#asmr boy
yumeasmrscript · 11 days
[PART 5] Going on a date with the Wizard [M4A] [Fantasy] [Neko Listener] [First date] [Cute] [Romance]
Author notes:
I’m still alive! Been busy with a few stuff, but hopefully I managed to find the time to write part 5. Next update will be for my other medieval fantasy collab series <3
As always, you can monetize with the script, and since English isn’t my first language, feel free to make edits to the scripts to make things sound better, or if you want you can change sfx and such it’s okay too!
If you haven’t read the other parts, you can find them on my scriptbin!
Hope you will enjoy part 5, se you (hopefully) soon with part 6!
Summary: After accepting the invite from the Wizard, the day has come and you go out together! Chilling together inside a comfy and warm cafe, you watch the snow falling gently, whitening the streets outside. The snowy weather also gives the perfect opportunity to create a cute and unexpected present with magic.
[Action/things happening/Moods] Thinking
[Door opening, bell ringing, door closing]
[Happy] Here we are! I was really looking forward to this moment, since when you accepted my invite. Aaah, it feels so warm in here… it almost makes me want to stay here forever. [Chuckle]
True, my house is warm too, but we don’t have all of these amazing coffee and tea options. Or all of those sweets. In fact, now that I think about it, it’s been a while since I last bought a cake or something. [Excited] You know what? Before we leave, we could get one to bring with us, so we are settled for the next week!
I’ve been focusing so much on research for curse lifting, and you’ve been working hard to assist me with my shop, I’d say we earned it, don’t you think?
[Happy] Great! Well then, for now, let’s just sit over there. It’s near a fireplace, and it’s a little bit more secluded compared to other tables, I think… you might want some privacy, just in case.
[Relaxed] Aaah, it’s so beautiful in here. Oh, look, each table has a candle too! This one is… [pause, smelling the candle] ...vanilla, definitely vanilla. What a nice aroma… shall we light it up?
All right! [Finger snapping] It smells so good… don’t you agree? It gives you the same vibes of coming back home after a long journey. Do you… like this place? [Relaxed] It’s been so long since I last came here, it looks so different compared to last time. I can see the owner really cares about this place, it’s so much better compared to the past… Oh, anyway, I took this before sitting: it’s their menu.
[Page turning]
They have so many options! Wait, do they really serve this too?! Pecans aren’t so common here, I’m so happy they made a coffee with pecans too. [Slightly frustrated] Argh… now I really want to have this, but I swore to myself that I would have tried the limited edition one. I guess… [shyly] maybe we’ll come again here, together? It could be, like… a weekly date, or something. You know, like a treat for our hard work and an occasion to spend some “chilling-time” together.
I- [Embarrassed] Yes, I just called it “date” but- I mean- You know, it’s like-- [The more it goes on, the more it gets flustered and no sense] Going out together because- it’s… fun? I mean you don’t have to call it necessary “date” if- if you don’t want to see it as a date. Like, it’s not a “romantic” date. More like an “appointment” date? Or a colleagues date? B-because that’s something colleagues do. Or friends too. Because, yeah, we… are both colleagues and friends. And roommates. And-- friends can sometimes have these “friends date”, and… uh… [whispered] okay, this is so awkward. How do I get out of this mess I put myself in- Please, floor, just swallow me and let me disappear.
Don’t-- don’t laugh at me! [Pause] [Pretending to be offended] Yeah, I can see that you think it’s funny… [Pause] Oh, look! It’s snowing! [Whispering] And perfect timing, thank goodness.
[Chill again] It’s so beautiful from here. It’s the first snow of the year, I didn’t expect it! Though… hopefully we won’t freeze going back home later.
True, it’s enchanting nonetheless. Delicate, too… it reminds me of you, you know? [Chuckle] Now we’re fair. I can’t be the only embarrassed one. [Satisfied sigh].
So? Have you decided what you’re going to order?
[Excited] Ooh, I bet that’s super tasty! I’ll go for the limited coffee with caramel, vanilla and toasted almonds. I’ll go get them, please wait here for a moment.
[Chair moving, footsteps]
I said it without even thinking… but, it really feels like a date. A… “real” date with them… Why am I so nervous? It’s not like it’s the first time we went out together, and we always stay together at home to… [sigh] I must have looked like an idiot. It never happened to me, come on, get yourself together! Just… calm down, calm down. Behave like you always do. It’s just… a date. That’s what I had in mind when I invited them, after all. Saying it out loud, like that, though… well, at least they didn’t mind. That… that must be a good sign. I guess?.
[Pause, sigh]
They… truly look beautiful, leaning their cheek upon the hand like that, while they watch the snow with a dreamy and relaxed expression. I can’t believe how much close we’ve grown. Thinking that a little bit more than a month ago we didn’t even know each other, and now I… can’t imagine going back to my house and not finding them there. I wonder if… is it the same for them. Or maybe… [worried] they’re staying only because they need their curse lifted? We never really talked about it and… I’m not sure I want to know the answer. Not… now. I’m pretty sure, though… I can’t think of anyone else I’d wish to have close to me.
[Relaxed] Here it is, this one is yours and this is my coffee. [Sound of cups being put on the table, chair moving]
[Taking a sip]
Aaah, it feels so warm. It’s just the perfect drink for a cold and snowy day like this one. And it’s so sweet too! What about your? How is it?
[Happy] Oh, I’m glad you like it! It really looks delicious.
Are you sure? ...Well, if you insist, I’ll take up on your offer.
[Drinking] Wait a moment-- [embarrassed] isn’t this some sort of an indirect kiss?!
[Cough] [Kind of choking tone] I think it went down the wrong way- [More coughing] But... yes, it really is tasty! [Last cough, but still a slightly choking tone] Yes, yes, I’m okay. All good now, I can’t allow a coffee to take my life [Chuckle]. [Truly all better, hopeful tone] Would you... like to try mine too? Here.
Now that I think about it… this happened already, didn’t it? When they had to take the health potion and didn’t trust me enough to take a sip, so I had to take one first… I hadn’t thought much of it back then. It feels so different now, though.
So? Do you like it? [Pause] I know, right? It’s really delicious!
Are they… blushing? I wonder if they had the same thought. Oh, come on, why is it so awkward… I need to say something! Anything!
Uhm… [cheerful] Oh, have you ever made a snowman?
[Nostalgic, happy] When I was younger, I used to make snow bunny instead. It took less time and effort. I remember seeing a wizard in this village making one and giving it life thanks to his magic, for just a little while, but it was so adorable. I think that was the first time I felt attracted to magic, you know? [Chuckle]
Oh, I thought it was pretty common back then! So you’ve never seen a snow bunny coming alive and bouncing here and there? If you want, we can make one later. If it keeps coming down like this, I’m pretty sure by the time we get home, there will be a thick layer of snow.
Well, yes, it could be anything. A snow bunny, a snow man, a snow cat. [Mockingly] Do you want to make a snow cat? [Chuckle] [Pretending to be serious] No, of course I’m not making fun of you, don’t give me that look! [Laugh] [Happy, chill] But still, wouldn’t it be cute? A white, cute, snow cat. After all, today is our day off. We need to have fun and relax, and what’s a better way to have fun than making things with snow?
[Chuckle] It’s decided then.
[Excited] Oh, and… I forgot to tell you, I’ve heard about a grimoire with a lot of researches related to curse lifting, written by one of the best wizards of the past. The good news is that it uncovers a lot about curses and curse lifting, much more compared to all of the other books, so we will have a greater chance of finding a solution for your case. [Upset] The bad news is… to get it I’ll have to travel to the capital. [Slightly sad] Aw, don’t make that face. [Trying to cheer the listener] It could be your chance and I won’t be away for much. It should be just four days, the capital it’s not that far after all.
[Bittersweet] Oh, as much as I’d love for you to accompany me, I can’t let you do that. It’s getting colder and colder, it’s not the best idea to travel in this weather, plus I need someone to run the shop for me. Especially now that we’re a little bit… short on money, and unfortunately the grimoire is pretty expensive. That’s the second bad news.
[Comforting] No, no, don’t be sorry! And I don’t want your money either. It’s true that I’m buying it to help you, but it’s still something I would have eventually bought as a wizard. I’m sure you know already, but you never stop studying magic even when you’re great at spells and stuff, because when you’ve studied all the magic coming from the past, there is still so much more to uncover in the present. And before researching the present, I must study all about the past. So, don’t worry about it, okay? If you deal with the shop while I’m gone, you’re already helping a lot.
[Encouraging] Hey, it’s all right, I know you can do that. You always make perfect potions, for someone who doesn’t use magic or spells. As for the chanted amulets and spell-scrolls, I’ll deal with them in advance so you won’t have to worry. I think… we should give this grimoire a chance.
[Serious] No, I’m sorry, but… I don’t want to wait for the weather to change, I don’t want to waste precious time. I… [sad] haven’t forgotten about how you truly feel, and I promised to you that I would have worked harder. So please, let me do this. It’s not a problem for me, I assure you! And again… it’s only for four days. All right?
[Relieved sigh] Good.
[Happy] Well then, enough talking about work. Why don’t you choose a cake to bring home?
Oooh, nice, that seems delicious.
What- no, don’t you dare! [Confused, but gentle] I’m can’t let you buy it for us, I’m the one who invited you, so I’ll be the one paying for it.
Huh? What’s that look- hey, no! No, wait!
[Sound of wrist being grabbed, chuckle] Nope, I’m not going to let go of your wrist! Nu-uh. I can’t let you pay, absolutely not. The money you earned with your hard work… you’re supposed to use it for yourself, not for these things. I mean you’ve been helping so much with the shop and at home, and it’s only fair that I give you extras when we have them thanks to you. You’re still working for me, remember? And all of these money you’re saving up, you’re supposed to use them for something you like, not for… these things.
Are you sure? Sigh… [Happy, genlte] You’re always so stubborn, aren’t you? But… it makes me happy, really. Seeing that you care this much… too. Okay, let’s do this: since I’m the one who invited you to this, uh, date… my coffee and your drink too are on me. If you’re absolutely sure, I will accept your kind offer to pay for the cake to bring home. Do we have a deal?
Perfect! I’ll let you go now, and be right behind you. I’ll just grab the empty cups.
[Calling back the listener, with a “warned you” tone] Hey, only the cake.
[Sound of cups and spoons, footsteps]
Here is the rest of what we own them, and… oooh, this cake smells so good! [Excited] Shall we have a slice when we get home? Or maybe later, after dinner. Great! All right, let’s go.
[Door opening, bell ringing]
The snow it’s not going to stop soon… [worried] are you cold? I thought I saw you shivering a little bit. Hm, if you say so, okay, [Hopeful] Would it be a problem for you if we go to another place before going back home? I’d love to show you something, since it’s snowing.
[Happy] Here, come with me.
It’s pretty near, don’t worry, I wouldn’t have asked you to go there if we had to walk a lot under the snow. It’s just a minute, more or less.
[Relaxed] The village is so quiet when it’s snowing, it almost looks like a ghost town, don’t you think? But… it still brings out so much beauty. With everything quiet, everything covered in white… if only it wasn’t this cold, it would be perfect. Still, I think it’s better this snowy weather if compared to the suffocating heat of the summer. What do you think? Are you more of a winter person or a summer person?
Heh, I knew that. [Excited] Oh, we’re here!
[Happy] I’ve always loved this park, I remember once when this little lake froze, and thanks to the wizard I told you before, that made sure with his magic that the ice was stable and safe, there were kids skating on it. If you haven’t tried it yet, it’s super fun! I mean, after you go through the first struggling step of falling every few seconds. Well, that phase is also fun, but for those who watch. [Laugh]. Still, if it happens again this winter, I’d love to take you here... and skate with you. [Shyly] ...What do you think?
[Happy] Perfect! This year feels much more colder than the past one, so who knows, maybe we’ll get the chance. But... this wasn’t really the reason I brought you here, actually… come with me.
See this tree? It’s a silverleaf willow. While researching to find a remedy for your curse, I found out that this willow’s leaves are used as an ingredient for some kind of curses. Unfortunately, it doesn’t really help much with our case, but… I also found out that at the base of this willow, when it snows, if you use a specific spell, marvelous flowers can bloom. The magic helps transfer the vitality of the silver leaves to the snow that settles on them, and directly to the ground without it dispersing, thus allowing these rare flowers to blossom. Here, look:
[small pause] You first touch the silver leaves, and you let the snow melt upon your fingers. Then you touch the ground underneath, without waiting for too long, and… here the magic makes its trick. Look… it’s blooming.
[Gentle] Isn’t it beautiful? That’s the silverleaf lily. It… doesn’t really have any purpose, and it’s something that wouldn’t exist without the help of magic, but… I personally find it lovely.
I’m so happy it snowed today, so I was able to show it to you! And… here, take it.
[Happy] You know, since it’s the result of a spell, it’s not really going to wither. You can turn it into a pin for your hair, or for your clothes… I think it would look great on you either way.
Of course you can keep it! That’s… the point, after all. [Chuckle] Take it as a “thank you” for the cake. [Shyly] And, maybe also as… [small pause, slightly sad] uhm, no, never mind. I, uh… I think it’s better to go back home now. The sun will set soon, and [Cheerful again] we still have some snow bunny to make! Oh, wait, maybe you wanted to make some snow cat? [Laugh]
Okay, okay, let’s go. Let me know if you feel too cold, you can snuggle up to me if you need to.
[Gentle] Thank you for coming with me today. I really had a lot of fun, and I hope it was the same for you.
[Relieved] I’m happy to hear that, kitty. Really happy.
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luminarieasmr · 19 days
[M4A] Coming Out As Trans To Your Older Brother [Comfort] [Supportive Older Brother] [Trans Listener] [Wholesome]
Synopsis: Your brother decides to come home from college and surprise you, only to find you crying in your room. When he asks you what’s wrong, you decide to tell him the secret that’s been eating away at you for months now.
[SFX] - optional
Yo, kid, I’m home.
I uh, I finished my finals early, so I thought I’d make the trip back already.
Are you in your room again? You know mom and dad hate it when you coop yourself up in there. Remember what happened during our last reunion? 
Look, I’m all for you being a shut-in, but… don't you want to say hi to your big bro?
[steps SFX]
[door opens]
…Kid? Are you in he- Woah- hey, hey, hey, hey, what’s wrong? Why the tears?
Awe, c’mere.
Are you okay? Why are you crying?
You can't tell me? Why?
Because you think I’ll get mad? (sarcastic) What, did you break one of my guitars or something? Did you find my piggy bank and gamble away the savings? Did you sleep with my girlfriend?
Yeah, I know I don't have one, but let me dream. Whatever. Did you do any of those things? No? Then I have no reason to be mad at you. Now, c’mon. Tell me, what’s up?
Yeah, I remember the last time I was here. It was a couple months ago, but I remember. Kinda hard to forget, you dressed so… differently. 
No, no! Not a bad different! Not at all! It was just… a really big jump from your usual style, y’know? I didn’t bring it up cause I didn’t know if you were just tryin something new, but it really suited you. 
Yeah! I mean, you pulled out all the stops. Hah, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you almost looked like a- oh…
[short pause]
Oh, kid, is that what you were so scared to tell me?
(sincere) No,no. Of course I’m not mad. Why would I be mad?
Yes, you’re trans, and so what? Why would I be mad at you for being… you…? 
Do, uh, do mom and dad know?
No? Why haven’t you told them?
(shocked and angered) They yelled at you for dressing that way?
They said what about you?
Kid, no… Wanting to dress like that does not make you a freak. You’re not a deviant. You’re not a subversive.  Well, I mean, you are, but it’s a good thing. Wear what you want, be who you are. Why should they get to tell you who you are? 
Look, I’m your big brother. From the minute you were born, it became my job to love you unconditionally, and guide you in a way only an older sibling can. And if that means going against mom and dad, then so be it.
Alright? Alright…
[awkward pause]
So… Do you have a preferred name yet?
Dude, that’s boss as fuck! That name suits you so well!
And, uh… your pronouns? Like, I know you’re trans, but like what flavor of trans are you?
[hit SFX]
Ow! (chuckles)  Okay. Sorry, sorry, I know this is a serious moment for you. But like, seriously, what are your pronouns?
Uhuh… alright, noted.
[listener hugs speaker] Awh, kid… I’m really sorry I’ve been away when you needed me. But, I’m here now. And, since I’m graduating, I’ll be here way more now.
I don’t care how badly mom and dad wanna kick me out now that I’m an adult, my little sibling needs me and I have no intention of leaving them any time soon.
[improv catching up on things since he left]
How bout we go shopping this weekend? Get you a brand new wardrobe?
I don’t care if mom and dad don’t approve; it’s my money and I wanna spend it on making my little sibling happy.
Stop, stop, none of this “I’ll pay you back” business. You don’t owe me anything. I just want to see you be happy, no matter who you choose to be. I love you so, so much, and there’s next to nothing you could do, or say, or be that would make me love you any less.  
Okay, fine. If you insist, then how bout you buy me some ice cream at the mall instead.
Yes, I’m being serious! I have no idea what they’re doing in the city, but the ice cream there is disgusting. 
So, uh, it’s a plan? 
(chuckles) Alright then
[Speaker hugs listener] Don’t worry. I’ve got you. I’m here now. 
…I have some leftover pizza rolls. Wanna dig into those?
Yeah? Alright then. Let’s go. 
Oh, and hey-
Thank you for telling me. 
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sincerelywhistler · 4 months
would you still love us if we were wereworms
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has anybody done this yet-
Bonus white wereworm Davey for those who subscribe to the white wolf agenda
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piffany666 · 4 months
what your favourite audio rp channel says about you!
escaped audios:
you love nothing more than watching dudes fail at life. you just love watcing a couple guys get owned all the time. constantly. all the time. every day for--
porn? what porn? your here for the plot!...because if there was porn gb would be too powerful
redacted audio:
plot? what plot? your here for the porn!...because the plot hurst you too much.
Sythe audio:
there are two wolfs inside every scythe fan, one if called twinkle and their here for the MASS AMOUNT OF LORE. the other is called cheeky and their here for the hot british men. and only you can deside which wolf takes over.
you love the anime vibes, the thumnails reminicent of old school rps and the mass amount of boys love but you are in no way prepared for the inevitable reveal that everything is not as it seems.
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mythallia · 2 months
asher is the type to have baaabe use pet safe dye on his wolf
this man has shown up to a pack run looking like this
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yourwonderful · 2 months
Alright everyone I have a question, if we put all these characters in a bar whose getting the most people/ladies/ bitches?
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moonbounds · 6 months
Asher loves Babe like a pathetic gamer boy, like he’s OBSESSED. Pretty Rave Girl type beat. He’s absolutely whipped, on his knees for Babe, walked like a dog. He’s got full on heart eyes, no thoughts head empty, wouldn’t hesitate to jump over a cliff for Babe. Crawling on the floor towards them, stealing their clothes, sending long ass texts in the middle of the night about how much he loves them.
Yeah, he’s kind of a simp. But also, he’s really hot, so…
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pycth · 1 month
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Hot Boi Spring Back event on the Sky Side discord!
A bunch of us artists and writers were given the prompt of exploring the early stages of any pairing’s relationship(s), canon or not.
I chose Asher and Baaabe~ if you didn’t know already, my Baaabe and Ash have known each other since they were teenagers. The boy was hopelessly down bad despite Baaabe’s initial disinterest at the time..just be patient, king, you’ll finally get your chance in about 8-9 years 🙏
(Note that this was before Baaabe and Darlin became a thing for bit—that’s a story for another time)
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willowwee · 9 days
Albus' Favorite: Payment
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Ramble: Out of all the moments during BvZ 4, this one got me💀💀 I was planning to finish this few days ago but I was emotionally busy with personal stuff and I needed to thug it out w my friends and family atm BUT NOW I HAVE ALOT OF FREE TIME‼️‼️ I was also planning to draw faithful x albus but im still planning on the background 💀 so enjoy this for a moment and maybe some doodles next if I still haven't figured out what to draw next
Edit: also the head is Vilgrey🔥🔥
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goodboyaudios · 1 month
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317 notes · View notes
yumeasmrscript · 1 month
[PART 4] Sharing your worries to the Wizard [M4A] [Fantasy] [Neko Listener] [Comforting] [Reassurance for your body] [You finally made the wizard blush too]
Author notes: Part 4 is out! With this, the second narrative arc is starting: fluff increase, their bond gets deeper… And we get to know more about them! As always, it is okay to monetize with the script, and feel free to make small edits to the scripts to make things sound better, or if you want you can change sfx and such!
If you haven’t read the other parts, I’ll leave you the link below <3
Hope you will enjoy!
Summary: It’s been a month since the Wizard found you, you are now living together! In exchange for food and hospitality, you started working for him. In the meantime, the Wizard is still looking for a way to reverse the curse you have. One day, you went out together to buy some things you need at home, but something makes you uncomfortable. Keeping quiet, you wait for the sun to set to open up.
[Action/things happening] *Moods* Thinking
*Concentrated* So… we got fruits, we got a new set of glass bulb for the potions… Some herbs… What was the last thing we needed?
Oh, yeah, you’re right! I finished my ink. I’m glad your memory works better than mine. Now that I think about it, I… need to buy another book. I know it’s been a while… and we still have yet to do some real progress, but I haven’t forgotten about your curse.
*Frustrated* I know you’re in no rush, I know, but still… It’s frustrating not being able to do anything about it. I mean, I’m a wizard, I’m supposed to know how magical things works, and yet… here I am, with no clue on how to help you.
*Gentle, happy* Aw, you will wait no matter how long it will take? Thank you, kitty. It’s heartwarming to hear you say that. I’ll do my best to find a solution as quickly as possible.
*Caring* It’s… so cold today, huh? The wind keeps blowing… How is it in those clothes? It’s been a while since we went out together, and the weather keeps getting colder, are you alright? Are they warm enough?
I’m glad. I wouldn’t want you to freeze out here. Oh, careful!
[Strong wind blowing]
Here, I got you! That was close, the wind is really strong today. Oh, and your hoodie too… back in place. Are you okay? ...Good. Hm? Hey, what’s that expression?
What do you mean “it’s nothing”? It’s true that it’s not much since we met, but I think I know you well enough to see that it’s not “nothing”. Uhm… are you sure the clothes are warm enough?
Okay, so… what’s bothering you? You know you can tell me anything.
*Confused* You… just want to go home? I mean, if that’s what you want… we don’t often get the chance to come here in the village, so I thought you could have enjoyed today’s errands. Are you tired? Or maybe the things you’re carrying are too heavy for you?
Okay, well… you only want to go back?
*Calm* All right then… okay, let’s do this. Why don’t you go back with the glass bulbs? I need to start the base mix for a few potions, and I could really use some help. You know… water, silver root… the usual. In the meantime, I’ll get the ink and the book, okay?
Great! I’ll see you later then. Hold tightly to the gem as soon as you get home, so I’m sure you got there safely, all right? Perfect. Be careful on your way back, see you later!
*Concentrated* Okay, so… let’s get these things. If I have to be honest… doing errands on my own is kind of boring. It feels lonely without them. There should be a bookshop over there, maybe they have the manual I need…
[Time skip]
[Bubble sounds, door opening and closing]
Kitty, I’m home! I’m so sorry it took so long… *Slightly sad* The ink was the easiest thing to retrieve in that bookshop. As for the book… unfortunately, there was nothing that could be of any help. We quickly tried to go through each one of the magic manual, but… nothing. *Hopeful* Still, I won’t lose hope. And neither you should! I’m sure we will find a way to reverse the curse.
Hm? Why are you so quiet?
*Surprised, happy* Oh, you prepared the base? And you also prepared the poison potions? And you made dinner? Aw, thank you kitty, you’ve helped a lot. You did even more than I could have expected! Listen… why don’t you go relax upstairs? I’ll finish writing a few things and I’ll come too, so we can eat together.
They seem a little bit… off. I wonder why… They looked fine until we parted ways at the village. Did something happen? Or maybe I did something wrong? Hm… I wish they would just tell me. It’s clear that something’s bothering them… but what could it be?
[sound of pen writing, paper…]
*Concentrated* Hm… this one for tomorrow, that old lady needs a healing potion, the other guy a chanted amulet… And done. With this I’ll be able to follow the schedule. Now, let’s just end the day.
[Sound of door being locked]
The store is closed for today, everything is ready for tomorrow. I’ll just go upstairs and get some rest. I wonder… if they’ll tell me what’s going on in their mind now.
*Gentle* I’m here, kitty. Oh, you’re watching out the window?
*Calm* You’re right, there’s the full moon tonight. That means… it’s been a month already, huh? Since… you started living here. Time sure flies when you have fun.
*Jokingly, happy* I’m serious! Since you started working here, things have been so much easier. I can’t believe I’ve been sleeping every night in the past few weeks, I can’t even remember the last time I had such a regular sleep schedule *Chuckle*. *Calm, gentle* And… I hope you are having a better time here than the one you had before.
Oh, you do? That’s a relief, kitty.
Well, of course! Did you think I would have let you sleep on the floor or something? Or that I would have forever given up my bed? I told you I would have found a way to create a space for you too, so you could have felt… at home. Who cares if my room has half the space it had before, luckily there was enough room for the both of us! And… thanks to this wooden sliding door, now we both have our privacy.
No, I’m not “too kind”, that’s the least I can do for you. You are still helping here every day, that’s only fair. And, by the way, thanks for the help today at the village. I… enjoyed going there with you. *Slightly shy, just a hint of insecurity* Maybe, next time, why don’t we go in that cafè we saw today? Unfortunately we didn’t have the time today, but… it’s a pity to always think about work. So, yeah... what do you think?
Uhm, you don’t have to answer right away, kitty. If you want to think about it, it’s fine, of course, but… is there a problem? With… going out, I mean.
*Confused* It’s not about that? Then, what is it about?
Huh? Well, I thought that there was something bothering you, and I can clearly see it now from your face but… *Jokingly* reading people’s mind it’s not a superpower wizards have. Though there are potions that can help with that.
Aw, don’t give me that look *chukle*, I’m not going to use these vile ways to know what’s in that brain of yours. *Calm* Seriously, though, you know you can tell me anything, and that if you want to keep some things for yourself, I’m not going to force you to open up. Okay?
*Gentle* Good. So… do you want to talk about it?
Oh? Uhm, yes, I can turn around if you want. Why?
*Confused* What… what’s the problem in looking at you?
Okay, okay, fine, I’ll just do that. Here, I’m turning my back to you. So what’s happening now?
[small pause]
*Confused* Kitty?
[Small pause]
*Even more confused* Uhm…
[Small pause, turning around again]
What are you… *Surprised and embarrassed* Woah, Sorry! It’s not like I wanted to peek, I just… I mean, you weren’t saying a word… I swear I didn’t see anything! *Confused*...Wait, did you just… shifted to your cat form and back to human again? Why?
Oh, I see… you wanted to try shifting to a fully human form, and it didn’t work? But… I mean, isn’t that normal? The curse is not lifted yet, and…
*Gentle* Aw, Hey, hey… come here. Don’t make that face. We’re going to find a solution, I told you we would. It’s a promise, kitty. I’m sorry I didn’t make any progress up until now, but… I’m sure we’ll find a way. Is that… what’s bothering you?
[Small pause]
*Comprehensive* Oh, So this is how you truly feel, huh? You’re scared to go outside, you feel vulnerable out there now and… this is the only place you feel safe. Yeah, I bet… the wind didn’t help, it exposed your cat ears for a brief moment. Were you afraid that someone could have seen you?
Well, yes, you are right. It’s not that common for a human to have some animal features. Not even uncommon, actually, just… close to zero. Well, personally, with all of the magical stuff I’ve seen, a human with feline features is still pretty “normal” to me. But it’s true, maybe for standard people would be strange something like this. *Worried of being misunderstood* I- I’m not saying you are strange, let’s be clear on this. Even because we both know you are a human, after all, and it’s not a curse that will make you “strange”.
*Confused, slightly angry* Huh?! What- what are you saying?! Sure, curses sucks and all, but you’re not disgusting! Why would you say that?!
*Frustrated* Yes, I am looking at you and there’s nothing “disgusting” about you! I mean… who cares if you have cat ears? Who cares if you have a tail? Fangs? Claws? Because I sure don’t! You are beautiful, even if you’re not fully human.
*More gentle now* Yes, there are. There are so many things about you that are lovely and make you unique, and don’t you dare say the opposite, because that’s not the truth.
Is… is that so? Why didn’t you tell me before?
If… this can reassure you, there was nothing about that in the manual. Even though you might feel like sometimes you’re losing sight of your humanity, until someone ultimate the curse, you will be both cat and human. You won’t lose your humanity by staying like this, don’t worry. What you feel could be just the animal instincts kicking in from time to time, because… after all, you’re still cursed. Half cursed, to be fair. And… I bet it’s hard to live with these feelings, but… okay, listen, *Determined* I’ll work harder on this. I don’t want you to feel this way anymore. If I can’t find a way to lift the curse for now, I’ll study a potion, a chanted amulet or something that will help you suppress the feline instinct.
No, no, it’s fine, but you should have told me, kitty. I know you didn’t want to be a burden but… time is passing and it must be frustrating. I… don’t want you to feel this way. Until then, though… I just want you to know, that I don’t care if your appearance is not fully human. You are wonderful on the inside and gorgeous on the outside.
*Gentle* I know, you may feel insecure, scared even, but trust me, that even though your body has some animal traits, you are much more human than lots of people out there. You’re not the “monster” here. So, stop saying these things to yourself, kitty. *More annoyed, not at the speaker but at the other wizard* The one who’s a monster, disgusting, hideous and a filthy creature is the one who cursed you, not yourself. And if I ever cross path with him, I’ll make sure to let him know how much of a piece of trash he is.
*Gentle again* Hey, look at me. I’m serious. Your tail is soft, your ears are cute. Just like your fangs. Your sight in the dark has improved, your movements can be much more furtive. You can purr too, isn’t that relaxing for you too? Your senses are much more sharper. I know you would much rather be a human, but until we find a way to lift your curse, focus on this. Focus on the bright side of this shitty situation that bastard put you in: you gained the best from both sides.
*Confused* What, you don’t agree that’s the bright side? And what is it then?
*Surprised, happy and a little bit embarrassed* Wha--- I, uhm, didn’t expect that… No, I’m not blushing! [pause] *Flustered* No, I’m not. [pause] *Even more flustered* No, I’m--- listen, are you trying to get your revenge here for all the times you blushed? But… *Happy, calm* I really didn’t think you would have said that. I didn’t think… meeting me was the bright side. Your words filled my heart with joy, kitty. Thank you.
*Chukle* See? That’s what happens when you try to make other people blush. I saw your red cheeks, don’t try to hide them.
No, I’m immune to this. I only, uh, blushed a little bit because I was taken by surprise there. *Chukle*
[small pause]
*Gentle* Are you feeling… a little bit better now?
I’m glad. *Confused* ...Oh? You accept? Wait, what do you accept?
The invite…? *Surprised happy* Oooh! You mean, going to the cafè? So… you want to come after all? Aw, I’m so happy! *Excited* Then… how about next week? There should be a limited edition for both a new coffee and tea flavor, and I’m really curious to try them. And maybe, on the way back, we can also stop to buy something that’s not work-related, you know? Unless, of course, you want to go home.
Hm *The “hm” as a chuckle tone*, that makes me happy. I mean… *Relieved, calm* I’m glad that you won’t let your worries to hold you back. I… like that about you. It’s fine if sometimes you feel overwhelmed, and you can always talk to me when it happens, but… see? This strength you have, to face what worries you, I think… it’s really admirable.
Aw, you’re welcome kit-
[soft sound of a sudden hug]
...Huh? *Soft, tender chuckle* *Surprised, happy, soft tone* I think… this is the first time you hug me. I didn’t expect that.
Oh, no, it’s fine, of course. Why wouldn’t it be? Here… let me hold you too. You deserve a hug too.
[Hair stroking for a few seconds, in silence]
[Purring sound]
Aww, they’re purring too… I’m glad they feel better and relaxed now. How adorable they are…
[small pause]
*slightly concerned* Oh, sorry! I didn’t mean to touch your ears. Yeah, I bet they’re delicate. *Gentle* You… don’t mind? You mean it, or you’re just being kind? *Chukle* But… you hair is really soft, just like your tail. And… Kitty, promise me you’ll never say those horrible things to yourself ever again. Okay?
Good… Now, do you want to have dinner? Because, I can smell something delicious from the kitchen and I’m really curious about what’s in there. *Happy, excited* Aww, you made my favorite? Thank you, kitty!
Well then, let’s go eat something. It’s not the first time you made something, so I’m sure it will be tasty as heaven. And once again, thank you for taking care of it. I’ll make sure to repay you the favor tomorrow, by preparing your favorite one. Come on now, let’s go.
The moment they suddenly hugged me… I think my heart stopped for a moment. If I have to be honest...I wish it had lasted longer. It’s been a while since I last felt this way about someone, and… it’s not because I’ve been alone for a while before meeting them, I’m pretty sure. There’s… something about them. This feeling... I slightly felt it when we first met, and it keeps growing the more I get to know them. And now, I only wish to have the chance to hold them again. Just… for a little while.
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p0pp3t · 14 days
everyone who has an audio rp channel is a pimp and all their characters are their girls (gn) send post
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qhoaaaa · 5 months
I hc that David's mom's name was Angela
Angela Shaw
And that when Gabriel would describe her to David, when he was a kid growing up, Gabe would always refer to her in the softest tone, reminiscing about her gently, calling her Angel, of which David got from him to call his mate
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erial-c · 1 month
why couldn't i just have been into normal asmr . why did my brain decide "hey why don't we follow every creator that does audio rps with really in depth storylines and try to follow the narratives"
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cloveswifey · 8 months
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How the Slytherin boys react to you falling asleep on them? ~ Crush Edition
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These are so fun to make so please request!
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Theodore Nott
You were both chilling in the common room when you suddenly grew tired causing you to lean on Theo’s shoulder.
Soon enough soft snores were r gaping ur patted lips.
Theo would Continuously Glance down at you.
Smile slightly as you slept peacefully
He’d defo end up falling asleep beside you too.
Draco Malfoy
You’d probably be enemies tbh
He’d definitely Frown at first not knowing what to do
‘Fuck it’ he thought before throwing a blanket over the two of you.
Fall asleep beside you
Make it a big deal when u wake up
Enzo Birkshire
You were best friends
Enzo had a crush on you for the longest time and you were currently watching a movie in his dorm room.
You were cuddling which you both would usually do after a long day at Hogwarts.
But the long day had taken over leaving you passed out on Enzo’s stomach.
His head would be spinning.
Lightly smile
He’d hesitate but wrap his arm around you, eventually adding a blanket.
Mattheo Riddle
You’d be enemies
You’ve been partnered up for a project in Potions class
You got a bit carried away and sort of fell asleep beside Mattheo leading to you moving in your sleep..
He’d smirk and chuckle.
He’d probably take a photo of you sleeping too.
When you wake up he’d make out as if you did more than just sleeping the night before.
Tom riddle
He’d be reading as you fell asleep on him.
Tbh you were his only friend.
The two of you were just chilling down at the black lake.
Tom was reading a book about horcruxes that he had stolen from the restricted section in the library.
You eventually got bored and leant on him causing him to tense yet ignore u until he heard ur soft snores.
100% roll his eyes
Smile to himself about it later on in the day.
REQUEST: How would the Slytherin boys react to you falling asleep on them? Could be them already friends but crushing, or "enemies" but crushing. I think the scenario is cute! Thanks!
A/n: Hi! Thank you for your request lovely. I hope you like it!! I incorporated a bit of both “enemies, friends” for each character. I hope you all stay safe. I love you all.
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spookybeandoodle · 3 months
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That is all
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