#”not to ship shame” *is a multishipper*
set-wingedwarrior · 1 year
I am physically uncapable of seeing Blake and Yang with anyone but each other.
Blake is Yang's first kiss and first love.
Yang is Blake's first real, genuine and healthy love.
They protect each other. They faced and defeated their shared demon together.
They're soulmates. They're deeply in love. They got to confess and kiss in the most beautiful and magical way possible.
They're perfect, just the way they are. Anything else just doesn't make sense to me, it doesn't feel right.
I love them so much 💖
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jasper-updated · 10 months
i like jalph because it reminds me of my girlfriend. you like jalph because it’s essentially canon. we are not the same
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lilac-melody · 2 years
I think every fandom should just stop doing ship wars. Why is it hard to just agree to disagree, and talk about other things???
Why would anyone come @ you for a harmless ship??? Even if you don’t ship it or you’re uncomfortable with it, there’s no reason to tell others to die or threaten them. Live and let live. I avoid liph//yo, y//hyo and a//hyo like the plague because I have very personal reasons I feel uncomfortable to the point of being sick with them, but there’s no need for me or any other aiyuu shipper to yell at those who do ship it.
If you don’t want to associate with people who ship your squick ships, that’s fine, you can still be respectful. You don’t have to be friends with everyone in the fandom, but you do have to be respectful. We are taught “if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all” as toddlers. Why is it a hard concept to grasp?
And I’m going to speak directly to the aiyuu shippers that I’ve seen on tiktok and twitter. Obviously not all of them, but you fucking know who you are.
STOP being rude to other shippers. The aiyuu fandom was amazing a couple years ago but lately there has been a small influx of toxic shippers. You’re the reason why people are growing uncomfortable in this fandom. I don’t give a rats ass if I piss people off with this post, I’m not going to apologize for saying you’re literally fucking this fandom over with your toxicity.
I have other reasons why I dislike liph//yo and the other two ships for the ot3, on top of my personal reasons. But I’m not going to come @ other shippers for having different opinions. If I befriend one or some, then I’ll simply ask them to abstain from talking about that particular ship, and likewise, if they don’t like/ship aiyuu, then I’ll abstain from talking about that. We can literally talk about other ships and other fandoms.
This goes for other shippers too, it’s not just aiyuu shippers (there’s just been an influx of them recently). For quite a long time, there’s been a lot of y//hyo shippers who are pretty awful too. Before herotaru dropped, one shipper said something along the lines of, “when y//hyo becomes canon, aiyuu shippers are going to look so fucking stupid”. And people who say aiyuu shippers are dumb because aiyuu is “just fanservice” also need to just shut up too.
It’s all fiction. It’s not that deep. 
Just be happy if your ship becomes canon, and if it doesn’t, who cares? Sure, I love canon in a lot of things, but in another fandom I’m in, 2/3 of my ships are not canon.
Just leave other shippers alone and vibe in your bubbles. It’s not rocket science.
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paintingformike · 2 years
it would be a cold day in hell before i, a lesbian, start becoming a staunch defender of a hetship on twitter dot com
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spicysix · 2 years
st ships tier list
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link's here if anyone wants to do it
there's some rarepairs there that are lacking, like edancy (i'm indifferent), cheerscoops (i ship them !!), buckingham and will X gareth (my favs). there are others probably, but those are the ones i remember. ALSO!!! elumax polycule, EXCUSE ME?!?!? i would die for them
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The worst feeling is when you like a ship but you hate how most people do the dynamic so you don't even like talking about the ship because you don't ship it the same way most do and your characterizations are different and you understand that saying this makes you sound like "I'm not like those other shippers" but it's not like that because whatever if people ship it that way but you just don't like the way it's being shipped and everyone is entitled to their own opinion and way of doing things but you just don't like it that way but also the only way to get the ship the way you want is to sit down and write those fics and wow do you not have time for that right now. It's not a fun feeling.
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steel--fairy · 8 months
not once but twice today i was subjected to wall.ace/win.ona in fics 😔
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eponastory · 3 months
"I don't hate a ship unless..."
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And you've only found out a month ago? This means you haven't been in the Fandom long.
So, I don't have a problem with multishippers in general. What I do have a problem with is multishippers who can't, for the life of Godzilla, keep themselves out of the equation. When one comes in saying they don't have a problem with the ship war and at the same time having a problem with the ship war, specifically a ship they are less biased about (kat*ang), but proceeds to say 'everyone needs to get along'.
Saying that while also saying this is not to invalidate Zutara shippers because apparently we are the problem here.
But oh, it's both ships.
Honestly, no one cares about this drivel because we have seen it so many times. It's basically fake news now because it's literally the OP being fake for clout at this point.
Yes, I'm going to call you out. I have no shame about it.
It's early in the morning, I'm already filled with piss and vinegar before I've had caffeine. It's going to be a bad day for some people.
Anyway, stay classy.
Or try to at least. I don't care. At this point it's a game to see who is going to snap first.
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tommystummy · 2 months
how did you feel about scallison and scisaac? (and whatever the poly ship name was) i preferred them to sterek but probably liked them about the same amount as sciles. ngl it’s kind of a shame that sterek was so big in the fandom bc there were sooo many good options. tbh i think teen wolf cemented my position as a multishipper.
God that one shot of Allison in between Scott and Isaac after they prank Ethan and Aiden? Allison asking Isaac if he wants to talk about Scott or paint her body and Isaac making a face like he wants to do both? The “be careful” scene? The scene where Scott teaches Isaac to take pain away and Isaac smiles the biggest purest smile in the entire show? “I’m the hot girl” “yes you are”?
Scisaac/Scalisaac was PEAK we could have had it allllll.
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jayteacups · 9 months
Okay I’m gonna say it even if people are tired of ship discourse because this is one thing about extremely delusional and toxic shippers I will never understand. And I’m not saying shipping culture as a whole is bad, because that would be hypocritical of me. I’m a multishipper by definition. I have many OTPs and ships myself. But here’s the thing.
I’ll never understand why some shippers of non canon ships will go to extreme lengths and bend over backwards to prove why their ship is canon, as if that will prove why their ship is superior and why they’re justified in shipping it.
You can ship something even if it’s not confirmed to be canon and there is no shame in your ship being fanon, you don’t have to insist otherwise. It’s so weird that despite their love of a ship, some toxic shippers be so insecure about the fact it’s fanon, and feel like they have to prove it’s canon when they really don’t have to do all that. What’s wrong with shipping something and acknowledging that the ship isn’t canon and never will be? Part of the fun about shipping fanon ships is that you can do whatever the hell you want with them, make whatever you want out of it, because it’s not canon. But insisting that it is just makes the fanbase look insecure and toxic, and it’s exhausting to witness. Your ship being fanon won’t make it any less enjoyable for you, won’t take away from your own personal headcanons and interpretations of the ship. If it makes you feel insecure, don’t make it anyone else’s problem.
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coralcatsea · 5 months
Being a multishipper who likes USUK is so isolating.
Sometimes I want to engage with other rare ship fans, but can't since so many people put stuff in their bio like "USUK IS EVIL, THAT CURSED SHIP BURNED MY CROPS AND MURDERED MY MOTHER" and it's like...I wasn't planning to bring it up because I can respect preferences, but I get the feeling they won't respect mine, and now I'm uncomfortable speaking to them at all because they've created a hostile environment.
If they can't even seem to tolerate the mere existence of USUK, then I doubt we can enjoy another ship together since most people who feel that negatively about USUK tend to look down on the shippers, too. Which is a shame because it's already hard enough to find people to enjoy rare ships with.
It's fine to not ship USUK, but is it so hard for non-shippers to just...be neutral about it? To simply not care about it one way or another? Why does it always have to be extreme hatred and condescension? It's just a ship, guys. It's not going to come out of the screen and bite. Chill.
I'm just disappointed because everyone who doesn't ship USUK seems to completely despise it, but then not all USUK fans are multishippers, so it leaves fewer people to talk to about ships like PrUK, RusEng, GerEng, AmeBela, EngGer, Romerica, AmeLiet, EngBela, etc.
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tavvytime · 3 months
Hey yall, I'm Tavvy!
This is going to be a complete no shame side blog, definitely NSFW with no language filtering or word mincing. We are very kink-positive here!!
Aka, 18+ and full of thirsting. I'll drop by sporadically with headcanons or lil scenarios and maybe even an actual fic one day.
I'm a multishipper and Buck is my fav so expect any ships with him honestly. Bucktommy/kinkley/tevan + buddie are the mains tho!
Feel free to dump anything in my asks, no kink shaming here, and let's just have fun with the ships we like, yeah?
Tavvy out✌🏼
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 5 months
Some Ronancers are so completely toxic they'll turn Vickie into an utter bitch and take up the Rovickie tag on ao3 just to make their ship valid and ruin Robin's relationship with Steve which must be so embarrassing for the nice Ronancers who don't do that petty bullshit. There's people like that in other ships, too. Why can't we write drama that makes sense? Shout-out to the nice Ronancers, I don't ship it myself, but maybe if there were more people like you, I would have eventually gotten on board as a multishipper. One toxic one literally went out of their way to tag me in a story where Robin and Nancy were talking shit about Steve. You can't block parts of a ship tag, so I block the whole tag, which is a shame. Some of the stories I read were good.
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readreactrant · 5 months
Hello....so happy when I saw this https://www.tumblr.com/readreactrant/748578320263905280/pixel-shipping-moralists-prolly-losing-their-shit?source=share
Thanks so much @readreactrant. You open a new door to me, in shipping Gojo/Yuji, and it's no #1 fav ships above.....As a multishipper, I never consider GoYuu until I found this blog of yours (especially your Goyuu fics recs). Just between us, you're the only moot who I can get excited for this ship. The rest of my moots are anti no 1, 2 , and 5.....
Actually, I also ship SukuIta, so I'm double happy my ships are in the top 5 (yes, I entered JJK fandom because of satosugu, but now I'm also a fan of GoYuu and SukuIta).
Do you think it's weird that I ship the same character with multiple ships? Because as much as a like Gojo/Geto and Yuji/Megumi, I also ship GoYuu and SukuIta. And when one of my moot knew this, they block me and called me "weird"....
Hey hey love, before I get to the main question, I'd love to advise dropping all your anti friends, many are pretty dangerous and in future can evolve to holding your interests over your head in turn for their affection should they find out. I'm don't dectate tho so you do you.
Do I think it's weird to ship a character in multiple ships, absolutely not!!! I don't like multishippers getting a big head and putting down monoshippers but I do think being able to enjoy multiple ships with the same character is god's blessing.
I too ship Goyuu and Sukuita, I ship Ereri and Eremin, but you'll also never catch me shipping Reo with any other character than Nagi and vice versa, to me they're absolutely made for each other and must not be separated.
It all comes down to taste and as a wise fujo said "Whether it makes your brain go brrrr."
If anyone thinks you're weird, block them to protect your peace.
Many like me fully support your right to interests so never feel shame to express yourself because at the end of day, your shipping preferences should only matter to you <333
Edit: just realizing the amount of typos, I need to be hung lol TT also...don't jump into my replies screaming about Eren or Yuuji, I could care less
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Who would you say is your favorite character? Favorite ship? I’m definitely a multishipper, but I also come up with a lot of original stories, and I keep noticing that I tend to take characters who I took inspiration from Janus when making, and characters who I took inspiration from Logan when making, and I end up pairing them together. Every. Time. So maybe that’s my favorite? XD
My favorite character is definitely either Virgil or Logan, although I also LOVE Janus, and as much as Remus unsettles me, I also think he’s fun as fuck, especially in fanworks. Also I know people who say I’m a lot like Remus XD
Do you write fanfiction? I haven’t written any for this fandom (let alone posted it) but I might someday! What fanfictions would you recommend? Recently “Hand In Unloveable Hand” by Writing_by_the_fireplace absolutely captured my heart and ALL my braincells.
Hope you’re doing well!
Favourite character is Logan!
Davourire ship is logicality but I'm a multishipper and I'm cool with everything except remrom because I don't do incest ships and since they're canonical brothers I just don't feel comfy doing that. Power to people who are ok with it though, its all fiction and I won't judge its just not for me personally. X3
I do write fanfiction! They're on ao3 under the same username. I am particularly proud of A Primrose Promise because it's finished and Where the Lovestruck Bleeds.
Highly recommend these authors, all on ao3 and tumblr too but sometimes i forget their tumblr usernames:
Literally every fanfic from TheAsexualofSpades I'd so fucking good. They take up most of the space in my bookmarks. One of my favourite authors and they have SO MANY WORKS its insane.
Jinx72 has some PHENIMENAL works. I wish The Effects of Shame was finished.
@delimeful has a lot of really good fics!
Small Problems by Canadiantardis
@ironwoman359 has some very good fics
Of Coffee and Princes by Willowanderer
@teacupfulofstarshine has some amazing fics on ao3 under teacupfulofbrains. I am ESPECIALLY in love with their pattonella au, Lovely dark and deep, and living in the real world ain't it fun.
@residentanchor has good fucking fics- particularly the Practicality series, and The Seeds We Sow
The titular Superhero au Powerless by Patentpending
Minerva et Mendacius et Veritas by BrainlessGenius
NikaylaSarae has some good ones. I like Wanted, and also, I Miss The King
The Fall of King Romulus, and other works by Sidespart
Clouds and Moss by Izzyfandoms
Acantha-Echo has really good fics, including Look into Your Eyes, and the Sky's the Limit, but many more.
Coconutcluster has some very good fics
don't paint wonderful lies on me (that wash away) by codevassie
All Bitter and Clean by thunderbottle
Lose Control by ShamelesslyLimited
Monsters of the Subconscious by Quarantinevibes
There's more but these are some!
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l-flyhight · 11 months
Im getting rather annoyed
No. Everyone has the right yo ship what they want. Whatever brings you joy. This is but my opinon thats it. No judgement no shame. Im venting.
Now im a bit of a multishipper. Like to see some diversity in art you know? But never have i met such people that are so angry or vicious as tipo shippers. Kung fu panda po x tigress
Where do i start with this? Never in the course of the films have at any point do they show or hint that their crushing on each other. No romantic coded scenes. Nothing. So thats unfortunate why i don't see what all you lovley people see because i dont.
Tigress tai lung and po are conected in the parent upbringing sibling cycle. But hey ship whatever you want.
Now this is where people start to hate on me but let me clarify no hate nor disrespect to anyone. Im sick of looking at kung fu panda art and what? 97% of it is tigress? How abertary. Dull. What about the others? Do they not deserve as much attention? Clearly not.
As for the ship people get my goat "make it canon" blah blah. In the art of story telling to have it rondomly their into each other after like nothing? Makes for bad writing.
I do enjoy anything kung fu panda related but the ship for me anyway just doesn't fly. Those whom are super into the franchise are like yes they are but those who have seen all three films and enjoy them are like what? No.
Again if your going to ship them why on earth is tigress oc? Like shes all happy and silly? No.
Still here? Angry yet? Fuming because my trained animation degree with honors head doesnt comprehend what apparently im missing? Well thats ok.
Now i know alot of people who are actually nice but ive met vicious fans directing their hate towards me. Death threats. Vulgar language. The works. Made me just not want to draw anything kung fu panda related due to it.
Now recently due to the encouragement of others i did draw ship art. Dragon knight? Yes. Why? Because its actually hinted at in such a badly written way. I wont get into it. Thats a rant another time.
Now as something that i personally dont like and that goes across any anthro media is interspecies relations. Not a fan. However their ate acceptions to the rule and that has alot to do with the universe in which the fandom is set. BNA for example. The grimior of zero explains this perfectly, interspecies actually doesnt matter due to the world building. But in cases like zootopia or kung fu panda (films only) interspecies relationships arnt explored nor shown.
As for tipo po loves kung fu thats it. The only time he has ever shown any interest in a girl is meimei. Drops his baobao bun. Pupils dilate. yes theirs a but the illusion broke when she spoke soooo that doesn't really count.
Still here? Well good for you. still pissed at me for not conforming to liking what everyone else does? Well that too is ok.
If you ship tipo thats cool. Heck ive seen art. Some of its nice. Art is art and a ship diesnt define a person. But stop with the viciousness po will probably never end up with tigress. But thats a good thing. He doesnt end up with anyone. That way everyone wins. But the viciousness and anger and the make it canon because insert reaons here is so stupid.
Stuck around? Read my vent? Great. Please refrain from commenting anything vulgar towards my person and remember. Opinon.
Ship whatever you like. Awesome. Great.
Now piss off. Im tired.
(Brit humour)
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