#ashely williams x reader
jinxthequeergirl · 1 year
I'll Be In Denial (for at least a little while)
Ash williams x reader
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Summary: after a deadite battle goes sideways you find yourself changing as does the rest of the group but Ash doesn't seem ready to let go
Warning: slight body horror, typical ED violence, swearing, angst
(Tis my favorite to write ash losing reader i love putting him through more peril, this was also suppised to be part of the ash series i was gonna write but eh we'll see)
The smell of blood was something you where familiar with, as was the feeling of it covering your skin, matting down your hair to your face. It became a normal thing that surrounded your life. The only thing that made this specific bloody incident different was the taste of it on your tounge. That, and the indescribable hunger you felt for it deep in the pit of your stomach, an aching,bone twisting hunger consumed your entier being this time.
"Y/n?" You froze at the voice, seeming to come back to your senses at the sound of your name being called. "Holy shit..." You didn't bother looking up at kelly, you couldn't pry your eyes away from your hands infront of you let alone the deadite corpse sprawled infront, chest ripped open insides pouring out onto the floor and gripped in your hands.
"Y/n? What happened?" You heard her approching you. "I...i don't know...i.." You started to shake the chunks of meat in your hands falling to the floor and you scooted away.
Kelly knelt next to you putting a hand on your shoulder trying to ease you. "Take it easy...I'll go get ash-"
Ash..he couldn't see you like this. God knows how he would react, he lost his mind when you died last week. Going crazy with worry and greif and doing anything to bring you back, even bargaining with Ruby. you couldn't imagine how he would react to see what resurrection had done to you. You couldn't tell him till you figured out how to fix this. Till you where sure you'd be ok.
"No no no..kelly you have to promise me you won't tell him! Don't say anything till I figure this out...please.." She looked at you, blood covering your mouth hands and the front of your shirt and she felt scared. Scared that this was happening to her friend whatever this was.
She sighed, pulling her jacket off using the sleeve to clean the blood from your mouth then pulled it over you cover the stain on your shirt. "Ok..but we figure it out together and if nothing changes...we tell him."
That was month ago and you where still hungry, when there was any trouble with deadites it was like hunting them for sport. Something in you would change and you would almost black out and before you knew it you where hunched over a deadites body ripping through it gnawing on their hearts. Each time kelly would find you and help you get back to yourself.
It only got worse on top of that. You would get hungry at night and would find yourself sitting in bed staring at Ash, listening to his heart wondering how easy it would be to rip him apart right then and there. You started sleeping on the couch. Scared of what you might do if you aren't able to catch yourself in time.You stopped eating real food, you had no appetite for it.
You found yourself staring at your reflection, You felt like you where dying all over again. You where pretty sure your skin was peeling off, your eyes where pretty sure you where catching your eyes glazing over pitch black.
"You have to tell him." You stared blankly at the wall, knees drawn to your chest as you sat on the edge of Ash's bed once again covered in that familiar red substance. "He's worried about you." Tears welled in your eyes as you listened to kelly talk.
"If you don't I will!"
That was weeks ago and she had stopped bringing it up, Ash didn't say anything to you either, you assumed she let it go until she dragged you to dinner. A real sit down dinner with everyone. Ash kissed the top of your head as he walked passed you to get to his seat.
"Ta-da!" Pablo said as he presented everyone a plate of home cooked food. Your stomach lurched at the sight. Not only had it been years since you had a real home cooked meal on top of that you couldn't even enjoy it. You stared helplessly at the plate then at kelly.
It was a set up.
"Ah thanks buddy this looms delicious!" Ash said picking up his fork and beginging to dig in. everyone around you started eating while you started at the plate your hands folded in your lap.
"C'mon baby how often do we get to have food like this? Eat up." Ash said nudging your arm slightly.
"I'm actually not very hungry." You said avoiding his eyes. "Well thats ok, i can save it for you if you-"
"No c'mon Y/n just a bite." Kelly urged interrupting pablo.
"If shes not hungry then she doesn't have to eat kelly.." Ash said trying to defend you.
"She hasn't eaten anything in days Ash! Loom at her shes sick!"
"I'm fine!"
"Shes fine."
"If you are so fine then eat something!"
You tensed up now griping the table cloth. "Kelly..."
"No seriously y/n if you are so "fine" then just take a bite and I'll drop it!"
There it was again thay feeling of falling out of yourself, like watching your body feom the outside as it acted on its own. You grabbed the fork next to you and plunged it into the table inches from kellys hand.
"Drop it now you fucking bitch or I'll make you!"
Everyone went silent. Eyes on you as you leaned across the table hand still gripping the handle of the utensils. Eyes inhumanly black. Everyone was silent, no one dared to move.
"Y/n? Sweetie?" Ash gingerly reached out to touch your arm. You exhaled letting go of the fork and throwing Ash's arm off of you before running up the stairs.
The three at the table stayed quiet for a few more moments. "Why did you push her?"
"Really ash? This is my fault? You are so cluless shes been sick for month! Something happened to her and you are either to stupid to notice or you just dont give a fuck!"
"Of course I noticed! You think im that lousy i wouldn't notice the change in the person i love!?"
Kelly paused. "You knew?..why didn't why haven't you done anything?"
"Because I wanted her to come to me!" Ash started tearing up. "I knew something was happening to her and i knew it meant I was going to lose her again! I can't..I don't want to lose her not again..."
You lied in bed, curling up in a ball feeling lousy. You tried to ignore the knock on the door hoping if you didn't answer they would leave but of course, it was Ash's room. You flinched at the door opening. And couldn't help yourself from speaking once the door shut again.
"I'm so scared Ash...I don't know whats happening to me I feel so sick and horrible...I thought If i could just pretend it would go away and I would be fine, but then i started getting worse and I'm so scared I'll hurt you! I mean I was so close to hurting kelly tonight..what if i get worse what happenes if i do one night lose control and-"
You stopped talking when you felt the bed dip and ash wrap his arms around you. You finally broke down crying as hard as you could. "I'm so scared...I.."
"Shh..i know and i promise you we'll figure this out. I'm not letting anything bad happen to you again."
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doomh3ad · 4 months
sexy old men are one thing. sexy old MURDEROUS men however.......
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bxnnywrites · 9 months
🖤 Killers Reacting to Nervous!Reader Holding Their Hand 🖤
[PT: Killers reacting to nervous!reader holding their hand]
Pt 2 Here [link]
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Danny Johnson ::
Oh! You're holding his hand!! That's so sweet, you hadn't done that yet-
Oh Wait
Are you fucking blushing???
Oh my god your face is so red oh it's so cute
Grabs your face very gently in one hand and teases the fuck out of you for it
"Aw, doll, are you nervous about holding my hand?"
Yes of course you are shut up Danny
"Nah, I won't. You're fucking cute like this. What, nervous about holding hands before marriage?"
Would bully you so fucking much about it
You wanna kill him /j /aff
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Michael Meyers ::
A sudden weight in his hand catches him off guard, so he looks at you.
And there you are, small hand in his.
Oh god he could absolutely crush your hand if he wasn't careful
And he looks at you and you're so damn cute
You aren't looking at him and your face is that soft pink
He (very gently) gives your hand a squeeze in response. Just to let you know he's ok with this.
Definitely isn't letting go of your hand anytime soon though.
His Hand Now you will get it back in an hour dw about it
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Amanda Young ::
You're holding her hand
Holy fucking shit you are holding her fucking hand
Oh my god ok Amanda, calm down. It's cool, this is cool. Everything's cool. Everything is fucking cool ok????
Just as nervous as you are, can't make eye contact for a bit
You're both blushing messes.
Finally gives your hand a soft squeeze to show she likes it.
Literally can't speak otherwise, too flustered.
Sweet Baby has not been given a lot of love after all. She ain't used to it.
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The Huntress ::
Oh! You are holding her hand! How sweet!
Loves this so much, loves physical affection, biggest love language.
But...oh! Your face is so red, little rabbit! Are you alright?
Softly coos at you and brushes your face with her thumb, mildly worried.
When you explain you're fine, just flustered and nervous, she giggles.
Forehead kisses time and nice soft hugs.
Will do everything she can to make you feel more comfortable, so soft and sweet.
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Sadako Yamamura ::
Just stares
Like for a really long time
Just staring at your hand in hers
Why are you doing that? Why are you being so tender?
She doesn't understand, but she doesn't want you to stop.
Slowly takes your hand and brings it to her face so you're instead holding her cheek in your palm.
Unsure what else to do, just knows she enjoys your touch. Knows she doesn't want you to stop being so loving.
If she had the ability to cry anymore, she probably would.
All from some hand holding. Poor thing.
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Ash ::
Smiles at you and squeezes your hand
Definitely thinks it's adorable how you're blushing
Would tease you a bit, but nothing like Danny
"What, all embarrassed from some handholding, sweetheart?"
You pout at him and he just chuckles, giving your hand another affirming squeeze.
"It's alright, you look cute like this."
You are blushing more than before, but you do feel better.
Prefers when you hold his good hand, the mechanical one doesn't have the same feeling.
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ashsostrange · 4 months
it’s so important that people stand up for palestinians and the genocide that they’ve been experiencing for multiple months now, and i’ve been doing so in any way i can since october. boycotting, reblogging posts, familiarizing myself with what’s going on, etc.
that being said, i js wna know.. what’s a week long strike of not posting tlou fics gonna do? i’m not at all against the idea, i’m genuinely asking, because first and foremost, it’s looking like not a lot of people knew about it. neil is not profiting off of the fanfiction YOU write. i feel like if anything, people should be boycotting the game (including the remaster), merch, etc. anything that puts money into the pockets of neil drukman. i bet tons of people bought the remaster, (whether or not you did is between you and god i guess.) the genocide began in october. the remaster came out in january.. that was last month. i’m sure plenty of you knew of the genocide, but now it’s boycott tlou?? with the remaster sitting in your ps5 library??????? 😭 i’ve seen people talking about how neil’s a zionist in the ellie tag, so it’s no way some of y’all didn’t know.
after this, y’all are gonna go back to posting tlou content, which is fine, but it makes me wonder what the goal truly is here. is it just a single week dedicated to spreading awareness? because you should be doing that just as much either way. realistically, if you were striking the “right” way, you’d stop posting fics/tlou content until the genocide is 100% resolved. if you had been constantly spreading awareness about what’s happening in palestine in the first place just as much as you are now, the exact same way you are now, while simultaneously posting fics or whatever the hell else, would you REALLY need a week? again, genuinely asking. and before you get mad, let’s really think about it. advocate for palestine the right way.
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yandere-toons · 5 months
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A funny thought crossed my mind while looking at your current requests
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pretty-little-whorror · 8 months
kinktober - public space
ash williams x reader
wc: 3190
a/n: for the four evil dead enjoyers on this site. i promise if i was less employed i would post daily for this like the lord intended.
tags: semi-public sex, fem reader, fingering, p in v sex, safe/protected sex, work sex, fucking your coworkers, ash williams, ash williams and his cheesy ass one liners, and his cheesy ass nicknames, that’s it maybe but i’m tired of looking at this, also not like 100% proofread, like 83%
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Ash Williams had been put against his fair share of unpleasantries. Having to kill his sister, dismember his girlfriend, get sent back in time and go toe to toe against evil incarnate. Throughout all that, he still stands by that working retail can easily be just as bad - if not worse - than all that. Ash had been at S-Mart longer than he had ever intended and dealt with more customer bullshit than one could imagine. However, he did manage to enjoy his time there in his own Ash-y way while he was there, meaning knocking boots with any coworker that he could talk his way into the pants of.
With most it was a one and done situation. Most employees stay new before they eventually leave. To Ash, this was the perfect situation - left no time for awkward talking after he had gotten done what he needed. His most recent example had been with Jenny from Arts and Crafts. A red headed hardbody that had stayed at S-Mart maybe three months. As her last two weeks wrapped up, yours began.
The Arts and Crafts department was mostly women, so word about who exactly Ash Williams was got around to you quick. Most of the talk was about his serial womanizing, however a few strange rumours of beheadings and murder were weaved in and out during a handful of gossip sessions between you and your colleagues. You chalked them up to a bad game of telephone given how out of pocket they seemed.
Eventually, you had your first run-in with Ash, and it went as expected. You managed to keep a professional smile and move on after each encounter, however that was not without acknowledging that you couldn’t blame any of the other girls for falling for his routine. He was far from unattractive and his charming demeanor did nothing to repel you. Regardless, you were determined to hold your own.
Your resistance had come as a surprise to Ash, who believes he’s God’s gift to women. However he was never one to back down from a challenge. The harder the hunt the bigger the trophy. Months of passive aggressive flirting and innuendoed bickering had only made him more determined. He had used whatever brain he had to find different ways to push your buttons without an immediate trip to HR. It would usually result with you giving him a playful eye roll before you continued back to whatever you had been doing. Today was no different of an example, but as you found yourself pinned up against a wall in the stock room, whatever exactly had finally gotten you where he wanted had slipped your mind.
This close, Ash’s cheap aftershave was almost intoxicating compared to its normal warning of obnoxious behavior to come. As your tongues pushed against one another, you could taste remnants of the mint gum he had just spit out.
His left hand made quick work to take off the ill fitting uniform as his metal one held you up against the wall. Your fingers made quick work of his own blue work shirt, pushing the fabric off his shoulders, leaving him in a white undershirt.
“Someone’s a little anxious, huh?” He words teased into your ear as his calloused hand snaked its up your back to unclasp your bra.
“If that’s such a problem, I’m more than okay to stop” Your hands dropped from his shoulders as you spoke, looking up at him. He moved his hand back up and grabbed your chin with a chuckle.
“Oh baby, I’ve got you just where I want.” His hot breath tickled against the side of your neck. “I’d be an idiot to let you get away now.” He brought your face up to his with a rough kiss, his hand dropping from your face to finish discarding your bra. He pushed his tongue into your mouth with a groan as he fondled your breast. His thumb rolling gently over your hardened nipple. You sighed into his kiss as he continued to play with your tit. He broke the kiss to look down at your chest, a string of saliva still connecting your mouth the his.

“Fuck sugar, you’ve got the prettiest tits I’ve ever seen.” He continued his ministrations as he used his other arm to raise you up, your legs now straddling his waist opposed to your hips. He quickly moved his face down to your chest, peppering nips over your other breast as his hand continued to roughly knead the other.
“Now we can’t let her sister have all the fun” He winked up at you before latching his mouth onto your nipple. You gasped at the action, the sensation of one hand rolling the hardened bud between his fingers and his mouth sucking and biting on the other causing your eyes to shut.
Ash reveled in your reaction, you could feel him chuckle against your skin as he continued. Your hand went to his head, fingers weaving through his black hair. He gave your tit one final, playful bite before his mouth went back to yours. His hand snaked down to your backside, giving your ass a quick squeeze before he set you down, his lips never leaving yours.
He made quick work of his belt, tossing it to the floor as he finished shrugging off his shirt. As soon as you heard the cloth hit the floor, his hands were on you again, discarding your pants into the growing pile of garments to the side of you. In a moment, he had you up again, straddling his waist. His mouth quickly found its way to your neck, nipping and sucking dark spots into your flesh. You sighed and lolled your head to the side, allowing him further access.
“Baby…” He whispered, his hot breath centimeters away from your ear. “Can you grab my wallet, hm?”
You giggled at the request and rolled your eyes. Understanding the request your arm snaked around to his back, snatching the wallet from his back pocket.
“Well forgive me for bothering princess,” he teased. “My hands are otherwise occupied”
“Hand” you corrected with a playful grin. In response, you felt his metal appendage pinch your ass. You gasped and slapped his arm as his mouth went back to your neck.
“That hurt, jackass!” You scolded as you felt his mouth curl into a smile against your skin.
“Well,” He raised his face back up to yours. He quickly closed the distance between you and brought your lips together. You felt his left hand sneak under the hem of your panties, slowly sneaking up to your core. “If that’s such a problem…”
You sighed as his fingers ghosted over your entrance, picking up your slick on his fingertips, at the same time, his thumb pressed against your swollen clit.
“…I’m more than okay to stop.” He pushed his index finger into your cunt as he repeated your earlier threat. You let out a breathy moan as he pushed his finger in to the knuckle.
“But I’m pretty sure you don’t want that” His voice was low in your ear. Your eyes shut as his middle finger joined the other.
“Fuck…” You murmured as his fingers worked to stretch you out.
“Shit, baby…” He breathed out as he began to curl his fingers against your walls, his thumb beginning to work small circles on your clit. “You’re so fucking wet for me, aren’t ya”
You bit your lip and nodded, your breath getting caught in your throat. Ash chuckled and shook his head.
“I think I want you to say it, baby” His mouth returned to your neck as the pace of his fingers became rougher. You didn’t speak, groaning in response instead, partially annoyed but mostly too lost in the feeling of his fingers inside you to care. You felt him like up a third finger outside your entrance and you arched your back towards him out of instinct.
“You gotta say it first, sugar, gotta tell me whose got you all hot and bothered”
You whined and opened your eyes, pleading up at him. “You, Ash. You….please” you rutted yourself against his hand as you spoke. He looked down at you with lust blown eyes.
“Good girl,” He whispered into your ear as his pushed in a third digit. You moaned at the feeling, his fingers immediately working on curling against that one, perfect spot and working with the pressured movements of his thumb against your clit. You felt the familiar building pressure in your belly as his hand worked to bring you to your climax.
“Now, how about you finish fetching that love glove out, hm?” You sighed. Your shaky hand meeting your other that held his wallet. You looked down, fingering through cards and cash until you pulled out the golden foil. You quickly dropped the leather wallet to the ground to join the other discarded garments.
“Ash…” You let out a whine as he withdrew his fingers to grab the condom. You looked up at him and pouted. He chuckled, glowing in the fact he’s taken your bratty demeanor away and replaced it with desperate begging.
“Oh, just give me a minute, doll face.” He winked as he undid his fly, pulling his pants down enough to allow his hardened dick out of its confines. You were, well you didn’t want to say impressed, but surprised he had the anatomy to match his attitude. You must have been taking a moment too long to look as Ash whistled to get you attention.
“My eyes are up here, sugar pot.” You rolled your own as he went to get the condom out of its wrapper. Before he would tear the foil, you snatched it out of his hand. Deciding to make a show of it, you tore the gold wrapper with you teeth while another hand began to stroke his member. Rolling the leaking beads of precum down his shaft with feathered strokes. You pulled the condom from the wrapper entirely and slowly rolled it down his cock.
“Atta girl,” Ash’s head tilted back with a sigh, he once again brought your lips down to his for a sloppy kiss. You gave him a few more lazy strokes before he adjusted how he held you against the wall in order to line himself up with your entrance. You breathe out a sigh l as the fat bulge of his head finds your swollen, wet hole. Out of instinct, arch into him, desperate him to satisfy your clenching body.
His lips reunite with the side of neck with an amused chuckle. “You’re so needy, hm?” He teased between peppered kissed towards the crook of your neck, teasingly pushing himself against your entrance.
His metal hand gripped your hips firmly as he pushed you down onto his achingly hard cock. Your eyes slammed shut with a carnal moan as he fully sheathed himself inside of you.
“You stretch so good for me, baby” He groans as he revels in the feeling of your sex enveloping his, your soft walls like a perfect fitting glove. You roll your hips against his, drunk on the euphoria of him buried inside to the hilt.
“Fuck, Ash-“ Your head falls back, hitting the wall behind you with a thud. He drags his cock from inside you before coaxing himself back in. You whine, working your best to sink as far down as possible in tandem with his movements.
His pace starts sultry; fucking you deeply and purposefully, his thumb resting on top of your thigh as he brought you down on him until you could feel his pubes tickle against your lower belly.
Your hands found their place, one flush against his chest and the other grabbing into his shoulder; promising crescent shaped bruises to form in the following hours from where your nails dug into his flesh.
He adjusts his hold on your hips as he picks up his pace, bouncing you on his cock. “Can’t believe I can finally fuck you.” He purred in your ear, his breath hot against the shell of your ear. His left hand moves between you, his thumb dancing over your clit andhis fingers circling where he pushed into you, getting it coated with the cocktail of your wetness and his precum that dripped out of you.
His hand then raised to the underside of your chin; his thumb lifting your head as his fingers prodded against your languidly parted lips. You further opened your mouth, allowing for the gentle intrusion. Your tongue swirled around the digits as you looked up through hooded lashes into his eyes. Making a show of cleaning off his calloused fingers. If Ash had an ounce less of self control he could have finished then and there.
He instead chuckled, his stare fixated on your mouth as you sucked his fingers. “Look at you, getting all filthy for me , hm?” His pace transformed into rough and desperate thrusts, his swollen head kissing your cervix. He withdrew his fingers from your mouth, his hand meeting his other at your hips, changing the angle he pounded into you just enough for him to be fucking directly into your sweet spot. An aching moan escaped your mouth at the change; allowing anyone who was close enough an exact idea of the wanton situation you were in.
“You sound so fucking hot for me baby, but the last thing I want right now is for someone to take this pussy away from me.” Normally, your response would be to chide him for pointing out the obvious accompanied by an eye roll. However, you just bit down on your reddened bottom lip and nodded, arching down on him further, desperate for him to fuck an orgasm out of you.
Ash's thrusts became rough and desperate, his length hitting your cervix with each powerful stroke. The change in angle caused an electric surge of pleasure to shoot through your body, your stifled moans threatening an exposing volume.
His rough and quickened pace only added fuel to the fire, you could feel the intensity building, your body desperately responding to his every movement in an attempt to bring your orgasm on quicker.
You clenched around him, your walls pulsating with need as you arched your back, meeting his thrusts with fervor. The overwhelming sensations coursing through you pushed you closer to the edge.
With each unrestrained thrust, you felt the pleasure intensify, the tension coiling within you like a tightly wound spring. Your moans threatened to grow louder as you did your best to stay quiet-biting down on your lower lip hard enough to draw blood as your head lolled aside, allowing him access to return his mouth to your neck. He callously nipped and sucked at the reddened skin as your nails dug into his skin as you desperately sought release.
As the pleasure reached its peak, you let out a guttural cry, your body convulsing in the throes of your orgasm. Waves of ecstasy washed crassly over you, leaving you breathless and completely consumed by the sensation.
Ash continued to pound into you, fucking you through as you were thrown into rapture. He felt the familiar burning of his own orgasm approaching. His final thrusts were rough and desperate as he finally came, burying himself deep inside you.
As the waves of pleasure subsided, his lips trailed back to yours, taking one last opportunity to taste you.
“You think you’re okay to stand, sweet cheeks?” He asked, his voice soft as his hand trailed down to your ass, gently kneading the soft flesh as he spoke. With a nodded response from you, he slowly pulled out from you. Out of instinct, you whined at the sudden empty feeling, still drunk on the sensation of his cock stuffed into you. He chuckled at your mewl.
“Don’t worry sugar, as soon as I can fuck that tight pretty pussy of yours again, I will. That’s an Ash Williams guarantee. ” He patted your ass and you unwrapped your legs from his waist, placing a foot on the cool ground. You almost fell to the floor as you attempted to put your weight on it. Ash’s metal hand still on your waist, he was able to keep you from falling completely. He smiled, relishing the fact he had fucked you good enough you couldn’t walk.
Knowing exactly what had made his lips curl into such a shit-eating grin, you flicked your eyes up.
“Don’t flatter yourself,” You bent down to pick up your long discarded clothes, the cool metal of his hand still on your waist. “They just fell asleep is all.”
“Whatever you say, baby” He winked, turning his attention to disposing of the used rubber, rolling it off his softened cock; careful not to make a mess. He found some garbage to toss it in and pulled his pants back up over his crotch. You cringed at the thought of whoever had to take out that trash later tonight.
“What time are you out tonight?”
The question came as a surprise to you. You raised a brow as you worked to put your pants back on.
“Six…” You responded, unsure of the intent of his question. He wasn’t gonna wine and dine you - or whatever the Ash equivalent is that was - certainly. You had never heard any report of him attempting anything along the lines of that with anyone before. “What time is it anyway?”
He turned his wrist over, looking at the watch face. “Ten after.”
“Oh,” You raised your brows, surprised you had been…occupied, long enough to round out your shift.
“I’m out at eight.”
“Oh, well okay”
The dialogue was shallow as you finished reassembling your work clothes.
You turned to him; “Why..?”
Ash looked at you with a cheeky grin, raising his eyes from his watch just enough to look up and meet your eyes.
"We should grab some drinks after work, have a bit of fun. I'll buy, I'm feeling generous tonight."
“And here I’ve been told chivalry is dead” Your put your shirt back over your head in time with the sarcastic response.
"I promise you, my intentions are anything but chivalrous when I tell you I'll be paying." He said with a grin and tacky wink. You decided to roll your eyes playfully opposed to wasting your words.
"I can take that as a maybe?" Ash asked. "Don't disappoint me, darlin'."
“Yeah yeah fine, whatever. Where?” You folded your arms across your chest, waiting for his reply.
"The Elk, we can sit at the bar, talk all flirty like." Ash said suggestively. "Nothing better than a bottle of whiskey on the table and a pretty lady beside it."
“Just pick me up after your shift, yeah?”
"After my shift," He confirmed with a smirk. "But just so I know, that's a yes then?"
“Deduce that one yourself, jackass.” You walked away with a smirk, not sure if volunteering more of your time with Ash would pan out in your favor.
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multifandomthoughts · 2 months
Ash and Stu catching you in the act Headcanons
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TW: Brief mention of blood and masturbation while others are around.
He’s quite the raucous one while watching horror movies with Billy. You’ve tried multiple times to let him know how you’ve been feeling, and to maybe step out for just a few minutes even for a quick kiss or butt squeeze.
To no avail, you decide to head back to your own room so you can give yourself some good self loving. The movies are incredibly loud, so you can make a bit of noise if you need to. And make a bunch of noise you do.
Going to work on yourself, you finally get to ease that ache in your groin. Before you know it, Billy is gone, and Stu is all alone. He hears your noises and it piques his interest. With no warning, he opens the door. He walks in, sarcastically apologizing for walking in on you.
He teases you all the same for being needy and wanting him during a movie marathon, not being able to wait until it was just the two of you. Of course, when you pout and complain that he didn’t pay attention to you, he relents and begins to show you just how good he can help to make you feel.
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Ash had been busy all night working his job, then fighting deadites. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to spend time with you, it’s that he’d rather you be in a safe environment to be able to be with him.
He comes home, all soaked in blood and dirt, having quelled the evil for the time being. Sitting on the couch, he takes a minute to breathe and relax before heading back to your shared room.
Thinking that Ash would be gone for a longer period of time, you went to town on yourself. You moan and whine to your heart’s content. However, Ash, thinking that something might be wrong, immediately perks up and heads to you.
Also opens the door without warning, but instead of teasing you, he makes a bunch of flirty comments as well as some dirty pick up lines. He does not care that he’s still covered in dirt and blood, he’s going to get in on the action. Gives you the sloppiest kiss he can, before lowering his head between your legs.
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evildeadism · 8 months
deadite 101
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ash williams x f!reader
word count: 4.4k plot: reader is home alone whilst ash is at work, the night takes a turn when she is attacked by a deadite. ash comes home and fears the worst. (intended to be post aod ash but can be imagined as any era tbh!) warnings: canon typical violence and gore, descriptions of injury, hurt/comfort, angst, mentions of nsfw and nsfw jokes, fluff, soft! ash, mentions of getting high, use of petnames (its ash, what do you expect)
a/n: ash williams is my fave fictional character ever yall, like the love i have for that man is insane...anyways! hope the like 10 evil dead enjoyers on this app like this!!!
You had said goodbye to Ash in the late hours of the afternoon just before he had left for his evening shift at S-Mart. It was just like every other day, the two of you had fallen into a comfortable routine after moving in together.
Ash would work shifts at S-Mart, you would also work and the moments spent together were nothing short of bliss. Getting high at night together whilst spinning a record and the weekend lay-ins after spending the morning fucking each other was also rather heavenly. Date nights were a movie, or maybe a trip to the bar and it would normally end up with the two of you hot and heavy in the back of the delta, which would often continue in your shared bedroom at the apartment.
It may not have been a lot for some people, but for you and Ash? It was perfect. You were happy, he was happy. It was heavenly. Except, of course, for that night.
The apartment building was illuminated by dim lights as you read quietly, the wind howling outside, a few raindrops hitting the window every now and then. Quickly you threw a glance at the clock on the wall. It was 10pm, Ash would be back at any moment.
Settling your eyes back to the book, you nestled into the warm blanket that had bundled you up on the sofa, a small sigh of content slipped past your lips as you slowly sipped on the wine you had in your hand. It was the kind of cozy October nights you’d see in the movies and you couldn’t wait for Ash to get home to share the tranquil scene with him.
The sound of the door opening echoed through the apartment.
“Ash, I’m in here!” You called out without looking up, turning the page of your book.
That was strange. He can usually never shut up when he first comes home from work, or ever for that matter.
“Ash?” You called out again.
Still no answer. 
You were quiet for a moment, listening for any sign of Ash or any kind of movement. But there was nothing, the apartment was still. Eerily still.
Your eyebrows furrowed, slowly placing the book down on the coffee table beside you. An unsettling feeling pooled into your stomach. Pulling off the blanket covers, wine glass still in hand, you peered down the hallway directly at the front door. It was wide open. The light in the hallway outside of your apartment flickered erratically, but there was no one in the doorway.
Your mouth dried as you licked your lips. “Ash, I swear to god if this is some kind of joke, I will kill you” You called out again. 
Growing tired of this ridiculousness you marched to the door and slammed it shut. There was still no Ash to be seen anywhere. 
“Fuck” You whispered, facing the door. The gravity of the situation hitting you all at once. Ash always begged you, practically drilled it into you to keep the door and windows locked at all times after what had happened to him at the cabin. And so you did, but you weren’t quite as careful as he was.
You hadn’t experienced what he had, didn’t have the upper hand of witnessing just how fucked up the dead could be. And of course you believed what he said had happened to him was the actual truth, his recurring nightmares, lack of a right hand and the look in his eyes as he very rarely recalled it was anything but fake.
But that was his experience not yours. 
You reassured him time and time again that you were safe and always locked the doors but as time went on you had gotten sloppier, doubting the danger your boyfriend warned you of. Like tonight.
You had forgotten to lock the door after he left. And now there was someone in your house. You doubted that the villains Ash faced in that cabin those years ago were in your home but regardless, someone or something was.
The floorboards behind you squeaked ever so slightly, pulling you back to the present. At the sound your tear pricked eyes widened in horror as your breath became heavier and heavier by the second. Despite your brain screaming at you not to, slowly, oh so slowly you turned around.
A million things rushed through your mind, a murderer, thief and somewhere desperately in your mind you had hoped this was Ash pulling a stupid prank on you. But what you came face to face with was more horrifying than anything even the twisted of minds could’ve comprehended.
The person. No. Creature, in front of you looked like nothing short of a nightmare. Clothes ripped up and covered in dirt and blood, skin a pale and sickly gray peeling off and decaying in spots of blood and body matter, and the eyes? Oh the eyes, a terrifying striking white that pierced straight into you, through you. The wine glass you were holding fell through your now clammy and shaky hands, shattering into tiny pieces on the floor with a loud smash.
The, what once was a man, grinned slowly, baring its rotten and blood stained teeth. You tried to step back but your back met the door with a dull thud. A slight whimper escaped as you realized there was no clear way of escaping, not without a fight. 
“No, Ashy slashy here to protect you” It spoke in a horrifyingly deep and monstrous tone, tilting its head at you, that terrifying grin still sporting its face. 
Upon his words, your instincts finally kicked in, coming out of the paralysis that had held you still for so long and you instantly bolted to the left and into the kitchen, eyes immediately settling on the knife holder.
Always find a weapon first Ash had said to you once before, while giving you a cautionary 101 on killing a deadite This thing is not human, it is hardly gonna go down with just a kick in the nuts. You stretched your arm out leaping for the biggest butcher knife, fingers merely brushing the handle but the deadite was fast, too fast. A hand snaked around your calf and yanked you down with strength, your body slamming into the floor bringing the knives down with you, a large clatter to the floor. Without looking back you tried to reach for the knife closest to you on the ground but your leg was yanked harder, pulling you away from your only source of a weapon “No!” You cried out in fear. 
Another hand sneaked around your other calf and the thing started to pull harder, pulling your body towards him. You screamed in terror. Panic swarming your brain, vision going foggy.
Was this it? You thought to yourself. A death so quick and so painful. Leaving your corpse here for Ash to find, another loss left for him to mourn as if his sister, ex-girlfriend and friends weren’t enough. Now at some point, you’re probably gonna go into panic mode, you won’t be able to see, hear or even think about anything except for the inevitable gruesome death that awaits you. Well, good news! Death is only inevitable if you let it be inevitable. Are you gonna go out without a fight? No! Well, maybe if you’re a pussy but if you’re anything like me, you’ll clear your head and there’ll only be one thing on your mind. Survival. 
With a grunt and new found resolve you started to squirm out of its grasp fighting against its hold on you, arms reaching for the butcher knife. The deadite struggled against you as you heaved and writhed, slowly and slowly inching closer to your prize. Suddenly the deadite let go of your legs, without looking back or checking to see what it was doing you surged toward the knife until you felt something heavy on your back. With horror you realized, the deadite was crawling on top of you. 
Paralyzed by fear, you stopped struggling and involuntarily started to hold your breath. Everything was a painful quiet except for the deadites' ragged breathing coming closer and closer. Does it even breathe? You thought to yourself but the thought quickly died as you felt its torso press into your back, its face slowly entering your peripheral vision, mere inches away from your face, so much so you could smell the dank repugnant smell of death and rotting rolling off of the corpse. 
Slowly, as if not to disturb the deadite, you wiggled your fingers in search of the knife. Finally you brushed the handle and let out a breath of relief and victory but just as your hand gripped it, a much larger hand came down on your wrist and snapped it in the opposite direction. An ear piercing scream tore through you as waves of shock ebbed through your wrist, the deadites firm grasp still on your now limp hand as it laughed wickedly in your ear.
You shut your eyes in fear and whimpered quietly, tears rolling down your face. The deadite will corner you into a difficult position, but you can use this to your advantage, there is always a way out and if the deadite thinks it has you, its guard will be low. Now is the time to lay a blow to the sucker.
“Don’t cry, we’re just getting started'' It growled in your ear in that gravelly monstrous voice, followed by a low chuckle that sounded like the hordes of hell opening up. Gritting your teeth you prepared yourself for your attack, a guttural roar escaping you as you quickly lifted yourself up, using your working wrist and the limited body strength you had left and smacked your head into its chin. 
It let go of its grasp on you and instantly your working hand grabbed the knife, you leapt to your feet, turning around to face the deadite that was staring you down, teeth bared angrily. It was pissed. But so were you.
There's only so much cat and mouse you can take before the anger starts, and that is when you know you have a fighting chance. “Let’s go, fucker” You spat at it, the monster grinned, evidently entertained by your new found courage. With an angry scream you charged at the deadite with the knife in hand. Instantly it caught you by the throat and started to squeeze, your eyes bulged out of your head in shock, desperate for breath and head turning lighter and lighter by the second.
Your vision was starting to dip and your body started to feel like it was melting away before in the corner of your eye you saw the glimmer of the knife. You looked back at the deadite with wild eyes and rammed the knife through the wrist that was held up to your throat. It screeched in response and finally dropped your neck, stumbling back. 
Taking deep panicky gulps of breath, grateful to drink in the air you looked up cautiously at the deadite. Your hand ghosted over the throbbing on your neck, it was bound to be bruised soon. The deadite still had the knife embedded in its arm as it peered at you and a chill ran down your spine. In doubt, run.
You broke out into a sprint, eyes locking on the door but the deadite caught up, grabbing you forcefully by the hair and pulling you back, making you shriek in agony. It grabbed your waist and with a mighty strength, threw you down onto the shards of the broken wine glass scattered by the door. Glass shards pierced into your hands and arms catching your already injured wrist, scratching your cheek leaving a trail of crimson blood dripping down your face. 
Groaning in pain you slowly shifted your body to turn around, the deadite loomed above you pulling the knife out of its arm with a sickly squelch and throwing it to the side with a heavy clang. Hand feeling around the sharp glass, body tired and in an excruciating pain you looked up with weary eyes. The deadite lunged forward.
Remember, ANYTHING can be a weapon. In one swift movement you grabbed a large shard of glass and rammed it into its neck. You grabbed another shard of glass and plunged it into its right eye. With a high pitched scream it backed away slowly, howling in pain.
Weakly, you stood up with a wince. Stumbling towards the countertop you grabbed a heavy wooden chopping board and stalked towards the deadite and with a battle cry, in one fellow swoop, knocked its head so hard, you were almost positive its head would roll off. The crack of its neck reverberated in the apartment and with a thud, its body fell to the floor motionless.
You stared down at the seemingly dead corpse, panting heavily. This one is important, trust me, the dead can play dead pretty well. You have to completely destroy the corpse, to pieces. You smashed the cutting board into the deadite again, and again, until if it wasn't for the slight remnant of a face, it didn’t even look like a body anymore. 
Finally happy with your work you dropped the board onto the floor with a thick bang. You walked backwards and cradled your aching wrist, weary wide eyes never leaving the monster in front of you. And that, baby, is how you kill a deadite. 
Even before Ash had entered the apartment he knew something was up, he always knew when it came to the deadites, of course that didn’t mean he had quite expected the scene that layed in front of him.
His eyes widened in horror as he saw the deadite corpse lying in the hallway. He instantly rushed in, but the sound of something crunching under his shoes drew him to a halt. Confused, he looked down to find shards of glass covered in blood. Dropping his stuff right there and then he looked around the apartment frantically calling out your name. Stepping carefully around the deadite and inspecting the mush that was once a body, “Definitely dead” Ash murmured, his eyes fell on the discarded knife just a few feet away from the corpse, he swiftly picked it up, just in case. Ash called out your name again.
“Ash?” A voice quietly responded.
Ash whipped around, to find you huddled in the corner. Resisting the urge to rush over to you immediately, Ash slowly crept towards the corner you had hidden yourself in, he knew all too well that if that deadite was truly dead then there was a chance the kandarian demon had now possessed you. Despite his mind screaming to make sure you were okay, first, he had to make sure you were really, well, you.
He couldn’t quite see your face due to the dim lighting of the apartment, and the corner you had crept into was particularly dark. He very quietly said your name, slowly advancing. Finally you looked up. Your face, though streaked with blood and tears, was yours. Ash let out a breath of relief, quickly dropping the knife and instantly running to your side. Slowly he sank to your height
You looked up at him with wide eyes, full of relief. “Ash, thank god” You breathed. His eyes frantically scanned you looking for any injuries, they widened when finding your bent wrist, carefully he took hold of it and moved it towards him. You whimpered in pain. “Shh, shh, it’s okay” He said. “You’re safe”
Continuing his scan he found numerous cuts along your arms, some even with shards of glass nestled deeply into the wound. “You need to go to the hospital, baby”
“Ash,” You hoarsely whispered.
“Can you get up?” 
“These could get infected, we should go now”
“Ash!” You sharply called, finally gaining his attention. Ash looked up at you, eyes falling on your face, his gaze softened. 
“Fuck,” He sighed, eyes tracing the cut on your face, his non-metal hand softly came up to your cheek, you nestled into his hand beyond relieved to feel his touch, to finally feel safe.
You swallowed dryly, casting your gaze behind your lover, and onto the dishevelled corpse “Is it…gone?” 
Ash gently pulled your cheek back to face him, looking away from the deadite. “Yeah, It’s gone” 
He sighed heavily, casting another glance behind him at the corpse. “How did it get in here?” He frantically asked. "I mean the door is always locked” Ash shook his head in confusion, turning back to you.
You looked down guiltily and gulped slowly. Fuck your throat still hurt from the deathgrip the deadite had on your neck. 
Ash’s eyes narrowed at you. “The door was locked, right?” 
You remained quiet, still refusing to meet his eyes. He said your name slowly, “Tell me you locked the door."
You bit your lip. “Ash, liste-”
He scoffed in disbelief, cutting you off, hand pulling away from your cheek. “You’ve gotta be shitting me”
“I’m sorry,” you muttered, still refusing to meet his eyes, instantly missing his touch on your skin.
“Why do you think I always say that crap? For fun?” He angrily asked, hand rubbing his eyes in frustration. “I say it so shit like this doesn’t happen!” 
His voice grew louder and you flinched instinctively. Ash bit his tongue and shook his head regretfully. Both his hands took yours, carefully and gently held your broken wrist. “I’m sorry, I just-”
“I know, it's okay, I’m just jumpy” You said, cutting him off. “Every time I close my eyes or hear a slight noise I just think that thing is gonna come back and finish the job” 
“It’s not gonna come back” He reassured you confidently.
You gave him a faint and tired smile while nodding. “You’re right anyways, I should’ve locked the door I just never y’know expected...” Your sentence died on your tongue you couldn’t even will the words out. 
“I know” He responded, giving you that knowing look because of course he knew what it felt like. You looked into those brown doe eyes you had grown to love and find comfort in and felt your lip wobble ever so slightly, tears pricking at your eyes, you cast your gaze back down, not wanting to break and burst into tears.
But the tears were strong and a quiet sob escaped you.
“Hey, come on look at me” Ash said head bobbing to try and catch your eyes. You timidly looked up, and Ash swiped a tear away with his thumb. “Are you okay?”
You lifted an eyebrow at his words. “Yeah” He chuckled. “It’s a stupid question, I know” He threw his gaze behind him to the still deadite. 
A faint smile played on his lip as he looked back at you. “You beat the crap out of it though” 
You smiled back, sniffing ever so slightly. “Had a good teacher, I remembered all those tips” 
“Damn right you did, What did you beat it with anyways?”
“A chopping board” You responded
He let out another amused chuckle. “That ought to do it”
“Well, I seem to remember someone telling me anything is a weapon”
Ash nodded proudly, “Atta girl”
You blushed softly at the endearment. Ash gave you a knowing smile, thumb slowly drawing circles on your skin. “It did, however, beat the crap out of you and there's no shame in that, I mean hey, I lost my hand to those bastards. But we need to go to the hospital”
You nodded. “I know can we, please, just sit a little, I just need a second”
He nodded timidly as the two of you sat, hands intertwined. “Hey, on the bright side I don’t seem so batshit crazy now do I?” Ash shrugged in a joking tone.
You let out a small laugh. “Ash, I’ll always think your crazy”
Ash smiled in response and the apartment fell silent again, another chill drawing down your spine. The stillness of the apartment was unsettling after the attack and you felt your heartbeat start to speed up, you needed to distract yourself before you had a full blown panic attack. You cleared your throat ever so slightly, “So, those things, that’s what you fought off back in the cabin?” 
“Yeah,” Ash’s smile faltered ever so slightly.
You considered him for a moment and shook your head. “Just one of those fuckers nearly finished me off and yet you fought god knows how many and survived” 
“Well, I don’t mean to brag but I am the king, sugar” Ash responded, a smug smirk appearing on his face.
You rolled your eyes playfully at him. You always knew Ash was strong, I mean physically of course he was built particularly well and from what he had told you he was a fucking god when it came to combat. But this put it in proportion, to have survived that many of those things takes something truly incredible in a person. 
People would probably describe Ash as lucky for what he survived and he would most likely grunt in response and say some crap like, “Lucky? That’s one way of putting it”. Because it wasn’t luck to have lost his sister, his girlfriend and his friends all in one night. To have to live with the memory of their gruesome deaths, no, there was nothing lucky about that. Ash would never admit it because it made him feel weak but at the end of the day he was a victim and a survivor, and if survivors guilt was personified it would be personified in Ashley fucking Williams. 
You peered at him slowly. “Ash?”
“I’m so sorry that happened to you, I mean, I know I’ve said it before but now that I..” Your sentence trailed off your mind still unable to process what had just happened. “You have no idea how glad and lucky I am to have met you, let alone be with you” You spoke quietly. “How glad I am that you lived, and that you’re here, with me”
Ash was never very good at being in touch with his emotions and you knew that but that didn’t mean he was immune to them, and you hadn’t noticed the slight shimmer in his eyes and the gulp of breath he took in. He blinked slowly for a while, and for one of the first times in his life he was speechless, you had hit something buried in the deep crevices of his mind and my god, did it feel strangely good. Quickly trying to recover himself he plastered on that obnoxious smirk that didn’t quite erase the gentle look in his eyes. “Hey, me too babe” 
Awkwardly coughing, Ash’s eyes flickered down to your neck and his smirk dropped, jaw flexing and eyes widening again “Hey, what the fuck happened to your neck?”
Your hand flew out of his and instinctively brushed the stinging skin, you winced in pain.
“No, no” Ash pulled your hand away from your neck, taking soft grasp of it again, his eyes still focused on the blue-purple bruise forming across your neck. “Don’t touch it”
“Is it bad?” You asked, eyebrows furrowing in concern, panic rising.
Ash scoffed. “Uh, Yeah it’s bad, babe”. Noticing your worried face, he cleared his throat. “Nothing that won’t heal though, Uh don’t worry, just you know I wouldn’t recommend doing anything too strenuous with your throat”
You chuckled quietly. “Sorry, Ash, no blowjobs for a while”
Ash smiled at you but it didn’t quite meet his eyes. You cocked your head ever so slightly at him, a dirty joke that he didn't laugh at? Something was definitely up with him.
You watched him, the way his gaze lingered on your throat and wrist, the look in his eyes, it was the same look he had whenever he spoke about the cabin or his friends, his sister. You cleared your throat but the sensation made your already sore neck sting a little. “Ash, you know I’m gonna be okay, right?”
Ash lowered his head ever so slightly, ducking so he couldn’t meet your eyes. “I should have been here”
“Hey, come on that’s not fair to yourself”
He shook his head quietly.
“I mean I was the one who forgot to lock the door, you know, you were at work, as you should have been” You explained softly, his head remained hung.
“Ash, look at me” He reluctantly looked up, a tired look in his eyes. You tugged on his hand ever so slightly. “This is not the cabin, this is not your fault” 
He blinked quickly, that strange sensation from earlier coming back. Ash’s thumb swept over your hand again as the two of you peered at each other. You both sat in comfortable silence for a few moments before Ash finally stood up, offering you a hand. “Right, come on my little deadite slayer, you gotta go to the hospital”
You wanted to protest, not wanting to move at all but you knew he was right. Putting your non-injured hand in his he pulled you up, all the pain rushed through your body and you let out a cry. “Woah, come on, sugar, I got you” Ash reassured, an arm hooking around your waist so you could lean in to him as the two of you started to stumble to the door. 
Ash came to a halt just as the two of you reached the deadite corpse. You looked up at him quizzically and he looked back at you softly as he nervously licked his lips. “You know that I-” He cleared his throat. “That I, well-”
Ash always struggled to say I love you, but you knew.
“Yeah, I know” A big smile erupted on your face. “Me too”
Ash nervously let out a huff of air before planting a kiss on the top of your head, you smiled to yourself before the two of you continued towards the door, carefully stepping over the deadite mess.
“Y’know for future reference, the shotguns in the closet” He said.
“And you couldn't have told me that while you were giving me one of your ‘deadite 101’ lectures?”
“Now that would’ve made it to too easy for you”
You rolled your eyes playfully, as he opened the door and gently guided you through. The door shut, leaving the horror of the night behind. Ash pulled you back into him, leaning against his chest, the two of you stumbling down the hall.
“So,” You cleared your throat, “When do I get to use the chainsaw?”
“Oh you’re not ready for that yet, kid”
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rootsofdread · 10 months
Thinking of Ace, Ash, Chris, Wesker and Anna with a s/o survivor with the HEAVIEST plot armor possible, as if they're from looney tunes. They are just so lucky trials get straight up comedic instead of scary — killers trip over their legs somehow, bang their heads on the trees, miss the easiest shots possible etc etc, and reader is just standing over there like "😄"
Mayhaps they could just go around helping people, since there's barely anything to do apart from that !!
🦞 eatwell
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Ace Visconti:
Ace seems to love having another person around that has the same amount of dumb, “unlucky” luck that he has, too. Finally, someone who can relate to falling face-first in a patch of bushes after jumping out of a window, which really hurts, but will get the killer off of you. Though, your kind of luck usually ends with stuff like that happening to someone else instead of yourself…but he has seen you take a few tumbles down the basement stairs, and is always amazed when you’re perfectly fine afterwards. He somehow tends to be on the receiving end of your luck, he’s been tripped over and run over by the killer quite a few times while they’ve been carrying you, making them immediately drop you. But even with luck like this, he loves spending trials with you, because you make every single one fun.
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Ashley J. Williams:
Honestly, Ash loves having someone like you around in the fog. Even though anyone around you tends to get hurt for your benefit, he finds it funny to watch from afar. It’s like watching a cartoon play out in real life. A safe distance, where he’s safe from being tripped over or tackled by the killer when they’re supposed to be looking for you, because he already has pretty shit luck and bringing you into the equation never makes it any better. But he is also known for poor life choices, so he does end up making the mistake of hanging a little too close to you when he probably shouldn’t. He’s been hit by missed swings that were meant for you many more times than he’d ever care to admit. But he will admit, seeing the killer run into a tree branch while chasing you down makes up for it.
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Chris Redfield:
If you know Chris, you know he’s a very no-nonsense sort of guy. He doesn’t necessarily approve of the antics that seem to follow you around, but he also knows there doesn’t seem to be much that you can do about it. Most of the time, he sits back and watches you from afar to make sure you don’t get hurt or get into trouble due to…whatever it is that you seem to have. The joke is on him whenever he believes he has to jump in and save you though, because most of the time it ends with him getting tackled into the dirt by the killer when they meant to jump on you. You can probably imagine the look on his face when he gets hauled away by the killer and you’re springing away without a scratch.
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Anna / The Huntress:
To put it simply, Anna gets incredibly frustrated by how well you avoid everything she throws at you. Literally. Every time she tries to throw a hatchet at you, you lean down to pick a flower and it flies off, or someone calls your name so you move and she hits a tree instead, or you just so happen to trip over a tree root at just the right time so that she hits whoever you were traveling with instead of you. She doesn’t know how you do it. How you always seem to know whenever she’s aiming to hit you. She usually resolves to just leave you alone most of the time, but she knows at some point she has to try to hit you. At least you give her good target practice…
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Albert Wesker / The Mastermind:
Wesker has to admit, he’d much rather study you than try to catch you. Trying to catch you usually doesn’t end well for him or anyone in the immediate vicinity. He can’t complain when someone else falls in his path at just the right moment as you move out of the way, but you are who he’s aiming for. He decides he just needs to plan around your shenanigans, which may seem impossible to others, with how unpredictable trials can go with you thrown into the mix, but he’s a scientist. His entire life has been carved from the unpredictable, and he’ll get to the bottom of what makes you you, even if he has to endure smacking into a few trees and falling out of windows to make that happen.
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alienguts · 8 months
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ash would buy this for his girl for two reasons;
it has his name on it
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nineinchclaws · 5 months
hear me out. ash being super physically affectionate. cuddles, kisses, sex—all that, yeah. but also tiny things, like playing with the strings or sleeves of your clothes. stroking the back of your hand with his thumb, or your palms with the tips of his fingers, or gently and absentmindedly playing with your fingers. booping your nose and laughing when you scrunch it up. guiding you while walking with his hand on the small of your back. wiping food stains off of your face or getting an eyelash off your cheek. gently massaging your shoulders after a long day. holding you by your waist. tilting your chin up with a finger or two, or gently cupping your jaw with his hand. hugs from behind. slowly running his hands up and down your arms. wiping your tears away. tracing his fingertip along the line of your jaw. helping you put your shoes on, or taking them off. a hand on your thigh while he sits next to you. nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck, and letting you do the same.
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incorrect-evildead · 1 year
Ash: So you like cats? Y/N: Yeah. Ash: ... *slowly pushes a glass off the table while making eye contact*
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cassieuncaged · 10 months
would love to see some headcannons for ash williams 🫶
Sure, nonny! Here’s a bunch of miscellaneous hc’s.
TW: mention of drinking alcohol and smoking weed, swearing, etc.
In spite of playing like a suave ladies man, he’s far more clumsy and awkward in actuality. But he’ll trip over himself and play it off like he meant to do that. Maybe he did. But he probably didn't.
Isn't much of a 'gift giver'. As in, he's not good at it. Not only will he probably not remember your birthday, you'll probably be commemorating the day with a bag of S-Mart brand cheese puffs and an energy drink if he does remember.
Honestly, is a sweet teddybear of a man under a thick layer of sleaze. Which is mostly to keep others at a safe distance. Being 'the chosen one' means losing a lot of people you care about. He'd rather you don't become another stastic.
Is 420 friendly and can make a bong out of practically anything.
Enjoys shotgunning grass out of the boomstick. Also regular shotgunning because it's a perfect excuse to swap spit and kiss.
Isn't a classical romantic. Date night is typically going to a cheap dive where there's a pool table. Which he will try (and fail) to impress you with trick shots.
Loves the simple things in life like beer and cheeseburgers.
Is also a sucker for some good conversation. Likes getting to know someone past surface level. But he also loves hearing his own voice as well.
Is a sucker for some classic rock music. And a jukebox in a crummy bar. Yes, you'll have to dance with him. But you'll probably want to anyways.
Expect convenience store bouquets in plastic wrappers. He thinks that's the creme de la creme of going on a fancy date.
Will try to get fresh in the Delta. What? It worked on all his other dates.
Surprisingly affectionate. Loves giving you hugs, especially from behind as a surprise.
Is the type to convince you to take a day off from work and stay in bed with him.
Loves reptiles and honestly acts like they're just as lovable as mammalian pets (spoiler alert: they are)
Will just casually walk around with Eli the bearded dragon on his shoulder before carefully depositing him back into his terrarium.
Is a sucker for a good old fashioned movie night at a drive in.
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vympirestake · 11 months
clawing at the walls of my enclosure rn
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look at his arm??? are you joking???? the cuddles this man could give have to be legendary
I just know he would probably wants to spoon, says he can hold you better but he just likes to feel your ass on him. he winds his left arm over your waist, pulling your body just that much closer to him. preferring to use his left so he can trace the skin of your stomach and chest properly. not necessarily even to feel you up, just to feel
puts his right arm under your head, right in the crook of your neck so he can just cradle you. puts his forearm tucked in front of your face and will make fun of you if you bite it but really how can you not???
probably makes you feel so secure and held just laying there. and he's so big and broad he just covers you completely
anyway, here's wonderwall
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ashsostrange · 6 months
nd i’m gonna touch your hand when i say this… are y’all hc ellie williams as trans for trans-lesbian rep purposes, or are you jus horny w a fetish?
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htchnr · 18 days
♰ perv!older! Ash headcannons.*ೃ˚
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➻ masterlist. ➻ buy me a coffee!
content warning age gap ⋆ Ash is in his 40s reader in her late 20s ⋆ panty stealing ⋆ Ash always getting you into compromising positions ⋆ if i missed anything, lmk!
© 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 𝐇𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐍𝐑. 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦, 𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫!
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★ perv!Ash whose eyes are always. on your ass. besides when he's driving of course, then they're on your thighs.
☆ your favourite underwear missing after sleeping over in his trailer? oh no .. where ever could they be .. ? don't worry, he'll buy you plenty of cute pairs, only for them to disappear not too long after wearing them.
★ perv!Ash who always manages to create situations where you'll have to bend over — and every time you fall for it. he almost got you to fall for the good old 'can you touch your elbows together? i can't seem to do that', but unfortunately for him you heard that one before.
☆ he always knows how to play it off though, very rarely getting caught.
★ somehow occasionally you'll trip over something in the trailer, Ash's large hands grabbing ahold of your hips and holding you against him before you can fall. 'tsk tsk, gotta be careful doll face, don't wanna hurt that pretty face.'
☆ others see it though, cause no one else ever trips up or has to grab things for him that have magically moved to weird places. 'how'd my keys end up under there? could you be a sugary sweet peach for me and grab 'em while you're at it?'
★ his eyes not leaving the way your pants tighten around your ass as you bend over.
☆ Kelly tries to tell you, though you always find reasons to prove her wrong, 'he's been complaining about his back lately! how could i let him bend down to grab his keys? it would only get worse!'
★ he's got you wrapped around his big metal finger doing all these things around him, and you don't mind it. after all, there's no other reason behind them then him needing help, right?
☆ and you'd help out charming, sweet Ash, any day.
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