#Asher was in it for the long game
pycth · 2 months
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Hot Boi Spring Back event on the Sky Side discord!
A bunch of us artists and writers were given the prompt of exploring the early stages of any pairing’s relationship(s), canon or not.
I chose Asher and Baaabe~ if you didn’t know already, my Baaabe and Ash have known each other since they were teenagers. The boy was hopelessly down bad despite Baaabe’s initial disinterest at the time..just be patient, king, you’ll finally get your chance in about 8-9 years 🙏
(Note that this was before Baaabe and Darlin became a thing for bit—that’s a story for another time)
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kineema · 1 year
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mr mir
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🐰 just a lil :3
(thats mostly just when talking abt my problems w u 😔)
sighhhh yeah fair
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ilovebuckers5 · 2 months
*•♡never be like you ♡¸.•*'
nika muhl x cheerleader!reader
"I wanna hold the hand inside you. I wanna take the breath that's true"
word count - 3.4k
themes :
-toxic rls
warnings :
-mentions to abuse
-explicit language
-iowa winning
A/N - did I get you guys. y'all really thought I would wait any longer to post this....
"can we please not do this ash."
i practically pleaded for my boyfriend to not argue with me before a big performance.
it was the day I had been waiting for since I was ever even notified that there would be a uconn game against iowa. I couldn't be dealing with relationship issues right before.
i attempted slipping on my skirt in the bathroom while my boyfriends voice was ringing in my ear no matter how much I tried to ignore it. I hate arguments. especially when they are stupid and have no point in even happening.
"no we are doing this now I don't care! you need to tell me the truth before you leave." Asher growled from outside the bathroom door. part of me wanted to swing the door open and break his nose but I knew that I didn't have time for that. so I gently but swiftly opened the door and forced my eyes into his with probably the most 'i'm not fucking around right now' look I'd ever given him. which is shocking with all of the arguments we've gotten into.
"Asher just fucking stop! I wasn't anywhere, I was literally sitting on the bench waiting for katie to pick me up! why is that so hard for you to comprehend." I pull my face away from his and before I could close the door and continue getting ready I whisper under my breath "its like you want me to cheat on you." the door was about to latch onto the door frame when his pale and veiny hand gripped onto the wooden edge. "what the fuck did you just say?" shit.
he then swung the door open with a force I've never seen before and a wave of fear flushed through my head. there were already tears welling up in my eyes from the yelling and now this just made them fall down my face. inside I was screaming incoherently at his face, slamming the door on his fingers and bashing his head around the room.
this has happened too many times. where we argue and I end up bruised or crying and I have to walk to Natalie's place and cry even more but into her arms instead. there's been too many times where Asher gets away with shit that no other man could get away with. and too many fucking times have I stayed.
his hand was peeled away from the edge of the door and I swear there was hot lava falling out from his eyes instead of guilt tripping tears. "why do you do this to me y/n? it hurts." he dramatically let his hand fall into his palms as more tears fell from his clearly angered eyes. most times I would let myself feel guilty and sorry for him as if I was the one that did the hurting. but this time I was done. nothing was officially over but the moment definitely was. he's going to have to find a way to win my attention back this time.
i tightened my pony tail and grabbed my cheer bag before walking out of our apartment, slamming the door behind me. it was so early in the morning that the sun was only rising as I walked out the door. I'm almost positive that everyone else on the team was asleep so I had to walk to practice. I was only a couple steps into my long walk when a car pulled up in front of me. well not in front but beside me. I continued walking until a window was rolled down and I heard a familiar voice call out.
"yo are you good?"
i was not. I had tears streaming down my face and I probably looked like I was just thrown in a pit of piranhas, but I cant say that.
"huh?" I turn my head to the side to see a white BMW pulled over. the voice I had heard earlier had a very memorable accent in it. Nika Muhl. 5'10 point guard. pretty hair. pretty eyes. just pretty.
"are you okay?" another voice reached out from the drivers seat of the car. Paige Bueckers of course. I finally looked down from my own height and saw a the brunette looking up at me with kinda eyes. her head was slightly tilted to the side while she waited for me to answer her question. "oh. uh." I waited a moment.
just before this I was telling myself that I wasn't going to put up with asher's bullshit anymore. that included hiding what was going on. Asher put me through shit. I mean he curb stomped my head on a pile of shit and dragged my face through it with his bare hands and never felt any regret.
"n-no not really." yeah I did that. fuck you Asher. the feeling of just admitting that I wasn't made the rest of my tears started to drain back into my eye sockets. I could see it in Nika's eyes that she felt bad even if she was smiling and laughing. she popped open the car door and tapped her lap. "well c'mon." she swayed her head, gesturing for me to literally crawl over her lap and get into the backseat, as there isn't a back door. I didn't want to be rude so I sighed and crawling over Nika's lap and into the backseat. I was hovering over her long enough to smell the beachy sunscreen smelling perfume she had on. her hands grazed my thigh that was exposed after my skirt had started to hang down from my position. thank God the cheer uniforms had shorts under the skirts because when I was almost in the back seat next to Ice Brady and KK Arnold, my skirt lifted up right in Nika's face. I almost fell face first into the backseat before I felt Nika's hands grip onto my waist to support me until I was sitting down. I let out a sharp and quick sigh while fixing my hair and and un-ruffling my skirt, I looked into the driver seat to see Paige holding back tears of laughter. I could practically see how red Nika was from the back of the head rest she had her hair pressed against.
i didn't expect the car ride to be as comforting as it was. the entire drive was basically just the girls either singing or asking me questions about cheer. it was all fine before Nika decided to speak up about why I was sobbing on the sidewalk.
"so what was going on with you earlier? before we very obviously saved your ass." I couldn't help but laugh at her remark but quickly got more serious when Paige turned down the music so everyone could hear me. I felt like I was put on a stage with a microphone in a pretty pink dress waiting to win Miss America with everyone's eyes on me while they waited for me to answer.
"oh it was nothing just stuff about my boyfriend...." I tried to shake off the question even though a part of me wanted to scream how much I hated him. I trailed off and glanced to the side to find an unconvinced KK staring at me. KK is funny, I always see her jumping around after a win and shes always filled with energy.
I shrugged and threw my head back before actually giving in. "fine. he's like, really shitty honestly. I want to break up but I can't." the car was silent for a couple seconds while I patiently waited for someone to speak. "what way of shitty? like wants to break up constantly but wont or like- another way of shitty" Paige asked without making any eye contact.
another way for sure. every other way that you could think of Paige.
"guilt tripping manipulative way I guess?" I said, my voice slightly cracking. Nika clicked her tongue as she reached around her seat and looked back at you. "you know you don't have to stay. I know its hard to not stay but you aren't obligated to stay." thank you. that the only thing I was needing to hear in the past year I had been with Asher. I know I'm not obligated to stay with him but Jesus it feels like it. "thanks." the car ride was silent for a couple more minutes before Paige pulled into the driveway of my cheer practice building.
I was just about to get out of the car before realizing that ice was in front of the door I should've been getting out of. I had to crawl over Nika's lap again. I tossed my duffel bag into her lap and its like she could read my brain when she opened her door and gently set the bag out side. but this time she put down her car seat so that there was a (mainly) flat surface for me to crawl over. instead of crawling, I lifted my feet over Nika's body first and then slid myself over her. my ass gently bumps against her lap, almost sending a loud gasp from my lips. there her hands were again. I thought everything was going by quickly but she still had enough time to wrap her fingers around my waist and lifted me from the back seat out the door.
it was honestly hard for me to speak after having to be that close to a practical stranger in the span of 20 minutes but I tried my best.
"thank you guys for the ride. good luck on your game!" as I was waving goodbye while walking down the sidewalk towards the door of the building, Nika yelled out.
"y/n? I'll see you there right?"
oh my fuck she wants to see me at the game. she actually WANTS me to be there.
all I could manage to do without folding over and passing out of the concrete was throw a thumbs up from behind me and continue walking. the moment I stepped or slid out of that car, all the thoughts came back, rushing through my head. how the fuck was I supposed to focus on cheer when my relationship was on the brink of ending. I felt tears well up in my eyes just thinking about it. obviously I wanted things to end but its been a year and a couple months. I don't know how I was going to just break up and be fine. when I swung open the doors to my cheer studio I saw coach and couple other girls sitting down, tying their shoes and fixing each other's hair. coach waved at me once I got through the door. I made my way over to the other girls and gave them each a hug with a very fake warm smile plastered on my face.
"hiii, are you okay you look like you've been crying?" Taylor spoke in a soft, caring mom kind of tone. why is everybody so worried about if I was crying or not. its not that big of a deal just let me cry. I nodded aggressively "mhm. yeah I'm good." the two girls, Taylor and Caydence, looked at each other and they obviously could see through me. I held back even more tears when they shrugged their shoulder continued talking, I knew they didn't believe me but they didn't push an answer out of me like Nika and Paige.
a part of me has always been interested in basketball but the other part kept telling me that I was talented enough or masculine enough. Nika was always an inspiration to me even before I started cheering for UConn. sometimes after practice, as long as there is no performances and I'm not being held back by my coach, I like to go to the public gym and practice basketball by myself. every time I do, I always wish that there was someone there to practice with me. that is part of the reason I went on to cheer for UConn basketball.
i was still stretching when some more girls off the team walked through the door. makeup done, lashes curled ready to go. I still sat in the corner with a couple mascara streaks running down my face. sadly, there weren't any wipes anywhere in the studio so I had to sit with dried cracky mascara on my face instead of my lashes. I stood up after stretching and actually set my bag and water bottle down at some benches before going up to my best friend, Farah, and squeezing her tightly. she had just walked through the door holding a bag with her cheer supplies and another that had a bow tied around it. it wasn't too big but definitely noticeable. my eyes were immediately drawn to it but I waited for her to bring it up after we finished hugging.
"don't act like you aren't wondering what's in here." she shook the yellow back in front of me, letting me take it out of her hands. I scrimmaged through it and found a piece of paper in the bottom. it looked blank until I flipped it over.
mother fucking Farah.
"YOU GOT ME TICKETS TO OLIVIA RODRIGO? WHAT THE FUCK?" I squealed loud enough for the entire team and coach to hear. all eyes were on me but I didn't care. there was literally no reason for Farah to do this at all. shes just a really fucking nice person. she bent over, holding her stomach with laughter pouring out of her mouth. I felt all sorts of feelings rushing through me. confusion, happiness, more confusion, a little bit of sadness because there was only one ticket at the bottom of the bag.
that when everything died down. I realized that she only got one? no way.
"wait did you-" I began to question but Farah stopped me by shoving her finger over my lips.
"nope." she pulled out her hand from her bag and there were two other tickets. why two? why two. two. fuck.
"for Asher!" she held onto my wrists more excited than she was walking inside of the studio. that giddy smile on her face fell quickly. there is no way I'm bringing Asher with to a concert that he wouldn't even give a shit about. all he'd care about is getting in my pants afterwards because my feet will hurt too much to walk away and say no. I pulled myself towards Farah's ear and whispered softly "Asher cannot come with. I'm planning on breaking up with him."
Farah's eyes widened once I pulled my mouth away from her ear. all she did was nod and dropped my hands back to my side. we walked over to the bench and continued waiting for the rest of the team to show up.
practice went smooth. now its about to start. UConn and Iowa. fuck I'm nervous. I've been a UConn fan for years and this game is one of the things I've always wanted to see in person. they start introducing players while the cheer squad was doing our main routine to the rhythm of a random Taylor swift song. I think it's I knew you were trouble. ironic. the one thing I was not allowed myself to think of was Asher. if I wanted to think about him I would just trick myself into thinking about Nika. wait that came out wrong. anyways. I was just let down on the floor after doing a thigh stand and the team continued dancing until it was finally tip off. I scurried off the court with the rest of my team and sat to the side while a couple girls above me kept moving around with pom poms. we got the ball first and stayed in the lead for a while.
as much as I was pretending to focus on the shots all the players were making, I couldn't peel my eyes away from Nika. she was on Caitlin Clark's ass. not even letting her shoot a three pointer. shes doing so good. she had her hands surrounding the ball, barely letting Clark shoot at all. I admire her for her defensive skills. I believe her aggression really helps with that. shes passionate. she obviously wants to win but on court it looks like shes playing with her life on the line. but she does it with ease. the one thing I kept forgetting was that this could be her last college game. ever. no one knows where shell go after UConn. lots of people are saying overseas and I think that would be the death of me. I watched every move she made. not in a stalker way but in an invested in her game way. the way her hair swayed back and forth while she shuffled around Caitlin. the way she already had a couple balls of sweat falling off of her forehead. I would be lying to myself if I didn't think she looked really hot right now.
and I'm up again. Caydence was holding onto my hips before she tossed me in the air, I landed on her and angels palms before flipping off and landing feet flat on the floor. still holding a pretty fake smile on my lips. once it was someone else's turn to do a crazy flip, I took the chance and looked back at the bench, watching as Nika took multiple sips out of a Gatorade water bottle. her hand rested on Paige shoulder while she shot something that probably motivational and worded beautiful to Paige's ear.
the game was going smooth until the 4th quarter. I could feel my blood boiling while watching the timer tick lower and lower without our score going higher. this cant be happening. 3.9 seconds on the clock. I could practically feel the vibrations of every UConn fan tapping their feet waiting for someone to shoot a three pointer and give us the win. but no. a foul was called on Aaliyah. I don't think it was a foul but what do I know.
as much as I was desperate for us to win, I knew we wouldn't be taking home the win this time. 4.6 seconds. now Paige. what is it with these bullshit calls.
i never liked Iowa. in my opinion, Clark is good at basketball but can be conceited and over hyped. of course I didn't want anyone to come at me with that when Iowa "wins the natty" so i'll have to keep that in my head for now.
i started calming down, trying to accept the fact that there wasn't a point going on but they from the far side of the court I saw Caitlin Clark. the basketball player dubbed as the goat and a women's basketball savior, bounce a basketball off of her so called friend? fuck that shit. I almost stood up and sprinted across the court. me and Paige may not be close but I cant take shit like that. Farah rested her hand on my thigh, telling me to not do anything. because its "out of my control"
it could be in mine. just saying.
and just like that, number 20 gets the ball, throws it in the air, and declares the win for Iowa. I could physically feel my face getting hotter with each tear I saw fall from Nika's eyes. Iowa doesn't deserve this. they have everything. and UConn gave up everything. I couldn't stop myself from crying too. I shoved my face in my hands trying to dry the tears that were slowly ruining my eye makeup/ I feel fucking terrible. how could UConn give so much for this and barely get anything back. just the noise of all the Iowa fans cheering and laughing and the sight of them smiling made me sick. I wont even hide it. I was jealous. jealous that they had such dick riding refs.
who said that.
i wanted, so badly, to stand up and wrap my arms around Nika and Paige and Aaliyah and all the others to just give them some sort of recognition but we had to go. coach led us through the tunnel and that was it. I sat on a bench in our locker room, debating what to do.
and I figured out what to do. right then and there.
even with my hands on my forehead, crying and stressing, the inside of me was happy because I knew that someone wouldn't be feeling so bad on April 22nd.
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asmrrpaddict · 9 days
Random Head cannons:
Angel, Asher, Darlin’, and Sweetheart get together a couple times a month and just have a video game day.
Sometimes Lovely calls Vincent, V.
Porter has more respect for Darlin’ than he does for many after they stood up to him when he was being condescending to Sam when Sam was trying to get him and Vincent to not want to kill each other.
After Lovely punches Porter and sits back down, Darlin’ shoots them a huge grin and 2 thumbs up. Darlin’ had been trying to get Lovely to choose violence for a while about well, anything.
Darlin’ gets genuinely happy when Vincent and Lovely are around.
David doesn’t like Big Macs because they are too messy.
Guy hates cold weather. Except when people give bigger tips for being out in it.
When Sweetheart is lying on the couch, Milo will lift their legs, sit, and rest their knees across his and subconsciously rub their legs because he would watch his mom do it for his dad after a long shift at the department.
William has an extensive record collection and prefers their sound to modern means.
Elliot loves old movies and shows.
David’s guilty pleasure is 90s Adam Sandler movies.
Porter hates Harry Potter because after they came out, everyone in the clan called him Potter.
If Sam and (fem)Darlin’ get married, Darlin’ wants David to walk them down the aisle. Lovely would be the maid/man of honor.
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skunkox · 4 months
Darlin's Jacket Headcanon
Been sitting on this for weeks , so just hear me out rq.
Dalrin's jacket was a gift from Asher. It was a present to cheer them up while they were on punishment when they were young. Possibly a birthday? Grades? Faught a kid? Embarrased their parents in front of the pack? Havent worked out the details.
It's a letterman jacket from a band they were really into. But the issue? It's a gooddam Unisex XXL, and the twerp of a Tank is like, barley 14 with not real muscle mass yet. My Tank at least is 13 when they make the move and join the pack in Dahlia while the main shaw pack kids are 14.
"Ash. Remind me again why you dragged us to Hot Topic." Milo asked, reluctantly following a brace faced Asher into the cramped, and dim lit store.
"Cause Half-pint, your comrad in short arms has been looking miserable. Or at least, more so than normal." Asher snickered, slowly getting more, and more side tracked as he wandered farther into the store. It wasn't long before David grabbed the boy by his collar and dragged him to the back of the store. Milo flashed him a cocky grin while Asher stumbled behind David.
"We got a problem. You said it was this one, right? It's too big." David released Asher to nealty pick up the jacket. "I mean, I know it's the thought that counts, but it's just not practical, Ash."
Asher was already looking through the piles. Wanting to be 100% sure they weren't missing anything. Starting to feel defeated. There was no way Asher was going to ask the clerk if there would be another shipment. Nor would he be willing to wait for a possible restock. Milo looked at his friend. He could tell those puppy dog eyes were gonna start bulging soon. A huff escaped his lips, and he stood straight with his hands on his hips. Trying to seem cool and a little bit taller.
"It's not like they're done growin'. And a jackets a jacket. If it's coverin', it's good." Milo couldn't stop the noogie barreling his way.
The handoff was swift. Just as the troublemaker was mounting their skateboard outside their middle school's gate, a familiar truck rolled up. From the truck's bed, Asher gave a quick "Heads up!" Before giving the equivalent of a basketball pass with a heavy black bag. A cackle could be heard, and the truck road off. Leaving them bamboozled.
It wasn't until Tank got home that they viewed the contents of the bag. The biggest, and goofiest smile spread across their face. They couldn't give two fucks about the size. It was from their favorite band. It was a gift. Someone cared enough to gift them something. Anything. But the fact that the few times they did speak, they were actually listened too. It nearly brought the runt to tears. It did. They won't admit it though. That's just embarrassing.
Really embarrassing. They were given a jacket by a boy. An upper classmen boy. A boy who was a part of their pack. Who they'd have to face on a regular basis. They did the jacket at the back of their closet. Still in it bag.
The disappointment in Asher's face really couldn't be hidden. Mostly for the fact that though the week of quick pass bys,they didn't wear the jacket. But he noticed at their next pack meeting, they'd give small waves now. Small smiles were attempted. This continued until Tank would inevitably start sitting near Asher during meetings. Or willingly go on group outing. This snowballed to the occasional video game or movie hangouts.
Still mostly lingering around Ash, or him leaning on them. When he did so, Tank would get flustered. But in true Tank fashion, would give his sides a punch or his legs a kick. Never hard enough to leave heavy bruises. What can I say? They play hard.
As oblivious to this Asher was, it was almost too embarrassing a site for the other second gen pack members. Cristian would poke his fun while Asher was away before Amanda could put him in check. Milo genuinely wanted to see how things would play out. David called them the "Disaster Duo" for a long while.
In true 2008 middle schooler cringe, Tank was convinced that the might have had the tiniest crush on Asher. But they denied it. Denied it so much that the others couldn't be convinced it wasn't true. There were lots of little arguments that summer. But Tank would immediately shut up when ever Asher came around.
Freshman year was something......
The teasing started to get out of hand. Asher would definitely hear the snickers and teasing. Especially now that it was directed towards him by his classmates. Asher would deny it during classes and lunches that they were just his "Lil Buddy." It's not like he really helped the situation. Hitting a growthspurt over the summer, it was easy to see him from down the hall. He'd wave and call Tank's name out into the crowd. His little buddy was drawing in a sea of students.
He'd elped them get to their classes by becoming a meat shield. Tank was just barely able to keep up. Asher once thought I'd be funny if he could heave them over his shoulder like a cheap, stringed gym bag. Tank was flustered but kicked and punched all the same.
The teasing one again grew when Tank finally decided to wear the damn jacket during school pictures. Not wanting to be remembered in the preppy outfit their parent picked out for then, they stowed the jacket away in their backpack.
The little smile on Asher's face couldn't have been bigger when he saw them in it. He was on his way to take pictures, and Tank was headed back to class. He pulled them off to the side of a couple half functioning vending machines.
"Sooooo? How're liking the jacket? I know it's too big but you said you like listening to the band. That, and I've never not seen it in your discman. I'm sorry I got it so big. It was t-." Asher's lip got stuck on a braces bracket, and he began to fumble his words. Quickly second-guessing if Tank even really liked the damn thing.
Giggling could be heard from a couple kids passing by. A light shove was made by another to Ash. A quick "Dork." was thrown his way. Heat rose in his face. In Tank's too. But out of frustration. Asher didn't do anything wrong. He was just trying to be a good friend.
And it clicked for the freshman. Why overthink and cause trouble for Asher if they could be a friend? That could be comfortable. They wouldn't have to avoid him like an unwanted puppy. He'd been their friend. Or at least trying to be. Shit didn't have to be weird.
"Hell yeah, bro! It really saved my ass today. My parents wanted me to look like some sort of outstanding citizen or some shit. Can't wait till I can bulk up some, though. I'll totally be able to take on David one on one." Tank beamed and jabbedAsher in the arm with quick fist. This was the loudest they had ever been as far as he knew. His goofy ass grin was back on his face. Before Asher could get out a word, Tank ran past him.
"Thanks dude!" They called out from the crowd, not looking back and focusing on making it through the herd of upper classmem.
The following years, Tank continued being bro-y with Asher. He laid off of a lot of physical contact in turn. But this was comfortable for them. Not real close like he was with the others but it was what Tank wanted. They seemed happier that way.
Tank absolutely wore the jacket every chance they got. Around their waist if need be. Ruined absolutely every single yearbook photo. Every pack meeting. Every fight. Even when they felt there was no one to run to for comfort. That jacket had been through hell and back. However, you can only stich fabric so many times.
It looks ratty, but there is no way they're giving it up any time soon. Even if hugs are always offered or dare I say mandatory.
Tank was now yelling at Asher for kicking their controller from their hands during their match of Mario Kart. Hands were thrown, but carefully so. The group of 8 were hanging out at David and Angel's after all. There was no way either of the two were willing to take beating from David. At the very least, another ban from the house. Laugher roared in the home from all sides. Of course, Sweetheart, being an opertunist, took first place of that round.
David and Sam had been in the kitchen, taking a break from the roundy bunch. He had asked Tank about the jacket on multiple occasions, but never gave a straight answer. He'd at least wanted to get it professionally fixed up. Tank had gotten used to all the stains and tears. Saying it was like "The scar that protected their scars." And was proud of it for always being there.
David was willing once again, shed a little light on the troublemaker. Sam let out a chuckle. The next round was starting, and he wanted to make sure he wouldn't be playing doctor that night. The two men returned. David taking his corner seat next to Angel. Same made his way to the recliner. His Darlin' not missing a beat, taking a seat on the beanbag they claimed earlier in the night between their mate's legs. All the while, raspberries were exchanges between them and Asher from across the room. His own mate laughing at their childsh antics.
This was all the comfort they could ask for.
Jacket really be a security blanket, tho. Sorry for the shit grammar. Caught some kind of cold, and my vision is absolute shit.
Bromance anyone?
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sheawritesstuff · 4 months
Redacted Couples as Things My Partner & I Do
✩ Whenever Sweetheart’s head is on Milo’s chest and he wants to show them something he flexes his pecs until they lift their head up to look
✩ When Aaron is stressed, Smartass plays with his hair to turn his brain off - he whines if they stop but he’ll never admit it
✩ Angel smacks David’s ass any time he even slightly bends over
✩ When Lasko is in an overthinking spiral Coworker gently holds the sides of his face and takes deep breaths with him until he’s calmed down enough to talk about it
✩ Darlin’ bites Sam’s finger if it gets too close to their mouth and then just holds it in their teeth as long as possible without biting too hard
✩ Any time Damien is standing at the counter while making food, Huxley comes behind him and almost completely envelopes him - chest pressed against his back, arms wrapped around his waist, and head nuzzled against his neck
✩ Avior is a tummy kisser, Starlight is a hand kisser
✩ Instead of just telling Ollie when they don’t understand the game/show/movie he’s talking about, Coworker just blankly stares and frog blinks until he stops and re-explains the confusing part
✩ Asher and Baabe hold hands whenever they walk almost anywhere together, including just moving from room to room in their apartment
✩ Guy showing Honey his music playlists and taking them to concerts, even if they don’t know or particularly like the band, is one of his favorite ways to connect with them and show them his love
✩ On special occasions, Anton makes little snacks for My Love to take to work with them, even though he’s not super confident in his food-making abilities
✩ Freelancer has had to convince Gavin to put temperature-appropriate clothing on more times than they can count - he would go shirtless all the time if he could
✩ When Lovely gets flustered by Vincent’s flirting and looks away, he gently holds their chin and makes them look at him
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cameronspecial · 3 months
Let Me Call In Reinforcements, Angel
Pairing: Frat!Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: N/A
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.8K
Summary: When Y/N's book signing looks like it is going to take longer than he thought, Rafe needs to call in some help.
A/N: Inspired by my own experience at getting to meet these amazing authors!!! It was amazing.
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Going to a book signing can be a long process, especially when three of the most popular romance authors are in attendance. However, Rafe is determined to make sure Y/N gets all of her books signed and pictures with all of them without having to spend hours in line. The giant tote rests on his left shoulder while his other arm is wrapped around Y/N’s waist. His eyes survey where they are in line and he is satisfied that they are first. Good thing he paid someone to stand in line since the morning for them. “We are first. That means we can get in and out as soon as they open the door,” he informs her. She looks up at him with a giggle, “I mean we are certainly going to have good spots for the Q&A, but we’ll probably be here for a few hours. We have to stand in line three times for each author, Rafe.” His eyebrows raise and then his eyes narrow. “Hmm,” he thinks before pulling out his phone. “Let me call in reinforcements, Angel.” Her head tilts as she watches him type on his phone. He slides his phone back into his pocket and smiles at her. She shrugs, resting her head on his unburdened shoulder.
——— Thirty minutes later, a rowdy group of boys can be heard coming from behind Rafe and Y/N. She soon recognizes who the voices belong to and spins around to see them. Kelce, Topper, Henry, and Ryan are walking toward the couple. She steps away from her boyfriend. “What are you guys doing here?” she poses, going in to hug each boy. They may be frat boys, but they are always so kind to her. Henry, one of Rafe’s frat brothers, grins, “We are here to make sure you get to meet all of your book writer people without having to wait that long.” “Aww, you guys are so sweet. You don’t have to be here though,” she says. They all shake their heads. “We are more than happy to be here, Y/N. We all love you,” Kelce promises. “Aww, I love you guys too.” Rafe pulls his angel to his side again and presses a kiss to her temple, “Okay, here is the game plan. Y/N and I are going to sit at the front for the Q&A. Topper sits at the back right. Kelce, at the front right. Henry is at the front left while Ryan covers the back left.” He takes a breath to make sure they are following. “I have to be with Y/N so all of her Ana Huang books are signed, so we are going to go there first. We’ll hit Lauren Asher and finally, Elsie Silver. You guys have to make sure to be around the front but not too close because we won’t be able to be there. I am going to call you all closer to line-up time so we can coordinate so keep your phone ready.” At this point, an employee comes to the door and opens it. The boys dash into the room at top speed and settle down where they were told. ——— “Thank you for listening to the Q&A. Now, for the signing,” the commentator begins to note. Out of the corner of her eyes, Y/N can see Rafe slowly get up from his chair in a crouch and make his way to the back. She shakes her head at the lengths her boyfriend will go to for her; she does love him for it though. The commentator points toward the back, “Ana is set up in the middle. Elsie to my right and Lauren to my left. Have fun!” Y/N stands and sees that Rafe is already at the front of Ana’s line, so she takes her time walking to the back. Once she gets to him, he takes out the books he knows need to be signed and hands her a set. There is a little bit of a wait while the authors make their way to the back, so Y/N looks around the room. She spots Kelce and Henry third and seventh in the Elsie line while Topper and Ryan are fourth and tenth in the Lauren line. Eventually, Ana sits at her table and the signing begins.
She gets her books signed and her picture with Ana and the rest goes just as quickly. Thanks to the other boys, it only takes Y/N thirty minutes to get everything signed. They all make sure to take a photo at the photo booth and everyone heads to their cars. “So now that we are done with that, it’s time for the teasing,” Ryan voices. This makes Topper grin, “Right… like how Rafe knows the name of at least three romance authors.” The boys chuckle and Rafe can only shove Topper. “I’m not ashamed. You wanna know why? Because the only reason why I know them is because of my angel and I don’t see you guys in the same situation.”
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming @magicalyoura
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lynzishell · 6 days
The Present 🤍 San Myshuno
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Transcript below the cut:
Atlas: Hi, sorry we’re late. Dawn: Oh no, you’re fine, we’re running behind too. Where’s Ash? Atlas: He’ll be up in a minute. He’s just walking Jasper. Dawn: Well, come in here, I want you to meet my friend.
Dawn: Li, this is my brother, Atlas. Li: It’s great to finally meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you. Atlas: Likewise.
Atlas: [offscreen] Oh, and that’s my partner, Asher, and his dog, Jasper. Asher: Hi [waves as he unleashes Jasper] Hope it’s okay that I brought him. Dawn: [offscreen] Of course. Everything okay? Asher: Yeah, just spending as much time with him as I can before we leave. It’ll be the longest I’ve ever been away, huh buddy.
Dawn: Aw, he’s going to miss you. So, will we. Atlas: Not this again. You act like we’ve never been apart. Dawn: I know, but it’s so far away. Just be sure to text me when you arrive so I know you made it safe. Atlas: I will.
Atlas: [offscreen] Where’s Aspen? Dawn: [offscreen] She’s playing in her room with Mei. Actually, do you mind getting them? I think dinner will be ready soon. Atlas: [offscreen] Sure.
Li: So, where are you going? Asher: Selvadorada. Li: Really? Oh, that’s such a dream of mine. I bet you’re so excited. Asher: Very. We’ve been trying to get away for so long, it’s hard to believe we’re finally going. Dawn: I’m still surprised Atlas was willing to take this much time away from work. Asher: He hasn’t told you?
Dawn: Told me what? Atlas: I was going to tell her after we got back. Asher: Oops. Dawn: What’s going on?
Aspen: Dada! Phoenix: There you are. Are you gonna be my taste tester? Aspen: Taste!
Phoenix: Alright, c’mere.
Dawn: You’re quitting your job? Atlas: Yep. We both are. We’re using up all our vacation time for this trip and then putting in our notice when we get back. Dawn: Wh- Why? Asher: We’re gonna get back to working on our game, full-time, and finally finish it. Dawn: That’s incredible. I’m so excited for you. Atlas: Really?  Dawn: Yes! I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.
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no-see-um-incorrect · 9 months
Teen Asher headcannon’s 
When they were teens, Asher saved up a bunch of his allowance to buy a new game he really wanted. David needed to get a few things for the house  so he went with him, and Milo tagged along 
Milo was looking in the clothes, David was in home supply, Asher was in video games/electronics 
And Milo sees this green and white letterman jacket with MG embroidered on it. Asher(game in hand) walks over to Milo, who is staring at the jacket 
“oOoOoOo nice jacket!”
Milo lifts up the price tag ”……nice jacket, dumb price” and walks away
Immediately, Asher sets the game on the shelf next to him and start looking through the sizes
“MILO! What size are you?” Milo turns around.
“…I don’t got enough money Ash”
“I know YOU don’t but I do. what’s your size?”
“ash, I can’t ask you to do that”
“YOUR not asking. if you don’t tell me your size, I’m just gonna guess”
That day, Milo left the mall with his jacket. David left with his home supplies.  and Asher left video gameless but with a smile on his face.
(that one was long and cheesy. Let’s speed it up)
 Asher and a tank used to sit on the roof of the pack den and throw shit at Christian 
Asher was and still is a One Direction fan 
At school, a bunch of kids were making fun of Amanda, because she bled through her pants. So Asher splashed a bunch of water on his pants so it looked like he pissed himself (for those of you who get the reference. Like in Billy Madison)
David was his first kiss. it was through a game of spin the bottle 
One of Asher’s famous phrases growing up was
“I may have been a mistake, but I was never a regret!”
Asher ask tank to prom because he knew that they weren’t going to go if no one asked 
One year for Halloween he got dressed up as a clown (not remembering that David’s dad is afraid of clowns) and Gabe accidentally clocked him 
Asher didn’t know how to spell algebra (still doesn’t)
his first job was working as a stock boy at a liquor store (to this day he still questions why they gave that job to a 16-year-old)
Out of all of them, Asher is the one who got hurt the most. Hence why he is so familiar with Marie’s rations of shit. 
After his sister said that she was moving to Michigan they got into a big fight and he stayed at David’s house for like two weeks 
Absolutely swept the floor with whoever he was playing with in Uno 
He would very frequently go into his sisters room and steal her makeup and skirts 
When he was begging for his parents to say yes, to something, he would shift and give them literal puppy dog eyes 
Haven’t done something like this in what feels like a minute 
Hope you guys enjoyed. I hope you have a fantastic week. Stay hydrated, eat some food.  all that good stuff.  Love you💋💋💋
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sweetheart-ashy · 5 months
(Special thanks to; galaxy, Liv & Lorelite (og baz lvr) for giving me the idea and helping me with volleyball info!!)
lasko : team manager (he cried on the court once)
damien : libero
huxley : wing spiker
gavin : middle blocker
Xaiver (rip) : setter
Lovely : outside hitter
david : team manager (he made lasko cry once)
milo : libero
asher : setter
vincent : middle blocker
sam : all-around
Darlin/tank : wing spiker
geordi : spiker
Angel : Setter (flirts with david anytime they play a match)
Baabe : middle blocker
Honey: wing spiker (enemy to lovers slowburn with cheerleader!guy)
hush : just shows up at random games and sits on random teams benches
alexis : ex-player for team shaw clan (just stopped showing up)
porter : ex-player for team shaw clan
quinn : quit because he’s a pussy (tank kicked him so hard he curled into a ball and cried)
kody : banned off team D.A.M.N and any other college team (comes and watches all the games cus he SoOoOooOo obsessed (lasko has tried to get him banned))
adam : was banned. (And beaten up after cus he was a shitty guy)
hudson : Annouces all the games
Guy: team unemployed cheerleder
Caelum: team D.A.M.N cheerleader
Freelancer: second cheerleader (has to drive caelum to all the games and shamelessly flirts with gavin if hes benched) ((was offered a spot on the team but said nah))
echo : runs the (ILLEGAL.) betting pool for all the matches
(Sorry if i missed one of ur favs)
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dominimoonbeam · 10 days
The Truth in Your Skin - 14
ANGST! Okay, so we're adding some body image moments to the tags here and a sexual harassment tag. I feeeeel like you're all well and truly buckled up for the threat of danger and angst in this fic because of the Quinn past (and possible future, who knows, I'm dramatic like that) but this isn't Quinn or Darlin, so we're adding a new tag!! <3 <3
Thanks for getting this far. Hope you enjoy the fic! <3 From the start over on ao3.
Darlin/David, Milo/Sweetheart, Asher/Huxley
chapter tags: sexual harassment, body image issues, violence, communication issues, avoidance, doubt, hurt/comfort
The Truth in Your Skin - 14
“So… You’re apartment hunting?” Asher asked.
Milo nodded, sprawled out in Asher’s chair and scrolling on his phone. “It makes sense.”
Asher raised a pierced eyebrow and leaned against the wall. “Right… Because you’re a couple.”
Milo raspberried but didn’t take his eyes off his phone. “No, because we’re great friends and even better roommates. You should see these listings they were looking at. No fucking way they’re moving in with some stranger. Do you know how many creeps there are out there?”
Asher laughed. “So, the logical step, is to get a bigger apartment so that the two of you can be… roommates?”
Milo nodded at his phone.
The back door thumped shut and David walked in. “What’s going on?” he asked automatically as he started setting up the shop.
Asher waved a hand at Milo. “Looks like the idiots are officially moving in together… as roommates.”
David glanced over at Milo and then huffed a laugh. “Sounds about right. When are you two going to get a pet?”
Milo sat up, seeming to just then realize David was there. “We were looking at cats the other day.”
Asher laughed and David tried not to.
Milo frowned. “What?”
They laughed harder.
Milo rolled his eyes. “Fuck you guys. Are we still going to that out of town game this weekend?”
Asher nodded. “Yeah. Road trip!” His smile got sly. “You and Sweets sharing a hotel room?”
Milo wrinkled his nose. “Of course. Why would we pay for two? That’s stupid.”
“Yeah… you two are all about frugality,” David agreed in a mumble.
The front door chimed.
“That’s probably my one o’clock.” Asher shooed Milo out of his chair on his way to the front. He was still smiling when he stepped out to the front desk and saw the vaguely familiar face waiting for him. One of Huxley’s teammates had called about getting a piece done and set up the appointment.
After handshakes and niceties, he led him back.
Milo was gone, probably off to pick out curtains with Sweetheart. God, they were hilarious. He wasn’t sure he’d ever known any couple more fucking coupley than those two.
“Nice place,” the client, Colt, said.
David turned the music on on his way to the front with a stack of paperwork in hand.
“Thanks,” Asher said, gesturing him to have a seat and pulling out the sketch they’d talked about. It wasn’t a big piece.
Colt clapped his hands. “I’m getting the VIP treatment right? The Huxley special?”
Asher laughed and shrugged. “Sure.” He put his gloves on and told the guy to drop his jeans. He wanted to tattoo on his thigh, after all. He was already shaved, so it was just a matter of disinfecting the area before putting the stencil down. “You’ve got other tattoos right?”
“Oh yeah.” Colt nodded, pushing a sleeve up to show ink from wrist to elbow.
“Good, then this shouldn’t be any surprise.” Asher smiled and prepped the needle. He had a couple more clients today and then he was meeting up with Hux for dinner.
He settled into a good position and then gave the guy one last look. “You’re good?”
A thumbs up and a big grin.
Asher started the needle. “So how long have you and Hux played together?” he asked, starting the linework. Not everyone liked to talk while they got work done but Asher was great at rolling out questions if they liked the distraction.
“Years,” Colt said. “I gotta say, I was real fucking surprised when he started bringing you to events.”
Asher didn’t look up from his work. “Yeah? Why?”
Colt snorted. “I mean, you don’t exactly look like most of the puck bunnies, you know? And Hux has never brought a date. We were all starting to think he was like, not into anything, you know? Turns out he’s just into weird.”
Asher stopped, suddenly feeling heat rush his face. Weird?
Colt laughed. “But who’s not into weird sometimes, right?”
Before Asher could even start to unpack what this guy was saying, a big hand slid over the back of his head.
Asher shot to his feet, knocking the hand off of him.
Colt stared up at him, looking so honestly confused and smiley that Asher thought he might have hallucinated this conversation. And then he noticed the very obvious erection bulging the front of Colt’s boxer briefs.
Asher frowned. “Do you need a minute?”
“Oh, I’ll last more than a minute…”
“Dude, you see that I’m holding a needle, right?” Asher held it up.
Colt grinned. “Yeah. I figure, you mark me and then I’ll mark you. Like with Huxley.”
Asher felt like his brain was rebooting too slowly. What the actual fuck was happening right now?
It wasn’t like he hadn’t had clients flirt with him before. But this was…
His heart pounded in his throat but he just stood there, caught between work and whatever the hell this guy was saying to him. Did Huxley think that? Had he said that? No. No fucking way.
And then, before he could finish that brain reboot, David came out of fucking nowhere.
Colt’s surprise was worse than Asher’s, because David grabbed him by the front of the shirt and hauled him up out of the chair, his jeans still around his ankles and two lines of a tattoo on his thigh.
Asher flicked the needle off, still stunned, but listened to the guy shouting and laughing and trying to calm David on that awkward drag to the front door.
The bell chimed and David threw the other big guy right out onto the street. His voice was so low that Asher couldn’t catch the words, but there was definitely a threat there. And then the door closed with another snap of the bell and the locks slid into place.
Asher felt like his face was on fire. He hurried to move before David came back, starting the process of cleaning up his station just like he had a thousand times before.
“Who was that?” David asked.
Asher shook his head and shrugged.
David caught his arm to make him stand upright and stop trying to clean up. He put one big hand against the side of Asher’s neck and made him look back at him. There were so many questions and concerns in David’s gaze. “Who the fuck was that?” he asked again.
Asher sighed. “Just some guy from Hux’s team. He said he wanted a tattoo. I didn’t know he… would…” He waved a hand, floundering for words.
David nodded, that angry crease in his brow. “You’re okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah, of course.” Asher took a step back and gestured at himself like it was proof.
“Ash,” David said, voice weighted in seriousness.
Asher looked at him.
“You can punch clients that pull shit like that.”
“You hesitated. I know this is our business and you’re used to being the nice one, but you can turn that off and just kick them the fuck out.”
Asher nodded. That made sense. Yeah. And he knew where that line was out in clubs. Asher could definitely handle himself.
“Just imagine it’s someone else.”
“Imagine it’s one of Milo’s clients and what you’d do then.”
Asher laughed, surprising himself and relieved to feel that gross feeling in his chest loosen. “Milo would have punched him.”
David snorted. “Bad example.”
Asher sighed and nodded, shaking it off. It wasn’t his first time dealing with a creep. But this guy had known Huxley, had talked like… “What an asshole,” Asher said with a shrug.
David nodded but his mouth pinched, eyes still on Asher.
Asher realized he was still worried and laughed, clapping his shoulder. “Look at you playing hero, though! Damn you were quick to haul him out.”
“Haul who out?” Darlin asked, walking in the back door with a big yawn like they’d just woken up.
“I had a creepy client and David straight up bounced him!”
Darlin stopped, blinking at them. “Seriously?”
Asher nodded, back to cleaning up. He wanted to get rid of every bit of evidence this guy had been there… but he didn’t rush, because he could still feel David sneaking glances at him. “Turns out Davey missed his true calling—bouncer.”
Darlin smiled, shrugging out of their jacket. “I thought you said his true calling was line cook?”
Asher shook his head. “New true calling.” Weird. He was weird. Did Huxley think he was weird? No way Hux said that sort of stuff… right?
Huxley stood in the locker room, frowning at his phone after practice. Asher had cancelled on dinner last night and wasn’t sure he could meet up tonight either. That was okay, of course, but… But there was something off about it that Hux couldn’t quite explain.
-are you ok? He typed the words but hesitated to send them, just staring at them. Was it somehow too needy to ask? They were still new, and Asher wasn’t saying anything was wrong. He was just… off?
The sound of some of the other players coming down the hall spilled through the doors ahead of them.
Hux sent the question, leaning against his locker and watching the screen.
The group of his teammates burst into the locker room on the other side, unaware of him for now. Which was great, because as soon as they spotted him, there was no way they’d let him mop around with his phone.
“You’re an asshole, Colt,” Riley said, putting a laugh on it but sounding like he was actually mad. He didn’t usually get mad, so it almost took Huxley’s focus from his phone.
His message was read. Asher was typing…
“You saw him! Why wouldn’t I try to get some strange too?” Colt snapped back on the other side of the lockers, gear thumping into the floor and benches.
“Huxley’s going to lay you out if you don’t watch it,” Riley warned.
Huxley looked up at his name. What the fuck were they talking about?
Colt sputtered. “Hux loves me. And it was just a joke. That fucking freak didn’t even finish the damn tattoo!”
Huxley heart pounded. His text conversation bumped up.
-see you tomorrow maybe?
Hux still had his phone in his hand when he came around the lockers.
Riley saw him first, standing straighter and looking more resigned than caught. Probably because he wasn’t the one caught, right?
“What?” Colt barked and then turned to see Huxley right there behind him. Hux wasn’t sure what the hell he was talking about, but the flash of panic and guilt on his friend’s face before he covered it up with that ugly twist of attitude told him too much. Colt had definitely done something. “When—”
“What did you do?”
Colt shook his head. “Nothing. What are you talking about?” He wouldn’t tell him. He had never admitted to shit when he fucked up.
Hux held up a hand, having to pull it back to keep from pushing the guy in front of him. His moms always said no pushing off the ice. Problems should be handled with words. He looked at Riley. They’d all played together for years. Riley looked angry. Which was why Hux was pretty damn sure he should be angry. “What did he do?”
Colt rolled his eyes and threw his helmet at his locker. “Come on! I didn’t do shit!”
Hux didn’t look at him. He just looked at Riley and waited.
Some of the other guys were looking shamefaced and anywhere but at the scene.
Riley nodded.
“Shut the fuck up!” Colt warned before Riley even started. But it didn’t stop him.
“Dipshit here went to your boyfriend’s shop to get a tattoo yesterday. He ran his mouth and made a move. Like he thought he was getting a happy ending or something. Got kicked out.”
Huxley stared, trying to process that. Ran his mouth? At Asher? A happy ending? He swung toward Colt, who jumped back for the first time in their friendship. “What the fuck?”
Colt laughed, hands up at his sides. “Dude! I was just messing around! It’s not my fault if goth puck bunny took it serious!”
“What did you say to him?”
“What did you do?” Huxley ground out each word, the whole fucking locker room gone silent around them.
Colt’s face twisted from surprised to scorned. He shoved forward, pushing into Huxley’s space. “You can’t blame me for wanting to know what’s got you drooling over that metal-faced freak! Is it the tongue ring?” He grinned. “Is it—”
Huxley snapped his head forward, the same way he had a hundred times on the ice, knocking his head right into Colt’s. It should have hurt, but it didn’t. Colt fell back and as soon as he had the space, Huxley threw a punch that turned him face-first into the locker and sent him sliding to the floor.
Riley nodded like this had been the obvious and only outcome, back to working his gear off. “He told your guy he wanted the Huxley special. Only got a couple lines into the tattoo before he got kicked out.”
Colt groaned on the floor, coming to.
Huxley looked at his phone in his hand again and those last messages from Asher telling him they were 100 when they definitely weren’t. He stepped over Colt and grabbed his shit from his locker before storming out.
He called Asher on his way to his truck. What was he even going to say? What the fuck had happened?
Colt had said so many mean things. Had he said that shit to Asher? Had he hurt him?
Asher didn’t answer and Huxley shoved his phone back in his pocket and unlocked his truck.
Asher rubbed the steam off the mirror in the bathroom and then stepped back, music blaring through the apartment. He pushed his wet hair out of his face and looked at his reflection.
Why did it keep coming up in his thoughts? Why did he care?
It had never bothered him before.
David thumped his fist on the door and shouted over the music, “We’re heading out. Be back tonight!”
Asher nodded even though no one could see, still looking at himself. “Yeah. Have fun!”
He waited, wondering if he’d heard the door shut. It was impossible to hear.
Why hadn’t he just gone out with Hux tonight? He missed him. But his stomach hurt when he thought about actually seeing him. He’d have to tell him what happened… Would he even believe him? What if it was something he’d said to his teammates? What if he was embarrassed? What if Asher really was like a weird fling?
“Fuck.” He dropped his head forward, scrubbing a hand over his face. He had never been insecure like this before. But he liked Huxley. Like, really really fucking liked him. What if this was a real issue?
He looked at himself again, leaning closer, eyeing those piercings in his face.
No one was home.
He took the piercings out, trying not to think too much about what he was doing and why. It wasn’t a big deal. He was just looking at something. He put the last one down, his chin low, and forced his eyes up to his reflection again. Reaching up, he covered the ink on his temple sneaking out from his hairline, tilting his face so as not to see the one on his neck. His heart hurt.
He shook his head, even with tears in his eyes. He couldn’t change who he was and he didn’t want to. Even just thinking about it was hollowing him out in a way he could tell would wreck him. He liked Huxley a lot, but what was the point if Huxley didn’t really like him? What was the point if he tried to be someone else?
He picked up one of his eyebrow bars but a bang on the bathroom door made him jump and drop the damn thing. “Damn it!”
“Ash?” Huxley called over the music, Asher barely registering the familiar voice before the door was open and they were staring at each other.
Asher blinked and then huffed a laugh. This had to be the worst week. He was totally naked, piercings out, in his bathroom with the music still blasting through the apartment and looking at the last person he wanted to see him right now in the doorway. “Hi.”
Huxley had caught David and Darlin in the hall on their way out on a date. He could hear the music through the apartment door.
It was sheer luck that David let him in. There was no way Asher would have heard him over the music.
He realized pretty quickly that he was in the bathroom and almost barged in before thinking better of it and knocking first. But then he heard Asher swear inside and opened the door anyway.
They stared at each other.
Asher was naked and gorgeous but… but all his face piercings were out.
“Hi,” Asher said.
“Hi,” Huxley said and then winced because he had just busted in on the other guy. “Sorry. I tried to call. We…We need to talk.”
Asher’s tight smile fell, along with his chin. He nodded and grabbed his briefs, pulling them on. “Yeah. Yeah, okay. Let me get dressed and I’ll meet you in the living room?”
Huxley nodded and backed away, turning down the hall for the living room and trying to figure out how exactly to have this conversation. How was he supposed to ask about what happened when Asher hadn’t told him? He wanted to apologize but he wasn’t even sure for what.
Asher took longer than he’d expected but when he came down the hall, Huxley realized why. His piercings were back in. Well, all but one of the eyebrow studs.
He went to the speaker and turned off the music, and then he stayed there across the room from him, leaning against the wall, waiting.
“I heard… I heard Colt came to your studio yesterday,” he said, watching Asher. He looked so far away, his arms folded and his shoulder against the wall.
Asher winced, gaze finally meeting his but it was a mix of anger and nerves. “He came onto me.” The words burst out of him, like he thought Huxley might have thought otherwise? “He… He’s kind of an asshole.”
Huxley nodded, stepping closer. “He’s a huge asshole,” he agreed. “I’m so sorry that happened. Whatever he said… I’m sorry, Ash.”
Asher blinked at him and then slowly pushed off the wall, arms unfolding. “Is this… Is this what you wanted to talk about?”
Huxley felt as confused as his boyfriend looked. “Yeah? I mean… this is why you cancelled on me, right? Why you’re avoiding me?”
“I’m not avoiding… I was just…” He sighed. “I just needed to think and I knew when I saw you, I’d have to tell you about it and I wasn’t ready.”
Huxley nodded. That made sense. “I wish you felt like you could have told me what happened yesterday, but I get it.” He took another step closer, wanting so much to close that gap between them but scared that it wasn’t just physical. “Wait. What did you think we were going to talk about?” What else could there be but this?
Asher exhaled hard, almost a laugh but too tight to make it. He shrugged. “I mean, I thought you were breaking up with me.”
Huxley almost lost his footing. “What? Why?”
Asher waved a hand. “The whole Colt thing and what he said about…” the words cut off and he looked sick. “I just—”
“What did he say?”
Asher shook his head, one hand going to his brow, touching the stud that was there and then the spot where one was missing. He wouldn’t quite look at Huxley. “I don’t know, man. He just threw me and I guess I thought… And he seems like the kind of douchebag who’s going to tell everyone he got what he wanted even if David threw him on his ass, right?”
Huxley took a step closer, catching those fragments of information. “You thought I’d believed him?”
Asher winced and that hand moved from his face to his scalp, clawing fingers through his hair. “I mean, maybe? You’ve known him longer than me.”
“I don’t know him,” Huxley said. “I’ve played with him for years, but I don’t know him. I don’t want to know him. But I want to know you, and you wouldn’t do that. I’m sorry this happened. Can you… Can you tell me exactly what happened?” And why it had clearly freaked him out so bad? This was more than worrying that he’d believe some lies.
Asher exhaled some of that tension in his lean body, finally taking a step closer to Huxley, meeting him in the middle of the little living room. “I’m sorry. I guess I just spun out.” He touched Huxley’s wrist, the gesture somewhere between casual and exploratory, like he wasn’t really sure what would happen.
Huxley turned his arm, collecting Asher’s hand in his, relieved beyond belief for that contact and that invitation to nearness. His other hand touched the side of Asher’s face. “No, dude, don’t downplay it. You’re upset.”
Asher smiled but it was a ghost of the real thing. “I’m okay! So much better now.”
Huxley nodded slowly. This was all still new and he was just as tempted to lean into the idea of getting back to how they usually were, but Asher had looked so hurt… “Listen. I know you can handle yourself and you can probably handle whatever this is, but I’m right here. You could tell me. Sometimes it helps to say it.”
Asher stared up at him, so close now. His thin smile fell and after another stretch of thinking, he dropped his head, looking at a point on Huxley’s chest. “He said some shit about how he was surprised to find out you were into weird. …who’s not into weird sometimes? he said. He wanted the Huxley special. I was starting a thigh tat and he grabbed the back of my head. Said I’d mark him and then he’d mark me…just like you.”
Huxley had to hold his breath to keep from reacting. Fury fluttered in his chest, but he focused on Asher’s cheek so soft under the sweep of his thumb. This wasn’t about his anger.
Asher sighed, cringing. “I wasn’t scared or anything. I could have tossed him out myself. I just… I thought he was a friend of yours and then I had to wonder if…”
“If I’d said that?”
Asher closed his eyes and shook his head. “I know you wouldn’t but… I mean. We’ve been going to these team get-togethers with the other partners and families and I get it. I stick out. What if I am just some strange you’re getting out of your system?” As soon as he said it, he winced and shook his head again. “I’m sorry.”
Huxley gently lifted his face to get him to look at him. “Hey. No. We’ve been together for a few months, man. You get to have doubts and I am so fucking sorry I didn’t notice you were worried about this. You are the kindest, funniest, sexiest person I have ever met. You’re not strange or weird. You’re you. You’re perfect, Asher.”
Asher stared back at him, eyes big, hand squeezing his. “Damn…”
Asher smiled slowly. “That’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever said to me.”
Huxley exhaled a laugh. “Well, I’ll say it whenever you want to hear it. I’ll say it until you’re sick of it.”
Asher shook his head, leaning in until their hips and stomachs were pressed together. “Not possible.” He kissed him.
Huxley kissed him back, fireworks of relief going off behind his eyelids. The kiss was slow and easy, not demanding or pushing for more, just reaffirming and reveling in that connection. When they broke for air, he leaned his forehead to Asher’s. “I’m sorry about yesterday,” he whispered again.
Asher sighed but it was light now. “Not your fault. I really should have punched him though…”
“I knocked him out in the locker room before coming over here…” he admitted, expecting to feel bad about it eventually but not yet.
Asher pulled his head back to look at him. “Did you really?”
Huxley nodded.
Asher grinned. “Thanks.”
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burgerkingussy · 1 year
My Favorite Things From the Shaw Pack Smash Video
(contains small spoilers)
☆ it’s 40 minutes long???!!!
☆ Asher absolutely roasting the shit out of Milo’s height 😭😭
☆ All the mates are there AKSKSJSKSMSKS
☆ Ash saying “did I just get drive-by kink-shamed?” is funnier than it should be (especially since it was directed at Sam 😭😭)
☆ Sam’s “I’m an equal opportunist shit-stirrer”
☆ Sweetheart scaring the shit out of Milo + Darlin making fun of him
☆ Milo and Sweetheart making out and David essentially saying “not in my house”
☆ Milo and Sam getting pressed about the names 😭
☆ Sam not knowing how to turn on his controller
☆ Ash asking Sam if his enhanced senses make up for his old age 😭
☆ Sam’s “Holy shit i just killed David” (david is in fact still alive dw)
☆ David telling Angel how to play during their fight
☆ “Come on Babe! Fight in my honor!”
☆ Darlin’ and Sweetheart being ruthless against everyone, including their mates
☆ “That’s my fucking mate”
☆ Sam’s “I actually held my own… at least a little bit”
☆ Everyone making fun of Asher’s handwriting
☆ Asher calling Sam “cowboy”; Sam calling Ash “pup”
☆ Sam being wonderfully clueless about everything
☆ Everyone’s commentary during the game while they’re going head-to-head
☆ Milo saying he’d look “fucking great” in a hot pink tracksuit (i agree)
☆ David explaining video game things to Sam is so wholesome 🥹🥹
☆ Everyone getting “good job” and “consolation” kisses
☆ Asher vs David being “the showdown they’ve all been waiting for”
☆ everyone saying “final destination” at the same time
☆ “Darlin’ what the hell is a ‘jiggly pump’?”
☆ “Come on bud i’m just a little pink puff ball left on your porch” … “there’s a no soliciting sign for a reason”
☆ Milo calling Ash “jiggles”
☆ Milo hyping up Sweetheart the whole time
☆ Sweetheart and Darlin’ being the most ruthless players and then having to fight each other
☆ Milo and Sam being supportive AF while Sweetheart and Darlin’ were going toe to toe
☆ David being pissed about everyone making out in his house
☆ Sam immediately recognizing (and apparently loving) Mario 2
☆ The different between all the characters and their playing styles >>>>
☆ Angel refusing to give David kisses after he beat them
☆ Milo (maybe 🫣) foreshadowing something (quinn?) by saying “so much for domestic bliss”
☆ Ash’s “oh, alpha’s got jokes” when David made fun of him
☆ “Oh by all means, continue to debate nutsack brains in the background of fighting maps”
☆ Milo and Sam having beef over which Redacted Couple is Thee Power Couple
☆ Milo telling David “mates come first” 😍
☆ “Hell yeah sweetheart!— oop, nevermind.”
☆ David “my performance speaks for itself” Shaw (oh we know)
☆ “You celebratin’ over there or inspecting their tonsils” SAMUEL COLLINS!!!
and finally
☆ Asher saying “daddy chill” 😭😭
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starlitangels · 11 months
Some Redacted Characters Playing Phasmophobia Headcanons
For any of y’all who don’t know, Phasmo is a kinda glitchy ghost-hunting horror game where ya gotta gather evidence to figure out what kind of ghost is haunting the “map” go watch someone play it, I think it’s hilarious
I’m not gonna play that game myself but I can watch others play it no problem
Shaw Pack
David straight faces through everything. Never sounds scared over the voice chat
Angel is laughing right next to him because he does have a death grip on their leg
Asher never turns his radio off so everyone can hear him at all times
Is also 100% fearless and knows all the background lore hints by heart
He still screams if he gets got by the ghost though
Milo. Yelps. At. Everything. And jumps
Like seriously if Asher puts something down too close to Milo, he will jump
Sweetheart is sitting nearby laughing their head off
Darlin’ plays with their mic muted unless absolutely necessary so their packmates don’t hear them yelp when something startles them
However they are also very efficient and ridiculously lucky when it comes to hiding and surviving hunts. Even better than Asher and he’s totally not bitter about it
That said Darlin’s not afraid to let the ghost get them in order to mess with the others by leading the ghost right to the boys
Milo’s totally not holding a grudge over it
The mates also have nights where they play together but Sam is kinda grumbly so his mic and controls are co-piloted by Darlin’
When the mates play together Angel always charges in headfirst, bold as brass, and ends up somehow doing most of the work and not dying even when their sanity stat plummets. They ignore almost all of David’s advice sitting next to them because they’re better at the game than he is
But they also scream and jump a lot more (most of it for show to entertain their friends who always get a good laugh out of it)
Despite being almost as good as Asher, Baaabe almost always gets got by the ghost first
Usually because the ghost was chasing Sweetheart and true to their Stealth nature even in a video game, they broke its line of sight and hid and the ghost caught sight of Babe
Sam is usually… there. When it’s Mates Night Game Night he stays in the van/truck. Darlin’ is the loudest backseat gamer
Solaire Clan
Darlin’ drags Sam into this game
Vincent loves this game
Lovely takes a long time to come around on it because being hunted in the dark by an unseen force kinda reminds them of Adam
Sam doesn’t know how literally anything works to the point where Darlin’ and Vincent tease that he’s refusing to remember what all the items do on purpose. Vincent calls him an old man and Sam shoots back that Vincent was literally born one year after him and just turned younger and to shut his damn mouth
Which of course makes Vincent laugh harder
Lovely eventually tentatively starts playing the game because of how much Vincent is laughing with Sam and Darlin’
And over time Lovely gets really good at it. A lot of it seems like dumb luck but no. They’re just good
D.A.M.N. Fam
First of all, the four-person multiplayer limit means Gavin/Freelancer and Huxley/Damien take turns and eventually Lasko and his Water Elemental I presume
Sometimes Damien and Huxley are both on the game and Gav/Freelancer swap, sometimes vice versa, etc.
Lasko screams at everything at first, but as he slowly learns the game he actually becomes the best at recognizing the patterns of each ghost type’s quirks
Damien tries so hard to get good at the game and never seem scared but Huxley’s laughter over the mic always clues the others into when Damien got spooked by something
Huxley jumps occasionally but usually just does whatever Lasko instructs him to do with a “sure thing bro” and his usual chill attitude
Although when he does jump there is always an audible thump over his microphone of his knees hitting his desk
Gavin and Freelancer honestly spend the whole game night messing with each other. Trying to jumpscare one another
Or Gavin is pretending to try to seduce the ghost and the lewd noises he makes while talking to the ghost with the spirit box with the radio on totally don’t make Lasko turn as red as a tomato
To their credit, Freelancer does try on their turn. It’s not their fault they get super focused and then Gavin putting a hand on their shoulder to ask if they want a snack makes them shriek much to the amusement of their friends
Lasko’s Water Elemental is even more chill than Huxley and played this game for ages before meeting the group and does their own thing but always to the benefit of the group. Rarely uses the voice chat for more than a few words announcing their intentions. “Power has been turned on.”—“Freezing temperatures confirmed in the upstairs back bedroom. That’s where the ghost is.”—“The ghost is hunting.”—“Okay. Hunt’s over.”
Freelancer and Gavin refuse to show this game to Caelum
Freelancer occasionally announces a false hunt to freak out the others—and almost always a real hunt starts right as they admit they were messing around and they’re the first to get got
If Freelancer isn’t down first it’s Huxley, who will purposely draw the ghost’s attention to protect his friends
That said the whole group usually survives the whole expedition each round once they get good at it
Misc. Bois
Aaron doesn’t play but Smartass does. Aaron becomes a decent backseat driver for lore
Elliott and Sunshine actively sabotage each other and mess around more than they pay attention. They still get everything done correctly anyway
Starlight plays occasionally and Avior never does but he will watch and he is the absolute best pattern recognizer and the best backseat gamer
Guy loves this game to pieces. Sometimes it makes Honey jump. They do play with him a lot but Guy is better at it
Ollie is the Actual Best at this game but no matter how much he plays it and “Gits Gud” as it were, he still gets spooked. His partner will play but not necessarily understand everything they’re supposed to be doing
The Project Meridian bois don’t have time to play right now. Please leave a message and they’ll call you right back
Geordi gets so easily spooked by the noises but he loves the game anyway. When things are happy and fine Cutie gets a kick out of listening to his frantic thoughts
Morgan can’t See his own future so the mystery of what’s going to happen is quite enjoyable because it’s the opposite of meeting new people and immediately knowing them better than they know themselves by Seeing their entire future
Blake can See his own future so the game isn’t fun and he knows what it’s going to be every time
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ilovebuckers5 · 3 months
*•♡never be like you ♡¸.•*'
sneak peek!
nika Muhl x cheerleader!reader
word count - 811
themes :
-toxic relationship (for this part at least)
warnings :
-mentions of abuse
A/N - bad news. I still have to finish that essay so I'll give you this while I work on that.... ENJOYYYY
"can we please not do this ash."
i practically pleaded for my boyfriend to not argue with me before a big performance.
it was the day I had been waiting for since I was ever even notified that there would be a uconn game against iowa. I couldn't be dealing with relationship issues right before.
i attempted slipping on my skirt in the bathroom while my boyfriends voice was ringing in my ear no matter how much I tried to ignore it. I hate arguments. especially when they are stupid and have no point in even happening.
"no we are doing this now I don't care! you need to tell me the truth before you leave." Asher growled from outside the bathroom door. part of me wanted to swing the door open and break his nose but I knew that I didn't have time for that. so I gently but swiftly opened the door and forced my eyes into his with probably the most 'i'm not fucking around right now' look I'd ever given him. which is shocking with all of the arguments we've gotten into.
"Asher just fucking stop! I wasn't anywhere, I was literally sitting on the bench waiting for katie to pick me up! why is that so hard for you to comprehend." I pull my face away from his and before I could close the door and continue getting ready I whisper under my breath "its like you want me to cheat on you." the door was about to latch onto the door frame when his pale and veiny hand gripped onto the wooden edge. "what the fuck did you just say?" shit.
he then swung the door open with a force I've never seen before and a wave of fear flushed through my head. there were already tears welling up in my eyes from the yelling and now this just made them fall down my face. inside I was screaming incoherently at his face, slamming the door on his fingers and bashing his head around the room.
this has happened too many times. where we argue and I end up bruised or crying and I have to walk to Natalie's place and cry even more but into her arms instead. there's been too many times where Asher gets away with shit that no other man could get away with. and too many fucking times have I stayed.
his hand was peeled away from the edge of the door and I swear there was hot lava falling out from his eyes instead of guilt tripping tears. "why do you do this to me y/n? it hurts." he dramatically let his hand fall into his palms as more tears fell from his clearly angered eyes. most times I would let myself feel guilty and sorry for him as if I was the one that did the hurting. but this time I was done. nothing was officially over but the moment definitely was. he's going to have to find a way to win my attention back this time.
i tightened my pony tail and grabbed my cheer bag before walking out of our apartment, slamming the door behind me. it was so early in the morning that the sun was only rising as I walked out the door. I'm almost positive that everyone else on the team was asleep so I had to walk to practice. I was only a couple steps into my long walk when a car pulled up in front of me. well not in front but beside me. I continued walking until a window was rolled down and I heard a familiar voice call out.
"yo are you good?"
i was not. I had tears streaming down my face and I probably looked like I was just thrown in a pit of piranhas, but I cant say that.
"huh?" I turn my head to the side to see a white BMW pulled over. the voice I had heard earlier had a very memorable accent in it. Nika Muhl. 5'10 point guard. pretty hair. pretty eyes. just pretty.
"are you okay?" another voice reached out from the back of the car. Paige Bueckers of course. I finally looked down from my own height and saw a the brunette looking up at me with kinda eyes. her head was slightly tilted to the side while she waited for me to answer her question. "oh. uh." I waited a moment.
just before this I was telling myself that I wasn't going to put up with asher's bullshit anymore. that included hiding what was going on. Asher put me through shit. I mean he curb stomped my head on a pile of shit and dragged my face through it with his bare hands and never felt any regret.
"n-no not really." yeah I did that. fuck you ashe
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izzuku · 1 year
Redacted Headcanons cause I'm lonely ─
(enjoy my little drabbles <3)
╴Lasko knows lots of coreos from kpop girl groups and can almost do a full kpop random dance
╴ The whole D.A.M.N crew is flabbergasted: Gavin enjoys the view, Freelancer is dancing next to Lasko, Huxley wants to learn too and Damien is embarrassed to admit that he DOES know some boy group coreos.
╴Gavin knows how to speak Spanish and can definitely throw it back/dance to reggae in a club.
╴ Freelancer paint as a hobby. Sometimes it's messy (paint allí over them) , other times they're happily painting under the sunlight and Gavin is watching them from the door like a hopeless romantic.
╴Gavin feeds on sexual desire of course but there are these soft moments when he can sense so much happiness inside of Freelancer that he feels a wave of energy crushing through him.
╴Avior feels whole when he sees Starlight doing something they like along with some fun music in the background. The positive emotions flowing out their body are like a full meal to him.
╴When Angel saw first handed how David genuinely laughed out loud at something they did, they knew. They were like: "yup, he's the one".
╴Despite David being a grumpy man, he wears a small necklace with a gem and small angel wings on each side, always. He doesn't care who sees it, you're his angel and you'll always be with him.
╴Everyone is jealous of David's eyelashes. He has the most gorgeous, long and natural eyelashes you could ever seen.
╴Everyone in the Shaw pack has at least one big scar from claws, whether it be from a wolf, a demon or a vampire. Where you ask? That's up to you.
╴Before the inversion and the aftershock, Vincent recorded Lovely throughout the game, back when they had their powers. They watch the entire recording when they're alone...it's a bittersweet memory.
╴Vincent and Lovely sometimes like to dress in those old vampire outfits and pretend they're enemies attending a ball just to fall in love again and again.
╴Lasko's anxiety is quickly diminished whenever you lay down with him and read some book out loud. Just the sound of your voice softly reading is enough to lull him to sleep.
╴Vega is capable of shredding someone to pieces if they dare to interrupt warden's/darling's sleep. If he even feels someone getting near to the bedroom door, his eyes are already glowing red and burning.
╴Tank/Darlin' poses in front of Sam just to brag and show off their muscles whenever they come from the gym. Much to Sam's surprise, they're able to carry him at least bridal style (he's blushing all over the place).
╴Sam, David and Vega have big titty privilege because I say so.
╴Milo and Asher had scared multiple and I say MULTIPLE times their partners and the pack in general just from them screaming at horror games/horror movies. The worst part is that the rest wasn't even paying attention to it.
╴If they met, Gavin and Vincent would do each other's eyeliner. Lovely and Deviant would enjoy the view, taking pictures and gossiping.
╴Milo learned pretty quickly how to make all types of knots. You know why.
And that's it for today. I'll be sure to come up with more >:) and hopefully to learn about the rest of the characters (unless someone wants to info dump 😏
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