#as well as the idea that they were bound together by fate and could never escape that
jasper-updated · 6 months
i like jalph because it reminds me of my girlfriend. you like jalph because it’s essentially canon. we are not the same
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lixie-phoria · 4 months
↳ ♡₊˚. valentine's trouble ꒱
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⧽ summary - not everything can be perfect, no matter how hard your boyfriend tries for it to be. he was bound to make mistakes at some point. but as the fates would have it, even his mistakes were perfect - a perfect coincidence!
chan x gn!reader // fluff fluff fluff! // wc - 1250 words // warnings - one sexual joke // happy valentine's day 🫶🏼
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you can't find your boyfriend. you can't find your boyfriend in your own house.
"babe! where are you?"
he wasn't in the bathroom. he wasn't in your shared bedroom. he wasn't in the kitchen. he wasn't in any of his usual places.
a trickle of worry rolls into your mind.
"chan where-"
you stop dead, mouth still half open with your words dying at the tip of your tongue.
"what are you doing here?"
one problem solved - your boyfriend was slumped against the wall of your terrace, face contorted with an emotion you couldn't place, head hung low.
"babe? What's the matter?"
second problem uncovered - he avoids your eyes, pocketing his phone before looking away to the side. he's clearly hiding something from you.
"then why do you look so miserable?"
he clicks his tongue, awkwardly shuffling on his feet.
"it's nothing yn."
he wasn't even trying to hide his lie.
"you're going to hate me!"
you startle at his outburst, letting a beat pass in silence.
"why would I hate you?"
the very idea seems ridiculous. you didn't think you were ever capable of harboring any negative feelings towards your boyfriend.
"because i messed up, okay? I-" he breaks off, running a frustrated hand across his face.
"channie will you please tell me what's bothering you?"
when he finally meets your eyes, your heart sinks. he looks so sad a hint of worry creeps into your system.
"did you lose something? break something?"
"no! even worse - I forgot what date it is."
you stare back at him blankly, slowly wrapping your mind around his words. was today supposed to be something special?
"I don't understand Chris. is today an important anniversary or something?"
"it's valentine's week, yn! I was so caught up with work i forgot!"
his voice rings with disappointment, and you watch in confusion as he avoids your eyes when you take a step closer to him.
"yes channie it's valentine's week. what about it? there's nothing special to remember."
"no baby. i forgot that valentine's day is literally next week. i barely have time to plan something!"
and he seems so genuinely distraught you can't help the giggle that escapes your mouth, earning an exasperated glare from him.
"love, you don't have to plan anything for me. why are you so hung up about this?" you gently cup his cheek, urging him to look up.
"i'm barely at home and this is the one day i'm not supposed to miss."
"i remembered only an hour ago, and the restaurant I wanted to reserve for the day got booked out just this morning," he sadly whispers, leaning into your touch but still refusing to look you in the eyes. "i had been planning this for an entire year."
his voice trails off towards the end, and your heart aches as he looks like a kicked puppy.
chan's love language was acts of service. he did everything for you as far as he could - picking you up from work, looking after your health when you got too busy, never missing a date night, making sure you ate and rested well. there was nothing that he didn't do. and you loved him for it. so much. and you could only imagine how he felt upon forgetting a seemingly insignificant date.
"oh chan," you whisper, moving your hand from his cheek to his nape, tangling your fingers in his hair. "don't stress it, love. it's fine."
"plus," you silence him, bringing your other hand to place a finger against his lips. "i already planned something for us. if anything it's good that the restaurant is booked! or our plans would have clashed."
"but yn," he brings his own hands to cup your wrist, entwining your fingers together. "that place is so pretty. it would have been perfect. and so romantic."
you shake your head, flashing him a small smile.
"channie, i promise we can go there sometime else, yeah?"
he still looks a bit dejected, but he lets a small smile stretch across his lips none the less.
"i suppose."
"see! it isn't that big of a deal."
"so which place did you reserve?"
"that's a secret!"
"hey! not fair!"
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"can you at least tell me where it is?"
"nope. that would ruin the surprise."
you hear chan groan in the passenger seat as you drive through the busy streets of Seoul, patting his thigh comfortingly.
"this isn't fair. at least i always tell you where we're going!"
you laugh at his insistence, keeping your eyes trained on the road.
the week passed by so quick you barely realized it, and valentine's day came knocking on your door in the form of chan with your favorite bouquet of flowers, chocolates, and a will to coax the venue of your date for the special day.
"ok at least tell me what letter does it's name start with?"
"chan if you don't stop i will make you sleep on the couch tonight."
"you wouldn't dare deprive me of sex on valentine's day!"
you smack his arm, shaking your head in defeat as he laughs at your reaction.
"just wait for fifteen minutes babe. we're almost there."
you were going to stand your ground firmly.
you would not give in to his puppy eyes.
you even insisted on driving yourself so you wouldn't have to reveal the location.
"you're so mean," he mutters, sliding down in the seat.
but that's the last of his complains that you hear, because the rest of the ride is filled with your usual banter and jokes, and when you finally hit the breaks, and signal him to step out, he all but bounces out of the car in his excitement.
"thank you," you say gratefully as he opens your door, helping you out of the vehicle.
"so this is where - oh."
his mouth drops open, and he freezes in his spot, one arm still around your waist as he gaps at the building before you.
"surprise!" you say, a tinge of nervousness painting your words. "i hope you like it! hyunjin told me about this place a while back."
but you watch in confusion as he just stares at the restaurant with his mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water.
did he not like it?
"how did you know?"
you blink at him in confusion as he fully turns to face you.
"how did i know what?"
"this," and he points at the building with one hand, "is where i wanted to take you!"
a laugh bubbles from him as he looks between you and the restaurant.
"this is the place i had in mind too! i wanted to take you here."
"you're joking."
"i can't believe it either," he agrees excitedly, finally moving along and pulling you with him.
"when did you reserve our table?"
"i think the morning when you told me you had forgotten it was valentine's week?"
"no way! you're the one who probably booked the last table i was trying to reserve!"
and his excitement is so contagious you can't help but laugh along, shaking your head.
"it worked out for both of us then," he says happily, slipping his hand into yours.
"yeah you were sad for no reason."
"hey! don't be mean!"
and hyunjin had been right.
the place was perfect. just like the man sitting in front of you.
it was a valentine's day well spent.
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©lixie-phoria, 2024
permanent taglist - @foxinnie8 @hamburgers101 @starlostlaiba @jiisungllvr @hyunverse (send an ask to be added/removed!)
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arkhammaid · 10 months
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fandom. genshin impact
pairings. neuvillette x gn!reader
content warnings. based on dragon!neuviellette headcanon, (bastarized) soulmate au, not edited/proofread, written in lowercase
word count. 0.6k
notes. got this idea before fontaine update, it took me a bit to recover after actually seeing him lmao
once upon a time wandered mythical beings on the vast lands of teyvat. they breathed life on this giant planet, making it flourish beneath their skilled hands. and in return, teyvat gave them a home, a place to live. a perfect symbiosis, making sure everyone was content. 
but then teyvat began to change. gods descended on this magical realm, and where gods rule, mortals follow. with the mortals came war and suffering and teyvat became weaker. with the sudden weakness came death. extinction of many mythical beings followed closely. 
only a few could save themselves, finding a new, uncorrupted energy source. most followed celestia’s call, which only resulted in the most bloody war in teyvat’s history. but few, and not many remain today, have found a solution and put a stop to their own, unnatural death. 
they found an anchor, binding their souls together and thus becoming immortal. celestia greatly disliked them, for they’re not in their control. but they were busy finding their seven archons and so… and so you’ve bound your soul with one of the last remaining dragons on teyvat, your mortal soul now unable to pass on. 
he was neither god nor adepti, nor did he follow anyone’s call. the father of many souls, most of them no longer of this world. his heart has long grown cold, all thanks to the corruption seeping the lands. but when he found you, a bright-eyed mortal with the gentlest heart he could imagine— his icy form melted being so close to your warmth, shiny smiles and bright laughter. 
your ordinary, mortal life suddenly changed, now the mate of one of the last remaining dragons of teyvat— the fated mate, many believe but you know better. your partner for eternity bound your souls together to save his own life and make you immortal in the process. it isn’t something you wished or even imagined, yet you have to make your peace with it. after all, he’s something akin to a soulmate, bound together, untouchable by death. 
the people of fontaine once knew of their protector, the last dragon in their nation and his mate. but this knowledge slowly does out, he ensures of it. now you’re nothing more than a fairytale for children, just as he is. 
because he knows war is coming soon. the last war has killed so many gentle souls, taking his almost as well and the rest are enslaved, in celestia’s greedy hands. if his enemies would know of you, would know about the sin he committed—
this is the reason, he reminds himself once again, why no one can know of you. because you’re his, the dragon’s greatest treasure. and everyone knows, how possessive dragons are of their collected treasures. neuvillette will make no move to correct them, that you’re not only his greatest treasure but also the one who owns his heart. 
(nobody can know of you, because they would take you. he knows it, how could they not? you’re the gentlest and most righteous soul he knows, so full of love and forgiveness. in your arms he finds solace, when his grief overruns him once again. you don’t judge his tears, instead you stay by his side and never leave him. he’s yours and you’re his, now and forever.) 
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taglist. @trailblazernet , @keyz-writes , @obsidianjewel , @aimixx , @auraxins , @themercyverse , @lem-hhn , @lupicalbestwolf , @verxsyon , @wanderersbell , @uraqtttt , @baeshijima  , @spiriteddreams , @ineshapanda
DO YOU WANT TO JOIN THE TAGLIST? please send a non-anon ask to be added to the taglist. taglist can be general taglist (all fandoms and all works), fandom taglist (all works within the fandom), series (all works for specific series) or nsfw taglist (all nsfw works and all fandoms).
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kunai-tang · 10 months
The road to perfection
In which Albedo is too attached to his darling to let them go, no matter what.
He’s done it. He’s finally done it.
With an undisclosed liquid dripping down his forearms and powdered chalk coating his gloved hands, he leans over his creation. His creation, concieved of fear and obsession.
His poor, pitiful darling, ever so generous, so kind, loyal, perfect, and still so terribly ill-fated. It is truly the fate of all mortal creatures by nature, he knows all too well. Afterall, there’s no stopping the hand of Celestia when it extends towards you, intended on taking you away.
He watched your body deteriorate by time, clutching your wrinkled hand tightly as your conscience peacefully drifts away from you. Laying in the arms of your beloved, you pass on, unaware of the lives your fleeting presence will influence and consequently bring to ruin.
Your abscence left an abysmal void in him. How could a human come and nestle themselves so deep into his heart, only to leave without his explicit permission? Wallowing in despair at the loss of his beloved, he wandered the streets of Khaenri’ah as if the never-ending stroll would exhaust his being and he’d eventually join you in the afterlife.
But then he saw you again. Sure, you looked different in a few ways; your hair wasn’t as shiny as before. Oh, Archons it wasn’t even the same color, but it had to be you.
Approaching the person in a feverish manner only to be met by denial and rejection, Albedo was stunned into silence, looking at the extension of you he had falsely put together in his mind with a cold glare. Surely you’re just confused, you have no idea what you’re talking about. You love him.
Even after his relentless efforts, ‘you’ still continued to deny him. ‘You’ shut down his advances each time he tried as much as touch you; but that’s all he craves, beloved. And if you won’t let him do whatever his heart wishes, then he might resort to taking unsavory actions.
But he couldn’t. No matter how much you resisted him, he could never hurt you. So, with a heavy heart and shaking hands, he let you slip away from him once again. And so, the cycle continued over centuries.
It continued until it didn’t. He had enough of going so far into your relationships, only for you to selfishly leave him to suffer in his ever-consuming loneliness.
But no longer would he stand for this. If his beloved thought they could escape him using natural causes as an excuse, he would prove them wrong. He would go above and beyond for his beloved, no matter what it took.
No matter what kinds of crimes against humanity and even Celestia itself he had to commit, he couldn’t even care for the divine punishment he was bound to receive once word of his experimentation got out.
He would make his darling permanent. He only needed to figure out how to make them perfect.
He always did like Starsilver. The colour of it- when extracted- could make an elegant hue of blue for his portraits. The leftover grains from the mineral gives texture, personality; something that his creation lacked so far, but he was determined to change that.
You didn’t even have the consciousness to form a single thought. Perhaps he should keep you this way. So pliant and motionless, without a single urge to resist his desires, but then again, he does miss having meaningful conversations with you.
This way, you’ll be just like him! The perfect couple, isn’t it so romantic?
Caressing down your cold, artificial leg, he nuzzles his cheek into your still limb lovingly. Albedo marvels at the way your skin reflects the gleam of the frigid moonlight, the way your hair - which he religiously combs day after day- cascades around the stone table you were laid on.
He can barely wait until you wake up.
Although you gained your conscience only a moment ago, your eyelids felt so heavy you couldn’t open your eyes. As sound slowly fades in, you hear quiet humming accompanied by glasses clicking against eachother. The freezing temperatures that would otherwise bite your skin now feel merely comfortably cool, the air filling your aching lungs stung as if you haven’t taken a breath in a million years.
Unbeknownst to you, during your painful inhale, you let out a strained gasp. You only realized your mistake when the humming stopped and pure silence set in.
Your breathing -however excruciating it feels- accelerates in panic, the rise and fall of your chest giving you away clearly. You dare not open your eyes in fear of what you might see once you do.
But you couldn’t hear anything other than your own hushed breathing. No humming, no glasses, footsteps… No sort of sound whatsoever. Perhaps whatever put you on edge has been finally driven away by your presence. Waiting for a few more moments in anticipation of something, anything happening, but still nothing.
Opening your eyes, you’re met with a face only inches away from you. Albedo’s hair frames his face and drapes down, tickling your skin. His dazed, icy eyes gaze into yours, as if searching for a soul.
“You’re finally awake, my beloved.”
“I missed you.”
“Welcome back~”
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circyexistforcontent · 11 months
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❀ synopsis: Everyone is bound to die eventually. Either by accident or by purpose, it can even be a natural death. Sadly, yours seem to be an early one. How does the one left behind feel about all this?
❀ request: sibling scara but reader fuckign DIES :33??? please 🥺🥺🥺🥺
❀ warnings: implied death, Scaramouche is this close to going ape shit.
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If he were younger he would’ve screamed at you for abandoning him like the last human he bonded with. He would’ve cried and maimed your corpse until he couldn’t recognize it. But that is if he were Kunikuzushi, he is wiser now. He knows you didn’t choose when your life would be forcefully taken away, it is all in the hands of fate—his immortal enemy.
He could never forget how your usually radiant and warm skin now looked pale and felt cold like his. Your eyes were vacant, there was no life present in them, not anymore. How could anyone come after you? You hadn’t done anything deserving of death, unlike him. There was only one logical explanation for your death and that’s someone finding out you were someone dear to the Harbinger, and they went after you to pay for the crimes you never committed.
His rage surpasses all the times he’s been “betrayed” before, and it’s not directed at you. Oh no, it’s directed at the perpetrator of your death. How he wishes he could drive his fist to their chest and rip out their heart just so they could feel a fragment of how he’s feeling. And he’ll make sure they're alive through the entire process. He won’t allow them to feel the relief of death so early.
Other than his unbridled fury, his other side mourns for your death. After a moment he cradles your lifeless body with all the tenderness and care he wasn’t able to receive from his early years as Kabukimono. He would beg for you to not pass on, to not leave him behind and please, stay awake for him. If any nearby outsider or subordinate of his caught sight of this moment he’ll either yell at them to leave or he’ll kill them. 
The emptiness in his chest seems to grow even larger than before your death, the room seemed more still, too quiet for his liking. When his mind isn’t occupied by his duties as a harbinger and he gets to have a moment to himself his thoughts would drift to moments you both spent together. He doesn’t even have a heart but the ache he felt in his chest is unlike any he’s ever felt.
Why is he like this? Why can’t he get over you?
He doesn’t get it, nothing makes sense to him anymore.
“Please-!” Scaramouche breathes out as he holds your body close to him, doing his damn hardest to stop the bleeding from your abdomen. Your eyes have closed long ago, but your heart still beats. But how much longer until it eventually stops? “You can’t do this to me! You can’t!” He yells out to you, it’s like he’s reverted back to his old self. His old, pathetic, and vulnerable self had no idea of how the world worked. Hot tears drip down his cheeks and onto your cold cheek, falling down the bloody grass panes.  He buries his face on your chest, trying to seek comfort from you like he did before. Instead of the warmth you usually radiate, he was greeted with the familiar touch of a corpse which made his throat constrict, he could feel another sob threatening to escape his lips. “Don’t leave me, please… not again…”
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notes: based on a real-life experience of mine, thought I might as well write it down on one of my comfort characters.
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au-sonic-smackdown · 5 months
AU Sonic Smackdown - Round 1, Left Side
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Bound by Fate AU belongs to @midnightshard06
Old Man Sonic AU belongs to @wereh0gz
Read more about them under the cut!
Bound by Fate-
Sonic in this au is born as a werehog, but really has no idea why. He just rolls with it, but this does limit his friendship potential. As such he's kind of a loner, not that he acts like it. He's rather outgoing, and can talk to anyone really. Definitely leans on the sassy side, particularly with people he's comfortable with. Though he finds it hard to trust people due to bad experiences when in his werehog form. A lot of people don't take kindly to him at night so he tries to stay away from people as best he can while transformed, and he doesn't like to stick in one place for too long. At some point he meets Tails and the two mutually help each other out (Tails saving him from a group of hunters that were trying to kill him and Sonic helping Tails gain a better reputation in the town he lives in). The two are close even if Sonic isn't always around. Eventually Sonic and Knuckles run into each other, Knuckles trying to take out Sonic due to a misunderstanding. Though the two end up bound together through prophecy shenanigans and have to save the world as a team.
Sonic's abilities are pretty standard fair. Sonic during the day has the super speed and all the stuff to come with it. Though he is a bit physically stronger since some of his werehog strength tends to leak over. At night it's mostly standard werehog stuff with the exception of the stretchy arms. He can however sense nearby dark gaia monsters and gaia temples, and him and Knuckle's bond let them know were each other are at all times.
Old Man Sonic-
It's the Sonic we all know and love! ... Except he's long overdue for retirement.
He's gained the "gift" of immortality thanks to the large amounts of Chaos Energy, Dark Gaia Energy, and other godly energies he's absorbed over the years. You could say he's something of a demigod now, capable of running at extreme speeds (of course), commanding the winds, and even turning himself into a beast!
Now at the ripe old age of 215 and heavily scarred in more ways than one, he wanders the world fighting off evildoers and stopping world-ending calamities just as he did in his youth. He's not alone, though, as he has help from Tails, Shadow, and even Silver on occasion. He may not be as spry as he used to be, but he'd never allow his world to fall into the wrong hands, even if it means pushing himself far beyond mortal limits and dying time and time again. It's not like death is permanent for him, anyway.
While Sonic still retains the title of "hero of Mobius", he doesn't interact much with the public anymore. In fact, he's seen as more of a myth now, and almost the entire world (except for Tails, Shadow, and Eggman Nega) thinks he died from natural causes long ago. He tries his best to keep his identity and immortality secret, going by different names on the off chance he runs into someone.
Unfortunately, the worst possible person who could know about his secret is already well aware of it, and is always hunting him down to capture him and see what makes him tick...
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remwrites · 1 year
rem's scarian rec list
i felt like compiling my absolute favourite scarian fics. enjoy.
always check tags before reading!!! there's a big mix of fics here
in no particular order:
Ashes by Raichett
Grian's still soul-linked to Scar, even after their return from Double Life. He's not dealing with it particularly healthily, but after three death games, who would be in the best frame of mind?
(so beside myself with the implications of grian still being bound to scar after double life HO HO BOY... plus scar's agony at unknowingly hurting grian WOOF LOVE IT)
one word from you and i would jump off of this ledge i'm on by wizardlover
Grian and Scar deal with some of the fallout from Last Life.
(HRGERKGRKGERK this fic hurts so good. and the resolution is SO satisfying i've reread it like twenty times. and such fuckin good character voices too the dialogue is SMOOTH)
HCBBS (Hermitcraft Big Ballroom Scene) by romanocheese
Grian holds a ball to celebrate the finishing of the mansion. Scar appears in rather unexpected attire.
(SCAR IN A DRESS SCAR IN A DRESS SCAR IN A DRESS!!!! one of my first brainrot fics. adored showstopping amazing)
Beloved by spilledstardust
Scar has never played this game with the intention to win.
(this gut punch fic omg waaaaa the concept the execution i love)
a hundred kisses (then you start again) by backyardwizard
Grian and Scar spend the night together after finding out they're soulmates.
(this one always makes me feel shrimp emotions. the dialogue. the LOVE. GUUGRHHUH)
i am fed, but still i starve by definitelynotshouting
Another flash of teeth, dyed red in the light spilling through Grian's feathers. "The 'Not A Resistance' Resistance," he says, low and teasing, "would like to cordially invite you to kiss me stupid." 
(HOT HOT HOT super well written the kiss is phenomenal the character voices kill me and i love this fic so much im gonna lay down in the road)
get me with those green eyes, baby by Anonymous
Another "soulmates share more than just pain" smutfic to add to the collective pile - now with preening!
(gurgles incoherently. this one gets me. im such a damn sucker for good dialogue and this one nails it along with the bonus of soulbonds AND preening? im in heaven)
yours were the arms (that the whole world was in) by sparxwrites
He’s even less surprised when Grian returns that evening, looking furtive and ashamed, and guiding a golden-eyed Scar by the hand through the still-rigged front gate.
(sneaks a lil mumscarian in here. listen. i think abt this one often bc of the very in depth character understanding and relationship dynamics. mmmmmm so good)
if you like it... by GoodTimesWithScar
or, the "you got so drunk you asked your husband if he was single" trope, but with added mumbo being 100% done with this nonsense.
(how could i not. this fic is so fluffy and amazing and made me laugh so hard)
my ever after / is holding you by LovesickPrince
someone decides kidnapping King Scar’s beloved servant was a good idea. It really wasn’t.
(i think abt this fic at least once a daily. you've probably read it but if you haven't do yourself a favour and do. these IDIOTS i love them so much they're so well done)
This isn't a Love Story by Sleepless_in_Southlands
Grian is a priest of Fate, willing to sacrifice everything to ensure Scar, destined to be his final victim in the arena, doesn't fall in love with him along the way. Unfortunately for him, Scar seems intent on doing just the opposite.
(i talk abt this fic CONSTANTLY literally so bonkers over it i love it im obsessed it's perfect. i love this dynamic this concept this everything. absolute top tier no joke)
pull me from the earth by Niamh (saturniidaemon)
a midnight meeting, flowers, and the complicated nature of love.
(y'all like pain? bc this is fucking pain. literally just beyond wild over this. tread carefully)
wait the worst is yet to come by glossyblue
Grian bounces on the balls of his feet, delighted. “Okay. Okay, okay, so. You need to know how it works, then, don’t you? Kiss me.”
(just found this recently and it has not left the microwave of my brain. last life scar hurts so bad. everything in this fic hurts so bad. i love it)
the synonym of companion by errorryx
(i love playing with words this fic does it so so so well omg. wonderful)
cheers everyone!!! xox rem
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wlw-imagines · 6 months
Inevitable - Camila Mendes/Reader
prompt: "Hello! Maybe something where reader joined the riverdale cast and her and Camila Mendes gets close?? Like they flirt every day and after a while they start dating? Thanks💋" - anon
a/n: these are from my old tumblr thefandomwritings from back in 2018 ! re-vamped and re-purposed!! hope u enjoy and forgive the 2018 me style writing  
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Your relationship with Camila had started out as a strange one. You were clearly bound to be friends from the moment you met when you joined the RIverdale cast for Season 2. The idea of joining a cast that had already bonded terrified you but she had welcomed you with open arms and always spent her spare time with you.
At first you had thought she was just one of those extra friendly people, her and Lili always mentioned how they got on so well from the beginning, but your friendship wasn't really like that. At least not in your eyes.
That may have been because you had very quickly developed feelings for the girl. Your relationship had quickly become a flirtatious one, only fuelling your feelings. But you were sure that for her it was only ever going to be a friendship - flirting with one another was only a competition of who could be the bigger flirt. You were convinced she would never feel the same as you did.
You were walking across the car park to the set for your first filming, the costume you were wearing already felt like home and the friends you were with already felt like family. You were all joking together when you were distracted by a distant wolf whistle.
Looking up, you noticed Camila standing in the direction you were walking towards. Once she noticed you were looking again she wolf whistled again and you could just about see her wiggling her eyebrows with a cheeky grin.
You looked behind you, slightly confused, "Who's she-?" Madeleine laughed and hung her arm around your shoulders and Lili smirked. "What?"
"You just got cat-called by Cami, congrats." Lili squeezed you lightly, “She means well. It must be her horny teen way of flirting, I think.”
"Who... with me?" The two nodded, laughing. "Huh?" You glanced at Camila again who was still looking at you but obviously attempting to pretend not to.
Lili looked between the two of you and let out a small gasp, "Are you guys dating?"
"What? No!" You shook your head. You'd only known each other just under a month, not that that had stopped you falling half in love with the girl.
"Well, I'm calling it. It's happening." She shrugged as if you no longer had a say in the matter any longer, it was fate. You just shook your head and rolled your eyes before heading on set.
It had been three weeks since you had started filming with the cast of Riverdale and you were glad to say that your character hadn't been murdered off just yet, hopefully insinuating that they liked you.
You had really settled in at this point, having to spend hours in makeup helped forge your friendships with the crew and spending even longer with your fellow actors behind the scenes meant you were as close as could be. It was strange how quickly you could make friends when you were together 24/7 in their highs and lows.
Right now was one of your lows.
You were in makeup, it was 4:20 in the morning and you wouldn't exactly say you were elated to be there. Michelle, the woman who worked on your makeup, had made your life as cheerful as it could be at such an early hour. Even so, when you had to look in the wall mirror in front of your chair, you'd immediately noticed the bed hair and dark circles under your eyes. Michelle had her work cut out for her today.
And talking about Michelle, she had disappeared. She had told you where she was going but you were definitely not concentrating. So you were kind of surprised that when you heard someone come up behind you, it wasn't Michelle but Camila standing there.
"Looking hot Y/N." You looked at Camila in time to see her wink at you, already in full make-up and her cheerleading costume. Not for the first time since meeting her, you felt the butterflies in your stomach but shook them off and jokingly rolled your eyes.
"Right back at you Mendes." You attempt to wink back but since you were still half asleep you failed miserably, causing the other girl to throw her head back and let out a loud laugh.
She came up behind you and wrapped her arms around your shoulders so you were both looking at each other in the mirror. "You know, I think you're cute... so I mean this in the most loving, supportive way but- you actually look slightly like death. You sleep okay?"
"Mhmm," You nodded, not wanting to delve into a deep discussion about your sleeping issues. It did, however, make your heart skip a beat to see Camila look genuinely concerned for you, but before she had the chance to push further you moved the conversation on, "I mean, obviously I would have slept better if you were by my side."
The corners of her mouth twitched upwards as she shook her head and softly said "You're welcome to join me any time". She stood there for a moment, just looking at you before taking a deep breath and unwrapping her arms from you and straightening up, "I'll see you on set Y/N."
"Yep, see you." You gave a small wave but was quickly distracted by Michelle reappearing out of the storage cupboard. And so began the torturous session of hair being styled, lips being painted and eyelashes being curled (it was never ending).
Moments like these were some of your favourites. You had reached the end of filming for the second season and so most of the cast were hanging out at Madeleine and Lili's as an end of season party. You had bought in a load of pizzas and KJ had brought alcohol. A lot of alcohol. You all took this as an opportunity to chill out, gossip and just let your hair down.
It didn't take anyone long to get way too drunk, everyone apart from Camila and Lili who seemed to be making sure no one set the apartment (or themselves) on fire.
"Camila." You smiled as you fell down next to her on the sofa, "You look very sober."
She smiled and looked at you, and if you were sober you would definitely have managed to notice the heart eyes she had when looking at you. Drunk you just thought you were hallucinating. "And you are very drunk. Come on, I'm taking you to a bed." She stood up and helped you up as well, holding you close to her to keep you steady.
"At least take me on a date first." You laughed, swaying dangerously close to her lips.
She raised an eyebrow and smirked slightly, "Mhmm, maybe tomorrow."
You nodded, seemed a fair enough deal, "I'm holding you to that."
"I'm not so sure you'll remember." She opened the door to Madeleine's room (Madeleine was already passed out on another sofa) and placed you on the bed, "Wait here, I'll get you some water." Camila walked out and you let yourself fall back on the bed and closed your eyes. In no time at all, Camila was back with a plastic cup of cold water. She helped you sit up and drink some before relaxing slightly, her protective side showing ever so slightly.
You glanced at your water and then to the girl sitting next to you before smiling a very drunk smile, "Okay, okay. Cam, what's your opinion on water?" She took one look at you and shook her head, laughing.
"Oh god, this isn't your attempt at drunk flirting, is it?"
Nearly tipping your glass of water, you tried rolling your eyes before putting your hand on her knee, "Just answer the question, dumbass."
She cleared her throat and licked her lips, looking down at your hand before answering, "Alright, I, uh, I like water. It's good. Why?"
"Because, that means you like 80% of me."
Her face broke out in a smile and she kissed your temple (although that may have been something you also hallucinated in a drunken haze) "Oh babe, I like 100% of you." She moved some hair out of your face and took the glass of water away, putting it on the bedside table. "Come on, let's get you into bed." She stood you up again and begun to unbutton your trousers.
'Woah, woah, woah. Stranger danger." You mumbled, squirming away.
"Y/N? I'm not trying anything, I'm just-"
"You'll be uncomfortable sleeping in your jeans, I'm just-"
"You are such a pain, get in bed." Giving in, Camila forced you under the duvet and was about to leave when you pulled her in next to you.
"Good night Cam." You mumbled, wrapping your arms around her. She was about to protest when she looked at you and suddenly couldn't think of anywhere else she would rather be.
It had been a few months since you had seen your friends and cast members. You had been completely absorbed with your latest project working on Supergirl and hadn't managed to see anyone. That was until you started the press run for Riverdale. AKA days of interviews, comic con panels, photoshoots. Doing all this only reminded you of how much you were in love with Camila. You were hardly able to look away from her in any interview.
It took until the very end of your press tour to decide to confess. You were tired, in love, and ever so slightly drunk when you knocked on her hotel door.
Camila opened the door and looked suitably surprised to see you. She opened her mouth to say something but you interrupted her. "I've just realised something." You stared at her, taking everything about her in. This made you pause long enough that she spoke up.
"It's 2am, you're either drunk or you've finally realised that you're completely and totally in love with me." She smirked slightly but you didn’t miss the slight way her eyes dulled. You grinned and stepped (swayed) closer to her.
Rolling her eyes, she gave you a fond look and pulled you into her room, closing the door behind you. "Right, I'll get you some water. Come on, I-"
"What? Why would I need water for- oh, no. I'm... It's not the drunk option. Although I did have a bit of liquid courage before with the guys at the bar to get me to-" You stopped yourself from rambling and shook your head. "I love you Camila."
Her hands became still as she looked at you, her mouth hanging open slightly in shock and her eyebrows raised. She blinked a couple of times before she cleared her throat and forced a smile. "You're drunk, kind of reminds me of the end of season party." She shook her head, "You don't mean that. Or you won't in the morning." She bowed her head, distracting herself by fixing you up a glass of water, making it look like a much harder job than it really was.
You frowned at her reaction, not quite expecting that from her. You didn't truly know what it meant but you stepped forwards, taking the glass out of her hands and turning the tap off. Putting both hands under her chin, you softly pushed her chin up so she was looking at you.
"Camila, it has taken me way too long to say this.. but, I love you. And that really isn't alcohol talking." Softly but surely you placed your lips on hers, finally doing what you should have done months ago.
Camila pulled away and smiled, keeping her arms around you and your body close to hers, "Y/N? I love you too."
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heart-defendor · 1 year
City of Nightmares Pt 2
Azriel x Reader
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Everyone is an asshole. Yes Azriel is dramatic but I maintain that he is the biggest drama queen around. Angsty bastard.
Part 1 Part 3
This was a nightmare she thought as she turned into a dark alley. After leaving the throne room Y/n had walked as quickly as she could out of the castle without causing alarm. Thankfully their were few fea lingering in the halls, most occupied by the High Lords visit. Her heels eckoed on the ploslished black floor feeling as loud as the thoughts in her head.
Mate mate mate, go back
Y/n sank down the alleyway wall onto the cobblestone, uncaring that her dress was getting dirty. Here in the alley she could stay hidden as she gathered her thoughts, she would not let anyone see her panic. Less they find out the caus.
Mates with the Illyrian spymaster, a lesser fea. Cauldron, what would her family think? The previous High Lords mate had been an Illyrian, that had to count for something. And he was a shadowsinger, her mate was such a powerful male, his shadows could go anywhere nobody could escape him.
Strong, beautiful, perfect mate.
She let out a groan, covering her face with her hands.
Get it together.
The bond was supposed to be sacred, the idea of rejecting a match made by the Mother unthinkable, but now she saw it wasn’t so simple. It had been fine admiring him from afar, when he was nothing but a pretty face. But to actually be tied to him? Her mate was a member of the Inner Circle, the group who had all but abandoned the rest of the Night Court in favor of their City of Dreams. Barely three years had passed since the rest of Prythian had learnt of Velairs’ existence. All this time they had thought their High Lord was just apathetic ruler. Uncaring and thus had allowed Keir, Hewn City’s Steward to rule in his stead. Rhysand did care, just not about them. To join fraternize with on of them would be a betrayal, it would bring shame to the Umbra name.
Y/N felt the bond grow stronger and looked up to see the shadows come together and her mate, the Spymaster, materialized to stand in front of her. The shadows stayed gathered around him, partially concealing his features from view. In the faint blue glow of his siphons, she could just make out the planes of his face. He looked beautiful but terrible, if it weren't for how well known a mated male's protective instincts were, Y/n might have felt afraid. Instead she held herself back, she wouldn't give in so easily.
She rose to feet and mustered her best arrogant courtier face. She was a member of the Umbra family, had survived for decades in Hewn City.
“Spymaster,” she greeted doing her best to appear nonchalant, as if they were not Cauldon fated mates bound to be together. 
“Azriel” he replied, taking a small step towards her, his shadows partially disappearing so that she could see the rest of his face. He looked unsure of himself, his brows slightly knitted together, but he gave her a small smile. The softer than she had ever seen from him before, Y/N had only seen his face stotic. 'Call me by my name not my title, we are mates.'
Y/n, crossed her arms and looked away, pretending to show interest at the on goings in the street at the end of the alley way, “We are merely acquaintances, I have no need for an Illyrian brute as a mate, I've heard how your kind treat females.”
A snarl rips through the male, siphons flared illuminating the entire alleyway in blue light. Azriel takes another step towards her, there is barley an arms length between them now. Y/N's eyes were wide at the outburst. He looked so intense, and she tried not to think how attractive it was. Tried not to picture him above her, their bodies coming together in bli- Cauldron! Stop, before he smells what he does to you.
Azriel mistaking her expression for fear, took a deep breath before responding quietly. “I would never treat a female that way, I am nothing like that, I have long since left the Illyrians behind.”
Y/n scoffed. “Ah, that’s true isn't it? You left them for your City of Dreams, Velaris,” she spat the city's name like it was a curse on her tongue.
Azriel bristled at the accusation, probably unused to hearing his home spoken with such venom.
“Velaris is beautiful and peaceful,” the Shadowsinger defended. “I could take you there, you would be safe.” To punctuate his point some of the shadows had drifted towards her, lazily moving around her skirt. She could already tell they likes her, and if she was honest with herself she liked them to.
Unable to help herself, her mouth quirked upwards into a smirk. Bringing her hand to brush against his broad leather clad shoulder and dragging it across his chest as she circled him. His wings twitched. “You would take me away from here, save me from the City of Nightmares?” she flirted though the words were dipped in sarcasm.
He turns to face her his amber eyes bore into to her own deep purple. He leaned down into her, his wings unfolding to encircle them both. The sent of cedar and dew brought her enveloped her. She could sense something else as well, the musky sent of his arousal and did her best not to smile too wide.
All around her was pure Azriel, she could only focus on him and the pull in her ribs that told her this was home.
She was playing a dangerous game, but she couldn't find it in her to care, if the Illyrian was her mate she’d least have some fun.
“I would, we could get to know each other properly. I could protect you there,” Azriel whispers so close she can feel his breath ghosting her lips. The sound of his voice was so lovely. How easy it would be to leave this all behind, forget everything and fall into Azriel, her mate.
Panic rose in her chest, she was loosing control. This would go no further. Their lips almost touching before she pushes herself away from him.
“Doesn't matter, I would never allow myself to become a Deserter,” she sneered.
“A Deserter?” he questioned.
“That’s what we call traitors, like the High Lord and his cousin. Who choose to spend their time in Velaris with lesser fea. Thinking themselves above us. ”
That had done it, through the bond she could feel his anger rise to meet her own, they crashed together like two great waves .
Azrael’s fists were clenched, the siphons began to glow brighter.  “Everyone knows what happened to Mor, how Keir beat her and left her for dead. She left to save herself, she deserved better than this wretched place.”
 “Morrigan is not the only one to ever be treated poorly,” she shot back. “Most aren’t so lucky to be related to the High Lord. I have no interest in associating with anyone from Velaris.” Y/n pointed ears twitched, she could hear Colin calling out for her, clearly having wondered where she’d run off to.
“There is more to Hewn City than you could ever know, little bat. Now excuse me I must go before I am caught here talking to you.” With that she spun away, making sure to clamp down hard on the bond and walked out into the street away from him.
She would not look back at her mate, she would ignore the feeling in her chest, the one that urged her to run back to him. She would ignore the hope that he would call out to her one more time. Yet nothing else was said, the Spymaster did nothing but let her go.
Azriel slumped down on his bed in the House of Wind, running his hand over his face and through his hair as he reflected on the day. His wings drooped behind him onto the bed, thoroughly exhausted. Before he had felt full of energy full of pent of emotion. Now he felt empty. The bond was still there, but stayed quiet in his chest.
The whole thing had been a massive shock, he would never had expected this to be what his shadows were excited about. Upon entering the throne room his shadows had immediately dispersed, that itself was normal, they would search for threats among the crowd though rarely did any fea challenge them quite so openly. The High Fea of Hewn City were cruel and violent but they weren't stupid, he'd give them that. But this time, the shadows had all moved in the same direction, towards a pretty member of the Umbra family and began to playfully swirl around her. He had seen Y/N before, had thought her to be attractive but never had cause to speak with her. That all changed when their eyes met and his whole world shifted from underneath him.
Only one word had entered his mind.
Then Ryhs was in his head, telling him he was practically screaming his thoughts. Thank the Cauldron, Rhys had let him follow her when she’d downed half a glass a wine and disappeared into the crowd.
He had found her easily, both his shadows and the bond pulling him in her direction. To the alleyway were she sat hidden.
Talking with her had been one of highest and lowest moments of his life. They had gotten so close to each other. He’d just barley managed to resist his need kiss her, taste her. Naturally he had screwed it up, she hated him. Was disgusted by everything he was. That had always been his fear, that he was as truly unlovable. Yet even in on his darkest days another part of him had always held onto the belief that a mate be different. Would see all of his faults and scars, and love him anyway. He imagined her as soft and sweet, someone who would sooth his battered soul. Like Feyre and Nesta had done for his brothers.
When she had stormed away from him, he had immediately winnowed out of city and into the sky above the mountain. Thankful for the chill greeted him.
That had not gone well, he had thought. Azriel had barely even spoken with her before letting his temper get the better of him. He couldn't help it. She was infuriating, arrogant and stubborn but mostly she was magnificent. She was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen and so full of passion.
What he really needed was was to hit something, train until he'd exhausted the fire brought on by his instincts. The bond was howling at him to go back and claim his mate. But the rest of the Inner Circle was still in the throne room. So he chose the next best thing, face the cold and currents above the Night Courts mountains and fly back to Velaris. He had a new found appreciation for mated males.
Never again would he make fun of Ryhs or Cass for any of their actions brought on by the mating bond. This was torture. Even now, tired and confused as he was, Azriel had to resist the urge to go back to Y/N. To take her in his arms and worship her.
Azriel should have known better, he was the odd one out and would always be. Doomed to fall for females that would never want him back. First Mor who he had pined for centuries and then Elain which had been a mistake for the start. They had taken advantage of each others vulnerability, attempted to disregard her own mating bond. He cringed, he owed Lucien an apology, Azriel barley liked his mate but the thought of another male near Y/n, already filled him a territorial fire. The bond protested the very idea.
A citizen of Hewn City, notorious for their cruelty, if she was his equal, his perfect match what did that say about him? He hated that he already knew.
The following meeting upon the others return had been unpleasant. Ryhs and Feyre had explained to the rest of the family the reason for Azriel’s sudden departure. The entire inner circle had been present for dinner, excited and curious about his mate. The mood had turned awkward as he was unable to hide his sour mood from those who knew him best. Feyre had asked what she was like, and Azriel, unsure of what to say had instead chosen to explain what she and the of Hewn City’s residents referred to them as, Deserters. That they considered them traitors, who had abandoned them thinking themselves better Hewn City.
Mor had sneered unimpressed, spoken about what did it matter what scum thought of them. But Azriel didn't need his shadows to tell she was bothered, that she was somehow a villain in their narrative. It was obvious how she drank more that night than she had in months. Azriel didn't judge her for it.
Feyre had clearly been frustrated at the insult to her mate but Rhys just looked tired. Everyone else kept their thoughts to themselves. Only Nesta’s reaction had been different; she had seemed curious and asked about the females of Hewn City, wondering if they would want to train with the Valkyries.
Azriel lay back on the bed, frustrated. If Y/n opinion on Illyrians was anything to go by then no they probably would not want to train with the Valkyries, would never take direction from Cassian and himself. Nor would they want to train alongside the Illyrian females. The bigotry of the high fea was senseless and Azriel felt ashamed that he had to explain that his mate held those views. His shame only grew larger from the mating bond protesting in his chest, it felt wrong to be ashamed of your mate like he was betraying her.
He felt the heat of his anger rising before pushing it down again. She was his mate and he would not give up on her.
Tag list: @emturtles
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redcruxsworld · 2 months
Love Sick (PaperGold implied)
This takes place after the TV scene with Goldheart in episode 6. Letz go, Yandere Goldheart agenda.
And all the years that went by of trying to find him. All those years of contemplating if he did the right thing. He loved the glory, fame, and fortune he received, but in the back of his head, he knew. He knew nothing would ever replace the happiness that he had felt with him. He just felt empty sitting down in an enormous apartment all alone. Nobody would ever truly understand him other than that person. But it's futile to look for him anymore, for all he knows he could have been already dead. Until he saw the news in his large flat screen TV. He was kissing one of his "members." He sighed, it looks like someone had made his plan come to a halt. 'Flugslys, what are you doing? Haven't I hurt you enough in the past? Why are you back here again?', his mind questions, but then again, he would be lying if he didn't feel at least a bit happy to know he was alive. As well as a pang of jealousy with him kissing someone else other than him.
Their relationship was.... complicated. From the get-go, they were not meant for each other. It was like they were oil and water. Both were never meant to mix with the other. And yet funnily enough fate made them cross paths for a reason none of them knew. At first, he befriended him out of curiosity and the idea to use him as a stepping stone to his glory. However, he came to love and care that socially akward man. And the way they ended things was not on good note. He can still feel Flug's stare on him. That stare that was filled with nothing but wrath and resentment. And Goldheart knows that he deserved it. Knowing that their relationship was never meant to last. Like spring flowers damned to wilt as winter comes..... but perhaps this time, he can make those flowers permanently stay. He didn't know what was making him think these things. Was it wishful thinking that they can still restore their relationship? Or just his desire to keep Flugslys near him as close as possible? Did he feel that it's his responsibility to fix the doctor as he was the one that broke him in the past? Surely, one of those is the answer to what he was feeling. 'We can't be together like that Herbert....... because you'll betray me.', those were the words that he got when asked Kennings to be his lover. And it was true. He did betray him. "Oh, but don't worry, Kenny.... I'll make sure that fate or whatever is trying to stop us will be bound to die. Because this time..... this time, I'll burn everything to the ground just to keep you with me. I promise you that....", he said as his eyes glowed golden, his hand gripping a picture of Flug's smiling face. He will have his blond haired canary back, whether it be for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, not even death can part them. He will make sure of that.
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arvandus · 8 months
Snippet for new Barbatos x Fem!AFAB!Reader fic...
Ok ok... I'm giving into temptation to explore this multichapter idea that I got. So, here's a snippet, a little introduction, if you will.
It was easy for Barbatos to pretend he loved you. After all, he liked you well enough; would even go so far as to consider you a friend.  It made the entire task of pretending that much simpler, allowing him to fulfill his duty to the Prince of the Devildom.
Barbatos had never expected you to take an interest in him.  For so long, he’d grown accustomed to seeing but never being seen; to observe from his place in the shadow of his young master, ensuring that each person played their role in order to bring forth the ideal future; a future where Barbatos could finally repair the sins of his past, and form a new strand of fate woven together from the broken pieces of his reckless youth.
You were crucial to that weaving.  No matter which way he looked at it, you were always at the center, your presence in the Devildom paramount.  You were the one strand that was left untarnished that bound all the others together.
Which meant that your happiness within the Devildom was of the highest priority.  You needed to stay; a monumental expectation considering the burden placed on you in the form of seven cursed brothers at the mercy of their vices. It was an expectation that nearly broke you, saved only by your feelings for him, of all people.
So, he would play his role dutifully; a small price to pay for securing the future for his young master and closest friend.
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missycolorful · 4 months
hallo there o/
I wanted to piggyback off your last post on the 'birdbrain/abandonment' post:
I feel this particular situation was bound to happen sooner or later. It's not the first time of late(within the last month) the children have felt abandoned/left behind by qphil. During Prison Event you could see the eggs thoughts on being left behind due to possible escape or interactions with other residents and lore.
Day 3 after the interview tallulah said, "I dont like it here.." and chayanne said, "Let's stick together today..". Qphil then turned it into a joke, "...STICK together.. cause he's holding a stick.." but I do not believe these words were said for nothing. Day 3 had dark themes surrounding the residents(inmate crucifixion) and as a child paying attention I would be scared and want my parent in sight much as possible.
Now of course we give grace to the ccs because streaming and events can take a toll. Phil had stated several times during the event he felt overwhelmed/stimulated, along with others agreeing with him.
At one point the eggs eventually burried them selves in hole, in which wasn't addressed until after a guard Tubbo and Charlie noticed. On the walls chayanne signs say: we are a ghost - we will die here and bit later tallulah states: we were wondering how lo g it took u to find us, we were thinking you were leaving us here.
Qphil reassured them but I got to thinking: every where he went residents had their eggs with them. When escaping with Charlie fit and tubbo, ramon was with fit and sunny was with either parent...qphil was alone. When talking to the guard for the hat, pomme was with aypierr - rishas and pepito were with their guardians and em/dapper was with bagi and bad...qphil was alone.
Giving benifit of doubt he was trying to protect them.(the guard was a butt)
That being said: the separation was scary, anything could have happened. Yesterday situation could have went very differently as well. The eggs could have been mortal. Something more dangerous than the scorpion could have caught them along their travel back home.
And this ALL is off the talks/agreement of them sticking together as a family. Having each others back. The situation is so interesting because after concerns are said qphil does comply with not taking his sight off them rest of stream. I really enjoy this family dynamic for some reason
Sorry for long post
oh gosh don't apologize, I'm eating this whole post up. And it's given me more to say, so... sorry in turn, lol!!
honestly, a lot of the prison event felt like a blur to me (a lot happened lol), so I completely forgot about those small moments. Like a lot of other similar moments, they're jokes, yes, but there's a certain weight to them. And these jokes they've been making have had a certain weight for a while now. And.... looking back, I feel dumb for not even mentioning the one thing that's really brought this whole issue, and these "jokes" and concerns the kids have, into existence.
It's the Ender King.
q!Phil has made it clear that if the Ender King finds him and seeks to capture him and take him away from the kids, there's nothing he can do. He's not sure if he can come back, if he does get taken, even though he swears he'll do everything he can to return to his kids. But that reveal of the Ender King and Phil's concerns about his fate by his hands has affected Chayanne and Tallulah greatly. It's good that he's been honest with them, I'd rather he be. But there's no good way to handle this, in truth.
Chayanne, after Purgatory, has been more clingy with his father, but I think it's more noticeable as of recent. Tallulah has tried to distance herself a little like sleeping at her and Wilbur's house, most likely out of a need to feel independent and such, but within the last month or so, she's also been fairly clingy. I think her attempts at being independent fell to the wayside once the idea of her father just... disappearing, and possibly never coming back, came to mind. She sleeps at the sanctuary (and now their new house as of the reset) more often than not. They're both afraid of waking up and seeing that the most consistent parental figure in their lives is gone.
Like, we all know that q!Phil isn't actually abandoning them or even leaving them behind with any malicious or neglecting purpose, and I think the kids know he wouldn't do so with intention (which is why him being defensive yesterday was sort of a moot point, but anyway). Plenty of the parents will let their kids mind their business and do things without them around. This isn't new, and this has happened with Phil's kids plenty of times! For example, Phil didn't want his kids around during a lot of the prison stuff, because a lot of what he was doing was risky, and he didn't want them to get hurt. And we know that yesterday was a pure accident, and he wants to try to be more careful.
But technicalities and logic aren't really important here. What upsets the kids is simply the idea of him being gone, and the fear of him never coming back. It doesn't matter how many times he tells them that he will, because these fears are huge and real. You accidentally left the kids behind at Etoiles' house? It doesn't matter, you still left. You got kidnapped by the Ender King? It doesn't matter you're still gone.
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sun-and-moon-mushroom · 4 months
Day 28: “No… Not Like This”
AO3 link
(Based on this idea)
When Shen Qingqiu had realised that there was no way to avoid pushing Luo Binghe into the Abyss, no way to make sure his disciple didn’t blacken into the vengeful protagonist he’d once read about, he may have panicked a little. A solid week later, after locking himself in the hidden section of the Qing Jing library and looking through every book and scroll he could find, he had a potential solution — not something that could keep Luo Binghe at his side, but one that could save him from the terrible fate of the original Shen Qingqiu.
It was a simple enough curse, something he could vaguely remember being used against one of Binghe’s wives in Proud Immortal Demon Way — it bound the lives of two individuals together, so that the harm done to one would be shared with the other, but only in one way. The wife, #578 if he remembered correctly, had her life bound to Luo Binghe’s by an enemy of her family, who hoped that the injuries done to the demonic emperor during his regular adventures, the ones that his heavenly demon blood would heal him from, would be shared with the poor wife character, killing her off. Then, her family would naturally blame Luo Binghe and rebel against him, leading to their own destruction! A surprisingly decent plan, cor Airplane-Shooting-Towards-The-Sky at least, but it had obviously failed when Luo Binghe had broken the curse through dual cultivation with the afflicted maiden.
Of course, if it was just dual cultivation that was needed to break the curse, Shen Qingqiu would have never even considered using it, since Binghe would obviously meet many of his future wives before he returned to take his revenge on Shen Qingqiu. No, it specifically had to be dual cultivation with the person the curse bound your life to, and he was sure that Luo Binghe would never accept doing such a thing with his old master, especially if it required him to take the position of —
Anyway! Shen Qingqiu figured the best time to place the curse was just before they left for the Immortal Alliance Conference. He wasn’t likely to get injured, and after the demons attacked, Luo Binghe would probably dismiss any injuries as from a monster attack he didn’t fully notice. It was simple enough to do, especially since Luo Binghe slept in the side room of his house — all he needed as a little bit of blood and a little bit of time to complete it.
Things seemed to be going well — the Conference was attacked on schedule, although things had diverged a little from canon — really, Shen Qingqiu was a bit glad that his Binghe didn’t have his first time with a girl who was actively dying, that was really more coercion than consent. Things only went wrong, when instead of the monster that was meant to appear to break Binghe’s seal, Mobei-jun himself appeared from the Abyss. Shen Qingqiu fought him, ordering Luo Binghe to stand down — but then Without-A-Cure flared up, and the moment he faltered, he felt his body be pierced by spears of ice, and heard a cry of pain from behind him.
He turned his head to see Luo Binghe, his sword in hand, and with blood staining his pure white robes, looking at Shen Qingqiu with an expression of horror on his face. It wasn’t meant to happen so soon, not like this. Shen Qingqiu could barely process the image before he was thrown — right into a tree — as Mobei-jun turned his attention to the half-demon disciple. He watched as Luo Binghe had his demonic powers unsealed and Mobei-jun left, before staggering to his feet, Xiu Ya still in his hand.
When Luo Binghe looked up at him, fear and panic in his eyes, he steeled himself for the role he had to play.
“How long have you been studying demonic cultivation?”
Binghe tried to explain, but Shen Qingqiu couldn’t let him. If he’d already gone this far, even cursing the protagonist, shouldn’t he do the role of the villain justice?
“Did you really think I didn’t know you were a demon? Those wounds you have — they’re from a curse I placed on you, to make sure a beast like you wouldn’t betray the Peak. But now? Now there’s no other option but getting rid of you — Cang Qiong will be blamed for this mess, along with you.”
His heart broke as he spoke those words, but it was necessary — something he had decided beforehand. The break between them, the severing of their master and disciple bond, it had to be a clean cut. He may have treated Luo Binghe well, but turning on him out of nowhere would only make him suffer more. It was better this way, for him to believe that Shen Qingqiu had always hated him for the simple matter of his heritage.
Xiu Ya in hand, he pushed Luo Binghe closer and closer to the edge of the Abyss. Any surge of hesitation in his heart was ruthlessly squashed by the ticking timer in the corner of his vision, almost down to the last few seconds. He thrust the blade forwards, expecting Binghe to dodge, only for him to take the blade right into his chest. Shen Qingqiu felt his eyes burn as Luo Binghe slid off the end of his blade, falling backwards into the gaping maw behind him. When… when did it start raining?
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jerreeeeeee · 3 months
there's nothing inherently wrong or unhealthy with a platonic relationship being the most intimate and important in someone's life (whether that person is also in a romantic relationship or not). this has been said before but people still treat it like its true. ESPECIALLY that a prioritized platonic relationship belies “codependency” even though no one would bat an eye at the exact same dynamic if it were romantic, because of the idea that a prioritized platonic relationship is somehow immature/unhealthy and something to grow out of/move on from.
the idea that the twins just go, well, you've been the person i felt safest loving and trusting in my entire life, our souls have been bound by fate and magic and our love for one another is one of the strongest bonds in the multiverse, transcending death and unimaginable loss, the motivation behind everything we’ve ever done, but since we're both in romantic relationships now and the story is over, the reasonable and in-character thing to do would be to split up and have separate nuclear families because that's the "healthy thing" (read: expected thing). there's no other form of a domestic happy ending than a marriage and typical nuclear family. you're everything to me, my entire world, my heart, see you later.
ok this got too long i'm putting it under a readmore.
(also why i don't really like the idea that taako adopts angus. "parent" is not the only important, loving role an adult can play in a child's life but people feel that need to shove everything into a nuclear family. also taako has too much going on to be the good parent that angus needs anyway. and magnus and lucretia are right there. but this is another post <- this is actually a fan fiction i’m writing, kind of)
i just find that frankly silly. i truly believe that the twins live together for the rest of their lives and are always each others' most important person (before anyone kills me i do think barry is there too. they also both love him so much. capacity for love INCREASES there’s no need for a replacement or a “moving on” it’s an addition). there's not any reason they wouldn't live together other than that it’s not “normal?” but why would they give a shit about that. their prioritization of one another isn't the unhealthy thing about their relationship. they do have other stuff going on that's actually codependent, but i think they eventually work past it and come to have a healthier (yet no less close) relationship. actually this post was originally just supposed to be about those codependent tendencies but i felt like i needed to compensate by clarifying that there are only a very specific few things abt their dynamic i find unhealthy and that by and large they’re fine, actually.
the main thing is, as is so succinctly put in this post—they aren't able to communicate about big, important decisions. not to say they never communicate about anything, i think they actually do communicate effectively about a lot of things—warning i’m going into a complete tangent here—i see a lot an idea that they’re not siblings who hug or really verbalize affection at all which is crazy to me (<- personal opinion alert) like they’re closed off and distrusting (taako more than lup, but she’s certainly not exempt from their trauma) to other people and the world at large but they have always always been each other’s exception, each other’s utmost safe place, the one person they could be absolutely comfortable around, who they never have to be afraid of. that’s one of the things i find so compelling about them, that they trust each other with their entire selves. they have no reason to ever feel defensive around each other. oh to be known so entirely and intimately and never feel ashamed or afraid of judgement or abandonment. augh. so i do think they hug.
also—i don't think they "don't know how to be a person without each other" like that's certainly not true for lup and i don't really think it's true for taako either. they have their own distinct personalities and identities they just also both inform each others’ lives. they're an integral part of each other's identity the way your family or best friend or partner or most important person in your life is but again i think that's fine.
but back to the topic at hand anyway they DO hide their misgivings from each other when it comes to huge shit with world-changing, life-threatening consequences lol. when it comes to, like, turning herself into a lich, or leaving to recover her dangerous magical artifact, lup feels like she needs to be entirely decisive and confident for taako, and when it comes to his sister turning herself into a lich, or proposing a dangerous magical artifact plan, taako feels like he needs to be unflinchingly supportive and loyal for lup. and those both backfire obviously. because they trust each other so completely that they don't trust each other enough to not trust each other. weird paradox.
but really its not a lack of trust in each other its their own insecurities projected onto each other. lup second guesses herself but feels like she can’t express that uncertainty so she’s alone with her doubts which increases the pressure and stress and creates a feedback loop that only makes her more insecure. and taako feels like he doesn’t have anything to bring to the table other than backing up lup and is afraid doubting her would hurt her which means he never has an opportunity to find out he does actually have good ideas and that lup would listen to him constructively. but it manifests in lup “not trusting taako” to have her back even if she doubts herself and taako “not trusting lup” to take criticism even if his idea is good.
and honestly i think the solution to this just comes with… not being in those lifethreatening situations anymore. the universe was saved and they have normal (magical fantasy world) lives. so now when they’re hiding things from each other the stakes are a lot lower. and when the stakes are lower they’re able to express uncertainty because they don’t feel that extreme and terrifying pressure anymore. lup doesn’t have to make impossible decisions and stick to them despite any doubt because she doesn’t have the survival of entire worlds on her back anymore. taako doesn’t have to always agree with lup and uncritically support her every choice because he’s not the only thing holding her together from oblivion anymore. so they're able to express doubts and nothing falls apart and they're actually stronger for it. and they’re already doing so much work on fixing their relationship just from being separated and kinda grieving for a decade too, so they eventually work past that.
and also because they have to face those insecurities and their consequences. lup got trapped in umbrella limbo for a decade and taako had his life destroyed. if lup had been able to overcome her need to put everything on her shoulders and expressed uncertainty, if taako had been able to overcome his blind loyalty and expressed doubt, would they have gone through with the relics? would they have even gone through with the lich plan? they realize only afterward that they should’ve talked about it, and so they learn from their mistakes.
another tangent—isn’t it so crazy how, by any standard, lup should be the strongwilled, passionate, heroic protagonist and taako her cynical, pragmatic, yet loyal sidekick? and yet he’s the protagonist and she the supporting character in the actual narrative? so subversive and intriguing. i cant believe this was all masterfully and purposefully written. anyway. (<- in the in-universe metanarrative version of the story, lup [and honestly, probably davenport] is the tragic ghost who haunts the narrative and lucretia & barry are the morally gray protagonist foils, and tres horny boys are supporting characters/comic relief who go on to have their own semi-important b-plot arcs that ultimately serve to further the protagonists’ arcs. btw.)
back to the twins. i also think they don't only grow post-canon, i think they grow a LOT during the century, because in the beginning, they're coming from a life where they have been not only the most important people in each other's lives, but the ONLY people in each other's lives. and now they're suddenly faced with more people, which they handle fine individually, more or less—lup is faster to warm up to the others, but even though taako's attitude is very much that he only cares about him and his, he is capable of expanding the people who are "his" (eventually). but they've never had to bring other people into their dynamic with each other before.
i don't think either of them are possessive, their relationship is built on deepest mutual respect and love and trust and "possessiveness" is kinda antithetical to that, but they can both be jealous on occasion. although there is a difference—lup is the only one who will outwardly display jealousy (and maybe a better word than jealousy would be insecurity), again because of the dynamic earlier: taako must always support whatever decisions lup makes without question. so when taako dies one cycle and all of a sudden merle and magnus and everyone else grieve him too, lup feels a sense of ownership over grief (not over taako himself, but over loving taako, just because no one else ever really has before, and she’s never had to think about the possibility that he might love other people too) that she initially may not challenge but does eventually let go of, because it's actually a good thing that other people love him now, and bringing new people into their family doesn’t make their love for each other any less. and taako has a similar experience but tbh i think its a little easier for him bc, like, who wouldn’t love lup, and lup loves other people way more freely than taako does (still not super freely, its a low bar). not that lup thinks taako is unloveable OBVIOUSLY (taako does think he’s unloveable tho) i just think they have different attitudes abt it, like they both have the moments of “but you don’t love them as much as i do!!” which is true, no one loves them as much as they do, but taako’s more willing to let that shit go bc he just doesn’t care as much what the others do as long as they don’t fuckin bother him about it. like lup sees the others equate (as she sees it, but oc they’re not actually grieving At Her) their (comparatively shallow) grief to her world-shattering loss of her best friend, only family, soulmate, silly rabbit, and she gets angry about it, but taako’s reaction is more like, “ok they’re stupid. who cares.” meanwhile and more importantly, all of a sudden lup is falling in love with barry, but taako's not one to throw a fit or demand that he's the only one who can love lup nor the only one lup can love. she’s made her decision. he just gives barry advice and lets it quietly hurt and draws distant, because he has a deep seated fear of abandonment that is now, for the first time, clashing with his unshakable trust in lup. and their relationship irrevocably changes but maybe not for the worse, because taako has, for the first time, doubted lup, a disruption to their typical (codependent) dynamic. but, of course, in the end his fears are unfounded and lup pulls him back in, because their capacity for love increases—of course lup still loves him just as much and yknow what, so does barry, and so does the rest of the crew. so he doubts and fears and is proven wrong. and so they grow and change, and their world increases from two to seven.
but that doubt doesn’t really go away for a long time, exacerbated and strained the more lup keeps secrets (especially with barry) until it reaches a head when lup finally doubts taako and does truly abandon him. but again, of course, never on purpose and never forever, they find their way back to each other despite everything and, again, come away stronger for it. the idea that the twins’ relationship is never as close again after story and song is so fucking tragic and heartrending but really i just think its unrealistic. because the rift between them is what caused their pain in the first place, of course they wouldn’t just shrug and move on. they would do anything for each other, including a lot of difficult emotional work and healing. for a little while they do have to deal with the reality that they’re not as close as they were. but they can be again. it just takes time and effort.
but anyway just to drive my point home—we mostly see taako's side of it since he is the protagonist in the real world narrative, but lup is always, always positioned within that narrative as his most important person. (and even then, lup says as much for taako! she loves barry of course but she loves taako so much he’s her heart!!) when thb see their lives after the hunger in paloma's prophecy, taako sees himself cooking with lup. she's textually representative of healing and joy in his future, and she's the main character present in his epilogue too. she's his greatest loss and his greatest love, positioned in exactly the same place as julia and merle's kids. there are a myriad of love stories going on in balance and a myriad of love stories involving taako that are all beautiful and significant in their own right but i really do think the main one in his life is lup!!
well all that to say they’re my favorite little critters ever and i’m studying them under a microscope forever. how do you end posts
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midnightshard06 · 2 days
My birthday is upon us, which means it's time for my au crossover fic! It was a blast writing all these guy's interactions. Hope you all enjoy my little self indulgent fic.
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You can check it out on ao3 here if you prefer.
Summary: Due to the whims of an odd jackal, a group of people who were never meant to meet cross paths. Heroes from the worlds of Chaos Uncontrolled, Bound by Fate, Heart of a Hero, and Lost and Found are all dragged into a brief adventure where they have to work together to get home. They'll stumble a little along the way, but they'll get the hang of it.
Word Count: ~13,000 words
"Well… this could be fun." A black figure cradles a magenta gem in their hands. The creature carefully turned the gem to inspect it. “The Phantom Ruby, what an interesting artifact. But what to do with it…” They tapped the gem as they hummed. Their ears perked up as blue eyes narrowed. “Oh well that could certainly prove interesting, and perhaps the resulting confusion will give me time to figure out just how this works…” They chuckled. “Yes. That’s what I’ll do.” They gripped at what seemed to be a tear in the air. “Time to get to work.” With that they vanished through the tear.
Chaos Uncontrolled (Pre “I’m With You”)
“Why did we have to come to some place this cold? There’s just a bunch of snow and ice everywhere.” Super huffed from within Sonic’s head.
Sonic just rolled his eyes, fond smile on his face. “Hey Holoska’s a pretty… cool place you know?” He barely held back a laugh.
There was dead silence for a moment before Super let out an exaggerated groan. “Don’t.” He said sharply. “Don’t do that.”
“What? Gonna give me the cold shoulder?” Sonic finally let himself laugh as Super groaned even louder. “To actually answer your question though… we’re taking a trip around the world. Holoska just so happened to be part of the world.”
“I guess.” Super mumbled. 
“Plus it’s not like you’re the one dealing with the cold right now.” Sonic gestured to the snow. “You bailed the moment we landed.”
“Look, I can enjoy all this perfectly fine from where I am.” Super hummed. “Plus I’d been in control on the way over. It was only fair that you get control back for a while.” His voice was dripping with sarcasm.
“You’ve just never had to deal with cold before, and you’re being a baby about it.” Sonic ignored Super’s indignant shout. “But it’s fine, because I’m a good friend who’s still gonna show you around.”
“Oh, how nice of you.” Super sounded annoyed now, but it was all in good fun. Sonic could tell there wasn’t any real anger behind it. This sort of back and forth was pretty normal for them after all.
The two slipped into a comfortable back and forth as Sonic pointed out the sights there were to see in Holoska. Super slowly warmed up to the place as they went around, so he’d count that as a win. On top of getting to show Super around it was nice to see some of the locals again. They all greeted him fondly and a few even made jokes about the planet being broken again. Jokes that confused Super, but Sonic assured him he’d explain later. 
As the sun started to set Sonic stretched. “Guess we should head back to meet up with Tails huh?”
“Hmmm guess so.” Super sounded distracted.
“Something up?” Sonic was instantly alert, eyes subtly darting around.
Super was silent for a moment and Sonic thought he might not answer. “Does anything feel… off to you?”
If Sonic focused he could feel… something. He wasn’t sure if it was the same thing Super was feeling but it definitely wasn’t normal. “I think I’m feeling it, yeah.” There didn’t seem to be anything off that he could see, but he knew Super’s senses were usually pretty accurate. “Any idea what it is?” He asked, this time keeping the comment purely mental. It felt safer to continue the conversation that way until they knew what was going on. 
“Not sure.” Super was definitely on edge. “Feels almost like… we’re being watched.”
Sonic cast a subtle glance around the area. “It’s not any of the locals?” He asked, despite not seeing any of them looking back at him.
“No.” Super answered quickly, sounding certain. “It’s definitely not.” Sonic could feel restless energy coming off Super and did his best to keep the other calm.
“Well well.” Sonic snapped his head around at the sound of the unfamiliar male voice. A black jackal, not Infinite though they did seem similar, stared back at him. Sonic had to suck in a deep breath as Super got defensive. “You two will do quite well…” The jackal grinned, showing off sharp teeth.
“This guy’s dangerous.” Super hissed.
“Yeah, figured that.” Sonic answered mentally, eying the all too familiar gem in the jackal’s hand. “So, what are you then?” Sonic turned his full attention to the jackal. “Some… relative of Infinite’s looking for revenge? Didn’t think the guy had anyone who would go as far as somehow finding the Phantom Ruby and then me in the name of revenge.”
“Oh no! You misunderstand my intentions.” The jackal chuckled, it wasn’t a pleasant sound. “I only wish to have a little fun. I have no care for your fallen foe. This-” They held up the Phantom Ruby. “-was simply a serendipitous find. One I intend to make great use of. Enjoy the trip.” Before Sonic could react things flashed red, and then everything went black.
Bound by Fate (Post chap 7)
Sonic took a deep breath as he stretched. Another new day meant another day of tracking down the Gaia Temples. He glanced over at Knuckles who was, predictably, already up. “Morning. Ready to head out?” Sonic grinned 
“Been waiting on you to get up.” Knuckles huffed as he adjusted his hat.
“Glad to know you won’t just leave me behind.” Sonic chuckled as he glanced out at the horizon. It was still pretty early in the morning so it wasn’t like he could have kept Knuckles waiting that long. 
In case you’ve somehow forgotten we’re literally stuck together.” Knuckles came up to his side. “You’re not going anywhere without me, and I’m not going anywhere without you.”
“Makes it sound like a chore to spend time with me when you put it like that.” Sonic sighed dramatically.
“Keep acting like this and it will be.” Knuckles crossed his arms. “It’s already bad enough you insist on manhandling me at night.”
“Look who am I to deny anyone werehog cuddles? Tails says they’re some of the best around.” Sonic smirked. “Plus you don’t exactly try that hard to stop me.”
Knuckles pulled his hat down to hide his face. “I do try. You’re just annoyingly stronger than me like that.”
“Oh? Admitting I’m stronger than you? Guess if I didn’t know the world was ending I’d know now.” Sonic put a hand on his chest. “Perhaps we just weren’t fast enough to stop Dark Gaia.”
After a moment of Sonic trying to hold in his laughter, Knuckles righted his hat. “Whatever, mutt. Let’s just get moving.” He narrowed his eyes. “And remember…”
“No dropping you.” Sonic waved off the comment. “I know. I know.” He sighed. “Accidentally drop a guy one time…” Before he could pick Knuckles up though he froze. Knuckles gave him an odd look, but he held up a hand. Something felt… weird. Sonic glanced around. Nothing was out of the ordinary that he could see, but there was a definite feeling of wrongness. It felt… almost a little familiar honestly but he could quite place why. For now though he was on edge, with his fur and quills raised.
“What’s going on?” Knuckles asked quietly, glancing around. Sonic shook his head. He didn’t know. Whatever this was though he was certain it was nothing to do with Dark Gaia. He knew the feeling of something related to the god. This wasn’t it. 
Unfortunately though he wasn’t able to find the source of it before things went red, then black.
Heart of a Hero (Between chap 11 and 12)
“Hey Metal? You ok?” Tails walked up to where Metal was looking out over the edge of Angel Island.
Metal turned to him and shrugged. ‘Just thinking I guess’ He signed.
“There is a lot to think about huh?” Tails hummed. The two were quiet for a while. Metal wished he could feel the wind that gently blew through the area. At least he could vividly imagine it… “Are you… alright?” Tails looked at him with barely hidden concern.
If Metal could frown he would. Honestly he hated worrying any of his friends, but it just seemed to keep happening despite his best efforts. ‘I’m-’ Metal let his hands hang motionless for a moment as he gathered his thoughts. ‘-I will be ok’ He settled on. No point in trying to lie if Tails already knew he was not doing great. ‘Right now I just want to focus on getting those emeralds and maybe stopping Eggman with them’ He nodded.
“Right.” Tails sounded like he wanted to press, but he ultimately didn’t. “Do you think we’ll be able to find them all?”
‘For sure’ Metal nodded, wishing he could give Tails a reassuring smile. He pat the green scarf around his neck. ‘Already got one remember?’
Tails chuckled. “How can I forget? Knuckles trying to keep it away from you was some of the best entertainment I’ve had in a while.” The two lapsed into comfortable silence again. The emerald stashed in Metal’s scarf sent a jolt of chaos energy his way, perhaps in an attempt at reassurance. He appreciated the effort. “I’m just… worried about you.” Tails eventually broke the silence. “I think I speak for Silver, and even Shadow too when I say that.”
‘I know buddy. I know’ Metal signed slowly. ‘Things will work out. Just you wait and see’
“I… believe you.” Tails sounded unsure. “I’m just worried about what we’ll have to go through to get there.” He added, much more quiet. It wasn’t an unreasonable fear to have, especially with Eggman in control of most of the planet, but Metal hated seeing Tails like this. 
As he went to put a reassuring hand on Tails' shoulder he got a sudden alert. On instinct he grabbed Tails and rushed forward. He narrowly managed to save the two of them from falling into an odd tear in the floor. Tails seemed shaken up but his full attention was on the tear. Metal did a quick scan of it. Small traces of chaos energy… but nothing else he recognized. The emerald moved around in his scarf. Maybe it was uneasy? “What is that?” Tails asked as he pulled out the Miles Electric. 
Metal just shook his head. He had no idea what it was. Whatever it was though, it was giving him a lot of warnings. Clearly even his systems thought this was a major threat. While he didn’t love being super reliant on his systems for things like this, he felt inclined to head the warnings this time. “I’m… not sure what I’m looking at here.” Tails briefly glanced at Metal. “Whatever it is though… it’s not natural.” His tails flickted behind him.
‘Agreed’ Metal nodded. As he was trying to figure out what they should do he got another alert before things flashed red and he was shoved forward. Right towards the tear. He just hoped Tails was ok as things went black.
Lost and Found (Pre “Another Step on the Path”)
“Just stick close to me ok?” Sonic held out a hand as he gave Shadow a reassuring smile. “It’ll be fine, promise.”
Shadow looked unsure, tail flicking nervously behind him. His hand started to reach out but he hesitated. That was fine though, for once Sonic was alright with being patient. That’s just how working with Shadow had to be. Something he’d learned the hard way when first trying. He had several past scratches and bites to prove it. That was fine though, Sonic could take those. Plus Shadow had almost always looked… well dare he say scared after he’d realized he’d hurt Sonic. He hated seeing Shadow look like that, especially after finding out what happened to him.  
Finally Shadow nodded, standing up a bit straighter. He didn’t take Sonic’s offered hand but he moved up to his side. That was good enough. Sonic really enjoyed the moments where Shadow’s true personality started to shine through. Those moments only really came when he was comfortable though, and it was hard to get him there sometimes. Now, with Sonic leading them through some of the less busy parts of Station Square, wasn’t exactly one of those times but it was close. Hopefully eventually Shadow would feel comfortable to be himself all the time. Baby steps for now though.
All things considered Shadow did well. Of course he didn’t say anything and was more or less glued to Sonic’s side the whole time, but he seemed mostly calm. It was a big improvement over the first couple times he’d tried to bring Shadow out. Those had been… a bit chaotic but nothing he couldn’t handle. To be fair Sonic had been trying to move things a bit fast. Honestly he’d seriously underestimated how slowly he needed to introduce Shadow to most things. He probably should have listened to Tails a bit more in the beginning, but hey he’d figured it out eventually.
“Alright.” Sonic nodded. “I think that’s enough excitement for today. Let’s head back huh?” He gestured over his shoulder. Shadow silently sighed in relief and Sonic pretended not to notice. “What about a race back?” It hadn’t taken long for Sonic to realize how competitive Shadow could get. Something made all the more fun when he’d found out the other hedgehog could keep up with him in a race.
Shadow’s eyes narrowed, and the start of a confident grin slipped onto his face. That was challenge accepted then. “End point is Tails’ lab.” Sonic let a confident grin of his own slip onto his face. “Three, two, one-” Both of them tensed. “-go!”
The two were off like a shot. Sonic reveled in the feeling of someone being able to challenge him speed wise. Sure there was Metal Sonic, but while those races were fun they more often than not turned into fights. Plus as competitive as Metal was, it was way different when it was strictly friendly.
Sonic was so caught up in his own thoughts that he didn't notice Shadow dive at him and send both of them crashing into the ground. He was about to say something when he noticed what looked like some sort of tear in the air. If Shadow hadn't stopped them they both would have run right into it. Shadow was up on all fours glaring at the tear with teeth bared. Not a great sign, but Sonic didn't need much information to figure the thing was dangerous. "Guess we're due for a bit more excitement today huh?" Sonic carefully stood up, but stayed where he was.
"Oh so very right!" A black jackal emerged from the tear. 
Sonic immediately knew the guy was bad news, and Shadow was less than pleased based on how he started growling. "Settle down Shadow." Sonic kept his voice calm. "So what's your deal then?" He crossed his arms.
"I'm simply putting together something… interesting." The jackal pulled out something Sonic never thought he'd see again. The Phantom Ruby. "You two just happen to be the final pieces." The ruby glowed in their hands. "Enjoy the trip." Sonic felt Shadow's tail wrap around his leg before he felt himself falling. He could feel himself slipping into unconsciousness as things went red, then black.
Shadow jolted awake. His eyes darted around to find Sonic. Thankfully his tail was still wrapped around the blue hedgehog’s leg. He allowed himself to relax marginally when he saw the steady rise and fall of his chest. Once he was satisfied with Sonic's condition he turned his attention to their surroundings. A sort of sparse wooded area with some rocks strewn about. He froze when he noticed there were others here, some were familiar. Mostly because there were two other Sonics. They looked different, but they were unmistakable.
He shuffled slightly closer to… his Sonic. What was this? This had something to do with that person who had shown up out of nowhere no doubt. Sonic had shown some sort of familiarity so maybe he’d have a better idea of what was going on.
As he tried to subtly rouse Sonic he noticed “Tails” beginning to stir. Although this fox shared many features with the Tails he was familiar with, most notably the two tails, there were plenty of differences that tipped him off it was not the same person. They blinked wearily before they locked eyes with Shadow. “Shadow..?” They asked, clearly confused. Shadow just narrowed his eyes at the imposter. Suddenly the imposter’s eyes were clearer. Their head swiveled around until their eyes landed on the robot next to them. They relaxed marginally, but were clearly still worried.
Thankfully Shadow was spared trying to figure out what was going on alone when Sonic groaned at his side. “Shadow?” Sonic turned to him, his grogginess apparently evaporating at the sight of Shadow. Understandable, he was on edge and Sonic had been getting very good at reading his moods. “What happened?” Sonic was alert, ready to move at a moment’s notice. Good. 
Shadow pinned his ears back and gestured to the only other person that was awake. ‘That is not Tails’ He signed quickly.
Sonic glanced over at the imposter and frowned. Shadow would guess he was cataloging the differences between them and the real Tails. “Sure looks a lot like him… but I think you’re right.” He hummed. “I wonder if this is a book type of situation…” He muttered to himself. Shadow had no idea what that meant. “Well, only one way to find out huh?” Carefully he removed Shadow’s tail from around his leg. “Yo!” He called as he stood up. Shadow reluctantly stood up beside him. He still didn’t like this, but he’d trust Sonic… for now.
Tails jolted at the sudden address and looked over where the call came from. He tried not to outwardly react as he caught sight of the blue hedgehog that had waved at him. It couldn’t be… could it? Had this whole situation just turned out to be a good thing? Whatever this situation even was. He glanced down at Metal. It would be good if the robot was online. If anyone could confirm the hedgehog’s identity it would be him. “Sonic..?” He tentatively asked.
The blue hedgehog didn’t seem too surprised at the name. “That’s the name.” Sonic grinned. “You are?” He tilted his head.
“Oh! Uh Miles… but people just call me Tails.” Tails wrung his hands.
“Tails huh?” Sonic’s expression changed slightly, but Tails couldn’t quite place it. Next to him the hedgehog that looked a lot like Shadow narrowed their eyes more. Something was off.
“Interesting.” Sonic mumbled to himself. “I think I might know what’s going on here.” His expression hardened. “That creep had the Phantom Ruby, so all of this probably isn’t real. The guy thought making copies of me and some of my friends would throw me off. Looks like he at least got a little creative about it though…”
Tails felt panic spike through him. He had no idea what this Phantom Ruby was, but if Sonic didn’t think he was real he wasn’t sure he wanted to find out what the hedgehog would do. If Metal was awake he might feel a bit safer since the robot should be able to match Sonic in terms of power, but as it stood Tails didn’t feel like he stood a chance. Especially if the Shadow look-a-like was anything like the Shadow he knew.
He was pulled from his panic by a hand on his shoulder. A familiar, metallic hand. Metal stared down the duo menacingly. “Metal are you..?” Tails glanced at him.
Metal nodded and shot him a thumbs up with his free hand. “Working with Metal Sonic huh?” Sonic looked between the two of them before giving Tails a disapproving look.
Tails pinned his ears down. “He’s my friend.” He steeled his nerves. “Don’t you dare judge him or me when you don’t know what either of us have been through.” He sounded angry by the end. Wasn’t Sonic supposed to be a hero? Someone who was supposed to help them stop Eggman? 
Sonic’s expression faltered a bit. Maybe Tails could get him to listen after all. That would be better than the fight that was clearly threatening to break out. As he tried to figure out the best way to do that another passed out figure suddenly jolted awake. “I’m up!” The… other blue hedgehog, this one wearing a brown scarf and moon shaped pendant, rose a hand. He blinked as he took in the tense scene. “Huh.”
Behind him someone who looked just like Knuckles got up, holding his head. “What happened..?” He glanced out at the scene as well, brow furrowing. Tails took a deep breath. Just what was going on?
Knuckles frowned in confusion as he took in everything in front of him. Sonic had taken to staring at the others, who looked about ready to fight, in a mix of interest and confusion. “What is this?” Knuckles straightened his back. If a fight was about to break out he wasn’t going to be caught unaware. 
Sonic hummed. “I might have an idea.” He tapped his foot. “I feel like… this is sort of familiar in a way.
“Well? What’s happening then?” Knuckles urged Sonic to explain.
“Just hang back. I’ve got this.” Sonic winked at him as he walked up to be between the others. Knuckles stared in mild disbelief at Sonic’s blatant disregard for his own safety. “Alright why don’t we all just calm down?”
“One of the fake mes is up huh?” The Sonic look-a-like hummed.
Sonic held up a finger as he frowned at the blue hedgehog. “First, rude.” He held up a second finger. “Second, no one here is fake. Probably.”
“Really?” The fox spoke up. “How do you know?”
“Wonderful question buddy.” Sonic cleared his throat. “I’ve… experienced something like this before. I had a nice chill chat with another me. Can’t really remember the conversation but I know it happened.” He crossed his arms. “This could be that, but uh more people.” He shrugged.
“You never told me that.” Knuckles crossed his arms. It was hard to shut Sonic up sometimes, there was no way the hedgehog wouldn’t have shared that with him.
“That's because I didn’t remember it before right now.” Sonic sighed. “I don’t think I was supposed to remember it at all to be honest.”
The other Sonic actually relaxed at that. “You know I guess that’s not too far-fetched. I have met up with my past self a couple times.” He frowned and turned to the fox and robot. “Sorry about threatening you guys. Me and Shadow were attacked before waking up here so I was kinda on edge. That wasn’t cool of me though.” 
“It’s uh… alright.” The fox nodded, relaxing as well. At the fox’s side the robot rose their hands and started to make deliberate motions with them. “Metal says apology accepted… as long as you don’t threaten me again.” The fox rubbed the back of his head.
The other Sonic let out a short chuckle. “I can do that.”
The black hedgehog looked at Metal with interest and started moving their hands as well. The two went back and forth for a bit before Knuckles lost interest in trying to figure out what they were trying to say. “Shouldn’t we be trying to figure out a way back rather than… this?” Knuckles gestured at the group. “Some of us have things we need to get back to.”
“We just had to sort things out first, Knucklehead.” The other Sonic grinned. “We’ll figure this out.”
“We should share any information we have first.” The fox spoke up. “That way we have a better shot at figuring out what happened.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Sonic nodded at the fox in approval.
As the group started to share information Knuckles glanced at the last person who’d yet to wake up. From the looks of it, they were another Sonic. Wonderful. One was already a handful but three? He’d just have to deal with it though. At least until they figured out a way to get back. For now though he should go pay attention to the information the group was sharing. The faster he could get him and Sonic back the better.
Super was not panicking. Thank you. He was just… keeping himself alert in a less than ideal situation. Yeah. “Sonic you better get up right now or I swear to Chaos…” Super growled. There was no response. Which was just great. He could hear things, voices, but couldn’t really make out what they were saying. It was possible that the Holoska locals had found them but… Super found that unlikely. That weird jackal had confronted them before all this and he doubted they would have just left them there.
This all left him with only one thing he really could do. It wouldn’t be good to let Sonic keep being a sitting duck. Not when he could do something about it. He flexed his hands. Even if he was doubtful about his ability to keep himself under control right now. With no resistance he pushed Sonic out of control and took over.
Sounds snapped into sharp focus now that the “body” was awake. Though of course the talking abruptly stopped the moment he moved to get up. Clearly whoever was there had noticed him. He opened his eyes to take in the group, and almost wished he hadn’t. Of all the things he’d been expecting this was not it. Two other Sonics stared back at him; along with Tails, Knuckles, Metal Sonic, and… what looked like Shadow.
Super blinked. The other Sonics blinked back. After several moments of tense silence one of the Sonics, the one with the red scarf, walked forward. “Hey there.” He spoke gently. “You are probably pretty confused, but don’t worry. We’ve worked out we’re all cool. Apparently we’re all from different worlds but we’re working together to figure out how to get us all back.” He smiled.
That seemed… just outlandish enough to not be a lie. Super slowly stood up, willing himself to stay as calm as possible. If this Sonic was telling the truth, attacking them wouldn’t help anything. “We’re trying to figure out how to get back so just come over and join us when you’re ready.” He stayed back as the Sonic rejoined the group and they continued whatever conversation they were having. This was all a lot, but he could handle it. He had to. For now though maybe he should work on waking up Sonic. His Sonic that is. The fact he was still passed out had Super on edge.
As he mentally prodded at Sonic he noticed his vision shift, the edges going red for a moment. His eyes narrowed at what was once a group of somewhat familiar faces. Standing there now was a group of robots and the last person Super wanted to see right now. Eggman. Things slowly clicked into place. Whatever happened must have been Eggman’s fault. That jackal must be working with the doctor.
He growled and Eggman turned to face him. The doctor grinned, and Super could feel chaos energy beginning to spark around his body. The robots all stood at attention, and Metal Sonic moved up to his creator’s side. That was it. No way Super was going to let Eggman make the first move. He sprung forward intending to attack the doctor directly. Maybe if he took out their leader this fight would be over quick.
A couple minutes earlier…
Sonic watched as the other him walked back over to the group. Leaving the now golden furred hedgehog on their own for the time being. “I think they’ll be ok.” The other Sonic said as he rejoined them.
“Good to hear.” Tails smiled. “Will they be coming over soon?”
The other Sonic glanced back. “I’d give them a minute. They seem kind of shaken up.”
“Well for now, back to business!” Sonic clapped his hands together. “First though we need to slow down and figure out what we’re all calling each other. Particularly those of us with the same names.” He pointed to himself with his thumb. “You can call me Fate. I think that’s the name I used the last time this happened.”
“Hmmm I guess you can call me… Blur then.” The newly dubbed Blur shrugged. 
“Kinda boring but it works.” Fate nodded. “We’ll figure out what to call them when they come over.” He gestured to the golden hedgehog, who seemed to be lost in thought. “As for everyone else… I guess just your names are fine since there’s no other repeats!” He gestured to the group. “So just introduce yourselves in case someone doesn’t know a version of you.”
No one spoke up for a bit, that was until Tails stepped forward. “Well uh, like I said before I’m Miles, but just call me Tails.” He smiled before gesturing at the robot that was with him. “And this is Metal Sonic. We usually just call him Metal though.” Metal waved at the group.
When no one else spoke up Fate pushed Knuckles forward. The echidna gave him an annoyed look. “I’m Knuckles.” He said, crossing his arms. Fate nodded in approval.
Blur looked over at the black hedgehog, at least Fate was pretty sure they were a hedgehog, and gestured to the group. He tilted his head in silent question. The black hedgehog sighed before putting a hand on their chest. “Shadow.”
“Now that we’re all acquainted…” Blur looked back at the group after giving Shadow an approving smile. “Do we have any ideas on how we can get back?”
“Based on the limited information we have I’d say our best bet would be to try and find that jackal.” Tails hummed. 
“We need to be careful though since they have the Phantom Ruby.” Blur frowned as he crossed his arms. “That thing can be pretty dangerous as long as that guy knows how to use it.”
“Does it have any weaknesses?” Knuckles asked as he let his arms hang at his sides.
“The thing does need a powersource to function.” Blur perked up. “If we can find that and take it out the thing should be near useless.”
“That’s as good a place as any to start things.” Fate grinned. “Plus if we go poking around for this powersource the guy might show his face to try and stop us.”
Blur snapped his fingers and nodded. “Bingo. If they try to stop us we’ll know we’re getting closer too.”
Metal was suddenly alert, his hands moving in what Fate had recently learned was sign language. Shadow looked concerned as well and glanced back where Metal was looking. Slowly everyone in the group turned to look at what the duo was looking at. Fate suppressed an involuntary shudder as he took in the golden hedgehog. They had energy sparking around their body and a dark look in their odd, spiral eyes. 
His fur was standing up and he fought the urge to give into his fight or flight instincts. This guy might as well have a big, neon sign pointing to them right now that said “DANGER” the way Fate’s instincts were going haywire.
Metal moved up to Blur’s side; the robot looked ready to fight. It occurred then to Fate that he should probably prepare himself too. Blur had been trying in vain to calm down the golden hedgehog with words, so things were probably going to come to a fight. The tension kept building until the golden hedgehog leapt forward. They were fast, but thankfully so was Blur. The other hedgehog barely managed to dodge a quick swipe from the golden hedgehog’s claws.
With that first attack everyone jumped in. Him, Blur, and Metal kept the golden hedgehog’s attention on them by running literal circles around them. Fate would really love to focus on the fact that there wasn’t only one other person who could keep up with him but three; unfortunately he needed to focus on not getting slashed by one of the golden hedgehog’s unpredictable attacks.
“Keep on your toes guys!” Blur leapt out of the way of a sudden dive. “If this guy is super like I think he is then we’re kinda outmatched here. Unless you two have some sort of secret power I don’t know about that can damage someone who’s invulnerable.”
Fate bit his tongue. He nearly blurted out something about the werehog. There really wasn’t a need to bring that up right now. It was good for fighting those Dark Gaia creatures not… this. Plus it wasn’t even nighttime so it didn’t matter anyway. If he could help it, these guys would never have to know about it. “Fraid not.” Fate quickly curled into a ball to avoid another attack before uncurling.
“Worth asking.” Blur shrugged before being pushed out of the way of an attack by Metal. “Thanks dude.” He nodded at Metal. The robot gave him a nod and thumbs up.
The golden hedgehog growled in frustration. “Enough messing around.” His eyes landed on Blur. “I’m going to rip your stupid toys to shreds, and then it’s your turn doctor.”
Blur furrowed his brow for a moment before realization passed over his face. “Shadow!” He suddenly turned to face the black hedgehog who’d been hanging back watching the fight. “That jackal is around here somewhere! I think this guy is under the effects of the ruby!” Without a word Shadow was gone, presumably to look for the jackal.
Unfortunately they’d all failed to notice that during that exchange that the golden hedgehog had been building up energy. “Been practicing this one. Consider yourself lucky you’re the first one I’m properly using it on!” The golden hedgehog snarled.
Metal seemed concerned and Blur’s eyes widened. “Everyone get clear!” Blur rushed back and grabbed Tails with Metal hot on his trail. Fate was only a moment behind them. He snatched up a slightly stunned Knuckles on his way. It wasn’t a moment too soon as there was an explosion of energy behind them. Once Fate stopped his eyes widened as he took in the aftermath. The air was charged with what he could now properly recognize as chaos energy and most of what had been in the radius was gone.
“That was chaos blast.” Blur explained as the golden hedgehog touched down on the slightly charred earth. He was panting slightly and his eyes were squeezed shut. Looks like they might have a couple minutes to breathe. “I’ve never seen anyone but Shadow do that…” He added, quieter.
“No need to explain how dangerous it is.” Fate cringed. That would have been devastating if they’d been caught in that. “So you seem to know what’s going on more than us.” He turned to look at Blur. “Any way to stop him?”
“Well if it works anything like my own transformation outlasting him would work but…” Blur trailed off.
“But?” Knuckles jumped in.
“But he seemed to transform without the emeralds at all. I’m not sure if the rules of my own super form apply to him.” Blur continued, frowning.
“So… chaos energy powers the transformation?” Tails asked, sounding contemplative.
“Yeah.” Blur nodded. 
Tails bit his lip. “If we could somehow drain him of enough chaos energy do you think the transformation would become unstable?
Blur grinned. “Looks like you being the smartest guy in the room is a multiversal constant.”
Tails looked away in embarrassment. “It was a pretty simple deduction. Anyone could have put that together.” Metal gave him what felt like an unimpressed look.
“Don’t put yourself down like that kid. You’re smart. Own it.” Blur pat him on the shoulder. “Plus I feel like you have a plan for doing that.”
“I-” Tails looked back up. “Yeah I do.” He cleared his throat and pointed at Metal. “I think Metal can do it.” Metal tilted his head. “You can run off chaos energy. You’ve been since we found that emerald.” Tails turned to Metal and the robot nodded. “If you’re able to take in chaos energy like that then maybe you can siphon it from him.” He gestured to where the golden hedgehog was still standing. It looked like he had almost recovered from the attack.
“That’s risky if you’re not positive he can do it.” Knuckles grunted.
“We don’t really have time for a safer plan Knux.” Fate gently elbowed him. “I’m all for risky over no plan right now.”
“I wish I had more time to think about it but…” Tails trailed off. Metal got his attention and signed something to him. A small smile made its way onto Tails’ muzzle. “Thanks Metal.” He looked up at the group. “I need everyone but Metal to be the best distraction they can. Really catch his attention. We need him to forget Metal even exists.” He looked at Blur. “I think you’ll have the best chance at keeping his attention on you based on what I noticed watching the fight.”
“He called me doctor.” Blur hummed. “If he’s under the effects of the Phantom Ruby like I think he is, I think he’s seeing me as Eggman. If that’s the case I’m not surprised he’s focused on me more.”
“Use it to your advantage.” Tails nodded. 
“Time’s up everyone.” Fate took a deep breath as he noticed the golden hedgehog’s eyes were open again. “Showtime.”
Fate, Blur, and Knuckles all rushed forward immediately gaining the golden hedgehog’s full attention. “Survived that huh?” Chaos energy crackled around him.
Blur cleared his throat. “That’s right you annoying rodent.” He said in an exaggerated voice. The golden hedgehog’s eye twitched. “Did you really think that would end me?” He rose a brow. “Hardly. You two?” He looked at Fate and Knuckles briefly. “Destroy him!”
Both of them hesitated. Fate realized he should probably listen since Blur was clearly putting on some sort of act. Probably acting more like this Eggman guy to sell the whole thing more. He rushed forward and collided with the golden hedgehog’s chest with a spin dash. He stumbled back but didn’t look hurt in the slightest. He rushed forward with some of the crackling chaos energy gathering in his hand before it was released as some sort of projectile. Fate didn’t have time to react and got hit dead on with it. It stung more than anything he’d felt before as he was flung backwards due to the impact. He hissed in pain as his back collided with the ground.
Well that could have gone better, but he was alive at least. “Still in one piece huh? I can fix that.” The golden hedgehog growled as he walked forward, chaos energy once again starting to collect in his hand.
“Back off!” Knuckles rushed forward and punched him square in the face. “I need that idiot alive!” Fate wasn’t sure if he should be insulted or flattered by that. Either way Knuckles was there to lend him a hand to get up. He took the offered hand without a thought. Before the golden hedgehog could attack again Blur rushed forward with a spin dash of his own, effectively putting all the attention on him. “You ok?” Knuckles asked, watching the fight with mild worry in his eyes.
“Been better, been worse.” Fate groaned as he tried to ignore the sting where the attack had connected. It was fading, but it was slow.
“Chaos energy when wielded properly can be extremely dangerous.” Knuckles glanced at the spot where Fate had been hit.
“I noticed.” Fate stretched. “All the more reason we should get back in there and help him out.” Knuckles grunted in agreement and the two ran in to rejoin the fight. Blur looked a little worse for wear but seemed happy to see the two of them back in the fight.
It was a dangerous game they were playing but at the moment they didn’t have much of a choice. Each time they failed they got a painful reminder why they needed to be on their a game. Thankfully they were saved from the inevitable conclusion of this game by the appearance of Metal. 
The robot rushed apparently unnoticed at the golden hedgehog until he was wrapping his metallic arms around the other. “What the!?” The gold hedgehog shouted in confusion and anger. “Get the hell off me Scrap! Before I make you live up to that nickname!”
Much to Fate’s relief some of the sparking chaos energy around the golden hedgehog started to fade. The golden hedgehog’s eyes widened as he realized what was happening. He tried to pry Metall off of him, but the robot refused to let go. Even when claws left deep scrapes in his arms. Fate had to pin his ears against his head to block out the sound of those claws screeching against metal.
Finally though it all stopped as the golden hedgehog collapsed to his knees, suddenly looking tired. He squinted at the group in front of him, a confused look on his face before gold gave way to blue. In front of them was now a very tired looking Sonic, no longer in super form. Metal let go and inspected the damage to his arms. Tails came rushing out of whatever hiding spot he’d been in to run to Metal’s side.
“You good now?” Blur cautiously walked forward.
Sonic frowned. “I… think? What’s going on? Last thing I remember I was in Holoska when this jackal showed up.” He looked at the three of them again. “And now there’s…”
“Two more versions of you?” Fate smiled. “Yeah it’s been a weird day for all of us.” He walked forward and offered a hand. After a moment Sonic took it.
“Ugh, I feel like I got hit by a truck.” Sonic rubbed his face.
“Actually you got hit by Knuckles.” Fate gestured over his shoulder at the echidna. “Plus a few spin dashes.”
“Sounds about right.” Sonic sighed.
“So, weird super form?” Blur asked.
Sonic tilted his head in confusion. “Weird super form..? Oh!” His eyes widened. “You mean Super!” He felt his chest, looking down for a moment. After several oddly quiet seconds he sighed, a small concerned frown on his face. “Super is… uh another person.”
“You both share the same body?” Tails asked, an interested look in his eyes.
“Yeah, exactly.” Sonic nodded, faltering slightly as his eyes landed on the fox. 
Before any further questions could be asked Shadow reappeared at Blur’s side. “There.” He pointed.
Where Shadow was pointing there was a rock, but more importantly there was a mostly black jackal that sat on the rock. There was an amused look on their face and a magenta gem of some sort in their hands. “How very amusing.” They purred. “You’re all quite clever hm?”
“You’re the one that sent us here right?” Blur stepped forward. “Why?”
The jackal perked up. “As I told you before. I was putting together something interesting.” They gestured to the group. “And interesting it has been so far. I was disappointed at first when you were able to diffuse things.” They pointed to Fate. “But I was given another wonderful opportunity in him being left unattended.” They gestured to Sonic.
“What did you do to Super?” Sonic narrowed his eyes and stepped forward with a couple unsteady steps.
“Simply nudged him over the edge where he was already teetering.” The jackal smiled widely. “Don’t worry about him. The others managed to take care of him before he could do too much damage.” They stood up. “Enough of that now though. That game is over. It’s time for something new.” They glanced up at the sky. “Ah what good timing. Night approaches. Have fun.” A tear in the air opened up behind them and they disappeared through it.
Fate sucked in a breath. Almost night already? He hadn’t even noticed with everything that had been going on. Knuckles looked over at him and the two locked eyes. This might be about to get rough.
Metal sat patiently as he let Tails repair his arms as best he could at the moment. Now that things had temporarily settled down there was time for it to sink in just how crazy this whole situation was. He already had enough to worry about between his own issues and trying to take down Eggman. Something like this was the last thing he needed. Things were made worse by the fact that there were three separate Sonics there. None of which were even the one they were trying to find. It was frustrating that the first time they’d find Sonic it wasn’t even their own. The emerald in his scarf sent him a consoling jolt of energy; he mentally thanked it.
“We need to figure out what they were implying when they pointed out that night was coming.” Blur paced back and forth.
“You think he’s planning on making another move then?” Sonic spoke up. The group had decided to just call the third Sonic by his name after everything that happened with Super, or as he’d explained it the whole other person who shared a body with him. Metal honestly wasn’t sure how to feel about that information, but Sonic had assured them that Super was typically not like that.
“I’d say so.” Blur nodded.
“They might target one of us again.” Tails looked up from his work. “I feel like if they wanted to fight us head on they would have done it during the whole fight with Super.”
“The ruby is strong…” Sonic hummed. “But if they don’t know how to use it too well they might not be confident in fighting us head on. Infinite had time to learn to use the ruby and Eggman to guide him. As far as we know this guy hasn’t had it long and no one’s taught him how to use it.”
“If we can corner them then we might be able to get the advantage.” Blur hummed, pausing in his pacing.
“We need to find the powersource.” Shadow spoke up. It was quiet and sort of tentative but it was there.
Blur nodded in agreement. “Yeah. Disabling the ruby should be our top priority. Gaia forbid they learn how to use it properly before we can do that.”
Metal’s attention drifted to the only ones, besides himself, that hadn’t contributed to the conversation yet. Fate and Knuckles. The hedgehog looked nervous, subtly glancing at the sky as he tapped his foot at high speeds. Meanwhile Knuckles was harder to read, but he seemed tense. Those two knew something, and for whatever reason they weren’t saying anything. Unfortunately Metal couldn’t say anything right now either thanks to his arms being worked on. Hopefully someone else would notice.
“We should go looking for it then rather than sitting around here then.” Sonic hummed. “If we stay here we’re just playing into their plans.”
“As long as everyone’s up for it.” Blur nodded. “How’s everyone feeling?” He cast a glance around the group.
“Oh, good good. Just fine.” Fate chuckled nervously. “Feeling… great.” Knuckles put his head in his hands and groaned as Fate put his hands behind his head, trying and failing to act casual.
“Are you… ok?” Tails looked up at him, concerned frown on his face.
“Yeah! Heh. Like I said just fine.” Fate did not look in him in the eyes.
“Do you really think you can lie like that… to two of yourself?” Sonic gestured between himself and Blur. 
Fate looked anywhere but at them. “Iiiiii have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Look we all wanna help each other here.” Blur took a step forward. “That means just for a little bit we need to tell each other stuff.”
Metal watched as Fate glanced around nervously before looking up at the sky. The moon was just starting to rise. “Ah yes. Totally. I’ll just… tell you… now…” His eyes darted around before he bolted.
Everyone stood there in mildly shocked silence. Well everyone except Knuckles, who was just glaring in the direction Fate had left in. “I’ll go get him.” He sighed and walked off.
“So I guess we’re waiting then?” Sonic glanced back at the group.
“Guess so.” Blur looked concerned. “I wanna help but I don’t know what his deal was. There’s too much of a risk of just making things worse.”
“Huh.” Sonic hummed. “That’s pretty mature of you. I probably would have gone and tried anyway if Knuckles hadn’t.”
“Benefit of age I guess.” Blur shrugged.
“Wait…” Sonic looked him over. “How old are you? I thought you’d be the same age as me and him.”
Blur smiled knowingly. “Older than you.”
“That’s not a number.” Sonic pointed at him, frowning.
“Sure isn’t.” Blur chuckled.
The two stared at each other for a moment before Sonic shrugged. “Fair enough.”
Metal mentally sighed. Well guess all there was to do was wait. With any luck Knuckles would be able to bring Fate back before that jackal made their next move.
Once Fate felt like he was far enough away he braced himself for his transformation. As it happened every night dark energy enveloped him before receding away, leaving him in his werehog form. He sighed. Running off probably wasn’t his best move, there were plenty of people who could actually keep up with him around, but he just didn’t wanna risk it.
He took a couple deep breaths to calm himself down. Realistically he wouldn’t be able to avoid them all night, so he really should just head back and rip off the bandaid. Yet he still hesitated. “Ok Sonic.” Fate took another deep breath. “You just need to go back and explain to them why you ran off. Two of them are literally you, they should understand.”
He started to pace, but stopped when he heard the sound of footsteps. Tensing he prepared to… well he wasn’t sure what but he was prepared to do something. He relaxed though as Knuckles came into view. “So you really thought just running off would solve the problem?” The echidna crossed his arms and gave Fate an unimpressed look.
“I… panicked.” Fate sighed. “Running was the first thing I thought of.”
“Well get it together.” Knuckles huffed. “We need to get back there and explain before something happens.”
“Yeah.” Fate nodded. “Yeah you’re right.” Knuckles grunted in agreement before walking back the way he came. After a moment Fate followed him. It was a quiet walk but honestly he’d expected that. It gave him time to figure out how he was going to explain. Once the others were in sight it really sunk in. This would be the first time he’d chosen to explain it to someone. With Tails and Knuckles he’d been forced to explain due to circumstance. He let his eyes wander in an attempt to distract himself from that thought. He stopped dead in his tracks though as he spotted a familiar sight. “Knuckles!” He whisper yelled.
The echidna stopped as well and turned around, quickly following Fate’s line of sight. “Dark Gaia creatures here? How?” Knuckles growled.
“No idea…” Fate growled as the monsters moved closer. “I couldn’t even feel that they were here. That’s never happened before.” He flexed his claws. “Go back and warn the others. I’ll hold them off.”
Knuckles looked reluctant to leave Fate on his own but eventually gave in. “Don’t you dare die on me while I have my eyes off you!”
“And disappoint you? I wouldn’t dream of it.” Fate chuckled. As Knuckles ran off to the others, Fate turned his full attention to the Dark Gaia creatures. “Well looks like it’s your unlucky day.” He smirked. “I just so happen to be just the guy made to pound you into the ground.” He slid into a fighting stance as they continued to approach. “Let’s dance.”
“We have a problem!” Knuckles ran towards the group, skidding to a stop.
Sonic was immediately alert. Even Super perked up in mild alarm despite still being groggy from before. “What happened?” Sonic was at Knuckles’ side quickly, checking him for any injuries or anything else.
“Not much time to explain, but there are monsters.” Knuckles pointed back in the direction he’d come from. “You all probably won’t be able to hurt them but me and So-” He shook his head. “-Fate can. We’ll take care of them. Just stay clear.”
“A little late for that.” Blur gestured to the familiar monsters that were now in line of sight. Shadow’s quills stood up as he narrowed his eyes at the monsters.
“Oh.” Sonic perked up. “Dark Gaia huh? That’s what you two are dealing with at the moment?” He looked back at Knuckles.
The echidna seemed confused but nodded. “Yeah. That’s… how did you know?”
It was Blur that actually answered. “Been there and done that.” He cracked his knuckles as he eyed the approaching monsters. “Did Fate run off because of the whole werehog thing? If so, no need to worry. Been through that all before too.” Shadow gave him an odd look. One that Blur answered by simply shrugging.
“Same here.” Sonic nodded.
“Were… what?” Super asked.
“I’ll tell you later, after we work all this out.” Sonic answered mentally. “For now just rest.”
“Ugh, fine. Just don’t get yourself killed.” Super sighed.
“I’ll try my best not to.” Sonic chuckled.
Metal signed something as he took in the monsters. “Metal says you all have some weird adventures.” Tails translated. “I can’t help but agree with him on that.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve heard that.” Blur rolled his shoulders back. “Knuckles you can go tell Fate we won’t judge him. For now we’ll see if we can do anything about these guys.”
Knuckles shook his head. “Alright. Fine. I’ll be back.” He ran back in the direction he’d come from.
“Been a while since I’ve fought these guys.” Sonic pounded a fist into his open palm. “Wonder how different it’ll be fighting them like this.”
“Just be careful everyone.” Tails’ namesakes twitched nervously. “Knuckles did say he wasn’t sure if we could fight them.”
“Only one way to find out.” Sonic dove at the monsters and collided with them using a spin dash. The weaker ones vanished as they were hit. “Well, question answered.”
“And what would have happened if that didn’t work?” Super asked as Sonic dashed back to where the others had started fighting. 
“Eh, I would have figured it out.” Sonic jumped over the swipe of one of the larger ones. “Doesn’t matter now since it worked.”
“I understand why Tails calls you reckless now.” Super scoffed.
“Don’t act like you wouldn’t have done the same thing in this situation.” Sonic pulled Metal out of the way of a monster he didn’t see and got a thankful nod from the robot before he jumped back into the fight.
“The difference there is I’m invulnerable. You’re not.” Super answered. “On your left.” He added, sounding almost bored.
Sonic used a quick homing attack on the flying monster on his left. “Thanks.”
“Someone has to make sure you’re ok since Tails isn’t here.” Super hummed.
“Guess so, but I can take care of myself you know. Kinda literally right now.” Sonic laughed to himself. 
“Just focus, hedgehog.” Super sounded unamused.
“Big guy coming up.” Blur pointed to a larger monster that looked distinct from the others. Knuckles was running in front of it while it gave chase. Shadow and Tails rushed forward; Tails grabbing Knuckles and pulling him out of harm’s way and Shadow colliding with the monster chasing him.
“The hell are you doing!?” Knuckles glared at Tails once the fox put him down.
Tails shrunk in on himself. “I was… saving you?” He sounded unsure.
“From what?” Knuckles’ voice sounded strained.
“From big ugly over there.” Sonic ran over and gestured to the monster Shadow was now engaging.
Knuckles looked over there, brow furrowed. “What..?” His eyes widened. “Oh for the love of… not again.” He looked back at Sonic and Tails. “That’s not one of them! That’s Sonic! My Sonic!”
“Oh.” Was all Sonic could manage. Ok maybe it made a bit more sense as to why Fate ran off. “Oh I need to go stop Shadow from hurting him then. Let the others know while I break that up. It looks like we’re almost wrapped up here anyway.” Without waiting for a response he dashed towards where Shadow and the recently identified Fate were fighting. “Yo Shads! Back off dude he’s not our enemy!” Sonic slid to a stop between the two of them.
Shadow growled at him, like a literal growl which was kinda weird but Sonic didn’t dwell on that. “Move.” Shadow huffed.
“Not gonna happen dude.” Sonic stood his ground. This was more familiar, but this Shadow was clearly different from his own. Maybe he should have sent Blur over here to deal with this. Oh well, too late now. “This is Fate, one of the other people who got stuck here. I know he looks… well really different but Knuckles said it was him and I believe Knuckles.”
Shadow glanced up at Fate, and Fate nervously glanced back. “Fine.” Shadow eventually said. 
Sonic relaxed as the tension dissipated. Yesh what was it with this group and wanting to fight each other? “Maybe something about you just annoys people enough that they want to fight you.” Super proposed innocently.
“You’ve been spending way too much time around Shadow.” Sonic mentally answered as he sighed. Thankfully it looked like things had been finished up. At the very least he couldn’t spot any more of the Dark Gaia creatures around. “Sorry about all that.” He gave Fate an apologetic smile. “We all got kinda caught up in things and just assumed.”
Fate blinked. “It’s uh fine.” He cleared his throat. “You… don’t care though?”
Sonic waved off the concern. “Nah. Had to deal with something similar before so I get how it is.”
“Oh yeah?” Fate smiled, looking relieved. “That’s… good to hear. Not uh that you had to deal with that but…”
“I knew what you meant.” Sonic chuckled. “Now c’mon, we should go head back to the others.” He gestured for Fate and Shadow to follow him. Thankfully after a moment they both did.
Blur waved as they walked over. “Glad to see everyone’s in one piece.”
Metal nodded before signing something. Shadow nodded back at him. “He says that we probably shouldn’t stick around here and wait for the next thing to happen.” Tails translated. “We need to hunt down the power source. I know we’re probably all tired but…”
Fate waved it off. “I’m used to working on little to no sleep. Plus I’m still feeling energized.”
Knuckles hummed. “Usually after you fight those things you get tired. How are you still ok?”
“I’m… not sure.” Fate tilted his head, narrowing his eyes in thought. “It’s… possible those guys weren’t even real. I didn’t feel them before they showed up like I usually do.”
“And everyone was able to fight them.” Knuckles added, frowning in thought.
“Might have been the ruby then.” Blur suggested. “It could have easily been used to do something like that.”
“All the more reason for us to hunt down the powersource.” Tails sounded more confident.
“I’d be willing to bet that guy is using some sort of chaos energy to power the ruby.” Blur put a hand on his chin. “It takes a lot of energy to keep the ruby at full power and that would be the most effective powersource around.”
“If it’s chaos energy…” Fate spoke up. “Knuckles probably can help.” He put a lange hand on the echidna’s head. “He can sense it. Been using that to help us find the Gaia Temples.”
“Shadow can help too.” Blur smiled and pointed a thumb in Shadow’s direction. “He’s real sensitive to it.”
“And if that isn’t enough.” Tails spoke up. “Metal can help too.”
“Well, looks like this shouldn’t be a problem then.” Blur nodded. “Let’s show this guy that he messed with the wrong people.”
It was an oddly calm walk. Maybe it was due to the general tiredness of the group or maybe it was because everyone was slowly getting more comfortable with each other. Blur honestly wasn’t sure, but it was nice. Sure they hadn’t been here long, but a lot had already happened. They all needed the break. Shadow was sticking close to his side, but that was to be expected. This was a lot for him and Blur really had no way to ease him into something like this. He was doing pretty well, at least outwardly. “How are you holding up Shadow?”
The black hedgehog glanced at him before raising his hands. ‘This is all overwhelming’ He admitted.
“Yeah, I figured.” Blur sighed. “Sorry you got dragged into this mess.”
‘This was not your fault’ Shadow reassured him. ‘Having you here has made this tolerable’
“Happy to hear I’ve helped.” Sonic hesitantly put a hand on Shadow’s shoulder. “You gonna be ok to last a little longer?”
‘I do not have much choice, but I will be fine’ Shadow sighed. “Thank you.” He added quietly.
The rest of the walk was just as uneventful. The only mildly exciting thing being the occasional disagreement between Knuckles, Metal, and Shadow on which way was the right way to go. Nothing that escalated beyond slightly annoyed voices though. ‘It’s just up ahead’ Metal pointed while Tails translated for those who didn’t understand sign.
Said fox frowned as he caught sight of what Metal was pointing at. It was a machine of some sort, it’s powersource an emerald. The machine itself looked hastily put together. Honestly it was a miracle it worked at all with the way it looked. “I’m surprised this thing hasn’t blown itself up yet…” Tails commented as he pulled out his Miles Electric. “This thing is so unstable I’m not sure how safely I can disable it.” He hummed as he tapped away at the tablet. “I’ll do my best though. It might take me a while.”
“Can’t we just break it?” Fate asked, eying the machine.
“Unless you want to feel what it’s like to get hit by an attack that’s about ten times more powerful than that chaos blast we saw earlier I wouldn’t.” Blur hummed. “When the emeralds are improperly used like this they can get real dangerous.”
“Noted.” Fate nodded as he more cautiously eyed the machine.
‘Guess we’ll just have to hang back and let Tails do his thing’ Metal turned to the group. Since Tails was busy Blur made sure to translate for him.
“Guess so.” Sonic hummed. “Been meaning to ask you something actually Metal.” He pointed at the robot. Metal gestured for him to go ahead. “How’d you end up with Tails and not working with Eggman?”
Metal flexed his fingers before answering. ‘He could never control me. Eventually he left me deactivated somewhere and Tails found me. Fixed me up. In return I stuck with him and joined the resistance to help take down Eggman’
"Solid reasoning." Sonic nodded. "Nice to know it's possible for Metal Sonic to have a change of heart." He tapped his foot. "Super says he doesn't believe our Metal can change but I'll stay optimistic."
"I won't hold my breath for mine." Blur shrugged. 
"I've never even met a Metal Sonic so…" Fate shrugged.
"And I hope we never do." Knuckles added.
"Oh, and Super asked what was up with Shadow too. Since he looks different from the one we know." Sonic gestured to the black hedgehog.
"Different huh?" Blur glanced at Shadow in concern. He wasn't sure if Shadow would really want to talk about or have his past talked about right now. "Well how about you tell me how you met yours and we'll go from there." Hopefully that was safe enough.
"Mmmm it was when Eggman woke him up intending to work with him to take over the world." Sonic nodded to himself. "Shadow actually played the doctor and tried to destroy the planet but hey." He shrugged. "He ended up helping me stop the Ark from crashing into the planet in the end."
'I found the Shadow I know in a pod in an old abandoned G.U.N. base. He was really confused but I managed to talk him into staying with the resistance. At least for a while' Metal jumped in before looking over at Sonic. 'Yours tried to destroy the planet?'
"Heh heh…  yeah…" Sonic rubbed the back of his head. "And now Super is chewing me out for never telling him that story."
"And I've never met my Shadow either." Fate huffed and crossed his arms. "Why do all the other versions of me have a bunch of cool adventures?"
"You're on one right now." Knuckled glared at Fate. "Stop complaining."
"That's not the same." Fate looked away.
"The… Ark?" Shadow suddenly spoke up and looked at Sonic.
Blur took a deep breath and prepared to possibly diffuse a bad situation. "Yeah." Sonic nodded, oblivious to Blur's concern.
Shadow looked down. "Was he… happy there?" It was an oddly vulnerable question for Shadow. It had taken Blur a long time to get him to even approach talking about his feelings or at least addressing them. Something he rarely wanted to talk about was his past though. Life on the Ark for him hadn't been… great. Blur knew that even with the very surface level information Shadow had shared.
Sonic looked surprised by the question. "Well…" He hummed. "He hasn't told me much but I think in some ways he was. He's done his best to move on from everything that happened though. Forge his own path in life; which I can respect." 
Shadow was silent for a while, maybe thinking over Sonic's words. Blur was just about to step in when Shadow nodded. "Good." Even Blur couldn't read Shadow right now. He just hoped this was a good thing for the black hedgehog.
"I've nearly got it!" Tails spoke up. At some point during his work he'd sat down on the ground. "I just need someone who can safely remove the emerald when I shut everything down. But uh…" He rubbed the back of his head. "The timing needs to be perfect or…"
"It goes boom?" Fate asked.
"Yeah." Tails pinned his ears down.
"Well, step one is figuring out who should remove the emerald." Blur tapped his fingers on his arm. "Based on what I know I'd say Shadow or Metal would be the best to do it."
"I have an alternate suggestion." Sonic rose a hand. "Super. He's pure chaos energy so…"
“How does that even work?” Knuckles looked at Sonic in confusion.
“Eh some weird thing with the emeralds.” Sonic shrugged.
“As long as he’s feeling up to it that probably is our safest bet.” Blur nodded.
Sonic shot him a thumbs up before his fur and quills started to change to a golden color. Super shook himself out once the change was over. “Ugh. I hate feeling this drained.” He frowned.
‘Sorry about that’ Metal quickly apologized.
“Eh it’s whatever. I was out of control so it’s fine.” Super shrugged. “Let’s do this. You ready for me Tails?”
“Just give me a few moments…” Tails went back to tapping away at his tablet. “I’ll let you know when. You can stand over there and get ready though.”
“You got it.” Super walked over, stumbling once but glaring at anyone who tried to open their mouth to ask if he was ok. “Just say when.” He eyed the machine wearily. 
“Not so fast.” An unfortunately familiar voice said. A little ways away the jackal that had caused this whole mess stood. They looked… much less calm and collected than they had before. “Did you all really think I’d let you end things prematurely?” They stood up a bit taller, maybe trying to regain some of their former persona.
“Well kinda.” Fate narrowed his eyes. “You don’t like to fight yourself clearly. Don’t think you can take us in a fair fight?” He taunted.
Blur glanced over at Fate. Was he trying to goad the jackal on intentionally? It was very possible it wasn’t on purpose but they could use that to their advantage. The jackal growled, their form flickering briefly. That was… odd. “I’m more than a match for you all.” They barred their teeth.
“Then why not show us then?” Knuckles joined in the taunting. “Cause the way I see it you’re all talk.”
Metal gestured with a hand for the jackal to come at him. Well guess they were all in on this now. “If you’re really so high and mighty…” Blur stepped forward. “... then take us out yourself. Not with some cheap tricks.”
The jackal gripped the ruby tightly. “Very well. If you all crave your destruction so much, I simply must oblige.” Their eye twitched. 
“So quick question.” Fate glanced at the group as the area around the jackal flashed red. “Do we actually have a plan if they turn out to be more than talk?”
Blur shrugged. “We win like we always do.”
“Reassuring.” Knuckles mumbled as he fell into a fighting stance.
“Keep him off me and Super if you can.” Tails looked up at them in worry. “If we can cut the power mid-fight, that should make things easier for everyone.”
“Go kick that guy’s butt.” Super growled. “Make them wish they never dragged us all here.”
Shadow nodded in silent approval. “Alright guys.” Blur smacked his fist into his open palm. “Let’s do this.” 
How had things gone so off the rails so quickly? They dogged out of the way as the “heroes” began their assault. They would show those fools. How dare they deviate so drastically from their plans! There were so many more interesting things they could do. All that planning, waisted! They looked past the group which had engaged them. The fox and golden hedgehog needed to be stopped. If they managed to destroy the ruby’s power source… 
They lunged past their attackers, putting up barriers of red cubes. If only they’d taken the time to learn to use the gem properly! Their hubris had come back to bite them after all. Next time they’d have to be much more careful… They got some mild satisfaction out of the versions of Sonic slamming into the erected walls.
There. A clear shot at the fox. They lunged only to be intercepted by the golden hedgehog. “Hands off creep.” He growled before tossing them back. The air left their lungs as they collided with the ground. They got up in time to see two spin dashes heading right towards them. One hurt with the pain of super sharp quills, the other hard metal. They were once again sent flying back.
Perhaps they had… underestimated the strength of their foes. This whole experience could have benefitted from much more planning than the cursory glances into their respective universes. They narrowly dodged under the punch of the echidna. Would it be better to cut their losses now and prevent further harm to themself?
Suddenly there was a very angry black hedgehog pinning them down. Sharp claws dug into their arms. Ah so this was truly what pain felt like. What a foreign concept. This was the first time they’d experienced anything like it. They barely managed to kick the hedgehog off of themself and roll away.
If only they could think faster. Decide what to make with the ruby faster. Then they could gain the upper hand. They shouldn’t have been foolish enough to have let these fools goad them into a fight! They snarled and felt their form flicker. Somehow the form they’d made to suit this universe was beginning to unravel as well. Perhaps it was because it had been rushed. They’d need time to perfect it. For now though…
They caught the attack of the more monstrous looking member of their group and pushed him back, causing him to stumble but not fall. Their arms stung. A glance down at them showed the wounds inflicted by the black hedgehog were releasing a black liquid. No doubt the damage they received was hastening this form’s destruction.
One last ditch effort then. They held the ruby in front of them. “I’ll destroy you all.” They snarled. “Enjoy your last pathetic moments!” 
Super did his best to restrain himself from jumping into the fight. The others were fine. This guy was an absolute pushover in a direct fight. “How are we looking?” Super glanced at Tails. 
The fox was slightly shaken up from the attack Super had saved him from, but was otherwise fine. “Just about there.” He looked up at Super. “Ready?”
“Like I said, just give me the word.” Super let his hand hover over the exposed emerald. 
“Ok.” Tails took a deep breath. “Three.” Super tensed. “Two.” Super could feel Sonic sending calming thoughts his way. “One.” Super could hear that stupid jackal yell something but didn’t listen to the words. “Now!”
Super grabbed the emerald the moment the world left Tails’ mouth. Just in case he dove for the fox, intending to get him to safety if the machine did explode. Thankfully no explosion came. 
“No!” The jackal yelled. Super glanced over at them. The others were relaxing from guarded positions. “Fine then.” They spat as they tossed the ruby onto the ground. “You’ve won.” One of those tears opened up behind the jackal. “Enjoy your victory.” With that they were gone.
“I guess that guy was just as much of a sore loser as Infinite was.” Sonic commented.
“Good riddance.” Super huffed.
“Is that it then?” Knuckles looked at the spot where the jackal had disappeared. 
“I think so.” Fate flexed his claws.
Blur walked up to the Phantom Ruby and carefully picked it up. “I’ll take care of this. I’m not sure where he got it from originally so I won’t destroy it but… I’ll make sure no one can get their hands on it.”
Tails stood up and nodded. “Sounds good.” He locked eyes with Metal and ran over to him. Much to Super’s surprise the fox wrapped his arms around the robot. “I’m glad you’re ok Metal.” Metal patted his back comfortingly. 
“Don’t think I’m ever gonna get over seeing that.” Sonic hummed. “Makes me wonder where the Sonic of their world is…”
Shadow grabbed at Blur’s arm. “What’s up Shadow?” Blur looked at the hand around his arm.
“You’re disappearing.” Shadow looked concerned.
Blur blinked and looked at his arm more closely. “Huh… kinda like when mini me left after the war…” He looked up at the group. “Looks like I’m not the only one either.” Everyone looked at themselves in mild panic. “Don’t worry!” Blur got everyone’s attention again. “I think this is just the universe getting us back to where we’re supposed to be. Guess it’s realized something is wrong and is correcting things.”
“This is not how it ended the last time for me.” Fate shivered as he took in his transparent arm.
“Guess this is goodbye then?” Tails had stopped hugging Metal and was looking at the group.
“Guess so kid.” Blur smiled. “But hey, it all worked out in the end huh?”
“I guess.” Super shrugged. “Since we sent that idiot packing.”
“Hopefully they don’t get any ideas about trying this again.” Knuckles crossed his arms, glancing nervously at his disappearing arms.
“Even if this was all… well not the best experience…” Tails smiled sadly. “I’m glad to have met you all. It really gives me hope for our future.” Metal nudged Tails and signed something. “Metal says he’s happy he got to meet you all too and he’s glad to know that it seems like all Sonics are good people.”
“Let them know it was great to meet them all for me Super.” Sonic asked.
Super sighed but nodded. “Sonic says it was great to meet you all.”
“This was… interesting.” Shadow hummed. “I wish you all well.”
“Hate to be the bearer of bad news but…” Fate cleared his throat. “We’re probably not going to remember any of this. Last time this happened to me I didn’t really remember anything. Maybe vague things like feelings but…”
“Well that’s just how things have to be then.” Blur shrugged. “Nothing we can do about it.”
Tails’ ears drooped sadly. “I wish we didn’t have to forget but… it’s alright.” A small smile twitched onto his face. “I still think somewhere deep down I’ll know.”
“You’re all… alright I guess.” Super figured he should say something too. “Particularly you.” He pointed at Metal. “You’re a fighter, don’t give up on whatever you’re fighting for.”
“That was… oddly encouraging Super.” Sonic sounded surprised. “You ok?”
“I guess I’ll sort of miss these idiots too.” Super answered mentally. Metal tilted his head before nodding at Super. 
By now the bottom half of everyone had vanished and the process seemed to be speeding up. “Well sayonara everyone.” Blur gave a two finger salute.
“Goodbye.” Shadow nodded at the group.
“See you all around!” Fate waved. “Or er… probably not.” He chuckled. Knuckles simply waved.
“Good luck everyone!” Tails smiled. Metal quickly signed something with disappearing hands. “Metal says he hopes your lives are great.”
“This was certainly an experience.” Super started. “And I’m sure Sonic will want me to properly say goodbye for the both of us so… bye I guess.” 
Some of them waved until they were gone while others just stood and waited. Eventually though, all of them vanished leaving the area clear once more. The only proof this happened at all as vague memories and feelings of those that were never meant to meet.
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Love Song for a Vampire Pt.12
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Pairing(s): Edward Cullen x Wolf!Reader, Edward Cullen x Bella Swan, Jacob Black x Bella Swan
Warnings: none
Words: 4836
Summary: You, Seth and Jacob disobey Sam’s orders.
Part 1    Part 2    Part 3    Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10  Part 11  Part 13  Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17  Part 18  Part 19  Part 20  Part 21  Part 22  Part 23  Part 24  Part 25  Part 26  Part 27  Part 28  Part 29  Part 30  Part 31  Part 32  Part 33  Part 34  Part 35  Part 36  Part 37  Part 38  Part 39
This had been the first time Victoria’s anger was directed full throttle at Riley. It awed him and shot fear to his core. His body flew across the room, making the wall he collided with crack from the impact.
“How dare you! I didn’t instruct you to abduct her, let alone feed her blood to the others.” Victoria snarled, her other hand was occupied as she held onto the face of a squirming, insubordinate, newborn. Unfortunate was the newborn as Victoria flexed her fingers, cracks spreading through his porcelain-like face like a spider’s web. Newborns may have been stronger, but Victoria had decades on them.
Riley winced, trying to pick himself up. The first taste of pain since turning. “I thought. . . You would be happy. I took Edward’s mate.”
That only inspired her temper to grow worse. The newborn, at Victoria’s mercy, received none as her fingers dug deeper into his face. With a vicious swing of her arm, Victoria decapitates Riley’s accomplice. Bella’s blood was still fresh on his face when Victoria drops his head onto the ground beneath her feet.
Bella stared in horror, unable to move, her arms and legs were bound by restraints with only the chair back offering her comfort. Even when she had first met Victoria, Bella would have never imagined the extent of her cruelty. It made sense now why James had chosen her to be with him for all eternity.
The abandoned structure around them was eerily quiet, not even Bella could be heard breathing. Everyone watched and waited for Victoria’s next move.
“Our fight with the Cullens is in two days.” Her boot heels click against the ground in her pursuit toward Riley. “That’s where this was all to come to a head. I had it all planned out.” Her voice trembled, unbridled anger rippled across her pale features. Riley squirmed under her scrutiny, knowing that her approach could only mean his death.
He had never anticipated her to be this upset. He thought it a grand idea to abduct the human girl, that it would make her happy.
“I-I’m sorry. . .” Was all Riley could muster. Was this how it would end for him? Brought back to life and given such immense power, enough to feel like a god, only to have it ripped away from him in the very same breath.
Little could be done to appease her and the others that had been lingering on the outskirts could smell her agitation. They began to drift closer around the three. Sharks anticipating a feeding frenzy. Leering and frothing at the bit; waiting for orders from their mistress.
Bella experienced the same fear which seized Riley. Was this where she would die? Victoria could very well end everything now and kill Bella. Then. . .
Then Edward can be with (y/n). . .”
Internally she kicked herself for thinking about such a thing at a time like this. Inside of her whispered a voice that with her out of the way, they could end up together like fate had planned.
Victoria’s first urge was to do away with Riley. He had ruined her delicious plan of righteous revenge. The Cullens were probably hot on their trail now since they had been instigated into early action.
This boy was proving incompetent and a fool. Not like her James. She would never find anyone like him. No matter if she spent another fifty years on this plain of existence.
Watching with horror as Victoria stretches out her hand toward Riley, Bella bit down on her lip and immediately shut her eyes. She couldn’t bear to watch.
A pause before Victoria exalts a heavy sigh. “Get up.”
Surprise was on everyone’s face. Bella opened her eyes and saw as Victoria let her arm fall back to her side. Riley immediately scrambled to his feet, off of his hands and knees. His red eyes darted nervously, expecting perhaps an even worse death was at hand.
“You have greatly disappointed me, Riley.” The crease between her red brows was deep, glare penetrating right through Riley. “But your blunder is not the end of the world.”
Skin crawling, Bella shuddered when Victoria’s eyes fell onto her. She had gone forgotten for the most part.
“We can use her to our advantage. Lure Edward into our territory. Ambush them.”
From behind Bella, she could hear Victoria’s soldiers shuffle closer to her. Any breath that may have existed in her lungs was extinguished as she tried not to panic. The pounding of Bella’s heart was like beautiful music for Victoria. Blood of a singer.
“You will be Edward’s undoing.”
Fearsome, Victoria was indeed, but her proclamation did little to cause Bella to worry for the Cullens. Victoria most likely didn’t know the Cullens had gained strong allies in the Quileute wolves. Being severely outnumbered, Victoria had no idea the strength that the wolves possessed. They were bred into this world specifically to eradicate vampires. Even an ambush would fail thanks to Alice’s visions.
The one consolation that gave Bella relief. Relief gave her the strength to squash her fear and keep Victoria’s gaze held with her own. The Cullens would prevail. There was no out come where Victoria came out as a survivor.
She would play her part as captive. Grit her teeth at the pain. All she could do to help Edward was sit and wait; resenting her own helplessness against paranormal adversaries. Human blood made her fragile and easy to destroy.
Night had already claimed the sky as you and Embry sit upon a large rock in a thicket of trees. Away from the others who argued in Sam’s house. Your legs dangle over, lighting kicking the back of your heels gently against the stone.
Beyond exhausted from listening to Sam and Jacob fighting you decided to escape the moment the Council of Elders piped in too.
Embry was all too happy to follow you outside into the cool night air and flee into the forest. There you could breathe and let the tension in your neck work itself out. Each of you spoke of your own agitation and feelings of frustration.
“You should suggest it so Sam. He may not listen to many but you have his ears concerning the bloodsuckers. Oops. . . Sorry. . . A force of habit I suppose.” Embry sheepishly backtracks. “But if you reason with him, he’ll see this as a good thing. He’s really grown on you since the witch incident.”
If only it were that easy. “The Cullens and Quileutes have had this agreement for centuries. They stay on their side and we’ll be on our’s. Even if Sam agrees to put aside the agreement, just this once, he still needs the elders’ blessings.”
You shake your head and place your head in your hands. “And it will be like pulling teeth to get those old men to agree. That and the other members of the pack would most likely have issue with it too.” To let the vampires on your land after years would be jarring.
Grimacing, Embry had to sigh in agreement. The Elders were stubbornly old fashioned and no way would the pack be ready to accept it. “Billy will probably be the only one to back us up. Just one of them isn’t enough.”
There wasn’t time for all this arguing. The confrontation against the newborn army was in a couple of days. You had to focus efforts on that.
In a nervous fashion you begin to run your fingers through your hair. “This is all too much. . .”
Embry’s face was tilted upward, appreciating the strokes over orange and pink watercolor across the sky. “We’re just kids. You know, I’m failing most of my classes. Who can concentrate on math when all this is going on? Vampires threatening the entire town of Forks, a missing girl, and. . .” He cuts himself off with a sharp shake of his head. Whatever he was going to say was stored forever inside of Embry. “My mom is pissed but she knows she can’t just tell me to stop helping the tribe. We both know I have a bigger duty here.”
Your grades were less than satisfactory as well. Not like you had been scholarly to begin with, they completely tanked once you had joined the pack. All your parents could do was huff and tell you to just do your best. They held their own personal thoughts back. A huge responsibility was already pushing you down. The responsibility of an entire city. You knew they were frustrated with you, possibly wanting to scream at you a handful of times because of your failing grades.
In your pocket your phone vibrates, alerting you to an incoming call. You didn’t recognize the number but tentatively held it up to your ear. Not many outside of the pack had your number besides a few friends at school. “Hello?”
“Hi (y/n).” Those two little words nearly had you choking on your own spit. Edward had your number. How, you didn’t exactly know; but the knowledge made you smile like an idiot for a split seconds before you caught yourself. “It’s Edward. Sorry for calling you out of the blue. Do you have a moment?”
Heart a flutter, you can’t find any words. Your mind was reduced to mush. Then you became aware of Embry’s presence and managed to pull yourself together. Even without pack telepathy, you knew from the tense expression on his face that he knew who had called. It had been that obvious on your face. The flush of your cheeks, the dilating of your pupils, and the tender smile on your face broke his heart.
“Um hey Edward.” You reign in the excitement in your voice. “Give me a moment.”
In the millisecond it took for you to hit the mute button, Embry was already off the rock you two had shared and was heading back toward Sam’s house. “Em-“
He stops and looks over his shoulder at you. “It’s okay, (y/n). I’ll see you later.”
You wanted to smack yourself. Acting like a giddy schoolgirl getting a call from her crush.
Taking a breath, you unmute yourself. “Sorry about that. What’s going on? Any sign of Bella?”
You didn’t know that vampires could get tired until you heard the worn edge in Edward’s sigh. “No. We followed the vampires’ old tracks as long as we could before they disappeared. The worsening snow is making it harder.”
Not noticing the cold weather before, you now realize the heavy snowfall. Immediately you worried about Bella in this weather. She could freeze to death.
You bit your tongue. She had to be found soon. It wasn’t necessary to voice your thoughts, Edward must be thinking the same thing.
She was a vulnerable human, easily succumbing to the elements. They couldn’t possibly be taking care of her mortal needs.
“I’ll go back out to the spot with some other wolves. Maybe we can gather enough of a scent to remember it. Carlisle said so himself, we do have better noses. We can probably pick up something you overlooked.” This was the most interaction you had had with Edward all in one day. You were overwhelmed but in a good way now.
Not that anything was good about today. Except that exhilarating shock of your first actual kill. You had successfully killed a vampire.
“That would be great, but that isn’t why I called.”
You waited with dread for him to elaborate. If it wasn’t about Bella or the battle, then what could he have to talk to you about? Nevertheless you were happy to just be talking with him. “With all that’s going on, I think the old treaty should be set aside. At least until Victoria has been stopped.”
A laugh from you probably confused Edward. You explain to him that you had been thinking the same thing and even told Embry. Also voicing the concerns and stubbornness of the Elders and your doubt of them changing their minds. Even if it was for the duration of the battle.
“Do you really think there’s no way in convincing them?”
“Maybe Billy can bend their ears. But I highly doubt Eryl will ever agree. He’s the crankiest of them all.” You moan just at the mention of him. He had never been pleasant, for as long as you had known him Eryl was one who liked sticking to the books without ever changing anything. Why change something if it’s working. That’s what his mentality was like.
Just then, yelling from a few yards away has you stopping your conversation with Edward to listen. One was Sam’s voice, that’s for sure. The other-
“Well I’m going to find her! They’ve already had her for too long. Who knows how much longer she’ll be safe.” Jacob’s terse voice cuts through the tops of the trees.
“Is that Jacob?” Edward’s voice is faint in the background.
“Yeah. Sorry, I’m gonna have to let you go. But I promise I’ll bring some of the pack to try and follow the scent.” The two of you bid farewell and you hop off of the rock just in time to bump into Jacob as he is storming away. Following him closely is young Seth, just as fired up as Jacob was.
“What’s going on?”
Jacob presses his lips together and looks over his shoulder to Sam and the others standing on the porch. “Sam doesn’t think it’s important to find Bella before the battle.”
You were sure that Sam didn’t put it like that. Jacob did have a tendency of overreacting when it came to Bella. “And you’re disobeying his orders to go look for her?”
It doesn’t bother you how Jacob looks down at you due to his height. “She’ll die out there. I know you probably don’t care about her, but I do.”
“Hey, that’s not fair, Jacob. I’m worried about her too.”
He rolls his eyes and you resist the urge to punch him in his irritating face. “Oh come on. I know you would be happier if she died because Edward would be free to be with you,.”
Even Seth seemed to recoil. “Jake, that’s going too far.”
“I don’t care what he thinks about me.” The weariness of the day reduces you to snapping. You glare at Jacob. “You want to find Bella? Well I’m sorry to say you can’t do it alone. If you apologize for your shit attitude then I’ll lead you to where Chief Swan and I encountered the vampire. You’re right, she does need to be found, but acting like an asshole is not the answer.”
A bit taken aback, Jacob reels back. The fume from his earlier tirade had dissipated. “I. . . I’m sorry. I’m just worried about Bella.”
You nod. “Thank you. Follow me then.”
Two wolves missing from the pack shouldn’t be too much of an issue. There were still about a dozen back at Sam’s.
The trek was a quiet one to your destination. A sweet aroma like honeysuckle still permeated in the area. Among them you plucked out Edward’s. His alone stood out to you.
“The Cullens must have already been through here.” Seth mused to no one in particular as he begins to take off his clothes. In your wolf skin, your sense of smell heightened immensely.
Jacob pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it aside. In an instant human flesh was replaced by russet hued fur and four strong limbs. He was wasting no time in following the trail. If there was any left. Snow already covered about an inch of the ground and continued pile on.
His snout pushing up the snow, trying to get under for a better smell from the earth. Seth’s own nose started its own investigation. You watch them with arms folded in front of you. You think back to the conversations you had with Embry and Edward. To put the treaty aside so that both wolves and vampires could unite instead of working separately.
Seth lifts his head up and looks over at you. He tilts his head as if asking you if you were going to join them. You shake your head with a small smile. “You guys get to work. I’m going back to Sam’s.”
Abruptly, Jacob’s orange eyes glance at you.
“Don’t worry. I won’t tell him what you guys are doing.” Waving them off you began to walk back until you heard a low, warning, growl emit from Jacob. With the growl came his scent. Your heart immediately picked up, palms developing a light film of sweat.
Jacob has his ears flicked back, hackles spiked up as he eyes Edward’s calm demeanor. His smaller companion offered the vampire a small wag of his tail to show that at least he was friendly.
Startled at Jacob’s presence, honeydew eyes flick up to you. “I didn’t know you’d be bringing Jacob.”
“He volunteered himself.” The corners of your lips resist the urge to perk up. “Sorry. The others are still squabbling over at Sam’s with Charlie.”
Listening to Jacob’s reply, Edward frowns. “They don’t want to look for her?”
You shake your head. “Not that they don’t want to. But the pack has to focus their energy on the battle. These two will have to do.”
Derisively, Jacob snorts your way to show that he didn’t appreciate what you said. You roll your eyes at him. Before joining the pack, Jacob never used to be that sensitive. Becoming a wolf thought seemed to heighten every emotion and make them ten times stronger. He used to be fun and could take a joke. Now everything was taken personally.
Edward puts his hands into his pockets and hums. “Well, better than nothing.” When he met your eyes, Edward smiled a little. “Will you be helping?”
“I better. Otherwise who knows what Jacob will do to you.” It made you nervous to be around Edward, but you spoke the truth. An agitated Jacob was not a good thing. Add in Edward, most likely there would be some sort of fight initiated but Jacob. You had to keep an eye on him. Seth was too young to take on Jacob by himself. Your wolf was bigger than both of their’s. If anyone could put Jacob in line it was you.
Seth lets out a happy whine. He liked the Cullens, knowing that they were good people despite being vampires. Edward confirmed this when his smile widened.
Huffing, Jacob continues on his way without bothering to make sure the rest of you were following.
While it would be optimal for you to follow suit in your wolf, you became all too aware that in order to transform you would have to either undress or rip your clothes to shreds in the process. Your mom had made it clear that she couldn’t afford to keep buying you new clothes.
Face heating up, you paused and timidly rub your arm. “Um. . . Do you mind turning around?”
There was a second of registration before Edward sputters slightly and turns his back to you. To ensure there would be no peeking, he holds his hands up to his face and covers his eyes.
Your hands shake a little bit and when you cast a nervous glance at Seth it looked like he was grinning cheekily. “You turn around too Seth.”
He does so with a wag of his tail and you hurriedly lift your shirt over your head and pull down your shorts and underwear. You secure them onto the strap that was around your thigh and take a deep breath. In moments you feel your body hum; chest surging with the joy of finally ridding yourself of your human form and back to your strong four limbed figure.
Senses clear as you enter a new world where you were on the top of the food chain. You weren’t sure how you would communicate with Edward since he couldn’t hear your thoughts anymore. He hears your paws crunch against the snow making him turn around.
”You should have seen how red your face was.” Seth teased.
”Shut up! He may not be able to hear me but he can hear you!” Reprimanding him with a gentle growl, Seth happily trots after Jacob. You and Edward follow close behind.
“Don’t worry.” Edward coughs. “I didn’t see anything.”
If you could blush, you would have. Thankfully your face was now covered with fur.
”Quit flirting with him. This isn’t the time.” You heard Jacob hiss through the pack telepathy. ”If we’re going to follow whatever is left of the scent, we’ll need to concentrate. A lot of time has already passed.”
You hated to admit that Jacob was partially right. Pressing your nose against the cold snow, you prod it deeper so that you made contact with dirt and took a deep inhale.
The comforting smell of earth.
Clean crisp snow diluting it. But underneath you were able to weave together a strain of a scent. It wasn’t much but it did smell like the obnoxious sweet scent of the vampire that had attacked Charlie. You closed your eyes, trying to hold onto it. “Jasper and I already swept through this area. We were able to follow it for only a few miles before it disappeared. There wasn’t anything around where Victoria could be hiding.”
”There’s still something but it’s very faint.” Seth tells him. ”I’m barely able to grasp onto it for long.”
He was right. It was weak and lost in your nose within minutes. The task of trying to maintain it was frustrating and you kept having to stick your nose back in the ground. You wouldn’t let Bella down though.
The miles just seemed to stretch on, trees among trees filled your vision as your group followed the barely traceable trail. Night sky had blend into the early morning hours and it wore on your body. You had been awake now for nearly twenty-four hours. When your search ended at the highway that would take you to Port Angeles, you and Seth were lingering near the back while Edward and Jacob were still in the front. Their energy unyielding. Bella was at the foremost in their mind.
“Maybe Victoria is hiding in Port Angeles.” Edward, not needing any sort of sleep, was wide awake as he looked up and down the long highway.
”That many newborns in one city? Unless they want to be found out right away, it’s highly unlikely.” Jacob growled more so out of frustration than from having to converse with Edward. There had been a silent truce during this time in which Jacob didn’t antagonize Edward.
You and Seth sat down to rest your weary paws. Edward sent you two looks of sympathy but the drive in his eyes didn’t leave. “At least you’ve taken us further than we could manage.”
”And now the three of you will return to La Push.”
Everyone jumped at the sudden appearance of Sam. Even Edward hadn’t anticipated his arrival, having been zoned into the task of finding his girlfriend.
Seth cowers slightly, ears flattening against his head submissively. Wrinkles in Sam’s snout alluded to a snarl that he was barely able to conceal.
”You disobeyed my orders.”
“It’s my fault Sam.” Edward defended the three of you. “I asked (y/n) if she or any other wolf would be able to follow the vampire’s scent better since she was the one who actually fought him. I thought-“
Sam’s guttural growl hushes Edward. ”How many times do I have to remind you to stay out of pack business.”
That didn’t sit well with you. Going up against your alpha was an intimidating prospect, but you refused to let Sam snap at him like that. ”If it weren’t for his intervention in pack matters, we would be dead!”
Jacob, fired up by your thoughts backed you up. ”You think I like accepting their help? It’s necessary to set aside our differences to find Bella. She’s a human of Forks and we swore to protect them. If that means Cullen intervention then so be it. This involves all of us.”
You were actually floored at how eloquent Jacob was. It hadn’t occurred to you that he might have the same thoughts as you and Edward had about a united front. His obsession with Bella may have been the one influencing factor, but at least that was something.
Even Seth, quiet and timid in front of the alpha spoke up. ”Sam. . . Look at the snow. It’s getting colder by the day. Wherever Bella is, she won’t be able to survive this weather.”
”Did it ever occur to any of you that Victoria could potentially use Bella to lure us to her?” Sam’s heated eyes move from Edward to you and the other two wolves. ”There would be no level playing field if she succeeded in luring Edward straight to her. Things would be on her terms and Victoria and her army would have the upper hand. Was Alice not able to foresee that?”
“As I’ve stated before, unfortunately Alice’s visions are obscured if a wolf is involved.”
You wished Jasper were there so that he could use his power to calm Sam down. He was right though. You and Jacob had acted too hastily and should have thought better. Not that that would stop Jacob from finding Bella. You could have potentially ruined the plan further if Victoria’s newborns did fall upon you unknowingly.
Shamefully you lower your head, both you and Seth realizing your error. While you did want to find Bella, you had to be careful on how you went about it. If there was one straggler there was probably more. They could be scouting through the trees with their lithe agility. Your side had lost the element of surprise.
”I’m sorry, Sam.” Internally whimpering, you go back to your role as servile pack me ever. Maybe you had wanted to please Edward by finding Bella. To make him happy even if that meant saving the girl who kept him away from you. He felt your heavy emotions and the furrow in his muzzle slackened.
Seeing his defenses down, Seth adds “We just wanted to find her. . . But we should have been smarter about it.”
Jacob, not liking the sight of you and Seth groveling at Sam’s paws, does his best to push away the snarl that was starting to arise. He looks at Edward, a silent plea of help to back him up. Edward shook his head though.
“No. . . Sam’s right. It. . . It was foolish of us running in head first. What would we have done anyway if we found the rest of them? We have a vague idea of their numbers. Even with three wolves we would still be outmatched. There would be no chance of us saving her. Not if we’re killed.” Apologetically, Edward regards your alpha. “I’m sorry.”
Betrayal shocks Jacob into stillness. Sharp tension stabs at you when finally he snarls. Seth fretfully looks between Sam and Jacob.
You bore witness to all the sudden hate Jacob held toward your alpha. Heard every venom tipped word that his mind screamed. He would not challenge Sam though. Not yet at least. However there was now a widening crack in their relationship.
”All of you go home.”
That was fine with Jacob. Without waiting another second, Jacob was bounding back to La Push. Shaking his head, Seth follows after knowing he would have an earful later.
Edward reluctantly started on his way, casting you a private smile as he trudges away.
Bitterly you say out loud “Are we sure that Jacob didn’t imprint on Bella? He’s acting so crazy over her.” It’s how you felt whenever Edward smiled at you.
“No, that’s not imprinting. You don’t act crazy around Edward because you respect his relationship with Bella and don’t want him to feel awkward. Jacob is acting like that from blind puppy love. He’s still incredibly young and doesn’t understand how to get a grip on his feelings. One of the cons that comes to the wolf blood in us is that it runs hot.” Sam ruefully sighs. Still young yet the morning night highlighted the worry lines that ran deep in his skin, “You though, you’re not hasty nor desperate. Imprinting is kind of like unconditional, ever evolving, love. You’ll mold yourself to be whatever he wants you to be until he’s ready to accept you as his mate. And right now he needs a supportive friend.”
Sam walked you the rest of the way back to your house. By the time you reached the trees that lined the back of your house, you had phased back into your human skin. What he had said had haunted you the whole way back.
TAGLIST: @saltedcoffeescotch , @dangerouslittlefairy , @burn-crash-rqmance , @casedoina , @avadakadabra93 , @blue-aconite , @xanniestired666 , @esposadomd , @godinho11 , @arin-swear-rose , @alexizodd , @melaninsugarbaby , @lyeatoalinatoheaven  , @ronwownsme , @itsmytimetoodream , @afro-hispwriter​ , @mutandis-extremis993 , 
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