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Backroomic refers to a gender that has a fuzzy feeling of nostalgia, but a hint of something more otherworldly inside. It may also be an aesthetigender gender related to the backrooms itself. It can be considered under the kenochoric umbrella.
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moondrizzled · 11 months
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♡ 。。。 a gender connected to backrooms entity 99 - the game master
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𓆩✦𓆪𓂃 coined by me ~
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prideflagcontest · 4 months
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cosmicfurying · 29 days
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A term for intersex individuals who are also backroomic
Coined by me♡
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mogai-headcanons · 1 year
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The Cultist Acolyte from Darkest Dungeon is a choicepunk voidpunk aromantic acefog transmasc abhorcoric abyssalgender aesvillainic agenderfaun aguaboy altcoric backroomic liminalcoric oddcoric kenochoric bastardcoric batcoric beastgender beauboy beholdian benevoid bloodcoric bonegender bxy candygothic cangoric celestialgendervoid chaoscoric chaosgender cheshiric chimeragender chirogender chlorian cinctaboy colagender coldgender collapsargender constructgender cryptidboy corpsegender cosmicboy crowcoric cryogender cthulhan damseboy dangerlexic darkclowncoric darkgender darkrosegender deathcute deathlexic 404gender aboixygender abominationlexic abonxigender abrogender acxygender adorbian aerogender aesthetivir afflowian alohomic amphibarian ampligender anarcgender annulian ashilexic asteragender aurorian avendinoboy axenovir badgeric baiegardic bastardlexic beehilexic bloodgender bluevir bubblilexic bungorecoric burnilexic cabaxygender cabledagender caelgender calighn caligonoctic candygorelexic caninarian caninix caridic carouselgender cha0xygender chaokixygender chaotiqueer cietigender ciybogender daederic dullcoric dizzylexic echogender ecleclexic eldryxygender etheric euphorilexic fablian faunvir felisarian firessen firegender flamilexic flickergender floofylexic fluidflux fluffylexic foxlexic froramwaremojic frostgender gallozygender gejixigender gemmian gelsolum genderagridoce genderainimm genderalbum genderalumini genderamu genderascua genderbaai genderbanpiro genderbero genderbianco genderblank genderblast genderbleikur genderboira genderboscata genderbruine genderbruinement genderbruiner genderbruineux genderburgunder genderbyge gendercaldu gendercanle gendercanum gendercaoba gendercapa gendercarne gendercastanha gendercastial gendercereum gendercerezal gendercervo gendercetaceo gendercigl gendercindro gendercitrina gendercollector gendercolorius gendercorisco gendercotonneux gendercrow gendercueste genderdeinim genderdenne genderderfinu genderdezerto genderdou genderdufair genderdugga genderearth genderebereum genderenga genderengi gendereukalipto genderevera genderfaire genderfairn genderfaunet genderfearn genderfejś genderfin genderfiolett genderfiywyt genderflamboez genderfleuve genderfloro genderfontan genderfrago rosboy!
He's in a QPR with Rick Sanchez from Pocket Mortys, a femme violaen extromantic abroromantic aceflux omnisexual roseabic iridian genderfrais genderfrect genderfresha genderfruct genderfumo gendergaiss gendergebre gendergivre gendergivrer genderglacimoto gendergranato gendergrano gendergrapfrukto gendergrasker gendergrund genderherbejo genderqueer gendersequoia gendervoid ghostcoric ghostgender glitchgender gorecoric gxrl hafian hallowgender hellgender hellian herbagender honeycoric horrorhypic icaegender icarxigender icegender innogender imagian imagilexic incognera iroxygender jaxcogender jaxygender juxera jxegender kamomigender kcttygender kenovir kiddolexic kittian kittigender koigender lambgender laughgender leporigender lexecloudic librafluid liminalcoric loudgender lullalexic lyrilexic mallowic maverique melongender midnightfluid multigender muscusian muttgender namidxygender naturamfluix nebulexic neigender neurovir neutrois nightcoric nightgender noxavire nyanbinary nxnbinary omuic oblimasculine obscuvir palorfluid paraboy pasomxogender possumgender prinlexic pxngender rainbowgender regretlexic seafoamgender sharkgender silklexic sleepcoric smileylexic snarlgender sparklegender tarantulagender tortiegender vampiregender warriolexic wilddoggender wolfgender windclangender wonderlalexic wulfgender condigirl juxefluix caelgender medeigender gendernimius caergenderfleur frenzygender gendercitraflux genderbasant solaeic pacatusic genderplantationis gendermetus fogflux genderfroth laetusgender genderwick gendercholy sensualarian musicgender volitogender nonvir kaifenegender prismovic gendercollectress femvir aporogender gendermajor sapphirian demiflux echogender etherio bxy clowngender funniclowngender callaboy privinclownic royalvinclownic royalclownic priclownic clowncorric menoverique genderpuppet carninoir transneumasculine darkclowncoric clowncoric clowndollthing clownthing kenodel jestercostumic genderbouffon sadclownhusbic ollzirkusgender clowndollgender axenovir agender oppetgender charonian callagirl crecutian brokendollix porcelaineic dollthing dollitagender dollgoric dollgender dollcoric dollass kenomel porcique dollcute dollmaiden plushbunnyic pribunic bungender pawsgender demitransfem hydrogender astrobyssian spacegender celeduvoiden astrostarlic spatilost constellestial cadalgender galafascic seaturespaceic constellatiofem galaxionic virgender starthing stargender herogender swordgender bigender royalcoric redgender purplegender knightprincess iso man!
They both love their grandson Morty Smith, who is questioning both his gender and sexuality, very much!
dni link
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neopronouns · 2 years
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parfixspinian | holneurogender | sensmascfem backroomic | panbackroomic | drestalitraurre narcgender | histriogender | caedgender
‘pride is for me’ edits for several anons! requests for these are open!
image id: square images of each listed flag with large, all-caps white text outlined in black that says ‘pride is for me’. end id.
dni transcript here
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noghostguys · 2 years
n e 1 got any genderz that feel like- glitching into an out of boundz / zome other normally unreachable zpot in video gamez? ig zorta like backroomic but thatz too different from it
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greseadraws · 1 month
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dungeon meshi but they end up in the back rooms, a cursed idea that was eating away at my brain
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shencomix · 4 months
My idea for a backrooms game
(you spawn in a hallway with beige wallpaper. the only sound is the hum of the fluorescent lights above. You're looking through a camera with a VHS filter and a 'REC' symbol.)
(Walking down the hallway, you find a note on the ground.)
Note 1: What is this place? I am going to call it The Backrooms.
(Walking further down the hallway, you find another note.)
Note 2: I am lost and almost out of granola bars. I thought The Backrooms were cool at first but now they suck.
(Walking further down the hallway, you find another note.)
Note 3: Okay fuck it. I'm going to become long and scary.
(A long and scary man comes out)
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darkpi-evan · 7 months
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I think she got the wrong path this time....
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moriintus · 3 months
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Memories from my grandparent's yard.
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zooliminology · 7 months
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An entity found alone in the Far Plane. The entity seems to do nothing in its environment except exist. Its relationship with the plant-like organisms that grow around it is currently unknown.
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moondrizzled · 11 months
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✦ ─ LEVEL389IC
♡ 。。。 a gender connected to backrooms level 389 - the gaming hall
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𓆩✦𓆪𓂃 coined by me ~
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d7gitalgrl · 6 months
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horseimagebarn · 8 months
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horse in a fancy booth it appears to be in some kind of liminal space lobby full of identical booths each housing a different horse this is reminiscent of a youth trend ive heard of called the backrooms though these horses do not seem very threatening perhaps these booths are to give advice on life or travel or something similar we will give them the benefit of the doubt
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critterbitter · 3 months
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A trip down memory lane! Though the tower seems to have changed…
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Celestial tower! Built during the direct aftermath of the Founding Unovan Civil War, it remains a cultural landmark in memory of those lost in the fire and storm.
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Time has dulled the scars left behind by the twin dragons. Today, the tower is primarily used as a mausoleum (the preferred method of burial are urns) and, well, a tourism site. Legend says if you climb to the top of the tower and ring the bell, you can lay your ghosts to rest. But mostly? You can ring a GIANT bell.
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Course, you gotta GET to that bell first.
Masterpost for more pokemon shenanigans here!
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