jamsofdeath0 · 8 months
Imagine being asmuth, greastest mind in the galaxy, and your magnum opus latches on to some snot nosed punk instead of the fully afult war hero general retiree you ACTUALLY sent it to. Like imagine that. No wonder hes always so pissed.
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aimlovesmusic · 11 months
You know how people have shower thoughts or about to pass out thoughts?
I get them when I’m brushing my teeth for some reason.
Anyways, Azmuth is the Gordon Ramsey of Ben 10.
Like you cannot tell me he doesn’t give off the same vibes.
Look at him
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ben10ocfanfic · 1 year
Tale of 10 chapter 6
1. The group of boys Continued to ride. Jesse Took a very deep breath. He looked at the scene around him and took note of the damages to the rv. Admittedly it wasnt as bad as it could be considering what happened.
2. It still didnt make Dj feel any better apon seeing one of his oldest freinds looking so distraught. This RV was Jesses home. He worked since he was 15 for this truck. He almost dropped out junior year to keep his job.
3. Dj walked over to his old freind."If theres anything i can do please tell me jess." Jesse just smiled." I love this thing. But thats all it is brother just a thing. Id rather lose it then you guys."
4. In silent agreement Rick an josè nodded there heads."yeah an besides we can always help fix it." José said cheerfully. Jesse raised a brow."you know how to replace a dashboard broken windshelid an numrous holes along the back?"
5. Jose chuckled nervously "well we can always watch you do it." Jess rolled his eyes." Thats what I thought now lets figure this out" jess pointed at Dj.
6. Two hours later. Progress had been slow. Rick had been trying to focus on how Djs biology worked. Honestly he had no clue." My best guess is you're currently some sort of alien. "
7. Everyone sorta just looked at him confused."how did you come up with that one Sherlock?" José asked sarcastically. Rick sighed." Well, those robot things seemed to come from space. An im guessing they were after you since I dont see any other reason to attack."
8.while not satifyed the boys accepted it as jesse started tapping hard on the hourglass symbol." Jess you good dude?"Dj asked. Jess didnt awnser right away but spoke after a minute or two."I think you should be able to push this down but it looks stuck."
9. Dj nodded before thinking for a moment. He then started repeatedly smacking the symbol. After a few minutes a red flash blinded everyone before everyone saw the form of Dj.
10. Dj looked down observing his body. Everything seemed normal even his cloths were back untill he look as his wrist. There on his wrist was a green an black watch. The frimliar hour glass symbol was also present. However parts of the watch looked damaged.
11. The hourglass symbol had a noticeable crack although its was faint an didn't distort the symbol. Some parts looked to have exposed wiring. As if the covering had been removed. But most noticble part was that something was effecting the skin around Djs arm. Little, thick, green, square ,like lines. It almost looked like a tattoo of some sort.
12. It made Dj feel uncomfortable. He immediately reach for it. Attempting to rip it off him. He struggled for a minute before his face went pale. Rick then noticed djs face as jose an jesse inspected the rest of djs body for any injuries. "Hey buddy uh whats wrong?" Rick asked as Dj stared at him.
13. Jose an Jesse were now concerned as well. "Hola hermano ¿estás bien? Estamos preocupados por ti. ...Te ves pálido" José questioned. Jesse shook his freind slightly trying to get him to react.
14. Finally he spoke. "Its stuck." The boys all go quiet. "Its fused to MY FUCKING SKIN!!!!" Dj started to scream while waving his arm wildly while the boys try to calm him.
15. After nearly an hour of panicked screaming the boys gather around Dj. At this point the boys had been trying to remove the watch using various tools most of witch were broken. The boys were now trying something new
16."Guys this is a bad idea." Said Dj as jose attached jummper cables to the watch. Rick an Jesse looked back at there freind an shrugged. "Its fine our plan is solid" Rick then chimed in. "Its this or the hacksaw.". Dj gulped. "Hey dont worry man I got only one arm an im fine."
17. " I still don't like this I dont care what happens to me but what if you guys get hurt trying to hack this thing.!" Jesse just laughed. "Dont worry besides were not hacking anything were gonna use ricks laptop to create a electrical feedback loop. Witch will hopefully cause a system overload loop to shut down whats restraining you."
18. Dj an jose give him a blank stare. Rick sighs an face palm. "Doctor redneck here is trying to fry the watch." The two nod. "Yeah frying the alien watch still sounds like a bad idea. I just don't want my best freinds getting vaporized. " dj said before he sighed." But I can't really stop you from helping."
19."Dam right now lets fry some bacon!" Yelled jesse as he started. The computer humed to life along with the watch. Jose and ruck kept a hand around each clamp incase the needed to stop.
20. Dj tryed his best to stay calm. Jose smiled "see essay were good nothing can go wrong." Rick jesse an dj gave him a stink eye as the watcu started to glow. "You just had to say it." Said dj. Jesses panicked an started to press the keys quickly. "Shit! Get thoses off him! Now!"
21. without hesitation the boys started to pull hard but soon found the clamps were stuck."Guys forget me run!" Jose pulled harded the vain in his arm showing. " HELL NO. Were brothers amigo! We wont leave you behind!"
22. Rick strained as well pulling with both hands. "It will be a cold day in hell before we abadon- whats happing to our hands?" In response José looked down at his hand an noticed it was turning a dark green while ricks were turning black.
23. They looked to jesse who held up two unnaturally white hands before a green light took over there vision. A Shockwave of green energy erupted from the watch an knocked them unconscious.
24. Meanwhile far off in space on the planet Galvin prime.
25.A small 3 inch gray alien in green robes tinkered away. He have a smirk on his face as the small machine came to life. It looked like a mechanical spider. "Theses new drones should make repairs easier. Of course this is only a prototype."
26.As the alien admired his work another alien rushed in yelling nonsense as he tryed to get the others attention. This alien wore a lab coat with large oversized googles.
27. The first alien sighed. "Darwin please I know taking the role as my new assistant has gotten you nervous but I cant understand you. Witch is saying something as I know over 12000 different languages. At least breathe"
28. The alien took a deep breathe. "My apologies first thinker asmuth. But its happened. The omnitrix is back online. An I think it done something to earth."
29. Dawrin handed a tablet to asmuth. The first thinker sighed." It seems the past is catching up with us. It looks like someone tryed overloading the omnitrix but only cuased it to release a wave of dna across the planet. This is very bad. I must seek audience with the guardians of Oa an gain permission to one again return to earth.
30. Darwin gulped. "First thinker they banned you from returning after the incident. " asmuth chuckled "its only an incident if i did something on accident. Whatever the case earth is in grave danger. I only hope the new guardian is as worthy as Tennyson. May his gods watch over him. Because i doubt were the only ones who took notice."
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companionwolf · 1 year
me: I have expanded tdef
the dev: you ruined a perfectly good zine game look its got crunch
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gorillageek27 · 7 months
So asmuth tell ben that he has powers to return life to other worlds, does that mean the omnitrix is a sex toy?
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Let's just...Give Billy the Omnitrix for funsies.
Asmuth hadn't made the Omnitrix capable of chosing it's wielder. Sentients with good intentions outside of it would handle that task.
For all that it was meant to be the most thorough peace-keeping diplomatic tool in the universe, Asmuth was well aware of it's capability for even greater destruction.
Naturally, he wanted to be the one to vet those who would take charge of it and swear them in to the solemn duty of upholding his dream of peace. Or barring that, to hand it over to someone he could trust.
In various universes, the fate of the galaxies fell into the hands of one Benjamin Kirby Tennyson and should he not be up to the task or be gone in some way, more often than not, Asmuth Prime considered that universe doomed.
But in one particular little universe, the omnitrix gets sent off just a little earlier, just a little off course as a powerful ripple of mana floods over the entire planet and the omnitrix's pod is inexorably drawn to the source past it's programming.
In this universe, one Billy Batson wakes from the sudden flash of magical lightning several feet taller, several hundred pounds of muscle heavier and with a glowing green watch around his wrist.
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jackhkeynes · 10 months
Leipzig Letter
excerpt in translation from the collected correspondence of Marian Siegert ~ Miller (1725–56), illegitimate daughter of Elias Villingen, second Duke of Far Suebia.
Tu aye, com tojorn, bon cos enter ne flagitar aðelent lengacer lavaç aïr (e cartað demay cos enter ne my presenç parmettr!). You were, as ever, entirely correct to insist on extra language tutors (and entirely too generous in letting me attend!).
Y Latin obligað a se manifestað com vacquer lon kiveu—nos se trovau ny mal çaucr—py y teudesc ac seyon parolað se dien ojous equal com ig dy ci actour flamesc noscon aut posc man a stað. The compulsory Latin has revealed itself less than useless—we run in the wrong circles—but the Dutch they have here is almost as awful as that of those Flemish performers we had some summers ago.
Jo prefay volir habituar, pu interim jo so gavent auvorn demay ne borgogn e bohemian parolant coll'eç soiç d'Albert. I expect I will acclimate, but for now I am having far too much fun speaking Burgund and Bohemian with Albert's company.
No scey alcun los ag nonçamen noscon caut d'eromn cas pan? Does the news we get of bread troubles have any basis?
Nos saveu rien confiar declarað par y hebdomader lepcian sur við ag souð dy Danau, pu y rumour Venis e Crovatia partenent dan hoir aðief; veleð enfugr reunt vars Stoccart ða un sign mendrem bodant ig Bavarn erra vars asmuth parey. We know not to trust anything the Lepzi weeklies have to say about life south of the Danaw, but the rumours about Venise and Crovatia are bad enough; do abscond back to Stuttgart at the slightest sign Bavarn is along the same track.
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geekgirles · 3 years
That moment when you realise if the Friedkin episodes in Omniverse doubled as a pilot for a possible Lucky Girl Spin-Off and Third Time's a Charm featured Bezel for the first time and, moreover, working as the university's janitor, that means that he probably was going to be relevant had the show been green-lit, meaning he was probably going to be to Gwen what Asmuth's to Ben, meaning we were robbed of Gwen being mentored by the universe's most powerful sorcerer.
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ben10appreciation · 5 years
in the very first season of the original ben 10 series, episode 5, i would like to bring your attention to a conversation between ben and tetrax shard (the first diamondhead we meet besides ben, if you didn’t recognize the name).
it goes like this:
ben: "well like i told your buddies this thing doesn't come off. i tried."
tetrax: "of course it doesn't. it's power utilizes alien dna which binds to the host's own genetic structure. it cannot simply be removed like taking off a hat."
so we could feasibly say the omnitrix has fused with ben at this point. in fact, when it is taken off-
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it is literally torn off of his arm. just look at his face
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he’s literally crying. this is the first time we’ve ever seen him cry, even with horrible and terrifying monsters literally out to kill him and his family (we’ve seen on plenty occasions that he cares more for family than anything). 
ben is being ripped apart on a molecular level here.
and i could talk about how insane it is that ben chooses to put the omnitrix back on even after that experience, but this is about something else (maybe if anybody’d actually wanna read that).
i wanna talk about the drastic change the omnitrix takes on between the first seasons and alien force. 
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in alien force, the omnitrix takes on a much more traditional watch appearance. what i wanna know is why.
i like to think that- somewhere in that six year gap- asmuth came to make adjustments to the omnitrix.
this could’ve come to happen in several different ways: max asking him to (for the sake of ben’s nerves), him doing it on his own (tying up loose ends of an old project), word traveling around on the solar system...
there’s a wide variety to choose from, some feelsier than others (just imagine max traveling all across the galaxy to make sure ben never has to feel that kind of pain again hhhhhhhhhh).
but my point is: there’s literally no way asmuth didn’t do something. in fact, three times in one episode- primus- the omnitrix just comes off. just pops right off.
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there it goes, flying off of its own accord
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bye bye, high tech watch supposedly fused to ben on a cellular level
later in the episode, it is taken from asmuth with ease. and then...
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and that works??
anticlimactic episode aside, there’s literally no way that’s the same omnitrix. somewhere in those years that we didn’t see, asmuth had to have stepped in. there’s just no way he didn’t. 
...though this entire show is riddled with incredible inconsistencies.
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thetopben · 3 years
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You mean like a potion???
idk if it’s a tech problem then yeah magic probably won’t work.
I’m gonna call Gwen and see if she can sense if it’s a magic problem instead.
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emperorsfoot · 6 years
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I just want everyone to remember that Kevin saved the universe. 
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kissbentennyson · 2 years
The Tape
Benzarro x reader | Gwen & reader | Part 2 to Misery Meat, readers pronouns are not mentioned.
I've been sitting on this idea for months, but just now decided to write it while hiding from my foster mothers Easter party. Yeehaw.
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You sat on the floor of the containment room, divided by a single pain of thick glass. Fingers lightly strumming at the stings of your guitar, the skin sore and overused. You'd been working on this piece for a few weeks now, or pretty much the entire time you were finally allowed to see him. To call this a ‘piece’ was a little funny, seeing as how it was the sumo slammers theme song, but you’re sure he appreciates it. A smile holds steadfast on your face as you play, you learned it for him, and now you’re getting to play it for him. As the song comes to a close you take a deep breath in, ignoring the awful smell of the room. 
It goes quiet and you finally look up at your boyfriend. “How did I do?” Your smile grows, showing off your teeth. The only sound from behind the glass was a pained groan, his scalp being repeatedly slammed into it with a soft ‘pink, pink, pink’. You choke out a forced laugh. “Did you like it?” A week ago, he would have been able to respond to you- it takes everything in you to force yourself into believing that he still can. His body twitches as he tries to squirm out of his straight jacket, still slamming his head against the four inches of glass between you. 
You sigh, moving your guitar off of your lap before scooting yourself closer to the glass. Maybe a foot left between you and the barrier. Gwen’s voice comes over the room’s intercom, a light reprimanding tone in it as she says your name. It was a warning, a gentle one, but one you would not listen to. You raise your hand so it's visible over your shoulder from the security camera, and flip your best friend the bird. Your hand drops back down, and your voice lowers. “Ben, babe, can you please look at me?” Instead of light and gentle, your tone was squeaking as desperate- because that’s what you are. You are so fucking desperate for him to show any signs of improvement. 
His body teeters back a bit, throwing his head back before he falls forward again, cheek squishing against the glass with his eyes on your face. You let out a genuine and excited laugh. Improvement, that’s improvement! He had lost a good amount of motor control in his jaw two days ago, but the corners of his mouth turned upwards at your excitement. His auburn brown hair was still thick and lush, but was streaked heavily by a lavender color. One of his eyes had dilated turned purple completely as the lid had lost its color enough to see the veins though it- making it appear a purple-ish- but his other eye stayed a lucky green color. Your arm extends outwards, pressing to the spot on the glass that his cheek rested against. 
He coos out your name softly, his voice was a little deeper and it sounded like he only had a cold. God do you wish it was only a cold. “We’re going to fix this, I promise. You just need to keep cooperating.” Tears well up in your eyes as you take in the graying patches of his flesh that weren't there yesterday. “You’re doing so well, you’re-” Your voice breaks as you begin to cry, and he begins to squirm harder in the straight jacket. In your heart of hearts you wanted to believe it was because he wanted to comfort you, but he could barely do that uninfected. That straight jacket was tight and uncomfortable, and it was like that for a reason. You sniffled and laughed. “Sorry babe, I wish you didn’t have to wear that thing either.” 
Cringing to yourself, you are reminded of how violent he got every time Asmuth tried to remove the Omnitrix from his wrist. How this was a better alternative. In the beginning, when he had spurts of coherency, he was perfectly fine with it. But you can only imagine how irritating it is now.
Your hand slides down the glass, and his one green eye follows it. Only for you to lean forward, pressing a gentle kiss to the glass. There’s a light disappointed whine from his side of the glass, and you can only laugh to yourself. You wished that you could kiss him too, you’d do anything to be able to kiss him right now. “Well, at least I know you still like me.” His eye returns to you, staring intently, like he had thoughts to say, but had to fight to say them. “Don’t worry about it right now, baby. We will fix this. We’re already so close.” You give him a gentle smile, finally feeling more at peace than you have in the last two months. 
He attempts to move closer to the glass, but the sound of metal clinking shocks the both of you… Did one of the buckles on his straight jacket come undone? You both look down at the jacket as the lights in the room begin to flash red, a loud alarm blaring over the speakers. From how loud it was, it wasn't just this room either. Something was happening elsewhere in the building, but before you could go check it out, the lights, the alarms, everything went out. The room goes dark for a second before the bulkhead-like door opens. In the dimness you hear your partially zombified boyfriend grunt as he struggles to his feet, followed by the sound of the other buckles giving out or just straight ripping. 
You scoot backwards, maybe a foot, fear overtaking you. His head leans to the side before he raises his arm and slams his head onto the now freed omnitrix. A flash of purple- not green- floods the room as his form changes in the dark. His body slams into the glass, shattering it completely and sending glass flying at you. Only a single piece of it  does any real damage. Slicing the skin of your cheek, just below your under eye, causing it to bleed. He steps out of his container, towering over you. Thick fur covering his body. 
He drops to all fours over you, Blitzwolfer’s face now in yours. Sharp teeth bared as a growl rolls from his throat, snout getting closer and closer to your face. He could devour you right now with no hesitation or trouble. If he wanted to turn you, all he’d have to do is lick your cut, and you’d be fucking done for. But, the growling stopped. The wet tip of his dog-like nose nudges yours gently, tenderly, like a sign of affection. Your fear momentarily fades, and nuge his nose back. You wanted to laugh, to throw your arms around his furry neck and hug him- kiss him even… but you wouldn’t get to. 
A crashing sound comes from down the hall, and his attention leaves you. Sniffing the air, he growls again before bolting straight out the door and towards whatever made the sound. The lights go back on as you lay there, staring out the door. What the fuck had just happened to you? With that, you rush to your feet, and in the direction of the control room- where Gwen was.
The tape clips to black, and you just sit there, staring at your reflection on the screen. That was the day Ben got loose, and the day Kevin went M.I.A. Not too long after, Asmuth would become infected and Max would transport you and Gwen here right before also going M.I.A himself. 
You look so much more tired than in the tape, funny what a year and a half in hell on earth will do to you. At first, you had thought finding the security footage of the previous lab was a good thing. Maybe it was, maybe it would help Gwen in recreating some of Azmuth's formulas and working off of them. You should have just left it to her, this was a bad idea… but you just wanted to see him again, you wanted to see your Ben again. Especially what after what happened two weeks ago. You suck a deep breath in, trying to blink away tears before they fall, but it was way too late for that. 
With the back of your hand you wipe away your tears and step away from the screen, you wouldn’t be doing that ever again. You have to stay strong and support Gwen through this, not continue to break your own heart. As you walk towards the door, it opens, your companion rushing in with a syringe and petri dish in hand. “I think  we finally have.. something…” His smile and wide eyes shrink as she looks you over. Puffy, tear filled eyes and a runny nose. “Wh- what happened?” You blink in surprise, stuffing down your sadness and forcing a smile. 
“Nothing! Nothing! What is it that you’ve got?” 
Her eyes survey you one more time, still obviously worried. You step to her side and she shows you the petri dish of deep gray, infected flesh sitting in a clear solution. She sticks the syringe into the flesh and injects the fluid in it, within a few seconds it goes from gray to warm and tan. Her excitement grows as she watches it, and you can't help but pull a real smile. Recently you’ve been forcing her to sleep more by sleeping on the floor of her room with her- and it’s obviously paid off. Her face has more color, and the dark circles under her eyes have lightened. He looks up at you before the flesh slowly turns back to gray. 
“It only lasts a few minutes, but I can fix that. I don’t know how long it will take, but I know I can.” Your eyes lock with each other, both stuck in a momentary peace. Without thinking, you hug her tightly. Feeling her jolt and stiffen in your arms, since the two of you were brought here she refused most physical touch. Blocking out any distractions other than eating once or twice a day, if you could get her to. The last time she accepted a hug was from Kevin, the day he went missing. 
She presses the lid to the petri dish closed before giving in, wrapping her arms around you. Her breaths hitch as she buried her face into your neck, you were so warm. The hug was so warm, and welcomed. “Gwen, I’m so proud of you.” You say in a light whisper, that being all you could get out without the threat of crying. Her eyes go half lidded and watery as she begins to lean her weight on you, a sort of relief shooting through her. 
“Thank you.”
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iggika · 3 years
I've been wanting to make my own Ben design for a while, but specifically his early to mid-20s (also this is a timeline where Asmuth realised just how goated the OG Omnitrix design is)
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thoughts muchly appreciated. This is just a first draft for now
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vespertineart · 2 years
The Albedo AU Thing and Info About It
☆<<<Oh yeah, here we go>>>☆
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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<< Basically what this AU is, is a slightly alternated version of Albedo's fate in Omniverse, and it happens a few years after imprisonment, so he's older (cause it's funnier that way)>>
☆ Instead of ending up a child, he is still a teen who potentially grows in the years of him being stuck in prison
☆ I personally didn't like the fact that plot armour made Albedo be able to contact villains he never saw before, so I yeeted that part 😍 ☆ He now has no possible contact with other aliens since his Omnitrix and other devices were confiscated and demolished thanks to Asmuth ☆ Instead of being imprisoned while being harmless, Albedo is monitored with a device that tracks him-- Kind of like a house monitor-- for at least 6 months. ☆ In that time period, Albedo is forced to live a mundane life ☆ Forever, actually. There's no way the plumbers will send him back to the Galvan. ☆ He's in a little bit of shock once he leaves prison, cause the realization hit him that he's forced to find a way to fit in, bear in mind he has never cared about the details of anything on earth because of his one and only distracting goal: finding Ben. ☆ So now he's a somewhat regular human. Except he has no idea how the hell Earth works, let alone being a human, so he struggles for a long while to figure out how things work. ☆ Wait till someone introduces taxes to him ☆ Wait till someone introduces showering to him ☆ As in my last drawing, he is considered poor, an orphan, and homeless. He is basically illegal ☆ Wait till he finds out about illnesses ☆ Wait till he finds out about animals ☆ Wait till he finds out about clothes ☆ Wait till he finds out about laws ☆ Wait till he finds out about houses ☆ Did I mention that the hero trio basically babysits him now?
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
he is just a poor alien creature trying to live on earth while refusing to acknowledge the existence of human responsibilities and self-care while simultaneously being a prick to everything in his way. Seriously, he is a yass in the worst way possible.
this AU will be fun.
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jackhkeynes · 11 months
London in the "Good Game" period
question and marking advice in translation from the Dijon New School 2019 Concurrence History scitation paper "Family, Tradition and Language: the Changing Culture of the Good Game Decades"
Descorrir sull'ort dy Magl Urban Novel e sur lorry sousunçon ny Collujon, ant caglou irrayant all'aðoinç de Londr lonc y traiscnant dell'epoc d'Atelier Mondial. Discuss the rise of the New Urban Mesh and their subsumption into the Collusion, with emphasis on the growth of London following the Global Workshop period.
Cos tranquessem, comparaçon fair dy racont de lorry benoç de spionnaç all'Aust por gournment dirigir lonc asmuth san cas commarç con y realtað plausibr. In particular, compare the popular account of their use of espionage in the East to steer politics in tradewise-beneficial directions with the likely reality.
Valour dar ag postion d'emphas sur y droug d'orðenjanç marin e cos particular sur y cavibiltað de carbon por y commarç Urban basfiar. Give credit for emphasising the role of maritime technology and especially access to coal in supporting the Urban trade.
Respos carr ci mostrant ig y stuðant es eið doutr a for y lasc d'an 1968 "Sr Desarden, Prinç Nuçal" sgardar; ig l'es aglon suet ag mesur dy seucq de James Desarden nell'Adminstration Muncever cos equal pre sell'ascreiçon a Nacon Day e posc y scandal d'an 1887 y dou. Look for responses which prove that the student has done more than watch 1968 film “Mr Desarden, Prince Consort”; that they are actually familiar with James Desarden's career in the City Administration both before his assignment to Nackon Day [Thailand] and after the scandal of 1887.
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redrobin-detective · 3 years
Me: I sure love the strong, oftentimes tense but still ultimately loving and respectful bond between small reckless hero boy, Ben Tennyson and Asmuth, the disillusioned creator who made the Omnitrix and learned to hope again through it’s wielder.
Canon and the fans: um actually
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