#as they have a chokehold on my being
tao-lay · 1 year
OH!! i forgot to share to yall how my gf and i saw freakin Tillamook ice cream in our local grocery store the other day!!! and YEP, it reminded me of gmm! they had limited flavors (and will now play the Tillamook episode to jog my memory) but of course the Chocolate Peanut Butter was one of them
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it was vvvery pricey tho, but it is expected since it's not a local brand. it's priced around 550 Philippine peso which is twice the price compared to local brands of the same weight (roughly 250 Philippine peso) but oh boy, i am sooo game in saving up for it and trying it!
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the store also had the Coffee Almond Fudge and Oregon Strawberry flavor but the boys weren't so keen into the first one,, (which kinda bodes well for my gf since she would love to try the strawberry one!)
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Marionberry Pie flavor was available too!!! curious 100% because i love to try new fruits (shoutout to figs) but my partner isn't as adventurous as i am when it comes to fruits (besides, the boys didn't seem to like it as much) AND LMAO, look at Rhett's lil face
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this was in the store too!! but looks like reviews from the boys aren't too good lmao
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the Oregon Dark Cherry really caught my attention too hmmmm... results are mixed with Glasses giving it a 20 and Tall giving it a 74
and i think those are all the flavors we saw!!
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with Chocolate Peanut Butter being the only flavor we saw making it to the finals round, and earning a spot in the top three, sufficed to say we are going to buy that next time we have some disposable income lmao
if you made it this far, wow you really like to hear me rant and i appreciate that lmao! i am kissing you on the mouth and hugging you
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kitamars · 1 year
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gay lawyers man. crazy
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imagine-shenanigans · 6 months
I've got severe brain worms from @391780 's fic Into Your Veins, and now I'm thinking of all the different scenarios where the 141 are also monsters in the apocalypse. like. obsessively. Also fat/chubby reader because mmmmmm yaes <3
Also this is basically just rambles and ranting over ideas for like, however long this got i didnt actually check teehee
We already have vampire simon so I won't touch on that because that is Specifically Their Brain Worms but I can't stop laughing every single time over the sunflower seeds incident (and every other similar one).
Soap as a werewolf is soooooo funny to me. Like he's constantly in this battle of "Don't swallow don't swallow don't swallow" whenever he rips a zombie in half with his teeth in wolf form and then confusion as to why people would think he's possibly infected. "Wdym I'm infected I'm just a little guy. I'm so cute. I wouldn't ever do anything. Smiles." He can't cover distance like Ghost or Gaz can, and sure he doesn't have the same authority that Price does, but he's a damn good soldier, and he's got some of the most sheer brute force on the team. So when Price tells him to start scouting in an area for survivors, he does! He's very thorough, combs over the area with a precision that would make most soldiers weep with jealousy.
He ends up scenting reader before he sees them, watches their little house from a distance. He's not patient like Simon, but he does watch reader for awhile, watches them surviving, all on their own in this little plot of land. Ends up watching your plush hips sway as you set out the laundry to dry. He's mesmerized, as he watches the sweat drip down your skin while you reinforce a few of your traps, go over the house with a fine toothed comb. You can't see him in the shadows, but by god is he seeing you. (And your ass - god he can't stop staring.)
He's not nearly patient enough to wait, so he waltzes right up, thinking his charming smile and accent is enough to win him some brownie points. He's halfway through a pickup line, maybe, when you level a shotgun at his face, completely unamused.
He's in love.
You refuse to go with him, but Price gave him orders and there's no WAY he's letting you go, not after he's seen your thighs and imagined himself using them as earmuffs. Not after he's thinking of a cute domestic life, providing for you like a good mate, and look at how precious you are, threatening him and -
and you shoot him.
Right in the chest, and thank god for the fact that it takes more than a few bullets to kill him because he's tearing through his skin in an instant, bones cracking and sinew melding as he quickly drops into his wolf form (which, jesus christ he's fucking HUGE) to help ease some of the pain and kickstart his healing process. He snarls right in your face and snaps your damn gun in half with his teeth before he tells you he'll be back in a week. (later, he feels bad, certainly, but only for frightening you)
Johnny's back in a week as promised, after spending a few days in bed and eating anything he could get his hands on all while gushing about the pretty little soft thing he's bringing back. He even goes out of his way to bring you a gift!!! He hunts down a deer on the way through the woods near your home, bringing dinner so he can butcher it and you can cook it because of course he's bringing you back for practical reasons but if he's going to court you no you don't need to know that.
You're gone when he comes to the home, every last item packed away and shoved into the back of the car he'd seen you drive. He's furious that his hard work will go to waste, so he helps himself to the rest of what you've got in the house and decides to store everything away for when he's on his way back to base. Fights his urge to track you down only for long enough to be practical, and then he's on the hunt.
It doesn't take him long to find you - he can run faster than your car can go cautiously while trying not to attract attention from a horde of zombies, and even though he's living he doesn't attract the same attention from the freaks that you do in a car with a gun. He tracks you down in no time flat, smiling as he taps on your window where you're parked inconspicuously to catch a few minutes of sleep.
When you scream, he laughs and waves, threatens with one clawed hand to slash the tires if you don't come out. Practicality wins in this case, and he has a long talk with you about coming back with him. He's sure he's just about convinced you when you slap him, throwing something at him that has him howling in white-hot pain. He can hear your apologies through sobs as you push him and he tangles with whatever you've thrown at him, trying to get it off in a blind panic, and you've driven off before he can stop you.
When he finally has a moment to breathe, the damn thing off of him, he realizes you'd tied together a small net of necklace chains - silver. necklace chains.
He's as angry as he as endeared, really. It's a game now, of fetch, of tag, he's not sure - he just ends up changing pace, gently herds you back in the direction of the base like a cattle dog. You're furious when he finally pops your tires when you're a good two days away from the base, just hefts you up on a shoulder and pats your ass while he walks with you. He's so smug about it too, and by all accounts, he's won your hand in marriage by finding you, whether or not you agree yet.
Now, I'm not as familiar with Gaz as I'd like to be (because I got introduced with Ghoap stuff for my entry into the fandom) so please pardon if my characterization is off but I do love him dearly and eat up all content I end up seeing of him.
I'm slightly biased with Gaz being a harpy because I just love the idea of him being a bird of prey like a peregrine falcon (and i think its bluegiragi who has the monster au of him as a harpy?) or a shifter of some sort like a panther or a cheetah (i'm biased towards cheetah actually, because I love the pictures/videos of cheetahs getting emotional support golden retrievers).
Since my idea for this isn't EITHER of those options, please consider reader putting spike traps on the roof for a bird Gaz like stores put up on their signs. He gets real angry about it for a couple days and then figures out exactly how/where to land so he can perch on your roof anyway, scaring the shit out of you when he's just sitting there, chin in his hands, with a shit eating grin when you go to make sure everything's alright on the roof.
Anyway, for this I'm actually thinking fae Gaz - he's been living amongst humans for as long as he can really remember. He's not a changeling, but his mum was fae and she loved his dad. He's visited the fae realm once or twice (and, as convincing as his mum is when he visits her, he nearly forgets about the time dissonance every single visit - none are as bad as the first time, when he had no clue about it, and ended up being gone for fifty years.)
He's sent to greet you when Ghost majestically fails, and Cap'n doesn't quite want to set Soap loose on the poor reader (yet). Ends up falling in love with how clever you are, soft hands slipping into gloves as you pile leaves over the thin nets over the punji pits and bear traps. He's military trained across multiple decades, he's seen all kinds of war (even though he's still relatively young in comparison - he stopped physically aging somewhere in his twenties, but he's barely been alive for like, fifty years) and he's seen all kinds of tricks.
He watches you pour over old books that you've either scavenged or already had, learning how to make simple, but effective traps. The older types of traps are such a clever idea when combined with new ones. The type doesn't matter much to zombies, but the combination of different types will keep humans (and others) on their guard.
He really really really intends to talk to you, instead of lingering in the shadows like a creep.
You end up seeing him, and through sheer luck (or wit, Gaz isn't honestly sure) when he asks that you give him your name, you say; "Give me your name first."
He's stuck at that one, because Gaz has spent years talking around subjects but this pretty little human just points a shotgun at him and demands his attention. He can't even think to talk around the reason he's there when he changes the subject awkwardly, and you insist on his name.
He can't give you his name, his power, not even his nickname, so it ends with him awkwardly leaving.
He's the absolute butt of the joke when he gets back to base after slipping into the trees (so embarrassed that he doesn't take the time to make sure you can't see him do it) and goes straight back to base utilizing a mushroom circle and the sheer willpower to not get distracted as he slips between realms. Makes a week long trek into an hour's worth of walking.
When he returns, he knocks politely, eyeing the newly replaced doorknob.
When he touches it, out of curiosity, he's gobsmacked to find out you've either found a new knob, or cast the old one in cold iron. He touches it three full times in complete disbelief, watches the skin on his hands grow irritated and blister.
You smirk when you open the door, make some shitty joke that he's pretty sure is a twilight reference that would make Ghost furious, and then you tell him you figured it out pretty quickly.
In comparison to Ghost and Soap, his romance is altogether extremely easy - he just keeps visiting every single day, calls you a nickname when you won't give him an actual answer.
He admires your caution, and falls just a little more in love when you call him something stupid like mushroom man.
In the end, what ends up convincing reader, I think, is that he fully gives them his name. It's akin to a proposal, and Gaz isn't quite sure how he feels when you don't realize it as you roll his name - Kyle Garrick on your tongue, testing it. You ask if you can keep calling him Mushie Man and some other stupid nickname and he laughs, presses a kiss to your temple for it. Says it's only fitting, and whispers your full name like a prayer.
He lets you stay in your home a little longer, as long as you need really, laces a misdirection hex into the branches that'll really only work on humans. He comes by every day, no matter what.
When you finally agree, he grabs your face and kisses you like you've given him the sun and stars and hung the moon just to illuminate his way.
For Price, I'm going to say dragon price because mmmm hot. Anyway I like to think it's a little bit of everything.
Ghost is the first - you find out really quickly that he fucking hates the counting trick you pull, so you're sure to carry a pocket full of something small just to piss him off if he gets too close. When you don't make eye contact (whether intentional or because you hate it) he's absolutely bewildered that this Soft Little Thing in the woods has so effectively blocked him from getting his job done initially that when he complains to Price, he puts his foot down. Says if Price thinks is so funny, he should send Johnny or Gaz out, see if they can do better.
And Price, sides hurting from laughing so much, agrees to make it Soap's problem next.
Soap returns, a net-like burn across his forearm from where you'd thrown tied together necklace chains at him. He's pissed, whines and moans for hours about how bad it hurts, and Price just snorts and tells him Shouldn't have tried to drag them out, then.
When intimidation and brute force don't work, Price lets Gaz have a go at it.
The man is practically radiating smugness as he goes to win, and Price is crying with laughter when Gaz comes back, his hands blistered and pride bruised. He clears his throat and says I think ah, I think they've just gone ahead and put every guard on the house they can think of. He does not tell anyone that the human ended up catching him in a net for half an hour afterwards, chiding him for the full thirty minutes about trying to open someone's door without asking.
(But Price knows.)
He ends up saying he's going to go deal with it himself to "Show them how it's done."
Really though, he's absolutely smitten with the idea of you. He knows that, given the time and will, his boys would absolutely bring you back - but he doesn't want that anymore. He has to see for himself the cute soft little human in the woods that's managed to catch all three of his best soldiers off guard because all three of them underestimated you.
He can't very well let anyone on base know (especially the civilians) what he is, so he waits until the dead of night to start flying - only does so when he's well past the point of being seen, even if it means he has to fly in his hybrid form, which is a little awkward when he doesn't do it as often.
He's a perfect gentleman when he walks up to your home at daybreak, letting his form go back to human.
He avoids every trap, tripwire, and camera that Simon and Johnny and Kyle had all warned him about so you don't have to spend your precious time and energy fixing them. He knocks on the door and waits until you open it, introduces himself as Captain John Price, love.
Apologies for the heavy handed attempts of his men as he stands on your doorstep. When you slam the door in his face he simply sighs and knocks again. And again, and again, until you finally relent and open the door back up.
He smiles, and asks if he can come in - you say no, and he smiles.
Love, if I wanted to I could push past you, I'm asking to be polite.
You freeze at that, trying to think, trying to evaluate. You're clever, he thinks with a pleased hum, half lidded eyes staring down at you. You sigh, and relent, finally - knowing that whatever battle that you'd be fighting uphill could at least be done over the breakfast you were starting to cook, and you didn't want to waste it.
Something twinges in John's chest as he sits at the table, and decides, like the rotten, greedy bastard he knows he is, that you're his. And not his like the rest of the people he's got, but his. You'll be his, no matter how long it takes him.
He lets you cook in silence, enjoying the mundane domesticity of it all, tucks into the plate of food gratefully, and feels like he's home.
After breakfast, John takes the time to ask you questions. About your past, about your hobbies outside of survival, how many things you've got that'll be coming with. When you remind him you haven't agreed, he chuckles and smooths a hand over your hair and reminds you that he hasn't asked.
You finally ask him what he is, and he blows a mote of smoke at you, watches the realization hit you before you go blank. A fucking dragon? You ask.
A fucking dragon, he responds.
John is extremely amused when you tell him to wait on the doorstep, and you go upstairs for something. When you come back down, you hand him a box full of jewelry (he almost laughs when he notices the amount of silver chains missing.)
He hands you the box back and curls a finger beneath your chin, calls you a silly girl/boy/pet and tells you that not all the stories are true. In this case, they are, of course- but he doesn't need to tell you that he hoards people, not things. That his hoard is every single person on base - doesn't tell you that his most treasured parts of his hoard are the three strong men who work directly with him, that he intends to keep them for as long as he lives, which will still be a damn long time coming, even if he's been around since before the middle ages.
You'll be his favorite of all though, he thinks.
He gives you a week, but tells you that his boys will keep an eye on you, make sure you're still there every day until he personally comes to escort you home. When you remind him, stubbornly, you are home, he laughs, and presses a kiss to your forehead while you stand there, bewildered.
In between that moment, and when you get back to base with him, I can't decide if its better if he ends up singlehandedly destroying a small horde of zombies with fire breath as the pits you've got full of traps fill up, or if it's better if he shows up with a box truck and a few men and they all end up moving you out of the house without asking. Maybe it's a mix of both - you decide!
But regardless, it ends exactly as he wants - you, tucked up into his lap as he reads reports and issues orders. He skips the dating and goes straight into being your husband - makes some sort of quip about being far too old (fashioned) to entertain the thought and goes straight to being married like "it used to be." Even though for a dragon he's still kinda young, hasn't even hit his comparative forties yet, actually. Even though it doesn't really matter, because as far as he's aware dragons don't die of old age so much as they die of other factors beyond their control. It's why he's so carefully cultivated his life towards survival thus far.
John lets you do whatever you want to keep you busy, the only real stipulation is that you come home to him at the end of the day. He's even quite respectful, really. He never touches you without your consent, aside from placing soft kisses on your temple or forehead, or cuddling up to you in your shared bed. (Which you say you only entertain because he's warm, and there's no heating in his room. But really, you love it when he holds you, and lets you hold him with no questions asked, all under the pretense of being half-asleep.)
He acts like he has all the time in the world for you to come around - and he does.
You'll be awfully sore later when you realize he's bound your life to his, even angrier when your teeth adjust and you can start seeing better. He'll pretend not to notice the changes at first to see what you think, and then he'll help you through all of them, cooing and sighing and rubbing into sore muscles as you learn how to control changing into your half-dragon form. Maybe in a couple hundred years you'll figure out how to fully transform into a dragon - maybe not.
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lesbianspeedy · 7 months
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barnaby please, he'll give you the hotdogs, just let him go. not wally, he's fine where he is
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gamamaro · 2 years
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oscarisaacsspit · 1 year
he’s just like me fr
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smittyw · 2 months
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music made me lose control againnnn wtf
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nevsclowntown · 2 years
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Day 2 of Founders Week! Tradition
give me fancy uchiha wears and makeup or give me a kick in the kneecaps
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anonellie · 1 year
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Your honor, they are twins.
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starishsky · 8 months
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they should really kiss post vendetta or whatever
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babeypigeon · 9 months
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i want what they have🥺🩵
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So I got distracted while re-reading One Does Not Love Breathing by @wackus-bonkus-maximus (seriously go read it if you haven’t yet, it’s fantastic <3) and I got itching to draw this scene from chapter 5 sdfghjhgfdshg I sWEAR it breaks my heart
but anyways...
go read it go read it go read it-
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possibilistfanfiction · 11 months
restaurant au! firsts?
'god, i finally understand now why you and lilith got so insane when you first opened.'
it's years later, but you can easily remember the total fear coursing through you when you had soft opened, mostly because everyone attending was either your found family or a world renowned chef, critic, or food writer. but, 'this is different,' you tell ava, gently. 'you already know you're going to knock it out of the park.'
'well, when you opened, you knew what it took to run a three star michellin restaurant already from your time at superion's.'
you smile gently and squeeze his hand. 'well, so do you.'
he rolls his eyes. 'me hornily watching you and lilith argue your way into your own restaurant's stars doesn't count.'
'i know you've paid attention.'
'you both have james beard awards.'
'ava.' you scoot your chair closer to hers in the middle of her gorgeous wine bar, one that soft opens in about two hours. 'you don't care about all those awards, and we both know it.'
she grumbles.
you kiss the top of her hand. 'you told me when you first brought up the idea that you wanted a space that was airy, bright, for people who know wine as well as people who love wine.' you gesture to the space around you, the bright blue and rust color of the tiles behind the bar, the whitewashed walls, the plants everywhere, the huge glass wine cellar in the center. 'this is beautiful and thoughtful and fun, my love. just like you.'
it takes a beat to sink in, but then ava's face brightens considerably. 'yeah?'
'i am so excited for everyone to see all the work you've put in, and to love it.'
'well, they'll love the food at least.'
you roll your eyes. 'camila is brilliant, it's true. i'm still upset that you stole her from me.'
'you encouraged her to take the executive chef position here.'
'well, yes, it was quite the opportunity for her.'
ava laughs, finally, and straightens the lapels on your suit, even though your certain they're perfect. they run a hand over your hair, then lean forward and kiss you. 'you're sure people will like it?'
'you're incredible.' you run your thumb over the steadfast ring on her finger, take your time to look around the space once more, intentional, and you know ava will notice; you know they'll understand. 'this is incredible. your ideas, your work, your taste — it deserves a home.' unspoken, because it sits too heavy on too light a day: you deserve a home.
but ava understands, like she has for the past fifteen years: you have made a home together. you have made a home together everywhere you have ever been. 'well,' he says, hops down from the high chair and grabs a bottle of champagne from the fridge, then gets down two glasses. you wait, a little mesmerized as always, as ava pops the bottle skillfully. 'the 1993 dom p3.'
ava hands you a perfect pour a few moments later. 'you've been keeping this from me.'
she laughs again, her shoulders relaxing. 'i've been saving it for a special occasion.'
you lift your glass. 'to this brilliant wine bar,' you say, 'and to you.'
you clink glasses and the bubbles are light on your tongue.
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devilbrakers · 4 months
On repeat
tagged by @gothimp and @pitchmoss to post 10 songs i've had on repeat! thank you <3
lover, you should've come over - jeff buckley
i'm your man - mitski
cinnamon girl - type o negative
fade into you - mazzy star
a sad cartoon - loathe
when am i gonna lose you - local natives
take me to church - hozier
the death of peace of mind - bad omens
risk - deftones
when the sun hits - slowdive
tagging: @time-is-a-lake @vvanessaives @mrs-theirin @celticwoman @dameayliins @saratrantoul @savvathun @lucien-lachance @hibernationsuit and anyone else who'd like to join!
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yuuugay · 1 year
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simple luciel from @uroboros-if lineart to complete my list of stuff to draw this weekend sabfjkgfgsg
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