#asoue gives me depression
aiura-stan · 5 months
Here we go, the first proper chapter of the Saiki K manga, 1-1!
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Manga Saiki my beloved. How I missed you. I won’t comment on every single panel because I don’t want to spend —that— long talking about trivial things in this manga. But I’ll do my best to be annoyingly thorough in this re-read. Since I figure it will probably be my last proper re-read from end to end, sequentially. (Because quite frankly this manga is long. And I have other things to do. Hopefully.)
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I’m not sure “lax” is the word I would use here? But I don’t like the anime’s use of “airheaded” much either, so?? “Considerably low key” maybe? In any case, the next panel sums it up “They both were the type not to think that deeply about things.” Let’s see… it says かなり緩かった. That seems to be about right, translation wise.
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Also, it implies hypothetical strict parents of psychics exist, which… ironically enough, simply doesn’t exist in the Saikiverse. Come on Asou sensei. Give us an official continuation so we can meet some new psychic kid who meets this requirement of having grown up with strict parents.
I love how the very first page shows Saiki committing some selfless act with his powers. And yet he still gives us the spiel about how much psychic powers suck with his signature chronic >:(. Yes; Saiki has been a tsundere since the very beginning.
Saiki’s tsundere-ism aside, I have always liked how Asou sensei explains how psychic powers might be a significant drawback as much as a strength. The metaphor of a domestic dog who is fed and therefore doesn’t have the skill to hunt for itself, and the spoiled child who is given everything and thus robbed of agency, are both particularly good ones. (The curry and spoons one just makes me think of Mob psycho. Do you think One sensei read Saiki k???)
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Saiki just lists all of his powers here. That certainly saves time. Though people who have already read the oneshots have the advantage of knowing exactly how these powers work (if we assume them properly canon.) There’s details about Saiki’s powers that get changed from the oneshots to the manga proper, like the timer on his spirit-body separation ability and his “clairvoyance” being called x-ray vision. Wait, no, that was the oneshot. Well, my point still stands.
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I also like this part about a sense of achievement being impossible for him, since everything is too easy. It’s rather depressing if you think about it too much. Saiki definitely doesn’t belong in the “normal” life role that he forces himself into. But given his alternatives (Allow himself to become a government lab rat and subject himself to experimentation? Become a worldwide celebrity who fixes the problems of the world and maintains peace, essentially becoming a human god?? hang out with his amoral genius older brother who hates him???) his attempts at normalcy are understandable. And very entertaining.
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No extreme emotions… I hope Asou sensei knew the can of worms he was opening by having Saiki say this. But I’m guessing he didn’t.
And the first of Kusuo’s problems in his titular disastrous life is the very normal problem of having to unlock the door for his father, who locked himself out of the house. But at this point, we the readers have no idea the extent of his powers and just how much his full potential is underutilized.
why doesn’t Kurumi have a job..? their mortgage is probably expensive and her son is an older teenager and fully capable of taking care of himself… i guess she just wants to be the doting mom for her son.
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Ah!? Is that where Saiki gets his standards for how he uses his powers? Makes sense.
Sigh. watching your parents wrestle while waxing eloquent about coffee jelly. Never change Saiki. (and he never does.) He is really making me crave coffee jelly.
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so cute.
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XD his father’s thoughts are so ~kawaii~. Teehee.
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Also, I never see anyone use forced telepathy in fics! More stuff that has so much damn potential… note to future me reading this.
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The word used here in the manga is “psi user.” Let’s see… In Japanese, it is 超能力者(chyounouryokusha). Exactly what I expected; the same term as used on the cover. And that’s the word he uses in the anime, too, but in the subtitles, it’s translated as simply “psychic.” For those wondering, he says: 見せてやろう…超能力者の力おな… ‼︎ I am too low level to properly translate this, but I’d say it’s something like, “I’ll show you… a psi user’s power!”
Our translators: “I shall show you… the power of a psi user…!” (and they keep the punctuation and spacing used in the original Japanese.)
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:,) He smiles… I love it when he smiles with the sparklies and the shine comes into his eyes. He doesn’t make this expression but a few meager times in the comic. And one of them is at the very end.
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Papa also has a temper?? Ugh. He’s such a spoiled child. I can’t blame Kusuo for being a brat when his dad is like that.
And then Kusuo immediately smashes every window in the house using his psi powers out of coffee jelly induced jealousy. Another turn of events that just doesn’t make sense in the anime!!!
The translator note at the end is very sweet. I feel lucky that such a good scan team took on Saiki k; they really put effort into it, even the untranslatable stuff.
Alrighty, (wii fit meditation announcer guy voice) that’s… the end. It took me the better part of four hours to read and touch type all of this on my smartphone. Time well spent. (though I really should have used my computer. No, actually I’d better not, or all of my posts are going to be the length of 0-6…)
end of 1-1💫
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snicketsquadron · 1 year
Kit's personality
I don't want to naysay anyone else's headcanons, but the description of Kit in the ASOUE/Lemony Snicket wiki as "chronically depressed" really baffles me.
Like...the readers barely get to see Kit, and most of her adventures happen offscreen. So making any kind of broad statement about her typical personality is already difficult. But what do we see?
So there's the ATWQ books, in which Kit goes off to do a dangerous mission on her own. We mostly learn about her from what Lemony imagines of her (which will be biased toward Lemony's perspective). But that version of Kit is more hopeful than Lemony, advising him to not take on the troubles of the world into himself.
But to be fair, ATWQ depictions differ from ASOUE depictions. Lemony is much braver and more active as a teenager than he is as an adult. Maybe Kit undergoes a similar change?
Well, We get basically two chapters of Kit in The Penultimate Peril, and a bit of her in The End. In the two chapters of TPP, Kit's described as smiling at the Baudelaires seven times. When Klaus points out their mission doesn't sound at all easy, her response is "That's the spirit".
Kit does describe herself as "distraught". And she does mention not wanting to leave bed when she learned about Jacques' death. But that is a completely normal reaction to the death of a loved one. Grief can go on for months or years, and Kit (while saddened) is already back in action. Her twin brother died and she only got the news recently. Imagine if someone met you for the first time around the time of your sibling's violent murder at the hands of your ex-lover, and walked away thinking "Wow, they're kind of a downer :( " because you cried once? Speaking of the moment of her bursting into tears when leaving the Baudelaires, Kit is heavily pregnant at this point. Even the most cheerful, well-adjusted person can end up crying at random things because pregnancy is a nightmare tornado of hormones.
Then, in between books, Kit is doing things like rescuing the Quagmires, fixing a submarine after a giant eagle attack, and constructing a raft out of books.
Which brings us to the end, and Kit "giving up" rather than take the hybrid apple. Again, this is after multiple disasters, the recent death of her brother, being injured, being poisoned, and like...five minutes before, learning that her partner had died. Kit was put into a position of having to choose between saving her own life (and damaging her unborn child) or better chances for Bea's survival at the cost of succumbing to a poison that works within the hour. I'm not going to argue what the right or wrong decision was. But I don't think it's fair to interpret her decision as an emotional willingness/desire to die, when it's a lot closer to someone with a terminal disease making a complex medical decision.
The external and circumstantial reasons for Kit's distress are obvious to me. Frankly, the fact that she only let herself mourn Jacques death until she got hungry (and then jumped right back into VFD work) is less grief than the average person. Logically she's less sad than I think most people would be in her circumstances. It's baffling to me to interpret her collapsing at the finish line after enduring a gauntlet of horrors with a smile as some sort of permanent pessimism.
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partiallystcrs · 6 years
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every time lemony snicket discusses his siblings i lose ten years of my life. 
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hii, it’s the procrastinating anon (wow, i love it how you know me under that name now - i’m also the anon that asked for the cat pics) again; i luckily got to finish the thing i had to do for this morning, the other thing’s for the afternoon, so i’ve still got a bit more time to finish it. thank you for asking, it made me smile that you thought about me <3
and about your aura; you seem like quite a funny and interesting person, at least that’s what i’m thinking from your posts. but you also seem like someone who gives good advise (and you’ve proven me right in that point), so i just decided to send an ask - which was probably quite random, since you’re an asoue tfln blog and not involved with studyblr in any way, but i’m happy you answered it and gave me tips what to do.
Good job, I’m happy to hear it! And you’re too kind, and giving me too much credit. I mean, I’m flattered, but I’m like the human embodiment of this text:
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I spent all six years at uni finishing assignments the night before they were due, which happened to work out all right, until my master’s thesis, which I never finished. And when I say “work out all right”, I mean my grades were pretty stellar, but my life during finals time was a living hell. The thing about that is, that since my grades never reflected my unhealthy study/writing habits, and I focused squarely on my grades as a benchmark of success all through uni, I never felt an urgent need to change anything about how I was living my student life.
I would seriously finish papers that needed to be turned in at noon at 6AM, and when I studied abroad it was even worse. Probably because of my heavy drinking. My Shakespearean Comedies assignment was finished an hour before the deadline! And I never told anyone this, but it was largely a plagiarism of my own BA thesis, which I wrote two years earlier, but turned in in another country, so I figured I would be fine. And I was. Another catastrophe barely avoided. And my grade was brilliant, so again, no consequences. 
It’s just not healthy to procrastinate until the last possible moment, because one day you’ll find yourself in a situation where you don’t actually have the time to finish before it’s too late.
Sorry for being depressing, I’m still very flattered that I give off this aura of wisdom, but I’m a mess, so, yeah. 
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the-golden-ghost · 4 years
Answer Q, then answer each letter you use in that first one!
Q - A fandom you’ve abandoned and why.
ASOUE, mostly cause it started to die down after the finale of the Netflix series and I moved on. (The Netflix series finale was a little disappointing also). I still love the books and the show, and sometimes troll through content for it, but I’m definitely not going to rejoin the fandom anytime soon.
Now if it’s my understanding I do the letters in the acronym? I’m impressed that you knew it was going to be an acronym!
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
Since I’m in Lupin III hell right now I’m Vibing a lot with virtually every ship in there. Also the ever-popular OT4 (the Squad) and OT5 (the Squad + Zenigata). I think it should be illegal to give excellent chemistry to EVERY character but they did it and now we gotta live with that.
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
Goemon’s actually a really decent driver, the problem is that they need BAD drivers for purposes of Run From Cops. Goemon will obey the speed limits and use his turn signals properly and maintain a safe following distance. Lupin will drive like a maniac (preferred) and Jigen will just yeet the car off a cliff (not preferred but accepted). Also Goemon is voted Most Likely To Yeet Himself Bodily From The Vehicle At Any Given Time which is kind of a problem if he’s driving. Hence, he almost never drives.
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
Okay when I shuffled at random I got “Anthony’s Song” by Billy Joel which doesn’t remind me of anyone. So then I shuffled again and got “Bad, Bad, Leroy Brown” by Jim Croce which also doesn’t remind me of anyone. What can I say I’m a slut for classic rock.
 Then I shuffled again and got Mambo No. 5 and at this point I give up. ;v; No music I have reminds me of any character.
U - Three favorite characters from three different fandoms, and why they’re your favorites.
Okay here we go:
Lemongrab - Adventure Time: An old favorite of mine. I’ve outgrown him a little since his character is basically “confused Angery teenager who is Trying to do the right thing but is so bad at it he fails miserably at every turn and everyone hates him because of it” and since I’m no longer a teenager that doesn’t mesh with me as hard as it used to but I still love this lad and am proud of him for coming through one of the WEIRDEST and most depressing character arcs ever to find happiness and security and affection in his strangeness. :D
W. D. Gaster - Undertale: What’s not to love? Well... okay fine, a lot of stuff with him. He’s basically an enigma. He’s a character that SO little is known about that he’s more of an urban legend or creepypasta on his own game than he is a real character. And I love that. I’m a sucker for digging through details of a media and finding puzzle pieces to put together and Gaster is basically that, in character form. So there’s the meta part of him. Beyond that, he’s this mix of fanon and what very few scraps we have of canon for his personality. And so there’s a TON of interpretations of him and they’re all just as sound as any other. We don’t even know if the backstory we’re given for him, tragic as it seems (that he fell into the CORE and was erased from existence) is legit. Was it the CORE? Was that even him, or was it some other version of him? We may never know, but I don’t need to find out in order to love this dude.
Jigen - Lupin III: He’s the newest addition to my Repertoire of Shitty Guys I Like but heck. I wasn’t actually expecting to like him as much as I like him mostly cause I wasn’t expecting him to be as fun as he is. I also underestimated how much he actually cares for the group like... I sort of thought he and Goemon just stuck around because it’s their job mostly and had a bit of detached affection for the others but uh no that’s not even it. Jigen just full-on loves Lupin and will follow him everywhere even if they don’t make any money on it because he’s one loyal bastard and I love that for him!
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
I have not. But I will
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theradioghost · 5 years
some recs for my podcast mutuals who are burnt out on horror & sad plot stuff
aka I’ve been seeing a few flavors of people exhausted by several of the most popular podcasts around here being pretty dark right now & I have attempted to put together a tasting menu of some stuff I think might help alleviate that burnout (& which also deserves some more love)
1. I'm okay with stuff that’s still on the dark or macabre side, I'd just like something that isn’t 100% characters I care about suffering horribly all the time, maybe some laughs in there
The Beef and Dairy Network: Like a seriously disturbing body horror podcast, except British satirical comedy! About cows! You kind of have to listen to it to get what’s going on tbqh it’s nearly impossible to explain but if you like horror and are just tired of being depressed about it maybe try this one. NOT for the easily nauseated.
Wooden Overcoats: black comedy sitcom about two rival funeral homes on a small island, one run by The Most Perfect Man On Earth (tm) and the other run by two misanthropic twins with a knack for disaster (and their hypercompetent assistant (and a mouse who wants to be an author)). this one is about watching the protagonist suffer horribly all the time but like, this time it’s usually a lot funnier and honestly he deserves it
Death by Dying: (so far very short) dark comedy about the resident obituary writer of idyllic Crestfall, Idaho, who sets out to tell the stories of how the town’s residents died and ends up uncovering a lot of other things, like conspiracies, and man-eating cats, and a poet’s vanishing childhood home, and what his friend the Angel of Death isn’t telling him about what’s in the dark woods. has very strong ASOUE or Pushing Daisies vibes, that sort of dark whimsy and really distinct narrative voice
Arden: “true crime” comedy-ish mystery podcast feat. two of the best bickering hosts anywhere and a whole third host called homoerotic tension, trying to solve a decade-old Hollywood mystery. secretly a shakespeare adaptation. one of the hosts is michelle agresti. an airline run by killer robots is involved, somehow. it’s a perfect storm
2. I’m good with some plot and higher stakes, but I need something more kind and hopeful right now:
Middle:Below: 10-minute episodes about a man who travels between the worlds of the living and the dead to solve the problems of restless ghosts, and the three friends he does it with -- a ghost, a cat, and a writer. their tagline is “remember: bad things will happen.” this is basically a lie, this show is extremely sweet
Alba Salix: high fantasy medical workplace comedy about hospital staff in a fairytale-ish kingdom, namely one grouchy witch, one distracted fairy, and one extremely disgruntled teenager sentenced to community service. also comes with the miniseries The Axe And Crown, which is about a gay troll bartender, his clueless landlord, and his bombastic niece, and also is one of the most heartfelt touching pieces of audio fiction I’ve ever heard?
Dark Ages: also a high fantasy workplace comedy, but in this one the dysfunctional cast work at a magical natural history museum, which thanks to recent events is now hosting the mythical Dark Lord on top of all the usual problems caused by their complete incompetency.
Solutions to Problems: a sci-fi relationship advice show feat. human host Janet and alien host Loaf. also feat. banter, illegal time travel, what to do when the AI that controls the air you breathe is your on-again-off-again girlfriend, and how to avoid your many spouses when they insist you need to come back to the homeworld and spend some time with your spawn.
Victoriocity: steampunk buddy-comedy mystery show, in which misanthropic detective Archibald Fleet (aka Tom Crowley but he’s grouchy this time) and intrepid newbie journalist Clara Entwhistle (aka an absolute ray of sunshine) uncover some Secret Plots within the government of a very different victorian london. if you like the “opposing personalities come to care deeply about one another as friends” trope this one is for you
Inn Between: not an actual play, but a show about the developing relationships of a party of RPG-esque adventurers as they rest at the inn between campaigns. you don’t see the adventures, just the crew growing closer and learning about one another in their moments of peace.
The Strange Case of Starship Iris: sci-fi adventure about a stranded biologist and a ragtag crew of smugglers who set out to resist an authoritarian government, solve a mystery, and prevent a second human-alien war. as far as I can tell their plan for accomplishing this is to be as funny, gay, and adorable as possible, and to dismantle oppressive systems via the power of found family tropes. also via the power of linguistics.
3. just give me the fluffiest, funniest, sweetest, most relaxed, lowest-stakes thing you have:
Everything is Alive: meditative, deeply touching show where Guy From Public Radio holds interviews with inanimate objects. the interviews are super genuine and beautiful and I think they’re improvised, or at least they sound very natural? for people who want to be profoundly moved by a can of generic brand cola (you may not know but you are one of those people)
Standard Docking Procedure: a self-described “hopepunk” scifi sitcom about a group of employees on a space station, dealing with the little daily misadventures of difficult tourists, traffic control disasters, nonexistent love lives, and each other. Has an explicitly stated purpose of staying happy, lighthearted, and comforting.
Love and Luck: tied for absolute most heartwarming audio drama in existence. the story of the relationship between two Australian men, told through voicemail messages, as they fall in love, start a cafe, build a supportive and loving local queer community of close-knit friends and chosen family who help one another through thick and thin, and also find out that they can do magic apparently (IMPORTANT NOTE: there are some darker events and themes tackled in the plot starting around the latter half of the first season, but the focus of the story itself is always on how people support and help one another through trauma and difficulty, and the explicitly stated core premise of the show is that every character will have a happy ending and be okay.)
Quid Pro Euro: Look Around You-esque satire of old 80s and 90s instructional tapes where Felix Trench tells you what the European Union will look like in the far-off year of 2000. I don’t know anything about the European Union but I cackle like a witch when I listen to this
The Cryptonaturalist: I know you’ve seen his tweets. well it’s that but a podcast. just a man with an extremely nice voice talking about fantastical creatures like salamanders that swim through parking lot asphalt or foxes that roam the shelves of libraries at night. in between he reads poetry and generally talks about nature in the most beautiful way you could imagine. this show feels like a peaceful walk in the woods.
The Hidden Almanac: a podcast made 90% out of gentle fantasy worldbuilding, as a somewhat grumpy man in a plague doctor mask tells you about the history of his world and distributes gardening advice. has an immense archive of four-minute long episodes. it’s best to listen in order, because there is continuity, and be aware that about the first year or so has dropped off most feeds. written and performed by much-loved fantasy writer and artist Ursula Vernon and her husband Kevin.
Startripper!!: the other forerunner for most heartwarming audio drama in existence. seriously, you cannot imagine how much joy Startripper!! will bring into your life. it’s just the travelogue of one little alien with a heart full of enthusiasm and love setting out to see the universe and making friends along the way with just about everyone he meets, including his extremely loveable spaceship AI. I really mean it. listen to this show if you listen to nothing else.
Cabin Pressure: BBC radio workplace comedy about the dysfunctional crew of the world’s smallest airline. not only utterly hilarious but will tug on your heartstrings more than you could possibly imagine (this does not look at first like a found family story but it so very much is). warning for bendytoots cucumberpatch but like, in the one and only valid role he’s ever played. you definitely cannot find this show by searching its name on the Internet Archive.
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theoriquewitherseld · 4 years
not sure if you've answered this before, but how/when did you get into asoue or atwq? is there anything that really drew you into the two series? personally i fell in love with the writing style first and /then/ the characters and worldbuilding :'))
cw: abuse mention, depression mention, anxiety mention
This is gonna sound bonkers, but it's true.
My parents loved Jim Carrey.
Dude's funny. Thought he was clownish amd exaggerated but whatever. My oldest sister remembered watching an old yet really good movie with him but it was odd and tragic but really good. She said that it seems like I'd like it because I was eccentric myself.
So we bought a bootleg cd and watched the 2004 film. I was 11 at that time, who has undiagnosed ADHD.
Well no shit I LOVED it and got obsessed with it so I researched more about it.
Received around +6000 points in psychological damages spoiling myself, so at that point began my obsessive hunt of completing asoue.
It was an impossible hunt. It's 13 books, all hardbound. If it's from an actual bookstore, it's expensive as hell. If it's from a book thrift store, still expensive as hell but within my range. Local libraries are virtually nonexistent. And they are really, really hard to find and get.
The first book I got was Book 3, and yep. I loved it.
However, with every book purchase, all of it not done in the order it was released, I recall gradually being depressed. I dunno if it's because I'm 11 and an idiot or it's due to the increasingly abusive situation I was in buuut it's likely a mix of both. Snicket's cynicism at that time... Despite being true and important, isn't exactly what I needed to read at that time.
I never really got to complete the series, although I received a lot of help from fellow fans trying to get me some copies (one was a stranger, but that's another heartwarming story entirely, God. And the other was actually @sandfordsmostwanted ). But I know how it went, more or less. I just never got the experience of reading it properly nor getting genuinely invested in it. Frankly speaking, it just wasn't for me. Hell it didn't even occur to me it was supposed to be a dark comedy.
NOW... On ATWQ... Well, despite the depression. I'm still obsessed with Lemony Snicket. And it was the Holidays, me and my family loves books, and we are out during an outing during the rare moments we have spare money. Now, dad has offered to buy me a couple of books, and ngl... I had saw a Lemony Snicket book and it was purple. I fucking love purple and Lemony Snicket so I grabbed it. The other book I grabbed randomly was the House of Secrets, because a.) I'm an idiot, b.) I was a pjo and hoo stan a few years earlier, and hey, it's a thick book, it's probably great, right?
WRONG. I hated that fucking series. Never have I read such a shitty fucking book and it was expensive as HELL. And I bought fucking TWO OF THEM before realizing my mistake. Christ. Do not waste your goddamn time, money, and effort to even bother giving a crap about the House of Secrets. If you saw one, run the other way. Or destroy it.
Now, I also didn't read ATWQ in order, hell, I didn't even read its second book in order because I'm a very foolish reader and guess. Guess what happened. I ended up with so many questions that's what. But the story was so good and the characters so well done, and there's so many about it that's clever and witty. It's also the most brutalized of my books becausd of how often I obsessively read it when I was younger. If anything, I liked the writing style and characters immensely better than asoue ever did for me. So, I ended up with another hunt for ATWQ books.
I think I bought 13 suspicious indcidents next, and then book 3, then book 1, and then book 4. It was not bloody easy finding the books, and they're all. Still. Expensive. As. Hell.
However I realized that as I read the books, I became an unbearably cynical, insufferable know-it-all. Just a huge asshole in general who doesn't give two dimes about changing their attitude (because that's how a 12 year old interprets 12 year old Snicket and models after him. Very stupid of me I know). But I was still Depressed, except it's Depressed 2x. And the ending was... Whew. Well, let's just say as a 12 year old abused and lonely neurodivergent kid with no friends happily consuming content of a group with close friendship and reading that ending was.... A special trauma in itself. I was extremely devastated.
12 year old me may be stupid, but not too stupid to recognize that reading the series is no longer healthy for me, be it psychologically or emotionally, so I stopped. It's also the reason why I ceased activity in this blog during 2015 (yeah I was actually there during the ATWQ heydays). It also gave me anxiety. God, the entire sellpoint of Lemony Snicket is being a bunch of store-bought Anxiety and Depression huh. (But I got out eventually thank goodness)
It wasn't until? Recently I reread the series, fallen in love with it again, now understanding it better as someone with improved critical thinking skills and has matured in kind. It's a damn good series, and hits absolutely different, now one can understand it.
It still hurts reading it tho. And I've got an entirely new set of opinions regarding several characters, now that I've reread it (Ellington, particularly. She's not exactly my fave character, but my understanding of her since I genuinely understand her situation has gained quite the upheaval once I've reread the series. Back then I sorta both loathed/pity her. Now I just pity and worry about her a lot, and want to punch Snicket in the throat. Damn.)
Either way, sorry for the super long rant. I'm so embarrassed. But that's the general gist of lore of the Pencil behind this blog :D nowadays I just make ATWQ art and daydream abt my AU
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Mmk It’s gonna be long tho so it’s going under a cut
Penultimate Peril Part 1
very accurate to the books! any changes made sense within the context of the show and worked
gorgeous aesthetics, strongest opening of any episode aside from Bad Beginning
only minus points because of Sporty Kit but she’s in it so little and the rest of it is so good that it doesn’t even matter
Max Greenfield as the Denouements was phenomenal
I actually liked the part where they try to make us think Kit was shacking up with Ernest, it was clever
Also I actually like the green uniform, I think it’s a more flattering colour on the actors than red would have been
Dewey’s death scene was amazingly shot and acted
I would die for Sunny in her toddler uniform. That being said in this episode if you look closely you can in fact see the light from the ipad they used to get her to look in the right direction
Reptile Room Part 1
Once again, gorgeous aesthetics and incredible book accuracy
Minus points for the spyglass subplot
Higher than part 2 because of Aasif Mandvi’s wonderful portrayal of Monty
I love the conservatory reptile room
Reptile Room Part 2
Very book accurate and entertaining
This is the episode where Violet’s outfits begin to slap
Minus points because with Monty’s death they made the colour grading less bright which makes sense but is less fun to look at
Also not a fan of how comedic and bafoonish the troupe is, it’s really more of an overall problem but it really just undermines how impactful Monty’s death is
Bad Beginning Part 2
Let’s be real, the Bad Beginning episodes were the most book accurate of the whole show
Loved the entire Marvelous Marriage bit, the play and marriage were done spectacularly
Lots of Jewish references, we stan
I actually like Jacquelyn’s presence in the first season, it works and adds a new element to the story
I also like Gustav being a major part of this episode because we never saw him in the original books and it’s nice to see his character before he dies (also symbolism with his death and Dewey’s)
Hostile Hospital Part 2
Do I even need to explain why this is so high on the list?
Higher than the first part because of the absolute horror of the whole operating theatre, it’s done so well
The aesthetics and filming work perfectly to underline the horror of everything
Only so low because I personally am not a fan of horror aesthetics
Bad Beginning Part 1
Once again, Bad Beginning episodes were the most book accurate and I love Jacquelyn
Strongest opening of any episode aside from Pentultimate 1
Only so low because of the cheesy CGI and NPH’s comedic Olaf
Hostile Hospital Part 1
Low because aside from Esme being fucking fabulous in that scene I found the rest of the episode to be a bit boring at times
However, very accurate to the books and the chase scene in Last Chance was sufficiently freaky, as was the scaring Babs scene
For that matter, absolutely loved that we got to see Babs
Penultimate Peril Part 2
The Baudelaires in the trial scene made me🥺
The scene with Justice Strauss and Olaf with the kids was amazing
The ending made me cry
So low because of the opera scene, like how many issues did that have? It was pretty though
Also low for confirming Justice Strauss to have survived the fire, we don’t like getting answers to our questions
AND ANOTHER THING Esme’s ending was really lackluster? To the point of just being shitty? Especially given that while she is comedic, Lucy Punch hasn’t played up the comedy aspect of her character as much as NPH has, so Esme feels scarier and like more of a villain at this point so giving her that ending really fell flat
A very strong ending that really should have been the ending to the whole story
Grim Grotto Part 2
Grim Grotto was brought so low because of the absence of Widdershins but at least with part two you can pretend the first part had him and he left like in the books
Ansolutely in love with the submarines and Esme’s dress
Grim Grotto was one of my favorite books of the series as a kid so naturally it’s gonna be pretty high on the list
Also I think K Todd Freeman brings a needed likeability to Mr Poe, so when th Baudelaires are on Briny Beach again you do get the feeling they’re torn between going with him or Kit. Like they distrust and dislike him at this point but they don’t want to distrust him
Slippery Slope Part 2
The sinister duo are fab
Sunny is at her cutest in this episode, we’re talking peak cute
It’s pretty low because there’s a lot of stuff in the headquarters with Quigley that got cut, didn’t really make much of a difference but I missed it
I feel like Esme in the headquarters had so much potential to be as freaky as her Library of Records scene and it just fell short
Ersatz Elevator Part 2
Minus points for the VFD subplot but part 2 had less of that which is why it’s higher
Also in the ranking of Sunny being the cutest, this episode comes in at a close second to Slippery Slope
That being said overall I really adored the aesthetics of both episodes, absolutely love the mix of film noir and art deco
Jerome at the In Auction was amazing but Larry, Jacquelyn, Olivia, and Jacques was less so
Also still not a fan of the writing of the Quagmires
Ersatz Elevator Part 1
Once again, adore the aesthetics
Love the casting for the Squalors
Gunther’s disguise was *chef’s kiss*
so low because of the VFD subplot and the gratuitous musical number
That being said I did like the cuts between Keep Chasing Your Schemes and the Baudelaires finding the Quagmires, it worked well
Grim Grotto Part 1
Very low because of the absence of Widdershins and what this did to Fiona’s character
In general the way they wrote Fiona’s character was even less sympathetic than the books
Why, dear god, oh why was Quigley at Anwhistle Aquatics
Why, dear god, oh why does the Medusoid Mycelium look like that
Carnivorous Carnival Part 1
This was in fact my all time favorite book in the series as a kid and I just remember being a little disappointed I guess? By the episodes and I could never put my finger on why
Olivia’s character 😒
Higher than the second episode because I do love the creepy carnival feel and the feeling of unease before the Baudelaires know who Madame Lulu is
Also Esme’s gold outfit
As far as gratuitous musical numbers go, I do enjoy House of Freaks
Carnivorous Carnival Part 2
Cool carnival aesthetics
Chabo the wolf baby is adorable
Olivia’s death was more impactful and upsetting than Jacques’s, I’m just gonna say it
We miss a morally gray neutral character who is more interesting than a copy pasted Jacquelyn/Mrs Quagmire
Wide Window Part 2
This is really only so low because the colour grading is still kinda dull and it works within the episode but also makes it boring to look at
That being said the whole Hurricane Herman scene was phenomenal
rEaL eStAtE aGeNtS
The Colours in this episode were pretty, with the Lavender Lighthouse and the raincoats
Violet’s outfits remain slapping
The change to Josephine’s character is a good change (until season two when they do that to every single other character and take away any and all moral ambiguity but still)
Slippery Slope Part 1
I did love the Mortmain Mountains set
so low for the killing of the freaks, Sporty Kit, and for the heavy handed way they got rid of Jacquelyn
Wide Window Part 1
Boring and dull
Only this high because of Violet’s poppin outfits, the beautiful set, and Alfre Woodard as Josephine
Also the Captain Sham disguise is my favorite after Gunther
Austere Academy Part 2
The only reason part two is so high is because it has more Carmelita
who is the only good bit of these episodes
Like they’re both relatively book accurate, especially with the casting but like
I did not think it possible to make the Quagmires in this book more boring and yet
I get that it’s supposed to be dark and gloomy and depressing but it shouldn’t be so much that people just don’t want to watch it
Sunny running after the Quagmires in her little uniform does put this episode at like number 5 in her cuteness ranking though so points for that
Miserable Mill Part 2
While I miss the sword fight, I do understand why it was changed so I can accept it
Part 2 is higher because of Georgina’s slappin purple pantsuit
As far as MM goes I did actually like it but it still is kinda boring in comparison to the rest of the episodes
But I did like the mill scenes and Sir
Also a really strong ending that sets up season two nicely
Miserable Mill Part 1
See above
A little lower that Part 2 because of more Quagmire scenes
I actually liked the Quagmire scenes in season one and how it was handled but less so in this episode? Maybe it was the cheesy effects with the fighting
Also CGI Sunny. Her least cute episode
Vile Village Part 2
Vile Village was definitely one of my favorite books and I was so disappointed by the episodes
While I liked the western aesthetic, I don’t think it felt right with the feel of the book
Also crow nazis
Now that Jacques is dead there’s no bad VFD subplot so that’s why it’s higher than part 1
I really like how they handled Sunny not being able to take her first steps because she’s too old now. This is also definitely a good episode for the Sunny Being Cute scale
Vile Village Part 1
I really think the only thing this episode has going for it is the costumes, specifically Violet and Sunny’s
the watercolor dress, flannel, overalls, jesse hat, tricolor dress? fashion legends
disappointing, kinda boring, bland to look at, horrible VFD subplot, D+V???, bad CGI
however cute donkey
also a fan of Esme’s accent, idk what it’s supposed to be but it made my russian friend laugh
Austere Academy Part 1
Same as the first part however less Carmelita and Larry and Jacquelyn are at their most useless
Just the least entertaining episode overall
The End
honestly do I even need to explain this
I get what they were going for with the pink sheep and I quite like the tents but the pink robes were not flattering on anyone
Kit. Sugar. why is she in a white dress? when did she have time to change? overt christian symbolism after 14 episodes of Jewishness. Ishmael founded VFD. Ishmael can walk
The bad CGI. I haven’t seen CGI this bad since season one
The arboretum was disappointing and didn’t give the feel of years worth of buildup and it didn’t feel like the Baudelaires could live off of this stuff
That being said I loved chapter fourteen and BL
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First Sentence Tag Game
AH! Thank you to my lovely friend, @ihni for tagging me! It was so cool to go back through my old fics. It made me realize just how many of them I have to finish!!
This has definitely inspired me. I’m gonna work through them and get it done, folks. I’m already in the process with four of them! I just need to keep my head above these depressed waters for a long enough amount of time, and it’ll be good. I’ll get them done.
1. Ghosts of Future and Past (Stucky)
“His head was throbbing.”
2. Sweet as Honey, Gold as the Sun (Harringrove)
“Steve was drifting after high school graduation.”
3. Ba Mhaith Liom mo Mhamaí (Avengers and Steve— no ships)
“On certain days of the year— St. Patrick’s Day, Mother’s Day, some days when he’s just nostalgic enough, just lonely enough— Steve will change JARVIS’s settings for his floor of the Tower. “
4. Keep Yourself Alive (Harringrove)
“He’s never going to hurt you again.”
5. Deus ex Machina (ASOUE— no ship)
“Luck, by definition, is "success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one's own actions".”
6. Til you Howl for Me (Harringrove)
“It was late.”
7. O Father, Pray for the Children (Inspector Sullivan/OFC)
“It really wasn’t anything to be alarmed about.”
8. In the Bleak Midwinter (Inspector Sullivan/OFC)
“The bitter winter chill had sunk into the streets of Kembleford by early October, and everyone knew right then and there that it was time to stockpile the firewood and charcoal.”
9. Upside Down You’re Turning Me {You’re Giving Love Instinctively} (Harringrove)
“Things happened slowly, but somehow also all at once for Steve-- well, for everyone-- after the Gate was closed and they could start picking up the pieces of their ordinary lives.”
10. One Foot in Front of the Other (Stucky)
“When they were home in Brooklyn, if Steve was feeling well enough, and could drag Bucky's ass out of their little bed, they'd take to the fire escape stairs until they reached the rooftop.”
Im tagging: @lemonlovely @pretendimstraight @ohmybgosh @delphineygt @hoppnhorn @flippyspoon @introvertia @highon85 @imneithernor and @billys-hard-grove
The rules are to post the first line of your ten most recent published fics and then tag ten people! Have fun! 🌸❤️💗
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jcmorrigan · 5 years
Kingdom Hearts 3 or ASOUE season 3? *smug Brendon Urie face*
You know what
I don’t think I’ve actually given the rant here on the Tumblrs on why EITHER really felt like it let me sooooooo down. Both of them let me sooooooo down. I will give details if anyone asks further.
But as for which of these complete and utter disappointments comes out on top…
Tumblr media
Which GA is going to call shenanigans on because he’s seen me get LEGIT DEPRESSED over this sequence of events, but the thing is that among the really, really disappointing stuff, there was some INCREDIBLY SATISFYING CONTENT in there that I would’ve regretted not playing (e.g. the Forest section of Corona, ALL OF MONSTROPOLIS, the end section of the Carribbean), and there were some plot developments that really did work for the better for the series (THAT POSTCREDITS SCENE).
Whereas ASOUE…this is going to sound so ridiculous, but after Ainsley and the other 3/5 of the troupe that weren’t Fernald walked off, then there just…wasn’t much that excited me at all. Fiona was great, but I didn’t end up loving her as fully much as I expected, and I keep having to remind myself “Oh, yeah, Fiona Widdershins finally did show up after all.” And while the Opera Flashback reveals didn’t bother me at all and I actually LOVED having that resolution…ending on the note of learning what was in the sugar bowl AND about the origins of V.F.D. really almost felt like it canceled the series out. Those things were key themes of the books that were supposed to stay secret (albeit there’s ONE answer I would’ve accepted for “What’s in the sugar bowl?” and that was NOT IT). ASOUE is almost fading from my memory now because of how that finale tied up.
Whereas KH flarping hurts, but I remember it, and there are still parts of it that I adore.
Kingdom Hearts III had way lower lows than ASOUE S3, but it had WAY HIGHER HIGHS, and that goes a long way.
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I mean, based on what I remember, the books were kind of a tragicomedy, which is a difficult tone to get right. Which, you kinda have to, because the comedic moments are part of what keeps the tragic tone from being too overbearing, but if you lean too far towards the comedic, then the tragic parts feel more forced. It's a VERY delicate balance that you have to strike.
Yeah, you’re not wrong there. There’s definitely hilarity to be found in the ridiculousness in some of the events that occur, even if the peril and darkness in said events is very real. But in the books, a huge part of the comedy comes from Lemony’s narrating style, where he goes off on a lot of wild tangents and uses really specific, funny, sometimes ironic metaphors and figures of speech in order to tell the story in a humorous way, and if you take out the narration and only include it rarely, which the show does by having him talk onscreen sometimes about current events, that strips away a lot of the funniness of it, which the show tries to make up for by adding its own jokes and comedy into the actual story itself, which....... sometimes works and sometimes doesn’t. Overall the show has a very slapstick-y, quick, snappy pace to it, in order to land the jokes, and doesn’t give itself much time to slow down and breathe to let the emotion of tragic events set in, before it’s moving on to keep up the pace (the best example of this is the Klaus birthday cry scene in TVV part 2; it happens, technically, but it’s over so fast that it barely has an impact), and that its biggest problem. I don’t think it necessarily needed to be all doom and gloom 24/7, it just... didn’t need to have so much comedy. The movie is an example of what you get when the funny narration style is removed, and what’s left is the core of the story, which is quiet and thoughtful and reserved and about the kids’ relationship and the emotions that come with them being together, which is only rarely a focus in the show (the scene with them eating with Hal in THH? GOOD. The scene in TSS where Sunny tells Violet she wants to stay in the cage? SO FUCKING GOOD, THERE SHOULD HAVE BEEN SO MUCH MORE LIKE THIS). 
Opinions vary about this from person to person, but to me, asoue doesn’t have to be a comedy; it’s only comedic in the writing style, which was needed to appeal to children, the series’ target demographic; as a kid, of course I loved this, but as an adult, the deeper themes and messages of the story itself are what appeal to me way more now. And the show misses the point of these themes, with how its turned VFD into a one-dimensional black and white organization where all of the “good guys” are noble and pure and have it together completely and have nothing but good intentions and try to help, instead of everyone being morally grey and either malicious or well-meaning but useless in the books, and with having the Baudelaires’ main focus being nothing but trying to learn more about VFD from as early as TRR I think, when in the books they were more preoccupied with their, you know, hardships and trauma and emotions. Add in the fact that there’s so much comedy and lighthearted pacing that they literally do not know how to make things too depressing and emotional at ALL, and... yeah. It’s not that they tried to strike that balance between comedy and darkness and failed; they made a very deliberate choice to lean more into the funny side of asoue that comes from its writing style instead of the emotions of what actually goes on in the story, and only rarely do they linger on the emotional, hard-hitting stuff for more than a minute or so (again, saying this without having finished s3 yet). The themes of child abuse, the cycle of abuse, moral ambiguity, etc, that resonated with a lot of people when they read the series, as well as the emotional bonds between the characters and just everything interesting about said characters, the show chose not to focus on, instead making the point of it more like a mystery/adventure/thriller/dramatic comedy, with some unnecessary additional romance thrown in that adds absolutely nothing to the narrative and only drags it down.
tl;dr, I love Lemony’s metaphors, the fourth wall breaking jokes, and the hilarious one-liners just as much as anyone else does (whenever Olaf is being a drama queen I consider to be the most appropriate comedy in the show imo, it just feels right lol; NPH is one of the best parts of the show honestly), but that’s just unnecessary fluff, it’s not what asoue really is, and I may be laughing at some of it as a person purely watching the show as a standalone thing, but as a fan of the books, it doesn’t capture the right tone at all 90% of the time, and in my humble, personal opinion, comedy isn’t really necessary at all to adapt it, even if the original books had comedy.
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lilysevans · 6 years
tagged by the wonderful @undomiels , thank you honey peach 🍑✨
drink: chai tea
phone call: my sister
text message: my best friend
song you listened to: I Don’t Wanna Love You Anymore by LANY
time you cried: about half an hour ago
dated someone twice: yes
kissed someone and regretted it: no
been cheated on: no
lost someone special: yes
been depressed: yes
gotten drunk and thrown up: i have been drunk but not to the point of throwing up
favorite colours: the colors of the sky! i love the pinks, oranges, blues and purples of a vibrant sunset, the bright, powder blue of a clear sky, the angry dark greys and purples of brooding storm clouds, and the rich, midnight blue of a star-studded sky. 
made new friends: yes
fallen out of love: no (theres always something or someone to be in love with)
laughed until you cried: yes
found out someone was talking about you: no
met someone who changed you: yes
found out who your friends are: yes
kissed someone on your facebook friends list: i dont have facebook (yet)
how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: n/a
do you have any pets: yes, a beautiful long-haired german shepherd called Zoë and a ragdoll cat called Primrose Persephone
do you want to change your name: no
what did you do for your last birthday: went out to a bowling alley with all my friends, then went to a karoke bar and strolled around the city!
what were you doing at midnight last night: reading Wuthering Heights
what is something you can’t wait for: moving in with my best friends and boyfriend next year!
what are you listening to right now: my mega playlist which has nearly 500 songs on it!
have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes
something that gets on your nerves: people who dont listen to reason
most visited website: tumblr for sure
hair colour: light brown and blonde ombre 
long or short hair: long
do you have a crush on someone: always
what do you like about yourself: i like that i am wise, that i follow a healthy diet and my efforts to help the environment
want any piercings: i’d love a belly-button piercing but i’m afraid of needles 
blood type: O? I think
nicknames: ci (pronounced ‘see’), enna, Birdie, baby bear and bubbi 
relationship status: in a relationship
zodiac: Libra
pronouns: she/her
favourite tv shows: oh man okay i love so many! the good place, stranger things, b99, teen wolf, daredevil, the office, parks & rec, jessica jones, friends, avatar: the last airbender, queer eye, asoue the list goes onnn
tattoos nada (yet)
right or left handed: right
ever had surgery: no
piercings: two on each of my ears
sports: (like Elizabeth!) yoga and pilates and i do swimming and hiking
vacation: i just got back from a roadtrip with my friends from perth to albany and back (WA)
eating: nothing
drinking: nothing
about to watch: nothing (bed time!)
waiting for: fantastic beasts, s3 of the good place, captain marvel, next avengers film
want: to maintain a healthy life, give as much as i can to others and make them happy, and to learn another language!
get married: oh yes, I’ve been planning since i was six!
career: a journalist (I’d love to work for National Geographic), or an astrophysist.
hugs or kisses: both
lips or eyes: both
shorter or taller: taller
older or younger: older
nice arms or stomach: arms
hookup or relationship: relationships
troublemaker or hesitant: probably hesitant
kissed a stranger: yes
drunk hard liquor: yes
lost glasses: yes
turned someone down: yes
sex on the first date: no
broken someone’s heart: no
had your heart broken: yes
been arrested: no
cried when someone died: no
fallen for a friend: yes
yourself: i try to!
miracles: yes
love at first sight: yes
santa claus: of course! why, are you telling me he’s not real?? ;)
kiss on a first date: depending on the date, yes. 
angels: yes
best friend’s name: georgia, caitlin, tara, riley, jack, xavier, ryan ‘the rhino’,jess, shannon, danny, and tim!
eye colour: green
favorite movie: breakfast at tiffany’s, inception, rebel with a cause, pride & prejudice, harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban, cat on a hot tin roof, moonlight, roman holiday, cleopatra, coco and most disney films!
favorite actors: (in no particular order) audrey hepburn, viola davis, emma watson, leonardo dicaprio, chris evans, elizabeth taylor, donald glover, laverne cox, dev patel, chris hemsworth, pom klementieff, Mindy Kaling, james dean, claudia kim, chadwick boseman, taraji p henson, keira knightley, emma stone, cate blanchett, helena bohem carter and dame maggie smith (i probably missed heaps!)
tagging: @faheys @casterlys @lupins @andrewminjard @pctcrparkerss @mairauders @lilyevane and anyone who wants to do this!
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lovveecat · 6 years
rules: answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people
I was tagged by @notwvrriors ♡
— what was your last…
1. drink:: juice
2. phone call:: my grandma
3. text message:: “did i send u that cover i found of aint it fun??”
4. song you listened to:: Bye Bye Bye - Further Seems Forever (cover)
5. time you cried:: 2 days ago? i think
— have you ever…
6. dated someone twice:: nope
7. kissed someone and regretted it:: hahaha no
8. been cheated on:: hAH no
9. lost someone special:: yep
10. been depressed:: ye
11. gotten drunk and thrown up:: HAH NO
— fave colours
12. pastel yellow
13. peach
14. pastel mint
— in the last year have you…
15. made new friends:: yep!
16. fallen out of love:: i mean idk if I was “in love” but yeah sure
17. laughed until you cried:: Y E S
18. found out someone was talking about you:: nope (maybe?? idk it might just be me being paranoid but I thought I heard something and it made me really hHh)
19. met someone who changed you:: i dont think so
20. found out who your friends are:: yeah ;-;
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list:: lmao who uses facebook ((imsorryijust))
— general
22. how many your facebook friends do you know irl:: sorry i’m not outdated,,,
23. do you have any pets:: YES AND I LOVE HIM
24. do you want to change your name:: no but I won’t present myself with my “real” name on the internet/youtube
25. what did you do for your last birthday:: escape room with some friendies
26. what time did you wake up today:: around 6:50? i think
27. what were you doing at midnight last night:: trying to sleep (but i cant but i cant when you all have,,, gUns for hAnds, Y E A)
29. what is your favourite animal:: foxes!!! and hedgies
30. what are you listening to right now:: buzzfeed unsolved
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom:: i don’t think so nah
32. something that’s getting on your nerves:: my school friends
33. most visited website:: google probably
34. hair colour:: dark dark brown
35. long or short hair:: i have long hair but it’s frizzy/curly so it’s kinda short-ish. I’m gonna cut it and straighten it tho so it has that kinda vinatge 1950s style
36. do you have a crush on someone:: crush?? crushcrushcrush??? the bop by paramore??? ((i dont think so but honestly feelings are too complicated so i kinda just ignore mine))
37. what do you like about yourself:: i’m a pretty good artist?
38. want any piercings:: maybe but probably nah
39. blood type:: idk(how)
40. nicknames:: nixotine, nix, idk if this counts but violette
41. relationship status:: s i n g l e ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
42. sign:: (i’m the new) cancer
43. pronouns:: she/her
44. fave tv show:: dirk gently!! asoue!! doctor who!! b99!!
45. tattoos:: dont have any but have LOTS of plans
46. right or left handed:: right handed!
47. ever had surgery:: nop
48. piercings:: ears but im p sure they’re closed now
49. sport:: i used to do gymnastics and ice skating. I still like to ice skate sometimes and i’m trying to learn to rollerskate
50. vacation:: i’ve always wanted to travel across europe!! and also go to japan!! and back to disney lol
51. trainers:: ??
— more general
52. eating:: quoi?
53. drinking:: qui?
54. i’m about watch:: probably gravity falls
55. waiting for:: my friend to say if we’re going to see panic! or nah
56. want:: to meet my favs (and give them so much love!!!)
57. get married:: idk if i want to but if i do i have ideas
58. career:: (concert) photographer or own a bakery or design merch
— which is better
59. hugs or kisses:: hugs (probably)
60. lips or eyes:: eyessss
61. taller or shorter:: taller? i don’t really care
62. older or younger:: idk? younger?
63. nice arms or stomach:: idc???
64. hookups or relationships:: relationships!!
65. troublemaker or hesitant:: troublemaker? but if they’re being an actual bad person then n a h
— have you ever
66. kissed a stranger:: nope
67. drank hard liquor:: nope
68. turned someone down:: no? i don’t believe so
70. broken someone’s heart:: hopefully not!
71. had your heart broken:: maybe?
72. been arrested:: nope
73. cried when someone died:: almost ((a book character))
74. fallen for a friend:: y e p
— do you believe in
75. yourself:: yea!
76. miracles:: it’s possible, but is it plausible?
((no, you can find someone attractive as hell but maybe not actual love))
78. santa claus:: st nicholas? sure. santa who travels around the world? idk probably not
79. angels:: did you mean tyler joseph? did you mean josh dun? did you mean geoff wigington??????????
— misc
80. eye colour:: brownnn
81. best friend’s name:: awsten hater 2k18, hannah, gabrielle (kinda),
82. favourite movie:: LOVE, SIMON
83. favourite actor:: dont have one?
84. favourite cartoon:: GRAVITY FALLS, SU, CAMP CAMP
85. favourite teacher’s name:: iT starts with a K but i forgot how to spell it cuz it wasn’t commonnNnnsnsjajjzks
I tag: @hint--of--red @scolarin @hottopic @yalocaltransboi @existential-greenbeans @crankthatfrank @underscoregeoff @awwwsten @panicwithryan @howrydenprobablybrokeup @happypandaparade
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beverly cleary is 102 today& not even in a “would be” way...like she is alive & 102. havent read any of her books in ages but theyre so iconic b/c they’re so good at the like, perspective of a kid and what seems important and dramatic and how they think about shit. i mean in the ramona series alone theres so much shit. busting partway through a ceiling...the hard boiled egg incident...making her Q into a cat...the dawnzer...trashing another kid’s paper bag owl for being too perfect...Throwing Up At School...that time picky picky the cat just straight up died :(
speaking of how bad things happening to cats is the most depressing part of any media, here’s an underrated cleary book imo: Socks. about socks the cat. its an outrage because socks owners lock socks out or something because they think socks like hurt their baby or something, which socks did not, & then socks has to get all fucked up in the elements before they realize their multiple errors and let their cat back inside. and im like damn right ffs you had better give socks everything he wants from now on....i like that one b/c its about a cat
and a tie-in here that in asoue the vfd codephrase “hello young lady have you been good to your mother,” used to identify another volunteer (if they respond “the question is, has she been good to me”) is from a ramona book... and all the pieces from the outfit of the guy who said it is in the vfd disguise kid, right down to the descriptive details.
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lesbianbruabba · 6 years
rules:: answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people  I don’t know 20 people
Thanks for tagging me @notwvrriors​ xo
— what was your last…
1. drink:: fanta aka the nectar of the gods
2. phone call:: my mum and dad I think
3. text message:: lol ok don’t know many kids who want to die but coolio!
4. song you listened to:: Misery - Creeper
5. time you cried:: yesterday
— have you ever…
6. dated someone twice:: no
7. kissed someone and regretted it:: no
8. been cheated on:: no
9. lost someone special:: yes
10. been depressed:: yes
11. gotten drunk and thrown up:: no
— fave colours
12. pink
13. mint
14. black
— in the last year have you…
15. made new friends:: yes
16. fallen out of love:: no
17. laughed until you cried:: yes
18. found out someone was talking about you:: yes
19. met someone who changed you::  yes
20. found out who your friends are:: kinda
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list:: yes
— general
22. how many your facebook friends do you know irl:: most if not all
23. do you have any pets:: I wish
24. do you want to change your name:: YES
25. what did you do for your last birthday:: uhh cried and worked in a factory and had a panic attack bc fun times!!
26. what time did you wake up today:: I didnt sleep lolz
27. what were you doing at midnight last night:: texting someone on tinder
28. what is something you can’t wait for:: dan and phil show
29. what is your favourite animal:: cats and dogs and unicorns
30. what are you listening to right now:: basket case by green day
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom:: yes
32. something that’s getting on your nerves:: my own thoughts
33. most visited website:: tumblr
34. hair colour:: black
35. long or short hair:: long
36. do you have a crush on someone:: unfortunately. at least it gives me writing material and shit like that tho
37. what do you like about yourself:: lol that’s funny hair and boobs and I can write decent poetry sometimes
38. want any piercings:: yes, I want a nose ring (not a septum one tho) and nipple piercings
39. blood type:: O
40. nicknames:: my old crush used to call me Christababe :(
41. relationship status:: single.
42. sign:: leo
43. pronouns:: she/her
44. fave tv show:: rpdr, brooklyn 99, the good place, skam, glee, asoue
45. tattoos:: someday. 
46. right or left handed:: right handed.
47. ever had surgery:: no
48. piercings:: someday
49. sport:: lol that’s funny i like badminton but im lazy
50. vacation:: i’m going to belgium in a week. i want to go to russia and poland and germany and norway. 
51. trainers:: yeah doesnt everyone have a pair
— more general
52. eating:: last thing i had was m&ms i’m so healthy
53. drinking:: uhhhh fanta
54. i’m about watch:: my own soul leave my fucking body
55. waiting for:: someone to lower their standards to date me
56. want:: to be loved? to be less depressed? to be talented? correct answer is D: all of the above
57. get married:: I’m open to the idea
58. career:: probably teaching?? but dream career would be poet or designer 
— which is better
59. hugs or kisses:: hugs. but kisses are so good too
60. lips or eyes:: eyes
61. taller or shorter:: well i’m short so i guess i’d want my s/o to be taller?
62. older or younger:: preferably older than me
63. nice arms or stomach:: nice personality
64. hookups or relationships:: relationships i want to lose my fucking virginity though
65. troublemaker or hesitant:: hesitant
— have you ever
66. kissed a stranger:: no
67. drank hard liquor:: no
68. turned someone down:: no
69. sex on first date:: no
70. broken someone’s heart:: no
71. had your heart broken:: no
72. been arrested:: no
73. cried when someone died:: yes
74. fallen for a friend:: fuck this question 
— do you believe in
75. yourself:: lol
76. miracles:: no
77. love at first sight:: no
78. santa claus:: i’m not fucking five
79. angels:: i’d like to think they exist. i know some people who are honestly fucking angels on earth.
— misc
80. eye colour:: brown/black
81. best friend’s name:: uhh i have like a lot of best friiends but lettie is my bestest. and i have uhh karl and chloe and bella and natalie and iza (i hope u dont mind?) and also priscilla and david and i think thats all the ones i can call best friends anymore?? idk after high school things got umm difficult 
82. favourite movie:: pride (2014) or rocky horror or rent. or sth else thats gay
83. favourite actor:: idk probably Idina Menzel bc shes pretty and i used to have a big crush on her
84. favourite cartoon:: ummm idk adventure time i guess?
85. favourite teacher’s name:: fuck u for making me choose. louise or jennifer (but a specific one because there were like 3 at one point and one of them is a fucking bitch!!!!!) or emily or natasha idk i have a lot of fucking favorite teachers ok. theyre so great and important and i dont want them to leave my school and i want them all to teach my brother bc they were good teachers :(
I tag @samrull @veronicasanders @lettiehigh @rippling-waves @akakuro4869-blog look i dont know 20 fucking people ok also yall dont have to do this if yall dont wanna bc its real fucking long but im a curious bitch
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trashexplorer · 7 years
Manga Recommendations: Unrequited Series - Drama Edition Part 3
Legends: 💿 - with BLCD ✂️ - unrequited love unreturned/their red string had been cut 😭 ⚰️ - character death ⚠️ - rape 📺 - had an anime or live adaptation
19. Soko ni Suwaru Na by Asou Kai ✂️
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Returning from a trip, Hayama finds out that his lover, Maki, had left and asked Namikawa to move in in his stead. Namikawa knows that Maki’s already abandoned Hayama for a woman ‘cause fuck him he wanted kids and sympathizes with Hayama who always waits for Maki’s return on their sofa overlooking the window.
Bitch I don’t usually remember the names of the characters but even if I forget the mcs name I could never forget this asshole’s name. MA-KI. What an asshole. Break it off if you want to, but don’t be such an asshole about it. This is actually one of the first mangas that I reread when I was younger did that even make sense which is why it always holds a special place in my heart. Ah, the age of mangafox. 
20. Sono Kuchibiru ni Yoru no Tsuyu by Fukai Yoki 💿 ⚠️
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Wada Tatsuki seems to be an ordinary bus driver, living a simple and peaceful life. However there is a heavy burden he holds in his heart, a terrible thing that he has done in the past. What if one day the man he hurt appears and wants to take revenge?
This is one of my all-time favorite BLCDs. Anyhow, I dare say that this was ahead of it’s time. In my years as a fujoshi, I’ve only come across a few works where the rape is not romanticized - the fear was so apparent in the victim and I was so glad that he didn’t let his love for his attacker override the sin done to him. Yo, this made me cry so much whilst I read the manga. 
21. Soredemo, Yasashii Koi o Suru by Yoneda Kou 💿✂️
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The sequel to Doushitemo Furetakunai, Deguchi his name is backdoor I can’t has been in love with Onoda for years ever since they became friends but he’s afraid of scaring him off until Onoda falls for Shima from the prequel. Is this the chance Deguchi’s been waiting for? 
Did I forget to mention that I’m Yoneda Kou trash? I shit you not. Everything she comes out with is gold HAH WAS THAT A SAEZURU REFERENCE? I LOVE DEGUCHI SO MUCH WHAT AN AWKWARD FLUFF BALL. MY HEART CAN’T TAKE HIM. When I thought about making this list he was the first person that came into my mind. 
22. Sorekara, Kimi wo Kangaeru by Komatsu 💿✂️
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A collection of four stories about pain. 
That was the best description I’ve ever given, short and succinct. I’d give it away if I put up the description so yeah. I had the BLCD for this too and I wasn’t too into it - I can’t remember if the CD was non-R18 BUT THE MANGA. THE MANGA. The third couple is the only light in the dark of this series. I don’t want to reread this to check if my memory is right but I clearly remember the first story and the pain the fourth story gave me. Would you believe that this is the artist’s debut/first published comic (to my knowledge)? I mean, who puts something like this out there as a debut piece??? What kind of hurt has this person gone through? Why the need???
23. Tamayura by Yukiya Ringo 💿✂️
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As the only son of a trading firm, Asakura Michitada enters the dormitory at an all-boys school. There, he is put in the same room as his childhood friend and only person he could trust, Tachibana. But for Asakura, their reunion is something of a more complicated nature.
Oddly enough I listened to it’s BLCD at the same time period with Sorekara, Kimi wo Kangaeru and like the latter I wasn’t too into it UNTIL I read the manga. Now, I don’t remember the manga at all and I don’t want to read it again ‘cause I’m already depressed at it is but I wrote a ‘I don’t deserve this pain’ in my journal entry for this so this passes lol. I’ll reread this when I need to balance the happy out HAHAHA.
24. Uchi Ani no Renai Jijou by Sagami Waka
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Touma realizes that he gay for his seductive and also gay onii-chan, Testuo. Although they’re not bound by blood (maybe, thrice removed idk BUT I’M SURE IT’S FINE), Touma is so scared of ruining their relationship because he owes a lot to Tetsuo’s folks for taking him in after his parents die in an accident. Touma did his best to fight it, but his feelings grow too big and he couldn’t hold himself back anymore.
25. Umi To Futari No Enbun Noudo by Unohana
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Ryuuta has worked a summer job in Naoki’s pub for several years, falling deeper and deeper in love with him despite Naoki’s long-term girlfriend. But as soon as Ryuuta decides this will be his final summer on the job, he finds out Naoki’s girlfriend is gone, and Ryuuta can no longer resist telling Nao-san about his feelings.
OH MY GOD, STOP. Unohana, there’s an empty seat beside Sagami Waka, Masao Sangatsu, and Yoneda Kou - TAKE YOUR SEAT AND LET’S TALK ABOUT THEM PROBLEMS, OKAY? This is actually lighter than it seems hahaha. I put this up for the cat lol.
26. Yukidoke no Koi by Itz
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This beautiful manga follows the story of two men bound together by fate, Someya Yoshiyuki and Sumito Takada. One is a handsome and talented teacher, whilst the other is one of his students who is excitable and striving to be as popular as his teacher and to discover his meaning in the world.
Yo, idk why but despite the fact that this was so sweet and cute okay I broke my own criteria fuck me, I cried every time sensei rejected his confessions 😭. I had to put this on here! The pain is REAL. Itz did a great job in blending the fluff and drama. *stands up and claps 
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