mogai-headcanons · 1 year
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The Cultist Acolyte from Darkest Dungeon is a choicepunk voidpunk aromantic acefog transmasc abhorcoric abyssalgender aesvillainic agenderfaun aguaboy altcoric backroomic liminalcoric oddcoric kenochoric bastardcoric batcoric beastgender beauboy beholdian benevoid bloodcoric bonegender bxy candygothic cangoric celestialgendervoid chaoscoric chaosgender cheshiric chimeragender chirogender chlorian cinctaboy colagender coldgender collapsargender constructgender cryptidboy corpsegender cosmicboy crowcoric cryogender cthulhan damseboy dangerlexic darkclowncoric darkgender darkrosegender deathcute deathlexic 404gender aboixygender abominationlexic abonxigender abrogender acxygender adorbian aerogender aesthetivir afflowian alohomic amphibarian ampligender anarcgender annulian ashilexic asteragender aurorian avendinoboy axenovir badgeric baiegardic bastardlexic beehilexic bloodgender bluevir bubblilexic bungorecoric burnilexic cabaxygender cabledagender caelgender calighn caligonoctic candygorelexic caninarian caninix caridic carouselgender cha0xygender chaokixygender chaotiqueer cietigender ciybogender daederic dullcoric dizzylexic echogender ecleclexic eldryxygender etheric euphorilexic fablian faunvir felisarian firessen firegender flamilexic flickergender floofylexic fluidflux fluffylexic foxlexic froramwaremojic frostgender gallozygender gejixigender gemmian gelsolum genderagridoce genderainimm genderalbum genderalumini genderamu genderascua genderbaai genderbanpiro genderbero genderbianco genderblank genderblast genderbleikur genderboira genderboscata genderbruine genderbruinement genderbruiner genderbruineux genderburgunder genderbyge gendercaldu gendercanle gendercanum gendercaoba gendercapa gendercarne gendercastanha gendercastial gendercereum gendercerezal gendercervo gendercetaceo gendercigl gendercindro gendercitrina gendercollector gendercolorius gendercorisco gendercotonneux gendercrow gendercueste genderdeinim genderdenne genderderfinu genderdezerto genderdou genderdufair genderdugga genderearth genderebereum genderenga genderengi gendereukalipto genderevera genderfaire genderfairn genderfaunet genderfearn genderfejś genderfin genderfiolett genderfiywyt genderflamboez genderfleuve genderfloro genderfontan genderfrago rosboy!
He's in a QPR with Rick Sanchez from Pocket Mortys, a femme violaen extromantic abroromantic aceflux omnisexual roseabic iridian genderfrais genderfrect genderfresha genderfruct genderfumo gendergaiss gendergebre gendergivre gendergivrer genderglacimoto gendergranato gendergrano gendergrapfrukto gendergrasker gendergrund genderherbejo genderqueer gendersequoia gendervoid ghostcoric ghostgender glitchgender gorecoric gxrl hafian hallowgender hellgender hellian herbagender honeycoric horrorhypic icaegender icarxigender icegender innogender imagian imagilexic incognera iroxygender jaxcogender jaxygender juxera jxegender kamomigender kcttygender kenovir kiddolexic kittian kittigender koigender lambgender laughgender leporigender lexecloudic librafluid liminalcoric loudgender lullalexic lyrilexic mallowic maverique melongender midnightfluid multigender muscusian muttgender namidxygender naturamfluix nebulexic neigender neurovir neutrois nightcoric nightgender noxavire nyanbinary nxnbinary omuic oblimasculine obscuvir palorfluid paraboy pasomxogender possumgender prinlexic pxngender rainbowgender regretlexic seafoamgender sharkgender silklexic sleepcoric smileylexic snarlgender sparklegender tarantulagender tortiegender vampiregender warriolexic wilddoggender wolfgender windclangender wonderlalexic wulfgender condigirl juxefluix caelgender medeigender gendernimius caergenderfleur frenzygender gendercitraflux genderbasant solaeic pacatusic genderplantationis gendermetus fogflux genderfroth laetusgender genderwick gendercholy sensualarian musicgender volitogender nonvir kaifenegender prismovic gendercollectress femvir aporogender gendermajor sapphirian demiflux echogender etherio bxy clowngender funniclowngender callaboy privinclownic royalvinclownic royalclownic priclownic clowncorric menoverique genderpuppet carninoir transneumasculine darkclowncoric clowncoric clowndollthing clownthing kenodel jestercostumic genderbouffon sadclownhusbic ollzirkusgender clowndollgender axenovir agender oppetgender charonian callagirl crecutian brokendollix porcelaineic dollthing dollitagender dollgoric dollgender dollcoric dollass kenomel porcique dollcute dollmaiden plushbunnyic pribunic bungender pawsgender demitransfem hydrogender astrobyssian spacegender celeduvoiden astrostarlic spatilost constellestial cadalgender galafascic seaturespaceic constellatiofem galaxionic virgender starthing stargender herogender swordgender bigender royalcoric redgender purplegender knightprincess iso man!
They both love their grandson Morty Smith, who is questioning both his gender and sexuality, very much!
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genderstalgia · 3 years
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pride sheeps for anons, @delilah-dear , and @gaysylph !! 🐏
cosmicgender, asteragender, magicuic
solisxian, transhet, firbolgic
doriangender, deifiboy, deifigirl
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mogai-haven-blog · 5 years
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Asteragender: A fluid gender that’s connected with the stars, but only to a specific constellation (Flags featured are Big Dipper, Cassiopeia, and Orion). Being asteragender feels spacey and detached, causing one to drift through life without much of a care. People who are asteragender feel a close connection to the night sky and are often passionate about the stars. The stripes represent possible expressions (purple for femnonbinary, blue for masc, yellow for masc nonbinary, and pink for fem) and are muted to represent the darkness of night. You might be asteragender if: -You enjoy stargazing and learning about space. -You’re an easygoing person who doesn’t care much for earthly concerns. -You feel a deep connections with a specific constellation. Looking at it fills an emptiness that otherwise lingers in your heart. 
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Abulea Claudia (In the Heights)
Asteragender- Cassiopeia:  A fluid gender that’s connected with the stars, but only to a specific constellation. Being asteragender feels spacey and detached, causing one to drift through life without much of a care. People who are asteragender feel a close connection to the night sky and are often passionate about the stars. The stripes represent possible expressions (purple for femnonbinary, blue for masc, yellow for masc nonbinary, and pink for fem) and are muted to represent the darkness of night.
Alternative to Seagullkin
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cheeryfairygender · 3 years
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requested by @nico-stratus
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[ID: A banner similar to a DNI banner with Cham-P, a large hamster, and Maga-Z, an aggressive hamster with a tear in its left ear, both belonging to Gundham from Danganronpa. They both are on the left and break the border of the banner. The banner reads as follows: Do not respost onto flop/cringe accounts! It triggers my paranoia, and you are not immune to being reported to your website’s staff! “My paranoia” is implied to be referring to Mod Bede. End ID]
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[ID: A banner similar to a DNI banner with Cham-P, a large hamster, and Maga-Z, an aggressive hamster with a tear in its left ear, both belonging to Gundham from Danganronpa. They both are on the left and break the border of the banner. The banner reads as follows: Do not respost onto flop/cringe accounts! It triggers my paranoia, and you are not immune to being reported to your website’s staff! “My paranoia” is implied to be referring to Mod Bede. End ID]
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neopronouns · 3 years
do you happen to know any genders related to space? Like stars, or certain planets or just space in general
quite a few! under the cut
(also, due to the Very Large amount of space genders, i may have missed some, sorry!!)
aliencoric: a xenogender related to aliencore
aliensic: a xenic alignment to aliens
andromediane: a xenogender related to the andromeda galaxy
asteragender: a fluid gender that’s connected to a specific constellation
astergender: a gender that feels bright and celestial
astralgender: a gender that feels connected to space
astronomique: a gender related to and/or influenced by astronomy
eclipsique: an astronomique gender related to and/or influenced by solar and lunar eclipses
blastjernen: a gender related to blue dwarf stars, blue stars, blue nights, neutron stars, and space that feels hot and unknown
b✰y/b*y/b⭐y: a nonbinary male xenogender related to space, aliens, etc. similar to being male, but a version of male that is based more on alien concepts than on human concepts.
caelgender: an aesthetically-centered gender that is largely focused on space-related things such as stars, aliens, planets, galaxies, and black holes
caelagender: caelgender + agender
caelivus: a gender related to the empty space between celestial bodies, where you can see the stars, but not feel them, and are alone
cavrumgender: a gender based around black holes and the feeling of black holes. feels all-consuming but never complete
celestae: a celestial xenogender. feels ethereal, angelic, extraterrestrial, and as though it relates to outer space
celestiagender: a gender connected to outer space and creatures from outer space
celestialgender: a gender that is related to a planet, celestial body, or astronomical object in out solar system
linnutgender: a gender related to or influenced by all the planets, celestial bodies, and astronomical objects in our solar system
the following definitions can be modified to fit the rest of the genders in this system by inserting the celestial body the gender is named for:
a gender related to the [celestial body]
a gender influenced by the [body]/the placement of the [body] in the sky
a gender that is stronger in the presence of the [body]
a gender influenced by a [body] kintype
a gender related to [deity that represents the body]
a gender influenced by one’s devotion to any of the aforementioned gods
a gender that can otherwise be explained using the [body]
sonnegender: the sun
lunirgender: earth’s moon
mercugender: mercury
venugender: venus
terragender: earth
marigender: mars
juperigender: jupiter
saturnigender: saturn
uranugender: uranus
neptunigender: neptune
plutigender: pluto
celestial gender system: a system of nonbinary genders that are linked to a soft, celestial energy
juparian: masculine
lunettian: feminine
mercurian: neutral; gendered, but not masc or fem
plutoian: void and/or uncertain
neptunian: masc + neutral
venusian: fem + masc
saturnian: fem + neutral
celestarian: masc + fem + neutral
ceresian: fem + void
sonnean: masc + void
ouranian: neutral + void
terraean: masc + fem + void
marsean: masc + neutral + void
erisian: fem + neutral + void
asteroidian: fem + masc + neutral + void
kuiperian/starfluid: fluid between celestial genders
collapsargender: a gender that has a strong pull, tending to pull other identities into and compress them before spitting them out in a compressed form, like a black hole
collstellargender: a collapsargender related to a stellar black hole
collsumagender: a collapsargender related to a supermassive black hole
collintergender: a collapsargender related to an intermediate black hole
scutifluid: fluid between collapsargenders
cometgender: a gender which relates to another gender in the way a comet orbits the sun of a solar system - zooming into the solar system, then out again, spending more time out in space than near the center but always attached to the gravitational field of that sun
constellavir: having both a space-related gender and a male(-aligned) gender at the same time (or more than one of either/both. basically polygender with space genders and male genders)
constellgender: a gender that fluctuates based on what constellation is most visible at that time
contigender: a gender that flows through space and time, constantly changing and always moving; a gender of or related to space and time
cosmiccoric: a gender that feels like you’re a cosmic entity, one with the universe, especially when you’re meditating
cosmoic alignments:
void-aligned: a formless, dark, and frigid alignment associated with black holes and deep space. may be unaligned or reject alignment
constellation-aligned: a cold, multifaceted alignment that is complex and solid. associated with starlight and astrology. may feel as though individual parts of the alignment make up one larger alignment
nebula-aligned: a fluid, colorful, and bright alignment that floats slowly through the cold void of space. associated with supernovas and stars. may feel cloudy or intangible
aurora-aligned: a fluctuating, colorful, and bright alignment that swirls through the temperate atmosphere. associated with solar winds, magnetic fields, and earth
stellar-aligned: a large, hot, and bright alignment with a fixed course through space. associated with light and solar eclipses. may be loud or boisterous.
supernova-aligned: a huge, red-hot alignment that seems to expand rapidly in all directions. associated with stars. may feel like it’s burning up other alignments around it
planet-aligned: a stable, solid, and warm alignment thriving with liveliness. associated with weather patters and gravitational forces. may aligned with sunlight and/or darkness
lunar-aligned: a quiet, slow, cold alignment with a fixed course through space. associated with water and lunar eclipses. may align with softness and/or grace
asteroid-aligned: an erratic and unpredictable alignment that’s cold. may feel like it’s far away from other alignment
singularity-aligned: a small and enigmatic red-hot alignment that has the potential to be something bigger. may indicated questioning alignment rather than being sure
quantum-aligned: a paradoxical alignment that is both known and unknown, present and absent. may be complex or simple, and may overlap with many other alignments or none at all
cyberastral: a gender defined by the ideas that 1) one is consubstantial with stars, galaxies, and celestial bodies due to being a collection of matter in the universe and 2) that software is modeled by the universe, combined into the idea that one is both a celestial soul and a self-modifying piece of code
dipperine: a gender related to the big dipper, small stars, space, and time that feels cold and is only felt under certain circumstances
exoplafluid: fluid between celestial/space genders
exoplanique: a gender related to exoplanets and rogue planets
extraterrgender: feeling that you are some sort of celestial body, planet, asteroid, meteor, constellation, or something indescribable that is in the universe or yet to be found in space
galaksene: a gender related to clusters of stars, galaxies, small distant planets, earth-like planets, and nebulas that feels infinite and void at the same time
galaxenic: a xenogender related to a galaxy
galaxiasflux: a fluid gneder that feels like it flows and fluctuates with any galaxy
galaxxin: a gender that feels like it’s flying through galaxies, never to return
galaxygender: a gender related to space, the stars, the cosmos, and all things galaxy-like
genderlulne: a gender related to the moon itself, not dependent on phases or time of day
genderquasari: a gender that bursts like a quasar
genderspace: an umbrella term for genders influenced by and/or related to things in space. could be a standalone identity generally related to space
jupitique: a gender related to the moons of jupiter
keplerique: a gender related to kepler planets
kosmyc genders (the ones with space characteristics):
nuitsolum: a dark min- + xin-aligned gender connected to power, space, the color purple, moons, and a sense of the void
nuagesolum: a soft min- + agin-aligned gender connected to neutrality, fog, the color purple, stars, suns, and power
brilliantesolum: a bright min-aligned gender connected to the color yellow, suns, writing, and deserts
angesolum: a bright idin-aligned gender connected to the color cyan, suns, the color yellow, angels, and feathers
clamosolum: a nin-aligned gender connected to cameras, the color cyan, eyes, moons, and history
deusolum: a min-aligned gender connected to greek gods, the color green, conceptum attraction, stars, and nature
rubrusolum: a min-aligned gender connected to the color red, fire, suns, the summer, and roses
auransolum: a lin-aligned gender connected to the color orange, campfires, fruit, moons, and warmth
flavosolum: a nin-aligned gender connected to the color yellow, sunshine, space, stars, and happiness
virisolum: an agin-aligned gender connected to the color green, nature, health, suns, and neurodivergence
cyasolum: a din-aligned gender connected to the color cyan, ice, winter, moons, and snow angels
caersolum: a fin-aligned gender connected to the color blue, lakes, rivers, stars, and birds
purpusolum: a xin-aligned gender connected to the color purple, nonconformity, fashion, suns, and royalty
magsolum: a uin-aligned gender connected to the color magenta, time, literature, suns, and lizards
roseasolum: an idin-aligned gender connected to the color pink, lovecore, doves, stars, and pillows
reosolum: a uxin-aligned gender connected to the color black, demons, scales, moons, and dragons
albusolum: a flin-aligned gender connected to the color white, angels, feathers, stars, and fae
aessolum: a nin-aligned gender connected to the color bronze, wealth, freedom, suns, and self-control
grisesolum: a uin-aligned gender connected to the color gray, rainy days, hot chocolate, moons, and winter
argesolum: a din-aligned gender connected to the color silver, silence, technology, moons, and rocks
brusolum: an agin-aligned gender connected to the color brown, music, books, stars, and movies
aurusolum: a nin-aligned gender connected to the color gold, family, self-identification, suns, and comfort
lunaegender: a gender that feels spacey and celestial and bears a similarly to vampires. during the night, it soaks in the radiance of the moon and is unidentifiably gendered, while during the day, it turns to ash and becomes void/genderless. bears similarities to (demi)bigender
moongender: a nonbinary gender connected to the moon and various aspects of it
neptunique: a gender related to the moons of neptune
oceaspatium: a gender that encompasses the depths of space and the depths and qualities of the ocean
pancaeleste/pancaelestic: being every space-related gender within one’s experiences
pangalaxenic: a xenogender related to every galaxy
phobosique: a gender related to the moons of mars
planetesfluid: a fluid gneder that feels like a planet aimelessly floating through space
plutique: a gender related to the moons of pluto
profundanic: a gender centered around a deep connection to caverns/caves, space, and unknowable knowledge
rodstjernen: a gender related to red dwarf stars, red stars, red sunsets, supernovas, and space that feels warm and distant
saturneo: a neutral gender with fluid ambiguine feelings/qualities that’s linked in some way to saturn
saturnir: masculine version of saturneo
saturnera: feminine version of saturneo
saturnique: a gender related to the moons of saturn
siengender: a masculine gender revolving around space, kindness, and loyalty
solislayera: a gender related to any layer of the sun
spacecoric: a xenogender related to spacecore
spacegendervoid: a nonbinary gender connected to space, stars, and the universe as a whole. feels vaguely unaligned in nature and has ties to feelings of genderlessness.
astralgendervoid: mascuilne version of spacegendervoid
celestialgendervoid: feminine version of spacegendervoid
spaethgender: a gender related to missing space. only for alienkin and variants thereof
stargender: having the gender of a star; an otherworldly/nonhuman gender that is beyond comprehension; no matter how many genders are discovered/coined, none would match the person
stellaene: a gender that feels like a planet that’s spiraling out of control, flying off into the cosmos
supernovae: a gender that is like a supernova. it erupts and dozens or hundreds of new genders are created, destroyed, or fused together
uranusique: a gender related to the moons of uranus
venusanian: a fingender (feminine-in-nature gender) related to the solar system, specifically venus, or outer space in general
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mogai-bfs · 4 years
Here's a masterpost of my identities, i'll try and update this as needed
My Identities in Alphabetical Order
Sushigender (sushiboy)
Transgender (transmasc)
-👽 Rian
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years
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Eddie Munson from Stranger Things is an autistic 404gender aboixygender abominationlexic abonxigender abrogender acxygender adorbian aerogender aesthetivir afflowian alohomic amphibarian ampligender anarcgender annulian anorexgender ashilexic asteragender aurorian avendinoboy axenovir badgeric baiegardic bastardlexic batgender beehilexic bloodgender bluevir bubblilexic bungorecoric burnilexic bxy cabaxygender cabledagender caelgender calighn candygorelexic caninarian caninix caridic carouselgender cha0xygender chaokixygender chaotiqueer cietigender ciybogender corpsegender cryptidian daederic darkclowncoric deathcute demifluid dizzylexic dullcoric echogender ecleclexic eldryxygender etheric euphorilexic fablian faunvir felisarian firessen firegender flamilexic flickergender floofylesic fluidflux fluffylesic foxlexic froramwaremojic frostgender gallozygender gejixigender gemmian gelsolum genderagridoce genderalbum genderalumini genderamu genderascua genderbanpiro genderbero genderbianco genderblank genderblast genderbleikur genderboscata genderbruine genderbruinement genderbruiner genderbruineux genderburgunder genderbyge gendercaldu gendercanle gendercanum gendercaoba gendercapa gendercarne gendercastanha gendercastial gendercereum gendercerezal gendercervo gendercetaceo gendercigl gendercindro gendercitrina gendercollector gendercolorius gendercorisco gendercotonneux gendercrow gendercueste genderdeinim genderdenne genderderfinu genderdezerto genderdou genderdugga genderearth genderebereum genderenga genderengi gendereukalipto genderevera genderfaire genderfairn genderfaunet genderfeam genderfejs genderfiolett genderfiywyt genderflamboez genderfleuve genderfloro genderfontan genderfrago genderfrais genderfrect genderfresha genderfumo gendergaiss gendergebre gendergivre gendergivrer genderglacimoto gendergranato gendergrano gendergrapfrukto gendergrasker gendergrund genderherbejo genderqueer gendersequoia gendervoid ghostcoric ghostgender glitchgender gorecoric gxrl hafian hallowgender hellgender hellian herbagender honeycoric horrorhypic icaegender icegender innogender imagian imagilexic incognera iroxygender jaxcogender jaxygender juxera jxegender kamomigender kcttygender kenovir kiddolexic kittian kittigender koigender lambgender laughgender leporigender lexecloudic librafluid liminalcoric loudgender lullalexic lyrilexic mallowic maverique melongender midnightfluid multigender muscusian muttgender namidxygender naturamfluix nebulexic neigender neurovir neutrois nightcoric nightgender noxavire nyanbinary nxnbinary omuic oblimasculine obscuvir palorfluid paraboy pasomxogender possumgender prinlexic pxngender rainbowgender regretlexic seafoamgender sharkgender silklexic sleepcoric smileylexic snarlgender sparklegender tarantulagender tortiegender vampiregender warriolexic wilddoggender wolfgender windclangender wonderlalexic wulfgender queer person with ADHD and DPD who uses he/him auxiliary pronouns!
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years
Resending then!! Eddie Munson from Stranger Things is a 404gender, Aboixygender, Abominationlexic, Abonxigender, Abrogender, Acxygender, Adorbian, Aerogender, Aesthetivir, Afflowian, Alohomic, Amphibarian, Ampligender, Anarcgender, Annulian, Anorexgender, Ashilexic, Asteragender, Aurorian, Avendinoboy, Axenovir, Badgeric, Baiegardic, Bastardlexic, Batgender, Beehilexic, Bloodgender, Bluevir, Bubblilexic, Bungorecoric, Burnilexic, Bxy, Cabaxygender, Cabledagender, Caelgender, Calighn (1/?)
Eddie req 2/?) Caligonotic, Candygorelexic, Caninarian, Caninix, Caridic, Carouselgender, Cha0xygender, Chaokixygender, Chaotiqueer, Cietigender, Ciybogender, Corpsegender, Cryptidian, Daederic, Darkclowncoric, Deathcute, Demifluid, Dizzylexic, Dullchoric, Echogender, Ecleclexic, Eldryxygender, Etheric, Eurphorilexic, Fablian, Faunvir, Felisarian, Firecoric, Firegender, Flamelexic, Flickergender, Floofylexic, Fluidflux, Fluffylexic, Foxlexic, Froramwaremojic, Frostgender, Gallozygender Eddie req 3/?) Gejixigende, Gemmian, Gelsolum, Genderagridoce, Gendersinimm, Genderalbum, Genderalumini, Genderamu, Genderascu, Genderbaiix Genderbanpiro, Genderbero, Genderbianco, Genderblank, Genderblast, Genderbleikur, Genderboria, Genderboscata, Genderbruine, Genderbruinement, Genderbruiner, Genderbruineux, Genderburgunder, Genderbyge, Gendercaldu, Gendercanle, Gendercanum, Gendercaoba, Gendercapa, Gendercarne, Gendercastanha, Gendercastial, Gendercereum, Gendercerezal, Gendercervo Eddie req 4/?) Gendercetaceo, Gendercigl, Gendercindro, Gendercitrina, Gendercollector, Gendercolorius, Gendercorisco, Gendercottoneux, Gendercrow, Gendercueste, Genderdeinim, Genderdenne, Genderderfinu, Genderdezerto, Genderdou, Gendersufair, Genderdugga, Genderearth, Genderbereum, Genderenga, Genderengi, Gendereukalipto, Genderevera, Genderfaire, Genderfairn, Genderfaunet, Genderfearn, Genderfejś, Genderfiolett, Genderfiwyt, Genderflamboez, Genderfleuve, Genderfloro, Genderfontan, Genderfrago Eddie req 5/?) Genderfrais, Genderfrect, Genderfresha, Genderfruct, Genderfumo, Gendergaiss, Gendergebre, Gendergivre, Gendergivrer, Genderglacimoto, Gendergranato, Gendergrano, Gendergrapfrukto, Gendergrasker, Gendergrund, Genderherbejo, Genderaueer, Gendersequoia, Gendervoid, Ghostcoric, Ghostgender, Glitchgender, Gorecoric, Gxrl, Hafian, Hallowgender, Hellgender, Hellian, Herbagender, Honeycoric, Horrorhypic, Icaegender, Icarixgender, Icegender, Innogender, Imagian, Imagilexic, Incognera Eddie req 6/?) Iroxygender, Jaxcogender, Jaxygender, Juxera, Jxegender, Kamomigender, Kcttygender, Kenovir, Kiddolexic, Kittian, Kittigender, Koigender, Lambgender, Laughgender, Leporigender, Lexecloudic, Librafluid, Liminalcoric, Loudgender, Lullalexic, Lyrilexic, Mallowic, Maverique, Melongender, Midnightfluid, Multigender, Muscusian, Muttgender, Namidxygender, Naturamfluix, Nebulexic, Neigender, Neurovir, Neutrois, Nightcoric, Nightgender, Noxavire, Nyanbinary, Nxnbinary, Omuic, Oblimasculine Eddie req 7/7) Obscuvir, Palorfluid, Paraboy, Pasomxogender, Possumgender, Prinlexic, Pxngender, Rainbowgender, Regretlexic, Seafoamgender, Sharkgender, Silklexic, Sleepcoric, Smileylexic, Snarlgender, Sparklegender, Tarantulagender, Tortiegender, Vampiregender, Warriolexic, Wilddoggender, Wolfgender, Windclangender, Wonderlalexic, Wulfgender Queer person with ADHD, Autism, and DPD who uses He/Him aux. pronouns!
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mogai-headcanons · 1 year
The Cultist Acolyte from Darkest Dungeon is an Aromantic acefog transmasc(yellow flag) abhorcoric abyssalgender aesvillainic agenderfaun aguaboy altcoric backroomic liminalcoric oddcoric kenochoric bastardcoric batcoric beastgender beauboy beholdian benevoid bloodcoric bonegender bxy candygothic cangoric celestialgendervoid chaoscoric chaosgender cheshiric chimeragender chirogender chlorian choicepunk cinctaboy colagender coldgender collapsargender constructgender cryptidboy corpsegender cosmicboy voidpunk crowcoric cryogender cthulhan damseboy dangerlexic darkclowncoric darkgender darkrosegender deathcute deathlexic 404Gender Aboixygender AbominationlexicAbonxigender Abrogender Acxygender Adorbian Aerogender Aesthetivir Afflowian Alohomic Amphibarian Ampligender Anarcgender Annulian Ashilexic Asteragender Aurorian Avendinoboy Axenovir badgeric baeigardic bastardlexic beehilexic bloodgender bluevir bubblilexic bungorecoric burnilexic cabaxygender cabledagender caelgender Calighn Caligonoctic Candygorelexic Caninarian Caninix Caridic Carouselgender Cha0xygender Chaokixygender Chaotiqueer Cietigender Ciybogender daederic dullcoric dizzylexic Echogender Ecleclexic Eldryxygender Etheric Euphorilexic Fablian Faunvir Felisarian Firecoric Firegender Flamilexic Flickergender Floofylexic Fluidflux Fluffylexic Foxlexic Froramwaremojic Frostgender Gallozygender Gejixigender Gemmian Gelsolum Genderagridoce Genderainimm Genderalbum Genderalumini Genderamu Genderascua Genderbaai Genderbanpiro Genderbero Genderbianco Genderblank Genderblast Genderbleikur Genderboira Genderboscata Genderbruine Genderbruinement Genderbruiner Genderbruineux Genderburgunder Genderbyge Gendercaldu Gendercanle Gendercanum Gendercaoba Gendercapa Gendercarne Gendercastanha Gendercastial Gendercereum Gendercerezal Gendercervo Gendercetaceo Gendercigl Gendercindro Gendercitrina Gendercollector Gendercolorius Gendercorisco Gendercottoneux Gendercrow Gendercueste Genderdeinim Genderdenne Genderderfinu Genderdezerto Genderdou Genderdufair Genderdugga Genderearth Genderebereum Genderenga Genderengi Gendereukalipto Genderevera Genderfaire Genderfairn Genderfaunet Genderfearn Genderfejś Genderfin Genderfiolett Genderfiwyt Genderflamboez Genderfleuve Genderfloro Genderfontan Genderfrago Rosboy who is in a QPR with Rick(From Pocket Mortys specifically) who is a Genderfrais Genderfrect Genderfresha Genderfruct Genderfumo Gendergaiss Gendergebre Gendergivre Gendergivrer Genderglacimoto Gendergranato Gendergrano Gendergrapfrukto Gendergrasker Gendergrund Genderherbejo Genderqueer Gendersequoia Gendervoid Ghostcoric Ghostgender Glitchgender Gorecoric Gxrl Hafian Hallowgender Hellgender Hellian Herbagender Honeycoric Horrorhypic Icaegender Icarxigender Icegender Innogender Imagian Imagilexic Incognera Iroxygender Jaxcogender Jaxygender juxera jxegender kamomigender kcttygender kenovir kiddolexic kittian kittigender koigender lambgender laughgender leporigender lexecloudic librafluid liminalcoric loudgender lullalexic lyrilexic mallowic maverique melongender midnightfluid multigender muscusian muttgender namidxygender naturamfluix nebulexic neigender neurovir neutrois nightcoric nightgender noxavire nyanbinary nxnbinary omuic oblimasculine obscuvir palorfluid paraboy pasomxogender possumgender prinlexic pxngender rainbowgender regretlexic seafoamgender sharkgender silklexic sleepcoric smileylexic snarlgender sparklegender tarantulagender tortiegender vampiregender warriolexic wilddoggender wolfgender windclangender wonderlalexic wulfgender roseabic condigirl juxefluix caelgender medeigender gendernimius caergenderfleur frenzygender gendercitraflux genderbasant solaeic pacatusic genderplantationis gendermetus fogflux genderfroth laetusgender genderwick gendercholy sensualarian musicgender volitogender nonvir kaifenegender prismovic gendercollectress femvir aporogender gendermajor sapphirian demiflux echogender etherio bxy violaen clowngender (1/2)
(Cultist resend 2/2) funniclowngender callaboy privinclownic royalvinclownic royalclownic priclownic clowncorric menoverique genderpuppet carninoir transneumasculine darkclowncoric clowncoric clowndollthing clownthing kenodel jestercostumic genderbouffon sadclownhusbic ollzirkusgender clowndollgender axenovir agender iridian oppetgender charonian callagirl crecutian brokendollix porcelaineic dollthing dollitagender dollgoric dollgender dollcoric dollass kenomel porcique dollcute dollmaiden plushbunnyic pribunic bungender pawsgender, aceflux, extromantic, demitransfem, femme, agenderflux, hydrogender, astrobyssian, spacegender, celeduvoiden, astrostarlic, spatilost, constellestial, cadalgender, galafascic, seaturespaceic, constellatiofem, galaxionic, virgogender starthing stargender herogender swordgender bigender royalcoric redgender purplegender knightprincess omnisexual abroromantic iso man! They both very much love their grandson Morty(Also from Pocket Mortys) who is questioning in both his gender and sexuality.
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genderstalgia · 3 years
could i get a firbolgic (@neopronouns) sheep please??
magicuic and magicaen sheeps?
Hello! Could you make cosmicgender and asteragender sheep? ♥️
maybe a deifiboy sheepy and a doriangender sheepy? tyy!
Hi im the person who originally requested the transhet flag! I did originally mean the one by transhetlove. Sorry i should have clarified but also thank you for picking the req back up!
working on all of these now!! 💗
and its no problem transhet anon!! im happy im able to pick the request up again since i felt bad not being able to do it! im glad i know now too that the flag exists :)
ninja edit: heres a magicaen sheepy i made for my first set!
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mogai-bfs · 4 years
✨🧷 a masterpost of my labels and identities because I’m avoiding online school 🧷✨
My primary labels:
Transgender ftm
Pronouns: he/him, ae/aer, ze/zim
My naturecore labels:
Pronouns: 🍄/🍄s
My angelcore labels:
Aggelos (which doesn’t have an official flag, but I made one myself that I’ll post soon!)
Caelestrian (caeletrilis)
My spacecore labels:
Asteragender (orion)
My bunnycore labels:
Pronouns: bun/bunny/bunself
My bluecore labels:
Blueromantic (same flag as bluesexual)
Pronouns: blue/blueself
My witchcore labels:
Pronouns: hex/hexxelf
Other/miscellaneous labels:
Sansexual (coined by linked user)
Sushigender (sushiboy)
Neomale (coined by linked user)
With much more to come uwu
I hope all the truscum and gatekeepers who come by this post get angry that I happily and unironically use mogaipedia as a source for finding labels <3
~Danny 🐇
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Abuela Claudia (In the Heights)
Seagullkin:  identifying partially or entirely as a seagull.
Alternative to Asteragender
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