeling like an individual and not at the same time. I realised that everyone in the movie theater was there for the same reason as me: for virtue of being human, having a deep connection w the series like me, having their own reconciling with the awe of seeing it in theaters; after all, all the young kids had streamed this movie on the phone like me, and all the older fellows had not been to an Eva screening in North America. We WERE the first audience seeing the movie, just like in the film; we had all gathered here with our rei plushies and our t-shirts and our cosplays like the audience in 1997. But would we be sitting there confused, like that initial audience was?
As it was, there is no sense of confusion in as an eva fan, not after the End. As the film ended, Shinji crying, Asuka still, Disgusting, and then the end card, there was a full 15 seconds of silence as the lights slowly came on. No clapping. No discussion. No laughter or sniffling or breath. The lights came on, and still, I was silent; I was both praying no one would break the silence as I needed it and observed it. I was completely processing the gravity of being the first (N. American) audience (ever!) since the show aired nearly thirty years ago; and with that weight, how SHOULD you react? And then, the silence broke as I heard people take shaky exhales like they had been crying, chuckling nervously, and then more comfortably laughing to their groups, beginning lore explanations--- someone had a beer snuck into the theater that I only noticed when I looked in front of me--- and everyone re-became themselves, imdividuals with lives and problems and things to be excited over. A couple was still crying and were not holding hands. I saw them outside, twenty minutes later, smiling and taking pictures with the poster.
It seemed strange to me that Eva had become such an emotional thing to such a crowd of people. I didn't realise that I was not the only one who cried tears of horror, who cried tears of disgust, who cried tears of sorrow. I had been excited to go to this movie and was left feeling... normal. It was life-changing, but also, not. I was just a person in a theater, and yet, I understood the movie because I had studied it. And so had everyone else, and we were still crying. At the same time, having reflected on my more private viewings, I still thought I hadn't cried enough.
I think to the things Hideako Anno has said about eva; how it's him on screen, his disdain for certain kinds of anime fans, his passing interest in things that people hyperanalyze. I think about the dedication he notes to his team of workers and five women in his life. Who are those five women? What kind of women are they? Why that descriptor, if you're separating them from your work?
I think the most appropriate explanation for my absurd reactions to the film are because the film itself is an absurd experience; I'm trying to assign it an aura (a la "art in the age of mechanical reproduction") but frankly, I believe it is impossible. Perhaps my theater wasn't right. Perhaps my company wasn't. Perhaps I was not. Perhaps the film was not. And most of all, perhaps it was okay for me to be there, because I wanted to be there, and I wanted to go on.
It was a really beautiful experience. The movie is absolutely meant to be played on a big screen, in a theater. I'm so glad I was there, and I'm so glad I got to be apart of eva history. It was not the perfect exp I wanted, but it was such a special occasion that I don't mind too much. One day I will keep going and maybe I will make that experience perfect for myself.
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mr-laveau · 2 years
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"You are a breath of fresh air in my life just by virtue of being unapologetically yourself."
-Lasko Moore
"Oh I can be very pleasant, just not usually with you."
Allow me to be that bitch, and share with the class ANOTHER totally-not-a-self-indulgent poly Lasko/Aaron listener OC, Carter Wilde, a.k.a [Casanova], the bratty telepath.
*Just pretend I actually knew how to spell Casanova above when I first made this.
The Deets:
Carter (he/him) is a human born telepath and currently, a professor* at D.A.M.N for Advanced Telepathy Studies, Fire Elemental Magic 101, Intro to Warding, Electro Magic II and Basics of Illusory Magic.
*he used to be a part-time sub and worked with Aaron before he changed career paths and started working full-time for the academy
Carter is Afro-American/desi and grew up in Chicago before moving to Dahlia for work while getting his teaching license. Was working with Aaron before he got a full position at DAMN but as far as Aaron knew then, Carter's teaching some accounting/management classes at a college.
Very much the professor with a fun but unorthodox way of teaching*–he once made his class write up and direct a short film to teach them how to consider different variables in manipulating their illusions properly with magic like they did when making their films. His time with Aaron taught him to be more relaxed about his students.
*Damien "strongly disliked" his ass for a while because he didn't like his methods, and Carter fed into it to mess with him before he arranged a separate syllabus plan for Damien to tackle while the class did their thing. They get along now but Carter will sometimes subtly remind Damien about the MANY "nicknames" he overheard Damien calling him during class.
Did not handle inversion well, his magic was a bitch to maintain inside the ward and everyone's thoughts didn't make the situation any better. Had to tell Aaron about his magical status a little bit after since keeping it all in didn't make things better and it was the only way to really explain what happened then after he initially told Aaron he'd been handling a trip out of the city. The conversation pretty sad but they made it and wrangler Lasko after his Aftershock vid w FL for a group care session. They're all in therapy :)
"Could you tell this was the first cutie design?"*.
*This isn't a lie, this was the first Cutie design and Carter was initially going to be a journalist who worked with Sama and dared Geordi, however I scrapped it and moved onto another design I liked. This was also the first Smartass design but as Lexi can attest, I found something else I liked.
Met Lasko when he first started subbing for Intro to Warding (very early in the timeline). Their dynamic fits the non-canon listener dynamic he seems to have with them in BAs/HBWs/HBSs. Carter loves to tease him just to poke a reaction out of him but is entirely sweet about taking care of Lasko otherwise since he doesn't often do it for himself. Will often drop in before Lasko's classes to give him sweets/gum/mints.
Very much the personification of "crackhead" energy outside of work. Aaron keeps him on a leash but will act on the first devious-not-so-devious thought that crosses his mind. To his benefit, Carter does know how to restrain himself for the sake of not pushing buttons, but more often than not will poke at people just for fun.
Will sometimes read Aaron's thoughts just to peek at what annoys him that day in order to turn it around and get him to laugh. It works despite how much Aaron thinks it doesn't.
Aaron and Lasko are also dating each other in addition to dating Carter. Aaron was initially rough around the edges when it came to interacting with Lasko and getting to know him but with a good conversation, they both managed to work things out between them. Now they both take turns making sure Carter doesn't burn something down on a whim.
That's all folks!🧡
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king-mera · 10 days
If there was any kind of idea or concept that you would like to see be made into a movie, tv show, or game, what is it?
I would love to see Dinotopia adapted to a modern film series with a blend of practical effects & CGI. I love Jurassic Park, but they shouldn’t have the monopoly on dinosaur media. Plus it would be nice to see a more peaceful and utopian society portrayed in a movie today, that would be a breath of fresh air among all the doom and gloom.
I’d also love to see American McGee’s Alice adapted into a movie or show. There were plans for this, but sadly they never fell through. I think if it did get made, it should be a mix of different filming and animation styles depending on the situation or location Alice Is in. Stop motion, 2D animated, etc.
As for things unrelated to an established IP… IDK. I would like to see more media that breaks the fourth wall in clever ways like The Stanley Parable. More of that in general, please!
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marciabrady · 1 year
your thoughts on the unofficial princess girls ! (ex; esmeralda, meg, jane, kida) even the younger ones like melody, jane from peter pan II, eilonwy, wendy darling you can pick any ones you’d like to talk about !
I'll mention all the ones that you did!
Esmeralda- I love her. As is the case with every other female character on this list, the actual production of her film was never one I took to as a child because of the fact that she was the only female character/existed in a largely male universe, but after rewatching her movie as a teenager, I did grow in love with her. It lasted for a few years, and then moods of Esmeralda would come and go- so she isn't a consistent favorite- but I do think she has such a unique voice and song and design and I ADORE how mature she is. It's so refreshing, for how silly and childish the 3d girls are, to see an animated character that is really meant for adults. I love how she brushes on deeper topics of religion and kindness and social equality. I think she was ahead of her time and it always astounds me that she was written in an age before the internet, but has seemed to reflect so many ideals and sensibilities that have only been able to be apparent through all the different voices the forum of the internet enabled in the years after this film's release. I love that they didn't whitewash her, too, and I wish we'd get to see more of her culture.
Meg- So Meg is definitely someone who's always been an internet favorite and, while she does venture into 'not like other girls' territory, there is a charm to her, her design, and voice acting that I can't help but love. Ultimately, I do appreciate that she's morally grey but it does make me want to protect Hercules from her lol I think most people like Meg because of the whole sassy, jaded thing though, which is fine, but I think it's the same as when people only like Tiana for her toxic grind personality pre character arc. Meg's only that way because of trauma and she does it to cover up who she truly is, as a shield, so I prefer the sensitive underbelly of who she is and how she's actually the most basic person in the room. I find the parts where she's candid about her fear of heights and her back and forth with Phil more entertaining than her composed, cool edge. Although I will say, her action of giving her life in exchange for her boyfriend's was one of the most confusing actions I've ever seen a Disney character take and I think they kinda made her entirely storyline about men (she's enslaved by Hades, her objective is to trap Hercules because that's what Hades told her to do to regain her freedom, which she lost because of her ex boyfriend which made her jaded) and I wish they let her have friends who were girls or at least female characters to interact with.
Jane- Okay my answer is going to sound confusing so I'm going to preface with this: I do like Jane and I would want more representation for her. I think she has some of the best fans and she is enjoyable/generally delightful. However, I will say she made me wish we didn't get any more white women in animation for a while lol we'd already had a lot of white leading ladies before this (and she broke a successful women of color streak with Jasmine and Pocahontas and Mulan), and she still abides to an eurocentric beauty standard, so to appease that quotient of the audience but still make her stick out they just over-emphasized her even more than the 10 or more white women that came out before her had been? Her eyes were EVEN more buggish, she was EVEN skinnier, she had even more prominent cheekbones, etc, and i just wanted a more diverse design and a breath of fresh air. I also think it's irritating how obsessed American audiences are with English/Australian accents (but not other cultures' accents which...smh) so like...that makes me sigh HOWEVER I do love the fact that she studies animals and I think she is unique and lovely
Kida- Again, love how mature and intelligent and athletic she is. I kind of wish that Moana was written more like Kida, in that sense, instead of being on the Rapunzel end of things. But I love Kida's design and her personality and her doll and crystal necklace from Mcdonald's was iconic in my household lol I even cut triangles into my bangs when I was in preschool because I was going for the textured layers she had in the animation but didn't know how to mentally translate that into the real world lol her movie is pretty good, I just haven't seen it too many times and she isn't someone I connect with personally but I love her fans and do think she's incredible and admire her and the people who love her more intimately
Melody- I never took to Melody because I was an Ariel fan so I always felt that we were shortchanged by her being the main character of the sequel. Since I loved Ariel, she's the one I sided with in disagreements and still kind of do? Their dynamic is so much weaker compared to Ariel/Triton because Triton was an active bigot and shut Ariel down, time and time again, silencing her and infusing their dynamic with so many layers and nuances. Ariel and Melody's relationship is kinda predicated on interruptions and bad timing? Just as Melody opens up to her mother, Eric comes on screen and interrupts everything. Ariel decides it's time to tell Melody of her mermaid heritage, only for Melody to have escaped a few minutes prior. Also, even though Triton was blatantly abusive (even though unintentional), Ariel still had so much love for him and attacked Ursula physically when she saw her Father reduced to a polyp. Even after Triton screams at her and destroys her Grotto, she openly says, "Daddy, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." Where, Ariel is literally trying to explain things to Melody and is being openly apologetic and Melody just mean mugs her and says "too late mom" lol plus she's super young which, again, I take to more mature characters. That being said, I do know there's been a large community of Melody lovers in recent years and I do think they're all great! I also think most of the people who think they're Ariel's are more Melody's because Ariel fans tend to be fixated on the ocean, which Ariel herself would never be- that's more Melody. Plus a lot of Ariel fans just tend to seem more like Melody in general, energy wise, and she is a more rare character and any rare character getting more love is something I'm here for
Jane (from Peter Pan 2)- I think they did a good job with not being afraid to make her unlikable but because she's such a tomboy AND younger, there's nothing really here for me to latch on to. I was so sad they cut the mermaids, and Wendy's character (they kept her but to a minor extent) because they really only had a dying Tinker Bell for female representation and then a Jane that was "one of the guys" and the first Lost Girl ever but with nothing else for us that loved Wendy and Mrs. Darling and the mermaids of the original film. So, again, it's fine but just not for me personally
Eilonwy- Okay, this is an answer that surprises even myself but I don't really like her? As a child, I took her VHS from Blockbuster because the cover had a princess in a pink dress lol but I never really rewatched the movie after that or thought about it. I revisited it when I was a teenager and ADORED it. I wrote Eilonwy and read the books and was obsessed, but I guess it was short-lived because I didn't visit the movie for a decade afterwards and, when I did, I found her unlikable? I felt like she was very abrupt, prone to having unnecessary fits and kinda rude and didn't have the charm to balance it out BUT I'm convinced I'll warm up to her again in due time. I don't think she'll ever be a top favorite though
Wendy- 10/10 LOML there is so much warmth to her and I LOVE how she's at that age where she babbles you know why because it shows she's PASSIONATE and she's so forgiving and lovely and kind and imaginative and I love that she's the "supreme authority on Peter Pan" just as most of us on Tumblr have taken it upon ourselves to educate ourselves on whatever we're fascinated by. I also love that she has an edge and isn't a doormat and she's the one calling the shots and moving the story forward. I think writers are the most intellectually stunning people in the world and this movie acknowledges that by how prized she is for her storytelling ability. Also, how could you NOT love a character voiced by Kathryn Beaumont? Perfection, chef's kiss, one of my favorites ever!!
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steampunkforever · 11 months
As we continue deeper into this artistic analysis of action film icons, there's no avoiding the modern (kind of) spy thriller and patron saint of shakycam action The Bourne Identity. I'd seen the original 80s TV movie based on the book, but never the Matt Damon remake in full.
My first impression is that though Taken might get a lot of flak for its use of shakycam and fast cuts--a necessity as Neeson's age prevented him from pulling physically exacting stunts--The Bourne Identity is really the film that solidified it as the standard for gritty early 2000s action.
The grittiness is Bourne's greatest asset for post 9/11 spy films. In the late 90s your espionage thrillers were likely to be campier affairs like Mission: Impossible, True Lies, or The Long Kiss Goodnight. If you wanted grit and realism you went for European releases like Ronin, because even American imitators of this style like The Jackal were full of gimmicks like robot guns used to shoot at Hillary Clinton.
This continued into the 00s with films like Swordfish, but as the planes hit the towers America became distinctly more aware of its black budget apparatuses. Bourne ushered in this new feel to spy thrillers that eschewed the antics that Austin Powers was lampooning and delved into the sort of realism that critics were craving. Die Another Day ALSO came out in 2002! The Bond movie with the North Korean space laser! The shift is clear here, even if it involves shakycam action scenes.
Artistically this is what impressed me the most about The Bourne Identity. Its return of realism to the spy genre is a breath of fresh air compared to movies like The Rock at the time, and even as I look back at Brosnan's bond as my favorite, I must admit that The Bourne Identity is superior in both tone and direction, well deserving its icon status in the annals of action film legends.
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ramalbumclub · 6 months
20 Years of Almost Killed Me
Let me quickly run through the biography.
Craig Finn, future leader of The Hold Steady, was THAT kid in school - neither the first to be picked for the sports team, nor the last. A bespectacled adolescent navigating the school corridors, aware that there’s an “in-crowd” and he’s on the outs. 
He's the kid in-between - like most of us. Like me.
So what's the plan? How does he get from there to here?
Does he settle or does he aspire?
He does neither, he retreats into a world of books and music and becomes an expert in HIS field. He learns how to play guitar, becomes a fan of local Minneapolis bands like The Replacements and Husker Du, and, even though he's still a kid, he goes to see them at the "all ages hardcore matinee shows" in town.
Just a quick aside here but "hardcore matinee shows" sound like the most fun in the world - something to really build a day around. I'd basically vote for any political party that introduced them into the U.K.
But back to the story....
In his early '20s, Finn forms a band called Lifter Puller who are simultaneously pretty good but also not quite right. What works, spectacularly, is Finn's lyrics about drugs and the shady characters that surround them but "the not quite right" bit is the music - a sort of '80s inspired synth overdose that, at its worst, sounds like the soundtrack to a Brian De Palma movie and, at its best, sounds like the soundtrack to a Brian De Palma movie.
After a few albums, a modicum of success, Lifter Puller split up and Finn becomes a financial broker for American Express before moving to New York to get a job at a digital webcasting company. At this stage in Finn's life it would appear that his brief flirtation with a career in music had ended and he was now on a course for a series of jobs in tech and finance. In fact, he doesn't do anything related to music for two whole years. He's just the guy at work, the one who used to be in a band called Lifter Puller.
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And then it happens.
Craig Finn is watching Martin Scorsese's The Last Waltz, the film of The Band's final concert, and he turns to his friend Tad Kubler, and says "Dude, why aren't there any bands like this anymore?"
Finn's observation is correct - there are no bands like that and I'm not sure there ever will be. But that's obvious, that's the bit we can all see. Even I've watched The Last Waltz and said to my mate Dan (I don't have a mate called Tad, I wish I did) - "Dude, why aren't there any bands like this anymore?"
No, what I love about this moment is what they did next. Finn and Kubler, there and then, decide to form a band like that. They took the completely mad decision in 2003, when everyone was still floored by that Neutral Milk Hotel album and everything it spawned, of creating a band with just guitar, bass, and drums.
They called themselves The Hold Steady and there wasn't a singing saw, a zanzithophone, or a wandering genie organ in sight.
What started out as an excuse for a bunch of guys in their '30s to hang out, drink, and play the occasional show, then becomes something of a going concern. Finn's lyrics, framed by Kubler's big riffs, created an unlikely breath of fresh air, a sense of celebration. Before long they're signed to Frenchkiss, the best name for a record label ever, and they release their first album - Almost Killed Me.
The album, in fact their career, opens with A Positive Jam, a song which tells the history of 20th Century America in 171 words. In the background, a lazy guitar struggles to wake up as the events are passed like road signs. It's their first song, on their first album, and after 90 seconds there's been a stock market crash, a World War, and 3 Kennedys are dead. The lyrical economy is remarkable, the way he deals with each decade precisely and definitively in one sentence. 
This is how he nails the '50s -
"We got shiftless in the '50s, holding hands and going steady, twisting into dark parts of the large Midwestern cities"
No need for the white picket fence trope, no need for Ike or Truman to co-star. Post war America perfectly reduced to "Holding hands and going steady". And then The Twist tells you the ‘60s are coming.  I got it straight away.
And this is how he nails the '70s -
"We woke up on bloody carpets, got tangled up in gas lines and I guess that's where it started"
He rhymed "carpets" with "started" and reduced the long term economic and political effects of the 1973 Oil Crisis to a line. What's not to like? I can still vividly remember my first listen now - the time, the place, and an album cover of blacked out faces. It was immediate. I was in.
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And I didn't even know then what I know now, that he was providing context - that he was explicitly saying "We have shared history." Because at the end of the song, he brings us up to date, the guitar does wake up and the band kicks in. It's then that he tells us that he was bored so he started a band, it's then that he tells us that he wants to start it off with a positive jam.
The first time I heard Almost Killed Me I rewound the opening song again and again. I guess the "positive jam" that the song was trailing was The Swish, the second song on the album. But I couldn't get to it, I couldn't get past how good the opener was. I listened to it five times on the spin – by the time I was finished 15 Kennedys had died.
But then I did I get past it. I got to The Swish and my head fell off. Honestly, I stood there laughing, air riffing and dancing, in thrall to my new favourite band after just two songs. The bridge from A Positive Jam to The Swish is one of THE moments in music for me. It simultaneously comes out of nowhere yet evokes a memory. I made it through the rest of the album, breathless and giddy.
I'd never heard anything like it, despite having heard things like it.
Does that make sense? That bit really needs to make sense.
You know when The Sopranos came out and you thought "Jesus, not another story about Italian American Gangsters. Surely not THAT again." But then you watched it and saw that the characters were immersed in that culture as much as the viewer. They existed within their own context and couldn't move without referencing it.
And that was the difference. It was derivative but it was spun, from an angle so it wasn't head on.
That's The Hold Steady. That's Almost Killed Me.
It would be easy to say it's my favourite album of the 21st Century if only it didn't have to compete with what they did next - Separation Sunday, Boys and Girls in America and, finally, the hangover, Stay Positive. Finn had done it, with his friends they'd made one of the greatest runs of albums ever - an aggregate score of at least 36 out of 40.
At least.
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Yes, there were comparisons to things you'd heard before, a familiarity, but for me it was almost entirely different. People screamed Springsteen, people screamed The E Street Band but I never really knew why. These weren't stories about open roads, about making love to the interstate. These were stories about the claustrophobia of community, about the kids in between - confined by drugs and religion. And you know what? Springsteen never swished through the city centre to do a couple of favours for some guys who looked like Tusken Raiders did he? No he didn't, he was probably driving somewhere.
The Hold Steady wore their influences on their sleeve but they spun them. They humoured them. They said "Tramps like us and we like Tramps" and told stories about people who looked like people -  people who looked like Rocco Siffredi, Elisabeth Shue, Izzy Stradlin, Alice Cooper, Mickey Mantle, and, of course, Tusken Raiders. They were doing that thing again - they were saying "We know you know. Because we have shared history"
But this analysis, my attempt at explanation, is nothing compared to the visceral triumph and joy of a Hold Steady show - the pleasure of watching this band that had been plucked from their own lives and were creating anew. I used to spend hours looking at the bass player, I'd never seen anyone work so hard whilst standing still - a man who started the night dry and ended it dripping in sweat and smiles.
And then there was Finn - the inbetweener, the most generous of front men. He was always so warm and inclusive to his audience, so glad that they're there with him. Yet he never forgets the band. Never. And for someone so wordy it's remarkable the gaps he leaves for them - the gaps for them to play and for him to admire. Often he’d be clapping, dancing, and having so much fun in admiration, that I’d worry he’d forget to join in again – that he’d forget that the moment after the gaps were his.
But he never did.
Fast forward to 2014 - to the Holiday Inn, in Brighton, a few hours after a Hold Steady show.
I'd probably had my back to him for about 10 minutes, having a night cap at the hotel bar and thinking about what had come before. But then I turned around and there he was - Craig Finn, sitting alone, a hero rather than a star. I decided to say hello and he gestured for me to sit down. We talked about The Last Waltz. I asked him if it was true, whether that's really how it started, and he said it was. We talked about the rest of the film, all those conversations, you know where they go - Joni Mitchell and all her chords; Van Morrison and that ridiculous high kick. And somewhere in the drink and The Last Waltz I lost the memory of the night, other than to say he was good company and he paid his way.
And if I met him now?
If I met him now, I'd probably get lost down another rabbit hole - about how we're the same age and how I wasn't picked first for the sports team either. I'd ask him how he feels now, at 44, about the start he gave himself at 33 - whether that still surprises him, whether it ever did. Whether he knows, REALLY knows, that for about four years The Hold Steady were the best band in the world. But more than that I'd tell him about how HE influenced, how HE inspired, about how Ruth and I always used to say this album club was about spinning familiar stories, about telling them from an angle rather than head on - just like The Hold Steady.
Because that's what we used to say. When we wanted to avoid nostalgia and reheating the past , we used to say it should be "JUST LIKE THE HOLD STEADY".
And before I lost another evening, and its fluid memory, I'd like to take the opportunity to thank him for that.
Martin Fitzgerald (2014)
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variousqueerthings · 1 year
okok final thoughts about the movie after all that:
1. pleased to have watched it, despite my laundry list of criticisms
2. I didn’t think any of it was comedic in the gallows humour sense I assume it was going for. that may be an effect of ageing, but then, mash 1974- is frequently excellent at this, including and especially in its first seasons 
3. read that there was a subplot that happened after the movie has ho-jon getting conscripted by the south korean army (after which in the film we never see him again, and I think that was the most “oh, this isn’t my hawkeye” moment actually, because he kinda just goes “dammit” and then it cuts to something else, and that’s it), in which he’s killed and his body comes through the 4077th, and I think that would have been better in the context of what I think the movie wanted to do?
4. I do get a bit lost in the movie’s intentions, I confess. is it war is hell and so we become worse people? is it surreal antics in the face of serious conflict? is it related to the military really? is it that this is just what it was like? none of it really... slots into place for me, because there’s a bits that dispute every one of these, and mainly I guess I just don’t see what apparently a bunch of reviewers saw
5. the roger ebert review at the time: “There is something about war that inspires practical jokes and the heroes ... are inspired and utterly heartless ... We laugh,  ... because it is so true to the unadmitted sadist in all of us. There is perhaps nothing so exquisite as achieving ... sweet mental revenge against someone we hate with particular dedication. And it is the flat-out, poker-faced hatred in "M*A*S*H" that makes it work. ... We laugh, that we may not cry ... We can take the unusually high gore-level in "M*A*S*H" because it is originally part of the movie's logic. If the surgeons didn't have to face the daily list of maimed and mutilated bodies, none of the rest of their lives would make any sense ... One of the reasons "M*A*S*H" is so funny is that it's so desperate.”
6. I get confused about how a lot of the reviews discussed it in the context of war, when for me I felt like the Korean war was almost totally absent (in practicality as well as in feeling), apart from the occasional nuisance it caused the characters. maybe for its time it was very gory/very real/very desperate, but I don’t see it today -- the imdb also states that “the staff of a Korean War field hospital use humor and high jinks to keep their sanity in the face of the horror of war,” and I was just there wondering... what war? horrific to whom? and it’s not like war films in which war is very present hadn’t been made before this, but perhaps just not in really in America. the very idea of challenging the American military logic even a little may have been a breath of fresh air?
7. altman called the book racist and pretty terrible, but apparently the movie doesn’t deviate much from it, which is... interesting
8. I can see why this was a hit when it came out. I just feel such a visceral shudder at it watching it now, that it’s hard to even judge it on the merits of the time in which it came out
9. on that note, I am once again fascinated by the intentions going into the show. the pilot episode especially certainly has more movie DNA in it than the rest, but the casting immediately created different tensions, especially of course alan alda, but also wayne rogers, larry linville, and of course loretta swit. the fact that they’re setting up recurring characters also gives them more of a depth -- you know that things will happen and shift and change, whereas in the movie the point is the aimless drift from thing to thing
10. actually the aimless drifting + loudspeaker interludes were my favourite parts of the film -- my least favourite thing (structurally, otherwise it would be the misogyny) is the football match at the end, which was... odd. dull. if there was an absence of war before that, it totally disappeared for a substantial amount of runtime to just show this flipping football thing happening
11. how many of the hijinks from the movie/book were in the show -- I’m going to make a separate post for that
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adamwatchesmovies · 2 years
The Secret of Kells (2009)
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It’s unfortunate that The Secret of Kells came out the same year as Up. Any other year, it would've nabbed that Best Animated Film Oscar no contest. Oh well. It isn’t as if a statue - or lack of one - makes the film any different. This is a beautiful story just waiting to be discovered.
In the tightly-knit community at the Abbey of Kells, the monks toil night and day to create illuminated manuscripts while keeping an ear out for possible Viking attacks. Young Brendan (voiced by Evan McGuire) is fascinated with stories of Brother Aidan (Mick Lally), whose Book of Iona  is unparalleled in beauty. His dreams of learning the craft are constantly squelched by his stern Uncle, Abbott Cellach (Brendan Gleeson), who cares only about building walls to repel invaders.
In a time where most animated films are rendered via computer, those created traditionally are a breath of fresh air. Even among those, The Secret of Kells stands out. It’ll sound silly to anyone who sees animated films as children’s fare but a scene where Vikings walk with lit torches fascinated me. How did they get the curves of the fire so perfect? How did they manage to portray the heat and threat of the invaders using those simple lines, curves and so few colors? There’s extra appeal in the way it tackles illuminated manuscripts, which were painstakingly created works of highly-detailed art the likes of which you just don’t see anymore. The film is drawn in a style of its own so when you get glimpses at the illuminated manuscripts, they dazzle. You don’t even have to know about the real-life Book of Kells - considered by many to be one of Ireland’s finest national treasures - to appreciate what you see. What it reminded me of most was The Thief and the Cobbler. Like it, The Secret of Kells is a clear passion project with the confidence to throw realism out the window when it needs to; everything is fair game as long as it furthers its agenda.
Story-wise, the film covers topics we just don’t see in North American cinema. It draws upon Celtic mythology and Irish folklore but also has its feet planted firmly in the real-life drama of a community that is perpetually afraid. Plus, your main character is essentially a monk in training, when was the last time you saw that? It isn’t this grand adventure but it has high stakes because of what you see. You want the book to be completed, for Brendan to be taught the ways of illumination. You also understand his uncle’s decision to forego such frivolities and focus on the incoming dangers. It has sophisticated emotions, the kind only present in the best animated films.
The Secret of Kells is a visual marvel whose unique story is sure to be enjoyed by both the young and old. It’s the kind of film illustrators will want to own on DVD so they can pause it and examine the characters, objects and backgrounds one frame at a time and incorporate elements into their own works. (on DVD, February 8, 2019)
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crabcrabcrabmeat · 2 years
ten films i love, tagged by @javert
Mobile Suit Gundam: Char’s Counterattack (1988) Utterly obvious to die girlies auf tumblr but don’t worry, it’s the only franchise gatekeepy one. God tier animation, OST that gives me heart palpitations, plot symbolically rich in a way that draws me back. Absurdly ambitious and largely pulls it off. Insane. Phantom of the Paradise (1974) I’m a sucker for leitmotifs being re-contextualized and this movie is exactly that. I think a lotta people are put off by musicals because they expect Glee shit, so a horror rock opera that plays w genres is a style that slaps. In fact, it’s style over substance to the point that while the character Beef was made with homophobic intent(?), he makes for killer camp. So influential it buried its own grave deeper, but when my drag career continues proper I WILL have it step out of RHPS’s shadow. Magnetic Rose (1995) This one’s arguably cheating, it’s a short film within a theatrical omnibus and the only one of the trio I rewatch, lol. Better experienced than described, but iirc it’s the first screenplay credit of Satoshi Kon and his style benefits the conceit greatly. The space physics are top tier too. Bound (1996) Genre fiction that fucks. Akira (1988) After watching this for the first time, I wore a rip of it on a USB necklace for like a good month, lol. If you’ve seen so many homages and #aesthetic gifs that its memetically weakened, the manga will be a better vehicle for experiencing the actual plot and themes. (Kaneda isn’t a cool protag! He’s not even in it for a full volume!) But I fortunately got to go into it w next to no preconceptions. Tampopo (1985) One of those art-house pics that’s fun to general audiences. I wouldn’t watch it with young kids or new friends tho given the prawn scene, lmao. The Terminal (2004) Not a masterpiece by anyone’s standards, but it was my fav for years as a child and I’ve been told “thats so you” or “that explains so much” lmao. I still do love seeing how peoples values and coping mechanisms materially shape their world, so, fair! As an adult, i think Tucci’s character holds up the best, his tone is comedically sound while being realistically mundane for an american authoritarian, lol. Funeral Parade of Roses (1969) A breath of fresh air in style and substance. It’s like a vaccine against MCU sludge. God I need to watch more new wave. The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes (1970) Again, former obsessions here, not necessarily top quality. The first vignette is the only one that sticks with me, but boy does it! Gold standard for any fanfiction or diagetic media criticism. Mikey and Nicky (1976) Ough. Love me a good tragedy. This one manages to hit so hard it even overcomes Peter Falk being styled (‘styled’) like Columbo—italian accent and all— while playing a jewish gangster lol.) You know that post about how the more serious and well made a story is, the more likely its fandom makes unhinged memes? That’s me every time I make a “full of milk” joke abt this movie or realize it’s fundamentally changed my experience of taking antacids.
Anyways please note that i’ve structured this list so that the first and last entries form a niche parallel. That is to say, a personal fav scene in both Mikey & Nicky and CCA is where the lead guys fistfight and tumble onto the ground in a blur of violence-as-latent-homoeroticism. (George lucas voice): it’s like poetry, it rhymes.
I'm too shy to tag others but mutuals I Am Pressuring U lovingly. U don’t have to write as much as i did tho lol.
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shit-talk-turner · 2 years
I saw the comment about 8 1/2 (the movie about film making and writers block). Alex is culture vulture. Brilliant writers embed themselves in external worlds and reflect internally on them. Taylor has always been a cinephile but so has he. If you watch 2008 interviews for TLSP, it seemed as though that time pushed him towards foreign cinema. Alexa played a role as well. My mistakes were made for loving you screams cinematic tone!
I think Arielle was the breath of fresh air that came with fame. These 4 boys were now on the North American radar and along with it came all the cliches. But in my personal opinion, there wasn’t much of an intellectual intrigue there. He had to sort of come back to his artistic roots. I am willing to bet that played a part in his attraction to Taylor too. She’s a huge David lynch fan (long before him) and lynch borrowed so much from the neo noir and avant garde movements. I’ll touch on that in a blog (I’m doing a cinema write up for body paint right now. I did the lyrics one on tumblr a few days ago)
Tbhc to me will always be the Taylor album. I followed her Instagram religiously (I always found her interesting to be fair. Wild card). She definitely offered a lot of imagery that he used for certain lyrics. Obviously every artist has a muse. The rest is all his talent and his world of creation. The muses catapult the creation that has been stagnant.
I don’t think she’s hinting as much as she is caught in nostalgia. Healing is in stages right ? I think the timing is questionable but as much as she reflects back, I think we all know and she knows there isn’t any going back. It’s a cathartic release if anything.
A romanticized farewell. In my humble opinion as a grown adult, I don’t think she wants to profit off his fame or this fandom. She responded to one post since their breakup in which someone put her down for her old ways. She is tagged almost daily but doesn’t play on it.
I think her hinting is romanticized nostalgia.
He does it and we don’t really go after him for it. He does it with lyrics. She does it with her Instagram stories. Same release, same reflection, different methods. But we seem to believe one is more acceptable.
8 1/2 was also a movie Loren Humphrey was mentioned introducing him to. Same with all the French cinema. Once you’re immersed on a path everything else aligns. With the French new wave films came the rest of the ingredients. French girl, French clothing, and the romanticism of cinema.
I’m bias because this is my realm of studies back in the day and I thoroughly enjoyed EYCTE. This album reeks of elements used in eycte. I do like this new phase.
Every artist has a phase. This seems to linger because it’s multifaceted. He will always find something to create out of it.
- maha (also Taylor’s titty video got me banned from my one account on IG but I’m still using the other haahahah) 🙈🙈🙈
THANK YOU!!!! Hahah we love this analysis and the helpful throwback info!
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ofyorkshire · 3 months
send 🕯️ for my character's inner thoughts on yours || accepting; mutuals or anons sending for red riding canons only
"You would like him. He looks like trouble, but he's a real American gentleman." BJ grinned, arms stuck loosely out at his sides as he balanced his way down the row of cement wheel stops. It was late, going on 2am, but between the bright car park lamps and the full, pale moon, BJ wasn't afraid. Home was just a stretch away—if he rounded past that laundromat ahead, their flat would be just beyond that at the end of the street.
"We met at a club," he said. "No work. Just out for some fun. He caught my eye as soon as he came up to the bar. He ordered this... this seltzer water thing, I think, and I guess I were starin' at him, like, 'cos he noticed me, and the way he smiled looked..." He trailed, weirdly self-conscious at the memory. Squirmy inside. BJ wobbled on the next step and paused, cupping his hands against his diaphragm where the discomfort felt most real. Horrible. Distressing. And a lot like feeling alive.
Deep breath in.
"...Well. Doesn't matter. We went to the toilets together and after ended up at a motel. Don't think he liked it much when I told him I didn't want to face him, but he didn't make a fuss. He were nice about it. About everything. A gentleman, like I said. Even gave us a kiss before he left."
Heat tickled around BJ's cheeks as he hopped to the next stop. Even to the night air, he couldn't confess everything in his head. As a rule, he tried not to think too much about TK and their one night together because it was never meant to be anything but one night, a sentiment that was harder to throw out the window now that they were, by some cruel chance, flatmates. It was hard to forget sometimes when TK's voice was gravelled from sleep, or when he was fresh from a shower, water still dripping from the ends of his messy hair and skin flush with soap and heat. Worse, it was almost impossible not to lean into fleeting every-day touches. The soft things that BJ was sure TK never even thought about before doing but made BJ ache all over. A soothing touch to the nape of the neck here after a bad dream, a delicate touch to the small of his back while passing in the confined space of the kitchen, a playful bump of knees while sitting on the couch watching a stupid romcom... Fleeting ghosts of human warmth and connection that BJ craved like food. On bad days he felt hollowed out with want, all sticky-outy ribs caging around a concave stomach growling for a meal it wouldn't know how to digest.
"We don't talk about it now," BJ said. "He had a bad breakup, you know. Fiancé. Mad bastard cheated on him, can you believe it?"
No answer.
Deep breath out.
"We're flatmates now. Sort of accidentally, but it's good. We share little potted plants, watch films on his off nights, he's—" wobble, "—trying to teach me how to swim. It's really... really normal. You know, like... it's... comfortable. Like we were. Almost." BJ stepped down onto the pavement. In the distance, a siren wailed and he began toward the laundromat. Best be heading home.
"TK introduced me to his team at the firehouse, too. Wouldn't let up suggesting it 'til I visited. I thought he was just being polite, but he meant it. Means most things. He's a social man. Likes bringing people together like family."
Several more sirens rose into the night air, making BJ's skin prickle. That was at least one ambulance and one firetruck.
"I think he's scared of being left behind, like his fiancé left him. Like his dad," BJ went on. "I think that's why he holds everyone together like he does. He tries so fucking hard and he's so obvious and I don't know if they notice. His dad doesn't." A tick in his jaw, he turned once to check his surroundings as he left the bright glow of the carpark lights. "You'd think that would change things between them, that one day he'd let it all out and tell his dad how much he hurt him. He doesn't though. Doesn't act the least bitter about it. But it does hurt him, and it comes out in other ways. Picking fights and runnin'... and little flings in filthy club toilets."
BJ passed the laundromat, walked without interruption down the street, keeping to the light, and soon mounted the stairwell.
"Think I love him, though, Clare," he murmured under his breath. The night air listened closely. "I shouldn't. We agreed this wasn't anything and it shouldn't be anything, and I tried, but I can't help it. If you could see him, see the way he is with people, with animals, with his work...?" With me? "His fiancé must have been a complete doylum to break his heart. I'd give anything to find someone like that."
The keys jingled around BJ's index as he swung them idly 'round. Their door was at the end of the hall and everything was quiet. Clare was not there with him, of course not, but he stilled at the top of the stairs to feel for her all the same.
"A man like him makes all the others look cheap," he said. The breeze was warm, he could still hear the sirens. Maybe he would stop out here and smoke for a while on the balcony to further clear his head. "I wish you could have met him. He'd have loved you too, you know, and your little girls. He's going to make someone very happy someday."
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