#ask young fizz and blitzo
apoljuise · 1 year
To young (you know, before blow up) Fizz: what do you like to do in free time? :^ Except clowning around and distracting Buckzo
( to author of ask: sorry if I ask to much I just don't want this ask to be ignored, just tell me when you had enought )
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I think this answers everything JSJS He also enjoys dancing and watching musicals! :D (cough cough *beetlejuice* cough cough)
🎭 First —-> Next
And for @tadssstrange : No problem! You’re the only one asking for now, I really enjoy doing this so ask as many as you want ^^
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djljpanda · 1 year
Can we have more poly asmo and fizz with blitzs younger brother.
This time blitz's brother is a tailor and they love to make different types of clothing 💓🎀
Tailor Boyfriend
Asmodeus X Fizzarolli X M!Reader
A/n: Reader Is Blitzo Younger Brother
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You had gotten into fashion at a young age as you fell in love with the costumes in the cirus
At first you would stitch up any ripped clothing or make whole new ones
You found it enjoyable and so did everyone else seeing how you have a talent
Even after everything you became one of the biggest fashion designers in Hell
Even making the upper class appeariciate your skills and personally seeking you out
But by that reason that's how you got in touch with Fizz (again) and Ozzie
I think Ozzie and Fizz find it cute when you ramble about facts about fashion
Also love seeing your sketches
You do make custom outfits for your boyfriends and they love it and would tease you as they always fit and you know what colors suit them the best
Asmodeus one time asked you if you can help design some outfits for his succubus workers and with allot of time you made those outfits you can see the succubus were in the latest episode
With your skills of sewing you would help bandage Fizz up when he would get hurt
Matching outfits for all of you for different events
I would say Ozzie and Fizz wouldn't mind being your model as you try on new fabrics and different sewing techniques
I believe those two would keep the magazines with you or your outfits on them or if it's just one picture they would cut it out feeling proud of you
Fizz and Ozzie will ask for some lewd outfits which they have many that are from you even asking you to make some for roleplaying
Overall Ozzie and Fizz love your work and love how big your name has gotten in Hell
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rubberhosetoons · 2 months
I had a Fizzorozzie dream and woke up crying…
It was years in the future, and Fizzarolli died of old age in Ozzie’s arms. He spent weeks grieving his lost love. Later he went to visit Stolas and his husband Blitzo. They talked and Blitzo comforted Ozzie. Once he wiped all his tears one of Stolas’s and Blitzo’s kids asked to show Ozzie their treehouse. So Ozzie climbed up and saw someone. A young Imp that looked exactly like young Fizz. He hugged Ozzie and went back to his game. Ozzie left crying, but smiling too.
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2h3llandb4ck · 3 months
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Finally took on Blitz!
I took some notes from the Helluva Boss critical community and tried to tweak his lore to make him a bit better (this includes a huge overhaul on the shxtshow that is Stolitz. Stolas defenders, pack it up.). So here we go, here’s my take on Blitz Bucko!
In the late 90’s, a family of imps scraped together enough money to open their own circus for the underworld-born to enjoy. Was it small? Quite so. Was the family passionate about it? Absolutely. But the ones who were the most passionate about the Bucko Circus was Blitzo Bucko and his mother Jewel Bucko. Blitzo and his brother Fizzarolli weee the circus’ most popular clowns, with their sister Barbie Wire being the best trapeze artist. The circus was doing great…
Until the fateful day they put on a performance for the glorified meteorologist Stolas Goetia.
The young owl, who had just turned 13, fell in lust with Blitzo. He decided to purchase Blitzo for a last-minute “play date”, which discomforted the young imp. But AWWW! The poor little owl caught feelings…
The two didn’t talk again after that.
The next morning, Blitz’s birthday came around. While Fizzarolli put on a special performance for Blitz, the circus staff focused solely on Fizz. Blitzo was knocked back, accidentally stumbling into a few torches for an upcoming show. It set fire to the tent, and ended up burning most of the family. While Blitz tried to save Barbie and Fizz, he heard his mother cry out for help. Wanting to save his mother, Blitz gave an apology to his siblings before running to Jewel.
It was too late. She was only able to use the last minute of her life to hand Blitzo her prized skull amulet, and give him a warm departure with a smile.
It was all Blitz’s fault.
For the last few days of his teen hood, Blitz conceptualized a unique business idea; what if he was hired to assassinate someone who wronged a damned soul? It was groundbreaking, it was an amazing concept… but to achieve it now with how poor he was? It would be difficult. He garnered the help of his college friend Moxxie, and soon the duo set out to start up the basics of their business; renting an office space, setting up prices, getting weapons, hiring another assassin and a receptionist… it all went well until they realized.
How are they going to get to the living world?!
Blitz sought the help of a succubus named Verosika. The two got along well and she allowed them to use her Asmodean Crystal to gain access to the living world. They were going well until Verosika fell in love with Blitz. Blitz was hesitant to pursue this relationship, and harshly turned her down. They broke up, and she released a hit diss track dedicated to the horrible, non-reciprocal imp. Moxxie and his girlfriend Millie suggested they go visit the Goetia and ask to borrow the grimmoire, a magic book that can access the living world. Should be easy, right?
If Blitz could count being forced to give in to Stolas’s clingy, twisted delusion that they were childhood friends and then strike a disgusting affair/deal to let Blitz keep the book for business, then sure. It’s easy.
And finally, the Immediate Murder Professionals were ready to get out into the living world and take care of client’s targets. Happy ending!
But wait. Blitz NEEDS to fall in love with Stolas! It needs to happen! It’s all in the textbook plan for Stolas’s perfect romance story! If Blitz stood up for himself, he’s an ASSHOLE. A grimy, disgusting imp who has to let poor Stolas love him!
Let’s try this again.
And that’s my take on Blitz! In my au/rewrite of HB, he’s trying to wake up from a Wandavision-like phenomena where Stolas is in control (and the reality he creates is basically what the canon HB show is). Not wanting any of that and wishing to get his justice, Blitz seeks the help of a human demonologist who is also able to see through Stolas’s thick veil of lies. This former circus performer, adoptive father, and businessman wants to save his employees and daughter before they are lost to the owl’s lies.
And here are some headcanons + tweaks to his character!
- Blitz is a pretty closed-off introvert who wants to make it to another day. He is absolutely determined to free the people he cares about from the twisted world that the Goetia owl prince has built. Also he’s not creepy or a huge dxckwad.
- Despite what Stolas tries to paint him as, Blitz isn’t a huge jerk. He’s really not very confrontational and would rather have someone resolve their issues first before taking it out on him.
- He and Verosika are on good speaking terms after she is freed from the control. She gives him some assistance at times to help him carry on in the twisted reality he’s in.
- The target-like symbol on his forehead is meant to represent how Stolas has turned Blitz into a target, a creature to be preyed upon just because he said one wrong word to someone.
- He’s genuinely trying to reconnect with his siblings and puts his energy into his found family. Although Barbie needs more time, Blitz and Fizz are on okay terms, with the latter even helping him in his mission.
- He isn’t as vulgar as his canon self, although he can let his emotions get the better of him, leading to some raw outbursts. He is quick to apologize and take accountability for them afterwards.
- Follow up to that, if he did meet his canon self, he’d probably need ibuprofen afterwards.
That’s all! Goodnight tri state area!
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ambertrulife · 3 months
Though on Helluva Boss and the new episode "Apology tour"
You know what I love in this show ?
It's that ALL the character are wrong !
And that make all humans, even if they litterally demons.
Think about it :
Stolas falled in love with Blitzo after making in place a contract that involved just sexual interaction. He want more but didn't know how to ask it, so he want litteraly to IMPOSE this view to Blitzo. First, he asked him a protection that didn't appear in the fonction of IMP. Second, he act romanticly and that make Blitzo inconfortable, but he doesn't care. He just want to be loved, to be desired, by someone. He think this person is Blitzo but he NEVER ask him or LOOK at Biltzo in the first place ! The thing that very interesting, it's that when he sing about their relationship, the only thing that he questionned it's that, the moment where he pushed Blitzo in the romantical relashionship, not the moment where they talked or he make Blitzo inconfortable with sex thing. Because he know that what Blitzo was agree in the first place.
Verosika also wanted more for Blitzo that he can give. You know what that chock me in this dialogue ? When she say : "the funny guy". Man, Blitzo is funny IN APPAREANCE. He's not like that, we as a spectator, know that. What it's mean ? It's mean that Verosika falled in love with the image of what Blitzo is, not for what he is. She doesn't understand that, of course, 'cause she's in pain and she can't see the real reason that push Blitzo to not accept her love.
Because, NOBODY knows him.
Oh boy, Blitzo is such a dramatic character. He was fucked up before the incident that killed his mother. When he was young, nobody understand him. He was a strange kid, with his own delire and imagination. He wasn't bad, rude or anything. But he was a stranger in his own family/circus. We don't know the relationship he had with his mother and sister but the other characters, the public, EVEN HIS OWN FATHER, look at him like he was something (not SOMEONE) wrong. The only person that accept his excentricity was Fizzarolli, his best friend, because he's patient, tolerant, kind. Don't suprised that Blitzo falled in love with him. But, the day he wanted to confess, he doesn't filled like he have the right to. Why ? We don't know exactly but pretty sure that because how everyone in his entourage said how talentued is Fizz and how he is, Blitzo, a loser. So he run away, provoquing the fire and the death of his mother.
And there, in this fatal moment, he come to the conclusion that everybody is right : he's wrong. First, he wanted to improved, to show people thaht he can change, but it's trauma stop him right away. People didn't see his destress, they only see the consequence of his act. So he's stop trying. Every one see him like an asshole ? So it's gonna be that asshole, no matter what. He convinced himself that he is like that, even if that isn't true. Yeah, he can't be insensitive and rude, but he never was bad. So he's lutting with himself, to be that asshole that everyone things he is even then is not like that.
And that why all his relationship finsihed bad. Because with the people he loved, he isn't like that. He's charming, and people loved this excentricity. But, when they're come to far, when Blitzo feeled that they became to close for who is he really, so he's break up like a asshole.
The difference between Dennis and Blitzo and Stolas and the "Better than Blitzo" ? The communication. Yeah, all the two are probably a one-night stand. But Blitzo was really rude, humiliting and really concidered Dennis like a hole. "Better than Blitzo", in other hand, really are interessed in Stolas, even if it's just for one night. He traited him with respect and try to seduce him.
We, as the spectator, knows why Blitzo is like this. But the other character don't. Because Blitzo is a drepressed person that react with hated for himself so hard that is repercuted on other. But nobody can tell. Because, like many people in is case, he's a contradiction and people don't understand that.
Did I right ? Did I wrong ? Pretty sure I'm wrong ! But that why I liked this show so much : it's because, even if they're just character, they're write like human, and if I know something with human, that there are inpredictable !
Anyway, my though about Helluva Boss.
(And sorry for my english, it's not my first language but, hey, I'm trying to improved myself !)
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snorkling-in-sodasea · 5 months
The Big Question on Blitzo
Yeah, I forgot to put this in my last post so I'll put it here. You see, everyone goes on and on and on about how Blitzo needs the grimoire to do his business and just the grimoire and Stolas holds it over his head. Now, what Stolas does is despicable but there's something else that I hardly hear anyone else mention. The most buzz about the matter to any capacity that we got was soon after Unhappy Campers aired.
I made an anonymous ask before about why Blitzo doesn't try escaping from Stolas and yeah, getting an explanation from another commenter, it made me embarrassed that I even asked. Like I asked something so incredibly obvious and I legit needed someone to spell it out. But there's still the other thing I was wondering that, as far as I know, hasn't been answered.
Why the fuck were the Asmodean crystals not a thing at the start?
I mean, yeah, Viv isn't good at writing, but that's the out-of-universe reason. In universe, though... we got nothing.
Seriously, there's so many instances where Viv and the other writers don't put in even some throwaway lines as an explanation for shit. Maybe they'll explain this but that's a very strong maybe. Because at this point, my expectations are so lowered that I know that I have to stop hoping for things that I want to see. Like how I hoped the Ozzie and Fizz mid season special would show us how those two met and got closer, only to get Daddy Issues number 5 or something.
But anyways, Unhappy Campers showed that the crystals are better than the grimoire in every single way. More portable, more abundant, doesn't require reading the spells or anything, just need a touch of the button or something, imps are apparently allowed to have them if Barbie is any indication, they even readily provide human disguises. Really, it's the whole shebang.
So really, in universe, what reason is there for Blitzo to not have a crystal from the start? Why did Blitzo think it was more worth it or at least less trouble to go out of his way to break into a demonic prince's home and steal something that said prince WILL eventually notice is missing, if only because of the Harvest Moon Festival? What reason is there for Moxxie or Millie or even Loona to not have any crystals themselves?
Maybe Blitzo lost all legal permission to use crystals and is blacklisted or something. Maybe there's a very specific and exact process to make it okay to own and use a crystal and Blitzo doesn't have the patience and/or time, not if he wants to survive NOW. Maybe there's something in the crystals that let higher-ups know that they're being used illegally so Blitzo and the others can't just mug a succubus or incubus or their crystals. Maybe Loona is too young and then too lazy to bother, especially since she's not let out into the field by her dad. Maybe Moxxie just cared about getting away from his father and took the chance to leave, having no time to really get anything from his home to make surviving and getting by easier, including any Asmodean crystals. Maybe Millie is influenced by her parents who have pride in thinking more with fists than with actual brains so it never occurred to her to get any crystals.
Then again, it's not good writing if I have to guess or speculate all the reasons why Blitzo and anyone else in I.M.P. don't have a better version of the grimoire. And this is a super fucking important question, why don't they have any crystals right from the get go?
Apparently, Viv and the other writers want to make it that Blitzo has a messy, complex affair with Stolas because the owl has something that the former is interested in and needs to secure having it. If that's what they want to do, then obviously, they can do that. Except if they're going to include something that ultimately makes the grimoire worthless in the grand scheme of things, then we NEED an explanation for why things are the way they are. And as far as I know, Viv and no one else on the writing team even said why on twitter or a youtube livestream so we don't have an answer both in the show and outside of it
Really, as long as Blitzo is still going to rob a demon prince and take something that the absence of WILL be noticed eventually, then it's only natural that he suffers for it in some shape or form. It's stupid for him to expect getting away with it, especially if he's going to, for whatever fucking reason, think that it's better to do that than to just take some damn crystals from some ordinary succubi and/or incubi. Considering how Blitzo doesn't deserve the sexual coercion and really could never have seen it coming, though, I guess I just wish the writers could have made him suffer different consequences for his poorly thought-out plan
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knightinink · 11 months
Another random Helluva Boss headcanon that you can pry from my cold dead hands:
tldr: Tilla uses aerial silks to de-stress & teaches a young Fizzarolli how to use them.
When Fizz was still relatively new to the Buckzo circus, he learned very quickly that he did not care for Cash, & would avoid being alone with him in the same place (usually dragging Blitzo along with him & vise-versa. He hated the smell of cheap booze that seemed to always radiate from the man).
After a rough week, Fizz has some trouble falling asleep, Cash’s harsh words still reverberating in his head. So, after a while of trying & failing to fall asleep, the young imp decides to go on a short walk around the circus grounds (avoiding Cash’s trailer).
Walking for a bit, Fizz eventually comes across a circus tent with light coming from inside it (odd, he thought everyone had gone to sleep for the night). Curiosity piqued, he slowly makes his way over & peeks through the curtain, only to see Mrs. Buckzo swinging around lazily in the air, held up securely by silken drapes.
He watches on in awe, seeing how at peace she looks, & whispers quietly to himself, but this ultimately reveals his location, gaining the attention of Tilla.
His instincts tell him to run, but she calmly calls out to him, a friendly greeting, & he resigns himself to staying put, opting to instead wrap his tail ‘round his legs. He hadn’t gotten the chance to meet her yet, so he could only hope that she was nothing like her husband.
He’s very surprised when he finds out she’s nothing like Cash at all, & insists he call her “Miss Tilla”. Ever the people pleaser, he does. They chat for a moment, mostly Tilla asking him if he’s adjusting to circus life okay, if Blitzo & Barbie are being nice to him, & other things of that nature.
Feeling more relaxed around her now, Fizz becomes very enthusiastic when she asks him about what acts he’d been practicing. He tells her how good he’s gotten at balancing on different objects, as well as his strength when climbing & holding onto a rope he would one day swing around the circus tent from.
At this, he mentions how he saw her earlier, & thought what she was doing was very pretty. Getting an idea, she asks him if he would like to learn, to which he immediately agrees.
Learning that they were called “aerial silks”, Tilla spends a bit of time teaching the young imp how to situate the silks so he wouldn’t fall (not that she had him high above the ground), she guides him through some simple moves, getting him used to it. All the while a wide grin of triumph never leaves the boy’s face, calling to her excitedly when he maneuvered himself into the ways she’d taught him.
After helping him get down safely, he thanks her, to which she gently smiles & says he’s welcome back anytime.
Fizz likes her, he decides. Way better than Cash.
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Can I request a one shot about Fizzaroli meeting Loona for the first time?
(Set post Mammon episode so he and Blitzo are friends again)
Yeah, I can do that. 😁
A few weeks after the events of episode 7...
Fizz was relaxing in the kitchen at Asmodeus' palace, waiting for the coffee maker to finish. Just as the machine dinged, his phone also rang. He was surprised to see it was Blitz calling. He knew his old friend didn't like getting up early, especially on the weekends. He answered the call as he poured his coffee.
"Hey, fucker, what's up?"
"So that's how you two talk, huh?"
Fizz paused. The voice on the other end of the phone sounded like a young woman, not Blitz.
"What? Who the hell are you? Oh fuck, you're some stalker fan that stole Blitz's phone, aren't you. Look bitch, I'm retired, so you can shove off."
He heard an exasperated sigh.
"I'm not a fan, dip shit, I'm Blitz's... daughter... technically."
"What? Daughter? Since when does Blitz have a daughter?"
"Since about five years ago when he adopted me but that's not why I'm calling."
Fizz was confused. Blitz hadn't mentioned a daughter in the few times they'd seen each other since trying to be friends again. The idea of his old friend being a parent was odd to him.
"So then...why are you calling me?"
"Can we meet in person? This feels weird over the phone."
Fizz was even more confused. Why would she want to meet in person? What could she want to talk about with him?
"Uhh, yeah, sure. Where should we..."
"I'm already close by. I'll be at your place soon. Tell them to expect a hellhound asking for you."
"Oh, okay then..."
The phone hung up. Fizz had no idea what was happening. He quickly ran to get dressed and rushed downstairs just in time to see Blitz's van pull up. A hellhound girl stepped out and walked towards the doors. She had a look of annoyance on her face. Fizz greeted her as she walked in.
"Hey there, you must be... Blitz's kid. I don't think you said your name before."
"I didn't. It's Loona. Let's get into this, okay."
"Yeah, you're definitely Blitz's. Let's go in here, it'll be more private."
Fizz lead Loona into what looked to be a parlor area. They sat down on a couch. Before Fizz could say anything, Loona spoke up.
"You're not gonna fuck with Blitz right?"
"I know you hated him for a long time. Now you're supposedly trying to be close again. You're not fucking with him, are you?"
Fizz was stunned by the question. He hadn't expected her to be so forward.
"I...no. I'm not screwing with him. Look, I get it. I don't... completely forgive Blitz for what happened. But... I'm trying to move on."
"You better be telling me the truth, clown boy. Blitz has been through enough. He doesn't need some fake asshole coming back into his life just to break him down some more."
"I'm not going to hurt him!"
Loona looked surprised by Fizz raising his voice. The two sat in silence for a long minute.
"Look, Loona. I get it. It's sweet that you're so protective of your dad. But I promise you, I don't have any intentions to hurt Blitz. Honestly, even when I was angry with him, in the back of my mind, I still missed him like crazy. We were so close once."
Loona watched as a few tears pricked the corners of Fizz's eyes. She smiled.
"Good, then I don't have anything to worry about. Also, if you tell anyone I was here, I'll come back and chop your dick off."
Fizz laughed. The two chatted a little while longer, with Fizz telling Loona several stories of Blitz from their childhood. After about an hour, Loona stood up.
"I should probably get the van home before Blitz wakes up and sees it missing. Good talking to ya."
"You too, Loona. Say hi to your dad for me."
"I won't."
The two shared a laugh, then Loona left. It was an interesting interaction, but it made Fizz happy. He was glad to know that Blitz had managed to find even a little bit of happiness in his life.
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janis-1987 · 2 years
Fizzarolli’s Backstory  (Angst)
Hey all, this is part one of two of my really long Fizzarolli one shot, I figured it would be better to break it up into two parts so that way it didn't get too overwhelming for me or for you. This part covers childhood to young adult. So enjoy!
Tw: fire, greed, Mammon, abuse, minor child abuse.
If you aren't in the headspace to read any of that please come back later or steer clear. Without any further ado, enjoy!
Fizzarolli was born to preform, or at least it seemed that way. Ever since he was little he'd been a star. But that came with other issues. 
“Again!” Buckzo yells at Fizzarolli. He takes another long swig of his beer, “And this time, don’t fuck it up.” 
Fizzarolli whimpers, he had just fallen off the large ball for what felt like the hundredth time, his eyes wet with tears as he gets up, “Pl-please, can I have a break Cash?” He begs softly, his little legs shaking in pain. 
“No, you’ve got potential kid, you could go far but to do that you need to master your craft. So, we’re staying right here until you do it right.” Cash responds coldly, “You should be thankin’ me, I’m setting you up from a bright future in show biz.” 
Fizz looks longingly at the exit to the tent, where he can see Blitzo and Barbiewire playing with the other children that performed in the circus. Only for the tent flap that acted as a door to be shut, draping him in shadow. “Please, please can I go play? Just for 15 minutes? I promise I’ll come right back.” He begs, desperate for a break and to be a normal kid, if only for a few minutes. 
“I already told you no. If you get this trick right then you can have the rest of the day to play with Blitzo and Barbie. Okay?” Cash responds, trying to get the kid to just do the damn trick again. 
Fizz's eyes light up at that, he was really close to getting it, surely he could do it before the sun set and finally, finally after weeks of practicing from sunrise to set, only ever getting a break to preform in shows, he could play with Blitz and Barbie and just be a normal kid for a few hours. So, sniffles and wipes away his tears. He walks to the edge of the ring and starts his trick. He does three cartwheels before tuning the 4th into a backbend, which he then turns into a handstand and finally, he pushes himself off the ground with all his might, launching himself into the air, thanks to a spring beneath his hands, he flips and sticks the landing perfectly, one foot balanced perfectly on the ball while the other is off of it, his arms open as he pants. “Was....Was that good enough?!” He asks excitedly. 
Cash nods, “Yeah kid, you did good.” He affectionately pats the spot in-between his horns, “Now, go have your fun.” 
Fizz cheers happily and jumps off the ball, running outside to play with the other kids, but as soon as he got out there, the other kids groaned, except for his best friend, Blitzo. Fizz frowns why had they all groaned? 
“Hi guys! I finally got done with rehearsal, so what are we playing?” He asks happily, his tail wagging. 
“Well, we were playing tag, but you’re probably too tired for that.” Barbie says, crossing her arms. 
“Yeeeaaaah.” A bunch of the other kids whine at him. 
Fizz shakes his head, “I’m not, I promise I’m not. I can play!” He cries, clearly distressed by the idea that he wouldn’t be able to play, after he worked so hard too. But he couldn’t deny they were right, his whole body ached. But he wasn’t about to let that stop him. He wanted to play and he was going to. 
The others looked unsure until Blitzo spoke up, “Hey, if he says he can play then he can. Come on guys.” 
Fizz smiles, grateful to have one friend in this awful place. But truthfully, he didn't think it was that awful, and on days when he wasn’t worked to the bone, the other kids actually liked to hang out with him. 
He smiles, as the other kids agree to play with him, that is until gunshots start to go off, at first Fizz doesn’t think they’re that close, that is until one of the adults running to get their kid inside falls to the ground. Blitzo grabs Fizz's hand as his mother grabs Blitzo and Barbie’s hands, pulling them inside a tent to hide. Fizz tears up and curls up in a little ball, hiding with the twins. His one chance to play, ruined by some idiot with a gun. It wasn't fair. He just wanted to play, was that such a crime. He starts to cry, hiding his face in his hands as Blitzo tries to cheer him up by telling his absolutely horrible jokes. 
Things continued like that until they reached the age of 13, with the decrease of physical games and the increase of gossiping and shit talking audience members, Fizzarolli’s popularity sky rocketed. He was a joy on and off stage, it seemed like he was always ready with a joke or witty remark. He was still worked to the bone and constantly chastised about what he was eating and how much, but he didn’t care much. He was the circus’ biggest draw. He brought in the crowds that allowed this place to stay open. 
He remained close with Blitzo, even if his best friend had only gotten weirder, that strange obsession he had with horses did not go away with age like Fizz had thought it would. But that didn’t really matter. Fizz adored being around Blitzo and hanging out with him. It was alway the best part of his day. 
Blitzo eagerly waves to his tired friend as he gets out of rehearsal, “Fizz! Ready to go fuck shit up?” 
Fizz smiles, “You know it! You got the stuff?” He asks softly as the two slip into the tent they shared, so he could change out of his jester outfit. 
“Of course I did, it’s not hard to get my hands on spray paint.” Blitzo replies with a laugh, showing off his haul of spray paint, hidden away in his backpack. 
“Good, because I am never using the paint you brought last time again.” Fizz teases. 
“Hey! How was I supposed to know that it was body paint? Besides, I had to be fast that time, the shop keeper was on to me.” Blitzo whines. 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever Blitzo.” He says as he finishes changing, “Now come on. Let’s go before your dad decides to make me do another run through.” He says grabbing Blitzo’s hand and leading him out of the circus grounds. It wasn’t hard to get out, no one payed much attention to the two anymore, not since Blitzo’s mother had died. 
They eventually make it further into the industrial district and get to work on spray painting any wall they could reach. That was until they heard the police sirens. 
Fizz drops the can and takes off running, which prompts Blitzo to yell at him and try to grab the can, “These were expensive you prick!” He yells. 
Fizz whines and runs back, throwing the can he had dropped into Blitzo’s bag and then grabbed Blitzo’s hand and drags him along, he was not looking to get caught today. 
They reach a fence and Blitzo looks at Fizz, he was the shorter of the two, “Give me a boost and then I’ll help you over.” He says as he pants, seeing the cops flashlight, Fizz does just that but Blitzo falls onto the other side of the fence, unable to help Fizz.
 Shit. Fizz breathes heavily, as he looks for a way out, he had to do something, so he takes a chance, he jumps, landing on the side of the wall, he quickly pushes off that to get higher up onto the other wall of the alley, which puts him high enough to clear the fence, he lands on the other side only to see, Blitzo wasn’t there. He didn’t like that, but he didn't have time to wonder where he went, he runs, and runs until he’s back at the circus. 
“Dad, please! I didn’t mean for him to get caught!” Blitzo pleads with his father, only to be slapped across the face. 
“You fuckin idiot! We don’t have the money to pay bail! So you’ve just cost us the only person who keeps people coming to this place! You’ve fucked us Blitzo!” His father screams. 
“HEY!” Fizz yells once he’s caught his breath and he gets in-between the two, “I didn’t get caught. I’m fine. The circus will be fine.” Fizz says, glaring at Cash. 
Cash rolls his eyes and shoves Fizzarolli to the side, “I’m glad you’re alright Fizzarolli but that doesn’t change that he put you in danger. No go to your tent, Blitzo and I need to have a chat.” He says through gritted teeth. 
“No!” Fizz says, grabbing Cash’s arm, only receive a slap across the face, knocking him backwards and onto his ass, he yelps and holds his face. 
“I told ya to stay out of it!” Cash roars, “Go put some ice on it. I don't need you to get a fuckin bruise.” 
Fizz whimpers and runs off to get some ice like Cash suggested, no longer brave enough to get involved, even if Blitzo was his best friend. 
Five years later and Blitzo and Fizz were dating and for their one year anniversary Blitzo was taking Fizz to see a Mammon concert. Fizz was absolutely over the moon about it. He had always looked up to Mammon, there weren’t many in the greed ring who didn’t but Fizz wanted to be as famous as Mammon and at this point he nearly was. Sure he still worked for the little circus that was nearing bankruptcy but that certainly wasn’t holding Fizz back, so many places were offering him a job with them but Fizz insisted that he stayed with the circus. Especially since potential investors have started to show their faces willing to buy the circus just to get their hands on Fizzarolli. But those were just imps from the greed ring, Fizz wanted to be known throughout the rings of hell, just like the prince was. He certainly was on the right track for that. 
But he wasn’t thinking too much about all that tonight. Tonight was just pure dumb fun with his boyfriend, no business bullshit. At least, that had been the plan. 
That plan changed after the concert however when two of Mammon’s security guards approached Fizz and Blitzo. 
“Are you Fizzarolli?” One of them asks, giving a stern look. 
“That’s what my id says, why?” He says with a laugh, Blitzo holds his boyfriend’s arm and glares at the guard.
“If you want his number you can’t have it. He’s mine bitch!” Blitzo says annoyed. 
Fizz elbows him, “So, why do you care who I am?” He asks snarkily. 
“Mammon wants to speak with you.” The security guard states. 
Fizz freezes, the Mammon wanted to talk to him a little imp who was just starting to make a name for himself? He had to be dreaming. He doesn’t know what to say, he had promised Blitzo that he wouldn’t talk business with anyone tonight, but he couldn't say no to a deadly sin. 
“Okay yeah, could we do that another time, I’m kinda on a date.” Fizz asks, hoping the answer would be yes. 
“No, either you talk with him now, or you never talk to him. Up to you.” The guard responds. 
Fizz looks at Blitzo with the best puppy dog eyes he can muster, “Please baby? I’ll be quick.” 
Blitzo sighs but nods, “Yeah, alright, I’ll be right here, okay?” 
Fizzarolli squeals happily and covers his face in kisses, “Thank you, thank you, thank you! I’ll be back soon, I promise.” He says excitedly as he follows the security guard to the backstage area. 
He looks around the area in awe, all the tech here was new, and expensive, he had never seen equipment so nice, the circus was severely outdated and his shows were what was keeping it alive.
The guard knocks on the door to Mammon’s dressing room and a small imp opens the door, smiling when he sees Fizzarolli, he welcomes the taller imp inside and Fizz can’t help but be nervous, after all he was about to meet the prince of the greed ring, his idol, Mammon. 
Mammon turns around to look at Fizz, “Fizzarolli! Just the imp I wanted to see, I’m glad you could take the time to come and see me.” Mammon says sweetly, eager to lure this new fly into his web. 
Fizzarolli smiles brightly and his tail wags, he couldn't believe Mammon knew his name,“It’s an honor sir, of course I had time to come and see you. I can’t really say no to meeting not only a prince but my idol.” 
Mammon chuckles, “Please, just call me Mammon kid, you’ve made quite the name for yourself, you’ve earned the right to address me by my name.” 
Fizzarolli is amazed to hear that, from what he'd heard no one was allowed to call Mammon by his name when they met him, not unless they were royalty, it made him feel special, which was exactly what Mammon wanted to do, “Really? Thank you Mammon.” 
“Sure kid,” He says with a shrug, “Any way, I’ve heard quite a bit about you and with how popular you are, I wanted to make you an offer.” 
An offer?! Mammon wanted to make him an offer? This was the best day of Fizz’s life. 
“I want to make you a true star kid, known throughout the rings of hell. But from what I understand, you aren't willing to part with that circus you work at. So, I want to buy the circus and convert it into an amusement park of sorts.” Mammon tells him, he didn’t really want the whole circus but Mammon knew Fizzarolli would be worth the investment, the kid had that it factor that everyone looked for in performers and he had it, he could go far. Plus, more importantly, he could make Mammon a shit ton of money. 
“Wait, really? You’re going to buy the circus? But... I don't own the circus, you’ll have to talk to Cash.” Fizzarolli starts only to be shushed by Mammon. 
“Don’t worry about that kid, I already knew that, I wanted to ask you something, are you and that other imp that you perform with, do you have to be a duo? Because I’m gonna be honest, he’s holdin’ you back. I can make you a star kid, but if you want that, you have got to ditch the side kick. He can still perform at the new circus, and don’t you worry about the rest of the circus folk, I’ll make sure they got jobs too. But if you want to go big, you gotta ditch that dead weight. So if you want me to save your circus, and your ass from the streets, you need to be willing to do whatever it takes. Are you willing to do that?” Mammon asks.
Fizz falls silent as Mammon finishes speaking and his tail droops, was he willing to ditch Blitzo? He wanted to be a star but the two had been inseparable, a duo since they were young, he wanted to talk to Blitzo about it and get his opinion or blessing before making a decision but he didn’t have that luxury right now. Blitzo would understand, right? I mean, he was his boyfriend and he would be happy for him, right? 
So he looks up at Mammon and nods, “I’m willing to become a solo act.” 
“Wonderful, I’ll take care of everything else within the next few days so don’t even worry, we’ll get your contract set once I’ve gotten the circus, so go enjoy your night, Fizzarolli.” Mammon replies with a smile on his face, he truly was happy, he had just gotten exactly what he wanted. 
“Thank you Mammon, have a good night.” He says happily, his tail wagging as he runs to go and tell his boyfriend. 
“You WHAT?!” Blitzo screams at him angrily.
Fizz looks upset, he knew Blitzo wouldn't be happy but he still wasn't expecting him to be so angry about it. “Blitzy, baby, Mammon gave me the offer of a lifetime, plus he said he’s going to make sure no one in the circus goes without a job, this is a good thing. The circus is dying. Please, can you just try to be happy for me?”
Blitzo sighs, “Yeah... yeah, you’re right. This is a good thing Fizzy. Now, how about we go hit that dive down the street to celebrate? You know, the one that lets us in because you’re famous~” He teases. 
Fizz smiles as his boyfriend decides to support him. 
Things changed drastically when Mammon took over, everyone was relocated to this new amusement park called Loo Loo Land, luckily none of the performers had to change careers but honestly, that was because there weren’t very many left, besides Fizz and Blitzo, there were maybe 15 other performers remaining, one of which was Blitzo’s new performance partner, Barbiewire. 
Despite some things getting better with the change, a lot got worse. The stunts became more dangerous, all the performers had to sign contracts that most of them couldn't read, those who didn’t were immediately fired. Those who stayed started to resent him because they knew Mammon only cared about Fizzarolli. But Fizz had lost the most freedom, everyone thought he was working himself to the bone because he wanted to but in truth, if he was even slightly off Mammon would hurt him, badly. The last time he messed up, Mammon threatened to chop off his horns and mount them on his wall. Which of course scared Fizz stiff.
Even his boyfriend had started to hate him, he was upset that Fizz couldn’t spend as much time with him any more. And he constantly told him what a sellout he was and how he hoped that it was everything he had wanted. But Fizz stayed with him anyway, because what else was he going to do? Who else would he be with? Besides, Blitzo only got like that when he was drunk, otherwise he was still really sweet to Fizz, so Fizz didn’t really see a problem. 
That all changed when a fire stunt was introduced. Mammon had approved Blitzo’s idea to add a fire stunt to the performance figuring the danger of it would bring in bigger crowds. Fizz was much more hesitant about it. Fire was not something that mixed well with circus tents that were made completely out of flammable material. 
“Mammon, sir? Are you sure this fire stunt is a good idea? I’m just a bit concerned about the safety of the audience and performers.” He says in protest. 
“It will be fine Fizzarolli, don’t worry about it. Have I steered you wrong?” Mammon asks the small imp, hardly paying attention to him. 
“I guess not.” Fizz says softly. 
“You guess?” Mammon asks, “I did you a favor by buying that stupid circus you used to work at. So don’t question me and do your job.” Mammon huffs in annoyance. 
“Yes Mammon.” He replies, scampering off to go practice some more.
As worried as he was, he had to admit, it was nice to see his boyfriend so happy. Blitzo hadn’t been this happy since before Mammon took over the circus and Fizz stopped being his partner for acts. But this fire stunt involved him, the clowns were going to preform the fire routine while Fizz was doing tricks of his own, it was a three ring circus for a reason after all. Fizz would be in the ring ring that would be front and center to the main audience, while the beast tamers and fire stunts would be behind him in the left and right ring respectively. He couldn’t say that he was thrilled that fire and dangerous creatures were going to be behind him during his act but he knew it helped with the crowds, he may be the headliner but the place couldn’t run off just him. 
Things went well the first few times that act was run. All the catches were on time and other than a wardrobe mishap or two with the clowns playing with the fire, it was fine. No one was seriously hurt. So, surely he had just been being paranoid. Right? 
He should have listened to his gut. 
It was late show, the last one of the day. Everyone was tired and ready to be done for the day. But when that happens mistakes are bound to follow. And of course they did. 
Blitzo tossed his flaming baton in the air and it hit the main support beam of the tent before coming back down. But with the smaller crowd and how tired everyone was, no one noticed. This allowed the fire to spread, smoke began to fill the tent, making the audience and performer cough and before anyone can really processes anything there is a sickening crack as the support beam breaks and lands on Fizzarolli’s legs, since he had fallen over from all the coughing. No one realized that Fizz was trapped as panic erupted, imps and demons fleeing the tent, Fizz is screams out in pain but his screams are drowned by that of others, the animal tamers lose control of their animals, two of them crush Fizz’s arms beyond repair, and another broke off his horns in the rush to get out. 
Fizz screams for help as smoke fills his lungs and his vision starts to go dark. But no one hears him. It isn’t until Fizz has passed out, left for dead. That Mammon saves him as he realizes who was left in the burning tent. 
It takes 2 weeks but Fizz eventually wakes up from his coma, and the moment he does, he screams at the top of his lungs. Pain fired though his body and the doctors were quick to come running in. They were amazed, they had him on the maximum dose of morphine and yet they could tell from his raspy screams he was in tremendous amounts of pain. 
Scars covered most of his body which was now more white than red. His horns were gone making his head feel far too light and most tragically, both his arms and legs were gone. 
Tears fall from his eyes as he realizes what happened. It was over, his career, his life. All of it was for nothing, his thoughts went dark, maybe he should have died in that fire. It would have been more merciful than this miserable existence. 
But then Mammon comes in. 
“Hey Fizzarolli, how’s my star doing?” Mammon asks, sitting beside his bed. 
“M-Mammon? What are you doing here?” Fizz asks as he sniffles, he was getting used to the constant stinging pain. 
“Well, who do you think is paying for you to be here?” Mammon asks gruffly. 
“Oh... I’m guessing I don't have a job anymore?” He says quietly, looking down at his lap. 
“No, quite the opposite actually, if you’re willing to sign a whole new contract." Mammon says with a smirk, "You're a big deal kid, demons across the rings of hell want to see solo shows from you. They think you're amazing and I want to take you on a tour of hell as a test."
Fizz looks at him with confusion all over his face, "But, I can't move. I don't have arms or legs anymore." He says sadly.
"If you take this new deal kid, you'll be set for life." Mammon encourages.
"but what is the deal?" Fizzarolli asks, a glimmer of hope in his eyes as Mammon starts to explain. ______________ Part 2 X
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For the 1 Like=1 Fic I Want to Write Game (the post is pinned if you want to join) and @lovelycureaestetic
You get two. Why? IDK. It's the Nene privilege. Also, one is a shortly explained idea.
Post Full Moon. Loona goes to visit Stolas because, not that she cares or wants to know anything more about what goes on during Blitz's trips to the palace than she already does, but Blitz is really sad and completely insufferable, so things need to be fixed or whatever.
The other idea is another canon divergence AU. Shocking, right?
Stolas happens to be at the hospital with baby Via being a nervous first time parent sure something more dire must be wrong with his baby than a normal flu, when a group of burn victim imps are wheeled into the ER. Stolas ends up getting involved, trying to nose in first to see what is going on and then, seeing who some of these burn victims are/learning about the circus accident, Stolas of course sweeps in and pledges to pay medical bills and gets all over-involved (and consequently Blitzo and Fizz aren't able to be kept apart by Cash….though Cash may be distracted thinking of how he can continue to exploit this filthy rich owl who apparently cares so much he loses his head about Cash's loser son).
On Stolas's visits/vigil by Blitzo's bedside, he has Via strapped in one of those cloth sling baby carriers against his chest. Blitzo, before Stolas even thinks to introduce her, asks "Are you babysitting?" not comprehending that Stolas is a young dad. Stolas panics and just says, "Something like that." He immediately feels guilty because Via is his whole universe and he would never deny her. But when he goes to correct himself they get interrupted, and then it's never a good time to say "actually I'm married and this is my daughter"
Misunderstandings. Miscommunications. Stolas/Blitzo/Fizz love triangle. Just kind of vague plans for the setup.
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cepheusgalaxy · 6 months
Helluva Boss analysis:
Why does Barbie hates Blitz?
Tws for blood (described screenshot), drug and addiction mentions and death mention.
Just a big ramble
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Ok, so, we got a glimpse of Blitz's family at the end of season 1. He was scrolling on his phone and we got to see a picture of young Blitz with his sister and mother before him putting down the phone and tearing up.
"Barbie? I want to help. Let me help. Please"
On season 2, episode 5, "Happy Campers", we finally got to see his sister, Barbie!
Although she already had appeared in some posters in the background of his office. It advertised "The imp twins!" or something like that.
After that we get another two episodes with bits of Blitz's backstory, plus the first episode of the season with a very long flashback of when he met Stolas as a kid.
Anyways, there is a huge gap between what we know (kid Blitz, teen Blitz and 15 years later adult Blitz) and what we don't (every single thing in between) so I'll list out what we know for sure about the relationship of these two specifically:
Barbie was in rehabilitation, because of substance abuse.
Source: The um. The whole episode.
Blitz used to visit her in rehab before he found out she checked out
Source: He was originally going to visit her at the center when he found out she wasn't there. The nurse welcomed him with a "well, if it isn't the deadbeat?" to which he replies "well if it isn't the nurse pussyface". They know each other and that isn't the firts time Ms. Nurse had to deal with him breaking in
Barbie didn't tell him when she checked out because she didn't want to see him again
Source: The whole episode
Blitzo cares a lot for knowing where and how his sister is
Source: Spent all week solely focused on finding her, at the expense of his business, even (which he values a lot, we know) + checked on her every now and then + first thing he asked instead of an apology was to ask what she had been up to
Blitz and Barbie both have this heart mark on their brows. Someone indicated that they might sign members of different circs or families, since Fizzarolli has one too. Barb's is crossed with white. (We know white sin on imps is usually a tattoo or a scar. Either she did it or someone crossed it for her.)
Source: Visually shown
Blitzo used to "steal his dad's booze" when he was a kid.
Source: Mentioned in ep 6, "Oops", when he asks Fizzarolli to pull up a distraction for their captors. We know Fizz was complicit to this.
Blitzo caused an accident on the circus at Fizz's birthday, which presumedly ended with the death of his mother.
Source: The ep 6 flashback, him crying at his mother's picture
I don't think thats why Barbie hates him tho. I think it happened during those fifteen years between the Accident and the Current Events of the show. (I wonder who got her in rehab?)
I just can't wrap my head about it. I think the part that he used to drink alcohol as a kid is important and will come up later but I can't make a direct connectiom to this. Also, Barb never appeared in his flashbacks? Not even once? I get the impression she wasn't a clown.
Possible reasons I can imagine are:
Blitz accidentally put fire on the tent and their sickly (i suppose) mother died, she's still bitter
They never had a good relationship but Blitz cares for her
The one I'm more inclined to think: Someting else happened in those fifteen years
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hazbinbossbrainrot · 1 year
What ifs
(Butterfly Effect edition 🦋 🎥 )
* What if Blitz’s “adoptversary” gift was the cure for Loona’s syphilis (?)
* What if Blitz didn’t sneak out of Stolas’s room and crash landed in front of Stella’s tea party 😂
* What if Loona never tricked Blitz into killing the kid (just because Eddie said he was more of a cat person more than a dog person)
• What if Moxxie was able to shoot Martha and her family without remorse
* What if Moxxie didn’t save Millie and Blitz in time for Martha to shoot them
* What if the monthly arrangement (👉🏻👌🏻) between Stolas and Blitz never happened
(Pretty much Blitz would be stuck killing off Hell’s locals that’s what would have happened 🫡)
• What if Stolas never suggested to go to Loo Loo Land with Octavia
* What if Stolas never called and asked Blitz to “bodyguard” him and his daughter
* What if Blitz never burned Robo-Fizz or Loo Loo Land
• What if Verosika and Blitz never made a bet
* What if Verosika never got arrested ( @thenotificationmachine )
* What if Loona never accompanied I.M.P to the living world?
* What if Loona never met and fell in love with Vortex?
• What if Blitz failed Loopty Gooty’s request to kill Lyle?
* What if C.H.E.R.U.B succeeded in getting Lyle to Heaven or to not kill himself
* What if Moxxie won the Moon Harvest Festival, Pain Games
• What if M&M never got out of the basement they were entrapped in
* What if Blitz was too late to stop Striker from assassinating Stolas
* What if Blitz accepted Striker’s offer to “kill the unkillable”
* What if Striker told Stella that Stolas was dead
• What if I.M.P got caught by the D.H.O.R.K.S agents because Stolas was dead from the last episode and couldn’t save Blitz and his crew
• What if Blitz never stalked (for once) M&M
* What if Ozzie’s date night went differently (if Stolas was still alive)
* What if Verosika, Fizz, Asmodeus and somewhat Wally Wackford never embarrassed Stolitz
* What if Stolitz got together that night and made love to one another more intimately(from the lack of embarrassment than it was canonically)
• What if Cash & Paimon weren’t dysfunctional parents to Stolas and Blitz (respectively of course!)
* What if Young Stolas never got engaged to Young Stella and never went to the circus
* What if Cash never asked Young Blitzo to steal from the Goetia family or manipulated him to helping Tilla
* What if Stella (adult) never changed the banner “Not Divorced”
* What if Blitz (adult) never got caught by the guards and be presented to Stolas
* What if Blitz ever slept with Stolas for the grimoire
* What if Stolas (adult) never fell in love with Blitz and doesn’t ask Stella for a divorce (okay even for me, as an ally to the gay community, that last one was pretty harsh)
* What if Stolas never made Octavia ran away by fighting with Stella
* What if Stolas never reassured Blitz (affectionately) from his stage fright
* What if Blitz never adopted Loona (flashback 😭)
* What if Octavia & Loona never had a sisterly conversation
• What if Millie bumped into her ex-boyfriend
* What if Chaz never left Moxxie behind (which means no Blitz or I.M.P)
* What if Crimson was never abusive towards Moxxie
* What if Blitz never slept with Chaz (which means he never found out about his true intentions)
* What if Blitz & Millie attended Moxxie and Chaz’s wedding (forced by Crimson)
* What if Blitz never got to keep Chaz’s jacket (😭)
* What if Stolas never set a meeting with Asmodeus in three days time?
* What if Blitz never prioritised Loona and cancelled her hospital appointment to save Stolas from Striker?
* What if Andrealpus never asked Stella to call off her “mangy stray”
* What if Stolas never made it through surgery?
* What if Blitz never told Stolas to get well soon
* What if Stolas DID make it but Blitz texted him that he’d visit him in hospital (since the guilt wasn’t there)
* What if Stolas told Blitz the demon that wanted him dead was Stella (ooh! The latter would go ballistic)
S3: (TBA)
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nothoughtsjust-vibes · 11 months
My take on the origins of Fizzmodeus. After Fizz's horrific accident, Ozzie decides to take him under his wing and help him to be able to perform again. And the longer they know each other, the more they're drawn to each other and the more they love each other.
Chapter 1: Turn My Dream Into a Nightmare
“Yeah, what is it?”
Ozzie would have been offended by the way Mammon answered the phone if he hadn’t always opened with that. “I heard there was a fire at that circus you had.”
“Yeah, bloody fuckin’ shame to lose all that money.”
The King of Lust rather thought it was more of a shame that people had lost their lives, but he wasn’t going to mention it. “There was an imp in that circus—Fizzarolli, I believe his name is. How is he? Did he survive?”
“Oh, he survived, but he might as well be dead for all the good he is now. No legs, no arms, almost no horns, most of his body burned to shit. Would’ve been better if he had died ‘cause then I wouldn’t have to pay his fuckin’ hospital bills.”
“Why are you doing that?” Ozzie asked, shifting in his office chair, and watching a silenced video on his computer of Fizzarolli performing. “I’m guessing it’s not out of the goodness of your heart.”
“Oh, fuck no. The rat was so popular that I’d get shit if I didn’t pay for his care. Not like there’s anything in it for me, since the little shit can’t make me money anymore.”
“That’s actually why I called. I was wondering if maybe I could take him off your hands.”
Suspicion crept into Mammon’s voice. “…Why? He’s no use to you—no use to anyone, really. Unless you wanna just turn him into a bloody sex toy.”
“I wanna help him.” Ozzie’s eyes drifted back to the video of the young imp swinging around a tent, a huge grin on his face. “I see potential in him, Mam. I wanna help him perform again.”
“He’s got no legs, Oz. Or arms or horns. He’s all white scar tissue and even his voice is wrecked. How the bloody hell do you think he can perform again when he can’t even wipe his own arse?”
“I can give him new limbs. You know I like a fun engineering challenge. Come on, Mam,” he added when the King of Greed still hesitated, “you just said yourself that he’s not making you money anymore. And I’ll pay to take him off your hands.”
“I’ll have a contract by the end of the day,” Mammon immediately replied. “And the sooner you get him to a hospital in Lust, the better.”
“Sounds good. Thanks, Mam.”
“Whatever. It’s your loss.”
Fizz was in pain. Understatement, even through the meds and the fog. What was left of his horns burned and stung like when his claws were cut too short. But so much fucking worse. Almost every inch of his skin burned. And his body…
He kept his eyes on the blue ceiling of the Lust hospital, trying not to look down. His arms and legs were gone. Completely gone. But they still burned like they were there. And he could still smell his own flesh burning and dissolving. He could still see the bones in his arm right before he blacked out. The only part that didn’t hurt was his tail, and even that was uncomfortably stiff where he kept it curled against his body. He didn’t wanna let it dangle off the bed, though. He didn’t wanna somehow lose that too.
His mind drifted back to that night. How long ago was it? Long enough for his skin to heal enough that he didn’t need to be covered in bandages anymore. Was it even really his skin, though? He vaguely remembered someone saying something about skin grafts.
That night, though. His birthday, Blitzo, the fire, the explosion. The pain. Had Blitzo started the fire? Had he wanted to hurt Fizz? Why else would he run away? Why else would he never visit him? But why would Blitzo wanna hurt him? He just wanted to see him and get answers. But no one had told him anything about where Blitzo even was. Gritting his teeth, Fizz felt tears leak onto his ruined face. He hadn’t been allowed to see himself, but he could feel that he was ruined.
Ruined. That’s all he was now. He had no legs. No arms. His horns were shattered, his skin was nothing but scarring. He’d never perform again. He’d never be of any use ever again. He couldn’t stand, he couldn’t move except for squirming around like a fucking worm. He couldn’t even feed himself or wipe his own ass.
The tears came faster, and he whimpered, snotting all over the place because he couldn’t even blow his own goddamn nose. He managed to sorta wipe his nose on the light blue blanket, but all he did was get snot all over his face along with the blanket. He sighed and looked up at the ceiling again, sobbing quietly.
At least there was no one to see him be so disgusting. Cash and Barbie had visited him when he was still in Greed, and he’d gotten tons of shitty cards from fans and friends…except for Blitzo. His best friend had never even sent him a card or letter. And now that he was in Lust, no one else visited him, either.
Looking down at his mutilated body, he wished he was dead. Because being dead was better than being some worthless, broken thing who could only lay in bed and cry. And the pain. If it was this bad with meds, he didn’t know if he could survive without them. He was broken. And whoever had paid to have him brought to Lust was gonna regret it as soon as they saw how broken and useless he was.
There was a light knock on the purple door and a familiar succubus nurse came in. Fizz didn’t remember her name, but he remembered that she was nice. She almost didn’t make him feel bad about how disgusting he was.
“Morning,” she greeted with a smile and tone that were cheerful, but not annoyingly cheerful. She was casual and talked to him like he was a person and not a stupid baby. “You in pain?”
He nodded. He didn’t like talking anymore. Aside from the fact that his throat and lungs still felt scorched, his voice sounded like an old man who’d smoked two packs a day for sixty years. He hated it so much and he hated it when the other doctors and nurses made him talk. At least this nurse—Lexa, according to her nametag—didn’t do that.
“Is it bad?” she asked, moving to the bedside table, and using a purple hand towel and a bowl of water to carefully clean off his face. When he nodded at her question, she turned to the IV bag (the needle to which was stuck in his fucking neck) and adjusted the switches. “You hungry?” She nodded to the breakfast tray an orderly left.
Fizz shook his head. Actually, he was really hungry, but he wasn’t up to having someone feed him. That was when nurses were the worst about talking to him like he was a baby.
Lexa adjusted the switch on his nutritional IV bag and smiled at him again. “You wanna sit up and watch some TV?” He nodded, so she pushed the button on his bed to sit him up and went through the channels with him, landing on an adult cartoon.
While he stared at the screen, she changed his bandages and put sweet-smelling ointment on what was left of his horns. He wanted to know what it was and why it smelled like that, but he didn’t feel like putting in the effort of asking.
When she treated his ruined legs and shoulders, he looked in the opposite direction until she was done.
“You want company?” she asked when she took her gloves off.
He nodded again and she sat in the armchair beside him. They watched the cartoon in silence, but that suited Fizz. He didn’t wanna talk and he also didn’t wanna hear someone try to force conversation or tell him it was gonna be okay and that he was so strong. Yeah, so strong that he couldn’t even go to the bathroom on his own.
When Lexa had to leave, she smiled one last time and gave his face a little rub. Since that was about the only place he could be touched. Sighing quietly, he eyed the pitcher of water on the side table and almost wished he’d asked Lexa to give him some. His throat hurt so bad, and his lips were so dry that licking them only worked for about two seconds.
Letting his tail fall off the bed, he moved it around to try to get rid of the stiffness. Slowly, he raised it to the pitcher and wrapped it around the handle. But when he tried lifting it, he barely got it three inches up, shaking the entire time.
“Fuck,” he croaked with fresh sobs, letting the pitcher drop back to the table and curling his tail back against his side. His stupid tail shouldn’t be that weak. He should be able to lift a stupid pitcher to get himself a glass of water. Why the fuck hadn’t he just died? Why did the doctors work so hard to keep him alive when he wasn’t worth the effort? How was he supposed to go through the rest of his life when he was nothing but a pitiful, worthless burden? He couldn’t be of any use to anyone, so he might as well just die. Maybe he could drown himself in a bathtub. If he could get the nurses to actually leave him alone when he was taking a bath.
His tears had stopped, and he was staring numbly at the TV when there was another knock on the door and some incubus nurse opened it.
“Are you up for a visitor?” No greeting, no asking if he was in pain (which he wasn’t anymore, but still).
He nodded. Maybe it was Cash or Babie finally able to get to Lust.
The nurse left and the demon who came in was no one he’d ever seen before. He was a massive chimera with rooster feathers, a blue mane, and a ram and bull face on either side of his main face. His shoulders were wide, and his waist was tiny and if they’d met at any other time, Fizz would’ve thought he was hot.
“Fizzarolli?” The demon’s voice was like warm chocolate as he removed his top hat and took the seat beside Fizz, crossing one leg over the other. “My name is Asmodeus, but you can call me Oz or Ozzie.”
Asmodeus…It hit him suddenly and his eyes widened. Asmodeus, the King of Lust. Why would the King of Lust want anything to do with him? Maybe he wanted to use Fizz as a sex toy. Pretty much the only thing he was good for at that point.
“Um…hi.” He winced as he heard the sound of his voice, all chainsaw and gravel. And it made his throat hurt worse.
“Are you thirsty?” Asmodeus—Ozzie—asked him. Whether it was the king’s comforting energy or just the fact that the dryness and thirst were agonizing, Fizz nodded. Ozzie poured a glass of water and held it up to Fizz’s mouth.
The cool water was so refreshing and so fucking welcome that he downed the glass as fast as he could. When it was empty, he gently leaned back against the pillows, breathing heavily.
“Have they…Have they not been giving you water here?” Ozzie asked, his faces shockingly worried.
Fizz shook his head, wincing at the headache that suddenly bloomed. “They…They’ve been good. I was just thirsty. Everyone’s been fine here.” It was the most he’d talked since before the fire. It still hurt, but the water helped a lot.
Ozzie looked skeptical, but he let it go. “Anyway, I’m here to offer you a position at my club. I’ve been looking for a new emcee and I think you’d be a perfect fit.”
Oh. The king was making fun of him. He wasn’t actually serious. He couldn’t be. That’s all Fizz was now, something to laugh at.
“What’s wrong?” Ozzie asked, all pretend concern. “Was it something I said? Are you in pain?”
“If you’re just gonna make fun of me…please don’t.” Fizz’s voice cracked like kindling, and he looked away, tears in his eyes again.
When the king spoke again, he sounded hurt. “Fizzarolli, I am not making fun of you. I promise.”
“Well, you can’t be serious!” His head whipped over to Asmodeus, the fucking tears pouring again. “You can’t actually expect me to do anything, much less be an emcee. Look at me, I’m useless. I’m so fucking pitiful that I can’t even get myself water. I’m…I’m broken.” His head fell to his chest, sobs wracking his ruined body.
Soft, giant fingers gently tilted his head back up and the way Ozzie was looking at him was unlike anything he’d seen before. It was warmth and compassion and way more care than Fizz had seen even from the nurses.
“I want you to listen to me, Fizzarolli.” His voice was pleading, like he was asking Fizz to listen instead of ordering him to. “You are not useless, you are not pitiful, and you are not broken.”
Fizz wanted to protest, to argue that he obviously was. “But—”
“No. No buts. What happened to you is horrible, but it’s not the end.” He removed his hand and sat back in his chair. “I’ve been working on some prosthetics for you. State-of-the-art cybernetic arms and legs that will allow you to perform like never before. If you want them.”
Hope filled Fizz’s gut and his eyes widened. “I could…I could walk again?”
“And a lot more than that. Here.” Ozzie pulled out his phone and showed him blueprints that he didn’t understand and designs that he understood better. The arms and legs were black metal with blue stripes of light and blue hearts of light on the shoulders. The feet were high heels for some reason, but they were still feet. No matter what they looked like, they were still limbs. And they could be his.
“What do I have to do for them?” he asked with growing eagerness and desperation.
That didn’t sound right. “Nothing? Really?”
“Well, like I said, my goal is to convince you to be my new emcee, but if you don’t want to, then I’m not gonna keep them from you. They’re a gift.” Ozzie’s smile was so genuine and sweet that Fizz wanted to do whatever he could to keep seeing it.
“Why me?” His voice trembled as he shifted around a little. “You could easily get someone else who doesn’t need so much effort. Why me?”
“Because you’re you. The one and only Fizzarolli, capturing the attention of everyone who sees you. I’ve been watching videos of you in the circus and you are one of the brightest stars I have seen in a long time. You’re funny, charismatic, and so talented. I’d hate for all that potential to be lost just because of some accident.”
It was like Fizz’s nightmare of a life had turned into a good dream. He really had the King of Lust offering him an amazing job and fancy new limbs for free. He really could perform again. He could live again. He looked up at the Sin with wonder and amazement and gratitude. “Thank you.”
That soothing smile grew and Ozzie gently caressed the side of his face, his touch soft and comforting. “Anything for you, Fizzarolli.”
“You, um, you can call me Fizz. Or Fizzie, I guess.” He shrugged as much as he could and gave Ozzie a tentative smile.
“Anything for you, Fizzie. So,” he removed his hand, but the smile stayed, “does this mean you’d like to be my new emcee?” He pressed his hands together in an adorable pleading gesture.
“Yeah,” Fizz replied, his smile bigger. “I’d love to.”
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musekicker · 2 years
New fusion au drabble, this one a more fun one as it's Blitz and Fizz's first fusion as kids.
Today, both Fizz and Blitzo decided, was the day that they would fuse. They have seen many other performers fuse many times. Sometimes during their off times or sometimes during performances. Either way it was always amazing to them to see a whole new being standing where two or more beings had once been.
A new fusion form would be helpful for their own performances too. So once the two little imps got it in their minds that they were going to fuse, it was good as done. It should be easy enough they both thought, being such great friends and all.
"It's all about the trigger actions." Blitzo said, standing on a box. "At least that's what mom says."
Fizz nodded at Blitzo's words as if they were the wisest things he ever heard before he stood up.
"Ok... but how do we figure out what those trigger actions are?" Fizz asked.
Blitzo shrugged.
"I don't know. Just keep trying different things until you get it right?" Blitzo said.
Fizz, as much as he had no idea how this would turn out nodded his head and let Blitzo take the lead on this idea.
"Let's do this!" Fizz said.
The first fusion attempt was a mess. And so was the second. And the third. By the eighth time the two young imps were tired and Fizz had accidently kicked Blitzo in the knee. This action lead to Blitzo kicking back on instinct. A small kicking battle broke out and continued on until it became a full of shoving match. That ended when Blitzo ended up tripping back into where some rope was coiled.
"Okay, okay. Time out!" Blitzo called out. "We're forgetting about the fusion thing."
Fizz backed down from the shove battle, remembering that yeah, they were in the middle of something else.
"I'm not sure we're ever going to get this." Fizz whined.
Blitzo had just got his horns untangled and stood up.
"Yes we are!" Blitzo said, still very determined. "One more time." 
"You said that three tries ago." Fizz whined.
Blitzo did not seem to be bothered by this knowledge. He was still determined to make this work. 
"We're going to get this. Come on, don't you trust me?" Blitzo asked.
Fizz sighed.
"...yeah, I guess." he said.
"I will accept that." Blitzo said.
This time both imps could feel that something was different. That this time the fusion would work. There was a buzz of energy they had not felt before as the two ran towards each other. Not quite right in each other's path but close enough that they passed each other by mere inches. Fizz and Blitzo didn't fully pass by each other though, their hands catching the others and then pulling the other back. They then began to fuse.
It took a moment, the whole new action and the two different beings involved taking time to get use to the very sensation of becoming one being. Then in the next moment they were a whole new being.
The new form was still twirling from the inertia that was left from the fusion trigger action, one foot up in the air. As that twirl slowed they placed their foot down. And then they knew.
They were Prat Fall. Prat Fall was a fusion of pure humor and joy in that moment. A sort of experience.
The form was small, being two children after all. That would change as they got older. But for the moment they barely taller then either imp child had been before fusion.
Two tails were present, and the black and white stripes of the horns that were in the shape of Blitzo's were lined between each different band of color with a stripe of red.
Their outfit was a mix of purples and light green and there were bells on the fusion form. Bells that had not been present in either of the imps costumes at the time of the fusing. It was hard to know when a fusion would add details to the form or the forms outfit that there was no trace of in any of those in the fusion form.
Prat fall opened both pairs of eyes. They looked down to their two pairs of hands and they knew that they had succeeded.
"Oh look we, and we're taller! And where did those bells come from?"
Prat Fall was excited, gasping and jumping up in place.
"We did it!" Prat Fall said. "We really did it!"
A cart wheel they easily fell into brought them over to the tent pole. Then they climbed up the tent pole as if it had steps and was easy to climb. Reaching the top in record climbing time
Getting down was just as easy. They sprung off the tent pole and after a somersault they landed safely on their feet on the ground. Prat Fall could just hear the crowds cheering even with no one else in the tent.
"Let's go show everyone!" Prat Fall said.
The new, very excited fusion hurried to show off.
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nixie-writes · 2 years
fizz daughter is felt betrayed that her father hides something hidden, she discovered she have an uncle but her father refuse to tell her. so after searching some stuff she managed to found her long lost uncle, when she enter the imp building she found blitzo and asking some questions after blitzo is crying that he didn’t he have a niece and y/n just hug her uncle
-you were digging through your uncle’s old photos and came across a picture of him when he was young next to another young Imp. 
-when you brought it to your dad he refused to tell you who it was. 
-so you began to dig deeper through his stuff and found papers about his friend Blitz. 
-you knew he worked for IMP so you went to the building with papers in hand and showed them to Blitz. 
-Blitz was in tears knowing he actually had a neice. You hugged Blitz tight and promised you wouldn’t leave.
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hazbincalifornia · 2 years
This is kind of hard to describe but I think it would be funny if, in the fitzo kid AU, teenage/young adult Blitzo and Fizzarolli end up getting teleported to the present time and are super confused meeting their (completely different) future selves and... Children? And other partners? And partially being like "aww this is so great, we technically end up happy together" while also side-eyeing each other like "are we making a good decision rn 💀"
Well, if they aren’t, there’s going to be two more people roped into it at the end, and somehow they managed to convince two different forms of royalty into the polycule!
They’re definitely shocked about Sunny’s age once one of them (probably Fizz) does the math, and the fact that the royalty is Stolas of all people (who Blitzo had barely seen or thought about in years) and Asmodeus almost makes them think it isn’t real at first before they’re convinced somehow.
Future!Fizz and Blitzo are acting happy and sappy with each other by that point, but Future!Blitzo’s tail is curled around Stolas’s waist and Fizz is on Ozzie’s lap with Sunny, Stella, and Loona in between them, and it’s A Lot to take in, especially if they’re just teenagers.
“Would you… change anything?” Teen!Blitzo asks a bit cautiously and future!Blitzo just lets out a snort of a laugh.
“Yeah, twenty to thirty kinda fucking sucks but after that it’s great. I’d skip all that bullshit and get to right where we are now.”
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