fabdante · 2 months
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I forgot to post this but here's the art from that fic post
art only blog - insta - inprnt - redbubble (image description in alt)
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ranminfan · 1 year
No one is gonna here me out but...perhaps reconsider? 😳
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bonsiii-art · 5 months
hello!! I’m the one who asked about the anatomy (idk how to reply to asks and stuff)
basically I know some artists use anatomy for their drawings so I was asking if you also used anatomy for your cookie run drawings and what would that usually look like for you?
something like this vv
hopefully I’m making sense 🙃
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OH, you mean like how do my sketches look! ...I think? (´・ω・`)? You can correct me if I'm wrong asdfghj But if I'm right on the money, here's my sketches for the langue de chat comic, one of the roguefort panels, and a drawing I made for my friend on new years :P
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I've been using this brush nowadays to sketch since it has a similar feel to the brush I've been using to line :D For simple sketches like the first part of the langue comic, I tried to keep it fast and simple whereas the second part of the comic, I take more time to make sure it looks right! It's because that part is, what i refer to as, the "money shot". It's the one people are gonna look at the most so I gotta make sure it looks nice, y'know what I'm saying?
The above examples are just one sketch to lineart drawings, however. Sometimes I do another sketch to make thing clearer to me and closer to what I'm trying to get the drawing to look when I line. I do this all time with commissions such as this one! The one on the left is the first concept and the one on the right is the second one that I sent to the client to approve.
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Hope this answers your question! uwu
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useyourglutes · 1 month
(lyrics: On the ground, all banditos Fighting while I find Nico Even though I'm past the point of no return Climb the top of the tower "Show yourself," I yell louder Even though I'm past the point of no ret—)
so few. so proud. so... emotional. hello, clancy.
we're twenty one pilots, and so are you
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thetwelfthcrow · 8 months
- Max saying that his amount of wins is still nothing compared to Lewis...with that little glance and smile....what are you, SMITTEN?
- Btw, the way I have a physical reaction whenever Lewis says "Max"....😮🫣🥺🫠
- I'm not normal and therefore obsessed whenever either Max or Lewis answers a question and turns to the other one for "help", prompting them to jump in. Max immediatelly picking up his mic as soon as Lewis wants to know something. Idk why but the casualness is k i l l i n g me in the best wayyyy
- Asdfghj Lewis RAN out of that presser before Crofty could even finish his last sentence, is he ok??? I low key love it whenever the adhd energy becomes So visible (his feet!! how is he so jittery, like, can he keep still???) but he jumped, the difference to Max looking so comfy on that couch is sending me lmao. Can he go check on him tho
- Also, the giggling again!!!! You're supposed to be enemies be serious wth
HELLO i finally watched the presser so here we go i love u anon for this rundown
max was like ain't no way i'm lettin this get to my head with king-of-winning-races next to me c'mon now. he was smiley and smirkey he said that to make lewis smile i'm sure of it !!! so gay
please same ;-; whenever they're first name basis i'm like yes girls go get that. especially for lewis. like, max evolved from this guy this dude to max like oh my god what an honor. i can imagine young max absolutely jerking off to lewis calling him by his name for the first time. i mean, i know i would
YES THEY DO THAT SO OFTEN !! they collaborate thru those pressers for real. they're sooo ready to work together n talk thru it. i love it.i think they just like talking to each other. but i also think it's incredibly cute and yes THEY'RE SOOOO WELL ALIGNED like they are There together and they work so well. i imagine that's what sharing 35 podiums does to you (and probably some dinners too). and it is sooo casual and easy like !!!!!!!!!! sedate me with this.
lewis booked it outta there. tom clarkson, who does the press conferences (crofty's a sky commentator), barely said that's all and lewis was already in his cab home fr fr. makes me wonder even more what he was doing on his phone the whole time like whooo youuu textiiiiinnn????? and yess the adhd was ragiiiin. he was yawning humming jittering the entire way through i loved watching it too. max was zen himself like buddha had nothing on him and lewis was Ready to Leave. i hope max caught him on his way to the hospitality and wrapped a gentle arm around his shoulders and made a bad joke that gets lewis' eyes all crinkly to calm him down.
and please they are soooo GIGGLY ALWAYS !!! giggly boys to the max. and it's so obviously not nervosity (what i see in lando sometimes) it's just....joy?? just two little dudes having fun with each other. it's tooo fucking cute. everyone be calling them the rivals of the century and they're out there just giggling about tire factories or rookie numbers or whatever they have going on. they're on the same wavelength and no one else is allowed.
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crowned-clown-rising · 2 months
bestie when the FUCK is the new chapter of your fanfic coming?? you got me checking tumblr just for updates about it
Hello love of my life I have a surprise for you waiting in ao3 ;)
I'm deeply sorry it took so long but! know that your ask did manage to motivate to get to it. I was waiting until I had it up so I could come here with good news :) enjoy! (if you are still interested in it at this point, that is asdfghj sorry)
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captainmera · 1 year
Hello Hello! I read through your golden brother fic amd got caught up a few days ago! Wanted to say that it's absolutely PHENOMENAL! You explore hunter's dynamics with the cast so well, it's really beautiful! The way you handle vee makes me cry tears of joy, it's literally EVERYTHING I wished was covered in season 3, i love this identity crisis-ridden slug so much you have no clue 💚💚 It's like catharsis while also excelling in its own right 😭 so so effervescent
Also, Jacob???? NEVER expected anyone could (or would) take such a one-off guy and make him so interesting! Im loving the self-righteous parallels drawn between him, belos, and luz, and how all three of them go about handling that. it's very intriguing and I'm excited for how it turns out. 🤔🤔
It's very important that you know the palismen wanting to be in the microwave is the funniest thing ever, I start cry laughing whenever the Beep. shows up. And hunter gradually getting more lenient about it??? Like he's so done but also?? It's in line with his development in the story??? Slowly unlearning the behaviors instilled in him that perpetuate his paranoia and growing to be more relaxed and happy?? Represented by an adorable running gag??? PHENOMENAL work. Absolutely amazing.
sorry for the long ask I just really like this fic & thought you should know. k thx have a good one 👍
GOLDEN BROTHER FANFIC <- He is talking about this.
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Sweet titan, thank you!! (TTATT)!!!
And don't worry about long texts or rants!! I like it! %D <3333 It's fun! Aaaaaanyway...!!!
BIG RAMBLE (and some fanfic related doodles) BENEATH THE CUT!
That's so kind of you asdfghj I really appreciate it!! I love storytelling and character focused stories/plot/themes, and writing this fanfic has been a really nice exercise for me to indulge in that.
I'm making a story of my own which is also character driven! So, again, it's really nice to stretch my legs in writing too. :)
I'm glad you think so highly of my fanfiction!! I really wish a season 3 could've happened!! It's been fun trying to juggle all the characters and set them up for their own arcs.
Yes!! I feel like a lot of the show was building up a lot of themes to identity, finding yourself, loss/grief (of various kinds: Loss of family, loss of oneself, etc). But also showing the opposite theme: Of finding yourself, relief, peace and acceptance. Even moving onwards.
Themes that Vee represents/embodies really well - especially as a shapeshifter.
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I think, for one, Hunter and Luz was supposed to have opposite arcs. Hunter finds himself and Luz loses herself. They would balance, thematically, off of one another. While still keeping Luz' struggle as the main character as the force to move the plot along; Hunter's arc only getting spotlight to support/dual Luz journey/decline/rise.
Taking the season three episode titles, I lean on the "for the future" one the most, as I think Luz dealt with a lot of doubt about where she fits in and what she can provide going forward (both for herself and her friends/family).
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And I think Jacob would've been an interesting character. As much of a gag he is, he does represent certain aspects of both Luz and Belos.
He wants to be the chosen one (like both of them) and he wants to do something for his town (save it from witches, like Belos), and he wants to fit in with his community (like Luz) and can't quite find a way to do so. Perhaps even losing sight of what is going right in his life in favour of the grander greater thing (like both Belos and Luz) - That if they don't fit in with normal, perhaps it needs to be abnormal, and grand, and epic.
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..... I mean I say all that, the difficulty is pulling it off lmao asdfghj ||||||OTL|||||
AND THANK YOU FOR NOTICING THAT'S WHAT THE GAG IS ABOUT. I'm genuinely surprised people liked the gag so much, I was worried only I would think it was funny haha, but it also pleases me you picked up on it's purpose :'D I love that all I have to write is *Beep.* and y'all know what's happening. :'DD
thank you I really needed a nice message today (ToT)/ <333
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interlvgos · 4 months
Hello dear Coral!<з
I’d like to request 3, 8 and 15 from the fic writer ask game!
hiii my love thank you so much for these! <3
3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
right i'll be 10000% honest here and say currently absolutely none of them asdfghj not even in a woe is me way but i feel like ive developed so much as a writer that both my published fics make me.. cringe now and i cant read them back at all!! i appreciate them as demonstrative of the writer but i was at the time but ya. if i HAD to pick one it would be firestone because apollo was my first time ever writing smut and nothing about that process was enjoyable i was 90% stressed 10% embarrassed
8. What project(s) are you currently working on?
sooo currently i have my gax fic following the 2023 season/not sure how far into 2024, the britcedes hand kink fic and a 5 + 1 britcedes fic that is entirely self indulgent, but just those three at the moment!
15. How do you come up with titles for your fics/chapters?
im soooo weak for a lyric title its essentially my entire brand as its usually songs that ignite inspo for a fic! firestone is named for 'firestone' by kygo, let's take it slow, apollo (this love is mythological) is a combination of lyrics from 'apollo' by faith zapata, the working title for tp lewis (not sure if ive actually said this??) is the finish line (is a good place we can start) from lyrics in 'the finish line' by snow patrol, and the gax fic is 'run for the hills' from the tate mcrae song sdjssuds so yes. definitely on brand. the hand kink fic is called keep your hands to myself based on the saying can't keep my hands to myself etc purely bc i thought i was hilarious when i thought if it as its exactly what george wants to do lmao
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pumpkins4all · 2 years
I’m rewatching Full metal alchemist and I can’t help but notice that Edward Elric seems very familiar…
I seem to have a habit of adopting short, blond, traumatised child soldiers with absentee father issues.
Hello Edward “Did you just call me a pipsquak!?” Elric.
Meet cTommy “I’m not a fucking child!” Innit.
Like, tell me; is this describing Edward Elric or Tommy Innit?
- Is 16-ish
- Is short with blond hair
- Upbringing in military
- Anger issues
- Impulsivity issues
- So much pride
- Leaves his signature on random things.
- Swears the most out of anyone in the cast (Edward doesn’t swear, but you know if he could for the tv network then he would use ‘fuck’ as a comma)
- Don’t insult his height
- Don’t insult his brother, he will fight you.
- Absentee father who is actually hundreds of years old
- Is slow to trust, but extremely loyal to those who earned it
- Died, as far as people thought, but it didn’t stick.
- Fuck da government
- Desperately needs therapy
Their biggest difference is that Edward is a nerd and cTommy probably wouldn’t pass a chemistry test with a gun pointed to his face.
My headcanon, is that they would not get along asdfghj. But it would be funny to watch.
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kelvinenthusiast · 1 year
Hello! This is not really me asking but I'm building up my courage to say this-
Your tags bring me big serotonin! Like, as a new user of Tumblr, I did not expect a fellow Kelvin enthusiast to bring such "asdfghj/pos" mood to me! I feel like you should know this :]
OMG thank u sm!,! I’m happy you like my tags,,, and I’m happy I’m making u happy!!: Also just thought I should say that I really love your art as well Sleepy and I genuinely mean it when I say your art makes me wanna break my screen and then get it fixed just so I can gaze at ur art all day!!,
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beau-byers · 2 years
Chamomile and palm tree!!
hello !!! <3 thank you for the asks; i hope you’re doing well today :)
chamomile -  what kind of things do you like receiving as gifts? anything that shows time / thought went into it; my most cherished gifts are typically personalised or handmade <3 i’m also a sucker for letters? words mean a lot to me and i like getting to hold onto a physical reminder of how someone feels about me :)
palm tree -  do you have a fictional villain you shouldn’t like but love regardless? aha yes i do! (...i’m also realising now that they are almost the same person in different fonts.) anyways, hannibal lecter and elias bouchard are honestly just a lotta fun to me at this point asdfghj
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fabdante · 3 months
How about 2 & 20 for Katara for the character asks? 💜
Hello! Thank you for the ask! 💜 (Character Ask Meme)
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
Oooh this one is hard because over the years I've come to really really love everything about her.
But for little things, I kind of love her interest in divination. I think it's fun how genuinely into fortune telling she got in the fortune telling episode and more people should utilize this in fan content
For big things, I've come to just really love how her character over the course of the show deals with the trauma of losing her mother as she did. Like I find it really interesting how her storyline sort of plays with the guilt of that loss and the self blame for something that wasn't her fault at all and just the depth of that and how it all really comes to a head in the Southern Raiders. It's just something I find really interesting about her arc especially because I feel like when narratives tackle something as complex as grief, often we leave out the messy bits or how perpetual it is or the feelings of guilt attached to it (outside of something like survivors guilt).
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
Zuko dfghjk
Ok obvious answer aside because I think their friendship is sort of a central point of the ending of the show and everything and it's not the most creative answer coming from me asdfghj
I really wish we got more with Yue and Katara! I think they'd have a lot in common that they could talk about and given their similar status in their respective tribes, they'd understand each other really well. I think it'd be a good relationship for them both to have as well and in my heart they are best friends.
Another one I'd love to have seen Katara interact with more is Jin from Tales from Ba Sing Se. Like, maybe I'm biased because I love Jin a lot but I think they'd also get along really well. I know there's very little we know about Jin but what we do know about her she's a delight and I think they'd enjoy each others company.
(I also believe there is hope for Jet and the two could get along and be besties one day if you know, he didn't die. Like they probably argue a lot but also the sort of bestie where you know if you need them they will be there in a second and help you bury a body like that kind of friendship.)
Thank you again for the ask!! And asking about Katara I never get to talk enough about Katara!
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loafbud · 1 year
hi. i'm sunny. aka pizza pringles :33
DUDE I AM IN LOVE WITH YOUR SONA DESIGN (slash metaphor) SHE'S (?) SO COOL AND BADASS LOOKING. i'm obsessed with artists who draw such cool designs and create such badass characters and the artist themselves ends up being a total nut (slash affectionate)
ALL OF YOUR ART IS INSANE. i may have followed for your deep cut shit but everything you make now is yet another thing for me to be excited for!!
THE REVEAL IS HERE LETS GOOOOOO !!! hello Sunny aka Pizza Pringle anon!! 😎😎
Haha yea, my sona goes by she/they! I love them sm I think they're a little silly, she's supposed to be this cHOATIC BEING OF DESTRUCTION MWAHAHAHbut she's just a little worm as i hAHA
AND GRAAAH- THANK YOU A TON FOR THE SUPPORT 😭😭😭 ik I say it a lot but it makes me happy when ppl say they like my art n stuff!!! y'all making me all smile n shit asdfghj-!
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creatrixanimi · 1 year
Hello, if i may: desperately in love with how you draw Draydens facial hair. My man at last has been freed from the Unpercievable Block Of Thing on his face to be given a most distinguished mustache to go with his beard. Thank u for ur incredible work
Thank you!!! Honestly stuff like pokemon hair bullshit is fun to translate into more realistic styles because it's like a fun problem-solving activity for me XD And yeah I kinda just went with the pointy bits and was like "you now have a double-sculpted mustache. very fancy." like it just happened to work out asdfghj also i just wanted to be able to draw his mouth 😂 my man needs to speak or eat. Or show off some cool dragon teeth (most important)
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henrysfox · 2 years
Hello, I'm a new fan to 911 (just finished season 2) and I wanted to know how this fandom was? Is everyone nice? I had to step away from another fandom because of the toxicity. I want to join a new one, that will allow me to engage with other fans respectfully, talk about my favorites, and get me excited for the new season.
if you want my actual, honest opinion (which might get me executed asdfg) i would say that the best word to describe this fandom is: intense.
there are some lovely people here, some passionate and nice people. but there are also a lot of not great™ people. there are people who are always happy to talk about everything with everyone, and there are people who are in cliques and only talk to their fans/friends. there are people who create amazing content and are so happy to just be happy about this show, and there are people who complain about every little thing. there are people who are downright delusional about things that are happening in the show, and there are chill people who are in for the ride. for me, personally, the fandom has become a little too much™ and a bit too annoying, so i unfollowed a bunch of people. imo the most fitting comparison is the marvel fandom circa 2016-2018, around the time civil war came out asdfghj. BUT that being said - if you pick who you follow carefully, and curate your fandom experience - the 911 fandom can be very fun. but i'm not gonna lie to you and say it's the most chill or nicest fandom i've been in. but i think that's the trend now with many fandoms on tumblr, not just this one.
EITHER WAY - welcome to the fandom <3 if you ever wanna talk about this show I WILL GLADLY talk about it too. the show is amazing, i'm so glad you started watching it! i hope your fandom experience is great!
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khaoray · 6 months
hello vic! don't worry about taking a while to answer and thank you for taking the time to do so 😊 what have you been reading lately?
my question for today is: who have been your favourite male and female characters in dramas so far? (can be secondary characters and as many as you want!) also I'm curious if they're a part of some of your fave couples since that tends to be the case for me?
ps: because i'm a little late on my christmas presents and because where i'm going for christmas I won't have wifi, i'm just letting you know that your gift will be posted a few days after christmas!
your secret santa 🌲
hello again!! my friend convinced me to buy scum villain last week and i read through all three main line books in three days asdfghj and i'm reading the fourth one now. gonna buddy read mdzs with her next bc i also bought all of those books lmao
a lot of my favourites are in this tag - i know i'll forget to mention them otherwise lmao. but recent faves are dong jin and woo joo (call it love), kyeo rye (if you wish upon me), tae jun and tae yang (love all play), joong gil!!!!! love of my life (tomorrow), yohan and ga on (the devil judge), kang doo and moon soo (just between lovers). and typically yes but there are exceptions
that's okay nonnie at the rate i'm going neither of mine are gonna be ready before christmas either so you're in good company lmao
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