#aside from both being in the cabin together
atinyslittleworld · 2 days
Lucky Encounter
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seonghwa x f!reader
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
Seonghwa and his girlfriend, Y/N, had been eagerly anticipating their weekend getaway for weeks. The city had taken its toll with its constant noise and relentless pace, and they both desperately needed a break. They packed their bags, loaded up the car, and set off for a quiet cabin nestled in the countryside.
The drive was picturesque, with rolling hills and verdant fields stretching as far as the eye could see. The autumn leaves were a riot of colors, reds, oranges, and yellows swirling together in a beautiful tapestry. Seonghwa reached over and took Y/N’s hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. “This is going to be perfect,” he said with a smile, glancing over at her.
Y/N returned the smile, her excitement mirroring his. “I can’t wait. Just us, nature, and no distractions.”
They arrived at the cabin in the late afternoon, the sun casting a warm glow over the landscape. The cabin was charming, with a wooden porch that wrapped around the front and a stone chimney that hinted at cozy nights by the fire. The air was crisp, carrying the faint scent of pine and the promise of cooler evenings.
“This place is even more beautiful than I imagined,” Y/N said, breathing in the fresh air as she looked around.
Seonghwa nodded, his eyes scanning the horizon. “It’s perfect. Let’s get settled in.”
They quickly unpacked and decided to take a stroll through the nearby woods before dinner. The forest was serene, the only sounds being the crunch of leaves under their feet and the occasional call of a bird. They held hands, enjoying the tranquility and each other’s company.
Suddenly, Y/N paused, her brow furrowing. “Did you hear that?”
Seonghwa stopped and listened. Faintly, he could hear a whimpering sound coming from a dense thicket nearby. “It sounds like an animal,” he said, concern lacing his voice.
They followed the sound, carefully pushing through the underbrush until they found the source. There, tangled in a mess of brambles, was a small, shivering puppy. Its fur was matted and dirty, and it looked up at them with wide, frightened eyes.
“Oh, you poor thing,” Y/N murmured, crouching down to gently untangle the puppy from the brambles. The puppy whimpered but didn’t resist, too exhausted to put up a fight.
Seonghwa knelt beside her, his heart breaking at the sight of the little creature. “We can’t just leave it here,” he said, gently stroking the puppy’s head. “We should take it back to the cabin and see if we can find a vet nearby.”
Y/N nodded, cradling the puppy in her arms. “Let’s get you cleaned up,” she whispered to the puppy, who snuggled into her warmth.
Back at the cabin, they carefully washed the puppy, removing the dirt and grime from its fur. Seonghwa found an old blanket and made a cozy bed by the fireplace, where the puppy could rest and warm up.
They called the nearest vet and made an appointment for the next morning. In the meantime, they fed the puppy and gave it water, watching as it slowly regained some of its strength. The puppy’s eyes, once filled with fear, now looked at them with a mix of gratitude and curiosity.
As night fell, they sat by the fire, the puppy nestled between them. “I wonder where it came from,” Y/N mused, gently stroking the puppy’s now clean fur.
Seonghwa shrugged, his eyes soft as he watched the puppy sleep. “Who knows? But I’m glad we found it. It’s like it was meant to be.”
The next morning, they took the puppy to the vet, who gave it a thorough examination. “Aside from being a little undernourished and dehydrated, the puppy is in good health,” the vet said with a smile. “With some proper care, it should be just fine.”
Relieved, Seonghwa and Y/N returned to the cabin with the puppy, who was already starting to show more energy and playfulness. They spent the rest of the weekend exploring the countryside, the puppy happily trotting along beside them. Its playful antics brought laughter and joy, making their getaway even more memorable.
On their last evening at the cabin, they sat on the porch, the setting sun painting the sky in hues of pink and orange. The puppy, now full of life, played at their feet.
“You know,” Seonghwa began, looking at Y/N, “I’ve been thinking… I don’t want to leave this little guy behind.”
Y/N’s eyes sparkled with emotion as she nodded. “Me neither. It feels like he’s already part of our family.”
Seonghwa smiled, reaching down to scratch the puppy behind its ears. “Then it’s settled. We’ll take him home with us.”
They named the puppy “Lucky,” a reminder of the serendipitous encounter that had brought them together. As they drove back to the city, Seonghwa looked over at Y/N and smiled. Their weekend getaway had turned out to be more than just a break from the city—it had brought them a new source of joy and love.
Back in the city, Lucky quickly adapted to his new home, filling it with boundless energy and affection. Seonghwa and Y/N’s bond grew stronger as they cared for their new companion, cherishing the memories of their countryside adventure and the unexpected addition to their family.
Lucky proved to be quite the playful puppy. He would dart around the apartment, chasing after his tail or pouncing on imaginary prey. His favorite game was tug-of-war with an old sock, and he never failed to make Seonghwa and Y/N laugh with his antics.
One evening, as they sat on the couch watching a movie, Lucky decided it was the perfect time to practice his stealth skills. He crept up behind the couch, then sprang up onto Seonghwa’s lap, causing Seonghwa to yelp in surprise.
“Lucky!” Seonghwa laughed, trying to look stern but failing miserably. “You little rascal.”
Y/N giggled, reaching over to give Lucky a rub on the head. “He’s just too cute to be mad at.”
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cornyflow3r · 11 months
you can pry sneeg, ranboo and charlie are canon friends in generation loss from my cold, dead hands. when sneeg remembers himself with the help of the Bad Hat, he runs to ranboo, links both hands into the chain of the fence to get as close to him as possible, and assures him he’ll come back for him. when ranboo and charlie are awake in the mall, they call each other by name and have an instinctive desire to keep each other safe, even if they don’t know anything about what’s happening to them. these three have a history, i’m sure of it, and it’s heartbreaking that showfall keeps letting them get close and then breaking them apart.
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aphroditesmoon · 5 months
the look of love, the rush of blood
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clarisse la rue x aphrodite's!daughter hcs
warnings: none, fluff.
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• It wasn't exactly rare to see an Ares kid with an Aphrodite's kid getting along. Logically, it made sense that they would prefer eachother's company, with context of their parents are together.
• But what was rare, is to see Clarisse La Rue being soft with anyone at all.
• The two of you have a reserved kind of relationship. Everyone knows you two belonged with eachother, but you kept the details to yourself and almost never publicly show off your relationship.
•There are certain moments excluded of course. Many campers would say that they've seen you out with her, holding hands and all. Or during social gatherings like parties and feasts where anyone attending would find you attached to her hip at all times throughout the whole night.
• But intimacy and gentleness was often kept aside for times in private.
• While other people are gathered for dinner in big tables around eachother, youband clarisse would either use the currently empty cabin 10 to enjoy eachother’s company. It was a sight to behold, her sitting with her back to your front as you braid er hair.
• Or if you're both feeling lazy, she's laying on your lap as you tell her about your day, indulging her in the latest gossips and tales that passes through aphrodite's cabin.
• She could listen to you talk forever, and she also feels that you're the only person she could talk out of her ass to. You're always on her side no matter what, but you're also not afraid to counsel her on her actions, keeping her grounded.
• If the cabin has people over, then you'd would find solitude in between the trees, a bit further from the cabins. With a picnic mat set up, you'll enjoy the food that Clarisse have grabbed from her cabin earlier that's enough for the both of you, under the glow of the moonlight.
• Her love language is acts of service and quality time. yours is gift giving and words of affirmations.
• She has a box filled with love letters you wrote her, and also some trinkets and gifts you found that reminded you of her.
• Clarisse is the queen on remembering anniversaries.
• It's easy to think that it should be the opposite, but you're not really good with dates.
• Meanwhile with her, there's always an occasion that deserves celebrating.
• There's a monthly anniversary for when you first started dating, and then there's a yearly anniversary for that.
• There's a first kiss anniversary, first dance anniversary, first date anniversary.
• The two of you understand eachother in ways others can't.
• She's grateful for how you can understand her rage and need to impress her father and be the best at everything, and she understand the way you view your worth on what you're able to give others because of how misunderstood aphrodite and her children are with all the internalised misogyny that comes with it.
• For your birthday she got you a rose quartz necklace in the shape of a heart.
• You got her a matching golden bracelet for hers.
• After a lot of pleading, Clarisse finally agreed to teach you how to fight and the two of you spar a lot.
• Though you don't really notice that she lets you win and go easy every time.
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audreyscribes · 5 months
🍇DIONYSUS; God of Wine making, fertility, theater, festivity, and insanity. 🎭
author's note: I had a sudden idea about writing some headcanons Camp Halfblood demigods being claimed and what it's like for each respective god and cabin, followed by a small blurb afterwards. Thank you for reading and please like and reblog! The order is not in order of the cabin numbers. [PJO DEMIGOD HEADCANONS MASTERLIST]
You get claimed in an untypical manner. You heard of demigods waiting for a sign of their godly parent claiming them, with a glowing symbol above their head. Instead, when you get introduced to the camp members, Mr. D appears carrying a can of diet coke and casually states “No need to put them in the Hermes’ cabin. They're one of mine's”
Cue the record scratch. This immediately brings a lot of confusion and gossip. Many eyes look between you and Mr. D who doesn't seem bothered at all. You saw Chiron sigh and place his hand to his face, giving your godly father a disappointed headshake. Then you hear Castor and Pollux yell that they have a new sibling that they didn't even know about?!
You get a lot of looks of sympathy and jealousy. You don't figure out why until a little bit later on. Chiron fills you in with a reassuring voice but also speaks with an exasperated tone to Dionysus 
Although you guys can't make wine or touch anything alcohol related, you did inherit Dioynsus' wine making skills. This includes also being good at making infused drinks or mixing drinks that range from mixing soda flavours together to making your tea blend. Even if the flavours shouldn't work together or whatever the drink type you're making, you just can. You are your own personal barista.
Putting this first and out of the way, you're both in a blessed and awkward situation where you are able to see and interact with your godly parent. Mr. D tries to treat you like every other demigod in Camp Halfblood, and that makes it awkward when you don't know if you should call him “Dad” or “Mr. D”, but at the same time, you know you have it better then others. 
It doesn't mean Mr. D doesn't keep an eye out. When you dedicate your offerings to the gods and look at him when you do it, you can just see Dionysus’ face soften and his eyes have a hint of affection. 
Don't ask how you or your other half-siblings came to be if Mr. D was sentenced to Camp Halfblood. You won't get an answer from but at least you know you're not alone and the twins are glad to have a baby sibling. Get ready for the youngest sibling treatment. 
Dionysus is the God of Theatre so you have a theatrical flare. Even if you're introverted, you're not exempt; this can be applied in how you do certain things or be rather convincing at times. If you're extroverted, well, you're automatically the Theatre kid. 
This turns out to be rather useful in events like Capture the Flag in a state of mania. When the heat of the battle starts to get to you, you feel your godly parent's power begin to rise in you and you can use that theaters flair to rouse your teammate's spirits up. You can also get a bit maniac and effect your teammates and enemies alike and become rather terrifying. 
You have a bit of a green thumb so you can find some solace with the Demeter kids. However, unlike the Demeter kids who can just make plants grow and flourish, your green thumb only really applies to plants you have an interest in like Dionysus with his grapes…or now strawberries. Regardless, you can keep a houseplant alive at least. 
Aside from a few very selected people within Camp, you're one of the few people who has seen Mr.D's true form. Not his godly form or the Mr. D you've seen, but the form he usually shows in front of mortals. Then it becomes very obvious how your other parent became so enamoured. You thank him silently for taking up his current form because you’re not going to be ready to hear about Mr. D being a DILF.
“Welcome to Cabin 12!” greeted Castor and Pollux as they opened the door to the cabin. You looked inside and saw how lived in the cabin was. It was clear the twins didn't expect to have another sibling and judging by the absolute shock that your shared father was supposed to be stuck in Camp, they really didn't expect him to have another mortal child.   
You also noticed on one of their nightstands there were stacks of Coke and Pepsi, each belonging to one of the beds. There were copious amounts of it, and you wonder if being a child of Dionysus was a prerequisite of having a drink as your go-to drink. Like wine fo Dionysus…though you heard he had to switch to Diet Coke due to his punishment. 
“Yeah, sorry for the whole…mess,” said Castor as he looked sheepish. “Pollux and I weren't expecting anyone else to be here, especially since it's been so long since we've first arrived. And you know, our dad, being, well-”
Pollux cleared his throat, “What Castor means, despite everything, we're thrilled to have a baby sibling. We've always been together so we're not that alone, but every now and again, we kind of get envious of the other cabins and having other siblings.”
You smiled when the door is knocked and a new bunk bed is being brought in, Castor and Pollux grinned at you. “Come on, let's get your stuff and space ready, and let's go see our dad.”
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cranberryjuice-posts · 4 months
Hi!! I love your Clarisse fan fics so much <3! I was wondering if you could right one with very very sweet reader being in a straight toxic/abusive relationship and she just takes it but never tells anyone. Her and Clarisse where enemy’s but secretly loved each other. Than one day reader was walking around with a bruise on her face horribly covered in concealer but if you were looking for something you could still see and Clarisse did, but not at first, she was coming up to you to bully you but than she saw the bruise and she got all upset and reader was confused because Clarisse always bullied her. Reader just brushed it aside and walked away but left her dagger at the table, so when Clarisse returned it she saw your boyfriend through the window smacking you in the face and she lost it. She didn’t even knock on the door she just bursted in and she didn’t want to make you upset so she grabbed you boyfriends arm and dragged him out to the forest and beat the living shit out of him. She ran back to see reader and comforted her and it ended up with both of them confessing their love for each other and maybe some fluff or smut towards the end, you choose! 💕💕
Thank you!!
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Not talking bout boys
Pairings - Clarisse La Rue x Daughter of Aphrodite! Fem! Reader
An - yes reader has a bf them being a lesbian in the fic is important side note I have a smutty Abby fic and a cute fic for clarisse coming out on Valentine’s Day so look out for those two
CW - abusive relationships, dyke is used, religous trauma
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Everyone knew who you were. You were a beautiful charming daughter of Aphrodite as well as the vice councilor for the Aphrodite cabin.
You were a sweet heart, always being the first to show the new kids around camp, ready to help settle disagreements and you were well known for being someone anybody could come to for relationship advice.
People would often tell you how much they wished they had a relationship like yours. Your boyfriend Logan a son of Athena. Brains and beauty that’s what everyone said about you.
Funny thing about people is that they never saw what happened behind closed doors. You tried not to blame him but it was hard not to.
Laying on the floor of the empty Aphrodite cabin your held yourself up with your hands, your tears dropping on the floor after he hit you, why? It could be for anything today however it was because you wore a too revealing top that attracted attention, attention that Logan didn’t like.
“Really?! How many times do I have to tell you to get it through your dumb fucking head huh?” Logan yelled at you, kneeling down he forced your head up. He glared at you for a moment before letting you go, grabbing you softly and hugging you. “I’m sorry baby” he kissed your shoulder.
“I’m sorry baby you know I don’t like hitting you but sometimes it’s the only thing I can do to get messages across” he frowned gently holding your face, his personality doing a complete 360 from before.
“I know” you whispered. Leaning into his touch you couldn’t help it. Something felt off however, his touch made you feel dirty and guilty, the furthest thing from love yet… yet you still forgave him and felt as though you needed him.
Days normally blured together, with mornings going normally with you slowly doing your makeup mainly because you wanted to look your best but also because you needed the extra time to cover the bruises — dozing off you hadn’t realized you used to little yellow concealer to hide the purple of the deep mark.
After about an hour you walked out of your cabin, walking towards the dining pavilion for breakfast. Being shoved to the side you watched as Clarisse softly laughed with her siblings clearly mocking you. “It’s impolite to not say excuse me” you softly spoke fixing yourself shirt.
Turning around she looked you up and down. You felt her gaze linger for a moment before turning more serious. “Go get your share I’ll catch up” she ordered at her siblings. Once they started to leave she harshly grabbed your chin turning it so your cheek was In direct sunlight. “The hell is this” she carefully examined the mark
“Nothing” confused you looked over at her slightly offended by the circumstances. “Besides why would you even care”
“Because I can— How the fuck did you get that bruise on your cheek? Someone deck you or something” she sarcastically laughed. Immediately you shook your head denying it. “No no I uh, I fell”
Clarisse looked down at you for a moment, taking her thumb she caressed the sensitive bruise. “Whatever… just be more careful” she let you go before leaving you alone, irritated and.. flustered?
You laid in bed looking up at the ceiling not able to think.
Reaching up to your chest you softly took the cross necklace, something your father had given you before you arrived at camp.
Thinking about your dad always brought bad memories, how he forced you into the church. The snobby kids and the religion forced down your throat. Not allowed to ask questions or question anything. But the thing that stuck with you the most was the treatment of gay people.
You personally had no problem with them, the gods themselves seem to be fine with homosexual relationships but… why did it always feel so weird to you. You knew things were different about you but this time you didn’t mean being a demigod.
The way you viewed your boyfriend vrs well.. clarisse of all people made you confused. When you were with Logan you didn’t feel the same butterflys as silena would constantly brag about getting with Charlie. When you kissed it felt forced, how his hands touched you it make you want to rip your skin out.
How clarisse had grabbed your chin today… you rolled over and silently groaned into your pillow.
Clarisse the same girl that would shove you. The same girl that made fun of your archery skills and called you weak for being kind. The same girl that would gently run a hand around your waist when you were in line for food… clarisse the same girl, who looked at you differently from everyone.
Why did you feel like this, why did she out of everyone make you feel like an idiot, a love sick idiot at that.
You groaned once more into your pillow, not realize how loud you were until one of your sisters threw a throw pillow at your head telling you to sleep.
Laying back down on your back You Just looked back up at the soft pink ceiling. Sure you had always thought women were pretty, and while it was true you found yourself thinking about them how you should think about Logan— there was no way you were gay.. you had a boyfriend you were straight.
A straight girl
A… straight girl
A few days had passed.
You had been sitting inside the armory looking around as you waited for your daggers sheath to be repaired. Walking back you bumped into someone.
Before you could fall you felt a strong hand grab your waist, looking up you saw the curly haired girl who haunted your dreams.
“Watch where your going” she pushed you up helping you regain your balance.
You felt your cheeks turn red, “uh thank you” tucked some hair behind your ear embarrassed. Clarisse nodded taking note of your outfit of a camp shirt and shorts. She rolled her eyes. “Yeah whatever”
Charlie had decided to walk over finally “hey, sorry look were a little backed up but I can Promise your sheath will be fixed tonight alright?” He asked, You nodded before you could speak however clarisse scoffed “That’s bullshit, fix her sheath now”
“I just said i couldn’t”
“Whatever we both know it’ll take you five minutes—“
“It’s Fine Clarisse i don’t mind waiting” You looked up at her placing a hand on her forearm.
You smiled at Charlie as you walked out the armory. You left embarrassed by how clarisse had stood up for you, but also how you had touched her and how she allowed it.
Once you were gone Clarisse looked over noticing your dagger laying on the table. She swore you would loose your head if it wasn’t attached to your neck. “Fix her sheath now”
“Did I stutter?”
You found yourself inside the Athena cabin with Logan while everyone else was at the bondfire, his siblings making teasing remarks as they left. He just shook his head before looking back at you. “Hey there sexy” he grinned, you stood between his legs with his hand on your thigh.
You cringed slightly but smiled. “Hey” playing with one of his blonde curls you felt his hand travel towards your ass. You grabbed his hand pulling it away “not today.. please I just really am not in the mood for it”
Logan rolled his eyes dramatically taking his hands off you and turning to face the books on his desk. “Of course” he complained.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You asked confused crossing your arms. “You know what it means— every-time we’re alone you don’t want to do shit I’m fucking over it, what’s the point of having a girlfriend if she doesn’t even want to make out with you”
“I’m just not that good of a kisser I—“
“Your a daughter of Aphrodite your good at everything love related, know what can you just stop with this bullshit” he stood up aggressively making you flinch back some. “Stop what” you looked down to afraid to meet his eyes.
Logan grabbed your chin harshly forcing you to look at him, it made you think back to clarisse how when she grabbed you it was almost gentle. You looked to the side and for a moment it was quiet, thinking he was done you heard Logan let out a scoff like laugh.
He pushed your head away. “Fuck you”
“You know what you fucking slut.” He stepped towards you. “Can’t believe i didn’t realize it sooner” Logan continued to shake his head in disbelief. You tried to stand up for yourself but all you felt was a harsh slap met your cheek not even a moment later.
“Your disgusting, I see how you look at the other girls at camp— clarisse fucking la rue to be specific, I notice how you let your eyes wander on her, I bet you wish she was with you now huh?! I bet you wish she was the one who was kissing you huh?!” Logan tightly grabbed your face once again, tears brimming around your eyes. Trying to shake your head he just continued. “You disgust me- what would your dad think huh? To know his previous daughter was a fucking dyke
Logan jerked your head up forcing you to look at him before he hatefully kissed you.
It felt like forever, until you were suddenly dragged out the cabin. Looking up you saw clarisse having a tight hold on you.
It came back to you slowly, clarisse kicking open the door, shoving Logan into his bunk making him hit his head and now here where she started to take you across the camp
Her firm hold on your hand made you blush. It hurt how much you liked her and how much you knew you shouldn’t.
You watched as she yelled for everyone out of the ares cabin, letting out a string of offensives if anyone had something to say. Once they were gone it was quiet.
Clarisse led you to her bed setting you down gently before taking your face in her hands while examining the condition of you. “How Long” she mumbled.
“2 months after we got together” you quietly replied looking down. Clarisse pulled you into a hug, keeping a loving hold around you.
“I’m going to kill him” she tightened her grasp slightly, pulling away you shook your head “no, please I don’t want anyone knowing”
“Knowing how he treated you like shit”
“Knowing that I’m a fucking hypocrite clarisse!”You yelled, Clarisse kept quiet as this was the first time she’s heard you cuss. “Don’t you get it! How am I supposed to act if people find out that my entire relationship was toxic when im the one person most all people go to for love advice huh?! I’m a daughter of Aphrodite I’m supposed to be the person people admire! Imagine how embarrassing it’ll be to have people know I let my boyfriend hit me! And how the hell am I supposed to face anyone even my own father if they know im..” You choked on your tears leaning Into clarisse crying. She held you close not wanting to let go.
At this point you didn’t want to be anywhere else but in clarisses arms, where you didn’t feel forced or threatened you just simply felt loved.
You silently laid beside clarisse, just looking quietly into each-others eyes. Calmed down from your breakdown, You watched as she reached out fixing a piece of hair from your face. “..can I ask a question” she whispered. You nodded leaning some into her touch. “Are you.. are you gay”
After sone silence you nodded once again. “Yeah.. im not sure what I would be but.. I know for a fact I don’t like men” you admitted, a sense of anxiety washed over you. Clarisse continued to hold your face with an unreadable expression. “So a lesbian?”
You shrugged your shoulders. “I guess so, I don’t really know much about queer identities anyways..”
“If You don’t like men Why did you bother to date Logan?” Her tone was sweet but confused. You couldn’t help but smile at the well known angry girl was now holding you with such care it made you feel butterflys. “I’m ashamed to be like this.. I’m not supposed to be a lesbian but I… am”
Before you noticed it, clarisse had leaned in kissing you. It was a quick kiss with her pulling away after a second. She muttered an apology while trying to leave, you however grabbed her before you could think bringing clarisse into another kiss, however this time it was longer and loving.
Sitting on your knees with your he daughter of ares fit in an awkward position you still continued to kiss her. Everything from before left your mind, how disgusting it felt up even kiss your boyfriend or now ex boyfriend, all you could think was how much you loved this girl.
Pulling away you kept your face close to clafisse. “I don’t understand.. I thought you hated me”
“Hated you.. really?!” She pushed back fixing her pose to be more comfortable. “I’ve been flirting with you this entire time”
“You Call shoving me around and calling me names flirting?”
“Yeah I—.. Look i don’t know shit about flirting but i thought it clear i liked you”
“No clafisse not at all” You laughed before moving to sit on the girls lap to kiss her. “Whatever it still worked Didnt it! Your here in my bed kissing me”
You lightly hit her with a smile. “I hate you”
“No you don’t” she laughed back kissing your cheek before looking at you, almost like she was trying to prove how much she loved you through just her eyes alone.
The following morning you had learned that Logan was currently in the infirmary with a long list of injuries you couldn’t even Name and your new girlfriend clarisse who was now being punished by Chiron. Aswell as the Ares cabin having a new found protective stance on the Aphrodite cabin
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billysgun · 5 months
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billy the kid x cowgirl!reader |requested!|during the fight against murphy, you find out you're pregnant with billys child, and now you see where his loyalties lie |
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you felt numb as you stared into the outhouse's seat that was swimming with your vomit like you did every morning while the gang went out and you were too sick to follow. but, you didn't let them know that.
because you aren't just sick, you're pregnant.
you know from the lack of blood in your bloomers -which would've been red 2 weeks ago, but it never came.
you think back to billy. the night where he drunkenly thrust in your with a raw cock. you both were whiskey-filled idiots and decided to fuck like you've been doing for months.
and now you're gonna have a baby.
and, in the middle of fighting the house. you're too sick to ride, can't stand the scent of gunpowder even when you used to soak in it, you have no chance of being here.
but billy? he isn't going to stop fighting for some mistake child.
you're on your own.
that night when they returned, billy snuck into your room and kissed up your neck
you tried to push the guilt aside and enjoy the feeling of his fingertips running up your thigh, your hormones begging for more touching but your morals drowning you in your shame
billy looked up at you right before he was gonna lay you on your bed, seeing the way your eyes were glossed over and brows twisted in not pleasure, but pain.
"darlin' whats wrong?" he immediately stopped as his eyes widened and hands cupped your face
"no, nothin' billy! don't worry" you quickly whispered, cursing at yourself as his worries grew
"is it the fight?" he asked, and you nodded, but he didn't seem satisfied
"nah, somethin' else in on your mind. you can tell me, love" he whispered, and you couldn't keep your tears in as they gently rolled down your cheeks as you whimpered a breath
"I'm pregnant, billy" you admitted and his eyes widened
you let out another sob as he moved back from you
"I'm pregnant" you repeated and his fingers ran through his hair
"h-how long?"
"a little while-"
"before we joined this?" he asked and you quickly got defestive as you rose from the bed with furrowed brows
"no billy. not before" you sternly said and he turned away from you to hide his teary eyes
"why didn't you tell me- this is why you haven't been ridin' right? 'cuz you..." he paced around the room and you felt like a child who broke a vase as you stood with your head down
"I can't let you get hurt" he says walking up to you while grabbing your hands softly
"I can't let you get hurt, billy" you quickly add and he just shakes his head, your palm brings his face back to you
"this baby needs its father"
"not as much as it needs its mother, I'm not the kind of father a child wants" he whispered, tears brimming his eyes as you shook your head
"no, that's not true. they're so many rotten men out there, you're not one of them. you're loyal, and kind, and selfless-"
"I've killed people" he emphasizes and you just stare at him, backing up slowly once his eyes reveal the thing you worried most
"you're not leaving tunstall, are you?"
"...Y/n, I made a promise-" "what about this baby? you think fucking land is more important than a child you made?"
"I didn't fucking choose this!" he snaps and your eyes are wide as his words soak into both of you and he's quickly shaking his head as he moves toward you "I didn't mean that. I'm just sayin' I didn't-"
"what about me? you chose me first. what if I decide to stay and go with-"
"you're not doin' that. you're out of fighting." he sternly says but you just laugh
"I can't have you two gettin' hurt" he adds
"oh so now you care about the baby?" you ask, and he presses his lips together as you two are no longer talking and just fighting. with no response, you grab your shoes as you leave the cabin, leaving billy behind.
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part 2 is: here
an: BILLY WHY???? haha but, hi guys!! & thank you for requesting!! <33
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deerlottie · 2 months
Mayhaps some shaunat smut dabbles? Preferably Wilderness time 🥺🥺🥺🥺
🐶🦝 — summer love
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summary: it's summertime and you can't stay another day in that hot, stuffy cabin or you might melt. so, you decide to take your girlfriends out to the lake to cool off. warnings: 18+ MDNI, threesomes, public sex(no one's there besides u and shaunat), nipple play
"god," nat pants, wiping sweat off her brow and groaning. "i would've rather stayed in the cabin then hike all the way up here for this shit."
you roll your eyes and look back at her with a playful glare, scoffing as you flip her off. "you can always go back."
shauna giggles at your guys' antics and gasps as she sees the opening to the lake. "yes, finally!" she starts running and flings off her backpack filled with spare clothes for you all on the sand, rushing in the cool, blue water. "it feels so nice!" she sighs, laying back and letting the water float her around.
you and nat take your time undressing - she carelessly throws her clothes aside while you make sure to gently put them on the towels you brought. you jog up to the shoreline, getting in about knee deep, and the water makes you shiver in delight. nat walks up beside you, and you're just about to make a comment on how her boobs look in her red bra before shauna splashes you both.
"asshole!" she grumbles, but a slight smile appears on her lips. shauna sticks her tongue out at her before nat gets her revenge, pushing shauna playfully back into the water. you three begin a water fight, and you're pretty sure you've inhaled half of the lake after nat calls a truce. you get in one last splash at nat though, who pinches your ass on the way back to the sand, mumbling something about her hair being ruined.
"don't act like you didn't have fun, natty." you give her a side eye as she comfortably lies down on towel to sunbathe.
you grab your towel and place it in the middle of theirs - always in the middle of a shauna and nat sandwich, you think. you sigh in relaxation as you cool off, feeling nat subtly inch her pinky closer to yours and wrap it around your finger. you turn your head and look at her, eyes wandering as you take her in. she has her eyes closed, and her cheeks are a dark shade of pink against her pale skin, either from the touch or from the heat, but either way, you find it cute. the water drips down between her breasts, which are smushed together beautifully from her bra.
"what are you staring at over there?" shauna leans into to your side, her body halfway on yours.
"nothing." you quickly respond, leaning up and giving her a kiss.
"oh, yeah?" she tilts her head, and you nod bashfully. "because it looked like you were staring at nat's tits." shauna smirks, and you hear nat laugh from beside you, opening her eyes and getting on her side. she scoots in next to you and puts her hand on your stomach, and you feel it flip. "were you? naughty girl."
you laugh nervously, gulping at how you're basically trapped between your two girlfriends "maybe i was, maybe i wasn't. what are you gonna do about it?" you tease, wondering where this will take you.
nat and shauna look at each other, and they nod in some sort of secret agreement before shauna reaches behind nat and unclasps her bra, letting her tits spill out.
"is this what you wanted?" nat rasps, practically shoving her breasts in your face.
your eyes nearly pop out of your head, feeling your mouth water as she gets on top of you, holding your shoulders down and grabbing one of her tits before placing it inches in front of your mouth. "be a good girl, won't you?"
without any hesitation, you latch onto her nipple and suck like your life depends on it. nat groans, her hand buried next to your head in the sand as the other cradles your cheek.
you feel shauna shift next to you and see her take off her bra, taking your hand and making you squeeze around her breast. "it's no secret you have a thing for our tits." she chuckles, letting out a sigh as you pinch her nipple. "is that why you took us here? to get us alone so you could have your fun like a pervert?"
your mouth makes a pop noise as you release nat's nipple from your mouth, shaking your head. "no! i-i just wanted to sp-"
shauna interrupts you by shoving her tits in your face, and you don't need to be told what to do before you start littering kisses along her chest. you look her in the eyes as you lick a stripe up to her nipple and take it in your mouth, the way her eyes darken and her little groan she lets out making you rut your hips into nat.
"i, for one, am glad you're a perv." nat jokes, biting your clavicle and soothing the pain with her tongue.
needless to say, you had your hands full that night.
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aryxchse · 2 months
No cause now I need more. Like I don't know headcannons or something about how they got together and how their parents reacted.
Something- anything please I am begging😭
percy jackson x daughter of amphitrite! reader headcanons.
a / n : feeding my inner self ship here LMAO and also this is literally headcanons that made up from my ass, so idk if amphitrite would have a cabin, because they didn't make one even for her honor sooo.. yeah
warnings : cursing, fighting, blood mention, injury mention, basically just two waterbenders in love
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- it was all camp half blood's fault
- you didn't had a cabin of your own, but they thought you staying in the poseidon cabin was the best decision
- well it was.. until percy got claimed
- you both had to share the same cabin, and he wasn't the best at keeping it clean
- all those years, getting a 10 from the cabin check, you got 5 because of him
- and it made you furious
- but, a nice girl you are, instead of breaking his heart, you warned him
- "next time we get a 5 from the cabin check, i will break your surfboard into pieces 😊"
- "yes ma'am 🫡" no ofc he didn't said that
- but he thought that as he nervously shake his head
- well, he didn't really had a time to clean his cabin, so the promise was forgotton
- and you learned to pick up after his back
- it was a beautiful afternoon when annabeth barged into your cabin
- "percy's in a fight and we can't stop him."
- these are the questions that you should've asked when she said that : what's that have to do with me? what am i even gonna do? why are you coming to me? what the fu-
- but what you did instead : run to percy
- alright, i guess you two have a bond now
- "alright seaweed brain, get your ass back up," you said as you yanked grabbed him by the arm and pushing him aside
- he tried to run to the boy he was beating back again, but you just pushed him by his chest and slowly lead him to your cabin
- "dude what the hell is going on with you?" you asked as you both enter. he was panting, sitting on his bed and holding his head. "percy? i asked you a question."
- "he was saying something shitty about you, and i couldn't just stand there and listen him. okay?" he said, not facing you.
- oh
- ooohhhhhh
- 😏
- "why though?" you sat next to him on the bed, too suprised to even get mad at him
- "you always got my back in cabin check so, i got your back outside, i guess." he simply shrugged
- alright mr in love
- and with that, you both got really close
- this was your breaking point in 'awkward energy'
- surfing competitions where it's just you two racing? check
- married dolphin and shark plushies? check
- going to an aquarium? double check
- the animals were once your enemy back then because of your mother, was your friends now
- same as percy
- and when you both started dating, percy realised how relaxed he was around you
- like when he was little, he would listen to ocean sounds to calm himself down after a stressful day
- and you have the same affect on him
- later he learned that children of amphitrite have that affect on children of poseidon and that's why annabeth bringed you that day
- talking of the parents
- the meeting was the most hilarious thing happened to you both
- because they already knew
- "ohh lord perseus and princess y/n"
- "ohh they're kissing"
- and suprisingly gossip spreads around ocean VERY FAST
- you both got a call from atlantic or smth to get there fast
- they weren't angry or anything, poseidon loved you and weirdly your mom loved percy
- they were just.. suprised
- "what type of history shit is going on here-"
- you understand where percy got his humor from now
- alright moving on to real parent SALLY MF JACKSON!!
- you think you being her ex's wife's daughter will make her hate you?
- well yeah, but sally jackson is the definition of angel
- and she doesn't care about your godly side as long as you're making percy happy by just being in his life
- so as you can say, you guys are already besties
- moving on again to u and percy
- underwater kisses duh
- silly blue shirts about fishes
- watching ariel, moana, lost fish nemo and dory and all of the sea shit together
- and recreating the musical scenes
- you having a signature pegasus friend like him
- and him having a dolphin one like you
- you guys just rule the lake atp
- living in the same cabin is the best thing ever happened to percy
- because he get to cuddle you EVERY NIGHT without having to worry about getting caught
- and tyson? basically your children
- seashell jewelry gifts from percy
- always wearing blue together
- also eating blue food
- this fic is really long rn but you both are yue and sokka tbh
- give yue one more chance!!
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starlightshadowsworld · 11 months
The seven, Thalia and Nico at Jason's funeral and everyone of them hating every moment of it.
Because Camp Jupiter celebrate him like a honoured soilder.
They talk of his achievements.
The monsters he's slayed.
The quests he's been on.
Someone mentions his sacrifice was for the greater good.
And that sents them off.
Because how dare you, how fucking dare you!
How dare you reduce his life to his years of service.
Jason who's eyes brightened like the sun whenever he was happy.
Jason who doodled in the margins of notebooks when he couldn't concentrate.
Jason who would laugh at even the most terrible of puns.
A laugh that would echo around them and only encourage them to make more.
Jason who stood up for the little guy.
Who joined the lowest of cohorts so they would get the treatment they deserved.
And when they didn't he still fought.
Jason who filled Percy with confidence, that he could do anything as long as Jason was by his side.
Jason who held his hand when the nightmares got to much and never let him apologise for it.
Jason who Annabeth saw as her little brother, who comforted her when Percy went missing even when she was mad.
Jason who sat beside her when she couldn't sleep and filled the space with his words.
She grew up in a cabin that was always full and hearing him gush about hef favourite thing made her feel at home.
Piper who loved him, no longer romantically but he would always hold a place in her heart.
Jason who would tease her about her dates but smile wide. Who wanted nothing but her to be happy, and being reminded he deserved that too.
Leo who died for him, who hasn't stopped crying and suprisingly the one holding him is Thalia.
Jason who he promised they'd see the world together and could picture him smiling brightly.
Who false memories aside was his best friend.
Thalia who lost her little brother all over again.
Nico who's praying to his father to grant Jason Elysium. The tears falling from his eyes as he loses the first person to completely accept him.
Jason who despite not knowing Nico, his first instinct is was to accept him. To support him to hold him in open arms.
Frank losing one of the first people to believe in him. The one who granted him the rank of Praetor when Frank didn't think he even deserved his parentage.
Who was his constant support. Who filled him with confidence.
Frank who killed his friends killer having to face that it won't bring him back.
Hazel who never forget Jason. Both of them bonding over not quite understanding the modern world.
Jason who explained things and never got tired of it. Who put on music and they'd both silly dance around the ship till they couldn't stop laughing.
Who made her brother happy.
And they said as much.
Because Jason Grace was a person.
He was a feral, silly abd a complete and utter nerd.
He was soft and sweet and powerful.
He was so loving and he was loved.
And damn you... Damn anyone who tries to erase that.
Jason Grace was a hero.
He was a friend, a brother, a son.
Jason Grace was more than you made him, more than you hurt him, more than the role you put him in.
And he deserves to be remembered as such.
And all of them knowing that Jason died because he thought he was simply a soilder.
And they would do anything to have him back and show him he was so much more.
They take over his funeral.
Apollo gives the campers a look if they try and intervene.
He sits quietly.
He wants to know about the boy who saved his life.
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ultrone · 2 months
what do u think about nat being all protective over preagnant!reader? :)
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⟢ protective!nat with pregnant!reader
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after hearing the news for the first time, a whirlwind of emotions would sweep over her—surprise, confusion, and maybe even a little jealousy, even though you two weren't together when you got pregnant. but then she'd look into your eyes, seeing the stormy emotions reflected there. she'd take a deep breath, pushing aside the chaotic feelings. right now, being safe is what's most important. she'd focus on survival, thinking about how to stay healthy and deal with the reality of your situation. the news is unexpected, but nat is nothing if not adaptable. she'd reach out, squeezing your hand to reassure you. whatever happens, you'll face it together. even though you're out in the wilderness, you're not alone. you have each other, and that's what really matters.
her first thought would be to spend more time hunting in the woods to ensure you have extra food. but she got really serious about it, going out for at least 10 hours a day and even trying to make travis stick around to assist her. it wasn't until you intervened that she calmed down a little and began to take it slower. now, even though she spends a good amount of time hunting, she comes home earlier and stays by your side for the rest of the day to make sure you're alright.
very very attentive, both emotionally and physically.
she'd be acutely aware of your emotional state, picking up on subtle cues in your expression and body language. she'd constantly offer words of comfort and reassurance, making sure you know you're not alone in this.
she'd also pay close attention to your physical condition, ensuring you're eating enough, staying hydrated, and getting rest. she might also take on more chores around the cabin to lessen the physical strain on you, like doing laundry while you nap after she returns from hunting.
she'd make damn sure lottie stays as far from you as possible 😭 like no kidding.
once, lottie invited you to join the circle to pray for the baby's wellness, and nat overheard. she literally dragged you upstairs warning you not to come back down, and proceeded to have the longest argument with lottie, telling her to stfu and leave you alone with her wicca bs cuz it wasn’t helping 😭
don’t even get me started when lottie called your baby “our baby” ☠️
she'll constantly have her arms protectively around your belly, with her hands on top of it, saying she wants to "keep the baby warm”
she makes sure misty stays at least 6 feet away from you until the time of birth, because she knows misty is unfortunately the best (and only) person qualified enough to deliver the baby lmaooo
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total-drama-brainrot · 2 months
World Tour Assistant Noah AU (where he is always an assistant):
After the gross kiss failed to stop Alejandro's flirting... Noah begs Duncan to convince Alejandro, that Noah is too dorky to date... but Duncan has an even better idea; make Alejandro jealous for fun!
(In this AU, Duncan and Courtney had broken up before Season 3, so Duncan isn't a cheater!)
Duncan: "Thanks for letting me return to the show, handsome.~" 😘
(Duncan kisses Assistant Noah's cheek.)
Alejandro: "Duncan, I will DESTROY you!" 😡
Noah: "I just want to be left alone!" 🙄
Wait hold on... hold on... this is just the premise of my favourite Dunnoah fic series but with an assistant Noah twist. And extra Alenoah flavouring. That's not to say I'm against the idea.
Though I can't really imagine Duncan ever committing himself to flirting with Noah unless the two had struck up a deal prior- Duncan's that specific brand of 2000s era bigoted where being seen as anything but straight is a social crime (despite the fact that Duncan is definitely a boykisser, just in denial), but he's also aware of just how much of a threat Alejandro is in the competition and the latino's huge obvious crush on Chris' personal assistant, so I think Duncan could push aside his own internal biases to at the very least propose a similar idea to Noah.
Really, it'd be beneficial for the both of them; Noah gets to subtly-not-so-subtly tell Alejandro to back off by responding to Duncan's advances but not his, and Duncan gets to rile up Alejandro enough to redivert his attention away from the competition itself thus increasing his own chances of winning. It's strategic, really, nothing more.
It's that line of logic that has Noah eventually conceding that, for all intents and purposes, it's a good plan. So he deigns to play along, at least for a little bit, just to get Alejandro off of his back.
And, canonically, they're both shown to be at least half-decent at flirting, so whatever displays they have planned to annoy Alejandro would be just convincing enough to really get under his skin. Especially since Alejandro's shown in canon to be the protective/possessive type (mostly in All-Stars, in how he reacts to José insulting Heather) and likely wouldn't take too kindly to Duncan swooping in on "his amor" or whatever Spanish nickname he'd substitute it with.
Which all eventually leads to the scenario you proposed; Duncan plants a wet one on Noah's cheek and Alejandro sees red.
Noah's already exhausted by default, but feels weariness seep into the marrow of his bones as a seething Alejandro glares poisonous daggers towards Duncan, who's committed enough to their little ruse to in turn shoot a wink and a pair of finger guns towards the assistant. Deciding that he isn't paid nearly enough to deal with the inevitable confrontation between the two idiots who've apparently taken an interest in him (Duncan's, of course, being a known ruse), Noah leaves to go and do his actual job.
And then, Alejandro confronts Duncan directly in the Economy cabin, claiming that he doesn't deserve to so much as look at Noah, and that he (Alejandro) was the one Noah kissed and therefore the object of his attraction so Duncan better lay off. This is news to the punk, and adds a whole new layer of complexity to their plan. And perhaps something he can later exploit to give himself a leg up in the competition.
But why does the idea of Noah kissing Alejandro make his chest tighten up with envy?
And then maybe Duncan finds the untamed passion of Alejandro's genuine fury kind of hot and he too enters the metaphorical boxing ring of feelings? Aledunnoah endgame? The intern server has been posting a lot of Aleduncan lately so letting those two get together (and with Noah in there too, as a bonus) just seems natural to my brain at this point.
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captainremmington-13 · 2 months
𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖉𝖆𝖚𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖔𝖋 𝖉𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖎𝖝
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show!Luke Castellan x daughter of thanatos!reader
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own the image above or any of Rick Riordan’s characters/world-building.
⚠️Warnings⚠️: swearing, slight angst, mentions of parental neglect
A/N: let the dark!couple arc begin :)
You and Luke were in Elysium for a whole month. 
After your first kiss, Luke immediately asked you to be his girl. And of course, you said yes.
Every resident of Camp Half-Blood knew of your union by the campfire that night. You weren’t exactly sure how, but you suspected that Aphrodite’s children had noticed the sudden change in your dynamic. They had a reputation for spreading gossip like wildfire. 
Most of your fellow demigods were stunned by the new development, save for the other residents of the Hermes Cabin. 
“We saw it coming from miles away,” Travis Stoll had told you at dinner one night, giving you and Luke a cheeky grin. “The way you looked at him and the way he followed you around made it obvious.”
“Yeah,” his brother Connor agreed. “Luke’s usually pretty tough on everyone else, but he’s so soft with you.”
They both proceeded to make obnoxious kissing noises at you, making Luke groan loudly and bury his face in his hands. You had just laughed, and leaned your head against his shoulder. 
Being with Luke had heightened your spirits immensely. No longer did you appear stoic and un-phased. You laughed, smiled, and socialized with campers, satyrs, and nymphs alike. It surprised them, and some of them were still afraid of you at first, but they warmed up to you eventually. You felt more accepted than ever.
Sure, some people openly disliked your relationship. They said you weren’t good enough for your boyfriend. That you were like a bad omen, and you’d just bring him pain and suffering. That he would be better off with a child of Aphrodite, or Athena, or anyone else but you. 
It didn’t bother you a lot. In fact, you only told Luke about it because you found it amusing.
He was not amused. 
He’d pulled the people who slandered your relationship aside and threaten to target them during the next Capture the Flag game. The negative remarks stopped immediately after.  
Luke was the best boyfriend you could’ve ever asked for. He was attentive, sweet, and protective. He made it clear that he adored you, and only you. You still trained vigorously together, but it was much more fun. Besides, no matter if you won or lost, you were rewarded with a kiss. 
Everything was perfect.
Then, the gods had to go and fuck it up.
“Where in Hades have you been?”
Luke winced at your sharp tone. You hadn’t meant to sound upset, you were simply worried that he had vanished after the campfire instead of meeting you back at Cabin 11. 
He stepped towards you and took your hand.
“We need to talk. Somewhere more private.”
As he lead you off of the porch of Cabin 11 and towards the woods, your heart pounded. Was he mad at you? Had you done something wrong?
After walking for awhile, Luke halted. He was still gripping your hand, as if he was afraid you’d disappear if he let go. 
He turned towards you, and in the silver moonlight, you could see that his eyes glittered with anger. 
You reached up to cup his cheek, and he leaned into your touch. “What’s wrong?”
Luke sighed. “I just got visited by my fath-Hermes.” 
You stared at him. “You’re fucking kidding.” 
“I’m not. He offered me a quest.”
You felt your anger begin to boil. After ignoring Luke for basically his whole life, Hermes decided to just waltz in pretending to care about him by giving him a chance to be a hero? 
“I’m going to kill him.”
It wasn’t just Luke who had become incredibly protective. You would become a bit very violent when someone crossed or hurt your boyfriend, just as he would for you.
“Angel,” Luke sighed. “That’s not how it works.”
“I know, I know. Sorry, I just got upset on your behalf.”
He gave you a small smile, but it quickly faded.  He let go of your hand, which made you frown slightly. “The quest I was given is simple: steal a Golden Apple from The Garden of Hesperides.”
You racked your brain, trying to recall anything you knew about the Garden. “Is that the tree that Gaea gifted Zeus when he married Hera?”
“That’s the one.”
You bit the inside of your cheek. “This seems like a pointless quest. You gain nothing from it, you’re not solving any problems or saving anyone. Besides, didn’t Heracles do the exact same thing millennia ago?”
Luke’s jaw clenched, and you could tell he was irritated. “Yeah, yeah he did.”
“So you’re going to turn Hermes down, right?“
He looked away from you. Even though he was silent, you knew exactly what he was thinking.
“No, Luke, you can’t do this! It makes no sense, you wouldn’t gain anyth-“
“Yes, I would!” Luke insisted. “I haven’t gotten a real chance to prove myself in all three years I’ve been at camp!”
“You don’t need to prove anything to anyone!” you exclaimed, not caring if you were being too loud. “Luke, you’re already an incredible fighter and a respected leader. What else could you possibly want?”
“Then wait for a better opportunity. Wait for the Oracle to give you a real quest, don’t just take orders from your deadbeat, asshole of a father.”
“Angel, listen to me.” Luke’s tone was firm but gentle. “I want to do this. Not because of my  father. I want a chance to do something that people will talk about, something that will prove once and for all that I’m not to be messed with.”
You looked at him, and you knew he had made up his mind.
“You’re not gonna change your mind, are you?”
You stepped towards him, taking hold of his forearm softly. “Fine. Then I’m going with you.”
“It’s not up for debate. We’re a team, Castellan, and I’m your girl. I’m not letting you do this alone.”
Luke put a hand on your waist, the other one reaching up to brush the hair out of your face. “Okay. You can come.”
He let out a quiet chuckle, placing a kiss on your forehead. “You’re so stubborn.”
“So are you,” you retorted, resting your head against his chest. Your eyes fluttered shut, the feeling of fatigue beginning to set in.
“You tired?” he asked, petting your hair gently.
“Yeah,” you murmured. “Let’s go back to the cabin.”
As you laid in bed that night, wrapped in Luke’s embrace, you realized that you should’ve fought harder to make him deny the quest. It really wasn’t worth it for him to risk his life for some stupid golden apple.
But he was hellbent on going. And you knew you couldn’t stop him. So, the next-best thing was to join him.
After all, when you fought side-by-side, you never failed. 
“Are you two absolutely sure about this?”
Chiron stood at the top of Half-Blood Hill, the shade provided by Thalia’s tree casting a shadow on his face. 
“Yes,” you and Luke said in unison. 
Both of you were carrying medium-sized backpacks full of supplies needed for your journey. You had each packed a canteen of nectar, four squares of ambrosia, a change of clothes, all of the cash you owned (which wasn’t a lot), and some drachmas in case you needed to send an Iris message. 
Because it was July, you decided to wear a light, breathable outfit. You wore black cargo shorts and a loose grey tank top, accompanied by your trusty black leather boots. The grommet belt strapped around your waist held your weapon, which was in its condensed form.
You hoped you wouldn’t need to use it until you arrived at The Garden of Hesperides, but you knew that was extremely unlikely. 
Monsters were bound to come after you. They always did.
Chiron sighed. You hated when he had that “I have a bad feeling about this” look on his face, it made you feel extremely pessimistic. 
“Should you need anything, send us an Iris message. We will expect you to return within two weeks. If you do not, we will send a satyr to find you.”
“We’ll be fine,” Luke said, but it seemed like was trying to convince himself instead of Chiron. “But thanks.”
Chiron nodded. He then turned his attention to you.
“I am very proud of the hero you are becoming.   I know you have not had the easiest childhood, but nevertheless, you have persevered and become a strong fighter and a crucial member of Camp Half-Blood. I believe in you, and I believe you will succeed. But if you do not, that does not define your worth.”
You resisted the urge to tear up. Chiron had been consistently kind to you, even it felt like nobody would give you the time of day. 
“Thank you,” you said quietly. “But we will succeed, I promise you.”
Chiron gave you a warm smile. “Good luck,” he said, looking at both you and Luke. “Be brave, but avoid recklessness. And most importantly, take care of each other.”
Luke nodded. “I’ll protect her with my life.”
You smiled at him. “And I’ll do the same for you.” 
Chiron gave you a nod. “Safe travels, demigods.” 
With that, Luke took your hand, and lead you down the hill past the camp border. He glanced over his shoulder for a brief moment, his eyes wandering towards Thalia’s tree. He looked nervous, but determined. 
Determined to prove himself, and determined to keep you safe.
No matter what it took.
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taglist: @orionspaperwork, @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy, @marvelescvpe, @lovingjasontoddmakemewanttocry, @louweasleymalfoy, @stars4birdie, @stargurl-battleship, @daughterofthemoons-stuff
Thank you for reading! Pls let me know what you think in the comments!!!
We aren’t given much info about Luke’s quest in the PJO books, I’ll be making up a lot of the things that happen during it. Because of this, it make take me a little bit longer to write Chapters Seven and Eight.
Let me know in the comments if you want to be added to the taglist!
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stevie-petey · 21 days
Thank you so much for the new chapter you never cease to amaze me <3. I had a blurb idea for in-between season two and three if you have time.
Bug going to visit El and hopper. She brings treats and books. She helps El basically catch up on all those years she missed out on school. She even spends time with hopper. Helping him clean up before she leaves, or giving him recipes for when El wants something. That also means helping him when it turns out to be a disaster. Teaching El to read,basic math, and spelling. Also teaching her fun stuff like how to make bracelets and how to paint her nails. Basically bug being her big sister/ female figure in her life. I think bug would give El a nickname like Ellie, I think it's so cute. The vision of bug finally having someone to give her hand me downs too. She'd also get her new stuff but only has so much money you know? Thank you mwah❤️
ah thank you for reading !!! ive been DYING to write more scenes with bug and el and hopper, so thank you for the request !!!
enjoy <3
"how do you know where i live?"
you snort at hoppers question. "hello to you too, old man."
hopper rubs his face tiredly as he leans against the doorframe. hes only just managed to kick mike out of his house, and now he has to deal with you? not happening. "go away."
"we both know i own knives."
"stab me, go ahead. youre not coming in."
before you can shove your way in, el sneaks up from behind hopper and pokes her head out the door. she had heard your voice from inside. "y/n!"
the girl shoves hopper aside and throws herself into your arms, and you gladly accept the hug. "hi, sweetheart."
it's been a few weeks since youve last seen her, being confined to your house to heal the wounds from the demodogs and tunnels. the second your mom gave you the all clear, you baked a pile of els favorite cookies and forced mike to tell you where hoppers cabin was.
which leads you to now: hugging el tightly with a backpack full of baked goods and comics to read to her.
"here for me?" el asks you, her eyes shining.
you look at hopper and smirk. "i dont know. am i here for el, hopper?"
he looks between the two of you and curses. el has her arms wrapped firmly around you and shes giving him a warning glare, daring him to say no. accepting that hes been cornered, hopper steps away from the door and motions for you to step inside. "i hate this."
you reach into your backpack and pull out a stash of peanut butter cups you had baked specifically to bribe the old man. "i brought a peace offering."
"well, why didnt you start with that?" hopper snatches the treats from you and sniffs the bag. his face melts into satisfied interest. "not bad, kid."
"i do my best." you shrug, now following el inside as she takes your hand and guides you to the couch. she sits you down and when you pull out the comics, she claps her hands in excitement.
the two of you get settled in, eating the cookies youve baked as you slowly read aloud the stories from the comics. every so often you have el try to read small portions as well, knowing she never received the necessary education due to the men who stole her childhood, and hopper cant help but watch you with el.
he sits at the kitchen table and pretends to read the newspaper, but really hes eating the peanut butter cups as he watches the way you help el sound out difficult words and giggle together. despite his annoyance towards you for showing up on his doorstep unannounced, hopper cant help but smile as he watches.
youre sweet with el, patient and understanding, and hopper now understands why joyce speaks so highly of you all the time. the woman had told him that youd been a such a gift to her family, and as hopper watches el practically light up in your presence, he finally accepts the womans words.
youre the best of the kids.
theres no denying that.
and if that means that hopper now has to make room in his cupboard for baking ingredients so that he can help you keep your own baking needs supplied, then so be it. he'll even make room for the nail polish and comics that will inevitably make their way into his home because of you.
hes happy to help you, to repay you for your kindness to el, even if hopper groans and complains the whole time.
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bloomingforerza · 10 months
May I please request headcanons for what kind of wedding and honeymoon the Style Five would have?
notes from bloom: hi!!!! im sorry this took so long. ive been stressing out and i could give u all of my excuses and tragedies but instead i’ll reward ur patience with ur request 🫶🏻🫶🏻
also for general notes please know not all of this is 100% accurate to japan’s marital laws and traditions, i just doubt some of our boys are destination wedding type men, and this is my idea of what they would enjoy.
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Haruka Nanase
🫧 You better like water.
🫧 Maybe you won’t have to like it as much as Haru does, but be prepared for Haru to argue for the two of you to be wed in a pool.
🫧 Instead, you may settle for a beach. Haru would be able to rip his tux off after the wedding and take a dip, and you’ll join him as his bride.
🫧 It’s something that’s probably not normal for most people, but for those that know Haru, they know you’re partaking for the same reason you’re marrying him.
🫧 Meeting his elusive parents almost seemed like it was something you had only dreamt. It wasn’t like they were bad or weird people, they were just never home.
🫧 The wedding reception is super awkward for Haru. After being stared at by loads of people, talking to not just his friends and family about the same things and then to your friends and family about the same things was really socially exhausting for him.
🫧 Especially when his ridiculous best friends put together a speech that was actually pretty embarrassing thanks to Nagisa
🫧 So when it’s time to leave for your honeymoon, he’s more than relieved.
🫧 The two of you planned to set out to Okinawa for your vacation. Not too far from home, but also very beautiful and a great place to swim.
🫧 After getting married and not having a moment alone with you all day, all he wanted to do was swim with his wife.
🫧 And the moment you guys were able to set your suitcases in the hotel room after checking in, you changed and raced to the ocean.
🫧 Haru loves that you can bring a slight child-like sparkle when it comes to normal things.
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Makoto Tachibana
🫧 This beautiful man is READY to marry you. He was ready the day he proposed and he couldn’t believe it when the day finally came.
🫧 Mako seems like the type to have a traditional Shinto-style wedding. He’d want to have it at a shrine too
🫧 (But if Mako’s fiance is foreign, he would also want to have a wedding that was traditional to your country.)
🫧 Considering it’s a traditional Japanese wedding, you had found the most beautiful white kimono for your wedding day, and it gave you chills looking at it morning of.
🫧 Ren and Ran were 15 now, so thankfully they were allowed to attend the wedding. Makoto purposely waited until they were older so they could behave they way they needed to (and they did great he was such a proud big brother)
🫧 The gift giving ceremony was definitely the most emotional part for you both. Aside from the goshugi, both of your parents had made you both matching aprons.
🫧 He definitely would love to honeymoon with you somewhere you two can be alone. He’s tired of being bothered by everyone
🫧 Probably somewhere in the mountains, in a cabin
🫧 He seems like the wholesome kinda man that’d wanna go camping, sit by a fire and stargaze with you
🫧 He’d dote on you the entire time, just appreciating the fact that you’re his wife now
🫧 He cooks all your meals for you the entire time you’re out there. He doesn’t want you to have to lift a finger after singlehandedly planning the entire wedding.
🫧 He just loves you so much and wants you to know he’d do anything for you. Never hurt him please
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Nagisa Hazuki
🫧 Nagisa would love to get married in a penguin aquarium. He isn’t super religious I would (personally) think
🫧 Which mean’s his wedding would probably be more western style. Most traditional weddings aren’t at the penguin aquarium
🫧 He loves the idea of giving you pebbles like penguins do on the days leading up to your wedding
🫧 He’s so excited. And considering he went with the western style approach, he wanted Rei to be his best man
🫧 He almost said no, but Makoto convinced him with a whole “This is so important to him Rei you don’t understand” argument
🫧 Nagisa’s older sister Nanako is just as amazing as your husband. She offered to do your hair for the wedding; and she helped make your day special.
🫧 Since his parents aren’t always the most supportive of everything or everyone, he’s so happy that they love you. His mom greets you with a “I’m going to have another daughters!” the minute she walks into the room.
🫧 He’s sooooo excited for the honeymoon! One of the best places to scuba and snorkel in the world. Koh Tao, Thailand.
🫧 Between the penguins at your wedding and your deep-sea adventure honeymoon, he’s more obsessed with you than ever.
🫧 He’ll find your cute knickknacks while out and about and just buy them; seashell necklaces, little plushies of sea animals, and even some cool pieces of sea glass he’ll occasionally find on the beach
🫧 He’d honestly love to have picnics on the beach every night of the honeymoon. He always says it’s because ‘loves the view’
🫧 He’s so grateful for you and he’s so happy that he can enjoy the things he loves with the woman he loves
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Rei Ryugazaki
🫧 Rei’s the kind of man that would love a destination wedding.
🫧 He’ll work hard for it. He wants a beautiful spot for it, and in his mind the best place for him to marry you in Paris.
🫧 He’s a man of beauty, and I personally feel like he’s an art man. He’d appreciate classic and timeless art.
🫧 I think he’d love to tour Italy for your honeymoon and spent a few days in Paris together. He’d need time alone with you eventually.
🫧 But he would 100% plan sightseeing trips for you and both of your families for your wedding week.
🫧 He would love to spoil you when it comes to the wedding and honeymoon. He’d love to just dote on you and show you amazing sights just to see the look of amazement on your face.
🫧 And when it came to the honeymoon, Rei had planned wine tours in Verona, art in Rome, food focuses in Bologna, fashion exhibitions in Florence, and of course a gondola ride in Vienna.
🫧 He’d tell you how amazing it is to be able to call you his wife now.
🫧He loves you so much and wants to give you the world but he can’t, so he’ll show you everything the world can offer instead
🫧 He wants to give it all to you. He would bring down the stars and hand them to you if he could.
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Rin Matsuoka
🫧 Rin obviously wants a destination wedding, no questions asked.
🫧 He’d LOVE a Hawaiian wedding. As cliche as it may sound, he loves the way they look in western movies.
🫧 He’d invite his host family from Australia as well. They played a big part in his life, he couldn’t wait for you to meet them.
🫧 Gou was your maid of honor. Ever since you’d first met Rin, just a little while after he came back from Australia, she was always asking if you were dating her big brother yet
🫧 You both want everything to be perfect. You chose millennial pink for your color theme to match some of the flowers at your wedding. The bridesmaids all had flower crowns if hibiscus, baby’s breath and plumeria.
🫧 The cake was his favorite part. He’d always dreamed of a western style wedding that he had seen in movies, but he never imagined he could live his dreams right here with you
🫧 His mom cried the whole time about how much she’s going to miss her baby boy, but also told you she was glad she was entrusting him to you. She knew she could count on you to make sure this silly athlete takes a break once in a while.
🫧 The honeymoon was set to be in Hawaii, but Rin’s the type of husband who’d love to spoil you. He’ll book a side trip for just the two of you in Bora Bora.
🫧 One of the cute little island houses and everything, with a little wine-stocked fridge. He’d love a night swim with you under the stars
🫧 You’re his real dream come true. Swim is his passion and first love, but he swears you are the key to helping him succeed at everything he does
🫧 He’s going to big spoon you all night, and give you kisses on the back of your head and shoulders before going to sleep every single night he spends with you.
🫧 My personal favorite boy please never hurt him, he would fight off an orca whale for you if it really came down to it
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buterccup · 1 year
hey!! could i request some nsfw eyeless jack headcannons? i luv ur writing sm
Of course dear, and thank you so much it means a lot! And I'm sorry if this is shorter than my other headcanons, I hoped you enjoyed it anyway though anon!
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Eyeless Jack NSFW HCS
Warnings: oral, blowjobs, knife kink, praise, claiming kink, fingering, breeding kink, pet names, brief mention of pp size </3, rough but loving sex, mentions of roleplay kink, mention of heats, switch EJ? maybe
Character(s): Eyeless Jack x Reader
First things first, Jack loves your body to bits.
He loves every curve and side you have and always makes sure to kiss you all over during sex
Even with a scalpel in one hand gently being dragged on your arm he will always go out of his way to stroke, kiss, rub, even give you love bites, anything, to make you understand how much he loves your body.
He also loves to hear his darling's voice and always holds you close to hear them better
Although he is one of the quieter ones when it comes to sex being vocal with him and letting him hear your voice means a lot to him
It just makes him feel warm inside to know he is making you feel good.
EJ is a biggg boy
Like he is quite big
And he loves it when he sees you take all of it in
Whether it be in your mouth or hole he thinks it makes you look so beautiful
But he isn't opposed to giving you a treat as well
With Oral he doesn't care, he gives and receives
And did I mention this man is amazing at fingering.
I don't what it is about him but he is the type to be very skilled with his fingers,
And ohh boy be ready to be fucked until you are dumb and filled with his cum
Oh that rhymed!
Anyways jokes aside this man loves the sight of you filled with his cum.
And unlike Jeff and Hoodie EJ isn't the type to have sex in public
This is your time together and he hates the idea of someone interrupting you both
He wants to be able to have enough time with you and not feel stressed since he slender and the others already stress him out enough.
And if he ever comes back from a mission stressed and just pissed at one of the others he always ends up coming to you if his other ways of calming down fail
You always make him happy
But considering his size he is always checking if you're ready.
And he always praises you when he pounds into you
"You feel so good darling~"
"I love it when I feel you squeeze around me honey"
And on rare occasions you sometimes bring roleplay into your time together.
I feel like EJ favourite scenario is Doctor and patient.
It's just the power he feels and the trust you have in him during the moment that makes the time so special and overall makes it feel better for him.
Oh and be ready for his heats
When you both first got together he was a little hesitant with you helping with them since our demon boy over here thought he may hurt you.
But now he finds it easier to ask you to help him.
And back to where I mentioned that he hates the thought of a person walking in on your time together he would have a little cabin in the woods just for his heats
Even though he is the quiet type he gets rather loud while he is going through his heat cycle.
And if you want to or are feeling more dominant he is more than happy for you to take control
But he can get quite bratty and still try to overpower you
so...good luck<333
Aftercare with this man is heaven though.
He will always stay with you to cuddle after sex
especially during heat.
He knows he can get carried away and he wants to make sure okay.
He even prepares a warm bath for you two to have together
Requests: Open
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Wildest dreams, pt. 25
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Summary: Y/N and Jacob make amends, deciding to spend time together and catch up, but their afternoon is interrupted by someone Y/N didn’t expect.
Warnings: angst, fluff, sexual innuendos, swearing, talking about death
Wildest Dreams Masterlist
Like many times before, Y/N found herself at Jacob’s door, clutching a pizza box in her hands. She doesn’t even know if he’s home or if he’s with the Cullens, but she has to try. Her heart is racing, determined, but apprehensive as her thoughts are running wild. Balancing work, the impending doom Paul made her aware of as well as his solution to it has her mind stretched thin, down to the last fragile layer. In this dark sky her life has become, she needs a little sunshine and she doesn’t want to lose that sunray she had to go without so often in the past. 
Jacob’s abandoned her twice now, she won’t give him a chance to do it again.
Taking a deep breath, steeling herself for what lies ahead, Y/N knocks on the door. Tapping her foot nervously, she swallows thickly. Chewing on her bottom lip, Y/N huffs, the weight of the pizza in her hand feeling overwhelming and she would swear she’s been waiting for someone to open the door for an eternity.
Jacob swings open the door, surprise evident on his face. His eyes widen at the sight of Y/N, more so at the pizza in her hand. Staring at the box, he raises a brow.
“And garlic”, she confirms.
Moving aside, he outstretches his right hand as a gesture. “You may enter.”
Stepping past Jacob, Y/N’s focused and unwavering gaze carefully threads across every inch of the living room, pausing on the old beat-up couch she binge-watched so many of her favorite shows on with Jacob that the cushion on the far left side has a permanent print of her ass on it. They were such good friends…more than friends, she corrects herself. Platonic soulmates. Despite them both developing romantic feelings for each other at different stages in their lives, their friendship was never revolving around that – at the end of the day, they’d still sit on that couch and toss popcorn in each other’s mouths. The record was 15 in a row from what she can remember.
Heading to her old spot, she sits on the worn-out fabric, ignoring the way the springs creak under her weight. Placing the pizza on the coffee table ahead, she watches Jacob move to his own spot. He’s cautious, waiting for her to start the conversation and she can’t blame him for being apprehensive. She did explode on him last he saw her, but can he blame her for it? He’s been gone for years and suddenly he’s in her bathroom joining a fight that’s private between her and Paul? It wasn’t his place and despite him being on her side of the argument, Jacob can’t possibly assume he has a free pass to interject in what she and Paul discuss as a couple.
“I didn’t expect you’d be here”, she manages a small smile. “Thought you’d be with your imprint or with the pack, or maybe that you’d go with Charlie, Billy and my dad to the fishing cabin.”
Jacob’s eyebrows knit together in confusion. “Yet you came here with a warm pizza?” Prying open the box, Jacob inhales the already spreading scent. “My fav one to be exact.”
“I wanted to make sure we were fine”, she licks her lips.
“You mean you wanted to apologize?” Jacob looks at her, their eyes locking. If the room was a conscious being it would have held its breath as Jacob and Y/N stared at each other in silence, the unspoken tension growing dangerously thick.
“No”, Y/N furrows her eyebrows. “I don’t see a reason to.”
“Seriously?” Jacob narrows his eyes.
Y/N nods. “I’m not sorry for putting my foot down and not allowing you to be a part of an intimate argument only Paul and I should weigh in on.” She tucks her hair behind her ears as she leans forward, her hands locked together, fitting between her knees. “Kicking you out wasn’t cool, but you can’t do that.”
“Protect you?” Jacob lifts his brows, his nostrils flaring. “He would have you turn into a bloodsucker, instead of finding better ways to protect you. It’s insane!”
Shaking her head, she sinks her teeth into her bottom lip. “You’re allowed to intervene if he’s physically hurting me. Which he isn’t!” She’s quick to reassure Jacob. “He’s never raised a hand to me and I don’t think he ever would. But when it’s an argument, no matter how bad, I don’t want you to intervene. Not unless I ask for help.”
Swallowing thickly, Jacob looks away, defeated. “If that’s what you want, I’ll respect your wishes.”
“Thank you”, she sighs.”And may I remind you that you’re imprinted on a “blood sucker”?” Licking her lips she continues. “I know it’s not easy being my friend Jacob, but I really do appreciate you.”
Smacking his lips, still dissatisfied, he reaches to grab a slice. “You’re the only one who knows how I like my pizza.” Shrugging, he glances at her, “That’s why I can’t lose you and we both know it.”
Snorting, she shakes her head lightly. “Yes, of course. How would you ever survive without me?”
“Would expire in a week”, Jacob quips.
“You survived for a lot longer”, she reminds him, a bit bitterly. “Sorry”, she covers her mouth, eyes wide in surprise. She didn’t mean for it to come out like that, but the truth is, she’s always the one being left behind in their friendship and it’s exhausting having a best friend that’s never in her life. If anything, she’s better friends with Embry and Emily now. Sad as it is, Jacob doesn’t know her as well as he used to. What they have now is nostalgia and love. A whole lot of love.
“Don’t be”, Jacob clears his throat. “You’re right. I haven’t been around for a long time.”
“Twice”, she adds sheepishly.
“Twice”, he confirms with a pained expression on his face. Putting down what’s left of the slice back in the box, Jacob buries his head in his hands. “I’ve spent as many years away from you as I’ve spent with you.”
Moving closer to him, Y/N places a hand on his shoulder gently. “But you’ve loved me for all those years.”
“I’ve spent so much of my life without you, but I loved you for a lot longer than I’ve had you.” Paul confesses as he stares through their bedroom window. “You’ve always been there, lurking in the shadows of my mind and I can’t accept I don’t have decades of us to look forward to.”
Lying on her side, Y/N chews on her bottom lip. He’s right. They wasted so much time living in their own heads when they were younger and now when they have it all figured out, this life they worked hard on preparing healthy foundations for is threatened. 
“I know you’re scared.” Paul looks at her over his shoulder. “I am scared too. But if we could have a chance at a forever, why would you refuse?
“I don’t need a forever if it could sever our bond and I certainly don’t have a desire to drink blood while you grow to despise what I’ve become. I’ve heard you speak of the vampires and I’ve known your dislike for their kind, Paul.” 
Turning away from him, she sighs. “I’d rather cherish the time we had, then lose you altogether.” 
“Quality over quantity”, she whispers.
Sniffling, he lets his hands fall into his lap, looking at Y/N with a hint of a smile. “That’s the only thing I’m certain of.”
A tired smile appears on her soft lips. “Quality over quantity”, she whispers under her breath. Same as Paul, the way Jacob loves her matters more than the absence.
As Y/N sat there, her mind began to wander back to the last time she and Jacob had parted ways, when he confessed his love for her. It was a painful and difficult choice to make, but she had chosen Paul. She had chosen a life with him, despite knowing she had some unresolved, lingering feelings buried deep under for her best friend that she couldn’t decipher. At the time, all she knew was that Paul was etched into her very being and Jacob could never cut him out of her. And she knows she’s made the right choice, the past years of bliss were a clear indication, so why does her heart quiver now with a nagging question?
Now, at this moment, Y/N couldn't help but wonder if Jacob still loved her the way he had before. She contemplated whether she should bring up the topic if it would serve any purpose or bring any good to their relationship. After all, she is certain she no longer feels romantic love for Jacob, and she knows that reopening those old wounds can only lead to pain and confusion.
Yet, the curiosity nags at her. It’s a part of her that longs to know the truth, to understand the depth of Jacob's feelings he claimed he felt then. She ponders if it’s out of a selfish desire to feel wanted, to validate her worth, or simply because she cares about him and wants to ensure their friendship remains intact.
Y/N knows that asking Jacob would only complicate things further. It would dredge up unresolved emotions, potentially causing more harm than good. The rational side of her urges her to let go of the past, and to focus on the present and the relationship she has with Paul. But emotions, especially the ones entwined with history and memories, are not easily subdued by logic.
She sighs softly, her gaze fixed on Jacob as he quietly enjoyed his pizza slice. There is a deep well of affection between them, a bond that had weathered many storms. They shared countless memories, laughter, and tears. But she can't deny that their paths had diverged, leading them to different destinations.
As Y/N weighed her options, she reminded herself of the love she bears for Paul. He is her partner, her present, and her future...however long she may have, he will be there until the end. She cherishes their connection, their shared dreams, and the strength they find in each other every day. She doesn't want to jeopardize that by dwelling on what might have been with Jacob. She would never risk Paul’s love for a moment of weakness that’s fueled by her own fears of what awaits her.
Resolving to let go of her lingering questions, Y/N pushes aside all those doubts and fears. She will focus on the friendship they can rebuild, and nurture it with honesty, respect, and understanding. The love between them might have transformed, but it doesn't mean their bond is any less significant.
With a deep breath, Y/N turns her attention back to Jacob, a genuine smile gracing her lips. They have come a long way, and she is determined to cherish the friendship over non-existing teenage daydreams. Whatever doubts or uncertainties remain, she will confront them within herself, finding solace in the choices she made.
For now, at this moment, she will savor the warmth of Jacob’s friendship, appreciating the love and support they can still offer each other. And perhaps, with time, the unanswered questions will lose their grip on her heart, allowing her to tend to the infinite happiness she finds within Paul while treasuring the enduring connection she shares with Jacob.
Just as Y/N thought they can settle into a calm afternoon of catching up, an unexpected interruption shattered the tranquility they found in each other. The front door swung open, and a young woman stepped inside.
Looking at the unknown girl, Y/N grabbed Jacob’s hand on reflex as she turns to him, her eyes resting on the slightly raised eyebrows on his face.
“Nessie”, Jacob exclaims. Seems he didn’t expect her visit either.
As Y/N's gaze fell upon Renesmee, she couldn't help but be captivated by the young woman's ethereal beauty. Renesmee possesses a rare and mesmerizing combination of features that seem to defy conventional standards of attractiveness. Is this what Paul warned her about when he talked about the cold ones? About how everything about them is meant to be inviting, to lure their victims into their trap? Because she can’t tear her eyes from this girl, going over every inch of her as the sun illuminates her through the open door. Watching her move as she closes the door and slowly walks toward the couch.
Immensely beautiful, Renesmee's face is graced with high cheekbones that give an elegant sculptural quality to her visage. Her perfectly shaped eyebrows arch gracefully above her expressive chocolate-brown eyes, drawing attention to their depth and warmth. Her straight nose adds a sense of refinement to her features, while her strong jawline exudes both strength and femininity. But it’s her full, shell-pink lips that hold a delicate allure, inviting admiration with every curve. It’s no wonder Jacob forgets about her when he’s gone with the Cullens – if she’s captivated by her, he certainly can’t resist her as her wolf.
Renesmee's bronze hair has an unusual hue that sets her apart, falling in a cascade of ringlets past her waist. The curls, like delicate tendrils, seem to possess a life of their own, lending an air of whimsy and playfulness to her overall appearance. When she first entered, Y/N noticed the bronze color of her hair shimmer in the sunlight, reflecting hues of gold and copper, adding a touch of enchantment to her already radiant presence that didn’t quite dim once she closed the door.
The contrast between Renesmee's curly hair and her porcelain-like, pale skin is striking. Her complexion seems to glow softly as if illuminates from within. It bears a subtle blush, highlighting her naturally pink, rosy cheeks. The flawless canvas of her skin, reminiscent of back-lit alabaster, holds a luminescence, particularly under sunrays caressing her through the living room windows.
And now that she’s closer, she can truly focus on Renesmee’s eyes—deep, captivating pools of chocolate brown. They hold a depth and wisdom that seems to defy her youthful appearance, emanating warmth and kindness.
Renesmee's physical beauty is extraordinary, a rare combination of features that leave an indelible impression. But it’s not just her outward appearance that holds allure. It’s the way she carries herself, the grace that exudes from within, that truly makes Renesmee a captivating presence. She is a living embodiment of enchantment and innocence, a personification of beauty in all its multifaceted forms and Y/N has never been in awe of someone as she is now, nor did she feel less adequate and insecure.
Renesmee's eyes meet Y/N's, and a mix of curiosity and caution flicker across her face. Y/N has to stop herself from frowning as Renesmee's gaze shifts to Jacob, and a soft smile graces her lips. It’s a smile filled with love, a smile that mirrors the depth of their bond. Last she remembers, Jacob claimed Renesmee had a boyfriend, but that was so long ago. A lot can change overnight, let alone in years. She didn’t even ask if Jacob was now with his imprint in a different role than before.
"Hey," Renesmee greets them, her voice filled with warmth Y/N assumes is reserved for Jacob more than her.
"I didn't expect to see you here, Y/N." Renesmee addresses her. While Y/N never saw a photo of Renesmee, she clearly saw hers. Unfair advantage, but she won’t fuss about it now.
Y/N manages a polite smile, her heart pounding with a mix of emotions. She’s acutely aware of the complexities of the situation—the imprint bond Jacob and Renesmee share, as well as the history Y/N shares with him. It feels like a tangled web she can't unravel.
“Jacob’s my best friend and he’s been gone for a long time. Where else would I be when he’s in town?” Y/N replies, her voice tinged with a touch of unease. As beautiful and kind as Renesmee seems, Y/N can’t help the queasiness she feels being so close to her. Everything in her is screaming to put some distance between them, to run and not look back, as if her brain can’t reconcile the inhumane appearance with anything but a warning. All beautiful things in nature are dangerous, not to be trifled with. How is a vampire any different?
“Of course”, Renesmee smiles, almost as if she wanted to flash her dimples around, just to remind Y/N once again how beautiful she is. The girl’s eyes brighten as she notices the pizza box, “And you brought a pizza!”
“Jacob’s favorite”; Y/N notes, pulling her hand away from Jacob’s. The last thing she needs now is to provoke vampire offspring to attack her. Paul dreams of her death every time he closes his eyes, she doesn’t need to go out of her way to make it come true sooner.
Jacob's attention shifts back and forth between the two women, his expression guarded yet conflicted. Y/N can't help but wonder if he senses the anxiety gripping Y/N’s insides.
"Yeah, I wanted to make sure he gets his daily fix," Y/N says, her voice gentle but laced with uncertainty.
Renesmee's gaze shifts from Y/N to Jacob, and she takes a step closer to him before sitting in his lap, intertwining her fingers with his. “It’s a miracle how much he can eat. I watched him devour half a mountain lion this morning during a hunt.”
Swallowing thickly, Y/N clears her throat. If she had any doubts before, she doesn’t anymore. They’re clearly together and apparently, her Jacob is now eating forest animals more than regular meals. He's becoming what is necessary to survive in that family and despite knowing it’s not something strange for wolves, Y/N can’t help the nausea stirring up the oatmeal she had for breakfast, threatening to spill out of her like a volcano erupting.
“I don’t really do that often”, Jacob reassures Y/N with a nervous smile.
Chuckling, Renesmee shakes her head. “Yeah, sometimes it’s rabbits or bears!”
Covering her mouth, Y/N nods.
“You look a bit green there”, Renesmee points out. “We didn’t gross you out, did we?”
Shaking her head with a slight frown, Y/N stands. “I should probably go.”
“No”, Jacob stands, all but dropping Renesmee in the process. If she was a human, she’d be on the floor, but the vampire speed allowed her to land on her feet rather than her ass. “You should stay. We can watch Harry Potter like we used to! I can make popcorn and I have your favorite ice cream in the freezer.”
Letting out a sigh, Y/N glances at Renesmee who didn’t look happy with the suggestions Jacob is making.
“Please”, Jacob speaks once more and this time Y/N couldn’t ignore the desperation in his voice. Despite the display of affection Renesmee showed, Jacob doesn’t seem quite as eager to spend time with her alone.
“Jacob, are you okay?” Renesmee asks, concern evident in her eyes.
Jacob lets out a sigh, his gaze shifting between Renesmee and Y/N. “Yeah, Nessie. I’m fine. Just some old history catching up on me and I really want to spend time with my friend.”
He didn’t invite her to join and Y/N can tell Renesmee is hurt by it. Despite it, she nods understandingly, her gaze softening as she looks to Y/N. “I hope you can resolve everything and catch up properly, so you can both move forward. It’s important to protect what’s valuable to us today…tomorrow.”
Pursing her lips, Y/N nods in agreement. “Couldn’t agree more.” And while she and Jacob will never quite be the way they once were, it’s not necessarily a bad thing. They can find a way to make their friendship much stronger in different ways, to form new paths that lead to a future where they won’t spend years apart. And for whatever reason, Jacob needs her to be with him today and he’s valuable to her, someone worth protecting even if she doesn’t know what she’s protecting him from.
“I appreciate that”, Renesmee says, her voice sincere. “And I hope you know how much your willingness to be Jacob’s friend means to me. He talks about you so often, I was starting to wonder if he’ll wither away missing you.”
“We went through a lot together”, Y/N justifies. “He’s in my first memories and I hope he’ll be in my life long enough to be part of my last memories too.”
Renesmee smiles, a gesture that holds both forgiveness and acceptance. “I hope so too. Perhaps in time, we can be friends too.”
Nodding, Y/N returns the smile. “Yeah. No reason for us to be on opposite sides or on the offensive. As long as you’re treating Jacob right.”
Jacob and Renesmee share a look, a silent communication passing between them.
“I suppose I should get out of your way”, Renesmee passes by, her cold hand brushing Y/N’s. “It really was nice meeting you, Y/N.” She smiles as her hand grips the knob of the front door. “I’d like to get to know you better soon. Maybe you can come by the house and meet everyone else? It can be a Sunday lunch, Paul’s invited too!”
Blinking fast, Y/N glances at Jacob. “I’m not sure if Paul would be delighted by that. I can ask.”
“Great! I’d love it if he came too, but if he can’t come, Jacob can drive you over. I’m sure you’ll love Esme’s cooking.”
Before she had a chance to correct her, Renesmee was gone. Like a lightning strike across the sky, she was terrifying and awe-worthy, and just as quickly as she appeared, she left, leaving a shaken pair behind.
“I didn’t say yes”, Y/N exclaims.
“She doesn’t acknowledge anything other than what she desires to hear”, Jacob sighs. “I’m sorry. I didn’t expect her to show up like this.”
“Does she do that often?” Y/N raises a brow. “Show up without a heads up and ruin everyone’s appetite with hunting wildlife stories?”
Chuckling lowly, Jacob nods. “Pretty much. She was likely going to the fishing hut to see Charlie and picked up an unknown scent and chose to investigate.”
Walking to the kitchen, Y/N pauses by the counters. Leaning back, she looks at Jacob who leans on the doorway, his arms folded across his chest.
“So, you’re together now?” Y/N asks.
Huffing, Jacob shakes his head. “She wants that to happen, but I’ve been pretty clear on us being friends until she’s at least thirty. Even then it would be weird as fuck.”
“How are you able to say no? If she wants a romantic relationship, don’t you have to comply?”
Nodding, he grimaces. “It’s painful saying no, mostly because I can sense her being hurt by my rejection, but she hasn’t forced me into anything.” Opening the fridge, he adds, “Yet.”
Closing her eyes, Y/N bites her lower lip. “Would she?”
“I don’t know”, Jacob admits. “She’s a kind-hearted girl, but she’s also spoiled as hell and I don’t know which part of her will win if she runs out of patience.”
“Wonderful”, she remarks. “You’re at her mercy essentially.”
“Yup!” Jacob grabs the ice cream and leans on the counter beside Y/N. “But Edward has been a help with her lately. She respects his opinions and takes his advice to heart and so far he’s been pro-choice in this regard.”
Rolling her eyes, Y/N leans her temple on Jacob’s shoulder. “And I’m supposed to share a meal with them? A house full of vampires who don’t actually eat?”
“Nessie and I eat.”
“You two don’t count.”
Snorting, Jacob holds up the ice cream in front of her face. “Well, if I don’t count you won’t get any ice cream.”
Groaning, she glares at him. “You count, but she doesn’t. Is that ok?”
Seemingly debating it, Jacob narrows his eyes and presses his lips for a few moments. “I’ll accept that answer.”
“Paul counts though, doesn’t he?” Jacob questions.
“He’s probably going to blow it off.”
Raising his brow, he hands her the ice cream. “No, he won’t. If you think he’s letting you walk into a house full of vampires with the terrors he goes through every night, you might be missing a few screws in that pretty little head of yours.”
“He’s really going to hate the idea of going, though.”
Sighing, Y/N rubs her forehead. “Even I don’t wanna go. I was trying to let her down gently.”
“And she knew that which is why she decided not to let you talk and jumped from inviting you to already setting it up as if it was a sure thing. Most people don’t fight it.”
“I would have if she stayed long enough instead of evaporating into thin air.”
“It’s her favorite trick.”
Rolling her eyes, Y/N takes out the spoons, smiling slightly at the fact nothing really changed in that house since she was a kid. It’s comforting to be able to walk into a place she used to call her second home and find it is still welcoming her with open arms.
“I know she’s younger than us, but I don’t enjoy the disappearance act.”
Shrugging, Jacob takes the spoon. “I’m used to it.”
“Are the rest of them like her?” Y/N asks cautiously.
“They can be, but it’s just because they don’t have a lot of experience with humans. Bella was their outlier.”
“Right”, Y/N smacks her lips. “Bella. Who is now one of them.”
Giving her a curious look, Jacob nods. “And has been for nearly 20 years.”
“It’s weird. I haven’t seen her since leaving for college. You guys were still here at the time.”
“And she was a vampire that time you saw us in the parking lot.” Jacob reminds her. “Renesmee was the little girl, as you can probably know now.”
Shaking the memory of, Y/N grimaces. “I finally got used to the shape-shifting thing and the stories around La push and now I have to get used to vampires…when I might be killed by one soon? It's overwhelming”, she admits. “I don’t even know if I want to know Renesmee…or any of them.”
“If you don’t want to go, I’ll make an excuse.” Jacob offers.
Looking at the tiles, she shudders at the thought of what Paul is going to think. Going to the Cullens will stress him out without any proper need. He has enough on his plate without her making friends with the very vampires who might cause her death.
“I’ll talk to Paul, but better start thinking of an excuse. A good one.”
Tags: @the-chaotic-cow @xxxjaexxx @captainrogers-19 @bexloxl @llovergirlll @adaydreamaway08 @sunsetevergreen @volturiwolf @twihard08 @galacticstxrdust @sorrow-and-bliss @ireadthensuetheauthors @missxmarvelous @locokoca @unstablekay @makhaia @venusdelaroix @avadakadabra93 @tearsforhan @a-marie-a @lendeluxe @seagulls-corner @jdbxws @konigslilslut @rottenstyx @itsmytimetoodream @dreamerwasfound @convolutings @rachelccollier @thingfromlove @jennyamanda8 @havecourage-darling @luvr-exe @alittlejudgemental @turningtoclown @emptydoorsandpaintedwindows @marvelmenarebeautiful @bringmethe-world @alitaar @sugasthreedollarkookie @chloe-skywalker @heyheyheyggg @feral-ratatattat-king @queereddie @fandomrulesall-blog @queenotaku27 @dcgoddess @lilac-crown @small-town-wayward-daughter @yourqueentp @boreddemigodd @dracoswifeandlokispet @felinegrate @lunajay33 @gtfoana @hpboysslut2707 @tpwk-harry-styles @amberpanda99 @rebeccao03 @let-love-bleeds-red @edance2000 @mo-s-blog​ 
A/n: I had no time to really go over this chapter, hopefully not to many mistakes were made and bless you if you managed to get through the mistakes I probably did make. Things will start heating up soon as I head into the latter stages of this series. Let’s all have some prayers, prayers, sorrows for my posting schedule lately, I’m aware this one took forever, but as many of you know I’m trying to balance working in a new department I’m likely to be doing my residency in, so I’m mentally drained from it all. With all that in mind, I do hope you liked this chapter although it didn’t feature much of Paul other than a short flashback, but I felt like I needed a break from their current situation and heavy arguments. Please let me know what you think about the chapter, but also of the dynamic Jacob and Renesmee have, of the way Renesmee and Y/N are around each other and especially on Paul’s idea for Y/N’s survival as well as her response to it. Honestly, I live for every theory you guys have, for every comment on the writing, the story itself, the characters (even when they’re annoying, cause sometimes they are xD) and of course general ways of interacting with me and the story. Even when inspiration is running low and I’m stretched thin in real life, getting readers who are excited about the series makes me sit down and write. So this is a special shoutout to the reader @mo-s-blog​ who sent me an ask recently that had me sitting down and typing this entire chapter in about two days. 
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