#as much as i tend to rely on repetition
ponett · 4 months
i’m certain you’ll post your thoughts on the thousand-year door remake, but god isn’t it still crazy that this even happened
It really is wild. I thought for sure we'd just get a GameCube ROM library on the Nintendo Online service before we'd ever get a full-blown remake, and then they went and made this. And only half a year after they did a full remake of ANOTHER famously weird beloved Mario RPG that we never thought would get a remake.
I'll admit I still wish they would put up a GameCube ROM library so that we could (officially) play GameCube games on Switch other than the ones that have been given $60 remakes, but like, I can't complain much when it's a good remake. The art direction is gorgeous. There are lots of nice little quality of life updates, which I don't necessarily think the game needed but are still nice to have. And, of course, yes, the localization finally got updated to acknowledge Vivian is trans. In general it's just a treat
The only thing that I don't completely vibe with is the remixed music. Like, in any other game, I'd say a soundtrack like this whips ass. Origami King's soundtrack sounded similar, and that was great! But I think it leans too hard into epic orchestral rock and recurring leitmotifs and whatnot in a way that the original TTYD soundtrack didn't, and that lessens the game's unique vibe. Lots of tracks have also been extended, presumably to cut down on repetition, but they tend to do this with meandering new bridge sections that just kinda feel like musical filler before getting back to the original tune
Like, listen to this new orchestral rock minor key version of the standard battle theme that plays in Hooktail Castle
On its own merits? Great track! Awesome! And I'm all for JRPGs having more than one standard battle theme. But this is a wildly different vibe from the original, which relied heavily on quirky selections of synths that set it apart from other JRPG soundtracks. It feels like this new mix is overselling how epic it is, and in the process becomes more generic. It's like if you swapped the EarthBound soundtrack out for Bravely Default's. It wouldn't fit! An incredibly rare instance where I'm like "no, the composers really for real did not have to go this hard here"
But also before leaving Rogueport you can buy a 0 BP badge that swaps everything except the wholly new tracks back to the original GameCube versions, so that solves that
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soupandcats · 16 days
so awesome to see another south asian making such beautiful art.. reminds me of joan mitchell in the best way!
do you have any tips/ advice for markmaking? i struggle with getting that instinctiveness down well. any artists that you really observed for that as well?
THANK YOU! Joan Mitchell is actually one of my favorite artists so that’s a huge compliment!!
I’ve actually struggled a lot with mark making too😭 one of the very first critiques I received in art school was that my marks were too repetitive. I asked my professor what I could do to mix things up and he had me attach my charcoal to a long stick (I taped it to a ruler) and draw like that. I was doing observational drawings using cross contour marks and there was so much more energy and sensitivity to the marks once I introduced the ruler. Other things you can do are draw with your non-dominant hand — this will not only loosen up the mark but also change its direction as your wrist naturally flicks one way! Or draw by holding one or more utensil (two crayons, two pastels, etc) simultaneously. Another thing my professor recommended was to do blind contour drawings to really train your eye to observe a subject closely. There are many details and shapes and marks that your hand will record when you aren’t looking at the paper and relying on muscle memory! When I draw now I tend to use a combination of all of these techniques and it’s definitely helped a lot!
Also, an artist I like to look to a lot for varied and energetic marks is Julie mehretu! She’s so awesome def recommend checking her out if you haven’t already
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breelandwalker · 1 year
(Spawned by this post and done separately bc I didn't want to derail.)
Folk magic traditions and folk medicine, historically speaking, tend to rely heavily on regionally-available resources. Whatever was growing in their particular biome was what got used. So we see many many plants with overlapping usages or correspondence. And it may SEEM repetitive in an age where we can source pretty much whatever we want or need from the internet or from local stores that import herbs and spices.
White sage and palo santo are excellent examples, but we can also look at things that are closer to home. Consider, for instance, the humble peppercorn.
Native to the India, black pepper is one of the oldest known spices in the world, with usage records going back over 5000 years, and is a staple ingredient in most household spice cabinets. Even the blandest, most white-bread kitchens will at least have salt and pepper on hand, and pepper has a plethora of magical uses from protection to cleansing to fertility to warding off bad luck and malefic magic.
AND YET. Black pepper used to be the most expensive spice in the western world. Literally worth its' weight in gold in the ancient, classical, and medieval periods. It was used by physicians to treat a variety of digestive complaints and was believed to reverse the effects of certain poisons. It was so valuable, people used to pay their rent with it, much in the way that Roman soldiers once received salt as part of their wages. It wasn't until the Renaissance that black pepper started to be affordable for an average household as trade expanded and other substances like coffee, cocoa, and saffron gained in popularity.
So we might easily reach for a courtesy pepper packet for a quick banishing or protection ritual today, but that's not something the average medieval English peasant looking to ward off bad luck or keep evil spirits out of their house would have access to. But what they DID have was rowan trees. And we see many references in the folk magic of the British Isles to rowan boughs or rowan berries being using for protection, fertility, cleansing, and the warding-off of misfortune and magical harm.
So instead of going right for the white sage or palo santo, why not try smoke-cleansing with rosemary and bay leaf? They have the same magical properties and are much more affordable and readily available, plus that added bonus of, yanno, avoiding culturally appropriative or overharvested plants.
Anyway, point is, widespread availability is all well and good, but you'd be surprised just how much you can find in your own backyard and how useful it can be in your craft.
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jaylleoo14 · 10 months
Thinking of a punk Floyd and cottage core Jade, and sometimes they would switch styles to throw people off >:3 (Also can we please ignore that Floyd literally has so much drabbles-) Look, if you've read my DNI already you should be familiar that I do like more of these darker and toxic topics/tropes in fiction. But I was thinking of a bullying one where the tweels try and make you more dependent on the other so they could trap you ukno? Now personally, sometimes I dont think i’m too big on like the bulliedxbully but LIKE AHHHHHHHHHHH omgomgomgomogmg the brain is ROTTING!!! Punk Floyd bullying you into having you to rely on Jade and Jade cooing you with sweet words as he comforts you, only to bring you back to Punk Floyd. Or Cottage Core Jade manipulating a situation or spreading some false rumors about you to have you get into a fight, only for Floyd to be around and save you from the situation. And its just the same repetitive process till you slowly break and become theirs.
The only way to have Floyd become nicer to you is to start hanging out with him more. But you dont want to hang with him, I mean, who'd want to hang out with their bully am I right? Though Jade's piercing words make you reconsider because he isn't going to be there to comfort you forever. You might as well be on better terms with him. So you do. You try to fearfully make an effort to get along with Floyd, and surprisingly why is he a lot nicer than before? Yea sure he still teases you and treats you a little roughly but he acts a bit more tender than before and much more mindful. Around this time though you begin to become wary of Jade. Sometimes you seek refuge in Floyds arms because of the things Jade tends to say, and with these two scary guys hanging around constantly, you seem to get more isolated from your friends. Jades work behind the scenes to spread some little "words' ' towards your friends and every time you come back to hang out and talk with them they inch away further. Their faces are shown with a mix of fear or discomfort. And you know this is Jades doing because he's always there when you turn around. He knows you know. But could you honestly blame them? They just love you so much! They want you to themselves, and yes they have shared nasty fights about it but the results came in and lord and behold. It's on a positive note that they will be sharing you. Maybe not so positive for you, but very delightful for them. They just love that fearful look in your face, the frustrated tones in your voice, and how adorable and cute you look overall. Not only that but Floyd loves it when he cages his arms around you whenever he teases/roughly plays around with you. And Jade loves it when you go to him, burying your tear filled face into his chest or shoulders from the aftermath of Floyds bullying. I can imagine Floyd getting all whiny a little after as he comes over seeing you hugging Jade trying to seek some sort of comfort and that satisfied look on his face. Jades brushing your hair as you continue to cry in his wool knitted sweater and now Floyds is just irritated. He's coming over and pulling you off of Jade in such a forceful manner that it catches you to stop crying for a moment. He's holding you close to himself and slightly aggressively patting your back like one would to calm down a baby, positioning you on his lap for a more comfortable hold. "Ahhhhh jeez stop huggin' Jade like that. Here, look, I'm sorry okay? Shhhhh just be quiet now." His hold on you is tight, as if wanting you to just let him do this. Like he's always done. Though it doesnt exactly help with your tears. "Oh look, you're making them even more scared fufufu." God you hate this. The way you have no one else to turn to other than Jade and Floyd, but when Floyds around you cant help but hide yourself from Jade when he makes you feel a sort of humiliation. "Hm? Now lookit' here Jade, you're makin them all shy." Floyd brings his free hand to your head, pushing it down gently to the nook of neck with your stifled tears. "Shy" was the wrong word to describe it, but he knew that he was just underplaying it. "They're shaking," Floyd remarks. "It seems so. Is something wrong (y/n)?"
The audacity... THE AUDACITY OF HIM ASKING THAT! You have to be around them, its either one or the other. Because whenever you're not, they ensure that something happens just so you could go back to them once again. "Here, why dont you come into my arms (y/n)? I'll comfort you better like i've always done." Jades extending his arms out to grab a hold of you but Floyds tugging you away. "You've already got enough time with them, its my turn to have shrimpy to myself." You can only stiffen yourself a bit in his hold, continuing to just let yourself sit on his lap as you lay your head on his shoulders. Nothing but sniffles as you try and calm down. Jade is deeply displeased with this, a darker look shadowing over his face. “Oh? I’m pretty sure I was talking with (y/n). You should learn when to know who's talking to who Floyd.” You can feel a fight brewing up, slighting clenching your hand onto Floyds fishnets over his black shirt. “I dont give a fuck, shrimpy’s mine. Piss off.” 
Floyds beginning to get into a nasty mood himself, and Jade is starting to also get heavily irritated with you being in Floyds arms instead of his. Though with a slightly strained smile but dark glinted eyes, Jade speaks in a low tone. “Yours? We agreed to share, and they certainly dont look comfortable-” 
But before Jade could finish his sentence Floyd goes in and kisses your wet cheeks, his black lipstick smeared and now planted and marked on your wet cheeks. “Too late~” You were definitely caught off guard by this, a slight gasp squeezing out of you. And with that, Jade snaps. He’s pulling Floyds head back with the most viscous strength and Floyd lets go of you. You fall off of his lap so suddenly and so abashedly. Now on the floor, your eyes still being red and puffy, your cheeks being a tad bit moist from the leftover streaks of tears, and now a black kiss mark, you watch as the two brothers start to go all out on each other. Floyds going in for nasty punches and Jades pinning him down. Jade’s jealous. Ohhhh so jealous. Not once was he able to give you a kiss, but Floyd has? Not only that but he got to leave a mark of the kiss as well. Things are starting to get bloodied between the two with their completely enraged fistfight, throwing each other around and taking in powerhouse swings of kicks. The sheer monstrosities these two are, it only makes you wonder what else they are capable of. “S-Stop it!” You’re not quite sure why, but you felt the need to do something about this. If you just left, well it isn't that hard to make you come running back once things have calmed down. And just as intended, they stop mid-fight and turn to look at you. Floyds black eyeshadow and black lipstick are all smudged, his face bruised and scraped. Jade shares a similar look, his hair no longer neat and more ragged looking. Parts of their clothes are ripped and torn, Jade's fist is raised in the air as the other is clenched at the collar of Floyds shirt. Floyd has his foot dug into Jade's side, a hand on his neck and his hand clenched into a fist stopping mid air. 
Shit, all you wanted to do was have them stop. But you never actually thought of what to do. You sat there on the floor, still shaken up by witnessing their short but brutal fight. And Jades the first to speak. “Ah, look how shooken up they are. Apologies, I didn't mean to show you such a perturbing sight of me.” Both Jades and Floyds grip on one another loosen up and they both look over at each other. And despite their beaten faces, without needing to speak another word it was like they both knew what to do with those unsettling big grins of theirs. “Ahhh I’m in so much pain because of Jade. He’s such a big meanie you know?” 
“I find that hard to believe when I have all these bruises on me.” They both come back over to you, eerily crawling over. Another wave of fear is ushered out from your throat and you scoot yourself back, only for the both of them to lunge forward and grab your ankles to pull you towards them. “Hmm what's this? Are you trying to run away from us?” 
“Yea, after all that fighting for you Shrimpy you want to run away?”
“You are the reason we fought.” 
“Its only fair you settle it considering you were the one that started it~”
“W-what? I didn’t-” They both tug you down against them further, each one on your side. They wrap their arms so possessively around you and despite just having a fight, they seem to be having a more gentle approach towards you. “Hmmmm though It’s still unfair if Floyd gets to leave his lipstick on you, it bothers me. I want to leave something on you too…” His sudden low voice tickles your ear and you dont really know how to react to this situation. But your hearts beating a bit faster now, and they both seem to know what it is they were doing. “Hey hey shrimpy look at me,” with your head turned over to look at Floyd like he asks, he lets out a satisfied smirk sprawled onto his beaten and makeup smudged face. Jade on the other side goes into gently peppering kisses into your neck and slowly digging his teeth in, taking advantage of the open chance given from Floyd. You react strongly, and to ensure you stay in place they ensure to hold you more firmly. “Just a little nibble. Just a small one. I dont have lipstick on so I had to take other measures, apologies (y/n) fufu” They’ve never made such big romantical advancements like this before, if you can call it romance. If so, then it’d be a very very messed up version of one. But in their arms like this, it felt so comforting. Why have you only been in one's arms when you could have been in both? This has just been so exhausting, and with somewhat mixed feelings despite all that had happened, you go in and kiss Jade on the head. “WHAT?! THAT'S SO UNFAIR!!!” Quickly, you go over to kiss Floyd on the forehead too and he’s quickly more pleased, a pout still forming on his face however since you didn’t pick him to kiss first. Tired. That's all that you are right now. And to just please them, you indulge yourself to them as well. And with the three of you tired, you just lay on the floor with you starting to doze off. And Jade and Floyd start to become content snuggling themselves next to your sides. What reason was there to bully you when you’ve already accepted the situation now, you were theirs, and they’ll make sure everyone knows that. Starting with you. 
Hehehehehe I love the tweels >:3 i wouldn’t mind if Floyds lipstick was smudged on my cheek hehehe ^w^ (Or sandwiched in between them) I mean why pick one when you can have both! Indulging in myself because I deserve it🤞🤞
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hsinnii · 6 months
suggestions and advice on how to remember and memorize characters? it's the part I'm finding the most difficult
i struggle w this too rn bc of the pace my professor has been going at. if you dont have a practice workbook i def recommend those bc they show the stroke order and just give space for you to write repetitively. otherwise just try and write sentences using the characters/words you know or generally practice writing/reading as much as possible.
i like skritter a lot for practicing characters or learning new vocabulary related to things im actually interested in and would talk about in real life rather than a lot of the stuff ill learn in class.
because of the lack of alphabet a lot of people (me included) tend to rely heavily on pinyin but since ive started learning zhuyin i’ve definitely felt it helps. not having romanization means i have to actually try and cant just fall back and give up like i would if something was shown only in characters + pinyin.
i specifically like using my ipad or an external monitor when im studying characters so i can blow up the characters and look at them like an image rather than a letter (im learning traditional these little things have so many strokes i like to make sure i can see/recognize all of them) then also i feel like it stays better as a visual in my brain.
im still taking elementary level mandarin so realistically i dont know all that much, only what ive been trying and what works for me if anyone else has tips pls feel free to reply
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the-courage-to-heal · 11 months
Is there a term for being assigned caretaker role but for friends? Like parentification for kids raising their siblings but being slapped with that label by peer "friends" or people who feel the need to be taken care of by those they consider their best friend? I knew someone who did that to me and after I was like "I love X she's like my daughter!" but then took it literally and kept calling me her "group mom" and said I had to look after her and be a big sister to her.
Hi I’m going to be quoting this article link here
What you’re describing sounds like a codependent friendship. You are not in a place of parental responsibility for any of your friends and that’s an unfair burden to place on you. Often people who find themselves in these sort of friend groups may have fulfilled a parental role in their own family. These cycles often perpetuate themselves. I hope this article helps you to make sense of what you’re experiencing!
What is a Codependent Friendship?
Codependency in friendship is characterized by an overly persistent reliance on one another. There will always be both taker and giver roles in a codependent friendship. The taker may need emotional support from the giver, while the giver might, in turn, get a much-needed self-esteem boost or a feeling of importance from their role in the friendship.
Signs of Codependency in Friendships
Ultimately, codependent relationships are unhealthy and toxic for both parties involved. Boundaries tend to be blurred in codependent friendships, and it’s common for both people to lose their sense of self as the friendship becomes more intertwined on all levels.
While not all unhealthy relationships are codependent, there are some telltale signs that codependency might be something you’re dealing with.
1. One person is always trying to “fix” the other’s problems
It’s common in codependent friendships for the person playing the giver role to always feel a deep sense of responsibility towards the taker.
Givers often want to fix problems, which can come at a price. The cost sometimes can even cause the giver pain as they spend exorbitant amounts of time, energy, and sometimes even money helping the taker.
2. One person needs to be rescued
In any relationship, it’s important to be willing to help someone you care about. It’s equally as important to be able to accept help if it’s coming from a good place. However, in a codependent friendship, there won’t be any reciprocation aspect, so one person is constantly giving to the other, despite knowing that if and when they themselves need help, their partner won’t be capable of returning the favor.
3. One person has anxiety or fears about the relationship
Takers may experience feelings of anxiety when their friend is not around or can’t spend time with them. They may start overthinking and obsessing over a fear that the relationship might end. Because of this, takers may become self-conscious that their friend might not want to spend time with them.
4. One or both people experience a feeling of burnout
Eventually, someone is going to feel the sensation of emotional burnout after being in a codependent relationship. The cyclical, repetitive taking and giving can only last so long. Particularly for the person in the giver role, the cycle can be exhausting, depleting a little bit more of their energy and happiness every time they engage until they get to the point that they have nothing left to give (to themself or their friend).
5. One or both people heavily rely and depend on the friendship
Being comfortable in a relationship is great, but when one or both of you become so dependent on the other person you can’t function alone any longer, it’s unhealthy. Though the roles are different, codependency can still have a dramatic impact on both the giver’s and the taker’s psyches.
6. Both people tend to be upset at the same time
It might sound a little strange, but it’s very common for people in codependent relationships to experience shared emotions. You may take on feelings of duress, stress, anger, or even happiness based on how your friend is feeling. Rather than having individual, personal reactions to situations or experiences, people in codependent friendships often find their mood is easily dictated by their friends’ moods.
7. Individual choices aren’t common
Not only do codependent friends tend to take on one another’s emotions, but they also might find it difficult to make their own choices when they’re together. Further, they might stifle their own needs and can even have a sense of guilt if they try to establish independence from their friend.
8. Opinions are streamlined
Just as it can be difficult to make individual decisions and choices in a codependent friendship, expressing opinions can be equally as hard. For people who have a codependent friend, it might feel easier to just go along with what the friend thinks or feels rather than risk any source of tension in the friendship by disagreeing or expressing individual opinions.
9. The relationship is draining on one or both people
A codependent friendship can be exhausting for both people involved. It can suck all the life out of you. These unhealthy relationships often leave little time to focus on anything other than that specific friendship. The relationship can become draining and taxing, both mentally and physically, resulting in a lack of energy and time to put into other aspects of life.
10. One person’s needs come first
This might be one of the most obvious signs of codependency in friendship. If one person is continuously putting the other’s needs before their own, there’s a good chance you’re dealing with a codependent friendship.
11. Jealousy is common
Jealousy is a common theme in a lot of codependent friendships. It makes sense that if someone is overly dependent on a friend, it can be difficult for them to accept that person bonding or becoming close with someone else outside the friendship.
12. The relationship has high expectations or obligations
The expectations placed on the giver in a codependent relationship can be daunting. The dysfunction in the friendship may result in one person being expected to sacrifice and give anything and everything to the person who fills the taker role.
13. There’s a high level of emotional need
Codependent friendships often involve incredible levels of emotional dependency between both people. Essentially, though it may not be obvious to those in the relationship, codependency generally involves two people using each other to get what they need emotionally.
14. One person is always giving, while the other is always taking
A hallmark sign of a codependent friendship is they’re strikingly one-sided. As we’ve seen through the roles that are played (we have a giver and a taker), codependency depends on that very thing — one person giving while the other takes. The roles may not ever be reversed, meaning whoever is the giver may rarely, if ever, get their own needs fulfilled in the relationship.
15. Outside friends are cut off
Codependent friendships rely on strict roles that are already being filled. The result can be a very closed-off circle of friends. Because the taker relies on sympathy and care they get, and the giver likely thrives on the power they feel as the caretaker, it’s unlikely that anyone else would be welcomed into the cycle.
16. The relationship feels scripted
The roles in a codependent relationship are stringent and unwavering. As a result, the friendship can start to feel like it’s scripted, playing out the same scenario with the same outcome day after day.
17. One person typically feels used
It’s very common for one person in a codependent friendship to feel used. Whether that’s you or the other party, the feeling can become exhausting.
18. One or both people is inauthentic in the relationship
Authenticity is important in any friendship, but in codependent relationships, one person often feels like they’re hiding or stifling their true self. By ignoring their authentic self, it can be easier to fill their role in the relationship without having to express opinions, feelings, or reactions to situations and events.
19. A distorted sense of reality is present
Because codependency perpetuates a cycle of unhealthy patterns, friendships can end up offering a distorted sense of reality. The giver can internalize a sense of self-importance and worth as they rescue the taker over and over. Likewise, the taker can fulfill their need to be wanted and taken care of.
20. One person in the relationship fills the “decision-making” role
Most takers in a codependent friendship rely heavily on the giver to make virtually all major decisions for them. It can be an incredible sense of stress and may weigh heavily on the giver, especially if things don’t pan out and the taker has someone to blame.
How to Overcome a Codependent Friendship
If you or someone you care about is in a codependent friendship, there’s good news. Regardless of who fills which role, you can learn how to stop being codependent in your friendship.
If your friend is codependent. If you realize that a friend is codependent on you, use the following coping strategies to alter the course of the friendship and develop healthy interactions.
Look back at the history of the friendship
Looking back at your own history can help you determine where in life you developed the need to be a fixer. This knowledge can be a game changer. Studies show that people who end up in adult codependent relationships often come from difficult family life. It’s not uncommon to have more than one codependent relationship, so taking the time to go through this process is likely to help you in numerous aspects of your life.
Put yourself first
It might feel unnatural initially, but learning to put yourself first is incredibly powerful. Setting healthy friendship boundaries and then reinforcing them means that you’ll begin to feel comfortable expressing your own needs, wants, and opinions.
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loving-n0t-heyting · 4 months
If it’s not too personal, can I ask about your experience with antipsychotics and why they didn’t work for you? And general opinions? I was considering them really hard but I’m very wary and don’t want to take something that isn’t like. Worth stopping hallucinations. I guess.
Definitely. Somewhat tmi at parts, below the readmore
So i should say upfront that I am not psychotic and was not prescribed antipsychotics for psychosis, and the medications on reflection achieved basically nothing for me beyond their “side” effects; so I can’t speak directly to the comparative badness of hallucinations and antipsychotics (though there are many, many psychotic ppl you can easily find who will attest the cure is worse than the disease, and I have promised myself on the basis of my own experiences not to seek out medication even in the event I start undergoing serious hallucinations—it’s just that bad ime). This is the sort of thing that happens in psychiatry bc the entire discipline is half-submerged in the equivalent of bloodletting and humours-balancing
My own experience is principally with “extrapyramidal” symptoms: akathisia, dystonia, and a weird symptom I have not found attested in the literature that tended to co-occur with dystonia where I would desperately seek out circles in my field of vision. Akathisia was the worst of these (followed by the circle lust and then dystonia—tho they were all torture), and it went away after 6wk on lurasidone, but would start up again from 0 if I dropped the meds for more than a few days and then picked them back up. I experienced a brief respite from suicidality when I started the drug, which at the time I chalked up to efficacy, but looking back was more plausibly just akathisia painfully draining so much of my attention to itself I could not even contemplate suicide. Propranolol helped mitigate it, but only partially. You can find a lot of claims on the internet to the effect that akathisia is torture (the wiki article even includes citations for the claim it was used as such against political dissidents in the USSR), and they are right
The other two were also quite awful, developed only some time into my taking them, usually occurred together by the end, and persisted until I quit the drugs altogether; I am told from a nurse that inducing dystonia over the course of years is known to cause permanent neurological disability, which I was lucky to escape. My particular brand was “oculogyric crises” every 2-3 nights lasting ~5-7h, in which my eyes would roll painfully far back into my head virtually uncontrollably, taking a Herculean effort to move at all, at which time I would suffer from horrifying intrusive thoughts and lose my ability to speak clearly and without needless repetition. I could go into great detail about the circle lust, too, but suffice it to say it was miserable and incapacitating to the point that unlocking my phone became a struggle (too distracted by the circles in the numbers on the keypad to focus on entering the passcode)
At some points the drugs I used to treat these symptoms were almost as bad as the side effects themselves. Cogentin was the only one to really stop the dystonia, and even at a low dose it caused urinary retention that forced me to go to the ER to get a catheter installed so I could walk around for the next several days with a tube connecting my bladder thru my urethra to a bag of piss strapped to my leg. After that, I had to start relying on increasingly large doses of Benadryl to achieve a lower level of dystonia suppression; I did not reach the point of the drug’s notoriously bad trips, but I was running the risk
I was lucky enough to avoid the cognitive blunting also known to commonly affect antipsychotics druggies but that was dumb luck on my part, and they sound both nightmarish and fiendishly self-obscuring. Check out robnost’s category tag in the link
In conclusion, I would strongly urge you to seriously question whether the hallucinations are bad enough to be worth it, especially in light of the drugs’ tenuous levels of long term effectiveness . I think categorical denunciations of drugs are generally most likely to shut down thought one way or the other, but this comes as close as anything could for me I think. I would urge particular caution getting them prescribed by a professional embedded in a system capable of forcing compliance if at some point you abandon compliance of your own accord: involuntary confinement and drugging are very much realities for the psychotic and otherwise seriously mentally ill
Good luck, whatever path you decide on. I’m sorry the hallucinations are giving you trouble
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aortaobservatory · 5 months
what are your thoughts on the time aspect? ive always loved the theme of clocks, rhythm, death, and of course dave and aradia are the best characaters ever lmfaoooo. also random rambling: i feel like i often have this sort of ticking metronome in the back of my head that makes me feel very time-y and ive always LOVED music and cool antique stuff. im not sure how much of that is an indication of my actual claspect though lol
(apologies for the ramblings xD)
Apologies; you sent this months ago and I am only answering it now! I hope these thoughts of mine are still satisfactory to read about.
I feel as though Time's inverse, Space, is understood to be "creativity", and those who may not entirely understand what an aspect is meant to be tend to take its inverse's opposite. However, the "opposite of creativity" doesn't paint a very fun picture. While "creativity" isn't necessarily wrong for Space, I understand Space to be a journey, joy in the traveling. Time, therefore, would be an ending goal, the satisfaction of victory.
From The Extended Zodiac, I pulled these keywords from the Time Aspect description. These would be the "canon" traits; they are what I adhere to when analyzing, but it should also be understood that this concept encompasses much more to do with than these keywords. Its "vibe", if you will, is much more than what is written.
TEZ Time Keywords: Struggle, restless, action, goal-oriented, relentless, empathetic, problem-solvers, (ruthless, defensive, impulsive)
The keywords I chose to represent Time are "Repetition, Goals, Efficiency, Restlessness". This aspect, like all the other aspects, is inherently neutral. It is not good or bad, but has the potential to be either.
Time is about optimization. Timebound do not create new solutions; they use what they are given within the finite and refine it into the tools they use to achieve their goals. Their satisfaction comes from the end product of their labor, and they are not satisfied if they are not working towards something; anything can be a goal to work towards for the Timebound. If Space is an infinite destiny (a course of events within the present moment), then Time is a finite fate (the future outcome).
If it's not broke, don't fix it; an efficient method is a good method, and a good method is an efficient method. It is the nature of Time to stick to what it knows works well rather than attempt to figure out some other way of achieving the same goal. (Code, and the action of coding, is a good example of this.) This repetition of methods can certainly translate into a metronome of sorts; monotonous and keeping a beat. While music is the logical conclusion to draw from this, I could make a case that it is specifically rap that is Time's purest form of music, since it focuses on the rhythm of the words rather than singing a tone. At the very least, I would say each Timebound has their own rhythm and way of doing things that is simply what makes the most efficient sense for them to do. (Perhaps that is why Dave is so fixated on being ironic when he grew up under the care of a Prince of Heart...)
Dave is the poster child for all Timebound everywhere, of course. As the Knight of Time (Active Utilizer), Dave is extremely skilled with his aspect; since Time is about efficiency, Dave would be able to achieve a great deal of things in a very short amount of time. And he does! I would almost say that if he were any other class but a Knight, the beta kids probably would have crashed and burned hard. Meanwhile with Aradia, the Maid of Time (Passive Enhancer), she would rely on others for her aspect; this manifests in a few different ways. She documents the code on the frog temple for Sollux to then adapt into SGRUB. Ghosts are considered to linger behind after their deaths due to a state of unrest and "unfinished business", which is quite in line with the nature of Time. She relies on the destruction of alternate timelines to guide her choices, which ends up amassing an army of Aradiabots to passively help the trolls in their battle against the black king.
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cafedanslanuit · 2 years
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isagi, bachira, kunigami ☼ chigiri, reo, nagi ☼ sae, rin, oliver
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why those signs? well, you see, those three are the most relevant in our charts when it comes to romance. our moon sign shows how we deal with emotions, how we express them and our emotional needs. our venus sign tells us how we approach romantic relationships and what brings us pleasure. and lastly, our mars sign reveals our truest desires, our instincts, and sexuality.
tags/warnings: gn reader + no pronouns, pretty sfw, maybe a tad suggestive
note: i based my calculations on the birthdays shown on the egoist bible since they sometimes differ in different websites :) edited!! isagi and kuni's year was 2002, not 2001, so i just fixed their reading c:
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ISAGI — scorpio moon + aries venus + taurus mars
The type to get fleeting crushes that fill his need for romantic attention and enticement. However, once it becomes routine, it can bore him and he'll move on to the next. His emotions run very intensely, just like in football, and he's always looking for excitement in his romantic life. He can sometimes come on strong if he's especially interested. With a partner that manages to keep his attention, he can become possessive, since it's not every day he finds someone that can meet his energy. He has a need for security, but if someone becomes tiring or repetitive, he won't look back. Regarding sex, he has a strong desire for it and, just like in love, he tends to go a bit overboard in his search for pleasure. And yes, it's definitely a compliment.
BACHIRA — pisces moon + cancer venus + sag mars
Quite the romantic but a bit unrealistic as well. He’s very involved in his relationships and he needs his partner to reassure him about their love, preferably in a physical way. He’s very optimistic about love, which sometimes makes him jump into relationships without considering things. On one hand, he’s attracted to adventure, in both romance and sex, and on the other, he needs emotional closeness and security. And sometimes, sex is a way you can provide him that. However, he might have trouble expressing these needs on his own, so you might have to rely on your own observations. He’s surrounded by an aura of compassion and love and lets his intuition take the lead. Sometimes, this also makes them break others’ boundaries and create uncomfortable situations.
KUNIGAMI — aquarius moon + aries venus + taurus mars
Very similar to Isagi, he can also come on strong if he's truly interested in someone. He also has a need for security that may drive him to committed relationships, if he finds someone that can keep his attention long enough. However, he's also very rational about his thoughts. If anything, he tends to overanalyze them. He thinks of himself as above jealousy and possessiveness and while this may come off as emotional maturity, in reality, Kunigami has some trouble when it comes to being in touch with his feelings. However, the fire inside of him will fight its way to make sure you know how much he truly cares for you, even if he hasn't found the right words yet. In terms of sex, he can be quite traditional yet extremely passionate. He values his independence and, even if he adores you, he also needs some time on his own.
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shmowder · 2 months
LOVE LOVE LOVE YOUR POLY SERIES. i binge read ALL of them and I'm beyond obsessed!!!! the way you characterize both artemy and daniil is so amazing. everything feels so in character it's all my brain needs to squeal.
I've noticed that for the most part daniil ends up eating you out while artemy fucks or breeds you. And I've been wondering how it would be if they switched places? as in artemy eats you out instead and daniil is in charge of the penetration?
i love your writing so much and discovering your blog was like finding pure gold in a clump of hay. unexpected but much welcome
-🌈 anon
"unexpected but welcome" OFBQOXJAIJDJSJS lmao, nice to have you here rainbow anon <3
You noticed that detail! I do it deliberately, giving each character a subtle preference for certain sexual activities and how they tend to behave in bed. It helps make them seem more alive and keeps the smut different and refreshing for each new character, otherwise there are only so many ways to describe having sex before it gets repetitive.
That's why I assign them a trait or two, a habit in bed they rely on the most. You noticed how Artemy prefers holding you during sex the most. He prefers penetrative sex and doesn't care for receiving oral much, big dick problems and all.
smut below...after my monologue
Meanwhile, Daniil is nearly oral obsessed, be it receiving or giving. He rarely thinks of penetration when it comes to sex. He prefers fingering you or using his hands in general. He's also the least touchy in bed, but the most vocal.
Victor prolongs the foreplay, it's his favourite part above all and he tends to edge you for hours because of it. He's also extremely aware of the passage of time.
It's nothing set in stone. Just vague guidelines to keep things fresh. I want you to be able to distinguish between the characters through sex descriptions alone without me having to say their name.
Yulia stubbornly tries to push past her limit and comfort, she wants the "masculine" role in bed, the service caring top, even when her leg makes it very hard to hold these positions. You have to be the one to accommodate it otherwise she will endure the pain just to have you on her lap a bit longer.
Stakh–While I haven't written smut about him before, I imagine him to feel... undeserving of pleasure and attention almost? He neglects his needs and focuses on satisfying you. He tends to worship your body, touching it in reverence as his wide eyes gawk at your naked form. Shaking hands and tightly shut lips, he is the least vocal during sex but the most sensitive, touch starved even. He can shed a few tears from a particularly intense orgasm
I talked about Aglay and Big Vlad before. Anyway, you get the idea. So yeah! thank you for noticing this little detail <3
Daniil taking Artemy's place
The size difference is the first thing you notice, the head of Daniil's cock seamlessly pops into place inside you with very little resistance. There is no painful stretch, no need for half a bottle of lube, and an almost hour of getting prepared by 4 of Artemy's thick fingers just to fit all of his girth inside you.
It adjusts to your insides clenching around it rather than the other way around, Daniil's cock brushes against your walls, slots perfectly in place.
The pace he sets is calculated, giving an experimental thrust as his hands ghost over your body. Testing the angles and observing your reaction with keen eyes.
Daniil makes a point to tell you before he goes in deeper, to inform you before he changes positions. He doesn't manhandle you around, rather coax your body into moving along with him, into following in his steps.
His fingers toy with your sensitive area, thumb grinding against your clit and circling around the bundle of nerves in rhythm with his thrusts.
Or having a steady grasp around your cock, trailing the sensitive underside and smearing the precum along the shaft. Watching it twitch and bounce with the movement of his hips.
His pretty face all flushed, a mess of fluffy black hair begging you to weave your fingers through it and tug, quiet moans slipping past his kiss-swollen lips. Daniil looks nothing short of mesmerising, half-lidded eyes filled with lust and desire.
Instructing you to meet his hips halfway, to touch yourself until you're tethering at the edge of climax before ordering you to stop.
Brushing his soaked thumb against your lips, pressing it against your tongue as he keeps your face positioned towards him, watching the drool seeping from the corner of your mouth as your whines and moans fill the room.
Rather than finishing inside, his cock slides out with a wet pop as he moves your hand to wrap around it. Jerk him off and you'll be rewarded with his cum painting your skin, stripes of white falling against your chest, stomach and pooling down your thighs.
Smearing it against your body, he makes sure to get a good amount of it on his hand before moving it between your thighs, using his cum as a lubricant to finish you with it. Watching you desperately chase your relief through his hand alone, like a sweet thing in heat, all needy and seeking his approval.
Your eyes searching for any sign of permission from him, pleading to allow you this euphoria he's tauntly keeping just out of reach.
"Aren't you being too harsh, Danya." Hearing Artemy's voice was akin to finding an oasis amidst the desert, "You poor thing, he didn't breed you like you're used to, did he?"
Your body eagerly melting into his familiar touch as the strong arms you're so used to finally find their place around you.
You go down without resistance when he guides your head by the nape to fall face first into the pillow directly next to Daniil's head, your bodies pressed together.
Artemy's cock sliding between your thighs, your hole clenching against the empty air, your body too well trained by him.
The delicious burning of being stretched on the head alone, before it's even fully in, an orgasm takes you by surprise as your insides convulse and overwhelming pleasure floods your brain, turning it to mush.
There's a surprise groan from behind you, Artemy not expecting you to clench this tightly around him so fast.
Your embarrassingly quick orgasm only surprised one of them, it seems, if Daniil's smug face was anything to go by.
"You were saying, Burakh?"
"Fuck you."
Artemy taking Daniil's place
It was clumsy, the way his tongue swiped against your sensitive heat, experimental licks and curious touches.
But whatever he lacked in experience, he made up for in passion and enthusiasm. Artemy's could take all of you in so easily, the wet heat of his mouth felt heavenly against you.
There was clear frustration in his attempts to reach deeper inside, as if he could will his tongue into being longer somehow. No matter how deeply he buried his head between your thighs until his nose was directly pressing against your navel, he simply wasn't satisfied.
Without a warning, he lifted your whole body up as if it was a mere toy in his hands. Adjusting your position so your thighs are directly next to his head, he wanted you to sit on his face.
Truly sit down with all of your weight, Artemy didn't allow you the space to pull away or carry your own body. He needed you resting fully on him until breaking his neck becomes an actual possibility.
This new position gave him more control.
Allowed him to eat you out with fervour, as if you were his first meal after a long, exhausting day. The way he'd suck against your sensitive spots, swallow down your wetness, and savour every taste.
His hands massaging your thighs to get you to relax and melt against him more, squishing your hips, fingers digging into your ass and leaving bruises as he pulls you even more down.
Trailing up your sides, feeling your chest with the flat of his palm. His hands moved with a mind of their own as his brain only focused on eating you out, on completely overwhelming you with pleasure until you have no choice but to finish down his throat.
A haze clouding his eyes, the way his leaking cock is pulsing between his legs, screaming at him to touch it. Artemy has to supress his instincts telling him to slam his cock into you, to properly fuck you rather than just use his tongue to bring you pleasure.
But he won't... no matter how much he wants to. He gave you a word, and so he'll do his best to fulfil it.
It's only when your thighs press against his head impossibly tight that he's nearly suffocating, does he finally realise how close to the edge you are.
Artemy attempts to fit one of his fingers inside you while he takes your clit/cock into his mouth and starts sucking on it, flickering his tongue against it until you're losing your mind.
One finger quickly becomes two, they're thicker than the average person, and knuckles deep inside you by now. Brushing and grinding against your walls
Confident in their intrusive movement, as if he has memorised your body perfectly.
He doesn't stop or slow down as your first orgasm approaches dangerously fast, a rush of euphoria that quickly twists into sharp pleasure.
Overstimulating you until your thighs are shaking, his hand keeping your hips planted on his face, you can't escape as another painful orgasm is stolen from you in a row.
There's a feral look in his eyes, you've never felt more akin to prey than now with your most vulnerable and intimate areas exposed directly in front of his face, free for the taking.
You cry out his name, tug against his hair to no avail as he milks a third orgasm out of you. Your vision blanks out for a second, the only thing keeping you upright is Artemy's hand moving to support your back.
His hunger knows no end, insatiable desire to taste all of you, to choke down on your cum until your orgasms are dry or you pass out from the burning sensation frying the nerves between your legs.
Thankfully, neither will happen tonight.
"That's enough." Daniil's gloved hand dive shamelessly under your hips, taking a hold of Artemy's tongue like a misbehaving pet, harshly pressing down. "Look at all the mess you've made. Really, I expect that from a crude animal, but you?"
The hold on your back and hips finally releases, Daniil prevents your fall by catching you in his arms, gently lowering you to the bed instead.
It's only now that you notice the sharp teeth mark littering your inner thighs, the wetness covering Artemy's mouth and neck, how drenched his chest is.
You're met with the most satisfied look on Artemy's face, a sincere smile that has no right looking this innocent after all that he's put you through... Still, the sight of his usual glaring eyes being soft and relaxed for once is not something you'll ever forget.
It's hard to be annoyed at someone who manages to look breathtakingly beautiful after eating you out until you nearly passed out. It's so much harder when he calls you that endearing petname with his lovely deep voice.
"Shhh... you did well, Kheerkhen ." Artemy cradles your face with his hand, a gentle kiss against the corner of your lips, then your cheek, up next to your eye, and a final one against your temple. "Get some rest."
Your eyes flutter shut, and the world around you quiets down as you drift off to sleep.
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supercalime · 21 days
i heard about the whole jatp drama, and i totally get your worries in that regard 😭 sooo often a show has something great going for itself, just for the creators to fuck up so badly that it's almost unfathomable sksksk (also looking at the umbrella academy season 4 disaster). gotta say that at this point, i think i will leave 911 behind fr if bucktommy aren't together anymore. i am out with one foot simply because i only watch certain storylines while skipping others, some characters haven't interested or excited me in literal years. but i love buck. after so many years of watching him try to find real happiness, and with the show slowly reaching a point where imo it's seriously time to wrap it up very soon, i cannot imagine that they will manage to strike gold the way they did with bucktommy ever again. tommy is the first love interest of buck that they actually tried to integrate into the world and the firefam. tommy got the seal of approval, we see buck seemingly finally reach that point in life he was searching for. making him go through ANOTHER breakup just to introduce ANOTHER love interest, nullifying all that bucktommy has established? there is a limit for how often you can press the reset button, and we have reached it with buck a long time ago. let the man finally have something else to work towards. we need a breath of fresh air in here. i am optimistic about s8, and i will live no matter what happenes, but i think that would be my final straw to disconnect from 911 amd canon buck ngl 🤔 fingers crossed that bucktommy is alive and well because it's got sm potential!! 🙌
Couldn’t agree more bestie!
Tbf my reaction to the jatp bs is on me haha. Everything was more intense in 2020/2021 for obvious reasons so it wasn’t surprising for me to have latched on to a tv show and relying on it for my mental well being. But all that bullshit made me learn to change my mindset and behavior on how to interact with media and fandom, which is to have the bar so low it’s in hell.
Anyway, back to 911. I wouldn’t blame you for stopping to watch the show at any point if it’s not interesting any more. I’m not even a fan of this one. I saw bits and pieces throughout the years as one tends to do with procedurals and didn’t want to have my experience tainted with the fanon ship that shall not be named. In fact, I’ve followed lone star from the beginning and I think I still prefer it over the og.
Now onto buck and his relationships. I completely agree with what you said about hitting the reset button over and over. Procedurals tend to stall instead of committing to a solid change unless they get repetitive and/or write themselves into a corner (which both apply to buck here). So yeah, it would be a disservice to bucks character if he yet again goes through another breakup and the cycle keeps going, specially since tommy was pretty well received as his LI unlike all the other ones that weren’t meant to last from the beginning (Abby, Ali), were the wrong person for him (Taylor) or were forced down our throats (Natalia - there was so much telling and not showing how “right” their relationship was, it’s embarrassing).
So, unless there’s outside factors preventing tommy to come back and stay for good (contracts, conflicting schedules, etc), it makes no sense for bucktommy to not continue on the path they are going.
I want bucktommy to thrive, but I won’t hold my breath waiting just yet. If they are broken up or eventually will break up (which I must emphasize I do not want cause I ship them with all my heart) I might quit the show as well. Buck and Tommy were a breath of fresh air and I would love to see what could happen to them if we are lucky enough to see their romance continue
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rontra · 27 days
Can I ask how you hold your pen + tablet when you draw? (My wrists started hurting n I wanna figure out how to make it stop lol)
pardon any awkwardness in this post whether phrasing- or formatting-wise I’m typing it on my phone at like 8am HSBDBSB
I hold my pen in a pretty standard(???) grip like this
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I sit at a desk (w a desktop computer) and do not use a screen tablet. So I try to keep a pretty upright posture. my tablet is laid firmly on my desk and I can look straight ahead while I draw, which is good for me (my neck/back can get sore easily)
However I do have wrist problems. I can’t always draw as much as I want to, and I often won’t “double dip” on strenuous activities (for example I usually decide whether to play a video game OR draw, and don’t do both on the same day)
(or I can only play specific games, like ones that are purely mouse-controlled (=opposite hand). You get the idea)
Without knowing your exact like, drawing setup and habits (and medical history for that matter) it’s hard to give specific like Hard Advice—but in general try to keep good posture (sit straight, try to use a seat with good lower back support, don’t hunch) and keep loosy goosy. try not to hold tension in your body if possible (including the fingers—hold your pencil loosely and don’t grip it tightly)
you might benefit from assessing How you draw and adapt certain parts to relieve how much work your wrist is doing (do you rest your hand on the drawing surface and rely entirely on wrist movements to draw curves/etc? Is it possible to raise your arm up from the desk and use your whole arm/elbow to draw larger gestures instead of causing repetitive strain to the wrist?)
(the settings in your art software—does your brush demand too much pen pressure? Can you adjust the pen pressure settings to respond better to a lighter touch? <- This was Huge for me!!!)
Do stretches before you begin. Take intermittent breaks to do stretches again while you draw. You can look up stretches for artists online!
If your wrists are already hurting then something is already wrong. You should be strictly resting whenever this happens and trying to minimize how much strain you put on your wrist, ideally until you feel no pain at all (and depending on how tender your wrist is, maybe a little after that too just for good measure). I use a wrist brace with a metal plate inside to keep my wrist as immobile as possible when I’m resting. If your problems persist like mine, a solid immobilizing brace is really a godsend. Don’t wear a brace while drawing, but put it on when you stop to rest (even if you don’t urgently feel any pain!)
The most hard to swallow advice—but also the most true—is that you should never work to the point of pain. This sucks, because sometimes I’m in a groove and a drawing is going really well and “if I just push through this slight discomfort the art will be finished and it’ll feel awesome”. This is The Deceiver. You never want to work until it hurts. If you (like me) tend to get caught up in the flow and find it hard to stop midway, get in the habit of checking in with yourself at a set interval (eg set a timer, or make up a rule based on your habits like “after every 2nd Monitor Youtube Video I half-watch while drawing, check to see how my wrist is feeling” (<- meee)) and if you feel discomfort or pain, you have to stop and rest
Getting into good habits NOW is the only way to protect your FUTURE wrist... So you have to bite this lemon for me and stop having fun when your wrist starts to complain. Which sucks a lot. But trust me HDNDBHS
Sorry if I sound like a big downer and/or a fussy worrywart but yknow. I have wrist problems that do prevent me from doing things I want to do sometimes and I hate to see it blooming in other artists 😭 take care of yourself anon!
I’m probably forgetting something because I’m very tired rn (and ironically my wrist hurts so I’m gonna put my phone down and sleep) but if possible you should ask a doctor to have a feel, and tell them any other symptoms (numbness, prickling, etc) if you have them. I’m not a doctor and idk what you have going on, but a wrist brace is pretty easy to acquire and wear, so I do generally recommend that!
Like tldr imo its about the preventatives (good habits like posture and taking breaks) and listening to your body (both during work and when resting in between work!). Wrist problems can get seriously bad if you don’t take measures to slow em down. Good luck! Take care of yourself!!!! 😭🫡
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doodle-pops · 1 year
Thoughts on Fingon
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A/N: I've had so many thoughts about his character for the longest time and thanks to a friend for giving me a boost, I feel a bit more confident releasing my interpretation of his character. Some may appear repetitive, but eh. Please, these are my headcanons, you don't have to agree. If you don't, refrain from negative commentary. Thank you :)
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‘Wise he was and skilled in voice and hand’, this part of Fingon’s description I noticed, tends to get overlooked a lot when characterising and building his persona.
He is a wise person, and may not have been the wisest like his fellow cousins or skilled in advanced magic like them, but Fingon was able to hold his ground when it came to academics and warfare. He wasn't all about athletic and lack wisdom and knowledge, he had brains (didn't use them rightly all the time lol).
Athletics was not the only aspect of Fingon’s life that he was skilled in, he was also articulate in academics. As the son of a prince, he would have outstanding scholars teaching him all topics throughout his adolescence.
Participating in court from a young age as he attended sessions with his father and engaging in small debates when he could. He was not the best or the most eloquent when it came to more advanced topics, but he was wise enough when challenging his opponents.
It wouldn’t be until his younger brother Turgon became of age and began attending court alongside him, he would take a step back to allow his brother to shine and show off his knowledge and enthusiasm. Fingon did become a little jealous of the trail of attention falling onto his brother more than him when he began showing more interest in politics.
But he did enjoy partaking in court, just not to the extent as his other family members.
Sports for him was a getaway/stress-reliever activity that he grew to enjoy and developed professionalism in certain areas. He excels well in horseback riding, ice skating (I like to believe Valinor had ice skating), archery, wrestling and other track and field events.
When it came to being skilled in hand in the warfare aspect, he was an extraordinarily proficient swordsman (he would have aided in training Maedhros after his recovery after all). Among his cousins, he would have ranked fourth (4th) or fifth (5th).
Following up with the previously mentioned quote, he was also his father’s commander during their time in Beleriand. As a commander, who later became the High King, he was somewhat of a strategist which leads to being a manipulator. Being skilled in hand and voice, especially the latter is primarily the reason why he can be charismatic and charming when he spoke to people.
Being able to easily influence persons to allow him to have his way (not in a conniving manner which he can do). He mostly used his voice to speak inspiration and strength into the hearts of people, lifting their spirits (a motivational speaker).
Then too, he may not of had the most political involvement in Beleriand or been the most outstanding commander under his father’s rule, but he was fairly decent even as a High King and wise. Being able to give orders on his own, plan and not always needing to rely on others.
He isn’t always the cheery, go-to sunshine prince charming or merry glittery prince, Fingon can also be a quiet and observant person who prefers to bask in his little world of troubles and be angst. Giving emotional support to others while humbly expressing his misery and trauma.
As much as he enjoys putting on the ‘people’s supportive and serotonin prince’ façade, there are days when he can barely hold himself together. He would quietly walk through the streets of Hithlum, mourning the loss of his brother, sister-in-law and other fallen comrades or find himself crying in the rain.
Furthermore, let's not forget that he was also a kinslayer. It may not be engraved into his blood or mind the way it would be for the Feanorians (allowing for murder to be a primary threat), but it does float around his conscience.
As much as he has regrettably apologised to himself and to his cousins, and viewed as one of the calmest of the kinslayers, he is still considered unpredictable. Being a friendly charming radiant prince still isn't enough for many, including himself, to forget what he is capable of.
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redemn · 3 months
wanting to talk today a little bit about how i envision the way knowledge is held in arthur's mind .   namely ,   that arthur tends toward casual ,   hands-on approaches far better than the pencil-on-paper type of learning .   in my mind ,   dutch and hosea only ever taught arthur to learn how to read and write using newspapers and books and making him repeat it in writing and in speaking as he went ,   just to get it ingrained in his mind quick as they could .   he was also encouraged to keep a journal and write in it , which he does for his entire life . especially since he was already almost in his mid-teens by the time they started teaching him ,   which meant he needed a lot of repetition .   they also learned early on that arthur tends to pick up things very quickly when he's actually set to work doing those things ,   instead of being told .   so with shooting ,   riding ,   robbing ,   horse and camp care and the like ,   they showed him a few times and let him make his own mistakes and fix his own mistakes ,   with just a little bit of counsel ,   so that he could know for the next time what to do if things went wrong .
this also bleeds into arthur's emotional intelligence ,   which is made quite clear in the game he actually possess a firm grasp of .   he's not the type of man who much likes to hear about the 'scientific' aspects about what makes a person who they are .   he's been around people since he was born and he'd started learning how to read people the day lyle yanked him up by the arm and he'd realised he needed to know the right thing to do and say around that man .   since then ,   he's been analysing and observing people in silence ,   and he's gotten relatively good at knowing when someone feels good or bad based on the way they carry themselves and speak .   this extends to animals as well .   though he can be empathetic towards those he cares about ,   this is also a tool he utilises when it comes to threatening or demanding things from other people as effectively as possible .   knowing which emotion to appeal to in order to get the best results is paramount in an outlaw's survival .   he knows how to adapt his behaviour to certain societal contexts .
for calculative learning ,   like mathematics ,   arthur seriously refused to work with the numbers on paper .   so the two relied on instinctual training in order to steer him in the right direction :   first ,   hard drilling of addition ,   subtraction ,   multiplication ,   and division ,   then relying on those to throw him into a ballpark calculation .   so ,   for example ,   if arthur was given $50 ,   told that each meal was worth $3 ,   how many meals could he get with that much money ?   $10 nets about 3 meals ,   five of those is 15 ,   give or take one or two .   so that's how arthur tends to make quick guesstimations on how long it takes to get a certain amount of miles ,   approximately how much medicine to take ,   how many rations can be used in a particular time frame ,   etc .   really goes hand-in-hand with all his wilderness knowledge .   he was taught how to survive .   not how to be a scholar .
on a silly note :   i like to think that dutch and hosea taught arthur how many feet were in a mile by telling him the answer a few times ,   then asking him in random intervals just randomly every day or two ,   then every few days ,   then once a week until he got it down without having to think .     "  how many feet in a mile ,   arthur ?  "      "  ugh .   five thousand ,   two hundred eighty ,   hosea .   🙄  "     he still gets tested in his adulthood sometimes because it's funny. " you kiddin' me ? i'm thirty ! "
i just see arthur as not really having concrete concepts in his mind .   he thinks more indirectly whenever he's doing things ,   which can come off as unintelligent to anyone who actually studied properly in a school .   give him a math problem and he will not be able to write it down on paper .   he'll just think about it for a while and toss out what he feels is around the right answer .   give him a buck wild horse and he'll have the creature calmed and eating out of the palm of his hand in under an hour .
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sepublic · 11 months
I love the Castlevania show, but I can't help but be miffed by how much of the source material and colorful bestiary the show tends to ignore in favor of more vampires. I love characters such as Striga and Morana, but then you've got fairly generic ones like Dragan or Nikolai, who are just there to be obstacles and don't have any real personality themselves.
It's just a little confusing, because why do the writers keep trying to come up with OCs when they have plenty to pull from the actual games? In the games, vampires themselves are actually very rare; They're usually only represented by endgame bosses like Dracula, Bartley, Brauner, etc. Otherwise, the vast majority of enemies are night creatures, ghosts, haunted suits of armor, and the like.
But instead of embracing the weirder monsters like the Minotaur or Werewolves, the Castlevania show keeps defaulting to regular old vampires who are basically just humans with pointy ears and teeth. The show keeps defaulting to Vampire melodrama, like it's trying to emulate other pieces of Vampire media, instead of embracing what sets Castlevania apart from those stories. It has a concerning lack of weird castle exploration for a show called Castlevania.
Skeletons only appear in one scene, and I'm sorry but a common staple of a series should not be reduced to a mere fanservice cameo. It's like the Resident Evil live-action films making everything about zombies and reluctantly including a Licker as the ultimate monster. It's like if the Super Mario Bros. Movie barely had Goombas, they made the show too normal from the source material.
That isn't to say the source material is a perfect narrative, far from it; It can get pretty damn repetitive at times, especially with certain character roles and dynamics. I'll die on the hill that Annette's reimagining was justified, and Ortega and Hugh Baldwin are admittedly less interesting versions of Maxim Kischine.
The repetition makes sense! Castlevania's priority is gameplay, and each installment is meant to be its own thing. But when you're doing it as a TV show, a story, and having each story arc play a part in a larger narrative, you have to mix things up in terms of story and characterization, because you can't rely on different gameplay mechanics and levels to differentiate entries in an animated show.
But all that said, it's tiring how much the show will ignore aspects that wouldn't conflict with the writing at all in favor of more generic vampires. I don't want to see vampire politics and melodrama, but it's infinitely more interesting if its melodrama and politics between slimes and minotaurs!
I dunno, it feels like the show is limiting itself on an aesthetical level. What difference does it make in terms of writing if there's a flying Medusa head, or an Axe Armor? I think the writers are afraid of coming across as 'corny' as if Castlevania itself isn't crazy and anime as hell, but this just makes them come across as lacking sincerity. It's like how people complained about a bunch of 2000's movie adaptations of superheroes watering down everything to be more 'serious' and 'realistic' and 'believable', but it just made it grey and boring and cut away what made it unique.
The writers could've easily replaced characters like Dragan with, say, Sir Grakul from Super Castlevania IV, or had freakish looking night creatures be the ones to monologue (instead of treating Flyseyes as the one exception). There's acceptable departures from the source material, and then there's just straight up ignoring it, and then going out of its way to make up new things when stuff is already there to use. It's not as if the animators struggle with animating non-humanoid beings, considering how many unique night creatures they've come up with. So can we please stop being lowkey embarrassed of the source material???
It'd honestly make the show so much more memorable if we got to see Richter fighting a Skull Knight or Mummy. It's just so much wasted potential, especially when they ignore game Richter's compelling narrative of a Fallen Hero, in favor of making up something completely different. I can understand revising protagonists who barely have anything to them, like John Morris from Bloodlines, but Richter HAD a meaningful storyline to expand on, and one that deconstructs his role as a vampire hunter!
Given the show's attempts to be a grittier deconstruction and its suggestion that killing vampires isn't 100% good, I don't know why they didn't go with the idea of Knight Templar Richter whose desire to be needed in battle leaves him vulnerable to Shaft's brainwashing. The deeper, character-driven writing does not have to be mutually exclusive from fantastical and weird elements.
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carlosoliveiras-wife · 11 months
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ .ೃ࿐ ┈┈┈┈ : . . . . : ─ hola, qué pasa. i’m chloë [she/her], biromantic[?]/ace-spectrum hispanic [white/mex] ladee who enjoys masc titles. here’s my main selfship carrd [still in progress]. here’s my general f/o list. here's my fandom ref drive. please like this post once read!
the guys shown above are My Darlin's, my main F/Os that I have super bad brainrot about and who are just part of my main squad but with a fancier label. rubs eyes. in order, they are...
Carlos Oliveira; Resident Evil 3 [Remake]
Pavia; Reverse: 1999
Miguel O'Hara; Specifically ATSV's Version*
Charles Smith; Red Dead Redemption 2
Lúcio Correia dos Santos; Overwatch
Lee; Arknights
Rei Sakuma; Ensemble Stars!!
the asterisk is that i largely use comic lore in reference to Miguel. in case that needed to be said. i just needed to put that out there i guess??
my terms on sharing are that i'm not comfy, and if you're too lazy(/nm) to read below, the gist is dni if we share, and if you reblog from someone who shares my f/os of any status, i'll just softblock for my mental health because i. am a bitch when it comes to sharing. sorry.
in the same sense: if you share any of my friends' f/os, i either will block or not follow just for their sakes and i have a personal bias when it comes to my friends' stuff. if that makes sense. probably not. here's the link to the list, which can be updated at any time.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ .ೃ࿐ ┈┈┈┈ : . . . . : ─ i’m specifically writing my new pinned to sound like i lack enthusiasm, because, y’know, i kinda feel that way a lot. don’t be intimidated, i don’t bite unless you give me a permit to do so, otherwise i’ll just stare at you from across the room. i’m not new to selfshipping in the slightest, and i’ve been doing this shit since i was a kid. i heavily love fictional characters and i see them as my bitches who should bow down to me. that’s a joke. i’m bowing down to them. sidenote: i put the question mark by biromantic because i have no idea if i’m aroace or not. sigh.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ .ೃ࿐ ┈┈┈┈ : . . . . : ─ i like a lot of things outside of fictional characters who make me wanna eat grass. i love to draw, i love to write, i love to design, i’d fucking love to not have seasonal allergies. i also really fucking love animals, however, don’t rely on me for knowledge because i obviously don’t know everything about anything. my faves are orcas and foxes! my favorite foods are salmon nigiri, tamales, and conchas. awkward thumbs up emoji.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ .ೃ࿐ ┈┈┈┈ : . . . . : ─ my dni and other stuff can be found on my main/introductory carrd. fandom-wise, you can find my info and trivia and all your need-to-knows on my ascendaries carrd.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ .ೃ࿐ ┈┈┈┈ : . . . . : ─ yes, i’m aware i have a rain theme going on. personal ties and i love the weather. shrug emoji.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ .ೃ࿐ ┈┈┈┈ : . . . . : ─ yes, i'm aware a lot of my selfships have repetitive themes and tropes. those themes and tropes are very comforting and also largely stem from personal things which is why i indulge them. tldr: if you hate childhood friends to lovers, hooh, you're gonna hate me.
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little tidbits about me, i suppose. a good chunk of these are taken from my old pinned.
- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ i quite literally use myself in all selfships, and prefer each fandom variation to not be called a "self insert". it's legit just me befitted for a fandom (usually a f/o, ie, if a f/o is an eldritch horror then fuck it i am too) 😔 ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ i have a lot of interests and tend to show an interest in a lot of things at once— while i may not know everything about a media, i do immediately go searching for character analyses as well as consume media as much as i can. i do have an attention problem which involves finding it hard to sit down and binge. but i will read the info as much as i can, i do tend to like reading more than watching/playing. ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ again, as previously stated, i am a hispanic selfshipper. however, i look whiter than one would assume, and kinda act it as well. while meals and pronunciations are a big deal to me[minus the joking mispronunciations which earn me 'oh she's white' stares; listen it's kinda funny], i'm not fluent in spanish [i know a few phrases…] nor do i have many experiences many others may have. i admire a lot of the traditions, however i did not grow up with them. i’d love to meet other hispanic selfshippers though, y’all are cool and i’m giving you all a little kiss. ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ yeah, it's actually spelled “Chloë”, in case you had to know. ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ i love to indulge my friends and mutuals as best as i can! my inbox is always open for rambles and such, so don't be afraid to talk to me. i also don't mind infodumps on any of my faves because you'd more than likely help me understand them more anyways, which is always welcome. ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ i do love to portray myself as the more affectionate one in any of my selfships— while everyone loves affectionate male/female f/o stuff, i like giving out more love and flustering my dumbasses. ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ unfortunately, i am a lady who is very not okay with sharing. if that bothers you, just please do not interact. i know non-sharing selfshippers seem silly and childish, but it's just how i am. similarly, i do not care to interact with anyone who selfships with faves on the friend DNI list, meaning that i prefer their selfships above all else. i know that ain’t gonna stop anyone, but oh well. that list doesn’t apply to anyone following before that list was updated, so! yeah. ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ i'm uncomfortable with nsfw and if you are a nsfw account, please do interact on a different account. while i do have nsfw humor, indulging in actual nsfw makes me uncomfy, so please keep that in mind. ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ don't be scared of interacting with me. i'm not gonna leap out of the water and bite your hand off. as long as we don't share f/os, i don't mind interacting. ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ i don't mind being tagged in things. i find it quite fun, actually! and i feel honored! hehehe ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
- ͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ fandom blogs PLEASE dni. there's nothing wrong with you guys...some of y'all, i mean. i'm just. i'd strongly prefer not to have fandom blogs follow me. likewise: ccxcc shippers for my f/os. sorry i'm still a person who's uncomfy w/sharing ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
͙۪۪̥˚┊❛ edited last: 12/6/2023 — while this blog is by all means "private" (read: i have the settings that doesn't allow this blog to be searched up or something else), i don't think i'm too bothered by reblogs or stuff about my personal selfship content anymore. i had this rule in place initially so that way i did not burn a hole in my brain from too much attention, however, i will do my best in taking things easier so that way i don't hit that mark of burnout again, or at least, as fast. ❜┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
you fit basic DNI criteria, this includes being a zionist. i dont wanna see any proshippers or racists or pedos or lgbtphobes or islamophobes or anyone else who fits this bs criteria
if you share my f/os, this is just more of a comfort thing. im less likely to follow if you reblog from someone who does share my f/os just for my own comfort
if you associate with @/tealilii or @/glazelilii or whatever other handles she has. she's caused trauma for me and another friend of mine, and might still be doing harmful shit to my other friend.
you associate with @/lolthia. you can find posts on why you shouldnt associate with them.
javier escuella slanderers. i will throw you like a fucking dodgeball
people who like dark content, including but not limited to: yanderes, DD: DNE, noncon or dubcon, incest including stepcest, the glorification of abuse
see someone wearing certain things in fashion and immediately ask if theyre into nsfw things or why they're wearing "fetish gear". its weird, dont do that, esp not to me.
there's probably more but. hm. i'll update eventually
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i don't know what else to add. glances to the side. so uh. yeahh. hi there guys...??
dividers are by @/cafekitsune!!
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