#ashlynn ella imagine
fr4nkie0stein · 7 months
Ashlynn Ella masterlist
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None yet <3
None yet <3
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s-aint-elmo · 1 year
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digging out my eah content part 3: the monster/fairytale culture shock we deserved
ID: a set of sketchy digital comics of c.a. cupid using monster high slang in ever after. set one features cupid popping up behind cerise hood.
cupid: hey, beastie! cerise: what. cupid: what? cupid and cerise hold an awkward silence. cerise, snapping her fingers: ohhhh, is that slang? cerise: ahaha okay don’t mind me (louder:) haha cedar wait up
set two features ashlynn ella showing an excited cupid her sketchbook.
ashlynn: what do you think of my new designs? cupid: oh, total freak chic, ashlynn! ashlynn: ashlynn, tearing up: you could have just said you didn’t like them...
the final image is blondie lockes thoughtfully tapping away at her mirrorpad as cupid, off-screen, exclaims “fangtastic!” “clawsome!” “furricious!”
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Ashlynn and Hunter dating being a huge deal in the world of Ever After just showcases on focused this on destiny this world is.
Because them dating should not be a huge deal. It’s high school, they should be allowed to date and experiment, but their relationship is seen as a rebellion because it goes against their destinies. Destinies that they are not close to fulfilling just yet, they still have time before they need to follow their legacies, so they should be able to be their own people and not just follow their parents. But everything that goes against destiny is seen as a huge act of rebellion.
The only thing that matters in this world is destiny. For the entire lives of these kids, they are told to be exactly like their parents. The amount of pressure put onto these children is so sad.
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bunnysblanc · 11 months
royals as taylor swift albums
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warnings: fluff, slight angst for cupid's part
ashlynn ella and farrah goodfairy - speak now
enchanted and mine in particular remind me of ashlynn and farrah's relationship in different stages. enchanted is from farrah's perspective as she realises she's in love with ashlynn. she doesn't want to go against her destiny and risk everything but... if there's anyone worth it, it's ash. mine takes place after raven rejects her destiny. ashlynn can finally have what she's always wanted -- farrah. the best thing that could ever be hers.
rosabella beauty - red
red is the transition album from country to pop. it's a combination that doesn't sound compatible, but the effort makes all the difference. like beauty and the beast. it's timeless yet modern, like rosabella.
daring charming - 1989
1989, to me, is an album about fame. daring has girls falling over him, but his true love turns out to be the one who didn't choose him for his fame or his money or his smile. she chose him for him. all that time as a persona, and being himself was how he got the girl.
c.a. cupid - lover
if i had to assign cupid a song on this album, no joke it would be the archer. keeping her past from ever after, constantly worrying that everyone sees through her. missing her friends at monster high. having to live with the fact that it was her choice. she never had to leave, but who could stay?
darling charming - folklore
to me, folklore is a contradictory album. cathartic lyrics about anger and betrayal set to calm, quiet instrumentals. it's the eye of the storm, a moment of peace inside a whirlwind. it's beautiful on the outside but raging and fiery on the inside, just like darling.
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kken-kenn · 2 years
• Ashlynn Ella x gn!reader
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“That’s what I said! And then the next day, she shows up and does it again!” Ashlynn exclaims, continuing to talk about whatever the conversation topic was about this time with your friends. You though? You didn’t care, you were too happy laying against your girlfriend’s shoulder like you had done since the moment you saw her that morning.
“And people say I’m the one who’s always sleepy!” A commenter speaks up, you open your eyes and see Briar chuckling from behind the back of her hand, “Because you are! But [Name] has been studying for a test all week of course they’re tired!” Ashlynn defends you, while Briar rolls her eyes playfully.
The school bell rings signifying students that breakfast is now over and they must leave the Castleteria to report to their first period of that school day. You whine when Ashlynn gets up, her comforting warmth leaving your body, “C’mon you big baby we have to get to class,” you stand, while Ashlynn intertwines your hand with hers, and walks at a slower pace so as to not rush you.
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You sit with the two girls along the back row while they chat about upcoming events; shoe sales, parties, tests, maybe even hangout plans for later, including you of course. “So [Name] what do you think?” Ashlynn looks over at you, wanting to know your opinion. “I think…cuddles,” You wrap your arms around her waist to bring her closer as to hide yourself within the crook of her neck.
“That’s sweet, hon but we need to work, we’re in class now!” She whispers against your ear, “But we’re in the back of Rumplestilskins class, it’s not like he can see us!” You point out, while Both Briar and Ashlynn watch the short man mutter out nonsense from the floor. “They have a point!”
Briar agrees, while placing her pink headphones atop her head to listen to some music. She leans forward in her seat slightly, bobbing her head back and forth to the beat, “You just have a way with words don’t you?” Ashlynn looks down at you, “I’m just tired, the guy’s class is boring, also he’s a terrible person, and an even worse teacher.”
Ashlynn couldn’t disagree with you there, he gave tests for no reason other than he could and he tried to mess up the MirrorNet once. “I guess you laying down wouldn’t hurt,” Ashlynn hugs you the same, being able to lay her head against yours, while she slightly rocks back and forth.
“This is gonna be a long day…” Ashlynn laughs, while wondering all the sorts of things you would do to keep her close.
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"Seriously I don’t get why you pick anything over — !“ Apple complains, while you all sit around a table at lunch, you eat your food idly while you listen carefully to what Apple has to say, but are abruptly kicked out of your trance when you feel Ashlynn move over a little, "Why are you moving?”
Ashlynn looks over at you confused, “Well Briar wanted to sit next to — ” She lets out an “eek” when you scoot back, even closer this time. “I don’t care who Briar wants to sit next to, you sit next to me,” You deadpan, while Ashlynn looks at you a little shocked, “Friend wants to sit next to their girlfriend, I respect that.”
Briar sits on your open end, setting down her lunch tray and chatting away with Apple again, “Okay, seriously when did you get so clingy?” Ashlynn giggles, her eyes squinting a little due to how big of a smile had formed across her face. “I’ve always been clingy, you just never noticed Ash.”
You tell her blankly, but nevertheless kiss her cheek sweetly before returning to your food. “A gift of my clinginess,” Ashlynn enjoys the clinginess if it means she’ll be able to get another kiss out of you, “So, does that mean I get another kiss?” Ashlynn flutters her eyelashes, trying to look innocent. “No.”
Ashlynn hits you on the arm, grumpy. “Ow! Hey, it was just a joke!”
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cometblaster2070 · 1 year
Following up on my thought about Ashlynn being not only the ‘Mom Friend’, but also having to deal with her absolute disasters for friends, I just realized how much funnier it is that both of her friends are like the gayest people ever.
Ashlynn, being a distinguished pansexual, having to deal with these idiots: Apple, Briar, I love you both so, so much, but I am this close to throwing these glass slippers out the window, and you know how much I love my glass slippers.
It’s so funny, because, bless her heart, she’s going to have to deal with, not one, but two horrible realizations.
Imagine Apple, bursting through Ashlynn’s door at 3 am, looking as if a revelation has dawned upon her: Ashlynn, I think I might like girls. I think I might like Darling.
Ashlynn Ella, running on 2 hocus lattes, and who was also present during all of Apple’s gay panics and when Darling woke her up: Oh, you don’t say?
Also, like, Briar realizing she might be in love with the VILLAIN of her destiny.
Briar, jumping into the room through the window: Holy fuck, Ash, I think I might like Faybelle.
Ashlynn, who has seen these idiots flirt for years, and who has heard Briar not only babble about how pretty Faybelle is endlessly, but has also had the Epic Winter dream recounted to her several times: Well, this is certainly unexpected.
Just Ashlynn Ella man.
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gumjester · 1 year
whether or not i would fight the following eah students
im drunk and found this in my notes from 2021. 😭 I NO LONGER STAND BY SOME OF THESE OPINIONS. but most i do. a semantic sequel to this post
Raven Queen: no. hasn't she already been through enough? also i'd definitely lose
Apple White: yes. god yes. it would be so funny
Briar Beauty: maybe while drunk, but something tells me it would be a very bad idea
Ashlynn Ella: no. god, how depressing would that be? though maybe she'd have a chance if she went at me with a stiletto
Hunter Huntsman: yes, because it would be funny to see how he would try to avoid killing me instantly
Cedar Wood: no. what's the point? it's like trying to kick the shit out of a really polite coffee table
Cerise Hood: MAYBE IF I WAS FEELING REALLY MEAN. it would be funny in a similar manner to hunter, but with the added tension of me constantly going for the hood. i know ur shit cerise. don't play w me
Blondie Lockes: i consider fighting blondie lockes one of my primary life goals. i will curbstomp that bitch in the middle of her own livestream
Sparrow Hood: 100%, mostly for public spectacle. idk if i would win but I'm sure we'd have a wonderful time. unless he has his guitar on him because he would defo play dirty and just start swinging it like a mace
Duchess Swan: no thank you. ballerinas are strong and duchess stores anger like nutrition for the winter. she would break my neck
Darling Charming: i don't think so. depending where she is on public knowledge of her secret she'd either purposefully lose or just wipe the floor with me. awkward all round
Dexter Charming: maybe, because i think if he gave it a proper go he'd win and i feel like that would be good for his self esteem
Daring Charming: yes, because i know i'd win if i straight away went for his face. bust his lip open. it would humble him
Lizzie Hearts: no ma'am. maybe i'd fare better in hand to hand combat but i can't imagine she'd keep any less than four knives on her person and lizzie is not the type to hold back. im heading straight to hospital
Kitty Cheshire: no. it would be humiliating. i can't see how i'd even get a hit in
Maddie Hatter: absolutely not. i have no qualms with her whatsoever, also she'd definitely kill me by accident
Alistair Wonderland: sure, why not. i want to see what all that time in apocalyptic wonderland has taught him, and whether it cancels out his status as a fucking nerd
Bunny Blanc: no, because i don't want to go to jail for homicide. she is a 5 foot nothing rabbit who can barely stand up by herself. she'd die if i poked her with a toothpick
Chase Redford: NO. if he didn't want to fight he'd just silently let me hit him for like an hour, and if he was About It then he'd instantly fucking annihilate me. just leave the boy alone
Courtly Jester: I KNOW I'D LOSE BUT IT'S THE PRINCIPLE OF THE THING. I HAVE TO FIGHT HER. i might even have a chance if she wasn't allowed to pirate any dark magic
Humphrey Dumpty: i feel cruel for even thinking about this. he's a skinny gamer with a physical predisposition for getting hit. it would be like shooting fish in the most depressing barrel
Hopper Croakington II: NO. HE IS MY FUCKING BOY AND I'LL PROTECT HIM WITH EVERYTHING I HAVE. also i could just flirt and then stamp on the frog
Faybelle Thorn: yeah sure. this may sound egotistical but i'm pretty sure i could win if magic wasn't involved
Crystal Winter: yes. the bitch would trip over her own shoelaces and knock herself out
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angstintensifer · 2 months
My Ashlynn Ella headcanons
making this bc shes been my fav character in eah since like 2013 tehe
Ashlynn is autistic and one of her special interests are shoes and nature, as she has such strong feelings about caring for it and the environment in general.
I can also vouch for this as sometimes her dialogue consists of nature and her love for shoes, as an autistic person I know that we like to talk about our special interests a lot.
Ashlynn's love of shoes also comes from learning the story of Cinderella from her mother.
Ashlynn and her mother would bond over fashion and shoes when she was young, Ashlynn would also steal her mother high heels and always get them dirty by going out into the woods.
Ashlynn and her father aren't that close, he has a kingdom to run and doesn't care for animals or chores or shoes or anything Ashlynn finds interesting. He can often treat Ashlynn like a push over and tries to buy her love with money rather than spend time with her.
One of the reasons Ashlynn didn't want to marry a prince because of how they acted, entitled and royal, that is because of her father and how he treats the things Ashlynn and her mother care about. Instead Ashlynn wanted someone who shared her values and interests.
Ashlynn can communicate with animals and sometimes finds it easier to talk to them about her struggles instead of her friends, this would be more prominent in s1 when Ashlynn and Hunter's relationship was a secret. She would explain a date in detail to her pet Phoenix because she couldn’t tell anyone else.
She feels like she can be completely herself around animals, they don't hold judgement or resentment the way humans do.
Ashlynn always supported Briar's decision to not sign the storybook of legends as Ashlynn always hated the idea of losing Briar to her destiny.
Ashlynn has boundary issues and is a major push over, she has a hard time saying no to people and will put others needs before her own whether she likes it or not. This also ties into her Cinderella destiny as the step family in it constantly give Cindy orders that she complies too.
Certain people can see this clearly and will either help her through them (Briar, Apple, Crystel, Farrah, Hunter, basically anyone close to her)
or use them against her (Her future step sisters)
Ashlynn always makes sure any shoes sold at her shop are made from materials that did not come from animals. And sometimes the money she earns at the shop she gives to charity.
Her dream destiny is become an environmentalist and help the environment instead of becoming a princess, but she doesn’t like to admit it out loud because she’s afraid to pursue it as she feels she’ll be letting down everyone, her mother, Farrah and whoever her destined prince is.
She feels guilt very deeply, she felt guilty about lying to her friends about her relationship, she felt guilty for not wanting the amazing destiny she was determined to have.
Ashlynn is also a Tailer Quick fan and her favourite album is fearless.
The enchanted forest is her favourite place in ever after.
She adores ice skating and dancing with headphones because it lets her imagination run free and it exercises her energy.
She stims a lot but fidgeting with her hands, she needs something to do with her hands in order to focus. (Hunter once noticed this and asked her to make a flower crown for Pesky)
She’s terrible at making decisions under pressure and over thinks a lot. She gets her fashion design inspiration from the nature around her.
Ashlynn and Duchess aren't exactly friends but Ashlynn does feel bad for her, Duchess made her realise that she was taking her own destiny for granted when hers has a happily ever after and Duchess's story doesn't.
Ashlynn knows that if Duchess were to apologize for trying to expose her and Hunter. Ashlynn would forgive her.
Apple, Briar and her have been best friends since they were children, they are all very loyal to each other.
Ashlynn is a very private person so she doesn't like to be open about a lot of things about herself unless she's comfortable with someone. (most of the time its usually with animals)
Ashlynn is a light sleeper so when Briar snores sometimes, Ashlynn has ear plugs to help her sleep.
Ashlynn always gets early, she's a huge morning person and loves a walk in the sunrise.
Ashlynn and Raven became very good friends after legacy day, Ashlynn will never forget the hope she got after Raven didn't sign the book.
They definitely bond over being Tailer Quick fans.
Ashlynn and Cerise become friends after her and Hunters relationship is out. Ashlynn greatly respects Cerise and wanted to get to know her as she’s one of Hunters close friends.
After Cedar found out about Ashlynn and Hunter. Cedar became Ashlynn’s go to person to talk about the relationship (as we see in true hearts day)
Ashlynn dreads the day her mother will die and that she’ll only be left with her father.
While away at Ever After High, Ashlynn calls her mom very frequently, more so in legacy year because it felt all more real for Ashlynn that her mothers death was coming soon.
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tertain-the-original · 6 months
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Ashlynn Ella
Daughter of Cinderella
Ashlynn is known on campus for having the biggest heart around. She is gentle to the ugliest ogres and kindest to the scariest dragon. She is always imagining the next shoe she will make and wants to one day open up her own store! For now, she works part time at the Little Elves’ Shoe Store. All of her friend’s wonderful high heels were designed by Ashlynn herself! But will she ever be able to work up the courage to ask out Hunter Huntsman? And will she ever get above a C in her classes?
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dragoneyes618 · 2 years
I like to imagine Ashlynn Ella and Hunter Huntsman at some point around the time they graduate visiting Red Riding Hood and Mr. Badwolf to ask them for advice.
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nowlander · 1 year
I like to imagine that there is a Cinderella Club in ever after high, Ashylin Ella is the leader along with Cinderlad and Ye xian kid, there are many different variants the of Cinderella story all over the world, I think it would of been cute if Ashylin and her counterparts had a club.
These have been in my wish list for about 10 years.
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I personally think those Cinderellas are Ashlynn's ancestors. The day I finally get my hands on these, I'll be able to draft a family tree depending on which is older (of course there'll appear some contemporary cousins and everything will be a mess because tales don't evolve lineally and I'll just make myself go crazy...)
A club would be interesting. In my headcanon it would play as a distant cousins yearly reunion.
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xkiriaxx · 7 months
Not so true... // Ashlynn Ella
Squeal of Briar x fem reader
Prompt: this takes place after the true hearts day party where Hunter and Ashlynn broke up (male reader will be refer as Satoru/yes going to use JJK Satoru Gojo), son of the strongest sorcerer although weaker than Luna (female reader), as Ashlynn was in danger, he jumped in to save the day or that's what they all think but in reality it's Briar girlfriend, Luna (fem reader/y/n)
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True Hearts Day party, where the atmosphere is vibrant and filled with joy. Ashlynn stands near the enchanting decorations, her gaze soft as she watches the students dance and mingle. Amidst the cheerful ambiance, there's an undercurrent of tension due to her recent breakup with Hunter.
Ashlynn adjusted the floral arrangement on the table, trying to distract herself from the lingering ache in her heart. She caught glimpses of Hunter across the room, his eyes occasionally meeting hers before darting away. It was a bittersweet reminder of what once was.
Meanwhile, Satoru, the enigmatic and powerful sorcerer, leaned casually against a nearby wall, his blue eyes scanning the room behind his sunglasses. His sharp senses picked up on the unease in Ashlynn's demeanor, despite her attempt to hide it behind a soft smile.
Satoru observed Ashlynn discreetly, noticing her glances towards Hunter and the slight quiver in her voice when she greeted her friends. Unbeknownst to everyone else, Satoru had a connection with Luna, the mysterious silver-haired heiress, who was hiding in plain sight at the party.
As the festivities continued, a sudden commotion disrupted the celebration. A magical mishap caused the towering ice sculptures to teeter precariously, threatening to collapse and potentially harm the students.
Reacting swiftly, Ashlynn sprang into action, using her innate ability to communicate with animals to summon the forest creatures. However, before she could avert the disaster, Satoru swiftly intercepted, weaving intricate spells that stabilized the sculptures, shielding the students from harm.
Gasps of relief echoed through the room as the crisis was averted, everyone unaware that it wasn't Ashlynn but Luna who orchestrated the rescue behind the scenes.
Ashlynn, her heart racing from the adrenaline, turned to Satoru with a mix of gratitude and surprise. "Thank you! That was amazing!"
Satoru merely offered a casual smirk behind his sunglasses. "Just doing my part."
Throughout the rest of the evening, Satoru and Ashlynn found themselves drawn to each other, sharing lighthearted conversations and laughter. As the night wore on, they found solace in each other's company, a welcome distraction from their respective heartaches.
Luna, observing from the sidelines, couldn't help but smirk at the unfolding events. She exchanged a knowing look with Briar, her girlfriend, who grinned mischievously, realizing that fate might have something unexpected in store for Ashlynn and Satoru.
The party continued with renewed energy, and amidst the dancing and laughter, a subtle shift occurred, weaving the threads of destiny in ways unforeseen by the attendees.
As the night drew to a close, Ashlynn and Satoru found themselves lingering, reluctant to part ways. There was an unspoken connection between them, a spark of something new and unexpected that had blossomed amidst the chaos of True Hearts Day.
Little did they know, this chance encounter was only the beginning of an unforeseen journey that would intertwine their lives in ways they never imagined possible.
The night ends with Ashlynn and Satoru exchanging shy smiles, a hint of newfound hope glimmering in their eyes, while Luna and Briar share a knowing glance, silently acknowledging the brewing romance that fate seemed to have in store for their friends.
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Farrah’s Signature Diary - Walking on Broken Glass
Few fairytales are more spellebrated than Cinderella. So it's a good thing that I have Ever After High to prepare me for my Fairy Godmother future. Ashlynn Ella, the daughter of Cinderella, can't have her happily ever after if I don't cast the right makeover spells. But that's just learning to relive my story. What I'm really into are the latest fashion trends. Everyone's got beauty inside of them, and I want to help people bring out their best side. And so, I post advice on my Beauty & Fashion mirrorblog, Fairest Godmother. It feels happily ever awesome to see my friends taking my tips to heart. My motto is "When you feel good, you look good."
That's why once my fairytale is finished, I'm going to create my own fashion label. I imagine fairytale fashion boutiques across the land showcasing my designs for any occasion. Of course there are a few tests I need to pass first ...
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atomic-taco-muffin · 2 years
Hi can you do a imagine where the reader is Ashlynn Ella twin sister and is new in Ever after high?
So imagine this:
Ashlynn stood at the front entrance, waiting for you to arrive. Since you were her twin sister, there could only be one Cinderella, but since Ashlynn was dating Hunter, your parents thought that it was time for you to go to Ever After High. Ashlynn saw the carriage arrive and ran down the steps to give you a hug. You giggled and hugged her back. 
“I missed you!” she said. 
“I missed you too! I’m so excited to be here!” you replied. She helped your bags into the dorms and gave you a tour around the place. She may not become the next Cinderella, but she’s glad that she gets to see you again. 
Sorry, if this is bad. It’s been awhile since I’ve seen EAH and I’m kind of lazy right now
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kken-kenn · 2 years
• Ashlynn Ella x f!reader
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“That’s what I said! And then the next day, she shows up and does it again!” Ashlynn exclaims, continuing to talk about whatever the conversation topic was about this time with your friends. You though? You didn’t care, you were too happy laying against your girlfriend’s shoulder like you had done since the moment you saw her that morning.
“And people say I’m the one who’s always sleepy!” A commenter speaks up, you open your eyes and see Briar chuckling from behind the back of her hand, “Because you are! But [Name] has been studying for a test all week of course she’s tired!” Ashlynn defends you, while Briar rolls her eyes playfully.
The school bell rings signifying students that breakfast is now over and they must leave the Castleteria to report to their first period of that school day. You whine when Ashlynn gets up, her comforting warmth leaving your body, “C’mon you big baby we have to get to class,” you stand, while Ashlynn intertwines your hand with her, and walks at a slower pace so as to not rush you.
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You sit with the two girls along the back row while they chat about upcoming events; shoe sales, parties, tests, maybe even hangout plans for later, including you of course. “So [Name] what do you think?” Ashlynn looks over at you, wanting to know your opinion. “I think…cuddles,” You wrap your arms around her waist to bring her closer as to hide yourself within the crook of her neck.
“That’s sweet, hon but we need to work, we’re in class now!” She whispers against your ear, “But we’re in the back of Rumplestilskins class, it’s not like he can see us!” You point out, while Both Briar and Ashlynn watch the short man mutter out nonsense from the floor. “She has a point!”
Briar agrees, while placing her pink headphones atop her head to listen to some music. She leans forward in her seat slightly, bobbing her head back and forth to the beat, “You just have a way with words don’t you?” Ashlynn looks down at you, “I’m just tired, the guy’s class is boring, also he’s a terrible person, and an even worse teacher.”
Ashlynn couldn’t disagree with you there, he gave tests for no reason other than he could and he tried to mess up the MirrorNet once. “I guess you laying down wouldn’t hurt,” Ashlynn hugs you the same, being able to lay her head against yours, while she slightly rocks back and forth.
“This is gonna be a long day…” Ashlynn laughs, while wondering all the sorts of things you would do to keep her close.
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"Seriously I don’t get why you pick anything over — !“ Apple complains, while you all sit around a table at lunch, you eat your food idly while you listen carefully to what Apple has to say, but are abruptly kicked out of your trance when you feel Ashlynn move over a little, "Why are you moving?”
Ashlynn looks over at you confused, “Well Briar wanted to sit next to — ” She lets out an “eek” when you scoot back, even closer this time. “I don’t care who Briar wants to sit next to, you sit next to me,” You deadpan, while Ashlynn looks at you a little shocked, “Friend wants to sit next to their girlfriend, I respect that.”
Briar sits on your open end, setting down her lunch tray and chatting away with Apple again, “Okay, seriously when did you get so clingy?” Ashlynn giggles, her eyes squinting a little due to how big of a smile had formed across her face. “I’ve always been clingy, you just never noticed Ash.”
You tell her blankly, but nevertheless kiss her cheek sweetly before returning to your food. “A gift of my clinginess,” Ashlynn enjoys the clinginess if it means she’ll be able to get another kiss out of you, “So, does that mean I get another kiss?” Ashlynn flutters her eyelashes, trying to look innocent. “No.”
Ashlynn hits you on the arm, grumpy. “Ow! Hey, it was just a joke!”
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lovelyllamasblog · 2 years
Okay so I found this picrew that let's you make your MC/Yuu, so I made ever one of the EAH transfers at NRC!!!
Here's the original post! Everyone say thanks to @haruyeager for posting it!!!
This is for you @sayuricorner!!!
Please note: Not all of them are completely accurate to the characters. I couldn't do streaks or Hunter's partly shaved head and I could't get Ashlynn's strawberry blonde hair.
OKAY let's go!! They're all below the cut!!!
Part 2 Part 3
Lizzie Hearts
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(I thought the red heart-shaped ahoge was soo cute 🥰)
(Edit: I took off the crown and changed her hairstyle so that I could get her two-toned hair.)
Maddie Hatter
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(Again, not completely accurate since I couldn't get her signature fizzy hair or her hat 😔)
(Edit: I made it into a ponytail instead. Inspiration: fan art by @icant-choosename-help)
Cerise Badwolf-Hood
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(One of the one's I had to redo because I wasn't satisfied with it. It definitely came out better the second time around 😌 Unfortunately, the picrew doesn't offer sweaters like Jamil's.)
(Edit: I did a second one with a braid like in @icant-choosename-help's fan art.)
Ramona Badwolf-Hood
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(I redid hers because I couldn't get the coloring for her hair just right.) (Edit: After a third pass, I am finally satisfied with the final result.)
Coral Witch
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(Since she was never shown in the webisodes, everyone portrays her differently. In some fan art, she has glasses so I gave her some. Also, the red in her hair is for her tail in the books. I also gave her freckles because why not? 🥰)
(Edit: I wasn't satisfied with either of the looks, so I reread her description on the wiki and changed her skin tone to a lighter shade, but kept the red highlights, glasses and freckles. She now feels complete.)
Holly O'Hair
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(The picrew didn't have the right shade of auburn and none of the braids satisfied me so I gave her a ponytail instead.)
Hunter Huntsman
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(Definitely more satisfied with the second pass 😌)
Ashlynn Ella
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(I love her eyes, but I wish could have gotten her hair the right shade of strawberry 🥲)
(Edit: A second pass that came out a bit better than the first.)
Blondie Lockes
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(I know that she changes her hair bow to red, but I really like her in blue)
(Edit: I changed her design to include a mix of dark blue-light blue eyes and a sweater because that's what I imagine her in and to add variety to the designs.)
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