#helluva boss ask box
apoljuise · 1 year
To young (you know, before blow up) Fizz: what do you like to do in free time? :^ Except clowning around and distracting Buckzo
( to author of ask: sorry if I ask to much I just don't want this ask to be ignored, just tell me when you had enought )
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I think this answers everything JSJS He also enjoys dancing and watching musicals! :D (cough cough *beetlejuice* cough cough)
🎭 First —-> Next
And for @tadssstrange : No problem! You’re the only one asking for now, I really enjoy doing this so ask as many as you want ^^
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mrfleshwizard · 1 month
I find it so funny and genuinely very impressive that Vivziepop made one of the most realistic portrayals of a rich abuser (way more grounded than her other rapist) using the power imbalance to trap their victim into coercive rape…and it was probably unintentional
Stolas is one of the best portrays of the abuser, but, yet, Viv doesn't see it that way. He's a victim and Blitzø is the one in the wrong. Blitzø is also horrible person and I don't like him, but Stolas is also horrible. Blitzø did a lot of the bad things, but not in "raletionship" with Stolas. Blitzø is a victim in this transaction.
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jeremyguytf2 · 5 months
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where the FUCK am i
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tealvenetianmask · 2 months
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yall ever see this concept art before? Because...it tells a lot more about Blitzo’s past. And there was already a lot to go off of.
Ooof I hadn't seen it. Very cool aesthetically. It's like . . . HB but even more stylized.
But also, the number of abuse tactics on display here:
Name calling
Physical violence
Guilt tripping/threatening self harm
putting adult-level expectations on a child
Ewww. This fictional goat-looking shitty dad character might be my ultimate nemesis.
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sickficideas · 7 months
pleeeease share any fizz hcs you have (or just helluva boss hcs in general) he’s literally my hyperfixation rn <3
OMG anon i had to jump to your ask because i will take any opportunity to talk about fizzy
- he has a hard time admitting when he feels sick because of this Always Performing mentality he has and Asmodeus is trying very hard to break that, but it gets complicated because Fizz will feel worse physically if he thinks he's wasting Ozzie's time or Ozzie is skipping important things to take care of him ): so he's constantly reassuring him and sometimes omitting information bc ignorance is bliss (for example, the important meeting today was rescheduled anyway! but no it wasn't)
- Fizz's unregulated anxiety is a lot worse when he's sick because it stresses him out which makes him feel worse and creates this terrible cycle. The panic attacks are awful and he will throw up or pass out (or both!) from hyperventilating. It's gotten better though Ozzie is helping him 🥺
- pre-fire Fizz was just as bad. if he heard about someone in the circus being sick he would work himself up so much that he would finish performing, get off stage and immediately throw up or pass out or both!! and Blitz was extremely impressed with his ability to keep that behind the curtains.
- kind of low-key a germaphobe might be undiagnosed OCD he's still figuring it out. regardless though his immune system was in shambles after the fire so he has every right to avoid sick people like the plague
- definitely gets stomachaches easily from eating junk. in those self inflicted situations he will whine and beg for comfort and tummy rubs
- he hates fevers so much. he hates his body feeling hot. he says he would rather throw up for days than have a fever
- his voice gets horribly hoarse after he's thrown up a few times or if he has any level of sore throat. sometimes he'll even lose it completely for a few days. Fizz has been teaching Ozzie sign language for a long time so Ozzie tries to listen to him that way 🥺
- just thinking about sick Fizzy curled up in bed quietly groaning and Ozzie picking him up and laying him on his chest and watching him fall asleep 🥺
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Sir Pentious: Exxccuse me, front dessk... I need pest control... Sir Pentious: *points to one of his enemies checking in* Sir Pentious: THERE'S A RAT!
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Im sure the hotel will be fine. Go get examined or find your mans.
Lucifer: *sighs* I guess I’ll make a call or two…
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***an hour later***
Lucifer: So apparently St. An’s in the Sloth Ring have a 5-year wait list for seeing patients. Even I couldn’t get an appointment…and those fuckers had me on hold for an hour! Guess I’ll try the Lust Ring…
**calling Asmodeus**
Asmodeus: Lu-Lu! Hey Short King! To what do I use the pleasure of this call?
Lucifer: Hey Ozzie…so uh…do you know anyone who can see me for a doctor appointment? It’s kinda urgent…
Asmodeus: *hangs up call*
Lucifer: Uh…hello?
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grape-souffle · 8 months
oh the red stoli drawing immediately made me think… what about him with color palette #115 - his name was king?
This was such a fun palette the mess with, thanks!
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ravenwitch45 · 7 months
Hey so everyone I'm back and while I'm still working on some stuff I had from before, I'm opening up asks again, feel free to send in anything, including for HH since I'm caught up on that too. No rush, just trying to come back to this and I'd like to see what you guys would like nowadays. I can't wait to see what you guys would like.
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See you on the flipside!
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vampschalet · 24 days
I really want to draw more Hazbin/Helluva stuff but I don't have many ideas so if y'all have hellaverse related art requests plz comment them on here or in my ask box, tyy!!
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For the parenting questions:
Stolitz - 5
FizzModeus - 15
HuskerDust - 10
RadioApple - 13
StaticMoth - c (bonus)
CherriSnake - 4
Sorry if this is too many. I just love this au!
Okay, 5:
Since there's three babies - Celeste, Aurora, and Leo, both Stolas and Blitzo were really bad at leaving them to sleep. Blitzo more than Stolas.
Blitzo checks on all three of them, possibly the girls more than Leo because Stolas checks on his double all the time. Stolas, as an experienced parent (since he would have dealt with Via as a baby, and Loona was almost an adult with Blitzo adopted her) always reassures Blitzo that their little half implings are completely fine- doesn't stop him from being a very overprotective father 💙
Whilst both Ozzie and Fizz are very good at reassuring Opie when she's scared, Opie tends to believe Ozzie more because ya know he's Big Daddy. Oh, and Uncle Blitzo told her about the time Ozzie kicked Mammon's butt. (Mammon actually sent Opie a gift when she was born, the Goetias were AWFUL about Opie being a half imp)
Oh, Angel for sure. (Although Husk will back him up every time)
With four kids it can be a nightmare to make sure they're all bundled up.
Annie-Rou tends to be less likely to get cold because of her wings, but Husk makes sure she's got a hat and scarf on because Mama will kill him if his biggest baby isn't wrapped up.
Penelope and Evangeline will always try and "lose" their warm clothes but Angel has a brother and sister, and having six arms can be really handy.
Angel makes sure Jack is extra wrapped up being his little baby.
Oh, this one is hard because Alastor will get his shadow to hide under the bed to tease Beau and Emmeline but they know their papa will never let anything happen to them.
Lucifer used to do this a lot with Charlie when she was little so he is more than happy to regress to entertain their fawns ❤️
Yes. Definitely.
Having kids never cross their minds. Well, not with each other. There was that whole thing with Val kidnapping Angel and Annie-Rou, trying to keep Angel under his thumb and saying he would protect "their kids"
Thank God Vox and Val found out that Val was pregnant himself. It was hard at first, for Val anyway, he was prone to panic attacks and such but the news was a delight to Vox who had lost a daughter, Dottie, when he was alive. He was very happy to have a second chance, especially finding out they were having twins.
Being a parent really changed Val too, he could still be well Val but Vivienne and Vincenzo really mellowed him out. Vox and Val evem started wearing their wedding bands again.
Depending on what Bash wants, he will usually go to Cherri since Mom knows EVERYTHING but when he's wanting to play pranks with Beau and Jack (haha BeauJack) and invent something, he will always turn to Papa.
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squ1dteeth · 10 months
Stella isn’t even a smart nor competent abuser villain at all since how she’s relying on her own brother for the planning and she acts like a obvious vile childish brat like telling me this bratty bitch can manipulate someone or hide her intent? Also she doesn’t have any powers nor fighting skill like serious Stolas just get Blitzo to kill her or use your magical powers already to get rid of her!
I think randomly making her stupid hurts the show so much. Like God forbid she doesn't have every negative trait possible.
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mrfleshwizard · 5 days
Adam and Mamon are an intresting case. Viv wanted the people to hate them. But in the end people ended up liking them both from the mess of the shows they come from.
Yup. Adam is more likeable than most HH/HB cast in my opinion, the same as Mammon.
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jeremyguytf2 · 5 months
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Can I request a one shot about Fizzaroli meeting Loona for the first time?
(Set post Mammon episode so he and Blitzo are friends again)
Yeah, I can do that. 😁
A few weeks after the events of episode 7...
Fizz was relaxing in the kitchen at Asmodeus' palace, waiting for the coffee maker to finish. Just as the machine dinged, his phone also rang. He was surprised to see it was Blitz calling. He knew his old friend didn't like getting up early, especially on the weekends. He answered the call as he poured his coffee.
"Hey, fucker, what's up?"
"So that's how you two talk, huh?"
Fizz paused. The voice on the other end of the phone sounded like a young woman, not Blitz.
"What? Who the hell are you? Oh fuck, you're some stalker fan that stole Blitz's phone, aren't you. Look bitch, I'm retired, so you can shove off."
He heard an exasperated sigh.
"I'm not a fan, dip shit, I'm Blitz's... daughter... technically."
"What? Daughter? Since when does Blitz have a daughter?"
"Since about five years ago when he adopted me but that's not why I'm calling."
Fizz was confused. Blitz hadn't mentioned a daughter in the few times they'd seen each other since trying to be friends again. The idea of his old friend being a parent was odd to him.
"So then...why are you calling me?"
"Can we meet in person? This feels weird over the phone."
Fizz was even more confused. Why would she want to meet in person? What could she want to talk about with him?
"Uhh, yeah, sure. Where should we..."
"I'm already close by. I'll be at your place soon. Tell them to expect a hellhound asking for you."
"Oh, okay then..."
The phone hung up. Fizz had no idea what was happening. He quickly ran to get dressed and rushed downstairs just in time to see Blitz's van pull up. A hellhound girl stepped out and walked towards the doors. She had a look of annoyance on her face. Fizz greeted her as she walked in.
"Hey there, you must be... Blitz's kid. I don't think you said your name before."
"I didn't. It's Loona. Let's get into this, okay."
"Yeah, you're definitely Blitz's. Let's go in here, it'll be more private."
Fizz lead Loona into what looked to be a parlor area. They sat down on a couch. Before Fizz could say anything, Loona spoke up.
"You're not gonna fuck with Blitz right?"
"I know you hated him for a long time. Now you're supposedly trying to be close again. You're not fucking with him, are you?"
Fizz was stunned by the question. He hadn't expected her to be so forward.
"I...no. I'm not screwing with him. Look, I get it. I don't... completely forgive Blitz for what happened. But... I'm trying to move on."
"You better be telling me the truth, clown boy. Blitz has been through enough. He doesn't need some fake asshole coming back into his life just to break him down some more."
"I'm not going to hurt him!"
Loona looked surprised by Fizz raising his voice. The two sat in silence for a long minute.
"Look, Loona. I get it. It's sweet that you're so protective of your dad. But I promise you, I don't have any intentions to hurt Blitz. Honestly, even when I was angry with him, in the back of my mind, I still missed him like crazy. We were so close once."
Loona watched as a few tears pricked the corners of Fizz's eyes. She smiled.
"Good, then I don't have anything to worry about. Also, if you tell anyone I was here, I'll come back and chop your dick off."
Fizz laughed. The two chatted a little while longer, with Fizz telling Loona several stories of Blitz from their childhood. After about an hour, Loona stood up.
"I should probably get the van home before Blitz wakes up and sees it missing. Good talking to ya."
"You too, Loona. Say hi to your dad for me."
"I won't."
The two shared a laugh, then Loona left. It was an interesting interaction, but it made Fizz happy. He was glad to know that Blitz had managed to find even a little bit of happiness in his life.
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youraverage-weirdo · 5 months
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Redduck (Red Guy x Duck)
Tervo (Terry x Korvo)
Ozziroll (Fizzy x Ozzie)
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