#asbestos mining
borgevino · 8 months
the allergy i am seeing grow up around small talk in any form is troubling to me. do you know how to make friends with people in your physical environment? it typically starts with small talk. do you want to live in community? small talk. do you want to have the type of relationship with your neighbors where you can run over and borrow a battery for your smoke detector when it starts beeping at 10pm? small talk!! do you want leeway from your coworkers when you fuck up something small? you gotta be able to build a relationship and that's small talk, baybeee.
"but i don't need friends and i don't care about community!" okay, lone ranger, what about the people in your community who need you? "but i have social anxiety!" me too, bud! we simply must soldier on. making up lists of questions to ask people helps. and people are predisposed to be generous, i've found. even if you make some kind of mistake, what is this but the natural give and take of human interaction? nobody is perfect.
you were not put on this earth to live by yourself and then die. you need people and people need you. treat those around you with curiosity and generousness of spirit and you will gain so much goodwill in return.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"Les prévôts cernés, le déserteur fuit," La Patrie. August 4, 1943. --- QUEBEC, 4. - Cent cinquante mineurs d'Asbestos Corporation, de Thetford-Mines auraient empêché quatre membres du Corps des prévôts de l'armée canadienne d'opérer l'arrestation d'un mineur qui avait négligé de se rapporter pour son service militaire.
Les autorités du Corps de Prévôté ont confirmé que quatre policiers militaires s'étaient rendus à Thetford-Mines pour y arrêter un déserteur de l'armée, mais ont refusé de faire tout commentaire sur l'incident. Le chef de police de Thetford a de même refusé de dire quoi que ce soit sur l'incident.
Les rapports disent que l'un des militaires est descendu dans un puits de 600 pieds pour s'emparer de son homme. Toutefois, lorsqu'il eut atteint le sommet du puits, en ne lui permit pas, ainsi qu'aux trois autres, d'amener le réfractaire avec eux. Bien plus, les mineurs auraient ensuite cerné les policiers de façon à permettre à leur prisonnier de prendre la poudre d'escampette, ce qu'il fit sans tarder.
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gordonsicedcoffee · 6 months
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girl help I need to eat him for breakfast
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the-punforgiven · 7 months
Hey, I'm really sorry to have to ask y'all, but my family and I are being evicted from our home and we can't really afford to live anywhere else.
We've been saving up for a while and we've found a place we can almost afford, but we're still short about $4,400. So like, if you have anything you can do to help I'd greatly appreciate it, but like, I get that times are tough all around so I totally understand if you don't
Here's a link to my paypal, but like, please only donate if you've got the cash to spare, I don't want anyone to go hungry on my account
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meriol-lehmann · 5 months
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boulevard industriel, val-des-sources
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bookofmac · 4 months
still mad over that last post, like im not gonna act like i'm super knowledgeable about the Maralinga nuclear tests but I KNOW THAT IT WAS FUCKED!!! LIKE!!! PEOPLE LIVED THERE!! ITS SACRED LAND
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folkpunk · 6 months
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tears over beers
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yakuzacanons · 1 year
Can I request headcanons for the lads and a mute s/o? Maybe their s/o uses a draw pad to communicate (Kinda like the little girl in Yakuza 3, though it doesn't have to be trauma related)
Oooh this is a super cool idea. This one might be rather brief since I don't think I've ever met a mute person and I wouldn't wanna get too lost in the fictional sauce if that makes sense (never wanna misconstrue the truth about anyone with any disability or say something blatantly incorrect or offensive and all that). Headcanons below da cut though, have a good one!
Kazuma Kiryu
Honestly unfazed. Willing to learn how to communicate in whatever ways their s/o prefers, whether it's by writing in a notepad or ASL. Does his best to be accommodating as much as possible. Kiryu's had to face a lot of traumatic things and has met people with a lot of trauma so he's got the patience of a saint.
Majima Goro
Might be oblivious to it at first but once he realizes that his s/o is mute, he'll feel so bad and apologize. The most gentle of all of the boys with anyone with a disability, especially after spending so much time with Makoto. Speaks up on your behalf and would punch the hell outta anyone who tried to even think about making fun of you.
Akiyama Shun
A little confused at first but settles into things pretty fast. Gets used to his s/o pulling out a notepad to write down things. Type of guy to just bring his own notepad with him everywhere just in case his s/o needs something to write on.
Saejima Taiga
The biggest sweetie about it. Takes his time and never rushes you. Actually kind of interested in learning sign language if you wouldn't mind teaching him. Whatever method of communication you prefer, he'll go to great lengths to meet you in the middle and learn to communicate with you properly. Absolutely not judgemental at all.
Ryuji Goda
It's such a contrast to his typically boistrous and loud personality that it honestly teaches him a lot. You'll notice Ryuji becoming more patient, less inflammatory, and listening more when people speak. Totally the type of guy to be like "They said NO PICKLES" like in those memes.
Nishikiyama Akira
It honestly doesn't change a thing for him. Does a lot of hand gestures though, like thumbs up or thumbs down when asking if you'd like something at a store. Still talks just as much as he normally does, just gets more animated. Scared of losing you in a crowd though because he knows he's prone to panicking pretty fast.
Daigo Dojima
Gentle sweetie man. Would honestly teach himself sign language late at night after a long day so he could surprise you with it. If a pen and paper is your preferred method of communication, he'll get you a nice notebook with good quality paper and a set of nice pens. He knows he doesn't really understand what you're dealing with but wants to at the very least have or provide the tools necessarily to make things smoother for you.
Mine Yoshitaka
Would have whole conversations with you in a notepad, just the two of you writing back and forth. It may seem silly, especially if you're not actually deaf, but Mine kind of likes that it's a way of talking that only the two of you can participate in without the prying ears of his coworkers or the nosiness of judgemental strangers. Type of man to leave little notes around the house saying encouraging things or telling you he loves you.
Tatsuo Shinada
Loud enough for the two of you. Very much the type of guy who, upon the two of you walking into a cafe, to proudly say "table for TWO, please!" while holding up two fingers. Totally fine with you being quiet, although at first he might confuse that with something being wrong until he understands that you're just completely mute. Points at stuff a lot for some reason, like for example if you're ordering food, he'll point at the spicy symbol as a way of asking if you want it spicy or not.
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dyrewrites · 2 months
Bloodhound -- home is where the hurt is
While it would have been a delight to walk the town he stopped in, Deluca had no interest in such sights. He longed to see the port he grew up in, the fields he played in, waters he learned to swim in...and so he did not remain in San Nicola Arcella.
He sped to a smaller town up the beach from it, one cradled in slender trees and darkened by the looming shadows of mountainous rocks. It had a name, of course, all places tend to find one eventually. But he held it too tight and, as it is not relevant, it will not be shared.
Finding the station his client waited in was not difficult. It sat at the entrance to the town, right inside the archway and directly to the left. Then up a steep walkway, where it was nestled between two jagged bits of rock looking over the dock—and were it still there, a textile mill emblazoned with the name ‘Visconti Silks’.
It had its own A.F. symbol—if not officers—on a plaque beside the doors.
And it was that sight, not any other, which caused him to drop his duffel.
Three hundred years since he saw that building. It’d been painted, reinforced, fitted with new doors and windows and all manner of improvements—even sigils softly glowed to warn of protection—but it was the same. In the bones, it was the same.
“Sono a casa,” he whispered and wondered, briefly, if it still counted as his. Could he walk into it without an invitation—many police stations were public spaces, but the sigils warned otherwise.
It didn’t matter, as he’d been noticed. Small town such as that—which had not grown much since his time there—it was difficult for anyone new not to be.
“Venendo o andando?” the man at the doors—his doors, or were they—asked, waving him forward when he didn’t respond, trading tongues to clarify, “you, yes, you coming or going?”
“Scusa, sì, sto arrivando,” Deluca snatched his bag and rushed inside the building, bracing for push-back that didn’t come. He was welcome.
“You the detective?” the man asked, he wore a uniform of soft blues—worn and salt-licked but meticulously tended.
Deluca nodded, “si, Detective Deluca Beaumont, and you have a ghost problem?”
“Half French there, Detective?” the man tilted his head, smirk playing on his lips.
“No,” Deluca told it, “my husband is French. I took his name.”
Nodding, lips tight, the man shrugged before tapping his chest, “Sergeant Salvatore D’Orsi, but don’t call me Sergeant, I hate it,” Deluca chuckled as the man led him deeper into the station, “Call me Sal and I don’t know about no ghosts. It’s what Captain Dea thinks, and she’s running things so we do what she thinks.”
Deluca’s steps faltered, imperceptibly, with the name Dea.
I’ve spurned too many witches, he considered too sharply, I must have...why else.
His mother’s name was Dea, as her maiden name of De Luca became his first—chosen in a vain attempt to hide who he was while fighting the Council. And it stung to hear it. To be inflicted with the memory of a mother he lost long before her time, and a family that—at least in his memory—was whole and sweet and loving.
It stung, every breath, to follow ‘Sal’ through his old home, to see the bones of his life—before his beautiful death—covered in strange flesh and skin.
As if to torture further, Captain Dea’s office was in his old bedroom.
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heresronnie21 · 2 years
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Finished my assignment finally and drew the sillies for the first time in a While. So here’s a lil dump.
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rjgraves · 1 year
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wendover nevada
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wickershells · 5 months
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East Fortune Hospital, Scotland, abandoned in 1997
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kaiasky · 1 year
everybody's like 'wow i love how frequenly tumblr gives me notifications it feels so social' and idk. like yes same.
otoh i feel like that in itself is a ~dark pattern~ like. the fact that u can always clicky the tumblr and it'll tell u fuckbucket9312 liked ur popular circulating post and ur like wow a source of dopamine guess i'll open this webbed site again and again uncontrollably forever
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meriol-lehmann · 3 months
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haldes, rue du lac noir, black lake
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the-punforgiven · 7 months
Would you guys be mad at me if I made a post asking for money? Be honest
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