#as long as there will be fluff and the loml will be happy again
imaginesbymonika · 1 month
LOML- loss of my life | Prologue
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Plot: You knew him at a time when he didn't, and now he is looking for you...
Warnings: depiction of violence, angst, mentions of (perhaps) death, angst, fluff at the end (maybe), takes place after TFATWS
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Bucky didn't like to think back to the years when he was working for Hydra. No matter how many times people named him a victim, an instrument - it didn't change the fact that he was operating for them. Going on those missions- slaughtering hundreds of people. Innocent fucking civilians. He couldn't possibly look past that. His therapist informed him that this kind of mindset is what's keeping him from fully recovering.
Maybe she was right about that.
Perhaps that was the root of his never-ending nightmares. The ones where he can still smell the blood whenever he wakes up in a cold sweat. Where he stares down at his hands, and for a split second he can catch a glimpse of their blood. Or maybe it is his blood. He lost track of that a long time ago.
A couple of months ago he had read a psychology book where someone argued that memories are primarily silent. And he couldn’t have thrown that book any faster against the closest wall. Because fuck whoever wrote that piece of crap. He’d be happy if for once he couldn’t hear the screaming of his victims, their begging and crying…followed by his metal arm making this eerie sound whenever it crushed someone’s spine into little pieces.
Bucky takes a deep breath. God, how he yearned and wished for silence. But then again, God has abandoned him a while ago.
His dreams only consist of flashbacks. Please, I have children waiting for me at home! Stop, stop, that hurts! Your work is fundamental for mankind! Oh my god, please stop! Make this stop, please! My oldest is 7! Please, don’t forget that you’re still human underneath it all. Bucky’s eyes open and when he sits up he can not stop gasping for air. Please, don’t forget you’re still human underneath it all.
He inspects his worn out features in the mirror. When had he started to dream of her? When did she manage to tiptoe her way into this hellfire of memories? What was her name again?
You slightly flinched when Pierce's hand made contact with The Winter Soldier’s cheek. The sound echoed through the empty corridors of the facility. And her gaze quickly drops to her clipboard. Everybody around her was silent, staring at either the long-haired man or the one in the suit. Pierce looked beyond furious before his eyes fell on you and he cleared his throat:” What are you writing down.”
Fuck. You took a deep breath, and quickly improved your posture:” I am just documenting the bruising, Sir.” The older man hummed and furrowed his eyebrows:” Let me see.” Out of nowhere, he snatched the clipboard out of your hands. You slightly groan at the burning sensation the plastic left on your skin. The entire time, you were able to feel The Winter Soldier's eyes on you. How you loathed this job. But you needed to remind yourself that you didn’t have much of a choice, whether or not you wanted to be there. For almost three years, you were one of the top physicians at NYC’s best hospital. Then one evening, while you were walking back to your car, you got kidnapped. You-
“Bucky?”, Sam’s voice brings him back into the present: “Are you still with me?” There is a playfulness to his voice. One that quickly disappears, once Sam notices the look on his friend’s face. And for a few seconds, the two men just look at one another, before Bucky shakes his head:” Yeah no. I’m fine.”
“You’re gone a lot these days.”
Bucky tilts his head and blinks in perplexity:” What’s that supposed to mean? We have been working on this case together since last week, we-.”
“Mentally, Bucky.”, Sam cuts him off and brings his cup of coffee up to his lips. And he can detect an emotion in Bucky’s eyes that tells him he struck a nerve. There is a heavy silence filling the kitchen before Sam speaks up again, his voice gentle and understanding:” Where are you going?”
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sunflw3r · 2 months
melting point
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zhanghao x male reader reader prns: he/him word count: 1554 fluff, college!au, non!idol au
deep inside he knew, he just hadn’t reached the melting point
content warnings: cursing, mentions of violence (as an expression), mention of throwing a fit content overview: a little top!reader
a/n: happy (late) bday to the loml hao!! vry real time but summer work has been kicking me in the face and my wrists are acting up again! rlly wanted this to be out on his bday but it didn’t end up like that :( tysm for understanding <3
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"come on hao, i'll freeze my ass off if you don't hurry to get out of the damn car."
looking out from the frosted passenger side window, hao waved his hand at y/n's mumbled request. a loud groan sounded through the air at hao's action. "zhang fucking hao if you don’t get your ass out of that seat i will come drag you out myself.
the words didn’t really scare him. y/n always gave him baseless threats. “okay okay.” he mouthed, grabbing his chapstick. he pulled down the mirror from the shade, applying the balm on his chapped lips.
opening the door, hao’s voiced turned into a high pitched whine almost immediately. “it’s so cold~!” laughing softly, y/n walked forward to his friend. “maybe if you wore your jacket properly you would be warm.”
taking the zipper in his cold hands, y/n slowly inched it up the fabric until it reached the end of the track. moving his hands up, he clutched the edges of hao’s hood, pulling it over his head. “better now?”
it was warmer. hao’s face was warmer as y/n slowly pulled away. it was his jacket. the jacket made warmth rise from the bottom of his toes to the middle of his stomach to wrap around his heart.
“thanks.” he replied, y/n patting his head. “now let’s go. i will lose it if i stand here longer.” y/n spoke, turning around to walk through the gate. hao trailed behind, his sneakers getting covered in the powdery white snow that had fallen early that day.
the festival hadn’t been up for long. endless groups of students pooled around the statues of ice, lights hanging over their heads. “woah.” the exclamation left hao’s mouth quietly, y/n standing further away from the crowd to admire the craftsmanship.
“these are gorgeous.” y/n's gasp came out in a white puff of condesation as his eyes reflected the ice's shape. the tall statues were delicately stacked on top of each other in the shape of falling snowflakes. blue lights shined through the base, refracting through the edges to make a gentle glow light the air. "how did the art students do this...?" he muttered, hao closing the distance between them.
he itched to do something, stay closer to y/n. the outside was cold, and his chest was heaving like it ached for something. his fingers tingled, the sensation traveling up his elbow. his mind flickered, hand moving before his eyes and sensibility could stop it. hao lost control.
y/n's palm met his, the warmth over every finger he touched flowing through his wrist to the center of his heart in a blink of an eye. "oh?" shock grew on the man's face, hao's soul ringing the alarm. he had messed up. "this is new for you, hao." hao's mouth loosened, jaw dropping down. a soft laugh escaped from y/n's lips, the sound making hao lift onto the balls of his feet.
gently squeezing hao's warm hand, looked into his friend's eyes. "i like this. don't let go, okay?" finding the focus to break out of the panic induced haze he set himself in, hao nodded slowly. euphoria laced every cell in his body like a monster taking his body hostage. moving from their stopped point, the two followed the blue and white flags that lined the path.
conversation had been replaced with the sound of snow crunching under sneakers and soft winter-themed music playing from speakers hidden among the foliage. statues of ice stood tall like trees, blue ribbons tied in molded hair and clothes fluttering in the wind.
the path forked, y/n looking over and into hao’s eyes. “which way should we go?” breaking away from y/n’s gaze, hao turned to the signs, the words processing in his head.
left->ice skating rink right->mistletoe forest
the first word on the sign pointing right was scratched out from what hao thought was the weather, the curiosity blowing away as he turned back towards y/n's gentle stare. "let's go right." the words slipped from hao's lips, y/n taking a deep breath in before looking towards the right.
as the two turned their legs, a single snowflake fell in front of hao's eyes, his grip on y/n's hand loosening as he stopped abruptly. "it's snowing." prompted at the stop and softly spoken sentence, y/n pivoted to face hao once more. the solo snowflake was followed by a flurry of snow falling from the sky.
laughter was the thing that disrupted the peaceful snowfall.
soft laughter escaped from y/n's lips as the snow fell around them, catching on the curves of their faces and sneaking into the creases of their jackets. "it is snowing." hao's stomach fluttered at y/n's realization, his giddy smile as he brought his hand up to cup the falling powder before it melted, making electricity crawl up his skin.
he was... gorgeous.
y/n's pink cheeks made his mind feel weird. a fuzzy haze spread over his mind as he tried to piece together his thoughts. words bubbled in his voice box as he tried to speak up for the smaller part going crazy inside himself, but there were cut off.
"you have a snowflake on your nose." y/n spoke, his voice no less clear than usual, but the words felt like a slow mud that forms on a lonely february day when they hit hao's ears. gently, y/n place his ungloved hands on hao's face, acting like he was a delicate object of y/n's admiration. he pushed the snowflake off, thumb lingering on the skin for no more than a second too long.
that second made hao's skin bowl. that second had his body craving for something he couldn't quite conceptualize, just more. hao wanted more than whatever was happening in the moment.
"mmh, let's go now."
hao let out a cough, the dry and cool air making his throat feel funny. clasping onto y/n's hand, the two continued on the path they wished to take, the open, snow filled plaza left behind them as trees filled their vision. "it's a forest." y/n said, his happiness falling off his face as he realized what it was.
"it was mystery forest or an ice skating rink. i thought mystery forest was the better option." hao chuckled, y/n's face returning to a soft smile as he heard hao's exclamation. the path faded, tall pines over their heads as snow fell. "i think i see a bench up there." y/n said, taking the second they had paused to go on the balls of his feet to look between trees and further up the hill. "let's go!" hao said, swinging his hands and jerking them forward.
for what had felt like the hundredth time for that afternoon they had laughed. as the two ran up the hill, less like college students, the air teasing their 'best friend' status in front of their faces much to hao's confusion. the run was short, leaving hao both breathless and puzzled.
y/n disconnected their hands before he sat on the bench, hao's heart dropping at the lack of connection. "come sit hao." he moved slowly, his mind still picking up pieces of his hearts confusing puzzle. tilting his head, y/n smiled softly as he looked over at hao's pout forming on his lips. "awww, are you upset i dropped your hand? if you come over here i can hold your hand again." the teasing knocked his haze away, hao confidently walking over and sitting next to y/n.
he was jittery. hao never felt jittery. but in the moment y/n wrapped his arm around him and pulled him closer on the metal bench, hao was jittery and for once in his life he didn't know why. "i like... when you're close like this." y/n spoke.
there was a tremor in his voice.
y/n had a tremor in his voice, and hao didn't know why. he was jittery and he didn't know why. something was wrong in the cosmic universe, and like the things that had come before it, hao didn't know what was wrong.
"can i tell you something?"
hao met y/n's gaze, his heart falling into a deeply mixed pit of confusion and fear as he gazed into his best friend's eyes. "sure. you can tell me anything." the words were caught in his throat, held on by a jumbled net of his thoughts.
"i think i like you."
y/n broke away his eyes from hao's, embarrassed at his statement. "no- wait- fuck that's not right. i like you. i like you so much. i like you so much it pains me to be just your friend." hao's heart lifted.
why was his heart lifting?
a soft laugh escaped from y/n's lips, eyes laced with gem-like tears. "i don't expect you to like me back. i don't even know if my heart fully wants you to know. but i'm sick of staying where i am." turning his head to look into hao's eyes, y/n took one finally breath.
"but i like you zhang hao. i like you more than the sun likes the day. i like you more than the snow loves you fall from the sky. i like you more than how pretty you are, and you’re really pretty.”
hao didn’t know what to respond with. so that’s what this emotion is. like. shaking his head, hao tried to rearrange his thoughts. no, love maybe. y/n sat, his eyes gleaming with fear. “i think i like you too.”
the words escaped from his lips before hao could process the feeling for himself. “i like you. i like you too.” hao’s words sped up as he grew the courage to look into y/n’s eyes, one of the gentle tears rolling down his face.
“kiss me.”
it was all too fast. hao’s mind was short circuiting, and it still was as he pressed his lips to y/n’s.
but somehow it was right.
it was right as he proceeded to lock his lips against y/n’s, y/n’s hand traveling from his lap to the back of his head. hao’s stomach unleased a fluttering flurry of butterflies, hitting the sides of his stomach at every single touch of y/n’s finger pads on his skin.
he never wanted to come up for air. the thought of removing his lips from y/n’s made him want to scream, cry, and through a fit like a toddler. hao’s thigh moved up while their lips connected and reconnected, y/n putting his hand under the back, gently rubbing the fabric on his legs.
as y/n pulled away, hao couldn’t help but feel disappointed. “why’d you pull away?” the words slipped out with a pout, y/n smiling happily as he pulled the man into his lap. “i need to breath! and now you’re not going to!”
ending the conversation, y/n started to tickle hao. bursting out into giggles, hao wrapped his arms around y/n’s neck. “ah! don’t do this!” his mind buzzed, serotonin clicking into it’s place. “too bad!” y/n responded, pressing a kiss to only skin exposed on hao’s neck.
the part of his heart craving for more was satisfied. it had finally reached it’s goal, it’s ending. he had gotten a taste of the more he wanted, and now he didn’t want to let go.
he always knew it inside, he just needed to reach the melting point.
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tags: @luvkyu
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persphonesorchid · 1 year
Spring Crescent - JJK x reader
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Summary: Just you, Jungkook, and spring time.
Genre: fluff
Warnings: one swear, they shower together.
Wc: 2.0k
Masterlist - Here
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Notes: Dedicated to the loml @xpeachesncream !! I HAD to keep it secret (keep it safe lmao) from you even though you kept asking what 'the jk thing' was. Happy birthday my love, I wish you the best, because you deserve it and way more! Here's to more of our crackhead conversations and simping over men! I love you ❤️
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“Baby...” Jungkook’s voice is a rumble in his chest, against your back, sleepy and barely there. He’s warm where he’s pressed against you, legs tangled somewhere lower with yours and the sheets.
You’re awake, have been for a while, but not wanting to move and disturb him. Watching the chill of the night cling still to the window, and the slow rise of the sun that heralded a new day.
Bits of frost melts and slides away as winter wanes and ushers in spring. You follow the slow slide of frost down the window with your eyes, and Jungkook shifts behind you. The tip of his nose is cold where he brushes it against the back of your neck.
“You awake?” He shifts and his hair tickles your neck, he props his chin on your arm, sleepy eyes peering at you behind the mess of his hair. “Hi.”
“Hi,” You smile, freeing your other arm from the warmth of the sheets to brush his hair back. “Did you sleep well?”
“Mhmm.” Jungkook hums before he flops down behind you, pressing his chest against your back, “Ah, it’s so cold.” He whines.
“Well,” you chuckle, “You refused to put the heater on, so it's your fault.” You shift away from him to get up, and he only whines louder as you escape.
“Where are you going?” You’re already halfway across the room, and he’s wrapped the covers tightly around himself, eyes sleepy and hair everywhere. “Come back here and keep me warm.”
“I have to pee. Want me to stand here and do it?”
“You’re so...” Jungkook sighs loudly, his fingers peeking out from the covers to shoo you away, “Fine. Begone.”
Laughing, you make your way across the hall to do your business. It wasn’t long before Jungkook followed, the shuffling of his slippers giving him away. You’re brushing your teeth when he knocks and opens the door, making a face at you.
“Traitor. You weren’t planning on coming back to bed.” He says, you smile at him through the toothpaste, and he drags his feet over to the toilet.
The toilet flushes, and Jungkook’s next to you, nudging you to the side so he could wash his hands. He plucks his toothbrush from the hanging holder mounted on the wall, “We should go for a walk...there’s this new place that opened a couple blocks from here...we can get breakfast there?”
“Sounds good...” You spit the toothpaste foam out of your mouth, “But do we really have to walk all the way there?”
“It’s good exercise!” Jungkook sticks his toothbrush into his mouth while you rinse yours. You wander over to the shower, more than ready to take a hot one before Jungkook stops you. “Wait, wait. Don’t go in without me.”
You wait another two minutes while he finishes brushing his teeth, busying yourself with getting fresh towels from the cabinet. When he’s done and he’d carefully put his toothbrush back into the holder, he complains once again about the cold as he slips out of his large tee-shirt and sweats, hopping into the shower before you do despite asking you to wait.
You follow not long after, the water’s already flowing in a steady hot stream while Jungkook just stands there under it with his eyes closed like he’s found the fountain of youth. He leans his head back a little too far, then jerks it forward, sputtering.
“That went right up my nose, fuck.” He steps out from under the water, maneuvering you to take his spot with gentle hands. He blows the water out his nose, rinsing his fingers with the water that flows off of you.
Jungkook pokes at your sides with his fingers when you turn to grab the bar of soap and the washcloth. “Hey, d’you think if I smack your ass right now it’ll hurt more because of the water?”
“You know, regular people plan stories in their heads in the shower.”
“So that’s a no?”
You turn around just in time to catch Jungkook’s hand on the draw back. “Don’t,” you laugh, pressing his hand to his side, “I’ll smack you right back.”
“I’d like that though...” He wiggles his eyebrows at you, giving you a smirk that looks as dangerous as the droplets of water sliding down his flushed chest.
“I know you would, you little freak.” You chuckle, giving him the soap and the washcloth, “Get lathering.”
By the time you and Jungkook get out of the shower, the sun’s up a little more, past the slightly gray clouds and shining into your shared bedroom with its beautiful morning glow.
Jungkook makes sure you’re both properly dressed to brace the Spring’s chill, passing you a pair of fleece lined tights and fitted sweatpants, along with a light blue sweater and a long white coat.
“You’re always stealing my hair ties...” you mumble, as Jungkook sits between your legs, letting you brush his hair back to tie somewhere in the middle. The hairs at the front that’s too short to make the pull hangs loosely on his forehead.
“We’ve been over this, babe. Our hair ties.” You shake your head even though he can’t see you, trying to tame the fly-aways near his nape that refuses to lie down.
You’re down the stairs in the next five minutes, after Jungkook took forever to decide if he was going with the long or short coat, both of which were black. He’s now wiggling his feet – clad in those ungodly toe-socks he likes for reasons you would never understand – into his boots while you do the same. With perfectly, socially acceptable socks.
The chill isn’t as bad with your layers, but you shiver nonetheless as Jungkook locks the house. You stare at the car, a little forlornly when Jungkook throws an arm over your shoulder and directs you out the driveway and down the sidewalk.
He’s humming some song he says he’d heard somewhere, brows furrowed because he just can’t remember the name of it or where he heard it from. You weave your way through the other few early morning walkers, off to their own destinations, exchanging pleasantries as you pass them by.
There’s a young girl helping her mother set up the eye-catching sidewalk displays in front of a flower shop, talking and laughing about something. People who decided to brace the cold in thin sweaters while they jog past you and Jungkook.
You don’t mind the walking so much now that Jungkook has you tucked close to his side as he talks about how pretty the flowering trees look. You can see the trees that guard different spots in the park a good ways away, some of them in little clusters of pink and whites and pale yellows.
Jungkook points out the small diner tucked between two other buildings as you draw nearer, wondering out loud what their breakfast menu would look like. There’s a little tinkle of a bell somewhere above you when Jungkook opens the door and lets you walk in first, and you’re greeted with blissful warmth and a comforting smell of coffee and fresh bread and sweet pastries.
The inside is small and neat, booths with brown leather seats tucked into sides and corners, tables and chairs in more open spaces. All the tables are dotted with cutlery and napkin holders, and little shakers with neat labels, all on top of large white doilies. White tiled walls reflecting the hanging lights that are on despite the daylight streaming in through the large clear windows, dark brown hardwood floors that look nicely polished.
There’s a digital menu on a TV screen on the wall behind the counter, with little pop-ups of daily specials and limited time drinks. A display showcase divided by two with warm and cold pastries, different types of bread on trays at the bottom. It's surprisingly empty, but you’re sure more people would show up in a little time.
Jungkook makes a soft ‘Oohing’ sound as he goes over to the showcase, eyeing the different flaky pastries on display inside. “They’ve got blueberry jam tarts!”
A door behind the counter swings open, and a girl who looks to be in highschool, fixing the straps of the beige apron she wears under the collar of her black tee-shirt. “Hi, I’m sorry I kept you waiting!”
“We just walked in, don’t worry.” You smile at her, and by the way she flutters nervously through asking you and Jungkook what you’d have, you could tell it’s her first job.
Jungkook leans down a little to ask, “What’d you want?”
You hum quietly, squinting at the menu thoughtfully. They have a variety of options, American and Asian breakfast foods all of which catch your eye and make you indecisive.
“Chosilog?” Jungkook asks, looking at the menu and then back at you, and you only nod because you’d be standing there forever trying to decide. He orders while you look at the pastries again, thinking about getting some of the cupcakes with the pretty swirled icing on top.
You and Jungkook sit in a booth near the large glass window, watching the people passing by and onwards. The diner is a little fuller now, and there’s two people behind the counter trying to keep the line to a minimum. You’d both stacked your used utensils neatly in one corner, with the cupcakes you’d wanted tucked into a neat little white box and your coffee in a take-away cup, you left.
Jungkook swings your joined hands between you both as you walk the couple more blocks to the park. Jungkook wanted to take photos of the trees, and who are you to deny him?
You’re sitting on a bench, now that Jungkook has enough photos of you both and the trees that he can change his wallpaper at least fifteen times. The trees look prettier up close, flowers and leaves being plucked off their stems and flowing down in the breeze.
"They're really pretty." You say, staring up at the small yellow flowers sprouting on the branches of a large sansuyu tree. Jungkook presses his lips against your temple and lingers there, fingers making a home of the spaces between your own.
"I've seen prettier things."
There’s people walking to and fro, minding their own businesses, Jungkook’s head leaning on your shoulder as he furiously texts the group chat he’s in with his friends. He's forced to put his phone on silent, as it keeps going off every second like his friends decided to wake up at the same time to chat.
“Ready to head back?” Jungkook asks, lifting his head from your shoulder to prop his chin there. He tucks his phone into the pocket of his coat, “We’ve both got nothing to do today, so we can watch a movie or something...”
You hum your agreement, and you and Jungkook make your ways back up the couple blocks towards home.
Now you’re curled up next to Jungkook, warm and comfy with a show on the TV you’re barely playing mind to. Staring at Jungkook, who’s staring at the TV with rapt attention, buttered popcorn in his hand, mouth still chewing at the bit he put there before.
“You’re not gonna miss a thing if you blink.”
He throws a half popped kernel at you without looking, and it bounces off you and skitters to the floor. He doesn’t pay you much attention, except his fingers softly tugging at the material of your sweatpants for no reason at all, or when you poke his side and he remembers to blink.
The box that held the cupcakes sits empty on the coffee table, now only holding the cupcake wrappers and smudges of frosting. Softly, Jungkook nudges you a little, shifting so that his legs are behind you. He sets the half empty bowl of popcorn aside, opening his arms for you to lay down.
You go without complaint, laughing when Jungkook sputters, brushing your hair away from his face with that hand that wasn't under your head. He tucks your head under his chin, sighing as he relaxes.
The comfort of your day lasts till the end of it, where it’s just you and Jungkook.
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Tagging: @eoieopda @luaspersona @matchy6812 @madbutgloriouspond @bangtansmauyeondan @taestefully-in-luv @blog-name-idk @allhobbitstoisengard @dontstoptime @amon-rei
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bloopitynoot · 1 month
10 + 1 Modern Day WangXian Cultivator Au’s
This is a rec list for @yiling-laozu-is-loml but she kindly gave permission for me to post and share! A little bit about the Rec parameters:
must be long fics (so I stuck to min 50K completed fics- I did include one banger as an exception)
if applicable BottomXian only
all fics must be modern/ish aus with cultivators
Please enjoy the list! All of these fics are tried and true, I've also included notes on each with my thoughts.
1 Wei Wuxian’s Guide to Hacking for Fun and Profit (150,301 words) by ArgentInferno
Chapters: 14/14 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, modern cultivation au, Hacker Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian, neurodivergent wangxian, Therapy for the win, Fluff, Shenanigans, Lan Wangji isn't good with feelings, Fighting against corruption, Talisman-based tech, Getting Together, Slow Burn, shameless flirting Summary: When Lan Wangji is seconded to the Lanling branch of the Cultivation Bureau, he expects a boring rotation. Perhaps a lonely one, but he is accustomed to loneliness, and duty is duty. He doesn’t expect to be partnered with an over-exuberant ex-criminal with far too much enthusiasm for hacking, making mischief, and annoying Lan Wangji. Wei Wuxian is everything Lan Wangji despises in a cultivator – he’s loud, unruly, and has no respect for anything. He’s even proud of what he did to get arrested in the first place. Unfortunately, he’s also very good at what he does. If Lan Wangji is going to figure out why someone with a talent for both hacking and talisman curses is targeting certain prominent members of Lanling’s high society, he’s going to need all the help he can get, for it’s far from a normal case. Solving it might put both him and Wei Wuxian in the crosshairs of some very powerful people on both sides of the law. Then again, given Wei Wuxian’s predilection for explosive experiments, working with him might be most dangerous part about the whole mess.
NOTES: This fic was honestly so cool! There are a couple techno-cultivator fics i've read and this casefic was light and wholesome with a unique plot. I love the idea of mixing tech and cultivation and this fic does a fantastic job with it. It also brings up some great themes around classism and power which is *chefs kiss *
2 Hear a song this deeply (87424 words) by so_shhy
Chapters: 16/16 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, modern cultivation au, Kind of academia AU, Music, Kid Fic, Canon-Typical Violence, Action/Adventure, To An Extent, Background XiYao - Freeform, canon-typical Meng Yao behaviour, Original Character(s), Slow Burn, Fluff and Angst, we love us some tragic backstory, Happy Ending, for wangxian at least, [slaps fic] this baby can fit so much plot in it Summary: “I’m not here to help you with your work,” said Lan Zhan, injecting frost into his voice to deter any further attempts at charm. “I’ll be focusing on my research.” Wei Ying cocked his head. “Research?” he said. “Mm. I’m a cultivation researcher, not a department employee. I’m reconstructing the ancient musical cultivation techniques of the Lan clan.” _ Lan Zhan’s new liaison at the Caiyi Municipal Cultivation Department is an enigma – ridiculously talented, yet somehow content with mopping up spiritual pests for barely above minimum wage. Wei Ying is slapdash and irresponsible, and Lan Zhan doesn’t like him at all… but then he meets A-Yuan, who loves music and longs for a piano his father can’t afford. Forced into cautious friendship by a four-year-old's music lessons, Lan Zhan soon realises Wei Ying is more than he seems. The single father is a man of many secrets – including, perhaps, the key to Lan Zhan's life's work. And in the meantime, the background resentment in Caiyi Town is rising to dangerous levels…
NOTES: Interesting take on modernish (fantasy modern?) rogue demonic cultivator WY protecting the Wens (also including Baba WY- which has my entire heart to begin with). A bonus is that this fic ft's a smitten Wangji. This fic is also lovely in the MDZS way in that characters go through a dramatic worldview shift via one messy man.
3 Hanlong (282550 words) by micratus
Chapters: 104/104 Rating: Explicit Additional Tags: Case Fic, Cloud Recesses Study Arc (Modao Zushi), But not only Cloud Recesses, Slow Burn, Oblivious Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian, Drunken Shenanigans, References to Drugs, Canon-Typical Violence, Action & Romance, WangXian, with non-explicit SangCheng, Eventual Smut, Alternate Universe - Reincarnation, Wei Wuxian Protests Too Much, Humor, This is a translation, Modern with Cultivation, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Some guys find redemption here Summary: This is a translation of Ханьлун by Alexandra Kreuz. Now includes the second EXTRA chapter! Modern China AU. Wei Wuxian's morning started not with a cup of coffee, but with a forced business trip to the outskirts of China to deal with a strange influx of walking dead. That alone would have been fine, if his case partner wasn't that cold fish Lan Wangji. Yes, the same boring stick-in-the-mud Lan Zhan, with whom he has had an uneasy relationship when they studied together at the Cultivation Academy and whom he hadn't seen for more then five years…
NOTES: This fic was a great modern casefic with oblivious WY and I loved that WangXian has a past together. I will say it feels a little OOC at times, but I think this is mostly due to it being a translated fic. I enjoyed the story though!
4 All Old Things are New Again (51656 words) by The Feels Whale
Chapters: 1/1 Rating: Mature Additional Tags: Reincarnation, Modern Setting, canon still happened, extreme post canon, Sugar Daddy, Kink Negotiation, gentle dom!LWJ, canonical levels of consent play, Modern Cultivators, cultivators can recognize important people from previous lives, vaguely, this started out as a cute sugar fantasy and got just incredibly horny very fast, blame LWJ Series: Part 1 of All Old Things Are New Again Summary: Full-time necromancer and part-time cam boy, Wei Wuxian, finds himself unexpectedly homeless. An enthusiastic patron comes to his rescue. Conversely: Immortal Cultivator Lan Wangji has been waiting a long time for his deceased husband to be reincarnated again. In retrospect, he should have anticipated that this is how it would go.
Noted: Okay I LOVED this fic! Such a cool take on modern cultivation and Soulmate Au's. My heart for Lan Zhan in this fic- poor boy has been searching through time for his love's reincarnation. I also am a fan of sexworker/cam au's and this one is solid.
5 A Haunting Love (64621 words) by Selenay, omegas_m
Chapters: 8/8 Rating: Explicit Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, Modern Cultivation, Writer Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji, Ghost Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian, But Is He Really?, Mutual Pining, Slow Burn, Falling In Love, Angst with a Happy Ending, Self-Discovery, Family Secrets, Embedded Images Summary: When Lan Zhan moved into Gentian Cottage, he was looking for a quiet home and a fresh perspective on life. He didn't expect his new home to be occupied by a ghost who was anything but quiet, or to be pulled into a century-old mystery. Lan Zhan is about to discover that the world is stranger than he'd ever imagined and romance isn't just a genre on his bookshelf.
NOTES: This fic is a little more loosely modern day cultivator. There are cultivators but Lan Zhan does not know he is one- it'll make sense. Anyways! This is one of a couple ghost WangXian fics that I love. The backstory is tragic as hell, but the ending is happy I promise.
6 your love, unmoved (82820 words) by TheOtherAsianKid, ravenditefairylights
Chapters: 3/3 Rating: Mature Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Sickfic, Family Bonding, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Fake Marriage, Identity Porn, Age Difference, Hospitalization, Unreliable Narrator, Domestic Fluff, Mutual Pining, Compulsory Heterosexuality, Nonbinary Lan Yuan | Lan Sizhui, Hurt/Comfort, Single Parent Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji, Miscommunication, Canon-Typical Violence, slaps fic this bad boy can fit so many tropes into it, Implied Sexual Content Summary: Lan Wangi's life is very simple, and because of that it's also very predictable. He's a respected cultivator in his thirties, with a son and a class of Lan disciples to teach. And then he becomes Lan Wangji, a respected cultivator in his thirties, with a son, a class of Lan disciples to teach and a fake husband who thinks he doesn't remember their wedding because of the accident, and Lan Wangji doesn't quite know how to tell him that there was no wedding at all. Wei Ying is not predictable. Wei Ying is the farthest thing from predictable; which is only confirmed when it turns out that he's been doing some lying of his own. In Lan Wangji's opinion though, neither that nor the conspiracy Wei Ying is trying to uncover matter as much as how his eyes crinkle at the corners when he laughs.
NOTES: Okay what I love the most about this fic is that WangXian are disasters. The miscommunication is WILD. But it's worth it in the end! The fact that they are both hiding the same things from eachother and that the tropes are TROPING. So much in this fic, it truly is a wild ride.
7 Red Is Just Black Remembering (41272 words) by Zizzani
Chapters: 4/4 Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply Additional Tags: Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Fluff, Homophobia, Necromancy, Alternate Universe - Ghosts, Ghosts, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, all my modern fics are set in Canada just fyi, Cuddling & Snuggling, Sharing a Bed, this is really just very sweet and kinda sad Series: Part 1 of Post Ghost Summary: Which is why Wei Wuxian is severely annoyed that one the first day moving in, there's a translucent man staring out his bedroom window. "Are you kidding me?!" Wei Wuxian huffs, voice bouncing down the landing as he drops his bags with a thud at the top of the stairs. The man turns from where he's been staring through the dusty pane and looks directly at Wei Wuxian. Their gazes meet and the man's eyes widen like saucers. In a deep, disbelieving voice, he murmurs, "You can see me?" "Nope!" Wei Wuxian announces and turns around to march right back down the stairs. It’s stupid, really. The man is already waiting at the bottom of the staircase when Wei Wuxian gets there. Wei Wuxian stops dead, eyeing the spectre. The man's eyes narrow triumphantly. “You can see me," he states. Wei Wuxian turns around and marches back up the stairs. The man is already there at the top.
NOTES: Another ghost WangXian situation but this time Lan Zhan is dead. This fic is less focused on modern day cultivators but there is still cultivation. I did cry a bunch reading this fic because of homophobia in a historical context surrounding Lan Zhan and his death. It's a really beautiful story though 10/10 would read again.
8 Truth Will Out (when caught on video) - End_OTW_Racism! (178962 words) by KizuKatana
Chapters: 20/20 Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji/Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian, Found family Wei Wuxian & Wen Ning & Wen Qing Additional Tags: Yu Ziyuan Abuses Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian, But this time it's caught on video, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Modern Cultivators, Cultivators wear body cameras for training, Partial core removal but Wen Qing makes sure there's a foundation left, Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn is expelled from the Jiang Sect, And ends up making money live streaming his nighthunts, meet ugly, Dual Cultivation, Wei Wuxian goes viral, Pretty much all the bad stuff happens in the first 2 chapters, Top Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji/Bottom Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian, Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji Has a Big Dick, And fucks a new core into Wei Wuxian with it, While the Jiang Sect Crumbles, No war, Qi fucking, Found Family Series: Part 1 of Caught in 4k Summary: A night-hunt goes wrong, and Wei Wuxian is scapegoated for the death of the Jiang Sect Leader and the destroyed core of the Jiang Sect Heir. As punishment, his core is taken and given to Jiang Cheng, and he is stripped of his cultivation credentials and expelled from the sect. What everyone forgot was that Wei Wuxian was wearing the standard issue body camera that each cultivator wore on training missions and high-risk night-hunts. Struggling to make ends meet, Wei Wuxian finds his way to Caiyi Town with the doctor who performed the surgery, a partial core still secretly in place. His application to work at Cloud Recesses is summarily rejected by the hard-edged Second Jade of Lan after an unfortunate initial encounter. But things change when someone hacks into the Jiang systems and releases the footage of what happened. [First part of the title is a quote from Shakespeare, but this story is not based on that one!]
NOTES: I'm not going to lie this story was heartbreaking. Wei Wing goes THROUGH IT for most of it, but I promise a happy ending. This is a neat modern cultivator Au in which cultivation sects have their own laws outside of non cultivator governments but a terrible thing happens to WY because Madam Yu is actually incredibly awful which forces some things to happen. Anyways, it has found family, and a new golden core (of course created most consensually with Lan Zhan).
9 The Shade of Old Trees (363665 words) by Kryal
Chapters: 25/25 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence Additional Tags: Ridiculously Long Notes, Alternate Universe - History, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Slow Burn, 300k+ Words, Worldbuilding, Slow Life, Action/Adventure, Magic Returns, BAMF Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian Summary: “We rest in the shade of trees our ancestors planted.” They called the man in the ice Yiling Laozu, after a folk hero associated with the town in the foothills of the mountains where he was found. No one expected him to be alive!
NOTES: This fic was so damn cool. Like both literally (magic ice man) and the most rad plot. It is sort of modern cultivator? They are no longer a thing but maybe might also be a thing, but the man in ice is definitely a cultivator. What really is exceptional with this fic are the author notes!!! So in depth, so many sources, I love it when I can see what shaped the authors choices.
10 Echoes of Love (212176 words) by Witch_Nova221
Chapters: 32/32 Rating: Mature Additional Tags: Romance, Eventual Romance, Alternate Universe - Time Travel, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Friends to Lovers, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Fluff, university lecturer Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji/Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian Get a Happy Ending, Dark Baoshan Sanren, Amnesia, Memory Loss, 1980s music, Lan Zhan loves all things 80s, Oxford vs Cambridge Boat Race, Canon-Typical Violence, References to Torture, Murder, Blood, Blood and Injury, Implied Sexual Content, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Mystery, Nova's Give Lan Zhan friends of his own agenda Series: Part 1 of A Never Ending Story Summary: 'Somehow I knew, that day back at Churchill, I knew you were someone essential to me. That part of you was reaching out to a part of me and now I know why.' When Wei Ying fell he was ready to die. To die and to let the world forget him but someone had other ideas. Now, stranded in 21st Century England, he finds himself without a common language, friends or even any memory of who he was before. Luck alone brings him to the steps of Churchill College and to the attention of a young Professor Lan Zhan; expert in ancient pottery and fine art, champion rower, and lover of all things 1980s. With his new friend at his side, Wei Ying begins to navigate his new world in the hope of finding his place in it but echoes of the past are never far behind.
NOTES: Dang this is another fic that has me sobbing but the story was very good! Sort of modern cultivators- they are there but also not... this fic has a bit of everything; amnesia, time travel, 80's music, dragon boat racing, reincarnation- literally whatever you'd like. I will wanr though- when the tag says Dark Baoshan Sanren they are not joking she was vile. This fic does have a happy ending but at what cost.
+1 The Festival of the Yiling Patriarch (1059 words) by sami
Chapters: 1/1 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Relationships: Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji/Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian, Wēn Qíng/Jiāng Chéng | Jiāng Wǎnyín/Lán Huàn | Lán Xīchén, Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn & Lán Yuàn | Lán Sīzhuī - Relationship Additional Tags: stories about stories, a centuries-long game of telephone, best boy Lan Sizhui Series: Part 21 of The Same Moon Shines, Part 1 of ridiculous future bullshit Summary: Stories change over time. Sometimes they have help.
NOTES: Okay hear me out. This series is part of like 2 other series and there are so many fics in the multiple series that it totally hits the long form category. Anyways, this series follows immortal cultivators in modern day (also through time) and is a bunch of little glimpses into their lives. They are CHAOTIC and hilarious and joyous. I highly recommend starting at the very beginning of these with the time travel fix it and working through them all. you will not be disappointed.
16 notes · View notes
goodwitchhour · 9 months
welcome to the goodwitchhour!
‘I kiss you like I bite into an apple’
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who I write for;
harry potter
remus lupin (loml)
sirius black
james potter
harry potter
draco malfoy
hermione granger
the dead poets society
charlie dalton (loml)
neil perry
steven meeks
todd anderson
chris noel
doctor who
the 10th doctor
the 11th doctor (loml)
rose tyler
rory williams
criminal minds
spencer reid
aaron hotchner
jennifer jereau
kaz brekker
jesper fahey
nina zenik
chandler bing (loml)
joey tribbiani
rachel green
benedict bridgerton (loml)
anthony bridgerton
bucky barnes
steve rogers
peter parker (mcu & tasm)
matt murdock
wanda maximoff
natasha romanoff
teen wolf
isaac lahey (loml)
stiles stilinski
allison argent
celebrities/public figures
taylor swift (loml) (not affiliated with g*ylors)
bella hadid
harry styles (loml)
andrew garfield
matt smith
the beatles (primarily george)
queen (primarily roger)
matthew gray gubler
freddy carter
cillian murphy
finn wolfhard
daniel sharman
stephen nedoroscik
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what I’ll write;
fluff — literally anything! platonic, romantic, familiar!!! also good with poly stuff!! (give me poly!marauders requests I beg)
smut — kinks are all good as long as they aren’t too full on (e.g; dubcon, bodily fluids, major degradation, underage characters etc.)
angst — again, nothing too full on (e.g; r@pe, abu$e etc.)
character ship — send me a description of yourself & which of the fandoms mentioned above you’d like me too make a character ship for! (can request poly ship!)
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this list will inevitably continue to grow but this is it as of right now! I have a somewhat busy schedule and am a large procrastinator so I may not get to your requests straight away!
*all characters within smut are 18+* if you’re a minor and you’ve decided to read a post that includes smut, remember that you’re responsible for your own media consumption. I put clear warnings at the beginning of every post that includes smut, so please do not message me just to blame me for something you did or shame me for something I’m allowed to write.
other blog for more antics is @cosmomento
I’m all ready for your requests so lets do this!! happy reading — Elodie <3
9 notes · View notes
jeongyunhoed · 2 years
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I posted 4,790 times in 2022
127 posts created (3%)
4,663 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,804 of my posts in 2022
Only 41% of my posts had no tags
#yuyu bear - 344 posts
#swerve to woo - 341 posts
#loml - 312 posts
#immaculate being - 297 posts
#swerve to hwa - 247 posts
#swerve to san - 212 posts
#swerve to joong - 199 posts
#teddy bear jelly vocal - 139 posts
#icymi - 90 posts
#big loml energy - 89 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
#my entire takeaway from this is that margaret's boss qualities just outweigh her longing to be the housewife she wants to be
My Top Posts in 2022:
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The second part of the 100-Day trilogy, following the events of The 100-Day Relationship. Choi Juhyun and Park Seonghwa are now engaged, but are faced with the decisions as to how they both want their wedding to be, along with other important choices a couple makes after the wedding. Resurfacing exes included.
I Do
Group: ATEEZ Member: Seonghwa Pairing: Seonghwa / OC Genre: Mostly fluff, mostly cheesy romantic stuff, sliiiiiiiiight angst
Things to Note: Art Curator Hwa! A lot of crazy rich stuff, we’ll again be feeling poor in this one. Tag list is open so let me know if you would like to be updated.  
Warnings: For this chapter? suggestive themes, just slight dramarama. exes galore!
Note: Happy new year! I’ve been feeling so under the weather these past few weeks that I couldn’t get around to posting for a while. I’m still feeling a tad shitty so please accept this chapter as a late Christmas present too!
Tag list: @treasure-hwa , @hwachu
Chapter 4
The helpers entered the room later to bring in coffee from large silver coffee pots, pouring some on most of their cups as Sangmin preferred to drink cola. Throughout the meal, Seonghwa wasn’t sure just yet if her parents were really giving them their blessing. They seemed to be interested, and even if they had their moments that he found funny, he thought it was best to stay alert in case they’d want to ask him a few things. 
Of course, Seonghwa understood why they would be cautious. They had a reason to be compared to his own family. Still, he was prepared to follow his mother’s advice and make clear that his intentions for marrying Juhyun were honorable and genuine. He was determined to earn their blessing and respect. 
Juhyun could tell he was still nervous, eyeing him from time to time while they talked about a business trip her father went on, and how he managed to go sight-seeing in between lunches and dinners with clients and other people like himself. “Oh, uh, coincidentally, Seonghwa’s grandmother knows grandfather,” she suddenly said, making everyone at the table turn their attention to her. 
“Really?” Jongmin looked intrigued, pleasantly surprised at the revelation. 
They nodded. “Yeah, when she came over when we visited, she asked me who I was and when she realized who I was, that’s when she said she knew grandfather from middle school. Apparently, him and grandma were the campus couple for some time in Jinju when they were there,” Juhyun explained, eyeing Seonghwa again. 
“Really? Did she really?” Jongmin turned to Seonghwa. 
“Y-yes, Mr. Choi,” He nodded, a little flustered at the revelation. 
“Hold on, she’s from Jinju? You’re from Jinju too?” Jongmin asked, and he nodded again. “Well! How about that? Our daughter’s also marrying a Jinju guy,” He suddenly switched to satoori, Sangmin, Jihyun, and Dajeong all having understood, all of them pleasantly surprised. 
Seonghwa chuckled, somehow feeling relieved. Juhyun was beaming in her seat. “J-Juhyun told me the senior housekeeper taught her a bit of satoori.” 
“She taught all of us. Dajeong learned a little from her too when we just got married years ago,” Jongmin looked amused. “It wasn’t that we needed to learn it, she felt less homesick whenever she could speak in that way, and we wanted to make sure she still felt at home. Eunhyung is like family to us.” 
The revelation made Seonghwa glance at Juhyun, feeling a lot more endeared. Juhyun’s parents seemed to notice it as well. “So, where’s the wedding going to be? You know you can have it at your grandfather’s house, or even here, right?” Dajeong turned to her daughter. 
Juhyun shrugged. “I’m still thinking about that, and no, I don’t plan on having my wedding here or in grandpa’s house, no matter which country,” She said. 
“Alright, alright, it can get quite lonely here though,” Dajeong said. “Only Sangmin uses the theater now, and you and Jihyun only come here on weekends or holidays. We don’t even have company parties here either.” 
“I know what you’re trying to say and no, I still don’t want to have a wedding here or anywhere related to any of us,” Juhyun shook her head. She glanced at her father. “Please.” 
“Alright, alright, if you say so,” Jongmin nodded. “But for the record, so we’re all clear, I’m happy for this engagement of yours. One of my children, finally walking down the aisle…” He drifted off, looking pleased. “Seonghwa, I hope you know what you’re getting into, becoming a part of our family.” 
Seonghwa nodded. “I’ve been aware since the moment we attended our first event together,” He replied. 
“Good, that’s settled then,” Jongmin held up his cup of coffee. “A little late, but now is as good a time as ever for this lunch we’ve had. To our dearest Juhyun, who is getting married soon, and to her fiance, Seonghwa. Cheers!” 
“Cheers!” They raised their cups before taking a sip. Jihyun seemed more excited at the idea than Juhyun was. Seonghwa felt relieved, his shoulders relaxing at the fact that Juhyun’s parents were approving of him. 
“Let us know about the updates in planning every step of the way so we can prepare accordingly, hmm, Juhyun?” Dajeong turned to her daughter. “Who’s catering the wedding?” 
“Who’s preparing the cake?” 
See the full post
15 notes - Posted January 1, 2022
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8 Stories, 8 Movies from the Golden Age (1930s to 1960s).
It’s the golden age and 8 men are the most sought-after actors in Hollywood. Ateez, but make them Old Hollywood, basically. Lights, camera, action!
Member: San
Genre: Screwball romantic comedy, sliiiight angst
Warnings: Snappy couples, slight brawl, pretend lovers’ quarrel, basically just running away
Things to note: Set in the 1930s, journalist!San, strangers to lovers (kind of), road trip!, Almost like the whole “there was only one bed!”
Will have OCs
As with the rest of the stories in the AU, there will be other idols mentioned, most likely NCT but may have some of my other faves (EXO, etc.)
A/N: After putting this on hold for soooooo long and as I’m coping with severe lack of drive (kind of), I thought I’d restart this again. 
Runaway society girl Han Miryo goes on a cross-country road trip to get to her aviator fiance from Namhae to Seoul, only to fall in love with the reporter, Choi San, who helped her run away. 
It Happened One Night
tag list: @minervaaaaaaaa , @closer-stars
Part 1
Choi San leaned against the glass panes of the telephone booth he was in. He was at a bus terminal in Namhae, having finished a week’s worth of writing his next feature article, perhaps one of his biggest yet. San waited for the operator to connect him to his office all the way in Seoul, noticing the lines of people at the ticket booth in one part of the terminal, crowds of people looking to get a seat at the food court in another part. 
San was a reporter, working for the Seoul Daily Globe, a special correspondent that always traveled the country to get a good story, compared to his colleagues that worked on their advice columns, astrology pieces, recommendations on which songs to listen to, which clubs to go to, and which movies to watch. He was always on the road, and it was often quite a rewarding one. 
“Hello? Is this the Seoul Daily Globe?” San stood up straight once he heard someone pick up. 
“Yes sir,” said the secretary. 
“This is Choi San, I want to talk to Song Mingi now,” San leaned back against the door of the booth. 
“Song Mingi, the managing editor,” San repeated, shaking his head. He had a bone to pick with Mingi. “Fire me, my ass. I’ll show him, that giraffe-” 
“Hello?” Came the deep voice of the editor himself, making San straighten up again. 
“Hello?! Mingi?!” San said indignantly. “What’s this about me being fired?!” 
“Well, you got my wire, didn’t you?” Mingi replied. 
“Yeah but-” 
“Well it goes. You’re done here, Choi San,” Mingi said with finality. 
“But-but what for?!” San couldn’t believe what he was hearing. 
“You know what for. Go home and sleep it off. You’re done here, Choi San,” Mingi replied. 
San pounded his fist on the telephone. “You listen here, you hunk of metal, I’m the best news correspondent you’ve got for your filthy scandal sheet.” 
Mingi scoffed. “Don’t make me laugh. What were you doing last night?” 
See the full post
18 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
Fic Recs Round 10!
Because it’s been quite a while and I have noticed the lack of people reblogging great content (or I just don’t follow a lot of writers anymore), it is long past overdue to make another fic recs post. I really love these works and I’ve reread quite a number of them whenever I’m just not in the mood to do anything or whenever I can’t be arsed to write in general. 
As with my previous rec posts, I will indicate which ones have the spicy content (be warned: most of the fics I will include in this list are). 
If you like the works, please give the author some love and REBLOG. It’s how our work gets around this site that unlike Instagram or Twitter, can only get exposure through reblogs. 
* - has smut / implied smut / basically very spicy
ATEEZ what they love about you - @calmdownluv
*Acquainted (San) - @serendipityunho 12:59 (Yunho)
*Make Up (Mingi) - @nateezfics *Slippery (Yeosang) *A-Z Headcanon (Hongjoong) *Rainy Morning (Mingi) *Bubble Bath (Seonghwa) *Live Game (San) *Sweet Metallic (Jongho) *Hush (Wooyoung) *Into the Night (San) *Warm (Yeosang) *Honey & Blood (Hongjoong) *Deepest Desire (Yunho)
ATEEZ when their s/o buys them flowers - @molangmoy
6:53 p.m. (Wooyoung) (suggestive) - @treasure-hwa What’s a soulmate? (Seonghwa) Don’t Let Me Go (Mingi)
This really ridiculously cute story in a diner (Yeosang) - @hereisleo Moonlight Confession (San) Hell Correspondence (Wooyoung, San)
Chat Noir (San) (suggestive) -  @gummygowon
Time of Our Lives (Wooyoung) - @moonchildsaurora The City of Lights (San) This incredibly amazing mob boss piece (Seonghwa)
14:32 (Seonghwa) - @petitemingi 11:23 (Wooyoung)
*Choi San as Your Boyfriend - @star-1117
*Explicit (San) - @b4nnned
*In the Same Class as ATEEZ - @essenteez
1:54 (Wooyoung) - @sadienita
ATEEZ when he takes care of you while you’re in the hospital - @blu-joons ATEEZ when he misses you while on tour 
Selfish (Yunho) - @yeochikin 2:11 (Yeosang)
ATEEZ as romantic tropes - @mingishoe
3:46 p.m. (Hongjoong) (Suggestive) - @kireiwoo
Grocery Shopping with Wooyoung - @tbhchoi
Arcade (Yunho) - @barsformars
*Crazy in Love (Jaehyun) - @jeonronwoo
18 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
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The second part of the 100-Day trilogy, following the events of The 100-Day Relationship. Choi Juhyun and Park Seonghwa are now engaged, but are faced with the decisions as to how they both want their wedding to be, along with other important choices a couple makes after the wedding. Resurfacing exes included.
I Do
Group: ATEEZ Member: Seonghwa Pairing: Seonghwa / OC Genre: Mostly fluff, mostly cheesy romantic stuff, sliiiiiiiiight angst
Things to Note: Art Curator Hwa! A lot of crazy rich stuff, we’ll again be feeling poor in this one. Tag list is open so let me know if you would like to be updated.  
Warnings: For this chapter? suggestive themes, a little brawl-ish, but it’s the bachelor/bachelorette parties!
Note: I am back and all better from my health issues - a few grueling days at the hospital (for something else entirely although I also tested positive for COVID but with very mild symptoms) and I got back the other day. I’m trying to get my mindset back to normal / go back into a normal routine kind of. 
Anyway, I hope you all love this chapter? It’s the bachelor/bachelorette parties... part 1. haha. From how things are going, we might go beyond 10 chapters. 
Tag list: @treasure-hwa ,@hwachu , @atz-diary
Chapter 6
“Bachelor party time, bachelor party,, ba-che-lor par-tay, bachelor party night, Saturday night!” Hongjoong cheered that night as they all assembled at Seonghwa’s museum. Kibum, Jongho, Wooyoung, Dongwoo, Jiho, Yunho, Yeosang, Seonghwa’s brother, and San were standing next to Seonghwa’s office, as he was preparing to close up for the night. 
“Hwa! Come on! We’re gonna be late!” Seonghwa’s brother called out. 
“Alright, alright, is the bar you’re taking us to reservation only?” Seonghwa closed his office door behind him, only to be met with cheers from all the males. He greeted San especially, who came from his Olympic training. 
“No, but we’re losing valuable party time,” Hongjoong checked his watch. “No bachelor party would be complete without our own limousine, and it’s outside right now” He grinned, making them cheer. 
“Are we going to be drinking on the way there too?” Seonghwa looked intrigued as they went out of the building, seeing a limousine parked in front. 
“No, but we could if you want, this limousine is stocked with champagne, but the drinks at Essence are where it’s at,” Hongjoong opened a bottle while San passed champagne flutes around. 
“What kind of drinks do they serve there anyway?” Wooyoung poured some into his glass, passing the bottle to Dongwoo. 
“You’ll see! I can’t tell you right now, it’ll spoil the fun,” Hongjoong was getting excited as the chauffeur began to drive them away. 
“In that case, allow me to be the first one to propose a toast?” Kibum raised his glass, making them do the same. “To Seonghwa, may he and Juhyun find eternal happiness together. Cheers!” 
“Cheers!” and they clinked their glasses before taking sips. 
“Tonight is a night where we, as responsible men, as responsible husbands and boyfriends, can drink to our hearts content!” Hongjoong cheered, pouring himself another round of champagne. The rest of them followed suit. 
They arrived at what was a large building later on, that had a long line of people waiting to get in. Seonghwa could feel a little buzz from the champagne they all kept drinking on the way as they easily made their way into the establishment. 
The club was large, the largest Seonghwa had seen or could compare to as they walked past the regulars, drinking cocktails from what looked like beakers filled with liquid that emitted a lot of smoke, perhaps from the dry ice. There were dancers suspended in the ceiling and some were performing on a big white platform in view of all the chairs that sat more than three people. Hongjoong looked especially proud of having brought them there, with one of the waiters showing them to an almost private booth area. They could hear some of the guests whisper amongst themselves, clearly because of the fact that most, if not all of them, were known public figures. 
“So this is Essence?” Yeosang turned to Hongjoong as they sat down, taking in the surroundings. 
“Yeah! Esquire says this place is the next big thing,” Hongjoong grinned, sitting back and calling over one of the waiters. “Order as much as you can, guys, tonight is a night we’re celebrating!” 
They cheered as San gestured for the waiter to come over and they ordered themselves their drinks. The waiter soon returned with a big bowl of what looked like tiny circles in different colors with several dimsum spoons and set it down on the table in front of them. “What’s that?” Kibum raised a brow. 
“The cocktail sampler. The blue dots are blue lagoon, the pink dots are cosmopolitan, the red dots are bloody mary, the yellow dots are whiskey sour, the orange dots are mint julep. Enjoy,” The waiter explained before walking off. 
They stared at the bowl. “This…is the cocktail sampler,” Seonghwa’s brother said. “When you said they experiment with alcohol, I see it.” 
“I told you guys it was wild,” Jiho wrinkled his nose at the bowl.
“Let’s dig in!” Hongjoong suddenly sat up, passing around the spoons, each of them digging into each part of the bowl. 
See the full post
19 notes - Posted January 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Past-Present-FutureBlack DahliaRED: Rogue, Extremely Dangerous
The fourth and final installment to the superpowers AU. San’s past comes catching up to him as he is targeted by an old colleague turned foe. With everyone else caught in the crossfire, San is forced to reveal what happened to him in the years before going on the search for his sister.
group: ATEEZ member: San pairing: yunho/oc, san/oc (in flashbacks) t/w: violence, use of weapons, possible gore, blood, character death (but not major), gambling/card counting, alcohol consumption, some cussing, (most likely) inaccurate depictions of what goes on at card games and casinos, implied smut, innuendos.
things to note: Inspired by the movies “21″ and “RED: Retired, Extremely Dangerous,” more Neos are characters in this one -- actually the big bad is one of the Neos lmao.  
Another A/N: Tag list is open, and welcome to another superpowers-fueled story. 
Listen to: Jumper - Cravity, Rocky - ATEEZ, Face ID - Epik High, Bangarang - Skrillex, Trauma - SF9, Blockbuster - Enhypen feat. Yeonjun
tag list: 
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 - Final
26 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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aimixx · 3 years
zhongli angst 🥺🥺 from the archon war 🥺🥺 reincarnation 🥺🥺
if angst to fluff then imma accept
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double-hoe-seven · 2 years
Daddy’s Home
Summary: As much as you love your husband, when he comes home there’s nobody happier to see him than your son. Pairing: Darry Curtis x Reader Word Count: 1,700 Warnings: Fluffy fluff, Domestic!Darry, Daddy!Darry, Darry generally being the loml
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from the book The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton and I do not claim to own the characters.
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Dear god, you were tired. Between the two-year-old wrecking havoc in the living room with Two-Bit and the fussy three-month-old you were trying to bottle feed, there seemed to be little time for peace. It was a lot of things; it was tiring, draining, frustrating, and sometimes annoying, but it was also rewarding, heartwarming, beautiful, and most of all, it was happy. This was your family; your husband, your two sons, your two brothers-in-law, and their four friends who you loved. A loud thud from the living room pulled your attention away from the infant refusing the bottle. Before you could ask what happened, Keith called out, “everything’s fine! I just dropped my shirt... with me in it!” Following his statement was the sound of quiet giggles from your son James.
“Oh thank god,” you mumbled to yourself when Tommy finally accepted the bottle, a sigh of relief leaving you. You needed to get him used to the bottle so Darry could feed him at night and so he’d be ready for daycare when you went back to work. Taking a seat at the kitchen table, you smiled as you watched him. So far, both boys were the spitting image of Darry when he was at these ages, except that James's eyes were closer to yours than to Darry’s. “You shoulda stuck to breastfeeding the little man, none of us minded,” Dallas said as he passed by on his way to the fridge, snickering to himself. “Wanna try sayin’ that again when Darry gets home, Dal?” You teased. “No ma’am, I do not,” he shot back after grabbing a beer. He came over to the table and looked over your shoulder. “He’s a pretty cute little shit; I can’t wait to teach him how to pick up girls.” “I’ll skin ya if you do, Dally,” you said with a small hum and a smile, not even looking away from your son. You heard him gulp quietly and mumble, “noted.”
You finally looked up at him with a small smile. “Since you’re here, can you finish feeding him so I can get dinner started?” “Nope,” he said, making the ‘p’ pop. “C'mon, Dally, please? All you’d need to do is hold him and the bottle until he’s done,” you pleaded lightly. “Fine, but I ain’t doin’ nothin’ else,” he said with a huff, though you could see the little gleam in his eyes as you positioned his arms and placed the infant. “Thank you, Dallas,” you shot him a grin before gathering everything you’d need. You always found it adorable how Dallas still pretended not to like kids, even though he’d bend over backward for James and Danny. “Is everything still goin’ okay with you and Val? I know you were nervous about moving in together,” you asked him as you got dinner ready. “I’m still gettin’ used to it, but I don’t hate it. It ain’t the worst thing in the world,” he answered, trying to sound casual. But you knew, you knew how much he cared about her.
Not long after you put dinner in the oven and you’d taken Danny back from Dallas, the living room went silent for a minute before James squealed happily, “daddy!” When you walked into the living room, you saw your husband prying your son off of his leg and scooping him up. “There’s my big guy! Did you help your mom while I was gone?” “Yeah!” he replied excitedly. Your son clung to Darry like his life depended on it, squeezing him as tightly as his little arms could manage. “How was work?” You asked, giving him a gentle peck on the lips and ruffling James' hair a bit. “It was good, baby. How was everything here at home?” He asked happily. “As chaotic as every other day is, we had fun. I had to drag little man there home from the park this morning,” you told him with a quiet laugh, gently bouncing Joey on your hip some. “Dinner will be ready in about half an hour, so why don’t you and little man there take a seat and read the paper while I go put the littlest man in his crib,” you suggested, nodding over to his chair.
“Thanks, darlin',” he sent you a tired grin, kissing the top of the infant’s head before taking his seat, letting the toddler get as comfortable as possible in his lap. Darry opened the paper, letting James hold one side as he read. “What’s that say?” He asked, pointing to something in the sports section. “It says ’Sooners suffer a humiliating 2-6 loss in against Longhorns’,” he read aloud, moving his finger along with the words so James could see which words were what. “What’s that mean?” He asked curiously, squinting some to look like he was reading the details of the game. “That means that our favorite team, the Sooners, lost their baseball game to the Texas Longhorns this weekend,” he explained.
When you came back downstairs, you smiled as you watched your husband explain baseball to your son, who nodded along, even though you could practically see the words going in one ear and out of the other. Some days, you thought you could watch him with your boys all day long. He was amazing with them from day one. You leaned against the banister with a grin as you watched them read the funny pages together, the toddler’s laughter ringing out even when he didn’t completely understand the jokes. When he settled down some, he leaned against his father’s chest, half paying attention to what Darry was reading and half looking at Mickey Mouse on the TV with one hand fisting his dad’s shirt.
You finally pushed yourself away from the railing and walked over, wrapping your arms around Darry’s neck, and rested your head on his shoulder after kissing his cheek softly “if there was an award for it, you’d definitely receive a father of the year award, honey.” Your son leaned against your arm comfortably, his attention fully focused on the cartoon on TV. “I’m just followin’ your lead darlin’, you are one supermom for doin’ as much as you do,” he countered, looking up at you with an adoring gleam in his eyes. When you leaned down to give him a quick kiss, you both chuckled at the 'blegh’ you heard from your son. Darry ruffled his hair and teased “you hush, one of these days you’re gonna find a nice girl and you won’t be sayin’ 'blegh’ when she wants a kiss.” “Nu-uh!” He argued immediately. “Yuh-huh,” Darry countered, as any mature adult would “a nice, pretty girl’s gonna ask you for a kiss when you’re older, and you’re gonna look into her eyes and realize you’d give her anything she wants in a heartbeat because you’re head over heels in love with her already.”
“You love her because she laughs at your jokes. She’s as smart as she is beautiful, even if she doesn’t always think she is. She’s sweet too, she always shares her snacks with you and doesn’t get mad when you throw sand at her on the playground, instead, she throws some back. Then when you’re both older, she helps you when you struggle in classes and waits for you after football practice so you can walk home together and she even goes to your games, even though she doesn’t care about sports. You sit next to each other on field trips, too. There will be times when you don’t like her that much, but you’ll always love her,” Darry recalled fondly, looking up at you with a grin, making you blush some and grin at the memories. “Are you talkin’ about mommy?” Your son asked after looking at you both curiously for a bit. “I sure am,” he answered proudly.
You started to add something but the oven timer interrupted you. You kissed them both on the cheeks and smiled. “C'mon, dinner’s ready.” They both cheered happily and jumped up; like father like son. Darry followed you to the kitchen, carrying the squirming, giggling child. While you took the pot roast out of the oven and got everything situated at the table, Darry set your son up in his high chair with his own food. Dinner went smoothly. You and Darry talked about your days and James talked about his day, telling Darry every little detail from the spots on the dog at the park to the colors of the sprinkles on his ice cream cone. Darry offered to clean up dinner while you bathed James and got him ready for bed. He came to stand in the doorway to his room while you finished reading 'Goodnight Moon’, his little chest rising and falling slowly as he was fast asleep. As quietly as possible, you got up and turned on the nightlight on your way out of the room, leaving the door open a crack.
Once back in your bedroom, you both let yourselves just collapse onto the bed, immediately snuggling up to one another. You were surrounded in comfortable silence for a few minutes, almost drifting off to sleep, until Darry spoke up. "So, when are we gonna talk about number three?” “When Danny turns 1 and not a day before that,” you mumbled with a yawn. He laughed quietly and wraps his arms around your body, holding you close to him. “Fine.” This time, he yawned. “Y'know, he’ll be in our bed by the time we wake up in the morning, right?” You nodded tiredly. “yup, he’s a snuggler. Just like his daddy.” Sure enough, when the alarm went off (i.e. Danny crying) at a quarter of 7 in the morning, James was happily wedged in between you, his thumb in his mouth and his other hand holding his most prized possession; a blue shark plushie Darry won for him at the carnival. This sight was too cute, almost too cute to disturb, but you had a crying baby to nurse and breakfast to make and Darry had to get dressed for work, eat, and get out the front door without the toddler clinging to his leg begging him to stay home for the day. They were your perfect little family.
Tag Team: @bdffkierenwalker​
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enhasfever · 3 years
➪ pairing: jungwon x gn youtuber!reader
➪ genre(s): cotton candy fluff
➪ tw: none
➪ wc: 2.5k
➪ in which for your boyfriend's birthday, you make a heartfelt video just for him...and for hundreds of thousands of others to see, also.
➪ a/n: 🥺 happiest birthday to one of my two sons, one of the many loml's, the bestest tiny leader, yang jungwon. (reposting this again bc the formatting was not working hhhh-)
you pop into frame with the cheesiest smile on your face, your body bouncing as you land on your unmade bed. "my boyfriend is an old man today!" you announce to the camera with over exaggerated jazz hands. "so, to celebrate his day of aging, i've compiled a bunch of my favorite jungwon moments that have been recorded and you all can sit back and relax with some snacks as you watch." your smile never leaves your face as you hold up a large envelope with the contents inside safely hidden from the camera's view. "and i have a special surprise planned at the end of the video. happy birthday, wonie!" with a swipe of your hand and expert editing from your end, the scene slides away into the first clip you've chosen.
the scene opens up to the same spot in your bedroom, except this time both you and jungwon take flying leaps into your bed and nearly land on top of each other. "hi, lovelies!" you greet enthusiastically as you wave with both hands, jungwon mirroring your actions. "due to popular demand after seeing the video i did with riki, i've brought my dearest jungwon to participate in the best friend tag." on the screen pops up over a dozen comments you'd taken from the tag you'd done with riki where your fans nearly begged for you to do the tag with 'the cute tiktok boy' they'd seen briefly in riki's version.
you turn to jungwon. "how does it feel to be the internet's most wanted tiktok boy currently?"
jungwon's brows lifted slightly in amusement as he looked from the camera to you, then back to the camera once more. "uh–"
"great," you interrupted with a loud clap of your hands, "let's get started then!" jungwon fell into a fit of laughter as he shoved you in retaliation for cutting him off. the clip cuts to later in the video after the more tame questions had been answered. "okay, pick a mini challenge to do together right now," you read from your phone before looking up at jungwon expectantly.
jungwon purses his lips in thought before his eyes light up and he sits straighter. "the chapstick challenge," he states confidently.
your eyes grow wide. "i– you do realize we have to kiss for that, right?" you clarified.
jungwon nods, a sly smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. "mhm," he nods. "it can't be that bad to kiss me, right? would you rather do it with riki?"
you're left visibly speechless as you continue to stare into jungwon's unwavering gaze for some few seconds longer before you wordlessly get up to retrieve as many chapsticks as you can find around your room. you come back with a decent handful of them and hesitate as you watch him close his eyes, waiting for you to apply the first flavor to your lips for him to guess.
you choose one and make a few swipes on your lips before capping the stick and dropping it back into the pile beside you. "okay, i'm ready." your voice audibly trembles slightly as you speak and you can see the way you begin to anxiously wring your hands in your lap. jungwon, however, is as cool and collected as ever as he opens his eyes only to close them again as he gently takes your chin between his thumb and index finger and tilts your head up slightly to meet his lips in a kiss.
the scene quickly disappears and reappears with the two of you sitting side by side once again, having edited out the next couple of kisses and the confession from the original video. "okay, so this has officially turned into the boyfriend tag!" you announce cheekily before reciting the first question. "how long have you two been together?" jungwon snickers and nudges you playfully as you check the invisible watch on your wrist. "about two whole minutes, i'd say," you answer your own question.
the clip cuts to a new video where you and jungwon are already in frame with art easels positioned in front of each of you. off screen, your laptop plays one of bob ross's painting tutorials which you both are trying desperately to keep up with.
"oh my god, wait, where did that tree come from?" you cry out between jungwon's loud cackles as he watches you trying to hurry and finish your clouds. "i looked away for three seconds, i swear!"
"do you want to pause it–"
"no!" you answer defiantly as you rush to clean your brush, "that takes away from the whole point of the challenge."
"i didn't realize this was a challenge..." jungwon trails off, his eyes still never leaving your canvas as you begin to slap on some green paint for the tree that had magically appeared in bob's painting. his loud laughter rings once more as he points to your painting. "it looks like a warped kermit the frog!" he wheezes out much to your displeasure.
"oh yeah? well yours looks like–" you seethe out semi-playfully, whirling around to make fun of his own tree only to find that he'd done it almost identically to the one bob had painted. your pouting expression only deepens much to jungwon's amusement. unable to come up with a valid critique, you resort to your last defense and stick your tongue out at him childishly.
without missing a beat, jungwon lifts his brush and swipes the remaining green paint down the bridge of your nose. your expression morphs into one of shock, then suddenly you're both attacking each other with your respective paint brushes. it then cuts to a later part of the video after your paint war had ended where you're both heavily concentrated on the tutorial with green paint stains littering both of you in various places.
the next clip cuts in mid-video where you and jungwon are both already at the convenience store with various snacks in the basket. you're manually carrying around the camera as you two walk through the store together and can't seem to stop making horrible food puns.
you pan the camera down the aisle quickly as you lightly jog to catch up with jungwon who is standing at the other end. "there's all of this food yet the only snack i see is..." you turn the camera to face you as you stand next to jungwon so it catches you both in frame, "me, of course." you smile widely as jungwon glances at the camera, then down at you as he thumps you on the back of your head.
"someone's got to keep you humbled," jungwon smiles a little in satisfaction as you pout dramatically and rub at the back of your head. but, much to your surprise as it shows on camera, he leans down and kisses the back of your head where he had thumped you and plants an extra kiss against your temple before turning to wander down a different aisle.
a wide grin takes over your face before you turn the camera to start capturing the store once again as you follow mindlessly behind jungwon. "but i am still a snack, right?" you call out to him, the audio vaguely picking up an affirmative response.
the next video opens up with you and jungwon both sitting in the car together, you in the driver's seat and him in the passenger's seat. you look completely relaxed and laid back in deep contrast to jungwon who seems like he's about to go into cardiac arrest.
"calm down, won, i haven't even started the car yet," you tease. "besides, there's barely anything for me to crash into. well, aside from that bush down there... and that lamp post in the middle of the lot... and that giant storefront behind us–"
"okay, just start the car!" jungwon groans, though the smile that creeps on his face is telling of his underlying excitement for the event ahead. without objecting or making a witty remark, you simply turn the key in the ignition and listen as the vehicle rumbles to life. "okay, now push down on the brake pedal while you shift the gear into drive."
"how do i– oh, you mean the PRNDL!" you beam, catching on to the instruction easily as you hold down the brakes with your foot and reach for the gear shift.
jungwon blinks and looks over at you with the most deadpan expression he can muster which doesn't last for too long as soon as you make eye contact with him. you both burst out laughing before you can even manage to put the car into drive.
"you really took the chance to reference that audio, didn't you?" jungwon shakes his head fondly, then changes his voice slightly as he completes the viral audio for you. "let's just relax and turn on the radio! would you like AM or FM?" he reaches up to suddenly turn the radio on, the abrupt loudness of the music making you visibly jump in your seat as uncontrollable laughter spills from your lips.
the clip cuts to a later point in the video after you'd been driving around the vacant parking lot for a bit. jungwon seems visibly more relaxed as he slouches comfortably in his seat.
"what if i just start doing donuts?" you wonder aloud as you drive the perimeter of the lot, quickly catching your boyfriend's attention as he sits up alertedly in his seat.
"please don't," he pleads seriously much to your amusement as he reaches over to grab your arm.
"will you at least buy me donuts after this?" you asked, batting your lashes for dramatic effect as you take your eyes away from the parking lot for a brief moment.
"i will if you watch the road and don't get us killed!" jungwon shrieked, his eyes growing wide as he quickly turned your face forward once more. sheer panic sets in your eyes instantaneously and your foot slams the brakes on, sending you both lurching forward in your seats dangerously.
it's silent for five whole seconds before you turn to jungwon and begin to shake him by the shoulder roughly. "there was nothing in front of us, you maniac!"
the final clip cuts in and you're traveling through your house with the camera in hand. "so," you clear your throat as the hoarseness becomes evident, "guess who tested positive for covid?" you make a sad face at the camera and point to yourself. "i've actually been in quarantine for a few days already, but i really–"
you're cut off by the sound of the doorbell which genuinely startles you as you glance offscreen towards the general direction of your living room. taking the camera with you, you fall out of the view of the screen as you venture to the front door. some shuffling is heard as you open the door, then a small gasp comes from you followed by a series of giggles. the camera then lifts up to show outside of your screen door where jungwon stands at the bottom of your porch with a giant smile on his face and a fast food bag clutched in his hand.
"eat with me!" he calls out, pointing to the bag of food he'd left for you outside of your door.
your laughter continues as you open the door and take the bag of food and the drink before reentering your home and letting the door latch closed again. jungwon pads back up the few concrete steps and sits down comfortably on your house's welcome mat, the glass door safely separating the two of you as you take a seat on the other side.
"you're crazy," you chuckle softly behind the camera as you find a good place to set it up to capture the two of you in frame.
"i just miss you," jungwon pouts as he begins to take out the food he had ordered for himself.
"it's only been three days, wonie," you smile as you find a good angle for the camera and finally start pulling out your own food.
"i can still miss you," he argued playfully before leaning forward and smushing his cheek against the glass. "give me a kiss."
you roll your eyes with a small smile before pressing a kiss to your fingertips, then to the place where his cheek is pushed against the door. "there," you hum, watching with the biggest heart eyes as he sits back with the most satisfied smile on his dimpled face.
the original video takes place on the screen once more, except this time you're in a different room. more specifically, a different house. the camera is set up near the end of a bed that isn't yours and shows you sitting in the center of it with the contents of the envelope scattered around you. a spool of twine and a bag of clothespins also occupied the space with you as you sorted through the many small objects.
"okay, so this is part one of jungwon's birthday surprise — this video is going to be part two after i upload it." you turn to the camera and hold up a few of the objects which can now be identified as polaroid photos. "he knows i've been obsessed with taking polaroid photos recently so i gathered up my favorites and i'm going to tack them to his wall. he'll be able to see my lovely face in his dreams," you smile cheekily and begin measuring out the length of the twine.
as you begin to pin the polaroids to the string, you hold up one to the camera every few moments and tell a summarized story of when and why that particular photo was taken. in almost no time at all, you have two full strands of polaroid photos of you and jungwon hung on the wall above his headboard. just as you finish tacking the last strand to the wall, the vague sound of the bedroom door opening catches your attention and you glance off screen as a wide smile makes its way onto your lips.
"what are you doing?" jungwon's voice chuckles as you hurriedly wiggle off of the bed to run off screen and greet him.
"happy birthday, wonie!" you shout animatedly before pulling him onscreen. "say hi to youtube," you direct, pointing to the camera which jungwon waves at before he turns to assess the work you've done. "you'll see part two of your birthday gift by tomorrow at the latest."
soon, you're being scooped up off your feet in a giant bear hug as jungwon spins you around before landing on the bed with you. you're both a laughing mess as you fall on top of him, and you just spend the next few moments looking into each other's eyes before you share a delicate, sweet kiss. the video ends shortly after with a heartfelt message written across the black screen from you to jungwon.
© enhasfever
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stardustincarnate · 3 years
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word count : 1568
genre : fluff
summary : neither of them had believed in such a thing called love at first sight, but perhaps their perception happened to have changed during that one unforgettable night.
a / n : happy new year everyone! i haven't written something in a while so this may be a bit rusty—but i'm glad i got to welcome 2022 by writing about the loml 😙✌️ i hope you enjoy! ♡
The night of the masquerade. Vesuvia's most awaited event every year, it finally came. Ubiquitous were revellers, patently enjoying taking a sip of their expensive red wine and indulging into its pleasant intoxication, chattering-either serving very, very hot tea or talking about the most arbitrary things-with a bunch of fellows, or merely being curious about the booths the creative folks were to offer at the time of the year.
Curious, just like a certain person who was supposed to look after their Aunt's shop-but what were they doing instead? Their feet wandered off from one booth to another, eyes full of wonder darting at a speed which one could not even begin to comprehend, it seemed. With their lips curved in utter awe, one would think that it was their birthday at the time-or something even better.
But what could they do? The masquerade was [Y/N]'s favorite event-yes, more than their own birthday! There was just something magical about the masquerade. Familiar faces, unfamiliar ones, the young or the old-everyone's having fun! And of course their infectious joy didn't spare [Y/N], so it was certainly an event to look forward to.
'Where to, where to...' [Y/N] thought, stopping their tracks. Just then, the sound of the trumpet was heard, followed by the rambling, rowdy crowd parting to make way for the sleek, regal carriage which carried the Count and Countess of Vesuvia.
Waving at the now roaring throng while clad in sanguine silk, Count Lucio stood out like a pompous pimple-at least to [Y/N]'s eyes. They never liked the obnoxious Count. The only thing they liked about him were the parties he threw, which included the masquerade.
Feeling like they could get a headache from staring at the Count alone, [Y/N] averted their eyes to the ever-so charming Countess, Nadia Satrinava. Even the way she tilted her head and moved her delicate fingers-it was all regal, and it was so natural for her to do. No wonder. She was born to be a countess. Smiling warmly at the cheering crowd, her eyes met [Y/N]'s. They did not waste the opportunity to wave at her with a beam, and the kind Countess waved back, just as the carriage passed [Y/N]'s area, revealing the group of revellers on the other side.
Moving his curly, unkempt bangs out of his sight, Asra's eyes randomly landed on a particular person in the throng at the other side. They were still looking at the moving carriage with amusement, looking candid, with the wind slowly blowing their hair back.
Only a few seconds after were his amethyst irides met by the person he was just looking at. The noises from the crowd seemed to have evaporated. The masquerade, the rowdy revellers-it all seemed like some distant dream as him and the beautiful stranger exchanged a long, meaningful stare that without a doubt stirred feelings within him.
Asra clutched his clothes, his heart thunderously beating against his chest. They looked so beautiful, he thought. They looked just like a long, distant, forgotten dream which just, by then, after a very long time, resurfaced back into his memory. Déjà vu, was it? And yet Asra was sure that him and the stranger had never met before. Perhaps, perchance-in another life-but he didn't delve in that thought-or at least he didn't have the time to do so, as he had already lost the pretty stranger amidst the now moving crowd.
Perhaps he could see them again. Vesuvia wasn't that huge, after all. Unless they were only visiting and came from another place? That would be... unfortunate.
What was that feeling that left him robbed of words? The eye contact-its impact was immense for him. Did the pretty stranger felt the same thing he did? He marveled about.
Just then, Asra remembered that he did have a job to do in the first place. Now that the crowd was back to being busy, he rushed back to his stall, which was in front of a seemingly mystical shop. No one had tried to rob his crafts, that was good.
That day was one of the rare days in which his small business bloomed. Asra was quite the crafty one, and as an orphan, he made use of that talent to feed himself and his one and only introverted best friend, Muriel. He had pleaded the latter to join him this time-but as usual, the answer was a grumpy no.
"Wow, these look so amazing! Did you make them all?"
Snapped out of his daydreams, Asra looked up, a familiar face greeting him.
It was the beautiful stranger whose name he never got.
Was it trouvaille? His mind said so. He began to once again get so lost in those splendid eyes that he had forgotten to answer their question.
[Y/N] blushed. They didn't think that Asra had noticed that he was actually smiling at them, a dreamy look on his face as he stared up at them. His eyes were pulchritudinous, they thought. And they could've drowned in their unceasing beauty.
The door from the shop behind Asra's stall opened. And, oh, just their luck, [Y/N]'s aunt easily found them. Hands on her hips, she said, "Where have you been?"
"Ehehe.. I got.. a tad distracted! But I'm here now-I brought all that you've asked me to."
[Y/N] looked at Asra apologetically before tiptoeing towards their aunt, handing them a bag full of the necessities she asked of them. As soon as their aunt had gone back inside, [Y/N] went back to the curious stall of the curious stranger from earlier.
"It's okay. Don't worry."
Asra wanted to say more-he had a lot to say, in fact-but he wasn't sure where to begin. All he could hear amidst the unyielding noise was the sound of adrenaline rushing within him. He quickly collected himself. Perhaps he could start by asking their name.
"What's your name?"
They both asked in unison.
They laughed, and for minutes went on insisting the other to go first. In the end, Asra won the battle.
"My name's [Y/N]. Now you go and tell me yours."
"I'm Asra. It's a pleasure to meet you, [Y/N]!"
He smiled brightly, his smile akin to the morning sunshine, and offered his hand, and the feeling was soft against [Y/N]'s own hand. They tried valiantly to hide their intensifying blush.
"Asra... What a delightful name, for a delightful person."
They smiled, though a bit restrained as to not show their immense excitement in finally talking to the person they had been thinking of ever since they had exchanged eye contacts.
"I was wondering if you made them all, the masks? They are extraordinary!"
Warm colors began to bloom on Asra's cheeks. It was his turn to hide his blush now.
"I'm glad you like them! And yes-I make and sell them. It's what I do for a living."
"You are so talented! No kidding-these are amazing! How much do you sell them? I've gotta have one! Or at least two. There is so much creativity in each one of them, Asra!"
"I-Well, thank you. Would you like to have one? You can pick whatever you like, [Y/N]."
[Y/N] began scanning the table for the one they thought would fit them perfectly. Gold, or silver? Blue-perhaps chartreuse? Ah! How were they supposed to choose just one when they all looked extremely beauteous? Asra could sense their dilemma, and then remembered something that could help.
"Oh wait! If you can't choose what you like best, I have this one. Wait, let me just find it... Aha!"
Asra fumbled his bag and took out what seemed like the most mesmerizing mask to [Y/N]'s eyes. He handed it out to them, their fingers gently touching in the process. It was short, yet Asra relished the feeling. [Y/N] gaped at all the intricate details. Surely, this must've taken him lots of time to make!
[Y/N] was utterly speechless, but that reaction alone was enough to make an even redder blush creep up to Asra's cheeks.
"This is so.. wow. I can't even imagine the amount of time it took! I love it!"
About to find the payment in their pocket, Asra immediately stopped them and shook his head.
"You don't have to pay; it's my gift for you."
"But you worked so hard for this! I-I can't let myself have this for free!"
"No! You needn't worry. I insist. It's my gift, okay, [Y/N]?"
"A gift for me? You are truly kind, Asra. In that case, I don't have the rights to refuse! But... might I know why?"
Why, indeed?
Asra smiled, and their eyes met once again.
"There's just something about you."
Something about me, huh? [Y/N] thought. And they could say the same thing about him. Because indeed, there was something about him. Something magical, something enthralling, and something that made them want to get to know him even more.
Neither of them had believed in such a thing called love at first sight, but perhaps their perception happened to have changed during that one unforgettable night.
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imaginesbymonika · 23 days
LOML- loss of my life | Part 2
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Plot: You knew him at a time when he didn't, and now he is looking for you...
Warnings: depiction of violence, angst, mentions of (perhaps) death, angst, fluff at the end (maybe), takes place after TFATWS
Previous Chapter | Masterlist (don’t have on rn but im working on it)
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Her gaze drifted over to the guard sitting on a chair near the huge metal door. She couldn’t help but scoff dryly when she realized that he was asleep—peacefully snoring. “What a prick.”, she whispered under her breath, before turning back to the Winter Soldier.
And for a brief moment, their eyes met, and he tilted his hair to the side... long brown hair softly falling on his shoulder. She couldn’t help but wonder who he was before all of this. He used to be someone’s baby. Some mother held him in her arms.
The Winter Soldier kept on staring at her. He reckoned that he had stopped wishing for things a long time ago, but in that moment he wished he could have read her mind. Know why she was looking at him with an emotion that wasn’t fear or bitterness. He swallowed thickly.
“I meant what I said, by the way.”, she unexpectedly spoke up, her voice cracking. She cleared her throat instantly:” I do think that you’re a good man, underneath all of this. I don’t know your name, and I doubt you do at this point. But please, try to remember that someone in here believes in you.”
She scanned his features but only saw how his left nostril twitched. “What are you doing?!”, a loud voice suddenly reverberated through the room, making her flinch. A second later, her face made contact with the cold floor. A groan escaped from her lips and when she opened her eyes to look at the grey tiles, there were a few splatters of blood. Her blood.
“You know the rules!”, the guard shouted, pulling her by her upper arm:” No talking to the subject!” His voice was rough and brutal, and the fist that hit her cheekbone was the same. The Winter Soldier watched. He knew what would happen if he attempted to interfere. She knew it too.
“I just…”, Sam began, looking at his sister:” He is distancing himself from me, and I don’t know why. Do you think I said something wrong?” Bucky and Sam were visiting Sarah and the children at her house. Sam’s eyes move over to the window, he watches how Bucky plays with his nephews outside. But even at this moment, there is some bizarre new emotion hiding in the eyes.
“I figure you tried talking to him.” “He’s brushing it off.” Sarah nods and sighs:” Well, I understand that you only want to help him. And I love you for being so caring, but you know him by now. He needs his time. Maybe he is still trying to figure it out himself.” At the sound of her phone ringing, she gets up and walks out of the room.
Sam knows she is right, he scoffs softly. “The Lady with the milk will be here any second.”, Sarah says as she enters the kitchen again:” Do you think you can help me with the cartons?” Her brother only nods.
Outside Bucky perks up at the sound of a vehicle approaching. A white van, with images of cows on the sides, drives up the road and parks right in front of the lake house. He observes how a woman with short black hair gets out of the car before he continues to throw the frisbee he’s been holding in his hands.
“Sarah! It’s good to see you!”, the woman lets out and Sarah, who is walking down the stairs opens her arms. “Y/N! I’m so happy, too.” Bucky freezes up. It’s as if every nerve ending in his body catches fire. His head snaps back to the woman. Y/N?
He watched how the guard dragged her out of the room. And despite her having blood all over her shirt, she was smiling at him. She couldn’t be mad at him for not doing anything.
“Bucky?”, Sam, who is leaning against the doorframe frowns his eyebrows as he watches over his friend's weird behavior:” You alright?”
Y/N! Oh god. Y/N! That’s it. Holy shit.
“Y/N!”, he repeats and points at the woman, like a child who just learned a new word. It leaves his lips like a promise he has made years ago. The woman blinks at him before she nervously chuckles:” W-What?” “Y/N.”, he throws the frisbee on the ground and storms up the stairs into the house, nearly tripping over one of the stairs. He softly shoves Sam out of the way before scanning the room for his jacket.
“Talk to me, Bucky!”
“Y/N!”, Bucky simply repeats, his pupils dilated:” Her name… it’s Y/N! Of course!” And with that, he quickly rushes out of the house.
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ryus3i · 2 years
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Diluc x gn reader
Word Count 1.k
☾~Happy Birthday to the loml Diluc~☽
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To Diluc today was just some ordinary day, he would wake up, get ready, kiss you goodbye and head off to the tavern. Just like any other day of the week, month and year. You on the other hand would absolutely not let this day go to waste, today was Dilucs birthday and you would  do whatever it takes to make it an amazing day for your birthday boy. 
Heading out of the house you decide to pay a visit to your favorite Cavalry captain. Stepping into his office your eyes fall upon the blue haired man sound asleep at his desk avoiding his knightly duties. Making your way closer to him you slam your hands on the desk, instantly waking up a sleepy captain.
“Kaeya, do you know what today is?” you question as he rubs his eye. Crossing your arms you wait for him to answer. Sure the two brothers weren’t on the best of terms but they didn’t despise each other as much as to forget each other's birthdays. Kaeya was a key aspect in making this the perfect day, he knew more about diluc than you.
“Well it’s my lovely brother's birthday today isn’t it.” He says standing up from his desk.
“Exactly, I want to make it his best birthday ever.” And you as his brother are obligated to help me, his partner.” You had already had a plan in mind; you just needed to get Kaeya and a few others on board.
“And what’s in it for me, you know my time is very valuable”, he jests. Whilst coming up with your plan you knew there would be a few roadblocks along the way, Kaeya and his antics being a major part of them. 
“I’m sure acting headmaster Jean would love to hear of the paperwork you haven’t finished”. 
“Fine, what's the plan?” He says sitting back down, not wanting to get on the headmaster’s bad side for the second time this week. Pulling up a chair next to his, you explain your master plan.
Being friends with people all over Mondstat had its perks, everyone could chip in to help make this day perfect. 
First, Kaeya, Rosaría and Venti will go to the tavern and distract you poor boyfriend as you let Jean, Barbara, and Lisa in to decorate the first floor of the cabin. Decorations designed and provided by Albedo, Klee and Sucrose with some help from Diona.
Walking into the tavern, you see the notorious tavern trio already getting to Diluc. In order to calm him and grab the keys you sneak up behind him and wrap your arms around his waist taking in his warmth. 
“Hey” you say as you feel his body stiffen and then relax as he recognizes your voice. Turning around he places a swift kiss on your forehead as you grab the keys of the tavern out of his pockets. 
“Bye” you say running out of the tavern and to the back door where you let in the girls. “Thanks so much” you say before leaving the girls to decorate the floor with all sorts of red and pyro theme banners, hats, and posters.
Next part of the plan was to visit your buddies on Bennett’s Adventure team who would buy the perfect cake. Kaeya mentioned his fondness for chocolate, so that was the type of cake you would task Bennett, Fischl and Razor to buy from the best bakery in Mondstadt they could find. 
“Make sure that Happy Birthday Diluc is written on top of the cake with red frosting”. You say placing the enough mora in Fischl’s hands.
“Don’t worry y/n, we make Master Diluc has the best birthday cake in all of Tevyat” Bennett says as Razor nods his head in agreement.
“Thank you so much” you say heading off.
Then you would ask Amber, Eula, Mona and Noelle to pick up the food you had ordered for the party. You had found a small restaurant that served amazing food from all over Tevyat that you were sure everyone would enjoy. Giving the directions to Noelle you head off to check up on the tavern and get ready. 
Today you would wear the clothes that Diluc had bought you not too long ago. As much as he didn’t want to admit, you that he would love to see you in it. Going through the back door once again you make your way to the first floor that is beautifully decorated and filled with the aroma of beautiful food. This was perfect, exactly what you had imagined. 
Clapping your hands together you get the attention of everyone in the room, “I’d like to thank everyone one of you for helping put this party together, I myself could never pull any of this off, thank you so much for this all. I really hope Diluc likes this”. A crowd of your welcomes follows  suit as leave to get Diluc.
This was the final step of your plan,bring Diluc to the party. Walking down the stairs you see Diluc mindlessly drying off glasses in his vest and hair tied up into a high ponytail. Slowly approaching the bar you take a seat on the stool directly in front of Diluc.
“Is there something I’m missing out”? He questions eyeing your appearance. 
“Well you’ll just have to come with me and find out” you say making your way around the counter. “Close your eyes” you say, leading him up the stairs to the first floor. This was it. 
“Happy Birthday Master Diluc” is heard around the room as Dilucs eyes open as you watch him look around,frowning. 
“What is all of this” he says looking at you. Before you can even answer, someone answer for you.
“It was all y/n’s fault, this was all their idea”, Kaeya exclaims pointing his finger at you. 
Just before you can explain yourself to Diluc, you feel a soft pair of lips on yours silencing you. Breaking the kiss you look at Diluc who has a smile on his face. His eyes are locked with yours as pulls you into his arms.“Thank you, Love”.
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4joonkookie · 3 years
24 Candles
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Words: 2.6K
A smutty, 24-hour diary of Jungkook's 24th birthday.
Also, Jungkook has feelings.
You play with JK’s butt in this one. Find butt-free fics:
Here Here Here or Here
SMUT, BUTT STUFF, Happy Birthday to the LOML, 50 shades of JK, dom!JK, sub!JK, oral sex, quickie sex, desperate sex, unprotected sex, creampie, spitting, spit kink, conversational sex, butt plugs, toys, JK is deep and complex, JK has feelings, y/n is very in touch with JK’s emotions, strength kink, body worship, JK loves ARMY, JK loves you, fluff, angst, painstakingly canon compliant, not beta-read, trying to tame my shame but, WOW, also I am deviant trash.
03:57 AM
You awaken to moonlight blinking through the living room curtains. The sound of a bag dropping and feet shuffling wake you where you lay on the couch.
He comes around to you right away. He kneels down to the floor beside you and pushes his forehead against yours. He leans up to kiss you as you take in his familiar scent.
“I told you not to wait up,” he scolds, gently. Seeing where you’d set up camp to wait for him to come home in the living room.
“I didn’t wait. I fell asleep,” you reply, coaxing yourself into awakeness. You look at the clock, almost 4 am.
“Happy Birthday,” you whisper and kiss his forehead.
He doesn’t say anything. He just leans into your neck for a greedy inhale.
“You smell good,” he says, hovering above you and squeezing your waist at his words.
You giggle at the tickling sensation on your neck. “Aren’t you tired?”
Still kneeling by the couch, his hands glide up under your loose sweater. He grips hard, pulling at your nipples with both hands. He latches his mouth to one of them and pulls his lips away until it pops.
“I was,” he says, dark and low. On his knees and pressing you to the couch, he sinks teeth to your neck, promising a mark.
You’re taken a bit aback at his rough nature but remember it’s been a few weeks, he’s probably pent up. His pace reminds you that you are too.
Soon, your gestures escalate from clumsy and quick to activated muscle memory, moving in fast forward.
You urge him to remove his shirt and toss it across the room. You can hardly see his face but the moonlight reflects off of him. You feel him angle your hips at the edge of the couch, pull off your panties and watch his silhouette lean down between your legs. The sensation of his warm spit spills down your folds, caught only by his fingers sloppily pushing into your opening.
You shudder at the intrusion. He spits again, this time audibly and more, your body not quite caught up to where his mind is.
“Missed you, baby,” he mewls.
He sucks and licks and laps at you, reacquainting himself with your pussy after a long time away. He uses 2 fingers to rub a path over your clit before they sink inside you. He repeats this, over and over, satisfied little groans fall from his lips before he removes his fingers and leans up to kiss you, desperately. Tongues and teeth bang together while hurriedly you tug at his belt and free his cock.
You use the lowered fabric to pull him to the couch, mounting him. He slides you onto his length and you both groan.
You grimace being stretched open by him after so long. Strong arms smash your laps together, Jungkook pushing up and grinding into you.
“Did you miss me?” he pants, between thrusts.
You keep your rhythm, circling hips around his cock.
“I missed you, Jungkook,” you say, tugging back at his hair with both hands.
He chuckles, enjoying the sound of his own name. Your bodies continue to move tantrically, shaking and panting, skin slippery with sweat. Feeling your orgasm coming, you start bouncing on his lap, trying to take in more of him.
He leans back to watch you, hands on your hips. He watches as you envelop his cock with every thrust.
When he feels you pulse around him, he grunts and groans and spills inside. When you catch your breath, you stand on wobbly legs.
He’s exhausted. You can see the sleep taking over his body. You urge him to follow you to the bedroom to clean up and sleep.
1:48 PM
It’s nearly 2 and Jungkook is still fast asleep.
They always do this to him. They work him to the bone until he’s so spent, they can’t get another day out of him. By the time he gets home, he sleeps for days.
You mindlessly scroll on your phone, occupying yourself next to him. You’re just happy to be with him. His side of the bed is so often empty.
He finally stirs.
“Hey you,” you say, dropping your phone to the bed.
He lets out a groggy groan and looks at his watch. “Ugh. I’m sorry,” he says, regretful about how long he’s been asleep.
“Don’t be,” you say before kissing his lips and brushing hair behind his ear.
He’s tired but it’s more than that. He looks rough and truly worn out, his typical brightness is dulled.
“What’s on your mind?” you ask. Although, you already know.
He says nothing.
He was devastated when they cancelled the tour. He told you over the phone and you could tell he was upset when it happened but the toll it’s taken on him now, is apparent.
“I’m sorry,” you offer.
“It’s just…,” he starts and sits up, wringing his hands, emotions bubbling. “I’ve always been tired.”
You sit up and face him, setting your undivided attention. “Yeah?” you encourage.
“I’ve always slaved away on choreo. We’ve always been busy.” He looks off, wrapping his arms around his knees that are still tucked under the bed sheet. That compromise is… for them. But, now, I can’t even see them. I don’t know when I'll see them again. I miss them.”
It’s heartbreaking. All you can do is continue to listen, allow him an outlet for these feelings. He continues.
“It's like I don’t know what it's all for when it’s like this. I knew before, when we were performing, it was very clear.”
He shakes the emotions from his head. “Sorry, I'm in such a sour mood.”
“Shhh... “ you kiss his forehead. just wishing there was something you could do.
“Thank you for telling me. I wish I could help.”
“I know.” He grabs your hand and laces his fingers with yours.
You change the subject. “What do you want to do today?”
He positions himself so you’re face-to-face, sitting on the bed. He takes a deep breath. “First, I think I'll go to the gym. Clear my head. I'll make it quick”.
You shrug. “Take all the time you need.” You know it helps him.
The both of you stand up by the same side of the bed.
“And then...I’d really like to lounge around here with you if that’s ok?”
“I like that idea,” you reply.
“Maybe we can order in and…”
He kisses your neck.
“mmm...What do you have in mind?”
He presses his open mouth to yours, pressing his tongue inside.
“Some of that,” he teases.
You stand to your tiptoes and wrap arms around his neck, not wanting to let him leave again.
“And what else, birthday boy?”
This question, he opts to simply hold you tight. He hugs your body tight against his, inhaling at your neck again, planting a kiss on your lips.
“Maybe some toys?” He aims his gaze at the bedside table.
Your stomach flutters. “If you’re up for it,” you reply with a raised eyebrow.
He kisses you once more and heads out the door.
When you hear the door close, you collapse, flat on the bed and stare at the ceiling. You always look forward to when he gets home. But then you have to catch up with weeks of emotion, wishing you could’ve been there for the duration.
You can really feel the awfulness now. He was devastated when they postponed it 2 years ago. Now, after 2 years of holding on to hope just to have it cancelled and all other performances postponed indefinitely? He’s heartbroken.
When it was canceled you silently celebrated, knowing you’d have more of him to yourself. It’s not worth it if he feels this way.
On the other hand… concerts haven’t been happening for 2 years but the boys stay busy with packed schedules.
He always says it’s not the same without them. Jungkook has always been a bit more attached to fans than any other member, leaving his family at such a young age. Without ARMY, he seems very lost.
4:00 PM
Jungkook returns home in better spirits, wiping sweat with a towel from his forehead. He pecks your lips, walking through the kitchen.
“I'll take a shower and be right back,” he says, sweaty hair, clinging to his forehead.
“Can I join you?” you offer, as he walks by.
“I'll be quick.” he says, continuing to the bedroom.
You try not to think too much of it and shower in the other bathroom.
By the time you get out, his shower has stopped running.
You dress for your introverts-night- in in one of his t-shirts and perfume, nothing else.
The delivery food comes, you set it up at the kitchen counter and pour drinks.
4:30 pm
When he hasn’t come out in over 20 minutes, you lean your ear to the bathroom door and knock, concerned.
“Are you ok?” No noise is coming from the bathroom except his voice.
“Yes,” he replies, calmly.
“Do you need help?” you ask.
“No!” he exclaims, immediately. “I’ll be out soon.”
You return to where you sit at the kitchen counter wondering what he's doing? Is he hurting himself?
He follows behind a few moments later, casually kissing your lips before he sits at a nearby barstool.
“This is a ton of food,” he comments.
You say nothing and he gestures to clink your drink glasses before he starts eating.
You watch as he silently ravages. It always went this way too. He’s starved when he comes home. Most of the time when he’s working, he avoids eating altogether or can’t find the time.
He relaxes. You eat, drink and have conversation. He’s in better spirits, having taken some time for himself and away from work.
He seems comfortable, but squirms slightly in his seat.
He’s TOO comfortable.
You have a sneaking suspicion, now. One that’s not tied to his tough feelings about a cancelled tour.
“What’s up with you?” You query.
“What do you mean?” he asks genuinely. “Like, what we talked about this morning?”
“No.” You scan him. “You look like you’re up to something. Like you’re hiding something.”
Your tone is more serious but you try no to be accusatory.
“It’s nothing,” he insists.
You nod. “Ok,” settling. You continue eating though, conversation is lulled.
Out of curiosity, you open the app on your phone. It shows the plug is powered on and the vibrations are off.
You turn the vibe on, Jungkook nearly stumbling on his barstool. You approach him and he grabs the phone from you.
“I knew it!” You kiss him, standing between his seated legs, then, pulling back with sudden realization.
“That’s what you were doing in the bathroom?”
“Yeah. What did you think I was doing?”
You shake the thought from your head. “You got yourself ready without me?” you whine, disappointed.
“I wanted to surprise you.”
“That’s so hot,” you begin to kiss his neck, no longer thinking about food.
“Well, can we finish dinner?” he says, with a mouthful of food.
You’re embarrassed by your own haste. “Of course.” You sit down calmly, patiently, and allow him to finish.
“What?” He questions as you eyeball him.
“Nothing. Just letting you finish,” you reply, sincerely.
He laughs and drops his utensils. “What, you can’t wait? You’re such a horndog!”
You scoff. “And who’s wearing a butt plug at the dinner table?” you tease, approaching to get your hands on him again.
“It hasn’t even been in for_”
“_So I’ll finish getting you readyyyyyy,” you interrupt, nearly pouting.
You slide your hands up his thighs, standing between them.
He hides a smile, you know he’s already caved in. Then, he lifts you up and you wrap legs around his waist.
He carries you to the bedroom, dropping you to the mattress. He undresses.
“Let me see?” you whisper, sitting up.
He slides face down on the mattress, burying his face. Your gaze follows his body. You straddle his legs from behind, caressing his back and groping at his muscled ass cheeks.
You pull his shy legs apart to expose the toy. You let your fingers drag over it, tugging lightly.
“You did this for me?” you ask. Ideas of what he was doing to himself in the bathroom flood your horny mind.
He nods, still mostly into the mattress.
“So pretty, baby.” You tug at the plug, sitting tight inside. You use the manual switch to set the vibe on. The low setting, like he likes.
You move the toy slowly at first until it glides in with ease.
“Is this what you did?
“Yes,” he moans.
“When you had yourself bent over the bathroom counter?” you assume.
“Mm-hmm,” he verbalizes and You push faster. He bucks back against the toy and your hand, his hole finally sliding open.
You settle him to his back, pillow propped underneath his hips and continue sliding the toy in and out of him.
He’s sufficiently opened, looking perfect.
He lays with legs spread, knees bent, eyes fluttering closed with every pump of the toy.
He fumbles your hands and pushes it all the way in to hold it in place and shudders, taking exactly what he needs.
You work the toy a little harder now., twisting and turning it along his walls, pressing against his prostate. Sweat drips over his body. Cum drips down his shaft and onto his abs. You lap at the cum on his body, cock and balls bouncing with each pump of the toy.
You make attempts to stroke him with your free hand and use your mouth on him but he shudders away each time, too close.
You’re not even thinking about coming, entranced in how beautiful he is.
He rolls you to your side, bracing a hand on your hip and slides inside from behind. He sets a pace and squeezes his own cheeks together on every thrust, clenching around his toy.
He buries his face in your neck and whines, his arms wrapped around your torso, tight.
He rolls you over and fumbles on top of you to pull another toy from the side drawer, powers it on, and holds the bullet to your clit while he pumps into you.
Precious ‘ah’s’ fill the air when he comes, pushing into you deep, feeling vibrations through his prostate and lower body. You buck against him when you come, too, shoving the toy away when it’s too much, but letting the waves flow through you.
Your bodies slow and Jungkook pulls the overstimulating toy out of himself. You drape your legs over each other, bodies tangled, and doze again.
03:52 am
He’s already gazing at you when you wake up.
You yawn and stretch, taking a hand and running fingers through his hair.
“Were you happy when you found out?” he asks, plainly, about the MOTS tour.
“What?” you stutter, suddenly awake. Guilt surges through your body. You hadn’t properly considered how it would make him feel the first time you heard the news. It’s different now.
He must understand that. It’s different now.
“I don’t want you to feel this way,” you start. “ I would do anything if you didn’t feel this way.”
He nods. “I know.” He grabs your hands in his. “Were you happy?”
You hang your head. “Yes. At first.”
“Good.” he caresses your cheek, lifting your chin. “I’m glad you were happy.”
The both of you doze again.
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bluejaem · 3 years
your escape — n.jm
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synopsis. all that you needed on a stressful night like tonight’s was just his company.
pairing. boyfriend!jaemin × gn!reader
genre. just jaemin being an amazing boyfie idk man, FLUFF, humor, domestic!au, slight angst but nothing much
warnings. mentions of stress, food
word count. 1.2k
author’s note. let’s just ignore the mediocre ass header that i made lmao. definitely not my best but a last-minute drabble that i managed to write before jaemin day ended over here sksks. happy birthday to the loml once again, you deserve all the love in this world <3
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you sighed for the umpteenth time. the consistent sounds of your nails tapping on the desk echoing in the room. you rested your chin on your palm, staring blankly at the empty word document in front of you, barely any words typed in.
“word count: 7”
you had an assignment that was due tomorrow, and it was already ten in the night. there was no way you would be able to finish your three thousand word assignment by then.
click. click. click.
every time you typed something in, you ended up deleting it all, thinking that it didn’t make any sense. your eyes landed upon the clock, and you realized that you had wasted yet another thirty minutes getting nothing done.
just when you were about to get back to working on it, you felt a pair of arms hugging you from over your shoulders. “is everything alright, love?” his voice was soft and gentle. it brought you a sense of relaxation, even if not entirely, it was enough to calm your senses.
it was something about his aura, his scent, his touch— that never failed to leave even the smallest smile on your face. the warmth of his touch always carried this familiar feeling with it. it never took long, a simple ‘i love you,’ or maybe even just a short peck on the forehead. you were smiling and so was he.
and when it comes to his smile. oh, please. he had no idea how beautiful his smile was. it was the smile that could make the other smile as well, no matter how bad of a mood they’re in, or if they’re having a bad day in general, his smile always put even the subtlest smile on the other’s face.
”oh, it’s nothing, jaem,” you replied, a faint smile taking over your lips when you felt a pair of warm lips on your cheek.
“why don’t we go out on a walk, hmm?” he suggested, squinting his eyes when he looked at the laptop screen in front of you.
“maybe get some fresh air ‘cause i don’t think stressing over a mere history assignment is going to help anyway?” he stood next to you, wearing an affectionate smile on his face, and his eyes looking at you with anticipation.
you lightly nodded your head in agreement, and jaemin smiled with satisfaction. you get up from your seat and walk towards your cupboard, searching for a jacket.
“here, put this on,” jaemin said, handing you one of his hoodies.
looking at the hoodie in his hands, you raise your brow in amusement, “wow, i can’t believe you’re letting me use your favorite hoodie. the mint hoodie.”
jaemin gave you a smile in return, “what’s mine is also yours. so—” he stopped midway, putting the hoodie over your head, and helping you wear it on. “—you can call it ours,” he finished his sentence, tucking the your hair behind your ear.
“to be honest, this looks better on you,” jaemin chuckled, tilting his head and examining each and every feature of yours, smiling as he noticed that you were still wearing the necklace that he had gifted you.
lightly hitting his arm at this comment of his, you tried your best not to smile. “gosh, you really do make it hard for me not to fall for you even more,” you said, intertwining your fingers with his as you both walked towards the door.
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“you really didn’t have to, you know that right?” you walked along as you took a spoonful of your ice cream, feeling guilty about the fact that he bought it for you and can’t even eat it.
why were you eating ice cream? well, it was a nice walk and all. the typical hand-holding, walking side by side and stuff, you know? everything was going fine until you brought up a memory from your childhood where you went out on a walk with your mom late at night and she bought you an ice cream at the end of the walk. and of course, there was no way he was taking you back home without getting you ice cream.
this man would really do anything to make you feel better, huh?
jaemin’s eyes crinkled in the corners, and his lips turned upwards when he looked at you eat ice cream with a glint of child-like excitement in your eyes.
“you’ve got some on your–” he came closer to face you, his hands making it’s way up to your lips. his thumb gently rubbed against the corner of your lips, wiping off the little smudge of chocolate ice cream.
his eyes were fixed on your lips, and yours were on his. it was like time had frozen then. and it was only the two of you in this world. his features were soft, and even more under the moonlight. his hair slightly falling on his eyes, his lips pink and glossy, and not to mention— very much kissable.
moving back, he rubbed his thumb with his index finger, wiping off the ice cream from his fingers this time. as he looked at you with a satisfied smile, he finally finished his sentence, “—lips.”
before you were able to even say something, a voice from behind interrupted you. “the fact that you didn’t kiss him yet.”
you both turned around to look for whom that voice came from. and there sat a little kid on the bench, clicking his tongue and shaking his head in disappointment before going back to licking his ice cream cone.
heat rushed up your cheeks when you realize that the little kid had probably seen it all happen. jaemin chuckled at your reaction and crouched down to talk to the boy, “where is your mom, little guy?” he softly asked while you stood next to him.
just as he finished his sentence, a woman of about thirty ran up to you guys. trying to catch her breath, she looked around and heaved a sigh of relief when she spotted her son there. “thank god you’re here, jaesung! do you know how worried i was?” she picked up the boy from the bench and held him in her arms.
jaemin got up from his crouched position, dusting his hands while at it. the woman turned around to face you guys and greeted you both with a soft smile, “thank you so much for looking after him.” she looked at the boy and continued, “you didn’t trouble them, right?”
“no not at all,” you replied instead, flashing her a reassuring smile.
“okay, then. we’ll get going. say bye to this kind couple, jaesung.” the lady said.
the said boy smiled cheekily as he waved goodbye, “i hope you guys kiss after this.” the mother’s eyes grew wide at this statement, and she tried to awkwardly laugh it off.
you both wore sheepish smiles on your faces, avoiding making eye contact with the lady. the lady shushed her son and apologized to the two of you before she left with her son.
as their figures slowly disappeared into the darkness, jaemin decided to break the silence. looking at you with that infamous devilish grin of his, he said, “maybe he was right, i do deserve a kiss. would you care to do the honours, my love?”
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326 notes · View notes
kurosukii · 4 years
𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞
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pairing: kuroo tetsurou x f!reader
summary: your relationship is filled with nothing but teasing touches and pleasured sighs, until you tell him that you want to take it to the next level.
genre: smut, fluff, aged up au, established relationship au
warnings: 18+. virginity loss (it’s a social construct but for the sake of smut...), riding, dirty talk, fingering, face-sitting, size kink, nipple play, chest play(??), oral (f receiving), multiple orgasms, praise kink, unprotected sex, finger sucking, pet names (kitten)
word count: 5.8k
author’s note: koo is the loml. that’s it. (this was the hardest for me to write so far since ✨feelings✨ are involved). this is somewhat the nsfw continuation to safety net but it can still be read alone, i just referenced some things™️. (let me know if i missed any warnings!) (MINORS DNI)
° thank you so much @kurinoot for editing <33
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[5:02 PM]
“if you don’t stop tickling me, i’m going to bite you!”
you squealed as you lightheartedly threatened your boyfriend. you were trying to swat his attacks away from your neck and waist as his lean body hovered over yours, but he was just too big for you to throw him off.
“i dare you to bite me, kitten. i’ll just bite you back!” he exclaimed as he raised his head from your neck, with nimble fingers still pressing on to your sides. he laughed at your dumbfounded expression and went back to blowing raspberries on your neck and tickling the dips in your waist.
you would say that you’re tired of kuroo’s childishness, but you would only be lying to yourself. you loved how he was so carefree every time the two of you were together, and you couldn’t be more grateful that kuroo was such an attentive and doting boyfriend. sure, you had your fair share of doubts and insecurities when the two of you first started dating in high school, but it was never because of him. no, it was all you and your past inhibitions. however, kuroo never fails to squash your negative thoughts to the ground.
when you would observe him, you’d remember how the two of you confessed to each other over chemistry homework and you’d just burst out laughing at how it was such a kuroo way for your feelings to be known to each other.
when he asked what made you so happy, you’d always say you and he’d end up making a face but kiss your lips softly a few moments after. those soft kisses don’t last long because they would turn into heated makeout sessions that would leave you gasping for breath.
a few weeks into dating, kuroo admitted to you that he was planning on confessing by making a nonchalant comment here and there and leave you to nitpick what he said. he claimed that it wasn’t to ‘disrupt’ your strong friendship and ‘startle’ you, but you know him like the back of your hand—he was just as nervous as you were.
now that you’re a year or two into dating, being with him just felt so right, like all the puzzle pieces fell into place and formed the beautiful jigsaw of a relationship that you have with him. at first, you were worried that your dynamic with him would change because you weren’t just best friends anymore; you were now involved with each other romantically.
when you told kuroo about it, he would always encourage you to tell him what you were feeling. he would just flick your forehead and tell you that you have nothing to worry about and he was right.
you wouldn’t change a thing about your relationship with kuroo tetsurou, except for one thing.
you have yet to ‘consummate’ your relationship, and it it may seem crazy to others if they knew how long the two of you have been dating (not that it’s any of their business), but you haven’t reached that part of your relationship yet. 
the farthest you two have gone was oral, so you knew that it wasn’t because you didn’t find each other desirable. you used to believe the saying ‘i could eat you for hours’ was sort of an exaggeration but now you can confidently admit your mistake and say that kuroo puts that saying to shame because he has spent hours buried between your legs perfecting his oral ‘techniques’. 
more often than not, you would always find yourself begging him to stop eating your pussy because it ached and your clit felt so numb. you’ve always wondered if his jaw and tongue were made of iron steel and he would just laugh at you before diving back in, making you squirt all over his face for the nth time that day. 
you’d also return the favor, of course, but you’ve always had a difficult time fitting his entire cock in your mouth because he was not only long, he was also achingly thick. you can’t even wrap your fingers around his shaft and he would always only fit halfway through your mouth, but he didn’t care because after cumming down your throat, he’d immediately lay you on your back and devour your cunt again.
that’s why you were so fucking annoyed because you knew that you wanted to fuck each other, so what was stopping the both of you?
well, it was your stubbornness. you wanted kuroo to initiate the next step but he would always tease you. you’d think that after years of pining for you, he’d jump at the chance to fuck you, but no, he stayed a saint (if you disregard the moments he made you orgasm multiple times).
if there’s one thing you disliked about kuroo now, it was his immense self-control and penchant for teasing you, so after weeks of thinking, you decided to finally raise the white flag and surrender.
although, it wasn’t exactly a defeat because it meant that you were about to finally get your pussy fucked by your boyfriend’s big fat cock for the first time. maybe if–
“what are you thinking about, kitten?” kuroo interrupted your dirty train of thought. his usual bed hair was even messier from playing around with you and his plump lips formed into a pout because you stopped reacting to him a few minutes ago.
fuck. should i tell him? what if he thinks it’s too fast? but we’ve literally covered almost all of the bases– “nothing!” you said in a high-pitched voice, your brain short-circuiting from your ravaging thoughts. kuroo narrowed his hazel eyes at you, clearly aware that you were lying.  
“tell me, kitten. i told you that you should never hesitate to tell me what you’re feeling, right?” he raised a dark eyebrow at you. you visibly gulped as your face flushed in embarrassment. never mind the fact that this man has already seen all of you, so acting like a virginal prude seems out of bounds now. well, technically i am still a virgin so–
you were broken out of your stupor when you felt kuroo shift above you. he was hovering over your body, with long legs at either side of your hips as he rose to all fours. his large and warm hands pinned your wrists to the bed as he leaned over you until his lips were ghosting over yours. he licked his lips and you knew he did that on purpose so you could feel his tongue slightly swipe against yours.
your heart was beating fast as his clean and fresh scent invaded your senses. he smirked at you, cat eyes narrowing with a mischievous glint. he could feel your pounding heartbeat and he hoped to the heavens that you couldn’t feel his own because he was just as excited and giddy about you as you are about him.
even after going through every year and life experience together, his heart and mind would never cease to be mesmerized by you. he knew you were endgame the moment you tripped over your own feet and fell to his chest in shoujo style. your friendship practically started from him teasing you about it, and soon enough you became best friends.
now he can finally call you his and you can call him yours. although in his mind he knew that he would forever be yours, even if you didn’t end up together, but that dejected thought vanished when the both of you crossed that bridge and finally came clean with your feelings for each other. he didn’t want to admit it, but every time he’d answer a chemistry homework, he’d smile like a fool and reminisce that fateful day in high school.
because of that chemistry homework, he could enjoy kissing you freely and shamelessly. he also now has the privilege to taste your pussy with his skilled tongue, and his favorite view in the whole world is probably watching your face twist in pleasure as you pull his hair, rocking your slick cunt on his face as you chase your orgasm. he especially loved it when you would beg him to stop but your hips would still move and your eyes would be pleading for him to go on until your pussy gets numb or until you squirt all over his face.
he wanted to fuck you badly, but he was just so patient and he loved torturing himself and you. he also wanted you to take the initiative, just like how he wanted you to confess first, and it wasn’t because he wanted to be chased (he kind of likes it though) but because you called the shots in the relationship. sure, he’s the one that makes you scream his name in pleasure but that’s because you want him to. he wants to hear it from your pretty lips, and he wants to hear you say that you want him to bury himself deep inside of you.
you two spent minutes looking at each other, studying each other’s features and with hearts beating to one rhythm until kuroo closed his eyes and leaned down to bridge the small gap between your lips.
your eyes fluttered shut, sighing into the warmth of his mouth as his tongue licked your lips. he tasted like strawberries and chocolate which made his kisses ten times sweeter. his fingers from your wrists went to your hands and weaved in between them. you kissed him with fervor until your clothes felt too hot on your heated skin.
he lifted his head, teeth nibbling your lower lip as he slowly pulled away. he stole another quick kiss before he rested his forehead on yours as he breathed deeply and smiled.
“i love kissing you, kitten. now do you want to tell me what’s on your mind?” he questioned you as he nuzzled his nose against yours, breathing in your scent deeply. you inhaled a big breath before bluntly telling him what you were thinking,. and truth be told, there was no other way that kuroo would accept your request because he’s a tease like that.
“i want you to fuck me, tetsurou.”
he froze, stopping himself from rubbing on you like a cat before he stretched his lips into a devilish grin and teased you.
“yeah? do you want me to fuck you right now?” he asked you, his honey eyes becoming sharper as he licked his lips. you nodded at him and he tutted at you, squeezing your fingers.
“use your words, kitten. i want to hear you say it,” he said in his deep and smoky voice.
“yes, tetsu. i want you to fuck me right now!” you whined as you lifted your hips to grind against his tenting pants. kuroo just smirked at you, grinding directly against your core making you moan.
“stop teasing me, tetsu. i need you,” you whimpered as you exposed your neck to him. he straddled your waist as he unlaced your fingers to remove his shirt from his lean body. you were just salivating at the sight before you, his abs flexing while he raised his thick arms.
you couldn’t stop yourself from tracing the lines of his abs with the tips of your fingers as he shuddered at your light touch, with his spine tingling at your soft caresses. he removed your hands and laced his own between them as he kissed you harder this time. you moaned at the onslaught of his mouth as your teeth and tongue clashed.
he pulled away from your lips and he made a path of kisses along your jaw down to the sensitive skin of your neck. you moaned as you rolled your hips when he sucked on the skin, leaving a purple bruise. he kissed it before he went to the other side of your neck to give it the same attention.
once he was satisfied with the marks he left on your neck, he let go of your hands and slowly lifted your shirt off your body with a certain reverence. his eyes sparkled as he traced your soft skin. he’s seen you naked countless times, but he’ll never get used to how beautiful and ethereal you look and he never fails to let you know either.
“you’re so beautiful, kitten. i will never get used to seeing you, my precious jewel,” he said softly, lips tracing every patch of skin that’s exposed to him. your heart soared and your face flushed at his praise. he looked at you like you were a goddess and him, the worshipper.
“no bra, kitten? were you planning this the whole time?” he raised a dark eyebrow, with eyes trained on your hardening nipples. he licked his lips and lowered his head to suck one into his watering mouth. you moaned at the sensation, as your fingers combed through his soft hair. he didn’t neglect the other one, pinching and rolling it between his long fingers. you pushed his head lower to your chest as the both of you rubbed on each other.
he was moaning into your breast, tongue swirling over the hardened peak as he sucked and licked. your panties were pooling with wetness, aroused by kuroo’s wet and hot mouth. you cried loudly when he simultaneously pinched and bit your nipples before lifting his head and staring at the swollen skin.
his hands slowly traveled down to your hips as your breathing increased in pace. he sure does love taking his sweet time, you grumbled in your head. you felt scrutinized by him, and it made you want to cover yourself up, but the way his hands were ghosting over your skin, touching you as if you were a delicate figurine, made you feel so desired underneath him.
he didn’t even seem to mind the growing bulge in his pants, as he was too focused and enamored by your figure. you used to feel uncomfortable at his silence during intimate moments like this, but you’ve come to realize that you always render him speechless every time you lay bare before him, and that made your ego huff in pride.
he removes your shorts and panties as his hands went lower. you lifted your hips to help him and he groaned at how the wet string from your pussy seemed to follow the path of your soon-to-be discarded bottoms.
due to your longing determination to tease him in return you raised your knees until your feet were flat on the bed and spread them until you felt your lower lips separate with a squelching sound. you softly moaned at the growing wetness in your pussy.
kuroo’s plump lips were parted as he let out a low groan while he stared at his favorite meal, tongue sliding out to wet his suddenly dry mouth as he rubbed your outer thighs.
“i’ve seen your cunt tons of times but it never fails to make me speechless, kitten. your pussy is as pretty as you, fuck,” he groaned as he reached out two slender fingers to slide along your weeping slit. you clenched at the sensation, letting out a low whimper when you saw kuroo lick his fingers and released them with a pop.
you moved to widen your legs more to give him space for his broad shoulders, but before even doing so he stopped you. you were about to question him until he shushed you with a finger to your lips.
“i want to try something new. figured if we’re going to finally fuck tonight, we might as well try a few more firsts, hm?” he teased you, honey eyes glinting with mischief which made your aching body shudder. the last time he said that, you ended up cumming so much that your legs wouldn’t stop shaking for five minutes.
you raised your eyebrow at him in question before he smirked at you. your breath hitched as he leaned down to your ear. “won’t you sit on my face, kitten? ride my tongue until all your juices cover my mouth and chin?” he whispered sensually, hot breath tickling your ear as he kissed it. you moaned softly as your ears burned from the barely-there kiss.
your body is brimming with sexual frustration, blood heating up at his request. for all the times he had his mouth on you, he never really asked to switch things up and you hadn’t either. you can’t deny that your pussy tingled from the idea of him offering to be under you like that.
“what do you say kitten? think you’re up for it?” he asked you again, lips grazing the side of your ear as his smoky voice left shivers in his wake. you moaned out a yes as he kissed you, slowly this time to savor the taste of your lips before he tastes your other set.
he pulled away and gently flipped both of your bodies until he was lying flat on his back with your naked cunt directly on top of his throbbing bulge, with breasts slightly swaying at the movement. you hissed at the heat emanating from there and couldn’t stop yourself from grinding on his clothed cock.
you both moaned at the stimulation, but he stopped your hips before you could cause any more friction. “not yet, kitten. i want to eat your pussy first,” he said as he let go of your hips to place his hands behind his head, the action causing his biceps to flex which made your pussy and mouth water even more. he let out a low laugh, clearly satisfied with your reaction.
“drag your pussy up to my chest, kitten. the only time i want you to lift yourself is when you’re positioned right over my face,” he ordered you, honey eyes turning to gold as he watched your breasts heave up and down, breath quickening.
you moaned at his lewd order, hands bracing on his chest to support your weight before you dragged your wet cunt all over his torso. the position of your arms made your tits bunch together and kuroo swore he started drooling. you started moving up his body and couldn’t stop the whimpers that came out of your mouth.
fuck, i could cum just by grinding on his abs alone, you thought. the way the ridges of his abs were dragging on your clit made you lightheaded. you definitely have to try grinding on his abs until you reach your orgasm sometime soon. “next time, kitten, but not now,” kuroo groaned as he felt your wetness trail over his torso, clearly knowing what you were thinking. he’d indulge you but that wasn’t his main focus as of right now.
you were gasping and whining when you reached the top of his chest, legs weak from the unprecedented stimulation on your clit. his arms were on his sides, ready to guide your thighs on either side of his face. you lifted yourself and hovered over his face, your face flushing from the new position.
you didn’t want to completely sit on his face for fear of him suffocating so you opted to hover instead and held onto the headboard for dear life. kuroo tutted in disapproval but he let it go because either way, he was going to do what he was good at and you’d end up dropping on his face, just like he wanted.
he stared at your dripping pussy while his thumbs rubbed small circles on your thighs. his hot breaths were fanning your clenching hole as you shuddered and moaned. you could feel the ache in your thighs starting to build up from being in a squatting position but you were determined not to crush his skull.
“i’ll have you sitting on my face, kitten. hold me to that,” he promised you, voice laced with determination. that was the last thing he said before he kissed your pussy and licked a long and wet stripe from your slit to your pulsing bud.
you cried out and instinctively raised your body from the new feeling but his arms didn’t allow you to. he trapped your body in that position as he sucked your aching clit into his wet mouth. you looked into his eyes as you squeezed the headboard, breasts swaying from your sudden jerks.
“oh my god, tetsu! that’s so good!” you moaned loudly as his tongue drew figure eights around your bud. you could feel your legs starting to shake as his tongue lapped up at your clit. you swore you could feel his mouth stretch out into a smirk at your shattering resolve.
kuroo was taking his time. he wanted to see the exact moment your legs would give out and sit on his face so he could get to work. you were just being your stubborn self and he wanted to see you succumb to the pleasure he was giving you.
“keep licking my clit just like that, oh my god, yes–!” you moaned loudly, voice cracking as kuroo’s talented tongue swirled around your clit again and again. “oh yes, fuck! fuck don’t stop, don’t stop!” you whined, the words jumbling together as your legs were near giving out. you were still fighting it and kuroo decided that he was done letting you have your fun and it was time that he got down to business.
you screamed as kuroo’s mouth left your clit and plunged his tongue right into your sopping cunt, effectively making your legs crash and sit on his face. he groaned in pleasure at feeling you all over him. he ate you out with fervor, his nose rubbing your clit. your hands fell from the headboard and gripped his hair so you could grind on his tongue in your cunt.
“tetsu, fuck that’s so hot. i could feel your tongue so deep in my pussy, yesyesyes,” you threw your head back as you moaned out the last word as you rode his face. the more you rode his mouth, the louder his groans became, the more pleasure shot straight to your clit. you removed your hands from his hair and fisted the pillow on top of his head to give you more balance to ride his face.
kuroo took this opportunity to raise his arms to play with your nipples. your moans increased in volume and pitch as he tweaked and rolled the nipples in his fingers. the wet sounds of his tongue fucking your clit were making your spine tingle and body shake.
you didn’t care that you were fucking his face because your orgasm was so close. he didn’t seem to mind either because his groans increased in volume the more you used his face as a fucktoy. you raised your trembling arms to your sides as you leaned back, blissed-out face facing the ceiling as you rolled your hips around his tongue.
“i’m g-gonna cum, tetsu! fuck yes, fuck yes, i’m gonna cum, right there–!” you screamed as he pinched both of your nipples, hips moving on their own accord as you prolong your climax. you were whimpering and mumbling out nonsense as your hips slowed down, trying to catch your breath from that strong orgasm.
kuroo gently lifted you off his mouth, strings of your cum stretching out from his lips, and raised himself to lean against the headboard. he settled you on his lap over his throbbing cock as he inhaled loudly and deeply, trying to suck in as much air as he could. his swollen lips and chin were drenched in your juices. he licked as much as he could off of his face and wiped the rest with the back of his hand.
“you liked that kitten?” he asked you with a tilt to his head, midnight hair mussed up from your fingers. you scowled at him, knowing damn well you liked what he did if he made you cum that hard, he just wanted the validation.
he laughed at your reaction as he wrapped his long arms around your slightly shaking body and squeezed you. he buried his nose in your neck and nuzzled it. he was humming while planting soft kisses on the skin, teeth nipping it here and there.
how can he act like this when his cock is pulsing underneath me?
you weren’t satiated, not in the least. you wanted his cock in you and you were going to make it happen, never mind the fact that he has a monster cock. you don’t care how it’s going to happen but he’s going to fit.
you raised yourself on your knees and started pulling the string to his pants so you could free his aching cock. kuroo stopped you and you whined at him, rosy lips forming into a pout.
“i want your cock, tetsu, please. i need it to fill my pussy,” you whined at him, eyes begging for him to just put it in you. you squeezed his shoulders as you rubbed yourself on his clothed cock, your slick leaving a wet stain on his crotch. his large cock was straining against his pants, a sign that he too was burning to get inside of you.
he squeezed your hip as he tutted at you. “you need to be thoroughly prepped, kitten. i want you to be dripping everywhere before you take my cock, okay?” he said softly, warm lips meeting yours as his large fingers trailed down to reach your cunt, spreading your folds as he teased your slit with his middle finger.
you moaned into his mouth as he reached your clit, finger drawing slow circles around the aching bud while the rest of his fingers played with the wet strings that were falling out from your previous orgasm.
you moaned even louder when he inserted two thick fingers into your hole, the entrance of them making a squelching sound as your juices coated his fingers. he pumped them in and out while never leaving your lips, both of your moans mixing.
you squealed when he curled them, hitting your g-spot. he did all of that while his other hand played with your clit. your moans were being swallowed by his mouth, his tongue entwined with yours as you felt your spit mix with his.
the kiss was as messy as your pussy down there with your juices drenching his fingers. you felt his arm move faster as he pumped his fingers in and out of your weeping cunt. you pulled away from his mouth to moan into his shoulder and he took this moment to whisper in your ear.
“yeah, you really like this, huh? look how much mess you’re making, kitten. think you can take my cock after this, hm?” he asked you, tongue snaking out to lick your earlobe, his fingers scissoring inside your walls.
“yes, tetsu! i-i can take your cock, oh fuck, that feels so good!” you cried out, teeth slightly biting his shoulder.
“then cum for me,” he growled, fingers curling in that come hither motion as he pinched your clit. you screamed out your orgasm again, tears brimming in your eyes as your body shook from your second climax. kuroo softly kissed your lips as you tried to come down from your high.
he took his fingers out and brought them in between your faces while he stared at them in fascination. your cum was hanging in strings from his fingers as he placed them in his mouth and groaned at the taste. you moaned weakly watching him genuinely enjoy your juices. you watched him maintain eye contact with you while he sucked and lapped at his fingers for a minute before you started tugging on his pants again.
“eager, are we?” he teased you. you narrowed your eyes at him because he was just as eager as you. his hands were fumbling around his waistband, hips lifting so you could pull them down his legs.
your mouth watered as his thick cock bounced against his stomach. pre-cum was leaking from its swollen tip, you watched it roll down along the veins of his shaft, stopping at his balls.
he gripped it with one hand and squeezed it, groaning at the stimulation. he was so fucking long and thick that the stretch was most likely going to be uncomfortable, but you didn’t care, you’ve been so needy for his dick that you don’t care about it impaling you.
you situated yourself until you were hovering over his cockhead, lightly rubbing it against your wet slit, making the both of you moan at the new sensation.
“tell me to stop when it hurts, okay kitten? i want you to be as comfortable as possible,” he said softly, thumb slightly grazing your lips as he looked you in the eye.
“yes, tetsu,” you pecked his lips before you balanced yourself with one hand on his shoulder and gripped his cock with the other and stroked it a few times. he was breathing heavily and his hands were gently squeezing your hips.
you guided his cock at your hole and moaned when his tip entered your clenching walls. you lowered yourself onto his cock, your walls sucking him in, inch by inch.
“breathe, baby. fuck, you’re so tight,” he groaned, voice straining at your heat engulfing him. you were going so slowly due to his size and also because you wanted to feel every ridge on his cock around your walls.
“you’re so big, tetsu. i could feel your cock everywhere,” you moaned long and hard, nails leaving crescent moons on his shoulders. he squeezed your hips in response, muscles tight with tension as he fought to pull you down on his lap.
you both cried out when you finally sheathed his entire cock in your pussy. the stretch felt uncomfortable but soon gave way to pleasure the more your cunt clenched and unclenched around him.
kuroo groaned at the feeling, his eyes silently begging you to move, or else he’d start jerking his hips and start drilling your pussy. you raised your trembling thighs off his lap, cunt dragging along his shaft until only his tip remained inside of you.
you mewled loudly as you dropped yourself on him, his cock making a squelching sound as he made contact with your wetness. “shit, kitten. you want my cock that much?” he moaned, lifting your hips again as he pulled you back down on his cock before he set up a rhythm. you wrapped your arms around his neck as he moved your body, moaning in his neck as the slapping of your skin on his ring in your ears.
“f-fuck t-tetsu! oh my god, your cock’s stretching my pussy–yes!” you bit your lip as you moaned from the pleasure. you raised your head to look at his face, his pink lips parted and breaths panting as he took control of your hips. your breasts were swaying with each thrust and you held on to them while kuroo groaned at your bouncing tits.
“i think about you fucking me all the time, tetsu,” you moaned breathily as you bounced up and down his cock, clit grinding against his pelvic bone. you rested your forehead on his shoulder with a loud moan as you felt every vein on his fat cock glide against your tight walls.
he threw his head back and moaned at your admission while he squeezed your hips. “yeah? tell me what you want me to do to your pussy,” he groaned, his hips thrusting up into your clenching hole. you cried, nails digging into his shoulders as his thick cock stretched you even further.
“i want you to wreck my pussy! cum in me so much that my pussy’s dripping in your cum!” you screamed as he thrust up into your cunt, cock hitting the entrance of your cervix.
“yeah? do you know how long i’ve wanted to fuck this pussy, kitten?” he growled as he flipped your bodies, with his thrusts increasing in speed now that he’s on top of you. he laced your fingers together as he delivered a hard thrust that had your pussy creaming even more around him.
“fuck, i can’t believe you’re taking all of me,” he moaned as he watched his cock disappear in your cunt. you moaned as your walls clenched even harder around him.
“your pretty little mouth can’t even fit my whole cock but your pussy is just sucking me in,” he groaned as he kissed you hard, tongue and teeth clashing against each other. his thrusts were so deep and fast that your tits were bouncing everywhere.
“f-faster t-tetsu! don’t stop please!” you begged him, legs wrapping around his waist as you closed the distance between your bodies, your hands squeezing his.
“i’m so close! oh my god yesyesyes i’m gonna cum–!” you screamed as the knot in your lower stomach uncoiled and you gushed all around him.
“your cunt is so good to me, kitten. fuck!” he moaned in your ear as he thrust one final time before his warm cum drenched your pussy. you were still moaning and whimpering when he stopped moving inside of you.
he raised his head and kissed your lips, this time with more passion. you couldn’t even move your lips with how tired you are so it was like kissing a statue, and he told you so.
“try getting fucked by a big fat cock and see if you can still move, dummy!” you breathed out. you laughed in each other’s lips, breaths mingling.
kuroo rolled over and laid down on his back, bringing you with him and laying your head down his heaving chest, where you could hear his racing heart. he smoothed out your sweaty hair and kissed the crown of your head as his thumb lazily stroked your hip. your heart was racing as fast as his while you traced small circles on his pecs. you kissed it softly and looked up at him and found that he was staring at you.
“i love you, kitten,” he said with a soft smile, honey eyes twinkling in the light of the room.
“i love you too, tetsurou,” you smiled back at him and reached up to peck his lips.
you laid your head down again and nuzzled it, eyes closing as your exhaustion finally caught up with you.
“hey, don’t fall asleep yet! i still have to clean you up!” kuroo exclaimed as he patted your cheek to keep you awake.
“ow! why did you pinch my nipple?!” kuroo pouted, whiny complaints falling from his mouth. you just laughed at him as you squeezed his cheeks in your hands.
he huffed and wrapped his arms around you, carrying you off the bed as he headed for the bathroom.
against your better judgement, round two commenced in the shower.
[7:07 PM]
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illumilu · 4 years
there’s only one bed” - illumi zoldyck x reader
a/n: a very stereotypical cliche for fanfics, but, yk what? cringe makes the world go round. so here, have my drabbling of what would happen if you were to spend an unwanted night in the same hotel bed as the adultrio. i feel like i may have made this way too long again, but who cares?? this time it’s with illumi! aka loml ...
summary: after a lengthy car trip, you arrive at the hotel with illumi, but to your horror (wink wink), there’s only one bed. including: you dreaming abt him when he’s literally right in front of you (embarrassing). this is part two of a three-part series, with the adultrio. hisoka is already written and chrollo will be coming soon!
warnings: no particular trigger warnings, lowercase intended, a lot of fluff! and cuddling! only on your part though, since illumi is basically awkwardness personified... no nsfw <3
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illumi zoldyck:
- the trip to the hotel had taken 6 hours. 6 hours in which you had fallen asleep multiple times, cramped your legs, somehow made every sleeping position dangerously uncomfortable, cracked your neck and twisted your back, possibly to the point of no return.
- for mr zoldyck, or rather, “illumi”, as he had instructed you to call him, the trip was no problem. his upbringing, which consisted of mainly torture, included staying awake for as long as a fortnight at a time. 6 hours may as well have been a few minutes. 
- “the silent son of the zoldycks” was his reputational nickname, or, rather, “lifeless koi fish”, as your friend, hisoka, enjoyed calling him. either way, illumi was not going to let a car ride tire him.
- when you had first met him, he had scared you. a lot. the entire “trained dangerous traumatised assassin” storyline was one that felt like a threat. you were undoubtedly taking a risk by working with him, but it was one you were willing to; it may have been twisted, but murder was your forte, and you were searching for a partner.
- over time, you had grown to be less intimidated by him.
- you were now colleagues with him, working on a new assassination.
- shockingly, planning murder took time, and who better to plan it with than the assassin himself? you had spent the past day on a “business trip”, paid for by illumi’s grandfather, where you sized up the area and familiarised yourself with yorknew.
- all for the big night.
- tonight was the day before the murder of the ten dons.
- illumi and kalluto would carry out the murder, while you made sure everything went smoothly, via a small mic attached to his clothes. the entire operation was based on trust, and would therefore be executed like clockwork.
- you had taken the necessary mental images and kept the targets in mind; all that was left was a night at a pre-booked hotel and then it would be go-time.
- you had assumed that the hotel would be high-class, with doormen, perhaps some marble flooring and pillars - it was the zoldycks who were paying, after all, and you knew they had money to spare. 
- “we’re here.” illumi stated blankly, face reflecting in the window. admittedly, he did look a little bit like a koi fish.
- you nudged past him to look out of the window, leaning over to get a good view.
- oh.
- it seemed you had made quite the overestimation. it was a simple, plain building with a few stories. no doormen or extravagance could be sighted.
- you supposed keeping a low profile was important, but the depressing accommodation was somehow making you wearier.
- the two of you didn’t exchange any conversation on the way up to your room, but you were used to that. 
- you and illumi had met around 5 months ago, and most of it had been comfortable silence. you hadn’t expected it to be like that - in all honesty, you had expected him to kill you - but illumi seemed... calm around you. 
- it was probably because you shared such an odd passion with him; the logistics of murder. you assumed it gave him a chance to loosen his harsh demeanour and enjoy himself. the both of you had worked on multiple murders together, focusing on theory and planning, but this was a huge assassination. nevertheless, you knew he could pull it off; illumi was smart, you had to give him that.
- finally, you arrived at your hotel room, sighing from the lengthy stairway winding up to your unnecessarily high room. you assumed it was for safety purposes, but for god’s sake; why did safety have to be so enervating?
- illumi pushed the door open, and you walked in with him. finally, you could catch some rest.
- except, you couldn’t. 
- a singular bed placed in the middle of the room.
- “why.” you thought to yourself tiredly. 
- you stood there silently, waiting for him to say something. 
- then, you remembered that he was illumi. he obviously wouldn’t see anything wrong with the situation. 
- the bastard.
- it didn’t help that he gave you no visible reaction when you stared at him with your face scrunched up expectantly, as if to ask what his plan was.
- “is there a problem, y/n?” illumi asked, his tone flat as usual.
- you took a deep, worn out breath, clearing your throat.
- after a bit, you shook your head. this was strictly professional. illumi wouldn’t do anything, because he was illumi. nothing would happen.this was an important night, where rest and a clear mind were essential. blame it on the fatigue, and nothing else. you were just exhausted. there was nothing else to it. nothing.
- “no. i’m just a little tired.” you dismissed.
- a silence skimmed past.
- “my grandfather... he often tends to be absentminded. occasionally, he forgets to do certain things, or plan them correctly, i suppose. you could say this is a prime example of such.”
- “zeno forgot another goddamn bed, hm?” you laughed nervously.
- illumi stared at you once again, blinking a few times, in a methodical manner, face neutral and robotic. you smiled awkwardly and remembered that he was not one to laugh at jokes. or anything, for that matter. 
- you wondered if he laughed at bloodshed. or maybe hisoka.
- “i’m going to... go to set up my stuff now.” 
- turning your back to illumi, you winced at the uncomfortable air. even after all your time with him, you never learnt to stop trying to lighten the mood. the mood was literally just always unnatural, in some way. that was another one of illumi’s specialties.
- after some time, in which you had finalized tomorrow's plan and each changed into comfortable clothes, you watched illumi tie his hair up from across the room. 
- his hair had always fascinated you. 
- you had always wanted to touch it. honestly, even when you had first met him, apart from his magnetic eyes, you had been drawn to his hair. you imagined it felt like silk sheets, caressing over one’s hands as smoothly as honey. you were glad he grew it out; in fact, upon seeing his teenage photos, you had laughed so hard you ended up getting a nosebleed from hitting your face. illumi had been left in confusion for a while.
- you realized how random you sounded. why were you reminiscing so much? 
- shaking yourself back to your senses, you admired as he artfully twisted his hair into a loose bun, strands of hair cupping his elegant, pale face.
- what a beautiful koi fish.
- most people couldn’t compute that illumi had true, human feelings. after all, it would be hard to believe a man like him felt anything. but, of course, he did, unhealthily so. he channeled all his trauma and hurt into his villainy, and received happiness from his villainy, anger from his villainy and occasionally fear from his villainy.  however, there was one emotion he could never grasp. he hated himself for it, but soon realised he could manipulate his hatred into villainy, too.
- illumi was a man who could manipulate anyone or anything he wished. 
- except himself.
- internally, he had always felt at a loss whenever he confronted his emotions. but, after he had met you, something had changed. as he caught you staring at his hair through the hotel mirror, he couldn’t help but feel something small stir inside of his stomach. not evil, not happiness, not hatred, not anger. perhaps, friendship?
- this tinge of new emotion inside of him initially made him feel uneasy, but that worry morphed into giddiness, a childish high buzzing somewhere in his core.
- eventually, he stood up to face you and suggested going to sleep. you checked the time on the wall clock. 8 in the evening. well, illumi had always been particular. you agreed that rest was essential for tomorrow.
- you hesitantly took the left side, and, upon seeing your choice, illumi followed to lie on the right.
- after a few minutes, you looked back at him, noticing illumi fell asleep abnormally quickly. you furrowed your brow quizzically at the rock-like manner he was in. frankly, he looked like a plank when he slept. you almost laughed, but held it in for his sake. 
- he had a very specific sleep schedule, as did the other zoldycks. he could go to sleep immediately at his own command, and stayed perfectly still as he did so. he woke up at 5 in the morning every single day, without fail, almost like he had some sort of alarm clock planted in his body. 
- looking at him lying there like a block, you smiled softly. illumi was quite the conundrum to you. you often speculated whether he ever got what he deserved; love, affection, anything really. you knew about his past from when he had told you nonchalantly, within a few weeks of your acquaintance. you always hoped he’d find someone to love him, but doubted whether people would bother looking beyond his bleak surface, and into his excellent mind. lost in thought, you found yourself getting drowsier. you also fell asleep generally quickly, limbs aching from the stupid car ride.
- the night passed.
- illumi was the first to wake up at 5am, stoic and in the same place he had fallen asleep in. no surprise there.
- but you. 
- that was the first thing he saw when his eyes opened.
- he did not expect you to be lying on him lazily, snuggling into his body, arm and leg comfortably wrapped around his side. you were breathing lightly, face burrowing onto the ridge of his chest.
- i suppose you didn’t expect to be there either, which he realized, but the point still remained.
- why were on you his chest.
- “y/n.”
- no answer.
- illumi could have pushed you away; in fact, he could have blown you 983 metres away (his personal record). 
- but he didn’t.
- it wasn’t the thought of disturbing your comfort that stopped illumi from hurling you into oblivion. it wasn’t the fact that he explicitly enjoyed it, either. he remembered that the mission was today; if he were to wake you, and you hadn’t slept enough, you wouldn’t be at your upmost performance.
- the murder of the ten dons was his priority, right? yes. it was. there was no doubt about it. that was the only and final reason he wouldn’t wake you. end of discussion. 
- so, illumi stayed there, waiting for you to wake up and get off of him. 30 minutes passed, and he watched you for every single one.
- hard as it was to admit, watching you rise and fall in sync with his chest made the spark of emotion in his core grow fervently. what had that foreign feeling been? yesterday, he had settled at friendship, but now he wasn’t so sure.
- you looked so peaceful while you slept. less confusing. he remembered the time you had accidentally complimented his hair when the two of you had first met. he had found that amusing. he remembered the time you got a nosebleed from hitting your face too hard - it was after laughing at his teenage pictures, which perplexed him greatly. he remembered the times you two had sat together, working and theorizing on missions, accidentally meeting eyes or brushing hands. one time, you had dipped one of his pins in ink and scratched his name on some paper “for fun”. you had handed it to him and, for some unknown reason, the scrap was still tucked safely in his wallet. your unrivaled intelligence, your idiotic sense of humour, your smile, your lack of common sense, your twinkling eyes that so ironically contrasted his, everything. everything crossed his mind while he lay there.
- illumi found it strange how people remembered the oddest things at the oddest times. 
- why did he think of that now, as you were sleeping? even worse, on the day of a meticulously planned assassination. why couldn’t he manipulate his emotions to stop fluctuating around you so much?
- it all frustrated him.
- why had he let you call him by “illumi” so quickly? mr zoldyck would have been fine. and why had he been so lenient with your antics? no one else got to touch his pins. why did he feel like keeping you on his chest forever, and keeping you safe? most importantly, why was he thinking about you so much?
- his contemplation came to a halt when he heard you stir a little in your sleep.
-  finally, you’d wake up and he could forget about this entire problem.
- he watched you, expecting you to get up soon.
- you began shuffling around, brushing against his chest, and soon your eyes fluttered open, hazy and glazed over. it almost seemed like you were still in a dream, in some sort of half-sleep.
- “huh?” you whispered quietly, still lying on illumi. you looked up lazily, meeting eyes with him.
- “oh... i get it...” you hummed quietly, falling back onto his chest.
- he furrowed his brows.
- “why are you here?” you hugged him from the side, softly laughing at your ridiculous dream. he tensed up at you embracing him, but soon relaxed after realizing what was going on.
- illumi looked at you, one eyebrow raised. did you... think you were dreaming?
- to be honest, he found it kind of entertaining, the way you were fawning over him. if he let you stay there, he could figure out a lot of things about his newly found emotion. it could be worth it. just not today.
- illumi came back to his senses fairly quickly; you were obviously awake now, so why couldn’t you get off of him already?
- “y/n.”
- “mmm? what? so serious all the damn timeee, illum-” 
- “you aren’t dreaming. get off.”
- you jolted off him immediately, staring down at illumi zoldyck. 
- the real illumi zoldyck.
- oh my god what. what. what. what.
- every nerve in your body began to panic, and, in the stress of trying to find the correct words to say, you just ended up making some sort of incomputable “aaaahhh” noise and jumping off the bed.
-  illumi had finally gotten up and was now staring concernedly at you.
- an awkward pause.
- “let me just start by saying i did not-”
- “y/n. we have more pressing priorities for today. i don’t care.”
- illumi zoldyck had lied. even to himself. he did care. and so what if he ignored it until it festered so intensely inside of him he couldn’t do anything but tell you? he cared about you. and he knew it.
- “ok. you’re right. you’re right! illumi. one question. was i like that the whole night?”
- “i don’t know. i woke up at 5 and you were there.”
- you looked at the clock. it was 6am? what had he been doing for an hour? you opened your mouth to ask but closed it soon after. you recalled your thoughts about illumi growing up void of affection, or love, or appreciation. 
- some questions were best left unanswered.
- “how long was i... mumbling like that?”
- “a few minutes.”
- you gulped. there were a few things you had to come to terms with. shutting your eyes firmly, you apologised profusely, annoyed at yourself.
- “y/n. i don’t care.” he lied once again.
- “you’re right!” you rambled - “the ten dons are today! it doesn’t matter what i said... none of it matters, we can both just forget it!”
- you sounded like you were trying to convince yourself more than anyone.
- “so all we need to do is go over the plan one last time, get kalluto, and then we’ll carry it out, and soon enou-”
- “stop it. you’re wasting time. just go and get ready.”
- you sighed and smiled weakly. on the inside, you were sure your soul had died a little.
- while you left to change, overcome by embarrassment, illumi lingered by the bed for a few seconds. he tried to push down whatever he was currently feeling, but it was no use. the feeling in his core had risen up to his throat, a burst of something waiting to leave his lips. 
- for the first time in a while, illumi zoldyck smiled. not at murder, or at power, or fulfillment, or achievement, or even villainy.
- illumi zoldyck had smiled at the thought of you.
- let’s just say illumi had trouble focusing on his mission. 
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i am honestly so fucking sorry you had to read that whole thing. the way i am literally in love with illumi zoldyck and ended up writing 2857 words bye bye bye i’m so sorry!!! PLZ what?? anyways,, i feel like i heavily underwrote hisoka now, since i did such a prologue thing for this! honestly i feel like this one came out a little boring, im sorry again AAAAA just agh; chrollo should b coming when i have time but i have exams rn so idkkkk hh
either way, likes or reblogs or whatever are super appreciated, but don’t feel forced to or anything! either way, i feel like no one’s gonna see this with my reach LMAOO but anyways thank you for reading, if you made it here! feedback and tips for writing on here are always helpful :)
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