#as long as the stories focused on them arent all about romance
sonknuxadow · 6 months
feeling the need to be a hater about sonic shipping again but i cant think of anything to say about any specific target . so i just wanted to say that no pairing among the existing sonic cast should be canon ever except for maybe whispangle depending on how they would handle it . peace and love
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cowboyfrogo · 2 years
Shipping in JJBA
Whats up with JJBA fandom and shipping? 
I have been a jojo fan for over a year now.  And something that stood out a lot in the fandom have been the distribution into 2 sides. 
1. the homophobic dudebros making the same jojokes over and over again. 
2. the gay shipping chaos 
(i dont have anything against shipping. i, myself, have some ships)
(im not saying there arent any other types of fans, these are just the main 2 and also the most noticable)
It makes me wonder. JJBA is in no way a romance anime. Its full of bizzare, strange and well thought through fights against the enemy stand users.
Ofc we do have some canonical relatonships, like Jonathan and Erina, and others. But it was never the main focus. Even our dear Erina is just there for Jojos character development. :(
But we must notice something...take a look at the most popular ships according to the JJBA ships wiki:
JotaKak (5003 fics)
BruAbba (3637 fics)
GioMis (2773 fics)
CaeJose (2472 fics)
JonaDio (2028 fics)
JosuHan (1661 fics)
JosuYasu (1622 fics)
GyJo (1504 fics)
FuGio (1099 fics)
FugoNara (1018 fics)
See any pattern? All of these non canon slash ships. (and some of them are illegal too)
Now, we know what everybody says about jojo...its gay.
But, is it really like that?
JJBA is full of stuff that could be considered part of the queer culture. Like, for example, fashion.
In the past, when society wasnt as accepting as it is now, ppl would often show their sexual orientation through clothes. 
Ofc we cant forget about the slightly fruity scenes, like the Joseph and Avdol scene, and others...
I could go on for a really long time about the gay stuff in jjba. But a lot of ppl already piled up these scenes together. (Just try looking up all gay moments in jojo and you will find a tons of results)
Its is safe to say that a lot of queer folks are interested in jojo, because they can see themeself and their culture, while also having the time of their life watching masculine men punching the crap out of each other. 
And as we all know lgbtq+ is starved for a good representation in media and something that doesnt fall into stereotypes.
I dont know about you, but i never wanted to watch some cheesy romance in between two men. It just isnt my genre. What i really want, is queer characters going on adventures that arent focused on their queerness. Not everything about them has to scream that they are gay. We are just humans like everyone else. 
Lack of good representation usually leads to ppl going “you know what? ill do it myself!” 
And thats where all the shipping starts. 
Thats exactly what happened in this fandom too.
People saw potential in two buff guys looking at each other a little bit more deeply than usually and ran with it.
Which on its own is completely fine, but jjba has been around for quite a while. Which means there is a huge number of ships. Some of them make sense and some of them…not so much.
Heres where the proshippers come in the story. (yup those 🤢)
We got from fans being starved for gay content to shipping everyone together. Minors with adults, family members, stand users and their stands…
Im not going to explain why is proshipping problematic.
All huge fandoms have toxicity and problems in them it just cannot be avoided.
Is there something we can do about it?
Well, yes.
We can explain why proshipping is problematic and try to show people that there is much more other fan made content we can have that doesnt have proships in it. (or any ships)
But i doubt that we can ever solve everything and get rid problematic people. Nothing is perfect.
Just dont let it ruin you do bizzare experience JJBA has to offer.
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forestofbeginnings · 3 years
while I do agree with what you’re saying about character’s sexualities needing to be explored rather than being seen as the easy option, having “just a few” LGBTQ+ characters means every LGBTQ+ player is SEVERELY restricted in terms of who they can choose to be with, ESPECIALLY since those few LGBTQ+ characters run the risk of falling into harmful stereotypes to make it “obvious” that they are those characters. it leaves a LOT of room for separation rather than inclusion, for distance between players and characters bc the player may not think the other characters are worth getting to know when those characters arent the “few” LGBTQ+ ones. as much as it is important to have the detailed representation, as a member of the LGBTQ+ myself, I am equally happy with stories going in depth on character’s sexualities as I am with them just being completely normalised. video games are pleasant, peaceful escapes for people, and as much as it would be “realistic” for them to experience some kind of discrimination or self hatred, I personally prefer the idea that in the world of the game, everyone is just fine with it, as they should be. that leaves room for discussion on why the real world ISNT like that already, how we can HELP it become that way by assisting in the normalisation of it, etc. this is in no way a direct argument against you, it’s solely my standpoint on the whole LGBTQ+ marriage options. I just think it should be a fair game to everyone, and no player should feel their options are limited based on their own sexuality and having just a few characters in the game who match that, instead of it being equal for everyone, if that makes sense
That's a very good point, thank you for sending this to add to the conversation! I'll try my best to respond to all the good points you make.
(my reply is very long and under the cut and includes a lot of my Opinions of queer rep in video games so here we go)
I know you're probably talking about Fire Emblem when you're talking about the severely limited LGBT+ options. And it does suck, I'm pretty lucky that I fell hard for one of the few bisexual offerings in FE3H (looks fondly at Mercedes). But on the other hand...my primary experience with LGBT+ rep are Bioware games, where everyone has their own distinct identity. In Dragon Age Inquisition, out of the romance options there's 1 straight woman, 3 straight males (albeit two are limited to elves/humans), 1 pansexual male, 1 bisexual female, 1 gay male, and 1 lesbian. And most of the writing does not focus on their identities. In a majority of the romances, the most you get is a "sorry, not interested" from a character if you're not what they're into. The only route with clear focus on sexuality is for the gay man, which is fantastically written (and is written by a gay man about his personal experiences so take that as you will). All of the other LGBT+ characters’ stories don’t focus on their sexuality at all and don’t face discrimination for it. 
The game isn't perfect (the writing for the lesbian is bad in the base game, just straight up bad), but it's what I think of when I say "everyone has an identity." No matter who you play, not all options are open to you. Doesn't matter if you're straight or LGBT+, your options are limited. And honestly, despite the more limited options...the impact that games like Fire Emblem and Dragon Age gave me are still things I remember fondly as a bi/ace woman. I loved Mercedes' romance in FE3H because she was specifically bisexual like me. I was absolutely giddy when Josephine's romance (the bi option in DAI) did not include a sex scene, which meant she could be asexual like me. And to me, I don't get as much excitement playing SoS or SDV. The girls like me because I'm the player. That's it. It’s not because they’re bisexual with their own identity, it’s because I’m the player. And it just reminds me of that quote from The Incredibles like "if everyone is super, nobody will be." Everyone is ""bisexual"" and...
I think when you talk about people not being interested in learning about other, non-LGBT+ characters, that's more a flaw in farming sims in general? Because you can't really...befriend a romance option. You can't learn their full story unless you're romancing them. Which, again, isn't a thing in Fire Emblem or Dragon Age. You can A support anyone in FE and it only becomes romantic if you choose to S support them. In Dragon Age, you learn a character's full story and learn about them regardless of romance. I don't think people will be less interested in knowing other characters...it's just if you don't want to romance them...you can't really know them? So why befriend a character if you can’t just be friends?
But I do really want to touch on the point you make on how LGBT+ romance doesn't need to be realistic and can be idealized. I 100% agree. Making it not a big deal and not put under a microscope helps it become normal. It's actually the kind of rep I prefer. I don’t like when huge deals are made about LGBT+ characters because it just accentuates that they’re different and ‘the other,’ rather than just another person that happens to not be heterosexual.
But literally the only romance-based video game I've played where a realistic struggle of an LGBT+ person is focused on is Dragon Age Inquisition. With the gay route I mentioned and touched on with a non-romancable trans man. Sexuality is not really spoken about in FE3H. Some characters are just...bisexual. Nothing more to it. Mercedes certainly doesn't say anything about it. She can just be romanced by both men and women. It is barely spoken about in Dragon Age games aside from character preference and Dorian's romance. In Dragon Age 2, one bisexual romance option mentions his first experience with a man. Another option is hesitant to date a female because of cultural reasons. That's it.
I do get your point. We don't need to include the realities of the world in our video games. But also...we're allowed to still acknowledge sexuality in video games. I joke about my bi/ace-ness all the time. Even in a perfect world of a farming sim...I'm pretty sure a character can make wisecracks about liking both men and women...or only men/women. Being bisexual always means some kind of discovery that you like more than one gender. Has this love interest dated someone of the same or opposite gender before? Will they tell me off-hand that I'm the first girl they dated? Will they express interest in a character of the opposite gender but can be romanced by a same-sex player? Representation doesn't need to be a sanitized thing completely removed from reality. Even in a completely perfect world where there is no such thing as discrimination against the LGBT+ community, we’re still allowed to speak about our sexualities. It’s a part of who we are. 
When I say I want specific representation, I don't want a realistic depiction of the current-day struggles our community faces. I just want a character to say something that makes me know that they're like me. That they're specifically bisexual or specifically pansexual or so on. That they have their own preferences and are their own character and aren't blindly into me because I'm the player.
I do get why you want representation to be equal across the board. It is the easy option and a simple thing to do. But I want quality over quantity. I don’t want a character to marry me because I’m the player. I want a character to marry me because they’re bisexual or pansexual or a lesbian or asexual with romantic preferences or so on and so forth. And the reason why I’m so passionate about this and want farming sims to go towards this direction is because I’ve seen it done in other genres! It can work! 
Inclusion of LGBT+ romance options does not have to be at the sacrifice of the identities of bisexual and pansexual individuals. And now I get off my soap box and drink some water because I just got my 2nd COVID vaccination. 
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gvnchvcks · 4 years
A few days or maybe a week into being hired is when Fiona finds out most of the crew live in the penthouse with Geoff, at which point she immediately demands a sleepover. Nails will be painted, hair will be braided, boys will be talked about, nobody is safe
Fiona gets this idea because she wants to know more about the crew as a whole and she wants to hang with her newfound family, and what better way to get to know someone than when it's 4 am and you're all tired as hell telling secrets or something?? So she calls Geoff up and is like, "Hey dad can I have a sleepover?" (Yes she actually says that, you cant convince me otherwise) and Geoff is like ?? What? And so she explains her plan to him and he's automatically on board. They have no jobs coming up for at least a month, why not let loose? So she makes a huge group chat for the entire crew to let them know, and also she's like, wait why dont you guys have a group chat already wth
So now everyone is ready and hyped!! She shows up at the penthouse super early that morning to help Jack and Ryan prepare for having 11 people in it for one whole night. (We all know Gav isn't finna help, Geoff is asleep, and Michael and Jeremy are helping as well, but mostly with cleaning up a bit and finding entertainment) By 2 in the afternoon, things look great!! The furniture in the living room has been moved around a bit so there's enough room in the middle, where a bunch of pillows and blankets are likely gonna be placed. There's a Switch and an X-Box by the tv, ready to be played. Board and card games like Twister, Uno, and Monopoly are set to the side, ready to cause trouble. Snacks are spread throughout the room, unopened sodas, beer, candy, and chip bags. It all looks great, and Fiona is so excited!! The first one to arrive is Matt, Switch and two boxes of donuts in hand. Then, the Twins, Trevor and Alfredo. Wearing matching adult sized onesies they picked up along the way! And finally, Lindsay. She's a bit latez but nobody questions it because it's well. It's Lindsay.
Everyone is finally here!! The livingroom and kitchen are full of people chatting and playing games. (Lets say they're playing Animal Crossing bc I'm obsessed lol) and Geoff is even out of bed now too. Everyone went all out on this, and Fiona couldn't be happier. All wearing pajamas and sitting on the floor or laying on the couches and chairs, like the children they all are on the inside. Eating candy, even making a bit of a mess, but they'll just clean it up later. It's around 10 pm when Lindsay calls for everyone's attention from her spot on the floor.
"So, as you all know, I was a bit late today. BUT do you know why that is?"
A few wrong answers later, she digs into a backpack she brought with her and out comes a slew of makeup, brand new, and a ton of face paint and nail polish. Fiona squeals and is like, "You actually brought it, yesss! Who's our first victim?"
Michael and Geoff immediately nope out of there and head to the kitchen, but everyone else seems game. Especially Gavin and Alfredo, who practically jump in front of the two girls, tripping over people along the way. Gavin occasionally wears a bit of makeup or nail polish here or there, so he wants his face painted! His mistake? Asking Lindsay to do it. 30 minutes later, she's done with her masterpiece. Gavin looks in the mirror, expecting to see a mess, but he actually doesn't hate it? A gold drips painted from his forehead that go over his left eye, and a small gold heart under his right eye. He actually looks really cool! Then, he turns around to show the others, and they laugh?? Why are they laughing? He looks pristine! He looks again. Oh. That's not a heart. It's a dick. He let's out one of his signature loud squawks of shock and disappointment, with a "Lindsayyy!!" Thrown in for good measure, and jumps over the others to run to the kitchen sink.
During all of this though, Fiona and Alfredo arent laughing. Fiona is laser focused on making Fredo the hottest person in the room. And she does. She stares at her work, nearly an hour after she started, and is proud. Alfredo is loving it too, making kissy faces at the other crew members, posing and showing off his red nails while Jack takes pictures of him using a Polaroid she bought just for this occasion.
Anyways, that's all done. Nobody else wants to get their faces done, in fear they'll end up like poor ol Gav, so they move on (tho Fredo and Gav do keep their looks, Gav is just missing the "heart") Things calm down again for a bit, and everyone is telling stories. Fiona is in the middle of talking about what her life in France was like before moving to Los Santos, when she realizes she's been subconsciously braiding Matt's hair while he sits in front of her on the floor. She stops and is joking like, "aw dude wtf I've been touching Matt's hair" and then Matt is like, "Yeah but this is actually not a bad look if I'm being honest" and the others agree with him! Michael says it makes him look a bit less like an animal (I swear I love Matt lmao but you know they'd bully him during this, nobody is safe) and then Trevor is like, "you should do Ryan's next!! He has long hair too!!"
Ryan is against it at first but eventually is forced to take Matt's spot on the floor, and by the time Fiona's story is done, so is Ryan's new look, and lemme tell ya. That boy can ROCK a braid. Everyone is like, "Daaaamn, Ry, look at you GO" and "Of course he looks better than Matt, the dude was a model" and this actually makes Ryan kinda happy!! He likes his friends giving him validation, sorry I don't make the rules.
The night continues as normal. More stories are told, and they slowly start to get deeper as it gets later. Stories of their past lives, their first kills and first crimes, and romance too. They talk about their worst and best past relationships, what they're looking for in a partner, things like that.
(This is about to get a bit shippy, so I'm sorry if you dislike any of these ships, they're just the ones I personally like and wanted to write about, with my own headcanons for each character and their sexualities. If anybody is interested in me talking about my personal HC's for that, send in an ask tho cause this is already kinda long lol)
At one point, Trevor actually draws attention to himself. Things are quiet and more chill now. Everyone is being supportive, so this is good as time as any-
"Uh, actually, I kinda wanna tell you guys something since we're on the topic. I'm..bisexual."
Everyone is silent for a second, and he actually starts to get nervous, then Lindsay pipes up with
"Dude, hell yeah, bi gang! Love wins, what's up!"
Everyone smiles and laughs, and Fiona highfives Lindsay. Geoff is the next to speak up, "That's great news, Trevor. When did this realization hit you, bud? I've known you for a while now, I had no idea."
"Oh, it was actually maybe..a few months ago? A year maybe? Yeah. About half a year ago I'd say."
Michael chimes in next,
"Wait, isn't that also when you found Fredo and introduced him to Geoff?"
A few oooooh's ring out and Trevor tries to hide his face by looking down and chuckling.
"Uh, yeah. It is.. Anyways! What about you guys? Jeremy, what's your type?" He looks to the shorter male who's lounging on a beanbag near the tv, trying to divert everyone's attention from himself. Jeremy thinks for a second and takes a sip of his beer.
"Hm. Not sure. I like tough people who have a soft side usually, just like me.."
As he names off a few other things he finds attractive, Jack shoots a knowing look over to Ryan. Ryan's had a thing for Jeremy for a while now, and only she knows about it. When you're the crew mom, your kids tell ya everything.
This continues for a while longer with more almost-confessions, before people eventually start slowly passing out. (After a few games of Uno of course. The Monopoly stayed untouched, and they started a game of Twister but were to drunk to stay still and kept toppling onto each other painfully.)
This is a bit longer than I intended and I left out a LOT I wanted to put in but I don't wanna make these too long aishsijsjs I'm not good at writing lol I'm sorry, but I hope you like this!! I could elaborate on other aspects of anyone is curious, I'll be accepting these asks all day so keep em coming 💚💚💚
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mylovelysanshine · 5 years
home; choi san ft. jung wooyoung
"as long as you are happy, as long as she is happy, my heart will be at ease. no matter how hurt it is." in which choi san, who is in love with you, is willing to give up his desire to confess to you for his best friend who has feelings for you. but does he knows what are your true feelings? no.
a love triangle between you, san and wooyoung
g: angst, fluff, romance
w!: cursing of words and thats all ig, please tell me if there's something that triggered you!
a/n: this was requested by @iis4d ! i still remember your request hehe but sorry for taking this so long omg:( i hope you and my fellow atiny readers will like it!!! sorry if there's any errors in this writing,,,,:( but anyways enjoy!:D
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for god's sake, san. can you at least becareful?!
oh come on, y/n! i wont die or something!
yes, san! you will die if you arent careful around anjanath!
you're at san's house, looking or mostly judging at how he plays the new game that he just brought from the game store near his house; monster hunter world. you're a fan of that game, truly in love with the series and how beautifully the graphic is but seeing how your best friend plays makes you want to smash your head onto the wall.
damn it! san shouted, flipping his controller when his character fainted for the first time
you facepalmed, massaging your temple while looking at the screen and at him i told you so
san glared at you and you giggled, eyes furrowing as his lips pouting which makes him look so adorable, having the urge to kiss him but you shook the thought off.
as if you have played this game before! he whined
uh yes i do, idiot! im hunter rank 250, okay! do no underestimate me! you said, smacking his arm lightly
it was true that you're a hunter rank 250 while he is just hunter rank 10, he have seen you played the game before and he wanted to try it too. probably because he wants to be on the same level as you so he could play together with you or he wants to play together with you. san couldnt think of things to backfire you over the game that you were good in it so he gave up and crossed his arms in defeat.
you laughed loudly, laughing because of how adorable san is. oh dont be mad~ you cooed, going down from the sofa to the floor, just to hug your best friend. you wrapped your arms and legs around his waist like a koala, placing your chin on his shoulder. is my sannie mad?? you asked, pouting cutely at him. san blushed, his face turning into a tomato. he didnt say anything which makes you truly believed that he was upset.
you frowned i really diㅡ AHHH
then, san headlocks you, making your body fall onto his lap as he messes up your hair with his free hand. being a competitive person you are, your hands went to his neck, trying to choke him. he let go of you, hands going to yours as he tries to break your grip off him which is an opportunity to run from san.
yaa!! y/n!!! you heard him scream as you went upstairs. you stopped for a moment, looking for rooms to hide until your eyes landed on his room, you ran when you heard his footsteps coming closer. you're not a fast runner but you passed your p.e tests last semester which was the day you're actually proud of. too bad san was faster than you when you tried to close and lock his door. both of you were pushing the door, one trying to open while another is trying to close until san pushed the door with his full strength, making you scream in horror as he grabs your arm.
you tried to run, trying to escape from his grip until your feet slipped ㅡdamn these socks ㅡmaking you fall onto the ground along with san. like a typical korean romance drama, the male character is ontop of the female character, staring into eachother's soul as the male got closer, eyes looking at you and to your lips until a knock distrupt your story.
san!!!! open the door!!!! it was wooyoung's voice screaming outside his house. both of you got up, scurried into different places; you in the living room while he takes the door. you were blushing mess, hair in a mess and your heart too
but you're not alone.
san opens the door, revealing wooyoung who was annoyed. what took you so long?! i've been waiting for you for the past five minutes!!
goddamn, woo. its not like you're going to die or somethingㅡ
yes i willㅡ oh! y/n!! wooyoung ran up to you, jumping at you, making you scream at how heavy he is as he hugs you. didnt know you are here! he exclaims, showing a bright smile.
well now you do, woo so can you please get off meㅡ you said, trying to breathe with the male body ontop of you. wooyoung giggled, apologising to you as he gets off before looking at the tv screen. isnt...that monster hunter world?
yeah? and what about it? san asked, sitting down on the floor beside you as you're on the couch. im playing that game too! hunter rank 10, just started playing it though wooyoung replied, turning his head to you how about you, y/n? have you played this game before?
you smiled at him hunter rank 250
wooyoung's eyes widened in surprise, body turning at your direction 250?! damn you crazy!
might be, i guess you shrugged as san continues to play his game
what's your weapon of your choice, san? wooyoung asked out of curiousity, looking at the screen that is currently loading the files of the game
dual blades san replied
and you, y/n?
insect glaive
wooyoung nodded at the information that was given to him thats cool! mine is dual blades too!
you raise your eyebrows really? would love to see the both you play together, probably the best duo with dual blades in this game you said, smiling at him before focusing on the screen, observing how san plays.
wooyoung pouted as he looks at you focusing on the tv instead of him, no ideas to have your attention on him and only him.
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having san and wooyoung as your best friends can be a pain in the ass sometimes but having them in your life makes it fun and enjoyable, and you love the both of them equally. as you're walking your way to your classroom, a familiar voice was heard screaming your name. not to mention that you're in the hallway with people walking by.
wooyoung, its early in the morning. why are you screaming?! you hissed in annoyance, redness shown on your face. wooyoung smiled cheekily, giggling a little. i just wanted to say good morning to you~ he said, taking your hand and swinging it side to side. you massaged your temple with your free hand, sighing as you shook your head a little. good morning, woo. you're lucky that i love you you muttered, making wooyoung's eyes beams in happiness
then, the school bell rang, indicating that the first lesson has started. you widened your eyes, remembering that your first lesson is with ms chou, the teacher who is always coming for your ass. wooyoung, i need to go! ms chou will come at me if im late! see you later, bye bye! you said hurridly, releasing your hand from his and started running as if your life is at risk before he could stopped you.
wooyoung watches you from afar, your figure slowly disappearing from his sight. he sighs, shoulders going up and down before shaking his head, starting to walk his way to his class.
you slammed the door opened, seeing some of your classmates sitting on their seats, minding their own business. then your eyes trails to the teacher's desk, not seeing ms chou on present yet before landing your eyes on him. choi san. you took a sharp breathe, your lungs tightened automatically as your heart started to beat very fast. he was reading a book, probably a harry potter book and he looks peaceful, like an angel. unfortunately for your heart, the sun was shining against his skin, the light bouncing off from his skin, making him look ethereal. your head started to get dizzy as your legs dragged you to your table next to him without realising.
y/n? you snapped your eyes from wherever you were looking from to him.
y-yes? you managed to speak, despite having a lump in your throat before sitting down on your seat.
you look pale he said, closing his book shut before focusing on you are you sick?
h-huh before you could continue, he placed the back of his hand onto your forehead, trying to feel any heat. you watched every expressions he made, his eyebrows furrowing as he squinted his eyes with his nose scrunching and his cherry lips pouting. his lips. you have never been wanting to kiss his lips right now, how you want to taste his lips, how you want to claim his lips yours. then you caught his eyes, he's staring at you.
you didnt know why you're being like this after the incident that happened at san's house from a few days ago. you do have a little crush on san before but now, it seems like your crush on him is getting bigger and bigger. you hated it, hated to have feelings on your bestfriend that will most probably reject you.
y/n? san calls your name softly, snapping out from your daydream. you realised that san's face are close to yours, his nose ghosting onto yours but before you two took a step forward, the door slammed open.
sorry kids, ms chou was late!
oh what a deja vu..
after school has ended, you slowly pack your stuffs as your classmates made their way out from the classroom. you sighed, too caught up with the thought of san. before this situations between you and san happen, your other best friend, gahyeon, told you that san likes you but you didnt believe her in one bit despite having a close friendship with her for 3 years. you dont believe the boy that has been with you ever since you were out of your mother's womb would like you, there's alot of thirsty girls eyeing him since young and you bet that there will be or is a girl that would or has caught his eye
and that girl would not be you.
exiting the classroom and the school, you straightaway went to the library, wanting to clear your mind off by writing or probably reading a book or both.
san was making his way back home from school, too caught up with the thought of you. ever since that incident happened at his house, things became awkward between the both of you. how the both of you didnt greet eachother as used to, hugging eachother or any skinship between you two. especially this morning, how the both of you were so close enough to almost kiss eachother but that didnt happen even though he wants it to happen. he shook his head, shaking those thoughts away.
why would you like him? for someone who he thought is not handsome as wooyoung. he thought you would like wooyoung than him, and how he thought that you would choose other guys than him.
wooyoung, on the other hand, was thinking on how to confess his love to you. too stressed on his plan, wooyoung called san through his phone.
hey san? i need your help.
what do you need? san asked, throwing wooyoung a packet of chips before sitting the opposite of where wooyoung sits.
you know yunho is going to throw a huge party this friday, right? and how even everyone in our school is invited, right?
san furrowed his eyebrows, nodding his head a little, confused where wooyoung is going. ...yeah?
well, im going to plan to confess y/n on that day! san stops eating his chips as wooyoung continues but i dont know how to confess to her..
wooyoung pouts, clasping his hands together into a ball help me, san! i cant think of anything...and you know alot about her more than i do!
well that's because im in love with her, woo he thought to himself before giving him a painful smile as he feels his heart drop at the thought of you and wooyoung together instead of him.
i will help
wooyoung's eyes beams in happiness really?!
san tries to keep his smile, nodding his head yes, of course, you're my best friend afterall.
wooyoung then hugs san tightly, showing how appreciative he is to san. thank you, san!
you're welcome, woo he said, trying to control his tears as he hugs him back
as long as you're happy, as long as she is happy, my heart will be at ease. no matter how hurt it is.
friday came by and you are sitting on the bench at the school garden with gahyeon who is playing games on her phone. too caught up reading your book, gahyeon spoke up.
hey, are you ready for tonight's party?
you lowered your book down a little, looking at gahyeon with a confused look.
there's a party tonight?
gahyeon rolled her eyes and face palmed yes, you forgetful idiot. remember yunho? that tall adorable looking puppy guy? he invites the whole school to his party, since his parents are out of town for the whole month.
okay, so? you asked, confused. you rarely go to parties because it drains your energy since there will be alot of people there and you're scared that anything might happened to you if you're drunk since males nowadays are just horny piece of shits who cant keep their dicks in their pants and does not know the meaning of consent. you're glad that gahyeon doesnt go to parties alot, though mostly the parties she goes to is her family business party.
so how about we go? gahyeon beams school has been a pain in the ass ever since the exam schedule came out so how about we go there to release our stress out?
and get drunk? yeah no
oh come on! just this once, y/n! and never again! gahyeon begs, giving you that puppy face that you couldnt resist whenever she wants or do something.
you groaned, closing your book, throwing your head back a little as you know you lost due to her cuteness. i mean, who would ignore gahyeon's adorable face?
day passed by quickly as you and gahyeon are getting ready for the party. since you dont have alot of fancy dresses to wear, you wore an off shoulder purple lace dress that your mom brought for you for your birthday. its not that tight or short for you and you are grateful for this dress to be yours, your mom has a better understanding of fashion and you than yourself. you look at the reflection of the mirror, looking at gahyeon who is stressing herself on which dress to choose for the party.
goddamn, gahyeon. is it that hard to choose a dress?
gahyeon glared at you yes it is, y/n! if you own alot of clothes, you would feel the sane way as me!
i do and all of them are comfortable and simple so i dont have a hard time choosing unlike you
ugh, whatever! you know what? im just going to choose this dress! she rummaged through her closet and picked out a short sleeveless red dress that have some pretty design but you dont care, you actually care if san is going to the party or not.
god, do you think y/n would come? wooyoung asked loudly as the music in yunho's house was blasting, bouncing up and down as he was nervous.
san chuckles, looking at his friend as he feels his heart stings. he was hoping for you not to come because he doesnt want to see you be with wooyoung but at the same he hopes to see you come, to see wooyoung confessing his love to you and you would accept it and see the both of you happy because you would choose other guys than him and to san, that's the truth.
i dont know, woo but i know she will he said, trying to comfort his friend with his best even if he feels worse.
then, you stepped into the house with your friend and san saw you from afar since both san and wooyoung is at the drinking section which is kinda far from the doorstep, along with people who is covering his sight from you as they are dancing in the area that he is in. but he indeed saw you and well, he's in awe on how beautiful you look and he realised that he's falling deeper in love with you. he swallowed hard, looking away as he closed his eyes. he cant be doing this right now, his friend likes you and he doesnt want to ruin this opportunity for wooyoung but yet, here he is ruining his own opportunity. he opened his eyes, to see if you werent there but you are still there, looking at him back. he took a sharp breathe before nudging wooyoung at the side.
she's here
wooyoung looks around, trying to find you in the crowded area where? where?
she's coming to our way with gahyeon so get ready, lover boy san said, giving him a smirk as both you and gahyeon walked to their direction
san!! wooyoung!! you called, releasing your hand from gahyeon and hug both of the boys as they hug you back. both of you look amazing, i wonder if there's any chicks hitting their shots at the both of you? you asked cheekily
wooyoung laughed, holding your hand nah, they dont caught my eyes like you do
you blushed, laughing a little thank you for the compliment, wooyoung. much appreciated
okay okay! anyways, boys. me and y/n are going to meet our girlfriends so if you could step away please! gahyeon said, cutting off from whatever wooyoung is trying to do. she glares at san we will get back at you later so tata! she continues with full of sass, gahyeon then takes your hand and pulls you away from the both of them.
damn, i was about to ask her to dance with me! i swear gahyeon loves to interrupt my opportunity! wooyoung gritted his teeth, feeling frustrated.
calm down, woo! they just came, let them have fun a little, will you? san said, calming his friend down.
yeah yeah, whatever. im going to find seonghwa for some advice and the rose, see you later with my future girlfriend! wooyoung jokes and pats his back before leaving him alone, finding his older friend.
san stood there alone, looking down on the floor as his heart breaks into pieces.
you sat on the couch with gahyeon, talking with her friends on how males can such be a pain in the ass. too caught up with the conversation, you saw one of her friends look up. you look at the direction she was looking at and you saw wooyoung standing infront of you. the conversation between the eight of you stops and all eyes look at wooyoung instead, confused on why he is here.
uh, y/n? can i talk to you for a moment? wooyoung asked nervously, looking down.
you looked at gahyeon's friends and gahyeon, who looks a little dark at the sight of wooyoung. you apologised to the seven of them before going up to wooyoung. without saying anything, wooyoung grabs your hand and pull you to wherever he wants you to go.
as gahyeon saw you being pulled by wooyoung, she sighs before standing up, making her friends look at her with confusion written all over their faces.
im going to talk to someone
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san was sitting on the staircase, thinking about you as he drinks whatever liquid he was drinking, not caring much about his well being.
choi san he heard gahyeon's voice what the fuck?
what the fuck are you doing, san? arent you supposed to confess to her? and not wooyoung? didnt you told me you like her? gahyeon asked angrily, standing infront of them with her arms crossed. he looks up and all gahyeon saw is sadness in his eyes, she couldnt help but feel pity for him
why? she asked softly
because i want wooyoung to be happy, i want y/n to be happy he confessed as tears builds up in his eyes i know she wont choose me
why? she asked again, but in a harsher tone
because i know, gahyeon. i knoㅡ
gahyeon cut him off, her fist hitting on the railing hard, not caring if it hurts are you some fucking fortune teller or something? do you know if she even likes you? san, you wont know anything if you dont take a step forward! she screams, angry at how stupid san is, how stupid his mindset is.
san didnt react at her ourburst but instead, he just stood up and walk pass her, walking towards the door.
choi san! gahyeon screams in anger as he exited from yunho's house.
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what is it, wooyoung? you finally asked after he drags you into a garden, dragging you away from the noisy house. you see him breathing deeply with his shoulders going up and down before looking at you.
i-i like you, y/n he confessed, making your eyes widen in surprise. i really do like you, y/n. ever since i met you through san, i couldnt help but developed a liking towards you and i hope that you will accept me he ends off with a rose in his hands. you look at him, his eyes full of hope and you couldnt help but to think of san. no matter how much you want to stop thinking about him, the thought of san will always comes back and if you were to accept wooyoung's confession, it would be toxic for the both of you as you will still keep thinking about him and not wooyoung. though, you are thankful of him being your best friend but you have never thought of a new level between you and wooyoung. only san. choi san.
san, san, san, sanㅡ
im sorry you gasped for air, being to pressured with wooyoung's confession and the thought of san as tears starting to build up in your eyes. imㅡ im so sorry, wooyoung you apologised as you look at him im sorry
the hope in his eyes has faded as he lowers his hands down. it was quiet for a moment before he speaks up
san. choi san.
you were trying to find a way to answer but you couldnt, the lump in your throat was getting bigger and giving you a hard time to answer
is it because of san?
you paused, looking down before nodding y-yeah...
wooyoung chuckles sadly what a lucky guy he is. no matter how much i try, you will choose him either way
you look up, giving him an apologetic look but wooyoung gives you a smile. not the normal bright smile he used to give but an encouraging one
go and confess to him, y/n he said
you blinked, confused at what he was talking about.
looking at your confused face, he rolls his eyes and sighs go and confess to san, y/n before giving you the rose he is holding go
y/n, you better hurry up before i cry wooyoung said, his tears starting to spill as he pushes you out from the garden into yunho's house and before you could say anything, wooyoung slammed the door infront of you.
you gulped and look at the flower you are holding
confess to san
you breathe in and out, nodding your head and went to find san. you looked around the house, trying to him but instead you saw gahyeon walking to your direction
gahyeon! you called out, running to her where's san?
she looks surprised san? i dont know, why?
you hesitated, trying to find a way to answer her question ....i...im going to confess to him
y-you're going to confess to san?? i thought wooyoung confessedㅡ
can we talk about wooyoung later? i want to find san first you cut her off, desperation was heard in your voice
gahyeon's face softens, giving you an apologetic look as she holds your hand im sorry, love but i dont know where he went...but you know where he always goes to
you gave her a confused look as you try to think hard about the place san would always go and it hit you
the park
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san stares at the night sky, seeing the stars shining in the dark as his tears rolls down on his cheeks. he's wondering how's wooyoung's confession goes, did you accept? or did you reject? he wonders if he ever get the chance to confess to you but he knows he doesnㅡ
san! his thoughts were cut off by your voice but he didnt believe that its yours, he thought he was dreaming
san! your voice got nearer and nearer choi san!
he whips his head to the side and saw you, panting really hard with your hair in a mess. he looks down, your hand holding a rose and the other holding your heels
wait, the roseㅡ
ㅡi love you, choi san!
san frozed on his spot, his mind went blank as he heard the words he was hoping to hear from you but he couldnt believe that he is hearing those words from you
you pant heavily, lifting the rose in your hand as you drop your heels
yes, i love you, san. i really do! you repeat your words, in case san wouldnt believe in you or he might be deaf. i love you, san
san lift his hand and point to himself m-me? you love me?? and you nod why, y/n? i thought you would like woo but me? why me? i thougㅡ
his words were cut off by your kiss, you were too fed up with his rambling that you decided to kiss him, to show that you are truly in love with him. in love with san. he automatically kisses you back, his hands cupping your cheeks as he deepens his kiss, finally giving you the love he keeps for you for a long time. you broke the kiss first, trying to breathe and so is he. san looks at you with love in his eyes as he placed his forehead on yours with his hands on your waist. the rose you were holding was no longer in your hands as it falls onto the ground with your heels when you kissed san.
it was silent for a moment, it wasnt any awkward silence but rather a comfortable one. you know.. you started to speak i realised that after wooyoung confessed to me, i didnt feel right.
san raised his eyebrow, urging you to continue
i didnt feel like im at home, you know? i dont feel like me whenever im around him but i do whenever im around you. i realised that i've been loving you hard ever since you protected me from those bullies though i thought it would be a small crush but it wasnt and whats their name again? was it kahi? sarah? whatever.
ㅡyou make me feel at ease when i have a storm in my mind everyday, you were there for me even if i never asked you to and you make me feel im at home when im with you you said, caressing his cheeks as you peck his lips, before looking at him in the eye with full of love.
you are my home, san.
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a/n 2: and thats it!!!!!! i kinda like this but at the same time no jshdhsjsjdh also i think i have improved my english alot! but if there are still any errors in this writing, im so sorry! please give feedbacks on how i can improve! thank you!! xoxo
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leafy-wings · 4 years
In all WoF rps I've been in one of the biggest things for me is how like, if you don't have a character that's cool and mysterious it's soooo hard to use them, as well as if you join late it's also a pain in the neck. Lots of people are focused on getting ships for their ocs as well so no one really focuses on the plot... I'd like to see a rp that's newcomer friendly and more plot driven, like the books! I hope this helps a little, I may come back later and add stuff!!
I am definitely feeling this, and it’s the HARDEST THING because feeling excluded by those measures always made me push harder to get them. Like, feeling overshadowed by cooler friendlier characters made me desperately want to fit into those little friend circles, and its great and all to be in them but sitting back and realizing youre probably excluding people is... it just sucks. It sucks feeling pressured to have an OC that people will like (but im biased because I have a lot of non wof/oc related issues to having people like me) and it sucks getting used to seeing the same people over and over again in hundreds of different groups when if you slack off you wont get to knowing them as well as everyone else does
I think a common issue i see in a lot of wof rp is that its not planned, or planned out on the spot. Not even a skeleton, or the tweaking just takes a long time/the writer didnt think what would happen if certain routes were pursued. So you get events which arent schedules until the day of/a day or two before so plenty of people miss them, and then the writer needs to take a 2-3 week break before they pick the story back up, leaving the characters to sit around and play with each other until they have something actually important to do. it leaves a weird sort of tone shift when done wrong, and im just sort of in a place where everyones very silly, and im very bad at social interactions- i dont want to have my character sit still for days on end with little to chew on and surface level interactions with punchline characters, i want something to actually work with?
really, my best experience was the destined so ill point to that; events were generally scheduled before hand to be every week or so (long time ago- cant remember, but it was fixed and preemptively between weeks), and there was little impression of choice- clearly every event would happen without player input- but it was my first story based wof rp so i was just fine with that. but the setting of events long in advance really encouraged me to use my character because i knew i had the time to, or didnt. i knew what i could get him into without butting heads with scheduling so i wasnt caught off guard and needed to quickly move him around. the events gave a good pace of “cooling off after the previous event” and “preparing for the next event”, the mods were part of the player team so theyd nudge characters along as a suggestion. it felt just a little pushed, but in the sort of way that it was just right?
there was a lot of shipping and that was what turned me off from that, though. but in my personal experience where i wasnt shipping anyone and anyone on the table had good establishment (jewel and nymph live in my dreams) it was just delightful. my characters had real events to share with the dragons around them, the other characters were clearly on the same table going through the same traumas and were sympathetic to my character in ways i just dont see anymore with so much lighthearted but surface level rp. everyone was really good friends where i was a newcomer; i still found my place with other people who were focused on getting real things to happen to their oc instead of worrying about a shoehorned contrived plot they wanted for their oc to get the spotlight on them or having a competition who was the sweetest romance
note: no shame on any rps i am in or recently have been in between now and destined. theyre all lovely in their owns ways but i have my own tastes. if you prefer to have a lighthearted time and just find ocs to smash together, then wof rp is perfectly acclimated to you at the current moment.
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tanukyclaws · 4 years
This will be a rant/discussion about Fairgame, Bumbleby, and how badly RT actually treats LGBT characters:
Someone said that this volume was meant to be watched in one sitting, and now that I did it I agree, and watching it in one sitting also changes things and some of them get a new meaning.
Firstly, Id like to apologize to the fairgame shippers, I said that nobody’s at fault here since they didnt have enough scenes, stuff like that. I was wrong, I forgot some of them, when you dont rewatch the show you forget things, and I think most of us who did say they werent that focused just forgot all the teasing. I shipped it too, I thought it was cute, wasnt amazed by Clover but i didnt dislike him either and his interactions with Qrow were cute and the start of something nice and healthy. Now that I saw all their scenes again, now that I realized just how much teasing went in there, c12 hits differently.
“Oh they had just 2 scenes” “oh it was just a wink nothing much” may I remind you, before the end of v3 thats all we had for the bees pretty much? I dont want to compare either, but lets face it, the bees werent the most outright teased ship out there like arkos, it was subtle, just like fair game. Often in my pro bees argument I say “Why did they show them like this in this scene?” because scenes exist for a reason, focus exists for a reason, people smile and wink in real life and its just a coincidence sure, but things in the show are done  FOR A REASON. So unless someone can explain to me while all of Clover’s scenes were with Qrow, why he had the same flirty scene as that waitress from v4, why Qrow always playfully smiled and said stuff like “showoff heh” and make it make sense then Ill just blame it on unprofessionalism. No, I dont think its queerbaiting, but heck it almost was. There were miscommunications between the animation team and the writers and you can see that, they even acknowledged it.  But its already done, the hurt is already here.
Now, someone else who was mad about fairgame (rightfully so) said “oh its not queerbaiting cause they have other lgbt characters? Oh yeah that one lesbian that was bad at first and the 2 wlw women we will never see again” and they’re right:
Coco? Have we EVER seen her flirt/have interactions with women? She’s such a “player” in the book but in show she does nothing like that?
Scarlet? Same as Coco, and poor guy had only like  2 lines??
Oh look we have a trans character too! With only 1 line. Trans people, well all lgbt people deserve better. Im happy about May, I hope we get more trans characters that are actually relevant and not just in the background for 2 scenes.
Jaune’s sister? She said she has a wife once, we saw her in 2 scenes, and they touched hands while far away from each other on a couch. PEAK romance right?
I want you to actually look at our lgbt content, like actually look at it. Do you think its satisfying now when you see all those things?
We were too happy about the bees that we didnt realize how shitty lgbt characters get treated. If you think being in the background all the time is satisfying enough then good for you! I dont think lgbt characters not dying is peak representation. And lets face the truth about the bees: its taking too long. I dont care how slowburn you want it to be, they were from the holy trinity: arkos, renora, the bees. It took us how long exactly to get a definitely romantic interaction? (the blush from earlier this season). While Nora was talking about her and Ren and teasing it herself to say so, while Pyrrha was crushing on Jaune and showing it, while the straight characters got the romance.
Gay romance is the fucking same as straight romance. There’s no such thing as “I dont know how to write it”. Simple, write a het romance, then change the gender of one character, boom you got it.
I dont  care that the bees are romantic at this point, they are, I can bet on it, they will be canon too. But what’s up with all this waiting? Why do we have to wait YEARS for this? Why do the straight romances get kisses and blushes and romantic lines while we get a funny cute dance in the background and a few looks? Slowburns are good if done RIGHT, which if they continue like this bumbleby will not be. Its like the feast the straights are having, they give you a plate full of food too but tell you to wait. You wait, and you wait, and you wait, then the food is cold and gone bad and nobody’s there anymore and its just shit. I used to ship bubbline before I got into rwby, heck they were the reason I realized im gay. 
And I felt nothing when they kissed, it was just too long, its been more than 5-6 years of my life that I waited. When does too long become too long? Arent yall also tired of gay character getting some scenes right at the end of the show/episode? Arent we all tired of getting treated like shit?
I want you to take a moment again and think. Think how all the confirmed lgbt characters we have are either in the background/had only 1 line/ never were shown to be lgbt in the show. Think how all the straight pairings got definitely romantic moments, even got to kiss, but we just get a blush and a few looks.
Are you truly satisfied? How come we got to defend roosterteeth so badly? How come we got to defend RWBY and say it got rep, even good rep at that?
Look at these things and tell me in the face RWBY’s got good rep.
I just cant anymore. The show is fantastic, story and animation is really good, but Im tired of how we get treated.
Ill quit RWBY, Ill move to SPOP (which got actual good lgbt content and rep, and its EQUAL to the straight rep, unlike rwby that treats lgbt characters like dogs and barely give them some bones while straight characters get all the shit), Ill probably reblog some fanart and stuff of the bees cause I still love them to death, but roosterteeth is dead in my eyes. Ill cancel my subscription and never subscribe again, and I feel bad that I had so much hope and paid just to be spitted in the face.
Dont try to argue me into anything, I ask you, to please, just actually think about what we got and what we’re getting, and answer yourself honestly: is this enough? Is this what we actually wanted?
* cough salty stuff dont read cough* ALSO WHAT THE FUCK WAS THE POINT OF THE FUCKING “Will they kiss?” IF THEY BARELY HAD 2 SCENES TOGETHER THIS WHOLE VOLUME BARBARA FUCKING PLEASE. You tease something if you FUCKING DELIVER, not for the sake of it. This is one of the biggest factors that got me this disappointed
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oddcoupler222 · 5 years
I think you've mentioned you've been reading more lesbian books that arent fanfic, any recommendations?
1. Behind the Green Curtain by Riley Lashea -
(legitimately the best romance I have ever, ever read. I recommend it to anyone who loves lesbian romance and if you follow me, I assume you do)
In which - Caton has a job that she doesn’t love but it pays the bills… And she has to put up with Jack, her sleazy as fuck boss. Her sleazy as fuck boss who then hires her for an obscene amount of money to be his wife, Amelia’s, personal assistant.
Caton intends to keep her head down. Just get the work done and make her money, ignoring how incredibly hot - and emotionally cold - Amelia is, but her attraction to her makes that very difficult.
Caton and Amelia embark on a torrid affair that starts with crazy hot but confusing sex, because Caton doesn’t understand where exactly she stands with Amelia. It gradually turns into one of the most meaningful/deep love stories guaranteed to hit you deep in the emotions.  
Honestly. Read it. You won’t regret it. The only caveat I can think of is technically that there is adultery, but Jack is the biggest scumbag who has affairs of his own so.
2. All That Matters by Susan X Meagher -
Blair Spencer’s life seems to be going pretty well. She’s a highly successful real estate agent and is married to David, who respects that she is highly independent and likes to live her own life. The hitch in her life is that they are struggling to have a baby, and while she is all for adoption, David desperately wants a biological child.
They go to a practice that specializes in fertility, and while there she meets Kylie Mackenzie, a lesbian surgeon. Kylie is brilliant, funny, and beautiful, but remains single because she doesn’t want to settle for anything less than that passionate, all-consuming kind of love.
Realizing that they have a lot of interests in common after seeing each other out around town, Blair and Kylie strike up a friendship. Over the next months/year, Blair’s marriage starts to crumble and their friendship grows impossibly deeper, giving way to Kylie falling in love with her supposedly straight best friend and Blair learning about what it means to really fall in love.
It’s hard to describe without going into a ton of plot detail, but let me assure you that this is really the best best best friends to lovers journey and I guarantee it will move you.
3. Who’d Have Thought by G Benson - in case you’re looking for a fake romance, don’t you worry… I’ve got you
Hayden Perez is a nurse in New York, who - for a few reasons - is struggling to make ends meet. She comes across an ad late one night in which someone is offering 200,000 dollars to get married for a year, no questions asked. She does realize how crazy it sounds and doesn’t seriously want to do it… but the money is too good to turn her back on.
It gets especially difficult when it turns out that the person behind the offer is Samantha Thomson, a neurosurgeon who works at the same hospital, who comes off as cold and rude at work, and is someone she’s never especially liked.
Now she’s supposed to convince everyone, including her best friend, that she is so in love with a woman she notoriously has disliked, that she wants to rush into marriage with her - plus the fact that you know, she has to move in with and get married to said woman - should be no problem. At all.
The book I read that got me into the rabbit hole of lesbian romance novels! Two compelling leads and an engaging plot… it’s the best fake romance I’ve found. The biggest hang up I had going into it is that it is somewhat of an age gap which isn’t hugely my thing as you may know. But there’s no other power dynamic at play or anything and I can lose myself enough in the plot.
Those are my, in order, top 3 would recommend to anyone, lesbian romance novels.
and because I’m me, guess who is going to recommend even more!
- Damage Control by Jae -
The incredibly beautiful and talented Grace Durand is an America’s Sweetheart kind of actress. Which means it doesn’t bode well for her career when rumors flair up that she’s not exactly straight - which, she is (so she thinks).
In an effort to squash the rumors, she hires a new publicist, Lauren Pearce… without realizing that Lauren is a lesbian.
Lauren has been in/around Hollywood for her entire life and has seen it all and dealt with it all. At least, she thought she had, before she realizes Grace really is a sweetheart and suddenly she might be dealing with her own work life nightmare of falling for a client.
(Honestly, I’ve never been like blown away by a book by Jae, but I’ve read almost all of them because they are all very solid and engaging. So if a book by Jae appeals to you by the plot, I would definitely recommend it)
Just For Show, also by Jae - 
Claire Renshaw, an anal retentive, compulsive yet amazingly successful couples therapist, seems to have everything going for her: a fiance that she’s been with for years and is almost done with her book about how to make it last as a couple… until her fiance breaks up with her at their engagement party, and she finds herself in a lurch with her book deal, because who wants to buy a book about making your relationship last from a couples therapist who can’t make her relationship last?
In comes out of work actress, Lana Henderson, who doesn’t realize until after her “audition” that she’d been auditioning for the role of Claire’s fiance. They couldn’t be more different, with Claire’s strict rules and serious demeanor and Lana’s more impulsive, cluttered lifestyle, but they just have to make it through until Claire’s book contact gets signed, and then they can go their separate ways. Unless opposites really do attract…
(not as great, imo, as a fake romance as Who’d Have Thought, but a light and entertaining read just the same)
- Scissor Link by Georgette Kaplan -
Wendy Cedar is an employee at Savin Aerospace with a massive crush on her boss, recent divorcee, Janet Lace. After Janet accidentally stumbles upon Wendy’s email about a sex dream she’s been having, she decides to see if the reality can live up to the fantasy. But when the relationship starts to be more than a kinky office romance, the two have to decide if they can make it as a couple or if they were better off as boss and employee.
(Plot-wise, this is admittedly not the most solid tale. It’s good! But could have been better. But honestly, Wendy as a character is hilarious and so engaging, it was easy to let go of any issues I had with anything else because she won me over completely)
- Love All by Rachel Spangler -
Throughout her long career, professional tennis player Jay Pierce has been burned by both players and the press. She’s learned the hard way that she can trust no one and nothing, especially her own judgment. So, when she starts one last career comeback, she knows the only hope she has to redeem her legacy is to go it alone.
Sadie Larsen knows virtually nothing about the world of professional tennis when her daughter, Destiny, breaks onto the women’s tour at the age of 17. She learned everything she needed to know about single parenting on her own, and she knows she can do the same now that the stakes are higher than ever—all she has to do is stay laser-focused on protecting her family of two.
Neither Jay nor Sadie expects the path ahead to be easy. Each believes she’s prepared to face every single challenge with the stony resolve of a woman who has been counted out and bet against her entire life. The only thing neither woman had counted on was each other.
As Jay and Destiny fight their battles on the court, Sadie and Jay fight their attraction off it. Can they survive the crushing crucible of competition, press pressure, and parenting, or will love all really mean no one goes home a winner?
(once again, much like Jae, most books by Rachel Spangler are pretty  good. But this is by far the best I’ve found, and also the best sports related romance)
soooo, yeah! I have some other recs but these would be my top - especially the first 3. and especially the first 1.
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You know what initially I wasnt down for them sidelining Sharon x Steve for Peggy x Steve and I was meh on Stucky mostly because I was more attached to comic characterization.
But honestly right now I believe the ship should have been Stucky. Not because i think Stucky is inherently better but because the creators of Steves series cared more about that relationship even if it was in a platonic way.
They cared about Steve they cared about Bucky and they cared about that relationship. They didnt care about Sharon and didn't care about that relationship she had with him and to be honest they didnt care about Peggy either.
Even if you discount Agent Carter in the movie verse she says she lived a fulfilling life and wanted Steve to live his own. And the writers didnt care if her fulfillment was deleted as long as Steve could have the imagery of a happy ending.
Personally I think having writers focus on characters they dont care about leads to awful things like Sharon being the power broker. I have no doubt that if somehow she had ended up with Steve and they were end game MCU would make several multiverse versions after where she was awful and never show the og Sharon Carter again. It would be a different story if they did actually hire writers who gave a shit about her. But they dont have that and they dont care about that.
Personally I would rather have no Sharon or barely significant Sharon rather that shitty Sharon the writers fuck up on purpose because they resent her existence.
Id rather they just not explore her and stick to the people they want to explore since they'd treat those people better. So Stucky only platonically with no Steve romance or Stucky romantic regardless of whether or not that would actually be allowed by Disney was the best written relationships we'd get with these writers.
And id say I blame the fans more but tbh fanfic is derivative. I have no doubt sexiest takes and shipwars would exist regardless as it does for all fandom. But if this stuff wasn't baked into the source material aka MCU then it wouldnt be anywhere near this bad.
Comics arent nearly as acessible or easy to follow or get into as newcomers compared to the MCU. And while some still got love despite this it was normally characters that had more effort put into them that people looked into.
Like the og Avenger team Spiderman Black Panther or even Bucky. Sure he started with limited scenes but they were impressive memorable scenes and his story kept having narrative and emotional weight. Sharon barely got that her chance to shine was covered up in the overbloated mess known as civil war. She was massively helpful to team cap but it was drowned out by all the other storylines of characters the movie put more effort into, some who had several more movies , and some who were far more iconic.
Even her connection to Peggy wasnt there narratively for her but for Steve to be inspired by.
I wont say the rest of Team cap is handled well but they all get more love and care than Sharon.
Why would a MCU fan be interested in looking up more about her instead of any other character in that movie? And sure if they looked up Bucky or Sam or Steve she'd show up. But she wouldnt be the focus of whatever they looked into. They wouldnt be looking for her.
She also didnt have the luxury of being a popular Marvel franchise pre MCU unlike Spderman or the X men. Unless the MCU hyped her like they did for others she wasnt going to be noticed by a fanbase new to all this. Her best bet was to be connected to the cap squad in WS. Maybe it might lead to a Avengers team fic stuation where even less focused on characters got importance. But the main squad focused on is Steve Sam and Natasha.
And the non squad member given importance isnt her but Bucky. Unlike say Avengers where every squad member gets memorable moments and time for u take them in. And side characters like Nick Fury and even Coulson get their moment where all the attention is on them and it has an impact.
Civil War barely gives you time to digest her scenes if you arent a fan on the lookout for her and WS only connects her to Steve and TFAWS starts out great with her. But then makes her the powerbroker by the end . I wanna be more mad at fans because of the anti Sharon sentiment but i dont think she'd be very appealing as a character if I didn't already like her in the comics.
And thats on the MCU so ya....id honestly be happier if they never tried to put her in. At least id have something Id want from them that way.
If we’re going on romantic, based solely on how the MCU set them up, Steve should’ve ended up with Natasha.
Also, Sharon has been around for over 50 years as a main Captain America character. She has had more appearances in the comics than characters in the MCU who didn’t even exist before their MCU debut. She has been in events, working with the Avengers, the director of SHIELD — she’s put in the hours. Her not getting her flowers is because of a shit creative team. This can be said of many characters. I’m not gonna pretend they didn’t respect Peggy 90% of her screentime, up until What If? They barely respected Natasha. They blatantly do not give Sam’s character what he deserves. They didn’t know what to do with Bucky until they got rid of Steve. It’s a mess. Sharon just got some of the worst of it.
~Mod R
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attack0npotato · 6 years
listen up guys
Oi guys, if you’ve got a sec i need to show you this.
See this??
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The Story of Lizzy and Darcy is the most beautiful and heartwarming damn thing i’ve read in a long ass time. Its a modern day wlw retelling of pride and prejudice, and before i start, ive got some stats to add for you. 
time to read: about 8 hours, no stops man i was ride or die once i started Seating locations: 4, i could not put this mofo down, i went from sunshine to couch back to sunshine to bed  panadol because my dumb ass thought binge-reading in varying light with out my glasses on for hours on end was a good idea: 4 amount of hugs i want to give Grace Watson for writing this fluffy and angsty and mushy and warm story: all of them. all the hugs 
buckle up bitches we’re in for a ride. this story has pretty much everything. I’ll try to keep it mostly spoiler free
Brown characters? hell yeah you got Bingley, you got Darcy and Jordan Lesbian characters? Bam take Lizzy Bi Characters? Bam Darcy A++ Allies? Boom Charlotte, Bingley, Jane, jordan, cinnamon rolls, all of them. probably Collins too fuck idk Ace Characters? You fuckin bet (Thank you so much!) Trans Characters? Yes we do (it also explores the characters transition/coming out story) -Angst? Yes! -Fluff? HELL YES! -Romance? Bet your fuckin first born. -Drama? bet your second. -love at first sight? Sure why not. -Enemies to disgruntled associates to reluctant friends to eventual lovers? Sign me the heCk up. -Happy ending where no one dies? Sell your soul son, its got that too. shit im sure i even missed some im that damn excited rn
Even better is it focuses on the importance of HEALTHY relationships with others and with yourself
Its got coming out experiences that broke my heart and stitched it back together, i mean hell, when I was 17 I was mark, only i was telling myself those things. its got supportive families, supportive friends, (also unsupportive which creates an important contrast in the narrative) It discusses abusive friendships, the difference of lust vs love, it highlights the importance of communication in a relationship, of offering those you love and care for unconditional support, but not allowing that care to be taken advantage of. there is so much love and validation in this book im surprised i wasnt a mess of tears as i turned the final page
Hell its even got room for some straight couples too.
Most importantly, Grace is explicit in her representation. You arent grasping at straws and tin hats to find a piece of yourself in this book, and she does it so well. its not overbearing or unnecessary, like each ‘coming out’ is relevant to the plot and moves it forward, almost as if they are real people, with pasts and with real lives that interact and influence each other. And each rainbow character is real and important to the plot, they drive the story and are unapologetically real and valid. like you can feel the respect and love Grace has for her creation and characters in her writing, the thought and blood, sweat and tears that went into making it.
if you asked me before i read this book, i’d freely tell you i’m not a romantic, i do not have a romantic cell in my body. i hate most romances, theyre cheesy or too focused on the sexual aspects or just plain rubbish youve read and seen a thousand and one times. and if i said that now.... well now i’d be a dirty fucking liar.
And if none of that is enough to convince you to give this book a go, Lizzy is snarky and far funnier than she’d ever say out loud. Her tone is brilliant and i might have laughed far more than warranted at her quip about her half glass of wine definitely being a glass half empty. 
if you’re still not convinced, idk what to tell you man not even the firey pits of tartarus could melt that frozen heart. 
Side noteeeee: I’d really like to thank @fangirltofangod for pointing me in the direction of @gracewatsonauthor with out you i’d have never found this beautiful story. Honestly, its only the second book ive found with quality ace representation and that means more to me than i could possibly say. you are both amazing people and i can never thank you enough for this. 
I already linked in the title, but just in case you can get it on amazon for kindle or as paperback
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