#asahi matchup
dira333 · 2 months
Are you doing platonic matchups? If so, I'll request a platonic matchup for either That Time I reincarnated as a slime or Haikyuu (whatever you prefer)
Few things about me:
- I'm an ambivert but more on the introvert side.
- i love stories of all kinds but especially ones that are as removed from my real life as they can be because I love imagining worlds outside of mine. Probably why I love anime so much lol
- I love being creative. I turn to drawing/colouring when I want to destress
- I love gaming. I used to have an xbox that I made use of for years before it gave up. Now I have to stick to mobile games because my laptop can't handle heavy games 🥲
- in terms of personality, I think I'm pretty amicable (or so Ive been told by people). I love and care for my friends. I usually have a positive outlook towards life. I joke around a bit and tend to be sarcastic at times.
- ✨anxiety and ADD✨
Of course, love!
So I did a quick Google search for that slime anime and I think you'd totally befriend Rimuru. You both share that desire for stories and the wish to understand other people, so you'd really get along well.
but with haikyuu...
You'd become fast friends with both Asahi and Kenma for sure. They both enjoy your calmer, introverted side and while Asahi draws inspiration from your creative side, Kenma likes your input on games.
Also, both of them understand what Anxiety means. You could be the anxiety triage of Haikyuu - now you only have to gather Akaashi to form a full circle!
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italeean · 11 months
HIHI ELLE!! AAAAAAAA CONGRATS ON 350 FOLLOWERS!! YOURE SO COOOL!! Remember me when you’re famous 😞✊ I know I’m not rly in the t community but I hope it’s okay I send an ask for the event?? My hobbies are reading, writing, drawing, painting, sculpting, video editing, and video games. I love psychology and literature, both classic and more recent. I also like webtoons and manwhas. I don’t like parties or big groups of people, or watching sports. I prefer one on one interaction or small groups of people, and going outdoors and exploring rather than going to a crowded place in a city. I hope it’s ok I participate in this event if I’m not too much into the t community, but I’m very much so a ler. For the fandom I’ll go with Haikyuu, platonic relationship, and I have no gender preference. Tysm in advance if you accept!! 😻😻💙💙
Waaaahh hello my dear ❤️❤️ It was such a pleasant surprise to see you participate 🥹 Thank you so so much... you're so kind and sweet and cool!!! I hope you'll enjoy your match-up ❤️🍡 *some dango for you*
🔮 For this event, I match you up with... ASAHI
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🔮 Why did I choose him for you?
• First of all, Asahi is not the biggest social butterfly out there (no offense obviously) so I think you'd enjoy hanging out with one another • He's also very athletic, which means you'd be able to go out and explore all you'd like • He's also a very good listener, so you could tell him about psychology theories or interpretations of classic and modern literature • I also see him as the kind of guy who'd get invested in the books you tell him about to understand you better • You could also join the third-years during the visit to the temple for New Year's, or just hang out with them!! • I can totally see you sneaking a few pokes to Asahi's sides when he gets too anxious... it's a little subtle thing you do to make him snap out of his spiral of negative thoughts • You could also help him with his designs, since he becomes a designer and you like drawing • He'd totally use your art pieces, may it be drawings, sculptures or video edits, for his fashion lines • 6 words for you: VIDEOGAME. NIGHTS. WITH. HIM. AND. NOYA. • You could probably tickle him also when he gets too invested in his work and basically forgets he's a human being with physiological needs... you know, just to "kindly invite" him to take care of himself • I also have the feeling that Asahi would be a little more talkative with you because he'd be more comfortable with hanging out alone with you and his anxiety would be much more bearable • I see your friendship as a quiet one, full of mutual listening and quality time... both you and Asahi are the kind of friends everyone needs
🔮 Tickle scenario
The sun, the chirping birds, the fresh air, the quiet swish of a nearby torrent, the sound of your steps... this was your ideal afternoon. Just you and your best friend Asahi.
It was refreshing both for you and for Asahi. Even if he was Karasuno's ace and had gained poularity after the sudden rising of the volleyball team, he didn't exactly like the popularity or the fangirls that constantly tried to be around him. Obviously he was always respected with everyone who approached him, but sometimes he felt the need to get away and just spend some time in total peace and quiet, and when he needed that peace and quiet, you were the only person he wanted to be with.
You weren't boyfriend and girlfriend, and you've never even had a crush on one another. You were best friends, and from a certain perspective you even had a deeper bond compared to a couple who has recently started dating.
Asahi was a very quiet and reserved person, who sometimes had difficulties with expressing how he felt, but you could always tell what was going through his mind without him saying anything. The ideal afternoon for both of you was being together just the two of you reading, talking or taking a walk in the nature, just like you were doing today.
You had just reached your usual spot near the torrent, where you usually took a break before going back home. "Ah... I really needed that, thanks Asahi." You smiled thankfully at the ace, who sheepishly smiled right back at you.
"Anytime, and honestly I needed that, too." The tall guy replied, "So, how's school going? Are you doing something interesting in literature class?" He sat down on the grass and patted the spot right next to him, inviting you to sit next to him.
"Oh yeah, I really like both the author we're analyzing and how the teacher explains it!" You took your seat next to your friend, "What about you? I hope that the last year of high school isn't too brutal." "Well..." he began, "I won't deny that it's very difficult, but I'm managing!"
"I'm sure you're taking care of yourself though, right?" You inquired while raising your eyebrow in an inquisitive way. "Well..." He scratched the back of his head, and that was all you needed to hear.
"How. Many. Times. Did. I. Tell. You. That. You. Gotta. Take. Care. Of. Yourself?!" You scolded him, emphasizing every word with a poke to his torso. "Ah! He-heyyy..!" Asahi tried in vain to escape your pokes, "I-i knohow... but- no wait!"
You didn't even let him finish his excuses, you just went for his stomach and scribbled your fingers all over the soft skin, protected by the thin fabric of the shirt.
It didn't take him long to give up. Despite his menacing aspect, he was quite weak to tickling, which you obviously knew as his best friend. "AAAHAHAHAHAHA okaHAhay Ihihi gihihiveHEHEhe..!" He pleaded, and you stopped. You were feeling quite merciful. "Fine, but you better take care of yourself from now on!" You pouted.
Asahi chuckled and gave you some headpats. "Fine, fine... you win..." He laid in the grass and glanced at the clear blue sky. You did the same, but before that, you grabbed your backpack, took out a packet of nikuman and gave it to the tall guy.
"Eat this, I imagined you weren't taking care of yourself so I grabbed something from Ukai-san's shop." Asahi thanked you and stared eating immediately. "So," he said "tell me about that book you're reading..."
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can I request a match up for Bungo stray dogs, Sk8 infinity and Haikyuu?
Partner preference: I'm on the Aspec but other than that unlabeled but have mainly had a strong male preference. it doesn't matter that much but long hair and a more sensitive person.
My Appearance: Im around 5'4 ish female with a thin build and an hourglass figure, but rather flat. I have medium curls, dark brown hair with bangs though I usually wear my hair in a bun because I hate it long. I have downturned bluish-gray eyes. I have a condition called Keratosis that heavily affects my arms and legs and a little bit on my outer cheeks. I have veiny hands that are kind of wide, but I have a good grip strength so I don't mind. I always keep my nails short. I wear glasses but cannot stand contacts.
Personality: ISFP-T! (People who prefer the Constant Improvement Strategy are quiet, individualistic, perfectionistic, and success-driven, often spending a lot of time and effort ensuring the result of their work is the best it can be.) I'm soft spoken and don't usually like confrontations and I will actively avoid situations where I have to do a lot of talking. I'm nervous around strangers and people I haven't known for a while. Even with people I'm comfortable around I tend to let them do all the talking. I'm very adventurous though and I get bored very easily so if I'm with someone and I keep suggesting activities and all they want to do is sit around I'll get bored or insecure about being around them. Simply sitting quietly with someone isn't enough. I have a very open mind though and as long as an activity isn't hurting anyone i'm down to try it! I love to explore different kinds of activities. My main love languages are physical contact and gift giving and a little bit acts of service. I crave to be held or cuddled and I like it when people trace patterns on me. I'm not rich by any means but I love giving things to people because making people happy is really one of the main reasons to make me happy. I hate being alone because my thoughts are so loud and they concern me because I can't help but think of bad things when i'm alone so I like either having someone or something to distract me. I'm not gonna lie- I can get very over emotional and more often than not my emotions tend to control me. I'm a crybaby kinda.
Hobbies: Baking, Reading, Biking and Walks. I love making breads and cookies in particular but there's just something so calming about baking. Reading allows me to get lost in a fantasy- Im am a HUGE Daydreamer. Biking and going on walks is fun. I dont like to be in forests too much because i'm terrified of insects but biking and walking down roads is an activity I do often.
Habits: I bite my lips a lot and grind my teeth. I'm usually not aware of it but it does get painful which is usually when I know I'm doing it. I like biting things. Not like full on biting but soft nibbles and when there's nothing soft to bite on I will bite on my own arm.
Fun fact: I make really good coffee and Tea and Angel Milk. I love hot drinks so I take time to make them and I largely enjoy others trying some drinks I make and I'd love nothing more than to share drinks with someone.
Sad fact: My relationship with my parents is complicated and I often feel scared to be around my family due to constant yelling, screaming, degrading, and emotional negligence so I tend to avoid people with anger problems.
Hi Squeezy! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took so long. I hope you like your matchups!
In Bungo Stray Dogs, I match you with...
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Poe is a good matchup for you since you’re both quiet people but you can help bring him out of his shell and he will support you unconditionally.
Enjoys taking walks with you. He finds it relaxing, especially if you’re away from people. If you do want to walk through a crowded area though, he’ll accompany you. Just be prepared for him to hold your hand the entire time for comfort.
No need to worry about yelling when you’re around Poe. I don’t think this guy is capable of raising his voice around you, especially since he knows you don’t like yelling.
You’re both prone to daydreaming so it’s not uncommon for the two of you to be sitting next to each other, lost in your respective thoughts.
Always panics a bit when you cry. He never wants you to feel sad and the thought that you might not be doing well makes him almost tear up as well. He’s a very empathetic person.
In Sk8 the Infinity, I match you with...
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This was a close call between Joe and Langa but I think you’d get along a bit better with Joe. Your differences make your relationship stronger.
Loves baking with you! Cooking is both his passion and his career so he enjoys having you in the kitchen with him. Might put some things you’ve baked together on the menu at his restaurant if they turn out particularly well.
Speaking of the restaurant, there’s almost always yelling happening in there, whether it’s in the kitchen during rush hour or whenever Cherry visits. But it’s never directed at you, of that you can be sure.
I think Joe would enjoy going on bike rides with you. It helps train his legs for skating and he gets to spend some quality time with you.
Amazing with giving you physical affection. He has a knack for picking up on when you want to hold hands or get a hug and is more than happy to provide.
In Haikyuu, I match you with...
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Asahi is a good balance of Joe’s more outgoing nature and Poe’s introvertedness. He can match your energy or whatever energy is required.
Will remind you not to bite your lips or grind your teeth whenever he notices you doing it. He can’t stand the thought of you hurting yourself, even if it’s something that simple.
Loves going on “hot drink dates” with you. He knows a lot of cosy cafes around town that make really great coffee, tea, and hot chocolate, so whatever you’re feeling like on the day, he’s got you covered.
Will get rid of insects for you. If they’re particularly large, he might have to psych himself up to it but he’ll deal with them regardless.
Really good at physical affection and words of affirmation. He knows what it’s like to be insecure and wants to support you in whatever ways he can.
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2-lines-and-a-circle · 8 months
Flavor of love matchup: Haikyuu edition!
This one is for Keroppi 🐸! I took a while to do this one as I was a little unsure on who I should match you with. Now that I've finally got it done, I'm quite proud!
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Congratulations, your new found friend is Asahi Azumane!
In terms of energy level, I think you and Ashai would match greatly! I also find that as he’s a coffee he would need someone who could ground him or be a pillar of truth. Someone who could pull him out when he’s down in the dumps and not be afraid to tell the truth. I think that someone could be you!
The two of you will meet as classmates, who oddly enough get closer through school means. I picture through an assignment and so on. I don’t think you would get close to Ashai because of volleyball. If anything, you might do a little snooping because of the many rumors surrounding him. Once you start talking the two of you find comfort in each other’s company as talking to each other is a breeze. Your friendship is going to grow in a very soft, but pleasant way.
As for patience, I think he’s right in the middle with most people. Aside from that he’s a character who builds up in emotion which is a good balance for you. I’m not saying you’re deprived of emotion, but I find that mints tend to enjoy those full of emotions. I assume it’s because you never know how one is feeling so there’s always going to be a different outcome, like the unexpected.
Now onto your lover!
For your lover I picture you to be an excellent match for Kōshi Sugawara!
Falling in love with a fellow mint isn’t common as most mints just don’t end up with one another often. However, that doesn’t mean it won’t happen. In this rare case of two mints ending up together it’s going to be a comfortable ride of the classic friends to lovers. Most mints don’t usually end up with someone unknown to them.
Since your friend is Ashai this makes him your only few connections to Sugawara and probably how you meet one another. I picture you meeting him maybe before a game or even after a match. It’ll be a polite first meeting with nothing other than that, but you’ll definitely be meeting more and more from there on. Perhaps you’ll even hang out with the third years on the volleyball team. This is the case as when one gets a new friend, they might introduce them to their other friends.
Another scenario in which you could meet is just the situation in which you’re both third years. If you’re a classmate with Ashai you’ll also be a fellow third year student and could have more chances to meet with Sugawara. Although, I’m pretty certain chances are low as Sugawara is focused on volleyball.
Now for falling in love, once you get comfortable enough with the fellow third years and your friends, your romance will start. I honestly can’t see either of you giving out a grand confession nor do I see either of you hesitating in confessing. If anything, I think it’ll come out of nowhere from Sugawara. Perhaps it’s a slip of a tongue and he freaks out because he didn’t mean to say anything. It’ll just come out so naturally that even Sugawara is shocked he’s in love with you.
Eventually the two of you will discover it’s love but what about them makes him attracted to you? Well, it’s because you’re comfortable for him, but it’s also heartwarming for him. Sugawara is used to the craze and chaotic life, so I think finding someone opposite of that is comforting for him. In the end he’s probably one to value connection and staying close to those he loves. However, he’ll also like how the two of you can batter back and forth. He does love to talk now does he.
Now for the charming points of attraction between you and Sugawara. For one he’s patient and great at clear communication. No toxic feelings there. On top of that he’s a mint which makes him refreshing. Through his quick remarks and banter the two of you wouldn’t get bored. Plus, he’s acceptable in teasing. I say this because I find certain characters just wouldn’t enjoy it. With Sugawara I think he would like it to a certain degree. So long as he can tease you, I don’t think he would mind.
Together you’ll find yourself on dates like classic picnics, home stays, and maybe even walks around a nearby park. Nothing too much, but it’s very intimate and all about the connection between one another. Every now and then Sugawara or you might get the idea to try something new and out of the ordinary though.
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theogonies · 1 year
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for your blind date, you'll be heading to a local thrift store! you and your date both have a creative streak that makes checking out new styles fun for the both of you, and it's hard to run out of conversation material when you're surrounded by goofy clothing and bizarre knickknacks.
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for your blind date, i've paired you with asahi!
the energy at first would be pretty chilled out for both of you. even if you're nervous going in, considering you're both pretty introverted, i think that asahi would be comforted by your warm personality and return it in favor. he's a very perceptive and considerate guy like that. plus, while he's pretty mellow and easygoing, it's not like he's any stranger to dealing with quirky personalities, so it's easy to feel comfortable being yourself around him.
asahi's got it all: he's big and athletic, obviously, but he also has an eye for fashion (and art in general) and he's in touch enough with his emotions to be honest about how nervous he's feeling and how into you he is without it getting to be too much for a first date. he really admires your interest in mental health, too!! having dealt with so much anxiety in his life, he's fully aware of how important it is.
he's pretty formal and chivalrous from the moment you meet, to the extent that it can be a little old fashioned. touch is DEFINITELY one of his love languages but i doubt he'd take it further than hand holding at first (or maybe a reassuring arm around your shoulder, considering how much taller he is!). also he 100% offers to drive/walk you home at the end of the day.
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thanks for the request !! i hope you enjoy and have a lovely valentine's day xoxo
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taeyamayang · 2 years
hi pea! I’d like to send in a matchup request for the 365 days event please! if it’s ok, I’d like to request all 3 fandoms please!
my pronouns are she/they, and I have no gender preference. I’m an ESTP 7w8. my personality is pretty friendly and outgoing, and I love hosting small events with friends. I’m bubbly and chatty albeit very sarcastic and with a teasing sense of humor. I’m very easygoing and enjoy exploring places at random. it takes me a while to be vulnerable with people, and I only ever cry or ramble about liking someone to people I fully trust. I’m a bit prideful and also tend to deny having crushes, yet I’m also dense as a brick and can’t tell if people like me. I’m also prideful about my personal style. I’m a bit touchy and clingy when tired as well. my love languages are also quality time and physical touch.
I’m 4’11” with curly brown hair and brown eyes. my hair is shoulder-length and has reddish highlights. I like to describe my style as “I got 3 looks and that’s it: an ai yazawa character, dark academia, or terminally overdressed”. I also have a tattoo of a hand pouring coffee into a mug with a coffee pot above my right hip and a Dali painting called a couple with their head in the clouds that says I love you in russian on my left rib.
some of my interests include fashion, origami, indie and alt rock music, travelling, and baking. I adore vintage shopping and visiting art museums as well. some of my other hobbies include doing puzzles and diamond paint-by-number art.
some characters I kin include: nakamura rio (assassination classroom), faye valentine (cowboy bebop), tendou satori (haikyuu)
thank you so much and have an amazing day!
thank you for joining the event! i loooove your tatts and your curls sound gorgeous! i bet you're the type to get a second look :) therefore,
in haikyuu i pair you with:
Asahi Azumane: a giant fluff ball who's love language is looking out for the well-being of others. but srsly, i'm crazy about your height difference gsndhsd i think you two will look good together. i honestly feel like ice cream dates, hand holding, museum dates, and etc. will fit your vibes as a couple.
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in jujutsu kaisen:
Yuuji Itadori: i'm going with my assumption/opinion that i think you're best with someone who's kind and caring by nature. in contrast to asahi, yuuji can withstand mentally draining challenges and is more out going. hence, i think yuuji is the best for you if you want to come out of your comfort zone. being with him doesn't feel like you have to constantly prove yourself, yuuji will make you feel valued yet at the same time motivated to become a better version of yourself.
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finally, in tokyo revengers:
Draken: damn, i feel like i paired you with the softest boys from each series lmao. anyhow, i think you and draken will click right away. draken is the type to slowly build a relationship based on trust. it may be hard to get to know what he is thinking (since he is a bit closed-off when it comes to his thoughts) he will make you feel loved through quality time. i hc draken as the type to give love through spending time with the person they love or to pull an effort for them. sunset by the city shore could be your favorite date spot with him or perhaps the tattoo shop near his place could be too! ;)
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masterlist | hq.list | jjk.list | tr.list | event list
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gentle-giant-swag · 1 year
First up
The A bracket (finished)
Battle 1-16
(most submissions in form 1 and most submissions in form b)
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Starts Friday the 9th of June. 5pm CET. The brackets will be posted between the 9-10th of June.
Side A, 9th of June. 5pm to 8pm cet
Raphael Hamato (rise of the TMNT) vs Totoro (my neighbor Totoro)
Heavy (team fortress 2) vs Big Friendly Giant (BFG)
King Dedede (Kirby) vs Scorpia (She-ra)
Bismuth (Steven universe) vs Susan Murphy (monsters vs aliens)
Fezzik (the princess bride) vs Dick Gumshoe (ace attorney)
Master Chief (halo) vs Bumblebee (bumblebee)
Big Macintosh (my little pony: friendship is magic) vs Massimo Marcovaldo (Luca)
The titan (the owl house) vs Tyson (Percy Jackson)
Side B, 10th of June, 5pm to 8pm CET
Ivan Bruel (miraculous ladybug) vs Asahi Azumane (haikyuu)
Takeo Goda (ore monogatari) vs Caduceus Clay (critical role)
Milly Thompson (tri-gun) vs Sandy (Lego monkie kid)
Jaguar D. Saul vs Jean Bart (one piece)
Komamura (bleach) vs William Ellis (identity v)
Beelzebub (obey me) vs Kazanari Genjuurou (symphogear)
Senri (plus anima) vs Murakumo (rune factory 5)
Holly (super lesbian animal rpg) vs Brutus Feels (Kane and feels)
The B bracket (finished)
Battles 17-32
Characters who have returned from the spring bracket and from fandoms I’ve personally interacted with. So the spring bracket but we blacklisted big man
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Date: Tuesday 13/6 to Wednesday 14/6, between 5pm to 8pm CET
Side A (Tuesday)
The iron giant vs Baymax (big hero 6)
Gonta gokuhara (danganronpa) vs Jonathan Joestar (JoJo’s bizarre adventure)
Dj (total drama) vs Yasutora “Chad” Sado (bleach
Muriel (the arcana) vs Jasmine (total drama)
Subject Delta (bioshock) vs aaarrrgghh (trollhunters)
Klaus Von Reinherz (kekkai sensen) vs Asterios (fate grand order)
Hunk (Voltron) vs Gooliope Jellington (monster high)
Dragonite (Pokémon) vs Asgore Dreemurr (undertale)
Side B (Wednesday)
Alphonse Elric vs Major Lewis Armstrong (full metal alchemist)
Urbosa (legend of Zelda) vs Glamrock Freddy (five nights at Freddy’s)
Milla Vodello vs Helmut Fullbear (psychonauts)
Dedue Molinaro vs Raphael Kirsten (fire emblem: three houses)
Winston vs B.O.B (overwatch)
Kanji Tatsumi (persona) vs Common Wubbox (my singing monsters)
Mordecai vs Muarim (fire emblem: gay rights path of radiance/radiant dawn)
Minsc & Boo (baldur’s gate) vs Big the cat (sonic the hedgehog)
C BRACKET (ongoing)
Battles 33-48
Those who fell in between the A and the D bracket. So this one has some pretty chaotic matchups
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Date: Sunday the 18th to Monday the 19th, 5pm to 8pm cet
A bracket: Sunday
Nicholas St North (rise of the guardians) vs Grear Danes (irl)
Falkor the good luck dragon (the never ending story) vs Susan Strong (adventure time)
Grandpa Max (Ben 10) vs Cerberus (Greek mythology)
Kiryu Kazuma (yakuza) vs Dr Joshua Strongbear Sweet (Atlantis)
Fatgum (my hero academia) vs Takashi Morinozuka (ouran highschool host club)
Will Powers (ace attorney) vs Luther (Detroit: become human)
The Tick (the tick 1994) vs Evan Buck Buckley (911 on fox)
Riki Nendou (saiki k) vs Hearts Boxcars (homestuck)
Side B (Monday)
Shirahoshi vs Tony Tony Chopper (one piece)
Jetfire/skyfire (transformers) vs Indus Tarbella (epithet erased)
Sisyphus (hades) Vs Grog Strongjaw (critical role)
Hugo the abominable snowman (looney tunes) vs Aone Takanobu (Haikyuu)
Android 16 (dragon ball) vs Tiny (ever after high)
Wrecker (Star Wars: the bad batch) vs K (virtues last reward)
Goldlewis Dickinson vs Potemkin (guilty gear)
Yasha Nydoorin (critical role) vs Lily Bowen (fall out)
Battles 49-64
Aka the one where the contestants sadly got the least amount of votes)
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Date: Thursday 22/6th to Friday 23/6th 5pm to 8pm CET
Side A: Thursday
lain chu (dragon hunters) vs Panda (tekken)
Isaroth (genshin impact) vs Bizarro (DC red hood and the outlaws)
Jienji (Inuyasha) vs Jackie Wells (cyberpunk 2077)
Looks to the moon (rain world) vs Jogu (naruto)
Bane Perez (identify V) vs Zinnia (super lesbian animal rpg)
Vulkanon (rune factory 4) vs Argus (Greek mythology)
Mountain (ark knights) vs Taiga Saejima (yakuza)
Abbi (Omori) vs Gorem (bakugan)
SIDE B: Friday
Junko (storm hawks) vs Hajin (monstress)
Gylph (super lesbian animal RPG) vs Bongchun (Bongchun bride)
Fitz Fellow (detective grimoire) vs Bubbles (questionable content)
Dubo (omega strikers) vs Bob the titan (Percy Jackson)
Otto the giant water dog (wondla) vs Kurita Ryoukan (Eyeshield 21)
Mele the Horizons Roar (ishura) vs Gentle Bear (dog island)
The Selfish Giant vs Banjo Lilywhile (the hogfather)
Livio the double fang (trigun) vs Hank McCoy (x-men)
I will make propaganda master posts and if you want to add, just use the ask box or dm me with propaganda for one of the characters who’s going to participate. But that’s all!
May the best gentle giant WIN!
27/6, apricot bracket
Battle 1
Battle 2
Battle 3
Battle 4
29/2, shavedown of the apricot bracket
The battle
1/7, blueberry bracket
Battle 1
Battle 2
Battle 3
Battle 4
3/7, shavedown
The battle
4/7, citron bracket
Battle 1
Battle 2
Battle 3
Battle 4
5/7, shavedown
7/7, durian bracket
Battle 1
Battle 2
Battle 3
Battle 4
8/7, shavedown
The (un)official GGSmod messed up someone’s name post
The crime list
Ask game
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64 unique idols are gathered here to see who among them, truly, is worthy of being the top idol. this is a friendly competition and there is no threat of the idoluminati anywhere at all.
Side A:
1: Lily Hoshikawa (Zombieland Saga) vs Pearl (Splatoon) -> Lily Hoshikawa (WINNER!)
2: Minori Hanasto (Project SEKAI) vs Rise Kujikawa (Persona 4) -> Rise Kujikawa (WINNER!)
3: Rosie Mayfield (Style Boutique) vs Misa Amane (Death Note) -> Misa Amane (WINNER!)
4: Idol (Miitopia) vs Amari Katasumi (PriPara) -> Idol (WINNER!)
5: Mona Narumi (Confession Executive Committee) vs Mima Kirgoe (Perfect Blue) -> Mima Kiroge (WINNER!)
6: Rina Tennouji (Love Live!) vs Kanon Ichinose (Girls x Heroine) -> Rina Tennouji (WINNER!)
7: Ayu Yumesaki (Idol Royale) vs Zakuro Fujiwara (Tokyo Mew Mew) -> Zakuro Fujiwara (WINNER!)
8: Iris Sagan (AI: The Somnium Files) vs Sophy Houjou (PriPara) -> Iris Sagan (WINNER!)
9: Tsubasa Kazanari (Symphogear) vs Yumemi Yumemite (Kakeguri) -> Tsubasa Kazanari (WINNER!)
10: Minako Aino (Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon) vs Tae Yamada (Zombieland Saga) -> Tae Yamada (WINNER!)
11: Momo Kisaragi (Kagerou Project) vs Miruki Amauri (Waccha Prigami!) -> Momo Kisaragi (WINNER!)
12: Shion Kamiya (Aikatsu) vs Uta (One Piece) -> Uta (WINNER!)
13: Yoko Okino (Detective Conan) vs Marina Ida (Splatoon) -> Marina Ida (WINNER!)
14: Ai Hoshino (Oshi no Ko) vs Rui Wakaouji (Tokyo 7th Sisters) -> Ai Hoshino (WINNER!)
15: Yukito (Yuki) Orikasa (Idolish7) vs Asahi Mogami (Phantom of the Idol) -> Yuki Orikasa (WINNER!)
16: Onpu Segawa (Ojamajo DoRe) vs Tsubasa Oribe (Fire Emblem) -> Onpu Segawa (WINNER!)
Side B:
1: Nico Yazawa (Love Live!) vs Yū Morisawa (Magical Angel Creamy Mami)
2: Airi Momoi (Project SEKAI) vs Barbara (Genshin Impact)
3: Yuni (Pretty Cure) vs Riamu Yumemi (THE iDOLM@STER)
4: Riku Nanase (Idolish7) vs Utau Hoshina (Shugo Chara!)
5: Urara Kusanago (Pretty Cure) vs Shun Shimotsuki (Tsukiuta)
6: Lisia (Pokémon) vs Maina Ichii (Oshi ga Budokan Ittekuretara Shinu)
7: Mem-Cho (Oshi no Ko) vs Haruka Sawamura (Yakuza)
8: Eri Karan (Digimon) vs Cheri Sono (AKB0048)
9: Arashi Narukami (Ensemble Stars) vs Mira Hanayashiki (Sekko Boys)
10: Jennifer Sumire Sol (Waccha Prigami!) vs Gold Ship (Uma Musume Pretty Derby)
11: Ayu Maruyama (BanG Dream!) vs Kou Seiya (Sailor Moon)
12: Rin Chan (Evillious Chronicles) vs Hiro Hayashi (King of Prism)
13: Ao Yodogawa (Selection Project) vs Akira Kogami (Lucky Star)
14: Ming-Ming (Beyblade) vs Mika Kagehira (Ensemble Stars)
15: Aira Harune (Pretty Rhythm) vs Hina Hikawa (BanG Dream!)
16: Kerori Crocell (Mairimashita! Iruma-kun) vs Sayaka Maizono (Danganronpa)
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Are these brackets even readable? I dunno. Either way, here’s the bracket!
Matchups (randomly seeded) under the cut to make them easier to read. Each matchup will last a week.
The winners of each bracket will face each other in one final match to discover who is the ULTIMATE magical boy.
Criteria used to decide who got in: 1) Use magic, or 2) Have a transformation sequence, or 3) Fight with the power of friendship (and sometimes that gun they found on the sidewalk over there) or any of the above combined.
edit: Magikal Nuko Len Len has been disqualified due to the only picture being available being disgusting. Sorry for making people uncomfortable by being ignorant and bad at observation.
edit 2: I have been provided a better image of Magikal Nuko Len Len. I’ll be setting his poll back up. Sorry for the confusion, everyone.
Riku Amami (World Embryo) vs Schubert (Classicaloid)
Jio (Magical Crash) vs Kousuke Nitoh (Kamen Rider Wizard)
Tatsuhisa Kamijo (Yu-Gi-Oh Sevens!) vs Black Pepper (Delicious Party Precure)
Taishi Manza (Cute High Earth Defense Club Happy Kiss) vs Judar (Magi)
Cure Kagura (Dancing Star Precure The Stage) vs Cure Lock (Dancing Star Precure The Stage)
Saiga Arata (Dear Magi -Mahou Shounen Gakka-) vs Takuto (Mahou x Shonen x Days)
En Yufuin (Cute High Earth Defense Club Love!) vs Dark Magician (Yu-Gi-Oh)
Mozart (Classicaloid) vs Haruhito Sugiyama (Mewkledreamy)
Chiaki Nagoya (Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne) vs Io Naruko (Cute High Earth Defense Club Love!)
Gabe Travolt (Magical How) vs Garnet Heart (Magical Warrior Diamond Heart)
Yue (Cardcaptor Sakura) vs Takuto Tsunashi (Star Driver)
Kairi Sanjo (Shugo Chara) vs Bright Illusion (Elsword)
Viperion (Miraculous Ladybug) vs Carapace (Miraculous Ladybug)
George Honda (Star Driver) vs Yumoto Hakone (Cute High Earth Defense Club Love!)
Merlin (The Sword and the Stone) vs Takeo Takumi (Star Driver)
Yuki (Mahou x Shonen x Days) vs Qu Le (Magical Boys)
Peter Grant (Rivers of London) vs Blanc (Kidultic Showtime)
Cure Break (Dancing Stars Precure The Stage) vs Basil (Magical Boy Basil)
Kazune Kujyo (Kamichama Karin) vs Superman (My Adventures with Superman)
Mamoru Chiba (Sailor Moon) vs Shun/Schlain Zagar Analeit (So I’m a Spider, So What?)
Ichiro Dougo (Cute High Earth Defense Club Happy Kiss) vs Rio Kuroki (KiraKira Precure A La Mode)
Synn Sakura (Twinkle Crusaders) vs Ge Jiuzhong (I Don’t Want to be a Magical Girl)
Atsushi Kinugawa (Cute High Earth Defense Club Love!) vs Jason (Kidultic Showtime)
Hinomiya Kaito (Dear Magi -Mahou Shounen Gakka-) vs Shining Spiral (Elsword)
Ukiyo Ace/Kamen Rider Geats (Kamen Rider Geats) vs Asahi Minamikawa (Mewkledreamy)
Camilo Madrigal (Encanto) vs Vivi (Final Fantasy)
Ryouma Kirishima (Cute High Earth Defense Club Happy Kiss) vs Magolor (Kirby)
Qifrey (Witch Hat Atelier) vs Tsubasa Yuunagi (Hirogaru Sky Precure)
Shu Yan (Ye Luoli) vs Takara Utashiro (Fairy Ranmaru ~Anata no Kokoro O-tasukeshimasu~)
Visare Nightfall (Vampire Magicka) vs Hideki Shibuya (Star Driver)
Kikyou (Magical Boy Troubles) vs Ayumu Aikawa (Is This a Zombie?)
Kousuke Kasuga (Kimagure Orange Road) vs Ryuu Zaou (Cure High Earth Defense Club Love!)
Yakumo Katou (Shuriken Sentai Ninninger) vs Ran (Mahou x Shonen x Days)
Kirby (Kirby) vs Akihito Sugiyama (Mewkledreamy)
Henri Wakamiya (Hugtto Precure) vs Bright Heart (Elsword)
Ikuto Tsukiyomi (Shugo Chara) vs Syaoran Li (Cardcaptor Sakura)
Mephisto (Lolirock) vs Max Owen (Magical Boy)
Cure Top (Dancing Star Precure The Stage) vs Blue Knight (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Mei Xin (I Don’t Want to be a Magical Girl) vs Ranmaru Ai (Fairy Ranmaru ~Anata no Kokoro O-tasukeshimasu~)
Antonio Madrigal (Encanto) vs Magikal nuko len len (Vocaloid)
Adora Flora (Magical Mom) vs My Cat Stormy (real life)
Tsukasa Tenma (Project Sekai) vs Satoshi Hiwatari (D.N.Angel)
Harry Dresden (The Dresden Files) vs Minatsuki Sakuya (Dear Magi -Mahou Shounen Gakka-)
Haruto Souma (Kamen Rider Wizard) vs Juka Mutsuoka (Fairy Ranmaru ~Anata no Kokoro O-tasukeshimasu~)
Cure Soul (Dancing Star Precure The Stage) vs Souta Kishibe (Magical Girl Raising Project)
Tadase Hotori (Shugo Chara) vs Shining Cosmo (Elsword)
Ryousuke Katashiro (Star Driver) vs Hikaru (Mahou x Shonen x Days)
Daisuke Niwa (D.N.Angel) vs Homura Hoterase (Fairy Ranmaru ~Anata no Kokoro O-tasukeshimasu~)
Nagihiko Fujisaki (Shugo Chara) vs Shining Astro (Elsword)
Kirio Karasuma (Kamichama Karin) vs Takashi Dai (Star Driver)
Felix (Star Warrior Cosmos Leo) vs Eylan Hasegawa (This is the Magical Boy Training Center)
Howl (Howl’s Moving Castle) vs Giyru (Warriors vs. Warriors)
Daichi (Mahou x Shonen x Days) vs Xia Lou (Mahou Shounen Shuurai)
Uru Seiren (Fairy Ranmaru ~Anata no Kokoro O-tasukeshimasu~) vs Kevin (Power Up)
Heir of Lightning - Prince Citron (Pretty Princess Pomelo) vs Beethoven (Classicaloid)
Saki Uno (Magical Girl Ore) vs Saiki Kusou (The Disasterous Life of Saiki K.)
Gandalf (Lord of the Rings) vs Kim Dokja (Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint)
Wagner (Classicaloid) vs Chat Noir (Miraculous Ladybug)
Bright Marine (Elsword) vs Ultraman Zero (Mega Monster Battle: Ultra Galaxy Legends)
Kazama Mika (Dear Magi -Mahou Shounen Gakka-) vs Emerald Heart (Magical Warrior Diamond Heart)
Starchild (Scooby Doo) vs Mugendou Niki (Dear Magi -Mahou Shounen Gakka-)
Mashira Shinkiro (Isekai Mahou Shounen Momopuri - Keiji to Yakuza ga Kawaikunatta Kudan) vs Kukai Soma (Shugo Chara)
Itsuki (Josou Mahou Shounen Battle Flyer Itsuki) vs Kuranushi Rin (Dear Magi -Mahou Shounen Gakka-)
Kyoutarou Shuzenji (Cute High Earth Defense Club Happy Kiss) vs Rikumori Yuu (Dear Magi -Mahou Shounen Gakka-)
so many tags.. so so many aghhhhhhhh
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gollumsmygel · 5 months
the more I watch KnB the more it reminds me of Haikyu lmao
character with a bright colored hair and their special ability is jumping very high/people are surprised at how high they can jump: Kagami Taiga | Hinata Shoyo
Plays a practice match against one of the strong teams, said strong teams have powerful players that are popular among women: Kaijo Kise | Seijoh Oikawa
A strong player returns to the team: Teppei | Asahi, Nishinoya
Team is not at 100% power when they don't matchup well: Kagami, Kuroko | Hinata, Kageyama
Team with iron wall defense: Seiho | Dateko
They have apparently the strongest lineup for that year but gets defeated in the end anyways: Rakuzan | Shiratorizawa
The popular strong player from the strong team they had a practice match with is always hanging around their well-grounded/ level-headed teammate who says "I'll punch you/ I'll kick you" during/after they punch/kick: Kasamatsu, Kise | Iwaizumi, Oikawa
A very good captain that's actually pretty scary: Hyuga | Sawamura
Tall people with soft hearts: Teppei | Asahi
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Hello! I hope you have a lovely day. Can I get a match up for Honkai Star Rail, Genshin, and Haikyuu?
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Straight
Zodiac/MBTI: Gemini, INFJ
Appearance: Short black wavy hair. Brown eyes. Light Brown skin with a beauty mark on the bottom corner of my left eye. 5'1" and a slim body (But I'm actually the oldest among my friends and siblings)
Personality: I'm the introverted who got adopted by my extroverted friend group. I'm quiet and shy but will speak when spoken too but I will be more talkative with people I am comfortable with. I am also the type of person who show care in subtle ways since I am way to shy to express it clearly (such as buying food or listening to my friends when they are in a bad mood). I'm also very observant to the people around me and I can pick up if something is wrong. I am more book smarts than street smarts, hence my introvertedness. I'm also pretty imaginative and I usually daydream a lot. I could say I'm intelligent to some extent, I study hard and very interested in knowing facts and tidbits about a topic I'm interested in. I can tolerate almost any people I meet but when it comes to people who doesn't respect me or my loved ones boundaries I get very angry and will get passive aggressive.
Likes: I like reading, the smell and sound of rain and forests (we have a farm that are surrounded by nature and a forest at the back), cheesecake, playing video games like Pokemon or Stardew Valley, quiet and calming places, listening to music, stuff toys, owls, and dogs.
Dislikes: Anything that is overly spicy, loud crowds, people that doesn't know boundaries, pushy people.
Hobbies: Dancing, Writing, Reading, Crochet, Playing Video Games.
Extra Information: I am a cuddler, I usually sleep hugging my stuff toy and if not a pillow, and I become restless when I sleep if I have neither of those things.
My love languages is acts of service and physical touch.
Hi Anon! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took a while. I hope you like your matchups!
In Honkai Star Rail, I match you with...
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Dan Heng likes your introverted nature. It’s a nice change of pace from March and the other members of the Star Rail.
His favourite moments are when you’re reading together and there is the faint sound of rain in the background. Whether it’s real rain or a recording, he likes the peaceful atmosphere.
Not a huge fan of video games but he doesn’t mind watching you play them. Games like Stardew Valley are particular favourites of his since they’re relaxing but also have planning elements.
Can be persuaded to dance with you, but only if the song strikes him. He’s got a soft spot for slower songs that he can sway to, holding you close.
Dan Heng’s not the best at physical affection or words of affection but he’ll learn for you. He secretly loves receiving affection, he’s just bad at showing it.
In Genshin Impact, I match you with...
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There’s no shortage of rainforest when you’re around Tighnari. Since he works in a forest, he’s more than happy to take you on patrols and teach you things about the plants and animals you come across.
He likes your stuffed toys but may get a bit jealous sometimes. If you want something to cuddle as you go to sleep, he’s right there!
At the same time, he’s glad you have them there so that when he’s working late, you have some form of company.
Please crochet something for him! He’ll treasure it forever. If it’s something he can wear, he’ll wear it every chance he can. And if it’s a little trinket, he’ll put it on his desk so he can look at it every day.
Tighnari’s very good at respecting boundaries. He’s got his boundaries, such as not touching his tail without warning, he’s more than happy to respect yours in return.
In Haikyuu, I match you with...
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Asahi is the sweet teddy bear that you need in your life. Those stuffed toys? Now you have the living version!
This guy absolutely loves cheesecake and I will hear no criticism. He just gives off those vibes. Whenever he’s at the shops and gets a slice for himself, he’ll get a piece for you as well.
Please teach him how to crochet. He’s got a bad reputation at school as being a scary guy so he thinks picking up a hobby like crocheting will help change that image.But he also just enjoys crocheting.
Never pushy and always respectful of your boundaries. He’s really good with things like that, even if people sometimes wonder if he’s coercing you into a relationship if they don’t know him.
I don’t think Asahi has a love language; instead, he adapts to whatever you respond best to. He can do anything, as long as both of you feel it’s expressing affection.
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Flavor of Love, Tell me matchup: Haikyuu ver.
This one is for  @verydragondetective I hope you find this to be pleasant!
Congratulations, your lover is Asahi Azumane!
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You are in for the long one my friend. Romance is sure to happen, but not all at once. Ashai and you are bound to encounter problems with the relationship. While nobody will be opposed to it, what there needs to be is a heartfelt talk about how the two of you feel. Such is something hard to come by in team coffee. For whatever reason it may be team coffee prefers to swallow their words in hopes the feelings pass by. Ashai is no different as the feeling of romantic love is a hard pill to swallow, not to mention how team coffee has internal problems.
This poses the main problem for the relationship as it’s going to be hard to open up about his true feelings. That doesn’t mean it won’t happen though, at one point everything will unravel itself. I can’t pinpoint how, just know that your friend Kotaro Bokuto is there to play cupid.
Once he’s in love, everything will be sweet and classic. Expect some fancy places for dates that seem too good to be true. Don’t forget the bitterness of the coffee though, that bitterness may come in out of nowhere. Though it shouldn’t pose a threat, most of the time it might be some old passion or some hot person coming to sweep you off your feet.
Congratulations, your friend is Kotaro Bokuto!
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This is a friendship when Bokuto is older and he’s not in high school, so take this information with that in mind. He’s not someone who is inexperienced at friends, rather meeting him will help improve some aspects of life. I’m not sure what it is about him, but if you notice everyone changes after meeting him. So, I’m going to say the same for you. Bokuto knows how to comfort, talk, and be that shoulder to cry on. At the same time, he knows how to push others to reach their own full potential, he’s not ignorant either.
If he sees someone attacking you, he’ll stand up for you, but also makes sure you know to stand up for yourself too. In other words, he’s someone who you won’t find every so often. Quite a valuable person if I do say so myself. Upon meeting him, life will change in a new light and for the better.
Interested in your own or want another one? Find more matchups here: 2 Lines & A Circle : Flavor of Love, Find Your Match~ (tumblr.com)
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Irritable Bowel Showdown: ROUND 1
Matchups and start times below:
Part 1 - (July 18 at 4pm UTC)
Bambi (Dave & Bambi) vs Barry Bluejeans (The Adventure Zone) [winner faces Johnny Sasaki (Metal Gear) in Round Two]
Josuke Higashikata (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) vs Steven Universe (Steven Universe)
God of Indigestion (Discworld) vs Shauna Shipman (Yellowjackets)
Sakaeguchi Yuuto (Ookiku Furikabutte/Big Windup!) vs Soldier (Team Fortress 2) [winner faces Isaac Moriah (The Binding of Isaac) in Round Two]
Reigen Arataka (Mob Psycho 100) vs Jotaro Kujo (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) [winner faces Magellan (One Piece) in Round Two]
Triss Merigold (The Witcher) vs Craig Boone (Fallout: New Vegas) [winner faces Primis "Tank" Dempsey (Call of Duty: Zombies) in Round Two]
Mari (Yellowjackets) vs Panty Anarchy (Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt) [winner faces Carl Wheezer (Jimmy Neutron) in Round Two]
Toshinori Yagi/All Might (My Hero Academia) vs Dave Strider (Homestuck) [winner faces Henry the Green Engine (Thomas and Friends) in Round Two]
Marvin Grossberg (Ace Attorney) vs Ochako Uraraka (My Hero Academia) [winner faces Belphegor (SMT/Persona series) in Round Two]
Part 2 - (July 19 at 4pm UTC)
Amu Hinamori (Shugo Chara) vs Bor'dor Dog'son (Critical Role) [winner faces Chidi Anagonye (The Good Place) in Round Two]
DJ (Beast Wars II) vs Walter Tattersall (Yellowjackets)
Filbo Fiddlepie (Bugsnax) vs Roy Kent (Ted Lasso)
Spock (Star Trek) vs Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb) [winner faces Dr. Crygor (WarioWare) in Round Two]
The Onceler (The Lorax) vs Lan Wangji (The Untamed) [winner faces Owen (Total Drama) in Round Two]
Alphys (Undertale) vs Bubbie (The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack) [winner faces Deandra the New Girl (The Most Popular Girls in School) in Round Two]
Declan Lynch (The Dreamer Trilogy) vs William Afton (Five Nights at Freddy's)
Kanata (Gokurakugai) vs Rock Lee (Naruto)
Tagora Gorjek (Hiveswap) vs Geralt of Rivia (The Witcher) [winner faces anon who shit on couch (real life) in Round Two]
Nyack of the Rana'for (Not Another D&D Podcast) vs Marinette Dupain-Cheng (Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir) [winner faces Shit in Pants Guy (Johnny the Homicidal Maniac) in Round Two]
Part 3 - (July 20 at 4pm UTC)
Loki the cat (real life) vs Loretta the cat (Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile) [winner faces you, the voter (real life) in Round Two]
Enid Mettle (OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes) vs Tomura Shigaraki (My Hero Academia)
Hailey (Hatchetfield Nightmare Time) vs Saint (Rain World)
Senri (Koisuru Bokura wa Ichou ga Yowai) vs James Tiberius Kirk (Star Trek) [winner faces Griffin McElroy (real life) in Round Two]
Porky Pig (Looney Tunes) vs Juniper Sloan (Camp Here and There) [winner faces Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto) in Round Two]
Havelock Vetinari (Discworld) vs Clark Kent (Superman) [winner faces Kakashi Hatake (Naruto) in Round Two]
Larry Appleton (Perfect Strangers) vs Queen Chrysalis (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) [winner faces Doctor Sung (TWRP) in Round Two]
The test subject who shat in the elevator (Portal 2) vs David Rose (Schitt's Creek) (hehe) [winner faces Jean Pierre Polnareff (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) in Round Two]
Niki Shiina (Ensemble Stars) vs Napstablook (Undertale) [winner faces Yuga Aoyama (My Hero Academia) in Round Two]
Part 4 - (July 21 at 4pm UTC)
Asahi Azumane (Haikyuu!!) vs Benrey (HLVR: AI) [winner faces Nekomaru Nidai (Danganronpa) in Round Two]
Dareth (LEGO Ninjago) vs Dabi (My Hero Academia)
Hiroshi Yuuki (Full Dive: This Ultimate Next-Gen Full Dive RPG Is Even Shittier than Real Life!) vs Rung (Transformers)
Spamton G. Spamton (Deltarune) vs Hatsune Miku (Vocaloid) [winner faces Elmo Monster (Sesame Street) in Round Two]
PaRappa Rappa (PaRappa the Rapper) vs Kuwabara Kazuma (Yu Yu Hakusho) [winner faces Okuyasu Nijimura (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) in Round Two]
Zhao Yunlan (Guardian) vs c!Tommyinnit (Dream SMP) [winner faces Hinata Shouyou (Haikyuu!!) in Round Two]
Dean Winchester (Supernatural) vs Tadashi Yamaguchi (Haikyuu!!)
Kuruto Ryuki (AI: The Sominum Files - Nirvana Initiative) vs Raji Shenazard (Snow White with the Red Hair)
Tenzil Kem/Matter Eater Lad (DC) vs Dimitri 1 (101 Dalmation Street) [winner faces Shoichi Irie (Katekyo Hitman Reborn) in Round Two]
Yami Sukehiro (Black Clover) vs Mr. Tang (Lego Monkie Kid) [winner faces Megatron (Transformers) in Round Two]
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dxntloseurhead · 1 year
pink and green bracket - part four
the second to last part of the main competition is here! after the fifth part, the winners of all five parts will battle to see who the ultimate pink and green duo is!
remember the number one rule: please be respectful to me as the poll runner, as well as fellow voters.
currently running round four! the matchups for the fourth part are as follows:
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left side:
bella parker and jade hunter (rainbow high) vs. draculaura and frankie stein (monster high)
cece and viché (animal crossing) vs. shiny celebi and grovyle (pokémon)
sakura haruno and rock lee (naruto) vs. uravity and froppy (my hero academia)
sakura kinomoto and syaoran li (cardcaptor sakura) vs. yume hinata and asahi minamikawa (mewkledreamy)
right side:
masaoka azuki and kobayashi matcha (vocaloid) vs. tone rion and yumemi nemu (vocaloid)
kaoru sakurayashiki and kojiro nanjo (sk8 the infinity) vs. satsuki momoi and shintarō midorima (kuroko’s basketball)
megurine luka and gumi (vocaloid) vs. aya maruyama and maya yamato (bandori)
ran and su (shugo chara!) vs. ahiru and fakir (princess tutu)
left side:
draculaura and frankie stein (monster high) vs. shiny celebi and grovyle (pokémon)
sakura haruno and rock lee (naruto) vs. sakura kinomoto and syaoran li (cardcaptor sakura)
right side:
masaoka azuki and kobayashi matcha (vocaloid) vs. satsuki momoi and shintarō midorima (kuroko’s basketball)
megurine luka and gumi (vocaloid) vs. ahiru and fakir (princess tutu)
left side:
draculaura and frankie stein (monster high) vs. sakura kinomoto and syaoran li (cardcaptor sakura)
right side:
satsuki momoi and shintarō midorima (kuroko’s basketball) vs. megurine luka and gumi (vocaloid)
sakura kinomoto and syaoran li (cardcaptor sakura) vs. satsuki momoi and shintarō midorima (kuroko’s basketball)
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heavenlyakin · 21 days
matchup for @probablysimpledreams ❤️
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❤️ azumane asahi ❤️
I can just see you both sipping fruity drinks on the beach in matching bandanas and it does something good to my heart
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❤️ Isagi yoichi ❤️
Hear me out… main character energy for the both of you. I just SEE IT
He would spoil the absolute fuck out of you and as your bestie I think that’s what you deserve
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